
What to do with burned hair? Let them not live: even dead they are beautiful! Dead hair what to do.

Secrets of preparation and storage

There are many surprising things in the very fact of the existence of human hair. Even without modern scientific discoveries, a person from ancient times attributed special properties to them.

The first oddity lies in their dual nature: the entire visible part of the hair (rod) is dead cells, living cells are contained only in the bulb, which is located under the skin. Why the body needs dead cells in such quantities is unknown.

Man began to fight with gray hair in ancient times. Philippe Walter's group at the Center for Research and Restoration of France (C2RMF) has recreated a 2,000-year-old lead oxide and hydrated lime hair dye, popular with the ancient Greeks and Romans. After immersing 50 mg of blond human hair in the formulation for three days, the scientists examined black-dyed hair under a microscope. Lead sulfide crystals with a diameter of 50 nm were found in the hair shaft - which is very similar to the picture that can be seen in hair dyed to the most modern technologies. Lead in lead oxide reacted with sulfur amino acids from hair keratins, giving the hair a black color, but how this happens, scientists cannot yet explain. Understanding how lead enters hair, coloring it, is not only important for the cosmetics industry. Scientists want to better understand how metals are made from environment can penetrate into the tissues of the human body.

Reclaiming hair

Until now, a person has struggled with baldness with the help of more or less dubious drugs, as well as by transplanting his own hair follicles into the desired area. At the same time, there was a strong belief that new hair follicles could not be produced in the skin of adult mammals. A study by University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine dermatology professor George Cotsarelis shattered that dogma, at least in mice. It turned out that mice with deep skin wounds grew new hair using a molecular process similar to that in embryonic development. Scientists have found that if the wound reaches a certain size, new follicles begin to form in its center, from which hair grows. They are uncolored, but merge with the surrounding hair and therefore invisible. Dormant embryonic molecular pathways are activated, directing stem cells to the site of injury. New hair follicles grow from epidermal cells that do not normally produce follicles. Having discovered how to activate the regeneration process, scientists made mice grow twice as many new hairs by giving a certain molecular signal. One can hope that the development of a qualitatively new way to combat baldness is only a matter of time.

Scientific missions of hair

Scientists are interested in the properties of hair, far from the actual aesthetic function. A group of experts led by Stefano Rosso (Stefano Rosso) Cancer Center Piedmont (Italy) has developed a new way to accurately and cost-effectively diagnose the risk of melanoma. Reducing the dose of 2,3,5-pyrroltricarbossilic acid (PTCA), one of the products of melatonin metabolism in the skin and hair, raises concerns: the lower the PTCA level, the greater the chance of developing the disease. A study of hundreds of melanoma patients and healthy volunteers showed that when the level of PTCA is below 85 ng per 1 mg of the sample, the risk increases 4 times - regardless of such significant factors as skin and hair color.

Skin wound healing is a complex problem, especially exacerbated by diabetes, when wounds sometimes become incurable. Joint research by three Italian universities - Genoa, Pisa and Bari - led by Marco Romanelli led to a discovery that gives hope for a cure even in the most difficult cases. The technology is as follows: about a hundred hairs are taken from a patient (the amount that a person drops out every day anyway) and placed in an incubator in a special culture at a temperature of 37 ° C. After 15-20 days, keratinocytes, cells that produce keratin (a protein that gives the skin protective properties), come out of the outer part of the hair bulb. Meanwhile, in another incubator, fibroblasts, cells of the connective tissue of the skin of the same patient, are grown. Two types of cells are combined and the resulting substance is applied to the wound. An impressive result is achieved precisely because the “native” cells of the patient help to heal the wound. It is expected that the technology will be introduced to mass consumption in clinics in a couple of years.

The cells of the human hairline play a unique - and not fully understood - role in the healthy functioning of the human body. There are many surprising things in the very fact of the existence of human hair. Even without modern scientific discoveries, a person from ancient times attributed special properties to them.

The first oddity lies in their dual nature: the entire visible part of the hair (rod) is dead cells, living cells are contained only in the bulb, which is located under the skin. Why the body needs dead cells in such quantities is unknown.

Unlike animal hair, human vellus hair, which grows all over the body with the exception of the palms and soles, can in no way serve as protection from atmospheric phenomena. From this point of view, the function of the scalp (where the shaft hairs grow) is all the more inexplicable.

