
French expressions with transcription. Beautiful french words and phrases with translation


In Russian, more than 2000 French words that we use almost every day, without even suspecting their ideologically wrong roots. And, if we gave the fifth republic at least one word - "Bistro" (thanks to the Cossacks who came to Montmartre in 1814 and drank all the stocks of champagne: "Tashchi quickly! To whom I said? Quickly, your mother!"), That they took them much more. The reason for the most likely, the incredible popularity of French in the XVIII-XIX centuries. Even the guardian not saved for the purity of the Russian language, Dane Vladimir Dal. With the attache, lampshades and cough (Cache-nez, by the way - to hide the nose) - everything is clear, but did you know, for example, what the words "turn" and "Fairy" are also French?

Duty - from De Jour: Assigned to some day. For example, classic French, visible to tourists in a multitude of cafes and Bistro Plat de Jour - "Dish of the day", we have turned into a "duty dish"

Steering wheel, steering - from Rouler: Ride, rotate. There is nothing to explain here. Roulet, yes, from here.

Nightmare - Caucchemar: Comes from two words - Staroofranzuz Chaucher - "Press" and Flemish Mare - "Ghost". Here is such a ghost coming at night, which loves gently leaning up for sleeping. "

Blinds - from Jalouse (Jalousie): Envy, jealousy. With this word among Russians never folded. Most stubbornly make an emphasis on "a" instead of "and". The etymology of the word is quite simple: so that the neighbors do not envy, the French just lowered the blinds. In a wide Russian nature, such subtleties of the mental organization were not peculiar, so we simply built a fence higher, but pouch.

Blowjob - MINETTE: Nature. Well, how without him! The French have a steady expression "make a cat", but it means exactly the opposite than in Russian - literally "make a cunnilingus." It would be possible to assume that the word happened from MINET - Kitten M.R., that would only sound this "MINE", although who knows how they read our ancestors.

Coat - Paletot: almost no longer used in France definition of upper men's clothing: warm, wide, with a collar or hood. Anachronism, so to speak.

POOMURK - from Toujour: always. Just daily, "always" clothes.

Cartuz - from Cartouche: Literally "Cartridge". Actually, in the meaning of the "pouch with gunpowder", this word appeared in Russia in 1696, but "turned" into the headdress only in the 19th century unknown science way.

Kalosh - Galoche: shoes on a wooden sole. The most unloved word V. Daly. He offered to call them "mocostups", but did not fit, did not fit. Although, here, in St. Petersburg, probably, not without the efforts of the same Dal, the French word border is stubbornly called the "Grebid" - although even this word has Dutch roots. But we are not about it now. By the way, Galoche - there is another value in French: a kiss of passionate. Think what you want.

Sutuk - from SurtOut: on top of everything. Oh, do not ask, we do not know and do not wear. But yes, once the surpetuk was really top clothing.

Cap - from Chapeau: It happened from Staroofranzuzy Chape - the lid.

Panama - Panama: no need to explain. But that's what is surprising, Paris is often called Paname, although there were no local residents in such heads, it was not observed on the streets.

Masterpiece - from Chef d'œuvre: Master of his business.

Chauffeur - Chauffeur: Original Kochegar, Power. Wood throws up. But it was a long time, even before the appearance of internal combustion engines. And by the way…

Ushoffe - from the same word Chauffer: warm, warm up. It was stuck in Russia, thanks to the French governors who did not mind to slam the Ryumashki-other. The pretext of "under" is a purely Russian, often used when designating the state: under a degree, under the hops. Or ... "Heated", if you want. And, continuing the topic of alcohol ...

Kiri, squint - from KIR: an aperitif of white wine and a sweet weathered berry syrup, most often the currant, black or peach. They, with unusual, can really be quickly "squinting", especially if not limited to one or two cups, and in the old Russian tradition, start abuse as it should be.

Aventure - Aventure: Adventure. In French, it does not carry a negative shade, what the word has acquired in Russian, like, actually, and ...

