
A very modest and shy guy. Do girls like shy guys? Why is a man ashamed of a woman he likes


Shy guy. Why is the guy ashamed of me?

  • Shy guy. Shy. Why is the guy shy?
  • What if the guy is very shy, if the guy is shy about the girl?
  • How to stir up a guy?

You met a guy who conquered you literally from the very sight. But then you could not read in his eyes that not everything in him is as perfect as you expected and wanted. Shy guy, very shy. Everything was in harmony in him: intelligence, sense of humor, appearance, lack of bad habits, decency. But not everything is so sweet.

He was very shy. Girls don't like those. But are you going to give up your dear little man just for this reason? Shyness can be dealt with. And you can also put up with it. Which option do you prefer? If the first one, then you will need a lot of effort. And to you, and therefore, in whom shyness and love for you live. But that is later. Why is a guy shy? What if a guy is very shy, if a guy is shy about a girl? Now let's figure out what exactly his shyness is manifested in.

Afraid to come up and talk to you? A common case. Do you know, dear, how men are afraid that the girl they liked will send them to hell when trying to get to know each other (just trying!)? Something somehow a little pleasant about this in everything. Now, you say that you are not the kind that you would never, in this way, begin to "turn off" a boy who liked you. And how does he know that you are not like that? It is not written on you. The guy is also embarrassed to approach if he sees that the girl is beautiful. He can also easily say something unpleasant about him or ignore him altogether. The second is even more painful. Say what you like, but there are many cruel girls.

And how much arrogance is read in the appearance of beauties. Its quantity cannot be counted by any calculator or computer. You will say that you do not belong to such. But the guy you like doesn't know it yet. Bitter experience erases all assumptions. Shy guy. - How to stir up a guy? The shyness of your “favorite” is hidden in the fact that he cannot, expressive and understandable, confess his love? Don't rush him. He will definitely do it. Let some time "run". You, during this period, make an attempt to "hand-written" recognition. If his shyness "lives" in another - invite the initiative and start acting on your own, without waiting for any steps from the shy, but very ideal guy for you. Take his hand if he hesitates to do so. When he feels all the warmth of your hand, your palm. You will understand how close you have become, thanks to your courage. You can also be the first to hug and kiss the “shy girl”.

Just don't blame everything on the fact that the guy should do it first. Who told you that? Remember which century rules the world. Don't be afraid of hugs and kisses! You will do this or that action for a reason, but to make it clear to him and to yourself that you love, that your meeting is not a toy. Do you want intimacy, but his shyness prevents your relationship with her from developing? The answer is the same: try to act yourself. There is nothing shameful and unnatural in this. Someday he himself will be grateful to you for your efforts.

You don't want those consequences, do you? And he too. By the way, after a while, shyness can disappear for good. Considering that people are not the same, you can just get used to his shyness, closing your adorable eyes at her. You will do it for you and your love.

Get angry and get angry, please, silently. Your jokes and reproaches can greatly offend and hurt the boy. It is not his fault that he was awarded such a special feature. Do you think shyness and timidity does not interfere with his life? How it gets in the way! And he fights her as best he can. You know, if you prove to him that you really love him and will always be there, all his shyness will recede. It, of course, manifests itself, and appears from time to time, but less and less often.

Everything is simple. But it is still necessary to get to this "simple". It is this that, as a rule, does not come. Shy and shy guy. - It's hard and ashamed for a guy to live with shyness. Such a "cohabitant" does not suit him at all. And he cannot always drive her away, due to the fact that he has some character traits that do not allow him to do this. And character traits, unfortunately, cannot be thrown away or erased. Nothing can be changed by shouts and scandals. Screams will only spoil everything, and scandals.

In general, it's not news for you that after scandals and abuse. Just don't expect anything good. How to stir up a guy? - Talk to him. Let, in the course of your conversation, he realizes that you need him the way he is. You cannot imagine how much easier it is for him at heart. For your understanding, he adores you, and not just love and appreciate you very much. He already appreciates and loves you, but there is never much love. It would be better for every human being. Shy guy, but do you love him? - Love! But do not blame him for the fact that, by some criteria, he does not agree with your ideal ideas. You came up with an ideal. And your beloved is not invented, but a "character" was born.

