
I am a goddess? Or am I a mortal woman? Earthly woman-goddess unearthly.

Pests of garden plants

Who is this female goddess? My vision is a boundless Universe with a touch of individuality. Charming and tender, affectionate and caring, quivering and vulnerable, romantic and sexy, confident and sensual, happy and harmonious, whirling through life in a free dance.

The goddess is the feminine principle and integrity. She is a source of inexhaustible energy, loving herself and the world around her. The woman-goddess is always in a balanced state, in no hurry, not chasing anything, there is no tomorrow for her, she lives "here and now", not worrying about tomorrow. She has no expectations, she is happy today, not waiting for a cozy chalet in the Alps.

Decent, measured, feminine. She is interested in her own life, and at the same time, she is able to provide support and help to other people. She always has her own opinion, knows her own worth, does not expect approval and praise. She accepts herself for who she is, is constantly in development, realizing that there is no limit to perfection.

The woman goddess is wise, beautiful, self-sufficient, talented and creative. For her, being a woman is a lack of experience, but a gift from heaven. She creates her world with love for herself and others.

I would like to note the main attribute of a woman-goddess - a skirt. A woman's energy is influenced by a long skirt. We take energy from the earth, Mother Nature. A long skirt is an accumulator of natural energy. Wearing trousers for a woman is an energy blocker. The length of the skirt affects the energy gain from the ground. When the female goddess turns, the hem of her skirt forms an energy vortex, and she absorbs the energy of Mother Earth into her body.

The skirt automatically commits to the feeling of DIVINE. You become light, feminine, your posture is leveled, gait flying over the waves. Men react to women in skirts - this is the instinct of a real male. Historically, it is in the heads of men that young ladies in skirts require protection and attention. Wear skirts and dresses, enjoy your femininity, in these clothes, do not forget that you are a GODDESS!

Divinity begins with purification. Cleanse your soul from negative programs and destructive attitudes, your heart from pain and resentment, life from ineffective ways, forgiving and accepting yourself. Understand your nature, which is always unique and indescribable, which cannot be created by some external attributes.

Divinity never ended. The nature of the GODDESS was originally with you: it was, is and will be, but you just forgot about it. Took up men's responsibilities and lost myself. However, the inner essence of a woman is waiting for its awakening ... She wants to break out of the vicious circle of limiting attitudes in which she was imprisoned. The thirst for freedom and thirst for life are bursting out! To dance, sing, shine, inspire ... She longs for the burning of your eyes and wants you to know the truth! Her insatiable desire for you to express yourself sensually and spontaneously!

Having purified yourself, you will discover the GODDESS, your luminous multifaceted Essence. And all women's responsibilities will be easy and desirable for you. Deep wisdom will become your essence, knowledge will help you return your natural divine beauty, brightness, intuition, sensuality. Your nature defies description. You are the concentration of all the elements, the manifestation of all the GODDESS, you are the energy of creativity, happiness, joy and pleasure! You are the boundless love and wisdom of the entire Universe!

I am a Woman and I am a GODDESS

There is love and kindness in my soul.

I live in harmony with nature

My home is my Earth.

Mother Nature, you are close to me

Its beauty, care, generosity and article.

You gave me all the blessings and love

I bow low to you, my Earth!

Today, among Jungian psychologists and their clients, the (metaphorical, of course) slogan "I am a goddess!" Is very popular. It is used for the purpose of "Resource therapy". A strong, archetypal resource. But ... Nevertheless, we believe that it is dangerous to be a "Goddess"! It is dangerous when you like "being a goddess" and do not like "being a mortal woman" at all.

Why? Let's speculate. We present the following thesis for defense:

Either you are a "goddess" ... or you have the opportunity of love, marriage, a full-fledged union with a man, and ... your name will eventually enter the legend "about the possibility of beautiful love on earth." It will be told by your great-granddaughter.

To clarify this point, I want to tell you the classic archetypal legend "of gods and mortals."

Specifically, a very popular (in different versions) legend about how an immortal, perfect virgin made a difficult choice and renounced her immortality in order to become the wife of a mortal lover.

The Legend of Beren and Luchien

Probably many of you do not need to listen to this legend of Tolkien from The Silmarillion in my retelling. I will just remind you of it briefly.

