
Tannin, caffeine and antioxidants - which tea is better? Does tea have caffeine? Caffeine in tea Caffeine and tannin in tea.

Fruit and berry crops for the garden

Green tea is considered a health drink with a number of health benefits. At the same time, few people thought about the fact that it contains caffeine. Being a natural stimulant of the nervous system, it eliminates drowsiness and increases energy. However, the amount of caffeine is perceived differently by each organism.


Caffeine is an alkaloid, different concentrations of which affect the body in different ways. It occurs naturally in green tea. Its concentration is related to a number of factors:

  • the location of the tea valley;
  • the climatic background of the region where the bushes grow;
  • soil composition;
  • growth nuances.

Air temperature also matters. For example, if the tea plantation is high, the temperature will be cool. Such leaves will grow more slowly, absorbing more caffeine. The rays of the sun also contribute to this.

In addition, the amount of caffeine in green tea depends on the brewing time. The longer the tea is brewed, the more caffeine it will contain. However, if the brewing time is exceeded (6 minutes), essential oils, as well as lipids, will begin to oxidize, the drink will become bitter. The beneficial properties of theanine are also canceled.

Due to the amino acid theanine, the effect of caffeine found in green tea is milder. Therefore, it does not have the addiction that coffee connoisseurs have. It blocks the effect of the neurotransmitter, so the person does not feel tired. In addition, caffeine improves brain function, improves mood. The percentage of caffeine in dry, not yet brewed tea is higher, but without the correct dosage, a wonderful drink will turn into poison.

Benefit and harm

In medical literature, caffeine is called a classic stimulant of psychomotor reactions. For example, it promotes weight loss by destroying subcutaneous fat. However, this does not mean that you do not need exercise to lose weight. Caffeine creates a burst of energy that can last for more than 2 hours. It also stimulates the growth of fatty acids.

During all this time, muscle performance increases and calories are burned, which is especially effective when enhanced by physical exercise. Due to fatty acids, the body warms up and the body temperature rises. It is caffeine that “warms up” the blood, not green tea itself.

It also improves the condition of the teeth by killing bacteria in the oral cavity. Therefore, when drinking green tea, you can get rid of bad breath.

With the right choice, you can purchase a variety, the use of which will be an excellent prevention of heart disease. If you carefully approach the issue of choice, you can reduce the content of "bad" cholesterol. In addition, green tea is an effective tool that helps with a hangover and intoxication of the body. It is a good diuretic.

However, it is caffeine that drives sleep. Therefore, it is better to drink green tea in the morning, since the component will not allow a person to fall asleep for several hours. Due to the expansion of the vessels of the brain and muscles, any signals will affect the cells of the body to a greater extent. This will increase the number of heartbeats, raising blood pressure. Therefore, green tea is contraindicated for hypertensive patients.

Despite the benefits of caffeine, its excessive amount can adversely affect the well-being of even a healthy person. For example, if you drink a lot of cups of tea, not only insomnia will appear, but also anxiety and even irritability. At the same time, you need to know that not only the time of day matters, but also the amount of sugar added to tea.

How much does it contain?

Caffeine is found in many drinks. To understand whether there is a lot of it in green tea or a little, you should refer to the table with the comparative characteristics of other drinks. It should be noted that the values ​​​​depend on the variety, and in the case of brewing and time. In other words, even the maximum percentage of caffeine can be increased if the tea is brewed incorrectly.

Knowing the average concentration in one cup, you can control the amount of alkaloid, which is especially important for hypertensive patients. A healthy person and adolescents from 19 years of age can drink caffeine no more than 300-400 mg per day. But this does not mean that this norm will be harmless if you drink a drink every day several times a day. In this case, a single dose should not exceed 150-200 mg. Drinking several cups of such a drink at once is undesirable.

It is effective for healing the body and may reduce the risk of developing cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes, and cancer. However, excessive consumption is dangerous: in the end, exceeding the concentration can lead to anxiety and arrhythmias.

Which to choose?

Since it is impossible to do without tea at all, hypertensive patients are interested in the issue of the minimum amount of caffeine and ways to reduce it. Even one variety can have a different amount of alkaloid depending on the processing. For example, a lot of caffeine in expensive, elite varieties of green tea. Therefore, for those who are healthy and want to increase their activity, it is worth taking a closer look at the expensive leaf look.

If you prefer a packaged product, you should choose the option without flavors. For example, a cup of Heritage Loose Tea will have 85mg of caffeine, while a bagged product of the same brand will have 76mg. The concentration of Greenfield leaf composition per cup will be 80 mg, tea bags will have caffeine in one cup of about 73 mg.

When choosing a brand, you can go to the manufacturer’s website in advance and find out how the tea was collected. In addition, you can ask about different varieties, consult with a specialist online.

As a rule, managers of tea companies are quite competent and will help you choose the composition for each specific case. However, it is worth considering that there are more benefits in sheet form.

How to reduce concentration?

Caffeine is found in any variety of green tea, so to solve the problem, you need to start with choosing a variety. A few suggestions may help here:

  • The best variety is the one that did not shade. It has less caffeine, so Matcha and Gyokuro varieties should not be considered for purchase.
  • It is worth choosing tea, which contains particles of stems and twigs of the tea tree. For example, good varieties are Houjicha and Kukicha: the percentage of caffeine in them is small.
  • Do not buy powdered drinks. In fact, these are suspensions with a large amount of alkaloid.
  • Lots of caffeine in the top leaves and buds. However, it is difficult for a simple buyer to understand the difference, so it is worth focusing on seasonality. There is more caffeine in the spring harvest, so "Shincha" is not suitable, while "Bancha" is a good solution.

