
Useful provisions for a night's rest. Best Sleep Positions Ideal Sleep Position

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The quality of a night's rest is directly affected by the correct sleeping position. Nevertheless, each of us likes to sleep in different positions, changing them several times a night. Most sleeping positions are physiological for humans. However, there are poses in which the body and mind rest as effectively as possible. So, let's figure out what are the best sleeping positions.

The best sleeping position

The correct position is considered to be in which you are comfortable falling asleep. Everyone has their own: someone likes to fall asleep on their side, and someone - on their back or stomach.

From a scientific point of view, the best sleeping position is the position in which the deep dream. During deep sleep, the body recovers, and the brain transfers information from short-term memory to long-term memory. Thus, this phase is very important for a good memory. And as it turned out, you can achieve complete relaxation in the deep phase if you sleep in a position that is comfortable for you.

Why is the correct sleeping position important, and how to sleep in the end?

If you sleep well in the position you like and get enough sleep at the same time, you can continue to do so. We, in turn, will consider the pros and cons of all known sleeping positions.

Sleep on your side

Most people choose this position. Sleeping on your side is suitable for those who like to cuddle with a pillow, blanket or loved one.

A reasonable question immediately arises - which side to choose for sleeping? On the one hand, some medical sources recommend sleeping on the left side, since in this case the heart and digestive tract work better. On the other hand, there is an opinion that you need to sleep on your right side. For example, in diseases of the liver or gallbladder, it is advised to lie down on the right side of the body in order to speed up the healing process. However, you can sleep on both sides. For a person without health problems, both positions for relaxation are certainly suitable.

In some cases, it is still recommended to sleep on the left or on the right side. Yes, at heartburn or peptic ulcer stomach is advised to sleep on the left side. women are also advised to sleep on the left side of the body. With and snoring, they are allowed to sleep on both sides. The main thing is that the person does not sleep on his back.

Sleeping on your side also has its downsides. Sitting in an uncomfortable position on your side for a long time can lead to shoulder numbness, pain in the pelvic area, and discomfort in the spine. As a rule, these problems arise due to improperly selected mattress and pillows for sleeping.

To eliminate the appearance of pain in the morning, you need the right sleeping position in which the spine maintains a straight position. In the side pose, you should look the same as in the photo below.

Sleeping fetal position

The second most correct sleeping position. It sleeps less than half of the world's population. This position is comfortable to sleep in when there is very little space to sleep.

The fetal position is identical to the lateral position. The back and neck are in the same position, while the knees are pulled up to the stomach.

It is said that mainly shy people sleep in this position, as well as people with an ardent temperament.

The fetal position is a fairly comfortable sleeping position. However, for more comfort, you can put a pillow between your legs. So, you will reduce the load from the lower back during sleep.

Is sleeping on your back a good sleeping position?

Some experts believe that sleeping in this position is more physiological than in a side position. The internal organs during sleep on the back experience less pressure than in other positions. So, their work at night is not disturbed.

Sleeping on your back should not be with severe snoring and. In the presence of such problems, it is better to rest in a different position.

It is noteworthy that the posture on the back is mainly characteristic of people with sleep disorders. At the same time, those who sleep in this position do not get enough sleep more often.

Also important for sleeping on your back. mattress. While sleeping in this position, the mattress should follow the curve of your body.

Sleeping on your back with your feet on the pillow

In this position, the load on the lower back is reduced, since the legs are in a physiological position. According to experts, the position on the back with a pillow is also considered the correct sleeping position.

If one pillow is not enough, place one or two more pillows under your feet. When choosing pillows, rely on comfortable sensations in the lumbar region.

The pose on the back with legs thrown up is not suitable for everyone. Therefore, before constantly sleeping in this position, lie down for 1-2 hours in this position before going to bed. Rate your feelings. If you are comfortable and your legs do not become numb, you can safely sleep on your back with your legs thrown over the pillow. By the way, many, having tried this position, continue to sleep in it and consider it the best position for sleeping.

Posture on the stomach

According to 7% of people, the prone position is the best sleeping position. This position reduces the risk of sleep apnea and snoring.

Experts do not recommend sleeping on your stomach. In this position, the head is turned sideways for several hours, which overloads the cervical spine and leads to pain. The lower back is also often in an unnatural position, which can cause discomfort in the morning.

Cosmetologists also advise against sleeping on your stomach. In their opinion, sleep in this position contributes to the appearance of early wrinkles on the face. This is especially true for those who sleep on the pillow, completely buried in it.

If you are still used to sleeping in this position and do not experience pain in the morning, you can not refuse to sleep on your stomach. However, for proper rest on your stomach, it is recommended to adhere to the following tips:

  • Choose a low pillow. Since the cervical region is overloaded in this position, it is necessary that the pillow be thin. In a pose on the stomach on a high pillow, the neck assumes an unnatural position. Because of this, headaches can occur in the morning. To avoid this, sleep on your stomach should be on a thin pillow or completely without it.
  • Put another pillow under your stomach. The second pillow will relieve the load from the lower back and eliminate the appearance of back pain in the morning.
  • Stretch your muscles after waking up. Morning stretching will relieve tension in the muscles of the back after sleeping on the stomach

Correct sleeping position for two

Many couples prefer to sleep in an embrace. One likes it, and they do not experience discomfort. Others choose to sleep separately within the same bed, because sleeping together is completely inconvenient for them.

You can sleep in an embrace if both partners feel sleepy in the morning. After such a dream no swelling or muscle pain should be noted. Otherwise, it is better to refuse to sleep in an embrace and sleep separately in the same bed.

