
The most interesting facts about the plants of the world. Interesting facts about plants

Ponds in the garden

In India, a plant grows under the local name "fooling the stomach". I eneeing 1-2 leaves of the Plant Calir Canda, a man feels satiety over a whole week, although the leaves do not contain valuable nutrients. The property of the plant to create the illusion of satiety is used in the manufacture of tablets and tinctures from leaves, which are successfully used by people suffering from overweight.

One of unusual plants Right from the Savannan South American Paraguay. This shrub Stevia, in which the leaves of which contains a substance resembling Sakharin. It is more than 300 times sweeter than sugar. This plant is already successfully cultivated in Japan, South Korea, Vietnam and Laos, Spain and light hands Academician N. I. Vavilov in Russia. Significant culture plantations are in the Belgorod region. Extract made from Stevia, Belgorod residents sweeten confectionery for diabetics.

Sugar grass. Growing in Central America, mainly in Mexico. From its leaves and colors allocated a sweet oily liquid, which 1000 times exceeds sugar sweets. Particularly valuable is that, unlike natural sugar, this substance is completely
harmless to diabetics and does not favor obesity.

In African savanna, grows herbate plant Toyamatus Dannelia. A special substance TALIN, which is in its red berries, 2000 times sweeter than sugar.

An even sweeter plant is a liana diokorefillum kumminicia, growing in the tropical forests of Nigeria and other countries in West Africa. Sugar, compared to its coral and red berries, due to the content of substance Monellin, seems to be devoid of taste. Still, because Monellin is sweeter than 3000 times!

And the champion among supersstuff plants is the Ketemph shrub, which grows in the rainforest of West Africa. It received the most sweet substance in the world - Tummatin. It is sweeter than sugar (hard to imagine) 100,000 times! This substance will be sweet even if the tumatin can dissolve at a concentration of 10 g per ton of water!

Scientists believe that the cultivation of supersstanding plants may be a coup in the sugar industry of the world.

In the tropical forests of West Africa shrub Sinsepalum Dulzifikum grows.

His red berries, thanks to the content of Miraculin, have amazing property - influence the taste sensations of a person. If you warm up a few of these small berries before eating, wonders will begin with taste: a sour lemon will seem sweeter than orange, and sugar is bitter. This effect is saved about an hour, and sometimes more, depending on the number of fruit eaten.

The local population from Ghana to Zaire, where this plant grows, it uses its fruits for the sweeteing of sour palm wine.

Interestingly, such on the action of the plant is in the Transcaucasia, in the south of Tajikistan and China. This tree from the crash family is Zizi-infus, also known as Unabi or Chinese Pin. They prepare compotes, jams, grazing, retained in dried.

In 1784, Gengin's tubers were delivered from Mexico to Spain, unprecedented until then. The Spanish king commanded zealously protect the secret of the existence of the overseas flower, while in 1805 the German naturalist Alexander Humbolt brought from South America The tubers have already been "unknown" in Europe of the Mexican Plant!

Pines sterilize air

One hectare of pine boron per day is able to allocate about 5 kg of volatile phytocides into the atmosphere, destroying numerous microorganisms from the air. Therefore, in forests with growing young coniferous treesRegardless of the geographical latitude and proximity of settlements, in comparison with other green areas, the air is practically sterile, contains only about 200 - 300 bacteria on 1 m cubic.

In the content of vitamin C walnut, 8 times exceeds black currant and 50 times - citrus fruits. The vitamins of the group B, contained in them contribute to the decomposition of peer-grade acid, which accumulates in the muscles and causes fatigue. Ancient Greek historian Herodota argued that the priests of the ancient Babylon were prohibited simple people there is walnutsbecause It was believed that they have a beneficial effect on mental activity, and these are no worthwhile.

The smallest flower in the world

Do you know what plant is the smallest flower in the world? Rocky! For a long time, it was believed that this is algae, but then they found the flowers of the flowers. But it is still unknown how during the day the number of these plants in the reservoir is doubled - in a few days, the rod covers the entire surface of the reservoir.

