
Ieromona Hilarion Alfeyev. Metropolitan Volokolamsky Hilarion

Decorative trees and shrubs

He noted his fifty-year-old anniversary. For the past years of his life, he showed himself not only as a talented theologian and priest. Metropolitan of Hilarion was awarded the Lord by the gentleman by the gentle, diplomatic, musical, writing abilities. The life of Hilarion from an early age is associated with Orthodoxy. Having tounted at the 20th age, he did not think that he would be with him in 30 or 50 years old, but never had a doubt that his whole life would be connected with the church. The ministry always stood in the first place, but it did not bother to develop in creativity and copyright, faith only gave the strength to the creation of new masterpieces in music and spiritual literature.

Meaning of life

Attitude towards death

As Metropolitan himself tells, the topic of death worried him from early childhood. Already at the age of five, he realized the fact that all people are once dying. So he, too. But why? What is the life of life? These thoughts tormented him all the time. In his youth, these Duma visited him again. Federico Garcia Lorca became his favorite poet of youth. Its creativity is more devoted to death. The author predicted through the poems, and later survived his own tragic death. Hilarion, graduating from a music school, prepared a vocal cycle for the tenor and piano on the poems of this author, he called his work "Four poems Garcia Lorca". Many years later, the work was orchestrated and renamed as "death songs".

It so happened that the beginning of the ministry of the church coincided with several deaths of people close to him. These tragic events of the young man seriously worried. First death, so shook a young mind - a tragedy that happened to his favorite violin teacher. Vladimir Litvinov fell right on the exam when he played his student. Heart stop occurred. The ambulance did not have time to come on time. He was still quite unstable man, forty years old. The teacher had among his disciples and their parents a huge authority. Everyone was respected for labor, intelligence, kindness. He always treated his disciples with respect, appreciated the dignity in every person. Everyone just adored the teacher. The tragedy of this many knocked out of the rut.

At the funeral of the teacher in the consciousness of inexperienced Hilarion, much turned a lot. What is a man life? This question was one of the first. Soon the grandmother is dying, after that sister, and then the father of Hilarion. The young man tried to understand why this happens with people close and relatives to him. It was aware of the fact that only Christian faith can give answers to the questions set. It strengthens our spirit that opposes death. It was important to comprehend, for which death comes to everyone, only at different times, what transition (and where) it means. Metropolitan Hilarion, whose films give answers to such questions, trying to convey to all Christians the meaning of life and death.

Biography. A family. Training

In peace, Metropolitan Hilarion wore the name Gregory Dashevsky. He was born in Moscow, in the family of intellectuals, in 1966, July 24. Grandfather His, Grigory Markovich, heard a historian who was engaged in studies of the Civil War in Spain and wrote a number of books on this topic. He died in 1944, in World War II. Father Valery Grigorievich - Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, creator of many scientific papers. From the family, the father left, he died soon because of a tragic case. Mother alone raised her son, was engaged in writing activities. Gregory was dubbed at 11 years old.

And in childhood, and in his youth an active life position occupied the current Metropolitan Hilarion. Rus in its history has a loud similar name. Saint Hilarion was the first Metropolitan of Kiev and All Russia. He lived at the beginning of the past millennium. His holy Life He played a role in the formation of the young Hilarion Alfeyev.

Eleven years of young man studied music at the Special School of Gnesins in the class of composition and violin. At the age of 15, he entered the Chheder in the Temple of the Sunday of the Slobol. After graduating from school in 1984 he entered the Moscow Conservatory, but in 1987 his plans changed. Leaving training, became the obedient of the Vilensky Holy Brass Monastery.

Later served in many churches of the Lithuanian diocese. He was appointed abbot of the Annunciation Cathedral in Kaunas. In 1989, Hilarion graduated from the spiritual seminary, and then in 1993 and the Moscow Theological Academy. In 1991-1993 Hilarion teaches the Holy Scriptures, Homiletik, dogmatic theology, Greek in the St. Tikhonovsky Bologosovsky Institute.

