
Biology of the conception of a child. What happens after conception: the development of pregnancy from the first days


In the life of a man and a woman, there comes a moment when they are ready to increase their family with the appearance of a baby. Future parents begin to prepare for this important event. First of all, the question arises, how to conceive a child? What measures should be taken so that pregnancy occurs as quickly and without problems as possible?

Preparing for pregnancy

If you decide to become parents, you first need to prepare the body for successful fertilization and normal gestation. Below are the points that a man and a woman must follow before starting the process of conceiving a child:

  • Eliminate the use of alcoholic beverages, if possible, give up or minimize the number of cigarettes.
  • Cut down on beverages such as tea and coffee.
  • Visit a doctor for an examination for the presence of diseases and contraindications to pregnancy. If necessary, undergo the necessary course of treatment.
  • Take a blood test for the Rh factor. Carrying a child with Rh-conflict of parents can be problematic.
  • Eat a balanced diet, give preference to natural products, without preservatives and various chemical additives. Increase the amount of fruits and vegetables you eat. Do not get carried away with fatty, spicy foods, as well as sweets.
  • Lose excess weight, especially for women.
  • Fill your life with joyful moments. No stress or depression.

According to statistics, pregnancy in most couples occurs after regular attempts for three months. If this has not happened to you, there is no need to panic, as this is an individual process, sometimes requiring medical intervention.

Right days to conceive

The period of ovulation plays an important role in the issue of conception. Ovulation is the moment when a mature egg leaves the ovary, enters the fallopian tube and lives there, waiting for fertilization during the day. In the absence of conception, she remains in the fallopian tube for another day, after which she dies. Upon meeting with a sperm cell, a zygote (new cell) is formed.

The right time for sexual contact increases the chances of an early fertilization of the egg. These periods include:

  1. Fertile. This is the time period during which the probability of conception is maximum. This period lasts seven days, before ovulation - 5, and 2 days after the release of the egg into the fallopian tube. The most successful of the fertile days are 2 days before ovulation and the ovulatory day itself. To increase the chances of getting pregnant, it is recommended to refrain from sexual intercourse for several days before the release of the egg.

  2. The second time period that increases the likelihood of conception is the period from 10 to 18 days of the menstrual cycle. Sexual intercourse at this time should be no more than once every two days.

To use the ovulatory method for the greatest likelihood of becoming pregnant, you first need to calculate the menstruation schedule and designate the days when the female germ cell will enter the fallopian tube. You can do this yourself, by measuring basal temperature or by maintaining a menstrual calendar, as well as using a special test.

Choose a pose

The position of the partners during intercourse does not affect the meeting of the sperm with the egg. Male gametes, due to their structure, are very "nimble" and they have one goal - to get to the female germ cell. Therefore, they overcome the obstacles encountered on their way “like a man”.

However, it happens that a woman has a defect in the structure of the internal genital organs. For example, the bend of the uterus does not allow sperm to pass along the intended path. In such cases, a properly chosen position can lead to fertilization. Here are some of them:

  • "Missionary" position - the partner lies on her back, the partner is on top. A woman needs to press her legs to her stomach so that the penis most closely contacts the uterus.
  • Pose when the partner is located behind the partner.

To make it work, choose positions that prevent sperm from flowing out of the vagina. Try not to end sexual intercourse in positions where the woman is on top of her partner.

At the end of the act, ladies who dream of pregnancy are advised to raise their hips so that the sperm does not flow out for as long as possible. For example, you can put a pillow under the buttocks or do the birch exercise.

Age indicator

Who is more likely to get pregnant - a 25-year-old girl or a 40-year-old woman? Of course, the age factor for conception plays a huge role. With age, natural, physiological changes occur in the body that prevent rapid fertilization. Ladies should take this into account and not postpone the conception and birth of a child.

