
The most difficult pator in the world. Long and complex diaphorts for diction

Billets for winter from tomatoes

// Diggers are complex

  1. Babkin Bob flourished in the rain - there will be a grandmother Bob in Borsch.
  2. Experimental.
  3. The carelessness loves security.
  4. Glitter LANCOMMA is the proximity of the Commission.
  5. Beaver, be kind, Accommodation Cobra.
  6. Bull stupubube. Stupid bull. By Bull Bela's lip was Tup.
  7. Wahmistra with Wahmistrash, Rothmistra with Rothmistol.
  8. Do not redeem the Ponomart of our permanent, our Ponomarya will redeemore the Ponomarya, will persompute.
  9. Pole in Palcol, subricted.
  10. Lucking Senka Sanka with Sonya on Sanka; Sledge clashes, Sanka - Wobkov, Sonya - Skok, Senka with legs.
  11. Carried craft caramel, stranded ship, sailors Two weeks caramel on Meli ate.
  12. Verushka with a turntable, valyushka with a cheese, Gavryushka with a harmonica, a loaf with parsley.
  13. I see the hill, on it Kul. I went to the hill, took a cult. Returned from a hill with a hallow.
  14. In the depths of the tundra otter in the butters, press the cedar kernel buckets.
  15. In the forest, I knit, I'm visiting Vozu. Goat, vine is not a lick - I will punish!
  16. Magned Volkhv in Khlevu with Walking.
  17. The lintel put in the chest.
  18. In a cup, Pokashka, in a buns.
  19. Outtracks hard, one ondatra is suitable.
  20. Are you raspberry soy? Soaps, but not soaked.
  21. Heroes-Greeks turned rivers, turned the mountains. Pythagora Mount.
  22. Horboon choked his cluster.
  23. Powder scolded loudly, Prokhor in fear of hurried.
  24. Lips gloss. Suddenly Crack. Hands splash.
  25. Guli-pigeons walked, the blueberries were collected.
  26. Good Beaquen to Bobryat.
  27. Drozd is simple - stubborn tail, agile nose.
  28. Forgot Pankrat Kondratov jack. Condurate without a jack does not raise the tractor on the path.
  29. Called Malina Marina Galina. Marina Galina called Kalina.
  30. Here the whole bream is a thing!
  31. Bison to Zebra Brevel with Willow Branch.
  32. Three brothers go: Brother Klim Brit, Brother Gleb Brit, and Brother Ignat Beardat.
  33. The chamber-junker whitched to the bunker.
  34. Karas, in LAZ is not a turn. Stuck in a crucian lasp.
  35. Karl laid onions in a cheek, Clara cracked onion out of varnar.
  36. Buckles Klim in one pancake wedge.
  37. The ships were lavored, lavished, but did not hesitate.
  38. Queen Kavalera gave Karavella.
  39. Kosi, Spit, until Rosa, Rosa Down - and we are home.
  40. Crab Craba made a rake, gave a crab rake. Gravel Gravel Gravel Rabls!
  41. Red nose at his grandfather, the nose is red in the son, Red Astra from the woman in a red cup, on a white drum.
  42. Malt-cracks are easily penetrated into the greenhouse.
  43. Ku-Klux Clask.
  44. Kurfürst compromised Landsknecht.
  45. Laziness is not lazy, it is glued to lazy.
  46. Lily, Leah and Iia were holly and cherished lilies and irises.
  47. Scrap brokes fat ice, scrap does not get tired.
  48. The spade of the spade, cheap, digging; Then she lighted, it was very tired.
  49. Marina marinated mushrooms, Marina Malina came through.
  50. The diversity of monotony is not worse than monotony of diversity.
  52. On the gate of forty, on the fence of the crow, on the road Sparrow.
  53. I caught Nalimov, renoval, caught Nalima, caught yes it never caught.
  54. We were namilim in the mel, we were lazily, for me you caught Lena.
  55. Our Polcan got into drone.
  56. Not visible - liquid shares or not liquid.
  57. I did not regret my mother soap, Mom Mila Soap Soap. Mila Soap did not love, soap Mila dropped.
  58. Not let the demonstrath in transport with a banner.
  59. Oh, Osa, Osa, wasp to us fly from the bow. Oh, I'm afraid I'm afraid I'm afraid not to save my nose.
  60. Osip Oret, the archup does not lag behind - who will shut down. Osip Oshrip, Archka Osip.
  61. Where on request millet? I wake up millet here simply. About millet debris was recognized. Without demand, all millet missed.
  62. Polcan got into drone.
  63. Lara soap floor, Lily Lara helped.
  64. It is empty in a pond, not to choose from the pond.
  65. A speech guy is not a shoulder, a shoulder guy will not speech.
  66. Sasha is perfection itself, and still self-improvement.
  67. Sokol sat down on the trunk goal.
  68. The cream creaks, not lubricated with lubricant, and the lubricated lubricant does not creak.
  69. Watching the light through the glass, the sun shines - everything is light.
  70. Solished Terente mushrooms - immediately thirty three barrels. Ate terente mushrooms - immediately thirty three barrels.
  71. Forty Taratoril, Taratoril, argued with the crow.
  72. Sleeps calmly satisfyback, looking sweetly hundredth sleep.
  73. Staffordshire Terrier Relive, and a black-haired Risenshnauzer RESER.
  74. Razk in all croup soup.
  75. Tokar rappoport propyl pass, rasp and caliper.
  76. Thirty-three ships were lavored, lavished, but did not hesitate.
  77. You, well done, tell me well, let the well done tell me, let the very well done calf gives.
  78. Andrei and Arina grow dahlias.
  79. Mila has one skirt, she is alone, fashionable she.
  80. The dodder-Vostorhvostochostka dived yes I dived, divesed yes diving.
  81. Philip to the stove stove.
  82. The seagull at the pier screamed.
  83. Honor of your part is part of your honor.
  84. Cleans, cleans the pipes of the pipe throughout the house. Cleans, cleans the stars in the sky.
  85. What Skunsus is tasty, the mangusta is boring.
  86. That one hundred pieces of trousers on the hook, which together weigh two hundred trousers.
  87. Six mice in the reeds rustle.
  88. Six cockroaches with a crumb walked over a spoon with a blue.
  89. Schweyny Chef Lzhiv - Sewing Parshiv.

