
Signs before awareness. Rituals and rites to move to a new home

Landscape garden design

The article also includes questions and answers, where the subtleties of moves according to the rules of different religions are revealed.

  • moving on Christian customs
  • muslim moving
  • buddhist customs moving

Moving. There is no event that would cause so many contradictory feelings: from happiness to acquire new to sadness on the old age; from new hopes and plans, to warm memories of the past; From the unknown in the future to the fear of the loss of the usual and measured text in the present. And all of the fact that genetic memory remembers that moving in life from our progenitors was the most responsible and most important event in life. Thanks to this, many Slavic rituals and rites at the entrance to new housing and to this day are popular and applicable.

Why not? Why and us at present, at the entrance to a new apartment, do not appeal to the gods, the forces of nature, to the spirits that help moving to make the fascinating and joint start of the happy and energetically new life of a whole race. Preparing for moving, remember that for the important and paramount: fire and hearth, bread and salt, health, fell in the family, prosperity and protection. Just do not forget that only pure thoughts and faith in the best should always be the main assistants of the successful move.

Pure thoughts and forces of nature on guard at the entrance to a new apartment.

So, customs when moving to a new apartment:

Before moving:

- moving to a new apartment, first look around, whether there are no cracks and holes in the walls and floors, otherwise your positive energy will be treated through them;

- Ensure that there are no leaks from cranes and pipes, because with any leakage you will lose wealth;

- In a new apartment, do not take broken dishes, worn and served things, except those cases when these things are like you, like memory;

- Think if you can pick up your house with yourself or you will have to leave it in the old place where it will continue to carry his service. In the first case, you need to know, and in the second - you will have to start your new little domain;

- in the evening before moving, ascending the prayers to the gods, with the best thoughts about life in a new apartment, knead the dough and leave it in a cool place;

Soak the cereal for porridge. (Dough and cereals - only if the move does not take much time, just a few hours);

Light a candle from the fire of your stove, let her slightly chase, and then blunt the light, this burnt candle will need for a crucible rite;

- Prepare a wall charm: it can be both true faith and bought souvenir;

Think about how you pack things to make the table and kitchen utensils. Then, while men be worn, the hostess will quickly prepare lunch;

- If you can visit your new accommodation in advance - do it. Drain.

Ksyusha packs suitcase

On the day of moving:

- Early in the morning, waking up, rinse the clumsy croup, we will take it with you.

- agree with your houses (take with you or say goodbye),

Take everything necessary attributes For a rite and, thanking the current house, without a rush and bustle, in a good mood, we go to a new apartment with the whole family.

- Prepare and take with you: matches, salt, dough and cereal, broom, room flower (geranium), juniper branches or thistle, tablecloth or napkin, saucer for the house; Wall-mounted champ, burned candle, carnations, hammer

- moving to start in a bright day of day, better in the morning;

Good luck!

Before you bring furniture and your packaged things, better spend;

If the apartment is in a multi-storey structure, then all relatives are warned to expected at the entrance. In the entrance, go to seniority.

Take or not take?
That is the question

Having stopped in front of her door, take a room flower in the hands (geranium). - Plant that absorbs very well and neutralizes all negative energy in the room, as well as geranium - also the guardian of family well-being. Open the door and on seniority, in no case coming to the threshold, enter the apartment, carrying a flower. Geranium is determined on the windowsill in the shared room.

At the first entrance to a new apartment, as well as with all that meets you for the first time, you can make a desire. It is said that it comes true.

After everyone went into the house, you need to scatter through the threshold, to scatter salt in front of the door (clockwise).

We go to the kitchen. We will bring the house, (if they brought it). We are looking for a place for the wall guard, drive a carnation.

We approach the window, (on the windowsill of which there is already a bowl with candy for the house, if you brought your house with you). We look out the window - now this landscape outside the window you will see daily - take it with your soul and heart.

We burn your fire

Hang your talisman-charm

We tell us home


Pronounce words and confirm them with your actions, it is desirable at the same time:.

If there is an opportunity - the rite is carried out together - one holds a bag with the necessary objects, and gives them on time, and the other holds a rite. If there is no such possibility, then you will save the window sill, well, or the table from the old owners.

We burn your fire (Gilt your cooked candle and already with its flame - the burner, if the stove is electrical - then simply slide the candle).

In the new apartment in your own kind.

Fresh lives we put on the table (if there is a table, then warming up the tablecloth and put the dough or you can napkin on the window sill

For prosperity in housing to us.

