
To invite him to marry. How to marry a beloved man, if he is well and without a stamp? Reason: dating, but not getting married

Ornamental trees and shrubs

So my friend made a lot of mistakes for which she reproached herself. She constantly doubted his loyalty and devotion, although it was ridiculous. He loved her madly. It seemed like he would have died for her. So let's figure out how to behave in order to get married.

First, everything is good in moderation. Do not spend half a day applying makeup or choosing a dress. Your beauty should be natural, because early in the morning he wants to wake up with you, and not with a painted doll. Men never marry fashion models, even if they like them. Try to act natural to get married.

Secondly, during meetings, do not ask him about the details of his life, this is not filling out a questionnaire! Don't ask too much, and try to avoid direct answers to his questions. Keep some mystery. Then the man will not be able to resist and he will always want to solve you.

Third, be patient. Yes, it is the patience of the city that takes, and it will help you save a man. If he does not call, do not invent something that does not exist or speculate. Don't be afraid to call him so you don't drive yourself crazy. And yet, do not show him that you are not indifferent or in love with him, in order to get married, try to behave modestly. Yes, you like it, but you don't dry for it! It is important to choose the golden mean here.

Fourthly, do not tell him about your illnesses or problems, if he wants, he will understand where he should help, and where you need to sympathize. Let him take care of himself and show that you need it. But at the same time, be a little inaccessible. And here it is yours!

For dates, it is desirable to choose cozy and intimate places. And most importantly, do not be late for the meeting. This is tactless. Since the man is usually already in place and waiting for you. To get married, you need to behave as punctually as possible.

Sitting at the table, relax, behave at ease. And remember, smile more often, but do it sincerely, without straining your facial muscles.

Enjoy the conversation and don't think about the consequences. On first dates, be modest, but still communicate. Be moderately cute, funny, sexy and smart. Show him that you know how to see the pleasant in life, and not be a pessimist.

Let the man feel that you appreciate him and what he does for you, he must behave like a hero.

It is important to remember three words in communicating with your chosen one: sympathy, attention and observation. Men always crave approval from a woman. Show interest in everything he says, repeating “I understand you”, “this is interesting” more often.

Seem weak to your man. Let him think that he is more experienced and that he is making you the woman of his dreams!

When he first sees him, he is attracted to your appearance. For example, my man said he fell in love with my smile. On the first day, he was blown away. I just had time to say my name and smile sincerely. After that, we talked for a long time on ICQ and agreed to meet. During the date, I mostly listened, he talked about himself, occasionally asking me questions. I never answered some of them ... This date is still in his memory and we often remember him. This ended in a long romance that has been going on for 7 months. We often talk about how we imagine our life together and have common values ​​and goals. He wants to marry and have a child, but I want a boy and a girl... Although we do not live together, he considers me his wife and treats me accordingly. It seems to me that there is nothing more to dream about.

👉 In any business there are rules, there are rules for building relationships with men, and you should know them so as not to make unnecessary mistakes.

If you want to get married, how to behave correctly?

✔ ALWAYS HAPPY. You are always internally calm and happy. You always have cheerful eyes and a sunny smile. You never complain, you never get upset, you never speak ill of anyone. You always behave politely, like an English queen surrounded by lovely subjects.

✔You take care of your appearance and look great. You don't have any bad habits. You eat right, you go in for sports and dances that are useful for you, you have an elegant figure, you are always dressed feminine, neat, bright and tasteful.

✔ You treat men well, but you do not aspire to get married, you are not in love with anyone and are not very interested in relationships. Every detail matters here!

⚠One of the most important points of your tactics: keep yourself in such a way that a man is more interested in a relationship than you are.

👆 Why is this so important? Men are not like women, they are hunters by nature. Real men do not need easy prey, they need to achieve and conquer. Women who call men, ask them out on dates, “accidentally” buy two tickets to a show or offer to have sex on the first date, deprive men of ambition and hunting instinct. Men are born to be hunters, they need to chase prey - otherwise their interest fades.

👉 And finally, you need to clearly understand "warm, tender relationship" and "get married" - these are different things. This article is not about how to create a warm and reliable relationship, and certainly not about how to live with love. This article is for those girls who want to get married. If you follow these rules, you will get married faster than your girlfriends, but whether there will be warm relationships and love in your family, you still need to learn this, and not just wait and hope ...

Vika Dee

Every woman wants to get rid of loneliness, start a family and live "happily ever after". Girls dream of being married for love, study manuals and even go to courses where they teach how to behave in order to get an offer and successfully marry a successful man.

