
With what city is Sergius Radonezhsky. Rev. Sergius, Igumen Radonezh, All Russia Wonderworker († 1392)

Works in the country, in the spring garden

Memory rev. Sergius, Radonezh Wonderview, Church of the Chtit on October 8 (September 25, on the old style), on the day of his presumption. Rev. Sergius of Radonezhrightfully is one of the most distortions of Rev. Inok since Ancient Russia And until today's days. He is the founder of several abode, among which the largest fame acquired the Trinity-Sergius Lavra. It is no coincidence therefore Sergius Radonezhsky often call " igumen of the land of Russian».

Feats rev. Sergius I fell on a difficult era, when Russia was under the oppression of a foreign Mongol-Tatar yoke, but sought to gain independence and the construction of a strong and unified state. Sergius of Radonezh, a man of deserted life, never braced in the hands of weapons, became a spiritual support in the resistance of the Mongol-Tatar IGU, inspired princes and warriors to fight for the independence of Russia. He blessed Moscow Prince Dimitri Donsky on the Kulikovsky battlewhich took place in 1380. Also, Radonezh Igumen sent to help the prince of two inok, once former warriors - reboot and dock. Thus, it became a symbol of the unity of the church and the people at the time of severe test. The victory of towering Moscow over Mama on the Kulikov field significantly strengthened the young principality.

Residents based Sergey Radonezh

In addition to Trinity monasterySergius founded a few more heads, subsequently those who became monasteries: Blagoveshchensky in Kirzchche (1358), Epiphany Old-Golutvin (1385) near Kolomna, Vysotsky Monastery (1374), Georgievsky on Klyazma. In these monasteries and Skits, Igumen Radonezh sent his students who became the abbys there. In total, Pupils, Sergius of Radonezh created about forty monasteries.

As many famous as Savvo-Storozhevsky (1398) near Zvenigorod, the Virgin Mary-Christmas Ferrapontov (1398), Kirillo-Belozersky (1397), Pavlo-Obnorsky (1414) and many others are obtained.

Miracles Sergius Radonezhsky

As indicated in Life, Sergius of Radonezh Many miracles committed. People came to him from different villages, villages and cities to receive the spiritual council, and sometimes even in order to simply see it. As Sergius Agiographs write, he often heal the suffering, and once he raised the boy who died on his father's hands when he was carrying a child to hegumen. Slava about Miracles Sergius quickly spread in Russia. They began to come sick from different locations. And none of them left without a good advice and healing. But the human glory is a devotee. One day bishop Stefan Permsky (about 1330-1340 - 1396) was sent from his diocese to Moscow. The road ran near the Sergiev Monastery. The bishop decided to visit the monastery on the way back and stopped, read the prayer, bowed to Igumen Sergia with the words "peace to you, spiritual brother." At this time, Sergius was on the meal with brother. In response, the bishop of Stefan Sergius sent a blessing. Some of the students were very surprised by the act of Hemuman and hurried to the specified place, where they saw the Bishop Stephen.

Once during the liturgy, the Angel of the Lord was served by the Angel, but for humoring his Igumen forbade anyone to tell about it before the fuss of his earthly life. For the pious life, Sergius was awarded the Lord of Heavenly Vision. Somehow he prayed before the icon of the Virgin and, graduating from prayer, sat down to relax. And suddenly he said to his disciple Mikhai, that their wonderful visit awaits them. After a moment, the Most Holy Mother of God was accompanied by the Holy Apostles Peter and John the Theologian. From an unusually bright light, the igumen fell on the ground, but the Mother of God touched him with his hands and, blessing, promised to always patronize his abode.

Sleeping Hegumen Sergius

At the end of his righteous life, Sergius, for six months, he divently recognized about his upcoming death, called for his brotherhood and after the brief Council of the elders pointed to choose the abbot of the student experienced in spiritual life and obedience Nikona (1352-1426). Already before the overweight igumen of the Earth, Russian urged the brotherhood to his mortal ADRU and turned with the words of the testament:

Make yourself, brethren. Before have fear of God, the purity of spiritual and love is non-estate ...

September 25 (Art. Art.) 1392 Rev. Sergius was pressed. The historian of the church E. E. Golubinsky wrote that Sergius ordered to put his body not in the church, but on the general monastery cemetery. Such a command has greatly upset his brotherhood. Inaks appealed for advice to Metropolitan Cyprian, who said to put the body of Hegumen Sergius in the Church.

West Sergius, Iguman Radonezh

July 5 (Art. Art.) 1422 were gained by unprecedented power Sergius. This is how Pahomi Logoheet wrote about this event: "To when the sacred cathedral opened the miraculous coffin ... Everyone saw a wonderful and mildness of a decent sight: not only the honest body of the saint was preserved as whole and bright, but also the clothes in which he was buried, turned out to be a whole, completely not touched by the drain ... Seeing it, all glorified God, After all, the body of the reverend, so many years in the coffin, persisted unscathed" Since then, the date of gaining relevance is July 18 (n. Art.) Is one of the days of the saint's memory.

No documentary evidence that Sergius began to be honored. Already in 1427, five years after the acquisition of the relics of Rev. Sergius, he was founded in his homeland Trinity Sergiev Varnitsky Monastery.

As indicated by a specialist in the field of agiology, historian E.E. Golubinsky, reverence Sergius Radonezh, obviously, has an early origin. However, it indicates that official canonization was possible thanks to the persistent actions of Moscow metropolitan ions. The relics of St. Sergius of Radonezh were laid in chief Cathedral Lavra - Trinity.

The most popular source of information about Sergia Radonezh, the famous monument of Old Russian literature is the famous "Life" Sergius, written in 1417-1418 by his student's epiphany to wisdom. After decades, it was reworked by a fragile logo and supplemented with new facts, including history with the acquisition of relics.

Tropar and Kondak Rev. Sergia Radonezh

Tropear, voice 4.