Do you understand the difference? It would be nice if you understood not only the difference. Understanding is a very important "page" in the diary of your destinies. Often, it is understanding that saves relationships that, it would seem, nothing else can save. Have a look at your place. You have so many flaws. So what? Your beloved, shy boyfriend is not a scandal. He accepted you exactly the way you are and did not ask you to change, did not reproach you for anything. Summing up, we can say that the shyness of a guy should not become an obstacle for sincere and passionate feelings.

If all shy people, through the fault of their own shyness, were deprived of love, it is easy to imagine what it would be in this case. Shyness is not a terrible crime. And in general, such a feature cannot be called criminal. It happens that she also "swims across" by genes from generation to generation. So be patient. Your patience will be rewarded with a victorious hep end. You will see for yourself.

What if a guy is shy about you?

Shyness is considered a purely feminine quality. At the same time, many guys are often no less shy than the fair sex. For the most part, this concerns the situation when it comes to direct communication with your beloved.

To decide what to do if a guy is shy about a girl, you must start by clarifying this issue. After all, embarrassment can be completely different in nature.

Situation number 1: The guy is ashamed to show his girlfriend to friends and acquaintances

It so happens that the relationship in a couple develops remarkably until the very moment when someone from the inner circle of a man in love begins to loom on the horizon. At the same time, he turns into a completely different person: he becomes fussy, nervous, makes an attempt to retire as quickly as possible and even pretends that his other half is not at all like that.

In most cases, this behavior is explained by the strong dependence of the latter on someone else's opinion. Most likely, the company with which he communicates has its own tacitly established female ideals, to which his passion does not correspond at all. It is possible that the guy is afraid to hear the words of condemnation, to be an outsider as a result of his choice that does not quite correspond to the "canons".

There are at least two reasonable ways out of such a situation: either put the question point-blank, explain that this behavior cannot continue any longer. Or, behind your young man's back, establish relationships with his friends.
A common explanation for why guys are shy about a girl is for fear of being ridiculed. In one case, from the side of others, in the second - from light hand the girl herself. In any of the proposed situations, an inferiority complex is to blame.

Although, there is a third actual option of behavior: to send the guy to hell. A real man will defend his woman, no matter what she is. If not, is it worth the time?
Situation # 2: The guy is ashamed of himself

A man, before approaching a woman, evaluates his strength. The chances that on his initiative there will be an acquaintance or an invitation to a date are close to zero if he came to the conclusion that the girl is too tough for him. Fear of rejection, embarrassment, will hold him tightly in place. This is the very case when the need to take the first step falls on the shoulders of a woman. Sometimes it's enough to show your interest, to give a couple of compliments to solve the problem at least half.

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The same goes for the case in which a guy is embarrassed to have sex with his beloved. Perhaps he feels insufficiently experienced (or in fact is) or bad experience from the past is to blame. For a man, this is a serious psychological trauma. A properly organized date will help to get out of the situation: a little alcohol, a little romance, and now yesterday's squeezed boy has transformed into a real macho, for whom any woman can be seduced for nothing.

Sometimes a woman manages to liberate a man so much that she herself is not happy later. The "transformed" young man goes all out in order to make up for lost time. In this case, conquer as many women as possible, who yesterday seemed unattainable.
What if a guy is shy of you? What if a guy is shy of you?

A guy's shyness is a consequence of certain complexes. Having ascertained the nature of their origin, one can easily choose a strategy of behavior in this particular case. After making sure that it makes sense to do this; there are a lot of men around, next to whom you won't have to do such things.

When meeting a very pretty girl on the street, many guys think, "She is not for me."

She can be admired, admired, presented in erotic scenes, but not as your girlfriend. Why are guys shy about beautiful girls? What happens to them at this moment?