Many openly admit: "I'm afraid to be alone and not get married." Others doubt whether it is necessary to get married at all; still others, especially after a divorce and with a child, are afraid to fall for the wrong person again. There are many who dream of getting married once and for all and live with your loved one "in grief and joy" until the end of his days, that's just no one takes.

A new category of women has also appeared who answer the question of whether to get married in the negative. And the point is not that they are not called, but that they do not see anyone, in any case, worthy partners for marriage. No, of course, they have men, but they have set a career as the main goal of their life, and do not rush to condemn them, it is better remember the divorce rate, which is constantly growing.

good luck getting married

In the matter of marriage, a woman always balances between “I want” and “I’m afraid”: wanna Love and be loved, but I'm afraid that the marriage will collapse, and I will be left alone, and even with a child in my arms.

Is it necessary to get married, each woman decides for herself, there are no rules, but it’s right choose a life partner our tips can help.

Why don't they get married?

Marriage is always a mutual commitment and to a large extent - the loss of freedom that men cherish so much. That is why peers of girls who are striving to get married are in no hurry to propose, even if the couple lives together: in principle, everything suits them even without a stamp in their passport.

Sometimes girls complain: “I just can’t get married because the guy doesn’t call.” Or maybe this is just not the right man? If a man does not call his beloved girl in marriage, maybe he's just not ready for marriage and not ready to take responsibility?

This question is worth look from the other side: Is the girl herself ready for marriage? Emancipation did not benefit women in everything. Yes, they have become full members of society, get an education and work on an equal footing with men, but many have lost the idea of ​​what it means to be the mistress of the house and the keeper of the hearth.

Some even consider it humiliating for themselves to do housework and “cook borscht”, as it is contemptuously called.

Remember the old saying, "The way to a man's heart is through his stomach"? But not everyone knows its continuation: “but it doesn’t start there.” So, only one "where the the way to a man's heart”, it is unlikely that it will be possible to keep it for the rest of its life, especially considering the number of young beautiful women around, it is necessary to bind it to itself in all respects, including in everyday life, with care and attention.

How to meet the man of your dreams and marry him?

This is the name given to various manuals, which set out the rules and recommendations on how to find a good husband and get married successfully.

First, let's immediately decide which man you should not marry in any case: these are drinkers and drug addicts. I guess every girl thinks she can change him break bad habit, but you should not count on this: as life experience shows, nothing will work out anyway.

Wean a man from addiction

Now about the "man of your dreams." Usually this is a rich handsome man (similar to Tom Cruise, Brad Pitt, George Clooney and other sex symbols), the embodiment of all virtues, ready to give flowers every day, make expensive gifts and ask for your hand and heart on his knees. As they say, it is not harmful to dream, it is harmful to wait for the realization of a pipe dream.

Be more realistic about life: pay attention, for example, to a guy from a neighboring house who does not take his eyes off you, or to a work colleague who is clearly not indifferent to you, or ... Every girl will probably have similar options. Of course, they pale in comparison with Tom Cruise, but what if this is the person with whom you will have a strong and friendly family, where you can feel not just married, but a husband?

So the only option is not to change the dream, but to change the dream

And here the practical question arises, whom to marry? For whom it is absolutely impossible, we have already said. Every girl wants to marry her beloved, but can you get along with him when the first passion passes? I want to marry successful, but can you accept the fact that work and career will he always comes first, and you will become just a convenient addition to everyday life?

Career for a successful man in 1st place

There are a lot of similar questions, for example, is it worth marrying a military man? If you are ready to wander around the garrisons with him, live in state-owned apartments or in a hostel, then probably yes.

Or such a question, is it necessary to marry a Russian? It is important to take into account the peculiarities of his upbringing. In our multinational country representatives of different nations are so mixed up that you can often meet people in whose veins the blood of four or more nationalities flows, but who have the mentality of a Russian person. If a man is committed to his national traditions, then you will need to reckon with this, as well as with his relatives, who do not always accept a daughter-in-law of a different nationality with open arms.

Before a believing girl marries an unbeliever, she should think carefully, how will her husband react to her prayers, church attendance, fasting and everything related to faith. If with respect, then such a marriage may turn out to be successful, but if without respect, then you should think twenty times before making a fateful decision for yourself.

How to marry a rich man?

What girl has not dreamed of marrying a prince! Modern girls look at life more realistically and prefer to marry a wealthy man, and those who are attracted by a luxurious life, a sheikh. Just do not forget that this sheikh already has a full harem of beauties, and the maximum that you can count on is an idle and disenfranchised life in a golden cage.

