
The rule of reading of prayer canons and acafirs. II.


Among the variety of genres of church hymography there is one who deserves special attention because it is inextricably linked to worships in honor of church holidays, so loved by all, and the days of memory of various saints. It will be about the akathists - thankful singing in honor of the rates of God's or events of biblical history. We will try to figure out what Akathists are and what is their story.

Features of this genre

This word itself is translated from Greek as a "non-postal song", that is, a chant, which is prescribed to perform standing. Of course, it is impossible to even imagine that in the Orthodox Temple, someone occurred to someone sitting to fulfill, for example, Akathist Nicholas Wonderworker. But the fact is that the name it came to us from the first centuries of Christianity, and in those distant years the order of worship was different. At the Old Believers, this term sounds differently - they say "Akapisto".

Speaking about what akathists in their modern form, It is impossible not to emphasize their main difference from the ancient Kondakov - the presence of "Hayretism". This is referred to the multiple repetitions of the praise epithets, accompanied by an exclamation: "Rejoice!" For example, the Akathist of the Virgin Mary in Russian translation contains such words: "Rejoice, that by which the joy of the excitement; Rejoice, that by which the ancient curse is removed from us! " etc. This is an essential feature that gives this form a unique originality. If we consider Akathist Nicholas the Wonderworker, we will see exactly the same picture.

Structural requirements

In accordance with the established tradition, the Akathist contains twenty-five songs, and their location corresponds to the order of letters. greek alphabet. Among them are thirteen "Kondakov" - short praiseing salls - and twelve "Ikos" - long, extensive poems. Each Kondak ends with the word "Alliluya", which translated from the Hebrew means: "Praise God." At the end of each Ikos, the exclamation is: "Rejoice!"

Akathist Nicholas Wonderworker, for example, contains a phrase at the end of each Kondakov: "Rejoice, Nikolai, a great wonderworker!", And I started by the words "rejoice!" And they list all the good qualities of the soul of the saint, as well as the bodies of the acts, they are accomplished. In addition, a characteristic compositional feature of the genre is also an indispensable condition to end each IKOS with the same words that they stand at the end of the first Kondak, and all subsequent condacies completed the exclamation of Alliluya. An illustration of this rule can also serve as an Akathist Nicholas Wonderworker, well, or any other of their huge list.

Some historical information

For a sufficiently long time, Russian Orthodox gymnography knew only Akathist by the Mother of God, and only the term was used in relation to him. He was also known as the "Great". It was his form that served as a scheme to create all subsequent works of this kind. This Akathist of the Mother of God, according to researchers, was written no later than the VI century, and his authorship is attributed to the Holy Roman Sladkopevtsu, which, however, has no documentary evidence.

It is only possible to say with full confidence that the time of creation takes up the period between the third and fourth universal councils. The proof of this can serve a reliably known date of the composition of the "swept governor ..." - 626 year. This part of the work is also called "Proimy", which translated into Russian means "hood", or, in church, "Kukuli".

Reflection of real events

Later, numerous laudatory hymns were written, such as Akathist Nikolai Wonderworker, the Blessed Trinity and many others, but the peculiarity of the first of them, created by the Mother of God, is that his own (input) is the later addition associated with important historical Event - Siege in 626 of Constantinople Slavs and their allies Avara.

The Queen of Heavenly miraculously saved the capital of Byzantium from the deadly danger, in honor of which was added, to the previously created Akathist, the new introductory part. Subsequently, the Akathists were often written in connection with certain historical events or bright facts from their earthly life. It was part of the tradition of writing. In other words, what are Akathists, as not a reflection of the real reality, separated from us by the time interval?

Byzantine Patriarchs Poets

The writing of the hymns, which was based on a Virgin Scheme, experts relate to the completion of the Byzantine era. Laters of this genre are associated with names Constantinople patriarchs Isidora Wuhirases and Philof Kokkin. Akathists written by them were widespread in Slavic lands. Among them are one of the most famous - Akathist Nicholas Wonderworker. In addition, in Orthodox churches, they often sound the laudatory hymns written by them: John the Forerun, Archresting Mikhail, the Cross of the Lord and many others.

Gymnographic Creativity of the Newest Time

In Russia, writing acafers got widespread in the XIX century. Documents preserved that testify that by the beginning of 1901, the spiritual department allowed a hundred fifty eight essays of this genre, and more three hundred rejected. Nowadays, when the Orthodox Church, the Orthodox Church again occupies a place-like place in society, is also observed a creative rise in this area. Every year, from under the feather of church authors, at least forty new essays appear. This genre becomes love among the converted members of the Church, although many of them will learn for the first time what Akathists are.

Speaking about the use of works of this genre in liturgical practice, it should be noted that in the church charter there is only one - the Great Akathist, which was discussed above. He is read on the fifth of a great Saturday. On this day, the feast of the praise of the Blessed Virgin Mary is happening. Other acafers are customary to include in prayers and other various worship services. Also, the church is blessed by their reading at home during the celon prayers.