Scam - from à Faire: (To) do, do it. In general, just do something useful. And not what you thought.

Stop - from Mur: Wall. That is, literally "close in the wall". The winged phrase "inspired, demons!" It could hardly exist in the times of John the Terrible, but to appear in the XVII century, thanks to Peter the first one - quite as the word ...

Work - from Raboter: rub, grind, strict, engage, in short, manual labor. What is strange, until the 17th century, such a word in Russian texts was not really used. Do not forget, it was during the times of Peter the first to Russia really came many architects, engineers and artisans from countries of Western Europe. Yes, what is there to say, it was in Paris-sample that St. Petersburg was conceived. They designed, the Russians "worked." It is impossible to forget that many talented and sleeve guys, by order of the same Peter, went to study the craft to other countries and could well "capture" a word with them to their homeland.

Dozen - Douzaine: Well, twelve, as it is.

Equiva - from Equivoque: ambiguous. No, well, really, you could not even seriously think that such a strange word appeared in Russian just like that, from nothing to do?

Barak - Baraque: shack. From the general word Barrio - clay. And this is not the invention of NEP times.

Throwing out Anthrash - from Entrechat: borrowed from Latin, and means weave, braid, fly away, cross. According to a serious academic dictionary, Anthrash - in the classic ballet dance of the race of a jump-shaking jump, when the legs of the dancer quickly cross in the air.

Rule - from Retif: Strike. It seems one of the oldest borrowed words from the French language. Probably, in times Yaroslavna.

Vinaigrette - Vinaigrette: vinegar sauce, traditional refueling for salads. To our traditional dish of beets, acidic cabbage and boiled potatoes having no relationship. For the French, in general, such a combination of products seems to be almost fatal, as if they are delighted, and from the traditional Russian Borsche or, say Kvass (how can you drink this nastyness?).

Sausis - from Saucisse, like, actually, and shrimp - from Crevette. Well, about the broth, in general, it seems, it makes no sense. Meanwhile, Bouillon - "Decoration," comes from the word Bolir - "boil". Yeah.

Soup - Soupe: Borrowing from French in the XVIII century, which occurred from the Latin Suppa - "a piece of bread, dipped in gravy." About canned food? - From Concerver - "save". About the word "sauce" to speak in general meaningless.

Cotletta - Côtelette, which in turn is formed from Côte - edge. The fact is that in Russia they used to mean the word of the cutlet a dish of chopped meat, and the French indicate them a piece of meat on the bone, or rather pork (or lamb) on the rib.

Tomato - from Pomme d'or: Golden Apple. Why was this phrase in Russia, the story is silent. In France itself, tomatoes are called trite - tomatoes.

Compote - from Componere: fold, compose, composing, if you want. That is, collect together a bunch of all sorts of fruit.

By the way, the phraseological "not in its plate", literal, but not too correct translation of the phrase Ne Pas Etre Dans Son Assiette. The fact is that Assiette is not only a plate from which they eat, but the basis, the location of the Spirit. So, in the original, this phrase meant "not in the spirit, not in the mood."

Restaurant - Restaurant: literally "restoring". There is a legend that in 1765, a certain bunge, the owner of the Parisian Tavern, posted on the doors of his just an open establishment a call inscription: "Come to me, and I will restore your strength." Tavern Bulang, where they fed tasty and relatively cheap, soon became a fashionable place. As often happens with fashionable places, the institution received a special name from the regulars, understandable only to the initiate: "Tomorrow we will meet again in the restoring!". By the way, the first restaurant in Russia "Slavic Bazaar" was opened in 1872 and, unlike the Tractors, there were more than tritely drowned.

Disposal - from Courage: courage, courage. A courage in Russian also acquired not quite obvious meaning. Meanwhile, in the prefix, suffix and ending, the word began to mean, actually, which was meant: to deprive someone confidence, courage, lead to a state of confusion.

