
Read Thus Spoke Zarathustra online in full - Friedrich Nietzsche - MyBook. Read Thus Spoke Zarathustra online in full - Friedrich Nietzsche - MyBook What Zarathustra Said read

Culinary recipes for summer cottages and at home

© LLC AST Publishing House, 2015

Part one

Foreword by Zarathustra


When Zarathustra was thirty years old, he left his homeland and the lake of his homeland and went to the mountains. Here he enjoyed his spirit and his solitude, and for ten years he did not tire of it. But finally his heart changed - and one morning he rose with the dawn, stood in front of the sun and spoke to him like this:

"Great light! What would your happiness be reduced to if you didn’t have those for whom you shine!

For ten years you have been ascending to my cave: you would have had enough of your light and this road if it were not for me, my eagle and my snake.

But every morning we waited for you, received from you your abundance and blessed you.

Look! I am fed up with my wisdom, like a bee that has collected too much honey; I need hands outstretched to me.

I would like to bestow and bestow until the wise among men again rejoice in their foolishness, and the poor in their riches.

To do this, I must go down: as you do every evening, plunging into the sea and bringing your light to the other side of the world, you, the richest luminary!

I must, like you, roll up, as the people I want to go down to call it.

So bless me, you calm eye, without envy looking even at excessively great happiness!

Bless the cup, ready to spill, so that golden moisture flows from it and carries everywhere a reflection of your joy!

Look, this cup wants to become empty again, and Zarathustra wants to become a man again.

Thus began the decline of Zarathustra.


Zarathustra descended alone from the mountain, and no one met him. But when he entered the forest, an old man suddenly appeared before him, leaving his sacred hut to look for roots in the forest. And so the elder said to Zarathustra:

“This wanderer is not alien to me: several years ago he passed here. He was called Zarathustra; but he has changed.

Then you carried your ashes to the mountain; do you now want to carry your fire into the valleys? Are you not afraid of punishment for the arsonist?

Yes, I recognize Zarathustra. His eyes are pure, and there is no disgust on his lips. Isn't that why he's walking, like he's dancing?

Zarathustra was transformed, Zarathustra became a child, Zarathustra woke up: what do you want among the sleepers?

Like the sea, you lived alone, and the sea bore you. Alas! do you want to go on land? Do you want to carry your own body again?”

Zarathustra replied: "I love people."

“Isn’t that why,” said the saint, “I also went into the forest and the desert? Is it not because I also loved people too much?

Now I love God: I do not love people. Man is too imperfect for me. Loving a man would kill me."

Zarathustra answered: “What have I said about love! I bring people a gift.

“Give them nothing,” said the saint. “Better take something off them and carry it with them—that will be the best thing for them, if only it’s the best thing for you too!”

And if you want to give them, give them no more alms and still make them beg for it from you!”

“No,” answered Zarathustra, “I do not give alms. I'm not poor enough for that."

The saint began to laugh at Zarathustra and said thus: “Then try to make them accept your treasures! They are distrustful of hermits and do not believe that we come to give.

Our footsteps through the streets sound too lonely for them. And if at night, in their beds, they hear a man coming long before sunrise, they ask themselves: Where is this thief stealing?

Do not go to people and stay in the forest! Go to the animals! Why don't you want to be like me - a bear among bears, a bird among birds?

"And what does the saint do in the forest?" asked Zarathustra.

The saint answered: “I compose songs and sing them; and when I compose songs, I laugh, weep, and mutter in my beard: thus do I praise God.

By singing, weeping, laughing and muttering, I praise God, my God. But tell me, what are you bringing us as a gift?

Hearing these words, Zarathustra bowed to the saint and said: “What could I give you! Let me leave quickly, so that I don’t take anything from you!” So they parted in different directions, the old man and the man, and each laughed, as children laugh.

But when Zarathustra was left alone, he spoke thus in his heart: “Is it possible! This holy elder in his forest had not yet heard that God is dead".


Arriving at the nearest city, lying behind the forest, Zarathustra found there a multitude of people gathered in the marketplace: for he was promised a spectacle - a dancer on a tightrope. And Zarathustra spoke thus to the people:

I am teaching you about the superman. Man is something that must be transcended. What have you done to surpass him?

All beings have hitherto created something higher than themselves; and you want to be the ebb of this great wave and return to the state of the beast rather than surpass man?