Marry a rich man

A wealthy, and even better, a rich man, as you think, will be able to give you everything: a beautiful, carefree life, full of entertainment and social events. But what can you give him exactly, and what does he need at all? In sincere love and intimacy? But such people have a great and, as a rule, sad experience behind them, which taught them not to trust anyone, so that he will always doubt what attracted you: himself as a person or his wallet?

In addition, you need meet fairly high standards: even if you are not a beauty, you must definitely look stylish and well-groomed, dress fashionably, have a good education, speak a foreign language (and preferably two or three), have a broad outlook, be able to maintain a conversation and behave in society.

Be extremely careful about dating a "rich foreigner" on the Internet, too often it turns out to be an ordinary scam

rich men can meet outside of work at a resort (sea or ski), on a tennis or golf course, in a theater and at exhibitions, at social events, and finally, in a restaurant. If you work in a large company, then the option of an “office romance” is possible, which, however, rarely entails a marriage proposal.

Acquaintance with a man

What to do to get married?

How often can you hear from girls: “I want to make a man propose, but I can’t tell him about it.” And really, how to make a man propose as soon as possible, at least this year?

Many girls believe that the most reliable way is to get pregnant. Indeed, marriage is often concluded for this reason, but it will become successful only when the guy is internally mature to become a father. Most of them imagine fatherhood only as soiled diapers, children's cries, sleepless nights and other "charms" that accompany the appearance of a child. But when this little man is born, when the guy takes him in his arms for the first time, he sees his smile, his defenselessness and openness to the world, in the guy awakening the instinct of fatherhood, protection instinct.

fatherhood instinct

Unfortunately, this is not always the case. Often a girl is left alone with her problem. Why does a man not call for marriage when the seed he has sown has sprouted? Probably, afraid of responsibility, does not want to complicate his life and lose the notorious freedom. Or he simply did not grow up to be a man, but remained an infantile boy. You should not grieve much about him - such a marriage would still be unsuccessful, and you would have not one child, but two: a baby and his dad.

So what does it take to meet your man faster and get married, preferably in two days? The answer may seem paradoxical: be fully armed and let go of the situation. Being fully armed means, first of all, work on yourself: over their appearance, the ability to dress, broadening their horizons and range of interests, changing their lifestyle towards greater openness and communication. All this will increase your self-esteem and make you more interesting to others, including men.

No money for beauty salons and a fitness club?

Home treatments and workouts will be no less effective, since there are now a lot of such materials on the Internet.

It is not necessary to dress in expensive boutiques, you can find great things in the mass market, and if you also learn to knit and sew, you will look your best. Read more, watch on television not entertainment, but educational programs, communicate more with people, expand the circle of your acquaintances.

Develop yourself as a person

When you let go of the situation, that is, stop thinking with maniacal persistence that everyone around you got married, and you are still single, then he will appear - even if not a prince on a white horse, but exactly the person with whom you will have every chance on the " happily ever after».

Believing girls can be helped by the answer of the priest and the prayer to the saints who "know" women's happiness: icon of the Mother of God"Fadeless Color", Nicholas the Wonderworker, Matrona of Moscow, Paraskeva Pyatnitsa and others.

Tips for getting married

The most famous sign of imminent marriage at a wedding for unmarried girls is to catch the bride's bouquet. The chances of an early marriage increase, if you are a witness from the side of the bride. In addition, it is desirable:

  • dance with the groom (but so that he invites you himself);
  • borrow a pin or hairpin from her head from the bride's dress;
  • get a box of wedding rings;
  • to be poured with champagne;
  • sit at a wedding feast between sisters or (better) brothers;
  • you can attract marriage with a ribbon from someone else's wedding.

Folk omens for marriage, if you can’t get married for a long time, seem to have lost their relevance. For example, you need to sweep the garbage with a broom from the door to the window and do not sweep a circle around you. So, you have to give up the vacuum cleaner.

What else can not be done if you want to get married quickly:

  • measure someone else's wedding dress and veil (you can measure in the salon);
  • wear rings on the ring finger - it is intended for engagement;
  • sit at a table on the corner - you won’t get married for seven years;
  • combing your hair in the presence of strangers;
  • pass something over the threshold;
  • sit on the windowsill;
  • keep muzhegon flowers in the house (violets, oleander, cacti, etc.).