Shower - from Toucher: touch, touch. Mmm ... I think, once a long time ago, decent girls were blunt and confused, stewed, so to speak when especially arrogant young people grabbed them for knees and other parts of the body.

Trick - Truc: thing, thing, whose name cannot remember. Well ... it ... like him ...

Routine - from Route, Routine: Road, path, and formed by Routine: skill, usability. And you, often walking on the same way, from work to home and vice versa, did not bother the urokomin? Maybe everything will throw, and go to downsifting ( english word - Now not about him)?

Keychain - BRELOQUE: Suspension on a chain for hours.

Furniture - MEUBLE: Literally what moves, you can move, transfer to another place, in the counterweight immeuble - real estate. Thanks again, Petra is the first for the possibility of not indicating that it is from the items that is available in your real estate, such as the same French: Bureau, Chiffonier, Truma, Wardrobe or Stool.

Va-Bank - from VA Banque: Literally "Bank is coming." The expression that was used by players in the card when they suddenly began to "pass" sharply. Therefore, "Go Wa-Bank" and then a risk, hoping that you can get a lot.

Klauza - from Clause: contract condition, article agreement. How the blushes acquired such a negative meaning - it is difficult to say how and why ...

District - Rayon: Ray. Became a place on the map, not the source of light.

Marley - from Marly: Thin fabric, by the name of the village of Marli, now - Marli-le-Rua (Marly-Le-Roi), where they first produced.

Debah - Débauche: Spoogue, breaking, rampant.

Galimati - from Galimatias: confusion, nonsense. There is a wonderful story that there was a certain lawyer who had to be defended in the court of the client named Mathieu, who was stolen by a rooster. At that time, the meeting was carried out exclusively in Latin, a lawyer, like any Frenchman who spelling in another language, pronounced speech unbelievable, bitchily, and managed to confuse the words in places. Instead of "Gallus Matias" - Cock Mathieu, said "Galli Matias" - that is, the Mathieu Roosha (Mathieu, belonging to the rooster).

And several stories that you probably know:

Shantrap - from Chantera Pas: Literally - Sing will not. They say, the case was a century in the XVIII in the estate of Count Sheremetyeva, known to the creation of the first fortress theater in Russia. Of course, the future opera diva and "divov" were gained from local Matren dames. The procedure for creating future praskov pearls occurred as follows: French (less than more than Italian) The teacher was collected by the peasants for listening, and if the Big Brown Bear passed the ear, confidently stated - Chantera Pas!

Swal - from Cheval: Horse. Also on the legend, retreating French troops, strongly fastened with harsh Russian winter and tortured by partisans (also, by the way, the French word), greatly starved. The horsepower, which and now in France is considered a delicacy, it became almost the only source of food. For the Russians, who were still the memory of the Tatar-Mongola, there was a conine was completely unacceptable, so hearing the French word Cheval - a horse, they did not find anything smarter than to assign this name in a derogatory sense and its consumers.

Sharmery - from Cher AMI: dear friend. And again the bike about the war of 1812. The French-deserters wandered around the villages and weighs, staring at least a piece of food. Of course, they were missed in full, referring to Russian natives is not otherwise as "dear friend." Well, how else could the peasants chrish the unfortunate semi-maritious creature, dressed in the hell knows what? That's right - a charmage. By the way, the stable Idiome of "Sher with Masherochka" also appeared from Cher et Ma Cher.

But the word "puzzle" appeared on the reverse translation of the word Cassetete - from Casse: Breaking and TETE - head. That is, literally.

These are just fifty familiar to us since childhood. And how many of them are all - you can't even imagine! Only - TSSS! "Don't tell satirika-historian Zadornov, and then, you never know what he comes up."

The French language is deservedly considered the most sensory language of the world - in its everyday a few hundred verbs denoting the emotions and feelings of various kinds. The lyric melodiousness of the Horl sound "P" and the sophisticated accuracy of "le" give a special charm language.


