
How to dry white mushrooms. How to dry mushrooms


In principle, the drying of mushrooms depends on specific place collection, region, features of transportation and technical features of the mushroom. Each experienced mushroom picker has its own, for years, the methods of drying mushrooms and uses them. Nevertheless, for general development, it is possible to familiarize yourself with this material, it may be possible to learn something new or long-forgotten old, but - useful. So how will you dry mushrooms?

  • : What, where and how dry
  • : "Bonus" method of workpiece

Drying mushrooms: how to dry mushrooms?

Drying is one of the easiest and available methods Billets of mushrooms. Dried mushrooms are well saved for a long time. In nutability and digestibility, they surpass salt and pickled mushrooms. In the content of proteins, dried mushrooms are superior to canned. During drying, all nutritional advantages of mushrooms are preserved; The aroma of some species in this method of the workpiece is even intensified, as, for example, white mushroom.

Drying mushrooms in the sun

On hot days, mushrooms can be dried in the sun or only to grasp to finally add them at a higher temperature on the stove or in the oven.

For this purpose, mushrooms are laid on the drying trays, dense paper or a dry board. In no case cannot lay mushrooms on the iron baking sheet, since mushrooms can lunch and blame.

Drying is carried out in a place, protected from rain and dust and well purged by the wind. It is very important that mushrooms, pre-sliced \u200b\u200bby the plates, were entrusted or dried completely at no longer than 1-2 days. In this case, they retain their natural color.

Properly dried mushrooms bent; Perested crumbling - such mushrooms are better to twist and use in the form.

Drying mushrooms in the oven

When drying in the oven, the mushrooms are laid out with a thin layer on specially made or ready-made grills installed in place of ordinary opposes. The temperature in the oven should be within 60-70 ° C, and so that the air in it is constantly circulating, the door should be kept off. As mushrooms drying, the lattice changes from top to bottom.

In urban conditions and for modern kitchen - This method of drying mushrooms is probably the most common and simple: brass cabinets (and lattices in them) are in every home. If there are little lattices (or there are no, it happens), you can independently make 2-3 grilles in the size of the oven with such a calculation to install them instead of the opposites. Lattices can be made from any large-scale wire mesh.

You can use both the opponents, if there is no lattice. Mushrooms are selected in size (large at the same time cut into parts) and decompose on the contrary. At the same time, mushrooms should not come into contact with each other, and in the oven you need to ensure air circulation (open the door).

Initially, mushrooms are rolling at a temperature of 45 ° C. At a higher initial temperature on the surface of mushrooms, protein substances are released, which worsens the further move of the drying and gives the mushrooms dark color. Mushrooms are so soft that it is impossible to use them into food. Only after the surface of the fungi serves and they will stop sticking, the temperature can be raised to 75-80 ° C.

Duration of peens and drying mushrooms can not be determined accurately. If the hats and plates of mushrooms are the same in size, they dry at the same time. Dry mushrooms are cleaned, and the rest peeing, turning them away from time to time.

Drying mushrooms in the microwave

When drying mushrooms in the microwave: Purified and sliced \u200b\u200bmushrooms are declined to a plate or grille, exhibited minimum power 100-180 W and put for 20 minutes, then the stove opens and ventilate 5-10 minutes. During this time, the excess moisture evaporates intensively. The operation is then repeated 2-3 times. As a result, you can get or already the finished product - dried mushrooms or - semi-finished product for further drying, it depends on specific fungi.

This method of drying mushrooms is quite troublesome. Convenient only if your microwave has a large container. On "Saltra" the process is strongly tedious and long, although quite real.

Drying mushrooms in a Russian oven

Do you know that...

Where else to find this very - "Russian oven" ... Well, now it's not about that.

The mushrooms prepared for drying are laying down with hats down on the grilles, a wicker or ride on the needles. The loaded fixtures should be put in the furnace when the temperature in it after the firebox will decrease to 60-70 ° C. At a higher temperature, it is not recommended to start drying, as mushrooms can be used or grilled, burning and grieving. At temperatures below 50 ° C, they dry very slowly, zerind and deteriorate.

Before loading mushrooms under the furnace, we must fit together so that there are no ash left. At the time of drying in the furnace should not be any dishes with food or water.

If the lattices or braid do not have legs, then under them should be put on the bricks put on the edge so that the mushrooms do not come into contact with the furnace.