  • Teas labeled "natural decaffeinated" are chemically processed with ethyl acetate. It is better to remove the percentage of caffeine using the boiling method, if a variety has already been chosen, where there is a lot of caffeine.
  • To reduce the concentration of the alkaloid, it is worth mixing the leaves, for example, with mint or lemongrass.

People suffering from tachycardia, insomnia, irritability and having chronic diseases should drink green tea carefully. In this case, it is not the concentration and time of brewing that is particularly important, but its correctness.

How to brew and drink?

Since healthy tea is the one that is brewed correctly, it is necessary to briefly note the main nuances of its preparation. To get the most useful qualities, it is better not to bring the water to a full boil: boiling water can destroy flavonoids. 30 seconds is enough to enjoy a drink without harm to health.

Brewing a drink according to all the rules is different from how a modern person is used to doing it. Meanwhile, this is what will reduce the amount of alkaloid. The first portion must be poured out, since only the second is suitable for consumption. It is this nuance that will allow you to remove more than half of the caffeine from green tea, reducing it to an acceptable value in each case.

At the same time, you can withstand more than 30 seconds for the first time in order to remove as much caffeine from tea as possible. Of course, the taste will decrease, but the tea will be safe for hypertensive patients and those who have diseases of the cardiovascular system. It is important to consider that after buying a new tea for the first time, you should drink no more than half a cup. Starting to drink it little by little, it is easier to control your feelings, it is easier to follow the reaction of the body. If there is a positive trend, tea is suitable and you can slightly increase its amount per day.

However, this brewing method is not suitable for tea bags. It is a mistake to assume that it is less dangerous in terms of caffeine content, and it will not work to remove it in a similar way. It is easier to brew leaves, being able to vary their quantity when you need, for example, weak tea leaves. In addition, there is another interesting nuance: the amount of caffeine is directly related to the temperature of the brewed tea.

In addition to theanine, responsible for freshness and sweetness, green tea contains catechins, which limit the activity of caffeine. When mixing the components in hot water, it is they who make the effect of caffeine on the body sparing. But as soon as the tea starts to cool, the caffeine will gain its strength again. Therefore, you need to drink green tea hot.

What else do you need to know?

If the method of pouring out the primary liquid is used to reduce caffeine, it should be taken into account that polyphenols that protect the heart and also save the liver from oxidative and inflammatory processes will leave green tea along with caffeine, provided that there are few of them. Do not drink green tea with a high concentration constantly, as this can affect the functioning of the kidneys and liver. It is worth paying attention to additives, as not all teas are useful.

Theanine, found in green tea, prevents high blood pressure, which is typical for drinks with caffeine. However, if you brew tea for more than 6 minutes, its effect will be reduced to zero.

It is important to take into account the fact that not all drinks called green tea are healthy. For example, any energy drink with green tea contains a high concentration of caffeine.

As for pregnant and lactating mothers, the situation is strictly individual. You can drink tea during pregnancy, but not strong and taking into account the opinion of the doctor leading the pregnancy.

When feeding, the situation depends on the condition of the mother and the health of the baby. The specialist will tell you whether it is possible, how often and in what concentration it is worth drinking tea, what to do so as not to provoke the baby's anxiety.

Definitely, the concentration of caffeine in green tea is less than in coffee. But more in black or green, everything here will depend on which variety is purchased. Sometimes a green drink contains a lot of caffeine, while black tea can be brewed correctly.

For more information on the benefits of green tea, see the following video.

The most popular substance from the category of psychostimulants is caffeine. It is found in various drinks, not only energy drinks, but also plants, some foods and medicines. Let's see if there is caffeine in tea, what is its formula and what product effectively neutralizes its effect.

The effect of caffeine

Caffeine is rightfully considered the most popular psychoactive substance. Many legends are associated with it. One of the stories tells that the patriarch of Buddhism in India, Bodhidharma, could not concentrate on meditation and fell asleep. Angered, he cut off his eyelids and threw them on the ground. At this place, the first tea bushes grew, the caffeine content of which helps to cheer up and relieve drowsiness.

  • coffee tree;
  • cola nut;
  • cocoa;
  • fruits of the Guarana plant;

In medicine, caffeine is known as "trimethylxanthine" or xanthine alkaloid, it is a white powder in crystals with a bitter taste. This substance has the chemical formula C8H10N4O2. It is used to activate the work of the cardiovascular and nervous systems, as a diuretic.

Natural stimulant in tea and coffee

A cup of green tea or black coffee has a complex effect on the body:

  • heart rate increases;
  • blood flow is activated;
  • increased blood pressure on the muscles.

A person feels vivacity, physical activity and the ability to mental work improve.

How much caffeine is in tea and coffee

The data in the table is very approximate, because the values ​​vary widely depending on the type of raw material and the method of preparation.

Caffeine in coffee drinks

The meaning of the answer to the question - how much caffeine is in coffee varies depending on the processing of coffee beans, the recipe for preparing the drink.

