
Candied apricots at home recipe. How to make candied apricots at home according to a step-by-step recipe with a photo

All about roses

A very simple recipe for candied apricots from home cooking step by step with a photo. Easy to cook at home in over 2 hours. Contains only 208 kilocalories. Author's recipe for home cooking.

  • Preparation time: 15 minutes
  • Cooking time: over 2 hours
  • Amount of calories: 208 kilocalories
  • Servings: 3 servings
  • Complexity: Very simple recipe
  • National cuisine: home kitchen
  • Dish type: Dessert
  • Features: Recipe for a strict vegetarian diet

Ingredients for three servings

  • Apricot 500 g.
  • Sugar sand 500 g.
  • Water 0.5 stack.
  • Powdered sugar 3 tbsp. spoon

Step by step cooking

  1. Candied apricots are a wonderful delicacy, they taste like dried apricots, only sweeter and softer. It will take a lot of time to cook candied apricots, as they must stand in syrup for three days and pour boiling syrup. Then, after cooking, they still need to be dried. But the final product will definitely please you. To prepare candied fruits from apricots, you need to select dense ripe fruits, not soft and not damaged. Wash the apricots and carefully cut them into halves, removing the pits. For half a kilogram of apricot halves, we take half a kilogram of sugar and half a glass of water. The number of ingredients can be proportionally increased.
  2. We make syrup from sugar and water. Bringing it to a boil, you need to boil for two to three minutes, so that the syrup becomes transparent.
  3. Pour the apricot halves into a bowl of boiling sugar syrup and immediately turn off the fire.
  4. Gently, using a spoon, dip the halves of the apricots into the syrup and leave them to infuse for 12 hours.
  5. After 12 hours, remove the apricot halves from the syrup with a slotted spoon and transfer to another container.
  6. We boil the syrup again for a couple of minutes from the moment of boiling.
  7. And again pour the apricot halves with hot syrup. So we repeat two or three more times, after five to six hours, each time after complete cooling.
  8. When the syrup becomes thick and its amount is halved, put the container with apricots in syrup on the fire and cook over low heat, stirring gently, for about forty minutes - an hour. Apricots are no longer boiled.
  9. We lay out the finished candied fruits from the apricot halves with a fork on parchment.
  10. We place candied apricots on parchment in the oven and dry them there at a hundred degrees for at least an hour, longer if possible.
  11. Before serving, candied apricots are generously rolled in powdered sugar.
  12. We spread the candied fruits from the apricot halves, sprinkled with powdered sugar, on a plate and serve with tea. It should be borne in mind that powdered sugar on fresh candied fruits does not last long, the syrup absorbs it.
  13. And for storage, candied apricots in powdered sugar can be folded into a jar.
  14. We close the jar with candied fruits not with a lid, but with parchment paper, and store candied apricots in a cabinet at room temperature.

Candied fruit is an oriental dish known for its sweet honey taste. For more than one generation, it remains a favorite delicacy of all children and adults. It is not only a great substitute for regular candies, but also a great topping for your pies, cakes, ice cream or other desserts.

It is worth noting that earlier candied fruits were made only from the zest of citrus fruits, however, today there are a huge number of ways to prepare and fill it. In this article, we will analyze a very simple recipe for candied apricots at home, which my grandmother recently shared with me.

Kitchen appliances and utensils: three-liter enameled steel saucepan, slotted spoon, baking sheet, parchment, mesh for drying fruit.


How to choose ingredients

Apricots come in completely different varieties. Despite the fact that they look little different from each other, their ripeness can be easily determined by color (the fruit should have a bright orange color with a uniform color). Moreover, the apricot should have a thin and soft skin, as well as a fleshy and slightly elastic texture.

After selecting a specimen according to its visual qualities, we take the fruit in our hands to smell it. It should have a light and sweet aroma that can be smelled even through the skin. We check the elasticity of the apricot: for this, lightly press on it with your hand. A good and ripe fruit should in no case be deformed. Also, do not forget that in a ripe fruit, when separated from the pulp, the bone remains smooth.

Step by step cooking

  1. To begin with, we need to thoroughly rinse 1 kg of apricots, divide them in half and separate the stone from the pulp.
  2. Pour 1 kg of sugar into a three-liter enameled pan. Then pour 300 ml of water and add half a teaspoon of citric acid.

  3. We put the pan on a large fire and, stirring, bring the syrup to a boil. As soon as it starts to boil, reduce the heat to a minimum and continue to cook for another 5 minutes, stirring constantly. It is necessary to cook until it becomes transparent.

  4. Add a kilogram of apricot to the boiling syrup. Bring to a boil and boil the fruit for another 15 minutes. As soon as the apricots have boiled, turn them off and let them cool in syrup (20-30 minutes).