The most useful sleeping positions during pregnancy

The closer to childbirth, the more difficult it is for pregnant women to find the right position for sleeping. After all, now when choosing a position for a future mother, you need to take into account the location of the baby in the stomach. In this case, it is necessary to choose a position that would be comfortable for both the child and the woman herself.

The best sleeping position during pregnancy is posture on the left side. In this position, the load on the fetus is minimal. In addition, during sleep in this position, the blood supply to the placenta and pelvic organs in a pregnant woman improves.

We agree that sleeping on one side can be uncomfortable. Therefore, in order not to lie down on the left side of the body, you can temporarily change the position to a more comfortable one.

Read more about the correct sleeping positions during pregnancy.

What is the best position for sleeping in a child

  • Pose on the back. A good option for newborns under the age of 1 year. In this position, the baby feels as comfortable as possible, which contributes to sound sleep. At the beginning of your baby's sleep, make sure that his head is turned to the side. This will prevent the vomit from getting into the airways if something happens. Note that in this position with intestinal colic, the child is not recommended to sleep.
  • Side sleeping position. Comfortable for babies, as it helps to deal with stress caused by external factors.
  • Sleep on your stomach. Thanks to the position on the stomach, the child learns to independently raise his head after waking up. In addition, in this position, the baby improves the digestive tract and reduces the likelihood of intestinal colic. Before putting your baby to sleep on his tummy, observe the position of your baby's head. If in the first 30 minutes of sleep he turns his head and buries himself in the pillow, it is better for the baby not to sleep in a pose on the stomach, since in this position the child will have difficulty breathing.

In addition to the correct sleeping position, the child also needs a comfortable bed or crib, hypoallergenic bedding and a comfortable temperature in the children's bedroom.

Correct sleeping position for men

Men, especially young men, are best suited to sleep on their backs. Unlike other positions, the pose on the back does not impair blood circulation in the pelvis. Due to this, a man has an erection more often in the morning, which indicates the absence of problems from the reproductive system.

The side position is also safe for male sexual function. Therefore, in order to maintain your sexual health, it is not necessary to constantly sleep on your back, you can turn on your left or right side.

Avoid sleeping on your stomach. In this position, the blood flow in the genitals is disturbed, which can cause problems with erectile function.

Correct sleeping position for women

If you don't feel like sleeping on your side, sleep on your back. This position is also physiological for sleep and promotes fast falling asleep. For a more comfortable sleep on your back, it is allowed to put a pillow under your legs, which will reduce the load on the lumbar region.

The position on the stomach is not suitable for sleeping, because in this case, the blood flow in the chest is disturbed. And, according to some reports, with frequent sleep on the stomach, the chest becomes less elastic and elastic.

Pregnant women sleeping or even just lying on your stomach is forbidden especially after 12 weeks. In a pose on the stomach, the mammary glands experience a large load, which can lead to lactation disorders.

The most comfortable sleeping position on the road

Most people sleep in a sitting or semi-sitting position while on the road. These poses are not physiological, so if you want to get enough sleep during the trip, you have to get out.

Before a long journey, get a special pillow collar under the neck. It will support your head while sleeping in a sitting position, making it more comfortable to sleep on a bus or plane.

If you didn’t take a collar pillow with you, it doesn’t matter, there are other options for a comfortable sleep on the road. As a rule, in airplanes and long-distance buses, the seat backs recline almost to a horizontal position. Thanks to this, you can fall asleep without any devices.

If the seat back does not recline, you can try sleep on the bag located on the knees. To do this, it is enough to put her on her feet and put crossed arms on her. With good fatigue, sleep in this position occurs very quickly.

Sleep at work

If you can sleep during your lunch break at your job, you can try to take a nap. To do this, use the following tips:

  • You can sleep right on your desktop with your hands folded in front of you.
  • If your desk chair has a comfortable backrest, sleep in it in a comfortable position.
  • Under the head while sleeping in a chair, you can put a folded sweater or pillow that you brought to work in advance.
  • If possible, straighten your legs on a small stand for more comfort.
  • You can cover yourself with a jacket or the same jacket.
  • During sleep, use earplugs that will protect your sleep from extraneous noise.

If, on the contrary, you need to stay cheerful during the working day, read. It describes in detail how not to fall asleep at the workplace with severe drowsiness.

Correct sleeping positions for various diseases

With the development of a particular pathology, the human body intuitively takes the most comfortable sleeping position in order to ease the discomfort. However, you can help your body get rid of diseases just by adopting the correct sleeping position.

For pain in the spine

Slightly less than half of people over 35 experience back pain. Therefore, it is important for such people to adopt the correct sleeping position.

The best option in this case is posture on the left or right side(depending on the location of the pain). This position of the body will remove the load from the spine and keep the back straight throughout the sleep. In addition to this, it is recommended to put a medium-sized pillow between the legs. This will make you feel as comfortable as possible while you sleep.

Good sleeping position for shoulder pain

If your left shoulder hurts, lie down on your right side. Accordingly, the right side hurts - sleep on the left side. In addition to this, in a pose on the side, it is recommended to bend your knees and stretch forward the arm on which you lie. At the same time, the second hand can hug the pillow for greater comfort.

If the pain extends not only to the shoulder, but also to the arm, take a reclining position, placing a pillow under the lower back.

When both shoulders hurt, it is best to sleep on your back, arms outstretched along the body.