As for the content of the component in drinks prepared according to different recipes, espresso is rightfully considered the champion. A cup of 50 ml contains from 50 to 70 mg of the substance, for comparison, a cup of cappuccino, which is larger than a cup of espresso, contains about 70-80 mg.

Note: experts do not consider these statistics to be accurate, since the presence of milk or cream neutralizes the invigorating effect.

Invigorating component in tea

As in the situation with coffee, the caffeine in tea is not a constant value and depends on the degree of processing of the tea leaf and the saturation of the finished drink. It does not matter that they are collected from the same bush. By the way, even leaves grown on the same plant contain different amounts of caffeine. The content of the chemical is maximum in the youngest leaves, as well as in the first shoots, then it becomes less, and by the last harvest its value is only 1.5%.

Considering that young parts of shrubs are used for, they contain the most caffeine, the worse the quality of tea, the lower the content of the invigorating component.

Until recently, it was believed that black varieties contain the most natural stimulant, that is, those that have undergone fermentation and have a tart strong taste, rich color and aroma. However, scientists have found that the caffeine content in green tea without any additives is sometimes not much less.

Children under the age of three should not drink green tea; it is better to replace the drink with herbal infusion or berry juice.

The amount of substance also directly depends on the duration of tea brewing. The longer it is brewed, the more powerful the invigorating effect of the drink. But it is not recommended to brew tea leaves for more than six minutes, because oxidative processes occur in them, which can be harmful to health.

If we turn to statistics, the largest amount of a natural stimulant is contained in elite varieties of green tea - 75 mg in one cup. Varieties of black, especially leaves for which they are collected at the end of the season, contain caffeine and other substances several times less.

The maximum allowable dose

The maximum dosage of the substance for those who are fond of coffee is no more than two or three cups a day, if you prefer tea, then 5-10 cups.

To soften the invigorating effect, it is enough to replace coffee with tea or add milk. In addition, in addition to milk, there are some spices with which you can soften the effect of the stimulant:

  • cardamom;
  • Carnation;
  • ginger.

Spices help not only neutralize the effect of caffeine, but also allow you to create new unique original drinks.

photo:, belchonock, eAlisa

Many in the morning, before getting out of bed, begin to think about the invigorating and awakening morning cup of coffee. This is not surprising if you know how many useful properties this drink has, not even taking into account its ability to cheer up and give energy at the very beginning of the day. Its main active ingredient is, of course, caffeine, which is also found in a variety of products. This has generated a lot of controversy and fiction. Therefore, in order to figure out whether there is more caffeine in tea or coffee, you must definitely familiarize yourself with all the features of these drinks.

Harm or benefit?

Today, more and more often you can find information that these two familiar drinks are not as harmless as manufacturers say. This is believed to be due to the negative effects of caffeine, which is considered by some to be a psychoactive substance that has a stimulating effect on the brain and central nervous system.

In defense of caffeine, it must be said that, by and large, it brings a lot of benefits to the body, helping to concentrate and tune in to solving complex problems. In addition, it simply improves mood. However, this only happens if you do not abuse this stimulating, aromatic drink, which can even cause psychological dependence. That is why many are interested in the content of caffeine in coffee. After all, knowing the dosage, you can take advantage of all its benefits and avoid potential problems.

How much caffeine is in a cup of coffee

It is believed that a cup of tea contains from a third to a half of caffeine, as in a cup of coffee of the same volume. However, if we take into account the amount of this component in a dry product, then it is more in tea than in coffee. This is easily explained, given the peculiarities of the preparation of these two drinks. It takes less dry brew to brew a cup of tea than it does to brew the same amount of coffee. In addition, the caffeine in dry leaf tea is never fully released into the drink, unlike coffee.

In addition, it must be remembered that the answer to the question whether there is more caffeine in tea or coffee varies depending on many factors, including: variety, place of production, collection of the product, method of processing and storage. This leads to the fact that, for example, small-leaf tea contains more caffeine than large-leaf tea. Its concentration is highest in black long leaf, and the lowest content of caffeine in Even a drink that manufacturers position as not containing this element will still have the lowest percentage of caffeine content, usually around 3%.

What determines the level of caffeine in the drink

The percentage of the content of the active element is affected by the process and features of the preparation of tea and coffee. First of all, it depends on the temperature of the water: the higher it is, the more caffeine is in the drink. So, for example, the famous espresso, which is prepared under high pressure with steam, contains more active ingredient than one drop of brewed drink. You can compare it with tea. 30 ml of espresso contains as much caffeine as 150 ml of Brook Bond.

As for the varieties of coffee itself, then, of course, there is much more awakening substance in brewed coffee than in instant coffee. This can easily be explained by different production methods. So, one cup contains only 50% of the amount of caffeine, which is part of the same amount of "Americano". It is very important to take into account the time of brewing the drink, since the amount of this alkaloid also strongly depends on it. Therefore, it is worth limiting this time. Tea contains caffeine, but do not forget about essential oils, which, if brewed for too long, begin not only to oxidize, but can also adversely affect the taste of the finished drink. This leads to the fact that it is highly recommended not to brew it for more than 5-6 minutes.

Tea strength

Some believe that the strength of tea depends on the amount of caffeine it contains. However, these factors are in no way related to each other.

