
The name of Zlata, Chris in the Orthodox calendar. Relationships and marriage

Pests of garden plants

At a very early age, the little girl Zlata is not at all like a child in character. She is serious, honest and principled beyond her years. Zlatochka has a heightened sense of justice, is unusually quick-witted and diligent. These qualities of the girl (coupled with some of her thoroughness) make her a real favorite of kindergarten teachers and school teachers.

But do not think that Zlata is just a little old woman, she is still a child. She is dreamy. But her dreams do not at all belong to the category of Manilov dreams - they are as solid as the girl herself, always realistic and achievable. The character of the girl Zlata is non-conflicting, and therefore never gives trouble to teachers and parents.

She does not quarrel with her peers, does not seek to prove something if her opinion does not coincide with the views of the interlocutor. The surrounding people sometimes consider Zlata closed, but this is far from the case. She doesn't like to draw attention to herself - that's all. But the girl is moderately sociable and will gladly enter into a conversation if the interlocutor takes the initiative.

The girl also has one serious drawback - excessive straightforwardness. She can tell a person everything, and many do not like this. Zlata is a good student at school. Achievement of the highest successes is hindered by her restlessness and some lack of composure. Monotonous and boring activities quickly tire her, she begins to be distracted. But if the teacher or parents manage to interest the girl in any subject, then she will soon reveal all her rich potential.

As a teenager, young Zlata does not change much in character. Her rationality and prudence are only becoming more noticeable, and therefore no adventures and rash actions are observed behind her. She still remains diplomatic and tactful, and these qualities serve as a kind of magnet that strongly attracts people to her. But Zlata herself does not like such attention - she prefers to remain in the shadows.

This young girl is always open to communication. She has many friends who often come to her house. But she herself does not like to visit her friends. She is sociable, but maintains some distance, subconsciously fearing betrayal and disappointment.

The young lady continues to study well at the university, but she will never boast of her successes, preferring to stay away from fame, attention and fame. Some indecision and self-doubt can prevent her from achieving some heights in life, and therefore she should get rid of these qualities.

Respect for others is very important for a girl. She strives after school to enter a prestigious university, for which she makes every effort. After receiving a decent education, he tries to find and fill a prestigious or promising vacancy. The girl Zlata wants to please others and wants to meet true love, which she succeeds.

The intelligence and practicality of an adult Zlata are beyond doubt. Tries not to get involved in risky enterprises, does not take bank loans does not use the services of microfinance organizations. Loves enough beautiful life, but only within the limits of self-earned funds. He prefers to achieve everything only on his own. A woman is distinguished by zeal and does not allow herself to spend a lot of money on herself, but she knows how to make something outstanding out of small things in order to live a full life and with great taste.

Zlata has many friends, and in relations with them she shows great devotion. Gradually, loneliness and isolation cease to like her, and the thirst for change, new impressions and emotions only intensifies.

Zlata does not like difficulties - they can literally unsettle her, and failures can cause a depressive state. Therefore, her loved ones should pay more attention to her.

Zlata is a rare and beautiful name. It gives its owner a sense of uniqueness, of its own value. Such a girl is unpredictable and active. She cannot imagine her life without adventures and amazing incidents filled with vivid emotions.

Origin of the name

The most common version of the origin of the name Zlata is ancient Greek. Researchers see its roots in the word "chris", which means "gold", "golden". They also associate it with the Hebrew name Golda ("golden").

It is believed that the name was most widespread among the Ashkenazi Jews. Most often, girls were called Golds in the following countries:

  • Poland;
  • Romania;
  • Belarus;
  • Lithuania;
  • Ukraine.
The name Zlata has several versions of its origin, but everyone associates it with the word "golden"

Forms of the name Zlata

Short name forms:

  • Lata;
  • Latti;
  • Latka;
  • Zlatka.

Diminutive forms:

  • Latushka;
  • Zlatochka;
  • Zlatushka;
  • Zlatonka;
  • Spatula.

When writing poems about a girl named Zlata, you can use the following rhymes: rich, loss, retribution, sonata, girls, etc.

Photo gallery: name forms

Zlata is the full form of the name Lata is a short form of the name Zlata
Zlatochka - an affectionate version of the appeal to Zlata

The church form of the name is Zlata (Chris).

