
Compatibility of a man-Aries and women-weights in love and marriage. Can one parent raising a child? What does the perfect couple look like: Woman Aries - Male Scales

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Compatibility Male-scales - Woman Aries in Astrol Rates most often turns out to be very favorable, and the Union of these two signs is likely to become durable and reliable. In this pair, two completely opposite in the characters are converging, and even according to the human worldview, but this is the exceptional case when two individuals complement each other, and disclose each other only the best features.

General characteristics of the couple

Woman Aries - Wards of the Planet Mars. The effect of militant Mars makes her bold, volitional and decisive, however, does not deprive femininity: a woman-Aries is usually very beautiful, attractive and not at all rude. It is the appearance and women's charm that first attract scales in such a woman. The man-scales itself is rather modest and soft; It sometimes does not have enough strength and will, but it is impossible to call him a blanking - non-conflict of weights does not mean that this man is ready to endure insults and humiliation.

By forming a pair, Aries and scales are tested by a mad passion. The kindness and restraint of men-scales instantly breaks under the pressure of the emotional woman of Aries; To start a scandal with a beloved, then to arrange no less violent reconciliation now for him in the order of things. The most interesting thing is that he likes it: perhaps, no one except the Aries can awaken in the scales of such emotions. The mad extravagania of feelings in this relationship gives the strength and optimism to both, while other couples are often exhausted.

The influence of partners on each other

As already noted at the beginning of the article, there is a slightly more male start in the woman, than in other women, and in the men-scales there is quite a bit more than enough masculinity. In relations, Aries and scales balance each other, and thus develop the best sides of the partners. Moreover, none of them makes it specifically; Only after time, the male scales may be surprised to note that his beloved instead of a campaign for a business meeting suddenly stayed at home and prepared a delightful dinner, and a woman was discovered that her husband was increasingly visiting the gym instead of resting on the sofa. At the expense of well-established stars, in this pair comfortably both. It is about them that we can say that their union is a meeting of two halves of the heart, so closely and firmly merge into one whole, leveling the difference in tastes, views and characters.

Possible difficulties

It would seem, judging by the above-described, in relationships of men-scales and women reigns full harmony and absolute idyll. What can go wrong? Of course, anything; Quarrels and conflicts are all, but what can bring the fatal consequences in this pair?

Answer Banalen is reported: these relationships will not survive insincerity and treason. On the one hand, such a characteristic can be attributed to absolutely any (with rare exceptions) pairs, but why exactly here is the risk to be deceived in both partners?

Woman Aries, driven by Mars, quite avenge, and take revenge, it is ready for almost everything that stuck her hot and hectic heart. If its chosen scaway will hide from her, for example, the fact that from ordinary politeness he gave flowers to the girl from the neighboring department for the fact that she fulfilled his difficult request for work, the Aries does not erase it, and, if it does not lose instantly, then At least may resent and be offended for a long time later.

She herself, nevertheless, with all his sincerity, it may not always be before the temptation, and often an insulted man-scales can hear her statements that she intends to go on a date with a new acquaintance, or staying spending the night at an old friend. It does not necessarily mean to betray, but the ardent nature and sexual passion of Aries can force her man to doubt her innocent behavior at a meeting with another man.

Be that as it may, the couple is very promising. If both partners are ready to listen to each other and sometimes go for concessions, all chances stay together for a long time very large.

Astrologers celebrate a favorable scenario for the development of relations between a man weighing and a woman with airy. The fire-air tandem gives a strong and reliable relationship, despite the difference in temperaments and worldview of partners.

Compatibility of the signs of the zodiac on a horoscope

Aries patronize the militant Mars, which determines the nature of the women of this constellation as a brave, decisive, volitional, but attractiveness and charm smooth at all female traits.

The man who was born under the sign of the scales is under the auspices of Venus, because it has natural softness, and it means that it is alien conflicts for him, he does not have enough will, although he may stand for himself.