Xerophyte - Drought Plant

Xerophyta Viscosa Xerophyt Cerophyte was named Antoine Laurent de Zhusier (1748-1836. Xerophyta - which means "Drought plant". This rare grassy perennial lives on the stony soils of the province of Natal in South Africa, on the vertices of the dragon mountains, has filamentous curved leaves with a length of 60 cm, and the flowers with a diameter of 5-6 cm appear on the plant from November to April. Often this plant is called someone else's name Vellozia Viscosa, but Vellozia is a completely different look. Xerophyte is able to live without water in extreme thermal conditions a very long time. University researchers in Cape Town use xerophytic genes to coding unstable to drought Sanguinalis Digitaria and Thaliana Arbidopsis, and later, xerophyte genes will use cultural plantsTo increase their stress resistance.

1. In Oceania, along with coconut palm, giving milk and oil, grows breadwinner. Children call all kinds of trees of Artocarpus Family Family. They fruit "loaves" weighing up to 12 kg! In the pulp of oval fruits, starch accumulates, turning with ripening in ... dough. "If anyone can plan a cereal tree, then he will make more in order to feed his descendants than Helborob. Life in the sweat of his facial processing his field .. "- wrote James Cook.

Usually bread trees are fruit for 70-75 years. On one tree, 700-800 "breads" ripen annually. The fruits are filled with sweet pulp. Beverages are made of unripe fruits, and something similar to bread is baked from ripe. Impressive the fruits of the Indian Bread Wood - to the meter in the diameter! The branches would not stand such a cargo, so "Karavai" grow straight on the trunk. In the African grain tree of traclialia, the fruits are smaller - to half a meter in diameter and weighing up to 14 kg. At Madagascar, the Patriarch of Bread Trees was preserved - 20 m height, trunk girth 50 m.

2. And from the starch of sage palm trees growing on New Guinea, pancakes. Palma blooms on the 16th year of life, her truth, cut down, before flowering, when in its core the greatest number Starch. The core is removed, pushing through a small sieve to the hot metal surface And they make Sago, from that palm and is called sage.

3. Without any processing, you can use the milky juice of the nearest dairy tree - Venezuelan Galaktodendron. In composition, it is close to cow's milk and resembles cream with sugar! And if the juice boost, the delicious curd mass is formed.

4. At Madagascar, you can admire a stunning tree from the Begonian family with fancy fruits. It is called sausage, because on its branches there are many brown randomly hanging on long fruits sausage fruits. Each such "sausage" can be about half a meter and a diameter of 10 cm. (Looks like fruit inedible, but I'm not sure). However, so-called Aucubu Japanese. Its leathery leaves are covered with golden yellow spots and dots, partly resembling fat pieces on a cut sausage. Similarity, however, quite remote.

5. Socotra Island at the East Coast of Africa - the firmness of strange, peculiar forms of plant life. Here on the stony slopes of the mountains, you can meet a cucumber tree (Dendrosicyos Socotrana) - a plant with spiny wrinkled leaves, spikes, similar to ordinary cucumbers, fruits and thick, swallowed from the Milky Juice, a barrel consisting of a soft whitish cellular tissue, which is easily cut by a knife. This is the only tree in the pumpkin family.

6. On the coast of the Guinean Gulf, the palm tree, thickened ohle juice, is growing and is almost no different from the butter of the cream.

7. There are plants - "lollipops". For example, the leaves of Paraguayan shrub Stevia more than 300 times sweeter than sugar, and the leaves of mexican sugar herbs are 1000 times. Red berries of grassy plant Toyumatus Dannels from African Savannah Sugar Sugar 2000 times, and red berries dio-corrugated cumminia from forests of Nigeria and other West African countries - 3000 times. In West Africa, the sweetest plant grows and the sweetest plant - a shrub kethemph containing the substance of Tummatin, superior to sugar sweets 100,000 times!