In our country, over thirty percent of schoolchildren of the first classes, there are speech pathology - someone has a very small vocabulary, someone incorrectly pronounces sounds, and some first-graders are disturbed by articulation. Certifying speech defects help various cleanrs and patters. The most difficult spells, if you learn how to pronounce them quickly and correctly, help correct speech violations and allow the child to speak correctly. Let's find out which patters perfectly help in the development of children's speech.

Big benefit from patter

Patuals are "creations" of the people, funny poems or phrases, which perfectly help in improving the articulation and correcting the most complex defects in children's diction. The most complex in the world patter includes words (a certain number of them) that have a lot of identical sounds. Exactly this fact And makes pronunciation of patter rather difficult.

At the moment, linguists are only fighting in guesses, how the speech zone of the brain works. Why some children speak perfectly, and some have problems with diction? While specialists work in this direction, the kids perfectly help patter. We bring to your attention a few such tweighters that are quite difficult to pronounce. But they will great help your child talk correctly.

Let's start with the first, the most simple of all complex patter. Try to pronounce it several times, and then offer to repeat this to the child. Agree to just read the patter in slow Tempe - It is not so difficult. But if you begin to quickly try words, then the language begins to "confuse" and talk, not what follows. However, with each time the pronunciation will be better.

Then try to say this tweak.

And this patter is already somewhat harder.

Having tried all these complex offers for the formulation of diction, you can go to the most difficult and long patter. At first, it may seem that such a thing is not to learn, read is simply impossible, but this is only a matter of time and workout.

Liguria: learn and tell

There is the longest patter in the world that allows you to train diction and correct speech defects in children who belong to the middle and older school age. It is called such a twist "Liguria". They called it so that it is talking about a picturesque place in Italy (Liguria). With frequent repetition of such a complex patter, you can make rid of diction problems forever.

The phrases that are presented in it are very difficult to pronounce. Therefore, it will become an excellent articulation gymnastics and will allow in the future to be easily and quickly reproduced. After you can reproduce the "liguria" without a stick, then this patter will become for you or your child a simple prank.

