
Passage of the game Last Half of Darkness Society. Passage LUST for Darkness


Developer: Wrf Studios.
Publisher: Wrf Studios.
System requirements:
P3-700, 128MB RAM, 32 MB 3D Card
P4-2.0, 512MB RAM, 64 MB 3D Card
Genre: Adventure
Rating: 6.0

In the game, a nonlinear script, so the task execution order may vary. Below is the optimal option for fast passage.

Riddle in front of the boat

Go through the head right. Someone in the mask will leave the key for you. Raise the key (Strange Key) and return to the hall.
Go to a puzzle with three circles on the wall on the left. Turn your head left and read the manual on the wall. To open a secret passage, you must do the following steps. Insert the key in an empty slot in the lower right corner of the wall with circles. Now turn the key so that the arrow gets into the upper position. Then turn the left circle upstairs nine times or so many times to get out of the hole next to the eye. Excellent, now turn the key so that the shooter takes the position in the center. Turn the circle on the right above twice (the eye should get out). Turn the arrow to the lower position. Turn the remaining circle fifteen times or as long as you do not hear a click that means that the puzzle is solved. In the center of the hall opens the entrance to the dungeon. Get down, go through the tunnel and get into the boat.

Gypsy-witch house

Get out of the boat and go to the house. Talk to Gypsy and try to get out of the house - the door is closed. Inspect the room and, despite the warnings of the fortune tellers, take it the items you like.

Oyji board

To open the door to the will, go to the Oyji Board on the table on the left. You must guess the phrase written on the board. A typical game in "Hangbody", only in English. Proper letters: "E, M, O, T, U, H, R, F, L" and the phrase "Let Me Out of Here" ("Let me out from here"). As soon as the phrase is drawn up, the door will open, and you can continue the journey through the river.


Get out of the boat, go through the crypt and go out into the city. Come into the green wooden doors at home on the left - this is Marcos House.

House of Marcos - First Visit

Come and read the letter to the right on the table. Go forward and pay attention to the fact that the elevator does not work. Return to the corridor and climb the second floor.

Second floor

Come in the bathroom (first door left). Take the old key (Old Key) from the bath. Pay attention to the non-working faucet. Open the window on the left and the stairs descend into a small courtyard. Look at the non-working fountain - on the bottom of the pool filled to the edge, something lies. Return to the house.
Go straight. Hey, where did you drag him? Still to the aid of an unhappy victim, but the killer will have time to slam the door in front of you. Come in the room next door, this is a bedroom. Look in the window where the evil is kept, and pay attention to the strange mechanism in the wardrobe. Go out into the corridor and climb on the third floor.

Third floor

As soon as you find yourself in the corridor, someone will throw a box with a mystery to your feet (Puzzle Box). Inspect the find in the inventory (right mouse button), you need a key.
The first room to the left - the Cabinet. Inspect the nightstand on the right and in the second box, find a note, in which there are still incomprehensible instructions: "First to Niza himself, the second does not touch the third to the top." Look at the eye on the table in the center of the room and go out into the corridor.
Go to the room on the right. Someone will kill the door behind you and will slip a note in the gap. Read the message in which the "weights that should be in equilibrium are said." Pull the statue hanging out of the mouth to the right chain. You will open a secret output. Go down the stairs down and have a closed output look at the wall on the right. Here and the Giri, which was stated in the note.

Mystery with garish

There are three chains in front of you, on which a different amount of Garek, on the first - three girks of five units, on the second - three seven, on the third - three nine. Your task: to outweigh the weights so that on each chain there was a set of girks at five, seven and nine units. As soon as the equilibrium is reached, the wall in front of you will go away.

Planetary tip

Inspect the shelf with books on the right. Read and write down (if not remember by heart) the order of the planets in the Solar System: Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune. What is noteworthy, before you a new edition, since Pluto is already drawn out of the list of planets.
Look under the bed - a bad idea! Open the toilet drawer and take quarters (Quarter). Get out of the room. Strange, we ended up on the second floor and came out just from the room where someone dragged the corpse, but where is the body? Return to the third floor.

Last record Marcos

Go along the corridor and go to the second room on the left. Another bedroom. Take a look at the outdoor drawer of the toilet table and take the empty laboratory flask (Empty Lab Jar). Go deep into the room and take the hanger (Hanger) that hangs on Shirma. Inspect the shelf on the left and find a bottle with the record (TAPE REEL). Go out into the corridor. Again we scare us! Go to the end of the corridor and go to the big room. Put a bottle with a record in the player. Listen to the last record of Marcos. Murders are his hands. Go down to the first floor.

Left Wing House Marcos

Come on the door on the left. Read a note on the wall on the left, it says about the valves: "The first turn once, the second one does not need to touch, turn the third one." Remember this information. Go down the stairs down. Look at the glowing ball at the wall on the left and go out into the street.

The courtyard at the House of Marcos - the wagon and the house of the fortune

Take a look at the womb on the left. Take the ladder. Go outside and climb the stairs to the next house. Come inside and look at a crystal ball on the table. Mom dear!
Go deep into the house and try to play with Oyji board. Ay-ah, how not to touch things without permission. Talk to the witch, and she will say that while the board is useless for you. Return to the street and go to the goof.

Streets of Sheto Crest - House Tii

In the courtyard next door, pay attention to the sewage grille, but while it is closed on a big hanging castle. Rate and look at the statue of the girl, and here it is herself, or rather her ghost. Talk to the ghost, and the girl will tell about the coin the key, which she threw into a well. I would like to know which one.
Go forward, but how to go to the big street at the bar, go back to the screen back. Excellent, now look at the door to the hidden vegetation on the left. Come to the Ghost Girl House. Open the clock with a pendulum and take the map of the city (MAP), now you can quickly move between playing places - it's enough to choose the desired place and click on the map. Come in the first floor corridor, and someone will call you. Go to the voice ...
When you wish, get out of bed and take the diary of Tii (Journal) from the table on the left. Read the diary and find out that there is a father's laboratory in front of the house, but the door is closed for a special key. Get out of the house and look at the closed door to the right. See the flashing light, and under it a fingerprint? Apparently, on the door - a castle, reading fingerprints, and this is bad, very bad, because the father of Tii has already died. It's time to think about everything and skip the cup. Go to the local bar.

Bar - matches!

At the entrance to the bar, inspect the urns on the left. Open the lid of one of the tanks and read the note about twenty (!) Murders for ten days. Chicatilo, compared to the Marcos, is simply an amateur. Come in the bar. Neither the soul, but nothing, we yourself are serviced.
Look very carefully on the tables to the right and take the matchbook boxes (Matchbook). Come over the rack and take the corkscrew (Corkscrew) from the bottom shelf. Now look at the shelf on the wall right behind the rack. Find a bottle with a sailboat model inside. See the key? Well, now with the help of a corkscrew pull the plug out of the bottle. Close the bottle and with a wire hanger, pull the silver key (Silver Key).
Open the setting down the key to the left. Remove the bedspread from the playing machine; To get a prophecy, you must pay 50 cents, and you have only 25 at all. Look at the shelf on the left, but there is too dark and nothing can be seen. Use on the dark matches and take screewdriver out of the box. Go outside and look at the warehouse on the right. Look at the jug that Marcos brought from the last journey, go to the cemetery.