During drying it is very important to ensure the removal of moisture evaporating from mushrooms. To do this, the damper should be put on 2 bricks, leaving the gap between them for the air inflow from the bottom. The top of the flap should not close the croup of the furnace tightly to the wet air removed all the time.

The chimney at the beginning of the drying is open at 0.75 valves, as the fungi drying it, it is gradually rushing and the end of the drying is closed tightly. Mushrooms will dry unevenly, small hats dried faster, large - slower, so dried up to be removed in a timely manner, otherwise they will lose the flavor and become tasteless. Unsured mushrooms at the slightest dampness begin to mold.

Drying smorn mushrooms

Smorch mushrooms that belong to the category of conditionally edible, dried only in air. They are rolled on the threads, placed freely in gauze bags, old kapron stockings and dried in a ventilated dry room approximately 5-6 months. During this time, air oxygen cleans toxins and neutralizes the lines - mushrooms become suitable for food.

Storage of dried mushrooms, canning dried mushrooms

Dried mushrooms are very hygroscopic: absorbed moisture from the surrounding air (especially if they are harvested in the form of a mushroom powder), they can easily cheese and mold. In addition, they quickly assimilate foreign smells. Therefore, dried mushrooms should be stored in dry, well-ventilated rooms and best in moisture-proof bags or in tightly closed glass or metal banks. Dried mushrooms can also be stored in gauze or linen bags, but strictly, in a well ventilated place and separately from products with a sharp smell.

If for some reason mushrooms have become wet, they should be sorted out and dried.

For the preservation of mushrooms for a long time, it is more convenient for the mushrooms immediately after drying (as long as they still retain their fragility and heat) to put into hermetically closed glass jars. Banks are sterilized at a temperature of 90 ° C: half-liter - for 40 minutes, liter - 50 minutes.

To suck air from cans, you can apply the following method. A little alcohol poured on the inside surface of the cover, they light it and immediately close the jar. When burning alcohol, almost all oxygen is consumed, as a result of which mushrooms do not moldy, even if they were not sufficiently dried and the laying of them was produced in the raw room.

Before the preparation of them, food mushrooms are wicked with a brush, cleaning dust and dirt, and poured for several hours with water for swelling, and then in the same water boiled.

Yet it is better to soak dried mushrooms in milk or milk in half with water. Handwood when drying mushrooms, before putting in the soup, you should rinse well so that they do not give the soup black. The decoction of curl mushrooms pour, not trying; In other cases, it is left for distortion of possible sand, flickering and consumed to prepare soups, sauces or gravy.

Well dried or risen mushrooms can be crushed and grind into a fine powder in a coffee grinder. When crushing, poorly digested films of coarse fibers are destroyed, and the mushrooms in this form better reveal their taste and aroma and are easier to be absorbed by the organism. Especially good powder made of dry white mushrooms.

It is added to the mushroom powder with grinding, 5-10% by weight of shallow salt for preservation are added. To taste, you can add ground spices: fragrant pepper, cumin, dried celery and parsley leaves, etc.

Mushroom powder is very convenient for additive in food or at the very end of preparation - no more than 0.5-1 minutes before the end, or for the immediate addition of hot and cold food - salads, soups, second meals. Overtelets added when the egg whipping is added. Store follows in a glass jar with a dense lid in a dark place protected. Shelf life is almost without reducing quality - up to 1 year.

Today we will discuss the second option, as well as tell about the main options for drying and what to keep dried mushrooms.

What mushrooms are suitable for drying

Before you understand all the subtleties of drying, it is necessary to initially talk about what you can dry.

It is worth drying the tubular mushrooms, as they, unlike the lamellar, do not acquire bitterness in the drying process.

The best types for drying:

  • podbirovik;
All these types in the drying process do not lose taste and do not acquire bitterness, so they can be used to prepare any dishes.

In case you are not afraid of bitterness or know how you can cope with it, then you can dry, and dieselkers.

The list of suitable species does not fall very small, such as mushrooms-mice. The thing is that in the drying process, the raw material loses up to 90% of its mass. And if the raw material is already weighs less than 20-30 g, then it will not be left almost nothing - it is better to preserve similar species.

Preparation of mushrooms

Before being taken for drying, the collected needs to be prepared.