We will not give here full text Liguria, because the patter is really very long. You can independently find it on the Internet. We only note that it will be interesting for children, and for adults. Of course, learn and pronounce such patter - this is a real victory!

This greatest patter is even used to train speeches by speakers, artists, teachers and businessmen. Very admires, as "Liguria" reads the speaker Elena Solman. Surely, she had to work hard to remember and correctly reproduce this patron. But after all, she and the announcer - she should bring all the information to the viewer correctly! But after numerous workouts and you will be able to get worse. And the children will pronounce all the sounds in words and perfectly operate their speech apparatus.

For what need sophisticated patters how to significantly improve your diction, pronunciation, how to achieve good results during memorizing the most difficult spells ? You will learn about this from this material, as well as find on this page many of the most difficult and funny spears.

Often we are in a hurry to express the thought without thinking about what they say too fast. Without listening to people's own speech sometimes "swallow" some sounds, distorting words. The interlocutor is forced to listen to understand the pronunciation, the essence of the conversation is moving to the background.
In order not to fall into uncomfortable situations, and be heard, it is necessary to train, develop the speech apparatus. Come on this issue seriously, because I want to be able to speak uniform tone, without random high notes, quiet endings and other defects. One of the most convenient methods of improving speech is to work with complex patuals.

For example:
The ships were lavored, caught yes they were not caught, because they did not believe in the probability of catching out. Here are Malovers: would believe - would have won.

Dwarf Karl Karl in the dwarfitsa Kralya Clara stole corals.
And Krara Krara's carlice in Karl's dwarf stole clarinet.
If Dwarf Karl Karl in the dwarfish Clara-Kralya did not cradle corals,
that carlice cracker Clara has Karl's dwarf Karl would not crawl.

Sophisticated patuals are perceived as an exciting gameSo the training is easier and without tension. The mixture of the same type of sounds causes a smile on his face even with slow reading. There is a workout of memory, a person learns to hear his own speech. Unlike expensive courses, sophisticated patterslet us learn how to talk correctly without financial costs. Reading the set of the most difficult spells on our site you will not need to pay at all!

Several Yet wonderful examples Complex patter:

Your ponomer of our little thing is not to redeemor to become;
Our Ponomarya will remember your lunaries, will persompose.

On the mel, we are lazy to Nalima caught,
And they changed Namilim to me on Line,
About love is not me so cute praying
And in the fogs of Limana damn me?

And in order to achieve a better result when working with cleanlates, perform several elementary exercises:
- First, try not in a rush to put out every word from the poem. In no case, do not attempt from the very beginning to pronounce it quickly. Such actions only worsen the work of the speech apparatus. Better exercise by syllables to remember the correct pronunciation of the patter. In real life, we strive to talk slowly, confidently and not too sharply.

The next step is articulation. When all the sounds from the patter you will become clear, make an emphasis on articulation. It will be better if someone next to the lips will read the rhymes.

Then say the phrase whisper. Remember, whisper and hiss - different things. All sounds must be heard clearly.

The last touch - try to say the learned text with a different manner. Now you can say everything in a rapid pace, and even sing (it is at will).

This method of improving diction can be changed and adjust to itself. It is better to do this in the company of friends. And before starting training, show them this publication to tune in one wave.

The most complex checkers to improve speech abilities and pronunciations.

We present you a selection of Russian patter for children and adults from folklore used to work out the pronunciation of various sounds. They are also called "Russian functions." The best patters for speech development and dictionaries.

Working sounds:
B, P, B, F, G, K, D, T, X

1. I got beans Bobyl.
2. Vakol Babu Chal, and Vakula Baba shoes.
3. From the top of the hoof dust on the field flies.
4. Bull stupubub, stupid bull, the bull Bela's lip was Tup.
5. Cap on the cap, under the hood cap.
b. Verlil Vavilu had a pitchfork.
7. Near the cola of the bell, near the gate of Kohlot.
8. Shakal Chagall, Jackal Jakal.
9. Buy Kipa Peak, buy peak kipu. Buy Poha Kipu, buy Poha Kipu.
10. Cook Peter, Cook Paul. Peter was swimming, Paul was swimming.
11. Tea Tea Teach Tanya Tanya.
12. Water truck drilled water from under water supply.