The beautiful maiden Luchien was from the line of immortal elves. But it so happened that you cannot order your heart. Luchien fell in love with a mortal man - the hero of Beren. And he loved her.

Luchien's father warned his daughter that she would lose immortality if she shared all the hardships of earthly life with a simple guy. It doesn't work that way! Elves don't marry humans! But her daughter did not need an immortal life without love. She chose Beren. And she died. But at first she got old, as it should be. And even before she lived a long happy life women with her earthly husband. They had children. And grandchildren.

What does a woman's desire to “be a Goddess” say?

Let's digress a little from Jung and remember Freud. He could not be more useful here. Everything is very ordinary ... Ordinary and sad.

A woman's long mental stay in the archetype of the "Goddess", which is comfortable for her, is (in the exact words of Freud) typical"Fear of death-sex" , that is, fear of ordinary earthly fate - we add here.

Phobia history

The historical roots of the formation of this phobia are clear!

It is not without reason that almost all traditional folk rituals bridemourned like a dead woman, seeing off from the parental home to get married.

It seems that one should be glad that the girl is getting married, and they are crying. Why?

The first reason. Mythological.

Vestal complex

With defloration (loss of innocence), the girl loses the status of a “sacred” and “valuable” artifact of the community, loses her “pure” magical power.

It's as if your wand is broken on your knee and given a shovel.

Indeed, if you dig into history, then very many rituals are associated with special and pure "powers" inherent in the faith of people - only chastity, only a virgin.

Only a virgin could tame a unicorn, he killed the rest. Only a pure maiden could collect some medicinal herbs, (even in folk, "woman's" magic!), while in other hands they maliciously lost their medical power. That's why the witches went to collect herbs with their little granddaughter!

What a sorceress there!

Even in my childhood, they were looking for an "unkissed girl", because only she could "zero" a deck of cards tired of fortune-telling so that they would stop "lying" after sitting on them with their booty. There was little sense in all the other pops ...

So, virginity was a "commodity", a "value" - and not only for "male perverts-owners" (as feminists try to argue). No! In the chastity of a woman was - her magical, religious power, and we repeat - the power is pure, light and arch-strong, allowing communicate with the gods, with the heavenly world of light(as in the case of the Roman vestals) - and that is why virginity was so highly guarded and valued in communities that sought to talk with gods, and not with devils ...

So, getting married, a girl is forever deprived of the privilege of being a "white priestess", a "messenger of the mountain instructions."

That is, roughly speaking, now she cannot say to herself: "I am a Goddess."

All are suspected!

And what does she "get in return"? O! A woman who has lost her innocence immediately becomes open to all sorts of energetic "impurity". It just so happened, nothing can be done. She becomes - "impure". A vessel of impurity. It must be handled with care. She has “unclean days”, and she herself must be the first to remember this and not to interfere with people, having given birth, for example, to a child. Quarantine ... There was a "goddess", it turned out to be "sick."

Now even her long hair become just a toy and a tool of demons - they can only now collect on themselves all sorts of mental "dirt" from all over the street. Therefore, they must now be hidden under the warrior, and it is best to generally shave their heads away from sin and replace them with a wig (as was customary among religious Jews).

Is this why this cry, a desperate cry, is still buried deep in our subconscious: “I don’t want any“ love with a man ”! I don’t want to become an "unclean woman"! I want to remain a Goddess! "

Probably Father Luchien showed everything to her this and disgustedly asked: “No, you are true, all this want?"

"I do not care." - Answered Luchien. After all, on the other side of the scale was her Beren ...

The second reason. Natural.

Cesarean section

Marrying, surrendering to love, the girl did not just cease to be a “goddess” and became “mortal”. She was becoming ... "very mortal."

Death from difficult childbirth was the most common cause of death for young women. And "cesarean section" then meant a hundred percent voluntary death of the mother for the sake of saving the baby.

Isn't that why deep in our subconsciousness this crying, desperate cry is still buried: “I don’t want any“ love with a man ”! I don't want to die! "

Probably, Father Luchien showed her all this sadly warned his daughter: "You can die, they have no medicine."

"I don't care," Luchien replied. "We will all die someday." After all, on the other side of the scale was her Beren ...

So, "fear of sex and death" (from the classical point of view of Freud) is inherent in any woman in general and is hidden deep in her subconscious ...

This is what lies behind the glamorous affirmation phrase: "I am a Goddess."

