
Formula for the area of ​​a trapezoid through a four-side calculator. Area of ​​a trapezoid: how to calculate, formula

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In order to feel confident in geometry lessons and successfully solve problems, it is not enough to learn formulas. First of all, you need to understand them. To be afraid, let alone hate formulas, is unproductive. This article will analyze in accessible language different ways search for the area of ​​the trapezoid. For a better understanding of the corresponding rules and theorems, we will pay some attention to its properties. This will help you understand how the rules work and when you should apply certain formulas.

Defining a trapezoid

What is this figure in general? A trapezoid is a polygon of four corners with two parallel sides. The other two sides of the trapezoid can be tilted at different angles. Its parallel sides are called bases, and for non-parallel sides, the name "sides" or "thighs" is used. Such figures are quite common in everyday life. The contours of the trapezoid can be seen in the silhouettes of clothing, interior items, furniture, dishes and many others. The trapezoid happens different types: versatile, isosceles and rectangular. We will analyze their types and properties in more detail later in the article.

Trapezoid properties

Let us dwell briefly on the properties of this figure. The sum of the angles adjacent to either side always equals 180 °. It should be noted that all the angles of the trapezoid add up to 360 °. The trapezoid has the concept of a midline. If you connect the midpoints of the sides with a segment, this will be the middle line. It is designated by m. The middle line has important properties: it is always parallel to the bases (we remember that the bases are also parallel to each other) and is equal to their half-sum:

This definition must be learned and understood, because it is the key to solving many problems!

At the trapezoid, you can always lower the height to the base. Height is a perpendicular, often denoted by the symbol h, that is drawn from any point on one base to another base or its extension. The midline and height will help you find the area of ​​the trapezoid. Such problems are the most common in the school geometry course and regularly appear among the control and examination papers.

The simplest formulas for the area of ​​a trapezoid

Let's analyze the two most popular and simple formulas, with the help of which the area of ​​the trapezoid is found. It is enough to multiply the height by half the sum of the bases to easily find what you are looking for:

S = h * (a + b) / 2.

In this formula, a, b denote the base of the trapezoid, h - the height. For ease of perception, in this article, multiplication signs are marked with a (*) symbol in the formulas, although in official reference books the multiplication sign is usually omitted.

Let's look at an example.

Given: a trapezoid with two bases equal to 10 and 14 cm, the height is 7 cm. What is the area of ​​the trapezoid?

Let's analyze the solution to this problem. Using this formula, you first need to find the half-sum of the bases: (10 + 14) / 2 = 12. So, the half-sum equals 12 cm. Now we multiply the half-sum by the height: 12 * 7 = 84. The desired item is found. Answer: the area of ​​the trapezoid is 84 sq. cm.

The second well-known formula says: the area of ​​a trapezoid is equal to the product of the midline and the height of the trapezoid. That is, in fact, it follows from the previous concept of the middle line: S = m * h.

Using diagonals for calculations

Another way to find the area of ​​a trapezoid is actually not that difficult. It is associated with its diagonals. According to this formula, to find the area, you need to multiply the half-product of its diagonals (d 1 d 2) by the sine of the angle between them:

S = ½ d 1 d 2 sin a.

Consider a problem that shows the application of this method. Given: a trapezoid with a diagonal length of 8 and 13 cm, respectively. The angle a between the diagonals is 30 °. Find the area of ​​the trapezoid.

Solution. Using the above formula, it is easy to calculate what is required. As you know, sin 30 ° is 0.5. Therefore, S = 8 * 13 * 0.5 = 52. Answer: the area is 52 sq. cm.

We are looking for the area of ​​an isosceles trapezoid

The trapezium can be isosceles (isosceles). Its sides are the same AND the angles at the bases are equal, which is well illustrated in the figure. An isosceles trapezoid has the same properties as a regular trapezoid, plus a number of special ones. A circle can be described around an isosceles trapezoid, and a circle can be inscribed into it.

What are the methods for calculating the area of ​​such a figure? The method below will require a lot of computation. To use it, you need to know the values ​​of the sine (sin) and cosine (cos) of the angle at the base of the trapezoid. To calculate them, either Bradis tables or an engineering calculator are required. This is the formula:

S = c* sin a*(a - c* cos a),

where with- lateral thigh, a- angle at the bottom base.