13. Our head of your head is overlooked, tightened.
14. Your ponomary of our little thing is not to redeemore, do not overpower; Our Ponomarya will remember your lunaries, will persompose.
15. There is a shock with a junk.
16. In the field of Flight Frosya millet, weeds will endure Frosya.
17. Crab crab made rake. Samed rake crab crab: hay robbles, crab, robby!
18. The Christmas tree has a needle rolling.
19. Cuckoo cuckoo bought a hood. Put on cucusulok hood. How in the hood it is ridiculous!
20. All beavers for their bobry are kind. Beavers take the beans for bobryat. Bobras, sometimes Bobryat, giving them beans.
21. Forgot Pankrat Kondratov Jack, and the pancrat without a jack does not raise the tractor on the path. And waiting on the tractor tractor jack.
22. On honey honey, and I do not care.
23. Prokop came, the dill was boiling, the proof went, it was boiling dill; As in the proof, Dill was boiling, and dill was boiling without proof.
24. Three Popes were followed, three proofs-ass, three Prokopyevich, spoke about the pop, about Prokopi-Top, about Prokopyevich.
25. Once a check box Pop Bugi, I saw a parrot in the bushes, and the parrot says: scare you a checkk, pop, scare, but a daw, pop, scare in the bushes, scare not dare you are a parrot.
26. Magted Volkhv in Khlevu with Walking.
27. Bombardir Bonbonniere bombarded the ladies.
28. Faofan Mitrofancha has three sons of Feofanychi.
29. Pharaoh Favorite on Sapphire changed jade.
30. Rhododendrons from Arndrairia are given by their parents.
31. Singing the aunt on the tree, and the tetraka with theums on the branch.
32. Brit Klim Brother, Brit Gleb Brother, Brother Ignat Beardat.
33. Crested laughter laughing laughter.

Working sounds:
p, l, m, n

34. All patters will not forward, do not revive.
35. We have in the courtyard-sovereign the weather has grinding.
36. Two woodcutters, two firewalls, two firing spoke about the stall, about the varnish, about Marina his wife.
37. Clara Kralya rolled to Lari.
38. Speaking the commander about the Colonel and about the Colonel, about the lieutenant colonel and about Lieutenantkress, about the lieutenant and about the guarantile, about the companion and about the companion, about the ensign and about the ensign, about the subpenser, and about the subpenser was silent.
39. On the courtyard of grass, on the grass of firewood - just firewood, two firewood, three firewood. Do not rub firewood on the grass of the yard.
40. On the courtyard of firewood, behind the courtyard of the firewood, the firewood of the courtyard is not welded by the yard of firewood, it is necessary to tremble on a woody courtyard.
41. On the courtyard of the Widow of the barbarians, two thiefs were stolen, grumbled widow, removed the firewood in the barn.
42. I reported yes did not defait, the defaulled yes I was informed.
43. Ryel Pig Belorel, stupid; Half the pill withdrawn, pulled out, undermined.
44. Ate well done thirty-three pie with a cake, and everything with cottage cheese.
45. Thirty-three ships were lavored, caught yes, did not hesitate.
46. \u200b\u200bFor Mels, we were lazy to Nalima. On Mels, we lazily caught Lena. Doesn't you pray for love about love and did you manail me in the fogs of Limana?
47. Karl from Clara stole corals, and Clara had a clarinet from Karl.
48. Queen Clara Strictly Karla Karl for theft of Coral.
49. Karl laid onions on the chest. Clara cracked onions with varnar.
50. The fraction in quail yes on the tooths.
51. Mamashe Romashus gave serum from under Prostokvashi.
52. Tell me about purchases. What about purchases? About purchases, about buying your purchases.
53. She sews the cap, but no Crapkin; The bell is tightened, but not a bellovers. It is necessary to overlapping the cap, to transfate, it is necessary to spin the bell, reel into combat.
54. Protocol about the protocol protocol was configured.
55. Was in Frol, Frolu on the Lavra Lavra. I'll go to the laurel, on Frol Lavra Nampu.
56. King Eagle.
57. Courier courier overtakes in a quarry.
58. Malania-Toltunya Milk chatted, chose, but did not bother.
59. Ligurian Adjustable regulated in Liguria.
60. Was Lilia? Did you see Lydia? Wrapped Lily, saw Lydia.
61. The messenger with a gallery burned down.
62. Thaler Plate is worth.
63. Going to Raint, so Birdish take.
64. Interviewer Interviewed.
65. Libretto Rigoletto.
66. Our Polcan from Baikal Lacal. Polcan lacqual, but not mell Baikal.
67. We ate, ate with a spruce, they were barely barely militia.
68. did not regret mom soap. Mom Mila Soap Soap. Mila Soap did not love, soap Mila dropped.
69. In the darkness rakes are noisy in a fight.
70. On the road in the morning the tractor taught.
71. Live in rye, do not rye in rye.
72. Eagle on Mount, feather on Orel, mountain under an eagle, eagle under the pen.
73. On Mount Ararat Rvala Varvara grapes.
74. From under the Kostroma, four men went from the Kostroma region. They talked about bidding, yes about buying, about the barbecue yes about the subproofki.
75. Wahmistra with Wahmistrashche, Rothmistra with Rothmistrash.
76. Turku smokes the tube, the jurka pecks the grunt. Do not smoke, turk, tube, not keys, smoky, grub.
77. And I am not upgraded.