The transliteration of the name for the passport is ZLATA.

Table: variants of this name in different languages

Middle names that combine with the name

The following middle names are harmoniously combined with the name Zlata:

  • Antonovna;
  • Georgievna;
  • Igorevna;
  • Leonidovna;
  • Olegovna.

Nickname options for social networks

When creating a personal channel on Youtube or Instagram, Zlata can use the following nicknames:

  • zolotaya;
  • z_l_a_t_a;
  • zlata_gold.

Patron saints of Zlata, name day dates

The patron saint of girls with this name is Zlata Moglenskaya. She lived in Bulgaria, was brought up in a poor but religious family. At that time, the country was under the Turkish yoke. A rich Turk fell in love with the beauty, but the chaste Christian woman did not reciprocate and did not intend to give up her religion for the sake of Islam.

The Turk stole Zlata and tried to break her faith. The girl was also persuaded by his relatives, wives from the harem. When the rich man realized that exhortations and sweet words would not work, he ordered the beauty to be cruelly tortured. She was still unshakable. She was eventually executed.

Zlata Moglenskaya - patron saint of girls named Zlata

The girls with this name celebrate their birthday on the days of veneration of the great martyr Zlata Moglenskaya: October 26 and 31.

On October 26, the people celebrated the Zlata-Onuchnitsa. On this day, they went to the bathhouse to take a steam bath, and medicinal herbal infusions were poured on the stones. It was believed that such a ceremony strengthens health, and the person who performed it would be able to survive the harsh winter months without illness.

Characteristics and influence of the name

Positive features:

  • graceful;
  • always strives for a high position in society;
  • very sociable;
  • the girl is incredibly lucky, even if the situation seems hopeless, new opportunities suddenly open up that allow you to solve any problem with honor.

Negative qualities:

  • immense curiosity adversely affects the fate of Zlata;
  • a girl will never help a person without personal gain from this, most of her actions are guided by selfishness and vanity;
  • demanding of others, but at the same time, she can allow herself various liberties, refusing to take responsibility for the consequences;
  • often gives in to emotions, and common sense fades into the background.

Zlatochka in childhood

Zlata grows up as a smart, sympathetic, fair and inquisitive girl. She can be very stubborn. If it comes to her interests, she is ready to defend her opinion to the end. Zlatochka is a kind and loyal friend who does not forgive lies and betrayal. In society, the baby is docile, polite and quite reasonable, so she easily wins the favor of her peers and adults. Despite her seriousness, the girl often indulges in dreams. But all her plans are thought out and quite real.

Little Zlata is a kind and loyal friend

Little Zlata is calm and lends itself well to education, so parents and daughter do not have any problems. This is an absolutely non-conflict girl, she does not like to get into arguments, and in case of disagreement with her peers, she prefers to keep her opinion to herself. Many people think the baby is too secretive. But this is not entirely true, it is just that the girl prefers to remain unnoticed in the company.

Zlatochka is a capable student, but in order to succeed in comprehending new knowledge, she lacks attentiveness and perseverance. The girl is not attracted to routine work. But if the baby has an interest in some subject, she studies it with special enthusiasm.

Zlata the teenager

In her youth, Zlata is responsive and sociable. She often invites her friends to her place, although she rarely goes to visit. She treats new acquaintances extremely carefully, only people whose loyalty has been tested by time get into her environment. The girl is very hard going through betrayal.

Zlata prefers to spend time in a narrow circle of close people

At a transitional age, the owner of this name becomes more serious and prudent. She carefully thinks over her actions, she does not tend to make spontaneous decisions. In business, he is guided by common sense, does not take risks unless absolutely necessary. In communication, she is sweet and polite, this attracts the special attention of others to the girl.

Zlata is sincere and responsive. She does not strive for recognition, does not particularly spread about her merits. This young lady is purposeful and pragmatic, but her modesty and low self-esteem prevent her from achieving her desired goals.

How the name affects the character and fate of an adult woman

According to Boris Khigir, Zlata is sociable and good-natured. He prefers to relax in nature with his closest friends. Dislikes noisy gatherings and large gatherings of people. This woman is insanely picky, strives for perfection in everything. The owner of this name carefully plans her purchases, does not allow unnecessary spending. It is unacceptable for her to borrow even in a hopeless situation.