An isosceles trapezoid has diagonals of the same length. The converse is also true: if a trapezoid has equal diagonals, then it is isosceles. Hence the following formula, which helps to find the area of ​​a trapezoid, is the half-product of the square of the diagonals by the sine of the angle between them: S = ½ d 2 sin a.

Find the area of ​​a rectangular trapezoid

A special case of a rectangular trapezoid is known. This is a trapezoid in which one lateral side (its thigh) adjoins the bases at right angles. It has the properties of an ordinary trapezoid. In addition, she has a very interesting feature... The difference between the squares of the diagonals of such a trapezoid is equal to the difference between the squares of its bases. For it, all the previously given methods for calculating the area are used.

Applying ingenuity

There is one trick that can help in case of forgetfulness of specific formulas. Let's take a closer look at what a trapezoid is. If we mentally divide it into parts, then we get familiar and understandable geometric shapes: a square or rectangle and a triangle (one or two). If you know the height and sides of the trapezoid, you can use the formulas for the area of ​​a triangle and a rectangle, and then add all the resulting values.

Let us illustrate this with the following example. A rectangular trapezoid is given. Angle C = 45 °, angles A, D are 90 °. The upper base of the trapezoid is 20 cm, the height is 16 cm. It is required to calculate the area of ​​the figure.

This figure obviously consists of a rectangle (if the two angles are 90 °) and a triangle. Since the trapezoid is rectangular, therefore, its height is equal to its lateral side, that is, 16 cm. We have a rectangle with sides of 20 and 16 cm, respectively. Consider now a triangle whose angle is 45 °. We know that one side of it is 16 cm. Since this side is at the same time the height of the trapezoid (and we know that the height drops to the base at a right angle), therefore, the second angle of the triangle is 90 °. Hence the remaining angle of the triangle is 45 °. As a result, we get a right-angled isosceles triangle with the same two sides. This means that the other side of the triangle is equal to the height, that is, 16 cm. It remains to calculate the area of ​​the triangle and rectangle and add the resulting values.

The area of ​​a right-angled triangle is equal to half of the product of its legs: S = (16 * 16) / 2 = 128. The area of ​​a rectangle is equal to the product of its width and length: S = 20 * 16 = 320. We found the required: the area of ​​the trapezoid S = 128 + 320 = 448 sq. see. You can easily double-check yourself using the above formulas, the answer will be identical.

Using Pick's formula

Finally, we present one more original formula that helps to find the area of ​​a trapezoid. It's called Pick's formula. It is convenient to use it when the trapezoid is drawn on checkered paper. Similar tasks are often found in the materials of the GIA. It looks like this:

S = M / 2 + N - 1,

in this formula M is the number of nodes, i.e. the intersections of the lines of the figure with the lines of the cells on the borders of the trapezoid (orange dots in the figure), N is the number of nodes inside the figure (blue dots). It is most convenient to use it when finding the area of ​​an irregular polygon. However, the larger the arsenal of techniques used, the fewer errors and the better the results.

Of course, the information given does not exhaust the types and properties of the trapezoid, as well as the methods for finding its area. This article provides an overview of its most important characteristics. In solving geometric problems, it is important to act gradually, start with easy formulas and problems, consistently consolidate understanding, move to another level of complexity.

Collected together the most common formulas will help students navigate various ways calculating the area of ​​the trapezoid and better prepare for tests and control works on this topic.

Before finding the area of ​​the trapezoid, it is necessary to determine the known elements of the trapezoid. A trapezoid is a geometric object, namely a quadrilateral that has two parallel sides (two bases). The other two sides are lateral. If these two sides of the quadrangle are also parallel, then it will no longer be a trapezoid, but a parallelogram. If at least one angle of a trapezoid is 90 degrees, then such a trapezoid is called rectangular. How to find the area of ​​a rectangular trapezoid, we will consider later. There is also an isosceles trapezoid, the name of which speaks for itself: the sides of such a trapezoid are equal. The distance between the bases of the trapezoid is called the height, and the height is very often used to find the area. The midline of the trapezoid is the line segment that connects the midpoints of the sides.

