
I hated a whole world to love. Mikhail Lermontov - I will not humiliate before you: verse

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Love is so different. Often it is mutual, sometimes unrequited. It can be a variable, dreamy, unearthly and destructive. It is this feeling that makes many poets and writers devote their pearls to loved women. A special place in the work of M. Yu. Lermontova occupies the topic of love. The poet was familiar with love experiences who tormented him soul. He often wondered about the reciprocity of the feelings, endowed a love lyrics with philosophical meaning. One of the bright evidence is Lermontov's poem "I will not deeper before you", a brief analysis of which you can trace the article.

Events that contribute to writing messages

Analysis of the poem of Lermontov "I will not humiliate before you" It is worth starting with the fact that it is mentioned about its second name. In a different way, it sounds traditionally - "K *". To whom the message is dedicated is definitely not indicated, although the poet contemporaries knew it. The modern reader will be interesting to learn some details from Mikhail Yurevich.

Immerse yourself in the distant hot summer of 1830. Young Lermontov, who was then 16, went to the country estate of his acquaintances. At that time, he worried about parting with Catherine Sushkova, who broke his heart. They broke up because of the permanent ridicule of the girl over the young poet.

So, it was during this period that Mikhail Yurevich met that Charming Natalia Ivanova. What ended this connection if the girl answered with reciprocity? It will become clear from summary "I do not harm before you" Lermontov.

The guilt of the writing of Elegia

So, the subject of youthful hobbies and the addressee of lyrics of the poet became Princess N. F. Ivanova. She was dedicated to the whole cycle of poems, the so-called Ivanovo. In addition to the mentioned message, it includes other verses dedicated to the princes.

Natalia Ivanova, according to Mother Metsikova, was the daughter of the Moscow playwright and writer Fyodor Ivanov. Another three-year-old girl was left without her father, she was raised by stepfather. Young Princess, I really liked Mikhail Yurevich, but the relationship between them was unusual. Natalia was older than Michael for one year. Seventeen-year-old young two years have already sought marriage. At the beginning of the dating, the girl was reconstructed by Mikhail's in love. He often visited their estate in Nikolsky-Tomilino near Klyazma (30 km from Moscow).

The first poems dedicated to this muse, were delightful and admiration. After some time, a coldness and misunderstanding arose from Natalia. Lyrics Lermontov filled with sorrow and a sense of offended pride. It was during this period that Lermontov created "I will not deeper before you". Analysis (according to plan) features of this masterpiece you will see below.

A little later, Natalia became his wife N. M. Obresskov, who was deprived of the noble rank for theft of jewels from his relative. Obzhkov born four children. The first one of them was born a year of the death of Mikhail Yurevich.

Writing time, topic, idea, genre

With the indication of the writing date of the work, its analysis is usually started. "I will not humiliate before you" Lermontov composed in 1832. It became the final of the love relationship, which so successfully began. From this story it becomes clear that the theme of the poem has become not known to anyone, whether the poet ever explained in his feelings of Natalia, but the draft version of this message was probably sent to her.

What idea did Lermontov invested in this alegy? In the face of Ivanova, the poet accuses all the beauties of the world in windy behavior. Some lines are endowed with disappointment and offend. The hero reflects on whether it is possible to treat women with respect, if one of the best did not hold down his word.

The girl gave the poet the reason for the most cruelly deceiving others. The hero sees in the beloved of an already someone else's person and proudly pronounces that he will never humiliate in front of her.

Mikhail Yuryevich wrote his message in the genre of Elegy. In it, he emotionally expresses his philosophical meditation on the topic of love.

Composition of the work

The basis of the composition of the message is antithesis (opposition). Love the author contrasts betrayal, hope - misconception, a greeting - ukore. But the main antithesis protrusion is pronoun - "I" and "You". It is brightly visible in almost every line. The hero wants to understand why the girl did not immediately show who she was in the case itself. He is sorry for those days he spent on his beloved, because he could devote himself to a more important thing. The climax of the work is achieved by reproach in tricks and hypocrisy.