The best means and ways to get married

The problem of marriage is relevant for girls of all times and peoples, so there are many rituals, ceremonies, etc. You can try to attract love according to Feng Shui, or you can use a runic becoming, where there is a rune to attract a man for love and marriage. Esotericism and psychic advice will help you get in the right mood, you just need to make a wish correctly. It is also useful to find out what stones to wear to get married, what flowers to keep at home, and so on.

According to Feng Shui, peonies contribute to marriage, especially if you embroider them with your own hands.

Embroidered peonies for marriage

How to quickly marry a loved one?

Is it possible to successfully marry in just 3 days of dating, even if it was love at first sight? Such examples occur, although very rarely. But, as one wise woman said, it is better to marry twice than none. It's not the fact of marriage that matters. but what the marriage will be like. It is impossible to recognize a person in a few days of dating, so you will have a long period of recognition and grinding to each other.

If you have been in love with a person for a long time, try to attract his attention not only with your spectacular appearance, but also with your mind, sense of humor and the same attitude towards life. If a loved one is set up only for non-binding relationships, including sex, then you should not marry him. Try to find a person, configured for a serious relationship, a strong family, children, this is the basis of a successful marriage.

To bring a loved one to the thought of marriage, do not rush. Try to find out his interests, talk more about him, emphasizing his positive features. When a man sees that they understand him and do not try to put pressure on him, he will quickly come to the idea of ​​​​marriage. If you start rushing him, then you are unlikely to get married.

June 27, 2018, 12:25

The purpose of marriage for people is different, but it has been entered into for thousands of years by representatives of different races, creeds and principles. If earlier marriage was practically indestructible and meant a deal between families, now girls are increasingly thinking on their own about how to get married successfully.

You can choose a worthy candidate for your hand and heart if you follow the prompts of psychologists, matchmakers, the experience of "experienced" ladies, your own mind, intuition and self-discipline. To successfully marry, use these tips:

Get mature

Reaching the age of majority on a passport is not equal to a mature person. If a girl feels insecure, has complexes and resentments that do not allow her to move forward, develop and be herself, you need to contact a psychologist.

The key to a happy relationship is a healthy mind. M. Labkovsky.

When a woman solves internal problems, stabilizes her psyche and gains proper self-esteem, she will become attractive to worthy people. Otherwise, disappointments await her: psychological blocks will not allow the lady to pay attention to a good guy.

Attitude towards oneself should not change due to the presence or absence of a relationship, a ring on a finger, or other external circumstances. If uncertainty takes hold of a person, he will not be able to seek a mature relationship. He will look for a tyrant, a parent, a "high school bully", a "son" or a "leftover" - anyone but a loved one.

We meet only those who already exist in our subconscious. Z. Freud.

Find your calling

Another sign of a psychologically mature person is the presence of his own business, from which he will not back down even at critical or difficult moments. If you abandon your hobbies and forget about your principles “in the name of love”, one day your partner will get fed up with your attention.

A little rest from each other, meeting with friends and time for a favorite thing, study and career are useful for a couple. Even if at the stage of dating a girl is ready to give them up for the sake of a fleeting date, then the man will not have respect. Without him, no one will call for marriage.

Men, like children, like it when a woman has character. M. Labkovsky.

Looking back at someone else's opinion is not inherent in a woman with principles and a mature psyche. She is too busy to seek approval from strangers or even close people.

Love can only be found within oneself - outside it is not found. M. Labkovsky.

Psychologically whole individuals live their own lives, look for their own path to their goals, are able to perceive someone else's experience, and extract usefulness from situations.

Fill your life with events

If a psychologically mature girl meets an interesting man, she shows interest in him, but also makes it clear that he will not become the center of her world, even if he marries her. Such a woman is easy to recognize by several principles:

  • She has a lot to do. If a guy invites her on a date with less than three days' notice, she will refuse because she is busy with important work that day;
  • She does not speak on the phone for more than 10 minutes.
  • Always hangs up first;
  • She calls back only to a business partner, in extreme cases - to her beloved "with experience";
  • She calls the man first only when she is indefinitely late;
  • Such a girl does not broadcast with all her behavior “I want to get married”;
  • She does not feel lonely, she is interested in her life.

Live every day like it's your last and one day you won't make a mistake. Woody Allen

The main rule of a self-confident lady is not to change herself, to be herself in any situation. By the way, men love precisely for this.

Take care of yourself

Loving yourself and not getting along with your own body is a paradox. It is unnatural to look like from the cover of a glossy magazine in everyday life, but it is important to be neat, take care of hygiene, appearance and health.

If she's amazing, she won't be easy to get. Bob Marley.