There is strong evidence for this. So, which is famous for its strength and richness, has less caffeine than the "softer" Chinese varieties. Also, you can not take into account the color of the drink. Even if it is very dark, it does not depend on the percentage of caffeine in it.


As mentioned above, the answer to the question of whether there is more caffeine in tea or coffee depends on many factors. However, there are average indicators for each drink. So, in a miniature cup of the world-famous espresso, 50 ml of the drink contains 50 mg of caffeine, while 125 ml of filtered coffee contains about 100 mg.

As for tea, the amount of caffeine in it ranges from 30 to 60 mg per average cup. The stimulant is also found in such a popular drink as Coca-Cola - 200 ml contains from 30 to 70 mg of caffeine. Few people know, but it is also included in the composition of some tablets. For example, citramone can contain from 30 mg of caffeine.


The morning awakening effect of coffee and tea is undeniable. It is with a cup of hot stimulant that many of us start our day. However, in order to avoid consequences, it is worth remembering about certain dosages that must be adhered to. It is not recommended to consume more than 300 mg of caffeine per day, although this figure may vary depending on the reactions that the alkaloid causes in a particular person. Therefore, it is necessary not only to know whether there is more caffeine in tea or coffee, but also not to abuse either the first or second drink.

They say that all people are approximately equally divided into tea lovers and coffee lovers. Moreover, the first argue that tea is a drink much more beneficial to health than. Although nutritionists consider this statement controversial, since both contain caffeine, which in large doses can be harmful. And the answer to the question of where there is more caffeine in tea or coffee is sometimes not known even by those who regularly consume these drinks.

How much caffeine is in black tea and coffee?

Caffeine is an active substance that belongs to the class of alkaloids and has the ability to have an exciting effect on the human body. And it is found not only in coffee beans, but also in tea leaves. However, in addition to this, tea also contains another alkaloid - theine, so its effect is milder and it seems to people that there is practically no caffeine in it. But those who prefer strong black tea - practically chifir - know for sure that such a drink can cause the same effect as strong coffee.

According to clinical studies, black tea has a decent amount of caffeine, and the amount can vary depending on when the leaves were picked, how they were processed, and how the drink itself was brewed. The same applies to black coffee: the amount of caffeine is determined by the method of roasting, processing of finished raw materials, preparation of the drink. But in any case, objective data suggest that there is more caffeine in black tea than in coffee, if we talk about dry tea leaves and grains. In the first case, it will be 3% of the total weight of raw materials, in the second case, depending on the variety, from 1.2% to 1.9%.

The amount of caffeine in green tea and coffee

Green tea and green coffee are considered healthier by many people because they have less caffeine. But this is fundamentally wrong, since a drink made from green tea leaves of this substance contains the most. According to this indicator, it is in first place, regardless of the variety and other factors. And even if we compare the amount of caffeine contained not in dry tea leaves, but in a ready-made drink, then it will still be more here than in coffee. One cup of green tea can contain over 80mg of caffeine, while a cup of black tea can have a maximum of 71mg.

As for the one obtained from unroasted grains, the caffeine content in it is almost two times less than in the usual one - 30% versus 60-70%. But it is worth noting that the caffeine in green tea and coffee can also be harmful or beneficial depending on the dose, that is, the number of cups of the drink consumed during the day.

Where is more caffeine in tea or coffee - the opinion of nutritionists

Nutrition experts say that talking about the caffeine content in tea and coffee should be based on how much of this substance is in the finished drink. After all, we do not eat dry tea leaves and grains, but an aqueous solution in which the caffeine content will in any case be less than in the feedstock.

Nutritionists say:

Can there be zero caffeine content in tea and coffee?

Both tea and coffee can be decaffeinated, meaning decaffeinated. However, this concept is somewhat arbitrary, because it is completely impossible to remove caffeine. In such a drink, it will simply be present in much smaller quantities.

Millions of people on planet Earth start their day with this tonic drink. And all because a cup of tea in the morning gives the necessary boost of energy and vigor. What's the secret? It's all about composition. Many are interested in - is there caffeine in tea? Yes, he is in it. Moreover, the drink is one of the main sources of the substance. It is thanks to this alkaloid that, after drinking our favorite drink, we relieve drowsiness from our shoulders, forget about fatigue and even begin to smile ...

What is it - caffeine? The effect of a substance on the body

It is an alkaloid psychostimulant. It contains:

  • in camellia leaves;
  • coffee beans;
  • cocoa;
  • cola and other drinks of a similar nature.

It works like this:

  • It has a stimulating effect on the central nervous system.
  • Activates the work of the heart, increases the pulse rate.
  • Under the influence of the substance, the vessels dilate.
  • Has diuretic properties.
  • Raises the level of the neurotransmitter dopamine.

Caffeine is used in medicine. It is even on the list of essential medicines. It is used in the manufacture of drugs that relieve headaches, increase vitality, stimulate the activity of the main muscle of the human body.

If you use drinks or drugs with a psychostimulant for a long time and immoderately, you can get into dependence on it, called theism. Alkaloid overdose can even kill. To do this, you just need to drink 100 cups of strong coffee in a short period of time.

Which tea has more caffeine - black or green?

Does tea contain caffeine, we found out. Now it remains to find out which species dominates the content of this element. It is believed that the strongest brewed drink is the most invigorating. From this came the conclusion that such an infusion contains a larger amount of alkaloid in the composition.