Best Sleep Positions for Insomnia

With insomnia, a change in position does not always help to improve sleep. Therefore, the cause of sleep problems should be sought in other factors. Poor sleep may be the culprit depression or various diseases that adversely affect the quality of night rest. In addition, sleep problems can be associated with an uncomfortable mattress and poor sleeping conditions.

Good sleeping position for heartburn

Best in this situation lie down on the left side. The legs can be bent at the knees. Lying on your side increases pressure on the esophageal sphincter. Due to this, gastric juice is not thrown into the esophagus, which eliminates the appearance of heartburn.

With severe heartburn, you can put a thick pillow under your stomach. As a result, the pressure on the sphincter will increase, and the unpleasant burning sensation in the stomach will disappear.

Correct sleeping position for painful periods

In this situation, it will help to alleviate suffering supine position with a pillow under your feet. Thanks to this position, the load is removed from the lower back. And this, in turn, helps to eliminate pain during menstruation.

Also, with pain in the pelvic area, you can sleep in the fetal position. At the same time, sleeping on the stomach is not recommended, as this increases pressure on the woman's internal genital organs and increases pain.

Good sleeping position for nasal congestion

If you find it difficult to breathe through your nose due to a cold or an allergy, do not sleep on your back. In this position, the nasal cavity can swell a lot, so it is better to rest in a different position. Here you can recommend pose on the left or right side with bent legs. If you have a bad cold, put another small pillow under your head. In this case, it is important that the head, lying on the pillow, is not too high, as this is harmful to the neck.

The correct sleeping position for cervical osteochondrosis

In the presence of this disease, it is contraindicated to sleep on both high and low pillows. Due to the incorrect position of the head, pressure on the vertebrae in the cervical region increases. And as a result, there is pain.

During exacerbations of cervical osteochondrosis, a good option is side pose. At the same time, the pillow on which you sleep should be of medium size and suitable for you. Occasionally, doctors recommend completely removing the pillow from under the head in order to ease the pain of osteochondrosis.

Sleeping position for bruxism

Bruxism, or teeth grinding during sleep, occurs mostly in children and is only occasionally seen in adults. This disease leads to damage to the teeth, and subsequently may lead to their loss..

To prevent tooth decay, people with bruxism are advised to sleep on your back. The muscles of the maxillofacial region in this position relax, which minimizes bouts of teeth grinding. Read more about the treatment of bruxism in.

Good sleeping position for pelvic pain

Best for hip pain sleep on your back. To make the pose more comfortable, you can put a pillow under your feet, which will alleviate pain in the pelvic area.

For pain in the pelvis, it is forbidden to sleep on your side, especially on the affected side.

By the way, the cause of such pain is most often associated with arthritis of the hip joint, which can occur due to excessive stress on the legs and wearing high-heeled shoes.

Correct sleeping positions for other diseases

  • In case of cardiovascular diseases, you should sleep on your back, since in this position there is less stress on the heart.
  • With increased pressure, it is allowed to sleep on the right side.
  • If you have hemorrhoids, it is recommended to take a pose on your side before going to bed.
  • Asthmatics are advised to spend their nights lying on their side on a high pillow.
  • With a vertebral hernia, it is best to rest in the fetal position or on your back. For greater relaxation and reduction of pain symptoms, you can additionally put a pillow under your feet.

Sleep positions: meaning and characteristics

The position of the body during sleep can tell a lot about your character. Consider what sleeping positions say.

  • According to psychologists, insecure people sleep in the fetal position. As a rule, they are introverts and do not really like to communicate with other people.
  • Most often, calm people who easily cope with life's difficulties sleep on their backs, lounging in bed. Often these people are good friends.
  • Impulsive people prefer to sleep on their stomachs, who will not go into their pocket for a word. Adherents of this position love independence and carefully protect their personal space.
  • Choose the right mattress. The product is selected according to the height, weight and anatomical features of a particular person. The choice of a mattress is very important, because the quality of your sleep directly depends on it. A good mattress will support the correct position of the back and neck, as well as eliminate the occurrence of pain in the spine after lifting.
  • Get an orthopedic pillow. The pillow supports not only the head, but also the back in the right position. The pillow should be chosen according to its height: the head, lying on it, should not be too high and should not be buried in the pillow. It is best when the head, being on the pillow, continues the straight line of the spine. That is, it lies almost parallel to the bed.
  • Place a small pillow between your knees before going to bed. This will take the load off your lower back. Note that the pillow should be comfortable and suitable for you.
  • Lighting in the bedroom. Darkness is not only a friend of youth, but also a guarantee of good sleep. Blackout curtains should be hung in the bedroom that will not let in light from the street. In addition, all luminous electronic devices in the bedroom should be turned off at night.
  • Noise level. Background sounds worsen the quality of sleep. Therefore, excess noise must be eliminated. To do this, turn off the TV before bed and ask your family not to make noise while you sleep. If noise from the street interferes, close the window tightly or use special ones to help not be distracted by extraneous sounds.
  • Using a smartphone, tablet or computer before bed. The bright light of the screen of an electronic device can disrupt the process of falling asleep. Therefore, it is not recommended to use gadgets at least an hour before bedtime.


As you have already noticed, the most correct sleeping position is the position in which it is comfortable for you to sleep. So you can sleep the way you want. An exception in this case are perhaps diseases in which only a few sleeping positions should be adhered to. In all other respects, there are no restrictions in poses.

Good dreams to you!

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The quality of sleep, on which a person’s mood in the morning and his state of health depends, is strongly influenced by the position in which a person sleeps. In addition to the significant impact on health, sleeping position has another meaning. By the position in which a person sleeps, one can determine the essence of a person, lifestyle, behavior.