Cemetery - Necklace Tii and Hammer

Remove the door with the key found in the bathroom. Yeah, that's the well. Screw the handle on the left and lower the rope half ("Halfway Down"). Go through the lawn to the church. The input is closed, so do it with the storage room on the left. Open the door and take the hammer (Hammer).
Go around the church on the left. Come in a dilapidated temple and pay attention to the non-working body. Go to the lawn and go to the gazebo. Complete another screen forward and open the cover in the floor on the left. Now it is clear why the fountain does not work and the faucet in the bathroom - a piece of a tap pipe disappeared. Return to the well and roll on the path on the right.
Come to the house and climb the second floor. Inspect the barrel with some strange liquid - acid? With the help of a hammer, select the plug at the base of the barrel, and when the whole liquid follows, look inside. So there is a skeleton! This is Tiya. Remove with Necklace from her neck (Necklace). Leave from the cemetery and visit shipyard.


Pass along the embankment and go to the shipyard. Use matches on the dark barrel to the right, but there is nothing but fish skeletons. Look at the storage room on the left, but it is locked on a metal bolt. Go to the next courtyard.
Look into the box on the ground on the right, inside are canned - take one jar (CAN OF FISH). Climb the stairs and enter the Marcos office.

Office Marcos.

Raise the fire extinguisher from the floor (Fire Extinguisher). Try to open boxes with documents to the right, but the mechanism is jammed. Use scolding to open the boxes. Read the instructions for the fire extinguisher in which it is said that with the help of an inside the mixture you can freeze the metal.
Look in the urn to the left, where some poem lies (Torn Poem). In the inventory, collect a poem (POEM), you should have the text about the lattice, which can be discovered if you smoke some woman with the blood of the lip. Vampire?

Mystery with courts

Go to the table and read the map with flags on the wall. Do you remember the entry in the journaling that the tip to the code in the Marcos closet is in his office? Ripping in front of you. So, drucribe yourself flags from the card and slide the corresponding letters from A to E. Now open the box of the table and get the journal of arrival of ships. Write the names of the ships and the time when they arrived. The right order of arrival in the port of time is as follows: Hypnotic Hum (2:03 AM), Ocean "s ORCHESTRA (9:01 AM), Song Bird (11:32 AM), mermaid" s lullaby (12:54 pm), siren "S Sea Chant (8:45 PM), Music of the Mist (11:20 PM). Now we will put the letters in the place of the names of the ships that they are indicated on the map, we obtain: E, C, F, A, D, B. Get out of the office and go down the stairs down.

Closed storage room and fire extinguisher

Come to the closed storage room to the left of the entrance to the shipyard. Do you remember the note on the freezing properties of the mixture in the fire extinguisher? Pour the bolt on the door with a mixture, and then scroll the metal with the hammer. Open the storekeeping door and take the buns (Bolt Cutters). Return to Marcos House.

Marcos House - open a cache in the closet

Climb on the second floor. Come in the Markos bedroom. In the closet, enter the combination obtained in the office on the shipyard: "E, C, F, A, D, B" (simply rearrange the slider into the desired letters in the correct order). When the secret passage opens, enter the storage room and take a metal cylinder from the chest (Metal Cylinder). Judging by the mind, some music or message was recorded on the cylinder.

Refine elevator

Go down to the first floor and go into a non-working elevator. Using a screwdriver twist the panel by the button. There are four contacts in front of you - for simplicity, insert them from 1 to 4, and "1" is the topmost contact, and then we will move counterclockwise. Contact number five, located in the position "Three hours", will not be interested in. Salt riddles in the following: You demonstrate the order (from the fifth contact is sparking and "indicates" to the desired contact), in which you need to click on the contacts, and then you are trying to repeat it. And so five times in a row. If you do not have time to remember, here is a list of all five combinations: 1,3,4. 1,1,3,4. 3,1,1,3,4. 2,3,1,1,3,4. 3,2,3,1,1,3,4.
As soon as Introduce the fifth combination, press the button and the elevator will rush ... down. Hope not to hell.

The secret wing of the house of Marcos - Blood on the lips of the statue

Get out of the elevator and inspect the fireplace lattice, pay attention to the female statuette to the left. Remember the poem about the "blood on the lips of a woman"? Apparently, this is the most "woman", just where to get blood?
Go to the kitchen next door. Open the refrigerator and look into the freezer. Take frozen from there ... Finger (Frozen Finger). Interestingly, whose?
Open the shelf upstairs to the left of the refrigerator and take the knife (Knife). Put the frozen finger into the sink on the left and turn on the hot water. Take the already frozen finger (finger). Go left in the direction. Take an empty vessel (Empty Bottle) from the shelf on the right. Go down to the basement.
In the basement, take the trolley (Dolly), which is in the center of the room. Look carefully at the exit from the basement on the right (where did you come from) and find the barrel on the left. With the help of matches, cover the insides of the barrel and find the second fourth (Quarter). Farewell to substitute a blank vessel under the crane of any of two vessels with wine (Bottle with Wine). Return to the fireplace and watch wine on the lips of the female statuette. The fireplace grid will open, and you can raise the Burned Paper (Burned Paper). The note speaks of a puzzle hidden in the pendant of the necklaces of Tii. Pay attention to the symbols that are indicated by the planets of the solar system. Come in the elevator and go upstairs. Go to the bar.

Bar with predictions

Go to the machine and throw both fourth into it. Now look at the top and find the active zone designated as "Up". Click on it to see the activating machine button. Click on the button and take the prediction card (Fortune Card). Read the inscription on the card. You need a special coin to understand the meaning of the written. Is this a coin that Tia spoke about?

Father's laboratory - substance "E229"

Once we are not far away, let's check the found finger on the laboratory doors. Go to the door and press your finger to the print under the blinking light bulb. Happened! Come inward and read the instructions for the synthesis of the substance "E229" on the shelf on the left. You need to turn all the blue and blue-green cells into green, for this blue and blue-green must be combined with each other. Come to the table in the center of the laboratory, and put an empty laboratory flask on it. Play the mini-game and turn all the cells into the green when it happens, you will have a new item - a flask with a substance ("Lab Jar With Solution"). Go outside and go to the place where you saw the grid in the pavement.

Entrance to the sewer and happy marcos coin

With the help of a breech, get rid of the hanging lock on the grid. Lower down the stepladder and go down to the sewer. The way to right you block the rotating fan blades. Use on the shroom blades. Baba! Go to the right, and your hero with a plate will automatically put a heavy magnet (MAGNET) in the inventory.
On the fork, turn right. At the end of the tunnel, lift the bucket (Bucket). Look in the crack on the left; If you have already lowered the war rope to the "Halfway Down" position, then you can tie a bucket to the end of the rope, in which then you need to put a magnet. Without withstanding the gravity of the magnet, the bucket falls on the bottom of the well and the concluded concrete coin will attract it.
Return to the fork. Go left. Raise a piece of pipe from the rail (PIPE). Go to the cemetery. Come to the well and with the help of the handle on the left pull the bucket. Take the bunch sticking to the bottom (Ancient Coin).

Cemetery - repair of water supply and organ, dedication of the fountain

Go to the gazebo. Open the compartment in the floor on the left and put a piece of the pipe to fix the plumbing. Turn the valve, another passage opened in the tunnel in the sewage.

We dry the fountain, we get a pen

Go down to the sewer and the fork go to the left. Sit into the trolley and go to the basement of Marcos at home. Get out and find three valves on the wall. According to the note on the wall of the corridor of the House of Marcos, you must once turn the right and left valve, and the central does not touch. Look at the roller about the drainage of the fountain. Come to the encircling bottom of the basement and with the help of a hammer to break the boards. Go through the cellar and on the elevator, go upstairs. Climb on the second floor. Come in the bathroom and go down into a small courtyard with a fountain. Raise from the bottom of the dry fountain of the crow feather (Crow Feather). Return to the cemetery.