Priesthood and creativity

Internship Metropolitan Hilarion was held at Oxford University. There he studied the Syrian language, at the same time he worked on the dissertation. The study was combined with the ministry in the Sural Diocese. In 1995, the University was completed as a doctor of philosophical sciences. Since 1995, a service has begun in the Moscow Patriarchate. He taught in the spiritual seminaries Smolensk and Kaluga patriot. In the spiritual seminary of Alaska in 1996, Dogmatic theology was read.

In 1996, Moscow became the minister in the Church of St. Catherine. In Paris in 1999, he defended his doctoral degree in theology. At the same time he worked on television, led the program "Peace to your home".

Soon issues educational publications Metropolitan Hilarion. Books introduce a reader into problems, the history of Slavic Disputes theologian, a monograph. You can consider here the works "Sacred Mystery of the Church", "The Mint of Faith." Books are introduced into dogmatic theology, accessible to a wide range to the reader, not only for student seminaries and spiritual academies. Study of the works of Hilarion can all who wish to know the depths of the Orthodox faith.

In 2001, Hilarion receives San Bishop Kerch. In 2002, he takes San Archimandrite in Smolensky cathedral.

Stay in the Sural Diocese

In 2002, Hilarion Alfheyev is sent to the service in the Sural Diocese. At that time he headed her Metropolitan Anthony. In a short time, all members of the Bishopath led by Vasily Osborne (in 2010, he was deprived of monasses and Sana, because he deigns to marry). An incident occurred for the reason that Hilarion was accuratibically expressed by the diocese. Anthony's bishop made critical comments and pointed to Hilarion on the fact that they are unlikely to work. But the "strong nutrition" was Metropolitan Hilarion Alfeyev. He pronounced his speeches with full confidence in his rightness, where he filmed unreasonable accusations. The result of the service was the feedback from the Sural Diocese. He began to work as the Chief Representative of the ROC on working with European International Organizations. Hilarion always defended his point of view in the fact that Europe should remember his Christian roots.

Service. Merit

Metropolitan Hilarion is completely subordinated to his daily routine of the day. He heads the External Church Communications Department, is a permanent member of the Sacred Synod. He heads a lot of diverse working groups and commissions. Post No. 1 Metropolitan Hilarion also occupies in the general-worker graduate school, here it is a rector, as well as the abbot of the temple.

According to Hilarion himself, worship is a kind of synthesis of many arts, including frescoes, icons, the architecture of the temple, reading, singing, music, poetry and prose, a kind of choreography - Poklons, exits and entrances to the procession. In worship, all human bodies come into effect - hearing, vision, smelling (incense), taste (communion), touch (icons), that is, the service of the Lord covers the entire person.

In 2003, Ilarion Alfeyev was appointed Bishop Austrian and Vienna. In 2009, he was elected by Bishop Volokolamsky, as well as the vicar of the Moscow Patriarch. At the same time, becomes the abbot of the temple of the Virgin on the Big Ordyanka. In San Metropolitan, Ilarion Alfeyev was erected in 2010.

Music. Films

Hilarion Alfheyev did not abandon his musical creativity. Through him he now carries faith to Christ. In 2006-2007, he created the following works: "Divine Liturgy", "Veligid Vigil", "Christmas Orator", "Passion for Matthew". The last oratorio sounded not only in Russia, but also in Canada, Australia. For five years she was fulfilled half a hundred times. The audience standing applauded the composer. Professional musicians, performing creations, highly appreciate masterpieces of Metropolitan. The work of Metropolitan Hilarion "Christmas Orachetia", which sounded in Washington, caused a storm of delight. Music penetrated into the soul of everyone. Success was later confirmed in Boston, New York and, of course, in Moscow. In cooperation with Spivakov in 2011, Metropolitan Hilarion creates a Christmas festival, which is now coming every year on the eve of the Holy Holiday.

