
Where does Anatoly Wasserman live? What is famous Anatoly Wasserman Wasserman year of birth

Conifers in garden design

Anatoly Wasserman was born on December 9, 1952 in Odessa. Graduated from the Odessa Technological Institute of the Refrigeration Industry, Faculty of Thermal Physics, majoring in Thermal Physics Engineer.

After graduating from the institute, from August 1, 1974 to September 30, 1977, he worked as a programmer in the research sector of the Odessa NPO Kholodmash. From October 3, 1977 to August 23, 1995 - a programmer (since 1980 - a system programmer) of the Odessa All-Union Research Institute "Pishchepromavtomatika".

From November 23, 1991 to the present - a journalist (in particular, in 1996-1999 - in computer magazines). Since September 6, 1995 - a political consultant in a team with Nurali Latypov. In 1994 he ran for the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine; ranked second in the county. Since 2008 - chief editor of the popular science magazine "Idea X" (the magazine ceased publication in 2010). During the election campaign to the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine in 2012, he was a confidant of the candidate for people's deputies Igor Markov.

Wasserman claims that in his youth he took a vow of chastity, which he still observes. He regrets this vow, but believes that at his age it is very difficult to change anything. In addition to Russian, he also speaks Ukrainian, English and Esperanto with a dictionary.

Participation in intellectual games

For the first time on the all-Union screen he appeared on October 14, 1989, in the team of Nurali Latypov, in the elite club “What? Where? When? ”, Then - in the team of Viktor Morokhovsky at the Brain Ring. In the television "Own Game" he won fifteen victories in a row in 2001-2002 and became the best player of the decade in 2004. Five-time champion of Ukraine in the sports version of "Own Game" (2005, 2006, 2010-2012). Three-time (May 1, 2008, April 24, 2011, May 2, 2013) Moscow champion in the sports version of "Own game" (according to the "Nesprosta" club), bronze medalist of the same competition in 2006. Silver medalist of the "Connoisseurs" (World Games of Connoisseurs) 2010 in "Own Game", lost to Ilya Novikov in the final. In the sports "What? Where? When?" plays for the team "Nemchinovka" (Moscow), the team of Evgenia Kanishcheva (Simferopol) and a number of others. In their composition, he became the winner and prize-winner of various competitions, in particular, the championship of Ukraine in 2005 (1st place), 2006 and 2011 (2nd place). As part of the "Phoenix" team, the champion of Ukraine in the erudite quartet (team version of "Own Game") in 2007. Bronze medalist of the Moscow Erudite Quartet Championship as part of the Domodedovo and the rest of Russia team in 2010 (according to the Association of Moscow Mind Games Clubs).

He was one of the main participants in the TV game "Mind Games". October 14, 2009 participated in the program "Taxi". He also took part in non-fiction television programs, in particular, "The Dinner Party" and many talk shows.

Work in the media

  • co-hosted the Wasserman Reaction program (NTV, from 2012 to 2013, previously one as part of Morning on NTV) with Yegor Kholmogorov
  • Open Text program as part of the Friday evening news release on REN TV (since 2012)
  • hosts the program "Arbor with Anatoly Wasserman" on Fridays from 17:00 (Moscow time) on Radio Komsomolskaya Pravda


He considers himself a Stalinist and a convinced Marxist in the interpretation of the analytical group Socrates Platonov. Wasserman is a supporter of the accession of Ukraine to Russia. He repeatedly stated that he considers the Ukrainian and Belarusian languages ​​to be dialects of Russian, and not independent languages. Wasserman is convinced that Ukraine is an integral part of Russia. In his opinion, an independent Ukraine is dangerous for all its citizens.

Wasserman advocates the abolition of pensions and believes that universal pension provision is one of the main sources of the demographic crisis.

He believes that in Russia it is necessary to allow the use of firearms for civil self-defense.

Wasserman criticized Ramzan Kadyrov's proposal to imprison participants in nationalist rallies. He declared that it was "a remedy of the kind worse than the disease itself."

Consistently criticizes US foreign policy. Wasserman does not rule out US involvement in the death of former Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez. Claims that the assassination of Muammar Gaddafi is a crime for which Barack Obama, Nicolas Sarkozy, David Cameron and Anders Fogh Rasmussen must answer.