French words used in Russian are called gallicism, they firmly entered the Russian-speaking conversation with a large number of words and derivatives from them, similar in meaning or, on the contrary, only on sound.

The pronunciation of French words differs from the Slavic presence of thorny and nasal sounds, for example, "an" and "he" are pronounced by passing the sound through the nasal cavity, and the sound "en" through the bottom of the front wall of the throat. Also for this language is characterized by the emphasis on the last syllable of words and soft hissing sounds, as in the word "brochure" and "jelly". Another indicator of gallicism is the presence in the word of suffixes -Ag, -ar, -ness (plume, massage, Boudois, monarchism). These subtleties already allowed to understand how unique and diverse official language France.

Abundance of french words in Slavic languages

Few people guess that the "subway", "Bagazh", "Balance" and "Politics" is the originally French words borrowed by other languages, beautiful "veil" and "nuance" too. According to some data, about two thousand gallisisms are used every day in the post-Soviet space. Clothing items (pantalonons, cuffs, vest, pliers, overalls), military topics (dugout, patrol, trench), shopping case (advance, credit, kiosk and regime) and, of course. The colors of the beauty of the word (manicure, cologne, boa, pensne) are all gallicizms.

Moreover, some words are consonant with rumor, but have a distant or different meaning. For example:

  • Sutuk is the subject of a male wardrobe, and literally means "on top of everything".
  • Buffet - we have it festive table, the French is just fork.
  • Pijon is a sick-haired young man, and Pijon in France is a pigeon.
  • Solitaire - from French "patience", we have this card game.
  • Bevel (view of the air cake) - a beautiful French word meaning a kiss.
  • Vinaigrette (vegetable salad), Vigerre is just a vinegar from the French.
  • Dessert - Initially, this word in France said cleaning from the table, and much later - the last dish, after which is cleaned.

Language of love

Tet-a tete (meeting one for one), Randevo (date), Visazavi (on the contrary) - these are words and immigrants from France. Amor (love) is a beautiful French word, so many times exciting the minds of the Beloved. The stunning language of romance, tenderness and adorations, whose melodic murmur will not leave anyone indifferent.

The classic "same TEM" is used to designate strong, all-consuming love, and if they add "Biana" to these words - then the meaning will change: it will mean "I like you."

Peak popularity

French words in Russian for the first time began to appear during the times of Peter the Great, and since the end of the eighteenth century, they significantly move their native speech aside. French became the leading language of the highest society. All correspondence (especially love) was carried out exclusively on french, beautiful long tirades filled banquet halls and negotiation rooms. At the courtyard of Emperor Alexander, the third was considered a shame (Movetona - Nepreaty) not to know the franc language, the stigma of the magician immediately hung, so the French teachers enjoyed in great demand.

The situation has changed due to the novel in verses "Evgeny Onegin", in which the author Alexander Sergeevich did a very subtle, writing a monologue-letter Tatyana to Onegin, in Russian (although he thought in French, being Russians, as historians say.) He returned this. Former glory native language.

Popular phrases in French

Comilfo translated from French means "as it should", that is, something made by Comilfo - made in all the rules and wishes.

  • CE LA VI! - A very famous phrase, meaning "such life".
  • The same Tam - the worldwide glory brought singer Lara Fabian in the song "Je T'aime!" - I love you.
  • Fer Famm - Also, all the famous "Looking for a woman"
  • A La Ger, com Her - "In War, as in War." Words from a song that Boyarsky sang in the popular film of all the time "Three Musketeers".
  • Bon Mo is a sharp little word.
  • Feson de Parl - manner talk.
  • Ki Famme Vyu - Die Le Vyo - "What a woman wants, God wants."
  • Anthor Well Saoo Di - between us is said.

The history of the emergence of several words

All the famous word "Marmalad" is an articraft "Marie Est Malade" - Marie Pain.