It is also like a virtue of the devotee, I will truly truly the warrior of God of God, in the passion of Velmy will move, to the life of the time, in singing, the dignity of the same and sickness, the image of the existence of his student. The same inspired in the Major Spirit, its own action is decorated. But I can have a muster Holy Trinity, remember the flock of the wise man's wise, and I didn't promise Sabida, visiting our own, Sergie Reverend our father.

Kondak, voice 8.

Christ is loved by the reverend, and the irrevocable desire followed, all the pleasure of the carnal habit of hazelnia, and Yako the Sun of the Fatherland of Si away. Those and Christ with the gift of miracles enrich you. Purchasing us reading with your first memory, yes, I call, pleased Sergey Bogomudre.


Library of Russian faith

Rev. Sergiy Radonezh. Icons

The most ancient image of Rev. Sergius - seated Pokrov (1420s). Currently is in the scenic of Trinity-Sergiye Lavra.

Known the oldest living icon with 19 stimples, the authorship of which is attributed to the Master of the Circle Dionysius, Icon dates back to about 1480 or 1492. Early images Sergius is complete in full growth come from the Assumption Cathedral (Lights of the XV-XVI centuries) and probably from the Survo Sergiev Church of the Trinity Sergius Lavra (the beginning of the XVI century).

Also with Rev. Related Abode of St. Sergius of Radonezh", List of the nineteenth century with an incredible ancient Icons of the XVII century, which was once in the northeast adhere to the refectory Trinity-Sergius Lavra. This icon is famous for the fact that it shows a detailed plan for the Trinity-Sergiye Lavra, is currently it is in Pokrovsky cathedral RPSC in Moscow.

Image of Sergius Radonezh in painting

In addition to the Icons of St. Sergius of Radonezh, there are also pictures on which events from the life of the Radonezh Iguman are depicted. Among the Soviet artists can be allocated M.V. Nesterova. The following works are known: "Proceedings Sergius of Radonezh", "Youth Sergius", "Vision of the Pattern of Bartholomew". Also among artists who appealed to the image of Sergius Radonezh, were V.M. Vasnetsov (The image of Rev. Sergius for the Temple in Abramtsevo), E.E. Lisser("Sergiy Radonezh, blessing Dmitry Donsky in front of Kulikovsky battle"), N.K. Roerich("Saint Sergius Radonezh") and others.

Sculptural images of Rev. Sergius of Radonezh

Sculpture is one of the forms of worship of the saints in Russia. There is a lot of sculptural images of Sergius Radonezhsky. One of them is the burner depicting a visit to Dimitri Don Sergius of Radonezh in front of the eating field, performed by the sculptor A.V. Loganovsky. This burner decorated the Chisty of Christ the Savior in Moscow, was dismantled before the explosion of the temple and preserved to the present day. A bronze copy of this burrow is installed on the recovered temple.

The sculptural image of the Rev. Sergius of Radonezh as part of a multifigure composition on the monument "1000th anniversary of Russia" in Veliky Novgorod.

At the end of the XX and in the XXI century, the monuments were established in places related to his life: one (the sculptor V. Chuharkin, the architect V. Zhuravlev) is located in Sergiev Posad "At the walls founded by the Holy Resident", the other (sculptor V. M. Klykov and Architect R. I. Semengiev) - in the village of Radonezh.

In addition to these monuments, the sculptures of Reverend are installed in Moscow, Kolomna, Rostov-on-Don, Elista, Samara, many other cities and villages of Russia, as well as in Belarus.

Temples in Russia in the name of Rev. Sergius of Radonezh

Rev. Sergiy. Radonezh Always honored with the Russian people. Among the churches devoted to him, the Sergiev Temple (1686-1692) in the Trinity-Sergius Lavra; Cathedral Sergius in the Trinity-Sergiev Varnitsky Monastery; St. Sergius Cathedral in the High Palm Monastery in Moscow (1690-1694); Church of Sergius Radonezhsky in the Kirilo-Belozersky Monastery (1560-1594). The temples in Nizhny Novgorod, Orel, Ufa, Tula and other cities are dedicated to the St. Nizhny Novgorod.

In the Tver province were consecrated in the temples of more than 70 thrones in the name of Rev. Sergius, however, most of them were destroyed during the years of Soviet persecution.

Old Believers Church in the name of Rev. Sergius of Radonezh

Before the revolution in Tver province acted two old Believer Temple in the name of Rev. Sergius of Radonezh: Temple in the village of Dmitrovo Pogorelsky district of the Kalinin region (now Zubtovsky district of the Tver region) and the temple in the village of Matyukovo (Tver region Tver region). Both temples were destroyed in goggle workers. In old school, there are currently several temples in the name of St. Sergius of the Radonezh Wonderworker. In the Russian Orthodox Old Believer Church today, a temple holiday in the Smolensk region and in the Kirov region. In the name of Reverend, the limit of the cathedral on Rogozh is also consecrated. In the Russian angle of the Holy Church in the name of Sergius of Radonezh sanctified temples in the Kursk region and the Orenburg region. Also in honor of the Reverend is consecrated by the one-time temple in the Leningrad Region.

In the name of Rev. Sergius, the lower church of the famous Old Believer Assumption Temple on Apukhtinka was consecrated (now in the building of the temple there is a hostel).

The fate of the relics of St. Sergius of Radonezh and its monastery in the Soviet years

After the death of Rev. Sergius, the well-known Russian devotees were famous Russian devotees at different times. Of these, the most famous reverend Nikon and Dionysius Radonezh, Sava Zvenigorodsky, Martinian Belozersky. In the years of Troubles, the exemption from Rzeva Igumen Dionysius saved the monazhi from the crop.

In 1919, the relics of St. Sergius were opened, and after transferred to the Sergievsky historical and artistic museum as an exhibit, located in the Trinity-Sergius Lavra. Monastic walls of the power left before the threat of fascist occupation. In 1946, after the Great Patriotic War and the opening of the Lavra, the power was returned. Currently, the relics of St. Sergius are in the Trinity Cathedral of the Trinity-Sergiye Lavra.