Hinder your talisman-charm (Wheel hide to the most prominent place to attract eyes, thereby taking intentional or random negative promise)

From the evil eye and damage, illness and trouble (put a juniper or thistle branch near the stove)

We tell us home (If you brought the house with you, then the semi-fold in the side of the window, this is how we were brought it on this day, but if we were not brought - then semi-clones on the three sides - to the left, forward and right)

WORLD OUR HOME! (Do not forget that it is he who is the house - the owner of the energy space in your apartment, and unite yourself with him)

Take a new broom, let's sweep in the kitchen and put a broom in the corner. If there is already old, with the "brought" houses, then let it be together. Put the broom necessarily a handle up, a small growth, so it will be more convenient for him to sweep everything bad from the apartment.

Go around the apartment, in each room on the floor we put a branch or thistle.

The rite as such is completed. You can get out of the apartment, crossing through the "Coa Broken", destroying its spells in this way. Salt with a new broom, then slip it. The old broom "with the house" is better than a day or other not touch.

Enter the table and the most necessary utensils in the kitchen.

Bake from the dough bread or pies, from pre-closed cereals cook porridge to fill the space with great smells of well-being and wealth. Two pieces of bread from your food - one - for his own brought houses, and the second one - suddenly the former owners of her old house did not take and say: "Grandfather-house, go to dine with us, and you, the old house you Here, too, go to us. "

We invite the whole family to the table, where colorfully and emotionally tell about your plans in a new place.

When celebrating households:

- On the first day of customs, you advise not to invite too many guests, call only relatives, preferably and older generation and children;

- A housewarming for friends can be arranged a little later;

Be sure to be! The world is your home! May Lada and Rod Patus will come with you!

On the time of rites: anything can happen, and circumstances may be able to work out that you can't hold rites on time. If you did not have time in time, then spend them later - to be in your home owner, not a guest.

The article is written by Svetlana Ismailova,

edited by Natalia Dellath.

Do not believe everything that is written. I read it recently on the Internet a very strange note: they say to establish relationships with the houses when moving to a new apartment, you need to buy wine, and pouring it on the glasses, pour a full glass of the house, and put on top of a bun, and in a bun with a silver coin. And after the expiration of seven days - to pour wine, break the glass, and to hide the coin in the wallet - and it will be, they say everything is fine.

In general, the article is terrible, for in fact everything is in front of the heads.

1) Alcoholic beverages were not in Russia in a big honor, it was for the replenishment of the treasury state to promote them, and the Domomanka was needed by milk;

2) Bunochka is good. But the bun (bread) on a glass of wine - this tribute to the deceased ancestors, and the domain is a creature from the subtle world, he sees this line well. It's not worth it to offer him a bun;

3) "Warehouse crashed - fortunately," there is such a sign. But - crashed (in the sense - it turned out so), and not specially broken. No need to beat glasses. Forcibly MIL will not. Happiness do not lure so much.

4) Silver coin for the house - the product is controversial. No, even so - is undoubtedly bad. The house, like all other evil spirits, does not love silver. It is better copper or gold. Although - in modern silver coins and no read.

So it turns out that following such a ritual, you will rather scare up the houses than bring. So trust only verified authors or sites. So it turns out in our free from censorship time - not everything is written to believe.


  • What cereals should be brought to new house? - Definitely, in a new apartment it is necessary to take the cereals - one-piece. Rice, buckwheat, barley - suitable options; But wheat, manna, corn croup is not exactly what is needed.
  • How to enter the new apartment with bread, with salt? - Let's immediately agree on bread - before it was baked in the house, and it was the most important food product. Now bread-salt is more ritual. Therefore, we are not with bread on a new apartment, but we are going with cashew - it is also preparing it for sure. And if you want to spend a ritual with bread - then you do not just need a loaf, but a round loaf.
  • What bake bread, when for the first time you go to a new apartment? - Round, sink, lush.
  • What day of the week is better to move to a new apartment? - Moving - the name of the noun male genus and move recommend, too, in "Men's" days - TUESDAY and THURSDAY. Monday rejected because of bad glory, behind him stretching. But added RESURRECTION - As the word of the kind of neutral, and meaning the occurrence of a new one. But there is from this rule and exception. If moving is to be lonely an elderly woman (and it does not matter, she moves into separate apartment, or comes on the house to his children) - it is better to do it in Friday. Friday and female forces will add, and it will be booked, and in the affairs of home will help. That she is.
  • What needs to be done when you drive into a new apartment? - real customs and rituals are quite a lot, and on the Internet can be left even more, but with instructions, yes with the signs. Therefore, adhere to the basic principle - not harm. If you do not know how to do - look for information, if you doubt: do or not do - better do not do at all.
  • What prayers need to be read when moving to a new apartment? - If you are going to enter the new home in the Christian custom, read the prayer "to enter the new home". Prayer It is necessary to read three evenings in a row. And then, if necessary, it can always be repeated.

God, the observer and the Savior are our who created heaven with his mind and the land founded her, you are the creator of all and the creator of everything, so the proud you are a slave. My building is approved on the stone strongly by reading your divine so that his neither water, nor the wind and any other damage could. In favor of him and whoever, to live in him from the opposite naval, it is all your power, and your kingdom is. And multiplied with strength, and the glory of the Father and the Son, and the Holy Spirit and now and are also confined and forever. Amen!