There is an explanation for this.

In fact, you think that you know well the exaggerated requirements of beauties, so you are sure that they will not be interested in you.

The second reason why guys are shy about pretty girls is their lack of experience. Throughout their conscious youth, they fell in love only a couple of times, and this is very little for acquiring the skills of communicating with beauties. These men are more likely to make progress in others. social spheres, but in a panic avoid places where there is an opportunity.

The third reason is bad experiences in past relationships. If you are refused several times in a row, then you are sure that the next attempt will be unsuccessful. Because of your insecurity, most likely, this will happen, so you drive away from yourself the very idea of ​​dating.

The fourth reason why boys are shy about beautiful girls is. You can be very smart, funny, talented, kind, but the girl does not recognize all this, because you are short, narrow shoulders and ears stick out in different directions.

In those 30 seconds that you approach her, she already has time to incinerate you with a glance. Your appearance is your calling card, so it should never be discounted. They do not fall in love with a beautiful soul right away, but by appearance decide whether to give you a chance or not. Do not neglect this, try to correct obvious shortcomings, it will give you confidence.

The fifth reason is the inability to control the situation. In the question of why a guy is ashamed of a girl, the reasons can be very different, but the main one is that he does not know how to be a leader in communication. At work, everything is clear, every day you need to act according to a template, respond to clients with memorized phrases, follow the instructions.

You can't do that with girls. They need to immediately demonstrate their confidence, leadership, ability to make decisions quickly and be responsible for them. They are not born with all these qualities, they are trained. This is worth doing not only for the sake of women, but also for future career growth, for relaxed communication in clubs and bars, for any unpredictable situations in which you may find yourself.

The sixth reason is after dating. Even if you decide to take the first step, then what next? Text messaging? But you need to act incrementally every day, and this requires experience and self-confidence.

The seventh reason is stupid excuses. Shy guys overestimate the risk of rejection, so they come up with a thousand excuses for themselves to avoid any contact. Phrases "She is busy talking on the phone right now" or "I would invite her, but it looks like she is busy right now", or "Why come up if she probably already has a fiancé."

All this nonsense only draws you into the swamp of uncertainty. Think less, do more. You will never know the truth until you ask about it yourself.

The eighth reason is that you cannot understand her hints. What does the winking smiley at the end of the message mean? Is she flirting or sarcastic? Invites you to see you on the weekend - is this a date or just a walk? What do all these likes on social networks mean, does she like me or does everyone do that? You begin to confuse yourself and invent something that does not exist.

The ninth reason is fear. All friends unanimously say that you just need to take it and do it, even if you refuse - it doesn't matter, there are hundreds of others. But because of the fear of being publicly rejected, you fall into a stupor and don't know how to start a conversation.

Whatever the reason for your embarrassment, remember that many pretty girls like shy guys. They are tired of alpha males who brazenly invade their personal space. Even if you are insanely worried, then try to prove yourself from the best side:

  1. Shy guys are great at listening without being distracted or interrupting. They are usually very tactful and well-mannered.
  2. As soon as the excitement passes, they become excellent interlocutors, because they are always sincere in everything.
  3. They do not seek to become the center of attention, so the girl will always feel significant.
  4. They are good thinkers, they always have something to talk about.
  5. They are full of pleasant surprises.
  6. Shy guys usually have an interesting hobby.

So you have nothing to worry about.

For beautiful girls, a shy guy may seem more attractive than other boyfriends from her environment.

The sooner you learn to discover your strengths, the better your chances of success will be.

Modesty and shyness in relation to the opposite sex is usually attributed to women, but modern men suffer from this no less, and sometimes even more. If you are waiting in vain and cannot wait for the initiative from him, do not rush to get upset and take everything personally. Maybe he's just shy of you.

Why is a man ashamed of a woman he likes

We are accustomed to the fact that a man has to take the first step, and it seems wrong to take the initiative itself. And he seems to be showing interest, but he himself does not do anything that could be interpreted as courtship. We are lost in conjectures and are very surprised when it turns out that a man is shy.