Working sounds:
s, s, w, sh, h, etc.

78. Seni and Sanya in Som networks with a mustache.
79. The wasp is not a mustache, no effort, and the mustache.
80. Lucking Senka Sanka with Sonya on sledding. Sanki, Senka with legs, Sanka in Bok, Sonya in the forehead, all in a snowdrift.
81. Osip Okharip, and the archite Osip.
82. Does not want to oblique skeleton, says Spit Spit.
83. According to seven in Sani they themselves.
84. From the body in the body was overloading watermelons. In the thunderstorm in the dirt from the cargo of watermelons collapsed the body.
85. Sweetwood scrolls.
86. The annilated constitutionalist was discovered to assimilated in Constantinople.
87. Sasha was walking along the highway and sucked drying.
88. Heron Chashla, Heron Suffers, Heron died.
89. Forty mice went, they found forty pennies, two mice found two pennies.
90. Sixteen walked mice and six found a pennie, and the mice, which is mellow, slightly shake.
91. Scales have a pinch, the bristles in the Chushia.
92. A quarter of the fourth of pea without wormwort.
93. Incident with trial.
94. Precedent with the applicant.
95. Konstantin stated.
96. Herpheric Herpathy, Horror.
97. Terribly beetle to live on a bitch.
98. Two cheek puppies to the cheek pulls the brush in the corner.
99. Pike dragged the pike to infringe the bream.
100. Buzz is buzzing, buzzes, but does not spin.

From the patters of simple moving to the patters complex. Forums are complex for some reason postpone the memories of the master class on acting skill or about the competition for quite mature people in the sanatorium. By the way, at the last of the measures mentioned, as a rule, at least one of the spells remains, which is able to pronounce the mass-core. None of the vacationers do not cope with it. But this is what: we are in adulthood often we often do not think about how our speech sounds. Considering himself a man who took place, each of us can afford to taitorish, swallowing the ends of phrases, or speak extremely bitchitally, constantly losing thought or worse - leakageing the point with the topic on the topic. And on the comments of the interlocutors react painfully, they say, not the theatrical university graduated! In fact, well-set speech is important for professors at the institute, and for a teacher at school or kindergarten.

What are they?

Some of the complex patuals are compiled on the basis of simple, by complication. Some can be short, and complex at the same time. We refuse old, long-served tweaks in favor of new complicated. For example:

Dwarf Karl Karl in the dwarfitsa Kralya Clara stole corals.
And Krara Krara's carlice in Karl's dwarf stole clarinet.
If Dwarf Karl Karl in the dwarfish Clara-Kralya did not cradle corals,
That carlice cracker Clara has Karl's dwarf Karl would not crawl.

Such a complex sequence of words, aimed at working at once of five sounds - vowels " about"And" but", And consonants" to», « l.», « r" And we simply accepted from the principle, and maybe to teach cool patter. After all, so I want to take it to friends with such knowledge and ability.

There are independent sophisticated patters, sort of:

She sews a cap, but not in Crapkin, the bell will pour out, but not in the bellovers; It is necessary to overlapping the cap, to transfate, it is necessary to spin the bell, reel into combat.

