
Short aphorisms and beautiful quotes about flowers. Statuses and quotes about colors

To help hostess

In the sunset light. "
(Poet Japan Bass)

Quotes are funny or wise turn into peculiar aphorisms, winged phrases - expressive and understandable ... We speak the quotes about the colors ...

"Flowers, like people, at good generous and, people tenderly giving, they bloom, heated hearts, like small, warm fires." (K. Jean)

"Master and Margarita" ... Mikhail Bulgakov in quotes

For me, reader! Who told you that not in the light of the real, faithful, eternal love? Yes, it will be cut off his vile language! For me, my reader, and just for me, and I will show you such love! (Mikhail Bulgakov. Master and Margarita)

She carried in the hands of disgusting, disturbing yellow flowers. Damn them know how their name is, but they are the first for some reason appear in Moscow. (Mikhail Bulgakov. Master and Margarita)

She carried yellow flowers! Not good color. (In the hands of Margarita were mimosa.)
(Mikhail Bulgakov. Master and Margarita)

Love jumped out before us, how from under the ground pops up the murderer in the alley, and struck us at once both! So amazes lightning, so amazes the Finnish knife! (Mikhail Bulgakov. Master and Margarita)

Often the flowers "grow" on the pages of books

And these pages awaken in our soul a sense of beauty.

The book is the life of our time, in it everyone needs - both old, and small.

Turning to the unknown reader, Svarvin writes: "Do you know that love when you yourself don't have anything from her, and you still don't like everything around you, and walk around the field and meadow, and pick up colorfully , one to one blue Vasilka, smelling honey, and blue forget-me-not. "

"There are deadlines of life that are not dependent on you personally; no longer be a talented and smart, - until the conditions have been created until the time has come, all the best will hang in the air with a dream or utopia. Only I feel, I know one that my root of Zhen-Shen grows somewhere, and I'll wait for my term. "

For some nate it was written "Zhen-Shen" - a song about love. "Zhen-Shen", root-man, life root. It is she, love, driving force, the root of life! (M. Svtain)

V. (wife) opened in the diaries of the new Privain. It happened so unexpectedly. She stopped the ratchet of the typewriter and suddenly said: - And you, it turns out, not at all so stupid, as I thought ....

The narrator brought from the forest with a familiar girl with the ringing of different herbs: cricks of the tears, Valerian, Petrov Cross, a hunger cappust. Sometimes he had a bread that he took with him to the forest, and Zinechka willingly eaten him, because he thought it was a fierce bread.

Svarvin considered himself from nature with a painter. He is captive with color. For the collar, the most different phenomena of life are painted color. He has color, sound, and beloved color - blue. - Why? - Ask. - Yes, because the blue in the perception of the promsion is sunny. Without the sun, there is only darkness or still reflected light of the moon. The sun is the life itself and the image of the truth.

For other nature, it is wood, coal, ore, or cottage, or just a landscape. For me, nature is a medium from which, like flowers, all our human talents grew up. (Sentin M. M.)

K. POUSTSKY: Botany has a term - disintegration. It usually refers to flowering meadows. The spreading is the plexus of hundreds of various and fun flowers, spreading with solid lakes on the catch of rivers.

Prose Svavina can be rightfully called the dispersion of the Russian language. The words from the province bloom, sparkle. They will rustle like herbs, they mumble like Springs, then they are resettled like birds, they are called as the first ice, then, finally, they fall into our memory of the slowing system, like the flow of stars.

Mention and delight that we experience from contemplation of nature is the memory of the time when we were animals, trees, flowers, land. More precisely: this is the consciousness of unity with everything hidden from us. (Tolstoy L. N.)