A pair of scales-Aries is very passionate, therefore, the geatricality and modesty of a man instantly dissolves under the emotional assault of a woman's woman. The dynamics of their feelings are sometimes striking: partners can drop, then to reconcile in minutes. Such behavior is not typically for an air man, but do not forget that there is a fiery companion next to him, which encourages such reincarnations. Employing emotions lights new feelings in them, adds optimism, and other couples from such tired quickly quickly.

General compatibility: 4 out of 5.

Compatibility in love and marriage

No matter how paradoxically sounded, but in this case a woman - from Mars, and a man - from Venus, but such alignment only improves compatibility in love relationships. Partners can look closely to each other for some time: she watches with interest every hour, trying to attract attention different waysAnd he tries to consider the sincerity of her ardent feelings. So she begins to seem that he is cold. But if the guy scales will consider real gentle feelings in Avnov in relation to themselves, he himself will repay himself.

Aries from nature enough jealous, and the scales bribe their charming, because they surround them so far. The lady should be taken by the fact of the natural charm of his companion and, then all conflicts will disappear by themselves.

Another feature of the scales is their inattention, therefore a woman of Aries, who used to discuss his feelings, can get out of themselves. In this case, the scandal cannot be avoided. But this happens after the expiration of a certain period of living together. And here first stage It is characterized by a gentle and trembling attitude towards each other. Disputes and conflicts for the air-fiery union are not a problem, because they are trying to clarify everything in this way.

It may happen that their marriage will disintegrated: the non-permanent woman of the fire element can dramatically switch and start a relationship with another man. At the same time, the scales are often looking for another companion, which has a more balanced character.

Compatibility in love relationships: 4 out of 5.

Sexual compatibility

They are drawn to each other, because partners are seen opposite themselves outwardly an attractive person with spectacular appearance. During intimate proximity, scales and aries have different concepts about sex: a man prefers long-term preludes and caresses. "The woman loves to move towards active actions. Of course, misunderstanding may arise between lovers, but still the attraction between them will smooth sharp corners.

Scales and Aries are loaded into sensual pleasure, in which there will be a place experiments, courage and non-driving energy. Subsequently, these relationships will teach a man of passion and effectiveness, and a woman - graduality and affection. It is worth noting that the fiery lady is very popular with the opposite sex, but never changes, being in a relationship.

Sexual compatibility: 4 out of 5.

Friendship compatibility

The friendly alliance develops quite well: it charges it with its energy, and he has natural wisdom to save relations. Conflicts periodically arise between auto and weights, because in front of you are a tandem of strong personalities. At the moments of the quarrels for partners it is especially interesting to observe. A woman straightly expresses everything that he feels, and he creates an invisible soft wall of stubbornness and hidden manipulations. Often guys scales use girls of Aries, but in most cases it is necessary to save friendship.

Thanks to the energy basis of this partnership, a joint stay with each other only gives them forces to move on. The second halves of these two friends may not be afraid of the origin of romantic feelings. Aries most appreciated sincerity, and the scales are constant.

Friendly compatibility: 4 out of 5.

Compatibility in work and career

Business relations between colleagues are built on dedication and constant motion. When the tone in the Union sets the woman of Aries, it requires the weights of immediate action and decisive steps. It is quite difficult, since the air colleague has its own working methods. At the same time, if the initiatives proceed from the scales, his fiery colleague gives inspiration and teaches to be more bold. Sometimes an employee takes on all the cargo and brings the case to a logical end.

There is another option of business relationships: Aries - boss, and scales - subordinate. Such an alignment is quite productive, because the head of the element of fire is able and likes to give orders, and the subordinate air element is qualitatively performing. At the same time, the scales always retain the balance between how they pay and their capabilities.,

If the Aries turned out to be Aries, then its activities can give good results. At the same time, a man's scales should clearly form tasks. The presence of subtleties and inexpensively complicates the workflow significantly.

Compatibility in business issues from partners is much worse, but this does not mean that they will not be able to work together. An individual approach and loyalty will help in achieving results.

Business compatibility: 3 out of 5.