At creating music, the priest does not stop. On television, the general education cycle leads Metropolitan Hilarion. The films taken by Alfheyev are talking about the history, the formation of Christianity, just some:

  • 2011 - "Path of the Shepherd".
  • 2012 - "Man before God", "Church in History", "Travel to Athos".
  • 2013 - "Pilgrimage to the Holy Earth."
  • 2014 - "Orthodoxy in Georgia". "Orthodoxy in the Serbian lands."

Metropolitan Hilarion. Orthodoxy, other works

Recently, the new creation of Metropolitan "Start of Gospel" was recently seen. To the work of this Alfeyev walked for a long 25 years. In his books, he presents his valuable experience to those who want to know the truth. Writing labor, Hilarion was carried away in those days when he taught the Gospel in the Holy Trinity Institute. Then he studied the New Testament very detailed. He read him since childhood, interpreted with another literature, at that time the necessary information was very little, access to them was limited. Now the Metropolitan of Hilarion is now transferring their knowledge. The book of Christ was written not immediately. Theological activities of Hilarion relies mainly on the teachings of the Holy Fathers. The dissertations were defended by the author on the themes about Isaac Sirin and Simeon by the New Theologian. All his thoughts by the author poured in the book "Orthodoxy". He began to write this work from Christ, but switched to other topics, realizing that he had not yet matured to the authorship of Jesus.

The book "Sacred Mystery of the Church. Introduction "brought the author to the Makariyev Prize in 2005. The content introduces the thoughts of teachers and fathers of the church about the call of the name of Christ.

The book of Hilarion "Rev. Simeon New Theologian, his Orthodox Tradition" is a translation of a doctoral dissertation, which was defended in Oxford.

Isaac Sirin was devoted to the work of the "spiritual world of Isaac Sirin". This saint prayed for God's love, which he saw in everything. He prayed for everyone - for people, for animals, as well as for demons. Even hell in his understanding is love, so perceive her sinners, as pain and suffering sent according to merit.

The book of Hilarion Alfeyev "Life and Teaching Grigory Theologian" describes the lives of the Great Saints and the Great Father, who in his time heeded the dogmas about the Blessed Trinity.

His works of Hilarion writes available to the lacean language. His idea was to create catechism for those who decided to be baptized, who needs a small book, where in three days you can find out the most basic. Metropolitan sat down and wrote such a work in the same breathing out for three days in such a style so that the person could read it for the same time. Then another week he edited him. In this catechism, Hilarion is the most accessible as possible and simply outlined all the foundations of the faith of Orthodox, the doctrine of the church, about the services, about the morality and the basics of the morality of Christian.

Metropolitan Hilarion. Book "Jesus Christ"

Throughout the life, Hilarion Alfeyev was interested in the theme of Christ. At some point, he realized that it was time to familiarize himself with the New Testament in modern execution. This was due to the fact that Hilarion blessed the Patriarch to the preparation of new textbooks for spiritual seminary. The first question was about creating a textbook on the New Testament and a four-Genuine. Metropolitan came to thought before creating a tutorial, he must first write a book. So the book about Christ that had to turn into a textbook was born. Planned writing one book, but during the work the author realized that huge blocks of information would simply not fit into one edition, as a result, it turned out six. On July 22, the first book of Metropolitan Hilarion "Start of Gospel" was published - one of the block about Jesus Christ. In general, labor is completed, only the sixth book is editing.

The book is not built in chronological order of gospel events. Episodes from the life of Christ the author considers thematic blocks.

The first book "Start of Gospel." Metropolitan Hilarion speaks about the state of modern science about the New Testament, gives a general introduction to a series of books about Christ. The main topics of the four Gospels are considered here: Annunciation, Christmas, the exit of Christ for the sermon, baptism. It is also given a common sketch of conflict with Pharisees, which brought Jesus to condemnation to death.

The second book is dedicated to Christian morality, it is represented in the form of an overview of the Nagorno sermon.