Basic formulas for finding the area of ​​a trapezoid

  • S = h * (a + b) / 2
    Where h is the height of the trapezoid, a, b are the base. The most commonly used formula for finding the area of ​​a trapezoid is half the sum of the base times the height.
  • S = m * h
    Where m is the middle line of the trapezoid, h is the height. The area of ​​the trapezoid is also equal to the product of the midline of the trapezoid by its height.
  • S = 1/2 * d1 * d2 * sin (d1 ^ d2)
    Where d1, d2 are the diagonals of the trapezoid, sin (d1 ^ d2) is the sine of the angle between the diagonals of the trapezoid.

There are also various formulas derived from the main ones, as well as a formula for calculating the area of ​​a trapezoid when all its sides are known. However, this formula is rather cumbersome and is rarely used, because knowing all the sides of the trapezoid, you can simply determine the height or its midline. You can also inscribe a circle in an isosceles trapezoid. In this case, the area of ​​the trapezoid will be calculated by the formula: 8 * the radius of the circle in a square.

How to find the area of ​​a rectangular trapezoid

As mentioned earlier, a trapezoid is called rectangular if it has at least one angle of a straight line. It is very easy to find the area of ​​such a trapezoid. Basically, to find the area of ​​a rectangular trapezoid, the same formulas are used as for a regular trapezoid. However, it is worth remembering that one of the lateral sides of such a trapezoid will be the height. Also, often solving problems of finding the area of ​​a rectangular trapezoid is reduced to finding the area of ​​a rectangle and a triangle formed by the lowered height. Such tasks are quite simple.

The many-sided trapezoid ... It can be arbitrary, isosceles or rectangular. And in each case, you need to know how to find the area of ​​the trapezoid. Of course, the basic formulas are the easiest to remember. But sometimes it is easier to use the one that is derived taking into account all the features of a particular geometric figure.

A few words about the trapezoid and its elements

Any quadrangle with two sides parallel can be called a trapezoid. In general, they are not equal and are called bases. The larger one is the bottom one and the other is the top one.

The other two sides are sideways. For an arbitrary trapezoid, they have different lengths. If they are equal, then the figure becomes isosceles.

If suddenly the angle between any side and the base turns out to be equal to 90 degrees, then the trapezoid is rectangular.

All these features can help in solving the problem of how to find the area of ​​a trapezoid.

Among the elements of the figure that may be indispensable in solving problems, we can single out the following:

  • height, that is, a segment perpendicular to both bases;
  • the middle line, which has at its ends the midpoints of the lateral sides.

What is the formula to calculate the area if the bases and height are known?

This expression is given as the main one, because most often you can find out these values, even when they are not given explicitly. So, to understand how to find the area of ​​a trapezoid, you need to add both bases and divide them in two. Then multiply the resulting value by the height value.

If we designate the bases with the letters a 1 and a 2, the height - n, then the formula for the area will look like this:

S = ((a 1 + a 2) / 2) * n.

The formula by which the area is calculated, given its height and midline

If you look closely at the previous formula, you will easily notice that there is clearly a midline value in it. Namely, the sum of the bases divided by two. Let the middle line be denoted by the letter l, then the formula for the area will be like this:

S = l * n.

The ability to find the area by diagonals

This method will help if you know the angle formed by them. Suppose that the diagonals are denoted by the letters d 1 and d 2, and the angles between them are α and β. Then the formula for how to find the area of ​​a trapezoid will be written as follows:

S = ((q 1 * q 2) / 2) * sin α.

In this expression, you can easily replace α with β. The result will not change.

How to find out the area if all sides of the figure are known?

There are also situations when the sides are known in this figure. This formula is cumbersome and difficult to remember. But probably. Let the sides have the designation: in 1 and in 2, the base of a 1 is greater than a 2. Then the area formula will look like this:

S = ((a 1 + a 2) / 2) * √ (in 1 2 - [(a 1 - a 2) 2 + in 1 2 - in 2 2) / (2 * (a 1 - a 2)) ] 2).

Methods for calculating the area of ​​an isosceles trapezoid

The first one is connected with the fact that a circle can be inscribed in it. And, knowing its radius (it is denoted by the letter r), as well as the angle at the base - γ, you can use the following formula:

S = (4 * r 2) / sin γ.

