
Everything is done by the will of God. How to learn to understand the will of God in his life? Not an inquisitive mind, but a loving and humble heart

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Hello, dear visitors to the Orthodox island "Family and Vera"!

"Yes, there will be the will of yours, Yako in the sky and on the earth" - the words from the Lord of the prayer, which every believer Orthodox Christian should read every day. Often it is really for us just words that we mechanically solve every day. But here, the responsible moment comes in our life when they cease to be just words - and become the meaning of our life with you!

May the will of yours ... how to live in the will of God?

Live in the will of God - it means not to come into despair and despair from happening from sorrows and disasters, because everything that happens to us happens exclusively by the will of God, therefore, serves for our salvation.

To live by the will of God - it means all his hope and all their hope is to be placed exclusively on God, and not on the material savings and not on their friends.

As long as we think that no troubles are scared to us, since we have a lot of money that will save and break us out of any trouble - we live in our will, from that and tolerate the insurgency of the Spirit, uncertainty in tomorrow and endless Fears torping us.

The Lord said: "And so, do not take care of tomorrow, for tomorrow will take care of his; Pretty for every day of your care "(Matt.6: 34)

As long as we think that no troubles are scared to us, since we have many friends who save and help us out of any trouble - we live in your will. And since we do not know where and in what our salvation, then we go to your dear, which is not to salvation, but to death.

To live in the will of God, we, people, very hard, for we are used to please your flesh and funeral to our own. Got it right about us holy righteous John Kronstadsky:

"We only call the Lord - God, and in fact we have our gods, because the will of God do not create, and the will of his flesh of his and thinking, the will of his heart, his passions; Our gods are our flesh ... "

First we live in the will of ours, and then we serve: "Lord, Lord - save us, die!" We blame around people and circumstances in our troubles and misfortunes, at the time, as they themselves and are to blame for everyone, for we live in God, but in our will.

When a person completely gives himself in the hands of God, when he is not looking for his, but God, when life is building not in his desire and understand - but only the will of the Lord, the Lord does not blame in his suffering of other people, Since it knows that everything is sent to us by the Lord God for our very purification and salvation.

How to live by the will of God? It means not to make a reserves of material, but all his wealth is to disappear, and hope in this life is not for money, but on God. Do not think about tomorrow, do not build plans for further life, because a person suggests - and God raises.

The statements of the Rev. Siluan Athossky on how to live by the will of God:

"When there is no good mentors, then the will of God should be humbly. And then the Lord will manage us by His grace, for the Lord loves us so much that it is impossible to express.

For that we suffer that we do not have humility. In the humble soul he lives the Holy Spirit, and he gives the soul freedom, peace, love, bliss. Stress the humble spirit "This is a great science that will soon won't overcome."

The precious thing in the world is to know God and at least partly to intelligence his will. Having clarified the soul's god - in everything they should go to the will of God and live in front of him in fear and love. In love, because the Lord has love. In fear, because it should be afraid, no matter how bad it is inhaling God.

How do you know if you live in the will of God? - Here is a sign: if you are thinking about any thing, then it means not quite betrayed the will of God, although you can, perhaps, it seems that you live in the will of God.

Who lives by the will of God, he does not care about anything. And if he needs any thing, he and himself and the thing gives God; And if it does not get the desired thing, it still remains calm, as if it had it.

The soul, which indulged by the will of God, is not afraid of anything: neither thunderstorms, no robbers - nothing and no one. But no matter what happens - she says: "So God please" and if sick, "thinks:" So I need a disease, otherwise God would not give me her "

And so the world is preserved in the shower and body. When the soul was fully indulge in the will of God, then the Lord himself begins to lead it, and the soul directly learn from God, and before teachers and Scripture. But it rarely happens that the teacher of the soul his Lord himself will be his grace of the Holy Spirit, and few know about it, but only the one who lives by the will of God "

At the end, I would like the parable to show that trusting my life alone to God, we get ourselves good and salvation!

"The peasant who had a beautiful stallion was considered the richest man in his village. And everyone envied him. But when his horse went into the steppe and did not return, he stopped envied, and some even regretted him.But the old man did not suffer and was calm. He was asked:

- Why is there no sadness on your face?

"And I don't know, it's good, or bad," he answered.

But when his horse returned and led a herd of wild horses with her steppe, everyone began to envy him again.And only the old man was not happy and was calm.He was asked again:

- Why now you have no joy on your face?

"I am not given to know well this or bad - as the first time he answered them.

And when his son fell from an unnecessd horse and crushed his leg, some were sad, and they were happy with secret.But the peasant was calm.He was asked again, but he answered, as before.

The war began, and all guys were taken to the army, and his son did not take, everyone began to envy him again. Only the old man himself was not sad and did not rejoice, because all the Lord of the will. "

So let us and we, dear friends, will always live only by the will of God! And the Lord himself will manage our lives, which only in our eyes may seem complex and wisdom, in the eyes of God, our life path is just one sentence of world history.

"Do not collect a treasure on Earth, where mole and rhizes will be destroyed and where the thieves are dug and steal, but collecting treasures in the sky, where neither mol, no rza exterminate and where the thieves do not steal" (MF.6: 19-20) . These words mean that we must, first of all, collect wealth on the sky through good deeds, as they are necessary for salvation. These words are not forbidden to save money for housing or something else needed, these words of Divine call on all the life on the 2nd plan, and, first of all, take care of spiritual wealth, about their future fate.
Peace to you and God's blessing!


Will of God.

I do not close my eyes to the coming and coming ... And I try to be ready to be able to be able to say the psalm words: "Honey and not embarrassed" (Ps. 118, 60). The paths of the fishing of God for us are incomprehensible. We can not understand them. Therefore, with all humility I indulge in the will of God. In ledge yourself and everything in the will of God, we have a peace of my soul. I believe that everything is in the hands of God ... tea of \u200b\u200bthe life of the future ve-ka ... (prep. Nikon).

Do not worry a lot about the device of your destiny. Have only a steady desire for salvation and, giving God, wait for his help, until the time comes (prep. Amvrosy).

You rely on my advice and blessing about your marriage. But who am I and what I mean? I am unknown-sit the future - will you be happy in a marriage or not, and therefore I do not take to tell you decisively, but predicate the will of God. The will of God does not associate our self-balance, but takes place, looking at it - what is going on. There is the Will of God for False, and there is the will of God in the easiest, - and this last happens when we want to be necessarily the way we think it will be good for us. And when we give up in the will of God and we are not looking for what we want, and that he will be useful and useful to it, then in Sez there is the will of God - for the favor, useful and saving for us, and with the will of God, who's inevitable, inevitable and sadness (prep. Macarium).

In this world there is nothing permanent. Looking outside: it was raining in the morning, and at noon it is clear, and in the evening it's cold again. Then the wind, then quiet, then the thunderstorm, then the heat; So in our life - always be ready to follow the will of God, whether we like or not (prep. Anatoly).

Now there may be such cases: it is impossible to follow their will and not to ask anyone. How to do? You need to think about how the Lord would have acted in my meekness ... The commandments of God were and there is always the foundation of life ... Take the will of God (prep. Nikon).

If we fully rely on the will of God, then everything will be fine, and unpleasant will be accepted as the mustache. All that is done, leads to the salvation of our souls, and at the same time the great wisdom and depth is open. "Loving God all shave for good" (Rome 8, 28) (prep. Nikon).

Before doing anything, they are published and think, whether it will be reasonable and God (prep. Nikon).

Sincere desire to serve the Lord God and the presentation in full and all of themselves, and all, and everyone in the will of God, the world of God, even with the heart of the various sorry, and external, and internal, and internal, spiritual. "We pray to God about the removal of you, and together, repent of your will, like the will of sinful, will be sown. Prediate yourself, your soul and body, your circumstances, and real, and future, betray the closest hearts, the closest will of God, the Allweight and Will ... "Thank God! Thank God! For all than glory to God! From these wonderful, holy words receding dark thoughts, burden. Peace, comfort, joy come into the soul. Yes, there will be the will of yours, Lord! Thank God for everything! (prep. Nikon).