26.04.2018 Updated the Akathist file to the Most Holy Virgin in front of the Icon, called "three joys", corrected several typos.
28.02.2018 Added Akathists: Blessed Matrona Anhenesevskaya. Great Martyr and Healer Panteleimon. Bishop Tikhona Voronezh Wonderworker. Reverend Anthony, Leookhov Wonderworker. Reverend Macaria Zhovetyodsky, Until the Wonderworker. Rev. Moses Herp. Reverend Nikita Stalnik, Pereslavsky Wonderworker. Rev. Nicodemus, the leisure of the Wonderworker. Reverend Nile, the Stolobensky Wonderworker. Reverend onufriya, the great deserted, the Tsarevich Persian. Reverend Paire, Galich's Wonderworker. Reverend Pafnutia Borovsky Wonderworker. Rev. Peter, Tsarevich Rostov, the Wonderworker. Rev. Savva Kridgeetsky Wonderworker. Rev. Savve, Igumen Storozhevsky, Zvenigorod Wonderworker. Rev. Selfway Strikerism. Reverend Seraphim, Veritsky Wonderworker. Reverend Sergia Radonezh Wonderworker. Rev. Tikhona, Kaluga Wonderworker. Reverend Elders Optina. St. Michael, the first Metropolitan of Kiev. Saint and Wonderworker Nikolai, Archbishop World of Lycian. Saint Luka, confessor, Archbishop of Crimea. Saint Makaria, Metropolitan Moscow and All Russia, the Wonderworker. Saint Mitrofan, Bishop Voronezh. Saint Nectaria, Metropolitan Pentapol, Eginsky Wonderworker. Saint Pitirim Tambovsky, the Wonderworker. Sofronia, Bishop Irkutsk. Holy Spiridon trimifuntsky. Saint Stefan, Bishop Perm. Holy Great Martyr Marina. Holy and equal to the apostolic great Princess Russian Olga. Holy Martyr Paraskeva Friday. Holy Martyr Tatiana. Holy Equal-Apostles Mary Magdalene. Holy Equal-Apostles Nina, Georgian Education. Saint Blessed Prince Oleg Bryansky. Holy Great Military Mine. Holy Great Nikita. Saint Righteous Simeon God Application. Saint Rev. Makaria, Igumen Kalyazinsky, Wonderworker. Saint Rev. Savva Vishero, the Wonderworker. Saint Simonu, Bishop, Vladimir and Suzdal, Pechersky Wonderworker. The holy glorious and all-friendly apostle of Christ Simon Zlotot, the same and the channel is called. The holy blessed princess Peter and Princess Fevronia, Muromsky. Holy Marfe and Mary, sisters of Lazar. Holy Sesters-Martyrs of Minodore, Metrodore and Nymphodore. Saint Martyrs Sevastia. Macaria's priest, Metropolitan Kiev. The Cathedral of Saints Pskovo-Pechersk.
14.09.2016 Updated the Akathist file to the Holy Martyrs faith, hope and love, and their mother of Sofia, corrected several typos.
17.02.2016 Updated the Akathist file of Christmas, a few typos is fixed.
30.10.2015 At the request of the author, the Akathist "Joy of Orthodox" was removed.
14.09.2015 Akathists are added: St. Adrian, Hegumen Ondrussovsky, Olonetsky Wonderworker. Holy Prescription adriana, Igumen Poshekhonsky, the Wonderworker. Saint Rev. Alexander Ozhenden Wonderworker. Rev. Alexander, Igumen Kushtsky, Vologda Wonderworker. Holy Righteous Alexander, Chagrinsky Wonderworker. Reverend Alexy Karpatarus, confessor. Holy Righteous Alexia, Bratsurman's Wonderworker. Rev. Anastasia Romans. Reverend and the governrance of our Athanasia to the Athos Wonderworker. Saint Athanasia, Bishop Kovrovsky, confessor and songs. Rev. Varnava Hepsimansky. Saint Rev. Iovu, Igumen Pochaevsky, Wonderworker. The righteous ion of the Odessa Wonderworker. Holy Martyr Joseph, the first Metropolitan Astrakhan and Teress. Revereten Joseph Volotsky, the Volokolamsky Wonderworker. Holy Great Martyr Irina. Sacred Martyrs Cyprian and Justine. Rev. Kirill and Mary, parents rev. Sergius Radonezh. Reverend and governrance to our Kirill, Igumen Belösra, the Wonderworker. Rev. Cornilia Alexandrovsky. Rev. Cornilius Pskovo-Pechersky. Holy Slander and Wonderworker Cosme and Damian Assian. Rev. Cook, Odessa Wonderworker. Rev. Laurentia Chernigov, the Wonderworker. Saint Righteous Lavrentation, Kaluga Wonderworker. Holy Equal to the Apostles Methodology and Kirill, Teacher Slovensky. St. Mikhail Yaroslavich, the Saint Blessed Great Prince, Tver Wonderland. Rev. Fathers, in the Holy Mountain of the Afonovsky Same. Saint Rev. Roman Sladkopevtsu. If in the holy Father, our St. John, San Francis and Shanghai Wonderworker. Saint martyr Trifon. Holy Equal-Apostles King Konstantin and Elena.
2.05.2015 Added Akathist "Joy Orthodox", written during the war in the Donbas.
9.03.2015 Updated Akathist's files Angel-keeper and the icon of the Blessed Virgin Mary "freezing", fixed several typos.