Famous psychologists and somnologists are similar in their opinion that the position taken in a dream is the best indicator of mental and physical state.

Secrets of healthy sleep

To achieve a good rest due to the body being at rest, you should take the right position for viewing dreams for the sake of your health. In order for your sleep to be more healthy, and at the moment of awakening you feel great, you should take into account the following factors.

An important factor is the preparation of the bed. You should carefully consider the choice of bed and mattress. The bed should be spacious, and the mattress should have orthopedic properties.

When preparing a bed, it is important to take into account the availability of high-quality bed linen. The material of manufacture should be natural fabrics, because it is thanks to them that linen will have the property of "breathing".

The presence of fresh air in the room. If possible, ventilate the room a few hours before bedtime.

During sleep, a person rolls over from one side, changes the location of arms and legs. Changes in body position occur about 20-30 times during the period when the body is at rest. The main position of the body during sleep is the position in which you are most comfortable. The most beneficial position for dreaming is the one that is more comfortable for you.

What postures are good for sleep

There are a huge number of different variations in the placement of the human body on the surface where he sleeps. But not all the variety of positions that are comfortable for you is useful. What is the best position for healthy sleep? What is the best position to sleep in?

  1. Body position lying on the side considered the most natural. It also has another name - "fetal position". Advantages: The spine acquires quite natural curves for it; this position gives a chance to get rid of for the time being in it.
  2. The most correct position is sleep on back. It has more advantages than disadvantages. Advantages: relaxation of the back muscles, which has a beneficial effect on the health of people who have such pathologies as curvature of the spine or injuries of the lumbar or shoulder; providing a uniform load on the cardiovascular system, which is very important for people suffering from heart disease; the possibility of contact between the skin of the face and the fabric of the pillowcase is excluded, which reduces the chance of wrinkles.

From the very first weeks, it is best for pregnant women to sleep on their left side. This position of the woman's body is considered the safest for both her and the child.

How to sleep is bad

The false statement that sleeping on your back is harmful exists among the people. In fact, this pose does not provide any harm to a healthy person. Sleeping on your back is dangerous only for women in late pregnancy, people with a pathology such as asthma, and for those who often snore.

Sleeping on your side or stomach with your face pressed into the pillow can cause wrinkles on your face. Also, an undesirable consequence of sleeping on the stomach can be an additional load on the spine, leading to muscle pinching and even stretching. The consequence of this load will be constant back pain, and without the help of medical specialists, you will no longer be able to completely solve the problem.

Doctors recommend paying special attention to your bed. The surface should not be very soft or very hard, which can cause fatigue and sleepiness in the morning, as the body cannot fully relax. Due to the presence of an orthopedic mattress on your bed, the load on the spine is reduced.

How to change a habit

Sleeping on the left side is considered the most beneficial of all postures. In order to change your habit of sleeping in a certain position to the desired one, you should resort to the following tips.

  • Place yourself on the bed so that there is much less space on the right side than on the left. The consequence of this position will be the feeling that it is not comfortable to sleep on the right side and you will want to roll over to the other side.
  • Place your favorite soft toy or another pillow on the right side. Such an obstacle will not give you a chance to change side from left to right or make it uncomfortable to sleep on the right side. Therefore, you will again want to return to the left side.
  • By placing a light source to the right of the sleeping place, on a subconscious level you will try to avoid getting it into your eyes due to the fact that you will sleep on the left side.

What do postures mean while sleeping

You can determine the traits of a human character not only by his gait, eye color and manner of speaking, but also by the position in which he usually sleeps. Everything that a person does while awake can be controlled. In a dream, keeping track of what position you have taken is not realistic. What does a certain posture say about a person?

Sleep on your side

Such a pose can tell about such a character trait as openness. Often, people sleeping in this position have a huge number of friends and acquaintances, and can also be the soul of the company.

soldier position

In this position, a person sleeps on his back, and his arms are extended at the seams. A soldier's posture can tell about restraint, isolation of character.


The person lies either on the stomach or on the back. Arms and legs are spread out in different directions. People who sleep in this position in life are very diligent, they want to prove themselves in all sorts of areas.

Philosopher's position

The man sleeps on his back with his hands behind his head. This posture is usually observed in serious, reasonable people.

How the position of the body changes as a result of the disease

When a person falls ill, the first symptoms are pain, which, due to their weak influence, are most often attributed to fatigue or. Despite this, the human body reacts quite carefully to any symptoms of pathologies, reducing the load during sleep on the source of pain.

For heart disease

Usually, with diseases of the cardiovascular system, people sleep on their backs or half-sitting. The best option for hypertensive patients is the position on the left side.

For diseases of the neck and spine

The position of the embryo (fetus) and the position on the stomach are common for people with these pathologies.

What are the comfortable postures?

On the stomach

Pros: Relief of apnea (breathing movements).

Minuses: The natural curvature of the spine becomes even, resulting in pain in the lumbar region if you sleep in a pose on your stomach. The head is turned to one side, which impairs blood flow to the other side of the brain. Swelling of the neck due to an uncomfortable position.

On the back

Pros: rest in a relaxed state of the back muscles during sleep on the back; preservation of natural bend; lack of contact of the skin of the face with the pillowcase.

Cons: p contraindicated for those who suffer from snoring or sleep apnea. Most cases just happen due to the adoption of the wrong position of the body while lying on your back.

On the left side

Pros: improvement of digestion processes; best sleeping position for pregnant women.

Minuses: the possibility of unpleasant pain in the neck; an increase in the load on the heart (hypertensive patients should not often sleep on the left side).