Anti-church terror B. soviet period He also affected the Trinity-Sergiev Lavra. In 1920, decree of the Council of Sovnarkom, on the personal disposal of V.I. Lenin, Trinity-Sergiyev Lavra was closed and transformed into a historical and art museum. In the buildings, the laurels are located pedagogical Institute, residential premises and other institutions.

After graduating from the Great Patriotic War, the revival of Trinity-Sergiye Lavra began. To date, Holy Trinity Sergiev Lavra has the status of the Stavropigial Male Monastery. In the Lavra, there is a unique library of handwritten and old-line books.

In Central and Northern Russia, Rev. Sergius Radonezh (in the world of Bartholomew) was born on May 3, 1314 in the village of Varnanti, near Rostov, in the family of Boyharin Kirill and his wife Mary.

At the seven age, Bartholomew was given to learn together with his two brothers - senior Stefan and younger Peter. At first, he lagged in training, but then, thanks to patience and work, he got acquainted with the Holy Scriptures and was addicted to the church and inherent inquest.

For about 1330, Sergius's parents left Rostov and settled in the city of Radonja (about 55 kilometers from Moscow). When the elder sons married, Cyril and Maria, shortly before his death, accepted Schima in the Khotkovsky Monastery of the Intercession Blessed Virgin Mary, not far from Radonja. Subsequently, the elder brother Stefan also accepted the monastery in this monastery.

Burying parents, Bartholomew gave way to a married brother Peter his part of the inheritance.

Together with Brother Stefan, he retired for deserted into the forest a few kilometers from Radonja. At first, the brothers built Kelia (dwelling for a monastic), and then a small church, consecrated in the name of the Blessed Trinity. Soon, not to withstand the difficulties of life in a deserted place, Stephen left his brother and moved to the Moscow Epiphany Monastery, where he became close to Inok Alexia - the future Metropolitan Moscow, and later became an igumen.

In October 1337, Bartholomew adopted Monastic tonsure with the name of the Holy Martyr Sergius.

The news of Mobility of Sergius spread around the district, followers who wish to conduct a strict monastic life began to flow to it. The abode was gradually formed. The foundation of the Trinity Monastery (now Holy Trinity Sergiev Lava) refers to 1330-1340.

After some time, Inaks convinced Sergius to take the need, threatening, if he disagrees. In 1354, after a long bounce, Sergius was ordained in Hieromonach and erected in San Igumen.

With a deep humility, Sergius himself served between brethren - built Celi, cut the firewood, Mollar grain, a pek bread, sewed clothes and shoes, watered water.

Gradually, the glory grew him, everything began to contact the monastery, ranging from peasants and ending with princes, many settled in the neighborhood and sacrificed her property. Initially, the deserts in all the necessary need turned into a rich monastery.

The Trinity Monastery was first "specialized": subordinate to one igumen and taking out for prayer in one temple, the monks had every celle, their property, their clothes and food. Around 1372, ambassadors came to Sergia to Sergia and brought him a cross, Paraman (small quadrangular boards with the image of the Cross) and Shima (monastic vestments) in the blessing of new feats and a patriarchant diploma, where the Patriarch advised Igumen to arrange a hostel monastery for the example of Christian Communities of apostolic times. With the Patriarch Message, Rev. Sergius went to Metropolitan to Moscow Alexy and received the Council from him to introduce a strict hostel in the monastery.

Soon, the buildings began to raise on the rigor of the charter, and Sergius left the abode. On the Kirzhach River, he founded the monastery in honor of the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary. The order in the former monastery began to quickly decline, and the remaining Inaks turned to Metropolitan Alexy so that he returned the saint. Then Sergius obeyed, leaving his student of the novel by the igumen of the Kirzhach monastery.

Hegumen Sergius was intended by Metropolitan Alexia on the slope of the years with a request to take Russian Metropolitan, but he refused the crimson.

Sergius Radonezh acted as a wise politician, striving for the humility of contention and cohesion of Russian lands. In 1366, he allowed the princely generic dispute for Nizhny Novgorod, in 1387 he left the ambassador to the prince of Oleg Ryazansky, having achieved his reconciliation with Moscow.

The special glory of his business and prayers in front of the Kulikovsky battle (1380). Sergius Radonezh requested blessings to the upcoming battle grand Duke Dimitri Donskoy. During the battle, the Rev. Together with Brother was standing on prayer and asked God for the gift of the victory to the Russian army.

Having reached a deep old age, Sergius Radonezh, for half a year. Nicely, he called on his brotherhood and blessed the student of Nikon's experienced in the spiritual life.

Sergius Radonezh asked to brachia to bury him outside the church, on the general monastery cemetery, but with the permission of Metropolitan, his body was laid in the church on the right side. After 30 years, July 5, 1422, the opening of the relics of St. In the presence of his congestion - Prince Yuri Galitsky was made. At the same time, the local celebration of the memory of the presence in the monastery was established. In 1452, Sergius Radonezh was ranked as saints.

In 1463, the first well-known church was built in the name of the St. Sergius of Radonezh in the ruined yard in Novgorod.

In addition to Holy Trinity Sergiye Lavra, Rev. Sergius Radonezh founded the Holy Blagoveshchensky Kirzhach Monastery, Rostov Borisoglebsky Monastery, Vysotsky Monastery, Elder-Golutvin Monastery and others, and his disciples were established up to 40 abode.

Russian orthodox Church He marks his memory on the day of death, as well as 18 (5 old style) July, on the day of gaining relics.

Material prepared on the basis of open sources information

In any Orthodox church, you will always find an icon with the image of the St. Starta Sergius of Radonezh. A serious and thoughtful look conveys us his big famous icon. Sergius Radonezh - It was a truly great wonderworker of the Russian land, to whom we and our descendants should be grateful to the conclusion of the centuries. However, not many know about his merits and exploits.