Why are they afraid?

  • He already had a negative experience: how would you behave if you were refused 5 times in a row? Or maybe just one, but he took it too personally.
  • He is timid on his own: perhaps this is a feature of his character. It is difficult to judge him for this, but if you expect support and protection from a man, in this case you risk not waiting for them.
  • He is not sure of himself: the reason can give both in him and in you - it is possible that you seem to him very bright and eccentric. He likes you, but he's not at all sure if he can please you.
  • The woman of his dreams is too beautiful: bright and interesting, you invariably attract the attention of all the men around you. A man is afraid of a woman who seems to him too smart for himself, and therefore prefers not to tempt fate.

What if a man is shy?

He does not take any action, but you really want a relationship with him? It's time to give up your own principles and take the first step. No, of course you shouldn't take him to the movies and buy him a cocktail. But there are other ways to cheer him up.

  • Smile: he will take the initiative much faster if you seem benevolent and sweet to him.
  • Don't try to look your best: here the point is not only that the false is always clearly visible. Dealing with a woman who is too ideal is difficult and scary.
  • Don't make yourself an unapproachable beauty: especially if you really are not like that at all. This will make the man think that attention from his side will not be desirable for you.

Which women are men most afraid of?

In front of some girls, the representatives of the stronger sex literally tremble, while others are shunned. Which women are they most afraid of, in a negative sense?

  • Fatal beauties: only the strongest and most reckless men are ready to try to win such a beauty.
  • Scandalous persons: even if in your heart you are infinitely kind, sweet and fluffy, then after that scene when you yelled at the cashier for half an hour because of the change in the wrong bill, he will hardly come up to you. What if he also does something wrong?
  • Too gentle young ladies: oddly enough, but yes. If a girl looks so innocent and airy, he hesitates to approach her. Next to such angels, men always feel not perfect enough.
  • Successful and independent ladies: you have an expensive foreign car, an apartment in the center of Moscow (and this is without loans and mortgages!) and your own business. And who is he? Even if you are not as successful as in this example, he is unlikely to take the initiative if he believes that you are more successful than him.

How to make a man fall in love with you and get his attention

If you want to feel loved and wanted, that means you need to take action. What techniques will help you impress the man of your dreams?

  • Happiness: if you help someone who needs help, he will see you as a caring and responsive woman who will make the perfect life companion.
  • Mischief: a man is very fond of cheerful women when they know how to relate to life without unnecessary seriousness and really come off.
  • Sense of humor: the ability to laugh at herself equally for both men and women.
  • Pleasant appearance: men most of all like not bright, but interesting, well-groomed women, looking at whom, as they say, the eye delights.
  • Intelligence: an intelligent man will never fall in love with a stupid and superficial woman with whom there is nothing to talk about.

It would seem that all this is completely illogical. Men need ideal woman, smart, beautiful and stylish. At the same time, men are afraid of such a woman, making a choice in favor of those who are simpler. What do you need to be?

Of course, first of all, you should be yourself. Tell a man about yourself, your life and hobbies, presenting yourself in the most favorable light, and he will certainly pay attention to you. Sincerity in communication always captivates people, much more than the desire to build out of yourself someone else, who you are not at all.

What kind of women are men afraid of losing?

While some women literally scare men away, others, on the contrary, attract and make a man afraid that they will leave her.

Do you need to take the first step?

It would seem that what kind of relationship will be with a man who cannot himself take a step towards you. However, don't let the first impression destroy your potential future love. Before drawing any conclusions, take a closer look at the man. Who is he, what is he?

If a man is timid not only in communicating with you, but also in making other important decisions - where to go on Friday evening, to defend his opinion on the project and other everyday issues, it is unlikely that he will turn out to be a partner with whom you will be like behind a stone wall ...

If a man is brave and decisive in everything, but is lost when you are next to you, be sure that he is definitely in love with you. Now it's up to you - let him know that you are not against the development of your relationship. If you don't mind, of course.