Install the metal cylinder, listen to the melody and take the book (Book). Read Marcos magazine and remember that you need to run the program "23". Excellent, now we will deal with mini-games.

Oyji board

In the inventory, look through the happy Marcos coin on the card with the prediction. Read the word "key" ("Key"). Go to the witch's house and go to Wuji's tablet. Your task: Find on a blackboard with changing letters nine times the word "key", however, the task will be counted immediately after you find the sixth word. If you can't look for words, then just leave the game for a while, go to pour yourself tea, the words will find yourself. At the end of the game, do not forget to pick up the key (Key).

Clock with a surprise and a box with a puzzle

In the inventory using hangers, open the secret compartment in the clock. Remove the handle (handle). Use the handle to open the casket with a puzzle. When the "Church" drops out of it, click on the box with the right mouse button to play Sokoban. If you see that you went to a dead end, just click on the handle on the left to replay the level. All of you are waiting for two simple rounds, after which you get a prize - a strange object (Strange Object).

Riddle with necklace

Click on the necklace right mouse button, you will have a pyramid with eight windows, in which the signs of the planets should be set in the order in which they are located from the Sun. The countdown is leading from top to bottom and left to right. First Mercury and so on. When all the planets are placed in the correct order, (see Tips above) a pendant on a necklace will open, and you will get a green gem (green pyramid gem).

Statue of Tii and bloody stone

Go to the garden, where the statue of Tii is. In the inventory, connect the green gem and a strange object to get a decoration (Strange Object with Gem). Insert the decoration into the hole at the bottom of the statue. The statue will open the eye, and you will get a bloody stone (Blood Stone).

Entrance to the Secret Lab

Go to the entrance to the cemetery. Before you, two crypts, one right in the cemetery, the second is a little left. Slowly spend the cursor between them to find the stairs leading up. Climb upstairs and find an empty slot in the floor on the left. Insert the happy marcos coin slot, which opens the entrance under the coffin.
Go down and go to the crypt right. Go down and look at the three levers on the wall, but they are blocked while. Note the image of the skull. Go outside and go to the crypt to the left of the staircase.
Before you skull with feathers on your head. Get the feather from the inventory from the inventory and insert it into the decoration on the head of the skull. In the inventory, choose a knife and open the cans with fish. Click on the can with the right mouse button to bring the contents of the bank. Take the fish eye in the bank (Fish Eye).

Important! If you can not pull out the eye from the can, then, most likely, this is a bug. Download yourself a saved game with an eye out.

Insert the eye into the empty right eye of the skull. Roller will start, showing the green sphere in the House of Marcos.
Run to the sphere and click on it. Remember the combination of four characters: Black Circle, Crescent, Sun and Cross. Return to the cemetery and enter the crypt with three levers.
Open the lid under the levers. Your task: to enter the symbols seen in the field. After each symbol, press the button below to confirm your choice. When the last character is introduced, the levers will be active at the top. Remember the note from the bedside table on the third floor: "First to Niza himself, the second not touch, the third to the top"? Put the left lever into the upper position, and the right lever to the lower one. Come in the tunnel.

Laboratory Marcosa

After the skeleton sends you to a trap, go to the moving walls, and when they spread out, climb the stairs. Roll to left and go into a room with a computer.
Inspect the coil on the table, and although the logic suggests that there is not enough magnet, in fact, you should connect a bloody stone and a flask with a substance "E229" to get a stone in a special substance (Blood Stone in Solution E229). Insert the stone in a blank slot and go to the computer.
The keyboard is blocked. Use the key obtained in the house of the fortunelock on an empty slot to the right to unlock the keyboard. Run the program.

What is AMPS?

You will appear in front of the three-line screen: "Volts - **", "Temp - **", "AMPS - 0". On the site of the stars should be numbers, in each game of their own. You are asked to enter a value for the last string - "AMPS". The value in the original game is imprinted on the last page of the journal of Dr. Benzor, and each player has its own number. If you do not have a magazine, then your game ends, alas ...

Ending games

For those who have a magazine - enter the value from the last page. Then enter the program number from Marcosa magazine - "Program 23". Run the countdown time. How quickly run on the exit from the tunnel. It remains only one unfinished business - choose who you want to give the Oco of the Spirit, and the game is passed!

Last Half of Darkness

We enter the hallway, turn to the left - in the northern hall. For us three doors - to the kitchen, to the library and billiard room. We go to the kitchen. Open the table box, look, taking a match. Open the door ahead, go to the dining room. We take the knife. Return, we go to the library. We select a magnifying glass and go to the kindergarten. We take a vase. We go to the living room. Open a secret and take the hammer from it. We pass straight into the music room. We look at the bench near the piano, we discover, take notes. We use them on the piano. An image of a girl appears in the mirror. Click "Apply" in the image of the girl. We tear down and go to the door to the right. We find yourself in the billiard room. Let's go to the hall, then to the hallway.
Raised the stairs. Go to the first door on the left. Open the chest of drawers to the right, inspect, take a box with engraving. We approach the table and take verse. It can be used on any of the mirrors. This is a puzzle that needs to be solved.
We leave and pass to the next room. Take the lamp (can be taken in other places), we use the knife on the left panel. We go to the secret room. Click "Apply" in the picture (remove the bedspread), then "look", and use a magnifying glass.
We go to the third room in the corridor. Turn to the chest and take the diary. We leave. We go to the end of the corridor and turn to the left, in the room before the Western corridor. At the top of the left, we open the cache, taking the electric.
We return to the dining room and use the match on the sinking frying pan. In the inventory we set fire to the lamp by match. We go into biliard and use a box on a burning fireplace. She melts, and we have a golden key.
In the third room along the corridor with it, we open a small box in the wardrobe. We take a crypt map.
We leave home, go to the cemetery, and then left to the cleaner. We go to the crypt, taking a shovel, and, returning to the cemetery, roll Magila. We take the key and go to the garden house at the other end of the swamp. On the way, we recruit water in a jug (you can also from the fountain). Open the door with the key, go. Pour a semi-bodied flower with water.
We return to the house, we go to the backyard. We use the hammer on the door scored by the door. Click "Apply" on the door. The head of the girl doll appears, which gives you a task. We go beyond the flower who watered, and with him we enter the house cleaner. We read the diary on the table. Open Chyulan, take the brush.
Just go to the crypt. In the upper right deadlock (on the map) there is a flying skull, - I pour it an electrician.
We go to the house - in the secret room. Use the magnifying glass in the picture. After that, we go to the western corridor, in the room on the left. I exhibit time on the clock (puzzle solution) - 4-53. Moka grouse into the blood.
In the secret room, we use the flexible glass in the picture, then the brush.
We look at the final roller.


Management in the game is carried out using the keyboard with the mouse. Free movements in the game as such are not. Your character will move only in the case of transition to the next location, or if you need to come and take any item. Just going from place to place in the premises can not. The left mouse button is a common action (take, go, apply, start dialog, etc.). Right mouse button - Washing dialogs and skipping video. Key " Tab."- View all active points through which this location can be left. " Space"- an alternative option of skipping dialogs and videos.


The inventory in the game is located at the bottom of the screen. To see inventory items, you just need to bring the cursor to the bottom of the screen. In order to study the inventory item (if it can be studied really), you need to click on it with the right mouse button. Combining objects is carried out in a standard way. The left mouse button is chosen the first object, then click the left mouse button on the second subject.

Save are located in the root folder of the game: C: Program Files \\ Last Half of Darkness-Society of The Serpent Moon \\ Media \\ Game.