In the Middle Ages, Stuart suffered from marine sickness during trips and refused food. Personal physician prescribed her slices of oranges with peel, densely sprinkled with sugar, and the cook-Frenchman prepared brazers from Quince to excite the appetite. If these two dishes ordered in the kitchen, they immediately whispered between the courts: "Marie Porost!" (Marie Ey Malad).

Shantrap - a word denoting loafers, sleepwear, also came from France. Children who did not have a musical hearing and good vocal data were not taken to the church choir singer ("Chantra Pas" - not sings), so they walked out without the streets, punching and having fun. They were asked: "Why idle?" In response: "Chantrap".

Ushoffe - (Chauffe - heating, heater) with the prefix sub-, that is, heated, under the influence of heat, accepted for "warming up". Beautiful french word, and the meaning is the opposite.

By the way, everyone knows why it was so called? But this is a French name, also a handbag, too, from there - Ridicul. Shamo - translated as "hat", and "klyak" is akin to slap. The hat folded with a slap is a folding cylinder, what a harmful old woman wore.

The silhouette is the last name of the Finance Controller at the court of Louis Fifteenth, who was famous for his burden for luxury and diverse spending. The treasury was very quickly empty and to correct the situation, the king appointed a young unlikely Etienne Silhouette, who immediately forbade all the guys, balls and peers. Everything became gray and dim, and the fashion model arising in the same time on an image of the outlining of the subject of dark color on a white background - in honor of the minister-socks.

Beautiful French words diverse your speech

Recently, the tattoos from the words stopped being only English and Japanese (as the fashion dictated), and more often began to come across French, with some of them with an interesting meaning.

French is considered quite complicated, having many nuances and details. To know it well, you need to learn more often for more than one year, but for the use of several winged and beautiful phrases it's not obligatory. Two or three words inserted at the right time in a conversation will divert your vocabulary and make speech in French emotional and alive.

NB! Words are read on the basis of reading rules in French. Where there are exceptions, I spent pronouncedie.

  1. Prestidigitateur. (Focuscript, illusionist).
  2. Abasourdir. (Stun, stunning) - This verb is difficult to pronounce even Francophones, because the tendency to say it through the sound "C", but it is correct to pronounce it through the sound "s" (I remember the rule: if "s" is located between two vowels, then it is spinning! ).
  3. Carrousel (Carousel) - here is the same rule as with the verb abasourdir. Send "Carrael".
  4. Autochton. (Native resident, native) - Send "Otokto" (at the end of the word nasal "O")
  5. Anticonstitutionnelement (Anti-constitutional) is the adverb and it is the longest in French.
  6. Exsangue. (Bloomless, Pale, Malokrovnaya) - Since this word begins with the EXT console, then I want to pronounce it through the sound "s". However, after the prefix there is a base of SANG (blood) and the letter "S" gives the sound "C". Therefore, to correctly pronounce "Exang".
  7. Ananas. (Pineapple) - I really want to have a habit of pronounce "C" at the end. But in French the letter "s" at the end of the word is not read! We say "Anan".
  8. Groin. (Row, face, muzzle)
  9. SerruRerie. (Flooring, plumbing workshop) - In this word, come across a fluent "e", which falls on pronunciation. Of course it is difficult to say "SerruR'rie".
  10. Accueillir. (Take, meet) - the combination of letters I and two L in French gives the sound "th". For some, it is very difficult to pronounce this verb (Akyyir).
  11. Gabegie. (confusion, confusion, mess) - Here we also meet with a runaway "e". Correctly pronounce this word " gab.gie.».
  12. Aujourd.HUI (Today)
  13. Coquelicot. (Mak samography)
  14. Entendre (hear, listen, listen) - In this word, two nasal sound "A". If the uncertain form of this verb is not so difficult to pronounce, then there may be difficulties in the conversation. For example: TU M'Tends? -Je ne T'entems PAS!
  15. Statisticien.(statistician)
  16. Magnat. (Magnate, rare) - Of course, we remember the rule that the combination of letters "GN" gives the sound "n", but not in this case. Correctly pronounce»
  17. Pugnace. (Drash, combat, combal) - the same trend as in the previous word - everyone strives to comply with the rule, however, is pronounced the sound "g" - " pUG.nASS.»
  18. Oignon. (onions, bulbs) - the tendency to pronounce "Ouanion" (she herself suffer from this), because the "O" + "I" rule gives the sound "UA" firmly sits in the head. Meanwhile, in this word, the letter I "I" is simply used to mitigate the combination of letters "GN", so it is necessary to say " onion».
  19. R.é Bellion. (rebellion, rebellion)
  20. Gageure. (bet, mortgage, challenge) - general rule The combination of letters "EU" is pronounced " œ "However, in this word" E "serves to give the letter" G "the sound of" F ", so it is non-prone. Correctly pronounce this word " gajure."Through the sound" u ".
  21. Gen.è SE (Genesis, Genesis, Origin) - I want to pronounce this Word "Wise", but the spelling of this word should be observed and the "Jonsez" correctly.
  22. Bouilloire. (kettle, boiler) - too many vowel sounds in a row "Buyuar".
  23. Quincaillerie. (Hardware, brass goods) - a combination of nasal and yotatated sounds.
  24. MilleFeuille (Yarrow, still so called "Napoleon" cake) - you need to remember that in the word "Mille" the sound "L", and in the word "Feuille" the combination of letters "ILL" gives the sound "th". Correctly pronounce "Milf."
  25. Enthousiasme (Inspiring, delight, enthusiasm) - Very often, this word is pronounced as "Antousiazme" or how in Russian two sounds "z" - "Antouziazme", but correctly say "Antouziasme" (through the sound "C" at the end of the word).