The work of the educator can be compared with the difficulty of a gardener growing various plants. One plant loves the bright light of the Sun, the other is a cool shadow; One loves the coast of the stream, the other is the dried mountain peak. One plant is best grown on sandy soil, the other - on the fatty clay. Everyone needs special, only for him suitable care, otherwise it will not reach perfection in its development. (Abdul-Baha)

About people! All similar you are on the ancestor of Eve: what you are given, it does not entail;
You are incessantly angry calls to yourself, to the mysterious tree;
Forbidden the fruit of you, or without you, paradise is not paradise.
(Pushkin A. C)

Here. You flowers.
- What for?
- From me to you.
- No, thanks.
- Why?
- In the queue for bread do not stand with flowers.
- And I can take you without a queue. (David Gotsman)

Pestik, stitch, something else there ...
Plus something else there seems to be released! (Kids from class 402)

(Canada-French animated series 52 episode from the life of charming and not very students of the 4th grade under the guidance of attentive, tactful, enhanced, cunning and good teacher Grassi Greivs)

Oh, what joy! There, on the TV, some uncle with the big mustes of your mother gave flowers!
- I would have been hiding this uncle with big ears!
- I'll show you it now. Here he is, this cunning type of civil outside! (Winter in Prostokvashino)

37 seconds spent with benefit is a lifetime.
From k / f "Wonderland".

In a toy store:
- Please accept these Christmas toys - they are defective!
- But let me - all of them are, not beaten, what is marriage?!
- Do not please.

About colors say ... quotes

And God spoke by quotes.
(Stanislav Hezhi Lts)

Me, in quotes! Ah, quote ... (Valery Bivelov)

We pronounce the best phrases ...

The most important quote will be the source of which you can't find ...

People think and speak quotes, only they do not notice it ... ("Pnegwy")

"Flowers - some material" fluids ", which people can exchange among themselves" (Olga Shelest)

Flowers must be loved, it is true, but you should not ceremony with them. (Erich Maria Remarque. Triumphal Arch)

Do you want to know how to be if you did something wrong? I answer, baby: Never ask for forgiveness. Do not say anything. Send flowers. Without letters. Only flowers. They cover everything. Even graves. (Erich Maria Remarque. Three comrades)

She passed through life with a huge bouquet of flowers, carefully scattering them to the right and left. Everyone who received such a flower, considered himself the future owner of the whole bouquet, and on this basis there were many misunderstandings. (Fazil Iskander)

People, in general, did not interfere with him, and if they laughed at him, then only themselves - the strangers were not given the descent, and they were right, because it was their fool. In gratitude, the fool turned all the spines in the district to unknown, but beautiful flowers, and called them roses. There was little sense from them, even the cattle did not eat them. However, people soon got used to them, and when the fool gave a bouquet of wonderful flowers to the girl, who secretly loved, everyone understood that the flowers were the cheapest gift in the world, "Know, RVI - and they began to grow and holy everywhere. (Vyacheslav Zhukov. Fool's heart)

I would prefer to be a flower that can bloom only once and dies than being a tree that will never bloom. I would prefer to be sparking, which burns like a diamond only one moment and disappears, rather than be the light that does not illuminate the path to anyone ... (Diana Del Belflor)

The art of living in harmony with himself and with the outside world. And what is harmony?
Harmony is beauty. There is no beauty without harmony, and there is no harmony without beauty.

"So that wise life is to live, it's needed quite a lot. Two important rules Remember to start. You're better than hungry than what I have. And it is better to be alone than with anyone got. "

Philosophical quotes

"I lost my Rosinku," the flower complains the morning sky, who lost all his stars. (Tagore Rabindranat)

Child-flower opens his cup and exclaims: "Oh, cute world, do not fade, please!" (Tagore Rabindranat

"You are a big drop of dew under the lotus sheet, and I am a little drop on his upper side," said Rosinka Lake. (Tagore Rabindranat)

Sunflower blushed with thought to call some kind of obsequious flower with his relative. The sun rose, smiled with a flower and asked: "Do you feel good, my dear?" (Tagore Rabindranat)

Dark clouds turn into heavenly flowers when light kisses them. (Tagore Rabindranat)

"On the fruit! How far are you from me?" "I'm hidden in your heart, about the flower!" (Tagore Rabindranat)

Outping flower petals, you do not get his beauty. (Tagore Rabindranat)

Of course, I could do without flowers, but they help me keep respect for yourself, for they prove that I do not bust the hands and legs of everyday concerns. They are evidence of my freedom. (Tagore Rabindranat)

In fast fading petals of a flower more than life than in the cargo millennial granite blocks. (Ludwig Feyerbach)

Where flowers are degenerated, a person cannot live. (Hegel G.F.)