Pray in childish, in the simplicity of the heart about all the needs and sorrows of yours and give yourself to the will of God, for the Lord builds our salvation (prep. Nikon).

Believing in the baked person's fishing, I am afraid to direct my life in my deeper, because it dishes, how my own will brings grievances and hard men ... yes there will be the will of God, good and perfect! I am handing myself, and all my life, and everyone. The adoption of the will of God's world brings my heart ... (prep. Nikon).

There is a desire to go out in everything in the will of God, not by himself, in his deceit, have their own life. I believe that the Lord will send me exactly what you need and useful to me ... (prep. Nikon).

It is necessary to pray, but the Lord will indicate the way ... We will be able to mourn the Lord, and will save us and will help us in troubles and needs. I do not see any of the gibbons and hope. Human calculations and vanity, and erroneous. When you have to endure and hard anything, but you know that there is no own way here, it turns out the moral relief and the world of the soul. May Will of God! Yes, the Lord of the faith of our and devotion will be presented. One hope for God. Here is the solid foundation. The rest is all fragile, and especially in on-seam position. We do not know at all where it is better where it is worse and what awaits. Yes, there will be the will of God! .. I approximate the idea that we, the Inkas, renounced the world, now, although involuntarily, are conducting a peaceful life. So judged the state. Our business is to keep yourself in faith and obstacles yourself from all sin, and everything else is to give God (prep. Nikon).

The human pride says: We will do, we will achieve, and we begin to build the Babylonian Tower, we demand a report from the god in his actions, we wish to be managers of the Universe, we dream about the transcendent thrones - but no one will obey her, and a person's powerlessness is proven with all the evidence bitter experience. Observing the experience of this from the history and the ancient, long-lasting days, and modern, I come to the conclusion that the path of God's fishery is incomprehensible to us, we cannot understand them, and therefore it is necessary to indulge in all humility to indulge in the will of God (prep. Nikon) .

The article "On the Will of God" Bishop Ignatia teaches to submist the will of God. Know what is said in this article, it is necessary to every believer person, a personally - a monk or layman. To the great regret, for the most part you see and hear the circle of yourself and in myself Ropot, the unwillingness to submit to what the Lord sends, the requirement of a fair attitude and other without smart manifestations of opposition to the will of God. How big our weaves! How the weak is our faith! No matter how our business, why and why it is comprehended by one or another: it is necessary to know that this is the will of God, it is necessary to accept, and demand, so to speak, the god of the report - there is extreme madness and pride. So, everyone should: demand from ourselves (that is, to file yourself for doing) the fulfillment of the commandments and everything that other people with us do that without the assistance of people with us is committed - to consider God's righteous court for our benefit, our salvation and humbly all that To endure. It will be silent and bring our world in our hearts. Lord! Will be the will of Holy Your! Comprehension of the will of God is available clean in his life. They receive the gift of spiritual reasoning, and it is above all virtues (prep. Nikon).

Watching events and your life, and other people, with astounding clarity, you can see the intention of the arms. No caution and events could not have warn himself, for it was committed by the court of God. Someone blame. We need to mediate and endure. Otherwise immersing against God (prep. Nikon).

Throughout all and all with you, the will of God says, delivering you rich cases to capture, witness the Cape, in a word or the goodness of your direction to the Light of God, and not in search of a change in life with the usefulness of your spiritual work. To act first myself with a prayer for the path of salvation, then you will become a Christian, a meek silent example, which has an intention of others on the path of this (prep. Anatoly).

It would be difficult to live on Earth, if it was not exactly nico, who would help us understand about life ... But above us, the Lord Almighty himself, love itself ... Polo-Joy to the will of the Lord, and the Lord is not Predit you. Do not put in words, but by affairs ... because it was difficult to have become the life that people confused her all with their wisdom that instead of contacting the help of God, began to turn to their mind and one to rely on him ... Do not be afraid Grief, neither diseases, no suffering, no tests - all this visits to God, to you on the Paul ... (Pre. Anatoly).

We must be sure that the fishing of God is always industrial about us and arranges to benefit, although they are disgraced by cases (prep. Lev).

Wish you know about me, whether the excitement is missing, I can not quite satisfy the answer: I can only say that it is not visible on the outside, but according to the inside and secretly, I don't know anything - I don't know anything, just that I am sure that nothing can follow What is not the ass styt God, but when I wanted to send my sins for my sins - I must take it with an end, because it is not avoided by him (prep. Lev).

Where will the will of God, there are no fresh obstacles there (prep. Lev).

The merciful Lord fulfills and draws everything in his will and benefit from our, although apparently and opposed to us and the consequences. We will suffer from the premium Lord God, and let's see ... (prep. Lev).

Christ the Savior is our rivers about themselves: "I am not looking for my will, but the will of his father who sent me" (John 5, 30). And having in mind the bitter bowl of suffering, worship the knee, praying, Glazya: "My father! if possible, but the bowl of this booster passes; However, not as I want, but like you "(Wed: MF.26, 39). This is so wondered in you, hedgehog and in Christ Jesus. Looking at him, the head of faith, the patience of yes to the preclusive feat of us, strengthen themselves with a prayer media - Renal: by the will of your, Lord, so it will be about me! (prep. Moses).

According to the feeling of Christian love, the mild and cute cherrying, it is impossible not to make sure that it is not necessary. But whether the opportunity to fulfill the desired, I do not know. It remains to say: by the will of your, Lord, will be something or another. Separated everything is necessary to take, as from the hand of the Lord: Sorrow Lee - to patience, pleasant to thanksgiving (prep. Moses).

It is fair that we do not manage time, but it is us. And the actions should be based on the truth, which is constantly reading: if God is empty, create something or another at the proposal (prep. Moses).

Vintage people, though very simple, were, but a pogo-ward their very wise and solid. Do not live as well, but how God will lead (prep. Amvrosy).

As you like to solve your fate, a long time or death, give it all the best practices, only at any case, try to be in peaceful escortion, against all. Lord Sudde Nelice-Merry. At one time, it will judge all the redeference and will repay everyone for his affairs. And our main thing, while still in this life, to endure everything, humble and ask for the Lord's help and pardon, and will be good (prep. Amvrosy).

All-selling fishing of God always arranges about us what is more useful for us. We are of ignorance often straight to nasty. The Killer Correction threatened the murder, but it was said that it was not a pripe of this hour. One of the Lord knows how to make him arrange this villain, or they will not take it at all. Martyrs, indulging in the will of God, alone Umia-Raly martyrdom, and others were just dying in the dungeon. We will foresee and we are the will of God and the urban fishery of the Lord, but will arrange a good and saving and saving on us, I will have a well-known (prep. Amvrosy).

You write that you need a mother of Igumena: "You yourself do not know what the Lord or Fishery Boumi observes you." And you do not need to experience, but to indulge in the whole will of God, - as the Lord will have anything, so about us and yes arvel-IT (pre. Ambrose).

In one place prayed for the rain, and in the other - so that there was no rain, it turned out that God wanted (prep. Amvrosy).

Chudz! Combate the will of God, and the enemy will take away from you, embarrasing you ... Stay, where it will be in the church, and create a prayer to Jesus, like Mytar, and will help you state-pom (prep. Ambrose).

As for the rumors regarding the movement of you to another monastery: first, first, it is not rumored to have a lot of rumors, for the rumors most often have-sly false. And secondly, in this case, more disgrace the will of God. If the Vladyka will offer you, you can ask him to leave you in the same place. If, in addition to the proposal, the definition of the Holy Synod about your movement to another monastery will follow, then it should be unwound. But yes there will be a holy Will of God! Allbuggy the Lord knows that it is more useful for us; So I will arrange (prep. Joseph).

Let every innocent be justified not only before the bosses and before the God himself, who loves the righteous and sinful, and does not want the death of a sinful, but hedgehogs and live to visit him, and decisively all the man-century worship and go to the mind of truth to come. We will agree with Sew God's will. Remember the one who said: "Lord I am assistant, and not a good: what a person will create me" (Ps. 117, 6). Using on it, not exhausted. More I do not know what to tell you. Lord all-storey yes will arouse you in all of all the will of his will, good and well-framed, and perfect (prep. Moses).