The evolutionary theory is not able to clearly explain how and why a person has retained a “hat of hair”. British evolutionist Ronald Fisher (Sir Ronald Fisher, 1890-1962) offered a rather ingenious, if apparently speculative, explanation in 1930. The state of health of the hair is an obvious indicator of the health of the whole organism. Luxurious meter-long hair of a woman tells a man that for the last seven years (so much time is required to grow such an impressive braid), this individual has been well fed and not sick, and therefore can probably produce and raise healthy offspring. Thus, the quality of the hair may have turned out to be a factor of natural selection.

From time immemorial, in different cultures, it was believed that hair has some special, supernatural, connection with its owner. The conclusions are obvious: if you want to keep the memory of your beloved, take care of a lock of his hair; if you want to harm the enemy, you should conjure over his hair. Science, one might say, has confirmed the existence of this mysterious connection: a person's hair contains his DNA - the best known "identity card". This fact is now used in forensics. In 1988, in the United States, a court for the first time delivered a verdict in a case in which the killer's hair found on the victim's body turned out to be the decisive evidence.

Although not in all states of the country, the courts even today would consider such evidence significant, the FBI has been using the National DNA Identification Index in its work since 1998.

HR staff at some UK companies examine the hair of job applicants to learn about their bad habits. A lab examination of a hair, costing £350 (about $700), reveals a set of chemicals in the reverse order of how they are absorbed by the body. On the last millimeter, it is “recorded” how many pints of beer the subject drank in three days and whether he smoked something that cannot be found on legal sale.

What could be more important

It seems: dead cells of unknown purpose - what a trifle, who might be interested! Not everything is so simple: in different cultures, hair can be both a valuable asset and a forbidden, sinful, and therefore carefully hidden object. Depending on what place the culture of the people assigns to hair, a person develops a specific attitude towards them. The foundations of Western culture, which almost the whole world follows to one degree or another, suggest that hair should, if possible, adorn the owner, and even more so - the owner. On this basis, not only the turnover of international corporations - manufacturers of hair care products is growing, but also our self-confidence is based.

Marianne LaFrance and her collaborators at Yale University conducted an interesting experiment. Dividing the subjects into three groups, each group was given a topic to discuss: the first was to remember the days when their hair looked very bad, the second was to think about troubles not related to hair; the third group was the control group and its participants were not supposed to think about unpleasant things. All participants then responded to tests assessing their self-confidence and self-esteem. The lowest self-esteem and self-doubt was demonstrated by the participants of the first group. Unexpectedly, but a fact: especially strong doubts about their abilities were shown by men,

reminiscing about their hair problems.

A recent study by Italian sexologist Serenella Salomoni found that these unfortunate men were right to worry. In a survey of 530 women aged 18 to 35, Salomoni found that the scalp (including the beard) is the second most important factor in sexual attractiveness after the smell: 26% and 56% of the respondents, respectively. Hair in the proper order, therefore, affects both self-confidence and sex appeal - two very important values ​​in today's society.

Requires "radical black color"

The well-known joke “It is better to be gray as a harrier than bald as a knee” can be challenged by both gray-haired and bald people, because both options are more often perceived as a problem.

For a long time, the cellular mechanism of hair pigment loss, leading to the appearance of gray hair, remained unexplored. A study of mutant mice led by Harvard Medical School professor David Fisher helped to understand this process. Mice with a mutation in the Bd2 or Mitf genes turned gray months earlier than normal mice. Stem cells at the base of the follicle (hair follicle) showed distinct activity. These cells are responsible for the production of melanocytes, the cells that produce and store pigment in hair and skin. In the process of aging in rodents, these stem cells gradually died out. In addition, some of the stem cells began to turn into melanocytes at the base of the follicle - instead of doing so by moving to the bulb. But the melanocytes at the base of the follicle cannot color the hair, and it grows devoid of pigment - that is, gray. Later, the researchers made sure that in ordinary mice and in humans, the mechanism for the appearance of gray hair is the same. Interestingly, this discovery turned out to be a by-product: scientists were working on developing new drugs against melanoma - and the skin, in which melanocytes begin to be produced too quickly.

Man began to fight with gray hair in ancient times. Philippe Walter's group at the Center for Research and Restoration of France (C2RMF) has recreated a 2,000-year-old lead oxide and hydrated lime hair dye, popular with the ancient Greeks and Romans. After immersing 50 mg of blond human hair in the formulation for three days, the scientists examined black-dyed hair under a microscope. Lead sulfide crystals with a diameter of 50 nm were found in the hair shaft - which is very similar to the picture that can be seen in hair dyed using the most modern technologies. The lead in the lead oxide reacted with sulfur amino acids from hair keratins, giving the hair a black color, but how this happens, scientists cannot yet explain. Understanding how lead enters hair, coloring it, is not only important for the cosmetics industry. Scientists want to better understand how metals from the environment can penetrate human tissues.