The beginning of a relationship often lays the ground. future basis... And the correct behavior of the girl increases the chances of long-term communication, which will move to a more serious level. But what should you do if you come across a shy guy? Is it necessary to maintain the set tone and not rush things, or is it worth being persistent in the development of relations?

The answers to these questions depend on many factors to consider when deciding how to deal with a shy guy.

If a guy is very shy, possible reasons

So, choosing a strategy of behavior, first of all, you need to determine why a young person is shy. There are three main reasons girls should be aware of this behavior:

These are the three most common reasons a guy is withdrawn from you. Before deciding how to behave further, it is necessary to find out exactly which of these factors determines the behavior of a young person.

How to know what a shy guy likes

If a young man is in no hurry to demonstrate his feelings, how do you know what he wants from your communication? Signs indicating sympathy on the part of the guy will help in this.

Also, signs of secret sympathy are evidenced by such signs as latent excitement, beads of sweat on the face, slightly forced laughter. In addition, watch the behavior of his friends, who are exactly aware of the young man's object of interest. If they make jokes in front of you, chances are you can judge how they feel about you.

Thus, if you come across a shy guy, signs of sympathy will help determine his attitude and decide how to proceed.

The guy is very shy, what to do

In order for your communication not only to continue, but also to move to a new level, it is necessary to overcome the isolation of the young man.

So how to win over a shy guy?

  1. Start communicating via SMS or social networks. The lack of personal contact will allow the young man to be liberated.
  2. When you decide it's time for live communication, be careful. Think in advance about what exactly you will communicate about during the date, do not forget to learn more about his interests. Such preparation will help to win his genuine interest in himself.
  3. A lot depends on the first meeting. Therefore, if you are interested in how to liberate a guy if he is shy, make an appointment in a public place. A conversation over a cup of coffee in a cozy cafe where there are other visitors will be much more preferable for a young man than a walk in the park alone.
  4. Ask as many questions as possible. Everyone loves to feel interested in their personality, and this is especially important for a shy guy. In addition, this tactic is also useful for a girl, she learns more about her chosen one. At the same time, avoid provocative questions, behave calmly and balanced. This will create an atmosphere of comfort that will help the young man to be liberated.
  5. Do not in any way ask the question "Are you constantly so humble?" This will only embarrass the guy and make him want to end the meeting as soon as possible.

Here is a list of the first steps in the question of what to do if the guy is shy.

How to build on your success

It's not enough to meet a nice young man and understand that he liked you too. It is necessary to build a line of behavior so that the relationship goes into a more serious phase.

  • Don't forget that girls are the weaker sex. Let the young man feel like your protector and helper. Ask him for help in a case in which he definitely understands. After the problem is solved, do not forget to thank and sincerely rejoice at how lucky you are with him.
  • Find a common hobby. This will not only give you the opportunity to spend more time together, but it will also give you more points of contact. This means that you will become much closer, doing a common cause.
  • Try to get to know his friends. Show yourself in your best light by making it clear that you are the best choice for your boyfriend. Do not forget that the smaller the circle of close people, the more valuable their opinion.

A lot in a relationship depends on a girl, your correct behavior will be the key to long-term communication with a shy guy.

What not to do

If you notice clear signs that your communication is moving to a new level and you are one step away from the official status of his girlfriend, consider what mistakes you need to avoid.

  1. Do not offer sex first. Even the most shy young man will find an opportunity to hint about his desire for intimacy. Your initiative in this matter may just scare him away.
  2. Don't get serious about your status in his life. Remember, men don't like talking about relationships. They prefer to demonstrate their feelings with actions rather than words.
  3. Don't be intrusive. Remember, if withdrawal is a character trait of a young person, you are dealing with an introvert. And they need to periodically take a break from society. Be sympathetic to this feature and give your boyfriend some space.
  4. Do not try to deliberately make him jealous. Men do not like to sort things out, and even more introverts. In addition, this behavior can dramatically change the guy's opinion of you in a negative way.