Zlata is very economical, does not allow herself unnecessary expenses and debts

In dealing with people, such a girl is polite and courteous, avoiding those who can offend the feelings of the interlocutor. Zlata is sincere, she is able to sincerely rejoice at the success of other people. Dislikes new acquaintances, prefers to spend time with reliable friends. Very curious. Has the ability to decode dreams. Also, the owner of this name is not confident in her strengths and capabilities, so she often does not take on much responsibility.

Talents and hobbies

Zlata has an analytical mindset and an excellent memory. She is able to quickly assimilate information and skillfully use it in practice. She is very talented, has a developed imagination, this helps to achieve great success in her career.

The owner of this name loves to travel and study the culture of different countries. At every opportunity, Zlata sets out on a journey in search of vivid emotions and unforgettable impressions.

Zlata loves to discover new places, cities and countries

Zlata's career and business

Zlata is a wonderful worker, one of her strong qualities is that she can perform several tasks at the same time and bring them to the end. This is an independent woman, she used to always rely only on own strength... She does not shift her responsibilities to others, such a girl is sure: no one will cope with the task better than herself. She is a born orator, can easily win over people. Her prudence and responsibility help to quickly climb the career ladder.

Zlata is a born orator, she easily controls the opinion of others

The owner of this name can easily change the type of activity if she considers her work boring or unpromising. She is able to quickly adapt to changes, she never regrets her choice. The financial situation for Zlata is not as important as the opportunity to improve and enjoy the work done. She can become successful in such professions:

  • journalist;
  • TV presenter;
  • interpreter;
  • stewardess;
  • guide.

This is a very successful person, she is respected by both managers and subordinates. She is responsible, ambitious and diplomatic. Zlata is confident in her strengths and capabilities, she is ready to take on the most hopeless project and, with a lot of effort, achieve success.


Since childhood, Zlata has been in excellent health. In adulthood, a girl tries to be in good shape. She should beware of diseases of the digestive system. Possible violations in nervous system... Due to routine and monotonous activities, the owner of such a name can become discouraged.

Gold in love and marriage

The stronger sex is not indifferent to Zlata. This charming and graceful woman is able to charm any man at first sight. She is beautifully built and leads a healthy lifestyle. He is well versed in fashion, skillfully emphasizes his outstanding parts with the help of clothes. At a young age, Zlata is not very interested in romantic dates and having a loved one. She is windy and freedom-loving, if her relationship does not work out with the next guy, she is not very worried about this and eventually finds a worthy replacement.

In adulthood, the bearer of such a name changes views, she becomes more judicious, carefully chooses a life partner with whom she plans to create a happy family. She usually falls in love only once in her life, but so sincerely and selflessly that no one will ever doubt the authenticity of her feelings. True, winning the favor of this proud girl is not an easy task, since when choosing she is guided not only by feelings, but also by common sense.

Zlata falls in love sincerely and selflessly, but it is not easy to achieve her location

To those around her, Zlata can sometimes feel indifference and a certain coldness, often this pushes men away from her. Intimate relationships are far from the main thing in the life of such a girl, more important for her is spiritual closeness. Experiencing it, the owner of this name allows herself to relax and succumb to feelings.

Such a woman gets married quite late, when she has already enjoyed her travels and adventures. In choosing a husband, Zlata pays attention not to the financial situation of the chosen one, but to his life convictions and moral principles. Her marriage is often strong and durable. In family relationships, the owner of this name most of all values ​​the understanding, support and dedication of her spouse. If the chosen one is able to conform to her principles, she becomes a caring and loving wife.