On the right side

This pose has no advantages as such.

Minuses: sleeping on the right side interferes with the normal functioning of the pancreas.

Video: Myths about sleep positions

Article content

When we sleep, we take a position that will be as comfortable as possible. However, in this case, convenient does not mean useful. For proper rest, proper functioning of organs and systems, you need to know in which position it is better to sleep. Sleeping in the wrong position is very dangerous, it can lead to serious consequences, up to chronic diseases. A person spends up to 10 hours a day in sleep, because an unsuccessful position significantly affects the state of the body. It is for this reason that if there are complaints of general malaise, the doctor may ask about your favorite sleeping positions.

What does bad posture lead to?

Even the most comfortable posture, if it is incorrect, disrupts the functioning of the body, causing health problems, the main of which are:

  • neurological diseases;
  • respiratory disorders;
  • circulatory disorders;
  • disorders in the work of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • increased risk of Alzheimer's disease;
  • disorders of cerebral circulation;
  • displacement of the vertebrae;
  • joint diseases.

Often, insufficient quality sleep is accompanied by a feeling of constant fatigue. It is especially important for people with pre-existing chronic diseases to know exactly what position to sleep in correctly.

Harmful body positions

Doctors admit that sleeping while sitting is extremely harmful

Two sleep positions are recognized as harmful by all doctors. Positions that should not be taken by a sleeping person are discussed below.

  1. On the stomach. Everyone gets harm from this position during sleep, but for people over 45 years old, it is simply dangerous, as it can cause a stroke. Pressure on the abdominal cavity negatively affects the work of the gastrointestinal tract and the reproductive system. Sleeping on the stomach has a negative effect on the condition of the skin of the face, as it contributes to the appearance of deep wrinkles. Girls during the period of formation of the mammary glands by sleeping on their stomachs can ruin the shape of their breasts. In rare cases, doctors recommend sleeping in this position for certain diseases of the spine and flatulence.
  2. sitting. When a person sleeps while sitting, his intervertebral discs, experiencing a strong overload, are gradually deformed, against which persistent pain in the neck and swelling of the face develop. In addition, there is an overload of the hip joints. It is noted among lovers of sitting sleep and a deficiency of cerebral circulation, which is accompanied by chronic headaches and a weakening of attention. However, such a sleeping position will be necessary for some heart diseases, when the horizontal position of the body does not allow the muscle to work normally.

Any position of the body will also be harmful if a person sleeps on an excessively hard surface. In this case, even when choosing the best positions, the spine receives an incorrect, excessive load, which causes its physiological curves to straighten. Against this background, lesions of the intervertebral discs and chronic pain syndrome are formed.

Sleep without a pillow is no less harmful, no matter how positively one or another traditional healer talks about it. Due to improper maintenance of the neck, the natural bend is straightened, osteochondrosis develops rapidly, not only causing pain, but also disrupting performance. The choice should be given to an orthopedic pillow, which will make the position during sleep as natural as possible.

Even knowing which sleeping position will be best, sleeping on a bed that is too narrow is not recommended. Due to the constant internal tension, such a dream is also harmful. It must be remembered that no matter how good the pose is, the wrong bed will harm the sleeper.

Useful body positions

It is unconditionally impossible to call any position an ideal position, since they all have their pluses and minuses. Speaking about the position in which it will be useful to sleep, it is necessary to consider the positive and negative effects of each of them on the human body. Everyone should sleep properly, but the position of the body during sleep is of particular importance for the elderly, since their body is already weakened and cannot fully resist external negative influences.

  1. On the back. This sleeping position is the most beneficial, as it has a minimum of negative effects. You can sleep on your back in different ways - placing your arms along the body or throwing them behind your head. The general advantages of sleeping on the back are the minimum load on the spine, the absence of pressure on the internal organs of the abdominal cavity and the lungs. For women, sleeping in this position is useful because it maintains a beautiful shape of the breast.
    1. hands behind head. This position helps prevent the appearance of wrinkles and skin defects, and also minimizes the load on the spine. Its disadvantages: circulatory disorders in the upper limbs, compression of the tendons in the shoulder joint.
    2. Hands along the body. The positive aspects are: complete relaxation of the shoulder girdle, relieving the load from the chest cavity. You should not sleep like this with asthma and severe snoring.
    3. Starfish. In this position, a person sleeps with legs and arms spread out to the sides. For the spinal column, the position is very comfortable, but the shoulders may experience unnecessary stress. Pain can also occur in the hip joints, the overload of which provokes too wide breeding of the legs.
  2. "Embryo". In this position, a person sleeps on his side, pulling his knees to his stomach. The advantage of the position is the most comfortable state for the respiratory system. The disadvantages of sleep in this state will be the overload of the joints of the lower extremities and the spine.
  3. On the left side. This posture increases the pressure on the heart muscle, but despite this it is considered good. During pregnancy, this position is recommended for pregnant women, since it has the maximum blood flow to the pelvic organs.
  4. On the right side. So it is contraindicated to sleep only for people with diseases of the liver and large joints on the right side. The benefits of this sleeping position include relieving neck and spine pain and reducing acid reflux.

Special attention when sleeping on your side should be given to the position of the hands. Depending on how it will change, the load on certain areas will be different.