Of course, in them there are such words that are not that in everyday speech - in the dictionary of Daly you will not find it. But because they are obtained by such complex. And in this version there is practically six letters immediately!

In fact, it is difficult to determine the most complex typhor, and maybe even not possible. For one person, a patron may be difficult, which is completely easy for another. It all depends on individual features man. However, it is precisely known that for a good diction, sometimes it is useful to pronounce speakers, train in their pronunciation. One obvious rule: Before you start by pator, start with.

Do patter, starting with simple - then go to complex variants.

We read and pronounce

It was evening, there was nothing. The factory Babelika Barbara was fraught with an unreought-to-minded barn, and the overwhelmed Mrs. and Mr. Vinegar cheered a unbalanced horse. But Mrs. and Mr. Vinegar did not know that the fleeing Babelika Barbara was fraught with an unfortunate Babylonian Babylon. But when they met, they told it to each other. But suddenly the proof came to boil his dill. And tailor Potto and cartridge Potto began to play the lotto. It was evening, there was nothing.

Sasha was on the highway. She walked the chauffeur on the highway, dragged the tire for the car. The chauffeur was stained, became black, like a decent. Sasha Shoffer saw, Obomllah, words can not say, only: Tit! TET! Tat! That! Here! you t! And then, when he learned him, he told him everything. He said that the grass was on the courtyard, on the grass of firewood, that the scorer bombarded Brandenburg that they would not protigue all twigs, you would not re-speak. Sasha chatted, chatted, yes it did not bother, and the chauffeur sat down, Onmell fell asleep.

We will not tell the tongue, you do not rake with your finger. There is nothing to argue with your hands, if the God of the mind did not give. Speech by the mind of Krasnova, and if the language is the whispered, then talk to the tweak for the patter: thirty-three ships were takenlated, lavaled, but they were unprofitable; We have the weather in the courtyard, the weather has grinding; She sews the cap is not in Kolpakovsky, the bell will not be in a bellovski, it is necessary to smash the cap, to transfate, it is necessary to stroke the bell, reel into combat, it is necessary to reconfigure all patters, re-overhead, and then you will tell you how to talk like a ratch.

From the topot of the hoof dust flies on the field. That was sent Seine with the report. Head at Songi with Lukoshko, and the mind is neither crumbs. Discarding shotklock, but everything did not say that: he said that not thirty-three ships were taken out, lavished, but did not hesitate that the proof did not cook his dill, but ate all the serum from the prostitutes in Malashi, to keep a tongue for teeth. Prokop then kept, and Senya all chatted yes chatted, and he rose. It did not take a nap, sort, and sused.

The commander spoke about the Colonel, about the Colonel, about the lieutenant colonel, about Lieutenantkirt, about the submarine, and he said about the subpenter, but said that the geese was not looking for a mustache - they don't find it that scratching the schale, the Kola - Bells that the wasp is not a mustache, do not, and the mustache.

Take care of the honor of the Smoloda, otherwise I was in Frol - Frolu on Lavra livhed, go to the Lavra - on Frol Lavra Nampo, because the language without bones and without that red. In the evil Natalia, all the people of Channelies, and also says: "Not the one, comrades, a comrade, comrade, who, comrades, comrade, and he, comrades, comrade, who, who, without comrades; Comrade Comrade. "

I'm secret himself, and he is around the world, that on the street is honey, I am not to the honey, that on the street, the concrete, I do not up to the concurrent, not before the concurrent wife, not before the concrete children. So tells each other, and the friend is a girlfriend, and Borov's girlfriend, and the Borov around the city - the language of the lie does not blush, and without that red, but only take care of the honor of the Sollor: one time will not believe in another; After all, Kali is destroyed and a deceiver, but a deceiver, and a plow, and a swarm and a fraudster, but a fraudster and a thief.

It was in Babylon. The faithful Babelik of Barbara was fraught with an unpretentious Babylonian Babylonian Babylonian - Babylonian.

Constantine's powerful constitutionalist found acclimatized in the constitutional city of Konstantinople and with a calm dignity inventing improved pneumomomychkovyvatyli.