Table: compatibility with male names

NameFeatures of relationships
AlexanderIn family relations between Zlata and Alexander, the girl is the leader. The man does not pretend to be the head of the family. The only strict part of the agreement between the partners is the preservation of Sasha's personal space. His chosen one completely trusts her beloved and is not jealous of him.
DmitriyThe pair of Zlata and Dmitry is strong and stable, they understand each other literally perfectly. The partners make joint plans and achieve the desired goals. They have a harmonious relationship, as everyone shows care and sincere feelings.
SergeyThis is a wonderful tandem of two loving hearts... Partners are similar in many ways, they have the same interests and beliefs. They enjoy spending time together. Zlata and Sergey travel a lot, their life is full of various emotions and unforgettable impressions. The dedication and love of both makes their marriage only stronger.
AndreyBoth partners value caring, mutual understanding and dedication to each other. They are similar in many ways and have common interests. The relationship between Zlata and Andrey is devoid of outbursts of emotions and passion, but this does not at all prevent them from building strong and happy relationships.
AlexeyPartners take a long look at each other before legalizing the relationship. They are ambitious and want to create a strong and happy family. Realizing that everyone is ready to put up with the shortcomings of the other half, Alexey and Zlata build cohesive family relationships based on loyalty, love and understanding.
EvgeniyEugene is attracted to Zlata by grace, femininity and a certain mystery. But over the years, the girl begins to get bored with the routine and everyday life. Since a man is used to going with the flow and does not want to change anything in his life, quarrels and disagreements do not subside in their pair. Ultimately, conflicts can lead to divorce.
The relationship of this couple is based on love, loyalty and mutual understanding. They are energetic and freedom-loving people. Routine life is not peculiar to them, partners often travel together, invite friends to visit. Each day they spend together is different from the previous one. Despite their independence, Maxim and Zlata are able to create a harmonious union.
VladimirThis is a bright and passionate union. The harmony of love, mutual understanding and trust reigns in relationships. Perhaps their couple is not particularly stable, emotional swings often occur, but if the partners do not limit each other's freedom, their marriage can be strong and durable.
DenisPartners often agree, they share each other's interests. Zlata and Denis are accustomed to a varied and eventful life, they are not afraid of changes. Together they are able to overcome any difficulties, over the years their union will only be stronger.
ArtyomThis couple has a very low probability of creating a strong and happy family, since the partners have completely different interests and moral principles. Artyom is an exemplary family man, he completely devotes himself to his family. Zlata strives for success, works and communicates a lot, loves to travel. Often, such a union falls apart.
novelZlata and Roman are caring and attentive. They are strong-willed and ambitious people. Partners always solve family problems together in a quiet, peaceful environment. They think carefully about all the details. family life... Both are important financial situation, the presence of joint preferences and the desire for self-improvement. The marriage is often strong and durable, as Roman and Zlata fully trust each other.
VitalyThe relationship between Zlata and Vitaly is full of love, care and mutual understanding. The partners almost never have disagreements; they easily find compromises, solving all problems peacefully. Everyone feels in their place, in general, their couple is very stable. But sometimes they lack new experiences. Feelings can fade away from the routine and monotonous life.
NikolayThe willful and demanding Zlata cannot come to terms with the imperfections of the character of the chosen one. Because of this, quarrels and disagreements do not subside in a couple. Often such relationships are very unstable, they can collapse in an instant.
IgorFavorable and harmonious relationships develop in Zlata and Igor, their hearts tirelessly repeat about immense love and tenderness. If a man begins to listen more to the opinion of his chosen one, they will have every chance of a happy family life.
VyacheslavIn this alliance, partners are not only passionate lovers for each other, but also excellent business partners. Zlata's creativity and resourcefulness will bring brightness and novelty to the relationship.

The fate of their relationship may depend on the name of the companion chosen by Zlata

Significant years of life

Important and fateful events take place in such significant years of Zlata:

Table: name matches

StoneDiamondA symbol of chastity, purity, good spirits, grace. In Buddhism, it is believed that this mineral is able to clarify the mind, cleanse of negative thoughts. Diamond helps to curb physical attraction, promotes spiritual development. It helps owners of a hot-tempered nature to find peace and tranquility.
ColourPurpleSuch people are insightful, able to understand the essence of things. They never put their own interests ahead of others. They are able to sincerely and selflessly fall in love, often in relationships they are guided only by feelings.
Number8 They are lucky in everything. With an effort, such people can achieve high position in society, influence and well-being. Strong-willed and purposeful, at the same time generous and good-natured, they are able to help and support those in need.
PlanetJupiterThey are very optimistic, take life with extraordinary ease. Whatever business they undertake, they will certainly succeed. They have the unique ability to attract good luck.
ElementWaterCreative, outgoing and talented. They always trust their gut. Occasionally they can be hot-tempered, jealous and irritable.
AnimalElephantA symbol of endurance, power, perseverance and mercy. In China, it personifies wisdom, caution and prosperity. Among the Indians, it symbolizes a clear mind, majesty and nobility.
Zodiac signAquariusIntroverted and touchy people. In society, they prefer to stay aloof. They are extremely rarely allowed close to themselves, they are afraid of disappointment and betrayal. They despise deceit and hypocrisy. Homebodies, they love comfort and a cozy environment.
PlantMimosaV Ancient egypt mimosa symbolized rebirth, reincarnation. V modern world the flower personifies tenderness, sensuality, shyness. Mimosa can have a relaxing effect, relieve tension, give peace and tranquility.
MetalGoldA symbol of impeccability, wealth and success in all areas of life.
Auspicious dayWednesday

The meaning of each letter of the name

3 - they strive to protect themselves from the outside world, sometimes when difficulties arise, they “hide their heads in the sand”. They have great intuition and a rich imagination.

L - subtly perceive beauty, have the talent of an artist or artist.

A - leaders, very active and active people. Strive for physical and psychological comfort.

T - sensitivity, creativity. Their desires and plans do not always coincide with their capabilities.

The letter L is hidden in the name Zlata, which allows a person to subtly perceive beauty, to have the talent of an artist or artist.

When was Zlata born

Winter Zlata is an energetic and proactive person, it is difficult for her to sit around. Any work literally burns in her hands. He never loses hope, does not give up his position. Even in extremely difficult situation such a girl shows patience, and her perseverance is always justified. Despite her openness and sociability, Zlata, who was born in winter, has few friends. She prefers to devote herself not to friendly gatherings, but to her own hobbies and self-development.

Spring Zlata is a gentle, mysterious and meek nature. At first glance, she may seem like an unapproachable and indifferent person with whom it is not easy to find a common language. This is a very romantic woman, she dreams of extraterrestrial love. But her images from book novels do not correspond to reality, so the owner of this name remains alone for a long time, not wanting to show condescension to the imperfections of the character of the next chosen one.

Summer Zlata is a good-natured and sympathetic woman. But this is not enough to feel all the joys and pleasures of life. Due to shyness and self-doubt, it is difficult for such a girl to adapt to changes, but everyday life depresses her, even can lead to depression. If Zlata, born in one of the summer months, believes in herself, then she may well become an independent and successful person.

Autumn Zlata is energetic and quick-tempered. In business, she is able to succumb to emotions and only then talk about the consequences. This is a graceful and charming girl. She is able to easily win over people. Good-natured and sociable, she has many friends and acquaintances. Zlata, born in autumn, is capable of inspiring and motivating. He reveals his true feelings only to a select few. She tends to become discouraged and often depressed.

