
Embroidery translation is almost perfect. Crafts Product Embroidery Cross Almost perfect signs in the embroidery of Kanva


I also know about these signs. In fact, they concern not only pregnancy:

You will kill three angels - get pregnant!
About the signs that worked :)

It turns out that we embroider can change a lot.

To embroider the house is to improve housing conditions. Hundreds of needlewomen swear that after any embroidered structure, their apartment question was miraculously resolved by itself. And you can embroider any lodge, from unpaired crumblet to the castle. Even famous Powella house curves help.

Lighthouses, any, execute wishes. The principle of operation is simple: I make a desire and embroider the lighthouse. Requirement: Believe in fulfillment of your desire and think about it in the embroidery process.

For good luck in business embroidered dragon. Mandatory condition - the dragon must be with a pearl.

For work, embroidered mountains, trees (desire to up). You also need to remove from the room where most of all are, herbaria and other dead beauty.

Maks and poppy fields (and indeed, floral fields) - to "male strength".

The pair embroidery of animals or birds is two storks, clarops, a couple of wolves contributes to a meeting with its half, as well as family well-being. Especially good if a picture with a couple of wolves hangs in the house.

If you embroider a couple of people - a man and a woman, Ideally, they should hold hands or kissing.

The meeting with his beloved person is perfectly promoted by peonies.

According to Feng Shui, Peony - a flower of joy, a symbol of an exquisite passion and carnal love. It is the most favorable symbol for young couple. The image of the peony in the bedroom or in the love sector is a wonderful talisman, but its favorable effect is relevant only in the first years of marriage. When children and young wife becomes born, the peonies in the bedroom begin to symbolize infidelity. That is, peonies are better to embroider pairs that have no kids so that, not provoke infidelity in marriage.
Therefore, after several years of a happy marriage, replace embroidery to another.
To speed up the wedding, you can embroider the gold wedding rings on the red (required!) Background (I think it is possible on Red Canvay).
If the unmarried girl is killed a unicorn, then she will marry in the near future.

Famous among embroiderers sign - embroidery of three angels from Dimensions - Almost Perfect ("almost perfect").
If you embroider them, you will definitely get pregnant. Judging by the reviews on the forums, embroidery works in 99% of cases.

Cranes (preferably a pair of cranes next to pine branch Or a tree) - one of the most important health symbols. Also the symbol of health is the peach.

Good luck in business, money, wealth
Sailboat - embroidered to attract good luck in business. It means a symbolic "arrival" of good luck. It is not necessary to embroider that it is not a modern boat, wooden, but beautiful, powerful, and externally reliable. When you hang, carefully choose a place, it should not hang opposite the entrance, must "swim into the house", i.e. Must be faced with a nose inside the house. If a
Goldfish - success in financial affairs.
Carps - symbolize wealth.
Three-legged toad with a coin in the mouth - a symbol of great good luck. One of the most efficient talismans for the zone of wealth. Brings wealth, increases monetary luck. Place better in the zone of wealth (south-eastern sector). It is necessary to have - as if she jums into the house.
Horseshoe - a symbol of good luck, abundance and prosperity. Feng Shui is recommended to post up.
Money tree - to wealth and attraction of money, but only if embroidered correctly:
According to Feng Shui on the tree should be:
- An odd number of coins (otherwise the money will decrease, and not arrive). Best if the coins are 9. Coins must be with a hole in the middle and hieroglyphs
- odd number of colors, and better than 3 flower. Flowers should be like a blossom cherry.
Flowers and coins are attached must be red thread.
The tree should hang opposite entrance doorSo that money went to the house.
The horse is a symbol of speed and endurance, the joy of life, optimism and good glory. Better if the horse will be directed upwards. The horse brings with them the wind of change and favorable changes in life. If the horse's back is attached to the symbolic image of gold, then the horse will bring you fame and money ...