8. On Oceania Islands there is a view of tropical trees - "Cakes". They grow yellowish fruits into abundance, which to taste resemble sweet pastries.

9. Candy tree, or a Japanese raisin tree, - a representative of the crash family, originally from Japan and China - Khovnia Sweet. If you're accurate, then in fact they are dry, and the taste of this plant candy on an amateur: it resembles an sophisticated raisin inedible, but twisted axis holding their inflorescences juicy and fleshy. Each tree can give 35 kg of "chocolates" or sweet, with the taste of Roma.

10. In the forests of India, the Calir-Kanda plant is growing, called the "fool of the stomach" at the local adveria. I eaten 1-2 leaves, a man feels satiety for a whole week (!), Despite the fact that there are no nutrients in the leaves. Thanks to the property of creating the illusion of the satiety of pills and infusions from the leaves of Calira Kanda, they recommend people wishing to get rid of excess weight.

Velvichia Amazing (Welwitschia Mirabilis). The age of this deserted-dwarf can reach 2000 years.
Two huge sheets depart from the short pent-shaped trunk of the plant in both sides,
Which as they grow longly burst into ribbons, and the tips dry out.
The age of these giant leaves is equal to the age of a tree. The leaves are constantly growing from the base, and the tips die.
In some cases, the length of the leaves can reach 8 meters, and the length is 1.8 meters.

Amorphophallus (Amorphophallus)
The genus Amorphofallus, as well as the Ruffle's genus is famous for its "thin aroma" of a decomposing flesh. The smell emanating from the flower is terrible. Without a gas mask, a few admire amorphophophophophullus. Flower of most of the representatives of this kind is huge in size (especially in the image presented in the photo of Amorphophallus Titanum) and can reach a height of 2.5 meters with a diameter of 1.5 meters. In many Eastern countries, the tubers of this plant are used in the preparation of various culinary dishes and medicines.

Opuntia Bigelovii (Opuntia Bigelovii)
The emplation of bidelows, probably, one of the most amazing species of the specification of the family of cactus. The photo presented above is made in the California Joshua-Tree National Park. In the photo, the entire desert landscape to the horizon is covered with amazing fluffy cacti, up to two meters high. In the rays of the setting sun, the landscape looks fantastically. At the person being here, it seems that he as part of a space expedition landed on another planet, covered by unknown forms of life.

Giant Karegia (Carnegiea Gigantea)
Karnegia Giant (Sagauro) Another amazing plant of the cactus family. The most amazing feature of this cactus is its gigantic sizes. The height of individual plants is about 14 meters, and the diameter of more than 3 meters! At the same time, the age of individual cacti reaches 150 years.

Most plants from this kind can be called "predators" without exaggeration, which are obtained by the necessary missing nutrients, "digesting" caught insects. The plant has modified leaves, which in shape resemble pitfalls. The inner surface of the jar is lined with cells that are identifying nectar, which serves to attract insects, as well as "hairs cells" making the release of the insect that has fallen "in the network. The surface "The neck" of the jug is very slippery, so there is no chance of a walking on the neck insect, there is practically no challenge. Insect falls into the water (y separate species The jug may contain up to 2 liters of water) and sinking. Then enzymes are produced, which completely "digest" insect. Sometimes a trap is not only insects, but even mice, rats, birds.

Veinea Mukholovka (Dionaea Muscipula)
Veinelery Mukholovka is an even more amazing "murderer plant", which is making more active actions to kill its prey. The modified leaves - "jaws" of this plant are attempted to life not only insects, but also on the life of snails and even frogs.

Ficus Benghalensis)
At first glance, it may seem that the photo is described in the photo above. In fact, this is one single tree. Ficus Bengali forms powerful branches to support which they grow by shoots that are released down to the Earth are rooted, forming powerful stem columns.