Reclaiming hair

Quite often it happens that the hair needs to be grown to the desired length urgently: for a wedding, prom, meeting with the groom's parents, or to hide the consequences of an unsuccessful haircut. Is it possible? Can short hair grow long in a few weeks?

Any miraculous universal recipe does not exist. Of course, you can turn a short bob into long curls pretty quickly, but with reservations. Hair extensions, wigs - all this will help you create a stunning hairstyle ... for one evening.

Rest in peace dead hair

Unfortunately, not everyone knows that hair, even if it looks quite healthy, is not capable of renewal, which means that, in fact, it consists of dead protein. On average, a person has about 100 thousand hairs on his head, the average growth rate of which is no more than 3 centimeters per month.

Thus, by the time the hair reaches the shoulders, their age reaches approximately two years. Amazing! Two years is quite a long time, and all this time the hair is inevitably subjected to daily tests: environmental influences, washing, drying, combing and chemicals. What would become of the thin silk fabric as a result of two years of such treatment? Even with excellent hair care, they are still subject to the natural aging process, which can have a noticeable effect on their growth.

How to Maximize Your Hair Growth Cycle

Certain vitamins and minerals play a huge role in maintaining hair health. With their lack (occurring, for example, as a result of poor or not proper nutrition) hair inevitably becomes thin, sparse, and may fall out completely.

It is well known that an underactive thyroid gland can lead to hair breakage, while an overactive thyroid gland can lead to increased oiliness and weakening. Thus, the condition of the hair unmistakably reflects the state of health in general. In order for the appearance of hair to bring joy and be a reason for pride, you need to adhere to proper nutrition and take care of your health. If overall health is good, then the hair growth cycle can be extended by taking amino acids and vitamin B.

Vitamin B-6, biotin, inositol, folic acid, and certain minerals such as magnesium, sulfur, silicon dioxide, and zinc also stimulate hair growth and promote hair health. Beta-carotene is also necessary for hair growth: from it the body synthesizes vital vitamin A, which supports normal growth and development of bones, protective sheaths of nerve fibers, and also contributes to healthy skin, hair and nails. Beta-carotene is found in green and yellow vegetables and fruits. .

Protein - important element

Because hair is made up of protein, a lack of protein in the diet can cause hair loss or stunted hair growth. Accordingly, a high-protein diet is likely to result in improved hair growth. Some nutritionists suggest the following list of hair growth and strengthening foods: calf's liver, brewer's yeast, wheat germ, and two tablespoons of granulated lecithin daily.

Other rich protein sources include fish, eggs, beans and yogurt. In addition, it has been proven that the vegetable protein contained in soy stimulates hair growth. According to research, the presence of soy in the diet promotes not only strengthening, but also active growth of hair. Soy is used in the production of some products such as tofu.

Factors that slow down hair growth

The most negative effect on hair growth is excessive stress and taking certain medications. However, in the presence of diseases requiring the appointment of these drugs, you should definitely take them, regardless of their effect on the hair.

Preliminary consultation with a doctor before starting any vitamin, mineral or homeopathic course is mandatory for those who constantly take any medication, in order to avoid drug incompatibilities.

But you can and should get rid of stress and severe overwork. Meditation and rest help well, and it is good for hair.

Hair Growth Supplements

Proper nutrition, regular exercise, increased resistance to stress, rest and healthy sleep are the right way to significantly increase hair growth.

In addition, you can start taking quality nutritional supplements that contain all the vitamins and minerals needed for hair growth.

The fact is that even a perfectly balanced diet does not guarantee the intake of all essential vitamins and minerals, so nutritional supplements will be an effective addition to a healthy lifestyle. The following substances contribute to hair growth:

    B vitamins (including folic acid, biotin and inositol) - 50 mg per day;

    vitamin B6 - 50 mg per day;

    vitamin C and flavonoids - 1-2 mg per day;

    vitamin E - 400-800 IU per day;

    beta-carotene - 10000-15000 IU per day;

    magnesium, sulfur, zinc;

    silicon dioxide (silicic acid; found in large quantities in horsetail) - 300 mg per day;

    nettle - 250 mg three times a day;

    linseed oil - 1 tbsp. l. or 1 tablet per day.