Table: name horoscope

AriesA willful, power-hungry and fickle woman, accustomed to a luxurious life, is able to work hard so as not to deny herself anything. But with the desire to succeed, Zlata-Aries completely forgets about moral values, she does not care at all about the opinions of others.
TaurusResponsibility, dedication and sanity help Zlata-Taurus achieve success. In her life, such a girl prefers stability, she hardly adapts to changes. In communication, he tries to avoid conflicts. If the convictions of the interlocutor are firm and principled, she will prefer not to voice her opinion.
TwinsAn energetic and sociable woman, she always strives to be aware of all matters. Can't be alone for a long time. Zlata-Gemini acutely feels the lack of communication and attention. In business, she is unreliable, easily forgets about her promises.
CancerThe grace and attractiveness of Zlata-Cancer does not go unnoticed by the stronger sex. The girl charms men with her grace and beauty. But often she is very demanding and principled, which often repels potential life companions.
a lionDue to honesty and directness, Zlata-Leo often finds himself in various unpleasant situations, since not everyone is ready to hear the whole truth about himself. This good-natured and not envious woman is able to sympathize and sincerely rejoice at the achievements of others. True, only if people are ready to show the same attitude towards her.
VirgoThe prudent, pragmatic and prudent Zlata-Virgo strives for independence, always counts only on her own strengths and capabilities. She does not believe in fate, believing that everything can be achieved by aspirations and efforts. Often this is a patient and purposeful woman, able to overcome any obstacles on the way to the desired goal.
scalesThe good-natured and open Zlata-Libra takes life with ease, does not bother with thoughts about her future, she lives one day. The girl's optimism helps her cope with setbacks. She is always confident in herself and never loses hope for the best.
ScorpionAmbitious and wayward Zlata-Scorpio wants to achieve recognition in society. She strives for perfection both at home and in professional activity... She loves attention, through hypocrisy and flattery, you can win her favor.
SagittariusThe mystery and vigor of Zlata-Sagittarius attract representatives of the stronger sex. But even in a relationship, this woman does not strive for stability. Routine life depresses her, and it is often difficult for such a lady to create a happy and strong family.
CapricornA responsible and balanced Zlata-Capricorn is capable of doing good deeds without receiving any benefit from her actions. He always plans his actions carefully. In emergency situations, she is able to remain prudent and in as soon as possible decide. Such a girl is appreciated by those around her for her serious and strong-willed disposition.
AquariusThe flighty and wayward Zlata-Aquarius wants to achieve recognition in society. She is ready to do anything to stand out from the crowd. This charming woman has an attractive appearance and resourcefulness, capable of winning over people.
FishesA very gentle, vulnerable and dreamy nature, Zlata-Pisces prefers to be in the world of her dreams. Because of this, the girl has difficulties in communication. But lack of attention and loneliness do not oppress her at all. Such a young lady plunges headlong into work and her hobbies, pushing her personal life into the background.

Famous Zlata women

Famous women with this name:

  • Zlata Ognevich - Ukrainian singer;
  • Zlata Chochieva - Russian pianist;
  • Zlata Byzova - Soviet artist;
  • Zlata Tkach - Moldovan composer;
  • Zlata Bulycheva is a Russian opera singer.

Photo gallery: famous Zlata

Zlata Bulycheva - Russian opera singer Zlata Ognevich - Ukrainian singer Zlata Tkach - Moldavian composer Zlata Chochieva - Russian pianist

Zlata is an energetic, eccentric personality, prone to adventurism. The owner of this name is alien to the monotonous routine life. She longs for new experiences and bright, unforgettable moments. Moreover, such a girl is vulnerable and tender. Many difficulties that she has to face in life are simply beyond her strength. She is open and selfless, but she is poorly versed in people, so many use her trust for selfish purposes.

The female name Zlata has Slavic roots and means “gold”, “golden”. It is widespread in Poland, Ukraine, Slovakia, but in our country it is much less common.

Characteristics of the name Zlata

The character of Zlata can be called unpredictable, because she is an active woman who does not tolerate monotony and boredom, prone to romanticism and self-sacrifice. In childhood, she shows unprecedented seriousness, composure and accuracy, so nothing portends changes in her towards imbalance. Little Zlata studies well, takes an active part in the social life of the school, goes in for sports. But in the process of growing up, her character changes, an unrestrained interest in something new and unusual begins to appear in him, and self-discipline and independence are replaced by indecision and fear of difficulties. The most important thing in the life of an adult Zlata is not to succumb to everyday life, but to live a life, albeit difficult, but full of adventures. However, if she perceives the bright side of such a life with great delight and satisfaction, then she approaches periods of difficulties with a depressive state. Despite her friendliness and sociability, it is not easy to communicate with Zlata. Usually she has few real friends, because not every person is able to withstand Zlatina's intolerance for the shortcomings of others.

Compatibility with zodiac signs

The name Zlata is suitable for a girl born under the zodiac sign of Gemini, that is, from May 21 to June 21. This sign is very similar to Zlata, therefore, under his influence, the character of the owner of this name will hardly change, and she will be the same energetic, subject to frequent mood swings, inconsistent, selfish, daring, cannot stand routine.

Pros and cons of the name Zlata

What are the pros and cons can be noted in the name Zlata? On the one hand, this is a beautiful, gentle, sonorous name, which is a little unusual, but quite acceptable combined with Russian surnames and patronymics, and also has several euphonious reductions, such as Zlatushka, Zlatonka, Zlatka, Zlatulya, Zlatik. However, the complex nature of most of the owners of this name cannot be called anything other than a minus.