Is your word in the list? Write to us in the comments, what words in French are difficult to pronounce you!))

If you know how to know the reading rules, train the diction with the help of spearpails and exercises, take into account exceptions from the rules, then all the difficulties will cease to be such. The main thing in speech is the skill. And the more you speak French, the less difficulties will be experienced. And our teachers will help you in this - come to us we will gladly take you under your wing and select an individual phonetic course for you, which will not only benefit you, but also pleasure.

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Any study of a foreign language helps in development, career and can significantly strengthen your social status. This is an excellent brain training that allows you to save a common mind and memory at any age. French is considered a rich and analytical language, structuring the idea and developing a critical mind, during negotiations and discussions, the main phrases in French will serve you a good service.

Do you need to know them

Knowledge of everyday phrases is required not only for tourists: French - insanely beautiful, melodic and inspiring language. People who know the story cannot remain indifferent to France and her heroes, in the desire to join her culture, many have a desire to explore the language of her people. Hence the massive passion for these languages \u200b\u200bof lovers and poets, which was told Maupassan, Voltaire and, of course, Dumas.

French enters the six of the official languages \u200b\u200bof the United Nations, it is spoken in 33 countries of the world (including Haiti and some African countries). For a long time, the knowledge of French is considered a good tone, this is the language of diplomats and just educated and cultural people. The main phrases in this language sounds at international symposia and scientific congresses.

Where will be suitable

If you wish to work in France, the knowledge of the language will be simply necessary. Many large French corporations work in Russia, if you start a career in them, then knowledge french phrases At the initial level will help the employee Renault or Bonduelel, Peugeot, as well as the cosmetic leader "L" ORAL ".

Many make a decision to come to France for permanent residence, and knowledge of French in this case is necessary as air. Due to lack of ownership, there may be misunderstanding, new acquaintances and the expansion of the circle of communication are impossible, even conflict situations are possible. This interferes with the well-being of those who wish to arrange their lives in France. English in this country in a small post, therefore knowledge of French is necessary, at least at the minimum level. The French are a very proud nation, and from everyone who comes here to live, they require a valid attitude to language and culture. Ignorance of everyday simple phrases can hurt the local people to the depths of the soul.