What is a monkey in relation to man? A laughing stock or a painful shame. And the same must be the man for the superman: a laughing stock or a painful shame.

You have made the journey from worm to man, but much of you is still worm-like. Once you were a monkey, and even now man is more ape than any of the apes.

Even the wisest among you is only discord and a mixture of plant and ghost. But do I tell you to become a ghost or a plant?

Look, I'm teaching you about the superman!

Superman is the meaning of the earth. Let your will say: yes it will superman by the meaning of the earth!

I conjure you, my brothers, stay true to the earth and do not believe those who tell you about supermundane hopes! They are poisoners whether they know it or not.

They despise life, those dying and self-poisoned, from whom the earth is tired: let them disappear!

Formerly the blasphemy against God was the greatest blasphemy; but God died, and these blasphemers died with him. Now to blaspheme the earth is the most terrible crime, just as to honor the essence of the incomprehensible higher than the meaning of the earth!

Once the soul looked at the body with contempt: and then there was nothing higher than this contempt - she wanted to see the body thin, disgusting and hungry. So she thought to flee from the body and from the earth.

Oh, this soul itself was still thin, disgusting and hungry; and cruelty was the lust of that soul!

But even now, my brethren, tell me: what does your body say about your soul? Is not your soul poverty and filth and miserable self-satisfaction?

Truly, man is a dirty stream. You have to be the sea to take in a dirty stream and not become unclean.

Look, I teach you about the superman: he is the sea where your great contempt can sink.

What is the highest thing that you can experience? This is the hour of great contempt. The hour when your happiness becomes disgusting to you, as well as your reason and your virtue.

The hour when you say: “What is my happiness! It is poverty and filth and miserable self-satisfaction. My happiness should have justified my very existence!”

The hour when you say: “What is my mind! Does he seek knowledge like a lion for his food? He is poverty and filth and miserable self-satisfaction!”

The hour when you say: “What is my virtue! She hasn't made me mad yet. How weary I am of my good and of my evil! All this is poverty and filth and miserable self-satisfaction!”

The hour when you say: “Where is my justice! I do not see that I am fire and coal. And the just is fire and coal!”

The hour when you say: “What is my pity! Isn't pity a cross to which everyone who loves people is nailed? But my pity is not crucifixion.

Have you already said that? Have you already exclaimed like this? Ah, if only I had heard you so exclaiming!

Not your sin - your self-satisfaction cries out to heaven; the nothingness of your sins cries out to heaven!

But where is the lightning that will lick you with its tongue? Where is the madness that should be instilled in you?

Look, I am teaching you about the superman: he is this lightning, he is this madness! -

While Zarathustra was speaking thus, someone shouted from the crowd: “We have heard enough about the rope dancer; let us show it!” And all the people began to laugh at Zarathustra. And the rope dancer, thinking that these words referred to him, set to work.

(German Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche; born October 15, 1844, Röcken, German Confederation - died August 25, 1900, Weimar, German Empire)

And the famous German thinker, classical philologist, composer, poet, creator of an original philosophical doctrine, which is emphatically not academic in nature and, in part, therefore, has a wide distribution that goes far beyond the scientific and philosophical community. The fundamental concept includes special criteria for evaluating reality, which cast doubt on the basic principles of existing forms of morality, religion, culture and socio-political relations and, subsequently, reflected in the philosophy of life. Being presented in an aphoristic manner, Nietzsche's writings do not lend themselves to an unambiguous interpretation and cause a lot of controversy.

Thus spoke Zarathustra

Philosophical novel by Friedrich Nietzsche, published in 1883. The book originally consisted of three separate parts written over the course of a year. Nietzsche intended to write three more parts, but only completed one, the fourth. After Nietzsche's death, all four parts were published in one volume. "Thus Spoke Zarathustra" is called the Nietzschean Bible.

Quotes and aphorisms

His silence crushed me; and verily, together a man is lonelier than alone.

Iron said to the magnet: “Most of all, I hate you because you attract, not having enough strength to drag you along!”

A real man wants two things: danger and play. That is why he needs a woman - as the most dangerous toy.

I change too fast: my today refutes my yesterday. I often jump over steps when I go up - not a single step forgives me for this.

You love your virtue as a mother loves her child; but when was it heard that a mother wanted payment for her love?

Man is a rope stretched between the animal and the Superman, a rope over an abyss.

The voice of beauty sounds quiet: it penetrates only the most sensitive ears.

