
What is spelling in Russian rule. Moscow State University Press

Decorative Cultures for Garden

58. Principles of Russian spelling, orphogram

ORFography - the system of spelling rules. The main sections of spelling:

  • writing morphemes in different parts of speech,
  • fusion, separate and defisid writing words
  • consumption of capital and lowercase letters,
  • hyphenation.

Principles of Russian spelling. The leading principle of Russian spelling is the morphological principle, the essence of which is that the Morphem common for the kindred words retain a single design on the letter, and in speech they may vary depending on the phonetic conditions. This principle is used for all morphemes: roots, consoles, suffixes and endings.

Also, based on the morphological principle, a uniform writing of words belonging to a certain grammatical form is issued. For example, b (soft sign) formal sign infinitive.

The second principle of Russian spelling is a phonetic writing, i.e. Words are written as they hear. An example is the spelling of the prefixes on the Z-C (Intangular - Restless) or a change in the root initial and on the prefixes ending on the consonant (play).

There is also a differentiating spelling (Wed: burn (souche.) - Ozheg (verb.)) And traditional writing (letter and after letters w, sh, c - live, sew).

Orfogram is a case of choice when 1, 2 or more different writing is possible. It is also a writing corresponding to the rules of spelling.

The spelling rule is the rule spelling rule of the Russian language, how many writing should be selected depending on the language conditions.

59. Used capital and lowercase letters.

cursive letter

lowercase letter

- Write at the beginning of the offer, paragraph, text (I want to go walk. When I do lessons, I will go to the street.)
- Writing at the beginning of a direct speech (she said: "Please come," please ".)
- He is written by the middle and in the end of the word (Mom, Russia).
- Writing the middle of the sentence, if the word does not represent the name of his own or some name (he arrived late at night).
Written from a capital letterFrom the lowercase letters are written

Names of institutions and organizations, incl. international ( The State Duma, United Nations),
- names of countries and administrative-territorial units (United Kingdom, United States, Moscow region),
- names, patronymic and surnames (Ivanov Ivan Ivanovich)
- the names of historical events and, holidays are their own): March 8, the Great Patriotic War.

- Names of ranks, title (Lieutenant Popov),
- Words of comrade, citizen Mr., Mr., etc. (Mr. Brown, Citizen Petrov)

60. Word Transfer Rules

  1. Words are transferred by syllables (ma-ma, ba-ra-ban),
  2. It is impossible to separate the consonants from the subsequent vowel (ge-ro "y),
  3. You can not retard on the string or transfer part of the syllable (Pu-Stuck, Pus-True - right; empty yak (incorrectly),
  4. It is impossible to leave on the line or transfer one vowel, even if it is a whole syllable (anal-mia - right; A-on-Mi-I is wrong),
  5. It is impossible to tear b (soft sign) and b (solid sign) from the previous consonant (rolling, mini),
  6. The letter and does not come off from the prevish vowel (heaven-he),
  7. With a combination of several consonants, transference options (CE-CE, SES-TRA, SEST-RA) are possible; In such cases, such a transfer is preferred in which morphemes do not understand (under-press).

61. The spelling of the vowels is rooted.

If the voice is in the root, it stands in a weak (unstressed) position, then the problem arises the problem of choice, which letter should be written.

  1. If you can choose a related word or change the word so that this vowel is under an emphasis, then such a vowel is called checked. For example, pillars - one hundred "LB; reconcile (friends) - Mi" r.
  2. If the unstressed vowels can not be checked with an emphasis, then such vowels are called unverified, and the spelling of words with such vowels should be stored or check by spelling dictionary (CATO "FEL, ELCSI" P).
  3. In Russian, there are a number of roots with alternating vowels. As a rule, the vowel is written under the stress, which hears; The choice of letters in an unstressed position depends on certain conditions:
  • from the stroke:

Gar Mountains: Under the stress is written a (ZAGA "R, Razi" R), without emphasis - o (Zagora "Lya, prigor? Н), exceptions: you are" Garca, and "Zgar, with" Gar;

Zaror: without emphasis is written a (glow "of Central Asia, Ozari"), under the emphasis - which hears (ZO "Ryka, for" Revo), the exception: Zorava ";

Clan-clon: without emphasising is written about (pre-clone "with the locations", under the stress - which hears (KLA "to nail, appeal" H);

Creaters: without emphasis is written about (creating ", the creature" Nie), under the stress - what he heard (yours "Rty and TV" ry), the exception: the "creature;

  • from subsequent letters or combinations of letters:

Caskos: If in the root it follows, it is necessary, then it is written about (kosn ", touched" the "Nie), in other cases is written a (casal", casia);

Lag lodges: Before r is written a (apply, adjective), it is written about (app, suggest), exceptions: by "log;

Rasp- (-) - Ros: Around Art and I am written a (grow ", Nara" Pitch), before with written about (for "Rosl, you" grew), exceptions: about "Trasl, Rosto" k, you "Ros-current, Rostov" to. Rosto "in;

Skak-Skop: Before K is written a (Skak "T), before h is written about (you" smoke), exceptions: jump "K, jump";

  • From the presence or absence after the root of the suffix -a-:

Viros-, -Dero, -mer-Mir, - Picture, -Ter, -Benect,-Bliste, -Gegigue, -Hell, became, - Cheat: in front of the suffix - It is written and (collision "q, ignition" T, flooring "TD), in other cases it is written e (bleak, zozh" whose), exceptions; combined "th, combined"

Roots with alternation A (I) - to them (in): in front of the suffix - is written by them (in) (zamina ", clamping" T), in other cases is written a (I) (deputy "b, jazle") ;

  • from the value:

McCloc: -Mak- Used in the value "Immerse into a liquid, to do wet" (poppy "of bread in milk), -Mo - in the value of" flowing liquid "(the wet boots);

Equal: -stolvn - used in the value "equal, the same, along" (fuel "), -ovn - in the value" smooth, straight, smooth "(" RO-Venya, Zingry ");

  • - Plot - floating: oly written only in the words of the pilaf "C and Plovci" ha, s - only in the word floating ", in all other cases I am written (Llava" Honor, Poplating "K).

62. The spelling of vowels after hissing and C.

  • After the hissing consonants, h, sh, the vowels are written, and, and, and never write vowels, Yu, s (thorough, fat). This rule does not apply to words of foreign-speaking origin (parachute) and on comprehensive words, in which any combination of letters (inter-rig) are possible.
  • Under the stress after the hissing is written in, if you can choose related words or another form of this word, where it is written e (yellow - yellowness); If this condition is not performed, then it is written about (changing, rustling).
  • It is necessary to distinguish between the noun burns and his related words from the verb in the last time of the burden and his kindred words.
  • A quick vowel sound under the stress after hissing is denoted by the letter O (knife-knife "H).

The spelling of the vowels after c.

  • At the root after C, (civilization, mat) is written; Exceptions: Gypsies, tiptoe, chicks, chicks their single words.
  • Letters I, Yu are written after c only in the names of own non-Russian origin (Zurich).
  • Under the stress after C is written about (CSC "cat).

Choice of vowels; and or e.

  • In foreign language words, it is usually written e (adequate); Exceptions: mayor, peer, sir and their derivatives.
  • If the root begins with the letter E, it is preserved and after the prefixes or cut the first part of a complex word (save, three-storey).
  • After vowel and written e (requiem), after the other vowels - e (maestro).

The letter and writes at the beginning of the iodine words (iodine, yoga).

63. The spelling of the consonants is rooted.

  1. In order to test dubious ringing and deaf consonants, you need to pick up such a form or related word so that these consonants stood in a strong position (in front of the vowel or sonorny (l, m, and, r)) sound: a fairy tale.
  2. If a dubious consonant cannot be verified, then its writing needs to be remembered or know in the spelling dictionary. ;
  3. Double consonants are written:
    - At the junction of morpheme: consoles and root (tell), root and suffix (long),
    - at the junction of two parts of comprehensive words (maternity hospital),
    - In the words that you need to remember or determine by spelling dictionary (entrance, yeast, burning, buzzing, juniper and word-sized words; words of foreign-speaking origin (for example, a group, class) and derivatives from them (group, cool).
  4. In order to check the writing of words with non-promotable consonants having a combination of letters of branches, UDN, NDK, NTSC, STL, STN, etc. It is necessary to choose such a single word or so to change the word shape so that after the first or second smoke there is a vowel (sad - sad, whistling-to-wear); Exceptions: shine (although "glistening"), staircase (although the "Lanenka"), splash (although "splash"), a flask (although "glass").

64. The spelling of the consoles.

  1. The spelling of some prefixes must be remembered, they do not change under any circumstances (convey, attribute, put it, etc.). The prefix of the C-, which in speech before ringing consonants is spinning, and does not change on the letter (escape, do).
  2. In the prefixes on the E-C (non-influenza, WHO (VZ) - - V- (Sun-), because of the low- (ros-) - rates (Ros- ), after- (Along) - Cherve- (Cres-)) is written in front of the EAON, kimi consonants or vowels (anhydrous, flared up), and before deaf consonants are written with (infinitive, rebel).
  3. Special difficulty represents the writing of the prefixes of pre-. Basically, their difference is based on their lexical meaning.

Prefix is \u200b\u200bused in value:

  • high quality of quality (it can be replaced by the words "very", "very"): exaggerated (\u003d "very enlarged"), the previous one (\u003d "very interesting");
  • "Through", "Ooo" (this value is close to the value of the prefixes of the Pere-): Crime (\u003d "Operate).

The prefix is \u200b\u200bused in value:

  • spatial proximity (suburban, bite);
  • approximation, attachment (approach, sailing);
  • incompleteness of action (cover up, suspend);
  • bringing action to the end (to nail, facing);
  • action in whose interests (progress).

In some words, the prefixes are pre-and not stand out and the spelling of such words must be remembered: to stay (in meaning "to be in some place or condition"), despise (in meaning. "HATE"), neglected, president (word of foreign language origin); Device, order, charity (in meaning "Care"), etc.

4. If the prefix ends in a consonant, and the root begins with a vowel and, then instead of and written on (Birds, play); Exceptions:
  • complexed words (pedigree), -
  • prefixes of inter- and super- (Mezhinskitsky, over-interest),
  • the word "two-pulse", etc.
  • initial consoles Des-, counter, post, super-, trans-, pan- (conagra, subpongre).

65. The spelling of the dividing \\ and l spelling of the separation Kommersant (solid sign).

1. The dividing Kommersant (solid sign) is written before vowels E, E, Yu, I:

  • after the console ending on the consonant: the entrance, a detour;
  • in the words of foreign-speaking origin after the prefixes ending with the consonant (ab-, administrative, inter-, inter-, trans-) or after an integral part of the Pan- : Adjutant, Trans-European;
  • in difficult words, the first part of which is numeral two-, three-, four-: bunk, three-storey;

2. This rule does not apply to comprehensive words: chatted.

The spelling of the dividing b (soft sign).

The dividing b (soft sign) is written:

  • inside the word in front of the vowels E, Yu, Yu, I: peasant, blizzard;
  • in some words of foreign language origin in front of the letter O: Medallion, Champignon.

The spelling of the vowels after hissing and c in suffixes and endings.

1. In the end and suffixes of nouns, adjective and suffixes, the adverbs under the stress after hissing and C are written about, without emphasis - e (knife "m, the big" go, book "NCA, the end" M, Ovczo "you, you, and Ekil "Well, P" Waving, Ry "Whago, Bargo" VTS, Ocoltsev "T).

2. After hissing under the stress, it is written.

  • in the end of the verbs (rzhet, lying),
  • in the verb sufficse -ёviv- (tortured),
  • in the suffix of nouns - the development (highway),
  • in the suffix of the exclusive nouns -Exc- (targeting),
  • with the suffix of the suffering communion, it is (n) - (fasten, harnessed),
  • in the suffix of the exclusive adjectives (burning) and in words derived from these adjectives (Zhezhka),
  • in pronounty about
  • words and hope.