11.06.2014 Akathists have been added: Blessed Vasily, Christ for the Yurody, Moscow Wonderworker. All saints, from the century God westing. For one-dimensha. Injor in the holy Father, our arseny bishop Tver, the Wonderworker. In addition, in the holy Father, our Vasily, Kaesarea Caesarea Archbishop, Great. Metropolitan Alexy, St. Moskovsky and All Russia, the Wonderworker. Rev. Euphrosynia Polotsk. Rev. Avramia, Archimandrite Rostov, the Wonderworker. Reverend Arsenia, Konevsky Wonderworker. Reverend Archimandrit Evfimia, Suzdal Wonderworker. Rev. Athanasia younger, Igumen Vysotsky, Serpukhovsky Wonderworker. Rev. Varlaam Khutynsky, Novgorod Wonderworker. Rev. Gabriel Athos. Rev. Gregory Vologda, the Wonderworker. Rev. Dimitria Prilutsky, Vologda Wonderworker. Reverend Eleazar Anzersky, Solovetsky Wonderworker. Reverend and the governrance of our, Anthony, Pechersk Wonderworker. Reverend John, a fishing miracle and a deserted. Reverend and the governments of our Anthony and Feodosius Pechersk. Saint Wronophy, Bishop Tver, Kazan Wonderworker. Saint Vasily, Bishop Ryazan, the Wonderworker. Holy Gregory, Bishop and the Wonderworker Neokesa. St. Guria, Kazan and Sviyazhsky Wonderworker. Saint and Wonderworker Yermogen, Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia. St. Innochetia, the Wonderworker Irkutsk. St. John Zlatoust, Archbishop of Constantine Grad. Holy Plyover Great Princess-Inokine Anna Kashinskaya. Holy Great Martyr Varvar. Holy Great Martyr Catherine. Holy Martyr Zinaide. Holy Presznutsey Great Princess Elisabeth. Saint Alexy man in God. Holy Apostle Andrei First Called. Holy Apostle and Evangelist John the Theologian. Saint Great Martyr Dimitry Solunsky. Holy Martyr Avrami Bulgarian. Holy Martyr Vonifatia. Saint Righteous Alexia (Misch), Moskovsky Presbyte. Saint Righteous John Kronstadt, the Wonderworker. Holy Rev. Athanasia, Igumen Brest. Saint Reverend Galaktion, Vologda Wonderworker. Saint Rev. Elijah Murom, Kiev-Pechersk Wonderworker. Holy Equal to the Apostles Prince Vladimir. Holy Wonderworker John Warrior. Holy and Blessed princes and passion recorders Boris and Gleb. The holy and righteous Bogoten Joachim and Anna. Holy Martyrs Anthony, John and Eustafia Vilensky. Holy Martyrs Guria, Samona and Aviva. Holy Martyrs faith, hope and love, and mother of their Sofia. Holy Martyr Antipa, Bishop Pergamm. Connected martyrs Adriana and Natalia.
9.06.2014 Updated the Akathist file of the Blessed and Life-giving Trinity, fixed several typos.
15.04.2014 Akathists have been added: Archangel in God Gabriel. Guardian angel. In memory of the universal resurrection and a terrible court. Lord Jesus Christ is coming. Repentance or songs, leading a person to the consciousness of their sinfulness. Reculting wives, ruined babies in their womb. Reculting is compiled on the basis of the Great Canon Andrei Cretan.
12.04.2014 Added 44 Akathist Virgin Mary: Az Yes with you and Nictena on you; Akhtyrskaya; Vladimir; Upbringing; Allzaritsa; Georgian; There is a worthy or a murgeant; Live source; Zhirovitskaya; The intercession and the proceeding guardian about the church of Christ; Sign (Kursk-native); Sign (kingdom); Iverskaya; Iver Montreal; Jerusalem; Relief from the misfortunes; Kazan; Kaluga; Kozelshchansky; Kosinskaya (Modenic); Lishech; Charity; Mammal; Muromskaya; Indeliable bowl; Unexpected joy; Ozernian; Otrada or consolation; Peschanskaya; Pochaevskaya; Mother Mother Mercy; Reduction of the mind; Humility pride; Pühtitsky (at the source); There are a consecration of the wanderers of homeless; Oxolence; Passionate Tabyanskaya; TOLGSKA; Three joys; Triochitsa; Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary; Czestochovskaya (or invincible victory); Economic or Naming Mountain Athos.
6.05.2013 Akathists have been added: the Most Holy and Life-giving Trinity. Referring to the Lord.
1.05.2013 The updated font is built into all acathists. All updated files are downloaded to the site.
29.04.2013 Updated the izhitsa2 font, the Akathist "Uming" Seraphim-Diveevskaya (with strokes) is updated.
26.04.2013 Akathists were added: Fedorov Icon of the Blessed Virgin Mary.
10.04.2013 Akathists have been added: Thank you glory to God for everything. At the descent of the Holy Spirit. Transformation of the Lord.
07.04.2013 Akathists have been added: to all saints, in the land of the Russian promining. Resurrection of Christ. Library coffin and resurrection of the Lord. Saint Easter. Ascension to the Lord. Jesus Sweet. Cross Lord. Lazarev resurrection. The Epiphany of the Lord. Introduction to the temple of the Most Holy Virgin. The preservation of the Blessed Virgin Mary.
17.02.2013 Opening. Posted by a small group of acathists.