He who does not carry chaos in himself, he will never give rise to stars.

And most of all they hate the one who is able to fly.

Isn't it better to fall into the hands of a killer than into the dreams of an excited woman?

The qualities of a husband are rare here; so their women become men. For only he who is man enough will liberate the woman in the woman.

If you want to get high, use your own feet! Do not let yourself be carried, do not sit on other people's shoulders and heads!

The greatest events are not our noisiest, but our quietest hours.

They do not beat with anger, but with laughter.

For too long, a slave and a tyrant have been hidden in a woman. Therefore, a woman is not yet capable of friendship: she knows only love. In a woman's love there is injustice and blindness to everything she does not love. But even in the known love of a woman there is always still suddenness, and lightning, and night next to the light. A woman is not yet capable of friendship: women are still cats and birds. Or, at best, cows.

The quietest words are those that bring the storm. Thoughts dove-stepping govern the world.

Let a man be afraid of a woman when she loves: for she makes any sacrifice and every other thing has no price for her.

In your friend you must have your best enemy.

Everything in a woman is a mystery, and everything in a woman has one clue: it is called pregnancy.
A man is a means for a woman; The goal is always a child.

It's better to know nothing than to know half a lot! It is better to be a fool at your own risk than a wise man based on the opinions of others.

If you want to have a friend, you must wage war for him; and to wage war, one must know how to be an enemy.

In ragas, you should have only those that you would hate, and not those that you despise. You must be proud of your enemies, then the successes of your enemy will be your successes.

Thus Spoke Zarathustra - Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche - quotes and aphorisms updated: April 7, 2016 by: site

Grade 5 out of 5 stars from Sir Shury 06/05/2019 12:10

Grade 4 out of 5 stars from shim_pruts 16.08.2018 13:15

I look at some things with irony, but I don’t show off, I don’t have the habit of doing this. Reading Nietzsche is not hard and not easy, it was just interesting to know what a person who is disappointed in God thinks before sincerely believing in him. I believe in a higher mind and in such a historical figure as Jesus Christ, but selfless people have not met, because everyone is waiting for a reciprocal gesture.
Different sources claim that Jesus was a dirty trick? But the Bible says that he was a meek and humble person, I trust the biblical source more.
I am devoid of national prejudices, so I cannot be insulted by calling me a Ukrainian.

Grade 4 out of 5 stars from modus_2005 30.03.2017 16:00

>Superman lived already on earth and sacrificed himself.
Jesus is not superhuman. Read the Anti-Christ.

Grade 5 out of 5 stars from Jerzy 20.01.2017 20:47

An excellent book in the best translation.

Grade 5 out of 5 stars from Ru5 28.12.2016 16:39

My friend gave me this book to read - that's what she woke up in me: the reader's experiences plus my beliefs.
We kindly request: there is no need to raise controversy. I have an unorthodox outlook on a lot of things.
Writes a critic! Adherents and followers of the teachings of F. Nietzsche, if any, please do not treat me hostilely, because everyone has their own opinion and judgment about everything.
The book fell into my hands by accident. I am categorically not a supporter of the teachings of Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche. I don’t call the work “Thus Spoke Zarathustra” a Bible, even if it’s Nietzsche’s. Because the Bible has no analogues. The teaching of F. W. Nietzsche, which he preaches through the lips of the sage Zarathustra, tired of life, caused me a storm of contradictions, a pun of emotional unrest inspired by the wild stream of Zarathustra's speeches about the subtle matter of the soul, about life, about death. Emotions changed one after another, the explosion of protest did not fade away in my soul while reading this story. Propaganda thoughts poured by Zarathustra into the ears and hearts of casual passers-by, inexperienced in the simplicity of their townspeople about the Superman, involuntarily made my mouth open in a wide smile, and a slight irony was observed in my eyes.
Irony concerning the "Truth of Zarathustra". Truly, this proud Zarathustra does not want to acknowledge the fact that the Superman already lived on earth and sacrificed himself. Voluntarily gave himself
The most to torture the executioners. He sacrificed himself, in the name of saving the human soul.
His mother was a pious Jew, His Father is our Creator. Can this holy man be called a Jew? Oh no! He is the Messiah! He is the Savior of our souls!
He was conceived from the Holy Spirit, born from a Holy woman, lived among people, died a martyr's death, rose again as a Saint, ascended to heaven as the Lord!
Zarathustra preaches contempt for the weak, rejection of morality and a negative attitude towards all moral principles.
Jesus Christ is the image of the perfect man. An eternal example, an undeniable ideal of morality, kindness, love, mercy, compassion. High values ​​will never become obsolete.
If you look at the Savior only as a person, then he has no equal among us. Because no one has surpassed him yet.
In the ancient world, only the Atlanteans were likened to gods - they, by the right of their perfection, bore the status of the Superman.
I am not an atheist. I am a believer, and I say what I think, I say how I feel.
Friedrich Nietzsche created a truly brilliant story, but fortunately for me it did not find an echo in my heart. Our souls walk different paths of eternity! Of the writings of Friedrich Nietzsche, I read two, because his philosophical thoughts are at odds with my own convictions, and in particular, for this reason, reading Nietzsche became emotionally difficult for me. And here it is not only a matter of agreement or disagreement, there is something more, something that cannot be described in words.
In my ideal view, Superhumans resemble hobbits: good-natured, cheerful, hospitable, mild-mannered, peaceful, sociable people :-)