  1. Hands are extended forward. In this position, the load on the spine and neck is completely absent, but the shoulder girdle experiences overload and excessive pressure on the nerve endings. Temporary numbness of the arm is also a constant companion of this posture, since blood circulation in the limbs is disturbed. In cases where such a position is preferred for a long time, atrophy of the muscles of the hands may appear.
  2. Along the body. The shoulder girdle is not overloaded, however, the posture accelerates the formation of wrinkles on the face and décolleté. In the presence of serious pathologies of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems, this position can cause discomfort.

When to Use a Pillow

Use a pad

For the most natural position of the body, it is good to use a pillow, which, depending on the position of the body, must be placed in one place or another.

If sleeping on the stomach is prescribed, in order to get rid of excessive pressure on the abdominal cavity, a small pillow should be placed under the pelvis.

When sleeping on the back, it is good to place a pillow under the lower back if there is a tendency to sciatica; or - under the knees, when night cramps in the legs are noted. When there are pains in the shoulders, it is worth sleeping with a pillow on your stomach and clasping it with your hands; while the shoulders will be in an extremely natural position.

Having decided on the position in which it will be useful to sleep, you should gradually accustom yourself to it. Despite all the recommendations, one should take into account the individual characteristics of a person, and therefore, only he himself can say exactly in what position he needs to sleep. And in case of serious illnesses, the sleeping position may be prescribed by doctors not as useful or recommended, but as the only possible one.

It is very important for a person to use sleep time to restore the body. It is better to make the bedroom dark and well ventilated, choose the most comfortable bed, and the body position should be correct. Improper sleep in an uncomfortable position can cause pain in the neck, chest and lower back. And, of course, cause snoring. What position in a dream is considered correct, what position - the most useful - let's try to figure it out.

The general opinion of experts is that the body seeks to rest in a position in which it is easiest to breathe. Breathing on your stomach is easy and simple - only this position is recommended to reduce snoring. However, despite this, sleeping on your stomach is considered a bad habit. The fact is that sleeping in this position contributes to the development of osteochondrosis and provokes the occurrence of pathological degenerative changes in the vertebrae, causing severe pain. The sleeper has to turn his head to the side in order to breathe calmly. In addition, when turning the head, the vertebral artery is squeezed, which causes a violation of the blood supply to the brain, its hypoxia and can cause headaches.

If the sleeping person bends his leg and puts his hand under his head, he exacerbates the wrong position, because the muscles of the neck and shoulders tense up, and the spine unnaturally curves. With the habit of sleeping on your stomach, sooner or later back pain will definitely appear.

Women are not advised to sleep on their stomach beauticians. In this position in a dream, wrinkles on the neck and folds on the chest appear earlier, which are then difficult to get rid of. There may also be swelling in the morning.

Sleep on your back

Sleeping on your back reduces the amount of air that enters your lungs, which results in a louder inhalation sound. Therefore, sleeping like this is not recommended for those who have a tendency to sleep apnea. This is perhaps the only contraindication.

For everyone else, sleeping on your back is a good sleeping position. The spine in this position takes a neutral position and the body is not distracted by anything, restoring strength well. In this position, the intervertebral discs open and straighten out, which is a good prevention of chondrosis. However, the pillow should be flat so that there is no extra load on the neck, and the mattress should be of medium hardness. You also need to make sure that the head does not tilt back. If desired, you can put additional rollers. This is the most correct body position during sleep for patients suffering from scoliosis, injured and hypertensive patients.

It is also the most useful posture for those who care about their appearance. During sleep in this position, the face does not come into contact with the pillow, so the formation of wrinkles is excluded. The facial muscles of the head relax and better oxygen access is provided to the skin. As a result, in the morning you have a fresh look, and wrinkles will appear much later.

In this position, nothing presses on the stomach and other organs in the abdominal cavity. Therefore, the risk of reflux of the contents of the stomach into the esophagus and the onset of an unpleasant state of heartburn is reduced. This is very important, because most of the acid in the stomach is produced at night and it can cause disease in the esophagus. Therefore, if you have a tendency to heartburn, you need to choose sleeping positions on your back.

Sleep on your side

Sleeping on your side is also a natural and correct sleeping position. This is the instinctive position of the fetus, characteristic of a relaxed person. This is the correct and best sleeping position for those who have pain in the spine - it takes its natural curves and rests. It plays a big role on which side you sleep - sleeping on the right side provokes heartburn. Sleeping on the left side puts extra stress on the heart and is contraindicated in people suffering from hypertension. In addition, if you rest on one side all the time, there is a risk of getting wrinkles on the side in contact with the pillow.

It should be noted that sleeping on the side will not be useful for owners of a large bust. In this position, with a long rest, many folds form on the bust. If a woman throws her hand behind her head or puts it under the pillow, then wrinkles are located both on the bust and on the shoulder. To sleep well on your side in this position, you need to choose the right pillow so that your neck does not suffer.

If you sleep on your side, you need to stretch your arms along the body, because the hand under the pillow causes bending and, as a result, pain in the spine and neck. It is inconvenient for someone to stretch their arms along the body, then additional pillows, sleep rollers or large soft toys will come in handy.

Confirm the usefulness of sleeping on your side and research by neuroscientists. Using the MRI method, the team of a scientist from the University of Helsinki, Aleksanteri Aspelund, examined the glymphatic pathways in the brain. In parallel with them, a similar study was conducted by the team of Professor Antoine Louveau from the laboratory of the University of Virginia Health System. Through these pathways, cerebrospinal fluid flows into the brain and replaces tissue fluid. The exchange of these fluids allows the brain to get rid of the waste products accumulated during the day: beta-amyloids and tau proteins. These chemicals raise the risk of developing Alzheimer's and Parkinson's disease.