The embroidered machine has repeatedly helped the embroidery to get a four-wheeled friend. You can embroider any car - from Ferrari to Antique Opel 1898

Symbols in Feng Shui
Feng Shui is a science that gives an understanding of how our environment affects our physical and emotional health. This is a knowledge system based on studying nature. It allows you to change and strengthen the energy of your environment. Symbols are very important in Feng Shui, they help harmonize space, suppress the negative, attract the energy of abundance and success, fulfill desires ...
Since most will come to us from Feng Shui, the values \u200b\u200bof the basic characters are given below.

Stork - longevity, happy and peaceful old age
Quince - fertility and happy marriage
Butterfly - love and joy; Two butterflies - married happiness
Bamboo - Health, longevity, flexibility. Is a guide of favorable energy
Bull - reliability and power. Long and fruitful life, stable and stable
Vase - calm; Vase, filled with something - symbol of attracting wealth
Fan is a traditional protection symbol. Guards not only the house, but also by the person himself from
Grapes - abundance, fun
Water - Health, Welfare
b] waterfall - attracting good luck to the house
Crow - Marriage Union, loyalty
Pigeon - meekness and purity. Pair of pigeons - love, friendship and marital loyalty
Mountain - Support, Protection and Help
Pomegranate - a burst grenade - numerous offspring
Goose (couple) - faith and loyalty in marriage
Dolphin-Dentality, Hope, Security
Tree - longevity
Dragon - the highest symbol of good luck, creative abilities; brings success in business
Drozd - new favorable opportunities, joy, happiness
Toad - power, fortress
Giraffe - wealth
Zhuravl - good temper, calm, loyalty, long life. Often depicted under the pine - another symbol of longevity
Hare - sensitivity, abundance, long-life
Stars - Happiness and Eternity
Zebra - the calm of the Spirit in any situation
Kingfisher - Elegance, nobility, marital loyalty
Snake - movement and update. Personifies wisdom and deep knowledge
Iris - Life, not knowing old age
Carp - good luck and spiritual achievements. Nine carps symbolize prosperity and material well-being.
Two carp - symbol full harmony relationship between a man and a woman
Hummingbirds - a symbol of the joy of life
Horse - victory sign, courage, power
Boat - a symbol of arriving luck in affairs, safety, hopes
Basket - filled with something - symbol of abundance, fertility, wealth
Rat - wealth, prosperity, well-being
Swallows - Success and abundance
Swan - grace, beauty, cleanliness, loyalty
Lion - energy and valor. Defender of the House and Public Places
Leopard - courage
Bat - happiness. Five volatile mice - \\ "five benefits \\" - longevity, wealth, health, virtue,
life to the end predetermined by fate
Lotus - perfection, spiritual grace, peace, female genius, summer, fertility
Horse is a patron of children. Symbolizes speed, persistence, gives strength and endurance, and children - rapid development
Magnolia, Orchid - Love, sophistication
Bear - Symbol of power and courage
Monkey - originality of thinking, hemitto, intelligence
Deer - Career
Eagle is a powerful symbol of success. Power, courage, sharp mind
Peacock - beauty and nobility. Loose tail - titles and awards
Palma - victory
Landscape - Symbol of good luck and favorable opportunities
Rooster - a symbol of vague, non-saturation. Male adequacy. Fire protection
Peach - a symbol of long-life
Peony - Forky Passion, Restless Love, Glory, Dignity
Parrot - a symbol of cheerful lava, friendly communication, good memory
Birds - a symbol of joy, beauty, happiness
Bee - hardworking, success in science, art, trade
Fish - warranty of success in financial affairs, successful development
Sakura - Good luck, love, beauty, youth and update
Elephant - power, power, insight
Owl - erudition, reputation, wisdom; protects from irrational cash investments
Dog - Reliable Protection
Forty - symbol \\ "happy meeting \\"
Sun - Sign of Providence, Abundance, Truth
Pine - symbol of long life, loyalty and devotion
Dragonfly - grace
Tiger - Defender from evil spirits, symbolizes power and power
Clarification (pair) - HAPPINESS IN LOVE
Phoenix - symbolizes heat, summer and fire. Helps childless pairs. Phoenix paired with a dragon is depicted during weddings as a symbol of a fruitful union, happy marriage and healthy children
Persimmon - joy
Chrysanthemum - Good luck
Heron - symbolizes loyalty and longevity
Turtle - longevity, strength, endurance. Symbolizes a steady move forward.