What do they need to know about each other

Scales and Aries cannot stay aside and just leave each other alone. They can demonstrate their tolerance and tactful, but if it comes to a partner, everything ends. In the air rudd from the stress, each cell will boil from passion, the discussions and quarrels simply do not subside.

Over time, their emotions will become calmer, but for now - love is on the verge and reconciliation is possible only in minutes of intimate intimacy. In such cases, astrologers advise an excellent lady to show more confidence in their partner, who tries to preserve the world with all their might and do not participate in conflicts that are violation of the balance.

Benefits of relationships

In fact, the main advantage of these relationships is a strong attraction and passion that help overcome difficult periods and restore harmony. The tandem is easy to achieve success in life, as they know how to support each other: scales teach her beloved to analyze the situation before she has time to make a decision. And a wonderful lady, helps the satellite to decide on the feats and inspiring him with its energy.

The most difficult moments occur when the struggle for leadership begins in the Union. But if partners are able to stop in a timely manner, they can not only save relationships, but also live together a long happy life.

They are an ideal pair that will not experience any excitements and problems in relationships. They are different, but at the same time they can complement each other, making their union strong and eternal. Both have strong characters, but this force is manifested in different ways, which already creates harmony between them. That is, everything you need this pair is one fateful meeting, and they will forever stay together.

Compatibility Scales and Aries in Love

She causes his surprise and admiration. He admires the strength of her spirit, independence and pride, concluded in such a fragile shell. This feeling of a man is pushing all his life. And she really likes a delicate and attentive man who always looks at her in love with her eyes. It should be noted that their relations are not verbally, and visually, which makes them strong and long.

She naively believes that in their pair the main thing is, but its leadership is gently controlled. He is stubborn and used to seek his what he exercises even in a relationship. He loves her, but believes that she should change a little. When she understands that it is managed, the scandal cannot be avoided. But here he again delicately enters his role and everything remains in its places.

Compatibility Scales and Aries in marriage

Marriage compatibility is considered one of the strongest, which belong to each other with understanding and attention in any life time. It should be noted that both are ready for romantic deeds after a long time after the wedding. Jealousy and treason in this pair there is no place, as both are true and sincere to each other. The main thing in this pair remains, but he gently and persistently manage it.

All roles in this family are painted in advance, although variations are also possible. They are excellent and caring parents who feed the most tender feelings for their children, while they can raise them well. However, problems in marriage may also occur if a competition for leadership begins between a pair. He can persistently impose his power, and it will not give up, but such a scenario arises quite rarely.

Compatibility Scales and Aries in bed

Intimate sphere for them is one of the most important: it is sensual and passionate, and it is under the influence of Venus. Them miscellaneous attitude To bed, it does not find opposition, opposite the soft and gentle it can balance it such a bright and unbridled. Everyone is ready to give up and delight his partner. As a result, a union is created, where there are no problems and difficulties in understanding in bed.

However, such idyll is possible if a man's scales will try to lead. He must give up that in general it is not difficult for him, as he is galantan and softly from nature. In addition, he will understand that all the wishes of the partner are aimed at his satisfaction. In turn, he must admire his woman, to take it, and it should be noted that she is worth it. In this case, disagreements are unlikely to arise.

It is important to know the girls!

Despite the ideal relations in general, it can be recommended to be soft and unobtrusive if he wants to become a leader in relationships. She should reduce the requirements for the partner and do not wait for every minute praise. His soft force and its extraordinary natura will make it possible to understand each other better. In addition, both should more often look for compromises to be able to make the relationship perfect.

The union in which a woman is Aries, and a man - scales can be called perfect.

The energy and determination of a weak floor representative successfully harmonizes with the slowness and influence of a young man. Thus, both partners get in marriage what they lack.

Good compatibility of Aries and scales is explained by the possibility of both partners to be themselves and not adapt to each other in marriage. A man born under the sign of the scales will never qualify for leadership, which you can not say about the woman-Aries.