Grade 4 out of 5 stars from modus_2005 12/26/2015 01:16

Very difficult to read.
More precisely, just reading (as fiction) is easy, but then what's the point?
And thoughtfully, slowly, living and associating each line with the previously experienced, it is difficult.
It is even more difficult when the line is not associated with anything - this is confusing.
I read it line by line, I liked it. Until the end (unfortunately) did not master, there was not enough life experience.
Of the minuses - reading in this way (living) takes a lot of time and a certain life baggage is needed to understand the essence.

None of the founders of modern Western thought caused so much controversy and rumors as Friedrich Nietzsche (1844-1900). The Superman, the Will to Power, the Reappraisal of Values ​​(with the light hand of Nietzsche, this expression became a catchphrase), the assertion that "God is dead", the concept of the Eternal Return - almost everything from the ideological heritage of the philosopher was repeatedly subjected to the most diverse interpretations and interpretations, often distorting the essence of his views.

We hope that acquaintance with the philosophical poem "Thus Spoke Zarathustra" (the last time in the old translation the book was published in 1915) will allow the reader to objectively and impartially evaluate the outstanding work of one of the most original thinkers, whose spiritual experience influenced the formation of views and creativity L. Shestov, B. Shaw, T. Mann, G. Hesse, A. Camus, J. P. Sartre and many other cultural figures.

    Part one 1

    Part two 13

    Part three 25

    Part four and last 40

    From translator 57

    List of accepted abbreviations 57

    Notes 57

Friedrich Nietzsche
Thus spoke Zarathustra
A book for everyone and for no one

Part one

Foreword by Zarathustra

About the Superman and the Last Man

When Zarathustra was thirty years old, he left his fatherland and his native lake and retired to the mountains. Here he enjoyed his spirit and solitude and did not tire of this happiness for ten whole years. But at last his heart was transformed, and one morning, rising from the dawn, he stood before the sun and addressed it thus:

“Great luminary! Where would your happiness be if you didn’t have those for whom you shine?

For ten years you ascended over my cave: you would be fed up with your light and your ascent, if it were not for me, my eagle and my snake.

But every morning we waited for you, accepted your generosity and blessed you.

Look! I am fed up with my wisdom, like a bee that has collected too much honey; and behold, I need hands stretched out to me.

I want to give and bestow until the wisest of men rejoice in their folly, and the poor in their riches.

And therefore I must go down like you, when every evening you plunge into the abyss of the sea, bringing your light to the lower world, you, the richest of the luminaries!

Like you, I must roll up, - that's what the people I want to go to call it.

So bless me, O calm eye, looking without envy at the greatest happiness!

Bless the cup, ready to spill, so that precious moisture flows from it, spreading everywhere the reflection of your bliss!

Look! This cup is ready to empty again, and Zarathustra wants to become a man again."

Thus began the decline of Zarathustra.

Zarathustra descended from the mountain without meeting anyone on his way. But when he entered the forest, an old man suddenly appeared before him, leaving his sacred hut to look for roots in the forest. And the elder turned to Zarathustra with these words:

"I know this wanderer: several years ago he passed here. His name is Zarathustra; but he was transformed.

Then you carried your ashes to the mountains: do you now want to carry your fire to the valleys? Are you not afraid of the punishment that threatens the arsonist?