The third book is completely dedicated to the wonders, with a learn Christ. It explains what miracles are why many people do not believe in them. How to relate a miracle with God's faith. Each mystery is considered in the book in detail separately.

The fourth book is "Proverbs Jesus." Considered here and set forth in order all the parables that the Gospel represents. The author explains why Jesus for his students chooses just such a genre.

The fifth book is called "Lamb of God". It is dedicated to the original of the Gospel, in it the material that does not have duplications in the synoptic gospels.

The sixth book is "Death and Resurrection." It describes the author of the last days of the life of Jesus Christ on Earth, the sufferings of him on the cross, death, and then the resurrection. On the phenomena of the Savior to the disciples after the Ascension to heaven.

Based on this spiritual epic, Metropolitan Hilarion will create textbooks for spiritual seminaries and schools.

Saint Hilarion - Metropolitan Kiev and All Russia

Speaking about our contemporary Metropolitan Hilarion, I want to bow and give a tribute to the residence of the Holy Saint Hilarion, whose work has been remembered for almost a thousand years. Metropolitan Hilarion "The Word of Law and Grace" created in 1037-1050. This is the earliest work of the ancient Russian literature that Christians familiar with the grace and the truth through Jesus the revealed to our people.

The first Metropolitan of Hilarion after death was found to face the saints. The day of memory is celebrated on August 28. Judging by the annals, Metropolitan Hilarion took place from the family of the Nizhny Novgorod clergyman. Later himself became the priest of the court church of the Holy Apostles in the village of Berezov. For their merit ranked high post Metropolitan Hilarion. Rus in those years was in the management of Yaroslav Wise, who saw in the priest of an outstanding figure of those times. Hilarion was for the prince of a faithful like-minded person and an assistant in state and spiritual affairs.

The Cathedral of Russian Bishops In 1051, Hilarion was supplied by the first Metropolitan of Kiev and all of Russia. Later it was approved Konstantinople Patriarch. The fact that the post of Metropolitan took Rusin was regarded as the formation of independence of the Kiev Metropolis from the main Greek. Hilarion at one time was considered the best shepherd, a preacher, had a wonderful education. His activity coincided with the period of approval in Russia of Christianity. Metropolitan made a considerable contribution to this case, his written works glorified the faith of Christ, showed her advantage over the old faith. Unfortunately, the first graduate of Hilarion stayed a short time, in 1054 he moved away from the Office. Died in 1067 in the Kiev-Pechersk Monastery, was glorified in the face of saints.

From the first minute of communication in the Orthodox clergy and theologian, Metropolitan Hilarion attracts attention to his shrill and very deep look. Therefore, it is not difficult to understand that he is a man of difficult thinking, knowing something more, true and intimate, and trying to convey his knowledge and thoughts to people in every way and to make peace in their soul lighter and kinder.

Metropolitan Hilarion Alfeyev (photo is presented a little below) - a patrol and doctor of the Philosophy of the University of Oxford and theological Institute in Paris. It is also a member of the Synodal Commission of the Russian Orthodox Church, head of the Moscow Patriarchate Secretariat on the Interchristian Relations of the Department of External Church Relations and the author of musical epic speakers and Samet for chamber performance. In this article we will follow the life path of this person, get acquainted with his biography, in which there are many interesting facts.

In the world of Alfeev Grigory Valeryievich was born on June 24, 1966. He was intended good musical career, as he, having graduated from the music school of Gnesins, was then learned in the Moscow State Conservatory. Then he served two years in Soviet army, after which I immediately decided to become the obedient of the Vilensky St. Duchov of the Monastery.

A family

Future Metropolitan Hilarion was born in the capital of Russia, in a very intelligent family. His birth date - July 24, 1966. His grandfather, the Dashevsky Grigory Markovich, was a historian who wrote a number of books about the Spanish Civil War. Unfortunately, he died in 1944 in war with the fascists. Metropolitan Father, Dashevsky Valery Grigorievich, was a doctor of physico-mathematical sciences and wrote scientific works. He is the author of monographs in organic chemistry. But Valery Grigorievich left the family and then died of an accident. Gregory's mother was a writer, whom she got the bitter share - to bring up his son to one. He was painted at 11 years old.