We will make a slight digression and talk about the required quality of raw materials. The fact is that if you have gathered old or fired mushrooms, then it is best to cut and immediately put on cooking, and not try to dry. For drying, exceptionally young mushrooms are suitable, which have good quality and are not damaged.
We return to the preparation: Immediately after collecting, the raw materials need to be cleaned from garbage and land, but in no case wash. If the moisture falls into the product, then it will be dried at times longer, and taste worst will deteriorate significantly.

Immediately after cleaning the mushrooms move, removing rotten and cut damaged.

Important! So that cuts on the products do not dry, pruning needs to be carried out with a knife from stainless steel.

Methods of drying

Outside air

The easiest version of the drying that does not require the use of any technique.

It is worth understanding that it is worth spending in the summer or in the late spring - the beginning of the fall, so that it can be dried out products for a fairly short time.

  1. Before drying, all mushrooms are cut by plates. You can separate the leg so that the drying passes faster.
  2. The plates are drawn on the fishing line so that they do not touch each other, otherwise, the raw materials will dry in places in contact and will not be stored. You can also use wooden trays or paper, but in this case you will need enough big square For laying raw materials.
  3. All prepared mushrooms are placed in a place where dust and rain will not fall on them. At the same time, the place should warm well with the sun and perfectly ventilated so that the drying passed faster.
  4. After laying or hanging out products, cover all the grid with small cells so that flies are not satisfied.
It is worth remembering that the whole product should be dried for 1-2 days, otherwise you are overpowering it, and it will just start crumble.

Did you know? Since the fungus is considered to be something among animals and plants, it can be said that this living organism is the largest creature on Earth. This proves, which was found in Oregon. Its area was 900 hectares.

In the oven

The drying of mushrooms in the oven is distinguished by the fact that in this case it depends more than when drying in the fresh air, therefore it is worth understanding that improvisation in this case can spoil a large number of raw.

It is best for drying an oven, in which there is an additional blowing function, as it will have to open the door without it so that there is at least some air circulation. In the absence of a blowing process, drying is significantly slowed down.

  1. We need to take iron lattices that are commonly used for the grill, decompose on them with one layer of mushrooms and put in the oven.
  2. Set the temperature in the area of \u200b\u200b60-70 ° C and, if necessary, to open a little oven door.
  3. Every 15-20 minutes, the lattice needs to be changed in places so that all mushrooms are equally dried well.
As for drying time, it is quite difficult to determine it. First, each view has a different amount of moisture, secondly, much depends on the dimensions of the oven and the size of the opposite, thirdly, from the quality of purge.

You need to dry until they decrease several times. At the same time, they should not be oily, namely dry.

Important! Do not lift the temperature, otherwise you will bore mushrooms, and do not dry.

In the electric rig

Perhaps you will get the highest quality product if you dry it in. Of course, the technique will not replace all the delights of the natural drying, but they can't spoil the products in you.

  1. Raw materials are cleaned and cut into thin plates. Choose the thickness yourself, however, take into account the fact that if the product is small, then it does not make sense to cut it too thin slices.
  2. It is laid out with one layer on each tier of the dryer, the temperature of 55 ° C is exhibited.
  3. We are waiting from 2 to 6 hours, while our mushrooms are completely dried.
This scatter is due to the fact that the thickness of the sliced \u200b\u200bplates directly affects the drying time. For this reason, time has to be determined on the eye, periodically checking the readiness.

As a rule, it is absolutely all mushrooms to dry in this way - both tubular () and lamellar, especially in such home, which do not allow to dry out the outdoor products.

In microwave

Consider also the option of driving mushrooms in the microwave.

It cannot be said that this is the optimal drying technique, however, for the absence of other options, it can also be used for our purposes.

  1. Clean and cut raw materials.
  2. We take a plate or a baking sheet that is suitable for a microwave oven. Ideally, of course, you need to use the grille, however, for the lack of such, you can take any non-metallic dishes.
  3. We decide everything with a thin layer, exhibit 100-180 W, and "dry" about 20 minutes.
  4. After the specified time, the microwave must be opened for 15 minutes to come out all the moisture. Then close and repeat again.
  5. The optimal number of repetitions is 2-3 times, but if the mushrooms are cut into thick plates, then can be increased to 4-5 times.
It is worth remembering that at the exit you can get both the finished product and a kind of semi-finished product, which will still need to learn on the street. It all depends on the size and watery of the mushroom.

