
Aristoclies Afonovsky. Moscow old man Aristocal Afonovsky

All about roses

Moscow Saints. Rev. Aristoclies, Athos Athorn and Moscow Wonderview

Rev. Aristoclies,
announcement Athos and Moscow Wonderworker
Memory - August 24 / September 6

The old man of aristocals was born in the Urals in the pious peasant family, presumably in 1838, with baptism was named Alexei. Father Alexey lost in early childhood. In the ten-year-old age after severe illness, his legs were treated. Mother Alexei, Matrona, longly prayed to St. Nicholas about the concept before the Lord about the healing of the Son, in those days gave any vows to go into the monastery, as soon as the Son goes into the night age, and in this life there is no longer anyone in this life. On the day of the celebration of the Church of St. Nicholas, December 6/19, a wonderful healing of Alexey occurred. When the son was seventeen years old, Matron was retired to the monastery, and Alexey for the blessing of the mother went to the holy Mountain of Athos. When he addressed the novice, Alexei was given the name of aristocals, in honor of the Cyprus Sacred Martyr Presbyter Aristocal Salaminsky. For more than a quarter of a century, Hieromona aristocals in the Russian St. Panteleimmon Monastery on the Holy Mountain, and in the mid-1880s, was sent to Moscow at the monastery of the Monastery, located on Big Polemonov. For ten years, he headed the courtyard and was the abbot of the chapel of the Saint Great Martyr Panteleimon. People stretched to the good shepherd, on the prayers of which wonderful healing of patients were performed. The elder was instructed, instructed, prayed for his chad, all the souls wishing them to save them. Rumors about the prosecable older quickly scattered around the capital. Hundreds of people in need of a prayer assistance of an elder were daily at the opposite of the Afonov Monastery. Numerous donations of believers, the elder gave to those in need of people: paid the training of children from poor families, arranged the lives of many people. Thanks to the efforts of an elder in Afonov, since 1888, a journal of a delete-minded interlocutor began to be published, which told about the life of Russian monks on the Saint Island, introduced the lives of Afonovski, with the letters of the elders to their spiritual children, the wise thoughts of the Holy Fathers. Thanks to his educational activity, Russian monasteries on Athos began to be replenished with new prayer prayers for Earth Russian. The buildings of the structures of old monasteries were restored for generous donations of Russians, new temples were erected in honor of the saints revered in Russia. However, in 1894, after a false denunciation, the old man had to leave Moscow and return to his native monastery.

Only from the messages of the "delicate interlocutor" the spiritual children of the elder could learn about the life of the spiritual father. The issues of the magazine reported that the father of Aristoclia was elected treasurer and the confessor of the monastery, and in 1909 the name of Jeroshimonach aristoclia (by the time she who accepted Schima) stood first in the list of candidates in the governors of the monastery's abbot.

Fifteen years of elder's spiritual children sent letters to the Synod and on Athos, in which begged to return to them a beloved shepherd. Finally, the Cathedral of the confessor of St. Panteleimonov Monastery again appointed an elder aristocoline by the abbot of the monastery of the monastery in Moscow.

At the seventieut age, the old man had to return to Russia. By that time he suffered from numerous diseases and needed a devoted assistant.

IN last years His stay in the monastery, he became close to the obedient Ipatim Stavrov. At the request of the elder, the Aristocal of the novice of Ipathiya was touched into the monks with the name Isaiah, they have ordained and blessed to help the elder in Moscow. Isaiah's father (the future famous elder Isaiah) became not only a sense, but also the secretary, an indispensable assistant in all the affairs of the house.

After the departure of the elder 1894 on Athos, the parish decreased, and the treasury was empty, nothing to repair buildings.

Upon returning the elder, thousands of people began to come to the chapel again. From 1909 to 1918, two three-storey buildings were grown at the monastery of the Monastery of the Monastery: one for books, the monastery services and grooming institutions were located in another, and on the third floor in one of the corner rooms, the Batyushka arranged a house church in honor of a particularly revered and beloved icons God's Mother "Spearness".

The earth's life of the elder ended on August 26 / September 8, 1918, on the day of reference Vladimir Icon Blessed Virgin Mary.

Jeroshimona fought Aristocals Three Moscow Vladyka: Bishop Arseny, Bishop Trifon (Turkestan) and Bishop Joasaf, Abbot of the Epiphany Monastery, who performed at the time of the duties of Metropolitan Moscow.

Initially, the old man of aristocallians was buried in a marble crypt of the fatigue. However, after the revolution, all monastic possessions were subject to nationalization, and household churches - liquidation. The foundation began searches, arrests, confiscation. In January 1919, the rector of the Panteleimon Chapel of the Hieromona Makariya was arrested, and in 1921 - Hieromona Faofan ... Therefore, the spiritual Chad of the Starta in 1922 decided to reburial. Big was buried so as not to attract the attention of the authorities. The monks made a coffin with the hover body of Hieroshimonach Aristoclia from the tomb, plunged on the cart and were lucky to Danilovsky cemetery. Eyewitnesses were told that the pigeons, whom the elder loved to feed, flew away from all sides and, circling, formed a living cross in the sky. Before the grave of a lively pigeon cross accompanied the elder.

It should be noted that shortly before the death of the hieroshimonach aristocal, one of his spiritual daughters A.P. Solntsev, living in the Gloother Lane, next to the Danilovsky cemetery, invited an elder to visit. The old man was affectionately answered the invitation: "Chado my beloved, soon, I will come to you soon. I will come forever. " Soon, the father died, and without having been visiting her, the woman was perplexed. And four years after the death of the elder (in 1922), the woman accidentally met the funeral procession near his house, having learned that the elder aristocallion was buried, he remembered the prophecy of the spiritual father.

From the memories of the Mother Varvara (Flower): "On the prayers of the Afonovsky elder of God, aristocals in the Panteleimon chapel in Nikolskaya made a lot of miracles, healing of patients and unfortunate obsessed. Batyushka took on a large clearing in Athos Compound, endless visitors who have eased his spiritual councils and leadership. Batyushka always consoled us, prayed and said that it would be. Once, when the brother, and the Father were on Lubyanka, and there was no hope that they would come from there alive, and I was unbearably hard, the father suddenly said fun:

And you will go to other countries, and openly.

I just turned off:

Why there is no possibility!

And you will be.

He spoke about it in 1918, shortly before his death, and everything happened in his word in 1922: Brother unexpectedly and inexplicably came out of prison with the prescription of expulsion abroad, after a few days the father was released without any visible cause, and we were sent to Germany. Truly it was a miracle for us. There was no expensive father with us. I often remembered with pain, I have been with him 10 days before his death, and he somehow especially warm me blessed: "Farewell, Chadushko, goodbye ..." I remember, somehow in a conversation about the fate of Russia after the revolution, I He was told that I hope for the White Army, which was then formed. "No, do not hope," said Batyushka, "because the Spirit is not that." I asked him about the war, which was still not over yet, and he replied: "And another will be ... And you will learn about her in the country where you are then ... that the weapon is a German bodier at the border of Russia." So it happened, in Jerusalem, we are these words and read. Of course, in English. Batyushka said so: "Only you do not rejoice yet. Many Russians will think that the Germans will get rid of Russia from the Bolshevik power, but it is not. The Germans, however, will enter Russia and many what they will do, but they will leave, because there is still no time to save. It will be later, then ... "I remember, even earlier he said that I would not live to this time. And Russia will still be saved. Many sufferings, a lot of torment will have. All Russia will be made in prison, he said, and it will be necessary to tend the Lord about forgiveness. Rook in sins, and fear to create the slightest sin. We must try to do good, at least the smallest: "After all, the wing of flies has weight," said the father, "and the god has accurate scales. And when the slightest in the cup of good will turn off, then the God of his mercy over Russia appears. "

From the memories of nun Eviefimia:

My mother was very sick with my mother for several years. And what kind of medicines we tried, and what doctors did not appeal, but the pain was not thrown. I say since: "We will go to the old man, it will help."

Let's go in the morning. The elder was not entirely healthy and was in the cell. He with such love accepted us! And he himself somehow smiled, he was not in his place, but whatever whom waiting for. Blessed us and began to talk. He took his hand, began to rub it. I took off my jacket with her, he continued to rub his hand, and smiled himself, for sure he had something comforting for us, and he could not smile from pleasure. Then he left Matushkina his hand, gave a disport, anointed with oil and so, rejoicing, let go. Since then, there were no pain. I think my old man and rejoiced, knowing that the Lord healed my mother for his prayers.

And how the father consoled me with his conversations! It happened, says: "Ah, Choo my beloved, if you knew how you want to save you! All would have undergone for you, let the Lord save you! If only you bring to him! If only you were saved, I have more care, as soon as you bring you to the Lord, and there is no more serious thing on earth, like the salvation of the soul ... "Batyushka has always rejoiced when he saw the diligence of our spiritual children, each other or others. He had an extraordinary gratitude for the slightest part on the other. Surprisingly he loved the children. And always - the children always surrounded him, there were such committed to him that they did not want to leave their father ...

It happened, the elder goes out of the Celly Courtyard, and the people expect him, he would bless everyone, then a small box will be served to him with food for pigeons, and the father with a prayer prayer and bless it. And so every morning, and the pigeons - where they just do not happen, waiting for him. Then the elder was part of a black move, and the children were already waiting for him with the elders, only adults were entrusted with the parade. At first he took everyone with children, and then she walked into a large room, all forced by icons, like a chapel, for a general blessing. The father was exhausted from the people, there were days when he took not one thousand people.

The old man of Isaiah was an eyewitness of the resurrection on the prayers of the elder Aristocal of the Dead Girl, he himself told him after the death of the elder Aristocal Starta Daniel from the Don Monastery. Once a woman came to the old Aristoclide, carrying a dead girl on his hands. She told that they came from Ryazan, as they were heard about the wonders of the elder. She was carrying him her sore daughter in the hope that the father healed her. But on the road, the girl died. And now the mother begged the elder to revive the child. She did not doubt the power of the older's prayerful concept before the Lord and with faith was waiting for the Found's father. And the miracle happened: on the prayers of the elder, the aristocalism girl came to life and healed from the disease. The mother pressed a revived daughter and could not find words of gratitude, but only repeated: "God forbid you health, father, God forbid you health!"

Lord, the prayers of the elder aristocal, save us!

Akathist Reverend Aristoclia, Starta Athos and Moscow Wonderworker

Kondak 1.

Choices of God and the wonderful Mobility of Pieces, the speedy questioning in the needs and the Supreme Assistant, the diligent prayer about all those who are worthwhile, fall to you and pray, in the hedgehog we save us, save us from the native of the MGLA of sinful circumstances, with love and we call , Rev. Aristocality, Starmer Afonovsky and Moscow Miracle.

Ikos 1.

The angel of Heaven was likened to the earthly life and the good Igo Christo on Ramo squeezed themselves, all the hope of God to lay, and the deputy for Christ, reached the kingdom of heaven. Sorry for the sake of the sake of the Song of this: Rejoice, equal to the zhitty of the Zhisa, rejoice, the savior of the Iea Christ is a frostable carrier. Rejoice, Yako, all the heaveblightened earthly good hated, rejoice, Jaco Paradise dwellings recovered ESI. Having rejoice, the sweetness is rejected, rejoice, the bread of the heaven of Christ is taste. Rejoice, the source of the living water is enjoyed, rejoice, on Kamena faith is approved. Rejoice, Rev. Aristocality, Starmer Afonovsky and Moscow Miracle.

Kondak 2.

Vidayev Lord Jealousy Like a pious Mother's pious, praying for you, severely affected, enjoying a tearful petition and Darov, the victim of St. Nicholas you, healing. You, recruit from Odra Diseases of Sassy, \u200b\u200bI felt the doctor of souls and the body to God: Allilia.

Ikos 2.

The mind of the age is perfego that the world has known for the world, lying in evil, and, Christ alone, his feet sent them to his words: "IT IT IT, IT IT IT and HAVE HAVE HISTENCE AND IT IT IT." Yes, in the heart of His Savior of Christ. We, see your militia, we sing Ty Sita: Having rejoice, the skeleton of Sweet Jesus is loved, rejoice, to that one humbly followed. Rejoice, the Prayer Mother of the Pickup of St. Nicholas Handed, Rejoice, the covenant of God's Chti is the painful. Rejoice, Yako in the clock of the misfortunes to him with faith, if you, rejoice, I saved my soul from him, I saved the soul from him. Rejoice, multiplying misfortunes from the deserted spirits is pretended, rejoice, the Christian cruster of the glory from the king of the celebrity. Rejoice, Rev. Aristocality, Starmer Afonovsky and Moscow Miracle.

Kondak 3.