Calmness is the hallmark of introverted people. It guarantees the absence of constant scandals and quarrels. This is why girls love shy guys. If you behave the right way, you can build very comfortable relationships with such young people.

In this article, psychologist Evgenia Dvoretskaya answers the question "What to do if a guy is ashamed of me?"

You met a guy who conquered you literally from the very sight. But then you could not read in his eyes that not everything in him is as perfect as you expected and wanted. Shy guy, very shy. Everything was in harmony in him: intelligence, sense of humor, appearance, absence of bad habits, decency. But not everything is so sweet.

He was very shy. Girls don't like those. But are you going to give up your dear little man just for this reason? Shyness can be dealt with. And you can also put up with it. Which option do you prefer? If the first one, then you will need a lot of effort. And to you, and therefore, in whom shyness and love for you live. But that is later. Why is a guy shy? What if a guy is very shy, if a guy is shy about a girl? Now let's figure out what exactly his shyness is manifested in.

You don't want those consequences, do you? And he too. By the way, after a while, shyness can disappear for good. Considering that people are not the same, you can just get used to his shyness, closing your adorable eyes at her. You will do it for you and your love.

Get angry and get angry, please, silently. Your jokes and reproaches can greatly offend and hurt the boy. It is not his fault that he was awarded such a special feature. Do you think shyness and timidity does not interfere with his life? How it gets in the way! And he fights her as best he can. You know, if you prove to him that you really love him and will always be there, all his shyness will recede. It, of course, manifests itself, and appears from time to time, but less and less often.

What if a guy is shy about you?

A common explanation for why guys are shy about a girl is for fear of being ridiculed. In one case, from the side of others, in the second - from the light hand of the girl herself. In any of the proposed situations, an inferiority complex is to blame.

The beginning of a relationship often lays the foundation for it. And the correct behavior of the girl increases the chances of long-term communication, which will move to a more serious level. But what should you do if you come across a shy guy? Is it necessary to maintain the set tone and not rush things, or is it worth being persistent in the development of relations?

The answers to these questions depend on many factors to consider when deciding how to deal with a shy guy.

If a guy is very shy, possible reasons

So, choosing a strategy of behavior, first of all, you need to determine why a young person is shy. There are three main reasons girls should be aware of this behavior:

These are the three most common reasons a guy is withdrawn from you. Before deciding how to behave further, it is necessary to find out exactly which of these factors determines the behavior of a young person.

How to know what a shy guy likes

If a young man is in no hurry to demonstrate his feelings, how do you know what he wants from your communication? Signs indicating sympathy on the part of the guy will help in this.

Also, signs of secret sympathy are evidenced by such signs as latent excitement, beads of sweat on the face, slightly forced laughter. In addition, watch the behavior of his friends, who are exactly aware of the young man's object of interest. If they make jokes in front of you, chances are you can judge how they feel about you.

Thus, if you come across a shy guy, signs of sympathy will help determine his attitude and decide how to proceed.

The guy is very shy, what to do

In order for your communication not only to continue, but also to move to a new level, it is necessary to overcome the isolation of the young man.

So how to win over a shy guy?

Here is a list of the first steps in the question of what to do if the guy is shy.

How to build on your success

It's not enough to meet a nice young man and understand that he liked you too. It is necessary to build a line of behavior so that the relationship goes into a more serious phase.

  1. Don't forget that girls are the weaker sex. Let the young man feel like your protector and helper. Ask him for help in a case in which he definitely understands. After the problem is solved, do not forget to thank and sincerely rejoice at how lucky you are with him.
  2. Find a common hobby. This will not only give you the opportunity to spend more time together, but it will also give you more points of contact. This means that you will become much closer, doing a common cause.
  3. Try to get to know his friends. Show yourself in your best light by making it clear that you are the best choice for your boyfriend. Do not forget that the smaller the circle of close people, the more valuable their opinion.