Another passionate dream of many of our compatriots is to obtain higher education in France. This country offers many options for learning, including on a budget basis. And again - where without language? As soon as difficulties arise with the translation on the exam - you may refuse to enroll in the university. Some French universities accept applicants without exams, only on the results of the interview in French. That is why it is so important to know the language if you wish to study in the country.

French universities are usually coming a year before the start of the school year, that is, the preparatory process can take a fairly long time, there is an opportunity to learn French well, and the earlier you start your training, the better you show the result on entrance tests.



In RussianIn FrenchPronunciation
Please (answer to thanks)Je vous en prieHAVE VVYAN PR
Thank youMerci.MERSI
Please (request)S'il Vous Plaît.Sile Wu Ple.
ByeAu RevoirO Rebuar
UntilA Bientôt.And Biento
Do you speak Russian?Parlez-Vous ......... Russe?Parle-Wu ......... RUS?
…in English?... anglais?... angle?
…French?... Français?... France?
I do not speak French.Je Ne Parle Pas ...... Français.Helica Parl Pa ...... France
I do not understandJE NE Comprends PasHeld Nya compress PA
Mr., Mrs. ...Monsieur, Madame ...Mesyo, Madame ...
Help me please.Aidez-Moi, S'il Vous Plaît.Edue Mua, Sile Wu Ple
I need…J'ai Besoin De ...Hue Boezen
Slower pleasePlus Lentement, S'il Vous PlaîtPlate Lianstman, Sil Wu Ple
I'm from RussiaJe Viens de russieZheen to Ryusi
We are from RussiaNous venons de russieWell, Veneon de Ryusi
Where are the toilets?Où Sont Les Toilettes?Have a dream toilet?


In RussianIn FrenchPronunciation
Where is…?Où SE TROUUVE ...?At Syu Dr. ...?
A restaurantLe Restaurant.Le Rastoran
ScoreLe Magasin.La Magazan
MuseumLe Musée.Le Myus
StreetLa Rue.La Ruu
AreaLa Place.La dance
The airportL'AéroportLyaeather
Railway station railway stationLa Gare.La Gar.
Bus stationLa Gare RoutièreLa Gar Rutier
BusLe Bus.Le Bus
TramLe TramLE TRAM
A trainLe Train.Le Trench
A trainLe Train.Le Trench
MetroLe Métro.Le Metro.
TaxiLe Taxi.La Taxi
CarLa Voiture.La voiaur
DepartureLe Départ.Le Depar
LeftA Gauche.And Gauche
RightA Droite.And Drurat
StraightTout Droit.TU Dru
TicketLe Billet.Le Beye
In RussianIn FrenchPronunciation
How much does it cost?COMBIEN çA COûTE?Commin sa kut?
I wanted to buy / order ...Je Voudrais Acheter / Commander ...Woodre Ashte / Comm ...
You have…?Avez-vous ...?Ave Wu?
Do you accept credit cards?Acceptez-vous Les Cartes de Crédit?Axpete Wu le cards to credits?
I take itJe Le Prends.LE PRAN
BreakfastLe Petit DéjeunerLE PET DEZHENNE
DinnerLe DéjeunerLe Dezhёne
DinnerLe DînerLe Dina
The check, pleaseL'Addition, S'il Vous PlaîtLyadyson, Sil Wu Pwe
BreadDu Pain.Du Peng.
CoffeeDu café.Du cafe
TeaDu thé.Du ote
WineDu vin.Du Van
BeerDe La Bière.Before La Bier.
The juiceDu jusDu Zhu
WaterDe l'Eau.To Lo
SaltDu selDu Sel.
PepperDu Poivre.Du Puavr.
MeatDe La ViandeTo la vyand
BeefDu Boeuf.Du Beth
PorkDu Porc.Du Por.
BirdDe la volailleTo La Volai
A fishDu poissonDu Puason
VegetablesDes légumes.DE Lemiem
FruitsDes Fruits.De Frui
Ice creamUNE GLACE.Yun Glyas