Consider for what period of time, depending on the age of the woman, you should not worry about the absence of pregnancy:

  • During the year, if the girl is not yet 30 years old.
  • Do not panic for nine months to the fair sex 30 - 35 years old.
  • In the period from 35 to 40 years - the absence of conception for 6 months is a reason to visit a gynecologist.
  • It becomes problematic for women after 40 to become pregnant, so three months of “emptiness” is enough to sound the alarm.

After forty years, women begin to have problems with the menstrual cycle, the mucous layer of the endometrium becomes thinner, the number of follicles in the ovaries decreases, and the number of chronic diseases increases. All these problems reduce the chances of conceiving a child, increasing the risk of becoming infertile.

sperm quality

Successful fertilization can be achieved provided that the man has high-quality and healthy spermatozoa. It is possible to improve sperm, for this men should follow the following rules:

  1. Do not get carried away with alcoholic beverages. The ethanol contained in them helps to reduce the production of the male hormone - testosterone and kills a large number of spermatozoa. Tobacco and drugs have the same effect.

  2. Refuse to visit baths and saunas, the water in the bathroom should not be too scalding. Avoid overheating the testicles, high temperatures adversely affect sperm.
  3. Do not wear overly tight underwear and tight pants.
  4. It is recommended to take a course of taking vitamins. The elements contained in them have a beneficial effect on the production of healthy gametes.
  5. Keep fit.

The process of healing sperm is quite long. In fact, all of the above rules should become the usual way of life for a man.

The role of folic acid

The likelihood of pregnancy with a deficiency of folic acid (vitamin B9) decreases significantly. This element is essential for normal conception and the ability to safely bear a child.

Folic acid is prescribed at least ninety days before trying to get pregnant. This is quite enough to saturate the body with the missing vitamin.

It is worth noting that it is necessary to take this element not only for the expectant mother, but also for the father. Folate deficiency in men negatively affects the quality and motility of spermatozoa. If there are problems with conception, the stronger sex is required to prescribe a folic acid preparation. Often, it is recommended to take vitamin E in parallel, which increases the amount of sperm produced.

positive attitude

Some couples who dream of having a baby do not always succeed in everything at once. In such cases, you should not despair and get hung up on the problem that has arisen. Stay positive and try to enjoy life. Waiting for the moment when you finally see the “two stripes” should bring joy and good mood. It is a well-known and scientifically proven fact that negative emotions, stress and depression prevent successful fertilization.

During sexual intercourse, it is worth discarding any experiences and enjoying the process itself, and not thinking “it will work out this time or it will not work out”. Making love should not become a means by which the goal will be achieved. On the contrary, the chances of getting pregnant increase if you enjoy each other.

Is it difficult for you to switch? Try to contact a psychologist, go on a trip, attend some classes together. Do whatever you can to keep yourself from being tormented by expectations and let nature quietly do its work.

Problems with conception

Reasons that may not result in rapid fertilization include:

  • The period of a woman after a miscarriage. A pregnancy interrupted in this way entails the occurrence of complex problems in the body. It is necessary to undergo a full course of treatment before planning a new conception. This period may take at least six months.
  • Taking birth control pills. A woman a few months before the planned period needs to stop taking them, since the full restoration of the female body occurs within one to five months.
  • Use of an intrauterine device. If a woman used such a contraceptive to prevent unwanted pregnancy, after its removal, pregnancy may be absent for more than one year. In such cases, you need to keep a calendar of menstrual cycles.
  • Conception of a child after forty years.

We hope that the rules of conception given in this article will help future parents to fulfill their dream of starting a new life as soon as possible.

Conceiving a child is a complex and lengthy process that results from the successful fertilization of an egg. It is possible only during the period of ovulation and in the presence of a mature female germ cell. Violation of one of the stages of this process leads to infertility.

How is fertilization and conception of a child?