Researchers believe that the image of the "softening of evil hearts" began on southwestern Russia. Of reliable historical information about this face is not enough. There is even no accurate information about where and when it appeared. On this image, the recent is depicted with seven swords. They are spinning in her heart. Three sword on both sides and the only bottom. The number seven in all scriptures means the completeness of something. And on this face, this number symbolizes that the absence of grief, sorrow and heart pain, which the Mother of God experienced during his life path.

Akathist softening hearts

According to your image, it looks like a "seven-stratic" image. There also depicts the Virgin from ...

The image of Saint Matronushka is the most popular and famous among Orthodox Christians. The holy always goes to meet, protects and instructs the true believers who appealed to her in prayer past.

Akathist Matron Moskovskaya

In honor of the intercession, the days of the celebration, where the Akathist of the Holy Matrona, mulabal appeals, Kondaki and Icros are pronounced. These days are:

  • April 19 (according to the old style) and May 2 - in the new one;
  • In the temple called in honor of the Tula Saints memorial date falls on October 5 (September 22 at the old style);
  • And in the Cathedral of the Moscow Saints, the celebration is held on Sundays before September 8 (August 26 in the old style).


Often with us in life occur such situations when we are per step from death. And we miraculously stay alive. Many talk about such that they were born in a shirt, but believers know that this is our guardian angel saved us. Akathist Angel Guardian about marriage will help find his second half to those who cannot create a family. Who is the keeper?

It is believed that this is an intercession, whom God puts a person to help and protect with baptism. If there were no such kind mentors and intercessors in humans, the demons could use humanity to destroy various actions. Envy and evil evil ...

In the Orthodox Christian Church, a believer will be able to find miraculous images that will help with different difficult life situations. It is most often used by Akathist Spiridon, read which is possible to assist in any affairs and endeavors, because this saint was a notable miracle at his life.

Akathist Spiridon Trimifuntsky

He was able to cast out demons and soul hands, heal from severe diseases and even resurrect the dead. However, the special gift of this defender was power over natural elements.

It should be pronounced to this designer of God, Akathists, Kondaks and Icros, which can be:

  • Solve the difficult apartment issue;
  • Improve your financial situation when money is completely

Akathist Jesus Sweethemia

Prayers before reading akathist

Read the preparatory prayers below if you read this Akathist separately. When the Akathist is read as part of the rule for communion, then reading begins immediately from the 1st Kondak.

Prayer sevenpoclon, initial

God, gracious Budy me, sinful. (Bow)

God, cleanse the sinning and a lot of sin. ( Bow)

Created by me, Lord, nice me. (Bow)

Without the number of sinners, Lord, forgive me. (Bow)

My master, the Most Holy Mother of God, save me sinning. (Bow)

Angela, the keeper my holy, from all evil Save me. (Bow)

Holy Apostle (or Martyrch, or Rev. Father, name), God's moths about me. (Bow)

Presenter prayer

Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God, the prayer for the sake of the Mother Mother and all saints, have mercy. Amen.

Glory to you, God, glory to you.

Prayer of the Holy Spirit

The king of the Heavenly, comforter, the soul of truth, and everywhere and all of the executive, the treasure of good and life to the submitter, come and messed in us, and clean it from everyone is bad, and save, our souls.


(Three times)

Prayer for the Blessed Trinity

Lord have mercy. (Three times)

Prayer of the Lord

Lord have mercy. (12 times)

Purchase, bow to the prince of our God. (Bow)

Get, we will bow and fit Christ, Tsarevi to our God. (Bow)

Purchase, bow and fall in the most Christ, Tsareva and God to our. (Bow)

Psalm 50th, repentable

Miscellaneous, God, in the greatness of your grace and the many generaries of your cleanse of my lawlessness. Napa Oph Moon from my lawlessness, and from my sin of cleaning me; Yako lawlessness my Az know, and my sin one is for me there. You have a single sorry and deer before you coat; Jaco and justified your wonderch, and won the fraud is fraud. Beha Bo, in lawlessness they are conceived, and my mother is mine in Gresh. Che Bo, the truth loved the ESI; Listening and the secret wisdom of Tween Yalvi. Okropyishi, Issop, and clean; Omrochemisms, and smelling snow. Hearing my dasy joy and merry; The bones of the humble will rejoice. Write your face from my sin and my whole cleaning is clear. The heart is purely creating in me, God, and the Spirit of Rights upgrade in my womb. Do not reject me from your face and the Spirit of your saint, not by me. The joy of the joy of salvation of your and the spirit of the rule of law. We will teach the scientific way, and your dishusting will turn to you. Relieve me from blood, God, God's salvation; My truth is reyielding to your truth. Lord, the mouth of my openings, and my mouth will praise your praise. I would like the victims, it would have raised the victims, would gave birth to unfortunately: all the offensions do not favor. The sacrifice of God is crushed; The heart is crushing and humbly God will not humiliate. Declauses, Lord, in favor of your Zion, and the Walls of Jerusalemsk will create. Then favor the victim of the truth, the permission and the discovered; Then your Tales will be laid on Olody.

Symbol of faith

I believe in the One God's Father, the Almighty, the Creator of the Sky and the Earth, visible to all and invisible. And in the one-piece of the Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God, the only beefish, and from the Father Born himself before all century; Light from the light, the god is true of God is true, born, is irrelevant, the father is unique, right away. We are for the sake of a person and our sake of salvation of Szedshago from heaven and embodied from the Spirit of Holy and Mary of the Virgin, and in the smallest. Crucifago the same as Pilate, and the suffering, and buried. And resistant on the third day by Scripture. And it is worthwhile to heaven, and the stern father's father. And Paki Supilo with Glevai Sudiuti Alive and Dead, the Eagle Centers will not end. And in the Spirit of the Saints, the Lord, the life-gate, and from the father outgoing, and the Father and the Son of Spoklans and Svalivim, Glagolavsha, the prophets. In one, the Holy, Cathedral and Apostolic Church. Confessing a single baptism in leaving sins. The resurrection of the dead, and the life of the future century. Amen.

Akathist Jesus Sweethemia

Prayer Looks Reads Ierodiakon Pahomi (Brucks)

Kondak 1.

Ikos 1.

Kondak 2.

Seeing the widow of Zelnid weeping, Lord, J. Bo then soared, the son of Her for the burial of Nesoma was resurrected; Sita and about me are soooooed, auditing, and sin sketching my soul Sunday, calling: Aliluia.

Ikos 2.