Yes, I recognize Zarathustra. His gaze is clear, and there is no disgust on his face. Isn't that why he walks like he's dancing?

Zarathustra changed, Zarathustra became a child and awakened from his sleep. What do you want from the sleepers?

As if in the sea, you plunged into loneliness, and the sea bore you. Alas! Do you want to go back to the beach? And again carry your own mortal body?"

And Zarathustra answered: "I love people."

“But isn’t it because,” said the saint, “I went into the forest and the desert, moving away from everyone, because I loved people too much?

Now I love God: I don't love people. Man is too imperfect for me. Loving him would kill me."

Zarathustra answered: "Did I say something about love? I bring people a gift."

"Don't give them anything," said the saint, "it's better to take a part of their burden from them and carry it with them - it will be best for them, if only it will be to your own taste!

And if you want to give them, give no more alms, and even make her beg!"

"No," replied Zarathustra, "I do not give alms. I am not poor enough for that."

The saint laughed at Zarathustra and said: “So try so that they accept your treasures! They do not trust hermits and do not believe that we come to them in order to give.

Our steps along their streets sound too lonely. And if at night, lying in their beds, long before sunrise, they hear a man walking, then they ask themselves: "Where is this thief stealing?"

So don't go to people, stay in the forest! Go to the animals! Why don't you want to be like me, a bear among bears, a bird among birds?"

"And what is the saint doing in the forest?" asked Zarathustra.

And he answered: "I compose songs and sing them; composing songs, I laugh, cry and sing: thus I praise God.

With singing, weeping and laughter I praise God, my Lord. What are you bringing us as a gift?"

Hearing these words, Zarathustra bowed to the saint and said: "What can I give you! Better let me leave as soon as possible from here, so as not to take anything from you!" And so they parted from each other, the old man and the husband, laughing like two children.

But when Zarathustra was left alone, he said thus in his heart: "Is it possible? This holy old man in his forest had not yet heard anything about what God is dead!" .

Arriving at the nearest city, which was located beyond the forest, Zarathustra saw a crowd of people gathered in the market square, for they were promised a spectacle - a rope dancer. And Zarathustra addressed the people with these words:

"I teach you about the Superman. Man is something that O to be overcome. What did you do to overcome it?

Hitherto all beings have created something that is higher than them; do you want to become the ebb of this great wave and return to the beasts rather than overcome man?

What is an ape compared to a man? A laughingstock or a painful shame. And the same should be the person for the Superman - a laughing stock or a painful shame.

You have made the journey from a worm to a man, but much in you is still from a worm. Once you were apes, and even now man is more ape than any other ape.

Even the wisest among you is something ambiguous and indefinitely bisexual, something between something that grows out of the earth and a deceptive ghost. But do I command you to be one or the other?

Listen, I'm teaching you about the Superman!

Superman is the meaning of the earth. Let your will also say: Yes it will Superman by the meaning of the earth!

I conjure you, my brothers, stay true to the earth and do not believe those who tell you about unearthly hopes! They are poisoners; it doesn't matter if they know it themselves.

They despise life; these are the dying and poisoned themselves, these are those from whom the earth is tired: let them perish!

Before the greatest crime was blasphemy against God, but God died, and these crimes died with him. Now the most terrible crime is to blaspheme the earth and honor the incomprehensible above the meaning of the earth!

Once upon a time, the soul looked with contempt at the body: and then this contempt was considered something higher. The soul longed to see the body lean, disgusting and hungry - so it hoped to be freed from it and from the earth.

Oh, that soul itself was thin, disgusting and hungry, and cruelty was the highest pleasure for her.

But tell me, my brethren, what does your body say about your soul? Is not your soul - poverty, and dirt, and miserable complacency?

Truly, man is a dirty stream. You have to be the sea to take it into yourself and not become unclean.

And so - I teach you about the Superman: he is the sea where your great contempt will sink.

What is high that you can experience? This is the hour great contempt: the hour when your happiness becomes as disgusting to you as your reason and virtue.

The hour when you say: "What is my happiness? It is poverty, and filth, and miserable self-satisfaction. But it must be such as to serve as an excuse for being itself!"

The hour when you say: "What is my mind? Does it seek knowledge like a lion for its food? My mind is poverty and filth and miserable self-satisfaction!"

The hour when you say: "What is my virtue? It has not yet made me mad. How tired I am of my good and evil! All this is poverty, and filth, and pathetic self-satisfaction!"