  5. After the dish has cooled, take a baking sheet and cover it with parchment. Next, using a slotted spoon, we need to carefully lay out all the apricots on the parchment, carefully straining them first.

  6. We put the apricots in the oven, preheated to 50 °. In blowing mode, we need to hold them for about 2 hours. After two hours, we take out the candied fruits from the oven and transfer them to a mesh for drying fruit.

  7. We send the fruit to dry in the net on the balcony. They should be completely dry within two days. If it is very hot outside, then one day may well be enough.

  8. After the candied fruits are completely dry, we will have to sprinkle them with 100 g of sugar or powdered sugar.

We can cook just as easily.

How to decorate and how to serve

Powdered sugar (or sugar) on candied fruit is a great decoration in itself. However, you can spice it up with mint or cinnamon sticks. In the same way we decorate - apricot jam with oranges -.

Serve candied fruits in small bowls in portions. Sprinkle with a little powdered sugar before serving.

Video recipe for making candied apricots at home

You can learn more about how to cook candied apricots from the video. Also, with its help, you can follow not only all the basic steps of the recipe, but also the intricacies of preparing this simple, but very tasty dish.

  • Before throwing apricots into syrup, it is best to blanch them in boiling water for about three minutes.
  • To make the fruit better saturated with syrup, they should be cut into smaller slices. We use the same secret when preparing - - apricot jam for the winter -.
  • Candied fruits are best dried on the balcony or in another place where there is fresh air and a slight draft.
  • After cooking, the dish is best placed in jars and rolled up or covered tightly with parchment so that the fruit does not get wet. In this state, we can store them for six months.
  • During drying in the oven, the main thing is not to overexpose the candied fruits for longer than the required time, otherwise they will become hard and tasteless.

Other cooking options

To diversify the dish a little, we prepare jam or jam from the remaining syrup and add it to our candied fruit. In addition, from it you can cook - apricot jam in a slow cooker -.

Oriental sweets are also perfect for filling your Easter cakes or muffins. What to say that such fruits can be added to porridge for your child. Rest assured, he will certainly not refuse such a tasty and healthy breakfast.

We diversify the taste and aroma of the dish: for this we use vanilla sugar (no more than a quarter of a teaspoon), cinnamon and a couple of heads (caps) of cloves are also perfect.

Write to us in the comments if you liked the recipe for candied apricots. And also share your ideas and cooking options for these oriental sweets. Bon Appetit!

Gorgeous and healthy sweetness of candied apricots at home. Candied apricots are delicious to chew, they are sweet and fragrant. Having prepared candied fruits from apricots, we will preserve all their usefulness, nutritional value and reveal their wonderful taste even more. But how to make candied fruits from apricots, I will tell you further.


  • Apricots - 1 kilogram;
  • sugar - 1.2 kilograms.

Step by step recipeukats from apricots

  1. Wash not quite ripe, preferably hard apricots in cold water. Then let her drain.
  2. Cut them in half and remove the seeds.
  3. Place prepared apricots in a colander and blanch in boiling water for 1-2 seconds, cool in cold water and place in an enamel bowl.
  4. Prepare a syrup from 1.5 cups of water, in which the apricots were blanched, and sugar. Pour apricots with boiling syrup, cook for 15 minutes over low heat, then remove the dishes from the heat and leave for 10 hours.
  5. After aging, boil the apricots for 15 minutes and leave back for 10 hours.
  6. For the third time, boil the apricots until tender, put on a sieve, leave for 1-1.5 hours to completely drain the syrup.
  7. Spread the cooled apricots in one layer on a sieve and dry in the oven at a temperature not exceeding 40°C. Lightly dried fruits, sprinkle with fine sugar and dry in a warm oven.
  8. Ready-made candied apricots, put in clean, dry jars, cover with parchment paper, tie and store in a cool, dry place.

Candied apricots can be used in the preparation of desserts, pies, cakes, ice cream decoration.


Candied apricots are the most common and very tasty type of candied fruit, simple enough to make at home. Thanks to the countries of the East, we became aware of many different sweets, it was from there that we learned about candied fruits. In ancient times, such a delicacy was prepared in a hot climate, without modern special devices. It was with this method of processing fruits with the use of sugar that it was possible to preserve them for a long time.
In the preparation of candied fruits, you can use various fruits and berries and even vegetables. You can also make them from fruit peels, it turns out very tasty. In this photo recipe, we will share how to cook candied apricots, which are very useful for the body, no less useful than fresh fruits. Apricots have been eaten for over a thousand years. In addition to the fact that they are very pleasant to the taste, thanks to them useful mineral and biologically active substances enter the body. With the regular use of apricots, a person’s working capacity increases, the body receives additional strength, in addition, the fruits charge with vigor for the rest of the day. This fruit has the following vitamins: A, B1, B2, B5, B6, B9, C, E, PP.
In this photo recipe, we have detailed an easy way to make candied apricots at home, in the form of step-by-step instructions. To make them properly, it is necessary to use only unripe fruits so that when they are cooked, they retain the shape of the pieces, and do not turn into apricot jam. Of course, candied apricots will benefit the body if they are consumed in a timely manner and, of course, in moderation. Such a delicacy is part of a variety of confectionery products or serves as a decoration for them. Candied fruits are ideally combined with any sweet dish, they are especially good in cottage cheese and curd products.
Candied apricots are an amazingly delicious delicacy that ideally replaces fresh fruit in the winter season. So, let's start cooking.