Anatoly Wasserman advocates the legalization of all types of drugs and psychotropic substances. Moreover, Wasserman supports the free sale of narcotic and psychotropic drugs in pharmacies without a prescription. He is convinced that it is necessary to decriminalize prostitution. Wasserman states that it is necessary to cancel all education reforms over the past 30 years, since modern schoolchildren lack a knowledge system.

He criticized the initiative of Elena Mizulina, head of the State Duma Committee on Family, Women and Children, to ban swearing on the Internet. Commenting on the "anti-piracy" law, Wasserman said that such projects impede the intellectual development of man and contribute to the transformation of man into a monkey.

Wasserman supports a ban on the adoption of children by homosexual couples, as he believes that children raised by homosexual unions have difficulty in building their own family. He calls it stupid to try to equate homosexual unions with marriages and, despite his absolute atheism, takes the side of the church in this matter.

Attitude towards religion, formulated by Wasserman: "I am an atheist, and an atheist not out of habit, but out of conviction." Wasserman argues that the non-existence of God is quite rigorously and unambiguously deduced as a consequence of Gödel's incompleteness theorem. However, Wasserman emphasizes that the Orthodox Church in Russia plays a positive social role.

He considers himself not a Jew, but a Russian of Jewish origin. Wasserman argues that a person's nationality is a set of acquired habits. He is convinced that nationalism is a contagious mental illness. Calls himself a staunch opponent of the nation-state.

In popular culture

Humor about Anatoly Wasserman is widespread on the Internet. One of the most famous jokes is "Facts about Anatoly Wasserman", modeled after "facts about Chuck Norris". In particular, Internet users joke about his extremely high erudition, about a beard, a peculiar manner of dressing and a vest with a lot of pockets (in the Big Difference program, he said that his vest weighs about 7 kilograms) and numerous contents. Some of the jokes about Wasserman can be found in articles dedicated to him on the wiki projects Absurdopedia and Lurkomorye. Received the Internet nickname "Onotole". Several times he was a victim of pranksters. However, after several conversations, the telephone hooligans stopped showing interest in him. After rumors arose that Wasserman was going to run for the mayor of Odessa, the name and portrait of "Onotole" appeared on the walls of Odessa houses.

Anatoly Wasserman - father of Nikolai Valuev

Anatoly Wasserman has 7 brains, one in his head, 5 in his pockets and one in his beard.

Anatoly Wasserman's vest weighs 70 kg and contains 354 items. Among other things, he always carries with him a pocket astrolabe and a scale model of the universe.

The brain of Anatoly Wasserman is the only thing in the universe that Chuck Norris needs.

Anatoly Wasserman does not need the Internet, he has a memory.

A metal frame is built into Wasserman's vest to support a 30-kilogram brain.

When the Internet breaks, you can connect to Anatoly Wasserman and restore him from the cache

Five minutes of contemplating a photograph of Anatoly Wasserman increases iq by 30%.

Anatoly Wasserman - Deputy. Internet chief.

We are all the midday dream of Anatoly Wasserman.

In early childhood, Anatoly Wasserman wore tights with 15 pockets

Hamster Anatoly Wasserman received a second higher education

Google fits in Wasserman's cerebellum.

Google and Wikipedia are just small special cases of Anatoly's fleeting thoughtfulness.

Anatoly Wasserman - the first teacher of Vladimir Putin.

Anatoly Wasserman always takes Britannica or Brockhaus and Efron with him for a walk, just to have something to read in the metro.

Anatoly Wasserman reads books in the infrared range at a speed of up to 1250 Mbps at a distance of up to 900 meters.

Anatoly Wasserman's early answer is the only case of exceeding the speed of light in the macrocosm.

Vladimir Putin and George Bush are just pawns in Anatoly Wasserman's insidious game.

During his school years, Grisha Perelman bet Tolya Wasserman a chocolate bar "Alyonka" in a dispute about the bosonic model of string theory.

Hamster Anatoly Wasserman heads the Microsoft Corporation.

Only close friends know that Anatoly Wasserman's glasses are hollowed out from a single 17 kg nugget of Alpine rock crystal.