The power of Luke God, inhalesing and at all, pretended to service in the Trinity of the Slavimoma God, elected the narrow path of the Bogogogano Monuscago Life and, leaving the Multiple Moral Justice, came to the Great Mother of the Mother of God, to the Sacred Mountain of Athos, in the joy of the Savior to God. Alilia.

Ikos 3.

Having jealousy in the support of the inochecago of life, all of themselves for themselves the spiritual leadership of the Bogomdrome Afonovsky Starts, Russian monastery of Makaria and Jerome and their prayers, having tightened the world of Christ in his heart, succeeded and multiplied by the virtues of the soul. This is for the sake of yell, in the mismatch is invited: rejoice, the beauty of this world is despite, rejoice, glory the earthly dwells immediate. Rejoice, in the spiritual vertograd of God, the Mother is unmasled, rejoice, under Him the Mother of God, the Omophore is kindly hung. Having rejoice, the cut-off of the will is a preceded, rejoice, the force of obedience to the old man all the goats are confused. Rejoice, abstaining the lust of the flesh and our mistake, rejoice, humble the pride of life is corrected. Rejoice, Rev. Aristocality, Starmer Afonovsky and Moscow Miracle.

Kondak 4.

A storm of Multilateral Eurence of the Sea of \u200b\u200bSea pretext, found an unsymptomic relief of the country of Afonovsky, going to Tamo on the mountain of Spiritamago perfect, a none of the earthly, the Turkish of Horny, and Taco the Association of Homute to God, unfulfly having herself: Allilia.

Ikos 4.

Lord your diligent prayer, SPO Trege of Monuscago and Velikiya Schima and erected the degree of Iraetskago ministry, Durable to many gifts of spiritual, Aki five talents, and multiply them in the sweat of the works of monasticago lives in salvation, but many brethren and neighbors . We, seeing the fruits of your exploits, call Ty Sita: Rejoice, the monastic vows is an immutable accommodation, rejoice, the purity of the heart of their steady keeper. Rejoice, many gifts of the Spirit of the Holy Gloomy, rejoice, at the opposite of the oldarity is unrepreneurous. Rejoice, in the ministry of God's given talents in the most smart, rejoice, all the commandments of the foremen of the Lord diligently executable. Rejoice, God in the souls of His and Telesce is glorified, rejoice, the temple of the Spirit of the Holy in himself in itself the grateful of God organized. Rejoice, Rev. Aristocality, Starmer Afonovsky and Moscow Miracle.

Kondak 5.

There is an in-friendly life of yours, Rev. Father Aristocal, and Yako slave, driven by the will of Mr., In obedience, the Resident of the Former, the Essence of the Athonskago Holy Arrival of the Invidence and Tamo to serve as a gave God to God, he had given themselves all the rescue seekers , Sinking: Allilia.

Ikos 5.

DRIVER SUPPLY YOUR BOGUAL LIVING, PERSONS OF THE VELIAGO LAMP OF FAIR, HOPE AND LUKS AND TEKHOKA TO YOUR YOURKE TO THE GEALICAL SOURCE, DO YOU WILL BE WILL BE FROM THE COMBINE OF THE COMBINE AND MENTOR IN BOGUAL LIATURE. Something for the sake of the sake and we call for you, in thanksgiving is invited: rejoice, the beam-seen in the darkness of Christ the Sun of Christ, rejoice, all the will his conquest. Rejoice, the command of the fathers of spiritual contrary to the verbal, rejoice, in the meekness of the feet of the state in the city of ABIE. Rejoice, in the humility the burden of service in the needs of it is incurred, rejoice, loving in Christ and the prayers of God for God. Rejoice, the commandments of the evangelical jealous, rejoice, the virtues of the Christian unaware teacher. Rejoice, Rev. Aristocality, Starmer Afonovsky and Moscow Miracle.

Kondak 6.

Luke's preacher and mercy was relentlessly. Especially the spirit of hatred and the malice of abandonment in permanenting the country of the Russian and whistles the ship of the church in the puchin of the people and misfortunes, Monszy in the baking sheet, seeking to get rid of the rapid death, and Techka to you. Included to you approval in orthodox faith, with joy ropy to God to the Savior: Allilia.


Having an inener light of Yako Grand Melting Your life in Christ, running in the people of the darkness of disbelief and delusion, on a lot of lawlessness found on Nia, I bet you Lord on the candidate, but see Tension VSI encumbrance of sins and proceed from the darkness of the Divine of the Divine Truth. We, the most prickly grace in you, shine Ty Sita: Rejoice, the abstract restless faith and piety, rejoice, the spiritual, the darkness of the sin of sin. Rejoice, the grazing of the Sun of the truth of Christ, the mercy and love reflective, rejoice, humble and patience all the temptation defeat. Having rejoice, the fire of the zealous service of the thorns of challenges fall, rejoice, I will, I will, from the networks of the enemy of Zavuddyly, delivering. Having rejoice, Yako, the victim of yours is all false and faded, rejoice, Jaco to you, Verra Christian is alleged. Rejoice, Rev. Aristocality, Starmer Afonovsky and Moscow Miracle.

Kondak 7.

Although the multi-facing Lord to save the work of all the seekers of salvation, the great power of the wonderfulness of the wonderfulness, and people will turn away with all their hearts in repentance to the globalist God, the verbal: not the worst of the death of a sinner, but herself rushing and live to visit him, and the WSI people are angry: Allilia.

Ikos 7.

Novago Wonderworker Moskoskogo and Bogonosnago Starta Afonovskago Javi Tel Lord, it should have come to the measure of the breathtaking spiritual and tightened the spirit of the saint in the urgent heart of his. We, we see the vigilant strength of grace in you, we sing with a moutigation: Rejoice, the God of the Specialist is a marked chief, rejoice, the commandments of Christ, a tired preaching. Rejoice, the striking truth of God hasply, rejoice, thirsting from the source of the truth of Christ weighing. Rejoice, naked robes and smooth saturation, rejoice, hurting healing and suffering consolation. Rejoice, strengthening about faith, rejoice, in despair there are a good idea. Rejoice, Rev. Aristocality, Starmer Afonovsky and Moscow Miracle.

Kondak 8.

The wanderer and the alien to himself in the world of the world, the aristocality predicted, recovered Esi Grad of the sky and a lot of a lot of his flock on a cleaner's clename, led to the sharpening to God, not Mamon, work the Lord with fear and please him with a thrill, yes Wsy Veria Rabi They sing Christ to God: Allilia.

Ikos 8.

All in the bose stay, Yako, good and the faithful servant of Mr. His, in the post, bdjence and prayer, hurried, many temptations have undergone, Yako, a true shepherd, entering the doors to her sheep, the soul for the sheep was rejoice. That is the lead of yours, with a lovelyness of you Song with love: Rejoice, from God to the shepherdness is called, rejoice, the house of salvation for the child's spiritual. Having rejoice, the shepherd-head of Christ is like, rejoice, the feat of the dubbing shepherds is taught. Having rejoice, it is nicaken who coming to you expelled Esi. Rejoice, Yako many of the pastoral word to Christ led them. Having rejoiced, Jaco, the foul sheep in a single herd gathered the ESI, rejoice, Jaco from the rux died of lost freedom of Esi. Rejoice, Rev. Aristocality, Starmer Afonovsky and Moscow Miracle.

Kondak 9.

Any nature of the Angelic Slavs Your Equal Wife, and, seeing the act of your act in the save of the perishes, is rejoiced even about the one for the sinner of your herd, to the most of the wonderful sheep, who has been saved, the gods, who wondered in his saints, incessant glaces is chasing: Allilia .

Ikos 9.

Vietia Velochivia cannot make a decent praise to God to the Spriverman, the wisdom of the Saving genus human and the parolesmander of Christ's chosen to the ministry of Christ's church, and the wolves will be murmiously from the Sons of Light. You bought the worker to the worker, the arrival of the aristocal, Yako ancient Moses, damped from Egyptskago slavery sin, is not afraid of the Tokmo of God. This is for the sake of yell: rejoice, the god of the satizer is a marked chief, rejoice, the shepherd-head of Christ to the dead sheep messenger. Rejoice, Rogo, from the vine of Christ that was tangled, rejoice, chramine, the currents of the grace of God fulfilled. Rejoice, the Treat of Athos, on the land of Rusty there, rejoice, the Nivo, the blessing of God, which brought the fruit of God. Rejoice, wandering in the desert of the unfortunate of the truth to the ruler, rejoice, virtues in the souls of the savings seekers. Rejoice, Rev. Aristocality, Starmer Afonovsky and Moscow Miracle.

Kondak 10.

Save Although the soul of Christian from the eternal death, Rev. Father Aristocality, pretty Esi about all the sins, pretty, honorabned the image of the Most of the Virgin Mary "Spearness", from Athos, brought many things to her with Veliby Densing, yes, the victim of the All-Communications Merit of All You shed a prayer with tears, appealing to him: Allilia.

Ikos 10.

The wall of an uncomplicable faith and hope for God was the Blessed Aristocality, EEN CREATED, ESI HELIA MIRACLE: ISE EXHIBIMENTS OF THE HAVE OF DEPORTANTHENNAGA, AVIRATURE HIVE HAVE ON THE MUHOLARY ICONS "SPRISHESTERS" AND TOVE PACKAGE GAVE THE EXTERS OF HOLIST The deities of his pre-inflated Jews, and then leading, in the merry of the call of Ty Sita: Rejoice, indestructible fasteners, rejoice, unshakable stone hope. Rejoice, the blindness of the bodily power of Over Doctor, rejoice, the blindness of the spiritual thanks to God is healing. Rejoice, from the holy icons of the Virgin Mary of Milicity, rejoice, rejoice, by the mercy of many in the confusion of the destroyer. Rejoice, Yako, at the clock of bewilderment with a care of her, they resorted to her, rejoice, Yako, the idea of \u200b\u200bgood in the heart from her vagina retained Esi. Rejoice, Rev. Aristocality, Starmer Afonovsky and Moscow Miracle.

Kondak 11.

Singing Dyed and Thanksgiving God is bringing, you rejoice in your spiritual, Velikago and Tonotnagno in the works of the old man. Books, thoroughly published, rollen accurauous and thirsful truths of God, yes Vsi Ktushchi them, Aki food is a spiritual woman who fell, the Lord is singing: Allilia.

Ikos 11.

The light image of your ghost of life is solar in the country of the Russian, Scheuthold and the Holy Mountain of Afonov, enlightening some kind of man, with faithful of your kissing, left your flue to your flue, with love with love, and in praising by singing: Rejoice, returning from the deep spirits of the malice fence, rejoice, is wrong with the verbs of the eternal life of Enlightened. Rejoice, at the expense of yours from this world in the blood of the heavenly verbands do not leave. Having rejoice, from the prevail of the abylls of their works in the salvation of the soul bless. Rejoice, the holyness of the Mountain Maslino Maslino Mountain, rejoice, forecastsolnago city of Moscow Lampado of the Godrodian. Rejoice, Jaco Cocosh chicks of their children from the predatory enemies covering, rejoice, Yako Gorusta, the blamelessness of the soul everyone surprised. Rejoice, Rev. Aristocality, Starmer Afonovsky and Moscow Miracle.

Kondak 12.

The grace of unscruptering unessed in the place of your Earth's rest of the rest, in the hope of assistance to you flowing, and in allabiled will of the god of life, the righteous of the righteousness, the Russian Church of the Church, and the World of Christian Ka Truthful and the servant of God, are worse The gentlemen of his own - in the monastery of the king of the celestial, the idea of \u200b\u200bthe fun with the angels of the Hello, he was inevitable to him: Alilia.

Ikos 12.

The Orthodox church sings and triumphes the holy of the relics of Aki treasure an unprecedented in the consolation of all the weak body and the soul, and they will lead that there is the glory of God, and in gratitude, it will give him all the bad will, Himself, the wiseness of the wisdom of saints . Skin and we sing to you ... Rejoice, the relentless feats, Jaco, the warrior of Christ, the god of his father is glorified, rejoice, sacrificially love to the neighbor to God, the silence. Rejoice, the virtues of many Spirit saintly tied, rejoice, the grace of God from its relics source. Rejoice, the fourth of the Virgin is good to make, rejoice, the lands of Russian good sower. Rejoice, Yako to you, Holy Mount Athosskaya decorates, rejoice, Yako to you, the land of Moscow spirituality is transformed. Rejoice, Rev. Aristocality, Starmer Afonovsky and Moscow Miracle.

Kondak 13.

Oh, stortified by the older Moscow and the holy of the Mountain of Athonskiy Moboturic, the Great Out of Signage and the Hardened before the throne of God's prayer. Your incessants about us the prayers of the mind of the Lord from all kinds of bezovskiy attack us to get rid of us, and the coming flour freedomy, yes VSI we, save your petition, we will use God: Allilia, Allilia, Allilia.