Desires are the flowers of love, and pleasure is its fruit. (Gelving K.)

Weed is a flower that no one loves. (Ella Wheeler Wilcox)

"Flowers are not considered a bribe! .." (Vladimir Zhirinovsky)

Roses smell professionally. (Stanislav Hezhi Lts)

Cut for bouquet Flowers - barbarism in the name of beauty ... (Igor Krasnovsky)

Cynic is a man who, taking into the smell of flowers, looks around in search of a coffin. (Henry Menken)

People give flowers, because the present meaning of love is laid in colors.

Women remember forever roses for too long.

Oh how many of them in the fields! But each blooms in their own way - here is the highest feat of the flower!

You are the only cactus in the flower bed of my life ...

As the Japanese say: "The beauty of the flower is in one flower."

Despite the fact that the lotuses grow in the mud, they make the world clean and fragrant.

Any phrase, eliminated from the context, is becoming new, its own meaning. (Vadim Sinyavsky)

The swirling phrase into aphorism is not packaged. (Evgeny Khankin).

People tend to even just looking at flowers, get great pleasure, good mood and feeling of contact with beautiful. These all feelings, apparently, are forced people who speak a word well, invent quotes about flowers. We invite you to familiarize yourself with them.

Beautiful I. short quotes about flowers

The earth laughs with flowers.

Love like a flower - she needs time to bloom.

Flowers - the remains of paradise on the ground.

Flowers - Nature poems.

Sometimes flowers are just flowers.

Flowers are free beauty in nature.

Flowers bloom everywhere for everyone who wants to see them.

There are flowers that bloom early, and there are flowers that bloom late. People bloom the same.

Flowers sing. They always sing. Even if people do not hear ...

Flowers do not solve all problems. But they are a good start.

Flowers are a smile of the Sun, which gives joy. When you think about the colors, in the imagination, as in a cheerful dance, roses and carnations, poppies and chamomiles, gladioli and tulips, chrysanthemums and violets are circling. Flowers awaken wonderful feelings, because they are perfection itself. What poor and sad will be the world of colors. And the world of colors is a gentle and bright, picky and extremely beautiful. The statuses about flowers collected here are also diverse.

Quotes about the colors of great people

The smell is a flower soul.
Jules Verne

Is it possible to say the flower that he ugly?
Vladimir Buric

Where flowers are degenerated, a person cannot live.
Georg Hegel

Flower in warm and winter blooms.
Silov Ramishvili

They say, short-lived flowers are circling in the dance when they take them by the wind.
Giass code

Cut for bouquet Flowers - barbarism in the name of beauty ...
Igor Krasnovsky

Where a lot of love, colors - always a little.
Leonid Sukhorukov

Roses vaccinate love for nature, and spikes - respect.
Anton Ligov

In fast fading petals of a flower more than life than in the cargo millennial granite blocks.
Ludwig Feyerbach

In life as in the theater: Flowers are taken only after leaving the scene.
Jan Jangirova

Beautiful plants with their beauty, wondrous aroma, bright festive outfit highlight our daily life, making it beautiful! No wonder the words light and color are consonant. You can quote one legend that says that the flowers appeared when the rainbow rose very close to the Sun and began to melt, her colored drops shed down. And how many of the colorful shades of the rainbow mixed up, so much embodied them in the shades of flowers of colors.

Quotes about Flowers Smart

Colors have their own language. They are silent, but they talk about many things!

The flower is useless if it does not bloom.