In 2014, May 3 (16), the entire Christian Orthodox world celebrated the 700th anniversary of the birth of a transparceed elder, who was already famous for his holiness in his life. In all Russians, he was honored by various rulers, boyars, princes and a simple peasant people.

Icon Sergius Radonezhsky. Photo

Everyone knows that the icons of the Saints are helping people in solving their problems. Therefore, I certainly want to know, and what Ikon Sergius Radonezh helps. First of all, it is necessary to know that only on sincere prayer and faith to this holy man and to God, people can get protected from any unpleasant life circumstances. Parents are asked to help him in raising children, protect them from evil influence, finding them to humble and tame their young pride, as this is the greatest evil, from which there are many troubles. With all this, it is treated with different requests.

Unless notic than icon Sergius Radonezhsky. Her photos, however, makes us think about whether we are doing everything correctly, whether they are ready for the feats and their lives to put our heroic ancestors with the prompts of the Great Providence.

Icon "Sergius Radonezh". Meaning in Orthodoxy

God gave him signs of grace, he could heal the patients. Once he even resurrected a dying son on the desperate prayers of his father. Rev. Sergius at a distance knew how to see and hear. But the most wonderful and wonderful phenomenon was the eartere during the Christmas Festival of the Virgin with the apostle Peter in 1384.

Rev. Sergius Radonezh peacefully since September 25 (October 8) of 1392. Exactly 30 years later, his power was acquired, and today they are stored in the Trinity-Sergius Lavra near Moscow.

This holy elder is always asked about intercession in the fate of Orthodox Rus. Icon "Sergius Radonezh" has become a real facing for Russia from her enemies.


The gloomy father, our Sergius was born in Rostov in the pious parents of Cyril and Mary, which were then ranked too. The Lord himself chose the future of the saint. His mother, being pregnant, stood in the service, and at this time a baby cry was heard three times in the womb. Standing around people, too, heard it, and then the priest realized that the faithful minister of the Holy Trinity would soon appear in this world. The baby, whom the Bartholoma is taught, so happily recovered before the Lord and his church, as John the Forerunner in the womb of his mother happily charged before the Most of the Virgin.

Born baby Bartholomew already did not take Maternal breasts on Wednesdays and Fridays. It was the beginning of his great abstinence and fiction.


He was sent to school, but his bad memory prevented well to learn well. An old man ink was helped in this, and if more precisely, God sent an angel with whom he met, walking on a dubrava. The elder promised that from now on, the boy would be well to learn well, and then there will be others to learn. So very young warfolomes accepted the blessing, and from now on with his study he had no problems. But instead of ordinary children's games, he devoted all his free time to reading the Holy Scriptures.

Icon of St. Sergius Radonezh is very necessary for parents, as it can help them in raising children. And just necessary for students who are hard to study, which have weak memory and attention. In general, the icon "Sergius Radonezh" should be in every Orthodox house and in every believer family.


Then the parents of Bartholomew moved from Rostov to Radonezh. There they are with the world and they won. After that, in 1337, the future saint distributed his inheritance to poor people and settled on Makovets Hill with Brother Stefan - Khotkovsky Inok Pokrovsky Monastery. They cut the hut in this place. So it was laughed by warfolomes on a monocar feat of people, and began to pray incessantly. Soon his brother left this wildly deserted insidual, without preparing harsh life.

After a while, Ieromona Mitrofan came to him and blessed the young warfolomey to monasticism. It was then 23 years old, and they ordered him Sergey. Having learned about such a pious inok, other monks began to come to his abode. He kindly accepted everyone. Together with the brother, they built a small chapel, which Feoganost's bishop was consecrated in the name of the Holy Trinity. Then the monastery was built with the grace of Christ. One day came to them from Smolensk Archimandrite Simon, he brought the precious gifts and gave them to his father Sergius. These funds went on the construction of a large church and expanding the monastery monastery.

So to this day, this church is updated in the Trinity-Sergiyev Monastery near Moscow, where the holy power is also located, and the icon itself of Rev. Sergius Radonezh. This abode is always overwhelmed by pilgrims from all over Russia, which go there to honor the memory of the Sacred Elder and ask him to protect and patronage.

Trinity monastery. 1355 year

Over time, with the blessing of the Konstantinople Patriarch, Phyofea in 1355, a hostel charter was introduced in the monastery of St. Sergius Radonezhsky. The territory of the monastery was divided into three parts - public, living and defensive. In the center of the monastery stood a new wooden church of the Holy Trinity. The igumen of the monastery first became the previously mentioned Igumen Mitrofan, and after his death - Rev. Sergius Radonezh.

Soon the Trinity Monastery, supported by the Grand Princes, began to be considered the center of Moscow lands. It was here that was blessed by the victory of the St. Sergius of the Radonezh army Dmitry Donskoy in battle with the Horde of Mamay.

There was a Kulikovsky battle on the birthday of the Virgin on September 8 (September 21 in a new style) of 1380. Date was not chosen by chance, because the Virgin Mary patronized Russia. The Bunition of the Bent was released by the blessing of St. Sergius the monks of the Trinity Monastery Peresvet and obsaed, once they were the glorious warriors in Dmitry's squad. It was the sacred duty of every Orthodox Christian. The victory was obsessed, a lot of brethren went to those days. After the battle of Dmitry Donskoy arrived at the Trinity Monastery, in order to personally notify the father of Sergius about the victory.

There is such an extraordinary miraculous icon sv. Sergius of Radonezh, where he blesses Prince Dmitry Don on Kulikovsky battle. This icon may heal from diseases and protect real warriors from injuries and death.

Kulikovsky battle. 1380 year

Let us dwell on the Kulikovsky battle in more detail, because it was the great battle of Russian troops led by the Moscow Grand Duke Dmitry Donskoy and the warlord of the Golden Horde Khan Mamay.