  • When to make an icon in a new apartment? "God is always with us, he is in the soul, and if there are no icons in the house, it does not mean that you are deprived of God's attention. If you brought your old naughty icons with you, you will bring them on the first day - hang, put, put - where it turns out. And at a time, somewhere in a week, the new house will become familiar to you, and you will understand where it is a place for the icon. If you are going to buy new icons, then do it approximately a week after moving.
  • What icon should be made to a new home? - The icons "for the new house" do not exist. This is today he is new, and then already familiar. And icon - she is coming. To whom you are in the church, the candle most often put, anyone's help, TU and Icon are looking for.
  • Is it possible to move to a new apartment in the post? - Can. However, the holiday "On the occasion of the Novoseli" to fly better later when the post is over.
  • How to make moving to Muslim customs? - In order for a new home well, it should be a positive energy. Therefore, we and Muslims recommend to equip moving on Vedic rules (on the Vedic, behavior from them). Also, the cereal in the old house is soot, just porridge in a new place JVICAL. Find a place for the Quran and for the house. Do not forget to distribute gifts in honor of the holiday. And then, when the muddle of the holiday heats, invite Imam and read the al-bakara and An-Pleas. It is always important to know the defining things in this life (repeat them al-bakar), and when global events come, and you agree, the move - the event is quite global for each person, then it is not necessary to hurry and rushing the events (An-Fall).
  • What needs to be done, entering a new apartment so that everything is good? - The main thing is to have a common positive attitude. But the list of rituals you want to spend at the same time is a secondary thing. And this list is for yourself for yourself, based on what is suitable for you, and what - contradicts your inner world.
  • How long does the threshold for your new apartment? - Most people choose the right - as it is leading for them. But if you are left-handed, and leading you - left leg, then enter the apartment from it.
  • How is salt used during moving to a new apartment? Salt is necessary for human life. Not so much we need it, but it is necessary. And therefore, Solonka on the table is an indispensable attribute of wealth and care for health. But in large quantities, salt and a person can damage, and the spirits are unclean for surely not digest. Therefore, the symbolic coast of the line and pour salt (and sometimes it is still mixed with pepper - so that you probably!).
  • What words do you need to say when you enter the rented apartment? Yes, in fact, the same as at the entrance to the new home. Tradition almost the same. Let it be temporarily rented housing, on for a while - this is your home, this is your family home. So relate to it, as it should be treated for your own home.
  • When entering your first apartment in your life, what ritual with houses is needed? There is a classic magic. Although other rituals may also be required - the rite of teaching the old houses or the rite of attracting the houses.
  • There are different conspiracies and rites associated with moving to new housing. Do you can believe everything? Unfortunately, not always people that they give us advice, competently competent in matters of magic. Do not believe everyone and always. Before doing something, think: does it hurt you?
  • How to clean the apartment before moving?If you enter the apartment, in which the other faiths had previously lived, and the remaining energy fields were alarmed, then you can clean the apartment. The easiest and most effective method - Invite a specialist: Orthodox father will call, Muslims to Mullet will have to contact, and Rodnoverma - open the door to Zhetsz. But if for any other reason it is impossible, then the primary cleaning can be carried out. Turn on the light in the whole house, open the taps with water (let the small trickle flow), take into the right hand coniferous twig (Christmas tree, pine, fir, juniper - any), and in the left - the symbol of your faith. And if you do not have a suitable amulet, you can simply draw a handle on the outdoor palm. And now go around the whole apartment, and in all rooms, wash the Wall Cheese, speaking at this "now it's mine, and my God will live here." And each wall show the symbol of your God. When moving, it is better to use the principle "along the sun", that is, it is better to move - clockwise. The cleaning mechanism is very simple. The light will help the walls of seeing the face of the new owner, coniferous needles will destroy the previous subtle structural formations, water will purl, will result "excess" energy. After the rite - the cranes close, the coniferous twig - ideally burn. If there is no burning opportunities - then it is tightly accessed and take out on the trash.
  • What if the former owners left a broom? Alien thing - someone else's energy. Abandoned thing has, as a rule, negative energy. If you want to take advantage of any thing left, it must be cleaned. Funds - to choose from: fire, water, hot water. But with a broom there is zakovka. If the previous owners did not take their houses, he can hide in a broom. Therefore, before proceeding with the cleansing (or removal) of the old broom, put your own: whether it is real or decorative. Ask the brownie: go through the house house to us live. Together we will eat bread, soup soup together. Wait a certain time (at least one night) and you can act with the broken broom at your discretion: whether to remove from the house, whether to rinse under running water well.
  • How to move to a new apartment in the Buryat custom? Let's formulate a question more wider - How to move on Buddhist custom? The first thing to do is to determine the place for the altar of the place of force, where you will usually thank our heavenly defenders and pronounce their mantras. Check if there is enough light to get on your altar, put the pile with clean water, VAZochka with a bouquet (or at least one flower) and saucer with sweets. Remember that edible gifts costs from time to time to update. And do not even bother repeat the universal mantra of all Buddhists: "Om-Mani-Hum". They say it helps to drive off the wandering nearby and helps even those who do not believe in it.
  • Moving in Kalmyki? Follow the common Buddhist custom.
  • How to wash a new apartment? In a day, another after drove, you can arrange a big feast, inviting your new neighbors. Even if you are going to make repairs, the housewarming is worth celebrating to him.