How conception occurs, what kind of process this is, is not known to all girls. This phenomenon is considered as a result of the influence of male and female germ cells with the formation of a single, common structure - the zygote. At the microbiological level, this process looks more complicated than it is described in school biology textbooks. Let's name the main points:

  1. When a woman ejaculates, sperm enters the vagina, which contains up to 150 million spermatozoa.
  2. Sex cells actively move due to the presence of a flagellum and are sent to the uterine cavity, and then to the fallopian tubes.
  3. Most of the spermatozoa die on the way to the egg, only the most active and full-fledged ones can participate in fertilization.
  4. When moving, some substances are removed from the surface of male germ cells, and the acrosome is activated. It is directly involved in the process of penetration of the sperm into the egg. Given these features, you can accurately determine on what day conception occurs after the act. In practice, this is 24-48 hours - this is how long the egg lives after ovulation.

Fertilization - stages

According to the research of embryologists, the fertilization of the egg occurs in several stages. Experts highlight:

  1. penetration- overcoming by the spermatozoon of the radiant crown and the brilliant shell of the egg. The hyaluronidase secreted by the male germ cell, located on the surface of the head, quickly destroys these structures, helping the sperm to penetrate inside. Overcoming the zona pellucida occurs with the help of an acrosome containing enzymes.
  2. Cortical reaction- after the penetration of one sperm inside the egg releases special enzymes. They make the zona pellucida impenetrable to the remaining spermatozoa. This prevents the possibility of simultaneous fertilization by a large number of spermatozoa.
  3. Zygote formation- occurs after the fusion of male and female germ cells. This unicellular form, with further division and development, gives rise to a new organism.

Fertilization and development of the fetal egg

Conception and fertilization are sequential processes. After the meeting of the male and female germ cells, conception does not always occur. In case of successful fertilization, further development of the zygote occurs, active division, in which the following stages are distinguished:

  1. Splitting up. After the zygote enters the uterine cavity from the fallopian tubes, mitotic division begins. This increases not the size of the zygote, but the number of cells in it. The process takes 72 hours.
  2. Differentiation- occurs approximately on the 4th day, when the cells of the future embryo are divided into 2 layers - trophoblast and embryoblast.
  3. Blastocyst stage- on the 5th day, a blastocyst is formed, consisting of 30 cells. As they divide, their number increases and reaches 200.
  4. Implantation- occurs on the 7-10th day after sexual intercourse. This stage gives rise to pregnancy. After the introduction of the fetal egg into the wall of the uterus, the gradual development of the embryo occurs.

Conceiving a child - how to do it right?

Faced with the problem of pregnancy planning, girls often ask doctors how to conceive a child. Experts cannot name a universal technique that would help women conceive and bear a healthy baby. Each case is unique, therefore, when assessing the situation, reproductologists draw up an individual plan for successful conception. When planning a pregnancy, the following important factors must be considered:

  • time in the body
  • the readiness of the female body for fertilization (the absence of chronic diseases and pathologies of the reproductive system).

How to prepare for conceiving a child?

Even knowing what day conception occurs after intercourse, women are not always able to plan a pregnancy. Because of this, girls are more likely to ask doctors how to prepare for conception. Pregnancy planning is an important and mandatory preparatory stage. Its presence significantly reduces the risk of developing intrauterine pathologies of the fetus, prevents the appearance of genetic diseases in the unborn baby. The main areas of planning are:

  1. Raise future parents.
  2. Comprehensive examination and, if necessary, treatment of mom and dad.
  3. Identification and therapy of disorders potentially dangerous for the fetus.
  4. Changing the lifestyle of parents and psychological preparation.

Preparation for a future pregnancy necessarily includes hardware and laboratory studies, the purpose of which is to detect chronic and hidden diseases. Both partners are:

  • blood test to determine the group and;
  • testing for HIV, syphilis, hepatitis;
  • examination for sexual infections;
  • Ultrasound of the pelvic organs (mandatory for women).

The best positions for conceiving a child

Some experts believe that the position in sex is crucial for conception. For a quick and successful conception of a baby, they recommend adhering to those positions in which the penis penetrates the vagina as deeply as possible. As a result, sperm during ejaculation fall directly into the region of the uterine cervix, through which they penetrate into the uterine cavity.