66. Spelling nouns names.

Spelling of endancing in nouns:

  1. in nouns of men's and middle clan, in which the vowel and, in an unstressed position in the p.p. written ending-and; The nouns of the female genus this rule applies to D.L. and pp; I.P. Police, genius, blade R.P. Police, Genius, Blade D.P. Police, Genius, Blade V.P. Police, genius, blade, etc. Police, genius, blade p.p. About the police, about Genius, about blade
  2. in nouns of the middle kind on -ye in P.P. Without emphasis, it is written e, and under the stress - and: about happiness, in forgetting;
  3. in nouns on - with the preceding consonant or both in line. B (Soft sign) At the end not written: Bedroom - bedrooms; Exceptions: young ladies, villages, hawa, kitchens.
  4. in nouns on -ov, -Ev, -Ev, Yun, In, denoting Russian surnames, in TV.P. The only number is written by the end of them, and in nouns on-s, -in, denoting foreign surnames. -Ove: Ivanov, but Darwin.
  5. nouns on -Os, -Ev, -Ii, н, -On, --Ino, ENO, denoting the names of populated points, have in the tr. ending-one: under Lviv, for walking;
  6. if the noun with the suffix is \u200b\u200ba male or middle kind, then it is written by the end, if the female is - -Ah: swamp - swamp, but the hand is a swirl;
  7. animate nouns with suffixes, - UCHK-, -YUCHK-, -EV, - Hydro-male clan and nouns of female sorts with the same suffixes in I.L. have the ending - a: dat, grandfather; Inanimate nouns Male genus and the nouns of the middle kind with these suffixes have the end of -1: Herbushko, Domishko;
  8. in the nouns of the middle kind after suffix, the letter O: Chisel, and in animated nouns of men and middle kind - A: Zublila.

Spelling of nouns name suffixes:

1. If the Suffix -IK - (- Chic-) is written in the noun, then it is also preserved in indirect cases, and if the suffix is \u200b\u200bwritten - (-chek-), then in indirect cases, it alternates with zero sound (Wed: a piece - a piece, finger-finger);
2. In nouns, the suffix is \u200b\u200bwritten in nouns, in the nouns of the female kind - the suffix is, and in nouns, it is written in nouns, it is written - if the emphasis falls on the end and -, if the emphasis falls on the syllable in front of the suffix ( Wed: Handsome (M.R.) - Beauty (Zh.R.) - Whether "(SR.R.) - Place" Tiece;
3. Reductantly-laxed suffix -ink-in-writer in nouns formed from the nouns of the female genus ending on-room (scratch - scratch, straw - straw); But in the words denoting female faces (for example, refugee, Frenchwoman), a combination is written - aik- (no diminitious and lascal value);
4. The combination is also written in words formed from noun, ending on-room or -d, and not having a soft sign) at the end of the word in the parental case of a plural (cherry - cherries - cherry);

note: If the nouns are on -ny, "have a plural in the parental case of a plural at the end of the (soft sign), then a combination is written -Ex- (kitchen - kitchens - kitchen);

5. In the mascara suffixes -On- (written after solid consonants) and -Enx- (written after soft consonants, less often - after solid) after H is written (soft sign) (for example, ripple, nadya),

note: In the modern Russian language, the suffixes are, -yny-, -Ank- do not exist, the words with such suffixes are found only in artworks until the XIX century inclusive and in folklore (non-commercial, Lolosynka, Nadinka; CP. Modern flights, Nadya ), Exceptions: Painka, Zainka, Bainica (suffix -in-);

6. Sufifix -shek is written into the extension of "middle-sized (sun-sun, feather feather); Suffix is \u200b\u200bcovered in nouns for men and female (neighbor - neighbor, head-head chair); Suffix-Yushk-speaking in nouns of all kinds formed from nouns for a soft consonant (field - Polyushko, Uncle - Uncle); Some nouns of the male race are formed with the help of suffixes-hay, Eshek-, ears- (clins, pegs, rollers, pillows, pills; pebbles, edge; words of sparrows, pebbles are used in folk, colloquial speech);
7. With nouns denoting people by the nature of their activities, the suffix is \u200b\u200bwritten - in front of the consonants of D, T, A, C, F (translator, Lbstchchka, the Defector, etc.), and in all other cases, the suffix - (typewriter, projection);

note 1: In some words of foreign-speaking, after t, the suffix-machine- (flouser, asphalt) is written,

note 2: b (soft sign) is written in front of the suffix - only after the consistent l (roofer),

note 3: If the base ends on consonants to, c, h, then in front of the suffix - they are replaced by the consonant T (distribution - distributor);

8. In many women's middle names, [Ishna] is heard, but he is written (Ilinichna, Fominichnaya).

67. Spelling the names of adjectives. Spelling the endings of the adjectives.

the declination of high-quality and relative adjectives; the declination of attractive adjectives with the basis for j (for example, fox, bearish); The declination of the attractive adjectives with suffixes -in-, (s), -One- (-Ev-): Lisitsyn, Mimin.

In the multiple number of the end of all kinds coincide.

1 type

male Rod

feminine gender

neuter gender

units. number


merry, early
merry, early
merry, early
cheerful (fun), early (early)
cheerful, early
about cheerful about early

cheerful, early
cheerful, early
cheerful, early
cheerful, early
cheerful, early
about cheerful, about early

cheerful, early
merry, early
merry, early
cheerful, early
cheerful, early
about cheerful about early

mN. number

cheerful, early
merry, early
cheerful, early
merry, early
merry, early
about funny, about early

2 type

male Rod

feminine gender

neuter gender

units. number


about fox.

about fox

about fox.

mN. number


about fox

3 Type

male Rod

feminine gender

neuter gender

units. number


fathers, nursing
otzova, sister (or sister)

fathers, nursing
otsovy, sister
about fathers, about sister

otzova, Nursina
otzova, sister
otzova, sister
fathers, sister
otsova (OY), sister (Noah)
otzova, about sister

food, sister
otzova, Nursina
fathers, sister (or sister)
fathers, sister father, sister
about fathers, about sister

mN. number


fathers, nursing
otz, sister
otsovy, sister
fathers, nursing
fathers, sister
about fatty, about sister

Note: The accusative case of adjectives in the male genus of the only number coincides with the form of a genitive case, if the adjective refers to animate extensive or pronoun, and with a nominative case - if the adjective depends on inanimate nouns or pronoun.

  1. Russian men's surnames on -Os (-Ev), -in (-yn) in the arterial case of the only number have the ending-one (as well as brief adjectives): Pushkin - Pushkin.
  2. Geographical names, ending with on -i, -Ev, -Yo, andino, -yn, -in, -On, -Evo, in the arterial case of the only number have the end of the end: under the city of Pushkin.
  3. Adjective suburban, mb inclusive, suburban, suburban have in the nominative case of the only number of end (-th, -th), and the adjective non-resident end of the end - "and (s).
  4. Adjectives - "Brief form have the ending -" H (slim - built), an exception: worthy-one;
  5. Perhaps a two-way writing and pronunciation of adaptain (-shah, -eis) - beless (-th).

Spelling of suffixing instant adjectives:

1. The suffix is \u200b\u200bwritten under the stress -, without emphasis - suffix -Ev- (Wed: beautiful - battle "th), exceptions: Mi" Salovy, Yuro "Wiwely;
2. With suffixes, it is always written and (ugly, arrogant);
3. Sufifixes -Own-, -On, are written after solid consonants, and after soft consonants, suffixes are written after hissing and C, -Evit-, -Ev-, -Vit- (cf., greenish, business - glossy , bluish);
4. In the adjectives, ending with the noun, formed from the noun, ending with one, under h, under the stress, are written and, without accepted - E (Wed: Frog: Flag "Chiy - Lang" Shechy);
5. In front of the suffix, the letter, if the sound that it is indicates is one morpheme (for example, a board - aging); If, in the base-based under the suffix, there are the letters of blood pressure, C, ST, W, then they are preserved in a new word, and to alternate with h (freckles - spring);
6. If the base ends on C, and the suffix begins at h, then the C alternates with T (tiled - tiled);
7. Spelling suffix -sk-:
  • if the base ends onto d or t, then in front of the suffix -sk, they persist (flesh - carnal, cattle - Skotsky);
  • if the base ends on to, h, c, then after them suffix is \u200b\u200bsimplified and becomes just -K-, and the C and C change to C (Fisherman - fishing, weaver),

note: In some adjectives, the alternation of K, h with C does not occur (Tajik - Tajik, Uglich - Uglich):

  • if the basis of the word of foreign-speaking origin ends on the SC, then in front of the suffix -sk, it is lowered and the combination of sec (San Francisco - San Francisky) is descended,

Exceptions: Basque, Osksky;

  • if the base ends on C, then it is lowered and only written the combination of SC letters (Wales-Wales),
  • if the base ends up onto, then one C is lowered, since in Russian there can be no combination of the TBC of the same consonant letters (Odessa-Odessky);
  • if the base ends on -ny or -re, then in front of the suffix -sp (soft sign omitted),

Exceptions: b (soft sign) is written

- In the adjectives formed from the names of months (July - July),
- in adjectives formed from some foreign-speaking geographical names (Taiwanese),
- in combination day-day,

8. In front of the suffix-and finite consonants to, C are moving to h, and x - in the uk (boredom - boring, turmoil - turmoil);

Spelling N and NN in adjective suffixes:

1. In adjectives formed with the help of suffix -in: swan;
2. In the adjectives formed by suffix -an- (-yan-): leather, silver), exceptions: wooden, glass, tin. 3. 8 brief adjectives, if the complete adjectives, from which they are formed, have -On- (Slender - Slim).
1. In adjectives formed with the help of suffix -enn: straw,
2. In the adjectives formed with the help of suffix -onn: organizational,
3. In adjectives formed by suffix - from the basis on H: Sleepy, long.
4. In brief adjectives, if the complete adjectives, from which they are formed, have -in- (long - length).

Note 1: They are written in adjectives: spicy, crimped, rye, drunk, ruddy, young, green, windy, pork.

Note 2: Written windy, but windless.

Note 3. It is necessary to distinguish the adjectives of the oil (for oil, on the oil) and oil (blurred, soaked in oil); Compare: Oil stain - oil hands.

Note 4. It is necessary to distinguish the adjective windy (day, man), windmill (pump) and chickenpox (chickenpox).

68. The spelling of complex words.

1. Sophisticated words can be formed using two simple foundations connected by connecting vowels O (written after the basis for solid consonants) or E (written after the basis for a soft consonant, hissing or c): whirlpool, birds.

2. The spelling of complex words without connecting vowels:

  • it is necessary to distinguish complex words formed with the help of a connecting vowel (locomotive) and without it (psychstore;
  • numbered names in the parental case are part of complex words without connecting vowels (three-storey, two-year);
  • the attachments of foreign-speaking origin are written to the root: anti-arch, hyper-, inter-, infra-, control, post-, sub-, super-, ultra-, extra-anti-magnitary, ultravy, counterattack);
  • the words are not complicated, before this combination of letters is written and (gasification).

3. Spelling of complex nouns:

a) they are picked:

  • complicated nouns with the first part: AUTO, AGRO-, AERO-, VELOH, HELIOV, GEO, HYDRO-, ZOO-, IO, CINE, STERE-, RADIO-, MACRO-, etc. (cinema, stereo, radio station);
  • complicated nouns with the first part of the verbal, ending on and (Derportord, Sorvigolov),

Exception: roll-field;

  • all comprehensive words (Sberbank, Balt Fleet).

b) through the hyphen is written

  • sophisticated nouns without connecting vowels, denoting scientific and technical and socio-political terms and names (stop-crane, prime minister);
  • names of intermediate sides of the world (southeast, north-west);
  • sophisticated owl, denoting the names of plants, which have a verb in their personal form or the Union (mother-and-stepmother, do not love);
  • words with foreign language elements: Ober-, Unthr-, Leib-, Headquarters, Vice-, Ex- (Vice President, Unter-Officer).