It is impossible to serve all the gods right away. Insofar as orthodox Church It is quite intolerable to Vedic beliefs, then it is worth remembering and not to arrange the "Battle of Thin Worlds" in your dwelling.

To solve this problem there are two options. The first is uncompromising - choose something one and clearly stick the intended line.

The second implies coexistence. Leave the kitchen for the domain, give the biggest room to the crucified God Christ. Tell the domain that you ask him to take your neighbor - God of Christ, and he will understand you. Pray for your home icon. Ask Jesus not to be angry with the Spirit of your home, and Yeshua gives you your grace.

But even if you can achieve this fragile balance in your home, remember: Kohl will come to your home the servants of one of the cults, to remove another patron from their eyes.

If you are a priest invited an apartment to consecrate, then the domain is in a closed box to see. And if you are a Vedic holiday celebrate, cover your icon to Kisey. Jesus will understand that you can live without him without your dogland and will deal with other things that are no less important. Do not forget only then open the box (yes cape take it off).

How to make a successful moving to a new apartment - signs, perpetuated by the people, are ready to suggest a way out. So that the abode becomes step off, listen to the wisdom of ancestors.

Ancient beliefs on the eve of the new school

Most people have to come across a move. Make this event is pleasant, and life in the new apartment will help vintage superstitions.

On the eve of the move, do not forget to get in the room, which is soon going to leave. Leaving Sorrow in the hut, the owners become victims for envious relevant to black magic. They can use your things for hold rites to damage.

Throw the accumulated trash and rubbish, without spare - there will be many more acquisitions in the new life.

Going from the old house, transfer from there to a new housing fire. (Candle or lighter from the old apartment). By signs, the flame is a symbol of home protection from unclean power. Together with him you can.

Do not forget, leaving the old abode, grab melacca with me. In her rods like hiding houses - you want to pick up a good neighbor with you? But if the Spirit has been negatively configured to you, leave.

Living in sufficiency will help. Scatter the coin on the former in your possession - and we will provide wealth, and you will delight new tenants.

Arrange a farewell with neighbors - Do not skimp on the treat, let people commemorate the good word.

The right to be the first to enter the new home was provided to the oldest member of the family. So the youngest generation showed respect to the relatives endowed with the wisdom.

However, for the century, the sign acquired a negative interpretation - as if the person, the first stepped on the threshold of a new monastery, faster from it and leaves, and not in his will (sick, he will fall into prison or die).

The benefit that the next generations did not wear such a ruskaz, and another came to replace the terrible acceptance: when the family moves to a new apartment, the chapter should first cross the threshold.

If you still worry that the prediction of the ancestors can come true, run a cat to new possessions. Give the animal to sniff the room, get used to worry, spend the night, and align the next day.

Pay attention to for a new apartment:

  • After the night, the cat behaves calmly - boldly place in a new house.
  • See where the favorite settled down. Cats are so sensitive that they choose for sleep not just cozy, but an energy-clean place. Where the animal spent the night, arrange a sleeping bed - you will always have rested.

If possession in the village, use - lock in the house of the rooster. He perfectly drives the evil spirits.

How to envy, name the guests on the housewarming. According to tradition, it is necessary to arrange a holiday twice: close relatives are going for the first time, the second is friends. The main thing is that they follow the signs, choosing a gift.

Stepping the threshold of the apartment, guests, according to custom, throw a coin on the floor, wanting weakness. However, it is not worth the money to give money, even if the owners of the living space are experiencing financial difficulties. Such a gift will lead them to poverty.

The Slavic saying "Bread - Everybody" knows everyone. Thanks to her, the custom was born to bring the owners to the housewarming loaf, as a symbol of wealth, satiety and the full table. Bread was served on the trench, embroidered green and red threads, which would prophete longevity and wealth.

Confirmed existence will provide a presented money Tree (Fleece) or piggy bank. But do not give her empty, throw the coin of different nominal nominal inside.

According to another, at the entrance to the new apartment, the owners can be given a souvenir that has a connection with water - aquarium, a room fountain. Such a gift, guests show sincere desire to live in harmony and comfort, and the house was a complete bowl. In parallel, the water protects against the negative and cleans the energy of the room.