Sequoia Sempervirens sequoia
Sequlife evergreen is the highest tree of our planet. Our forest belt forests are grass compared to the forest consisting of these mighty gigids. The height of many trees exceeds 110 meters, and age more than 3,500 years! Previously, in the trunks, the departments hollow out at home and even looted the tunnels through which highways passed. In windy weather, many visitors to the forests of the Giakanov becomes vague from the noisy "grinding" and the swinging of the mighty stems by the sequel. Growing out in California.

Puya Raimondii (Puya Raimondii)
Puya Raymond of the Bromelian family growing in Bolivian and Peruvian Andes has the greatest inflorescence with a diameter of 2.5 meters and about 12 meters high, consisting of approximately 10,000 simple flowers. It is a pity that it blooms this amazing plant only when the 150-year-old age is reached, and then dies.

Our planet never ceases to hit the variety of plants and animal species on it, sometimes with amazing abilities.

The selection of the most interesting facts about plants:

1. Amazing plant Under the name of the ceratonia of the legume family, has long been cultivated in the Mediterranean, has a curious property - the size of its fruits is always the same (0.2 g), for which they are very valued by jewelers in the old days, now this measure is called carat. The scientific name of the genus, by the way, comes from the Greek κεράτιον ( cherátiοn.), κέρας ( ceras.) "Horn".

2. Among the direct vehicles, Australian eucalyptus, the height of which reaches 150 meters, and sometimes more. The telegraph pillar made of wood of this tree is able to withstand the strongest wind, and root system Eucalyptus sucks water from the soil with such a force that people use these natural pumps to dry out the marshes.

3. The record holder is also Titan Aruum, the flower of which is the largest and reaches a height of 2.27 meters. For the unbearable smell of a plant, Titan Aruum nicknamed a "body flower": his "aroma" resembles a smell of rotten meat. However, for pollinators - flies and beetles - this smell and bright color are very attractive. In natural conditions, the flower grows in the jungle about. Sumatra. Titan Aruum blooms every 20-40 years and blooms only two days. All over the world, only about 150 cases of his flowering were officially fixed. A few years ago, visitors to the British Botanical Garden became happy witnesses of flowering this kind of plant.

4. Another famous big flower - Rafflesia Arnold (Sumatra Island, Kalimantan, Philippines, etc.). The Rafflesius of Arnold blooms with single flowers, their diameter is 60-100 cm, and the mass is up to 8 kg. Flower makes out nasty smell, reminiscent of the smell of rotting meat, attracting the main pollinators - Muh.

5. In the Amazon Pool, you can find a plant of a family of pita called Victoria. Its leaves on the surface of the water reaches three meters in diameter and can withstand weight up to 30 kg.

6. One of the most interesting facts about plants is that the leaves on their barrels and branches are not chaotic, and in a certain sequence, having a certain angle of deviation relative to each other. The size of this angle varies depending on the plant itself. So, apricot she is 2/5, pear - 3/8, at almond - 5/13, etc. Such a layout of the leaves in accordance with the sizes of the tree, leaves and the growing medium provides them with optimal nutrition, access to light and full growth.

In India, a plant grows under the local name "fooling the stomach". Esieving 1-2 sheets of the Plant Calir Canda, a man feels satiety for a whole week, although the leaves do not contain valuable nutrients. The property of the plant to create the illusion of satiety is used in the manufacture of tablets and tinctures from leaves, which are successfully used by people suffering from overweight.

One of the unusual plants originally from Savannan South American Paraguay country. This shrub Stevia, in which the leaves of which contains a substance resembling Sakharin. It is more than 300 times sweeter than sugar. This plant has already been successfully cultivated in Japan, South Korea, Vietnam and Laos, Spain and with a light hand academician N. I. Vavilov in Russia. Significant culture plantations are in the Belgorod region. Extract made from Stevia, Belgorod residents sweeten confectionery for diabetics.