Western, as they say today, the curators of the occultists and psychologists persuaded Maama to go to Moscow and said that this war would strengthen the power and influence of the Golden Horde, and that Mama like a commander can easily compete with Tamerlane himself. The West helped his mentor weapon, money and experts to take fortresses. Military contingent was also presented with Genoese infantry. Everything that was required from Maama is to destroy Muscovia as soon as possible, destroy and burn the town of the city and sat down, make the slaves all the Slavic population. And after this victory, the whole force can be soldered and to the Novgorod land to destroy and plunder it, especially since the detachments of the Lithuanian Catholic Yagaylo and Livonian knights are always ready to help. In the spring of 1380, the Motherwise Steppe to Raint Khan moved from the Volga to Don.

Decisive role of Rev. Sergius

Most historians agree that a very important and most important role in the unification of Russia to the upcoming Terrible enemy at that time was played by Rev. Sergius Radonezh. In that severe minute, many Russian principalities were united into a single fist, which before the endless internecine wars. Saint Sergius managed to make literally impossible - to reconcile two enemy of religion at that time. He showed Vedic Rus that the true teachings of Jesus Christ had nothing to do with Western Christianity that Christ had never taught to organize crusades, burn the Vedic temples and heretics on the fire. He showed Russian Christians that true Christianity is the same deep teaching as their ancient faith, therefore there are no reasons for religious hostility, as perverted Christianity comes from the West, where the worst and vile crimes are committed under the name of Christ.

It is these excitement for Russia Orthodox and hides in itself the icon "Sergius Radonezh". Nevertheless, it was not in vain called "the sophisticator of the Land of Russian", since he never ceased to glad about her and his incessant prayers contributed to her spiritual rise and liberation from the Tatar yoke.

Siege of Trinity Lavra

So, the victory in the Kulikov field became a turning point in the struggle for the liberation of Russia from the Mongol-Tatar yoke. However, the final release from it has already happened much later - in 1480. The raids of nomads continued for a long time, in 1408 the Trinity Monastery was completely burned. But he literally rebelled out of the ashes in the literal sense, and the people were rejected again. In 1422, Rev. Sergius Radonezh was reburied.

Through the monastery, the road was held from Moscow to Rostov, and then to Arkhangelsk. In the Trinity Monastery baptized the heirs of the throne of Vasily III and Ivan the Terrible. Over time, the monastery turned into a serious defensive fortress. It was enclosed with strong stone walls that connected 12 towers. Ivan the Terrible personally controlled this construction.

In a short time, all this was useful when the monastery is protected from the numerous troops of Falgestmitriy II.

Dispusting to the interventory. 1608-1609

In 1608-1609, Sergiev-Posad Land gave repulsion to the intervention. For 16 months, scary battles went. The Poles wanted to rob the monastery and kill the defenders who, during the time of the Great University, remained loyal to their Fatherland. Then the governors were the okolniki prince G. B. Grove-Dolgoruky and noble. Alexei Holokhwast. These defenders were strong in spirit, and the abode of them was full of faith and was under the protection of the Great Wonderworker Sergius. His coffin had all kissed the cross and swear in the fact that they would never surrender their abode. After heavy attacks and began due to poor nutrition of the Qingi, which took hundreds of lives in many months, there were only about 300 warriors in the monastery, although they were originally 2400 people. It was opposed to these minor forces of the monastery from 15 to 30 thousand of the best armed forces of the Polish governor Sapie and the Lisovsky, who also had 60 guns.

On the night, in one of the most decisive battles, when many thousands of Polish troops rushed to the fortress, an impossible occurred. Their squads for some kind of fatal mistake, strong fog or ridiculous orders of chiefs shot themselves, taking allied detachments for enemies. Yes, and besieged, too, very courageously met the enemy by fire. There was no limit to the next way, since enemy siege guns were thrown, and the enemy fled. With the name of God, the support of the Virgin and the Holy Father, Sergius held the heroic Russian warriors. They were sure that the victory would be behind them.

There were a lot of evidence how Holy Sergius Radonezh helped and suggested his soldiers. He even appeared in a thin sleep to one monk and suggested that the monastery was conducted enemy subcople, and then the two peasants blew themselves and this breadwinner, thereby making a great feat in the name of God and the Fatherland.

I really want to hope that Icon Sergius Radonezhsky, prayer for this saint and his reverence even today will not leave Russia without his support.

Minin and Pozharsky. 1610 year

It is impossible to pass by the history associated with mini and Pozharski. After all, it is known from history that the governor of Prince Pozharsky in the pious of the expelling of the Catholic interventionists was the landowner and the butcher on the craft of Kozma Minin. He was distinguished by chastity and other virtues, loving silence, he always had God in his heart. One day, in a dream, the wonderworker Sergius Radonezh was in a dream and commanded to collect money and warriors and go to Moscow, where the Russian throne wanted to take the Polish king, who prepared Russia for the adoption of Unia.

At first, the minin did not give the values \u200b\u200bto its sleep. The landowner thought: "Well, who am I so to deal with such important things, and who lists me?" But then the dream repeatedly twice, and minin, as a result, in his disobedience, he decided on an awake business. Minin and Poggy began to collect people throughout Russia.

On March 19, 1611, a spontaneous uprising against the interventory began in Moscow, the Poles could not resist this and locked in China and the Kremlin and burned Moscow. The position was very difficult. The Poles fall in the capital, in the north-west Swedes capture Russian lands, the hordes of the Crimean Tatars are taught on the southern outskirts ...

However, on August 22-24, the interventionists left less than half the troops. Poles suffered large losses. Hope to own the Moscow State irretrievably collapsed. So, heard the prayers of the defenders of Russia's Holy Sergius Radonezh, Icon and the cross of which was always to help them.

Analyzing all these events, you begin to understand that it is not at all in vain and not by chance in the most difficult moment for Russian land. Every time people face the image of St. Sergius every time.

I would definitely note that in Orthodox Christianity, military ministry is an awakening activity. The church always teaches us patriotism and love to their homeland. In the description of the icon, Sergius of Radonezh invested this sense.