How to determine readiness

Readiness to determine is very difficult, therefore, in this case, only practices and experience is important.

Detailed article on how to properly dry mushrooms.

One of best ways For a long time to maintain taste and nutritious quality mushrooms is their drying, which is usually subjected to tubular mushrooms. One mushrooms dries the hats and parts of the legs, others have only hats. It is best to dry white mushrooms.But now, in addition to white mushrooms, the boomines, boletus, butter, goat and mokhoviki are dried. The lamellar is usually not dried, as many of them contain bitter milky juice and retain bitterness in dry form. In addition, dry lamellar mushrooms are difficult and even impossible to distinguish each other, and most importantly - from poisonous. That is why sanitary surveillance bodies prohibit trading with such mushrooms in stores and in collective farm markets. However, at home for their needs and workpieces, the population is dried and chanterelles. It is also dried with curls and lines, but it is impossible to use for this, since they are easily burning. Food smurches and lines can only be consumed after two-month storage.

Do not be dried old mushrooms: they may be toxins.

It is very important to determine the end of the drying of mushrooms. Unsured mushrooms can quickly moldy, overwhelmed - easily break, are excessively hard, not twisted in water and do not even weld, they are tasteless. Well dried mushrooms are slightly bent, relatively easily break, but do not crumble. They say in the people: "Sushi mushrooms in the future, do not overpower."

Dried mushrooms are very hygroscopic, they absorb moisture from the ambient air, they can easily cheese and mold. In addition, they quickly assimilate foreign smells. therefore they should be stored in dry, well-ventilated rooms at a temperature of 10-15 ° C And best in canvas bags or in nutritional food packages.

It is often recommended to store them in tightly closed glass or metal banks, but in these cases in mushrooms sometimes start "livestock". Before cooking, dried mushrooms are good to hold a few hours in salted milk - they will become like fresh. Dried foxes are better welded, ate in the water add a little drinking soda.

Depending on the species, sizes and commodity qualities, dried mushrooms are divided into 3 main varieties:
1) white cutting (saving aroma and food qualities);
2) legs of white mushrooms;
3) Mixture of mushrooms (boosts, boomes, mossics, goats), bearing the name "Black dried mushrooms".

Preparation of mushrooms for drying

For drying only strong, without damage to the mushrooms. They are thoroughly cleaned from needles, leaves, earth and different sera, wipe with a dry cloth. It should not be washed or wetting - it complicates drying and reduces product quality (when drying the mushrooms are darked and losing the fragrance).

Purified mushrooms are disassembled, sorted by magnitude and quality. Then at the boosynovikov, underbesting, goat, butter, mokhovikov cut the leg into the leg with a hat, and in white mushrooms - only the bottom of the legs. It is recommended to use bone or horny knives, as the metal mushrooms are black. White fresh mushrooms are cut (together with a leg with a leg) along a sharp knife to pieces with a thickness of no more than 10-15 mm. Solutions are laid out in one row on the sieve and are inserted into the room protected from the rain, then peel into the furnace or dryer.

Sometimes the legs of white mushrooms are dried separately from the hats. Cleaning from the sera, they are cut along on the plates with a thickness of 4 to 6 mm.

With large billets, the legs are passed through the gringing machine. They dry them as well as hats with legs.

It is added to the dried legs for taste about one tenth of (from the mass) of dried on thin plates of dry hats of white mushrooms. To accelerate the drying of the Hats of large mushrooms belonging to "black", cut in half or four parts.

Methods of drying

Men's drying methods: in dryers, Russian furnaces, windscreen cabinets, in the sun, etc. But not all of them are acceptable. In rural areas, for example, white and other mushrooms are often dried in Russian furnaces on the bare. As a result, a poor-quality product is obtained from excellent raw materials. Mushrooms are polluted, cooked ashes, make up uneven, become a little mother and tasteless. In other cases, the mushrooms are ripped on the rod (duct, sometimes birch, aspen, juniper or other) and for drying are put in the oven on under. The lower edges of mushrooms touched by the courtyard are burning, overpowered and dirt in the ash. It is clear that such methods of drying mushrooms should not be applied. The yield of dried mushrooms is 10-12% of the weight of fresh.