Regarding your expected translation into the Pskov Mo-nine, I have already written you to more relied on the will of God. For it is just good and useful for us, which is according to the will of God (prep. Joseph).

Everyone needs to betray the will of God - and the separation of our. The Lord instructs us so as not to be flipped to the earthly, as if expensive, it seemed to seek to heaven, saving our souls. And all the earth will come on the ground ... just to save the soul, and the rest is all vigorously. Everything is changeable here. And our thoughts should be in God, in the future life. Earth will pass (prep. Nikon).

About about. M. I advise not boring the archpastor. Let God be the will in his face. The world is mentioned to us in the humility of the heart, and the pride with the satisfaction of the pride is not durable. Let them learn not to follow himititate, but in the rejection of his wisdom and will circumvent peace of mind (prep. Moses).


It is evil - theft seems to be completely unpleasant than the world fire. However, it is not afraid of conscience to invent and seek funds to curb this evil entrusted to you from God of people, for whom they will need to give before God's answer (prep. Anthony).


... "No need to bother, but better to rely on God." People are walking to the goads, who do not hope for mercy and the help of God, and they are looking for helping human or hope for any human calculations, and not on God and its omnipresentation and the omnipresent field (pred. Ambrose).

Saint Ignatius (Bryanchaninov)

Everything that expires from the Divine Will is accompanied by the Holy World, according to the experienced teaching of the Holy Fathers; On the contrary, everything accompanied by embarrassment has the beginning of his sin, at least in the outside and seemed to be the highest good.

For a Christian and the opposite wind, it is passing: the submission of the will of God prescribes it with the positions of the most painful, the very bitter ... who are not conserved storms of the life of the sea.

Rev. Pimen's Great said: "Will Human is a Copper Wall between God and Man ..."

Our will, in a state of fall, hostile will of God; She's blindness and, as of his hostility, it is constantly intensified to counteract the will of God ... In renunciation from his will to inherit the will of God, the renunciation of themselves, who has been protected by the Savior, constituting the necessary condition for salvation and Christian perfection, so much needed that without satisfaction The condition of salvation is impossible ... The will of God is open to humanity in the law of God, mainly, with special accuracy and detail, it is declared to us by the victims of God. As the extretion, it is acceptable to faith.

It should not be criticized by the will of God's will, and, having made due, the rest to provide God.

At one time, God will arrange everything; The best is to indulge his holy will and do not think about tomorrow, when there is no particularly thinking about him. And then many people live in future dreams and concerns with their own, and the present is released from the hands.

It is necessary to pray to God so that he makes his Holy Will over us, and not to persist in the selection of his, although she is good-merced.

Everything goes past, and good, and thin, and neither people nor demons can do what God will not become. Do not worry, but in the tranquility of the Spirit, disgrace the will of God. God knows what is creating, and everything that neither creates, creating his great goodness.

From the heart I wish, so that the merciful Lord arranged your circumstances well and to the temporary, and to the eternal good. We must indulge in the will of God and all the thoughts of non-defeat to humble, no matter how many times these thoughts do not restrain.

Igumen Nikon (Sparrow):

Do not worry about anything or anyone. Also themselves and each other, and all the stomach our Christ will convey. How often reminds us of the Holy Church about it. Naughty on the mercy of God.

I myself do not climb anywhere, but I would like to completely surrender to the will of God in everything, and in great, and in small. I advise you to implement the determination in the heart to surrender to the will of God, not to wish the mandatory performance of your will. Then you will be calm and hard. If you seek your will, you will always be in the disorder.

Do not chase for good marks, no opinion about yourself. Do all the strength of your own and conscience, and so much give to the will of God. This is the best way; He will give calm and the world of the soul, which is more expensive.

It is necessary for all the soul to facilitate the good will of God, saving us, loving who wants through small grief of earthly life to lead to Eternal Bliss, in glory Chad of God.

Not everything happens as we wish, but still the Lord leads all those who want to save to themselves, although not those may be ways that we would like. We will be submissive to the will of God and without Ropot to take everything from the hand of God all that he will send him.

Schig. John (Alekseev):

It is better for us to rely on the will of God and shy away from political chatter, for it is misting her head and is a little harness.

Older and gentle minds are no need to be afraid. We must rely firmly on the will of God and believe in his holy fishing.

Queen of Arseny (Cezhlyakakova):

The will of God not only needs to be taken, but it must be created, and for this, first of all, it should be known. She knows her soul, when the Lord opens his lord his will himself. He opens his soul to his soul when she goes to him right. This right thing consists mainly in the non-estate intention to fulfill the will of God, in perfect readiness to renounce his, in the steady determination to take everything that the Lord will send without any reasoning and self-excrave.

Do not strive to learn so hard to learn the will of God in your case, so as not to accept the will of God's warmth of my own heart. It is necessary to know and deeply know that our heart is so spoiled, it is praised by sin, our life is so confutable by our vices, is corrupted by the timely of our sining heart, which is not only to create the will of God or know it we cannot, but even act in us and in We do not admit our lives to the Allweight will of God. ... living in his passions live constantly in contrasting the will of God. And well, if he accepts what pops up to him to endure the Lord if he is humbled under it. Such a humble ducting for God's burden is a sign of a sinner of the smoking.

Without God, without his help and grace, a person cannot even get closer to the concept of good spiritual ... What can a person do? One thing - to decide under the will of God and in the humility of the Spirit to appeal to him: "We have, Lord, where you know, and help me to fulfill your will." And how easily, how saving saving along the way, where the Lord leads.

Is it possible to fulfill our petition and give peace and peace of life? We do not even know that it is useful for us what is harmful. But what we can see the help of God, His mercy to themselves is that he gives us to transfer unbearable with patience, with humility, with the submission of His Holy Will. This is the great mercy of God - and I see that she is performed over you. You make the fact that the human strength cannot be taken. You tolerate with humility and humility. Your heart does not harm against the culprit of mourn. Is God's help help you and strengthens your spirit? Just believe the Lord and betray him all. He is his own ways, to him one led, will lead to all, to peace and salvation. We will pray him, and his holy will take place over us!

God sees the life of a man in general ... and decides to be among the believers and saved, and this is not ... The definition of God is withdrawal from the human life; The life itself flows both on the declines of the militia, and on the effects of divine fishing and inside and outside ...

Saint Feofan Reasanizer

... always hope only for God, but never - per person. Then every evil will disappear from you like a severed branch.

Rev. Wronsonophogs Optina

Great Pimen said: "Our will have a copper wall between us and GodAnd does not give him to get close or contemplate his mercy. "We must always ask the Lord of the world of spiritual to be more convenient to fulfill the commandments of the Lord; For the Lord loves those who try to fulfill his will, and so they gain a great peace in God.

Rev. Siluan Athos

We are simple and with full trust God. Laying its future on God and His hope, we, in some way, we assign it to help us. Do you know how everything changes if you have trust in God? Have a god with your ally - is it joking? For God, there are no difficulty provisions, it is not difficult for him to find a way out of any situation. For God, everything is simple ...

Old man of Paisius Svyatogorets

... Do not rush to stretch in tomorrow, live today, today I learn from seeing the will of God for yourself at the moment, and not only see, but it is necessary to fulfill it, so you will live in the guidance of God. We must forget your "like it or not," you need to take God.

Archimandrite John Peastery

Willion of God Holy and Good. The fishery of God - how to know and see the will of God? - cutting off his will and hope for God - about everyday life -
About the benefits of small valence - the Holy Scripture on History on God

Willion of God Holy and Good. Fishing of God.

Rev. Anthony Great (251-356) He taught his students: "A truly smart person one has care, to obey and causing God in every way. That is the only thing that he does his soul his soul, as if to fraud to God, thanks to him for his good industry, in whatever the accidents in life. For inappropriate doctors and then, as they give us the pebble and unpleasant physician, not to thank the health of the body, and to God because of what seems not joyful to us, to remain not grateful, not understanding that everything happens on his industrial and on favor to us. In such a reason, and in such faith in God - salvation and peace of mind. "

Rev. Isaac Sirin (550) Writes: "If you once entered ourselves to the Lord, an average for your welfare and watching about you, then do not take care of anything about anything, but tell my soul:" One thing brings for me, who once betrayed his soul. I'm not here; He knows it. " - Then in fact you will see the wonders of God, you will see how God is close to delight the harmfuland how his fishery surrounds, albeit invisible. But because the keeper who stays with you should not be doubting him, as if he was not; For he often opens and bodily masses to complate you.