4. Specify complex adjectives: a) picked together:

  • adjectives formed from complex nouns that are writing pneuged (stereo system-systemose system);
  • complex adjectives formed from phrases, where one word is subject to another ( railway - rail);
  • complex adjectives, which are scientific and technical terms or speech styles belonging to book styles (highly paid, thick-linked, the above);
  • complex adjectives, the first part of which cannot be used in speech as an independent word;

b) they are written through the hyphen:

  • adjectives formed from complex nouns writing through the hyphen (southeast-southeast);
  • complex adjectives formed from a combination of own names (Jack-Londonskih, Petr-Petrovic);
  • complex adjectives formed from the combination of words with equal members connected by writing bond (convex-concave);
  • complex adjectives denoting colors (pale pink, blue-brown); \\
  • complex adjectives, denoting geographical or administrative names and with the first part of the West, South, South, North, North, East-, North, North, East-, East-Yeropia Plain).

69. The spelling of numerals.

  1. Complex numerals are written in a punk (thirty);
  2. Components and fractional numerals are written separately (forty-five, three seventh);
  3. Ordinal numerals that end on-day, -mallone, - a billion is written in a punch (thirty thousand);
  4. Nutritive five or nineteen and twenty, thirty writing with b (soft sign) at the end, and numeral fifty - eighty, five hundred - nine hundred b (soft sign) is written in the middle of the word between two bases;
  5. There are two forms: zero and zero. The second is used in the terminological meaning in indirect cases, both forms are found in sustainable expressions.
  6. Numerical flooring of a complex word is written
  • through a hyphen, if the second part of the word begins with a vowel letter or L (half-liter, half-watermelon), or if it is the name of its own (half of Russia);
  • ply, if the second part of the complex word begins with a consonant letter (except L): Polkylogram;
  • separately, if it has an independent value and torn off from the noun determination: Paul teaspoon.

Note: The numeral half-in size is always written in a punch: half-blooded, half-sided.

The spelling of the expirations is numerical.

1. Declination of quantitative numbers:

The numerical one is inclined in the same way as adjective in the singular:

In numeral two, three, four are special case endings:

Nutritive five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten and nullifying on the fifteen and -dinteen inclined the same as the nouns of the third decline:

I. p.
P. P.

about six

about thirty

Nutigatory forty, ninety, a hundred have a special declination (the accusative case coincides with the very famous, in the rest of the case - ending-a):

In quantitative components, each word is inclined:

Special declination in numeral one and a half, a half, a half place:

3. Collective numerals are inclined in the same way as adjectives in the plural:

4. Declination of ordinal numbers:

The ordinal numerals are inclined in the same way as the adjectives of the first type:

Concultuous sequence numbers, only the last word changes when declining:

70. Spelling pronouns.

1. Spelling of negative pronouns:

  • under the stress is not written, but without emphasis - nor, (Wed, Kikto "-n" who, Nisco "LCON - not" how much);
  • if there are no 48 pretext in negative pronsections, they are picked together, and if there is something in three words (Wed: someone - not anyone, nothing to do with something),
  • the combinations are no one else, as is nothing, as they have the meaning of opposition and are written separately, and none else's combinations are written, nothing else has this opposition value and therefore they write in a punk (cf. it can resolve anyone else like a school principal. - No one could do it better.).

2. Spelling of undefined pronouns:

  • undefined pronouns that have in their composition of a particle of COO-, it is, -libe, they are written through a hyphen (Someone, anything, anyone),
  • if after the particle follows the pretext, then the pronoun is written in three words (someone with whom someone).

71. Spelling of verbs.

Spelling the endings of verbs.

1. Depending on personal endings, the verbs are divided into two large groups: on the verbs of the I and II of the loss.

To the II conjunction belongs:

  • the verbs are (except for verbs shave, to sharpen, silent, which relate to the I solve),
  • 7 verbs smell (twirl, see, depend, hate, offend, look, tolerate),
  • 4 verbs to have (tatting, breathing, keeping, hearing).
All other verbs belong to the I solve.

Personal endings of verbs in the present or future last time:

2. There are several single-tracking verbs that are not related to any of their two suits: want, run, eat, create, give.

1 person read, take
2 person read, take
S face reads, takes
1 person read, take
2 person read, take
3 person read, take

want wants

We want
want to

being running


Eat eating eating


Create creation will create


Let us give to give

3. If the verb with the prefix is \u200b\u200bmono- (obliged) is a transition, it is hidden by the II of the sink, and if nevertheless, according to i with singe (for example, compare the leasing verbs to exhaust (someone) and exhaust (yourself).

4. In the verbs of the I Hiding in the form of a real time, the end is written - "those, and in the form of an imperative ignition - the end-inventory (Wed: you will send this letter tomorrow. - Send this document urgently.)

B (Soft sign) and verb shapes.

1. B (Soft sign) is written:

  • in infinitive (write, wish, want to wash),
  • in the endings of 2 persons, the only number of the present or simply future time (you will choose, you will wash, do, wash it),
  • in imperative lifestyle (correct, hide), but Lagge, lie,
  • in a return part, which stands after vowels (brought down, turned, return);

2. B (Soft sign) is not written:

  • in the form of 3 persons of the only number of present or simply future time (washed, done).

Spelling of Suffix verbov.

1. If in 1 face of a present or simply future time, the verb ends with an on-one (s), the suffixes are written in the infinitive and in the form of the past time -, -, - (the head - to manage, managed, fighting - to fight, fought );

if, in 1 face of the present or simply future time, the verb ends up, ", in the infinitive, the suffixes are written in the infinitive and in the past time - after, I put it - impose, imposed).

2. The verbs to-try, "I have in front of the suffix - the same vowel, as in infinitive without this suffix (extend - to extend).

  • if they are formed by connecting the pretext with adverb (forever) or with a brief adjective (tightly, left),
  • if they are formed by adding prepositions in and on to a collective numerical (trip, in two),
  • if they are formed by adding the pretext to complete adjective or pronoun (manually, outlined, might and main)
  • Exception: If the adjective begins with a vowel, then the pretext in is written separately (in open),

    • if nouns, from which adverbs are formed, are not independently used in modern Russian (locked, to smithereens),
    • adcharations with a spatial value formed from such nouns, like Dahl, Vash, beginning, etc. (distance, first)

    note: If there is an explanation of the expectation to the noun, then such words are no longer adverb, but the combination of nouns with the pretext and are written separately (from the beginning of the book),

    • if there is no definition from the prepiction and nouns between the prestick and nouns, if it can be done, then this word data is preparing a noun with a pretext and are written separately (Wed: Relief Broadcast - come to the horses of the corridor):

    4. Adcharations are written through a hyphen:

    • if they are formed with the help of the console, from complete adjectives or shorter, ending on among, -eo, -n, b (in my opinion, no-old, in Russian, feline),
    • if they are formed using the prefix in (in-) from the ordinal numeral (first, secondly, thirdly),
    • if they are formed by repetition of one or the same adverbs or by adding synonymous words (barely, quietly-quietly);

    5. Nareny combinations are written separately:

    • if they consist of nouns with the pretext between them (with gas to the eye, shoulder to captivity),
    • if they are combinations with pretexts without, to, on, s, etc. (without retaining, on the run, going away),
    • if the noun in this combination has retained some value of the case (abroad, conscience),
    • if the adjective, from which the adverb is formed, begins with a vowel, then the pretext in is written separately (in open).

    74. Spelling of predictions.

    The spelling of the predictions must be remembered or checking on the spelling dictionary. Sometimes it is very important for the correct writing of the word to determine whether it is or not.

    1. Through the hyphen, the complex pretext of Iercise is written, from under, because, etc. (due to illness, from under it);
    2. Such prepositions are written pickedly, as in view, instead, it seems, due to (due to the absence, like pit), but to be included in consequence;
    3. Separately writes such pretexts as in the form, in connection, etc.
    4. Prepositions in the continuation, for the course, as a result, at the end of E (during the lesson), but during the river.

    75. The spelling of unions.

    1. They are written punk:

    • union so (he asked me to come me early.); It is necessary to distinguish the Union so that the combination of pronouns and particles would (what would you say, I do not believe you);

    note: Remember! no matter what,

    • the unions are also written in a jigger (you too will also go to the concert?); It is also necessary to distinguish between alliances, also with combinations of pronoun with a particle (the same) and adverbs with a particle (also): if the particle can be omitted or put on another place in the sentence, then the data of the combinations are written separately (you brought something (s), and me too.);
      • some particles, or, or,, not, -u, -e, -c, -the, -tho, -taki (yes, somebody, give, he de, enough),

      Spelling of particles not with different parts of speech

      part of speech


      sUD1. If not used (Nevezh, Neversgod),
      2. If you can choose a synonym without not (not true - a lie, there is no part - friend),
      1. If there is or meant contrast; not friend, but an enemy),
      2. In an interpretation of a groom with a logical sub-nominal denial of nursing (a father arranged here, isn't it?
      arr.1. If the databases are not used (negligent, unprecedented).
      2. If you can choose a synonym without not (rather big, GVMSLODA-old),
      3. If there is opposition to the union but (the river is not-yard, but cold),
      4. With briefs of adjective-AI, if the complete adjectives, from which they are formed, are written in not nullly low - low)
      1. If there is or implied opposition with the Union A (not big, small),
      2. With relative adjectives (the sky is south here),
      3. With brief adjectives, if the complete adjectives, from which they are formed, are written with not separately (the book is not interesting, but boring)
      numberswith uncertain and negative pronouns without prepositions (several, no one, something)always written separately (not three, not seventh)
      place.with other discharges of pronoun (in not my class, not on our floor)
      verbif not not used (hate, perplex)
      note: Typecracing verbs are picked out to be poured, since they include a single console.
      with all the other verbs (not to know how to cry
      deeprich.if not without not used (hate, perplexed)
      note: The verbalism formed from the verbs with the prefix is \u200b\u200bnot allowed, as well as the verbs (invotional)
      with all the rest of the veefronts (not knowing, on the crying)
      poshestivif full of intersices do not have dependent words with them (unpleasant student)one . If the full communities have dependent words (not a student who has come in time),
      2. with brief communities ( test papers not verified),
      if there is or is supposed to oppose (not finished, but only the work has begun)
      adverbone . If not not used (ridiculous, carelessly),
      2. Adcharations on -O, -e, if you can choose the synonym for white not (neglofo - clever)
      1. Again on -O, -e, if there is or implied opposition (not ridiculous, and sad),
      2, adverching on -O, -e, if they have explanatory words at all, not at all, not, not at all (not at all funny).
      3. If the adverb is written through a hyphen (not in Russian)

      The spelling of the particles is not

    58. Principles of Russian spelling, orphogram

    ORFography - the system of spelling rules. The main sections of spelling:

    • writing morphemes in different parts of speech,
    • fusion, separate and defisid writing words
    • consumption of capital and lowercase letters,
    • hyphenation.

    Principles of Russian spelling. The leading principle of Russian spelling is the morphological principle, the essence of which is that the Morphem common for the kindred words retain a single design on the letter, and in speech they may vary depending on the phonetic conditions. This principle is used for all morphemes: roots, consoles, suffixes and endings.

    Also, based on the morphological principle, a uniform writing of words belonging to a certain grammatical form is issued. For example, b (soft sign) formal sign infinitive.