It was Anatoly Wasserman who invented borscht and relaxation in Egypt.

Anatoly Wasserman knows the word that was at the beginning.

Each cell in Anatoly Vesserman's brain has an IQ of 200 and is about the size of a rat.

Anatoly Wasserman poops pollonium.

In pocket number zero, Anatoly Wasserman keeps a list of the contents of all pockets. And in pocket number one is his backup copy.

Fingerprints of Anatoly Wasserman are Mandelbrot fractals.

After a night with Anatoly Wasserman, Pamela Anderson received her bachelor's degree in cosmology.

Anatoly Wasserman knows Pi by heart.

Anatoly Wasserman is such a positive person that when he joined Al-Qaeda, this organization received the Nobel Peace Prize.

Anatoly Wasserman's beard holds two liters of borscht.

Anatoly Wasserman posed naked on a spread of Popular Mechanics magazine.

Anatoly Wasserman's glasses are made from spare lenses for the Edwin Hubble Space Telescope.

It was Anatoly Wasserman who invented sex, Japanese poetry and Masons.

In one hour of work, the brain of Anatoly Wasserman consumes energy that would be enough to heat three kindergartens.

when Anatoly Wasserman wants to go somewhere, he does not go there, but moves the universe towards himself

Anatoly Wasserman's waistcoat pockets are expanded into the fourth dimension.

When Anatoly Wasserman wants sex, he simply develops a new theorem, which then has the entire scientific world.

When Anatoly Wasserman gets bored, he archives the Universe.

In one of the pockets of Anatoly Wasserman is a bottle of Klein.

Anatoly Wasserman came up with a nuclear reactor, disassembling a juicer as a child.

Anatoly Wasserman does not breathe air. Air breathes Anatoly Wasserman.

Instead of exercising in the morning, Anatoly Wasserman plays chess with his reflection in the mirror.

Anatoly Wasserman refused to be the President of the Earth. He does not trade on trifles.

Anatoly Wasserman spends 2 bottles of shampoo for one beard wash.

There is no chin behind Anatoly Wasserman's beard, there is another pocket.

Anatoly Wasserman does not know the meaning of the phrase "Anatoly Wasserman does not know."

When Anatoly Wasserman once again failed to find sunflower oil for frying his favorite buckwheat pancakes, he invented light. After several million years, he optimized his idea to a vest that can store everything you need.

Skinheads began to shave their heads after they lost an argument to Anatoly Wasserman.

Anatoly Vassrman is the only person in the world who can prove his point of view to the Chatbot.

Wasserman keeps his diary in assembler.

When you broke your first video set-top box, Anatoly Wasserman had already left IT

Anatoly Wasserman beat Alexandra Pakhmutova in pakhmut.

In the right pockets of Anatoly Wasserman's vest, the party's gold is hidden, and in the left - the stabilization fund of the Russian Federation.

FIDE paid Wasserman on time. Therefore, chess has not yet been solved.

Few people know that Anatoly Wasserman beat Deep Blue in "Chapaevtsy"

A little-known fact: Anatoly Wasserman's friend is Boris Burda.

When Anatoly Wasserman does not have enough change for a new oscillator, he always goes to the station, approaches the thimblers and, without looking, wins.

Once a year, Anatoly Wasserman throws off his vest and becomes stupid and defenseless for several hours.

The other day, Anatoly Wasserman, by the power of thought, reshuffled the government.

Wasserman computing power 57,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 floating point operations per second

Cthulhu - Anatoly Wasserman's home octopus.

The seed of Anatoly Vesserman can fertilize Elton John.

Anatoly Wasserman can easily isolate the square root of minus one.

One of the most famous intellectuals of our country and the entire post-Soviet space is undoubtedly Anatoly Wasserman. His track record is full of worthy victories in such popular television programs as “Own Game”, “Brain Ring”, “What? Where? When?" and many others. However, not all viewers who admired his encyclopedic knowledge know the details of his biography. In this article, we will try to fill this gap.