Once the scoolen, the scoop of the crushed box found, and in the grozhali plunged, Shcherbataya pike dragged the cover to sew the brats from him. Schiekol smartly cheek her suddenly risen to the tongs and shattered, not a bag, did not drag this bag, but suddenly laid out. And she came out, chirped and squinting, Schapan - puppies, but in the rough bristle and quickly shifted Schalun's shoe, so that no longer wasting in the hollow. From the shock, our Sharm has lost its charm, was under the feathers of the skin. Now he will wake the gate to the barracks, in the sailor, which is biting a pressurope.

Morim over Drew Barrymore, over the brown world over PR Horochorov

Above Hermors, do not Morim's temples, we do not Morim over chrome

Under the worshi Nakuri lessons Mora, with such hands on camera Kalamburim

Here Murakami, Amur over the fools of Glamor Sea Sea Moriam Morim

Peacefully over Marilyn Monroe, over the malarier and mayor, over the beer Miller over Irisian

Meller Morim, over Moom over Indian Morocco, and over Camaro Mora

Grass in the yard, firewood on the grass,
Times firewood, two firewood, three firewood,
Firewood along the yard, firewood of the yard,
Do not contain the yard of firewood,
It is necessary to tremble from the courtyard back!

Defibrillator defiblized defiblized Yes did not exefiblease.

Dab - this is something mean between the outstand and cobra
Based in the fancy tundra
Cheerful chip kernel cedar in vendors
And the worker is good in depths.

Barcas arrived at the port of Madras.
The sailor brought on board the mattress.
In the port Madras mattress sailor
Albatrosse broke into a fight.

Once a check box pops
In the bushes noticed a parrot,
And there is a parrot here:
"Scare you check, pop, frighten.
But only a checkkin, pop, frightening,
Do not dare to scare you parrot! "

Speaking speaking thoroughly threw
That all the patters do not protrudy do not jump forward,
But egregated, vomited that all patters will revoke
Yes, do not rustify.
And skip patters like karasi in a skillet.

In the cellophane kicked with boys,
CIBERFILLER gicked out the numbers an integer process,
And cyanny chicks fell behind the tsunami,
Heron with a value danced chawed excess.

On the porch - the messenger,
In the palace - father.
Father - on the porch,
The messenger is to the palace.
On the porch - father,
In the palace - the messenger.

No apricot, coconut, radish,
Halibut, vinegar, kvass and rice,
No compass, barcas and cable,
Thermos, press, Hindu sailor,
Bass no, taste, weight and demand,
No interest - no question.

Georgy Georgievich says
Grigory Grigorievich
About Grigory Georgievich,
And Grigory Grigorievich says
Georgia Georgievichu
About Georgia Grigorievich.

Who wants to talk,
He must disappear
Everything is correct and intelligible
So that everything is clear to everyone.
We will talk,
And we will pronounce
So right and clearly,
So that everything is clear to everyone.

There were galchats visiting Volchat.
Wrapped visiting Golchats.
Today, Volchat Galdyat, like Golchata,
And, like the Volctera, Golchuta is silent.

Karl Coral. Clara Clarinet.
Clara from Karl stole corals, Karl had a clarinet from Clara.
Karl Coralov has no, there is no Claraneta.

Forgot Pankrat Kondratov jack,
And a pancrat without a jack does not raise the tractor on the path.
And waiting for the tractor tractor jack.

Zakhar sugar repaired.
They filled them.
Zakharov Zazazharen breeches.


On Thursday of the fourth number, four with a quarter of an hour, the Ligurian Adjustment regulated in Liguria ...

This patter deserves separate.

Lived once three Chinese

There were three Chinese ...

This patter also deserves separate.

Eyyafyatlaiokudel Eyyafyatlayokudal, Eyyafyatlayokudali, but not toleafyatlaiocuded. It is necessary Eyyafyatlayokudvillee rearyAfyatlayocudes and reeliyafyatlayocudes.

Metacidic acid






Species are complex: "nicotineidaenindinucleotidphosphate", which is a coenzyme

Customers to verify the degree of intoxication

And finally:

Lilac jacket from under the vessel

Highly qualified unproductiveness from under St. Petersburg

Deoxyribonucleic acid

Perevertoortized on Ballopodshipnikovskaya

Greeting spoon