Those, in which the Light of Faith will reach, do not reach such a shamelessness, so that they ask God again in prayers: "Let us", or: "Take us," - and Nimalo do not care about themselves; Because the spiritual arts of faith seeily see the father's fishing, which the true father, who is immensely great love, exceeds all the deceic love, can and has the power to promote us to more extent than we ask, think and imagine .

Be sure that your keeper is always with you and what, together with other creatures, and you stand under a single dominion, which in a single manual leads everything in motion and everything arranges. Hold courageously and complate. Neither the demons nor delicate animals, nor vicious people can fulfill their will to harm you and the harm, if it does not allow this property of the ruling and will not give this place to a certain extent. Therefore, I'll tell my soul: "I have a keeper who protects me; And none of the creatures can be predetermined, unless there will be a command of over. If there is any of the Vladyka of My Vladyka that the sieves prevailing over the creation, then I take this, without upgrowing, as not the wisp, so that the will of the Lord I was left without execution. " Thus, in the temptations of yours, you will be filled with joy, as he hated and accurately aware that he managed and regains you, masterly fancy. So reinforce your heart to your belief on the Lord. "

Rev. Avva Dorofey Palestinian (620)writes what the Will of God is good: "God wants us to wish the will of his good.

Love each other, be compassionate, to create alms and the like, - this is the will of God's good. "

Saint Philaret, Moscow Metropolitan (1783-1867) writes that all the ways of the Lord mercy and truth, and teaches in all mournful circumstances and disasters to see the good fishery of God: "Poverty comes to people, illness, hunger, death: is it a lord? Where is the mercy? Sea's disasters comprehend many, evil and kind, without a noticeable analysis: Is it the Lord's path? Where is the truth? Evil natural from natural reasons is born, the natural means is often distinguished: where is the path of God? Do not notice how the perplexation of this kind is willingly inventy and preached by the people of this century, as if new discoveries, as if the knowledge of the laws of nature? Genuinely, there is no clean, sublime gaze to see the path of God in the affairs of nature, to open the mercy and the truth of the Lord through the mixing of innocence and guilt of human. And David Sie sees and long warns our late wise people, so that they do not make inappropriate exceptions from the laws and power how much all-bad, the same and comprehensive providence. WSI path of the Lord Grace and Truth(PS.24, 10).

The cast God is unconditioned, omnipresent and omnipotent, then there is no state of creatures in the universe, which would be unavailable, through which I would not lay any path of the Lord: there is no incident that would not be behaved through the Lord, however, so that the path The Lord never constrains the paths of freedom for moral creatures. The Language God the omnipresent and the manager also has the God of wisdom, righteous and all-grade, then all the actions of its holding, all the incidents of the world concerning the creatures of moral are underway so that everything is a means to good and the contamination of evil; so that what is called evil on an unpleasant feeling and destructive actions in the visible nature, this, so to speak The surface phenomenon of evil was his checker or antidote against the evil deeper and genuinewhich, which, bends on the abuse of freedom of creatures of moral, damages them internally and is made by the source of countless and infinite evil consequences, internal and external, if the paths are not supposed by the Lord's paths. All the ways of the Lordin seats and so called steps of anger(Ps.77, 50), or punitive actions of providence, and disasters, apparently randomly finding, apparently without parsing, the essence mercy and truth,related mainly by Co. collecting the covenant of his and testing it;- Truth, when the sinner is amazed and the multiplication of sins and the spread of sinful infection is warned; Truth when the righteous is saved in general disaster; Grace when sprusting is a sinner, in which or has already been initiated, or it is envisaged to arise repentance; The mercy and truth together, when a disaster that threatened many and comprehended not many, many are given to the knowledge of their sinful state and are initiated to correction.

Still audible and now audible communioners Zlav(Jobs.16, 2), (that is, such comforters who, thinking to console in evil, a false consolation produce a new evil) They say: be calm - a fighter disease is not anger and the punishment of God at all. So what is she, my friends? Is the favor and award from God? It is likely that such a reward would not have wished himself such a comforter; And it is true that we will not allow humanity to wish it for him.

When the ridge will seem in the chramine of a good father, who saw her will immediately think: it can be seen, there are guilty among children. The universe is the house of Heavenly Father. People, especially the children of faith, protects he more than the mother of their children (See: IS.49, 15). Public disaster, no doubt not a wreath, but Roga.So, when I see this row, I don't know how to think differently, like that earthly chad, we see, deserved punishment from the Father of Heaven.

If you think that disaster did not come by truth and the grace of the Lord, punishing evil and turning to good, then I ask: how did the disaster come to the world? Stooping? - It is impossible. God is omniscient. Forcibly? - It is impossible! God almighty. In the blind movement of the forces of nature? - It is impossible. They are managed by the God of Will and All Bolf. Where do not go with guesses, everywhere will be forced to return to one undeniable truth that, if a like something admitted to the world disaster, it is not otherwise allowed, unless the tool of providence, punish and correctional, and sometimes probative and more imagine, as the truth and the mercy of the Lord's paths. "

Rev. Makariya Optina (1788-1860)in one of the letters, he writes about solid faith in the fishery of God and about the tradition of himself and his loved ones in His Holy Will, - then all our perplexes are scattered, that God does not hear our prayers and does not help in the mournful circumstances comprehensible, etc. : "Beyond and embarrassment, disappointing you relate to you and your children not only in temporary life, but extend to eternity. You, although to get rid of inconveniences in life, resort to the means of material and ask God for sending you to you; Not getting soon, reach up to despair and despair. I suggest you what and you know: fate of God.unfair! fate your abyss(PS.35, 7), and your destinies, Lord, all over the Earth(PS.104, 7). And the apostle Paul exclaims: on the depth of wealth and wisdom and the mind of God! Who taught the mind of the Lord, or who is an adviser to him(Rome.11, 33-34)?

From this you can conclude that the fishing of God is above all of us, and even the bird does not fall without his will and the Vlas of our chapter will not die (see: Lk.21, 18).

And your real position is whether in the will of God? Believe firmly that God industries about you; Do not doubtYes, the word Scriptures will not come true for you: considest your fate of your face(Ps.9, 26).

But you ask and do not get that you are even more confused.

And as you know from the history of life of human and examples, before the eyes of our happening, what accidents people are affected: the family is sometimes deprived of his father, husband - wife, wife - a loved one, parents - the only beef son - all their hopes and joy; Children remain orphans, without charity; Other is deprived of all wealth, it is done by the beggar, another tolerates various misfortunes, grief diseases, deprived of honor and so on.

Whoever disposes of all this, as not The fishery of the Most High, burning every sorrow, by extent, strength and dispensationin order to punish it, or experience and strengthen his faith, or to protect against the fall?

Minimized by unfortunate, it was correctly requested to deliver and relieve mourn, but did not receive soon; and why? This knows the All-grade Creator and Springman of everyone. We know that he we demand the news, before the passages of our (MF.6, 8) and that he gives us good, what we do not expect from him; that he always has a pargolase assistant in the sorces.

One church teacher says: "The Lord, although invisible, but really close to us, so that you can hear all our sings and sue our help. He knows and sees all of our needs and misfortunes, and his loving heart is performed by goodness and readiness to help, which he was when he dwell on earth, full of grace and truth. But the Lord does not save me from misfortune for a long time! So, lover, but time and method of deliverance he put in his power».

Possess the same and you will be his holy will and pour your sorrow to him, with a psalmomy: the shedense of it is my prayer: sorrow my pretext of him. Aden to endange my spirit to my mind and you have learned this(Ps.141, 4). Adenses are unprecedented by my heart, from the end of the earth(Ps.60, 3). God we are refuge and strength, an assistant in the rabes who have gained yose(Ps.45, 2).

And expect from the harassment of his assistance in the sorces of yours; But if you do not receive the desired and asked for a long time, strengthen yourself with the foregoing reasoning; - And believe that it should be so, and not otherwise.