Do you know why the new seals were given to the horseshoe? Hanged entrance door From the inside, it is considered a talisman for good luck and protective guard from unclean power.

If you get a flower vase or dishes as a gift, you know - you wish wealth.

And the donated lamps and candles will not only become a decoration of the room, but will protect peace and create a pleasant atmosphere in the house.

To quickly bother and make housing native, follow the rules reflected in the signs:

  • On the first day, open the windows and doors in the house, wash the floors to get rid of someone else's energy.
  • Arrange the corners of church candles and discover the cranes - the negative will burn or lean.
  • When moving, they forgot about the houses - you will have to brought it. Leave homemaster at night sweet wine, sweets and cakes in a snack. In the morning, find the disappearance of the edible - you managed, he accepted the offer to be friends.
  • Do not use mirrors from previous owners. This accessory is a portal for other entities and a powerful drive of human emotions.
  • Do not enter the housing until you finish finishing work - Risk to lose weight, and everything will break in the house.

The signs were armed, it remains to be patient and vigorous by the arrangement of the spirit - the optimistic mood will help move the trouble with relocation.

Additional assistance for those who are planning to move to a new apartment are signs and the rules dictated by them. Currently, few people listen to them, but if this is not done, you can bring trouble. Therefore, we'll figure it out in the traditions associated with moving.

In the article:

Moving to a new apartment - the signs of our ancestors

Moving to a new place, our ancestors must. If you do not pick up a brownie with you, it will suffer, drop up at night and interfere with new tenants. You do not want to suffer the merits that helped you all the time?

When part of the family remains on the old place of residence, the house is not taken. If someone lived in the new house for you, the house there is most likely there already, and with him you should make friends. If the house is new and built recently, a good home spirit must be called.

The old broom usually climbed on new housing. There are two reasons for this. The first - houses live under brooms. The second reason lies in the fact that the old broom can be given a strong damage.

Leaving from the old place of residence, left a few coins so that new tenants would live in prosperity. Accordingly, wearing wealth and natives, because what you wish the other, you will get himself. Before settling in a new apartment, coins on the floor for a rich life are also thrown.

Someone from relatives who are not engaged in transportation of things, kneaded the dough on the old place. From him then baked bread already in a new house.

In the past it was believed that the one who would first go to the house would die. New housing takes himself a sacrifice for the well-being of new tenants and the long service life. Therefore, it was made to come in the first senior family members. Later began to launch the first cat in the house. It is the cat, and not a cat. It is desirable that it be black. The cat harm from this will not, and will live as much as he is released. It was believed that the ladder for the unclean was not offended.

Watch where the cat falls, what places it will choose for sleep and rest. Typically, there were beds or a cradle for a child. Cats always choose favorable places in the house and try to stay away from unfavorable. Now they do not all hold the cats, so the first statues depicting black cats often "come" the first to new homes. In the future, they stand near the door and guard the house from unclean power.

After the cat is mastered in a new place, did general cleaning Total rooms. In this case, a salt for cleansing was often added.

In the villages, still before moving to new housing, they launch the rooster at night. In the morning, his catcakeno rooster kicks out all the unclean power, which could settle in the room. And after that, the birds are prepared from the bird and served on the housewarming guests. The rooster is considered a symbol of wealth and fertility, which he brings during his stay in the house.

The corners of the new dwelling were lubricated with honey to live sweetly.

In the old days, it was customary to wonder the new housing wormwood, juniper or other herbs with cleansing and endless properties. Purified the room also with candles and special prayers. You can read and "our own", this is a universal prayer suitable for any situation.

Signals when moving to a new home - Fengshui

Fengshui specialists believe that it is necessary to choose the right date of moving to new housing. In order to facilitate this task, you can use. Move best in one day, immediately transport all things and no longer need to return to the old place. Do not start moving in the evening. Ideal when these troubles start in the morning and end in the evening.

Fengshui's doctrine does not advise residents to make things from the old house independently. You can ask relatives to do this or hire movers. If relatives ask why they should be gathering, while you are idle - and answer: Fengshui tells.

But those who are going to live there are those who are going to live there in a new apartment. Of course, sometimes it is impracticable, but it should even take part in the event that you hired assistants.

First of all, the most valuable and expensive things should be put into the house. This will bring wealth and prosperity.

Leave old housing dirty should not. Be sure to hover in it before you go to the new home. This expresses gratitude to the old house for the warmth and comfort, which will start to live in a pleasant atmosphere at a new address. Old housing can take care of you and make life in a new better. Say goodbye to him, thank over the years of concern out loud or about yourself, take with you pleasant memories, and let go of the bad.