She will lead her husband, direct him to the right direction, which will greatly facilitate the life of the spouse. Male Scales - the only sign from the entire zodiac, who is not ashamed to be a led woman.

What awaits a couple in love?

So that the Union was long and reliable, the horoscope advises women to ravines with respect to their spouse. If you are calm and polite in dealing with him, he will fulfill all your desires. And the screams and orders will only lead to the fact that the scales will lose self-esteem, strength and will be closed in themselves.

But, despite good compatibility, at the beginning of the relationship between a woman-autumn and man-scales may have misunderstandings. The horoscope recommends that representatives of these signs of the zodiac go through a definite wipe, that is, it is better to know each other before the start of a serious relationship.

Sexy aspect

Sexual compatibility of Aries and weights is one of the best from the entire zodiac. The frank woman-Aries appreciates in an intimate life not so much the process of making love, how much admiration for her partner her body. And the scales, as an amateur of everything beautiful, can give her a lot of compliments and passionate views.

The most interesting stage in the establishment of sexual relationships between these signs is from dating to first sex. The horoscope compares it with the wicband marriage games.

Beautiful female proudly sends in foliage, and the male is trying to prove her excellence over rivals to her. And this happens until a beautiful female itself decides to take a step towards partner.

Business relationship

The business compatibility of a woman-Aries and weights of the scales is built on the principle "one head is good, and two is better." The horoscope claims that in this marriage successfully combines two opposites, one of which is a generator of ideas, and the second is their conscientious performer.

Fantasy scales allows them to invent innovative business plans. And the perseverance and realism of Aries makes it possible to implement them.

Among all the signs of the zodiac, these two have real chances to open a family business and work in many directions. This will help them not only business, but also psychological compatibility. After all, in business, as in his personal life, the ability of partners to understand each other with a half-clow is very appreciated.


Here in the Union of Male-Scales and Women-Aries may have minor quarrels. The fact is that scales are the most loyal of all the signs of the zodiac. And Aries, on the contrary, are very demanding to the offspring.

But the horoscope says that disagreements on this soil will be short, thanks to the softness and fasciance of her husband. The only thing to pay attention to this situation is the psychological state of the child. For his good, parents must find a compromise in the upbringing.

Forecast for the future

In general, marriage between a woman with authentic and male weights can be long and happy. The compatibility of these signs of the zodiac will not lose its quality if:

  • Aries woman will forget about sharpness in relation to her husband.
  • A man's scales will be able to find compromises.
  • Periodically in the relationship there will be bursts of romanticism and passion.
  • A business relationship will be between partners.
  • Spouses will not quarrel on trifles.

When complying with these conditions, your life will turn into a happy fairy tale, which will last all life. The horoscope of relations between authentic and weights advises this signs more often to listen to the advice of astrologers and not ignore the characteristics of the nature of a loved one.
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On a karmic wheel, the Aries sign is in opposition to the sign of the scales; They are opposite to everything. For people of one floor, the zodiac opposite means complete incompatibility. But when a male scales and a woman of Aries are found (or vice versa), they are predetermined to love each other forever, passionately, gently, unrestrained, devotedly (the list can be continued to infinity, writing all epithets and adjectives that you know).

This is in theory. In life may not be so riddling (and sometimes even dark, if there is no harmonious combination of the moon and the sun in horoscopes). But even if everything is perfect, the relationship between the weights and the autumn is specifically specifically, according to their rules.

Aries lack balance of scales, weights lack the life-affirming activity of Aries. They perfectly complement each other. If the chosen one does not have a bright and strong character, they begin to stick and cover rust despondency: they need intelligent confrontations in which the logic is exhausted, and the mind is in a state of complete combat readiness. Alas, scales are missing with cute witnesses, so therefore they are infinitely entails the energy of Aries.