It happens that a person complains - “I can’t sleep on my left side, I’m suffocating, my heart starts to hurt.” This is a common symptom of chondrosis. Of course, just in case, you can be examined by a cardiologist, but most often such symptoms are produced by osteochondrosis of the thoracic spine, intercostal neuralgia, and vegetative-vascular neuralgia.

What is the best sleeping position for pregnant women?

Let's talk about the best position for a pregnant woman to sleep in, so as not to inconvenience the baby and sleep soundly herself. Until the 12-13th week, you can continue to sleep as comfortable. The only thing is that the posture on the stomach can become uncomfortable for the chest, which during this period becomes very sensitive. After the growth of the abdomen begins, it is no longer possible to sleep on it, it will be harmful to the child.

Sleeping on your back with the growth of the abdomen will also be wrong - the heavier fetus will put pressure on the internal organs. And after 25 weeks, the inferior vena cava, which carries blood from the lower extremities to the heart, will be squeezed. As a result, the expectant mother will feel dizzy, tachycardia and shortness of breath. And a longer squeezing of the vein can lead to hypoxia in the baby.

What is the best position for pregnant women to sleep in? All doctors are unanimous in their opinion - sleep on your side. If the question arises on which side it is better to sleep, gynecologists recommend better on the left. Why can't pregnant women sleep on their right side? On the right side, under the weight of the fetus, the kidney is compressed and the ureters are squeezed, which can lead to the development of pyelonephritis and other urological diseases.

Special horseshoe-shaped sleeping pillows, filled with polystyrene content, have been developed specifically to provide a pregnant woman with a special sleeping position. With such a product, it is convenient to lie in an embrace, throwing one leg over it and placing your big tummy on it.

A little about sleep accessories

No matter how you are used to sleeping, you should definitely take the time to choose a comfortable mattress. If lying on it is uncomfortable, then you will have to constantly change position. And this increases the risk of insomnia. It is better to choose semi-rigid products in which you will not “sink”, as in soft ones, and will not “lie down” on the sides, as on hard ones.

The use of small pillows helps to improve posture during sleep. If you are used to sleeping on your back, place a small pillow under your knees and another under your lower back. While resting on your side, you can hold a pillow between your legs. If you choose to sleep on your stomach, place a pillow under your lower abdomen. This will reduce pressure on the spine.

How to relearn how to sleep in a familiar position

People usually choose sleeping positions based on a habit, not a medical condition. Many people simply change body position and posture during sleep. If you are used to sleeping on your back and suddenly begin to snore with age, then, of course, you need to change your position in order to ensure good deep sleep for loved ones. Also, women who, without hesitation until the age of 30, can sleep as they like best, just to get enough sleep, by 35 they already begin to think about the mechanism of wrinkles and also change their sleeping position to a safer one.

There are such situations that a person has been sleeping on his back all his life and suddenly, with age, he began to develop apnea - stopping breathing during sleep. With this disease, it is categorically not recommended to sleep on your back. In addition, a retraction of the tongue can happen - also a very unpleasant stressful situation. Relearning to fall asleep on your side from the back pose is easy. You need to sew a pocket on the back of your pajamas and put a massage ball with spikes there. As soon as you turn on your back, the ball will wake you up.

On the contrary, to learn to sleep on your back, you need to support your body with additional pillows from all sides. Try putting soft pillows under your arms, near your back or lower back. 3 or 5 pillows will be enough to create comfortable comfort.

List of used literature:

  • Levin Ya. I., Kovrov G. V. Some modern approaches to the treatment of insomnia // The attending physician. - 2003. - No. 4.
  • Kotova O. V., Ryabokon I. V. Modern aspects of insomnia therapy // Attending physician. - 2013. - No. 5.
  • T. I. Ivanova, Z. A. Kirillova, L. Ya. Rabichev. Insomnia (treatment and prevention). - M.: Medgiz, 1960.

Human health and well-being largely depend on the quality of rest. Not only the regularity and time of sleep is important, but also the position of the body of the sleeper. In an uncomfortable position, it is constrained, unable to relax: the right choice of sleeping position can correct the situation.

The current physical condition of a person directly affects the choice of the optimal posture for a night's rest. In the presence of diseases of the back, respiratory, cardiovascular systems, it would be best to sleep not in the way that is comfortable, but in a position in which the problem organ will experience a minimum of pressure and fully rest.

During sleep, it is important to preserve the natural curves of the spinal column. You can ensure this position with the help of an orthopedic mattress and pillow. The head should not be thrown back or raised above the body. Shoulders should be placed on the mattress. To prevent the upper limbs from numbing during sleep, it is better to stretch them along the body, and not put them under the head.

For convenience, you can wrap your hands around a soft toy or a small roller.

These tips are equally useful for both healthy people and patients with pathologies of the spinal column:

  • the mattress should not be very soft: this is how the natural curves of the spine are bent, sinking into the bed;
  • sleeping on a hard surface is also not recommended: in this case, the spinal column takes on an unnatural bend from the shoulder and pelvis resting on the bed;
  • the optimal solution is an elastic orthopedic mattress that takes the shape of the body of a person lying on it;
  • the correct pillow (or round roller) for sleeping is elastic, moderately soft, low, supporting the natural cervical deflection.

There is no universal body position: in whatever position a person falls asleep, the main thing is that he feels good. If, after waking up, the whole body responds with aching pain, then you need to reconsider your habits.

How to sleep better for a man

Few men have not thought about how the position of the body during sleep can affect his erectile function.