But it's not about the tea leaves, it's about the leaves. It is the raw material that is the main supplier of the substance to the blood. So, if you are interested in the question - is there caffeine in green tea, then the answer is:

Studies have shown that this species is the leader in terms of total content, and even when calculating the amount of a substance in one bag. If we express this in numbers, it turns out that one bag of green tea contains more than 71 mg of a stimulant (meaning ready-made tea leaves from one bag), while for black this amount is the limit.

The group with more caffeine is green tea without flavors and flavors. One glass of 200 ml of such a drink contains 85 mg of alkaloid.

These figures should be taken into account, since every day we can drink our favorite drink without thinking about restrictions. But there is a norm, which is only 300 mg of an alkaloid per day. The maximum allowable portion of the element is 1 thousand milligrams. It is not recommended to exceed it, even with a very strong body. Otherwise, it can quickly become not so strong. Accordingly, if you drink high-quality green tea, it is better to limit yourself to 3-6 cups a day. This amount will only benefit!

But there are people who have a special sensitivity to this tonic component. For them, exceeding the dosage of 100 mg will already be a small disaster.


Symptoms of exceeding the daily dose are manifested:

  • excessive anxiety;
  • fear and unreasonable anxiety;
  • tachycardia;
  • sleep disorder;
  • diarrhea
  • cramps in the stomach;
  • nausea;
  • headaches and dizziness;
  • thirst and other signs of alkaloid abuse.

These manifestations can occur not only with an overdose of caffeine. They also appear with sensitivity to this component or individual intolerance. So you need to be extremely careful, get carried away with alkaloids and you can’t take them thoughtlessly!

In addition, if you drink caffeinated drinks without measure, you can get used to this substance, and if you stop using it, a withdrawal syndrome occurs.

What affects the content of the psychostimulant in tea?

Caffeine in tea changes its concentration depending on such factors:

  • Sort. The higher the quality of the drink, the more alkaloid it contains. A lot of this substance is contained in the first leaflet and kidneys, and then in descending order. Least of all - in the raw material coming after the third sheet.
  • The amount of welding. The more it is in a cup, the higher the concentration of caffeine.
  • How to grow camellia. Climatic conditions + soil features also affect.
  • The degree of oxidation of raw materials. The lower it is, the more invigorating substance it contains.
  • Water while brewing. The hotter it is, the less caffeine remains in the tea.
  • Infusion time. If the drink is left to insist for a long time, then the amount of alkaloid in it will be high!

Several factors can be used wisely to control the content of the stimulant.

Tea and coffee alkaloid: what is the difference?

In tea, caffeine is not in its pure form, but combines with another substance, forming theine. It works much softer. It is easier to remove from the body and does not linger in it. Therefore, even though there is more of this component in tea than in a drink with pure caffeine, 10 cups of camellia leaf infusion per day will do half as much harm as the same amount of coffee.

People rarely question statements they think are absolutely true.

Well, here's something like this: Everyone knows that coffee has caffeine, but tea does not and should not have it.. This is one of the main "myths" regarding the drinks that we regularly consume.

In fact, there is also caffeine in tea, this has long been proven by science, but it would be nice to figure out in what volumes (dangerous or beneficial for our body).

Recall one figure: doctors consider a daily dose of caffeine to be normal for a person. three hundred milligrams.

But this is an average indicator, for each specific person it can be different, and the difference in numbers is very noticeable. It all depends on the individual characteristics that are transmitted at the gene level.

Where is more caffeine: in tea or coffee?

There is no single answer to this simple question. And that's why. When we compare not the drinks themselves, but those initial products with which we are going to prepare them (tea brewing and coffee beans), we get unexpected data: tea has more caffeine content than coffee.

Then the “alignment of forces” changes dramatically: in a mug of tea, the substance of interest to us is already less than in the same amount of ready-to-drink coffee, and three times. How does this happen?

The explanation is quite simple: we always use much less tea leaves than coffee beans, and therefore the concentration of the initial product will differ in favor of coffee.

It is also important to keep in mind that the caffeine found in a mug of Americano and in a cup, for example, black long leaf, is far from the same thing. It affects a person in different ways, and this is the fundamental difference between the two drinks.

Here is what is meant: In addition to caffeine, tea contains a substance called tannin.. “In contact” these two do not represent the powerful energy boost that caffeine gives us in the morning cup of espresso or americano.

As a result of the interaction of caffeine and tannin, a new substance is formed - theine, very slowly absorbed into the blood.

Another important point: coffee gives a person, as they say, a “charge of vivacity”, but this “charge” passes forty minutes after the last sip is drunk.

The energy of tea is not as powerful as that of coffee, but it is more stable and long lasting.

It is interesting that in nature there are examples of when both tea and coffee do without caffeine at all, and nevertheless make a person more active, give him freshness and strength.

Among teas, this is a variety called "puer", and decaffeinated coffee is very rare, natural, brazilian, which instead of caffeine contains the substance "theobromine", more characteristic of cocoa than coffee.

How many mg are in a cup of coffee

The result may be different, depending on whether we use coffee beans or some other to prepare the drink. So which coffee has more caffeine?

Whole bean coffee

A cup (170 ml volume) of natural coffee contains, as a rule, from 70 to 140 mg of caffeine.