Grade 5 out of 5 stars from Sir Shury 06/05/2019 12:10

Grade 4 out of 5 stars from shim_pruts 16.08.2018 13:15

I look at some things with irony, but I don’t show off, I don’t have the habit of doing this. Reading Nietzsche is not hard and not easy, it was just interesting to know what a person who is disappointed in God thinks before sincerely believing in him. I believe in a higher mind and in such a historical figure as Jesus Christ, but selfless people have not met, because everyone is waiting for a reciprocal gesture.
Different sources claim that Jesus was a dirty trick? But the Bible says that he was a meek and humble person, I trust the biblical source more.
I am devoid of national prejudices, so I cannot be insulted by calling me a Ukrainian.

Grade 4 out of 5 stars from modus_2005 30.03.2017 16:00

>Superman lived already on earth and sacrificed himself.
Jesus is not superhuman. Read the Anti-Christ.

Grade 5 out of 5 stars from Jerzy 20.01.2017 20:47

An excellent book in the best translation.

Grade 5 out of 5 stars from Ru5 28.12.2016 16:39

My friend gave me this book to read - that's what she woke up in me: the reader's experiences plus my beliefs.
We kindly request: there is no need to raise controversy. I have an unorthodox outlook on a lot of things.
Writes a critic! Adherents and followers of the teachings of F. Nietzsche, if any, please do not treat me hostilely, because everyone has their own opinion and judgment about everything.
The book fell into my hands by accident. I am categorically not a supporter of the teachings of Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche. I don’t call the work “Thus Spoke Zarathustra” a Bible, even if it’s Nietzsche’s. Because the Bible has no analogues. The teaching of F. W. Nietzsche, which he preaches through the lips of the sage Zarathustra, tired of life, caused me a storm of contradictions, a pun of emotional unrest inspired by the wild stream of Zarathustra's speeches about the subtle matter of the soul, about life, about death. Emotions changed one after another, the explosion of protest did not fade away in my soul while reading this story. Propaganda thoughts poured by Zarathustra into the ears and hearts of casual passers-by, inexperienced in the simplicity of their townspeople about the Superman, involuntarily made my mouth open in a wide smile, and a slight irony was observed in my eyes.
Irony concerning the "Truth of Zarathustra". Truly, this proud Zarathustra does not want to acknowledge the fact that the Superman already lived on earth and sacrificed himself. Voluntarily gave himself
The most to torture the executioners. He sacrificed himself, in the name of saving the human soul.
His mother was a pious Jew, His Father is our Creator. Can this holy man be called a Jew? Oh no! He is the Messiah! He is the Savior of our souls!
He was conceived from the Holy Spirit, born from a Holy woman, lived among people, died a martyr's death, rose again as a Saint, ascended to heaven as the Lord!
Zarathustra preaches contempt for the weak, rejection of morality and a negative attitude towards all moral principles.
Jesus Christ is the image of the perfect man. An eternal example, an undeniable ideal of morality, kindness, love, mercy, compassion. High values ​​will never become obsolete.
If you look at the Savior only as a person, then he has no equal among us. Because no one has surpassed him yet.
In the ancient world, only the Atlanteans were likened to gods - they, by the right of their perfection, bore the status of the Superman.
I am not an atheist. I am a believer, and I say what I think, I say how I feel.
Friedrich Nietzsche created a truly brilliant story, but fortunately for me it did not find an echo in my heart. Our souls walk different paths of eternity! Of the writings of Friedrich Nietzsche, I read two, because his philosophical thoughts are at odds with my own convictions, and in particular, for this reason, reading Nietzsche became emotionally difficult for me. And here it is not only a matter of agreement or disagreement, there is something more, something that cannot be described in words.
In my ideal view, Superhumans resemble hobbits: good-natured, cheerful, hospitable, mild-mannered, peaceful, sociable people :-)

Grade 4 out of 5 stars from modus_2005 26.12.2015 01:16

Very difficult to read.
More precisely, just reading (as fiction) is easy, but then what's the point?
And thoughtfully, slowly, living and associating each line with the previously experienced, it is difficult.
It is even more difficult when the line is not associated with anything - this is confusing.
I read it line by line, I liked it. Until the end (unfortunately) did not master, there was not enough life experience.
Of the minuses - reading in this way (living) takes a lot of time and a certain life baggage is needed to understand the essence.