The mind is unreasonable to understand Philip looking, Lord, show us the Father, the verbash; You're to him: To my time with me, I did not know anyone, Yako Father in me, and Az in the father of Esm? Towek, ineverant, with the fear of calling: Jesus, God soup; Jesus, the king of the premise. Jesus, Vladyko is long-suffering; Jesus, Savior premium. Jesus, the keeper my premago; Jesus, clean my sins. Jesus, by my lawlessness; Jesus, let my incorrect. Jesus, my hope, do not leave me; Jesus, my assistant, do not revive me. Jesus, my creator, not forget me; Jesus, my shepherd, not a squaby me. Jesus, the Son of God, have mercy.

Kondak 3.

The power of over the apostles Empty, Jesus, in Jerusalem Sedyashiyia, Target and Mene, Nude from all Sloves, the warmth of the spirit of the Holy Food and Lady, with love Petit you: Allilouia.

Ikos 3.

Having a wealth of mercy, Mytari and sinners, and the wrong called Esus, Jesus; Do not converge and me now, attend to them, but, natively Miracle Miro, and Song of Song: Jesus, the force invincible; Jesus, Milosta endless. Jesus, Krasoto Presvela; Jesus, Luba is ineverance. Jesus, the son of God Zhivago; Jesus, a lot of sinning. Jesus, hear me in lawlessness is conceived; Jesus, cleaning me in Gresh born. Jesus, teaching me is indefinite; Jesus, lightening me in temmer. Jesus, clean the singer; Jesus, erected by Bludnago. Jesus, the Son of God, have mercy.

Kondak 4.

Storm inside, having crumbs, Petr Utopash; Uzres in the flesh of the land, Jesus, and on the waters of the walking, know the god of the truth and, having received the hand of salvation, rummer: allylujia.

Ikos 4.

I hear blindly Movingly, Lord, by asnant: Jesus, the Son of Davidov, nice me! And, calling, rejected his eyes. Enlighten the difficulties of the eyes of the eyes of the mind and mea, the crying and verbit: Jesus, the Creator; Jesus, lower Redeemer. Jesus, the Underworld; Jesus, All Cvari decorated. Jesus, the souls of the comforter; Jesus, the mind of my enlightener. Jesus, the heart of my cheerlery; Jesus, my health. Jesus, my deasse, save me; Jesus, my light, enlighten me. Jesus, flour any kind of getting rid of me; Jesus, save me, unworthy. Jesus, the Son of God, have mercy.

Kondak 5.

The girlfriend was redeemed by the godmetfully blood from the legacy of the oath, Jesus, Sita from us from the network, the sickness of the sniped, and prodigal, and evil despondency, blatant: allylujia.

Ikos 5.

We saw the Jewish Occasses in the image of humanity, creating a man's hand, and the Lord wise him, sweating the branches of please Him, fell in blatant. We are a song bring, verbolly: Jesus, God's true; Jesus, the Son of David. Jesus, the king of the Soplask; Jesus, Liberate. Jesus, a pestper preliminary; Jesus, the keeper in my infinity. Jesus, the feeder in my youth; Jesus, praise in my old age. Jesus, hope of my death; Jesus, my belly by my death. Jesus, consolation of mine on your trial; Jesus, the desire of mine, not by the persons of me then. Jesus, the Son of God, have mercy.

Kondak 6.

The preacher of the gavroposny broadcasting and verbs, Jesus, on the earth, and with people an uncompretentary elder, and our diseases approached the disease, from your wounds, we are healing, petuta with honeycomb: Alliluia.


Victor of Truthfulness of the Universe of Truthfulness, and hesitated to wear Devoskaya: Boy, our deasses, not ending with the fortress, Padosha. We, the salvation received, yelling: Jesus, truth, the flattery is distilled off; Jesus, light, exceeding all the lights. Jesus, king, premight of all fortresses; Jesus, God, staying in mercy. Jesus, animal bread, satisfying alchusgo; Jesus, the source of the mind, weighing the thirst. Jesus, clothes of amateur, one of the damnago; Jesus, the cover of joy, the face of unworthy. Jesus, asking the submitter, giving me crying for my sins; Jesus, finding seeking, soul soul. Jesus, clarifier, clarifying the heart of my pokyannoe; Jesus, the Redeemer of sinners, to cleanse my lawlessness. Jesus, the Son of God, have mercy.

Kondak 7.

Although the innermost secret from the century, Open, Yako Ovcha was led to the jigsaw, Jesus, and Jaco the Lamb Rightly Streamlessly His Shawlessly, and Yako, God from the dead, was ascended by Esi, and we were convishing for Heaven, and we were complied with alleluia.

Ikos 7.

The wondrous show of the creature, was glad to us: without Semen from the Virgin, out of the coffin, the press is not rush, Risen, and to the apostle, the door gated, with the fleet of the vacation. Miracked, I will be dark: Jesus, the Word is unusual; Jesus, the word is inconceptable. Jesus, power incomprehensible; Jesus, the wisdom is not satisfaction. Jesus, the deity is incospaid; Jesus, unfortunate domination. Jesus, the kingdom of invincible; Jesus, the dominion is endless. Jesus, Step Highest; Jesus, the author of the eternal. Jesus, my work, the badness of me; Jesus, my deasse, save me. Jesus, the Son of God, have mercy.

Kondak 8.

It is strange to God formerly seeing, eliminating the world and the mind of the Divine on the Divine. Now it's about God for the land of God, but we will erect us to heaven, yelling him: Aliluia.

Ikos 8.