The girl-ray and man weighs the stereotypes somewhat interfere: a man should be assertive and active, a woman should be in the expectant position. If Aries and scales will play according to the rules, the meeting may not take place at all. Their situation is non-standard: the woman of Aries is guided by the militant, aggressive Mars, and a man's scales - forever feminine, soft Venus. If she will wait for decisive actions from him, he may not wait at all, so at the dating stage, the Aries have to take the initiative in their hands.

Aries girl can not resist the seductive veneranian smile of weights (by the way, no one can, than the scales successfully use the years from thirteen!). The first stumbling block can be this smile and some air romantic in love in the nature of the partner (scales relate to air elements). Aries, obsessed with Martian jealousy, turns from a cute lamb in a cheaper sheep and the fireless dragon, pursuing his beloved on his heels. Delicate, restrained scales run away from such a manifestation of passion and jealousy! Aries breaks through all night after a stormy quarrel and parting, but change something will be late.

The only way to solve the conflict with weights is impassively appeal to logic and common sense. But for Aries it is very difficult due to overhearsow emotions. Another stumbling block: seeming laziness of the scales. Active Aries do not understand that weights need from time to time to take a time-out for rest and restore forces.

Scales can negotiate with Aries, only using softness and tact. Any remark should be built according to the following scheme: "Dear, you are so beautiful! If you do something and then, then your magnificence will become blind! ". And fiery lamb, straight and infertility, will throw it more beautiful to please your chosen one. Nine times this will pass by weight. At the tenth, perhaps a man will be able to survive: Well, it is impossible, contacting the Aries, naively hope for a constant luck!

The only place where they will never arise disputes are a bedroom. Perhaps they will start swearing on the porch, will continue in the kitchen, in the living room will move to direct combat actions, but, having stepped into the bedroom, it is only worth kissing each other for the night, as all disagreements will stop.

Male Scales and Woman Aries Compatible

A man's scales and a Aries woman are under the influence of two elements - air and fire. This is an explosive mixture that can rush at one point. One element can absorb another - and can give her the opportunity to exist better than in other conditions, it depends on the degree of its manifestation in a pair. The Union of these representatives of the zodiac circle is so configuring that the Male weighs and a woman of the Aries simply need to be together to grow spiritually, focusing on each other.

Differences In the characters, a man's scales and women will notice immediately, when they meet. But each of them will be interested in to be in the company with others, to study the partner, as another planet, living in completely different laws. To build a balanced relationship immediately they will not be able - for this requires knowledge of each other, studying habits, lifestyle, desires. Since the Aries woman can act impulsively, it will try to lead these relationships - and this will cause a protest from a partner, as a male scales prefers to keep neutrality, protecting his right to self-expression.

Aries Woman will respect the desire of his chosenness to independence, because herself does not like to be tied in a relationship, but here the mystery of the partner, his permanent fluctuations, indecisiveness and secrecy will cause anxiety from her. An Aries woman often acts impulsively, in particular - and this, in turn, annoying her chosen one who prefers at the beginning to think carefully and weigh the "for" and "against." In relations, the Men Weighs and Women Aries is formed by a model of behavior-slave behavior, where the lead, of course, is a partner.

But she should not exercise a stick in relation to his chosen one, because he really needs to be stimulated by activity, but permanent reproaches and rudeness in his address will never fail. If you skillfully "shake" a man's scale, then it is able to make a lot for future relationships and careers, and its actions will be as intelligent as possible, measured, consistent. A man's scales should not show possessing with respect to its chosen. She really needs independence, will not be able to exist normally and be successful without wide communication with friends, business contacts, visits to various events and public places. It will be reasonable if they agree to mutual concessions, and at the same time will relate to each other with understanding and support.

Life Male Weighs and Woman Aries Cannot be called boring. It can have joint discoveries, experiences, quarrels and conflicts. But all the problems that may be in this pair are solved very easily - subject to a calm constructive dialogue. Each of the partners in this pair will receive the best opportunity for its own development and self-realization, as they have a counter interest in each other, and will enjoy general success. Each situation arising in this pair - whether it is a positive or negative - should be considered from different points of view, with the participation of both parties, and then it can be used or adjusted for this union.