    The second principle of Russian spelling is a phonetic writing, i.e. Words are written as they hear. An example is the spelling of the prefixes on the Z-C (Intangular - Restless) or a change in the root initial and on the prefixes ending on the consonant (play).

    There is also a differentiating spelling (Wed: burn (souche.) - Ozheg (verb.)) And traditional writing (letter and after letters w, sh, c - live, sew).

    Orfogram is a case of choice when 1, 2 or more different writing is possible. It is also a writing corresponding to the rules of spelling.

    The spelling rule is the rule spelling rule of the Russian language, how many writing should be selected depending on the language conditions.

    59. Used capital and lowercase letters.

    cursive letter

    lowercase letter

    - Write at the beginning of the offer, paragraph, text (I want to go walk. When I do lessons, I will go to the street.)
    - Writing at the beginning of a direct speech (she said: "Please come," please ".)
    - He is written by the middle and in the end of the word (Mom, Russia).
    - Writing the middle of the sentence, if the word does not represent the name of his own or some name (he arrived late at night).
    Written from a capital letterFrom the lowercase letters are written

    Names of institutions and organizations, incl. International (State Duma, United Nations),
    - names of countries and administrative-territorial units (United Kingdom, United States, Moscow region),
    - names, patronymic and surnames (Ivanov Ivan Ivanovich)
    - the names of historical events and, holidays are their own): March 8, the Great Patriotic War.

    - Names of ranks, title (Lieutenant Popov),
    - Words of comrade, citizen Mr., Mr., etc. (Mr. Brown, Citizen Petrov)

    60. Word Transfer Rules

    1. Words are transferred by syllables (ma-ma, ba-ra-ban),
    2. It is impossible to separate the consonants from the subsequent vowel (ge-ro "y),
    3. You can not retard on the string or transfer part of the syllable (Pu-Stuck, Pus-True - right; empty yak (incorrectly),
    4. It is impossible to leave on the line or transfer one vowel, even if it is a whole syllable (anal-mia - right; A-on-Mi-I is wrong),
    5. It is impossible to tear b (soft sign) and b (solid sign) from the previous consonant (rolling, mini),
    6. The letter and does not come off from the prevish vowel (heaven-he),
    7. With a combination of several consonants, transference options (CE-CE, SES-TRA, SEST-RA) are possible; In such cases, such a transfer is preferred in which morphemes do not understand (under-press).

    61. The spelling of the vowels is rooted.

    If the voice is in the root, it stands in a weak (unstressed) position, then the problem arises the problem of choice, which letter should be written.

    1. If you can choose a related word or change the word so that this vowel is under an emphasis, then such a vowel is called checked. For example, pillars - one hundred "LB; reconcile (friends) - Mi" r.
    2. If the unstressed vowels can not be checked with an emphasis, then such vowels are called unverified, and the spelling of words with such vowels should be stored or check by spelling dictionary (CATO "FEL, ELCSI" P).
    3. In Russian, there are a number of roots with alternating vowels. As a rule, the vowel is written under the stress, which hears; The choice of letters in an unstressed position depends on certain conditions:
    • from the stroke:

    Gar Mountains: Under the stress is written a (ZAGA "R, Razi" R), without emphasis - o (Zagora "Lya, prigor? Н), exceptions: you are" Garca, and "Zgar, with" Gar;

    Zaror: without emphasis is written a (glow "of Central Asia, Ozari"), under the emphasis - which hears (ZO "Ryka, for" Revo), the exception: Zorava ";

    Clan-clon: without emphasising is written about (pre-clone "with the locations", under the stress - which hears (KLA "to nail, appeal" H);

    Creaters: without emphasis is written about (creating ", the creature" Nie), under the stress - what he heard (yours "Rty and TV" ry), the exception: the "creature;

    • from subsequent letters or combinations of letters:

    Caskos: If in the root it follows, it is necessary, then it is written about (kosn ", touched" the "Nie), in other cases is written a (casal", casia);

    Lag lodges: Before r is written a (apply, adjective), it is written about (app, suggest), exceptions: by "log;

    Rasp- (-) - Ros: Around Art and I am written a (grow ", Nara" Pitch), before with written about (for "Rosl, you" grew), exceptions: about "Trasl, Rosto" k, you "Ros-current, Rostov" to. Rosto "in;

    Skak-Skop: Before K is written a (Skak "T), before h is written about (you" smoke), exceptions: jump "K, jump";

    • From the presence or absence after the root of the suffix -a-:

    Viros-, -Dero, -mer-Mir, - Picture, -Ter, -Benect,-Bliste, -Gegigue, -Hell, became, - Cheat: in front of the suffix - It is written and (collision "q, ignition" T, flooring "TD), in other cases it is written e (bleak, zozh" whose), exceptions; combined "th, combined"

    Roots with alternation A (I) - to them (in): in front of the suffix - is written by them (in) (zamina ", clamping" T), in other cases is written a (I) (deputy "b, jazle") ;

    • from the value:

    McCloc: -Mak- Used in the value "Immerse into a liquid, to do wet" (poppy "of bread in milk), -Mo - in the value of" flowing liquid "(the wet boots);

    Equal: -stolvn - used in the value "equal, the same, along" (fuel "), -ovn - in the value" smooth, straight, smooth "(" RO-Venya, Zingry ");

    • - Plot - floating: oly written only in the words of the pilaf "C and Plovci" ha, s - only in the word floating ", in all other cases I am written (Llava" Honor, Poplating "K).

    62. The spelling of vowels after hissing and C.

    • After the hissing consonants, h, sh, the vowels are written, and, and, and never write vowels, Yu, s (thorough, fat). This rule does not apply to words of foreign-speaking origin (parachute) and on comprehensive words, in which any combination of letters (inter-rig) are possible.
    • Under the stress after the hissing is written in, if you can choose related words or another form of this word, where it is written e (yellow - yellowness); If this condition is not performed, then it is written about (changing, rustling).
    • It is necessary to distinguish between the noun burns and his related words from the verb in the last time of the burden and his kindred words.
    • A quick vowel sound under the stress after hissing is denoted by the letter O (knife-knife "H).

    The spelling of the vowels after c.

    • At the root after C, (civilization, mat) is written; Exceptions: Gypsies, tiptoe, chicks, chicks their single words.
    • Letters I, Yu are written after c only in the names of own non-Russian origin (Zurich).
    • Under the stress after C is written about (CSC "cat).

    Choice of vowels; and or e.

    • In foreign language words, it is usually written e (adequate); Exceptions: mayor, peer, sir and their derivatives.
    • If the root begins with the letter E, it is preserved and after the prefixes or cut the first part of a complex word (save, three-storey).
    • After vowel and written e (requiem), after the other vowels - e (maestro).

    The letter and writes at the beginning of the iodine words (iodine, yoga).

    63. The spelling of the consonants is rooted.

    1. In order to test dubious ringing and deaf consonants, you need to pick up such a form or related word so that these consonants stood in a strong position (in front of the vowel or sonorny (l, m, and, r)) sound: a fairy tale.
    2. If a dubious consonant cannot be verified, then its writing needs to be remembered or know in the spelling dictionary. ;
    3. Double consonants are written:
      - At the junction of morpheme: consoles and root (tell), root and suffix (long),
      - at the junction of two parts of comprehensive words (maternity hospital),
      - In the words that you need to remember or determine by spelling dictionary (entrance, yeast, burning, buzzing, juniper and word-sized words; words of foreign-speaking origin (for example, a group, class) and derivatives from them (group, cool).
    4. In order to check the writing of words with non-promotable consonants having a combination of letters of branches, UDN, NDK, NTSC, STL, STN, etc. It is necessary to choose such a single word or so to change the word shape so that after the first or second smoke there is a vowel (sad - sad, whistling-to-wear); Exceptions: shine (although "glistening"), staircase (although the "Lanenka"), splash (although "splash"), a flask (although "glass").

    64. The spelling of the consoles.

    1. The spelling of some prefixes must be remembered, they do not change under any circumstances (convey, attribute, put it, etc.). The prefix of the C-, which in speech before ringing consonants is spinning, and does not change on the letter (escape, do).
    2. In the prefixes on the E-C (non-influenza, WHO (VZ) - - V- (Sun-), because of the low- (ros-) - rates (Ros- ), after- (Along) - Cherve- (Cres-)) is written in front of the EAON, kimi consonants or vowels (anhydrous, flared up), and before deaf consonants are written with (infinitive, rebel).
    3. Special difficulty represents the writing of the prefixes of pre-. Basically, their difference is based on their lexical meaning.

    Prefix is \u200b\u200bused in value:

    • high quality of quality (it can be replaced by the words "very", "very"): exaggerated (\u003d "very enlarged"), the previous one (\u003d "very interesting");
    • "Through", "Ooo" (this value is close to the value of the prefixes of the Pere-): Crime (\u003d "Operate).

    The prefix is \u200b\u200bused in value:

    • spatial proximity (suburban, bite);
    • approximation, attachment (approach, sailing);
    • incompleteness of action (cover up, suspend);
    • bringing action to the end (to nail, facing);
    • action in whose interests (progress).

    In some words, the prefixes are pre-and not stand out and the spelling of such words must be remembered: to stay (in meaning "to be in some place or condition"), despise (in meaning. "HATE"), neglected, president (word of foreign language origin); Device, order, charity (in meaning "Care"), etc.

    4. If the prefix ends in a consonant, and the root begins with a vowel and, then instead of and written on (Birds, play); Exceptions:
    • complexed words (pedigree), -
    • prefixes of inter- and super- (Mezhinskitsky, over-interest),
    • the word "two-pulse", etc.
    • initial consoles Des-, counter, post, super-, trans-, pan- (conagra, subpongre).

    65. The spelling of the dividing \\ and l spelling of the separation Kommersant (solid sign).

    1. The dividing Kommersant (solid sign) is written before vowels E, E, Yu, I:

    • after the console ending on the consonant: the entrance, a detour;
    • in the words of foreign-speaking origin after the prefixes ending with the consonant (ab-, administrative, inter-, inter-, trans-) or after an integral part of the Pan- : Adjutant, Trans-European;
    • in difficult words, the first part of which is numeral two-, three-, four-: bunk, three-storey;

    2. This rule does not apply to comprehensive words: chatted.

    The spelling of the dividing b (soft sign).

    The dividing b (soft sign) is written:

    • inside the word in front of the vowels E, Yu, Yu, I: peasant, blizzard;
    • in some words of foreign language origin in front of the letter O: Medallion, Champignon.

    The spelling of the vowels after hissing and c in suffixes and endings.

    1. In the end and suffixes of nouns, adjective and suffixes, the adverbs under the stress after hissing and C are written about, without emphasis - e (knife "m, the big" go, book "NCA, the end" M, Ovczo "you, you, and Ekil "Well, P" Waving, Ry "Whago, Bargo" VTS, Ocoltsev "T).

    2. After hissing under the stress, it is written.

    • in the end of the verbs (rzhet, lying),
    • in the verb sufficse -ёviv- (tortured),
    • in the suffix of nouns - the development (highway),
    • in the suffix of the exclusive nouns -Exc- (targeting),
    • with the suffix of the suffering communion, it is (n) - (fasten, harnessed),
    • in the suffix of the exclusive adjectives (burning) and in words derived from these adjectives (Zhezhka),
    • in pronounty about
    • words and hope.