From this point of view, the best positions for conception are those in which the man is behind. In this case, the sperm does not flow back. In order for the conception of a child to occur sooner, it is necessary to abandon positions when the woman is on top. The ejaculate secreted in this case quickly flows out, reducing the chances of fertilization. In addition, experts advise:

  1. Maximize the naturalness of sexual intercourse.
  2. Do not use lubricants.
  3. Do not use contraception.

When to conceive a child?

Since ancient times, autumn has been considered the ideal time for conceiving a child. After harvesting, women had time to recuperate, relax, and prepare the body for the long and difficult process of bearing a baby. The peak birth rate has always been in the summer months. And now many women plan pregnancy directly at this time.

However, most ladies are interested in the question of when to conceive a child after menstruation. It is established that ovulation occurs approximately in the middle of the cycle. If you count from menstruation, then this is approximately 11-14 days from the first day of menstruation. However, each organism is individual, and there are such concepts as early and late ovulation. To accurately determine its time in the body, you must use a special test.

Conception of a boy

There is a theory according to which it depends on the time of sexual contact relative to ovulation. The type of spermatozoa plays a decisive role in determining the sex of the unborn baby. These cells themselves can contain only the X or Y chromosome. At the same time, the life expectancy of male germ cells with different types of chromosomes is somewhat different. Cells containing the X chromosome have a shorter lifespan, but are more mobile and active. Conception after ovulation immediately increases the likelihood of conceiving a boy.

conception of a girl

Spermatozoa carrying the Y-chromosome have a longer lifespan. They are less active, their movement speed is lower. Given these properties, in order to conceive a girl, a woman needs that conception and ovulation have an interval of 2-3 days. In practice, not all girls succeed in planning the sex of the unborn baby in this way, but there are those who confirm this theory with personal experience.

How to find out if conception has occurred?

In most cases, the first sign of a possible pregnancy is the absence of menstruation. Some women, especially those planning a pregnancy for a long time, are wondering how to find out if conception has occurred before the menstrual flow is delayed. This fact can be unambiguously determined only with the help of ultrasound. On the 7-10th day, implantation occurs, as a result of which the doctor, during an ultrasound examination, detects a fetal egg in the uterine cavity. Some girls can also suggest a possible conception of a child by changing their state of health. They are concerned:

  • sudden mood changes;
  • irritability;
  • fatigue;
  • drowsiness;
  • tearfulness.

What is the discharge after ovulation, if conception occurred?

When conception occurs, the symptoms of an incipient pregnancy are either absent altogether or mildly expressed. Many girls do not attach importance to the observed changes, explaining them by the imminent onset of the next menstruation. However, unusual vaginal discharge may attract their attention. About a week after an intimate relationship, some notice the appearance of spotting bloody discharge. Their volume is small - a few drops on underwear. The appearance of secretions is directly related to implantation. This symptom may be absent, which is also the norm.

When to take a pregnancy test after conception?

The mechanism of action is based on determining the level of chorionic gonadotropin in the blood. This substance begins to be synthesized in the female body a short time after fertilization. Over time, its concentration increases. The optimal time for the test is determined directly by the type of device for research.

To find out exactly when to do a pregnancy test after insemination, the girl needs to refer to the instructions for this device. Most affordable and simple pregnancy tests determine gestation 2 weeks after sex. Highly sensitive tests are able to detect pregnancy on days 8-10, but due to their high cost, they are not common.

Many women who dream of pregnancy are interested in: how does the process of conception take place? How to help the body perform this important function? The process of conception and fertilization, so familiar and ordinary for many, is essentially a real miracle.

The process of conception can be conditionally divided into three phases, the so-called stages of conception:

    The release of an egg from the ovary (ovulation);

    Penetration of the sperm into the egg (fertilization);

    The division of the egg and its passage through the fallopian tubes.

    Ovulation process

    Mother nature ordered that a woman is ready for fertilization and conception at the time of ovulation (this is approximately the middle of the cycle), when a sufficiently mature egg comes out of the ovary. An ovulated egg is viable for 12-36 hours. And if fertilization and conception do not occur, she dies and comes out with menstrual bleeding. Rarely enough, two and three eggs can ovulate, if they are fertilized, conception occurs and twins or triplets can be born. If one fertilized egg divides into two equal parts, twins are born.