Maybe the sim tests your faith and the love of God or the selection of you could be not useful to you in moral or physical terms. Silen Lord console you and others, to him a single slave.

Sorrow, your, of course, is not forgotten before God, testing hearts and womb. If this is punishment, the sacred Scripture tells us: eagle loves the Lord, punishes, hesides the same son, the EGO(Proverbs.3, 12). And in the most sorrow is the mercy of God and gives spiritual consolation. Eduge your sorrows to the Lord, and that will give you(Ps.54, 23).

Do you think your son is more useful to always be with you, but who knows? And with you, if God is pop by, he can spoil, and on foreign hands - to be preserved without harm.

But, wherever your children, with you or in any institution, inspire Christian rules and entrust them to God and the intercession of the Mother of God ... "

On the definition of God, about his fishery and about the human militant in our life, it is written: "God sees the life of a person in general ... and decides to be among the believers and saved, and this is not to be ... The definition of God is withdrawal from the whole person's life; the life itself flows on the declines of the militol, and on the effects of divine fishing And inside and outside ... God does everything to enhance the person. If after all the care events he sees him not to correctly correct, then leaves him, as if by saying: "Well, there is nothing to do, stay." God does not want the death of a sinner; But the magnitude does not rape, and only it does to decline the magnitude on good. All this he foresides each, and as it foresees, it determines. "

That's what writes about it (1910-2006): « God does not have predestination for a person, but a person certainly is the creator to the Lord of his life.

And the Lord, looking around our life, sees whether we use the extension of life, for the benefit of our days, is there any hope for repentance.

There is no arbitrariness in life. And the state of our soul affects the deadlines of earthly life.

... life teaches life itself. But if we are consciously sin, then on others this sin will not fly. He, the other, is responsible for its own, and we are for your own.

Do not forget that we do not pawn in life, and the creators of God. "

ARSTEAR ARSENIY (Minin) (1823-1879)about the fishery of God in our life says: "There must be attentive and reverents to the ways of the fishery of God, through which our mind is educated by the light of truth, according to the word of the Lord: AZ EMS Way and Truth and Belly(In.14, 6). In the Holy Scripture, not everything is open to man, the limitations of his mind. The complete insight will receive a person in the transition to eternity. In real life, a person is open as much as he can accommodate and how much it is necessary for him, by the look at God, for this life in which he lives faith. At faith, it is, as on an unshakable foundation. "

Igumen Nikon Vorobiev (1894-1963)in one of the letters to his spiritual children writes: "You seem to be upset that years go. You are not arranged ... it's all from the world of this and from Prince it. He scares you. Your thoughts confuse, inspires all fears and lies, and lies without end, and this gives himself in all areas.

What is the essence of Christianity? In the fact that the Almighty, the omniscient Creator of the Universe so loves and regrets a person, so cares about him and about his salvation, which gave his son's only bearing for a shame, cross and death. Not only about humanity as a whole, but also about each person, the Lord cares, he takes him every minute in his own hand, protects him from the enemy of invisible and visible, and hesitate through people, and through the books and circumstances. If you need to punish a person for the inspection and fences from greater misfortune, it punishes with grace, and then, if a person can accept without harm, awards purely, as if sorry, which has punished. Who has several inner vision, he sees this amazing industrialism of God about a man and in great, and in small. Yes, and in fact: if God sacrificed the most expensive - the Son of his sacrifice for the sake of a person, - as the entire Universe can, for this victim. The Lord does not regret anything, especially for those who seek him, who tries to fulfill his Word, who defeats the heart of each made sin, as a violation of his will, as if inboting to him, ungratefulness and dislike him.

The coming to me is not outlined! The Lord rejoices about each who stretches to him, immeasurably more than the mother about the love of her child to her.

That is why do not be afraid of the future. God is with us today and tomorrow, and forever. Fear only offend him with some sin. If, by gentlementers, we fall into anything wrong - we will show, and the Lord will forgive us, you don't only need to consciously choose an evil (sin), justify yourself, rapid on God. Do not be afraid of anything. Dare, laid all the grief, bewilderment, fears, resentment from demons and people to the Lord, and he wants and knows how to free you from them when it will be useful to you.

Do not believe yourself and people. Believe in the word of God, the Gospel. Life, experience learning the Gospel. Life in Christ will give you such completeness, such an understanding of everything, the joy of spiritual, hardness - that the life of worldly people will seem (as it is in fact) an insignificant, uninteresting, poor, miserable, vulnerable, full of small degrity, trouble, and often Great Sorrow. "

(1910-2006) He writes about the blessing fishery of God in our lives (from letters to worldly and spiritual persons): "God has no forgotten people, and the fishery of God's ties of all. And the world rules God, only God, and no one else

God does not advise anyone and the report does not give anyone. One is no doubt that all he does is benefit for us, one good, one love.

... it is possible to change and only one of your inner man, who is already so many years in the church, and also did not start to believe that the world rules the fishery of God ...

Learn to thank God for everything. And with gratitude to take from his hands and days of prosperity, and the days of mournful. AND the basis of our consolation is that the fishe of God rules the world ...

God and in the city, in the village, and in Russia, and abroad - one. And the fishe of God is building the fate of the peoples and every person separately ...

Life is now difficult, a squall of frightening information looses the already fragile equilibrium. So that these from the enemy excited storms we did not react so painfully it is necessary to firmly believe that God rules the world, and try, Eliko, it is possible to live according to the commandments of God.

Faith, saving person, not only faith in existence in heaven and in distraction - God ... no, faith is a real humility to the living God on Earth, unconditional confidence in its entirety his revelation, Aspiration and follow the specified paths and interpretation of decisively in the glory of God. "

How to know and see the will of God?

(1788-1860) In one of the letters, writes: "Ask, how to do everything in your will and how to know and see the will of God? The will of God is visible in his commandments,which we should try to perform when handling your neighbors, and in case of non-fulfillment and crime, bring repentance. Our will is debauchered, and it is always necessary to agree on the execution of the will of God, and help him is needed. "

Archimandrite John (Peastery) (1910-2006) He writes in his letter: "... all of them, everything from him, all to him" - and live. And now by the end of life, I testify to me that there is no better and faithful path, how to live in the will of God. And the will of God is so clear to us the circumstances of life. "

Cutting off his will and hope for God

"The most valuable thing is to learn yourself to betray the whole Will of God"

Archimandrite John (Peastery)

Saint John Zlatoust (347-407):"Looking at and you, brother, when anything will suddenly fall and handle you, do not resort to people and do not rely on human assistance, but, leaving all the people, your thoughts for the doctor. Hearts can only heave the one who created our hearts and knows our things; He can enter our conscience, touch the heart and console the soul.

If he does not console our hearts, then human consolations will be useless and in vain; As well as, on the contrary, when God calms down and comforts, then let people be a thousand times to bother us, they are not able to hurt us at all, because when he strengthens his heart, then no one can shake him. "

Rev. Isaac Sirin (550): "As soon, the person will revive all the visible help and human hope and with faith and a clean heart will follow God, immediately follow him grace and opens his power to his various abs combat. At first, it opens in this visible on the body, and provides him with an industrialism about him, so that in this one could easier he could firm the strength of God's fishery.In obvious assistance, he is assured in help and in the intimate - in the reasoning of which grace opens before him the intricacies of thoughts and thoughts of difficult, as a result of which they are easily shared by the importance of them, mutual communication and charm of them, and how they are born from each other - and Run soul. At the same time, grace will be posted before the eyes of his whole zelokosnosis of demons and, as it were, the finger indicates that he would have suffered if he had not recognized this. Then his idea is born that every thing, small and great, should be in prayer to scold at the creator of his.

When the grace of God will approve his thoughts, so that he fell in all of this for God, then little in the face begins to enter temptations. And grace burns so that they sent the temptations to him, respectively, to bring them to man. And in the temptation, it is noticeably approaching him to help him, so that he will be gradually gradually, and will acquire wisdom, and in harvesting on God will be despised their enemies. For to manage to a person in spiritual struggles, to know his satisfier, to sense his God and to be able to adversely in faith in it, it is impossible otherwise as soon as the test it is aged ".