The last general formula, which is based on the knowledge of all sides of the figure, will be greatly simplified due to the fact that the sides have the same meaning:

S = ((a 1 + a 2) / 2) * √ (b 2 - [(a 1 - a 2) 2 / (2 * (a 1 - a 2))] 2).

Methods for calculating the area of ​​a rectangular trapezoid

It is clear that any of the above will be suitable for an arbitrary figure. But sometimes it is useful to know about one feature of such a trapezoid. It consists in the fact that the difference between the squares of the lengths of the diagonals is equal to the difference made up of the squares of the bases.

Often the formulas for the trapezoid are forgotten, while the expressions for the areas of the rectangle and triangle are remembered. Then a simple way can be applied. Divide the trapezoid into two shapes if it is rectangular, or three. One will definitely be a rectangle, and the second, or the other two, will be triangles. After calculating the areas of these figures, it remains only to add them.

This is a fairly simple way to find the area of ​​a rectangular trapezoid.

What if the coordinates of the vertices of the trapezoid are known?

In this case, you need to use an expression that allows you to determine the distance between points. It can be applied three times: to find out both bases and one height. And then just apply the first formula, which is described a little above.

An example can be given to illustrate this method. Vertices with coordinates A (5; 7), B (8; 7), C (10; 1), D (1; 1) are given. You need to find out the area of ​​the figure.

Before finding the area of ​​the trapezoid, you need to calculate the lengths of the bases from the coordinates. You will need the following formula:

segment length = √ ((difference of the first coordinates of points) 2 + (difference of second coordinates of points) 2).

The upper base is designated AB, which means that its length will be equal to √ ((8-5) 2 + (7-7) 2) = √9 = 3. Lower - SD = √ ((10-1) 2 + (1-1 ) 2) = √81 = 9.

Now we need to draw the height from the top to the bottom. Let its beginning be at point A. The end of the segment will be on the lower base at the point with coordinates (5; 1), let it be point H. The length of the segment AH will be equal to √ ((5-5) 2 + (7-1) 2 ) = √36 = 6.

It remains only to substitute the resulting values ​​into the formula for the area of ​​the trapezoid:

S = ((3 + 9) / 2) * 6 = 36.

The problem was solved without units of measurement, because the scale of the coordinate grid was not specified. It can be either a millimeter or a meter.

Examples of tasks

No. 1. Condition. The angle between the diagonals of an arbitrary trapezoid is known, it is equal to 30 degrees. The smaller diagonal has a value of 3 dm, and the second is 2 times larger than it. It is necessary to calculate the area of ​​the trapezoid.

Solution. First you need to find out the length of the second diagonal, because without this it will not be possible to count the answer. It is not difficult to calculate it, 3 * 2 = 6 (dm).

Now we need to use a suitable formula for the area:

S = ((3 * 6) / 2) * sin 30º = 18/2 * ½ = 4.5 (dm 2). The problem has been solved.

Answer: the area of ​​the trapezoid is 4.5 dm 2.

No. 2. Condition. In the trapezoid of AVSD, the bases are the segments of blood pressure and BC. Point E is the middle of the SD side. From it, a perpendicular is drawn to line AB, the end of this segment is designated by the letter N. It is known that the lengths AB and EH are 5 and 4 cm, respectively. It is necessary to calculate the area of ​​the trapezoid.

Solution. First you need to make a drawing. Since the value of the perpendicular is less than the side to which it is drawn, the trapezoid will be slightly elongated upward. So EH will be inside the figure.

To clearly see the progress of solving the problem, you will need to perform additional construction. Namely, draw a straight line that will be parallel to the AB side. The intersection points of this straight line with HELL are P, and with the continuation of BC - X. The resulting figure ВХРА is a parallelogram. Moreover, its area is equal to the required one. This is due to the fact that the triangles obtained with the additional construction are equal. This follows from the equality of the side and the two angles adjacent to it, one is vertical, the other is criss-cross.

You can find the area of ​​a parallelogram using a formula that contains the product of the side and the height dropped on it.

Thus, the area of ​​the trapezoid is 5 * 4 = 20 cm 2.

Answer: S = 20 cm 2.