    Simultaneously with ovulation, a large number of auxiliary processes occur that help fertilization and conception: blood supply in the pelvis increases, mucus in the cervix liquefies (its secretion changes), a woman's mood changes and libido increases. Conception and successful fertilization will be facilitated by the good physical shape of the woman and the absence of inflammatory diseases. You should take care of your health before conception occurs.

    In the meantime, in the comfortable environment of the fallopian tube, the egg moves to the ampoule, where it should meet with the sperm, conception and fertilization.

    long-awaited date

    Of the two to three million sperm that enter the uterus, only a few thousand are able to reach the widest (ampullar) part of the fallopian tube. Up to five days they can patiently wait for the egg and then literally surround it. If they didn’t have to meet, they simply die.

    The moment of conception is a real miracle. Only one of them will reach the final, and it is believed that the strongest, the best. But this is the case when victory is not possible without the participation of the crowd. The fact is that the egg is protected by a dense membrane. The head of the spermatozoon contains in large quantities special enzymes (in the acrosome), which contribute to the dissolution of such a dense membrane. All together, together and harmoniously, the spermatozoa make the protective membrane thinner and literally lay down their heads so that the winner is at the right time in the thinnest area and can penetrate inside, delivering all their treasures (genetic material) there.

    Conception takes place. The outcome of the entire pregnancy depends on how the process of conception occurs. Fertilization and conception are clearly controlled by hormones and enzymes. A healthy organism can cope with this important and mysterious work quite independently.

    The magic continues

    As soon as the winner is inside, the composition of the protective membrane immediately changes and further penetration becomes impossible. In the process of conception, the egg needs only one set of chromosomes, otherwise a disaster. The spermatozoa left outside crowd around the egg, creating a special chemical environment favorable for the advancement of the fertilized cell in the fallopian tube, and eventually die. And the process of conception continues.

    The nuclei of the sperm and the egg merge into a single whole. The 46 pieces of the chromosome set contain the blueprint for a brand new human being! The egg is already called a zygote (combined in Greek). The zygote 24-30 hours after fertilization begins, and after 48 hours completes its first division. The two resulting cells are equivalent and are called blastomeres (in Greek - part of the sprout). Every 12-16 hours, doubling of zygote cells occurs.

    All stages of conception once again remind us of the harmony and self-sufficiency of nature. Conception always happens on time, at the right time.

    3 days after fertilization and conception

    The embryo consists of 6 or 8 blastomeres, and each of them may well give rise to life to a new organism. At this time, separation into two or more parts is still possible, and identical twins will be obtained. Damage to the embryo at this stage is easily compensated. By the end of the 3rd day of development, the genome of the embryo is switched on for the first time, before that it developed exclusively on the reserves of the egg. If errors occur in the genome (when merged, or inherited from parents), the embryo may stop developing.

    4 days after conception

    On the 4th day after conception, the human embryo consists of 10-16 cells, its surface is gradually smoothed out due to the compaction of intercellular contacts. The morula stage begins (mulberry in Latin). Gradually, a void forms inside the morula. The zygote moves along the fallopian tube rather unevenly. Sometimes this journey takes several hours, sometimes up to three days. A very slow advance threatens an ectopic pregnancy. Morula moves into the uterine cavity, repeating the path of the sperm, only in the opposite direction.

    5-7 days after fertilization and conception

    The cavity inside the morula reaches half the volume. The embryo is already called a blastocyst, on the 4-6th day it reaches the uterus and for some time (up to two days) is in limbo. The fetal egg begins to rapidly produce a protective hormone, as the mother's body perceives it as a foreign body and will try to get rid of it.