Zlata's health is quite strong - all thanks to physical activity and playing sports. However, she needs to pay attention to her psycho-emotional health, not to succumb to difficulties, not to become discouraged, to learn to distract herself from bad thoughts that develop a depressive state.

Love and family relationships

Zlata usually marries late, when she gives vent to her craving for a vibrant life and adventure. As a rule, she good hostess, cooks well, knows how to be economical. With her husband, Zlata tries not to quarrel, and although she often does not succeed, her family relationship can be called strong and quite happy. She brings up children easily, she allows them a lot.

Professional sphere

As for the professional sphere, the owner of this name is suitable for an interesting activity that requires constant work on herself. It can make a successful journalist, TV presenter, fitness, yoga or other moderate physical activity trainer, manager, translator, flight attendant, travel agency worker, holiday organizer, dancer.


In order for fate to be favorable to the child in the future, it is necessary to choose the right name for your child. To do this, you need to know its origin, and what it means. What is the meaning of the name Zlata?

Zlata is an Orthodox name. It appeared in the Middle Ages in the circles of Ashkenazi Jews, and sounded like Golda. Translated from Yiddish - gold. Today its analogues are quite popular in the Baltic countries, Poland, Romania. Abbreviated name and analogues: Lata, Zlate, Zlote, Golda, Zlatochka. Complete - Zlata.


The character of a child named Zlata is reserved. The girl likes to spend time alone - reading, drawing, playing, etc. She studies well, quickly learns the material. She usually doesn't have a single bad grade. Parents and teachers are proud of her.

The baby has many talents. The name Zlata gave her a wonderful ear for music and a creative mind. Pictures of this girl can often be seen at exhibitions. And playing musical instruments bewitches the ears of adults and children.

The meaning of the female name Zlata implies beauty and natural magnetism.... She is a sweet and charming girl. The guys themselves do not notice how they fall in love with her modest smile and clean, open look.

Despite the mass of fans, Zlata's character does not allow her to start several relationships at once. She is always honest with her partner and will never hurt him undeservedly. This means that she is true to her principles and beliefs in all situations.

In the foreground, Zlata is studying. From academic subjects she likes literature, biology, chemistry. She is interested in the origin famous works, the history of their writing. And the girl also loves to stage various experiments and conduct experiments.

The woman who bears this name is proud and independent. She feels like a queen in any company. She is not inherent in jealousy and distrust. If she finds out about betrayal loved one, then in a moment and forever break off relations with him.

The beautiful name Zlata makes it possible for its owner to open profitable business... She is endowed with intuition and imagination. Therefore, all her business ideas are original and go one step ahead of the ideas of competitors.

The characteristics of Zlata in marriage are positive. She is a wonderful wife, mother and hostess. The house of this woman is always beautiful and cozy. In some strange way, she manages to keep the house clean even when she works from morning until late at night.

Despite her slightly cold appearance, Zlata is on fire in bed. She is constantly trying to somehow diversify her sex life, making her wildest fantasies a reality. Men lose their heads from the passion that dominates the bed of love.


The name Zlata is a guarantee of the happy fate of its owner. Fascinating adventures await Latu, travel to different countries, vivid romantic feelings. A large role in the fate of a woman will be played by a man whom she will love with all her heart.

To create a happy family, Zlata should not rush to make a choice. Otherwise, she runs the risk of finding true love, being already married. If this happens, experts recommend Lata to listen to her heart and not pay attention to the opinions and advice of others.

The meaning of the female name Zlata says that a woman will have one or two children. Most often, these are boys. With the birth of a child, the mother's hard character is abruptly replaced by a soft one. She becomes empathetic and attentive, a little sentimental.

In the financial sector, Zlata will receive a decent reward for honest work. Even if she works for someone, over time she will definitely be able to organize her own business. And here again fate will smile at her. The most successful business will be a business in which a close, trusted person will be a partner.

A girl can realize herself in the following directions:

  • Cooking.
  • Art.
  • The photo.
  • Health and beauty.
  • Psychology.