Hair Growth Tips

Hair loss experts have found that hair grows faster in people who eat a low-calorie zone diet. This opinion is supported by many experts.

Here are some rules, the observance of which will accelerate hair growth:

However, remember: there is no remedy that would miraculously make hair grow immediately.

Those who switched from black to another color will understand me: you have to go gray-brown-crimson for some time, and the condition of your hair leaves much to be desired. After etching the black color, the hair turned into a terrible tow, it became dry, dull, brittle. I even had to cut some strands, because they started to fall off. Appearance my hair before applying the paint can be seen in 1 photo: dry dull straw, and even an indefinite color.

In order to somehow endure this period without much investment, I decided to paint over my discolored tows with something inexpensive. Since yellowness was still present on bleached hair, and there was not much money, I decided to take Faro, the shade of Amber is red so red!

The paint in the tube is a solid mother-of-pearl .. There is no smell at all. I mixed everything in a bottle, began to apply. Surprisingly, no matter how hard I tried, I never managed to get dirty, moreover, my ears even remained clean! The paint was applied like some kind of cream, I thought that nothing would be painted over at all, my head didn’t sting, I didn’t smell of ammonia (was it?), I didn’t know if there was at least some kind of chemical reaction or not, but it was already lost there is nothing. It feels like just a soft cream on the head.

Left it for half an hour, washed it off. It was difficult to determine the color, but the hairs did not fall off, they became smooth, well, thanks for that.

I rummaged through the box and found a neutralizing balm. And then miracles began. Hair revived. Rinse. Like a child has silk and satin!

Washed, dried.

But that is not all. In the morning, when I wake up, I, as always, wave my hand and run it over my head. And what do I feel? Oh Gods! Where are my prickly and dry tows? This is not my head!

I jumped up and ran to the mirror. In the reflection, I saw shiny, soft hair, light as fluff! My hair flowed merrily and gleamed, very pleased after yesterday's procedure... It was so unusual to see shine and live hair, because I had already prepared to grow my hair for a year!

What can I say. I am surprised. I just wanted to temporarily paint over my ashen-burnt disgrace, but it turned out that I revived and gave a very decent shade and a pleasant shine to my once dry, lifeless pouches.

My hair and I are happy, you can safely go outside and not even cut the ends!

In the kit, it turns out, a very good balm! Yes, and the paint itself is not at all aggressive: it does not smell of ammonia, does not stain the skin (at least a shade of amber), does not burn the hair and scalp, but on the contrary, it nourishes.

I don’t know how the color will behave, maybe it will wash off after a couple of times, but the condition of the hair is top five! I already wanted to have a haircut like a boy, but this paint just saved me!

Well, I'm not talking about what I saved on going to the hairdresser.

PHOTO 1: piebald dry tow, bleached and 100 dyes

OTHER PHOTOS: soft and lively hairs + Shampoo Pure Line Wheat and Oats

I still don’t understand what kind of color, it seems to give off a redhead, although in artificial light and under a flash it seems ashy. But in fact, the color is light red. I was struck by the revitalizing effect of hair, read the topic, dear minus players, not a word about color in the topic title! Minus, probably, those who have tow on their heads))

I had a choice: cut my hair or not. So, thanks to the paint, the hair came to life ..

To have healthy, shiny hair, you must remove dead hair from your scalp daily, as it prevents new hair from growing.

To do this, you must have two types of combs - one very hard for the initial vigorous combing, the other, softer, to add shine to the hair. And remember that the best position for combing your hair is bent over, legs apart, knees slightly bent, head below the heart line.

Remember, you are what you eat. The hair and scalp consume the same food as the brain, heart and every cell in your body. There is food that does not nourish the body and poisons the blood.

Salt and salty foods are the enemy of our hair, as well as other organs of the body. Tea, coffee, chocolate, alcohol and soft drinks also contain toxic substances.

The main thing is good blood circulation, which is provided by massage.

Combing hair with a brush should be done twice a day.

Hair must be washed at least 2 times a week. Use only the best varieties toilet soap. Wash your hair with liquid soap only. Rules for washing the head: lather the head 2-3 times, washing off the soap first with warm, and at the end cold water to stimulate blood circulation.

Dry your hair with your hands and a warm towel and, if possible, in the sun. The comb should have straight, blunt teeth. Brushes should have strong bristles of various lengths. Brushes with soft bristles are used to add shine to hair. Dry hair can be washed (at the first lathering) with egg white.