In robusta, this figure is higher - from 170 to 200 mg.

In Arabica, as in a less strong variety, - from 40 to 60 mg.

When buying coffee in stores, we most often take a mixture of two or more types of beans in order to get the most interesting “bouquet”.

A cup of Arabica and Robusta coffee contains approximately 115 mg of caffeine.


If you buy not natural coffee beans, but already ground, here is how much caffeine will fall on each cup:

  • espresso (50 ml) - 50 mg of caffeine;
  • cappuccino (70 ml) - 80 mg;
  • americano (150 ml) - 300 mg.


When choosing a softer drink for themselves, people are often interested in where there is more caffeine - in natural coffee or instant?

Usually, instant coffee contains less caffeine provided it is genuine and of good quality.

A teaspoon of coffee, which is enough to make one cup (240 ml) of the drink, contains 30 to 60 mg of caffeine.

You can learn about the beneficial properties and contraindications of instant coffee in the following.

How much caffeine is in a cup of tea:

  • in a cup of black tea (250 ml) - from 15 to 70 mg of caffeine, depending on the strength of the drink; information about the benefits and harms of black tea can be found.
  • in white - from 15 to 40 mg;
  • in fruit - from 10 to 30 mg;
  • there is no caffeine in herbal tea;
  • in a 200-gram jar of ready-made iced tea - from 20 to 35 mg of caffeine.

What determines its level in tea and coffee

Various factors affect the level of caffeine in coffee:

  • variety (in different varieties, its amount can be either less or more, so many, but, unfortunately, not all manufacturers indicate on the packaging how much caffeine the product contains);
  • processing method and storage of the product;
  • bean roasting method(if the roast is deep, less caffeine is retained in the product, and if the medium roast is more);
  • how to make a drink(for example, the same mug will contain 65 mg of caffeine if an instant drink is poured into it, 155 mg - when coffee is brewed in a drip coffee maker, but those who make Turkish coffee reduce the amount of caffeine in it by 20-30 percent);
  • method of use drink (add milk or lemon - reduce caffeine content).

The level of caffeine in tea is affected by:

  • its variety (for example, a study was conducted according to which HERITAGE green tea turned out to be the owner of 85 mg of caffeine per cup, and black, lemon-flavored DILMAH - 40 mg);
  • structure of raw materials (tea buds and the youngest leaves are the richest in caffeine);
  • the nature of the processing of raw materials(the lower the degree of fermentation, the more caffeine is retained in tea);
  • brewing temperature(the higher it is, the less caffeine in the drink, which is why in the Chinese tea ceremony it is not customary to brew tea with boiling water);
  • method of use drink (with milk it will be less strong).

The average amount of caffeine in one cup of tea is two to three times less than one coffee cup of the same volume. But the caffeine content in the dried leaves is higher than in the coffee drink. This is due to the fact that caffeine, which is contained in the dried leaves of the tea bush, does not pass into the tea infusion completely.

The amount of caffeine in tea and coffee is dependent on several external factors. The main ones are the brewing time of the drink, the boiling point of water, the place where the tea leaves and coffee grains grew, and, of course, the features of the collection and processing of the future drink. It turns out that the least amount of caffeine is in teas that are brewed with water up to 80%, infused for a short time and in weakly fermented teas.

Figures based on: Caffeine content per 100 ml drink descending.

Tea/coffee variety (100 ml)

Max caffeine (mg)

The effect of the drink on the body of an adult

Natural ground coffee 60 mg per 100 ml
Perfectly tones. Energizes in the morning, it is better to drink in the morning.
Instant coffee 45 per 100 ml Wonderful tones, but not like natural coffee. Drinking instant coffee is also better in the morning.
Black tea 40 per 100 ml Good tones. Gives strength, improves well-being. Unlike coffee, it does not have a harmful effect on the body when consumed in large quantities. You can drink throughout the day, but not before bed.
Red tea 30 per 100 ml Tones moderately. It is advisable to drink throughout the day, except in the evening. The properties are almost the same as black tea.
Oolong 25 per 100 ml

Moderately tones.You can drink throughout the day. Oolong maintains strength, improves mood, is very useful and extremely tasty!

Green tea 20 per 100 ml Moderately tones.You can drink throughout the day, except in the evening. It is perfect as a digestif (a drink consumed after dinner), as it helps to improve metabolism. For a boost of energy, it is better to drink classic green tea without additives.
Puer 10 per 100 ml

It tones up most effectively (and this despite the rather low caffeine content in).

The technology of making and processing Pu-erh, the specifics of its brewing have a strong tonic effect on the human body! We do not recommend drinking pu-erh before going to bed!

Pu-erh promotes excellent digestion of food, improves metabolism and the functioning of internal organs. It is also one of the most effective!

White tea 5 per 100 ml

It practically does not have an invigorating effect and does not tone. Suitable for evening use, it is good to drink before going to bed.

Herbal tea 0 (Does not contain)

Doesn't tone at all. Good to drink before bed. You can also drink during pregnancy.

Herbal tea is more soothing and soothing. If you need tea for an effective energy boost, then this is definitely not herbal tea..