Rev. Avva Dorofey Palestinian (620): "Nothing brings such benefit to people as a clipping of their will, and this person succeeds more than any other virtue.

Only then a person sees the immaculate path of God, when will leave his will. When he obeyed his will, then he does not see that the path of God is immaculate, and if he hears some instruction, immediately blows and denies it.

Clearing its will - this is a real battle with you, before bloodshed, and to achieve this person must work to death. "

Rev. Old man of Paisius (Velichkovsky) (1722-1794): "The holy fathers cared for the current day; About tomorrow, regarding all things and needs, care for God, betraying the soul and body in the hands of the Lord and the body, and he himself grows about their lives and takes care of any need. Eveling to the Lord sadness, and that accompanies(Ps.54, 23); Only they alone be under greatly busy; For he always hears the day and night that appeal to him; Especially looks at the incessant prayer for them. If we ourselves care about ourselves, God does not care about us; If you are second, then God does not intermit for us; If they are released from diseases themselves, God does not heal us.

If someone does not indulge ourselves on God - and in the necessary bodily needs and in any sorrow will not speak: "How to God please" - Can not be saved ... When I get sick, we approach the wounds, or we are approaching and dying, or tolerate the lack of needed needs and have no one, who would have pardon us; And if you say: "How God wants, so it will create with us," then the devil will be taken and defeated this one, our enemy. "

Old man of Moses, Archimandrite Bryansk White Coast Desert (1772-1848)said that in everything we have to seek the help of God, and not hope for yourself, and in everything resort to God.

To all sorts of adventure circumstances and talk to everyone in all sorts of adventure circumstances. that will be the will of God.

So the father instructed his chad and was always alone in peace by spiritual, without embarrassment, and the brotherhood learning to always be resting in everything in the will of God and stayed in the world and peace of mind and there were not confused about the world, but everyone would not have imagined the will of God .

Saint Feofan Relator (1815-1894) writes about renunciation from his will: "The beginning of all sins - in the disobedience of the first person by the command of God-king, and now that there is every sin, as not the fruit of inconsistency. Ask why the jealous of piety is inspired most? From the side of his will. Is the holy devotees mainly armed against? Against his will. What prevents a sin man to leave sin and turn to God - on the path of truth? Persistence and corruption of their will. How therefore should be benevolently destroy, or at least, to derive this an evil in us - her will, crush this ivy iron(IS.48, 4)! (Vying - neck; here: Highlight). But what and how it is more convenient for this? No more, as obedience, renunciation from his will, legend himself will be another ... "

About ledge himself in the will of God, saint Feofan Writes: "When things go from the heart, life is living here ... And when she is dedicated to the Lord, then she is Divine: For then God is acting in you. Having informed about yourself and your fate, you decide: budi Wola God. No wisdom of such a solution. Who is in the heart, right as in a quiet shelter, Although before the eyes of a growing sea of \u200b\u200bthe world ... Keep your smoke of your life, and the waves will not sweep you, splashes only eat a little.

Keep so: always belong to the Lord.It requires a lot: in thoughts always carry the Lord; In the heart - always have a feeling for the Lord; In the will - everything done to do for the Lord. Three items, but such that all in themselves combine, hug every life. "

Rev. Makariya Optina(1788-1860): "Faith is not only consisting in order to believe that there is God, but also in his peaceful fishery, managing his own and all for the benefit of arranging; times and deadlines father put in his power(Acts 1, 7) and each of us the limit of life has defined the existence of our life, so that neither the bird will not fall to the ground without the will of your father, no hair from your head will not be disappeared (see MF.10, 29; LK.21 , eighteen)".

A man who has such faith sees in all of God, relies on him, looking for help from him and defend him, loves him and tries in everything to be pleasing him. Sin has no power over such a person, because most of which he is afraid, it is a removal of his God from the Lord.

Rev. Wrovonoff Optina (1845-1913):

« Notponed on the prince, on the sons of man, in Nhee, bent salvation "(PS.145, 3). ... always hope only for God, but never - per person. Then every evil will disappear from you like a severed branch. "

Rev. Siluan Athos (1866-1938): « Great Good - To go to the will of God. In the soul then one Lord, And there is no other thought, and she pursuant to God praying with his mind, and God feels, although he suffers from the body.

When the soul fully indulged in the will of God, then the Lord himself begins to lead it, and the soul directly learn from God, and before teachers and Scripture.

The proud does not want to live by the will of God: he likes to manage himself; And does not understand what is missing from a man of mind without God to control themselves. And I, when I lived in peace and did not know the Lord and His Holy Spirit, did not know how the Lord loves us, relied on his mind; But when the Holy Spirit I knew the Lord of our Jesus Christ, the Son of God, then my soul indulged in God, and everything that happens to my sorrowful, I accept and say: "Lord looks at me; What should I be afraid of? " And before I could not live like that.

To those who looked in the will of God, to live much easier, because both in the disease, and in poverty, and in the persecution he thinks: "So God please, and my sins need to endure."

The best thing is to indulge in the will of God and carry sorrow with hope; Lord, seeing our grief, too much will never give. If the grief seems to us with great, it means that we did not betray the will of God.

Who betrayed the will of God, he does not grieve about anything, at least he was sick, and poor, and drive. The soul knows that the Lord is graciously stricken about us.

Great Pimen. said: "Our will have a copper wall between us and God,and does not allow him to get close or contemplate his mercy. "

We must always ask the Lord of the world of spiritual to be more convenient to fulfill the commandments of the Lord; For the Lord loves those who try to fulfill his will, and so they gain a great peace in God.

Performed by the will of the Lord is satisfied with everyoneAlthough he is also poor and, perhaps, sick and suffers, because his grace of God is having fun. And who is unhappy with his fate, wops on the disease or on someone who offended, let him know that he is in a proud spirit, who took away his gratitude to God.

But if, then, they do not lose, but try to firmly believe in the Lord and ask him a humble spirit; And when the humble spirit of God comes to you, you will love him and you will be alone, although there will be grief.

The soul, tightened humility, always remembers God and thinks:

"God created me; He suffered for me; He forgives me sins and comforts me; He feeds me and takes care of me. So what cares me about myself, or what should I be afraid, even if death threatened me. "

All soul, which indulged in the will of God, the Lord instructs, for he said: "Call me on the day of the sorrow of yours; And I will get rid of you, and you will glorify me "(Ps.49, 15).

Every soul, embarrassed by something, should be a question of the Lord, and the Lord is empty. But it is mainly in the hour of trouble and embarrassment, and so usually you need to ask the confessor, because it is humble.

All people on Earth inevitably bear sorrow; And although it is small, those sorrow that the Lord sends us, but people they seem unbearable and crush them , and this is because they do not want to humble their soul and go to the will of God. And who betrayed the will of God, the Lord himself leads his grace, and they courageously transfer everything for God for whom they loved and with which they are glorified forever.

The Lord gave the Holy Spirit to Earth, and in whom he lives, he feels heaven in himself.

Maybe you will say: Why is there no such grace with me? Because you have not betrayed the will of God, but you live in your own.

Look at someone who loves their will. He never has the world in the soul and is always unhappy: it is not so, it's not good. And who completely betrayed the will of God, he has a pure prayer, his soul loves the Lord, and he is nice and nice.

It is always necessary to pray that the Lord enjoyed what to do, and the Lord will not leave us to be mistaken.

Adam was not wise to ask the Lord about the fruit, which was given Eva, and therefore lost heaven.

David did not ask the Lord: "Will it be good if I take myself a Wen's wife?", And fell in the sin of murder and adultery.

So all the saints that were sinned, sinned because they did not call God to help to ensee them. Rev. Seraphim Sarovsky said: "When I spoke from my mind, I had mistakes."

So, only the Lord Ogelessly, we can all whoever be, we must pray to God about the trimming and ask the spiritual father so that there are no mistakes.