The normal position of the body in a dream is lying on your back. In this position, the penis can actively function, and the man has dreams of an erotic nature. By the way, nocturnal emissions train the prostate, prevent inflammation and stagnant processes. You can also doze off on your side: this is a neutral-safe position for men's health.

Lying on your stomach is better for men not to sleep. In this position, the penis is squeezed by the entire weight of the body, which prevents its normal blood supply.

Due to a sharp turn of the head to the side, the vertebral arteries are compressed and cannot normally deliver blood to the brain, which reduces the production of hormones responsible for sexual function by the pituitary gland. As a result, the quality of the ejaculate suffers, and the likelihood of impotence increases.

How should a woman sleep

The “lying on the stomach” position is equally harmful for both men and women. The weight of the body squeezes the chest, causing it to lose its elasticity and firmness.

It is especially harmful to lie on the chest during pregnancy and lactation: the mammary glands are already subject to heavy stress, and excessive pressure on them can provoke tumor processes.

The lateral position of the body in a dream is optimal for pregnant women. To recline on your back, you can put a roller under your back, the main thing is not to tip over on it at all. If you can’t fall asleep on your side, you should purchase a special orthopedic pillow: it reduces the load on the lower back, protects the fetus from crushing and provides a comfortable sleep for the mother.

How to sleep at night

In order for everything to be perfect, before going to bed, it is worth ventilating the room: stagnant air, saturated with harmful microorganisms and dust, can cause long falling asleep and insomnia.

Basic rules for healthy sleep:

  • all light sources: lamps (especially bright white “housekeeper” lamps), TV screens and pocket gadgets must be turned off at least an hour before bedtime;
  • the last meal should be light and not late (2-3 hours before going to bed);
  • heavy physical activity before bedtime excites the central nervous system and does not allow you to fall asleep for a long time;
  • at night you should not drink alcohol, drinks containing caffeine and guarana;
  • to improve the quality of sleep, you can drink melatonin: it is safe and available without a prescription, while taking strong sleeping pills must be agreed with your doctor.

Sleep on your side

In the process of studying the brain using contrast dynamic MRI, a team of researchers led by Dr. Helen Benvenist found that when a person falls asleep on their side, the process of removing toxins and metabolic waste from the body is accelerated. This reduces the risk of a variety of neurological diseases, in particular Parkinson's.

Sleeping on your side at night provides good health for people who have problems with respiratory function or suffer from chronic pain in the spine.

This posture is perfect for anyone.

  • it is advisable for people suffering from heart pain to sleep on their right side;
  • pregnant women are advised to sleep on the left: in this position, nothing interferes with the normal oxygen supply of the fetus;
  • Sleeping on your left side reduces the discomfort of heartburn.

Fetal position

The posture of the fetus or embryo is one of the subspecies of the body position on the side. The sleeping person bends his arms and legs, almost touching his chin with his knees.

Sleeping in this position is not the right decision: sooner or later, the unnatural bending of the spinal column will lead to pain in its various departments.

Since the shoulders and hips are under a lot of stress in the fetal position, it is necessary that the mattress is sufficiently soft and comfortable.

Sleep on your stomach

Sleeping on your stomach is a popular, but not the most correct position. Due to the constant reversal of the neck, cerebral blood supply worsens, headaches may bother. This position increases pain in the spine, breathing becomes difficult, internal organs are compressed.

Sleeping in this position is permissible only in the following cases:

  1. In the process of rehabilitation after natural childbirth. Short sleep on the stomach stimulates uterine contractions, accelerating the release of lochia. This method is not used when bending the uterus.
  2. To reduce menstrual pain, as well as discomfort caused by flatulence.
  3. To relieve pain in kidney disease.

Sleep on your back

During sleep on the back, a complete rest of the body is ensured: the internal organs are not squeezed by the weight of the body, breathing is even and not difficult, the back muscles are not clamped. This pose is contraindicated only for pregnant women and overweight people due to the large pressure on the spine.

You should also not sleep on your back if you have problems with respiratory function (sleep apnea) and snoring, which has a neurological or anatomical cause. If the head is turned to the side or thrown back during sleep, the airway lumen is blocked even more, as a result, the person begins to snore.

What postures are good for sleep

If you exclude people with sleep apnea and snoring, sleeping on your back is suitable for almost everyone. Falling asleep in this position, a person usually feels good: the spinal column is in a natural position and can fully recover after a daily load.

A good alternative to this position is lying on your side. It allows you to relax with pain in the spine: for this you need to straighten one leg and leave it lying on the mattress, and bend the other at the knee, laying it on a small pillow or a blanket rolled up with a roller.

Constant sleep in wrong, unnatural positions is harmful to health.

How to sleep is bad

The most harmful posture during sleep is lying on your stomach: a sharp turn of the head to one side worsens the blood supply to the brain, squeezing the chest depresses the respiratory function, and the constant tension of the back muscles does not allow them to fully relax.

The cause of pain in the cervical spine may be resting on a pillow that is too high or not at all. In both cases, the natural cervical deflection is violated and pressure is exerted on the vertebrae.

It is also harmful to constantly sleep while sitting: in transport, at work, at school. In this position, the body swells a lot, the intervertebral discs are stretched, pain appears in the cervical region. Throwing the head back often causes snoring.

So, there is no night rest position that is suitable for every person. When choosing a comfortable position, it is necessary to take into account not only old habits, but also the current physical condition. The correct posture can alleviate the manifestations of various diseases of the musculoskeletal system, circulatory, cardiovascular, respiratory systems. A good night's rest can save a person from various psychological problems: irritability, apathy, neuroses.