Drying in a Russian oven
In order for drying the mushrooms when drying in a Russian furnace, it is not dirty, after it is frowning is cleaned from the coal and ash with wet wedlock. After a while, on under under the thin layer of rye straw and mushrooms lay down the hats down. You can use for drying and iron bars (sheets). They are also covered with a layer of straw, on top of which lay mushrooms with hats down so that they do not come into contact. Without straw bedding mushrooms burn and acquire an unpleasant taste. For drying mushrooms in the furnace, appliances are used. For example, mushrooms hang through the middle of the Hats on thin wire tinned or stainless steel knitting needles (shroms), stuck in wooden planks, which are then put into the stove on the edge, in the form of a barter roof.

Mushrooms on the knitting needles, not touching the file. The temperature in the furnace should be maintained at a level from 40 to 60 ° C. The fever covers mushrooms on the spokes from all sides evenly.

On the first day, the mushrooms are only sophisticated, in the second (at the same temperature) - to dry. At the same time, they do not burn, do not pollute, do not dry, only slightly lose the smell.

There is another way. Thin wooden needles are made of 20 to 30 cm long. Large mushrooms are riveted on long spokes, small ones. The bottom ends of the knitting needles stick into a box with dry sand and put it in the oven.

Small mushrooms dry faster, large - slower; Accordingly, the first to be removed from the furnace before, the second - later. At the same time, mushrooms remain clean and evenly dried.

Drying in the oven
Tolst paper is laid on metal bars, it is not very dense rows of pure rods or chopped out of wood, and from above - mushrooms in one layer, hats down.

Drying is produced at the same temperature as in the Russian oven. The door of the oven is kept off.

Drying over hot stove
At home, you can dry the mushrooms and above the hot stove, in the hot wall of the Russian or Dutch furnace striking on the thread or twine.

Drying in carousel frosyurs
Mushrooms are poured on galvanized grids, which are placed in the drying chamber and rotate the carousel. First, the mushrooms are pronounced at temperatures from 37 to 50 ° C, then it is raised to 60-80 ° C and are finally dried. Duration of drying in special dryers - 4-6 hours.

Drying in the Sun.
In the hot, cloudless days of mushrooms can be dried in the sun. To do this, piercing the mushrooms with a needle through the middle of the legs and the caps, hang them (first large, then smaller) by 50 or more pieces on strong threads, after which it hangs on the stands on the sun at some distance from each other and withstand to completely impulse. For drying in the sun, you can use specially made supports with metal rods (sumps), having risen mushrooms on them. After placing mushrooms in a sunny place, they are covered with gauze to protect against dust and flies. Sufficiently sparkled mushrooms are cleaned in dry room. Also do upon the occurrence of cloudy weather, increasing air humidity. Delivered mushrooms in a Russian oven, the oven or over a hot stove. This is usually necessary in the conditions of northwestern and even the central regions of our country, as it does not always manage to dry the mushrooms well here. Line and curls (mimoric cap) are dried only by air-solar way. When drying in the furnaces, they burn, and when stored is quickly molding, as a result of which they lose their food virtues. These mushrooms, purified from forest waters, wipe with a damp cloth to remove sand and land. Then they ride them on the threads or lay out on the solution and placed under a canopy in a well-ventilated place for self. After a while, the entered mushrooms are transferred on the sun. Dried lines and smurches should be integer, without extraneous impurities, not overgrown, well dried, with humidity no more than 14%. The best dried mushrooms are obtained when their heat treatment There are two stages. First, the prepared mushrooms are exposed to a relatively low temperature - in the range of 30-50 ° C - for 1-3 hours. At the same time, they are proclaimed due to evaporation of a significant part of surface moisture. Then the drying is continued at a larger temperature - 70-80 ° C, which should not be exceeded, since the quality of the product is worsening, and white mushrooms, in addition, black.

Dry mushrooms usually at a temperature of 50-60 ° C, that is, on a light heat.

During the drying, constant flow of fresh air mushrooms and the removal of the moisture secreted by them, for which the pipe and the flap of the Russian oven, the door oven Keep open. The use of various devices (sieve, boards or drawer with sand with vertically standing needles, etc.) allows not only to avoid contamination, but also to improve the drying conditions of mushrooms, since their heated air is streamlined from all sides.

By the way

If dry mushrooms were cut when stored, do not throw away the crumbs. Estroll them into powder and store in a well-cloned glass jar in a dry cool place. From this powder you can prepare mushroom sauces and broths.

Sew mushrooms for the winter is beneficial. They retain their useful and taste. It takes a little space - because of a handful you can cook a full-fledged soup or a second dish. And finally, they are just useful.