    66. Spelling nouns names.

    Spelling of endancing in nouns:

    1. in nouns of men's and middle clan, in which the vowel and, in an unstressed position in the p.p. written ending-and; The nouns of the female genus this rule applies to D.L. and pp; I.P. Police, genius, blade R.P. Police, Genius, Blade D.P. Police, Genius, Blade V.P. Police, genius, blade, etc. Police, genius, blade p.p. About the police, about Genius, about blade
    2. in nouns of the middle kind on -ye in P.P. Without emphasis, it is written e, and under the stress - and: about happiness, in forgetting;
    3. in nouns on - with the preceding consonant or both in line. B (Soft sign) At the end not written: Bedroom - bedrooms; Exceptions: young ladies, villages, hawa, kitchens.
    4. in nouns on -ov, -Ev, -Ev, Yun, In, denoting Russian surnames, in TV.P. The only number is written by the end of them, and in nouns on-s, -in, denoting foreign surnames. -Ove: Ivanov, but Darwin.
    5. nouns on -Os, -Ev, -Ii, н, -On, --Ino, ENO, denoting the names of populated points, have in the tr. ending-one: under Lviv, for walking;
    6. if the noun with the suffix is \u200b\u200ba male or middle kind, then it is written by the end, if the female is - -Ah: swamp - swamp, but the hand is a swirl;
    7. animate nouns with suffixes, - UCHK-, -YUCHK-, -EV, - Hydro-male clan and nouns of female sorts with the same suffixes in I.L. have the ending - a: dat, grandfather; Inanimate nouns Male genus and the nouns of the middle kind with these suffixes have the end of -1: Herbushko, Domishko;
    8. in the nouns of the middle kind after suffix, the letter O: Chisel, and in animated nouns of men and middle kind - A: Zublila.

    Spelling of nouns name suffixes:

    1. If the Suffix -IK - (- Chic-) is written in the noun, then it is also preserved in indirect cases, and if the suffix is \u200b\u200bwritten - (-chek-), then in indirect cases, it alternates with zero sound (Wed: a piece - a piece, finger-finger);
    2. In nouns, the suffix is \u200b\u200bwritten in nouns, in the nouns of the female kind - the suffix is, and in nouns, it is written in nouns, it is written - if the emphasis falls on the end and -, if the emphasis falls on the syllable in front of the suffix ( Wed: Handsome (M.R.) - Beauty (Zh.R.) - Whether "(SR.R.) - Place" Tiece;
    3. Reductantly-laxed suffix -ink-in-writer in nouns formed from the nouns of the female genus ending on-room (scratch - scratch, straw - straw); But in the words denoting female faces (for example, refugee, Frenchwoman), a combination is written - aik- (no diminitious and lascal value);
    4. The combination is also written in words formed from noun, ending on-room or -d, and not having a soft sign) at the end of the word in the parental case of a plural (cherry - cherries - cherry);

    note: If the nouns are on -ny, "have a plural in the parental case of a plural at the end of the (soft sign), then a combination is written -Ex- (kitchen - kitchens - kitchen);

    5. In the mascara suffixes -On- (written after solid consonants) and -Enx- (written after soft consonants, less often - after solid) after H is written (soft sign) (for example, ripple, nadya),

    note: In the modern Russian language, the suffixes are, -yny-, -Ank- do not exist, the words with such suffixes are found only in artworks until the XIX century inclusive and in folklore (non-commercial, Lolosynka, Nadinka; CP. Modern flights, Nadya ), Exceptions: Painka, Zainka, Bainica (suffix -in-);

    6. Sufifix -shek is written into the extension of "middle-sized (sun-sun, feather feather); Suffix is \u200b\u200bcovered in nouns for men and female (neighbor - neighbor, head-head chair); Suffix-Yushk-speaking in nouns of all kinds formed from nouns for a soft consonant (field - Polyushko, Uncle - Uncle); Some nouns of the male race are formed with the help of suffixes-hay, Eshek-, ears- (clins, pegs, rollers, pillows, pills; pebbles, edge; words of sparrows, pebbles are used in folk, colloquial speech);
    7. With nouns denoting people by the nature of their activities, the suffix is \u200b\u200bwritten - in front of the consonants of D, T, A, C, F (translator, Lbstchchka, the Defector, etc.), and in all other cases, the suffix - (typewriter, projection);

    note 1: In some words of foreign-speaking, after t, the suffix-machine- (flouser, asphalt) is written,

    note 2: b (soft sign) is written in front of the suffix - only after the consistent l (roofer),

    note 3: If the base ends on consonants to, c, h, then in front of the suffix - they are replaced by the consonant T (distribution - distributor);

    8. In many women's middle names, [Ishna] is heard, but he is written (Ilinichna, Fominichnaya).

    67. Spelling the names of adjectives. Spelling the endings of the adjectives.

    the declination of high-quality and relative adjectives; the declination of attractive adjectives with the basis for j (for example, fox, bearish); The declination of the attractive adjectives with suffixes -in-, (s), -One- (-Ev-): Lisitsyn, Mimin.

    In the multiple number of the end of all kinds coincide.

    1 type

    male Rod

    feminine gender

    neuter gender

    units. number


    merry, early
    merry, early
    merry, early
    cheerful (fun), early (early)
    cheerful, early
    about cheerful about early

    cheerful, early
    cheerful, early
    cheerful, early
    cheerful, early
    cheerful, early
    about cheerful, about early

    cheerful, early
    merry, early
    merry, early
    cheerful, early
    cheerful, early
    about cheerful about early

    mN. number

    cheerful, early
    merry, early
    cheerful, early
    merry, early
    merry, early
    about funny, about early

    2 type

    male Rod

    feminine gender

    neuter gender

    units. number


    about fox.

    about fox

    about fox.

    mN. number


    about fox

    3 Type

    male Rod

    feminine gender

    neuter gender

    units. number


    fathers, nursing
    otzova, sister (or sister)

    fathers, nursing
    otsovy, sister
    about fathers, about sister

    otzova, Nursina
    otzova, sister
    otzova, sister
    fathers, sister
    otsova (OY), sister (Noah)
    otzova, about sister

    food, sister
    otzova, Nursina
    fathers, sister (or sister)
    fathers, sister father, sister
    about fathers, about sister

    mN. number


    fathers, nursing
    otz, sister
    otsovy, sister
    fathers, nursing
    fathers, sister
    about fatty, about sister

    Note: The accusative case of adjectives in the male genus of the only number coincides with the form of a genitive case, if the adjective refers to animate extensive or pronoun, and with a nominative case - if the adjective depends on inanimate nouns or pronoun.

    1. Russian men's surnames on -Os (-Ev), -in (-yn) in the arterial case of the only number have the ending-one (as well as brief adjectives): Pushkin - Pushkin.
    2. Geographical names, ending with on -i, -Ev, -Yo, andino, -yn, -in, -On, -Evo, in the arterial case of the only number have the end of the end: under the city of Pushkin.
    3. Adjective suburban, mb inclusive, suburban, suburban have in the nominative case of the only number of end (-th, -th), and the adjective non-resident end of the end - "and (s).
    4. Adjectives - "Brief form have the ending -" H (slim - built), an exception: worthy-one;
    5. Perhaps a two-way writing and pronunciation of adaptain (-shah, -eis) - beless (-th).

    Spelling of suffixing instant adjectives:

    1. The suffix is \u200b\u200bwritten under the stress -, without emphasis - suffix -Ev- (Wed: beautiful - battle "th), exceptions: Mi" Salovy, Yuro "Wiwely;
    2. With suffixes, it is always written and (ugly, arrogant);
    3. Sufifixes -Own-, -On, are written after solid consonants, and after soft consonants, suffixes are written after hissing and C, -Evit-, -Ev-, -Vit- (cf., greenish, business - glossy , bluish);
    4. In the adjectives, ending with the noun, formed from the noun, ending with one, under h, under the stress, are written and, without accepted - E (Wed: Frog: Flag "Chiy - Lang" Shechy);
    5. In front of the suffix, the letter, if the sound that it is indicates is one morpheme (for example, a board - aging); If, in the base-based under the suffix, there are the letters of blood pressure, C, ST, W, then they are preserved in a new word, and to alternate with h (freckles - spring);
    6. If the base ends on C, and the suffix begins at h, then the C alternates with T (tiled - tiled);
    7. Spelling suffix -sk-:
    • if the base ends onto d or t, then in front of the suffix -sk, they persist (flesh - carnal, cattle - Skotsky);
    • if the base ends on to, h, c, then after them suffix is \u200b\u200bsimplified and becomes just -K-, and the C and C change to C (Fisherman - fishing, weaver),

    note: In some adjectives, the alternation of K, h with C does not occur (Tajik - Tajik, Uglich - Uglich):

    • if the basis of the word of foreign-speaking origin ends on the SC, then in front of the suffix -sk, it is lowered and the combination of sec (San Francisco - San Francisky) is descended,

    Exceptions: Basque, Osksky;

    • if the base ends on C, then it is lowered and only written the combination of SC letters (Wales-Wales),
    • if the base ends up onto, then one C is lowered, since in Russian there can be no combination of the TBC of the same consonant letters (Odessa-Odessky);
    • if the base ends on -ny or -re, then in front of the suffix -sp (soft sign omitted),

    Exceptions: b (soft sign) is written

    - In the adjectives formed from the names of months (July - July),
    - in adjectives formed from some foreign-speaking geographical names (Taiwanese),
    - in combination day-day,

    8. In front of the suffix-and finite consonants to, C are moving to h, and x - in the uk (boredom - boring, turmoil - turmoil);

    Spelling N and NN in adjective suffixes:

    1. In adjectives formed with the help of suffix -in: swan;
    2. In the adjectives formed by suffix -an- (-yan-): leather, silver), exceptions: wooden, glass, tin. 3. 8 brief adjectives, if the complete adjectives, from which they are formed, have -On- (Slender - Slim).
    1. In adjectives formed with the help of suffix -enn: straw,
    2. In the adjectives formed with the help of suffix -onn: organizational,
    3. In adjectives formed by suffix - from the basis on H: Sleepy, long.
    4. In brief adjectives, if the complete adjectives, from which they are formed, have -in- (long - length).

    Note 1: They are written in adjectives: spicy, crimped, rye, drunk, ruddy, young, green, windy, pork.

    Note 2: Written windy, but windless.

    Note 3. It is necessary to distinguish the adjectives of the oil (for oil, on the oil) and oil (blurred, soaked in oil); Compare: Oil stain - oil hands.

    Note 4. It is necessary to distinguish the adjective windy (day, man), windmill (pump) and chickenpox (chickenpox).

    68. The spelling of complex words.

    1. Sophisticated words can be formed using two simple foundations connected by connecting vowels O (written after the basis for solid consonants) or E (written after the basis for a soft consonant, hissing or c): whirlpool, birds.

    2. The spelling of complex words without connecting vowels:

    • it is necessary to distinguish complex words formed with the help of a connecting vowel (locomotive) and without it (psychstore;
    • numbered names in the parental case are part of complex words without connecting vowels (three-storey, two-year);
    • the attachments of foreign-speaking origin are written to the root: anti-arch, hyper-, inter-, infra-, control, post-, sub-, super-, ultra-, extra-anti-magnitary, ultravy, counterattack);
    • the words are not complicated, before this combination of letters is written and (gasification).

    3. Spelling of complex nouns:

    a) they are picked:

    • complicated nouns with the first part: AUTO, AGRO-, AERO-, VELOH, HELIOV, GEO, HYDRO-, ZOO-, IO, CINE, STERE-, RADIO-, MACRO-, etc. (cinema, stereo, radio station);
    • complicated nouns with the first part of the verbal, ending on and (Derportord, Sorvigolov),

    Exception: roll-field;

    • all comprehensive words (Sberbank, Balt Fleet).

    b) through the hyphen is written

    • sophisticated nouns without connecting vowels, denoting scientific and technical and socio-political terms and names (stop-crane, prime minister);
    • names of intermediate sides of the world (southeast, north-west);
    • sophisticated owl, denoting the names of plants, which have a verb in their personal form or the Union (mother-and-stepmother, do not love);
    • words with foreign language elements: Ober-, Unthr-, Leib-, Headquarters, Vice-, Ex- (Vice President, Unter-Officer).