The life of the Warfolomeey's exhibition was an example for modern children and young people who convinces us that unpleasant external circumstances or such objective, as an unhealthy, inability to learning, can or destroy life, or give the basis for the formation of a strong personality and its special character traits that It happened with the reverend father of our Sergey Radonezh.

Icon PrP. Sergius Radonezh always hears our prayers about our families, children, parents, and therefore about the future of the Fatherland.

The life of Rev. Sergius Radonezh is saturated with a large number of righteous and benogous accomplishments and miracles. Saint is God's Messenger, designed to the Almighty Lord in the critical time for the Church.

Value of Sergius Radonezh for Orthodox

Sergius Radonezh came to Russian land, when the Tatar tribe flooded almost the entire territory of the Fatherland, and the princes led fierce civilians.

These grand problems promised Rus perfect death, so the Lord called on Rev. Sergius so that he frees the people from cruel misfortune. To strengthen and raise moral forces, which were weakened for a long time, the saint filed a vivid example of pious life: honest and disciplined labor performance, damage limitations and language.

Saint Rev. Sergiy Radonezh

Rev. Sergius Radonezh demonstrated unprecedented philanthropy, patience and knowledge psychological aspects. He could give all his time for a common cause, disintegrating true religiosity.

Holy did not hesitate to try on the responsibilities of any profession: he was engaged in cooking, bakery, carpentry, colop of firewood, Mollah flour. He was a true servant of brethren, without regretting himself and never falling into a despondency.

Read about Sergie Radonezh:

Victims of St.

Bartholomew parents (worldly name Sergius) was called Kirill and Maria. They were Rostov boyars, lived in a village called Radonezh and led homemade life, causing horses and cattle.

Parents denied licentiousness and luxury, were considered the steady, religious and fair people. Always gave alms to the poor and welcomed travelers in their own home.

  • In seven years, warfolomes went to learn a diploma. The child showed an indisputable desire, but he did not succeed at all. Bartholomew prayed for a long time to God to contribute to the disclosure of the heart and the mind for the adoption of true knowledge.
  • When the child was looking for the missing horses on a large field, he saw a monk in black rize and approached him to tell about his own grief. The elder, showing mercy, held a long time in prayer for the enlightenment of Bartholomew. The monk treated the boy sanctified ascent and promised that the child would continue to be able to inquire into the essence of the Scriptures. Fatings really felt the great grace and became easy to perceive the book teachings.
  • After a fateful meeting, the young warfolomewrs in faith and the desire to be disinterested to serve the Almighty Lord. He remained in the family, with loving parents, despite the desire of privacy. The surroundings noted his modesty, silence, the ability to be meek and gentle, the matters never angry and did not show disrespect for the elders. In his diet, they included only bread and water, and in the posts he completely refrained from any food.
  • When the godborn parents left the mortar world, Bartholomew left the inheritance to the younger brother and settled in the deaf forest, in several versts from his native Radonja. The company was his elder brother Stefan, together they built a wooden celle and a small chapel. This place was soon sanctified in honor of the Trinity.

Rev. Sergius. Construction of monastery

On a note! The abode of the majestic hegumen was distinguished by simplicity and bench. Parishioners noted the scarcity of nutrition and the situation, but learned to cohesion even in the years of severe conditions. When the brethren did not have a piece of bread, they did not fall in spirit, but continued to work and humbly read prayers. In each of the monks, the hidden fire of self-sacrifice and the desire to give all the benefit of religion.

Tesle into monks

After some time, Stefan leaves his younger brother and becomes the abbot of the Moscow monastery. Bartholomew is torn to the monks and receives the spiritual name of Sergius, he spends two years alone, living in a dense forest.

  • Thanks to prayer and courageous patience, the young monk managed to exceed the flattering temptations, the enemy coming to his consciousness. Next to Kieli, Sergius ran the predatory beasts, but none did not dare to harm the true servant of the Lord.
  • The fame of the ascetic feats of the monk spread beyond his abode and attracted other humble inocities wishing to get the instructions of righteous life. Soon the students persuaded the St. Sergius of Radonezh to take a san priest.
  • Some time after the founding of the fraternal monastery, ordinary peasants began to settle nearby. Thanks to the nearby road to Moscow, the funds of the monastery of the Holy Trinity began to increase, which allowed the monks to distribute alms and take on the care of unfortunate patients and wandering pilgrims.
  • Sergy Radonezh found out about the holy of life konstantinople Patriarch Philofey, who blessed the case of the saint and sent an approval of the rugs of a desert hostel created by Rev.. Metropolitan Alexei Extremely honored the founder of the Holy Trinity Monastery, referred to him with a friendly love and instructed the cause of reconciliation of Russian princes, and also counted on him as his successor. However, Sergius humbly refused to offer a high church post.
On a note! Even when the monastery community ceased to need bread, the Rev. remained faithful to his asceticism, recognizing poverty and denying all sorts of benefits. He was not at all interested in distinguishing signs, high ranks or titles. This saint had a desire to introduce strict orders approximate to the realities of the first Christians. For him, all his life was poverty.

Wonders and Vision Rev.

Prince D. Donskoyefully read Sergius of Radonezhsky and asked for a blessing to win in the fight against the hordes of Tatar-Mongols. Holy approved the heroic gust of the Russian army and told two devotees to take part in the grandiose battle.