(This Kondak is read three times, then Ikos 1 and Kondak 1)

Prayer to Rev. Aristoclia Athos, Moscow Miracle

Oh, holy waters and the most memorable older aristocal, the holy of the Mountain of the Athonskiy Mobitant and Hoodies of Moscow, unrelated prayer! You diligently read your honest memory, falling to the holy of your power and heat yoke: a proud of us, children of your spiritual seekers in the troubles of your help and intercession, in the diseases of spiritual and bodily healing, in sorrow, consolation and permission. We will coordinate our prayers to our faith unshakable, yes, she saves from everyone to the attack and action of the busy, keep our hope of the physical temptation, but do not fall into the despondency of evil temptations, swelling in us, unwell and weak, love Nelitaryvoern, and not the wise lifting of Christiancago The feat and the next to the trail of Christ will be upcoming the cross of our Earth Life, you are promised by the death of your hearing of the petitions in any sash, it will take it to the place of your rest. And now on the glorification of the Church of God of the Cancer of your honest relevance, the pledge of your own luban and care about us, who has a presence of your victim, before the throne of the king of the celestial. Satisfied with the god of the country of our world and silence, pasta wise bold, monastic obesis, the people, our piety, and all, are useful to salvation. No premiests about us praise in the Trinity of the Slavima God, Jedsedly approves every glory, honor and worship of the father and son and the Holy Spirit, now and in the eyelids. Amen.

Tropear Reverend Aristoclia, Glas 4

Esi Yako Phoenix on the Holy Mountain of Afonov and Yako Cedar on the land of Rusty multiplied Esi, the Spirit of the Holy Ghost, the Cleaning of the Violence and the world of Christ reign in the soul of your soul, Rev. Father Aristocality, the moths of Christ's God, the aristocal, the moths of Christ the souls of our souls.

Kondak, voice 8

The new star in the sky of church assured the ESI, was the path of Multi-Motudnago monastico lives, the exploits of virtues of the crowns of the wints were incredible, and the appearance of obedience in the city of Grad, the courageously crowded Esi. Christ and Christ God is a gift of miracles enrich you, Rev. Father Aristocality, Athos Praise and Earth Russian Decoration, remember us, your holy memory.

Live cross

"... And now, what is the case with one of my friend who lived at the hectis market. She did not fit her life, but one day it was so accustomed that she decided to bother. She ran to the bridge and already wanted to rush in the Moscow river, as suddenly some power threw her back. Nearby there was no one, but it was attacked inexplicable fear, and she wanted to quickly escape from that place, and the determination to reduce the scores with life disappeared somewhere. For a long time she did not give rest to the fear on the bridge that night. She was advised to go to the old Aristoclus - he knows everything. And she came to the father, told him everything, as it was. And the elder listened and says: "God's power pushed you. You even a woman and slutty, so for your kindness that you will not sit alone and you will not drink water mugs, "this is the Lord and pardon you for that." These words of the elder turned the soul in her. And you know, after all, she corrected, began to go for the senior to the Council. Here we and I got acquainted. That's how it happens. Everything in his own way to God comes. "

"Even the fact that he will be buried in the Danilovsky cemetery, the father knew in advance. This is seen from the story of the spiritual daughter of the father of Aristoclia, A. P. Solntseva, who really wanted the old man to visit her at home. When she dared, finally, to ask him about it, the father answered her affectionately: "My sweetheart, soon, soon I will come to you. I will come forever. " When Soon, the father died, and without having been visiting her, she refused to believe it, since the old man never cheated anyone. And she lived in the spiritual alley, next to the Danilovsky cemetery, and always asked, jealous of the funeral procession, whom they bury. And once heard: "The Great Starta, Jeroshimonach Aristoclia". Shocked, licking the bucket, she went, crying, for the Batyushkin coffin and everything repeated: "Sorry! Sorry, Batyushka, what am I to you, stupid, did not believe ... "

The pigeons, whom the elder loved to feed and somehow talking about something with them, flew away from all sides with a huge flock and, circling, formed a living cross in the sky, the aristocal elder to the Mogile itself, told the old man. "

The miracle of healing the elbow occurred from the relics of the Moscow elder aristocal

Nowadays, as well as in the first centuries of Christianity, obvious miracles on prayers for holy, ITAR-TASS reports.A similar case was told by the abbot of the Afonovsky compound in Moscow Igumen Nikon: "In November last year, the monastery was postponed from the Danilovsky cemetery of the relics of the Moscow St. Older Aristoclia, the latter in the period of persecution of the church of the abbot of the Afonovsky comprehension, who died in 1918. At the same time, at the celebration were The priests from the Vladimir diocese, who were taken with the consecrated oil from the lamp, which was grieving from the relics. "

According to Vladimir Verdnikov, then Vladimir Vednikov said in a letter, he handed the bottle of parishioners of the local temple to spouses Alexander and Marina, who had a baby with unscrewed eyes. "They are very grieving, and the father, comforting young parents, handed the shrine and told how the 10-year-old boy healed with his prayers with his prayers, who did not open his eyes from birth. "On the same day, the mother of Marina came running to me in the evening that the eyes of her knees opened after the sacred oil was acknowledged them," written in the priest's letter.

Nikon's father, after reading the parishioners in the service, this is a modern testimony, recalled that the first miracle of the healing of the elbow made Jesus Christ himself.

Tsar Mosoch and the ridge

In early 90s, he learned from familiar that the monastery of the Monastery was opened in Moscow. Where? On the Svieva Gorka ... there, they explained the temple Great Martyr Nikita.I went for the first time, I remember, on the tram, from "clean ponds". And when it went to the boiler's embankment, of course, the first thing the eyes "eclipsed" Stalin's height. One of the seven is the so-called "house of creative intelligentsia."

Construction of it began before the war (1938-1940), and ended in 1952. Architects - A.K. Rostolovsky and D.N. Chechulin. The building had 32 floors, and his height reached 176 meters. It was decorated with turrets and sculptural groups. Located in a very beautiful place - the merger of Moscow-River and Jousy. Not the news that the Stalin's highways in Moscow was partially built by prisoners ... Perhaps, on the idea of \u200b\u200bthe government, the building should have had a different purpose. On this occasion, there are also various legends. However, after the construction, the house gave the creative intelligentsia. At various times, Evgeny Yevtushenko, Galina Ulanova, Andrei Voznesensky, Faina Ranenevskaya, Lyudmila Zykina, Non Mordyukova and many other famous personalities. So the house was elite. On the ground floor there were mail, bakery, cinema.

This is for this altitude, as for the fortress, and there is a quiet rolling slide ...

There is an old exotic legend that here, in the mouth of the Yauza, the grandson of Novov, Tsar Moshai Jafeteovich (i.e., the son of Jafet, the ancestor of the peoples of Europe and Malaya Asia) as if in those biblical times founded Moscow. And that she received the name from his behalf, plus the name of his wife - Kwa. And my son called, daughter - university, so, they say, Moscow arose on Jauze. And the first "town", i.e. The fortress on the site of Moscow, was not on Borovitsky Hill, where the Kremlin appeared, but here - on a svvily hill, the south-western slope of the Tagansky hill (also one of the seven).

In the chronicles, where this legend is set on, it says that Tsar Moshai founded "Graders himself small on the pre-war of the mountain of that, over the Uauza of the river, on the spot of one, the first-boring, an idea and the day standing on the mountain, the church of the Stone Saints and the Great Martyr Nikita, demons The tormentover and from the faithful people of those voyage, the fact of Kotoria from these evil will be guilty and the name of the martyr Sani call with faith. "

Many legends and around the mysterious name "Schiva Gorka". Here and "Vershi", and Moshkara, and Khiva - Shiva and "Shvetsy" ... but modern science Displays the word "singer" from the ancient Russian "olem", meaning a barbed, thorny, weed grass. And the hill "East" is a crushing thorns, barbed grass.

As for the name of Moscow, it is a hydronema, i.e. It happened from the name of the river. The current scientists believe that it stems from the old Slavonic root "Mosk", which means "to be viscous" or "fuse". (From him, the words "Moku", "Drozeny"). In antiquity, it meant a large plowing river ...

Turning to the right for "height", immediately you get into a quiet, pleasant place, cut off from the noise of the waterfront, here only in the next, the top street at home "break" trolleybuses.

In silence, climb on this very sewly slide, on the left - ordinary panel houses, and here at the top there is an entrance to the monastery, Arch, Bell Tower ...

Church of St. The Great Martyr Nikita at this place is mentioned in the annals from 1476. The current stone temple was built in 1595, in the twentieth century, an elegant tent bell tower was built and consecrated the Blagoveshchensky, in the next century, the holy and Peter Afonovsky Sainry and Peter, and in the XIX -M - Rare for Moscow temples, come to the apostolic Great Princess Olga (1878).

Nikitsky temple was closed immediately after the revolution, he was going to demolish, even a literary institute claimed to the territory in the center of the capital. Gorky, however, demolition did not follow because of the public intervention (one of the rare cases when it had the result). In the mid-1950s, Architect L. David renovated ancient temple, then they joked that he was bothering because of Khrushchev's thee-generation.

In the church building, until 1990, the Studio Studio Warehouse was located, and only in 1991 the temple was returned to believers, and the monastery of the Monastery of the Monastery was opened in it.

I loved this place in the capital, during arrival in Moscow I always try to visit at least one day here. Then, in the early 90s, on the courtyard, inside the Nikitsky temple was an interesting book shop, where along with the literature, rare newspapers were sold, all kinds of curious leaves ... Well, of course, attracted what could be applied to Athos. Simple wooden floor, silence, long monastic prayers ... The household service is performed on the Afonov charter, on Sundays - the night service, which begins at 22.30 (Great Evening, Morning, Watch, Early Liturgy).

At the exit from the oppression - the chapel in the name of the Great Martyr Panteleimon, who blesses you to the walkway, and reminds good-natured: do not pain! .. So-there is not sin. A little later, the second round chapel appeared, on the other hand - in the name of Rev. Siluan Athos.

Athos in the midst of Moscow

Portrait of an elder aristocal brought to the Afonovy Foreway in the year of his glorification

And since 2004, it is revered under the Seni in the Olginsky chassion to the temple of the Great Martyr Nikita Power of the Afonovsky and Moscow Saint reverend Aristoclia. Now in the native monastery he helps everyone who appeals to him with faith and love ...

Story about the earthly path of St. Aristocals Let's start with an unusual story of a portrait of an older brought to the Afonovy Famon in the year of its glorification. "... Once the artist Mikhail had a holy blessed Matron, who asked him a" strange "question:" Why do you go to me on the grave, and another holy elder who is buried here, do not read? " Mikhail began to ask the people - which of the revered devotees is still buried in the Danilovsky cemetery. And I learned! They were the Rev. Aristoclia Athossky (he is Moscow). Since then, Mikhail began to visit his grave, located near the Nikolsky chapel, which is near the temple of the Saint Spirit. This story told me, "Galina Digtyarenko tells (" Orthodox pilgrim ")," the abbot of the Afonovsky compound in Moscow, Igumen Nikon (Smirnov). He also showed the portrait of the Rev. Aristoclia, acquired from that very Mikhail. This portrait, or rather the two halves, the artist discovered on Izmailovsky venice. Having learned the aristoclium in the depicted elder, he decided to buy two pieces of panels and renovating the picture. In the portrait and now you can see the place of gluing two parts. For the time being, the artist was located near the cloth. And in 2004 (a year of glorification of the father of Aristoclia and the Angel of Angel), Mikhail brought a portrait on Afonovsky.

Holys are not born, the holy becomes. So the reverend aristocals at first was a simple Leshe Amvrosiev's pace. He was born in Orenburg in 1846 in the family of burghers. Early childhood remained without a father. And in the eight of the age, it fell so sick that his legs were taken away - two years was chained to bed. Doctors tried their best, but could not help. His mother Matron is almost desperate. Praying with tears in front of the saint of Nicholas, she gave a vow to devote her son to God, but to go to the monastery, when Lesha will grow up. And a miracle happened - on the second day, the boy got on his feet, began to walk on the third, first leaning on the crutches ... "

The miracle of the healing of the ten-year-old Alyosha on Mother's prayers to St. Nicholas. Artist Profit, 1894.

In memories of the beginning of the spiritual path of the elder, recorded from the words of the Saint, Schimonakhin Miropia wrote:

Batyushka, tell me how you came to the Lord and have long been?
- More when I went to school. It happened, I will come from school, take a loaf and in the mountains. And there I enjoyed a prayer to God. Oh, these children's prayers! Until now, I can't forget them. Then we were separated from my parent. She went to the Assumption women's monastery, and I am in the male. We never see each other with her, because they gave a promise before God to each other: not to see and serve only God.

In another place, the Miropia passed such words of the elder: "We and Mother, as we went to the monastery, did not see each other."