The Spirit of God teaches in different ways: one is silent alone, in the desert; another prays for people; other is called to the mouth of the verbal herd of Christ; Another one is given to preach or console the suffering; Other serves the neighbor from his works or estates - and all these are the gifts of the Holy Spirit, and all in different degrees: to whom on thirty, to someone at sixty, to whom to a hundred (MK.4, 20). "

Sofronius (Sakharov) (1896-1993): "In the act of rejection of your will and reason for the sake of staying in the ways of the Will of God, superior to any human wisdom, a Christian, in essence, is repeated from anything else, as soon as from passionate, self-profile (egoistic), and his little non-fertilous umishk-reason, and Topics show and genuine wisdom, and a rare power of the will of a special, higher order. "

Old man of Paisius Svyatogorets (1924-1994) He speaks of his hope for the will of God like this: "We are simple and with full trust God. Laying its future on God and His hope, we, in some way, we assign it to help us.

Do you know how everything changes if you have trust in God? Have a god with your ally - is it joking? For God, there are no difficulty provisions, it is not difficult for him to find a way out of any situation. For God, everything is simple. It does not use much power for supernatural and smaller - for the natural one and the same power he applies in everything. If only a person rushed to him - that's the most important thing.

If we humbly ask for the grace of God, then God will help».

Archimandrite John (Peastery) (1910-2006) About the will of God in our life writes (from letters to worldly and spiritual persons): « Will Of God's God, so that we, living on Earth, learned to know God and with joy and desire to follow the will of God - the only saving and filling life with true content.

And a person can do any job - from the most insignificant to the greatest - and to save it or die.

You will live for God, for God's sake and glory to God - that's the salvation, That's true, and not the ephemeral meaning of life ...

... From our side, it is necessary and important to have an inner spiritual aspiration to the wishes to fulfill the will of God in life. And believe me, the sincerity of our feelings, the Lord enables and justifies. He, in addition to our understanding and comprehension, will behave in the life of our serpent Lodder with his hard hand.

I am 91 years old, and now I have been testifying to myself, and others that the Lord knows our intimate, and in the faith of our and the desire for the truth rules our life, often doctors and correcting the fact that by ignorance and misunderstanding can prevent the execution of the will of God in our life ...

We will pray that our creature is tuned from the Lord, everything that will send. And we need hope and faith, but again we will wait for the wrong grace, but with the hope and faith, we will take it that the Lord leads us to exactly that the end of which is saving the soul and peace in the Lord ...

... over time and experience you will understand that the benefit for us only is what is accomplished by the will of God.Read the spiritual books, the lives of the saints. Start with Dostoevsky. Read and comprehend. "

About everyday life

"So, if you drink, or other what you do, do everything in the glory of God" (1 Cor.10, 31)

« Zhvi. not as you want, but how God makes»

Archimandrite John (Peastery)

Saint Feofan Relator (1815-1894) writes: "Needs and care are really destroyed for a spiritual building, but this destructive power can be traveled by legend yourself in the will of God. It does not mean that folding his hands, sit and wait for God to give, but - invent ways and use them in business, successful to give God's arrangement

All everyday affairs are one decision to adapt them to one to the need, and not to the detriment of them to lead them.

Economic cases They may only unhappy standing on prayer, and the rational of the inner prayer can not excuse. The Lord is not much pleased, but at least a little, but from the heart. "

Archimandrite John (Peastery) (1910-2006) In his letters writes: "The Lord always leads us exactly to our ways, he can not be mistaken And knows what we do not know about ourselves, and therefore our presentation of fearing happiness or misfortune does not correspond to the truth. There are people, for all human standards absolutely unfortunate, one thirty years lies without movement, but God for us God all happiness in which he lives.

It is necessary to pray and thank the Lord, learning to endure and humble, and for this you need to learn primarily to endure yourself . So we will live, suffer and sometimes through the suffering to feel the intimacy of the Lord. And it is difficult to live everyday life.It is necessary to work, teach yourself to pray. Without posting the whole day before icons, and the memory of God in the usual business of everyday care, briefly, easily and even riding the Lord: "Lord, Homes, Lord, forgive."

Try to live in the presence of the guardian angel - and you will see how he is all arranged. Be more closest to yourself and turning. About the execution of all rules do not burn. Furnished - thank God! Did not fulfill - sorry, Lord! Disable everything not only with the requirements, but also with your well-being physical and spiritual. Our savior save us, and not our feats and works.

So go on to live: in moderation work, I will pray in moderate, and your loved ones will be saved ...

About the benefits of small vander

Archimandrite John (Peastery)(1910-2006): "Many people think that living in faith and do the will of God is very difficult. In fact, it is very easy. It is worth only to pay attention to the little things, on trifles and try not to sin in the smallest and easy business. This is the easiest and easy way to enter the spiritual world and get closer to God.

Usually, a person thinks that the Creator requires very big deeds from him, the most extreme selflessness, all the humiliation of his personality. The man is so frightened by these thoughts, which begins to get to get closer to God, hides from God, as he sinned Adam, and does not even delve into the Word of God. "I don't care," he thinks, "I can't do anything for God and for my soul, I will be better as a sideline from the spiritual world, I will not think about eternal life, about God, and I will live as living."

At the entrance to the religious region, there exists a "hypnosis of big cases": it is necessary to do some kind of big deal - or none. And people do not make anything for God and for their soul. Surprisingly: the more the person is devoted to the trifles of life, the less period in the trifles wants to be honest, clean, faithful to God. Meanwhile, every person who wants to approach the kingdom of God, through the right attitude towards small things.

"Waning to get closer" - here it is precisely the whole difficulty of the religious paths of man. Usually he wants to enter the kingdom of God completely for itself unexpectedly, magically wonderful or - right, through some kind of feat. But neither one nor another is true finding the highest world.

It is not magically wonderfully a person comes to God, remaining alien on earth the interests of the kingdom of God, it does not buy the values \u200b\u200bof the kingdom of God with any external actions with its own. Actions are needed for good grafting to the person of the life of the Higher, the psychology of Heaven, the will of the Light, the desires of the good, the heart of a fair and clean, love of non-estatery. It is through small, daily actions that can all be hurt and rooted in a person.

Small good deeds are water on a human personality flower. It is not necessary to pour the flower of water to the water that requires water. You can pour half a cup, and this will be enough to have great importance to life. At all, it is not necessary for a person hungry or a long time to eat halfway bread - enough to eat halftant, and its body will come.

... I would like to stop the close attention of any person on very small, very lungs for him and, however, extremely necessary things.

Who moves one of the small few of the Cold Water Book, in the name of the student, truly telling you, will not lose their awards(Mf.10, 42). In this word, the Lord is the highest expression of the importance of small good. Water bowl is a bit. Palestine during the Savior's times was not the desert, as in our days, she was a blooming, irrigated country, and the water bowl therefore was a very small value, but, of course, almost valuable at the time when people traveled mostly on foot ...

If people were wise, they would all silent on a small and very light deal for them, through which they could get an eternal treasure. The great salvation of people is that they can hurt to the trunk of the eternal tree of life through the most insignificant cuttings - the deed of good. Good ... The smallest can make a huge effect. That is why it is not necessary to neglect the trifles in good and tell yourself: "I can't do a great good - I will not take care of any kind of good."

... Truly, small good is more necessary, in the world, than great. Without a lot of people live, they will not live nearly. Mankind dies not from lack of great good, but from the lack of small good. Great good is only the roof, built on the walls - bricks of small good.

So, small, the easiest good left the Creator on Earth to create a person, taking on all the great. Our small Creator creates his great, for the Lord is our Creator, from nothing that created everything, especially since the great one can create a great one. But the very movement is opposed by air and earth. Anyone, even the most small and light good, opposes the Human Kossiness. The Savior revealed this cosiness in his short parable: And no one, being the old wine, does not want to immediately young, for says: old better(LK.5, 39). Anyone who lives in the world is attached to the usual and familiar. A person got used to evil - he considers him his normal, natural state, and good it seems to him with something unnatural, shye, for him unbearable. If a person is accustomed to good, he already does it because it is necessary to do, but because he can't do not do, as a person can not breathe, but the bird is not flying.