No changes in society and scientific achievements remove ancient fears from the unconscious. Each of us guesses: to enter into a relationship with a man, to believe in love - means to stop being a "Goddess" and become a mortal woman: funny, vulnerable, blameworthy and open to all sorts of known and unknown evils.

So it is especially dangerous when the fashionable "resource" affirmation "I am the Goddess" is carried away not by women who are well-worn, but by girls who have not yet been married and in a serious relationship with a man.

It just literally suggests that they are clearly obsessed with neurosis " fear of death from sex". They are not "goddesses." They are scared.

What kind of affirmation can we offer each other instead of this, not the most successful, dangerous one?

"I am a Goddess who is not afraid to become a mere mortal woman in the name of Love."

And let in this field we continue to be inspired by the elven fairy tale - the story of the immortal love of two mortal lovers - Beren and Luchien.

What fate promised has come true

For Beren and Lúthien.

In the wilderness of the woods, where the gaze fades,

In the cold kingdom of gray rocks

In the twists and turns of black ore holes

They were guarded by seas of parting.

But the goodbye moment has come again,

As fate promised. And from now on

On the path that called them,

They did not lift their hands.

Elena Nazarenko

Nature was able to foresee everything,
A woman is the apotheosis of her creation.
After all, death is not even terrible with her.
We draw inspiration from life in it.

A naked woman, what can you compare to her?
Even the colors of the world fade before her.
He will save you from troubles, like Ariadne's thread.
And a woman's laughter is softer than the singing of a lyre.

And the skin is like the most delicate silk.
The taste of a kiss in the moonlight is akin to nirvana.
And if you found your beloved,
Any wounds in the soul will heal.

The man will be passionately possessed.
And a woman gives herself up with love.
And in those moments, I want so much again
Gradually dissolve in each other.

And only with a woman we know eternity.
That primordial world of Adam with the Eve of Paradise.
She burns with love like fire.
An earthly woman is an unearthly goddess.


Being in a company with Andrei Mironov, each woman felt like the only one (a similar case is described by Tatyana Egorova in her book). A. Mironov was very reverent and affectionate towards women.
After reading your poem, I immediately remembered that episode. You need to love yourself and the whole world so much to write about feelings for a woman! Or vice versa? Do not know...
I really liked it!
Sincerely and from the heart! No vulgarity or vulgarity. Very beautiful.
I am glad that I accidentally saw this poem on the network, naturally without a signature.
Thanks for the pleasure of reading!

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A person comes with a problem, and the doctor, communicating with him, understands where its origins are. Not everyone has the courage to overcome themselves and the established stereotypes. But Olga and Julia have their own opinion on this matter. Women turn to them with a bunch of questions in their heads, and leave as real goddesses. Does it sound like something transcendental? Maybe.
Now many are trying to build relationships competently - both psychologically and sexually. And you shouldn't be ashamed of that! Much depends on the woman and on how she pleases her chosen one. And the gentleman, undoubtedly, appreciating the efforts of his beloved, will not want to let her go.
Is it really that they turn into Women with a capital letter?

- What is the "Aphrodite" club?

- And what, our women are so "artless" that there is a need for such training?

The fact is that the fair sex, who come to us, pursue different goals. Some come with the idea that they behave incorrectly with men and therefore their personal life is sluggish. There are those who want to learn something new in terms of sex and diversify their relationship. There was not a single woman who took our course and said: "Yes, I know all this!"
Let's say training and control of intimate muscles, the so-called “body practice”, is an integral part of the course. It is called "imbuilding" - development intimate muscles, which not only helps to learn the secret of sexual relations, but also prepares for childbirth, and after childbirth, muscle tone is restored faster.
The club hosts lectures and psychological exercises Also, clients have the opportunity to try everything in practice. Previously, this knowledge was secret, but now it is in the public domain. After all, all this is not only pleasure, but also a guarantee of health!

- Are classes held in a group? And how long is the course?

We have both individual lessons and group lessons. It is easier to study in a group: you see that your problem is not the only one, that this issue is also important for someone.
About the duration of the course, it should be said that this is not one lesson. Still, personal growth requires a certain amount of time, it is a huge work on oneself.

And are there many willing students?