    4. Specify complex adjectives: a) picked together:

    • adjectives formed from complex nouns that are writing pneuged (stereo system-systemose system);
    • complex adjectives formed from phrases, where one word is subordinate to another (railway - rail);
    • complex adjectives, which are scientific and technical terms or speech styles belonging to book styles (highly paid, thick-linked, the above);
    • complex adjectives, the first part of which cannot be used in speech as an independent word;

    b) they are written through the hyphen:

    • adjectives formed from complex nouns writing through the hyphen (southeast-southeast);
    • complex adjectives formed from a combination of own names (Jack-Londonskih, Petr-Petrovic);
    • complex adjectives formed from the combination of words with equal members connected by writing bond (convex-concave);
    • complex adjectives denoting colors (pale pink, blue-brown); \\
    • complex adjectives, denoting geographical or administrative names and with the first part of the West, South, South, North, North, East-, North, North, East-, East-Yeropia Plain).

    69. The spelling of numerals.

    1. Complex numerals are written in a punk (thirty);
    2. Components and fractional numerals are written separately (forty-five, three seventh);
    3. Ordinal numerals that end on-day, -mallone, - a billion is written in a punch (thirty thousand);
    4. Nutritive five or nineteen and twenty, thirty writing with b (soft sign) at the end, and numeral fifty - eighty, five hundred - nine hundred b (soft sign) is written in the middle of the word between two bases;
    5. There are two forms: zero and zero. The second is used in the terminological meaning in indirect cases, both forms are found in sustainable expressions.
    6. Numerical flooring of a complex word is written
    • through a hyphen, if the second part of the word begins with a vowel letter or L (half-liter, half-watermelon), or if it is the name of its own (half of Russia);
    • ply, if the second part of the complex word begins with a consonant letter (except L): Polkylogram;
    • separately, if it has an independent value and torn off from the noun determination: Paul teaspoon.

    Note: The numeral half-in size is always written in a punch: half-blooded, half-sided.

    The spelling of the expirations is numerical.

    1. Declination of quantitative numbers:

    The numerical one is inclined in the same way as adjective in the singular:

    In numeral two, three, four are special case endings:

    Nutritive five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten and nullifying on the fifteen and -dinteen inclined the same as the nouns of the third decline:

    I. p.
    P. P.

    about six

    about thirty

    Nutigatory forty, ninety, a hundred have a special declination (the accusative case coincides with the very famous, in the rest of the case - ending-a):

    In quantitative components, each word is inclined:

    Special declination in numeral one and a half, a half, a half place:

    3. Collective numerals are inclined in the same way as adjectives in the plural:

    4. Declination of ordinal numbers:

    The ordinal numerals are inclined in the same way as the adjectives of the first type:

    Concultuous sequence numbers, only the last word changes when declining:

    70. Spelling pronouns.

    1. Spelling of negative pronouns:

    • under the stress is not written, but without emphasis - nor, (Wed, Kikto "-n" who, Nisco "LCON - not" how much);
    • if there are no 48 pretext in negative pronsections, they are picked together, and if there is something in three words (Wed: someone - not anyone, nothing to do with something),
    • the combinations are no one else, as is nothing, as they have the meaning of opposition and are written separately, and none else's combinations are written, nothing else has this opposition value and therefore they write in a punk (cf. it can resolve anyone else like a school principal. - No one could do it better.).

    2. Spelling of undefined pronouns:

    • undefined pronouns that have in their composition of a particle of COO-, it is, -libe, they are written through a hyphen (Someone, anything, anyone),
    • if after the particle follows the pretext, then the pronoun is written in three words (someone with whom someone).

    71. Spelling of verbs.

    Spelling the endings of verbs.

    1. Depending on personal endings, the verbs are divided into two large groups: on the verbs of the I and II of the loss.

    To the II conjunction belongs:

    • the verbs are (except for verbs shave, to sharpen, silent, which relate to the I solve),
    • 7 verbs smell (twirl, see, depend, hate, offend, look, tolerate),
    • 4 verbs to have (tatting, breathing, keeping, hearing).
    All other verbs belong to the I solve.

    Personal endings of verbs in the present or future last time:

    2. There are several single-tracking verbs that are not related to any of their two suits: want, run, eat, create, give.

    1 person read, take
    2 person read, take
    S face reads, takes
    1 person read, take
    2 person read, take
    3 person read, take

    want wants

    We want
    want to

    being running


    Eat eating eating


    Create creation will create


    Let us give to give

    3. If the verb with the prefix is \u200b\u200bmono- (obliged) is a transition, it is hidden by the II of the sink, and if nevertheless, according to i with singe (for example, compare the leasing verbs to exhaust (someone) and exhaust (yourself).

    4. In the verbs of the I Hiding in the form of a real time, the end is written - "those, and in the form of an imperative ignition - the end-inventory (Wed: you will send this letter tomorrow. - Send this document urgently.)

    B (Soft sign) and verb shapes.

    1. B (Soft sign) is written:

    • in infinitive (write, wish, want to wash),
    • in the endings of 2 persons, the only number of the present or simply future time (you will choose, you will wash, do, wash it),
    • in imperative lifestyle (correct, hide), but Lagge, lie,
    • in a return part, which stands after vowels (brought down, turned, return);

    2. B (Soft sign) is not written:

    • in the form of 3 persons of the only number of present or simply future time (washed, done).

    Spelling of Suffix verbov.

    1. If in 1 face of a present or simply future time, the verb ends with an on-one (s), the suffixes are written in the infinitive and in the form of the past time -, -, - (the head - to manage, managed, fighting - to fight, fought );

    if, in 1 face of the present or simply future time, the verb ends up, ", in the infinitive, the suffixes are written in the infinitive and in the past time - after, I put it - impose, imposed).

    2. The verbs to-try, "I have in front of the suffix - the same vowel, as in infinitive without this suffix (extend - to extend).

  • if they are formed by connecting the pretext with adverb (forever) or with a brief adjective (tightly, left),
  • if they are formed by adding prepositions in and on to a collective numerical (trip, in two),
  • if they are formed by adding the pretext to complete adjective or pronoun (manually, outlined, might and main)
  • Exception: If the adjective begins with a vowel, then the pretext in is written separately (in open),

    • if nouns, from which adverbs are formed, are not independently used in modern Russian (locked, to smithereens),
    • adcharations with a spatial value formed from such nouns, like Dahl, Vash, beginning, etc. (distance, first)

    note: If there is an explanation of the expectation to the noun, then such words are no longer adverb, but the combination of nouns with the pretext and are written separately (from the beginning of the book),

    • if there is no definition from the prepiction and nouns between the prestick and nouns, if it can be done, then this word data is preparing a noun with a pretext and are written separately (Wed: Relief Broadcast - come to the horses of the corridor):

    4. Adcharations are written through a hyphen:

    • if they are formed with the help of the console, from complete adjectives or shorter, ending on among, -eo, -n, b (in my opinion, no-old, in Russian, feline),
    • if they are formed using the prefix in (in-) from the ordinal numeral (first, secondly, thirdly),
    • if they are formed by repetition of one or the same adverbs or by adding synonymous words (barely, quietly-quietly);

    5. Nareny combinations are written separately:

    • if they consist of nouns with the pretext between them (with gas to the eye, shoulder to captivity),
    • if they are combinations with pretexts without, to, on, s, etc. (without retaining, on the run, going away),
    • if the noun in this combination has retained some value of the case (abroad, conscience),
    • if the adjective, from which the adverb is formed, begins with a vowel, then the pretext in is written separately (in open).

    74. Spelling of predictions.

    The spelling of the predictions must be remembered or checking on the spelling dictionary. Sometimes it is very important for the correct writing of the word to determine whether it is or not.

    1. Through the hyphen, the complex pretext of Iercise is written, from under, because, etc. (due to illness, from under it);
    2. Such prepositions are written pickedly, as in view, instead, it seems, due to (due to the absence, like pit), but to be included in consequence;
    3. Separately writes such pretexts as in the form, in connection, etc.
    4. Prepositions in the continuation, for the course, as a result, at the end of E (during the lesson), but during the river.

    75. The spelling of unions.

    1. They are written punk:

    • union so (he asked me to come me early.); It is necessary to distinguish the Union so that the combination of pronouns and particles would (what would you say, I do not believe you);

    note: Remember! no matter what,

    • the unions are also written in a jigger (you too will also go to the concert?); It is also necessary to distinguish between alliances, also with combinations of pronoun with a particle (the same) and adverbs with a particle (also): if the particle can be omitted or put on another place in the sentence, then the data of the combinations are written separately (you brought something (s), and me too.);
      • some particles, or, or,, not, -u, -e, -c, -the, -tho, -taki (yes, somebody, give, he de, enough),

      Spelling of particles not with different parts of speech

      part of speech


      sUD1. If not used (Nevezh, Neversgod),
      2. If you can choose a synonym without not (not true - a lie, there is no part - friend),
      1. If there is or meant contrast; not friend, but an enemy),
      2. In an interpretation of a groom with a logical sub-nominal denial of nursing (a father arranged here, isn't it?
      arr.1. If the databases are not used (negligent, unprecedented).
      2. If you can choose a synonym without not (rather big, GVMSLODA-old),
      3. If there is opposition to the union but (the river is not-yard, but cold),
      4. With briefs of adjective-AI, if the complete adjectives, from which they are formed, are written in not nullly low - low)
      1. If there is or implied opposition with the Union A (not big, small),
      2. With relative adjectives (the sky is south here),
      3. With brief adjectives, if the complete adjectives, from which they are formed, are written with not separately (the book is not interesting, but boring)
      numberswith uncertain and negative pronouns without prepositions (several, no one, something)always written separately (not three, not seventh)
      place.with other discharges of pronoun (in not my class, not on our floor)
      verbif not not used (hate, perplex)
      note: Typecracing verbs are picked out to be poured, since they include a single console.
      with all the other verbs (not to know how to cry
      deeprich.if not without not used (hate, perplexed)
      note: The verbalism formed from the verbs with the prefix is \u200b\u200bnot allowed, as well as the verbs (invotional)
      with all the rest of the veefronts (not knowing, on the crying)
      poshestivif full of intersices do not have dependent words with them (unpleasant student)one . If the full communities have dependent words (not a student who has come in time),
      2. With brief communities (test works are not checked),
      if there is or is supposed to oppose (not finished, but only the work has begun)
      adverbone . If not not used (ridiculous, carelessly),
      2. Adcharations on -O, -e, if you can choose the synonym for white not (neglofo - clever)
      1. Again on -O, -e, if there is or implied opposition (not ridiculous, and sad),
      2, adverching on -O, -e, if they have explanatory words at all, not at all, not, not at all (not at all funny).
      3. If the adverb is written through a hyphen (not in Russian)

      The spelling of the particles is not

    Orphography of the Russian language

    Orphography of the Russian language - a set of rules governing writing words russian language.

    Modern Russian spelling.

    The main principle of the modern spelling of the Russian language is the morphological principle (the same morphem in the phonetically different forms of words is written equally). Phonetic and other principles in Russian have significantly less and are not basic. Simultaneous violations of both principles are found in the words type nonwalle, blessing.

    As an alphabet used russian alphabet , based on cyrillic.


    Initially, individual writing dominated in the language. One of the earliest work on the theory of spelling is labor V. K. Tredyakovsky , published in 1748, where the principles of constructing the alphabet and spelling are formulated, which even modern Russian alphabet corresponds well. M. V. Lomonosov In "Russian grammar", published in 1755, which was widely distributed and for many years used to teach the Russian language, published the rules of spelling and such fundamental principles, as the convenience of reading for everyone, proximity to three main Russian dialects, proximity to morphology and to Pronunciation: 12-15. The first academic dictionary of the Russian language was published in 1784-1794.