After completing the conversation, we study the chest of drawers (Dresser). Open the upper retractable box and remove the remote from it from it (Remote). We study the console by right-clicking on it in the inventory. Click the left mouse button along the increased image of the console. The console lacks the battery. Perhaps we can find it inside the smoke detector. Open the lid of the smoke detector, which is located on the wall above the entrance door in the room, and take the battery. We place the battery in the TV panel. Now press the red remote button. What to attack! Now some short circuit happened on the TV, and it turned off. We look at the TV close-up and take a blank ice bucket from the top of it. The last owner is not in vain, probably put the bucket with ice on the TV? You need to find ice, but while we go to the bathroom. We take a nipper (boltters) lying in the bathroom in the lower left corner of the screen. We look into the garbage bucket, a little left of the passage to the room, and remove the matchbox (Matches) from there. We open the inventory and click the right mouse button on the match box. The phone number is recorded here: 555-2987. We return to the Dresser, we look at it close-up. Take the phone phone and type number 555-2987. We listen to the conversation from which it follows that we need to go down and pick up something from the mailbox.

Let's leave the room and go down the stairs. We inspect the mailboxes, namely the box at number 19. We take the video tape and approach the chest under the stairs. Wake up your hand into the hole and look at the video. Now we have a screwdriver, as well as snake bite on hand. We climb the stairs to the top in the direction of our number and pay attention to Ice Machine (Ice Machine). We come together and put a bucket in it. Apparently, the aggregate is broken - it means we will repair! We explore the open panel at the bottom of the device, unscrew, with a screwdriver, the remaining screw. Before us is the power scheme of the unit. Just connect the power supply in the center with all the red light bulbs. To do this, click the left mouse button according to the components of the scheme items. Here is one example of the correct location:

We leave from the approximation and click on the flashing green button. We take the bucket with ice and return to our room.

We place the ice bucket on the TV, for this first come to him closer. After that we take the console and click on the red button. We place the video tape into the video player (VHS TAPE) and see the video. Leaving the hotel number.

Go down and go to the office of the manager (ajar door). We wake a sleeping man, after the conversation with which we take the key from the table from the car. We leave the hotel.

The streets of the town

Go to the next location, for this you click at the active point on the right side of the screen: "Exit Courtyard". We are in the heart of the city. Find at the bottom of the screen an active point to Street and go to another location. Pay attention to the sign "Tatoo". Here is the Tattoo Salon, but while we do not need it. Go to the next location, using the active point on the right side of the to pawnshop screen. On one of the garbage tanks sits a crow. We carry the mouse cursor on it and the bird flies away. We study the trash can and find a green coin. We pass inside Lombard (Pawn Shop).


It seems that the owner of the pawnshop does not notice us at all. We look at the dark angle of the room in the right upper part of the screen and find another green coin. Now we take on a close-up glass counter (Glass Case) and take a magnifying glass from it. Let's leave the room and run into the tattoo salon. How to get there, you can read above.

Tattoo parlor

We come closer to the chair in the left side of the screen and find a map (MAP). From this point on, you can quickly move on locations using this card. We go to the backroom's backroom (to backroom) and talk with a girl. If the conversation suddenly did not start, then leave the room to the main hall of the cabin and return back. The character will have to say the word: "Interesting". We talk with a girl on all topics, after which we open the card and move to the courtyard (Courtyard).

The streets of the town

In the lower left corner of the screen is the door to the hotel. A little to the right of this door can notice a small passage between the houses. We go through this pass (to Tunnel) and get into a small courtyard. Go to one of the accommodation homes (to door).


We speak with a man on the stairs. It categorically refuses to skip us upstairs. We look at the window (Window) and in its lower part, we notice the air conditioner. Click on the cord of the air conditioner and watch a small video. A man rises upstairs. Follow him. After reviewing another video, trying to enter the room on the left side. Rug behind the handle - the door is locked. We use magnificably glass on the key well and write the serial number: W-KDFJ2292. Go out of the house.


Go to the landfill (active point in the lower right corner of the screen - "to junkyard").
We inspect the garbage tanks behind the fence. Raise the lid of the closed tank and take the box from the dog whistle "Puppy Treat". We are not in a rush to enter the inner courtyard of the landfill, and first we go to the pier (active point in the lower right corner of the screen - to Wharf).


We go into the boat garage - a big black passage on the left side of the screen. We explore the dark corner of the garage (Dark Corner) behind us and find another green coin. Open the wardrobe on the left side of the garage and take an empty canister for gasoline. We explore the cabinet on the right side of the screen, pull the handle. Scary? Return to the pier.

Click at the active point of the screen leading along the pier to the wooden door. Do not rush to open the door. We draw attention to our old acquaintance - crow. We teck over the crow or the crows, who like it more, putting the mouse cursor, and then click on the barrel on which she was sitting. Taking a green coin, we pass in the room on the pier (to pier).

We consider a close-up of the sink located on the right side of the entrance door. Open freezing chamber and take out the ice cream fish. From the upper shelf, we take the red bottle - it is an antidote from the bite of the snake. Click on it right mouse button in inventory. Now we go to the cabinet standing on the left side of the entrance door. It is locked on the iron chain. We use nippers for this chain and open the cabinet. We take test tubes with blood and come out of the approximation. Click on the console with the lever on the left side of the room (Switch). Move the lever and see how the red light lights up. We leave out of the room.

We go through the pier on one screen back and click on the benzokolone. Fill the empty canister with gasoline, for this we simply use it onto the gas station. We return to the landfill.


This time we go to the landfill, for the fence. Pay attention to the crow. At the place where the raven was sitting, we find another green coin. We look at the car in the lower right corner of the screen and pay attention to the fact that it lacks the battery. We go to the office on the landfill (ENTER TO OFFICE).

Office on landfill

We study the dish for a dog lying on the floor on the right side of the room. We take food from dish, and also take an empty disposable glass, lying on the floor, behind this dish. I remember the nickname dog recorded on the dish: amigo. Sit down for the computer, and we are asked to enter the password. No wonder we remembered the nickname dogs? Introduce the word "amigo". Click on the label on the desktop "LockCrack Pro". We enter the serial number of the castle, which we recorded earlier. Let me remind you: w-kdfj2292. Memorize a drawing for hacking:

We go to the "Documents" section and select the lower file: "Key List". We pay attention to the key F. This key belongs to the car, which can be seen in the "Pictures" section. Close the computer and click on a wooden board with keys hanging above the monitor. We take the key f and go to the dump truck.


We find an active point at the bottom of the screen and go to the long part of the landfill. We look at the trunk of the car and apply the key from the inventory on it. Open the iron box and take the laundr from there. Return to the landfill office.

Office on landfill

We inspect the water unit in the right-long corner of the room. We put an empty glass from the inventory into the hole, click on the red toggle switch and see how the glass is filled with water. We take a glass with water, but do not rush out of approach. We look into the garbage urn, the right of the aggregate with water. We look at the video and come out of the approximation. From the floor, a little left of the unit with water, take the battery. We hurry in a residential building with a locked door on the second floor (Courtyard - Tunnel - Enter Door).

The game is non-linear.
Interface: In the upper right corner of the screen - access to the menu, at the bottom of the screen - inventory. Some items can be considered by clicking on them with the right mouse button.
Interaction with the subject - the cursor becomes red.
View closer - The cursor takes the shape of a purple eye.
At the very beginning of the game, you will find a map, thanks to which you can automatically move on location.
Collect gold coins (they are 25).

1. Underwater labyrinth

From the boat, go to the passage to the left. On the left there will be a dark passage to the left, go through it and take the gold coin with a vase standing on the attack. Past Vaza pass forward and see what is in the thickets in front of you. Return back to the fork and take the nails from the boards that the passage is scored.