All be in the lower, and the highest nikazniki retreating the sake of the victim, and the death of our death death, and the resurrection of the belly of Darov singing: Jesus, sweet heart; Jesus, bodily fastener. Jesus, soul mate; Jesus, fast smart. Jesus, pleased; Jesus, famous hope. Jesus, having airsmatic; Jesus, praise high. Jesus, my glory extomed; Jesus, the desire of mine, do not revive me. Jesus, my shepherd, letters me; Jesus, my deasses, save me. Jesus, the Son of God, have mercy.

Kondak 9.

All the nature of the Angelic Selfless Slavs the Most Holy Name, Jesus, in the sky: holy, holy, holy, blatant; We, sinning on the Earth with Brennaya Uncen, Allilauia.

Ikos 9.

VEUTIA MUCH WORLD, YOUR FISHES FISH WILL COME ABOUT YOU, JESUS, OUR SPACE: Non-smoking Bo Glagolati, why God immutable and man is perfect of their pretay? We are the sacrament of the sacred, the screaming is true: Jesus, God, soupar; Jesus, the king of the kingdom. Jesus, Vladyko owned; Jesus, the judgment of the living and the dead. Jesus, hoping unreliable; Jesus, consolation of crying. Jesus, Glovoy Beggars; Jesus, not reason on my business. Jesus, clean the mercy of yours; Jesus, discharge from me is despondency. Jesus, enlighten my thoughts cardiac; Jesus, Lady Memory mortal. Jesus, the Son of God, have mercy.

Kondak 10.

Save, although the world, East East, to the dark west - the nature of our coming, has come to death to death; The name of your name is in the dark, and from all the knees of heaven and earthly hears: Aliluia.

Ikos 10.

Tsar voyage, comforter, Christ, Cleaning from all sneakers, I cleaned the tet lepers, and heal, Icee, I was healed by the sober soul of Slage of Mytar, yes yeast, in the defense of the fact: Jesus, the treasure. Jesus, wealth is inexhaustible. Jesus, food strong; Jesus, the being is inexhaustible. Jesus, beggar apparel; Jesus, widows intercession. Jesus, siery defender; Jesus, who are communicated by the help. Jesus, strange mentor; Jesus floating feeding. Jesus, stormy otishe; Jesus God, erected by me Padshago. Jesus, the Son of God, have mercy.

Kondak 11.

Singing All-General I bring unworthy, yaki Yako Khanana: Jesus, ame Not a dashing bo, but the flesh of imam passions of Luce Besleless and Flames, and the healing of giving yelling: allylujia.

Ikos 11.

Light for the lamp in the darkness of nerazumiya, before chasing Tea Pavel, the vigor of the vigor of the power of the inspired and the spiritual speed of Ushini; Sita and mee dark zenica shower enlightenment, calling: Jesus, my rusty king; Jesus, God my happy. Jesus, Lord my premiece; Jesus, the creator of my copper. Jesus, mentor my request; Jesus, a shepherd of my proscribed. Jesus, Vladyko my premium; Jesus, Savior is my premium. Jesus, enlighten my feelings, darkened by passions; Jesus, heal my body, an extreme sin. Jesus, clean my mind from siety thoughts; Jesus, save my heart from the lusts of the desert. Jesus, the Son of God, have mercy.

Kondak 12.

Grace's gone, all debt to decisive, Jesus, and the arrivals of Kayuchka, I am also a friend of Esi Peter, rejected to you, and call me a dull, I am a member of the arms of Paul, chasing the things, and hear me, crying: Allilouia.

Ikos 12.

Surprisingly, I praise Tension WSI, and believe with the Fomu, Yako, Lord and God, Sedya with Father and Although Suditi alive and dead. Then the recruitment of the standing of a standing, crying, and the soupy, the soup, and messenger; Jesus, color, fragrant, mira. Jesus, the heat of love, the lights of me; Jesus, the temple, forever, face. Jesus, light clothes, decorated me; Jesus, honest beeke, oxide. Jesus, Kamenia Dragia, enlighten me; Jesus, the sun is truth, lit by me. Jesus, the light of the holy, pursue me; Jesus, soul diseases and bodies get rid of me. Jesus, out of hand resistance from me; Jesus, Fire Negamago and other eternal flour freedom. Jesus, the Son of God, have mercy.

Kondak 13.

Oh, mining and all-free Jesus! We have now a small prayer of this our, I am a blessing of the widowers two lept, and keep your doctrine from the enemy visible and invisible, from the invasion of the invisible, from the ailment and glad, from everyone sneaking and deadly wounds, and the coming of the flour of all, blatants: Aliluia . (Kondak woven three times)

Ikos 1.

Angels Cottage and Lord Cyl, holes in a perceptible mind and the tongue on the praise of the preachtago of your name, is a deaf and googher army of hearing and the language of rejected the Esu, and, the verbal is the hardware: Jesus is stupid, Angels surprise; Jesus happy, progenitors getting rid. Jesus is a premium, patriarchs Music; Jesus Preslav, Kings Strengthening. Jesus who is adultery, the prophets execution; Jesus is a preliminary, martyrs serf. Jesus pretihiy, the monks of Radoste; Jesus Premium, Presbyters Sweet. Jesus premium, postnings abstinence; Jesus premdation, reverend joy. Jesus precessive, virgin chastity; Jesus sirup, sinners salvation. Jesus, the Son of God, have mercy.

Kondak 1.

Podded Voivodo and Lord, Ada to the winner, Yako got rid of the eternal death, commendable drug, creating and serving yours; But, Yako, having mercy inequate, from all sorts of misfortunes freedom, calling: Jesus, the Son of God, have mercy with me.