The now famous intellectual was born on December 9, 1952 in sunny Odessa, in a friendly Jewish family. His mother, Lina Ilyinichna, worked as an accountant, and his father, Alexander Anatolyevich Wasserman, was a well-known thermal physicist in scientific circles. He paid great attention to the life and fate of his eldest son. From a very young age, Anatoly strove to be like his father. This probably explains his early thirst for knowledge.

The future intellectual and connoisseur has a younger brother, who, like his father, became a thermal physicist and chemist. Parents never chose activities for their children—or did so very subtly and imperceptibly. At the same time, they participated in their fate and always answered their many questions.

As a child, Anatoly Wasserman was always told that he was a capable child. The future intellectual learned to read in syllables at the age of three and a half, and fluently at the age of four. At the age of eleven, Anatoly began to actively study the encyclopedic reference book on mechanical engineering in fifteen volumes, which by the age of fourteen he had practically learned by heart.

School years

The boy grew up weak and sickly. His parents taught him to count and write on his own, he was sent to school only at the age of eight, but immediately to the second grade. True, due to frequent illnesses, the child missed many classes and spent most of the school year at home. In high school, health problems were compounded by problems in relationships with classmates. They say that due to the constant attacks of several hooligans, Anatoly did not only his homework, but also his offenders.

He had to change schools several times. And some time later, Anatoly Wasserman fell out of favor and proved to the school teachers whom he corrected that they did not know the subject. Relations with history teachers were especially difficult. It is for these reasons that, despite the role of an intellectual, a young man in his school years was never an excellent student.

Student years

The situation began to gradually improve only when Anatoly graduated from school. Having received the coveted certificate, the young polymath applied to the Technological Institute in his native Odessa. Five years later, he received a diploma in thermal physics and got a job at NPO Holodmash in Odessa as a programmer, where he worked for three years. Then he continued his career at the Research Institute "Pishchepromavtomatika".

Mind games

In his youth, Anatoly Wasserman, even working at industrial enterprises, constantly continued to improve his education. He became a participant in the qualifying competitions of the intellectual game “What? Where? When? ”, where he demonstrated outstanding results. These preparations anticipated the polymath's television popularity in the next decade.

Television appearance

TV viewers first saw the colorful player in 1989. Having passed all the introductory rounds, Anatoly Wasserman became a member of the elite casino “What? Where? When?". He joined the team of Nurali Latypov. After a well-deserved success in this project, he took part in the Brain Ring program in the team of Viktor Morokhovsky.

"My own game"

After many convincing and striking victories, the already well-known expert was invited to the new intellectual program “Own Game”, in which Anatoly Wasserman set a record by scoring 15 victories in a row, for which he was awarded the title of “Best Player of the Decade”.

"Mind games"

Since 2005, Wasserman has been taking part in the new intellectual show "Mind Games", where he does not act in his usual role as a participant in the competition, but as an opponent of the guests of the show. True, the TV show was closed in the same year.

Anatoly continues to cooperate with the media. On television (REN and NTV channels), the intellectual conducts fascinating programs “Open Text”, “Wasserman's Reaction”.

Today, more than twenty books by Anatoly Wasserman have been published. The first one came out in 2010. The debut in literature was a book called by the author “Russia, including Ukraine. Unity or death. It is dedicated to Russian-Ukrainian relations.

Wasserman continues to work on general historical topics, and another book appears on the shelves of bookstores in 2011 - Skeletons in the Closet of History. In 2012, two books by the author were published: The History Chest and a collaboration with the former captain of the What? Where? Where?" Nurali Latypov "The reaction of Wasserman and Latypov to legends, myths and other jokes of history."

In 2017, one of the last works of the author was published - the book “In the footsteps of writers. Something for Odessa". This book tells about the amazing history of the city, talented people who fell under the spell of Odessa. Among them are Gogol and Pushkin, Babel and Bunin, Korney Chukovsky.


Having completed his career as a professional connoisseur and intellectual, Anatoly Wasserman, whose photo we posted in this article, began working in journalism. His specialization was political issues. The statements of the journalist were considered by many to be radical. They caused a wide resonance of the public and, in most cases, an ambiguous assessment due to their categorical nature.

In a number of publications that appeared both in the Ukrainian and Russian press, he confessed his communist views and promoted the idea of ​​the reunification of Ukraine and Russia.