Return to the boat - there is a skull behind it, next to which lies the cable. From the boat turn right and go ahead. You will have a room with three vases. Spice one of them and take the hook.
Step into a bright passage, before you another fork.

Turn left into a bright passage and near the skeleton, pick up a notebook. Open it in the inventory and take the map. Go further forward to the pool. Right on the wall is installed lever. Click on it, and it will lower the water in the pool. Pick up two gold coins from the bottom of the reservoir.

Return to the fork and try to go into a dark pass. Return to the hall with vases and turn right into a dark pass. The first puzzle is on the pedestal.
It is necessary to light four red light bulbs in the corners of the square, inserting nails into the holes. The cluster combination is indicated in Notepad: 2 - 5 - 7, 14 - 10 - 4, 9 - 1 -6, 11 - 3 - 8. After you light the light bulb, you need to get nails and use them for the next combination. When all four light bulbs are lit, the central light breaks up, and you will see that a secret passage has opened.
Go ahead, you need to go down to the well. In the inventory, align the hook with a cable and throw it in the opening.

2. House, Cemetery and Pier

Before you - a cemetery. Go left to the crypt - there is a puzzle, which is not yet possible to solve. If you go ahead, the right will be another crypt that is closed. Left is a gazebo with another puzzle. Go forward and get two gold coins from the open grave.

Return to the fork and click on the right pointer. If you go right away, then you will come to the pier, if you step forward from the pointer, the gate will appear in front of you.
The gate hangs the mailbox, open it and read the letter from the coroner, in which he writes about the corpse with painted eyes and ancient stone on his chest.
Go to the house. Go down to the right. Here you can go into the garden, right or climb the stairs to the second floor.

Go up and left. This is a living room, and in the next room there is a strange person. He says that this is a doctor's house who found an ancient casket, and how to open it is unknown. A strange person wants to drink, but all the wine has ended. Go to the table and try to take a casket - a strange person in response will show you a huge crazy.
Go down and go to the right - this is the dining room, it is a kitchen behind it.
Take a bottle of wine from the refrigerator. Over the entrance door hangs the shelf with bottles, consider them and take olive oil. From the shelf with the doors, get the bag with flakes. Check the cranes - only hot water flows. Just to give the wine to a strange person will not work, you need to find a way to distract it.
Return to the hall and unfold. Before you - the stairs upstairs. Climb there, next to the door under the picture on the table lies another golden coin.
Enter the door to the right - this is the bathroom. The sink is a blank bottle from under sleeping pills. Water from the cranes does not flow - apparently, the tablets were poured into the drain and remained there. Need somewhere to find pliers to promote the pipe and check. A shelf hangs on the bathroom on which 12 gold coins lie. Look in the bath and take a towel. Inspect the dark corners.
Go to the garden, go around the house, and on the right you will see the hatch to the basement. Go down into it, but the way to the deployment lights up the lattice with the lock. Return to the entrance to the house. To the left of the entrance are pipes. Cut the valve and return to the basement - from the tube began to throw steam and you need to plug the pipe. Use the towel, and the lattice will rise.

In the basement, open the table box and take the rusty pliers, lubricate them with olive oil in the inventory. Look at two glasses with tassels - in one of them there is a coin, in the other - glue. Examine the instructions for assembling cylinders, which hangs over the table. Choose a wooden bucket. Return to the bathroom, open the drawer under the sink and pliers, unscrew the drain. From it, get the sleeping pill and in the inventory, add to the wine, give a bottle to a strange person.
Exit the room and go along the corridor to the right. There is an empty room with a TV. Look at him closer - there is not enough toggle. Take the casket from the table and open it: inside there is a broken toggle switch. In the left dark corner there is another table on which the program is lying, in which two channels of the 7th channel are highlighted. In the inventory, glue a broken toggle switch from the TV, put it in place and turn on the TV. Slide with the switches until you find the 7th channel. Click on the TV screen, and you will have an inscription: "Set up". Stir the antenna mustache while the image of the box with flakes appears on the screen. After the video, the site address will appear on the Internet: "".
Return to the living room - a strange person sleeps, and take the casket. In the inventory, consider it - three characters are depicted on it.
Return to the corridor at the bathroom and go to the room on the left - this is a library. Go to the bookpinels and look at the two books - from one of them, pick up the page and take a semicircular key, to another read about the golden idol of ancient, which is inlaid with rubies and lies in the grave of the emperor of Zohir on the island of the dead.
On the left wall hanging a portrait. Under it is a well, where you need to insert a semicircular key - you will open the mystery door.
Enter inside. On the right of the wall there is a table, open its box and take the handle for the cylinder. Read the book about the tomb of the zohir and magic stones, which lies in the bookcase.
Return to the library and enter the right opening - here is another corridor with a locked door. Need to search the key.
To do this, go to the hall. Left is the door to the toilet. Take the key out of the box on the table, open the locked door and enter inside. The closet is a scroll in which it is indicated how to open a puzzle in the crypt.

Look at the cuts from the newspapers on the wall and take the cylinder cover from the closet.
Go to the crypt (return to the development of three roads and left - see Fig. 6) and decide the puzzle on the pedestal. You need to swap small and large pieces (this is indicated on the hint from the scroll in the library). The puzzle is generated randomly, there is no passage.
When all small chips stand in the outer circle, the sclep wall will move aside. Now at any time you can enter the mystery door by clicking on the pedestal.
Go inside and look at the statue of the boy to the right, get out of the cache in the pedestal of the cylinder.
In the inventory align the lid, cylinder and handle. Pass on and insert the finished cylinder into the hole on the wall. Turn it, and the wall will move aside.
Go there and look at the valves. Screw them, and gas will begin to flow gas - you need a lighter to set fire to it.
To get to the pier, you need to turn right from the gate. You can't move through the bridge, because there is not enough board. Return two steps back and click on the cemetery fence to turn left. You will see another pier on which the board is lying.

Go to the pier, throw the board and sit in the boat. You will get acquainted with the locals who will not allow you from here to escape, and pops out in it myself.
Take two gold coins from the barrel on the edge of the pier.

Go to the warehouse of fishing gear. There is an iron cabinet with three buttons, but so far it is not clear, in what order to press them.
Now explore the house. On the right of the door there are two barrels and a trash can. Get out of it pieces of cardboard. In the inventory, consider the package with flakes and turn it back - the wall carved here and you can get a wrapped prize. Expand the packaging and get the magnifying glass.
Look at pieces of cardboard in inventory through a magnifying glass and fold the mosaic. In the cardboard several letters are cut. Obviously, the found scraps of the cardboard is the rear wall of the bundle of flakes.

Go inside and explore the bedside boxes on the left of the bed. The top box is a fisherman's diary. His name is Hank. He talks about his wife drowned. Hank buried her, but then her grave sidelled and stole a ring with her hands. Together with the doctor, he began to dig in the mine to reburify his wife. After some time, the doctor disappeared, and his house came to the launch. The corpse of his wife also disappeared somewhere from the grave. Hank mentions the flakes that they usually ate with the doctor, and he borrowed one box for himself. The diary ended with the record that he found a man's corpse, who in his pocket was a red stone, and the wife was lying on the body.
The bedside table lies a lighter.
Come to the computer, turn on the computer and log in to the site "", as you suggested the TV. Now you need to enter two passwords.
Look through the magnifier on the side wall of the computer - the missing letters cut out of a piece of cardboard: "mermaid7".

If you have an English version of the game, type the first phrase from the cardboard.

packed with 7 Vitamins Found in Meat Chem Bios Cereal IS A Creepy Treat

If you have a Russian version of the game, in it glitch when entering data into a computer (you need to make a crack or load the save).