Rev. Sergius blesses D. Donskoy

  • Mother Mother of God came to Sergia, accompanied by the first apostles of Christ. Virgo Maria promised to make a meager abode that a meager abode never needed housing and feeding.
  • Once he was illuminated by an indescribable light, and in the sky, hundreds of birds who announced the county with harmonious singing were swam. He immediately received a revelation, which promises the speedy arrival of a large number of monks to his monastery.
  • When Kazan still belonged to the Tatar Horde, many residents of the city saw St. Sergius, who walked along the walls with the glory sign, sprinkling them with holy water. Tatar wise men were announced that they would soon seize their Russian warriors and would lose the Tatars power over the city.
  • When enemies came to Trinity the monastery, Sergius appeared in a dream to the monastery to the monastery and warned about the ambulance siege. The saint went around the walls and sprinkled with their holy water. The next night, Tatar hordes, wanting to attack unexpectedly, met courageous reversal and left this place.
  • One person had a lot of eyes hurt, he could not sleep at all. When he fell, exhausted from the disease, the reverend old man appeared to him and ordered to come to the temple and serve prayers. He seemed after he saw the Holy Hemman riding on a white horse. Realizing that the disease was gone by the grace of God, he hurried to thank him in the church.
  • One day, Sergius healed the undented one, who shouted the wicked words, shared and bite. His force led to the Holy Starta, who cured him with the help of a strong prayer and cross. Welject then told that he saw a terrible flame and escaped from him in the water.
  • Three decades after the death, his remains began to make peace. After a time to the coffin, Sergius solemnly placed the icon of the phenomenon of the Virgin. This shrine is extremely revered in the Orthodox world and makes various wonders.
  • The reverend elder on his own experience was to know the true Christian life, connected with God and became a particier of religious nature. Anyone who spoke with Sergius was acquired by faith and joined the Holy Trinity. The Monk Monk received from the Most High Dar of the Prophecy, the Wonderful, Heart Cardion and Estractions. He did not have differences in the vision of three times, people came to him from other cities, as well as foreigners.

Read about the prayers to St.:

Interesting! The Russian army under the leadership of D. Donskoy stopped in some doubts and fear, seeing superior forces of the cruel enemy. At the same time, the messenger appeared, which brought the blessing from Rev. Sergius. At the same time, the whole Russian army was filled with disadvantaged courage, since it believed to help the almighty. We were defeated by Tatar hordes and turned into panic escape. Prince Donskoy thanked the saint and made great investments for the needs of the monastery.

Farewell to the world

The kind of death has never been afraid of the saint ink, as the ascetic life taught him to the courageous perception of what was happening. Incessant work extended the body, but Sergius never missed the church service and filed an example of a diligence to his young disciples.

Vision Reverend Sergius on students

Six months before the death of the Monk, the vision of the exact time of death was honored. He collected his disciples around him and handed the management rights to Nikona's monk. In September 1391, the elder fell seriously and, again convening his brotherhood, began to give the last deceoment. In his words, endless love, strength and simplicity felt.

Sergius Radonezh preached the Pupils The path of benevolence to all, the preservation of the Orthylinity, compliance with the Orthodox principles, as well as the lack of high-speed.

Before the death, the saint wasveling the last admission to the body and the blood of Christ. With the help of students, he rose from a wretched bed and washed from the bowl. Having experienced a fertile peace, the Monk elevated the Table for the sky, said the blessing to the Lord and moved away with a clean soul.

As soon as Sergius was emptied the Spirit, the divine fragrance was spread inside the Celi, and his face was overweight.

Obtaining power

All students were crying and repaid, went faded, poured their grief with irrelevant losses to each other. They often visited the grave of the elder and talked with his way, asking for mercy and salvation. Brachia sincerely believed that the Spirit Sergius constantly resides near and directs students on the true road.

Once a pious igumen saw Saint on the all-night luck: he sang the laudatory hymns to the Lord along with others. This episode instilled joy in students and was a mystical response to grief over his grave.

In July 1422, when creating a new stone monastery, the relics of St. Sergius of Radonezh were found. Having discovered the coffin, the eyewitnesses felt the fragrant fragrance, the body of the Reverend and his clothes remained completely intact decomposition. Four years later, the miraculous remains were transferred to Trinity Cathedral. The church puts praise to St. Sergius on July 5, on the day of gaining relics.

Parts of the remains of the Holy can be found in several churches of Moscow.

  1. In the Cathedral of the Library Trinity - the local foundation looks like a small monastery, in which the necessary worship is performed.
  2. The power of Sergius of Radonezh is also located in the temple of Rev. Nicholas, located in Klenniki. In the time of the Troubles, the famous community was created under the control of St. Alexia.
  3. In the temple illuminated in honor of Elijah ordinary, Orthodox believers observe the icon of Sergius and the particles of its miraculous remains.
  4. In the Cathedral of the Vladimir Icon of the Virgin Mary are the power and one consecrated beach.

Studying the lives of Rev. Sergius Radonezh, the believer penetrates great respect and love for this saint. All his nature from the Small years showed mercy, meekness and disinterested love for the Lord. He became the founder of the Trinity Monastery, where the crowds of pilgrims and monks wishing to join the simple lifestyle of St. Sergius.

Life of Rev. Sergius of Radonezh

Personal icon of Rev. Sergey Radonezhsky.

He is the founder of Trinity Sergius Lavra in Sergiev Posad.

Saint Sergius Radonezhsky .

In history, such facts are sometimes traced that future outstanding personals in childhood do not receive elementary gifts from the god: memory and ability to master the teaching. They try their best, but the results are deplorable. They are subjected to punishment, they laugh above them. Run to the extreme despair, some all night with crying and a plea asking for the god help. And suddenly, they receive a unique gift. So it was, for example, with John Kronstadt. Something similar happened to the Bartholoma, the future Sergey Radonezh.

Born in the family of noble, but not very rich boyars, ordinary, calm, hardworking people, the boy also always had a case. I knew how to handle the horses, chased them in the field, home, in the night.

The torment began at 7 years old, with a student in a church school, where studies did not give up at all, despite his huge perseverance and effort. The teacher punishes the guys laugh at him, parents are trying to act on conscience. He cries alone.

The boy loved loneliness, dreaming in nature, but at the same time conscientiously performed any case entrusted to him. This is a characteristic feature of his life.

Once, completely saddled failures, he wandered around the fields, the forest, looking for foals, and stumbled upon an elder's oak. A cherryarizer, seeing a sadhead boy, asked what he was so upset. Bartholomew spoke with tears about his grief and asked that the elder with prayer asked God to help him succeed in literacy.