Sugar grass. Growing in Central America, mainly in Mexico. From its leaves and colors allocated a sweet oily liquid, which 1000 times exceeds sugar sweets. Particularly valuable is that, unlike natural sugar, this substance is completely
harmless to diabetics and does not favor obesity.

In African savannah, a herbaceous plant of Toyymatus Dannels is growing. A special substance TALIN, which is in its red berries, 2000 times sweeter than sugar.

An even sweeter plant is a liana diokorefillum kumminicia, growing in the tropical forests of Nigeria and other countries in West Africa. Sugar, compared to its coral and red berries, due to the content of substance Monellin, seems to be devoid of taste. Still, because Monellin is sweeter than 3000 times!

And the champion among supersstuff plants is the Ketemph shrub, which grows in the rainforest of West Africa. It received the most sweet substance in the world - Tummatin. It is sweeter than sugar (hard to imagine) 100,000 times! This substance will be sweet even if the tumatin can dissolve at a concentration of 10 g per ton of water!

Scientists believe that the cultivation of supersstanding plants may be a coup in the sugar industry of the world.

In the tropical forests of West Africa shrub Sinsepalum Dulzifikum grows.

Its red berries, thanks to the content of Miraculina, have an amazing property - to influence the taste sensations of a person. If you warm up a few of these small berries before eating, wonders will begin with taste: a sour lemon will seem sweeter than orange, and sugar is bitter. This effect is saved about an hour, and sometimes more, depending on the number of fruit eaten.

The local population from Ghana to Zaire, where this plant grows, it uses its fruits for the sweeteing of sour palm wine.

Interestingly, such on the action of the plant is in the Transcaucasia, in the south of Tajikistan and China. This tree from the crash family is Zizi-infus, also known as Unabi or Chinese Pin. They prepare compotes, jams, grazing, retained in dried.

In 1784, Gengin's tubers were delivered from Mexico to Spain, unprecedented until then. The Spanish king commanded zealously protect the secret of the existence of a overseas flower, while in 1805, German Naturalist Alexander Humbolt brought the tuber from South America for 20 years of the Mexican Plant in Europe!

Pines sterilize air

One hectare of pine boron per day is able to allocate about 5 kg of volatile phytocides into the atmosphere, destroying numerous microorganisms from the air. Therefore, in forests with growing young coniferous trees, regardless of the geographical latitude and proximity of settlements, in comparison with other green zones, the air is practically sterile, contains only about 200 - 300 bacteria on 1 m cubic.

In the content of vitamin C walnut, 8 times exceeds black currant and 50 times - citrus fruits. The vitamins of the group B, contained in them contribute to the decomposition of peer-grade acid, which accumulates in the muscles and causes fatigue. The ancient Greek historian Herodotus argued that the priests of the ancient Babylon forbade ordinary people there are walnuts, because It was believed that they have a beneficial effect on mental activity, and these are no worthwhile.

The smallest flower in the world

Do you know what plant is the smallest flower in the world? Rocky! For a long time, it was believed that this is algae, but then they found the flowers of the flowers. But it is still unknown how during the day the number of these plants in the reservoir is doubled - in a few days, the rod covers the entire surface of the reservoir.

Xerophyte - Drought Plant

Xerophyta Viscosa Xerophyt Cerophyte was named Antoine Laurent de Zhusier (1748-1836. Xerophyta - which means "Drought plant". This rare grassy perennial lives on the stony soils of the province of Natal in South Africa, on the vertices of the dragon mountains, has filamentous curved leaves with a length of 60 cm, and the flowers with a diameter of 5-6 cm appear on the plant from November to April. Often this plant is called someone else's name Vellozia Viscosa, but Vellozia is a completely different look. Xerophyte is able to live without water in extreme thermal conditions a very long time. Researchers at the University in Cape Town use xerophyte genes for coding of Sanguinalis Digitaria and Thaliana Arbidopsis unstable to drought, and later Xerophyte genes for cultivated plants will be used to increase their stress resistance.