Lexic techniques of the author

To transfer the state of his hero, the poet took colorful epithets - "cunning treason", "wonderful gift", "Aliens we", "gently promised." To increase the love tragedy, it uses hyperboles. Cheerfulness of the Beloved He opens with metaphors.

Analysis "I will not humiliate before you" Lermontova proves that artistic means very accurately convey the excitedness of the hero. To achieve even more effect, the author applied rhetorical questions and exclamation proposals. The poem is written in the form of a monologue of the lyrical hero, which he says in one breath. The message is written in a five-colored yamb.

Lyrical hero

The lyrical hero of the message is full of love and despair. He contrastlessly demonstrate his feelings. All his sacrifice turned out to be in vain, beloved awarded him only "insidious treason." The former "Angel", in his eyes, turned into a vicious woman.

The lonely hero is proud and preparing for new love gusts. It can be seen that he is trusting and strives for happiness. The hero's shower appeals to the past and future times, he hopes that they will be the best. The attention of many modern lovers of love lyrics deserves an analysis of the poem Lermontov "I will not humiliate before you."

I will not humiliate before you;
Neither your hello nor your reproach
Do not rule over my soul.
Know: We are strangers since then.
You forgot: I am freedom
For the borrowing, I will not give;
And so donated for years
Your smile and eyes,
And so I saw too long
In you the hope of young days
AND the whole world hated
To love you stronger.
How to know, perhaps, those instant
What traced your feet
I took the inspiration!
And what did you replace them?
Perhaps the thought of heaven
And the power of the Spirit is convinced
I would give the world a gift wonderful,
And for me for the immortality he?
Why so gently promised
You replace his crown,
Why were you not first,
Some finally became!
I am proud! - Sorry! love another
Dream love to find in another;
What would any earth
I do not work for a slave.
To other mountains, under the sky south
I will remove, maybe;
But we know each other too
To forget each other.
From now on I will enjoy
And in passion will go to everyone;
I will laugh with everyone
And I do not want to cry with anyone;
I'll start cheating godlessly
So as not to love, as I loved, -
Ile women respect maybe
When did Angel changed me?
I was ready for death and flour
And the whole world is on the battle of calling,
To your marginal hand -
Madman! - once again shake!
Without knowing cunning treason,
I gave the soul;
So you knew such a price?
You knew - I did not know you!

Analysis of the poem "K * (I will not humiliate before you)" Lermontov

The poem "K * (I will not humiliate before you ...)" is devoted to one of the first love disappointments of Lermontov. Contemporaries did not guess to whom it was actually dedicated to. Only much later researchers found that the mysterious beloved - N. Ivanova. The young poet got acquainted with her in 1830 and quickly fell in love. It is not known how a girl answered his feelings, but Lermontov probably believed that he could hope for reciprocity. Meeting with Ivanovo only on Balah, the poet gradually understood that he was one of the many fans of windy beauty. There was a decisive conversation between young people, after which all kinds stopped. In 1832, Lermontov managed to impartially look at the failed novel. He expressed his impressions in the poem "K * (I would not humiliate before you ...)".

The work is very emotionally. It is noticeable that the author sincerely loved the girl and deeply experienced this mental injury. He was not easy for a statement: "We are strangers since then." Lermontov from an early age considered the main ideal freedom, but abandoned through her for love. Given the sudden passion, he made a big mistake in life. The girl became in his eyes a new deity for whom he did not regret anything. Of course, in the statements of young romance there are still many exaggerations. In short relationship, he considers donated years when he "the whole world hated", giving all the feelings of his beloved.

On the other hand, Lermontov sufficiently judged by the time spent in vain, which he could use for the development of his poetic gift. In a more mature age, the poet will feel contempt for the balls and masquerands. Perhaps the origins of this contempt lie in failed love.

Judging by the poem, the girl gave some promises to the poet. On her part it was just a flirty game. But the sublime soul Lermontov perceived these words for a clean coin. The poet understood too late that I was for Ivanovaya the next fun.