Dancing, yoga, sports ... Thanks to what to keep the body in good shape - everyone chooses for herself. Even if you like curvaceous forms, it is important to maintain the flexibility and endurance of the body.

A harmonious image is more important than perfect make-up, convenience and appropriateness of the situation are more attractive. Agree, it’s silly to go on a bike ride or out of town in heels. A couple of strands that “accidentally” fell out of the hair, almost imperceptible makeup and slight carelessness in clothes will give a natural look.

Being yourself is a rule that also applies when choosing clothes, shoes, hairstyles. This adds to the attractiveness and charm.

Be positive and play

For girls who get along with themselves, the world around them is interesting, men, too, as one of its parts. No more and no less. She is not against relationships as such, but she does not chase after them, does not make them an end in itself.

Solve the problem: two girls go to a resort. One of them has three or four suitcases with evening dresses and several pairs of shoes. The other tossed a pair of sneakers, favorite jeans, shorts, three T-shirts, a sweatshirt in case of coolness, and tennis rackets into a travel bag. Which of them will return from vacation in the company of the groom?

That's right, the last girl has a better chance of it. She enjoyed the rest, behaved naturally, did not look for a “second half”, because she feels like a whole person. And she also talked in a circle where there were probably more guys, but they were interested in the traveler as partners in the game, and not as future “life partners”. The rapprochement with the man happened naturally, in an informal setting, at his suggestion, which played on his hunting instinct.

If an independent girl enters into a relationship with a man, then she does not give up her interests, hobbies, and even more so her career. She is not ashamed to be nice, but she knows how to show her freedom and self-respect in time.

A man should feel that he needs a relationship more than you. N. I. Kozlov.

Determine the goals and objectives of marriage

Get married for show under the power of each. If you want to create a strong union with a man, understand why you need a partner, what it should be. At this stage, it is important to understand:

1. What qualities must be present in a man to make him a good partner for you?

It is not worth creating a detailed image of a partner, but the general “backbone” should be kept in mind, like a landmark towards which to move.

2. What human shortcomings are you willing to put up with throughout your life?

The partner will take up half of your total area, will sometimes be there 24 hours a day. What you can put up with and what not, you need to understand before you start looking for a contender for your hand and heart.

3. What standard of living suits you?

If you are used to visiting fashionable resorts at your own expense, then your partner should be able to do this as well. No matter how bitter it may sound, but love without material equality of partners will not last long.

They get divorced because they began to marry for love. M. Labkovsky.

4. Do you have financial and moral reserves for life from scratch?

In some periods, the well-being of the family may decrease, for example, due to the illness of one of the spouses, going on maternity leave. At these moments, the second partner takes on the entire financial burden. Answer yourself: are you ready to “pull” the family on yourself, even not for a very long time, without complaining, not with all your might?

5. What responsibilities are you willing to take on in marriage?

There are happy couples where the main breadwinner is the spouse, and the husband does the housework or works in free mode. What niche do you want to occupy in marriage?

6. Do you want children? When, how much?

This is a very important issue that must be resolved at the moment when you first wanted to get married. If the partner you met does not want children in principle, and you hope to persuade him in the future, the relationship is already obviously a failure.

7. Will you be able to provide yourself and your children with a decent life without a partner if the relationship in marriage turns out to be a failure?

Sadly, people break up and die. In order not to be over the line, you need to rely on yourself. Before creating an alliance with a man, during a relationship and in marriage, an intelligent woman will increase her assets. If she does not need the funds, they will become a good legacy for future generations.

Be resourceful, or where to look for a man?

Finding a worthy partner is a task that a girl has to solve if she is thinking about marriage, but there is no man nearby. You can find a future husband:

  • Among highly qualified surgeons, dentists, orthopedists;
  • In the circle of bohemia: directors, screenwriters, singers, writers are meticulously looking for their muse, but life will not be boring next to them;
  • At esports competitions;
  • At exhibitions of computer and scientific technologies, there are many men who can communicate simply with any person and have good amounts on their account;
  • By attending cooking classes or shows: Chef is a prestigious profession all over the world that is almost monopolized by men;
  • Choosing a "male" hobby. It doesn't make sense to list them, but the guys like the adrenaline rush, to compete, to get the lead through the use of physical strength or intelligence.

If you do not want to enter a military school or climb Everest, there is another option: register on a dating site. The strategy of behavior on a dating site is simple: answer all adequate people, take the initiative, if you like some profile, go on real dates.