Presbyter (such was San) prayed at oak, and the boy stood nearby. After prayer, the old man, a fraction of the prosphora blessing Bartholomew, said to eat, adding that this is a sign of grace and for understanding the Holy Scriptures that he will make better fellow comrades. Cyril and Mary, parents, an old man invited to the boy in the house, said the great future of their son before God and the country. The parents immediately remembered that the priest also said that the child would be a servant of the Holy Trinity, since, being in the womb, he shouted three times loudly, scared by the surrounding.

To fast and pray at the night of the warfolomes after a few years, went to church. At this time, the family moved to Radonezh. After some time, parents went to the monasteries, and soon they died.

After the death of the parents of Bartholomew, Brother Stefan persuaded, who was ink in the Pokrovsky monastery, go with him to a desert place. In the deaf forest, they built not only their homes, but also the church in the name of the Holy Trinity, which the Metropolitan of Kiev was consecrated. But Stephen soon left, and Bartholomew was tonsured to the monks, having accepted the name "Sergius", after his communion the church was filled with fragrance. He was about 23 years old, he lived alone in the desert, the demons attacked him, frightened, threatened, but he expelled them with a cross and prayer.

Monks came to Sergia, some remained and built a celi. When they were 12 people, after a long persuasion and class of bishop Afanasiya from Pereslavl, Sergius became the hegumen of the Trinity Monastery (Trinity-Sergiyev Lavra near Moscow), instructed the brothers, cared for them, fulfilled all the work, went in the old old clothes. He possessed unique abilities. There was no water nearby near the monastery. According to his prayer, a healing source arose.

Somehow, Sergius saw in bright light in the sky many birds, the voice said that soon there would be a lot of inkom in the monastery. The prediction came true, since the Greeks came with the consent of the Russian Metropolitan. In addition, wanderers and beggars were found in the monastery.

Once the bread ended in the abode. Sergius called for upset brothers to pray. They did not have time to finish the prayer, as the knock on the gate heard: they drove a few supling with warm bread. Arenos did not know who I was instructed to conduct bread.

During one service in Trinity, the monastery, together with Igumen, served as a man in the glittering clothes, and the shine itself was shone. Igumen did not want to talk about who it was. Then confessed that it was God's God. Many brothers with the help of Sergius organized their monasteries.

Dmitry Donskoy received a blessing on a battle with Tatars from Sergius. In a minute of doubts of the Russians at the sight of a huge Tatar troop, a messenger had a messenger from Rev., who picked up. Russian won. Sergius saw all the events on the battlefield, who and how much died. In honor of the victory, the Assumption Monastery was built, Igumen was appointed student Sergius Savvu. Prince Dmitry asked to build the Epiphany Monastery in Golutvino. Sergius himself chose a place, built a church, leaving Gregory's student there.

Prince Dmitry Serpukhovsky asked Sergius in his victoban to establish the monastery, which was performed. IN Groundowvsky monastery The reverend left his student Athanasius.

Sergius Radonezh was not only the founder and organizer of monasteries, a fair Wonderworker, a great devotee, but also a healer. A lot of people came to him for healing.

The peasant brought the sick boy to Ciel Sergius, but the boy immediately died. A frustrated father went behind the coffin, returned, he saw his son healthy. Sergius prayer was resurrected to the boy, asked not to talk about the miracle. Found out about it from the student.

One nobleman suffered from Besa. His force led to the monastery. The demon was expelled.

The poor thing complained that he had a rich neighbor of Borov, without paying for him. The rich was promised to give money to the poor man, but did not fulfill the promises. However, entering the storage room, discovered a completely rotted carcass, although it was frost. This miracle scared him, he gave money.

Bishop from Tsargrad, not believing in unique abilities Sergius, came to see him. Entering the monastery, he immediately. Severe after healing committed by the "saint". All wonders, help and healing are not listed in one article.

After the Virgin Mary with the Apostles was to Sergia, promising that he would not leave his concern, the Trinity Monastery, the Monk understood that he would soon have to leave the earth. It was six months to death.

The indoors spread fragrance. Despite his testament to bury him with brothers outside the Church, on the blessing of Metropolitan Kirill, he was put in the church. It came to him and many people came to him, including princes, boyars, priests, inkoms.

After 30 years, under the igumen, Nikona was built on the spot of a wooden new temple of the "Life-Glush Trinity". One resident appeared to the reverend and asked to convey to Hegumen, so that the coffin was pulled around, around which water is shy. The coffin was found in the water, but the body and clothes were unscredit. It happened 5 (18) July 1422. On this day, the church marks his memory.

The power of Sergius Radonezh is located in the Holy Trinity Sergius Lavra, which he created. Previously was called "Zagorsk", now "Sergiyeva Posad" near Moscow. In addition, in Moscow in several temples there are particles of power.

The icons of the saint with the particles of the relics are in the temples:

  • The Trinity of the Library (Foreway of Trinity-Sergiye Lavra);
  • St. Nicholas in Klenniki;
  • Elijah ordinary.

In the temple of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Arkhangelsk-Turikov, there is a famous miraculous icon "Phenomenon God's Mother Rev. Sergia Radonezh ". It was found in the forest in 1995. Rather, the dark board, from which the glow occurred in the temple at night. Gradually she self-renewed.

Prayers to Sergia Radonezh helps adults and children will protect against life problems. Children will protect against failures in study. They will help to punish offenders, win a court matter. Saint is a wonderful healer.

The Orthodox Church considers the date of birth to Sergius of Radonezh 3 May (according to N.) 1314. In connection with the 700th anniversary of the birth of a great devotee, the founder of the Trinity-Sergiye Lavra, a grandee celebration in 2014 in Lavra and Sergiev Posada is designed.

The exhibition dedicated to the Holy, in the State Museum of the History of Religion has already been opened in St. Petersburg. Presented rare icons.