There is another reason for cleaning in an old apartment, but she has no relation to Fengshui. Our ancestors believed that the debris new tenants could damage. Moreover, it is completely optional, because negative words and emotions also matter. No one will be happy to see the dirt in his new home, and certainly will not be thanked for this of previous owners. For the same reason, small malfunctions are eliminated by the leaking cranes.

Cleansing a new place to live - an important stage of moving. Open the windows to let fresh air, and then open all the cranes in the bathroom and in the kitchen. Then the light should be lit in each room, turn on any pleasant music and put the kettle to drink tea for the first time in a new house.

Signals about housewarming

Our ancestors arranged two holidays. The first was a festive lunch for all residents of the new house, and the guests had already invited and took gifts.

The first celebration is now noted quite simply - prepare several relatively simple dishes In advance and immediately after settling, champagne open in a new residential premises. Sometimes more relatives and helped friends participate in this small festive dinner or dinner. After graduation, the celebrations usually treat the house where it was on the table. Do not forget that he does not like meat and eggs.

A few days later, when all the questions related to the arrangement of a new apartment will be solved, you can already call guests and arrange a feast in honor of the new school. Why do it need from point of view? The fact is that cheerful gatherings with friends and relatives attract positive energy into the house. Especially good if children's laughter sounds in your house during the new school.

If, during the celebration of the housekeeping, guests will sit for a rich and generous table, it means that people in this house will always be in prosperity. A beautifully decorated table with a clean tablecloth and the "parade" dishes foreshadow. At the table they speak only pleasant, do not discuss the things and phenomena of a negative nature.

The center of the table usually put a trench with embroidery of red and green colors, and on it - a new loaf. It is decorated with rods rowabins, viburnum or other berries that grow in your area.

Each guest must transfer over a coin through the threshold, inside the house. This money rain attracts the energy of obtaining material goods and career growth. Well, if the owners of the house fall under him.

When the invited diverge home, instead of the words of the farewell, they need to say such words:

Peace to your home!

Try not to turn a housewarming in a banal drink, nothing good will bring it. Spend a tour of the new home, exchange experience in repairing and buying furniture, arrange dancing and spend interesting contests for your friends. Do not forget about good words, and the time must go most pleasantly for you and your guests.

What to give to the housewarming - Signs

Guests usually come with gifts. About what to give to the housewarming, signs converge in opinion - almost everything other than money. Of course, you might think that new seals need to do a lot of shopping for the house, spend money on repair and other needs. But if you give money instead of a gift, you can call in the house.

Acute objects are unwanted gifts. As in all other cases, for example, when receiving such a birthday present, several coins should be given in return. It is also not customary to give the clock and mirrors.

There are also things ideal for a housewarming gift. In the past, gave spoons, mugs and pots with wishes of satiety and prosperity. Now the service will be more appropriate, a set of glasses, a saucepan or pan either kitchen appliances - Blender or food processor.

With the same wishes in the old days gave tables. It is not necessary to give a dining table, you can give a small journal or even a special table for breakfast in bed.

A good gift to Novoslas is horseshoe. If you choose stylishly decorated, it will not only be a talisman that attracts good luck, but also original decoration hallway.

Our ancestors gave sheep wool with wishes of wealth. Now you can give blankets, blankets and pillows - good analogues of natural sheep wool. But the bed linen is undesirable, it is believed that only those who will sleep on it should be chosen. Symbolizes heat and wealth fire, which makes heaters, electronic fireplaces, lamps and candles with good options for presenting newsnels.

The purchase of new housing is connected not only with the Euphoria from the acquisition, but also with such troubles, as a runway on various instances for reissuing papers, transport of the accumulated good and time consumption, which never passes without nerves ...

But finally, all the concerns behind, the walls are placed fresh wallpaper, and the bathroom sparkles with a new plumber. All furniture is placed in its place, and even flowers bloomed ahead of time After the transplant to the new pots. So it's time to cope a housewarming! Signs and customs associated with this unusual celebration are very interesting and diverse. Our grandparents gave them great importance, but follow the wisdom of the older generation or not, solve only the owners of the house.

We suggest familiarizing yourself with the traditions to arrange an unforgettable holiday, think over contests with symbolic prizes, and maybe feel theatrical actors and play scenes on housewarming. This article will be useful both for the happy owners of new housing, and for those who decided to congratulate them with this important event.

Red Angle, Cat and Rooster

So, housewarming! Signs, customs and traditions associated with it came to us from the distant past. It was believed that who the first to the house would enter, then he would leave him first, so it was made that earlier than all in a new housing was the oldest man in the family, which in such a way as if he had sacrificed the pagan gods. When Christianity crowded his paganism, this custom became more humane, and instead of the eldest in the family, the cat was introduced into new houses and left it there for a while. The place where the cat fell asleep, was considered light, and it was there that were arranged in which the icons and the lamp were placed. Why is the cat, not a cat? The answer is simple: due to the cat features of the behavior of the cats, the corners and furniture, and these traces of the crime have a very specific smell, which is very difficult to withdraw.