A good mind is strengthened and comforts himself above all. And this is not at all egoism, as some unfairly claim, no, it is a true expression of disinterested good when it carries the highest spiritual joy to the one who does it. Good True is always deep and clean comforting the one who connects his soul with him. It is impossible not to rejoice, coming out of the gloomy dungeon in the sun, to pure greens and fragrance of flowers ... This is the only ineister joy - the joy of good, the joy of the kingdom of God. And in this joy there will be a person saved from evil, it will live from God forever.

For a person who has not experienced effective good, it seems sometimes like in vain torment, no one needs ... There is a state of incorrect rest, from which it is difficult to go out. It is difficult to get a child to the child from the womb, it is difficult to get out of his small senses and thoughts to make it possible to deliver selfish benefit to yourself and cannot be taped to care about a friend, nothing connected with him.

This is the belief that the old, well-known and habitual state is always better than the new, unknown, inherent in any unreasonable person. Only began to increase, jogging on the path of Alkania and the thirst for the truth of Christ and spiritual impoverishment cease to regret their cosiness, the immobility of the warmed dreams mined in the life and life of the warm dreams ... It is difficult for humanity from the usual one. This is partly in part, maybe it saves from rash audacity and evil. The stability of the legs in the swamp sometimes interferes with a person to rush head into the abyss. But more often it happens that the swamp prevents a person to climb the mountain of the cornition or at least to reach the strong earth obedience to the Word of God ...

Through small, with the greatest ease, the man done most of all gets used to good and begins to serve it reluctantly, but from the heart, sincerely, and through it more and more in the atmosphere of good, letters the roots of his life in the new soil of good. The roots of human life are easily adapting to this soil of good and soon can no longer live without it ... so the person is saved: the great thing happens. The correct in small turns out to be true in the Great.

Because I now sing a hymn not good, and his insignificance, his littleness. And not only I can't reproach you that you are in good things are engaged only with trifles and do not carry any great self-sacrifice, but, on the contrary, I ask you not to think about any great self-sacrifice and in no way neglected in good things. Please, if you want, come to indescribable rage on some special occasion, but do not be angry with the trifles on your brother in vain (see: MF.5, 22).

Invent in the desired case, what kind of ridiculous lie, but do not speak in everyday life everyday life to your neighbor. Fucking this, but try to execute it, and you will see what will come of it. Leave aside all the reasoning: permanently or inappropriate to kill millions of people - women, children and old people; Try to show your moral feeling in a trifle: do not kill the identities of your nearby or a word, nor a hint or gesture.

After all, good has and keep yourself from evil ...

And here, in trifles, you can easily and conveniently do a lot for yourself. It is difficult to stand on prayer at night. But in the morning, - if you can't at home, then at least when you go to your place of work and your thought is free, - Sponder our "Father", and let your heart respond to this brief prayer. And overnight, crossing, betray yourself from the bottom of my heart in the hands of the Heavenly Father ... It's quite easy ... and serve, feed the water to anyone who will need, serve a bowl, filled with the easiest participation to any person in need of him. This water in every place is whole rivers - do not be afraid, it does not look at, draw each of the cup.

The wonderful path of "small affairs", I sing to you anthem! Enjoy, people, themselves, rejoice in small affairs of good - chain of small, simple, lungs, nothing you have worthy of good feelings, thoughts, words and deeds.

Let's leave a big and difficult, it for those who love him, and for us who have not yet loved the big, the Lord gracefully prepared, poured everywhere, like water and air, small love. "

Holy Scripture on the Field of God and about b. Help on God.

"I know, Lord that not in the will of man the path of him that is not in the power of going to give the direction of his footsteps"(Ier.10, 23)

"Learn your business to the Lord, and your businesses are committed"(Proverb.16, 3)

"We hope for the Lord with all your heart, and do not rely on your mind. In all ways you know him, and he will send your luckee "(Proverbs.3, 5-6).

"The Blessed person, who imposes his hope for the Lord and does not appeal to the proud and to the evading lies" (Ps.39, 5);

"Eveling sorrow to the Lord" (Ps.54, 23);

"I hope for God, is not a good, what does a person create me?"(Ps.55, 12);

"Only my soul calms down in God: my salvation from him. Only he is my stronghold, my salvation, my asylum: I will not shake more. How do you lean on a person? You will be out, all of you, as the leaning wall, as the fence shameless "(Ps.61, 2-4);

"We hope for him at all time; Pour your heart before him: God's refuge.

Human sons - only fuss; sons of husbands - lie; If we put them on the scales, all of them are easier than emptiness " (Ps.61, 9-10).

"All concerns will be laid on it, for he has been baked about you"(1 Pet.5, 7)

"We hope for the Lord with all your heart, and do not rely on your mind. In all ways you know him, and he will send your luckee "
(Prov. 3: 5-6)

Believers are well understood that God has the will for them, but usually they fear do not notice, skip it. I remember what a huge number of funny stories I had to hear in the adolescence about how to know the will of God. How many people were very mistaken, believing that Gideon's methods, a lot or a calm heart are the most verified.

Here is one of these bright examples. On communication, one preacher told how he found his wife. He asked God to do so that when he comes to church and suggests a certain song to sing a duet, that Sister, who agrees, and there is his narrowed. So it turned out. And that sister was even a dream that her fiance was the one who will suggest her sing just that song. Here is such a bright story. We were delighted - for us it was the top of spirituality. We were not good, that this is the top of human subjectivity, weak spirituality, openness for self-deception and even Satanic lies that God descends (yes, God can do it) to such a level for their children. Then we were young and did not understand much. Now I look back and see how many mistakes were made by many comrades through such a "handicraft" way of knowledge of the Wolley of God.

1. The Lord has his will for us

God himself is interested in performed his will. Let's remember at least a well-known prayer "Our Father": "... May will be the will of yours and on earth, as in heaven." He gave his will not to be done. The God of the Lord of the whole world and wants the world to follow his desires. It is necessary to emphasize the fact that God has the will personally for you. But without the personal knowledge of God, without peace with him, without real relationship with him - it is impossible to understand his will.

2. The source of the Wolley of God

Will of God is available to all people. Not only a handful of especially spiritual and dedicated to her husbands. It is open in God's book - Bible.

First, the Will of God regarding moral nature has solved clearly and clearly. For example, the Ten Commandments, the relationship of her husband and wife, etc.

Secondly, from Scripture, we remove the principles for various life situations. Based on these principles, life solutions must be taken.

3. Cognition of the will of God

First, you need to have a desire to fulfill the will of God. For example, a story with the Israeli people and the Prophet Jeremiah: did they need to go to Egypt or not? Although people also said that they would fulfill the will of God, but they wished her to be the same as they had, therefore they did not conquer (Ier. 42-43 ch.)

Even, it is necessary to understand that the will of God is always concrete, however, God brings up our faith and opens us everything gradually. It also means that we need to move forward in the knowledge of God. That is why it is worth collecting information and ask questions, studying the Bible, listening to mature people, noticing circumstances ...

God always gives the necessary amount of information for the adoption of the right decisions. Therefore, reflecting on alternative options, you should not bring everything to the absurdity and make a mathematical calculation. But it is important to fill the mind to God's word and keep a clean heart. Cannot rely on feelings.

4. God's leadership

We often ask the wrong questions to God, seeking to know His will. For example: with whom to create a family to work, where to work or where to live. Yes, these questions are quite fair, but they are not the main, they are minor. It is precisely because we miss the main questions from the type and send our mind to the secondary, we do not receive answers to either those or others.

God has already opened his will, we just want to hear the other. After all, when the Lord accepted us in her family, he had a certain mission and a goal for us.

The knowledge of the will of God is carried out by the inductive method, that is, from the total to the private - we are doing what is open in Scripture, and God sends us to the right channel, solving such questions as: where to work with whom to create a family where to live and t . p. If I do not fulfill the open will of God, then I should not be hoped to solve the rest of your life.

There are many things that do not require the search for the will of God, but imply that we will use these ability to our creator. For example, healthy logic. Or just - what do we like more. For example, what kind of car to buy - white or red, rud or BMW.

"The firm food is characteristic of perfect, whose feelings are accustomed to distinguish between good and evil" (Heb. 5:14).

It is necessary to subordinate all the spheres of your life to God, and begin to learn to apply and know the will of God.

In a good way friend! God is already waiting for you in your future. He has his will for you. You personally!