A lot in a relationship depends on a girl, your correct behavior will be the key to long-term communication with a shy guy.

What not to do

If you notice clear signs that your communication is moving to a new level and you are one step away from the official status of his girlfriend, consider what mistakes you need to avoid.

  1. Do not offer sex first. Even the most shy young man will find an opportunity to hint about his desire for intimacy. Your initiative in this matter may just scare him away.
  2. Don't get serious about your status in his life. Remember, men don't like talking about relationships. They prefer to demonstrate their feelings with actions rather than words.
  3. Don't be intrusive. Remember, if withdrawal is a character trait of a young person, you are dealing with an introvert. And they need to periodically take a break from society. Be sympathetic to this and give your boyfriend some space.
  4. Do not try to deliberately make him jealous. Men do not like to sort things out, and even more introverts. In addition, this behavior can dramatically change the guy's opinion of you in a negative way.

Calmness is the hallmark of introverted people. It guarantees the absence of constant scandals and quarrels. This is why girls love shy guys. If you behave the right way, you can build very comfortable relationships with such young people.

If a girl is too shy

It often happens that it is the fairer sex that suffers from excessive shyness. While this is considered a virtue, many are wondering how to meet a guy if you're shy. This will help social networks... Chatting through correspondence gives a certain sense of security and the opportunity for people to get used to each other before meeting in person.

If during virtual communication you notice all the signs of sympathy and the first date is just around the corner, another question arises: how to stop being shy with a guy during live contact.

Much depends on the young man, who, with his attitude, will allow you to calm down and open up. But if both partners differ in shyness, here you just need to give each other time. The first date is just the beginning of a relationship, there is no need to rush anywhere and put pressure on the interlocutor.

With each new meeting, you will get used to each other, and your communication will become more open and comfortable. The main thing is not to be afraid of new acquaintances and to be open to starting a relationship.

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Interesting pickup conversation.

Getting the relationship started right.

Common mistakes when kissing.

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How to hint a guy or a girl to date.

Why do girls almost never write first?

Shyness is considered a purely feminine quality. At the same time, many guys are often no less shy than the fair sex. For the most part, this concerns the situation when it comes to direct communication with your beloved.

To decide what to do if a guy is shy about a girl, you must start by clarifying this issue. After all, embarrassment can be completely different in nature.

Situation number 1: The guy is ashamed to show his girlfriend to friends and acquaintances

It so happens that the relationship in a couple develops remarkably until the very moment when someone from the inner circle of a man in love begins to loom on the horizon. At the same time, he turns into a completely different person: he becomes fussy, nervous, makes an attempt to retire as quickly as possible and even pretends that his other half is not at all like that.

There are at least two reasonable ways out of such a situation: either put the question point-blank, explain that this behavior cannot continue any longer. Or, behind your young man's back, establish relationships with his friends.

Although, there is a third actual option of behavior: to send the guy to hell. A real man will defend his woman, no matter what she is. If not, is it worth the time?

Situation # 2: The guy is ashamed of himself

A man, before approaching a woman, evaluates his strength. The chances that on his initiative there will be an acquaintance or an invitation to a date are close to zero if he came to the conclusion that the girl is too tough for him. Fear of rejection, embarrassment, will hold him tightly in place. This is the very case when the need to take the first step falls on the shoulders of a woman. Sometimes it's enough to show your interest, to give a couple of compliments to solve the problem at least half.

The same goes for the case in which a guy is embarrassed to have sex with his beloved. Perhaps he feels insufficiently experienced (or in fact is) or bad experience from the past is to blame. For a man, this is a serious psychological trauma. A properly organized date will help to get out of the situation: a little alcohol, a little romance, and now yesterday's squeezed boy has transformed into a real macho, for whom any woman can be seduced for nothing.

A guy's shyness is a consequence of certain complexes. Having ascertained the nature of their origin, one can easily choose a strategy of behavior in this particular case. After making sure that it makes sense to do this; there are a lot of men around, next to whom you won't have to do such things.