Only flowers live in real. Live the days countdown so desperately flowering, as if they understand better people Figure life.

Bouquet of roses - when one breaks, throw two.

No matter how much we talked about the emptiness of life, sometimes only one flower is enough to dissuade us.

Stretching hands to the stars, people often forget about the colors under their feet.

The triumph of the flower comes when he is already cut, real life is nestless from death.

The flower can be compared with pleasure, which will soon start, and the smell of this flower is similar to the memories that remember forever!

Women remember forever roses for too long.

If it rained in your life, focus on the colors that bloom with this rain.

These beautiful plants - One of the best creatures of nature. They affect us with the finest flavors, pleased with the most diverse shades. They, like music, create a raised mood, are painted ... they have long been for a person a symbol of his feelings, thoughts. Legends, stories, they were signed about them, they were angry in songs and poems. Well, phrases, statuses and quotes about flowers, of course, too.

Statuses about flowers with meaning

Do not send me colors when I die. If I like me, give me them now.

I love the flowers so much that no one has never given me.

Flowers only know how to die.

Without love, people are withering, as if cut flowers, in whatever crystal vase they stood.

Even in the war of the war blooms bloom.

There are no women who do not like colors, there are men who think so.

To flowers in your eyes always remain alive.

Rosa freshes from frost, my charm - never!

Flowers - best tool For reconciliation with girls.

Ideal woman Reminds the mysterious flower.

I like flowers, I would add them to my life.

I throw enemies with flowers - in the coffin.

Flowers are constant satellites of our life. And they have not only a huge aesthetic value, but also practical application. These fragile creatures of nature not only improve our mood, help to express a wide variety of feelings, but also develop our taste, decorate housing, treat. We hope that beautiful, amazing flowers bloom in your hearts. In a figurative sense, of course.

Women, like flowers ... Someone blossoms have been released a short time, and someone passes from age to age, while maintaining beauty and aroma for many years from the moment of dissolving and flowering to the saddest hour of petals.

All the same, it is nice to get flowers, so simple, unexpectedly, when you think that this is a simple day, and not a holiday at all, and here I get a bouquet of flowers at all, right away the mood right, you shine all day ... thanks ...

I did not tell him that I love purple roses. For me, this is too personal.

Previously, she never gave flowers without reason. She felt at that moment as if she was presented with the whole world.

She: damn, on the grave bowl the flowers bring, than you ... He: And what do you suggest me?

I will give you flowers ... You will die from allergies !!!

In fast fading petals of a flower more than life than in the cargo millennial granite blocks.

Where flowers are degenerated, a person cannot live.

Desires are the flowers of love, and pleasure is its fruit.

Beauty flower: - In one flower.

Never listen to what colors say. We just need to look at them and breathe their aroma.

A few women are little bouquet of roses: they still require the man to change water in a vase.

One rose donated by a poor student expresses more than a huge bouquet donated by a millionaire.

For a last birthday, I gave me a lot of colors! True, everything is in classmates ...

Instead of complaining about spikes at roses, I am glad that rose is growing among the spikes.

Favorite girls give flowers, and not tears!

Family amateur! You became inconspicuous by slave chrysanthemum.

Roses vaccinate love for nature, and spikes - respect.

I do not believe women who say that indifferent to flowers. They just did not receive them from their favorite men ...

A simple chamomile was presented simply so, will say much more than a larger rose donated for a birthday!

Favorite flower is first of all, the rejection of all other flowers.

Happiness is not in the number of donated roses, happiness in a person who gives them ...

Men distinguish two types of colors: - Roses and "Here are these as they are called?"

Chrysanthemum - the last chord in the autumn symphony of the paint - his beauty has long been conquered the whole world ...

Let the book of life reveals you only the most beautiful pages, the river hopes joyfully flows, - love flowers in the shores !!!

If I found the keys to the female soul, take care of her, be it like a gardener for flowers !!!

If the husband gives his wife Flowers without any reason, it means that he just saw this reason.