After passing the stages of spiritual formation and obedience in one of the Russian monasteries, in 1879, Alexey went to the Holy Mountain of Athos, where he entered the Russian St. Panteleimonov Monastery under the spiritual leadership of Hegumen Schirchimandrit Makaria (Sushkin) and the elder-writer Jeroshimonach Jeronim (Solomentseva). And after a year, March 11, 1880, he was tonsured in a mantle with the name of aristocals, in honor of the Cyprus Sacred Coupler Aristocal Salaminsky on December 2, 1884, the monk of Aristoclies was ordained in Ierodiacon, and on December 12 of the same year in Hieromonach. On February 12, 1886, Hieromona Aristocals were tonsured in a schima without changing the name. (Aristocals translated from Greek - Beautiful, Doballoy).

In 1887, he brought into Moscow a branch from the execution of the Great Martyr Panteleimon, and from 1891 to 1994 he was the abbot of the monastery of the monastery of the monastery.

The founding of the Moscow Chapel, tells the famous historian and Moscow Elena Lebedev, was due to the fact that in 1866, the icon of Our Lady "Spearness" and with her other shrines were brought to Moscow from the Russian Panteleimon Monastery and with her: Panteleimon Holy Cross Particles of the Holy Cross With a particle of a life-giving tree, part of the stone of the Holy Sepulcher. Hieromona Arseny, who gave them to Moscow, stopped at arrival in the men's Epiphany monastery, and in his cathedral chrip, the shrines were exhibited to worship. Those who wanted to make a great many gathered, so that the temple from morning to evening was crowded with praying: healing and performed healing, the blessing of the city took place about them, and the people arrived.

Due to the huge number of pilgrims in 1873, at the Emergency Monastery, the Afonov Chapel for these shrines, on the same Nikolskaya Street, were built on the blessing of the Afonovsky Elders. (Now in her place - an angular square at the intersection of Nikolskaya and Epiphany, since the building was broken in 1929.) However, a small chapel has become closely close to all those who want to make the shrines. Already in 1879, they began to think about building a new one.

And in 1880, the brother of the rector of the Athos Panteleimon monastery, the hereditary honorary citizen Ivan Sushkin presented for her the monastery site of his land in Nikolskaya Street closer to the Vladimir gate. A year later, the construction of a new chapel in the name of St. Panteleimon, on numerous donations to Muscovites. Her famous architect A. Kaminsky, son-in-law brothers Tretyakov, author of the neighboring Arch of the Tretyakovsky passage. In commemoration of the continuation of the tradition, he originally reproduced on the facade of his building the appearance of the facade of the old Afonov chapel.

The structure turned out to be very unusual for Moscow, since the chapel of the outside had the appearance of a huge, majestic temple, high height and impressive sizes. Now she could take a lot of praying, who traded to her and all day of crowding in line at the chapel. It was another, a purely architectural solution of the architect to create a new high-altitude dominant, formed by the church building: to continue the historical tradition of the development of this area, where the bell tower and the church of the Bogoyavlensky, Zaikonospassky and Nikolsky monasteries. Now, the new grand chapel was taken not only over one Nikolskaya, but also over the entire China city, the largest business center of Moscow, in which high "secular" buildings of commercial banks, insurance companies, joint-stock companies have already been built.

Panteleonomova Chapel and part of the Chinese wall. Panteleimonov Chapel, one of the most beautiful and largest in Moscow, was demolished with the Kitchen wall in 1934. Now at the location of the chapel is located the shopping center "Nautilus".

In June 1883, the new Moscow chapel was consecled, ascribed to the Epiphany Monastery, and the Afonov shrines were transferred to her with reverence. She was considered one of the richest relics in Moscow: there were a miraculous image of the Savior, the icons of Our Lady "Spear Selfish" and the Iverskaya, Holy Great Martyr Panteleimon, the ark with saints.

The holiday of St. Panteleimon was a Moscow celebration. Every year, July 27 (August 9), the congestion went from the chapel to the Epiphany Monastery. The Bogomolers were drummed Nikolskaya, and that everyone who praying could worship and put on the miraculous icons, the images were put on the street on this day and put under a special tent.

On the usual days, the Orthodox Muscovites went to the Panteleimonian chapel for consecrated, healing lamp oil.

"On the corticle stamps,

For all soh

Baby Panteleonon.

We have a healer, "-

she wrote about the chapel Marina Tsvetaeva.

They went here for fertile spiritual help to the famous Shepherd, the abbot of the chapel, Hieroshimonakh Athos Aristoclide. He not only faded his flock spiritually, but also helped the poor materially, I took funds to teach children from poor families, I gave the bride to marry, accepting donations, immediately passed them to the poor ...

From all over Russia, pilgrims were gathered in Panteleimonian chapel. Patients with blindness, epilepsy, obsession, mental disorders, bodily dumb and injuries to find themselves healing here and found it. And after the revolution of the icon of St. Panteleimon, there was a special graceful power, as if claiming faith True in godless times.

In 1927, shortly before the closure of the chapel, there was a wonderful healing from the cancer of the sick Judea Grigory Kalmanovich, and this miracle led him to believe in Christ and the adoption of Holy Baptism. The disease was already at that stage that the doctors considered the treatment with useless, and determined the period remaining his life in two weeks. On the way from the clinic Kalmanovich was driving past the chapel and suddenly experienced an incredible desire to go into it. The wife discouraged that it was a Christian temple, but he still went into the chapel. They walked prayer there. The patient dropped to his knees in front of the healer and in tears stood the entire service, and then with a thrill, I was attached to the icon and experienced an incredible relief - he was hurt, and he felt healthy. When the doctors again examined him, they did not find any trace of the disease. Without tolding a word about his prayer, he healed home and immediately went to the local temple, where he told this story to the priest - and happily accepted the Christian faith.

After the revolution, the authorities were forbidden to endure the miraculous image of St. Panteleimon on the street on the holidays. The chapel was closed in 1932 and two years later, it was broken together with the fortress wall of the China City, but the mercy of God retained almost all of her shrines for Moscow. Miraculous image The Savior is located in the temple of the Holy Flora and Lavra on the hook, the icon of Our Lady "Spear-Silver" to the temple of St. Nicholas of the Wonderworker in Klenniki on Malaseke, Iverskaya - to the Znamensky Church in Pereyaslav Sloboda (about m. Riga "). The miraculous image of the Saint Great Martyr Panteleimon and the Ark with the Holy Movements from his chapel is now in the famous Resurrection Temple in Sokolniki. So the invaluable Moscow shrine, to the great happiness, did not turn out to be lost, summarizes E. Lebedeva.

Fragment of the restored building of the Afonovsky compound on B. Polyanka

In 1888, the journalists began to be published on the foundation, talking about the life of Russian monks and Athos devotees on the Holy Mountain, about miraculous icons In the monasteries. Thanks to the zeal of the abbot of the opponent, Athos became the ideal of spiritual life for Russia. The stream of pilgrims on the holy mountain increased, many remained there forever. The number of Russian Svyatogort residents grew rapidly, at the junction of the XIX and XX centuries there were up to 6,000 people for all Athos. In only 2000 Panteleimmon monastery there were about 2000. The Athos flew generous donations from Russia. The monastery and other buildings belonging to the Russians began to be landscaped.

"The Lord knows who needs what you need"

Aristocal Father had a large flock and a lot of spiritual chad, thanks to which they had information about his wondering. Here is one of the cases. The spiritual daughter of the elder was seriously ill - paralyzed the legs. The father of Aristoclies came to console her and, when he left, said: "Ceradusko my favorite, do not be sad, and pray and thank the Lord. I'll go, and when I go out, you're approaching the window and make me a pen, and I will help you. " The patient was embarrassed: "Batyushka, I can't get up ..." The elder smiled: "Nothing nothing. Mast. When the Father Aristocallians went out of the door, the woman felt the power in the legs and got up. It came to the window and saw the father, who waved her with her hand, and in response to him.

Another amazing miracle happened to a blind-born boy. On the advice of local doctors, a young mother brought him to Moscow. When the eyes took a picture and appointed the day of the operation, she was very worried, not deciding on such an important step. Passing by Panteleimon Chapel, she saw a lot of different people and found out about the old aristocals. The next day I brought a son here. The old man was anointingly anointed by a boy's eye with a lamp from the icon of the Supilistus. And then asked the woman: "Do you have a husband who?". Without receiving an answer, said: "Satan himself!" And then a woman with tears told her husband on the eve of great holidays as a beast, hits her, and she runs away with her son to her mother. And on the other day, the spouse becomes quiet, good, and she returns.

After listening to the woman, the father advised the operation not to do, but all the days, while she is in Moscow, to come to the chapel with a boy on a prayer. "And for the next year, come with my son again ... And then you will come with my husband," he said.

On the next year She came to the father alone with her son, as he ordered her. She lived in Moscow for several months and daily came to a chapel for prayers, and the father did a cruciform to the worker to the boy every time. Before her departure home, the father anointed the boy's eyes and, bless him, said: "The Lord knows who needs something."

And this woman came to him with her husband and boy, not blind, but already with open blue eyes. And when her obsessed husband was let down a few men to the father, he jumped so high and shouted to the floor, so it was scary to look at him. If it were not for the prayer of the father, then he probably would not stay alive. Last bouncing, he fell and lay as dead. He did not come to the feeling for a long time, but then jumped up, rushed to the father in his feet and buried. The old man of aristocrelose healed and his.

It is noteworthy that when the boy in the hospital did a secondary picture of healthy eyes, it was shown crosses from oil anointing.

The woman told about the wonderful witness of the son. "Early in the morning, I, as always, read the Akathist icon of the Mother of God" Spearburnishniss ", and then began to read the akathist Velikomarty Panteleimon and suddenly hear:" Mom, mom, come to me rather! ". Run to son, and what! My boy sits on a crib, and the eyes are open, and looks at me and says: "Mom, I see you, moms, I see you!" And here we all came to you. "

In 1894, there was false denunciation on the elder Aristoclia on finance. And this is a person who helped the poor, took funds to teach children from poor families, gave donations to the poor. I had to leave Moscow and return to Athos.

And he was appointed to the monastery in the monastery, and the Treaschair and the confessor of Panteleimonov monastery. Three times, in February 1896, May 1905 and May 1909. Aristocals advanced the Cathedral of the elders by a candidate for the election of the governor of Igumen Andrei, Nifonta and Misaile, but the lot has passed him three times. By the will of the Mother of God, he was prepared by another lot.

Fifteen years of elder's spiritual children sent letters to the Synod and on Athos, in which begged to return to them a beloved shepherd. Finally, the Cathedral of the elders of Holy Panteleimonov Monastery again appointed about. Aristoclies by the abbot of the opponent of the Athos Holy Panteleimonov Monastery in Moscow.

At the seventieth age, O. Aloklia was to return back to Russia, and from November 29, 1909 he stays in Moscow. Upon returning the elder, thousands of people began to come again on the courtyard.

By that time he suffered from numerous diseases and needed a devoted assistant. In the last years of his stay in the abode, the elder became close to the obedient Ipatim Stavrov. At the request of the elder, the Aristocal of the novice of Ipathia was touched into the monks with the name Isaiah, they have ordained and blessed to help him in Moscow. Isaiah's father (the future famous elder Isaiah) became not only a sense, but also the secretary, an indispensable assistant in all the affairs of the house.

Bearing obedience to the post of abbot of the Afonovsky comprehension in Moscow, about. Aristocals had a permanent correspondence with the elders of the Holy Panteleimon monastery in Athos. These letters to this day are stored in the archive of the monastery. It is amazing how scrupulously and carefully reported about what is happening on the courtyard. He even came up with a special form, which was divided into seven parts, respectively, every day of the week, and entered all the events that happened on this day. At the end of the week, the form was sent to Athos. Thus, all its reports make up more than two thousand pages.

Rev. Aristoclies made a great contribution to the construction of the Afonovy coupling on the Big Polyanka. It was located in a small urban estate on Big Polyanka - in September 1879 presented the monastery of the famous Chariter Akilina Alekseevna Smirnov.

With his participation, two three-story buildings were built here. In one place the library, in the other - the benvenous institutions. On the upper floor there was a house church in honor of the icon of the Mother of God "Spear-Selfish", which the old man read very much and prayed a lot in front of her. The church was consecrated by the Holy Patriarch Tikhon (Belavin) on September 30, 1918, after the death of the elder. At the same floor there were also Kelia Jeroshimonach Aristoclia, where he took visitors - a day is not one hundred people. He was an experienced old man who had the gifts of belliness, healing and miracles. Never seen him angry. He radiated quiet joy.

As soon as the elder returned, thousands of people began to come to him again. From the memories of nun Eviefimia:

My mother was very sick with my mother for several years. And what kind of medicines we tried, and what doctors did not appeal, but the pain was not thrown. I say since: "We will go to the old man, it will help."