Only now the author is clear, he declares: "I am proud!". Perfect mistake has become a huge lesson for the future. The poet claims that it will never be able to humiliate before anyone. A hint of deleting "under the sky of the south" - the threat to the Caucasus, traditional for the XIX century. Lermontov declares that henceforth will be hard with a soul and heart. The cunning treason of the girl, whom he believed an angel forced him to forever lose respect for women. From this time, he himself will bring false oaths and break the hearts.

Solemnation and pathos of the work gradually grow up. In the final, the author declares that the beloved understood that he was able to for her. But he himself was in the love fog himself and did not know that in reality it is an imaginary "goddess".

In his youth, Lermontov was strongly fascinated by her daughter famous writerN.F. Ivanova. Their relationship lasted long. To learn about what the young poet thought about the break can be, if thoughtfully read the verse "I will not humiliate before you" Lermontova Mikhail Yurevich.

The poem was created in 1832 from 1830 to 1832. There was a vertex of youth creativity of the poet. Trying to find yourself in the literature, Lermontov wrote in many genres. Big influence on his early creativity was Bayron. Trying to keep up with the times, Lermontov created a lot of fatalistic works permeated with gloomy romantics. The text of the poem of Lermontov "I will not humiliate before you", which takes place in the lesson of literature in grade 8, impregnated with youthful maximalism. "We are strangers since then" - the poet exclaims, learning that the windy beloved chose to him another. Strings that young Lermontov highway "smile and eyes" beloved years, cause a smile. In fact, their relationship lasted several months, and it is impossible to call them romantic. N. Ivanova, rather, was the "beautiful lady" of a young poet, who had seen his ideal for a long time.

Initially, Lermontov missed the sympathy and attention to N.Ivanova. Therefore, her coldness, which she met in love with a plowing poet, caused him pain. She was so strong that Lermontov was ready to be disappointed in all women. Offended by the refusal "Angel", he bitterly reproaches the girl in the fact that she gave him false hope. "Why were you not first, what finally became?" - he complains. The pain from this wound remained for life. Lermontov, calling N.Ivanov "insensitive, cold deities," a whole cycle of works has tried it. It consisted of forty poems. Download This product is completely or learning it online you can on our website.

I will not humiliate before you;
Neither your hello nor your reproach
Do not rule over my soul.
Know: We are strangers since then.
You forgot: I am freedom
For the borrowing, I will not give;
And so donated for years
Your smile and eyes,
And so I saw too long
In you the hope of young days
And the whole world hated,
To love you stronger.
How to know, perhaps, those instant
What traced your feet
I took the inspiration!
And what did you replace them?
Perhaps the thought of heaven
And the power of the Spirit is convinced
I would give the world a gift wonderful,
And for me for the immortality he?
Why so gently promised
You replace his crown,
Why were you not first,
Some finally became!
I am proud! - Sorry! love another
Dream love to find in another;
What would any earth
I do not work for a slave.
To other mountains, under the sky south
I will remove, maybe;
But we know each other too
To forget each other.
From now on I will enjoy
And in passion will go to everyone;
I will laugh with everyone
And I do not want to cry with anyone;
I'll start cheating godlessly
So as not to love, as I loved, -
Ile women respect maybe
When did Angel changed me?
I was ready for death and flour
And the whole world is on the battle of calling,
To your marginal hand -
Madman! - once again shake!
Without knowing cunning treason,
I gave the soul;
So you knew such a price?
You knew - I did not know you!