Read email. In one of the letters, the lock code on the iron cabinet is indicated. Go to the warehouse and click: 3 - 2 - 1 - 2 - 1 - 3 - 2 - 3
Look inside - there is a hole between the cabinets. Remove the key from the nail and open them the locked box of the table in the house. Remove the poem "dust Amy".
Return to the crypt (to open a secret door, click on the puzzle).
Fit the gas with a lighter and go to the right. Here is another valve. Twist it, and you will see how the next puzzle activated. She is in a gazebo near the closed crypt (return to the development of three roads - see Fig.6 and go ahead and left).
Before you is a design with two valves.
The puzzle is generated randomly, there is no passage.
If you have an English licensed version, use the original disk that is supplied with the game.
For all others - this is a program that allows you to solve this puzzle (can lie in the VITALITY or _ADDONS folder along with the game):


1) Look at the letter and appropriate an astrological symbol in two top windows on the right, sketch two characters in the top of the left of the valves.
2) Run the program and twist the movable disk so that the given character was stood opposite the given letter.
3) Write down the letters match two other specified characters and return to the game.
4) Using the valves, set the letters found and click on the button.
If everything is done correctly, the green light will light up.
You will be asked another sequence "letter symbol", repeat items 1-4.
When all three light bulbs light up green, the door of the crypt will open.

The figure indicates the sequence of actions:

Enter the crypt, but the lattice is closed into the deployment. Three cylinders are installed on the right wall. But what code do you need to dial? It is logical to assume that the code is the name of Hank's wife, which is indicated in the poem. Install on the "Amy" cylinders ("Amy"), and the lattice will open.
Inside there is an elevator with a vase. Apparently, to go down, it should be filled with water. To do this, go back to the kitchen and jump out the water with a wooden bucket.

Climb the stairs and pick up a fuel canister on the way.
Open the door on the left is the burial of Amy, Hank's wife. Left lies sarcophagus. Look inside - here is empty. Come to the portrait on the wall and insert a semicircular key into a well under the portrait. The door will open, and you will see the control room.
Look at the monorail launch instructions on the wall above the control panel. It is necessary to pour fuel to the generator, put the energy lever to the maximum value and turn off the "A" button.
To the right of the remote is the generator, look at it closer and pour fuel to the funnel. Turn on the "Network" button, click on the togglers to turn off the "A" button (A - B - C - A), and move the lever right.

A monorail cab appears on the display screen. Get out of the room and climb up, sit down in the cab. Click on the lever over the green button, and Monorails will take you through the mine.

4. Swamp

Exit the cab and go down. At the fork, look to the left and go across the bridge to the house.
Go through the hallway to the next room is a living room. Open the cabinet and read the antidote instruction from Vijuki. The recipe is such: boil 50 mg of alcohol, add 2 mg of valves, 1 pouch poison spider and drink.
On the shelf on the left there is a locked wicker box.

Go left to the corridor and right down through the dark passage to the laboratory. Come to the closet, lit by red light. On the upper shelf there is a book about spiders, on the bottom - three cans. Take the worm out of the middle jar. To the left at the entrance is a table with a distillation apparatus.
Climb upstairs and go to the bright corridor in which the locked chest is behind, and further into the room. The shelf has a box in which the key protected by scorpion hangs. Get the key does not work, you need to distract scorpion worm. Take the key, go back to the living room and open the casket. Snake crawls out of it and immediately bite you. See what she guarded is a Hank's license to catch fish. Turn over the license, and at this time the hostess will appear. She will tell that Hank died, she found this license from him and "blood stone".
Now you need to cook an antidote.
1) In the living room on the shelf right, get a fly from the leaves of the predatory plant.
2) In the longest room, open the cabinet and take a big key and a bottle of alcohol. 3) Return to the corridor and open the chest, get the match from it.
4) In the hallway, look to the right and get out of the jar on the shelf valves.
5) Exit home, go back to the bridge and turn right. Put a fly on a bunch of land, step back, come close up and catch a spider.
6) Return to the laboratory. Fit the candle under the distillation apparatus, pour alcohol first, then add the valve and spider. Drink this drug and return to the living room. From the closet, take the casket with gemma. It is impossible to touch it yet, otherwise you will die.

Exit home and go back. When you find yourself on the fork, turn right. A boat is fissy. Inventory turn over the license and remember the code "3928". It must be scored on the castle, sit in the boat and float from these places.

5. Abandoned city

Go through the arch and open the door to the left. Enter the room and get a lantern from the table box. In the closet, take three coins and read the book about the Temple of the Ghost Moon. Climb the stairs up.
In the depths of the room sits a girl. This is a container, a young gypsy. She says that it is necessary to return the stones to the tomb, for this you need a scroll and three dead spiders.
Tara will show you three cards with symbols, and on the fourth card will be indicated, in which direction they are turned - clock or counterclockwise with a question mark (this mystery is generated randomly). How to turn them, the packaging does not know, you need to find the house of the witch and to figure it out.
Exit home and go to the alley. From the garbage container take batteries and insert them into the lamp. Go to the passage to the left - this is a staircase in the witch's house.
Check the nightstand on the right - it is a piece of paper on it, and under it one more with a poem about five rainbow colors. Top drawer bedside table locked.

Go to the Dark Room and click on the screen of the screen - it will light a little, and you will see the witch. She will tell you that you have to go to the tomb and replace the stones, as well as destroy the eyes of the Acadeus with the Moto Tamarak. Witch will ask to bring her bag spheres from another room.
To the left of the witch on the table there is a small jigsaw box.
It is necessary to combine three identical symbols, and they will turn into bricks. First, press the moving symbol, and then on the cage where you want to move it. Help yourself two nearby bricks so that only one free cage is located next to the symbol.
When all the characters turn into bricks, the box will open, and you can take the key from the bedside table.
Go to the next room and pick up the eye of the Acadeus, who dropped the crow. Open the box, take the bag and go to the witch - one sphere is missing. Return to the next room and enter the picture on the wall. You will see a familiar girl with a doll in hand. She is dropping her, and you will find yourself in the room. Return to the picture and take a doll. In the inventory, get the blue sphere from it.
Click on the witch and arrange on the semi sphere, as it was indicated in the poem: purple - top (in the clouds), red and blue - left and right in the center of the screen (in hand), green - in the center of the screen (in the heart), yellow - At the bottom of the screen (on the tail).

The witch will tell you how many times, and in which direction you will need to turn the spiders - write this information (the riddle is generated randomly). Return to the house of Tara. Near the stairs in the room with a fan, click the hatch in the floor. Go to the collector, light the shield on the left on the wall with a flashlight and turn on the electricity. Go through the collector to the lake, look at the pipe on the left - the crab is lying here.

6. Secret terrain

Go to the right. Before you are a suspension bridge. On the right on the post hanging the tip - a thread of red and green beads. This designation of the steps - you can step on the green, and there is no red. Come to the bridge and mark the right steps, given that the lower beads are the far side of the bridge, and the upper one is close. When you celebrate five steps, go Bridge.

Before you is a skull with emerald in the eyeboard. In order to solve this puzzle, you need to look in the inventory to the pulled page from the book in the library.
You need to find the most effective way to touch all the numbers specified on the page by turning the skull clockwise or counterclockwise.
If you are twisted incorrectly, after multiple turns, the mechanism is reset. You can use the tip - twist a skull several times and retreat back to the exit, then a ghost will come to the rescue, and the decision will be written on the cut page.