So, summing up, we see that contains the least amount of caffeine in tea pu-erh And white tea, and in herbal tea And fruit tea no caffeine at all. However, pu-erh tea differs in manufacturing technology from all other teas, therefore, despite the low caffeine content in this tea, it perfectly invigorates, tones and gives strength!

benefits of caffeine in tea

Caffeine gives stimulating effect on the human body, which in turn gives increased physical and mental performance. Caffeine perfectly invigorates, reduces fatigue and drowsiness, keeps the body in good shape, and is also able to cheer you up!

Reasonable amounts of caffeine may be beneficial to health. It promotes improved digestion and improved metabolism. These properties are enhanced by drinking drinks after dinner. Therefore, coffee, tea and other products that contain caffeine are present in the best weight loss diet programs.

Many people refuse coffee because it affects the cardiovascular system. One of the components of the drink - the alkaloid caffeine (theine) - increases the load on these organs, which can lead to unpleasant consequences. But it is necessary to replace this hot drink with something! And tea is on the way. During the day, a person can quietly consume 4-5 cups of fragrant drink. And few people think about whether there is caffeine in tea. But this drink is also not so simple.

Some types of tea contain quite a lot of theine. But it has a different effect on the body: not so pronounced and more gentle. The tannin component inhibits the functions of caffeine, so tea does not have such an exciting effect. Plus, the product is non-addictive.

People mistakenly believe that the darker the drink, the more caffeine it contains. But it's not. Firstly, the concentration of this component depends on the harvest time. Young leaves, and tips (buds) in particular, are saturated with guaranine (the second name for caffeine). Tea from them will quickly help you finally wake up.

Secondly, the color of the drink does not affect its invigorating properties. Black tea has less caffeine than green tea. A cup of the last drink (strong) contains approximately 82-85 mg. If the manufacturer decides to add some flavor or ingredient, this figure becomes lower - about 60-75 mg. It is worth noting that the brand of the product also affects this number. The same green tea without additives from a different manufacturer may have a different percentage of caffeine.

For comparison: after drinking coffee, the body will receive about 80-120 mg of theine. In black tea, 40-60 mg of alkaloid is concentrated. The white variety is the leader in low caffeine content. One serving won't overwhelm you because it only has 6-25mg of Guaranine. It is worth noting that white tea contains a lot of antioxidants that are beneficial to health. This variety is considered elite, since it is harvested exclusively by hand, and only the top two leaves are used for production. The taste of the drink is delicate, and the smell is subtle.

The oolong variety (oolong) contains about 12-55 mg. It is a type of green tea, so it is also rich in caffeine. It is made from mature trees. A special technology allows you to create raw materials from which a very healthy drink is obtained. Oolong is the leader in the content of antioxidants. Its regular use noticeably rejuvenates and has a positive effect on the body. But the price of the oolong is quite high.

What factors affect caffeine content?

Green tea contains the most guaranine due to the specific processing technology of raw materials. Leaves, in fact, are plucked from one tree. But further behavior with them is different. The green variety "lives" due to the inactivation of enzymes that destroy the color of the leaf. This is done by heat treatment - steaming, roasting, the influence of hot air.

Manufacturers do not wither or ferment green tea, unlike black tea. The main technological operations are color fixation, twisting, heat treatment. And the higher the temperature, the less caffeine in the sheets.

Guaranine content is also affected by the following factors:

  1. Place of growth.
    Assamica type tea is brought from India and Africa. It contains a high percentage of theine. But the Chinese product is more beneficial to health.
  2. Climate.
    In cold and high mountain regions, trees grow that accumulate caffeine in their leaves. But in hot regions, plants contain less of this alkaloid.
  3. Quality.
    Large-leaf tea will not release as much caffeine into the water as small-leaf tea. The latter will release more guaranine because it has a larger area of ​​contact with the liquid. For example, matte green tea powder will enrich the body with theine no worse than coffee, and all because 100% of the alkaloid is used from it.
  4. Number of brews.
    Each subsequent use of tea makes the drink "weaker". Therefore, if you do not want to cheer up, use a product made from old tea leaves.
  5. specific type of tea.
    Some varieties are initially low in caffeine. If you want to try just such a drink, give preference to Hangzhou Tian Mu Qing Ding green tea, white Bai Mu Dan and black Bai Lin Gong Fu.

And if you do not want to use theine at all, then drink herbal or flower teas. They do not contain alkaloids and enrich the body with vitamins.

Norm of caffeine

Up to 300 mg of theine can be consumed per day. This amount usually does not cause harm and does not have a strong invigorating effect on the body. A child's body is supposed to have a maximum of 45 mg of caffeine, which is equivalent to 45 g of milk chocolate or 350 ml of soda. An alkaloid in an amount of 500-600 mg can undermine health.

As for tea, you can safely afford 3-4 cups of this hot drink per day. During the first brewing, about 70-80% of the substance is released, during the second - the remaining mass. Good tea can be used several times, and the amount of caffeine that has entered the body will not skyrocket.

Do not deny yourself a cup of fragrant tea in the morning! Moderation during the day will help maintain health and even strengthen it.

Many people drink tea constantly and in considerable quantities. For most, a cup of strong tea in the morning is sacred. When wondering if there is caffeine in tea, you should first of all pay attention to the effect of this drink. A cup of fragrant and strong tea gives vivacity, saturates with energy and increases efficiency.

Caffeine is an alkaloid produced by many representatives of the plant world to protect against pests. This substance has the property to excite the nervous and accelerate the work of the cardiovascular systems.