Candied apricots - recipe

Let's prepare the necessary ingredients to prepare a delicious delicacy at home - candied apricots.

Apricots are great for this recipe if they are still a little greenish. We wash the fruits thoroughly and dry them with a towel..

We divide clean apricots into two parts and remove the seeds. It is also advisable to cut each half of the fruit in half so that a total of four slices come out of one apricot, but if the fruits themselves are small, then this is not necessary at all.

We select a container suitable in volume for preparing syrup in it, pour granulated sugar into it and fill it with water, the amount indicated in the ingredients of the recipe. Sugar syrup should boil, and then remove the resulting foam from above. Add apricot slices to a container with syrup, remove from the stove until they boil.

We leave the liquid with apricot slices for a couple of hours until they cool, while the fruits are thoroughly soaked in sugar syrup. Pour the cooled pieces of apricots together with the syrup into a saucepan covered with a sieve..

Pour the drained fruit syrup back into the container in which it was cooked. Be sure to close it tightly with a lid so that debris does not get in.

Candied fruits and dried fruits for the winter

Love oriental sweets? Make healthy candied apricots at home according to our signature recipe with photos and videos and enjoy all winter!

24 hours

‎193 kcal

5/5 (3)

Candied fruit is one of the types of sweets that came to us from the East, and travelers at one time introduced them to all of Europe. And in Russia, candied fruits were given their name - Kiev dry jam, or "balabushki". So this delicacy was named after the Kiev merchant Semyon Semyonovich Balabukha, who glorified him in his homeland.

Candied fruits are perfect for those with a sweet tooth who follow the figure, as they have a very low calorie content. And today we will start cooking candied apricots at home.

Ingredients and preparation

Cooking time: 1 day.
Servings: 8-10.
Kitchen appliances: oven or dryer for vegetables and fruits.


Apricots (pitted) 2 kg
Sugar 1 kg
Water 4 tbsp.
sugar puff Taste

How to choose the right ingredients

For the preparation of candied fruits, use fresh, unsmashed apricots.

Recipe for candied apricots

  1. To prepare candied fruits, apricots must be washed and, having divided into halves, remove the seeds.

  2. Now you need to boil the syrup by adding sugar to the water.

    Important! Bring the syrup to a boil, while stirring it so that the sugar does not burn to the bottom of the pan.

  3. Add apricots to the prepared syrup, bring to a boil and remove from heat.

  4. Now you need to leave the apricots soaked in syrup for about 7-9 hours. After the specified time, boil again for about 10 minutes over low heat and also leave it to soak for 7-9 hours. This procedure must be repeated 2 more times or at least 1 time.

  5. When the last procedure for boiling the candied fruits is completed, pour them into a colander over a saucepan or large bowl and let the syrup drain.
  6. When excess liquid is glass, lay baking paper on a baking sheet and spread candied fruits on it.

  7. Send to dry in the oven at a temperature of 70 ºС for about 3-4 hours (depending on the size of the candied fruit).
  8. Sprinkle dried candied fruit with powdered sugar and enjoy!

What do these candied fruits eat with?

With great desire and skill candied fruits can be given any shape, be it circles, leaves, cubes or balls. You can simply enjoy them, and it is also very convenient to decorate various kinds of confectionery, thereby not using any artificial dyes.

Video recipe for making candied apricots at home

If you have a special dryer, like the one shown in this video, then you can see how to simplify the task of preparing these sweets for yourself.

  • Calculation of the proportions of water and sugar best produced based on the weight of the peeled fruit, in this case pitted apricots.
  • Powdered sugar is not required, but thanks to her, candied fruits do not stick together with each other, and they are convenient to take.
  • Recipe for candied fruit for the lazy: if the apricots are very soft or juicy, you can leave the peeled apricots in sweet brine with lemon slices for 20 hours. Thanks to the lemon juice, the fruit releases its own juice and is thus nourished by the syrup. After 20 hours, filter the candied fruit, put it on a baking sheet and dry it in the oven or using an electric dryer.

Possible other cooking and filling options

In addition to apricots, candied fruits can be made from various fruits: apples, pears, plums, pineapples and many others. You can also use melon, watermelon, orange and lemon peels as a basis.