    The corpus luteum, formed at the site of the former follicle in the ovary, actively produces progesterone, which prepares the uterine mucosa, soothes it and reduces contractile function (so that the uterus does not push out the fetal egg). Thus, the chances of successful attachment of the egg to the uterine cavity are increased. According to medical mathematics, this is the third week of pregnancy. The fertilized egg feeds on the fluid inside the uterus, which is also produced under the action of progesterone.

    The blastocyst, which by this time consists of 100-120 cells, is introduced into the uterine mucosa 5-6 days after fertilization. The egg comes into contact with the wall of the uterus, the part of the egg shell dissolves and the implantation of the egg into the uterus occurs (lasting for 40 hours). HCG continues to be actively produced, preventing the rejection of the embryo.

When you think about the process of conception, you never cease to be amazed at the wisdom and perfection of nature! The complex mechanism of connecting two cells, giving birth to a new person in the world, is truly a miracle. And for many couples who have difficulty conceiving, this is a double miracle. Let's talk about this process today and consider how it happens and what to do for those who experience problems with conception.

Preparing for conception

The truisms that you first need to prepare mentally and physically cannot be ignored in any case. Therefore, first, future parents need to check the state of health, eliminate, if any, "malfunctions" in the body. A trip to genetics will be especially useful in order to exclude a variety of diseases that can be inherited by the baby.

Some couples also go for a consultation with a psychologist.

Last but not least, you need to take care of your physical health: go in for sports, stop smoking and drinking (even drink a little!), walk a lot, relax and get positive emotions.

A woman needs to monitor her ovulation, because it is in. There are many ways to determine its presence, but, unfortunately, none of them gives one hundred percent accuracy. One of the easiest (in terms of handiness, since you do not need to run to the pharmacy or to the doctor) is keeping a calendar and monitoring cervical mucus. As a rule, the increase in mucus in the most noticeable.

How does conception take place?

Have you heard the word fertility? This term refers to the ability to reproduce offspring. In other words, the ability to conceive. In order for this to become a reality, a follicle must mature in the ovary, after the rupture of which an egg must be released, which will be fertilized by the most nimble father's sperm. Spermatozoa travel a long way, penetrating first into the uterus, and then into the fallopian tubes. When the male and female germ cells fuse, a zygote is formed. But the zygote, a fertilized egg, enters the uterine cavity only on the 7-8th day, and until then it is in “free swimming”. Already in the uterus, the embryo "hatches" from the shell and is introduced into the wall of the uterus in order to gain a foothold and begin to develop. During this period, its size is no more than 1.5 mm.

The medical literature describes that the process of conception includes:

  • fertilization (that is, the fusion of a male sperm and a female egg);
  • development of the embryo until the moment of implantation (crushing of cells from one to two, and then exponentially);
  • the process itself (that is, the introduction and attachment to the uterine mucosa).

On average, the process of conception takes two weeks. It is after such a period of time that a woman begins to feel the first signs of pregnancy. But many (due to the fact that the signs are still insignificant) simply do not attach importance to them, but realize that they are pregnant after 4-6 weeks, when the symptoms become very obvious.

When does conception occur?

Scientists have found that spermatozoa move in a woman's body at a speed of 3 millimeters per minute. And the path that they have to overcome to reach their goal is an average of 15 centimeters. If a woman has already ovulated, and the egg is just waiting for a good moment, then sexual intercourse is likely to end in conception. And it won't take more than an hour.

But even two or three days is quite an acceptable period for a miracle to happen, since small spermatozoa are very tenacious. They retain their viability for a long time and can wait until the egg is ready to accept one of them. There is also information that conception, no matter how strange it may sound, is possible even a week after unprotected intercourse. Of course, these are rare cases, but anything happens in life.

Sage for conception

If you are used to resorting to the so-called grandmother's recipes, you can use the following. In order for conception to occur as soon as possible, it is advised to drink an infusion of sage. It contains substances similar to estrogens - female sex hormones. But it is they who take an active part in the conception of a child and in the formation of an egg. Moreover, the substances contained in it contribute to an increase in the cervical reflex, which also contributes to conception.