In the body, it manifests itself as follows:

  • heartbeat accelerates;
  • blood pressure rises;
  • improves cerebral circulation;
  • stimulates the secretion of gastric juice;
  • narrowing of the vessels;
  • breathing quickens;
  • increased urination;
  • mood improves;
  • drowsiness passes;
  • work capacity increases.

For a healthy body, this effect is not dangerous. But it is better for excitable people and people with heart disease to stop drinking caffeinated drinks.

So, does tea have caffeine? The answer is unequivocal - yes. The amount of caffeine in green tea is often about the same as in heavily brewed black tea. Previously, theine, a substance with a similar effect, was found in the composition of tea leaves. Then the researchers concluded that these components are absolutely identical, so now they are used as synonyms. But still, theine is a little different from its counterpart: it does not accumulate in the internal organs and does not cause a caffeine overdose.

It must be remembered that the maximum allowable dose of caffeine is 1000 mg, a single dose is 2.5 times less.

Exceeding these parameters negatively affects the functioning of the heart and can even lead to death. The maximum content of the substance in the blood is observed 40-60 minutes after ingestion, the main part is excreted within 6-12 hours.

Where is more caffeine in tea or coffee

Discussed drinks may well compete with each other in terms of the content of this component.

In dried raw materials for the production of tea, the concentration of theine is higher than in coffee beans, but this ratio changes during the brewing process. For example, in a cup of instant coffee drink there is exactly as much of it as in the same amount of green tea, which was brewed for at least 5 minutes.

But you need to take into account that coffee is rarely drunk more than one small cup with a capacity of 30 ml. Many people drink tea in large cups of 200 - 230 ml, and even in several doses. Therefore, during such a tea party, you can get a decent dose of this substance.

Brewing time is also an important parameter. A cup of well-brewed tea will have much more theine than the same amount of weak coffee with milk.

Table: how much caffeine is in tea

Many are interested in specific numbers, how much caffeine is in black tea and in its other types. Interestingly, this depends on the specific varieties, as well as the brewing time of the drink - the longer it is brewed, the more theine will be extracted from the leaves.

Also, much depends on the time of collection of leaves, production technology and the quality of the final product. For example, the earlier the raw material is harvested, the less theine it contains. In small leaves, the concentration of this substance is much higher.

As a rule, the maximum concentration of theine is found in strong black or green tea, and the minimum concentration is found in milk oolongs. The variety also plays an important role. Delicious and light white tea "Bai Hao Yin Zhen" contains a higher percentage of theine than the dark and rich "Shou Mei".

Which tea has no alkaloid at all

The maximum concentration of theine in the upper leaves. Large leaves on the lower branches contain less than 1 - 2%. Elite varieties are prepared from the upper leaves, the cheapest ones from the lower ones.

Therefore, the cheaper the tea, the less theine it contains.

From caffeine-free drinks, teas from other plants can be distinguished - Ivan-tea, chamomile, hibiscus, linden, mint, lemon balm, thyme, and other herbal preparations. You can reduce the amount of theine in tea like this: add some of the other components to it - a slice of lemon, some berries, 1 tsp. chamomile or thyme.

Caffeine in decaffeinated tea

Decaffeinated tea is marked with a "D". But this does not mean that products with a similar labeling of this substance do not exist at all. A small amount remains of the initial volume - 3%, however, caffeine is still present in such drinks. Of course, this amount is so negligible that it is unlikely to bring any harm, but you should pay attention to the methods of decaffeination - not all of them are considered safe for human health.

Decaffeination methods are varied:

  • Use of carbon dioxide. Steamed raw materials are placed in a special container with CO2 under a pressure of 100 - 250 atmospheres, kept for at least 9 hours. When the pressure is removed, the gas evaporates, and the caffeine is easily removed by filtration. This method is non-toxic, allowing you to fully preserve the taste of tea. However, it is rarely used, as it requires large investments.
  • The use of ethyl acetate. This substance can be organic (derived from fruits or vegetables) or synthetic. First, the raw material is treated with steam, and then with ethyl acetate for at least 10 hours. After that, the raw material is further processed further to remove solvent residues. It has low toxicity, but strongly affects the taste and smell.
  • The use of methyl chloride. This method cannot be called safe. The toxic chemical is quite dangerous, so the companies selling such tea do not advertise their methods of processing raw materials.

Tea leaves contain a lot of complex chemical compounds, and during any processing, a significant part of them is lost. It is difficult to make sure that there is no caffeine, and the remaining components remain in their original volume.

You can't decaffeinate tea on your own. There is an opinion that draining the first water helps to remove most of the substance. However, this technology only works with crushed tea leaves. In addition, in the process of such a procedure, the drink loses its taste and aromatic properties. Large-leaved varieties, along with a pleasant taste and aroma, retain a high content of theine for a long time.

Decaffeinated drinks do not have a rich taste. Therefore, it is better to purchase varieties with fruit additives in order to enjoy the taste of tea. People suffering from diseases of the heart and blood vessels can drink this tea without restrictions - up to 8 glasses per day.

Based on the foregoing, we can conclude that the caffeine content in tea is quite significant. However, when used wisely, the drink brings a lot of benefits, so choose a quality product and drink without fanaticism, enjoying every cup.