No. 3. Condition. Elements of an isosceles trapezoid have the following meanings: lower base - 14 cm, upper - 4 cm, acute angle - 45º. You need to calculate its area.

Solution. Let the smaller base be designated BC. The height drawn from point B will be called BH. Since the angle is 45º, the triangle ABN will turn out to be rectangular and isosceles. Hence, AH = BH. And NA is very easy to find. It is equal to half the difference in bases. That is (14 - 4) / 2 = 10/2 = 5 (cm).

The bases are known, the height is calculated. You can use the first formula, which was considered here for an arbitrary trapezoid.

S = ((14 + 4) / 2) * 5 = 18/2 * 5 = 9 * 5 = 45 (cm 2).

Answer: The required area is 45 cm 2.

No. 4. Condition. There is an arbitrary trapezoid of AVSD. On its lateral sides, points O and E are taken, so that OE is parallel to the base of blood pressure. The area of ​​the AOED trapezium is five times larger than that of the CFE. Calculate the OE value if the base lengths are known.

Solution. You will need to draw two parallel AB straight lines: the first through point C, its intersection with OE - point T; the second through E and the point of intersection with blood pressure will be M.

Let the unknown OE = x. The height of the smaller trapezoid OVSE - n 1, the greater AOED - n 2.

Since the areas of these two trapezoids are related as 1 to 5, we can write the following equality:

(x + a 2) * n 1 = 1/5 (x + a 1) * n 2

n 1 / n 2 = (x + a 1) / (5 (x + a 2)).

The heights and sides of the triangles are proportional in construction. Therefore, one more equality can be written:

n 1 / n 2 = (x - a 2) / (a ​​1 - x).

In two recent entries on the left side there are equal values, which means that we can write that (x + a 1) / (5 (x + a 2)) is equal to (x - a 2) / (a ​​1 - x).

A number of transformations are required here. First multiply crosswise. Brackets will appear that indicate the difference of the squares, after applying this formula, you get a short equation.

In it, you need to open the brackets and move all the terms from the unknown "x" to the left, and then extract the square root.

Answer: x = √ ((a 1 2 + 5 a 2 2) / 6).

The practice of last year's USE and GIA shows that geometry problems cause difficulties for many schoolchildren. You can easily cope with them if you memorize all the necessary formulas and practice solving problems.

In this article, you will see formulas for finding the area of ​​a trapezoid, as well as examples of problems with solutions. You can find the same in KIMs at certification exams or at the Olympiads. Therefore, treat them carefully.

What you need to know about a trapezoid?

First, let's remember that trapezoid called a quadrangle, which has two opposite sides, they are also called bases, are parallel, and the other two are not.

The height can also be lowered in the trapezoid (perpendicular to the base). The middle line is drawn - this is a straight line that is parallel to the bases and is equal to half of their sum. And also diagonals, which can intersect, forming acute and obtuse corners. Or, in some cases, at right angles. In addition, if the trapezoid is isosceles, a circle can be inscribed into it. And describe a circle around it.

Area formulas for a trapezoid

To begin with, consider the standard formulas for finding the area of ​​a trapezoid. We will consider ways to calculate the area of ​​an isosceles and curved trapezoid below.

So, imagine that you have a trapezoid with bases a and b, in which the height h is lowered to the larger base. Calculating the area of ​​the figure in this case is as easy as shelling pears. You just need to divide by two the sum of the lengths of the bases and multiply what you get by the height: S = 1/2 (a + b) * h.

Let us take another case: suppose, in the trapezoid, in addition to the height, the middle line m is drawn. We know the formula for finding the length of the midline: m = 1/2 (a + b). Therefore, we can rightfully simplify the formula for the area of ​​a trapezoid to of the following kind: S = m * h... In other words, to find the area of ​​a trapezoid, you must multiply the midline by the height.

Consider another option: in the trapezoid, diagonals d 1 and d 2 are drawn, which do not intersect at a right angle α. To calculate the area of ​​such a trapezoid, you need to divide by two the product of the diagonals and multiply what you get by the sin of the angle between them: S = 1 / 2d 1 d 2 * sinα.