Word of mouth works well here: girls who have completed the course advise the club to their friends. Those come, having heard about the results and are happy to learn from us. Women of all ages come to us, starting from puberty. And there is even a 65-year-old client.
We were approached by girls "in search". Many of them get married quickly, someone has a money issue. Also, we are visited by women who have been married for 15-20 years, who have a desire to "refresh" the relationship. After the first lesson, one of the girls shared: “My husband was so crazy that he took and gave me an Audi! It's just that a husband cannot teach his wife what he needs, no matter how hard he tries. And we teach.

- But, probably, not everyone is easy to communicate on such personal topics?

- Of course, the topic is intimate, so at first they are interested, let's say, carefully. The main thing is to come willingly to work on yourself. If it is important for you to change your life, then it will change. And still Soviet Union made an "invaluable contribution" to people's opinion about sex. Allegedly, all this is shameful, all this under a blanket in the dark with loud music so that no one would guess ... The responses of that time still affect society, and we work with these established stereotypes. It is necessary to revive the destroyed sexual culture. Imagine women being burned at the stake during the Inquisition for having an orgasm! Poor girls were accused of witchcraft because she could arouse the stronger sex with her beauty! Is it normal? This also left its mark.

Have men approached you by chance?

They have and are being treated, but much less often than women, simply because they have a different psychology. We have interesting and useful activities for men, and we are always glad to see them in our club.

- Can you reveal a couple of secrets that you share with your students?

If a woman wants harmonious family relationships, then you need to be able to prioritize. She should put herself first. The second place should be taken by her man. The third is children. The fourth is a career. If this hierarchy is broken, then problems can arise.

- It turns out, and I do not correctly prioritize in my life ...

Here! This is where everything comes from! And in order for everything in life to be the way you really want, you need to follow exactly this arrangement.

... Contact phones: 89093635303, 89276178877
Address: st. Yubileynaya, 2B, "Vostochny Doubler", office 1002.

Ekaterina Shloma

Today I want to talk about a woman. What is her essence, her true purpose, what is she like and what makes her happy? Woman Goddess. This topic is, of course, very extensive, obviously not for one conversation, but we will try to touch on a few issues here, and in the comments you can continue and express your own view and opinion. A woman is a huge world of various states, facets, emotions, shades. She is vulnerable, quivering, unpredictable, her strength, oddly enough, is in weakness, her mission is to give the world love, beauty, goodness. She is the Goddess, the Queen, who creates a wonderful state with her thoughts and actions, realizing herself, doing any of her deeds in a state of love and light. It is such a woman who will be happy. She is calm and contented, does not struggle with circumstances and the world around her, but walks through life with a smile on her face.

Be happy

Of course, it's very easy to talk about what a woman should be. Let's touch at least a little about how to approach this ideal and become that very Goddess, or rather try to wake her up, realize and accept this state. To begin with, we will learn to love ourselves and our body, with all the shortcomings. This, of course, does not mean that you do not need to work with yourself and your appearance, dress beautifully, play sports, go to the hairdresser. Rather, you need to take everything for granted and learn to enjoy life right now. Let's stop communicating with people who are annoying and rejecting. The most important thing in your life is you and no one will appreciate you until you learn to do it yourself. If you do not like work, change it and it does not matter what you are doing, if you do the work with joy, then you are on the right Path.

Woman Goddess to know yourself, start whatever

Begin to engage in any creativity to which the Soul lies. Buy yourself expensive lingerie, jewelry, all the most beautiful and the best. Feelings from yourself will be the most magical. We learn to ask for help from men and treat them with respect, then they will be ready to respond with joy. Of course, you cannot ignore Love, which makes a woman truly divinely beautiful. Love everything you see, everything you do, rejoice for your loved ones, realize yourself in motherhood, create your own cozy home nest, master new culinary masterpieces and enjoy every moment. Do not fight with men and the world around you, do not prove anything to anyone. The world is, of course, imperfect, but you need to love it this way, trying to keep positive even in stressful situations.

Woman is a huge world

Our School can also make a small contribution to this hard work of being a happy woman. We hold meditations that allow a woman to nourish her feminine center with the energies of the Universe. Many events will allow one way or another to reveal their capabilities, understand their inner world, learn to cope with their emotions, attract abundance, love, prosperity into your life. And to preserve beauty, inner harmony, rejuvenate, solve health problems and even get a massage will help. And don't forget that you deserve all the best and are made to be happy! Smile, Love, Give Light and warmth to your Soul.