"K * (I will not humiliate before you ...)" Mikhail Lermontov

I will not humiliate before you;
Neither your hello nor your reproach
Do not rule over my soul.
Know: We are strangers since then.
You forgot: I am freedom
For the borrowing, I will not give;
And so donated for years
Your smile and eyes,
And so I saw too long
In you the hope of young days
And the whole world hated,
To love you stronger.
How to know, perhaps, those instant
What traced your feet
I took the inspiration!
And what did you replace them?
Perhaps the thought of heaven
And the power of the Spirit is convinced
I would give the world a gift wonderful,
And for me for the immortality he?
Why so gently promised
You replace his crown,
Why were you not first,
Some finally became!
I am proud! - Sorry! love another
Dream love to find in another;
What would any earth
I do not work for a slave.
To other mountains, under the sky south
I will remove, maybe;
But we know each other too
To forget each other.
From now on I will enjoy
And in passion will go to everyone;
I will laugh with everyone
And I do not want to cry with anyone;
I'll start cheating godlessly
So as not to love, as I loved, -
Ile women respect maybe
When did Angel changed me?
I was ready for death and flour
And the whole world is on the battle of calling,
To your marginal hand -
Madman! - once again shake!
Without knowing cunning treason,
I gave the soul;
So you knew such a price?
You knew - I did not know you!

Analysis of the poem of Lermontov "K * (I will not humiliate before you ...)

In the summer of 1830, 16-year-old Mikhail Lermontov during the rest in the country estate meets Natalia Ivanova - the daughter of the Russian writer known at the time. The girl captivates him not only with his beauty, but also answers the young poet of reciprocity. After an unsuccessful novel with Catherine Sushkova, who mercilessly ridiculed his young fan, Lermontov again feels the taste of life. He is fascinated by his beloved and devotes her the first timid poems in which hints at their feelings. Now it is already difficult to set it enough, whether the young people have a love explanation, and whether they were given a friend of loyalty to each other, but Lermontov returned to Moscow returned and fully healing from despondency.

It is known that the poet and his elect for 1830 several times met on the balls, which was the reason for the deep disappointment of Lermontov. He was convinced that he was for Natalia Ivanova just a fleeting enthusiasm, and she preferred to spend time at the company of more successful cavaliers, with which discovered flirting. However, the final gap between the in love occurred in the summer of 1831. What exactly happened between Lermontov and Ivanovo, it is no longer possible to install. However, after returning to Moscow, a 17-year-old poet suddenly writes a play called "Strange Man", the prototype of the main character in which his chosen is. According to the plot, the girl, giving an oath of loyalty to his beloved, subsequently takes his words back and prefers to another. It is likely that in real life the same thing happened, and Natalia Ivanov simply fascinated by another young man.

One way or another, in the winter of 1832, 5 months after the fatal events, Mikhail Lermontov creates a poem "K * (I will not humiliate before you ...)", whose handwritten option sends the one that he loved. In this work, the author would seek a line under this short novel, emphasizing: "We are strangers since then." Explaining its decision to finally break the relationship with the beloved, the poet notes that he brought too much sacrifice in the name of high senses to the one that did not deserve it. "And the whole world hated to love you stronger," the poet notes. At the same time, those a year and a half, which lasted this novel, Lermontov considers irrevocably lost for poetry, as he indulged in unreserved dreams instead of catching up his literary syllable.

The poet considers himself deceived and offended. But vinitis is not only a beloved, which was not at all the one that wanted to seem. First of all, the author of himself refers to the "madness" itself, as it went on the own feelings, who eclipsed the voice of the mind. However, the insight has come quickly enough, and Lermontov wishes its elect, only one - "Dream love to find in the other."

As in the play, the poet directly indicates that the reason for the breaking of the relationship was the fact that Natalia Ivanova preferred to him another young man. And it was so discouraged by Lermontov, that he was completely disappointed in the representatives of the weak gender, asking: "Ile women respects it is possible when an angel changed me?". However, from now on, the poet no longer intends to fasten himself with illusions and dying in error, considering that it is better to put a point in this love story than to sacrifice the freedom for the illusion of happiness.

Nobody guessed about Lermontov's novel and Ivanova, therefore, no one has guess the poet, so for a long time poems marked by the initials of Natalia Ivanova, who over a year and a half has fallen more than 30 pieces, remained a posthumous secret poet. To decipher the name of the mysterious stranger, in which Lermontov was in love, only in the middle of the last century, Irakli Andronnikov managed, who shed light on the tragic history of the love of the young poet.