Instead of a cat, the main character who fell out the role of "pioneer", was a rooster. He was associated with fire and a homemade hearth. The rooster launched into the house where he was supposed to be loud cathedral expel the whole faded evil. After the rooster conducted the "act of exorcism", his fate was predetermined: they were cooked from him (he was a jelly) and treated all the guests who came to housewarming. Signs, customs and beliefs associated with people and livelihoods, ended in this, and rites sent to otherworldly forces.

Milk and sweetness

The true keeper of the house is not anyone else like a house. And if the cock in the urban apartment is found solely in the soup, then the houses - the phenomenon is quite ordinary. This is a good spirit who considers himself the owner of the dwelling, his duty is to help the family with which he divides its territory. If someone does not like something, for example, the unwashed dishes or dirty floor, it begins to arrange the "demonstration performances" with the brave of light bulbs and the lies of various things, such as the keys, a mobile phone and a wallet. In addition, the house does not tolerate, when family members quarrel with each other, and if this happens, does not give to sleep at night, making different sounds.

To bring the house, he needs to leave something delicious, such as candy or cookies on a saucer, as well as pour a glass of milk to which he is a big hunter! The favorite object of the house - broom (say that he often hides behind him, watching his wards). Therefore, the broom must always be clean and not rash.

To strengthen protection, in a new house, it is necessary to make an icon that together with the house will protect the households from all kinds of evil.

Modern magic

What to do those who do not believe in the house, and on the nose - a housewarming? Signs, customs and traditions associated with moving to a new home should not be based on religion or long-standing beliefs.

In order to live happily in the new house, first-in-speed you need to open all the windows and let in more fresh air. After that, you need to unscrew all the cranes for at least a few minutes. Wives all the negative, and fresh air will bring clean energy. The latter (control!) Punch on the unclean - lit candles and funny music lit around the house. All this will enhance the dwelling with a light aura and fill it with joy and happiness.

Bread, salt and ... Cake!

Variations on the topic of presents

And, of course, it is worth talking separately about gifts. As a rule, entering the house to the newly elements, they need to give something that one way or another will be useful in the farm:

  • kitchen utensils ( cutting boards, tanks for spices, beautiful jars for storing bulk products);
  • household appliances (yogrutrice, coffee grinder, blender, mixer, bread machine, microwave oven, kitchen scales, set for fondue);
  • dishes (plates, salad bowls, tea sets, glasses, candy, tank for honey, baking molds, sushi set);
  • textiles (tablecloth, beautiful tape, napkins, bed linen, towel set ,;
  • decor (paintings, photo frames, watches, figurines, albums for photos, sconce).

In every gift - share jokes

In addition to traditional, you can give comic for example, an antenna for the future 3D TV or a set of tremers whose task is to keep the collection of fur coats on your "shoulders", which will definitely appear at a welcoming hostess at home.

In addition, the Novosel will probably like the alarm clock, which will not give to sleep with his happiness, or a bell calling all the households to the table, and computer lovers will appreciate the table for a laptop or a mouse pad.

And in money happiness

Most recently, to give money to the housewarming was not accepted, but modern life I made your adjustments in and finance can be a wonderful gift, especially for young couples, who are just starting a joint life. Decor the money present is simple: it is enough to put the bills in the beautiful cardboard house Or in the box.

New Year in the New House

And if the housewarming happens before the new year, then to please the owners of the house with a gift is easier than simple: Christmas margins, having fun blinking with multi-colored sparkles, very useful in the farm! In addition, you can give the Christmas tree toys, Figures of Santa Claus and Snow Maiden, knitted snow and others new Year's decor. A good gift will serve a rings for napkins, ice bucket under a bottle of champagne, beautiful candlesticks.

In short, if there is a housewarming, signs, customs and traditions should not stay aside, and also can not be neglected to celebrate this joyful event with expensive guests. This is a wonderful reason not only to acquire things in the economy, but also fun new life! Be sure to celebrate a rare and such a bright holiday - housewarming, and life will become more colorful and brighter!

It is believed that the housewarming is a very important stage in the life of any family and man, because if everything is done correctly, and keep everything folk signs On housewarming, it will be possible if you can not start life from a clean face, then save the family from a huge number of problems.

Signs when moving exist in a huge amount, with their help you can achieve the absence of negative in your new apartment or house. Given the difficult religious situation in the country (in the heads of people in many centuries, signs and superstitions associated with paganism, Christianity and even atheism) were mixed, superstitions regarding the newly skid more than enough.

For example, someone is going through, whether after them will move from the old apartment to a new house, and whether he will like a new habitat or he will begin to be brought.