Yoga for conception

Some couples who are having trouble conceiving resort to various methods that can increase the chances of a miracle. One of these is yoga. It is good because it has no contraindications and benefits not only the physical, but also the mental health of future moms and dads. During exercise, muscle tone increases, the body becomes more plastic, breathing improves and, consequently, blood circulation. All these are important conditions for pregnancy. Moreover, the body's endurance is trained, and the nervous system becomes more resistant to stress, mood improves, and a positive attitude for a successful outcome appears. What can we say that sex becomes better and more interesting, and the chances of an early conception increase significantly.

How much sex does it take to conceive?

Believe me, you do not need to have sex every day, wanting to conceive a baby. Doctors say that in this case, both partners get very tired of such a “marathon”. In most cases, this method, if the couple is happy with everything, will work. But, believe me, one sexual intercourse every two or three days is enough. But it's better not to work hard. Especially if the amount of sperm in a man is not sufficient.

If you're tracking your ovulation, you can "spread out" intercourse so that a large number of them coincide with the days when it should occur.

There is another method when a couple does not have sex for a long period (every two to three weeks), but performs an act at the time of the alleged ovulation. Then the chances of getting pregnant increase significantly.

Especially for Olga Rizak

A rather complicated process of merging two cells. It is amazing what nature has been able to create in the process of evolution, because we almost never think about all the intricacies of the process of conceiving a child. The human body is so complex and self-organized that in 9 months a new life has time to form in it - another person. In this article we will talk about how fertilization and conception of a child occurs.

conception process

You need to prepare mentally and physically for the conception procedure. First you need to take the path of truth: lead an active lifestyle, stop drinking and smoking, start eating right, etc. These truths, although they look simple, have a profoundly positive effect on the processes of conception and the unborn child. It should be noted that ignoring these rules is simply unacceptable, especially for those couples who have repeatedly, but unsuccessfully, tried to give birth to a new life.

Did you know? During sexual intercourse, 150 to 250 million spermatozoa are ejected.

Many people wonder how to conceive a child the first time, but most of them do not know about such a thing as fertility. In fact, this is a very important characteristic of the procreation process. is the ability of the female body to conceive a child.

When the follicle matures in the ovary, an egg comes out of it, which is already ready for the mechanisms of fusion with male spermatozoa. This factor is the basis of a normal and rapid conception process, which takes an average of 2 weeks. During this period of time, the following stages occur in the body of a woman:

  1. Fertilization of the egg.
  2. Cleavage of embryonic cells.
  3. Implementation of the embryo and its attachment to the mucous membrane.
It is after 2 weeks (sometimes 3-) that a woman begins to feel the first. However, before the onset of the first stage of conception (the fusion of female and male germ cells), only 24-36 hours pass.

How does this happen

The mechanism of fertilization of the female egg and the further development of the embryo is a whole science. Below we will briefly describe the scheme of fertilization and talk about where in the body of a woman such a complex process occurs.

During sexual intercourse, the sperm in the male testicles begin to show activity. After some time (2-7 minutes), they begin to move along the vas deferens. When spermatozoa reach the seminal vesicles, the process of their fusion with the seminal fluid takes place. After that, they become ready for the fertilization of the female egg.

Together with seminal fluid, sperm make a long journey through the male urethra, and then enter the female under high pressure. Millions of mobile male reproductive cells from this time begin to strive forward, in search of an egg.

Important!British scientists have found that women who smoke are 22% less likely to successfully conceive.

The main task of mobile "cavaliers" is now the introduction into the uterine cavity, and then into the fallopian tube. On the way to achieving her goal, millions of spermatozoa will be killed by the immune system of the female body. They are selected according to the laws of genetics: only those cells remain that are the strongest and capable of producing healthy offspring.
Then everything happens as in beautiful pictures, or in a training video called "how to make a baby." About a hundred of the surviving and strongest sperm surround the egg. Only one can penetrate into its cavity - the chosen one and the most suitable (according to genetic parameters). When that same unique sperm enters the cavity of the egg, the process can be considered started.