Vladyko, Lord Jesus Christ, God, inequate in the sake of your humans at the end of the centuries in the flesh, fastened from the naval of Mary, Slave about me your saving industry, the slave, Vladyko; Pesnovlovya you, I can be for my father's sake; Bless you, the Eagle for the sake of the saint in the world of pripe; I twist at your flesh of the Mother Mother, such a terrible secret served; I praise your angelic staff, Yako champions and servants of your majesty; I chew out the forerunner of John, you are sissing, Lord; I read and lightening the prophets, I glorify the apostles of your holy; The celebration and martyrs, the priests of your Slavs; We twitten your respectable, and your all your righteous. Takovago and Tolikago Mlogago and inexpensive to the Lick of Divine in prayer to bring you, with all of God, the slave, and I ask my sorry for the sake of forgiveness, and hedgehogs of all yours for the saints, the fairful of the saints of your generari, Yako blessed Esi forever. Amen

Prayers after reading akathist

Read the shut-off prayers below if you read this Akathist separately. When the Akathist is read as part of the rule to communion, then it is necessary to return to the rule, repeating Kondak 1 and then immediately go to the 7th song of the canons.

Anthem of the Virgin, Glas 8

It is worthy, I can really truly be a Virgin Mary, the subjection and foremarital and mother of our God. Honestly cherub and a sorry without comparing Seraphim, without the evillation of God, the words rising, sowing the Virgin, the Major.

Prayer to the Lord to our Jesus Christ

Vladyko Christ God, izh, my passion for my passion is healed and ulcers with my ulcers with my ulcers, give me a lot of faithful to you, tears of death; The blows of my body from the sense of life-giving your body, and enjoy my soul my honest blood from the sorrows, Eyuzhu I saw a drink; The elevations of my mind to you, the dust of the dilution, and it is to fall from the abyss: IKO is not imaming repentance, not imam dignity, not imam tears comforting, recovering children to their heritage. I dare to mind in everyday passion, I can not hesitate to you in illness, I can not warm my tears, and it's like a luster. But, Vladyko Lord Jesus Christ, the treasure of good, give me repentance of everyone and the heart of love in the recovery of yours, give me the grace of yours and update your appearance in me. Leaves, do not leave me; I have to learn about the recovery of mine, it is elected to the package of your herd and sacrifices the sheep, raise me from the cerebral of the divine sacraments, the prayers of your mothers and all saints. Amen.

Prayer for the Blessed Virgin

My Tsarice is predictive, the hope of my Virgin, the privifulity of the sirah and strange subsidiaries, grieving joy, inspired by patroness! See my mischievous, seeing my sorrow, Pomping Jako We are mighty, shames are strange. Miscellaneous of my weight, allow the one, Impo Volishi: Yako is not imam in wanting to help you, nor a bird's present, nor Bogia comforter, Tokmo to you, about the Bogomati, Yako yes, save me and covered in eyelids. Amen.

Prayer to the Guardian Angel

Oh holy angel, keeper and the patron of my good! With a crushed heart and painful soul prestitute, praying: I hear my sinner's slave ( name), with screams strong and crying bitter blade; Do not leign my lawlessness and not true, Iimo Az Okayayanic Napanery Thai on all the days and hours, and you have a merciless of yourself before the creator of our Lord; I walked to me mercy and do not leave me a sterling even before my death; Out of my prayers from Sleeping Sleep and give your prayers, my prayers of my belly, without a vice, and create the fruits are worthy of repentance, and the death drops of sinful followed, and you will not die in despair and will not be pleasing the enemy of death. We have a student and usts confessing, Yako Niktegro one friend and the concept, a defenseist and a champion, is you, the holy angel: the Lord's Holy See, praying for me to the forever and the sinner of all sinners, but does not exist in my day before Creation Evil. Do not commemorate the recreation of the Lord's premium and my god, and my God will let go of my sinners, you are so coordinated in all lives, the business, the word and all of my feelings, and I am a fate of them, and I will save me; Yes, I will punish my neighborhood in my unhappy mercy, but yes it does not seem and does not synchrinate on my own unilent justice; Yes, it will help me with repentance to bring, with repentance, the Divine Communion is adequately at the same time, I pray and talked about sesome and talked. In the terrible hour of death, it is relentless by the mi, my progressian keeper, running the gloomy demons, afraid to frighten my preparing soul; Defending me from those deraim ,, IMAM FROM AIR NAME, YES IS CONCHERE, WHO RAY WELLED WELLED, EXECUTIVE Persons of Saints and Highlights Increasingly praise the holy and magnificent name in the Slavimago God's Trinity, Father, and Son, and Holy Spirit, Honor and worship forever. Amen.


Holy God, Saint Strong, Holy Seeless, nice us. (Three times)

Glory to Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, and now and are confessed, and in the eyelids. Amen.

Prayer for the Blessed Trinity

Most Holy Trinity, nice us; Lord, to clean our sins; Vladyko, forgive our lawlessness; Holy, visit and healed our gentlemen, the name of yours for the sake.

Lord have mercy. (Three times)

Glory to Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, and now and are confused and forever. Amen.

Prayer of the Lord

Our father, izh, at Heaven! Yes, your name will hurt, and your kingdom will take away, and will be your will, IKo in the sky and on the earth. Bread our urgent grandfather to us; And we leave us our debts, and we leave our debtor to our; And do not enter us in temptation, but you save us from Lucavago.

Lord have mercy. (Three times)

Glory to Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, and now and are confused and forever. Amen.

It is worthy to eat this very truly, the Virgin, the Virgin, the courtesy and the presets and the mother of our God. Honestly cherubis and a sorry no comparison of Seraphim, without the evillation of God, the words noded, sowing the Virgin Major.