    Rates a book

    Until now, I can not understand why I took up this book, but quite a long time the file was in my reader and now, the eye finally fell on it.
    Michael Booth is an English journalist who clung to the Scandinavians and decided to show that their happiness is not so happy as it may seem. I envied Booth, or ... although it would probably say that I decided to argue.
    Annotation is written:

    Having decided to dispel the stereotypes, he wrote an honest book about the real scandinavians.

    Did you take much on yourself? He wrote an honest book, really funny. This is his subjective opinion shared by 512 pages. And what scandinava in fact, they know only themselves.
    Anyway, in front of the reader another look (in this case, Michael) on some things (in this case, the well-being of Scandinavians). I am not interested in this topic personally. Someone there is somewhere happy and well done, I have no need to dig and find out what's what. I just enjoy the people. But this is me, but Booth is different. He was not too lazy to dig statistics, learn this question, relying on his tourist experience to find pitfalls. What, in principle, also clearly: he does not think so and wants to release his mind into the masses.

    The book started very hard and humorously. But then the author is pulled into political deburs, and I generally try to avoid such taught themes. In general, politics, economy .. it is very boring.

    Maybe the happiness of the Danes is just a sedative forgetting, in which they plunges their position?
    Indeed, can a person be happy without antidepressants.
  1. Rates a book

    This is not sitting on the spot to journalists of the United Kingdom. Or in Denmark is indeed so boring that they do not neglect any activities in a vain desire to see from the festivities, including mandatory eating of pork fat and sausages? Anyway, one Englishman known in the narrow circles living in the country of Andersen, the inch and mermaids in the country decided to write a guidebook not a guidebook, Trevelog-not travelength, but just a book with lengthy texts about what it is - a Scandinavian miracle.

    The book turned out rather than the apology of the Northern Europe or its accusatory Philippika? Not something else, since the author carries an extreme from extreme all the time. Then he is wildly boring to cope holidays with his Danish relatives, and then he suddenly fails how the inhabitants of this small country adore their own flag.

    From other member countries of the Northern Council, the journalist has the same mixed impressions. Iceland him and Mila, and not a mile. Excellent, of course, that in this country it was possible to establish complete equality between the sexes, but here the Iceland's extension in finance management, allegedly adopted by them (by the author's conviction) among Americans, can not please the scorched Englishman.

    Finland, perhaps, the most favorite northern country of our smoke. We will return to it, but for now we only note that in her, in fact, only the capital attracted him, and all the rest of the Suomie's huge space, covered with the same settlements, designed in the style of the seventies, causes a persistent disgust with the author.

    In Sweden there is a bad lack of courtesy, as well as the feminine of local men. Immediately I remember the phrase that someone's pearls, and to whom the soup is liquid ...

    But all these optional thinking have, in the end, the right to exist. That's just something else than superficially written journalistic work, there is no chance of a chance. And in those people to whom Scandinavia is known not to peak, it will cause great irritation at all. For the number of actual errors in it simply exceeds all imaginable limits.

    I can only judge from the part written about Finland, but it sometimes looks like a monstrous acine. First, I was visited by serious doubts about whether Michalis really visited the sauna. So, entering the steam, he describes a certain patronous couple, as if the case occurs in her Turkish or Russian analogue. But the difference between the sauna is that the steam in it is dry, that is, he can't influence the review. The second point - Michael rejoices that he grabbed a towel with him, otherwise to sit on the cement. Where did this material come from in the sauna, I do not mind, because this room is classically built from one tree alone! And so ridiculous, strange errors in the text to bear numbers.

    In another place, again relating to Finland, our visionary, the owner of the Finnish, claims that the Swedish is more difficult for Finnish, on the grounds that there is no body noun in the latter, as well as any Future forms to designate actions. Damn it, Finnish is one of the most complex European languages \u200b\u200balong with Hungarian, where does the category of kind? And Michael himself drops remark that in Finnish fourteen case endings. From an erroneous background that Finnish allegedly light language, the author displays the theory about why Finns have achieved success in education. In principle, I agree that the English carrier easier to receive excellent assessments than the carrier of Russian, according to the subject of "native speech", but in the case of Finnish it, sorry, full of garbage.