Let's go in the morning. The elder was not entirely healthy and was in the cell. He with such love accepted us! And he himself somehow smiled, he was not in his place, but whatever whom waiting for. Blessed us and began to talk. He took his hand, began to rub it. I took off my jacket with her, he continued to rub his hand, and smiled himself, for sure he had something comforting for us, and he could not smile from pleasure. Then he left Matushkina his hand, gave a disport, anointed with oil and so, rejoicing, let go. Since then, there were no pain. I think my old man and rejoiced, knowing that the Lord healed my mother for his prayers.

And how the father consoled me with his conversations! It happened, say: "Ah, Choo my beloved, if you knew how I would like to save you! Everyone would have undergone for you, let the Lord save you! If I just give you to him! If only you were saved, I have more care As soon as you bring you to the Lord, and there is no more serious thing on earth, like the salvation of the soul ... "Batyushka has always rejoiced when he saw the diligence of our spiritual children, each other or to others. He had an extraordinary gratitude for the slightest part on the other. Surprisingly he loved the children. And always - the children always surrounded him, there were such committed to him that they did not want to leave their father ...

It happened, the elder goes out of the Celly Courtyard, and the people expect him, he would bless everyone, then a small box will be served to him with food for pigeons, and the father with a prayer prayer and bless it. And so every morning, and the pigeons - where they just do not happen, waiting for him. Then the elder was part of a black move, and the children were already waiting for him with the elders, only adults were entrusted with the parade. At first he took everyone with children, and then she walked into a large room, all forced by icons, like a chapel, for a general blessing. The father was exhausted from the people, there were days when he took not one thousand people.

The old man of Isaiah was an eyewitness of the resurrection on the prayers of the elder aristocoline of a dead girl, he himself told about the death of Aristocal Starta Daniel from the Don Monastery. Once a woman came to the old Aristoclide, carrying a dead girl on his hands. She told that they came from Ryazan, as they were heard about the wonders of the elder. She was carrying him her sore daughter in the hope that the father healed her. But on the road, the girl died. And now the mother begged the elder to revive the child. She did not doubt the power of the older's prayerful concept before the Lord and with faith was waiting for the Found's father. And the miracle happened: on the prayers of the elder, the aristocalism girl came to life and healed from the disease. The mother pressed a revived daughter and could not find words of gratitude, but only repeated: "God forbid you health, father, God forbid you health!"

One of the spiritual children of the father worked in the hotel and here drew attention to a sad beautiful young young lady, which was always in black. Once the maid asked what a woman was tomit. Beauty told her about her former happy life With her beloved husband, General of the Tsarskoy Army, who died at the front. At the age of twenty, she was widowed and could not forget her husband. The maid suggested Sophier Nikolaevna to apply for advice to the old Aristoclide. The young lady reacted skeptically, but suddenly agreed, saying: "Good! If he is such a wizard, then let him find out that I am a widow. "

The meeting of Sofya was drawn up as a ball - a gorgeous dress, diamonds, a hat. In the temple, the father hooked the believers with a barefoot, the queue was big, and the lady was bored, she was going to leave. And then the elder exclaimed: "Who came to me! Sofiushka! Widow! " The young lady shuddered, fell on his knees and, sobbing, crawled to the old man, noticing anything around.

Old man of aristocals in his cell on B.Polyanka

Batyushka raised her, blessed and anointed with a little. Sophia Nikolaevna told him all about his life. The old man looked intently in her eyes and said: "Sofiushka, that's what I say to you: everything you have, distribute the poor and poor. Leave yourself a couple of top and bottom clothes and go to the church of the martyr Nikita. Clean his gift, do not take money ... But when you're in prison, you will pray for me, and I will pray for you. "

This meeting was so transformed with Sophia Nikolaevna that she exactly performed the feasibility of the elder. All distributed, went to wash the floors, did not take the money, she lived on the challenge, went to ripped felt boots. After the revolution, someone came to the former lady, and she was put in prison. Several times they were released and planted again. So in prison, she died.

In the last years of life, the father's aristocalism had chronic diseases, he suffered from water and feet disease, but despite this, continued to take people. Like his Heavenly patron of Aristoclies Salaminsky, who pledged the divine light, and the Lord ordered to carry his cross to the end. A new life was boiling around the revolution, attacked the church and clergymen, recently the royal family was shot ... In a serious teaching time, people were saved from hungry death, they left prison, avoided execution. Thanks to him, many unbelievers appealed to God.

Rev. Aristoclies blissfully died on August 24 (September 6), 1918 in his cell on the clearing, in the twelfth hour of the night. Last time turning his prayerful look at the Icon of the "Spearness" by the Icon, he crossed his soul three times, and quietly betrayed his soul in the ruhouse of God.

In the morning, the masses of people who have honored the elder began to flow to Kelia, although it was not officially announced about death because of the Bolsheviks. All Moscow monasteries were offered to bury the father of aristoclies in her cemetery. However, the monks of the houses decided that he should stay on the clearing.

"As long as the resolution, I wrote in a letter to Archimandrite Kirika Monk Hilarion (the successor of the father of Aristoclia), - the body of the elder was in the temple of four days, and at this time that was happening near the coffin, even difficult to describe: the sea of \u200b\u200btears was puzzled by his spiritual children. and admirers; There were people all sorts of ranks and ranks, and everyone poured his sorrow before him. Yes, everyone had ... Large love and faith. "

The elder aristocallians fought Three Moskovsky Lords: Bishop Arseny (Jeadanovsky), Bishop Trifon (Turkestan) and Archbishop Mozhaisky Joasaf (Callisters), Abbot of the Epiphany Monastery, who performed at the time of the duties of Metropolitan Moscow.

Initially, the old man of aristocallians was buried in a marble crypt of the fatigue. However, after the revolution, all monastic possessions were subject to Bolshevik nationalization, and house churches - liquidation. The foundation began searches, arrests, confiscation. In January 1919, the Bolsheviks were arrested by the rector of the Panteleimon Chapel of Hieromona Makariya, and in 1921 - Ieromona Feofan ... Therefore, the spiritual Chad of the Starta in 1922 decided to reburial. Horoni quietly so as not to attract the attention of the Soviet authorities. The monks carried the coffin with the nettical body of Hieroshimonach Aristoclia from the tomb, immersed on the cart and were lucky to Danilovsky cemetery (which Saint predicted before his death). Eyewitnesses were told that the pigeons, whom the elder loved to feed, flew away from all sides and, circling, formed a living cross in the sky. Before the grave of a lively pigeon cross accompanied the elder ...

But in the cemeteries it was restless, especially zealous Komsomol members ruined the graves of priests. Therefore, the father of Aristoclies buried away from the place where the cross was installed. It turned out not so long ago, in 2004, when the monks of the Afonovsky coupling began to gain His saints.


After the death of an elder, miracles continued. According to the prayers to him, people saved from hunger and even from death. There is a completely unique case that occurred during the Great Patriotic War, the slave of God Mary told about him. In 1941 she was sent to dig a trench not far from the Danilovsky cemetery. During the break, one employee suggested to go to the cemetery to the Father Aristoclia: "Let's go bow to his grave, he will pray for us." Maria and some others agreed and called more women, but those were unbelieving, they began to swear and obscenely responding about the Starta. The Orthodox gone, prayed on the grave from the father, attached to her and returned back. And what did they see? During the aviation plaque, the Germans dropped the bomb - the explosive wave and fragments killed those who are hooling an elder ...

And one more story ... One of the spiritual daughters of the elder Aristoclia - Evdokia died. Her sister really wished to bury a relative in the Danilovsky cemetery, closer to the old man. At that time, buried only at the place of residence, and they lived in Novogireev, which was not still Moscow. However, the coffin was brought to the Danilovsky cemetery. Naturally, the administration refused flatness - no registration. What to do? Already in the evening, the car left, the coffin stands on the ground. Let's go to the grave to the old man and began to pray: "Batyushka, the spiritual child came, Evdokia. We defined the place where it is to put. " It was not half an hour, as the cemetery workers approached and asked: "Well, show where you dug a grave?". And he was Evdokia next to his spiritual father, near the Nikolsky chapel.

Live image of holy

On February 5, 2001, the Sanodal Commission for the Canonization of Saints published a decree, according to which its members, taking into account the righteous live of the devotee, the miracles, revealed by his prayers during his lifetime and after death, the reverence in the Moscow Diocese, did not find obstacles to the glorification of Jeroshimonach Aristoclia in Lika Reverend, like the local Saint Moscow Diocese. " This ruling served as a pulse to the acquisition of the elder's relics, which occurred in 2004.

His Holiness Patriarch Alexy II on September 6 During worship in the Assumption Cathedral of the Kremlin, announced the canonization of the Moscow elder Aristoclia (Ambrosyeva), the latter before the period of persecution of the church of the Abonian Olympiance. "We glorified in the face of the Moscow saints another devotee, who supported and strengthened people into difficult pre-revolutionary years," said the Holy Patriarch. Speaking about Starta, His Holiness noted that he was one of those who "loved the suffering world as his neighbor and like himself," and "thousands of people rushed to him, seeing the living image of Holly in it."

The image of the Mother of the Mother "Spearlessness", the Kesel icon of the elder Aristoclia, arrived at the Afonovy coupling from Mosseli simultaneously with the relics of the famous father.

The abbot of the Afonovsky compound, which is now on a pottery street, Igumen Nikon (Smirnov) said that the canonization was scheduled for another day, but was postponed on September 6 - the day of the blissful death of the elder. And this is not by chance, as the fact that the woman came at the same year on the house and offered to buy (she really needed funds) The icon of the Saint Great Martyr Panteleimon with an autograph of the father of Aristoclia on the turn. Now, this image is in the church of the Great Martyr Nikita on the Athos Compound opposite the cancer with the relics of St. Aristoclia. Next to her, the icon of the Mother of the Mother of Mother "Spearlessness", the Caela Image of the Elder, in front of which he last crossed and empty the Spirit.

Igumen Nikon said that this icon was in the Nikolsky temple on Malase for a long time, where the relics of the Moscow elder Alexy Smerev. Nikon's father asked for the abbot of the temple to give this icon on the courtyard, to which he answered: "That's when the relics of St. Aristoclide will be carried at the sovereign, then let us give up."

And here in 2004 in Moscow there is a huge procession, tolerate the relics of Saint Aristoclia to Afonovsky. The gate of the procession merges with another procession - From the Temple on Mosseeka, the icon of the "Spear Silver" is carried! Iguman's surprise was not the end, he had already managed to forget about the former conversation.

Now "Spearburnis" again next to the older in the Olginsky attack of the Nikitsky Temple. Anyone can come here and pray in front of the way that he has addressed his petitions about other people in the holy Moscow old man of aristocals.

In 2016, the Bishops' Cathedral of the Russian ROC blessed the general worker to read the St. Aristocal of Moscow, including his name in the prayers of the Russian Orthodox Church. Memorial Day September 6 (August 24, Art.).

Cancer with the relics of Reverend Aristoclies remains in the Olginsky chassis of the church of the Holy Great Martyr Nikita on the Schwiest Gorka.

Kesey icon Jeroshimonach Aristoclia "Spearburning" and the image of St. Pantheliaman with an elder autograph. Photo of Oleg Serebryansky ("Orthodox pilgrim").

On the prayers of the elder aristocal

One of the spiritual chad of the elder was the future martyr ion (sink),(1879-1938) , Memory on June 21, in the Cathedral of New Martyrs and Confessors of the Russian, in the Cathedral of Novomartvikov, in the Budovo of the victims, and in the Cathedral of the Moscow Saints. Panteleimonov monastery at Athos. Observation Father Ion passed in the Office of the Monastery, and on March 1, 1914 was sent to the Afonovy farm in Constantinople, where he served before the first World War, fulfilling a clergy series in the Church at the Russian Consulate ... October 14, 1914 he came to Russia. By registering on October 25 at the Odessa of St. Panteleimonov's Odessa, I went to the New-Afono Simono-Cananate Monastery, then moved to Moscow. The class of aristocals did not bless my father to return to Athos; ordered to go to Odessa and generally serve in the homeland, where they will determine. And he also advised to never interfere in the Troubles Policy. In Athos Panteleimonov, the foundation in Odessa, the father of Ion served until its closure in 1923 ... On February 24, 1938, Ieromona Ion (Sankov) was arrested on charges of "counter-revolutionary agitation", and on July 4, 1938 he was shot at the Budovsky Rifle Polygon NKVD where and buried in the general grave.

Moths of God about us, the priest of ion ...