Of course, I understand that the flowers are a waste of money, they quickly get started and everything ... but take it, it's so nice when they are given!

Each woman likes that she gives flowers until she recognizes that they give diamonds to others.

Better one modest flower and many feelings.

Flowers as a gift ... Trifle, but what a nice!

Agree, because the girl with a bouquet of flowers is much more beautiful than with a bottle in his hands ...

By calling a woman with a flower, do not forget to choose the fertilizer right!

Flowers, like people, at good generous and, people tenderly giving, they bloom, heated hearts, like small, warm fires.

Love ... Like a rose flower. The same beautiful, and the same unpredictable.

I prefer the man to be good in bed! Flowers I will buy him ...

Artificial flowers do not smell. So artificial relations do not bloom.

Flowers bring the greatest joy when donated not on his birthday and not with an accusative husband, but ... just like that!

I often gave her flowers, and you know what I understood: - In a relationship, a man is just an intermediary. Some women through you sell flowers to other women.

On a date, tell your girlfriend that it is beautiful, and then E * Tit Bouquet in the face. Girls love flowers, warm words and strong men.

"I just thread that binding a bouquet.
I did not come up with flowers, their shape, color and smell.
My only merit is that I gathered them and made a bouquet in which they look like a new way ... "
Bernard Verber. Mystery of the Gods

"People, in general, did not interfere with him, and if they laughed at him, then only themselves - the strangers did not give the descent, and they were right, because it was their fool. In gratitude, the fool turned all the spines in the district to unknown, but beautiful flowers. and called them roses. There was a little sense from them, even the cattle did not eat them. However, people soon got used to them, and when the fool gave a bouquet of wonderful flowers to the girl, who secretly loved, everyone understood that the flowers were the cheapest gift in the world, - Know, RVI - and they began to grow them everywhere and holy. "
Vyacheslav Zhukov. Heart of fool

"The smell is a flower soul."
Jules Verne

"It seems to me that we are obliged to colors with my faith in Divine Providence. Everything else is our abilities, our desires, our food - we need to be in the first place for existence. But the rose is given to us above. The smell and rose color decorate life, not are the condition of its existence. Only Divine Providence can be a source of beautiful. That is why I say: while there are flowers, a person can hope. "
Arthur Conan Doyle. Marine agreement

"Stretching hands to the stars, people often forget about the colors under their feet."
Jeremy Bentham

"Of course, I could do without flowers, but they help me keep respect for themselves, for they prove that I do not bust the hands and legs of everyday concerns. They are evidence of my freedom."
Rabindranat Tagore

"Smart people are the same fragile flowers; one is pleasant, and the head hurts the whole bouquet."
Bertold Averbach

"And there is nothing more fun of a woman who did not see his colors. A quick glance in the hands, the same as I had met dad from work - what brought? - And immediately removes the eyes: and did not wait, in general, not very much. And I wanted ... Over time, it will learn to look at the face that came only, but the first five seconds will still hope every time, with each. "
Martha ketro. Bitter chocolate. Book of consolations

"Previously, she never gave flowers without reason. She felt at that moment as if she was presented with the whole world."
Rebecca Winterz. Sunset of love, the sunrise of love

"When I was small, I loved to run in the rain. Mom did it crazy.
And I just looked at the flowers. Some broke, while others raised the heads again. It's great!"
The Life Before Her Eyes)

"Sometimes flowers are just flowers."
Sex in the Big City (Sex and the City)

"People give flowers, because in the colors there is a real meaning of love. The one who will try to master the flower will see how his beauty fades. But the one who will just look at the flower in his field will always be with him. Because he is somewhat In the evening, with sunset, with a smell of wet land and clouds on the horizon. "
Paulo Coelho. Brida

"Only flowers live truly. Live the days countdown so desperately flowering,
As if understanding better people, the frequency of life. "
Broken Flowers (Broken Flowers)