    Pretty full review of spelling rules in their historical perspective was carried out Ya. K. Grotom In 1873. He considered the Morphological principle in combination, to some extent, with phonetic written forms. Subsequently, on the primacy of the morphological principle (in contrast to the phonetic) in Russian spelling, indicated A. N. Gvozdev , A. I. Thomson , M. N. Peterson , D. N. Ushakov :17-30 .

    In 1904, a special advital commission was created at the Academy of Sciences. Her subcommittee in which such famous scientists entered how A. A. Chematov , F. F. Fortunatov , I. A. Boduen de Courtae , A. I. Sobolevsky , Take up the preparation of spelling reform. The final draft reform was ready for 1912, the proposed changes were implemented in six years, Reform of the Russian spelling of 1918 : 262-263. Until 1918, the Russian alphabet has numbered more letters than now. As a result of the reform of 1918, letters were removed yat , fITA , izhitsa , and more than , in the end of words.

    In 1956, the rules of Russian spelling and punctuation of 1956, which changed the writing of certain words and regulating the use of the letter were adopted.

    In the subsequent time under the guidance V. V. Lopatin Some changes have been put forward, partially reflected in the spelling dictionary under his editorial board.

    The most important rules

    Spelling of vowels in the root of words

    Unstressed vowels that can be checked

    art aboutly - Art aboutl.
    m. aboutl. aboutdoy - M. aboutboat, Mol aboutnonsense

    Unstressed vowels that are not checked ( words)

    to aboutrova, K. aboutrole, region butco., B. aboutlotto

    And after C

    In the roots of C. and - and

    C. andrK, C. andrkul, C. andtATA, C. andnGA, C. andfra ... and in other borrowed words

    Exception words: c. sgan on C. skidneys came to C splighte and C. sculked: "C sc. "

    In suffixes and endings - c s - s
    lisitsyn, kuritsyn; streets

    Vowels after hissing

    1) J. and, Sh and - and
    C. but, Sh but - but
    C. w., Sh w. - w.

    J. andzn, Ch butsHA, C. w.before …

    2) after hissing - ё:

    C. e.ryny, J. e.ltoy, Sh e.lK, Ch e.rTO ...

    Exception words: about sh aboutin, sh aboutrok, Cap aboutn, Krysu. abouth, Kryzh aboutnick, Sh aboutsSE, S. aboutcollad, J. aboutkay, Obzh aboutrA, Prog aboutrailway, J. aboutnGLER, C. aboutporn, crack aboutsound, Trumpet aboutba, Sh aboutrTY, S. aboutrnick, Sh aboutmPOL, S. aboutvinizism, Sh aboutk, S. aboutrA, CHABS aboutba, Ch aboutscrew, Ch aboutfrank, Ch aboutx, Ch abouthom, J. aboutm, J. aboutr, J. aboutx, eday aboutr, Mazh aboutr, Mazh aboutrow.

    Alternating e - and, about - and in the root of the word

    1) B. e.r - B. andp
    T. e.r - T. andp
    D. e.p - D. andp
    P e.p - P. andp
    M. e.p - M. andp
    Art e.l - Art andl -
    bl - bl andst
    J. e.g - J. andgâ-

    d. e.ret - SD andrun
    art e.pour - w. andlB
    mind e.p - Mel. andpot
    bl e.stitch - B. andsting
    Exception words: op e.t., op e.walking, phrase e.tânie

    2) K. aboutc - K. buts-
    L. aboutf - L. butgâ-
    to aboutsqueeze - K. butgo
    Sl about- Izl butgTI
    Word-exception: floor aboutg.

    3) R. aboutfrom - about
    R butsT - R. butsh - but

    vIS aboutc, VIR but, VIR butpicked
    Exception words: raboutstock, R.aboutstislav, R.aboutstov, R.aboutrubber, Otr.butsL

    4) M. aboutk - M. butto
    you m aboutknote in the rain
    m. butkat in liquid

    5) R. aboutvN - R. butvN
    r aboutvNO - R. butvNU
    (smooth - the same)
    vIS aboutensure - UR. butinnouncing
    Word-exception: r butvnina

    6) G. aboutr - G. butr
    zag. butR, G. aboutrIT

    7) Z. aboutr - Z. butr
    z. butз. aboutri, Z. butrevo.

    Spelling consonants in the root of words

    Deaf and non-pronounced consonants that can be checked by changing the word or picking up a one-sided in which after the verifiable consonant is vowel or in, l, m, n, r, th

    1. Table b. - table b.s
    yellow d.b - Yela d.and.
    2. G. - G. z.nice
    sCA z.ka - SCA z.point.
    3. Head insPUY - Zdra iniE
    mes t.- Mes t.about.

    Unverified consonants (Words)

    Ye and oh after hissing

    1. Always ё: (SUB.) Bees, Chelka, Kometka, Yellow, Brush; (ad.) Yellow, black, clear, silk; (verb.) Went.
    2. Execution words: (SUB) Sooh, rustling, hood, gooseberry, shock, shorts, chauvinism, slum, culk, chole, magician, zhor, grocery, burn, shompol, khumon, ratchet, chat, major; (ad.) Voracious, tin, nutty, major; (verb.) Clell; (Narch.) Choch, evening.


    1. Usually under the stress, it is written about, without accepted - e: (souche.) Galch onok, hare onok, mph onok, Medvezh onok, Circle oK, wolf. oK and bell eC; (adj.) hedgehog oVbY, PARCH oVclezcha oVand beige eVhay; (NARCH.) HOT about, Fresh about, good about and Pakhchuch e..
    2. However: (verb.) Interlock yEVstream; (prob.) burnt yonnbowan yonn.
    3. Exception word: e..

    In graduation:

    1. Usually under the stress is written about, without emphasis - E: (SUB.) Knife oh., Svet oh, doctor oh. and watchman eat, cottage to her; (ad.) Greater wow and good his.
    2. However: (verb.) Stake this is, LJ this is, furnace this is.


    Among the difficulties of the development of Russian spelling:

    • A merged or separate writing of nouns with the prefix, moving to adverbs, is not regulated by strict rules, but is determined by the dictionary ( end, but to death; popolam., but by thirds; in addition, but finally, human, but by sea).
    • Writing about or e. After hissing I. c. inconsistently: arson (noun) when potozh (verb), pot for potter.
    • The "not" writing rule with verbs has many exceptions: neuti, hate, unlock, unlucky, notice and etc.
    • Writing the forms of the word "go" (root - and-) Only the dictionary is determined: go, but come and i come. The same with the form of root - them-/-eat-/-i-: i will understand, but accept, take and naughty.
    • Unprofilable, but the checked consonants are sometimes written, sometimes not written, without a special system: "Sun", "Health", but "pull", "Vyl", "Gonchar".
    • The double consonant at the junction of the console and the root is sometimes reflected in the letter, sometimes there is no, without a special system: "dedicate", "spout", "intense", but "challenge", "smoking".
    • A number of exceptions in the spelling "TSI" / "Qi" ( numeral, but chick), leaning verbs with alternation but/about fundamentally ( grow, but increased; jump, but to burn; bow, but to worship), writing dual n. In full adjectives and communities, etc.

    Features of spelling complex words

    Some complex words violate the rules of Russian graphics:

    • words like "Hitlergendan" and "INAZ" (read "HitlerGugend" and "Injyaz");
    • words like "Telavivets", "Kostutyil" and "Belozazh" (read "Tunic", "Kostyutil" and "Flemge").


    The spelling of the Russian language was repeatedly criticized by various writers and scientists. A number of opinions collected Ya. K. Grota In the book "The controversial issues of Russian spelling from Peter the Great Donny" (1873). Ya. K. Grota himself defended the letter to Yat, considering it important to distinguish words, despite the fact that such words did not distinguish such words in the metropolitan dialects of the oral Russian language. Changes in the norm of letters that were offered in this book were very moderate not affecting frequently used cases with already established writing. However, for relatively rare words (for example, "ham", "wedding", "Karakatitsa") there was a violation of the morphological nature of their writing (instead of "Vyadchin", "Soveb", "Korokatitsa").

    V. V. Lopatin offered to write in the words type cheap, painted, roasted, staring, wounded always one n. Regardless of whether they are syntactically subordinate words or not.

    see also



    • Panov M. V. And nevertheless she's good! : Story about Russian spelling, its advantages and disadvantages / Academy of Sciences of the USSR .. - m .: The science , 1964. - 168 p. - (Scientific and popular series). - 35,000 copies. (region)
    • Grigoriev T. M. Three centuries of Russian spelling (XVIII - XX centuries). - M .: Alpis, 2004. - 456 p. - 1,000 copies. - ISBN 5-902872-03-0 (in per.)

    Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

    Watch what is "Russian spelling" in other dictionaries:

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    morphological principlewhose essence is as follows: Morphem (significant part of the word: root, prefix, suffix, ending) retains a single alphabet writing, although when pronuncated by the sounds included in this morph may be modified. Thus, the root of bread in all related words is written in the same way, but pronounced differently depending on what place in the word is occupied by vowel or consonant sounds, Wed: [CL "and E BU], [CL" FELVIY C]; The prefix under the words to write and sweep the same, despite the different pronunciation, Wed: [Patp "Il" and T "] [Padb" and T "]; adjective mocking and boastful have the same suffix - -; unstressed ending and percussion are indicated equally: in the table e - in the book of ge, the big - led someone, si - mine etc.

    Guided by this particular principle, we check the truth of one or another morpheme by selecting related words or a change in the form of the word so that the morphem is in a strong position (under the stress, before p, l, m, n, j, etc.), those. It would be clearly designated.

    The role of the morphological principle in spelling is great, if I keep in mind that in Russian, a widely developed system of intrafemic alternations caused by different reasons.

    Along with morphological acts and phonetic principleAccording to which the words or their parts are written as they pronounce. For example, the prefixes on s vary depending on the quality of the following consultation: before ringing consonants hears and writes in the prefixes of the letter Z ( non-, variable, differently,), and before the deaf consonant in the same prefixes heard and writes the letter C, Wed: wHO split up - to cliff, from beat - drink, bottom to dress - NIS send etc.

    The action of the phonetic principle is also explained by writing vowels about it after hissing in the suffixes and endings of different parts of speech, where the choice of the corresponding vowel depends on the emphasis, Wed: Kloch oK - But LIbek, Parch about B.coche in th, candle about J. - TU KEY. etc.

    The root vowel and after Russian consoles on the consonant proceeds in the same letter, too, in accordance with the phonetic principle, i.e. written in the way hears and pronounced: prehistory, level, draw, play etc.

    It acts in our spelling also historical, or traditional, principle, according to which words are written as they wrote before, in the old days. So, writing vowels and, and, after hissing - it is the echo of the oldest state of the phonetic system of the Russian language. The vocabulary words are also written on the same principle, as well as borrowed. You can explain such writing only with the involvement of historical laws of the development of the language as a whole.

    Exists in modern spelling and principle of differentiated spelling (meaningful principle) according to which words are written depending on their lexical significance, Wed: Ozheg (verb) and burn (noun), company (group of people) and campaign (any event), ball (dance evening) and score (Evaluation unit).

    In addition to those named in spelling, it is necessary to note the principle of the fusion, dephysic and separate spelling: the complex words we write poured or through a hyphen, and the combination of words - separately.

    Summing up, we can say that the diversity of rules of Russian spelling is explained, on the one hand, the peculiarities of the phonetic and grammatical structure of the Russian language, the specifics of its development, and on the other - interaction with other languages, both Slavyanian and non-Slavic. The result of the latter is a large number of words of non-Russian origin, whose writing has to remember.