Now consider the formula for finding the area of ​​a trapezoid if nothing is known about it except the lengths of all its sides: a, b, c and d. This is a cumbersome and complex formula, but it will be useful for you to remember it, just in case: S = 1/2 (a + b) * √c 2 - ((1/2 (b - a)) * ((b - a) 2 + c 2 - d 2)) 2.

By the way, the above examples are also true for the case when you need the formula for the area of ​​a rectangular trapezoid. This is a trapezoid, the side of which adjoins the bases at right angles.

Isosceles trapezoid

A trapezoid, the sides of which are equal, is called isosceles. We will consider several variants of the formula for the area of ​​an isosceles trapezoid.

The first option: for the case when a circle with a radius r is inscribed inside the isosceles trapezoid, and the lateral side and the larger base form an acute angle α. A circle can be inscribed in a trapezoid, provided that the sum of the lengths of its bases is equal to the sum of the lengths of the sides.

The area of ​​an isosceles trapezoid is calculated as follows: multiply the square of the radius of the inscribed circle by four and divide it all by sinα: S = 4r 2 / sinα... Another area formula is a special case for the case when the angle between the large base and the side is 30 0: S = 8r 2.

The second option: this time we take an isosceles trapezoid, in which, in addition, the diagonals d 1 and d 2 are drawn, as well as the height h. If the diagonals of the trapezoid are mutually perpendicular, the height is half the sum of the bases: h = 1/2 (a + b). Knowing this, it is easy to transform the already familiar formula for the area of ​​a trapezoid into the following form: S = h 2.

Formula for the area of ​​a curved trapezoid

Let's start by looking at what a curved trapezoid is. Imagine a coordinate axis and a graph of a continuous and non-negative function f that does not change sign within a given segment on the x-axis. The curvilinear trapezoid is formed by the graph of the function y = f (x) - at the top, the x-axis - at the bottom (segment), and on the sides - the lines drawn between points a and b and the graph of the function.

It is impossible to calculate the area of ​​such a non-standard shape using the above methods. Here you need to apply mathematical analysis and use the integral. Namely: the Newton-Leibniz formula - S = ∫ b a f (x) dx = F (x) │ b a = F (b) - F (a)... In this formula, F is the antiderivative of our function on the selected segment. And the area of ​​the curvilinear trapezoid corresponds to the increment of the antiderivative on a given segment.

Examples of tasks

To make all these formulas settle in your head better, here are some examples of tasks for finding the area of ​​a trapezoid. It will be best if you first try to solve the problems yourself, and only then check the answer received with the ready-made solution.

Task number 1: Given a trapezoid. Its larger base is 11 cm, the smaller one is 4 cm. Diagonals are drawn in the trapezoid, one 12 cm long, the other 9 cm long.

Solution: Construct trapezoid AMPC. Draw line PX through vertex P so that it turns out to be parallel to the MC diagonal and intersects line AC at point X. You will get a triangle ARX.

We will consider two figures obtained as a result of these manipulations: the ARX triangle and the CMRX parallelogram.

Thanks to the parallelogram, we learn that PX = MC = 12 cm and CX = MR = 4cm. Where can we calculate the side AX of the triangle ARX: AX = AC + CX = 11 + 4 = 15 cm.

We can also prove that the triangle ARX is rectangular (for this, apply the Pythagorean theorem - AX 2 = AR 2 + PX 2). And calculate its area: S APX = 1/2 (AP * PX) = 1/2 (9 * 12) = 54 cm 2.

Next, you need to prove that triangles AMP and PCX are equal. The basis will be the equality of the sides MP and CX (already proven above). And also the heights that you lower on these sides - they are equal to the height of the AMRS trapezoid.

All this will allow you to assert that S AMPC = S APX = 54 cm 2.

Task number 2: Given a trapezoid KRMS. Points O and E are located on its lateral sides, while OE and KC are parallel. It is also known that the areas of the ORME and OKSE trapeziums are in a ratio of 1: 5. PM = a and KC = b. It is required to find OE.

Solution: Draw a straight line through point M, parallel to the RC, and designate the point of its intersection with OE by T. A - the point of intersection of a straight line drawn through point E parallel to the RC, with the base of the KS.