Mushrooms contain minerals and carbohydrates in the same quantities, in which they are contained in vegetables and fruits. A vegetable protein (which surpasses the animal for utility) in them even more than in meat. More in them there is a fiber, chitin, potassium, calcium, lecithin, vitamins A, B and D. and many other component health benefits. It is believed that they purify the organism from toxins, adjust sugar in the blood, treat kidney and nervous system.

They are used as dietary product. Despite the fact that they are digested for a long time. Although for a diet is just an advantage. You do not want to eat for a long time. And on 100 grams of finished mushrooms you will receive only 33 kokaloria.

And some even prefer dishes from dried, and not from fresh mushrooms. After all, soups from dried mushrooms fragrant and very tasty. More than them prepare sauces, second dishes and even omelets. Or add like seasoning. And for seasoning, you can use the powder from the dreamed gifts of the forest.
But of course it is better not to overwork them - they will lose their nutritious and taste.

And the underwent mushrooms can mold and use after that they will be impossible. That is why it is important to prepare them correctly and dry. But do not be scared, everything is simple enough. And after the first time you will understand what's what. But there are several nuances that must be observed.

For drying mushrooms at this time stage there are several ways. How to dry mushrooms using for this:

And still you need to know:

What mushrooms can be dried

You can dry almost any mushrooms. It is undesirable to dry the raw materials, freight, refruits and a waves, they give a bitter taste. Dried rims can also be patched.

Not very good "behave" after drying the oil and pose. Walkers are too hard. And the oil is soft and strongly crumble, but you can use as a powder-seasoning.

White - everyone knows that this is a real king of mushrooms. Not only is it the most delicious, so also has healing properties! It struggles with tumors, cleanses blood, accelerates metabolism and has a beneficial effect on the gastrointestinal tract. And slows down aging! Due to the two antioxidants. This is the recent discovery of scientists.

Mochoviki have several varieties, among them: red, green,

Pencing (joyful)

And the most beloved mushrooms and the most delicious - Polish Mokhovik.


Chanterelles are most useful in dried form. Hepatitis is treated from tuberculosis, hepatitis, reveal toxins and make the liver. Although in a drying form, it is slightly glorified. To avoid this, dry them in the oven.


Podbotzoviki (Leccinum Melaneum - their latin name) They are also called black mushrooms or blackheads - very tasty and gentle. Like the boosts have properties that prevent atherosclerosis. But with drying black. And this is not all like it.
Remember that these useful and delicious mushrooms need to be processed as quickly as possible. Otherwise, they start to deoxinate.

Just in case, look at the video about poisonous mushrooms. Even if you are an experienced mushroom, because God is saved.
Top-10 most poisonous mushrooms CIS

How to prepare mushrooms to dry

Choose the strongest mushrooms. Chervichy throw away. Clean.
Wash them or not. Everywhere write unambiguous - no, they can lose the flavor and taste. And recommend cleaning with a cloth.

Mushrooms in our family dried all his life. We dried and washed, and unwashed. No difference! After all, each mushroom has a protective film until it was cut. And if you wash the mushroom quickly, well, it will not have time to absorb water. Yes, and taste is contained inside, not outside!
Decide and see the degree of pollution of mushrooms.

We cut mushrooms with a thickness of 20 mm to 1 cm. And if the fungi is small, then you need to cut them anyway. The cuts will be dried much faster. Since having cutting you disturb the protective shell, which does not give to evaporate moisture. And if it turns out, cut the mushrooms on the same pieces. This is so that they are evenly dried.

How to dry the mushrooms in the air.

We ride pieces on thick thread. And even better on the copper wire, so as not to mess with the needle. And on the wire they will not touch each other.

If you do not want to hang, then you can decompose on any flat surface or in special trays with a grid.

Of course mushrooms can be dried outdoors. In the event that on the street warm, dry weather and no wind. But still it is better to close their gauze from dust. And at night they better remove and raise at home.
If the weather is not suitable, as is usually autumn. And you live in own home, it is best to spend them under the roof. But as soon as they are noticeably tied, they need to be transferred to a warm place. For example, in the kitchen, closer to the stove. Or learn in the oven.