Change of citizenship

Anatoly Aleksandrovich Wasserman, a Ukrainian by birthplace, became a Russian citizen on January 27, 2016, having accepted the citizenship of the Russian Federation. In September 2015, the Armed Forces of Ukraine opened a criminal case against him, accusing him of calling for a change in the constitutional order. In the same year, Anatoly Wasserman took part in the political life of Russia. He put forward his candidacy for deputies on the regional list of Moscow from the Just Russia party in the elections to the State Duma. In the district, he took second place, losing only to Anton Zharkov.

Anatoly Wasserman: personal life

Even in his youth, the famous intellectual took a vow of chastity, which he still observes today. It is for this reason that he never married. According to him, today he regrets his vow, but he is sure that it is already difficult to change an uncomplicated personal life. Anatoly Wasserman made this vow in his student years in the heat of the moment, in a dispute with a fellow student, when they talked about the relationship between men and women.

Often, journalists are interested in whether it is time to abandon the vow that doomed him to loneliness. Anatoly Alexandrovich usually answers these questions that he is an extremely stubborn person, especially when it comes to his own life. But at the same time, he always emphasizes that he has already regretted the decision many times.

His last bright love was in the fifth grade. Fell in love with a girl, for whom all classmates sighed. Perhaps, if such vivid feelings appeared at a more mature age, then Wasserman would have violated the vow. Oddly enough, women in his house periodically appear. But as a rule, these are just acquaintances who come to the capital and stay at the hospitable Anatoly.

No one will deny that it is impossible for a long life not to meet a single attractive and interesting woman. They also met on Wasserman's life path - both on television programs and among numerous acquaintances. Anatoly even thought about marriage several times. However, these thoughts quickly disappeared, in no way affecting further relationships.

At the same time, the famous erudite never felt lonely, because he has a wide circle of friends and acquaintances. His life, of course, is not the best equipped. Anatoly Wasserman does not know how to cook, usually he simply warms up semi-finished products or visits a cafe. Regarding the issue of procreation, which has always worried his parents, Anatoly Aleksandrovich jokes that in general terms this problem has been solved thanks to his brother Vladimir.

The most famous erudite of our country has a niece - Masha. This is a multifaceted gifted child, developing creatively. She draws beautifully, attends a painting school, enjoys dancing, and is interested in modern and classical music.

By political convictions, Anatoly Wasserman is a Stalinist and a Marxist. In terms of religion, he is an atheist, although he has repeatedly spoken out about the role of Orthodoxy in the public life of the country.

Wasserman is the inventor and owner (only) of a vest that has a huge number of pockets in which he carries everything he needs, from a GPS navigator and a set of tools to voice recorders and flashlights. The weight of such a vest exceeds seven kilograms.

Anatoly Alexandrovich studies foreign languages. Today he is fluent in Ukrainian, English, Russian and Esperanto.

Anatoly Aleksandrovich Wasserman. Born December 9, 1952 in Odessa. Soviet and Ukrainian engineer, journalist, publicist, TV presenter, political consultant, participant and multiple winner of intellectual TV games.

Anatoly Wasserman was born on December 9, 1952 in Odessa. Graduated from the Odessa Technological Institute of the Refrigeration Industry, Faculty of Thermal Physics, majoring in Thermal Physics Engineer.

After graduating from the institute, from August 1, 1974 to September 30, 1977, he worked as a programmer in the research sector of the Odessa NPO Kholodmash.

From October 3, 1977 to August 23, 1995 - a programmer (since 1980 - a system programmer) of the Odessa All-Union Research Institute "Pishchepromavtomatika".

From November 23, 1991 to the present - a journalist (in particular, in 1996-1999 - in computer magazines).

In 1994 he ran for the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine; ranked second in the county.

Since 2008 - chief editor of the popular science magazine "Idea X" (the magazine ceased publication in 2010). During the election campaign to the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine in 2012, he was a confidant of the candidate for people's deputies Igor Markov.

Wasserman claims that in his youth he took a vow of chastity, which he still observes. He regrets this vow, but believes that at his age it is very difficult to change anything. In addition to Russian, he also speaks Ukrainian, English and Esperanto with a dictionary.