The prayers of the saints of our father, Lord Jesus Christ, God, have mercy. Amen.

End and God Glory.

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Project "Akathist in prayer life The Church "was established by the Commission of the Intersobal Presence on Worship Services and Church Arts, in pursuance of the reference of the Presidium of the interstarial presence of January 28, 2015. Comments to the draft document are collected by the device of an interstarial presence until May 2 of this year.

Akathist in the prayer life of the Church

I. General comments

In modern prayer use, the Akathists occupy a very noticeable place. However, the procedure for using Akathists for worship is extremely varied in various localities and does not have a generally accepted statutory order. In addition, over the past decades, the introduction into the prayer use of newly written akathists, due to the circumstances, the era was almost uncovered by church power. This led to the walking among the believers of numerous anthems that are not relevant in their form and content of the church.

II. Historical administration

Akathist, or intact singing in honor of the Most Holy Mother of God, the emergence of which is being built by researchers to the Rube region V and VI centuries - an ancient prayerful submission. Subsequently, by half, his stanza was added 144 appeals, beginning with the words of the angelic greeting of the Mother of God: Rejoice, which became the brightest feature.

The presence of "concerns" allocated an akathist from a number of ancient multi-robes Kondakov, however, the hymn of uniqueness was informed - for many centuries, the Akathist was perceived as a unique prayer text, and even the greatest Byzantine songs did not compose hymns according to his likeness. Until our time in the Greople-speaking local churches, the term "akathist" refers only to the original hymn in honor of the Mother of God, but not to other hymnographic submissions.

III. Akathist as a genre of church chants

The appearance of the first anthem reached by us, imitative akathist of the Mother of God, is associated with the Isihast rebirth of the XIV century. At first in Byzantium, and then the Slavs began to appear "Icros like akafistist." Some of them are to Jesus the Sweet, Saint Nicholas - are in prayer consumption to this day.

Initially, the Mother's Akathist was connected only with the praise service of the Blessed Virgin Mary, and he still printed in the first trio as a component of the cyanocution of this holiday. However, over time, he began to be used in a personal prayer rule, and in the abode of the Holy Mountain there is a custom to sing it on the vintage. In the Donikonovsky Russian church everyday, the Mother's Akathist was part of the rules for the Holy Communion.

The appearance of "Ikosov", the formation of akathist as a genre led to a gradual rethinking of the place of this kind of hymns in the prayer practice of Orthodox Christians. In the XVI century, the custom read on the personal prayer rule of the Akathists according to the days of the week - on Monday ArchReart Mikhail, on Tuesday the forerunner John, etc.

Over time, the akathists were included in prayer singing - in many parishes and monasteries there was a custom of making a prayer in the guise of the icon of the Mother of God or before the recents of the local Saint with the singing of Akathist. Starting from the mid-XVIII century, the number of new supply akathists - first in honor of the saints, and later in honor of the Mother of God for the sake of her phenomenon miraculous icons, it became very significant, so it took the streamlining of their prayer consumption.

During the XVIII - XIX centuries, there was a practice that exists and today, to represent the new supply akathists for the approval of the priesthood. Akathists who did not receive such approval could not be printed by church publishers.

Some Russian acathists were compiled by the sainted boats of God - SVT. Innocent, Archipe. Kherson, right. John Kronstadt, Schchench. Arkady, EP. Bezhetsky.

IV. Problems

Akathists enter the personal prayer rule of pious laity; A custom of a multi-day reading of a particular Akathist as a special prayer feat.

However, despite the very widespread, the Akathists remain without the authorized regulation - the current editions of Tipikon, both Slavic and Greek, continue to assume only an Akathist for public serving, the Hymn, executable on the feast of Pravas. Only in modern editions of the demandman in the rank of general prayer appeared a remark after Kondak and Ikos on the 6th song of the canon that "shelter Kheerey's keystoves, he swears the Akathist."

Due to a number of reasons, the akathists find a much wider response among praying. Among these reasons - and a large simplicity of the Akathist's structure compared to the canon, and the large availability of the texts of the acafers are relatively with canons and full services, and a simpler language that most akathists are written. A particularly strong influence on the choice in favor of Akathists has the custom of singing of acafirs, when the Kondaki and narrative parts of the Ikos are read by a priest, and the reference come across, often all praying. The feeling of complicity in worship, bringing and prayerful labor in the overall prayer attracts to such execution of acafers parishioners of many temples and monasteries.

However, the comparative simplicity of acafers should not lenned from the treasures of Orthodox gymnography accumulated centuries. Shepherds should encourage praying fully to get acquainted with inspired canons and poems, many of which are created by the Great Holy Mote.

V. Definitions

The sacred synod, recognizing it appropriate to streamline the prayer use of acafirs, determines:

To urge Chad Church to use on prayer, first of all, those akathists who endured the inspection of the centuries-old prayer experience of the Church, among which the Akathist of the Most Holy Bogorod is occupied by a special place, and from newly written, - received the approval of the sacred synod.
In the event that the use of acafers on a specific arrival entered the custom, recommend the execution of akathist in one of the following seats of the Laughty Circle:

  • at the evening: after "SPO, Lord" and the highly demanded prayer;
  • on the vortexes: after the gloriousness and symbol of faith;
  • on the morning: after a tassel or after the 6th canon song;
  • on prayer: before the gospel.

The publishing house of the Moscow Patriarchate will be made to publish a collection of exemplary texts of acafirs who have the approval of the priesthood, so that the church publishers will continue to be corrected with this collection in the publication of acathists.