    Spelling of vowels in the root

    Checked unstressed vowels

    In an unstressed position, the same vowel is written in the root, as in the corresponding shock syllable of a single word: to reconcile (peace) - to approximately (fit), ridiculate (weeding) - dropped (fused), to buy (stuff) - drink (sate), rinse (weapons) - to caress - dedicate (holiness), label (shiver) - annoy (teases), dry out (dry) - excised (schish), let out (winter) - seats (about land), Bringing (led) - ghost (see), waving (deeper) - develop (development), fastening the heart (clip) - creaking with teeth (creak), etc.

    In some cases, such an acceptance cannot be used, since different writing of single-handed words is explained by their settlement to different languages. So, unknown non-affiliated combinations of RA, LA ( gates, cut, brazdes, chapter, cloud, and under.) Always written with the letter A - it is old Slavonic on the origin of the word; In Russian roots, complete-charts are complied with such combinations, Oolo ( gate, short, furrows, head, drag).

    It is impossible to check the unstressed vowel about in the roots of the verbs of the perfect species with the forms of the imperfect species. In words set about drinking, opdo items, rushed, split and h and other vowels about verified by single words oh well, glot tap, two, then fishesalthough there are verbs cool, late, swallow, split.

    This rule does not apply to foreign language words, as they are checked and verification vowels may relate to morphems of different origin. So, in the word Accompanic e Ment. suffix-heatent French origin, and in the verb Accompanic and rust Suffix-rhe - - German. Wed: Sub e MENT - Anyon Row, Angha e MENT - ANGAZY ROW; Words Intel and Hencation and int. елкт. In Latin, they are formed from different basics of one root.

    Exercise 1. Arrange strokes in words and explain the spelling of unstressed vowels by selecting related words with shock vowels.

    Bi Che Him, blah gilt, in Lekta, rude, dope, dough, fucking fuck, one nichny, challenge, zaki pouring, padded shaft, torture, Potted Mother, Knya, Le Woman, Le Pnina, Nava, Nava Rty , Nako Valnya, Nago Po, huddled, kiovy, see the genius, take it, elderly lived, Osto the wrong, walked to hurt, about the drain, Oda Venushena, Uda Flow, Putting, Pattius, Put, Plot.

    Exercise 2

    1. The sea after the storm still breathing the cold ... The house and did not give the Sun of the Na ... pour air. When a thick region fastened into the sun ... Chpko, in ... The Terches intensified. Tr ... Pink first p ... If the low x ... Lime, then straight and strongly t ... zero up, through thick, p ... Hooney Walnut Forest (Nag.). 2. In the nature of the beasts, birds, insects are divided into day ... wells and ... children. Are people in whom the sheds ... on all nature, for relatively k ... The rotational time of its existence on ... ML smoothed this to the ... effective difference? (Arrived.). 3. Mikhail Out ... zero lips and tried a subgr ... to harvest (Alex). 4. Music I heard in my childhood, Person ... Run in me, Zakam ... Nela, and those of her upshots to the sky, to SzE ... Zea, from which I cried sometime, is satisfied ... In the heart (AST.) 5. At midnight over the mountains ... the house of the Job ... ti ... Zhelya Gul. The wind ll ... tel in the window, fed up ... Westerns and revealed again (paust.). 6. Pike M ... Running, the fisherman of St. ... Russed in l ... Dyanny water, but did not let out of his hands, hidden under ... Doy, he snapped near the ice, it took ... Z and pulled out the USM ... root pike (arrived.).

    Unchecked unstressed vowels

    In Russian, there are many words, the root vowels that cannot be checked. Writing such words is determined by spelling dictionary. This includes both the original Russians and borrowed words. Here is some of them: aboriginal, Antagonism, Badminton, Beefstex, Broccolin, Lobby, Vinaigrette, Vigolina, Range, Delicates, Airship, Demagogue, Devicat, Initiative, Kabala, Kannoneada, Konford, Criminology, Cobbur, Koschey, Macakka, Cabinet, Owning, Charm, Polya, Optimism, Panorama, Panoramic, Privilege, Recruitment, Plasticine, Refinition, Tunnel, Utilitarian, Esperanto.

    Exercise 3.. Rewrite by inserting the missed letters. Check the word writing words with missed vowels.

    I. 1. To ... The chairman is cleaned with a pretty x ... woven head, tilting it down and an ability (KUPER). 2. Sometimes in these loud voices of birds poured a quiet song to ... Noplyanka (M. G.). 3. Green g ... Prennia of oak leaves, mixed with the bouquets of Astra, G ... Orgyin, L ... VKOEV and GW ... Zdiki, wrapped the joint venture ... Up to the steel case of the car (KUPER). 4. Everyone occupied the gypsies, which were convicted of a whole t ... Bun horses, covered with ... pons (bui). 5. The cruiser did not happen. Only the cloud of steam and smoke densely sworn over the place, to ... t ... stanza (N.-Prib.). 6. Time will come (and it is not far from the mountains), the Russian language will begin to study in all m ... p ... Dianam of the globe (A. T) 7. Sea continuously spinning shafts OK ... Yamloalo coast (Bun. ). 8. Forest generous on entertainment. That the branches on the branch will push the protein, then, deafeningly wings with wings, breaks out of the walnut bush t ... grater (SOL.). 9. We went down to ... Lina and, as soon as they found water, immediately stopped among the oak edging (ar.). 10. The month was hidden behind the close r ... r ... The umbrella of black mountains, which were visible to the right, and threw their weak and trembling semi-drying, sharply opposite with an impenetrable darkness that covered their soles (L. T.).

    II. AB ... Kado, Alg ... Rhythm, b ... Kalaver, Ch ... Diatel, D ... Nudra, K ... N ... Patty, M ... Ribe, Blind ... Mety, in ... N ... Gret, g ... relief, scan ... tint, to ... l ... Nacha, to ... Rogaz, to ... mp ... nav, Lume ... N ... Scene, F ... Salt, B ... CL ... Jean, g ... Rpun, gr ... m ... To be like, Zak ... Cexual, l. .. kv ... dry, m ... Sol, about ... Greno, P ... RL ... Moch, forv ... RD, AKV ... Rel, b ... Atlon, c. .. Sushka, in ... pH ... soot.

    III. Obane ... Vyrey, to ... Rburator, to ... Rosin, to ... Mountain, L ... Wanda, M ... L ... Nholik, M ... Zaika, N ... CTURN, P ... Mflet, P ... T ... Cantrophop, in ... Devil, d ... Flywang, ID ... al ... zeniy, to ... Nguru, n ... In ... Rose, about ... Glot, Per ... Skop, P ... Zeda, f ... Rvater, g ... g ... Monya.

    Alternating vowels in roots

    Writing alternating vowels in roots e / and; o / a; a / me / they; a / i / in depends on the emphasis; The character of the consonant, in front of which the vowel is in the root; from suffix, following the root; from the lexical value of the roots.

    1. Emphasis, i.e. According to the phonetic principle, the writing of vowels in the following roots is determined:

    Gar - / - Gor- - under the stress is written a: zag a R, UGA R, Naga R; without emphasis - about: zag about Ripe, Hugo Retail, Prerequish, Pogo Reliets, Wound.

    Exceptions: B. ha ha Rki (specialist.), and Zga Rye (Dial.), pr and ha Ry (progress);

    Gar - / - Zor - - under the stress are speaking vowels in accordance with pronunciation: s and Revo, Zo, Zo Ryka; without emphasis - A: s anya, for the rice, the oz rhine, the back of the rhenium, for the green, for gangs.

    Exception: Z. oh Vekh;

    Clan - / - clone - under stress is written vowels according to pronunciation: CL and to nail, Caplo; Without emphasis - Oh: Coke oh, the submission, SKO and etc.;

    Trev - / - Creative - under stress is written vowels according to pronunciation: TV about RMC, TV Pie; without emphasis - about: TV oh rit, finally roller and etc.

    Exception: utensils a Ry. (non-derivative);

    Plave - / - Plov- - in an unstressed position of the letter O is written only in a nutshell: Pl about Vets, Poin Vichiha. In other cases, it is written a: pl and the wooch, the wok, Po Vichnik, Pla Venets (Floor Beetle). In the word pl. vun. (Spec.) It is written in accordance with pronunciation.

    2. The quality of the consonant, in front of which the root vowel is, is determined by writing roots:

    CAS - / - Kos (n) - - before the consonant name is written about: to about ht occuring; In other cases - A: To and to sit, ka;

    Lag - / - Lodge - before the consonant, is written A: implicate; Before consonant, write about: I am about living, led to live, polo live.

    Exception: by log (non-derivative);

    Rast - / - rations - / - Ros- - in an unstressed position is written only before the following st and sh: you races, grown, forces, germinated, age, plant; In other cases - A: VYR about the clutch, algae, poros.

    Exception: Otr. and Sl. (although there is no combination of st); R oh Stock, Rozovshchik, Ro Stov, Ro Stislav (although there is a combination of st) and derivatives from them;

    Skak - / - soften- - without emphasis and writes only before to: Prosk aK AT, Zavek AT, on Skak; Before h, writes about: cask och, rode.

    Note. It is necessary to distinguish with the writing of the form of the 1st person of the real time, as well as the imperative inclination in the verbs and Kat (start jumping) and cask about read (go on a while); accordingly: ZASSC {!LANG-1061a1371f495dca24b6f27035e4df47!}{!LANG-7a8caa09e17a23409c63de5dd4eda1ae!} {!LANG-b0530465285b435009743ffb1134e1ea!}{!LANG-2d53a1cc5dfc933f993171165fd503aa!} {!LANG-58e328effb72ecda9615c34b12bb9641!}{!LANG-7a8caa09e17a23409c63de5dd4eda1ae!} {!LANG-32d775ba774616e18955abedcd2c0f64!}.

    {!LANG-49b27e45d7e7a380ce4a4ba2d684d54a!} {!LANG-45b027667a7da60d6eb3420c8d053f23!}{!LANG-a75524a0e49f61f1bbfb719365caa007!} {!LANG-7e69c1ef9308c2186866789146dd3df2!}{!LANG-8702f7c2e0742cbcc792da1dfc360ca6!} {!LANG-4065223b30332e5bee37e86b318f7bff!}{!LANG-8b5c1855ab686c368a06b3207d927878!} {!LANG-927446d54faa01f1ffda18f2fa969e28!}).

    {!LANG-279122af1c8b1cd953a98100af6678d0!} {!LANG-3895c80bf0c0b08b803757d0d4abe7dc!}{!LANG-eca4c4d39a7b7e287e124b1c0f01e8f4!}

    {!LANG-7721b44514a210f545f8da64791eef73!} {!LANG-2a167fee54d212a6b2f11735d087efaa!}.


    {!LANG-fd355aa25e47cede6430b3f1abdb364a!} {!LANG-39aab3e39ca08bb889dc594a808ccc72!}{!LANG-4a7572e37405263fb29a98f00ecae471!} {!LANG-6be77c4fb0ffda9c306218e6b053a0d1!};

    {!LANG-88e874009859cfc20cc5792ecce4f2c9!} {!LANG-86ea039cee594f90563a83b8abcb25a5!}{!LANG-0f1905c356ba8628dca7e673691b6437!} {!LANG-cfc7d32639eaca4bfed9d6229f4df03a!}.

    {!LANG-a6cb5f83d66a0050ecf2e6176efdcd73!} {!LANG-3815d158755122b7fbea2145d7978c61!}.

    {!LANG-01ee3b6c27e77df4023ee69c0a2e519d!} {!LANG-8f701b8d167c88486c7088c7103e1bd6!}{!LANG-00941b9d8689b3efa46c49a2b7d1528b!} {!LANG-d52214fafcc0d312e248a061e4393d59!}{!LANG-870c1c13f8f269c0aa98dad0e15c34b6!}