The wonderful name Zlata is combined with such male names like, Edward, Igor,. These men will highly appreciate the strong character and entrepreneurial abilities of their chosen one.

It is not advisable to link your fate with Anatoly, Yuri, Marat, Stanislav and Peter. Against the background of a strong spirit of Zlata, they will feel weak. This imbalance can lead to fights and breakdowns in relationships.

In Orthodoxy, the name day is church calendar fall in the month of October. These are 13, 18, 26 and 31 numbers. The specific day of the angel is determined by the parents, when the child is baptized.

The origin and characteristics of the name make it possible to thoroughly understand which traits will prevail in the girl, and what awaits her in the future. In general, the meaning of the name Zlata is worthy of naming a girl.
Author: Vera Fractional

"My gold!" - how nice it is for children when their parents call them this affectionate word. But there are the lucky ones, or rather, the lucky ones, to whom everyone always turns to this. Because "gold" is their name. Of course, I mean female name Zlata.

What does the name Zlata mean, and the truth immediately becomes clear, you only have to hear it once. We can only add that this is a variant of the Hebrew name Gold, which is also translated from Yiddish as the name of a noble metal. And there is also a version that the origin of the name Zlata is Greek: in ancient myths, the heroine Chris is found ("golden" in Greek).

The name is included in the calendar, and the name day of Zlata according to the church calendar falls on October 26 and 31. In Orthodoxy, the great martyr Zlata Moglenskaya is worshiped. Her story is as follows: a noble Turk fell in love with a beautiful woman, but the saint refused to marry him and accept Islam, and neither threats, nor the torture that followed them shook her faith.

Childhood and adolescence

How does this name reflect on the character of the girl? Since childhood, Zlata has stood out among her peers for her seriousness and thoughtfulness, cunning and leprosy for her are the exception rather than the rule. At school, there are no problems with academic performance, but study is unlikely to ever be of paramount importance for a girl. There are four traits that make up the core of little Zlata's character:

  • Thoroughness.
  • Perseverance.
  • Ability to remain calm.
  • Responsible approach to business.

It is believed that the time of year in which the girl was destined to be born can in some way affect the meaning of the name, and Zlata, who was born in one season or another, will show some features inherent in all her namesakes more noticeably than others.

  • So, for winter Zlata, mobility, activity and, at the same time, emotional restraint are especially characteristic.
  • A child born in the summer, on the contrary, openly shows feelings, is sincere in words and actions, but not too confident in himself.
  • Spring gives Zlata a rich imagination and dreaminess, and often the girl likes to live in a colorful fantasy world much more than to return to gray reality.
  • Zlata, whose birthday falls on autumn, is impulsive, easily finds a common language with others, but inside she often suffers from loneliness until she finds a truly close person.

Growing up, a girl can become more emotional and frivolous and, therefore, give her parents a lot of worries. After all, if in the early years of the child, the father and mother did not experience any problems at all, then the teenage Gold sometimes needs to be kept from unjustified risk and rash actions. Zlata has more and more acquaintances, and this is not surprising.

Her character is distinguished by such a beautiful trait as sensitivity, so it is always pleasant to communicate with her. At the same time, she does not strive to be the center of a large company; she still feels best and most confident only in the circle of her closest friends.


What about romantic relationships? Do not forget what the literal meaning of the name is: for a girl, Zlata becomes not just a word in front of her surname - it leaves an indelible imprint on her fate. And this imprint is that inner "golden" radiance, which becomes brighter with age.

Zlata herself wants to please men, and therefore a woman with such a name usually does not suffer from a lack of admirers. However, she is often in no hurry to indicate the status of the relationship and prefers many short-lived romances to long ones. On one man, she, as a rule, stops the choice rather late, but in most cases marriage is strong.

Zlata's career has every chance of being more than successful. The main thing is that Zlata should be interested in what she does. Then she will fully show one of her most remarkable virtues - the desire to constantly develop and conquer all new heights.

The nature of Zlata allows her to occupy leadership positions, and using natural charm, she easily achieves from the right people the privileges she needs. As a rule, Zlata chooses an active job related to movement: meetings, travel or, possibly, physical exercise.