"On rudeness of nature:
Never rejoiced in colors as a gift and if you have bought flowers ever, then or in the name of someone (violets - Parma - Duke Reichstadt, etc.) or right there, not to the house, he drew someone. "
Marina Ivanovna Tsvetaeva

"Never listen to what flowers say. We just need to look at them and breathe their aroma."
Antoine de Saint-Exupery. Little Prince

The artist Antonio Dzhanilyatti was born in 1970 in the city of Milan (Italy). He graduated from the University of the University named after Friedrich II (Italy). At the moment, he is part of the teaching staff of the Arts Academy "DOMUS ACADEMY" (Italy). Exquisite taste, brightness of paints, contrast color solutions Due to which the illusion of the glow is created - a distinctive feature of his works. The works of Antonio Dzhanilyatti are located in art galleries and Museums of Italy (Rome, Milan, Florence, Naples).

Tuesday, June 9, 2015 16:12 ()

Flowers awaken the imagination of poets and artists, and simply please us with their bright colors and pleasant fragrance. No wonder the aphorisms and quotes about the colors are quite often associated with the sensual world of man. We will admire and read the aphorisms and quotes about the colors of different authors.

Where flowers are degenerated, a person cannot live. Gegel G. F.
Of course, I could do without flowers, but they help me keep respect for yourself, for they prove that I do not bust the hands and legs of everyday concerns. They are evidence of my freedom. Rabindranat Tagore
Ludwig Andreas von Feuerbach

"How to tell, what kind of edelweiss flowers? In general, they look like small stars, closed on the throat in white fur, so as not to freeze from the touch of ice." Powesty K. G.
Flowers must be loved, it is true, but you should not ceremony with them.
Erich Maria Remarque
"Flowers are not considered a bribe! .."
Vladimir Zhirinovsky
In life as in the theater: Flowers are taken only after leaving the scene.
Jan Jangirova
I throw enemies with flowers - in the coffin.
Salvador Dali
In fast fading petals of a flower more than life than in the cargo millennial granite blocks. Ludwig Andreas von Feuerbach
Roses vaccinate love for nature, and spikes - respect.
Anton Ligov
A few women are little bouquet of roses: they still require the man to change water in a vase.
Yanush Gaudin
You can lie not only with words, but also a bouquet.
Mikhail Khoromansky
Flowers on the grave of the enemy smelled to be extracted.
Stanislav Hezhi Lts.
Flowers of oblivion are best growing on the graves.
Georges Sand.
Weed is a flower that no one loves.
Ella Wheeler Wilcox
Where a lot of love, colors - always a little.
Leonid S. Sukhorukov
Flower in warm and winter blooms.
Silov Ramishvili

Cut for bouquet Flowers - barbarism in the name of beauty ...
Igor Krasnovsky
People give flowers, because the present meaning of love is laid in colors. One who tries to master the flower will see how fading his beauty. But the one who will just look at the flower in his field will always be with him. Because he merges with the evening, with sunset, with a smell of wet earth and clouds on the horizon.
Paulo Coelho
Only flowers live in real. Live the days countdown to them so desperately flowering, as if they understand better people in the speed of life.
When a man sends flowers, it is clear sign of say,
that he was already admired and others.
Somerset Maugham
Oh how many of them in the fields! But each blooms in its own way -
Here is the highest feat of the flower!
Matsuo Basey
I like when the flowers are growing, but, torn, they lose charm to me. I see how they are doomed to death, and I get sad from this similarity to them with life. I never give flowers to those who love, and I do not want to take them from the one who matters me.
Charlotte Bronte
They say, short-lived flowers are circling in the dance when they take them by the wind.
Giass code
The smell is a flower soul.
Jules Verne
She passed through life with a huge bouquet of flowers, carefully scattering them to the right and left. Everyone who received such a flower, considered himself the future owner of the whole bouquet, and on this basis there were many misunderstandings.
Fazil Iskander
Cynic is a man who, taking into the smell of flowers,
Wakes up in search of a coffin.