1) From the figure that you burn first, turn the skull counterclockwise to 2.
2) Rotate the skull clockwise to 11.
3) Turn the skull counterclockwise to 5.
4) Rotate the skull clockwise to 3.

Take the emerald.
Return to the lake and go ahead to the trees. You will enter a large hall where the statue is tightened by the web. In the center of the statue there is a square hole where you need to install a casket from the doctor's house.
Here you will use the instructions of two witches. On the box already installed images of the cards that the packaging showed you.
Here is the key to the installation:

1) Find the image of the first card that the container showed to you is the initial position.
2) Squeeze the number of steps from it in the direction, as the witch told you (Clockwise - clockwise, Counter-Clockwise - counterclockwise) and sketch a new symbol.
3) Find this symbol in the casket slot.
Repeat steps 1-3 for two other characters and insert the casket into the hole. If everything is correct, the wall behind the statue will move away.

For example:
Tara showed on these cards:

The witch said that spiders need to turn 5 steps clockwise. Using a diagram, we get:

Before going there, check the niches in the hall: in the left niche there is a vase with a gold coin.
Ahead the pass guard the black wolf with burning eyes. Return to the collector, take the crab and give it to the wolf. Go inside, but now the path is blocking spikes in the floor. Pick up a broken spear and look right on the wall - there is a mechanism with a round hole. Insert the trees into it, and the spikes will hide. Climb the stairs - the Tomb of Zohir is waiting for you.

7. Tomb

Go to the pass to the right, and you will see the wall with a skull.

From the courtyard, go forward and climb the stairs. From the vase on the right to get a bomb and go further into the cave.
It is necessary to solve the puzzle, balancing scales. You can only move the upper weights. One of the solutions:

Watch the roller how the wall rises with the skull. Go there, and you will get into the courtyard. First enter the dark pass to the right, climb the stairs. This is a moon room, in the center of which is a puzzle, as in the book in the house of Tara. You need a rod.

Return to the courtyard and explore the passage on the left.

Go forward and take a whole spear of a skeleton. In the inventory collect emerald, a spear tip and ancodium, and return to the lunar room. Install the rod in the slot and look into the circle of light. Remember the number of moths (the puzzle is randomly generated).

Exit the courtyard and go to the lit pass. Here is the grave from which smoke clubs are walled - this is the tomb of Zohir. Light the bomb of the bomb about the candle, which stands to the right of the sarcophagus, and return to the central courtyard. Enter the left pass and go ahead, without turning anywhere until you see a puzzle with 12 holes.
You need to put in the holes the number you saw in the lunar room. The initial position - on each rack is set "1", the total amount 12. Rotate the racks in the holes until you get the number given to you.
Puzzle will move aside, go down.
Complete the skeleton, near which the red stone is lying, and go to the opposite wall. Blee her bomb, go inside and take the amulet of Tamarak. Now you can collect hemma, without fear of evil forces.
In the inventory, get the first gemma from the box, take the second skeleton.
Exit the hall and touch the skeleton to the left. He will fall, and you can remove the ring from his finger.

The skeleton is a hole, pick up it and go to a small reservoir. Go through it, and climb the stairs. On the wall you will see a puzzle with a ball.
It is necessary to spend the ball in the labyrinth. It will interfere with you, moving along two neighboring cells. Therefore, it is easier to build a path from the end point to the initial, and when the ball starts to roll, quickly move the cage to the side, which he just passed.
Water from the reservoir will turn down, go down and take the third gemma.
Return to the fork (Fig. 33) and turn right.
You will enter the hall, which has an eye on the right-hand wall, and in front of you there is a circular hole. Use the ring on it, and the wall with the eye will move away. Enter the inside is a prison in which three cells are hanging with skeletons, each of them has a gemma.
Exit prison and turn left. Before you is a lattice, and on the right there is a passage.

Go through it to the cave, in the center of which is the mechanism. Remove the board from the wall and insert the mechanism into the central hole. The door closes you, water will begin to enter the cave, and you will raise up with water. On the rope stairs, pick up the next floor. Two skeletons will appear in front of you, call them to the Merule Tamarak. Go through them and take the seventh gemma. Go down - you went to the lattice near prison on the other side. The hook hangs in front of you, and under it is a stone. Hang the stone on the hook and click on the lever on the wall. The grille will open, and you can go to the tomb of the zohir.
Install seven gemm in slots around the coffin, and the wall of the left will move away. Go inside and climb to the pedestal, which hangs the hammer of Tamarak. Put the Acadeus Eyes in the center of the pedestal and break it with a hammer. The earthquake will begin, and the stones will fill all outputs. Go down across the hole in the center of the hall. Go to the right.
You will see the underground river and the boat near the pier, but before sitting into it, go to the niche of the right. Here on the door is the last puzzle.
You need to very quickly find two identical red tiles among nine inverted tiles. Do it four times, and you will open the door to the treasury of Zohir. Touch the gold, look at the roller, quickly run back and jump into the boat. She brings you to the stairs. Climb upstairs, click on the handle on the post, and sit down in the descended balloon.
Click on the handrail and watch the roller.
Click on the Golden idol - you will find a secret compartment with an individual code. Go to, enter this code and get a bonus.

Copying material is allowed only indicating the author of the passage known on the Internet as Julia-10

How to play?

The game is a classic Point'n'Click, everything is controlled by the mouse. Things in the inventory are combined, you can also consider them more carefully, simply by clicking on them with the right mouse button, sometimes it helps to get new items. The game has a card, with which you can easily move on locations, for this you just need to touch the map with the right mouse. Throughout the gameplay, you can find gold coins, all of them in the game 26, if you find everything, you will get a cool bonus that can be viewed on the game developer website.


After the roller, we find ourselves on the gloomy island, the first feeling that we are lonely here, but we will live and see.

We look at the skull, in the middle of the screen, take the rope next to him, take a step back. We go to the left, inspect the vase, in the left side of the screen, we take a coin. We walk four times ahead, inspect the bushes. We make five steps back, from bushes, and on the fork, we make a step forward to a wooden fence. From the board, we pull the nails, we make two steps ago. Well, we almost made sure that we are clearly not alone on this island. From the point where we started the game, we go to the right and make four steps forward. We inspect the vases that face us, we divide the average. We take a hook and in inventory, combine it with a rope. Stepping forward, see the dark arch. At this point, someone will speak with us, they answer him twice, and at the end of the dialogue, someone will show his own larva, but he will immediately hide in the dark. Scary? I agree, there is a little. We move away from the arch, go to the left. We take one step forward, inspect the corpse of the archaeologist, take notebook next to him. In the inventory, press the right mouse button on this notebook, so we will examine it. We shift the pages, take the map of the island, with its help we can easily move on locations. We study the record of a certain pedestal, with holes in it. Each Lutka is numbered, in the future it will be useful to us. Having finished the inspection of the notepad, step forward. Lower the lever, on the right wall, inspect the reservoir, we select two gold coins. Make four steps back, wrap the right. We look at the pedestal, in the middle of the room, just we saw it in a notebook. Now you need to place nails in the holes, using recordings in notepad. So, we put three nails in the holes 11-3-8, we take nails, in general, we take nails every time after setting them in the right order, and some button will turn around. For the second time, nails put in the wells 9-1-6. In the third - 14-10-4. In the fourth - 2-5-7. If everything is done correctly, a large button will turn around in the middle, and somewhere on the island a passage to the dungeon opens. We take the nails, move away from the pedestal, follow twice ahead. We look at the hole at the bottom, throw a rope with a hook and go down.