    The journalist sits in a puddle not one and not twice, weakly criticizes high taxes and right-wing parties, constantly contradicts themselves ... and nevertheless (and possibly, that is why) the reading was mischievous and very alive. I personally have long been convinced that social system In the Scandinavian countries, one of the most justified in the world, and make my confidence that the author did not work. Yes, and he himself, already in the finals of the book, revoking all critics, heded the diffilaments in love with the address of this region. And even calls on the member states of the Northern Council to unite to gear the fifth point of the EU and other capitalists.

    But this is already fantasy, because Scandinavians are slow scandinavis. However, if they are decided, then they are able to overthrow any stronghold: remember the battle of Othov from Izengard, here we watched just such a slow rage sublimation among the judgments, Grosso Modo, the shepherds of Flora. Is such an idea of \u200b\u200bthe peoples caricature? Of course yes. And here we approached the main paradox of ethnography and her similar sciences trying on the basis of generalizations to create a weighted idea of \u200b\u200ba nation. I will give a quote.

    And this phrase, perhaps, you can summarize any attempts to give a comprehensive picture of a society. We will not try and we.

    Rates a book

    This very peculiar book of the author wrote in response to the popularity of Danish HYGGE. It is from the notes about Danes in a natural habitat, it begins, and it was the section about Denmark to me the most curious and approximate to reality.

    I have never been personally in Denmark, but it so happened that I heard a lot about her first-hand and everything heard did not combine with the Scandinavian detectives, nor with the notorious Hygge. One of the most amazing stories can be called the journey of provincial Dane to the Russian city N, which seemed to him against the background of Jutland by the cultural capital. This, as well as the desire to relax over the month in the tent on the native expanses, says a lot about Danes. The author of the departures itself lives in Denmark, which is very felt on the tone of the story - this is not a tourist's view, and not a neighbor, but quite a local resident, who did not harmer enough to perceive everything that happens as due, but has already humbled with his inevitability .

    Sections about Iceland and Finland are written in the same friendly, slightly subducer tone, although it is felt that this is already the retelling of the heard and seen, but the result of rare trips. And, nevertheless, to read them was pleasure! Imagine yourself, which unpleasant and surprising was a sudden transition in the section on Norway from affection to political propaganda. And after several years of life in Europe, I do not transfer liberal propaganda in Europe, and in particular its status of truth in the last instance. I do not like lies, pressure and attempt to issue your conclusions for this very truth. And I frankly frightened the situation when people cannot express their point of view in fear to be clarified by anyone.

    Therefore, when the author suddenly begins to pour tears of lunizing from the type of Somali and Turkish children with Norwegian flags, and then it is developing rapidly indignant to all those whom this picture did not fall to taste - it scares it. Separately, I liked the fact that out of 10,000 people signed on the community of the right come to shares only a few dozen: from this the author concludes that there are no dissatisfied people. This is not the case, just no one wants to be publicly condemned and discussed for his views just such the authors who are confident that their position is granted in free Europe. Although, of course, the view of the author is the most common public (it is important!) Position and it must be considered. Just as it should be borne in mind that if you and some German sit down to talk to souls within his house, then hear a completely different point of view on what is happening.

I deepened in the study of the phenomenon of Danish happiness and found that in the report of scientists from the University of Leicester there was nothing new. In 1973, in Europe held the first population survey on the feeling of well-being (Eurobarometer), and then the list of happy nations was headed by the Dane. According to the last study, more than two thirds of several thousand Danish respondents confirmed that "very satisfied with their own lives.

In 2009, Copenhagen accepted Opera Winfri, which later told how "people leave children in wheelchairs before entering the cafe and are not afraid that they are kidnapped ... There is no endless race for material benefits." This was announced by the secret of Danish prosperity. And since the opra proclaims only non-domestic Truths, people believed that in Denmark everything is right.