Let us introduce one more notation - OE = x. And also the height h 1 for the TME triangle and the height h 2 for the AEC triangle (you can independently prove the similarity of these triangles).

We will assume that b> a. The areas of the trapeziums ORME and OKSE are related as 1: 5, which gives us the right to draw up the following equation: (x + a) * h 1 = 1/5 (b + x) * h 2. Let's transform and get: h 1 / h 2 = 1/5 * ((b + x) / (x + a)).

Since triangles TME and AEC are similar, we have h 1 / h 2 = (x - a) / (b - x). Combine both records and get: (x - a) / (b - x) = 1/5 * ((b + x) / (x + a)) ↔ 5 (x - a) (x + a) = (b + x) (b - x) ↔ 5 (x 2 - a 2) = (b 2 - x 2) ↔ 6x 2 = b 2 + 5a 2 ↔ x = √ (5a 2 + b 2) / 6.

Thus, OE = x = √ (5a 2 + b 2) / 6.


Geometry is not the easiest science, but you can surely be able to cope with the exam tasks. It is enough to show a little perseverance in preparation. And, of course, remember all the necessary formulas.

We tried to collect in one place all the formulas for calculating the area of ​​a trapezoid so that you can use them when you prepare for exams and review the material.

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Trapezium area. Greetings! In this post, we will take a look at the specified formula. Why it is exactly like that and how to understand it. If there is understanding, then you do not need to learn it. If you just want to look at this formula and what is urgent, then you can immediately scroll down the page))

Now in detail and in order.

A trapezoid is a quadrilateral, two sides of this quadrilateral are parallel, the other two are not. Those that are not parallel are the bases of the trapezoid. The other two are called sides.

If the sides are equal, then the trapezoid is called isosceles. If one of the lateral sides is perpendicular to the bases, then such a trapezoid is called rectangular.

In the classical form, the trapezoid is depicted as follows - the larger base is at the bottom, respectively, the smaller is at the top. But no one forbids portraying her and vice versa. Here are the sketches:

The next important concept.

The midline of the trapezoid is the line segment that connects the midpoints of the sides. The middle line is parallel to the bases of the trapezoid and is equal to their half-sum.

Now let's delve deeper. Why is it so?

Consider a trapezoid with bases a and b and with the middle line l, and we will perform some additional constructions: we draw straight lines through the bases, and perpendiculars through the ends of the midline until they intersect with the bases:

* Letter designations of vertices and other points are not deliberately introduced in order to avoid unnecessary designations.

Look, triangles 1 and 2 are equal in the second sign of equality of triangles, triangles 3 and 4 are the same. From the equality of the triangles, the equality of the elements follows, namely the legs (they are indicated in blue and red, respectively).

Now attention! If we mentally "cut off" the blue and red segment from the lower base, then we will have a segment (this is the side of the rectangle) equal to the midline. Further, if we "glue" the cut off blue and red line to the upper base of the trapezoid, then we will also get a segment (this is also the side of the rectangle) equal to the middle line of the trapezoid.

Got it? It turns out that the sum of the bases will be equal to the two middle lines of the trapezoid:

See another explanation

Let's do the following - build a straight line passing through the lower base of the trapezoid and a straight line that will pass through points A and B:

We get triangles 1 and 2, they are equal on the side and the angles adjacent to it (the second sign of equality of triangles). This means that the resulting segment (in the sketch it is indicated in blue) is equal to the upper base of the trapezoid.

Now consider the triangle:

* The midline of this trapezoid and the midline of the triangle coincide.

It is known that a triangle is equal to half of its parallel base, that is:

Okay, sorted it out. Now about the area of ​​the trapezoid.

Trapezium area formula:

They say: the area of ​​a trapezoid is equal to the product of the half-sum of its bases and the height.

That is, it turns out that it is equal to the product of the midline and the height:

You've probably already noticed that this is obvious. Geometrically, this can be expressed as follows: if we mentally cut off triangles 2 and 4 from the trapezoid and put them, respectively, on triangles 1 and 3:

Then we get a rectangle in area equal to the area of ​​our trapezoid. The area of ​​this rectangle will be equal to the product of the midline and the height, that is, we can write:

But the point is not in the recording, of course, but in the understanding.

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That's all. Success to you!

Sincerely, Alexander.