We leave the "cave", so this place called the mysterious spirit. We go to the cemetery. We make four steps forward, inspect the grave. We take two gold coins, to the right of the skull. We return to the beginning of the cemetery, we make a step right. We go ahead, check the mailbox on the wall, we take a letter, studying it in the inventory. We read the inscriptions over the arch and pass forward.

We go to the house, go inside. We go to the door to the right, go down from the stairs, and climb on another staircase, on the left. We inspect the picture on which the ship is depicted, I remember its name: "Rothchiole". We go to the right, go to the room with a TV in the middle. Right take the Jewelry Box jewelry box. In the inventory we open the box, get a broken switch from it. In the far left corner of the room, on the table we study the newspaper gear, it will be useful for us later. We leave the room, go to the left, and then we turn into the room to the right. We speak with the strange inhabitant of the house, after the dialogue inspect the table in front of the inhabitant. We are trying to take a box, but we do not give it to do. We leave the room, go to the picture, go down. Turn to the right, we go to the kitchen "Kitchen". I examine the bottle over the entrance, we take olive oil "Olive Oil". Next, we study the contents of the refrigerator, we take Wine wine. Open the locker, in the right part of the kitchen, take the cereal "Cereal". We inspect the flakes in the inventory, turn the box, look inside and take the toy, get the toy from the bag. By the way, this toy is a magnifying glass. We leave with the kitchen, then we leave the living room, climb into the hall. We go into the room on the left, on the table, under a white hat, take the key "Silver Key" from the box. We return to the hall, turn and climb along the steps. We look at the nightstand under the picture, take the gold coin, go into the room on the left.

We study the picture hanging on the left wall. In the lower corner of the picture there is a piece of paper on which "Prototype # 29" is written. Opposite the picture there is a bookcase. In it, we are interested in two books, in one tells about some kind of idol, and the second is written in drawings and calculations, turn the page in it and take the key. Again, approach the picture, there is a notch next to the inscription, we insert the key there. Go to the opened passage. We inspect the closet in the right side of the room, read notepad. Having finished reading, we inspect the mirror, open the box under it, take the Handle holder. We go to the library, go to the pass, right. We walk twice ahead, open the door, in front of us, a silver key. We inspect photos and cuts from newspapers, which indicated the ghost. We study the contents of the cabinets in the room. In one closet there is a metal cap "Metal Cap", and in another drawing of the puzzle, remember it. We leave out of the room, come out of the library, go to the bathroom, right. In the bath we take a towel, from the shelf, over the bathroom, we take 12 gold coins. We look at the sink, the open bank is lying in it with sleeping pills, which means sleeping pills in the sewage. We look at the table to the left of the sink, go out into the corridor. We return to the hall, go down the stairs, on the right, go out into the garden. We enhance the house, go down to the basement, pass by the corridor. On the pipe from which there are steam, we throw the towel, go to the opened doors. We take the wooden bucket "Bucket", make a step forward. Open the table box, take the rusty pliers of "Rusty Pliers", inspect the jar with tassels, take the glue glue. We look at the drawings on the wall, we take a coin in the jar with pencils. In the inventory, we lubricate the pliers with olive oil, glue the broken TV switch glue. We leave the basement, go back to the house, again go to the bathroom, where they took a towel. Open the door, under the sink, pliers unscrew the pipe, take sleeping pills. We mix the sleeping pills with wine, go to the room to the inhabitant and give him wine. While we leave this room and go to the room with a TV. Insert the switch to the TV, turn it on. Configure on the 7th channel and move the antenna several times until the image of the flakes appears. We go to the inhabitant, he is already sleeping strong sleep. From the table on the contrary, we take a mystical box. Go out of the house.

Make a few steps back, we go to the east. At the berth, we take a wooden board, we return to the breakdown, we turn to the West and make a step forward. We put the board on the pier, pass forward. We get up on the pier, open the garbage bucket, taking pieces of the letter. In the inventory, we look at these pieces through the magnifying glass, they must be collected together to get such a letter:

Letters are missed in the letter: Mermaid7.. We go to the fishing house, pay attention to the nightstand, open the top box, read the diary. Open the bottom box, we take a lighter, look at it in the inventory, even though it is broken, but we can need sparks. Sit down for your computer, in the far corner of the room. Include it by simply pressing the button on the monitor. In the browser, enter the address: The site offers to enter a password that is printed on the rear wall of the box from under the flakes. But we have the wall carved. But the letter comes to help us, which we glued. By the way, the missed letters are glued to the computer. So, on the site I enter (without quotes): "Packed with 7 Vitamins Found in Meat Chem Bios Cereal Is a Creepy Treat" When we offer to enter the password, write: mermaid7. We read the mail, in the second letter described a combination: 3-2-1-2-1-3-2-3 leave the house, we take a step back, go to the boat repository. We inspect the lockers, the code from the right lock is just a combination of a letter. Opening the castle, look into the locker, look in the hole and take the key. We go back to the house, box under the computer open the key found, take a poem. We leave from the house and sit down in a boat, try to get out of it, but immediately its owner comes and begins to talk to us. Talking to him, get out of the boat. The owner will sit down in her and swimming. We go back to the house, open the cabinet, study the clipping from the newspaper and look at the photo. Now open the card in the inventory and move to the Crypt location.

We go to the crypt and approach the puzzle. Now you need to swap high and flat chips, that is, it should be high in place of flat chips, and vice versa. Cutting from the book, which we looked in the library, fortunately, is preserved in our inventory. When the puzzle is solved, the door will open, go into it and go down. We look at the pedestal, under the statue of the boy, click on the stove and get a cylinder with gears. We wear a metal cover on the cylinder, which we already have and attach the handle "Handle". We make a step forward and insert the cylinder into the hole in the wall, we go along the corridor. Tighten the valves on the wall, I spark out the bake from the lighter. We take another step forward and turn another valve. We leave from the crypt. Turn to the right, we go ahead twice, come to the gazebo, on the left. Here the next puzzle is awaiting us, but it is not simple! To solve it, we will need a disk with the game and the drawing, on which the circle with letters is drawn. All this is supplied with the game.

So, the solution of this task can be consecrated for six steps:

1. We have a disk in the middle of the circle
2. We look at the sign of the planet and the letter, which are located in the windows, in the upper right corner of the puzzle
3. Rotate the disc, so that the sign of the planet corresponds to the letter in the picture
4. We look at the other two windows, to the left of the red valves. We remember the signs of the planets and look at the disk with the pattern, notes what letters correspond to these signs. After that, choose the desired letters by rotating the valve.
5. Press the button below. If everything is done correctly, one green flashlight will be lit.
6. We repeat this procedure two more times until all green lanterns are lit.

After a successful solution of the puzzle, the door of the crypt will open, next to the gazebo, go into this crypt. On the post, on the right, there are three rotating elements. If you rotate them, then letters will appear, grind items so that the name of the name is the name of Amy. We go into the opening gate, we fall into the elevator. The main part that allows you to ride on floors is a vessel that stands right in front of us. To bring the lift to the action open the map, move to the house "Mansion" and in the kitchen, pick up from the sink to the water bucket. We return to the elevator and pour water into the vessel. Going down, turn left twice the left and climb the stairs. Take the canister, behind the stone, and climb further. Open the door, in the room inspect a strange picture. In the frame, under the picture, insert a small key that we opened a secret passage in the library, this time the passage will open here. We look at the pipe on the right, which is located above the generator. There is a small crane on the pipe, we pour the contents of the canister. Now pay attention to the control panel. We put the "Power" toggle switch to position 2. The lower tongue is translated into position 7 and press the ABCA buttons. We leave out of the room, climb the ladder and sit down in the funicular. When we arrive, we go out and go down.