A long time ago appeared on a housewarming about who needs to be launched into a freshly-frequency or just acquired and not furnished apartment. And depending on the superstition, and the main thing actor. For example, someone is confident that the first to enter the new home should be the oldest family member. This seems to personify the wisdom transmitted from generation to generation.

Do not, however, forget about the negative nature of this signa. There is something, like conviction: who first enters the new home, he will have to be the first to leave him. Times now new and signs were transformed. Someone launches himself a cat into the house. And someone makes a spouse in your hands: supposedly a woman can not be included in the new house through the threshold.

About the customs to let the cat or a cat in a new apartment worth saying in more detail, since this ritual is the most common of all existing. According to reference, a cat or cat will have to spend a lot of time in the house, sniffing it entirely and explore all the corners. If this is possible - spend the night in the new apartment.

Further, as you understand, the next portion of horror begins: if the outfit with animals is all right, the cat playing and cheerful, it means that the owners of the new dwelling should also not worry about further life in their abdication. And if the cat is found without damn, then it is worthwhile.

By the way, a separate branch of signs is that the cat will have to lie somewhere. This place is considered to be favorable and put a children's bed there, or even the bed of spouses. Such customs promise the absence of troubles, because the cat does not advise bad. Although there is another interpretation: where the messenger-striped lung is a negative place, and it is impossible to put the bed.

It is curious that the cat is not the only animal who fell out the role of the test pilot: sometimes the purest rooster was chosen on this "position".

In antiquity, our grandfathers were convinced that the rooster is a natural exorcist, capable of expelling evil spirits from the new apartment. At the same time, he also has the opportunity to increase well-being in the house and give the owners offspring. What is the logic of signs - it is difficult to explain, and therefore it is not so much popular.

The ancient beliefs mention that the new dwelling should certainly bring the fire burning in the old house. In order to be clearer: approximately this is so transported every 4 years Olympic flame worldwide, only here you can do without patheaux and torches. Better to give

Newly seals before moving any gifts, like candles or lamps, so that there is something to carry fire.

Fire transfer ritual is carried out in order to install new apartment or home protection from a variety of thin dirty, such as malicious spirits. In addition, with the help of fire from the house in the house easily passed the house.

Usually, the houses can be quite simple to lure and without the help of a torch, but if the process causes difficulties, it is better to try this fiery to accept, otherwise the house began to raise and bring suffering to new owners.

Many folk traditions emphasize that the cat living in the house is almost a relative of the houses. And if the house suddenly, for some personal reason, leaves the dwelling, then the cat takes care, as a "deputy" spirit.

It seems that this is this funny superstition in a very long time, it was the cause of the livestock in cats and cats in all households.

Another very curious sign, relative to the cat is that the main rule of his institution in the old days said: the color of the animal's wool must or coincide, or to be very similar to the color of master's hair. With absolutely nothing explained by the superstition, which in our days and does not perform and few people know about him.

Since today more and more people learn about the peculiarities of bioenergy, then traditions are obtained by appropriate, justified at least from some of the parties, from a logical point of view. For example, not to leave with your own energy trail (no matter, bad or good), people try not to leave the garbage garbage in the old apartment.

It is clear that to leave such "gifts", as a complete garbage bucket of new owners is simply impolitely, but such behavior is not only dictated by the rules of good tone. The fact is that there are people who are sincerely believers: garbage left by them in an old place can serve as an absorbent for negative energy and broadcast it into a new apartment.

And if you do not care at all, then someone can impact damage through this garbage on the previous owners. It is unlikely that, of course, this will happen, but it is better to take care and be careful.

Returning back to the houses, it is impossible not to remember its beloved subject, regardless of the place of residence and time. Any grandmother in Starina knew that houses adore brooms. And if you had a broom in the old apartment, then you will certainly capture it with you when moving. With it, the house is quickly moved after you, and gets comfortable in the new apartment.

By the way, brooms are recommended to install in a corner, where no one will take it (except the houses himself), handle down. This is how the symbolic designation looks like: everything is negative and bad from the house promptly swept away, and will never come back here. Actually, it is in this that the duties of the house are concluded.

It is unlikely that there are people who did not hear about the famous belief: do not whistle, otherwise there will be no money. Well, here's with respect to any housing, that the old one, which is new, this sign is 100 percent. Most people know that if you knew in the house at some of the grandfathers or grandparents, you can get a well-deserved clutch. And well, if you do not get into the home of your launched.

And in the house in no case can you keep a bit, cracked dishes, or tanks with sloping edges. Any faulty item must be removed from the dwelling, in order not to disorder the energy. One way or another, the unfriendly will be disassembled soon, because any process itself seeks to end.

Finally, you can report one fairly positive accepting for awareness: directly at the time of starting readiness, when all things are packed, leaving the old apartment, throw a few coins on the floor. In each room for several pieces. It is believed that such a rite should bring the old and new owners happiness.