How hid icons granted by aristoclies

On the little-known pages of the story of the Trinity-Sergiye Lavra told several years ago by Archpriest Pavel Nedosheny

"... In the post-revolutionary years of brethren, the Trinity-Sergiye Lavra understood that the monastery would not avail the closure in the era of the people who were coming to the church and, like many inhabitants of the Russian Orthodox Church, will be exposed to plundering and devastation. In order to somehow preserve the Lavrian shrines, in Sergiev Posad, several private houses were acquired on the loyal churches, which became, in fact, the Lavra's foundations and were intended for the storage of Lavra shrines and stay from the abyss of brethren ...

One of these villages close to the laurel of the parishion was my mother's aunt, a victim of the Pereslavl Feodorovsky Women's Monastery of Evphrosinia (Baranova) (1892-1974) ... When Frosya, the future nun, Evphosynia, was 17 years old, misfortune happened to her. She walked behind the horse and rowed the field. There were lapties on the legs that broke out and strongly finally leg. Soon it turned out that hairstyle was in the open wound. He began to destroy the bone. To rural work, the chrome frosya was not suitable. She was advised to move to Sergiev Posad and get a job to work for one of the city factories.

Here Frosya began to go to the laurently. One day - according to her, it was in 1910, - having come to the Trinity Cathedral, she, attached to the relics of St., stood in the corner and prayed. Suddenly, the Archimandrite Aristoclies also came to her then, the Moscow elder was now famous for her in the face of the Saints, leaned and quietly in his ear he said: "Frame, you want, I will heaile you?" Frosya answered this: "Let the will of God be needed. The main thing - I want salvation. " Archimandrite Aristocals All the last years of his life was her confessor.

For two or three years before his death, he blessed the Froshi for the monastic tonsure and proposed to join the sisterhood of the Pereslavl Feodorovsky Women's Monastery. When you press her, the name did not become her, but they retained the former, calling in honor of the Rev. Euphrosynia, the Great Princess of Moscow, the spouses of the Prince Prince Dimitri Donskoy ... "After the wickers caused by revolutionary events, the nun Evphosine returned to Sergiev Posad, called now Zagorsk. By this time, her confessor Archimandrite Aristocals had already died, and she began to bother at the confessor of the Moscow Academy of Igumen Ippolit (Yakovleva). The latter advised her to register in Zagorsk and buy a house. Laurel was formally considered already closed, but the Worship Skits Chernihiv and Gefseimansky were still saved and retained. From the laurels to buy a house, she even added a certain amount of money. The monastery, thus, acquired a reliable and devoted property owner at the address: Kirov Street (formerly Dmitrovskaya), House 76. There were two former inequers closed in the Pereslavl of the Meodor monastery: the nun Evphrosinia and Inokine Pelagia. The house was a five-square, they lived in two cells; There was still a hall and a terrace in the house ... as soon as the threat of the final closure of the Lavra, the brethren transported to the house to the nuns endured to the erection of a wooden cross with the image of a crucified Christ (now he is in the Lavrian Nekra Forerotchean Church), as well as a great image of the Mother of God "You are worthy," which brought Archimandrite Aristoclies with the Holy Athos Mountain ... Another Icon of the Father Aristoclia - "Spear-Selfishness", - also brought from Athos, Britia passed to the house of the devotee of Christian Christian Mary Mikhotkova, who lived near the station, at the Voznesenskaya Street. Now this image is located in the Nikolsky temple of Pushkin's city, where His grandson Konstantin Stomach handed him ... After the laurels are closed, knowledgeable people came to Kirov Street, 76, where Divine Liturgy were secretly performed. For this, the hall of the house was released ... Then the years of Khrushchev's persecution came to the church ... "But the time was rushed when" the father decided to return the icons in Lavra. Brachius, who came to the prevail after her discovery, did not know anything about the shrines kept at the landing houses. Father told about the icons in his house to his friend, the Lavrian icon painter Father Nikolai, the future Archimandrit. He conveyed all the governor. Transport was prepared, which was transported by icons to the monastery. In particular, the Aristoclies brought by Archimandrite from Athon Icon of the Mother of God "worthy." She can now see the right wall in the refectory temple between the iconostasis and the choir, next to the icon of St. Nicholas. To the other icon of the father of Aristoclia - "Spear-head", - located in the house on the street of Voznesenskaya, who knew the Lavrian Brathy went to read the akathist or serve prayers, until the beginning of the 1990s. Then this icon was transferred to the temple of the city of Pushkin. " (Cm. " ")

Blessed Mother Varvara

Eleonic Numbness Moses (Bubnova) shares memories of high-life people who knew, including the spiritual daughter of the elder aristocoline Varvara (Flower)

"... My childhood passed in Belgium, in Brussels. For ten years I lived with Lord John Vladyka John Shanghai. When I arrived in Brussels, we were children again: we were 10-12 years old.

I fell on the holy land as if accidentally. But there is nothing casual. In 1974, I wanted to go to Russia, but I was denied a visa. And our father, father Dimitri Tails, just organized a pilgrimage to the holy earth, and his daughter offered to go and me to help the father. I agreed. I returned to the holy land next year, at Easter ... Mother Varvara (Tsvetkova) then lay in the hospital ... She was already old. It was such an interesting person! She knew the father of John Kronstadt - she, little, sat down on his knees when he came home to them; She knew Elisaveu Feodorovna; She knew the royal family ... her confessor was an old man of aristocal, which was now glorified, and he predicted her - she was 17 years old then - that she will be igumeredia at such a place! The Lord of Arseny (Jeadanovsky), and Vladyka Seraphim (Zvezdinsky) were also her confessors. She talked so much about them ... So, Mother Varbara was then sick, and her eldest cubic was in the hospital. And 20 days before my arrival, writing the Writer was died. All the affairs were left to the second Clain of Mother Barbara, and here it is still necessary to answer the letters. So she asks me: "Do you know how to write letters in Russian?" "Yes, I can," - answer. "Help me," asks. And we started writing letters. When she saw that I could write 40 letters on one day - to answer people, it says: "What do you lose time in peace? What are you doing over there?" "Like what, - I answer, - I work, I go to the church ..." She again: "What are you losing time there? You are ours! Come to us ... "And suddenly it was knocked:" Indeed, what's there, in the world? Work to eat and sleep? " And on the third day I decided: "Why not? I do to the monastery. I like it here - I like everything. " I went to the hospital to Mother Barbara, she was delighted, says: "Finally, young Russian!" Then mostly Arabic did, no one came from emigration ...

Mother Varvara blessed, but I wanted another sign to get that the monastery is for me. I did not think about the monastery before that, although from the small years it was always at the church. I read, sang from 9 years on the closer. I even said Vladyka Anthony Geneva: "You're a nun, you will even be igumenia" ... and we always laughed when he spoke. But this did not reach my mind, nor to the heart.

And so I decided then to go for a fertile fire. I thought: "Pulling in the coffin of the Lord and I will wait for some sign from God." Came. And I do not know where to watch. Focused on Kuvuklia. And suddenly, when the fading, silence, the patriarch entered there, - and suddenly I see: the lamp on the Kuvuklia itself is lit on my eyes! I'm like scattering: "Look, look: the lamp fell down!" And thought: "Everything! I got a sign from God! Blessing is. I do to the monastery. "

I entered the monastery on December 29, 1975. And at the same time he gave himself a vow: never leave the monastery, except that there will be some kind of heresy or something terrible will happen. And it helped me a lot in my life, because it is the first thought that comes when some kind of temptation: "I will leave!" And I remembered my vow every time, and it helped me "(I recorded A.Poszodov).

God has accurate scales

It is the mother of Varvara (Tsvetkova) who brought to us and the prophecies of the Great Elder Aristocal

She was born on January 2, 1889 in the family of a comrade of the Moscow Merchant Bank, a church-public figure and a benefactor Nikolai Alekseevich Tsvetkov and Lydia Aleksandrovna (nee Trubnikova). Before the revolution lived in Moscow. Being a little girl was sitting on the knees of St. John Kronstadt. In her youth, she had well-known spiritual leaders: Future Seraphim (Zvezdinsky), the abbot of the Afonovsky coupling of St. Panteleimonov Monastery in Moscow. Older Jeroshimona Aristoclies (Ambrosyev). In 1922, the flowering family was Nice. In 1929 V.N. Tsvetkov arrived in Jerusalem, where he entered the monastery of St. Mary Magdalene in Gethsimania (Gefseiman Resident) in the jurisdiction of the Russian Orthodox Church abroad (ROCZ) (according to other information, first launched in the Eleon monastery). Performed obedience to the headsimantic garden. In 1934, he was tonsured in the mantle. For a ride in the mantle, for a long time was the keeper of the tomb of the Great Princess Elizabeth Feodorovna and her Cemen Varvara. Assistant manpower of the Ghefseima female monastery in Jerusalem Igness Mary (Robinson) (+1969). From 1968 to 1983 Igifications, the prisons of the Gafeximan female monastery and the Vifan Community of the Resurrection of Christ in Jerusalem. Died in 1983

(In the picture: Mother Varvara, 1948, Hephsimania).

From the memories of Mother Varvara (Flower): "In the prayers of the Afonovsky ethnas of God, Aristoclia in Pantelemon Chapel on Nikolskaya made a lot of miracles, healing of patients and unfortunate obsessed. The father took on a big clearing in the Athos Compound, endless visitors who have eased his spiritual councils and leadership. Batyushka always consoled us, prayed and said, What will happen. Once, when the brother, and the father were on Lubyanka, and there was no hope that they would come from there alive, and I was unbearably hard, the father suddenly said fun:

And you will go to other countries, and openly.

I just turned off:

Why there is no possibility!

And you will be.

He spoke about it in 1918, shortly before his death, and everything happened in his word in 1922: Brother unexpectedly and inexplicably came out of prison with the prescription of expulsion abroad, after a few days the father was released without any visible cause, and we were sent to Germany. Truly it was a miracle for us. There was no expensive father with us. I often remembered with pain, as 10 days before his death I was with him, and he somehow especially warm me blessed: "Goodbye, Chadushko, goodbye ..."

I remember, somehow in a conversation about the fate of Russia after the revolution, I told him that I hope for the white army, which was then formed . "No, do not hope," said Batyushka, "because the Spirit is not that." I asked him about the war, which was not over yet, and he replied: "And another will be ... And you will learn about her in the country where you will then ... that the weapon is bare on the border of Russia." So it happened, in Jerusalem, we are these words and read. Of course, in English.

Batyushka said so: "Only you are not happy yet. Many Russians will think that the Germans will get rid of Russia from the Bolshevik power, but this is not the case. The Germans, however, will enter Russia and a lot that will be done, but they will leave, because there is no time to save. It will be Then, then ... "

I remember, even earlier, he said that I would not live to this time. And Russia will still be saved. Many sufferings, a lot of torment will have. All Russia will be made in prison, he said, and it will be necessary to tend the Lord about forgiveness. Rook in sins, and fear to create the slightest sin. We must try to create good, at least the smallest: "After all, the wing of flies have weight," said the father, "and the god has accurate scales. And when the slightest in goodness it will turn off, then I will make my grace for Russia."

More old man said : "We need a lot and react many and deep to repent. Only repentance through the suffering will save Russia. All Russia will be done in prison, and it is necessary to tend a lot of gentlemen about forgiveness ... some unusual explosion will be, and the miracle of God will appear. And there will be a completely different life on Earth, but not very long. "

There are a few more prophecies of the elder aristocallium, which are published separately or in a somewhat modified form, we also give these texts.

"... first God takes all the leaders, so that Russian people looked at him. Everyone will throw Russia, other powers will refuse her, giving it to themselves. This is to help the Lord the Russian people have fallen. To hear that in other countries there will begin to be straightened and similar to the fact that both in Russia and the wars will hear and will be wars - that's time is close. But do not be afraid of anything. The Lord will be your wonderful grace. "

Rev. Aristoclia Afonovsky.

"The Batyushka then said, by the way that now began the court of God over alive and there will be no country on earth, not a single person who does not affect. It began in Russia, and then further. He did not say anything comforting, only all the time I told me: just do not be afraid of anything, do not be afraid. The Lord will be your wonderful grace. " From the memories of the igumery of the Gafeximan Jerusalem Monastery of Barbara (Flower) dated 19.03.1917 (Orthodox Roys magazine, 1969 No. 1 (1991 №13 p. 10)).

"I remember, even earlier he said that I would not live to this time. BUT Russia will still be saved. Many sufferings, a lot of torment will have. All Russia will be prison,he said, and it will be necessary to tend the Lord about forgiveness. Rook in sins, and fear to create the slightest sin. It is necessary to try to create good, at least the smallest: "After all, the wing of flies has weight," said Batyushka, - And the god has accurate scales. And when the slightest in the cup of good will ignore, then the God of his mercy over Russia appears». From the memories of the National Varvara (Flower) of 08/16/1918.

"The Elderly Queen of Barbara (Tsvetkova) in a conversation with us pilgrims in Gethseymania in 1973 recalled the elder's predictions that" revival in Russia will begin after a large explosion near the river" After the events in connection with the Chernobyl disaster, I remembered this prediction of the elder aristocal.
Bishop Alexander (Mileant) (Svetlana Devyatova, "Orthodox elders of the twentieth century").