Live in the apartment, dry in the kitchen. Slide the mushrooms on the strings or on the wire, above the stove. And from time to time, turn it on a small temperature or completely slow fire. Turn on hour or two. Turn off while the air does not cool and turn on again. So we do within the day.
Try not to leave open pans on the plate. Otherwise, the unnoticed worm can fall out of the mushroom and please in the pan.

For such a drying, it will be necessary from 3 to 7 days. It depends on the temperature and humidity of the air. Be sure to check the large pieces so that they do not remain wet inside. And even better do not make them especially big.

After drying you need to remove the mushrooms from the thread. If this is not done right away, then you will be very difficult to unravel them.

How to dry the mushrooms in the oven

But if you have little place at home, you can dry the mushrooms in the oven. If the raw materials for drying a lot that they do not fit into the oven. You can remove them into the refrigerator. Until the previous batch is dried.
Prepared mushrooms must be put either on the grid. Either to store the baking packer paper and lay out them there.
You need to dry at a temperature of 60 °. But first include degrees at 40-45. Let a little bundled. It is necessary to keep the oven at the same time.
Turn the oven for 1 hour. Then turn off for 1 hour and turn on again. Overnight leave mushrooms in the oven. And in the morning, be dried in the same mode until the storage is complete.

How to dry the mushrooms in the microwave

It is very fast way Drying.
If there is no grid, which can be placed in the microwave, then take a plate. Spread the mushrooms so that they do not come into contact. And turn on 100 watts, a time of 15 minutes. After the session, open the door for 5-10 minutes to release moisture.
Make from 7 or more such approaches. But this way does not like everyone.

How to dry mushrooms in the electric grinder

Very convenient to dry in a specially designed technique. Moreover, a lot of raw materials are placed there. Since it consists of several sections, and at the bottom of the fan that serves hot air.
Mushrooms must be prepared in the usual way. Dispatch by sections.

You need to dry at a temperature of 55. Drying time is 2-3 hours. This is if mushrooms you have a little. And when it is loaded in full, the drying time increases to 5-7 hours.

How to dry mushrooms in aerogrile

It is said that in aerogrile, dried mushrooms are chic. And it takes this process quite a bit of time compared to the electric grid. The only minus is a small amount.
You need to decompose the prepared raw materials on the lower and upper section. On the lower rise bakery paper and put smaller pieces. The lid needs to be closed so that the slot remains. Through it will go out moisture, otherwise the fungi is just welded.

Expose the smallest power and set the time for 2 hours. And most likely mushrooms during this time will succeed. If not, then turn on for another while. For example, for 20-30 minutes, not to overcover.

How to determine that mushrooms are dried as it should

They must stop 9-12 times. That is, if you had 5 kg, it should turn out somewhere 400-500 grams.
By consistency, mushrooms should be similar to chips and easily bend.

How to store dried mushrooms

Store them best in glass jars with covers. In such a container will not penetrate moisture and extraneous smells. And you will also be conveniently monitored by the preservation of the gifts of nature. You will immediately notice if something is wrong. But moisture can penetrate there when bookmark or in the process of storing from underwent mushrooms.

And so that this does not happen.
Be sure to approach the banks and how to dry.
Put mushrooms in the bank. Pour a slight alcohol on the bottom of the lid. Fit it and instantly close the jar. So you will receive vacuum packaging of dry mushrooms.

You can store them in linen bags. But keep in mind that there can be a surveillance odor. Therefore, do not keep fabric packages with mushrooms where there are extraneous flavors.
Or buy paper bags in the supermarket.

And during the storage of mushrooms, it is necessary to check from time to time. And if you notice that they become wet, then seek them again. Conduct such an audit 2-3 times a month.
The shelf life of dry mushrooms is 1-2 years old. But if they enjoy your longer. That most likely nothing terrible with them will happen.

Now you know all popular ways to dry mushrooms.

Dried mushrooms are an excellent billet for the winter, when you want to pamper yourself and your households with a fragrant mushroom sulfur or other dishes, which include mushrooms. It is not always possible to buy your favorite mushrooms in the supermarket, as a rule, except for champignons on the counter there are nothing more. However, there is a way out - to put your favorite mushrooms (for example, white, boosal or chanterelles) and based on them to prepare dishes.

Often on the forums you can find a question if there is no possibility to dry the fungi in the fresh air and the sun, is it possible to do it in urban environments gas oven and stove. And if so, how is it right? What is the time of cooking the preparation of the workpiece in the gas oven company "burning" or another brand?