For the first time on the all-Union screen he appeared on October 14, 1989, in the team of Nurali Latypov, in the elite club “What? Where? When? ”, Then - in the team of Viktor Morokhovsky at the Brain Ring.

In the television "Own Game" he won fifteen victories in a row in 2001-2002 and became the best player of the decade in 2004. Five-time champion of Ukraine in the sports version of "Own Game" (2005, 2006, 2010-2012). Three-time (May 1, 2008, April 24, 2011, May 2, 2013) Moscow champion in the sports version of "Own game" (according to the "Nesprosta" club), bronze medalist of the same competition in 2006. Silver medalist of the "Connoisseurs" (World Games of Connoisseurs) 2010 in "Own Game", lost to Ilya Novikov in the final. In the sports "What? Where? When?" plays for the team "Nemchinovka" (Moscow), the team of Evgenia Kanishcheva (Simferopol) and a number of others. In their composition, he became the winner and prize-winner of various competitions, in particular, the championship of Ukraine in 2005 (1st place), 2006 and 2011 (2nd place). As part of the "Phoenix" team, the champion of Ukraine in the erudite quartet (team version of "Own Game") in 2007.

Bronze medalist of the Moscow Erudite Quartet Championship as part of the Domodedovo and the rest of Russia team in 2010 (according to the Association of Moscow Mind Games Clubs).

He was one of the main participants in the TV game "Mind Games". October 14, 2009 participated in the program "Taxi". He also took part in non-fiction television programs, in particular, "The Dinner Party" and many talk shows.

He considers himself a Stalinist and a convinced Marxist in the interpretation of the analytical group Socrates Platonov. Wasserman is a supporter of the accession of Ukraine to Russia. He repeatedly stated that he considers the Ukrainian language a dialect of Russian, and not an independent language. Wasserman is convinced that Ukraine is an integral part of Russia. In his opinion, an independent Ukraine is dangerous for all its citizens.

Wasserman advocates the abolition of pensions and believes that universal pension provision is one of the main sources of the demographic crisis.

He believes that in Russia it is necessary to allow the use of firearms for civil self-defense.

Wasserman criticized Ramzan Kadyrov's proposal to imprison participants in nationalist rallies. He declared that it was "a remedy of the kind worse than the disease itself."

Consistently criticizes US foreign policy. Wasserman does not rule out US involvement in the death of former Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez. Claims murder is a crime for which Barack Obama, Nicolas Sarkozy, David Cameron and Anders Fogh Rasmussen must answer.

Anatoly Wasserman advocates the legalization of all types of drugs and psychotropic substances. Moreover, Wasserman supports the free sale of narcotic and psychotropic drugs in pharmacies without a prescription. He is convinced that it is necessary to decriminalize prostitution. Wasserman states that it is necessary to cancel all education reforms over the past 30 years, since modern schoolchildren lack a knowledge system.

He criticized the initiative of Elena Mizulina, head of the State Duma Committee on Family, Women and Children, to ban swearing on the Internet. Commenting on the "anti-piracy" law, Wasserman said that such projects impede the intellectual development of man and contribute to the transformation of man into a monkey.

Wasserman supports a ban on the adoption of children by homosexual couples, as he believes that children raised by homosexual unions have difficulty in building their own family. He calls it stupid to try to equate homosexual unions with marriages and, despite his absolute atheism, takes the side of the church in this matter.

Attitude towards religion, formulated by Wasserman: "I am an atheist, and an atheist not out of habit, but out of conviction." Wasserman argues that the non-existence of God is quite rigorously and unambiguously deduced as a consequence of Gödel's incompleteness theorem. However, Wasserman emphasizes that the Orthodox Church in Russia plays a positive social role.

He considers himself not a Jew, but a Russian of Jewish origin. Wasserman argues that a person's nationality is a set of acquired habits. He is convinced that nationalism is a contagious mental illness. Calls himself a staunch opponent of the nation-state.

The growth of Anatoly Wasserman: 160 centimeters.