By the time of the phenomenon, I had already left Denmark. The wife was tired of listening to my indifferent nagging about her homeland: the climate is severe, the taxes are monstrous, everything around is monotonous and predictable ... In society rejuvenating the atmosphere of consent to at least the necessary and fear stand out on a general background ... Ambitions are not valued, the success is not approved, the rules of conduct in Society is thrown into shock ... plus it is a cruel diet out of oily pork, salt licorice, cheap beer and marzipanov. But I continued intently and slightly wake up the phenomenon of Danish happiness.

So, for example, I learned that this country showed top scores In the world survey, which was conducted by the Gallup Institute. Respondents over the age of 15 years in 155 countries of the world were evaluated by a ten-dollar scale the quality of their life at the moment and their expectations from the future. Gallup asked other questions about social support (" Will you expect to support relatives or acquaintances if trouble happens to you?"), Freedom (" How satisfied are you satisfied with the freedom of choosing a life path existing in your country?") And corruption (" How widespread corruption in the business life of your country is?"). The results showed that 82 percent of Danes "succeed", despite the fact that only 1 percent. For comparison: in the fact that turned out to be in the last place, the number of succeeding amounted to only 1 percent.

But they could ask Somali immigrants into an obee, happy they areI thought, bumping into such polls and articles. It is unlikely that someone from these researchers was chosen outside the rich state offered Copenhagen.

And then the climax has come, the Star History of History about the happy Denmark. In 2012, Economists John Helluelell, Richard Laierge and Jeffrey Sachs made together the data of all modern research on the topic "Happiness" - worldwide surveys of Gallpa, world and European studies of life values, European social research, etc. It turned out the first worldwide rating of the happiest countries under the auspices. UN. And who would have thought - led the list ... Belgium! No, no, I joked. Denmark again became the most happy country in the world, following her, Finland went (second place), Norway (third place) and a little resigned - Sweden (seventh place).

Praphrazing Wildend Lady Bracnell: First place in one rating can be considered a happy case, but the first places in all since 1973 - a reason for a serious study.

In fact, Denmark is not the only contender for the title of the very classroom place for life on Earth. Each Scandinavian country has reason to be considered a leader in the quality of life. Soon after the publication of the Oon Rating Magazine Newsweek He stated that the best country for this indicator is not Denmark, but Finland. At the same time, Norway was headed by a UN-based rating called "Human Development Index", and another modern study found that Sweden is an optimal place of life for women.

On which, if I'm not mistaken, I got exactly with Lear (thanks for you!). Time to read for a long time, you know, no, but because I noticed this post only now, although I always liked the embroidery. How do you guess, she likes it from afar, I myself have not embroidered it yet, but everything is ahead;)

So, with the kind permission of the hostess of the site, WebClubnicki, who also appeared, the public article "Angels" is almost the perfect "scheme and key in Russian."

With a set for embroidery with a cross "Almost perfect" (Almost Perfect) from dimensions, a great sign is connected, which is 99%, according to the assertions of the embroidery. You will select angels - get pregnant.

I embroidered not ready set, but downloaded the scheme on the Internet, I found the key, picked up the thread and plunged into the process with your head. Embroidery made easily, quickly and brought a lot of pleasure from the process itself and result. Frame made itself (cardboard, color. corrugated paper, glue, candy asterisk, golden thread), decided to invest in full in this work. I have not come true yet, but we hope

The scheme for embroidery angels and the key to it in Russian in the continuation of the post.

Almost Perfect.
This composition was designed specifically for you. If you are an experienced embroidery, then first order color, and then start with the instructions that follows the scheme. For more information, read the entire instructions before you start.

Check the contents of your set. Check the contents of the set with a list on the label. Make sure everything is needed is present before starting the embroidery.

Your canva is called Aida. This is a fabric without a pattern, made specifically for embroidery with a cross. The number on the set label indicates the number of squares per inch of the canvas.
Avoid crushing the edges of the canvas, turning them with a thin masking ribbon.

When embroidered with a cross, it is best to start embroidery from the song center and move to the edges. Thus, you will be sure that the composition will be located in the center of the canvas.

In order to find the center of the canvas, fold it in half at first vertically and then horizontally. At the intersection of bends will be the central point of the canvas.