What mushrooms can be knocked

You can dry almost any kinds of fungi:

  • white;
  • boberic;
  • boosynoviki;
  • butter;
  • honey;
  • champignon;
  • mochoviki;
  • goats;
  • duboviki;
  • smorchchki;
  • chanterelles.

The main condition is to make sure that the mushroom is not a poisonous, namely edible, not sent rodents or not worm. Plastic mushrooms are better not to dry at all - as a result, bitterness appears, which spoils the whole taste of soup.

Methods of drying

There are plenty of drying methods today, but not everyone knows about them. Is it possible to dry mushrooms somehow more except in air and sun?

Of course, the list is quite extensive:

  1. In the microwave. Something resembles the drying process in the oven, only mushrooms in such a technical device will not work much, but the preparation time of the preparation is significantly reduced (almost twice). It is only worth noting that in the microwave not all mushroom varieties can be knocked completely. Sometimes, as a result, a certain semi-finished product is obtained, which for complete readiness you need to dry in the sun or in the gas oven.
  2. In a Russian oven. Dry mushrooms in the furnace need at a temperature of from 50 to 60 ° C. Remove all basins from the stove with water, ash. It is important to take care that the damper does not completely cover the contents of the furnace, otherwise the moisture will not be able to milder.
  3. In the oven (electrical and gas). This method will consider in more detail.

How to sue

If the question is, it is possible to dry mushrooms in the gas oven, we have already answered, then it is worth explaining how to do it right:

  1. Go away. Wash mushrooms can not, otherwise the extra moisture will very much to interfere with the drying process. After they are sorted, the extra garbage is removed. You need to select not only in one species, but also in size. Chervichi for drying will not rise, they can be boldly to throw out. There are also sent fungoshki rodents.
  2. Separate legs from the hats. This is very important momentSince the legs in the stove are dried a little longer compared to the hats.
  3. In the absence of lattice kits, make them alone. Otherwise, mushrooms will have to constantly turn over.
  4. Share mushrooms so that they do not come into contact with each other, that is, smooth and neat rows. You should not ignore this rule, otherwise the workpiece can be easily lost. Let mushrooms have to be dried in several approaches, but the result will impress.
  5. The initial temperature of 45 °, after some time (about an hour), lift above - to 75 °.
  6. The exact time of drying depends on the variety of mushrooms, their size. For example, in the burning plate, the drying process of white mushrooms takes, as a rule, 6-7 hours a total. At the same time, the hats are extracted slightly before the legs, approximately one and a half hours.

How to determine exactly whether mushrooms were completely dried? They will become very lungs, they will be fine and break and break, but it does not hide in small crumbs. The whole process can be viewed on video.

In large mushrooms, before the start of drying, it is best to cut a hat in several places. Start drying white mushrooms in the oven better naturally: let them initially beat the sun and air, and then they will be lit in the gas oven.

Dry mushrooms in the oven gas stove Quite easily, however, you should not forget that the door during the process cannot be completely close, otherwise the fungi as a result will be boiled. This will happen due to the fact that mushrooms will begin to give moisture, it will not be able to mild from the gas oven independently, because of this, the drying will be impossible. It should also be remembered that you need to open the door plate several times completely and ventilated the ovens itself.

How to store?

Is it possible to keep mushrooms along with other products? No, since such a blank quickly absorbs sharp and unpleasant odors. It should be remembered that any moisture for dried mushrooms is very harmful, so they need to be protected from it. Make it easy if you store the workpiece in glass or metal cans, in special woven bags, which are located in exceptionally dry and frequently ventilated premises. So white and other mushrooms will not be scary either moisture or smells.

If mushrooms still failed to save, they sat down a little, they should be dried again. If this is not done right away, there is a possibility that they mold. Therefore, immediately after drying you need to spin them into sterilized glass jars.

If the drying process has been dragged into, and the result was not the fact that it is necessary, one of the rimmed fungi can make another workpiece - mushroom powder. It is manufactured in a coffee grinder. A slight salt is added to the finished mixture, if necessary, seasoning.

How to store mushrooms correctly, you can look at the photo.

Sew mushrooms in the gas oven is quite simple. On the forums you can see many tips from experienced mushrooms, as at what temperature is best to dry mushrooms. It is important to take care of the harvesting from moisture, otherwise the result will not be the one that is expected.