Yes, on any such resource there are a lot of simply curious, eager guys for easy sex and benefits. However, it is not difficult to find out their manner of communication, and it is even easier to send them to the block list. Do not waste time on those who:

  • I registered on the site for a long time and still have not found “my destiny”;
  • Who has too long a list of "pass by";
  • Didn't complete their profile if they didn't register just two minutes ago;
  • On profiles with fake photos, with one photo;
  • Who does not respond for several days to the message, although the communication began quite tightly.

10 rules and observations of a wise bride

  1. Choose someone who works, studies, knows how to be independent in opinion.
  2. Don't continue relationships with people you don't like.
  3. The guy must first become a good friend who can be trusted, after which you can agree to marry him.
  4. Can you rely on a man in difficult situations? He will be a worthy husband.
  5. If a man does not know how to lead his own life, he should not be considered as a serious partner.
  6. The guy wants to fight for the girl. When he invites you to a meeting that you are also waiting for, do not answer immediately, mentally count to 5-7, and only then agree.
  7. Show interest in a guy when he comes to you on a date in the mood.
  8. If a man behaves aloof, looks casual, you can tell him: "Let's meet when you are really free."
  9. If a guy does not know how to earn a decent standard of living for himself and handle finances, it is too early for him to start a relationship and a family.
  10. A man should be able to show care and responsibility towards children. Good fathers are more likely to be those who had pets in their bachelor life.

I decided to write this article while watching two of my close friends. One of them is an eternal bride, who recently came to visit me again with an invitation to another marriage. Sometimes it seems to me that the marriage of this lady is nothing but a sport.

She is interested in driving another male victim into a corner in order to receive a declaration of love and a marriage proposal. At this stage, her interest in this object of hunting reaches its climax and begins to slowly but surely fade away. Our entire girl company is amazed at how this unremarkable woman manages to lasso thoroughbred men who have taken place in every sense of the word! Little of, each divorce brings her tangible profits and a boost of energy, which is enough to start in search of a new victim and not look back at the sobbing abandoned ex-spouse.

My second friend is a gorgeous blonde beauty with huge green eyes, a wasp waist and slender, even legs so long that you can argue which part of her body is more perfect - her legs or a magnificent bust of the last size that does not need the support of a bra. The most surprising thing about her is that by her thirty years this Madame had never been married. Of course, one could decide that she is an avid feminist, but I know that the girl is obsessed with the mania to ring at least someone. All friends and relatives of the lady try to help her in the difficult task of finding a spouse, but everyone, stunned by her beauty of a man, for some reason retreats after the third or fifth date. After observing these attempts for several years, I decided to approach the issue from the point of view of psychology and, after analyzing the behavior of both ladies, developed a strategy to achieve the cherished goal - marriage.

First conclusion , which I did by comparing the behavior of my friends - You should not even subconsciously strive for marriage. This gift is given only to those who do not need it at all. This does not mean that you should not meet men and start romantic relationships with them. It is possible and even necessary to love, accept courtship, enjoy these feelings, but you should not pleadingly look into the eyes of the chosen one in the hope of getting an answer to your dumb question: “When will you get married?”. Moreover, if a man “probes the soil” by asking provocative questions like: “Do you think we would have a family?”, “Would you marry me if I proposed to you?” Answer evasively and with humor . Thus, you will force him to seriously attend to these problems.

If your beloved has reached such a condition that he began to make plans for the future, deciding how many children he wants and who he would invite to the wedding, portray disinterest in these problems at this stage of the relationship. Cool down his ardor by saying: “It’s too early for us to think about it!”. I assure you that such a state of affairs will spur a man to bring the ephemeral future closer and still discuss these issues with you.

Surround yourself with an aura of mystery and start a legend that ringing you is not an easy task. Many men tried to offer you a hand and a heart, but were refused, as you are waiting for the only prince. Only this legend should be told to your man not by you, but by several unrelated people who must be sure that everything they tell is the true truth.

Despite the fact that you are "not going to get married", You must show yourself to be an excellent hostess with an innate maternal instinct. For this, homemade pies cooked by grandmother and a rented nephew will do. Take the child with you on a date, explaining that your sister (friend) has no one else to leave the child with, as she trusts only you, because children are the meaning of life for you. Demonstrate to your child how cleverly you know how to manage babies and what a pleasure it is for you.

Having received the coveted ring, do not throw yourself on the neck of your beloved with cries of "YES" and sobs. Be embarrassed. Inform that you, of course, have not yet thought of tying the knot, but you love your prince so much that you are ready to take this step for his sake.