Splitting up

At this stage, the male and female germ cells merge into one. Now their genetic material fuses and becomes one. A day later, the process of division of the formed cell begins, which lasts about 96 hours. After this time, the embryo already consists of 32 cells.
In general, the crushing mechanism proceeds exponentially, that is, with each act of division, the number of cells doubles. It should also be noted that division occurs both at the stage of advancement of the embryo to the uterus, and at the stage of implantation, and, accordingly, at the stage of formation of all organs and systems.

Entry of the embryo into the uterus

After the successful fertilization of the egg and the start of the crushing mechanism, the process of attaching the embryo to the uterus begins. The advancement of the embryo through the fallopian tubes begins from the fourth day and continues until the seventh day. For about three days, the embryo is in "free swimming" and is looking for a place to attach to the uterus. At this point, there is always a possibility.

Did you know?The male sex cells (sperm) are 85,000 times smaller than the female egg.

After four days after the start of conception, the zygote turns into a blastocyst. During the "journey" through the fallopian tubes, the embryo accumulates the necessary substances that will further contribute to the normal implantation processes. Also at this stage, villi begin to break through on the blastocyst, which serve as a food element. During this period, the mother's body is also preparing for the attachment of the embryo: hormones begin to be actively ejected, making the uterus a favorable place for attachment.

Implantation of the embryo into the uterus occurs on the fifth day after the start. In total, the implantation process proceeds as follows:

  1. After the embryo clings to the uterine mucosa, the latter will begin to fill with fluid. As a result of this filling, the fetal egg will gradually press against the endometrium.
  2. The next step is adhesion. Adhesion - the beginning of the interaction of the embryo and the uterus through the villi.
  3. The last step is invasion. During this stage, the embryo breaks down the lining of the uterus and joins the mother's blood vessels. From this point on, the fetus has a common blood flow with the mother. At the time of invasion, a pregnant woman may experience minor uterine bleeding, which does not entail dangerous consequences.
The above three stages are the basis of the mechanism of implantation of the embryo into the uterus. Violation of at least one of these stages can lead to.

Auspicious and unfavorable days

An important step towards the correct conception of a child is keeping a diary. Every woman should follow the regularity, as there are days on which it is simply impossible to start the process of a normal pregnancy.

If the menstrual cycle is standard and regular, it is possible to calculate the days for the most favorable conception of a certain child. With chaotic critical days, there is always a violation of the hormonal background, which prevents the normal mechanism of the birth of a new life.

Important!To successfully conceive a new life, a woman needs to drink 8 glasses of clean water a day.

The entire critical cycle can be conditionally divided into favorable and unfavorable days for conceiving a child.

The most favorable periods are considered to be:

  • Period 2-4 days before ovulation.
  • The true moment of ovulation.
  • The next 24 hours from the start of ovulation.

Unfavorable days are those on which the egg is simply not ready for contact with sperm:
  • Any of the days of the menstrual cycle.
  • 48 hours after the end of ovulation (an egg that has not come into contact with a sperm simply dies).
  • The first 48-72 hours after the end of critical days.
  • 6-7 days before ovulation.
If you want to get pregnant with a child of a certain gender, you need to take the advice of specialists. Of course, they will not give a 100% result, but they will increase the chance of success in getting pregnant with a boy or. If the sexual intercourse of a man and a woman occurred before the onset of ovulation, then, most likely, a couple in love will have a girl. The process of intercourse after ovulation is more likely to bring a son to the parents.

Did you know? Spermatozoa cover such a long distance to the egg that if they were the size of a person, their path would be 6,500 kilometers.

Fundamentals of successful conception of a child

Over time, each couple has thoughts about replenishing the family with a child. It is not always possible to give birth to a new life, because some factors sometimes interfere with the normal process of conception. There are many rules that couples must follow if they want to bring themselves and the world one more person:

We hope this article has become a useful source of information. Now you know how pregnancy occurs and what conditions are necessary for the normal processes of conceiving a baby. All that is required of you is the observance of the basic rules before the start of a new life.