Anatoly Wasserman about women and personal life

Humor about Anatoly Wasserman is widespread on the Internet. One of the most famous jokes "Facts about Anatoly Wasserman" modeled after the Chuck Norris facts. In particular, Internet users joke about his extremely high erudition, about a beard, a peculiar manner of dressing and a vest with a lot of pockets (in the Big Difference program, he said that his vest weighs about 7 kilograms) and numerous contents. Some of the jokes about Wasserman can be found in articles dedicated to him on the wiki projects Absurdopedia and Lurkomorye. Got an internet nickname "Onotole". Several times he was a victim of pranksters. However, after several conversations, the telephone hooligans stopped showing interest in him. After rumors arose that Wasserman was going to run for the mayor of Odessa, the name and portrait of "Onotole" appeared on the walls of Odessa houses.

Anatoly Wasserman himself does not consider these jokes offensive and admits that some of them are quite witty.

He graduated from the Institute of Refrigeration Industry in Odessa, worked as a programmer until 1991, after which he became interested in journalism. Over the years, he tried to become a deputy, first he ran for the Ukrainian Rada, and then for the Russian Duma. Both times he lost to his opponents, taking second place.

First appeared on television in the program "What? Where? When?" in 1989. Then came a series of participations and victories in various intellectual shows, both on Russian and Ukrainian television. He currently holds the position of a columnist for the RIA Novosti website.

Personal life

Not married and never was, no children. In his youth, he took a vow of celibacy, which he now regrets, but believes that it is too late to change something.

Anatoly Wasserman's apartment

From 2004 to the end of 2013, he rented a two-room apartment in a twelve-story panel building, on Panfilov Heroes Street in the Northern Tushino area. The place was quiet and calm, next to the house there was a school with a pretty square.

In 2013, he moved to a new living space, located on the thirtieth floor in the prestigious district of the capital - Khodynka. It was acquired for use as a film studio by a television company with which he was collaborating at that time. Wasserman had to deal with the arrangement on his own and at his own expense, but with the help of television show interior designer Maria Reichelgauz.

Initially, it was a living space with an open plan, but in the end it turned out to be three spacious rooms with a living room, a kitchen, an office-bedroom and a guest room.

Due to the wide windows, light ceiling and walls, the living room looks very spacious and sunny, although huge sections filled with literature, cups and awards are mounted throughout the walls. The ceiling is finished with gray tiles to create special acoustics when recording programs.

Next to the window there are racks with a collection of cars, airplanes and tanks, which Anatoly himself glued together from plastic parts back in Soviet times. But most of the exhibits were damaged during numerous moves and repairs.

The owner considers collecting weapons as his main passion, but not real ones, but mock-ups. The collection includes both sniper rifles and pistols of various calibers and times. And just recently, he got a home shooting range with a special bullet catcher, on which he periodically trains in shooting. In addition to firearms, there are also training swords, which the owner uses to warm up his hands.

In the spacious living room there was a place for a simulator, on which the erudite trains his muscles and stretches his spine in his free time from work and reading.

Anatoly spends most of his time in his study-bedroom, where he works and sleeps. The walls are finished with wood, the floor is laid the same as in the living room laminate. On one side there are shelves with books, and opposite the other wall there is a work table, above which there is a bed on the second tier.

The ergonomic keyboard designed and manufactured in England attracts attention. It costs more than $700, but it's worth it, as it allows you to work faster and more efficiently. Under the bed there is not only electronics, but also copies of English daggers, a Scottish skin-doo knife and other equally interesting specimens.

A couple of meters from the bed hangs the famous "Wasserman vest" with a huge number of pockets and pockets and trousers. He orders clothes in batches of twenty sets from a special tailoring firm. clothes. The maximum weight of the vest reached almost ten kilograms, but recently it has become quite lighter, since most of the useful things worn in it have been transformed and modernized over time, and accordingly lost weight.

A small kitchen is divided into two zones: a cooking and eating area. This room is also decorated in light colors. There is a small TV, a microwave, a coffee machine and a double-leaf refrigerator with many rare and interesting magnets.

From here you can go to the guest room, where there is a bunk bed and already familiar shelves with books. To provide sound insulation, the room is additionally equipped with layers of cork sheet.

According to CIAN, a three-room apartment on the Khodynka field costs from 25 to 70 million rubles.