Embroidery will look much better if the canva is fixed on the hoop (frame for embroidery in the form of a hoop)

Arrange colors
Identify the colors using their comparison in daylight and using a table with the lengths below.
The code in the table is the color number in our color system.

Using threads, ribbons Moulin and needles
Each thread consists of six strands. They can be divided by holding one end of the thread with two fingers and pulling the strands to one.
Combine the specified number of strands together and insert into the needle, leaving the needle of a 3-inch tail on one side.
Nights "Golden Metallic" and "Opal Ribbon Moulin" are not divided into strands. Use them as it is.

The needles are also present in the set. Use the needle with a smaller eyebud ear. For other operations, use a needle with a big ear.

Tips for embroidery
If you have ever seen the work of an experienced embroidery, then noted that the reverse side of the work is as neat, as is the facial. There are no nodes, no tails of threads. To start sewing, leave 3 cm. End of a thread behind the cana and secure it by making several stitches on top of it.

When the area is over, the beginning and end of the thread must be accessed into the wrong side of the embroidery. Be sure to carefully cut the remaining ends of the threads.

Try not to sew dark colors Under blond. They, as a rule, are visible on the front side of the embroidery, giving it a dirty look.

Moving from one area to another, try not to transfer the thread further 2 cm, because it will manifest on the front side. Usually, it is better to finish the thread and start the following area with a new one.

Perhaps the thread will be folded during embroidery, complicating work leading to nodes. Just let go of a needle with a thread so that the thread dealt.

In order for the seam to be beautiful and thick, keep the thread in the lightweight. If the seams are strongly tightened, you can damage the canvas or make wrinkles on it.

If you made a mistake, remove the seams pulling them with a needle. If you try to cut them, you can cut the canva.

List of symbols
Use one strand of the specified stitch color with a cross:
- Persic
Use two strands of the specified color stitch with a cross:
- Persic
- pale pink
- light yellow
- Yellow
- Blue
- light blue
- Brown
- White
Use one thread of the specified stitch semi-crossed:
- Opal Ribbon Moulin

How to read a schema
Parts of the scheme are degraded with different colors so that the scheme is easier to read. Squares on the scheme correspond to the squares of the canvas. Each cross or semi-crossed is shown by a symbol from the list.
Also, the diagram shows the parts that are added after the completion of the crosses and semi-crieves.

Embroidery order
First embroider with a cross and semi-trial. To begin with, follow the arrows at the edges of the scheme to find the center. Find the center of the canvas. Find the nearest symbol and make the first stitch in the appropriate square of the canvas.

Continue to make the remaining stitches. Symbols lying under the lines of decor must be made by the specified stitch completely, and not partially.

Then add the decor as described below. Use the number of directly specified in brackets.

When direct and reverse stitch are listed together, direct stitch should be used for single straight lines and reverse stitch for all other. Return stitches, according to the lines in the diagram.

Thin black lines - Brown (1) direct and reverse stitch

Thick black lines - brown (2) reverse stitch

Thick red lines on wings - Light blue (2) reverse stitch

Thin red lines on wings -Thelight blue (1) direct stitch

Thin red lines on her hair - Golden (1) Reverse Stitch

Black. - White (2) French knot

Nimby - gold (3) and gold metallic (2) with a lace. Put strands and face side to the side. Fasten on the spot Golden Lace (1)


1) Take the thread in the needle, then move the needle to the center of the thread. Attach one end of the thread scotch to the edge of the table. Twist the second end of the thread counterclockwise until the thread starts to roll. Keep the needle one with one hand, take the fastened end and connect the free ends together. Release the needle and give thread to continue to curl. Correct twisting so that it looks smooth and beautiful. Tie loose ends to prevent spinning.

To sew a cord, climb up through the canvas in one end of the line on which you will sew. Place the lace in the line position and secure it in place with small straight stitches, using one strand of the golden thread in the needle with a smile ear. Place stitches every half centimeter.
To complete, pincise the canvas down and make the lace on the involving side. Cut is superfluous.
Repeat the operation as many times as necessary.