"Now we are experiencing pre-tried time. The court of God began over alive and there will be no country on earth, not a single person who does not affect. It began with Russia, and then further.

And Russia will be saved. Many suffering, a lot of torment. We need a lot and react many and deep to repent everything. Only repentance through the suffering will save Russia. All Russia will be made in prison, and it is necessary to tend a lot of gentlemen about forgiveness. Rummage in sins and fear to create the slightest sins, and try to create good, at least the smallest. After all, the wing of flies is weight, and the god has accurate scales. And when the slightest in the cup of good will translate, then the God of his mercy over Russia...

The end will be through China. Some unusual explosion will be, and the miracle of God will appear. And there will be a completely different life on Earth, but not for a very long time. The Cross of Christ will shine over the whole world, because our homeland will be exalted and will be like a lighthouse in darkness for everyone. "

(The phrase that the end will be through China, they consider meticulous researchers, appeared later - in the publications of the prophecies of the elder Aristoclia, published until 1994, there is nothing about China (although today, with North Korea And her hydrogen bomb - what you will not think).

I was fortunate enough to be in the mid-90s on the Holy Land, including in our church of St. Mary Magdalene, where the relics of the presets of the Grand Duchess of Elizabeth and Inokini Varvara, and where they have recently stayed by Varvara (Tsvetkova), who had suffered so much Russian grief, but preserving the quiet Light in the soul ... as if seeing how she rises along the stairs, leading to the temple, feel a living connection and with her, and with an older aristocole through it, this continuous chain, which we all are combined, and especially clearly understand that all the holy of Christ, and heaven, and earthly, knowledgeable and not ... And they all pray to God for us, and we encourage us.

And what is marked in the prophecies of the holy elder Aristoclia, probably especially relates to us living today: truly from each of us depends, where the world will be leaning and where the time entails. It depends on each, whether our slightened in the cup of good. That would always remember it.

The publications used materials of the Sites "Russian Athos", "Orthodox pilgrim" and others.

Genes and seven deaths sins Zorin Konstantin Vyacheslavovich

Annex II Healing Assistance for Prayers of Reverend Aristocal Athos

Annex II.

Healing Assistance on the Prayers of Reverend Aristocal Athos

Rev. Aristoclies Afonovsky

Aristocal Father (in the world - Alexey Alekseevich Amvrosiev) was born in 1846. Ovdov, he went to Athos in 1876 and entered the Russian St. Panteleimonov Monastery. In March 1880, Alexy's novice was touched into a monks named Aristoclies. On December 12, 1884, he was hand-made in San Hieromonach, and two years later he accepted Schima.

In 1887, Jeroshimona, Aristoclies returned to Moscow and was engaged in the construction of Athos Foreign. This building on a big clearing has been preserved until now. The concerns of the devotee in it arranged the house church in honor of the icon of the Mother of the Mother "Spear Selfish". Nearby there was a play of the father. There he took hundreds of visitors and spiritual children daily.

In 1891-1894, the Rev. Aristoclies served as the abbot of the Afonovy Holy Panteleimon chapel. Then he again did not have obedience on Mount Athos. And from 1909 to 1918, up to the demise itself, lived in Moscow and was still the abbot of the Afonov chapel.

Rev. Aristoclies was a tireless worker at the Niva of the Spiritual Orthodox Orthodox Luda. Until the last days of earthly life, he always tried to help the wise, weak and disadvantaged. An experienced old man was tightened by the gifts of belliness, healing and wonderfulness. His sacrificial gospel love attracted the souls of the most harmonious sinners. Amazing grace came from him. With the light of Christ Truth, she was illuminated by the hearts of those who lost the meaning of life. After the first meeting and conversations with the older, the Bogomolers did not lose touch with him.

We give a testimony of contemporaries. On the advice of local doctors, one young woman came to Moscow with her elbow-born son. Patient showed best experts. They took pictures and appointed the day of operation. But an extremely agitated mother did not decide to finally trust doctors.

And so, in the fishery of God, passing by the chapel, the woman saw many people. Having learned from people about the gracious Starta, she was deeply shocked. And suddenly some special faith and hope caught fire in her grief heart. The next day she came to the father along with her son.

The people approached the elder in turn, but for some reason he looked intently at the wischable woman with a child in his arms. When her turn came, the priest anointed with a bare boy both eyes, and Mother - Man. Then he asked: "Do you have a husband who?" And immediately, without waiting for the answer, said: "Satan himself!"

The woman was standing, not lying. Then she told the old man with tears about his launched spouse, about the blinded son and that he brought him to Moscow for surgery. The husband agrees to the operation, and she - hesitates.

After listening to the unfortunate mother, the father blessed her and pre-promptly: "My advice to you is such: the operation is not done, and all the days you are here in Moscow, you will try to go here to a chapel with a boy for prayers. And for the next year, come with my son again ... And then you come to me with my husband. "

Hearing it, the woman objected: "Battyushka, I'm not dare to think that my husband came to you with me!" "Yes, yes," said the insurgent, "and then you will come to my husband and my son." And once again blessed her and the boy, let them go. The woman followed this advice.

The next year, on the prediction of the elder, she came to him with her son. And outwardly, and internally, the woman has changed very much. The words of the father Aristoclies were literally. As before, on the eve church holidays The husband came to rabies and beat his wife so that the body from Bezeli's beatings. "And I," she said, "it was not hurt at all." In Moscow, her husband did not let her go. She arrived secretly. What will be with her on return, the woman did not even imagine.

Having been in the city a lot of weeks, she stood daily in a chapel on a prayer, and the father was crucially anxious to the boy's eyes with holy oil. In the last anointing, he blessed the child like this: "The Lord knows who needs what you need."

And on the prayers of the elder, a miracle happened. Woman arrived and with her husband, and with a new son! The father of the child led to the reverend several men. Despite their efforts, he twitched, he jumped high, shouted and fell on the floor. Finally, he fell and lay as dead, and then began to cough heavily, emitting foam and sputum. The father abundantly sprinkled by holy water, anointed with consecrated bare and blessed. A man did not come to feel long. When he came to his senses, he jumped up, the wonderworker rushed to his feet and buried.

And the woman happily told about the wonderful insight of the Son: "Early in the morning I, as always, read the Akathist of the Mother of the Mother of Personalism and Akathist the Great Martyr and the healer of Panteleimon. Suddenly hear: "Mom, mom, come to me rather!" I think what happened why he call me so early? I run to my son, and what - the boy sits on the crib, and the eyes are open. He looks at me and says: "Mom, I see you, Mom, I see you!" I buried. Father came running. It happened on Sunday. And here we arrived to you. "

When in the hospital, the child made a re-image of his already open celestial-blue eyes, there was no limit to the amazement of doctors. The picture showed the crosses from anointing eye by barely! What is the amazing sign of God: supernatural in nature and nevertheless fixed by experts. It clearly indicates the burning life of the presented. His prayers, the Lord heals even severe congenital illness caused by the heredity or adverse factors of intrauterine development.

Holy Aristoclies blissfully died on August 24 / September 6, 1918 in his cell on the clearing. After turning the prayer look at the favorite image of the "Spearness," he crossed him three times and peacefully gave his soul into God's hands. The body of the righteous was buried at the Temple of Spear Silver. However, in 1923, to protect the grave from the crop, the coffin was transferred to the Danilovsky cemetery.

The wonderfulness of the Prayers of the elder continues now. It helps many people, including the author of these lines and its close. To the parents of the older, believers appeal as a living person.

Known such an case from the life of Muscovite named Tatiana. In August 1999, her daughter had premature childbirth. The term of pregnancy was five and a half months. Premature, with strong edema, the girl weighed only 900 grams. Four months doctors fought for her life, and the grandmother was warmly prayed to the senior aristoclide. Tatyana has repeatedly visited his grave in the Danilovsky cemetery and ordered a memorial. She went home to the peaceful, said on the intercession of the righteous.

Four months later, the baby was discharged from the hospital with improved state. But in two weeks, they were again hospitalized with a diagnosis of bilateral inflammation of the lungs. Without that weakened organism could not resist the disease. A child of about a month breakdown in a coma, and the doctors left no chance of a prosperous outcome.

However, faith and hope did not leave Tatiana. She appealed to the desires of God, and her plea was heard. Baby (in the baptism of Tamara), contrary to all human forecasts, completely recovered. Now the girl is more than five years old, and, thank God, she does not lag in development from peers.

In 2004, the hypership of the holy relics took place. And on August 24 / September 6, in the Assumption Cathedral of the Kremlin, the His Holiness Patriarch Alexy II studied "Determination of canonization in the local area of \u200b\u200bthe Saints Rev. Afonovsky, Moskovsky Starta". On this day, the church and makes the memory of the righteous. From November 13, 2004, his holy relics are in the Afonovy Foreway of the city of Moscow.

We will cordially apply to the Great Relief of God, having remembered the wonderful apostolic saying: "Recose in front of each other in misconduct and pray for each other to heal: a lot of righteous prayer (Iac. 5, 16).

In 2007, two years after the first edition of the first edition of this book, one Orthodox woman (let's call it Svetlana) told the author of these lines a striking story. Severated with a civil husband, Svetlana met a married man. Their firstborn Vanya was born out of marriage. Maxim actually lived on two families, unable to decide on the final choice. Both were far from the church and thought that such a situation was quite acceptable. However, nervousness, voltage ...

Svetlana went for advice to the insurgent anne from Moscow Because of the monastery. Staritsa warned: "Well, how you will not understand: he is married. If you break his family, a sick child can be born. " And about Vanya Matushka said that he would get sick "pig".

Returning home, Svetlana sobbed and prayed: "Lord, do not punish the child for my sins! If possible, let me "pay" for them. " And literally a month later, the mother flew with the heavy form of "pigs". And then they went complications, and the left ear ceased to hear.

Nevertheless, in 2000, Svetlana and Maxim met. According to the zealous prayers of many orthodox people The disease bypassed their second son. But, alas, the spouse did not save the purity of the wedded marriage. So after that, the prediction of Anna's old man came true.

The third son Svetlana and Maxim were born with Down syndrome and congenital heart disease. Cardiac surgeons insisted on an urgent operation. The mother was very worried, prayed a lot, tirelessly cared for the newborn. Once in the temple, she acquired the first edition of the book of "genes and seven death sins", hoping to find answers to their questions. The book confirmed concerns: Children may suffer for the sins of parents, but presented and hoped.

Particularly Svetlana was touched by the lives of Rev. Afonov's aristocal, which healed a blind-birth boy. "If the holy ruined the innate blindness," Mother decided, "he will help my son." Hoping for this, the mother went to his relics on the Afonovy Foreway. She gave a cow forty days and forty nights to read the prayer of God, the Akathist of the Mother of the Mother of the Mother of Mother, in front of which he loved to pray the reverend, and prayer to the healer Panteleonon. In addition, Svetlana ordered in different monasteries, Svetlana ordered and reading the unprecedented psaltir about health.

After laid days, Svetlana was revealed by the mercy of God: she managed to talk about his misfortune with a very experienced confessor. The father is preinted that now the heart surgery will not be successful. He promised to pray hard about the baby throughout the year. The father and mother of the kid, he advised him to regularly adjust him, to warmly ask for him, to postpone the period of operation, and to live more spiritually (repent, participate in church sacraments, to apply for prayers, etc.).

A year later, the blessing of this priest Svetlana agreed to the operation. Contrary to sad forecasts, everything cost. Mother is convinced that a real miracle happened: the child survived and is now getting rid of the heart disease. Svetlana does not doubt that this is the mercy of God thanks to the prayers of those she asked.

Truly, "For your faith, you will be" (Matt. 9, 29)!

Prayer of Rev. Aristoclia Athos, the Wonderworker Moscow

About the holy waters and the cop of the older aristocality, the holy of the Mountain of the Athonskiy Mobitant and Hoodies of Moscow, a non-resident prayer! Your honest memory is diligently, you fall to the holy of your power and heat yoke: a proud of us, children of your spiritual seekers in the troubles of your assistance and intercession, in the diseases of spiritual and bodily healing, in the sorrow, consolation and permission. We will coordinate our prayers to our faith unshakable, yes, she saves from everyone to the attack and action of the busy, keep our hope of the physical temptation, but do not fall into the despondency of evil temptations, swelling in us, unwell and weak, love Nelitary The feat, and, in the foot of Christ, the opposing cross of our Earth Life will be mistaken, you would promise themselves at the end of your hearing the petitions all the way, it will come to the place of your rest. And now on the glorification of the Church of God of the Cancer of your honest relevance, the pledge of your own luban and care about us, who has a presence of your victim, before the throne of the king of the celestial. Satisfied with the god of the country of our world and silence, pasta wise bold, monastic obesis, the people, our piety, and all, are useful to salvation. Do not pray for us about us in the Trinity of the Slavimoma God, Jedse is pleased with all the glory, honor and worship, father and son and the Holy Spirit, now and are confronted and forever. Amen.

Tropear, voice 4

Enslare, Yako Phoenix, on the Holy Mountain of Afonov and, Jaco Cedar, the Russian lands multiplied by Esu, the Spirit of the Holy Greatness of God, and the world of Christ reign in the souls of your dubs, Presentation of Father Aristocal, the moths of Christ God to escape our souls.

Kondak, voice 8

The new star in the sky took the church of the Church, passed the path of Multi-Studeno Monuscago Life, the exploits of virtues of the crowns of the wint of the unprecedented ESI and the field of obedience in the city of Grad, the courageously died of Esi. Chryde and Christ God for the wonders of the enrichment, Presentation of Father Aristocality, Athos Praise and Land Russian Decoration, remember those who read your holy memory.


We please you, the presence of Father our aristocole, and honor the Holy Memory, the mentor of the monks and the interlocution of angels.

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Gracious assistance on the prayers of the Blessed Ksenia St. Petersburg wonderful healing of the patient of Ksenia on the prayers of the Holy Xenia Blessed in Novorossiysk in 1911 in 1911 was a severely sick woman named Ksenia: she had a breast cancer. Despite help

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Praising help on the prayers of the Ksenia St. Petersburg wonderful healing of a serious sick Ksenia on the prayers of the Holy Xenia blissful. In the city of Novorossiysk in 1911 there was a seriously ill woman named Ksenia: she had a breast cancer. Despite the help of various

Alexei's baptized in the world, the boy was born in the family of pious peasants in Orenburg. About his father is almost nothing known, except that he died when his son was only a few years. His mother, Matron, played a prominent role in the boy's life.

When in a 10 year old, as a result of the disease, the sown had legs, she constantly prayed for the help of Nicholas the Wonderworker about the healing of his beloved Chad. She gave vow to go to achieve Alexey Advocity to the monastery, and to devote to God himself.

There is nothing surprising that the celebration of St. Nicholas (December 6) Alexey was miraculously healed. When the young man matured, Matrona retired to the monastery. After that, the future old man and the saint lived secluded.

in 1876, he headed to the Russian Holy Pantlemillo monastery on the Holy Mountain Athos, and on March 11, 1880 he was tonsured in a mantle with the new name Aristoclies, in honor of the Cyprus Sacred Aristocal of Salaminsky. After a short time - on December 2, 1884, the monk Aristoclia was hand-made in Ierodicon, and after 2 weeks - in Hieromona. Exactly two years later, Aristoclies were tonsured in a schima without changing the name.

For several years, from 1891 to 1894 Aristocals was the abbot of the Moscow coupon of the monastery of the monastery. The distance in those years was located in a modest urban estate on the street Big Polyanka - she gave it to the monastery in September 1879, the famous patronage of Akilina Alekseevna Smirnov. Father Aristocals not only headed the house. He was at the same time the abbot of the chapel of the Holy Martyr and the healer of Panteleimon, while performing the obligations of the treasurer. An elder possessing the gift of belliness and healing, every day she took hundreds of people who need help. Considerable donations of the praying eaten immediately distributed the suffering, paid the training of poor children from these means.

With the active participation of the elder, the Magazine "Shootless Interlocutor" has been published since 1888, who told about the life and exploits of Russian monks on the Holy Mountain. He introduced readers with the life-writings of Afonovsky devotees, as well as published the letters of the elders to their spiritual Chadam. There were days when the father took up to a thousand people. And everyone tried to console their conversations. It happened, say: "Oh, the hell are my beloved if you knew how you want to save you! All would have undergone for you, let the Lord save you all! Just lead you to him! If only you were saved. After all, I have more care, as soon as lead you to the Lord, and there is no reason more seriously on earth, like saving your souls. "

To the great sorrow of all who knew Athos Aristocal, the elder died on August 26 (September 8, 1918), to the resolution of the Vladimir icon of the Blessed Virgin Mary. The funeral of Jeroshimonach Aristoclies immediately spent three bishops: Trifon (Turkestan), Arseny and Joasaf, abbot of the Epiphany Monastery, while the duties of Metropolitan Moscow.

After the funeral, the old man of aristocallians was buried in a marble crypt of the fatigue tomb. However, on the wave of revolutionary trends on the distance, searches often passed, confiscation. Then the spiritual children of Reverend decided to reburial the Afonovsky elder, and in 1923 the coffin with the body was reburied in the Danilovsky Cemetery of Moscow. The monks brought him out of the tomb, immersed on the cart and taken to the Danilovsky cemetery. According to the stories of eyewitnesses, the pigeons, who, during his lifetime, felt the elder, were separated from all over the city and formed in the sky a living cross. This cross accompanied the elder to the grave itself.

Canonization, gaining relics and their location today

In the summer of 2004, the Holy Power of the Elder were acquired at the Danilovsky cemetery.

On September 6, 2004, the old man of aristocallians was glorified in the Lica of Rev. as a local holy city of Moscow and the Moscow Diocese.

On November 13, 2004, the holy relics of St. Aristoclide with a congestion were postponed from the Holy Danilov of the Monastery on the Afonovsky Foreway of Moscow. From that day and today, the relics of the independent are in the Athos Compound of Moscow. For a general landmark not far from the famous altitude on the boiler's embankment. You can get there from the metro Taganskaya.

Wonders of healing

According to the prayers of the elder of God, the Aristoclia of Afonovsky in the Panteleimon Chapel on Nikolskaya had many wonders, the healing of patients and the objects of obsessed. Often, the aristoclide in the chapel was obsessed with an aristocole. And when he reported them, and then I was imposed by the Maslitz, they squeezed, and the assholes, and they were whining, and others were directly twisted and shook it - to see it was scary. And the Batyushka ordered the devils to leave, and they were listening to him.

But one of the numerous examples of healing. One of the villains have been very sick for several years. And no medications could not be hired. Doctors could not help anything. She decided to ask for help to the old man. When she came to him, the aristocals were not entirely healthy and was in the cell. However, he gladly accepted it. And somehow everyone smiled, as if someone waiting for. Blessed her and began to talk to her. He took his hand, began to rub. He continued to rub, and smiled himself, for sure he had something comforting, and he could not smile from pleasure. Then he left his hand alone, gave the prosfora, anointed with oil and let go. Since then, there were no pain.

One day, the old man of Isaiah became an eyewitness by the resurrection of the elder's prayers Aristocal of a dead girl. He himself told about this after the death of the elder to another old man - Daniel from the Don Monastery. Once a woman came to the aristoclide in tears, carrying a dead girl on his hands. She began to tell how they came from Ryazan, because heard about the wonders of the elder. She was lucky to him his sore daughter with the hope that her father healed. But on the road, the girl died. And now the awesome mother praying an elder to revive her child. She sacredly believed due to the prayer word of the elder before the Lord and with the great hope I was waiting for the katyushka miracle. And the miracle happened! On the prayers of the elder, the Aristoclia came to life and healed from the disease completely. Mother, pressing a revived girl, could hardly find words of gratitude, and only repeated: "Give you health, father!"

And in our time, as in the first centuries of Christianity, amazing miracles on prayers for the saints occur. He spoke about one of many similar cases by the abbot of the Afonovsky compound in Moscow, Igumen Nikon, where he was transferred from the Danilovsky cemetery of the reinforcement of the Moscow St. Older Aristoclia, the last supervisor's abbot in the period of persecution of the church, which remained in 1918. Then the clergy and from the Vladimir diocese were present at the celebration, who were taken with a consecrated oil from the lamp, which was burning from the relics. Vladimir Ierie Vladimir Vedernikov handed the bottle of parishioners of the local temple to Marina's spouses and Alexander, who had a baby with non-abrupt eyes. They are very grieving, and the father, in the consolation of young parents, gave them the shrine and told, how with his old man's aristocal prayers healed with his 10-year-old boy, who did not open his eyes from birth. In the same evening, the mother of Marina came to him with the joyful news that the eyes of the child were opened after they aished them with sacred oil.

Prayer to the elder and with what they turn to it

About the holy waters and the cop of the older aristocality, the holy of the Mountain of the Athonskiy Mobitant and Hoodies of Moscow, a non-resident prayer! Your honest memory is diligently, you fall to the holy of your power and heat yoke: a proud of us, children of your spiritual seekers in the troubles of your assistance and intercession, in the diseases of spiritual and bodily healing, in the sorrow, consolation and permission. We will coordinate our prayers to our faith unshakable, yes, she saves from everyone to the attack and action of the busy, keep our hope of the physical temptation, but do not fall into the despondency of evil temptations, swelling in us, unwell and weak, love Nelitary The feat, and, in the foot of Christ, the opposing cross of our Earth Life will be mistaken, you would promise themselves at the end of your hearing the petitions all the way, it will come to the place of your rest. And now on the glorification of the Church of God of the Cancer of your honest relevance, the pledge of your own luban and care about us, who has a presence of your victim, before the throne of the king of the celestial. Satisfied with the god of the country of our world and silence, pasta wise bold, monastic obesis, the people, our piety, and all, are useful to salvation. Do not pray for us about us in the Trinity of the Slavimoma God, Jedse is pleased with all the glory, honor and worship, father and son and the Holy Spirit, now and are confronted and forever. Amen.

The reverend elder pray to get rid of sudden death, as well as healing from different diseases.

Today in the church life of Moscow, a joyful event was held. The recently glorified by the local Saints Saints Athos Athoza was transferred from the Holy Danilov Monastery to the Afonovy Foreway in Moscow, where they will continuously.

The festive worship service in the Trinity Cathedral of the Holy Danilov of the monastery began at 9 am. After liturgy and prayer, under the joyful-Easter bell, the clergy with the prayer of the monastery, the clergy of St. Danilov Monastery, the priests of Moscow temples carried the ark with the relics of the monastery of the Troitsky temple of St. Danilov Monastery to the chapel of St. Prince Daniel on Square "Serpukhovskaya Zavod " Here the ark was placed in a minibus and were lucky to Taganka, at the Russian courtyard on Athos Holy Panteleimonov Monastery. Thousands of Muscovites and Pilgrims came to accompany the holy power in the hope of prayer assistance to the Reverend. Grace generously spilled across the entire district. She felt all those present - and those who have honored the elder for a long time, for many years he went to the grave for the Danilovsky cemetery, and those who recognized about the father only after his glorification.

Numerous believers continued their path on the subway. Mostly unfamiliar people, cohesy with one Christ joy, went quietly in the subway on the transition, drove in the train, some with a candle burning in a jar. Many quietly, barely heard, sang a prayer: "Rev. Father Our aristocole, moths of God about us!" And underground poured so grace! There, upstairs, approximately the same route the relics are being taken and how everything is consecrated! Metro passengers, not understanding what is happening, felt this silence and peace. Nobody spelled loudly. Everyone was polite and benevolent. And the beggars in the subway were touched by the fact that it seems to be a regular stream of passengers, but almost everything is served - who are the money, who candy or apples. "Rev. Father Our aristocole, moths of God about us!". And on Taganka, on a pottery street - Easter chime! Rev. Aristoclies arrived at the foundation of his native monastery! Wishing to meet him was so much that most people could not enter the temple. But after a short divine service, it was possible to go, worship the relics of the Holy elder. And the people all arrived and arrived. The relics of the Reverend will be available to worship today and tomorrow, on Sunday. Ieromona Aristoclies (in the world - Alexey Alekseevich Amvrosiev) was born in 1846, was Orenburg Tradanin. In 1876 he went to Athos and entered the Russian Holy Panteleimonov monastery.

On March 11, 1880, Alexey Ambrosis received Monastic tonsure with the name of aristocals, in honor of the priest of aristoclia (memory on June 20). On December 2, 1884, he was handicked in San Ierodicone, December 12 - in San Hieromonach. February 12, 1886 he takes a schima without changing the name. In 1887, Hierooshimona aristocals arrives in Moscow for obedience in St. Panteleimon Chapel.

Hieromona Aristoclies was the builder of the Athos Foreignarance in Moscow, on Big Polyanka. The three-story stone building has been preserved so far. On the upper floor of the elder's concerns, the house church was arranged in honor of the icon of the Mother of the Mother of the Mother of Personalism, which Patriarch Tikhon was consecrated after the blissful death of the elder.

In the same building was located on the top floor Kellya Jeroshimona Aristoclia, in which he received visitors. He had a huge pasture, and thanks to the spiritual Chadam managed to preserve the valuable information about his righteous life. For the sacrificial love of neighbor, for the holiness of the life of the Lord granted Heroshimonach aristoclies the great power of the wirals.