From 1973 to 1984, Hilarion was trained in the Moscow Middle Special Music School named after Gnesini in the class of violin and composition. At the age of 15, he entered the temple of the Sunday of the word in the Assumption enemy (Moscow) by the reader. At the end of the school, in 1984, he entered the composer faculty of the Moscow State Conservatory. In January 1987, he left training and entered the obedient to the Vilensky Holy Spirit Monastery.


In 1990, he becomes the rector of the Annunciation Cathedral in the city of Kaunas (Lithuania). In 1989, Hilarion ends in absentia by the Moscow spiritual seminary, then studying in the Moscow Spiritual Academy, where he receives the degree of a candidate of theology. Through time, he becomes a teacher of the Holy Tikhonovsky University of theological Institute and the University of St. Apostle John the Bogoslov.

In 1993, he ends with the graduate school of the Spiritual Academy, and he is sent to Oxford University, where in 1995 he receives a Ph.D. in 1995. Then six years he works in the Department of External Church Relations. After becoming a clergy at the Temple of St. Catherine on Fax in Moscow.

In 1999, the Orthodox Holy Sergiev Institute in Paris was awarded the title of Doctor of theology.

In 2002, Archimandrite Ilarion becomes Bishop Kerchinsky. And in early January 2002, in the Smolensk Cathedral, he adopts San Archimandrite and literally in a week Cahotonisan in the bishop in the Moscow church of Christ the Savior.

Work abroad

In 2002, he was sent to serve in the Sural Diocese, headed by Metropolitan Anthony (Bloom, ROC of Great Britain and Ireland), but soon the whole bishopath head led by Bishop Vasily (Osborne, who in 2010 was deprived of the sacred sanator and monastics, because he express a desire to marry). All this happened because Hilarion somewhat accurately responded about this diocese, and for this he received critical comments from the Anthony bishop, in which he pointed out that they were unlikely to work together. But Hilarion is another "strong nut", he made a speech, where he filmed all the accusations and insisted on the correctness of his opinion.

As a result, he was withdrawn from this diocese and appointed the main representative of the ROC on working with international European organizations. Metropolitan always in his speeches advocated the fact that the tolerant Eup of Europe should not forget their Christian roots, as this is one of the most important spiritual and moral components, which determines European identity.


Since 2006, he is actively engaged in music and will write a lot of music: "Divine Liturgy", "All-night Vigil", "Matthew Passion", "Christmas Orartainment", etc. This creativity was highly appreciated, and with the blessing of Patriarch Alexy II works were performed at many concerts in Europe, the United States, Australia and, of course, Russia. The public standing, ovations noted the successful these speeches.

In 2011, Metropolitan Hilarion with Vladimir Spivakov became the creators and heads of the Christmas festival of spiritual music (Moscow), held in the holidays of the January Days.

Serving on conscience

In the period from 2003 to 2009, he is already bishop Viennese and Austrian. Then he is elected by the bishop of the Volokalamsky, permanent member of the Synod, the vicar of the Moscow Patriarch and the abbot of the church of the Mother of God in the Big Ordinke in the capital.

At the same time, Patriarch Kirill for the faithful and diligent ministry of the ROC will build it in San Archbishop. A year later, he also builds him in San Metropolitan.

Metropolitan Hilarion: Orthodoxy

It should be noted that in different years he always represented the Russian Orthodox Church. Hilarion zealously defended her interests in various interchristian conferences, international forums and commissions.

Preach Hilarion.

The preaching of the Metropolitan of Hilarion Alfeev is very whole and competently built. It is very interesting to listen and read, because he has a huge experience that he transfers us among the huge number of theological literary works, which are unusual in its content. They promote us to the great knowledge of the Christian faith of her followers.

Books in theology

One of his books is "Sacred Mystery of the Church. Introduction. In it, the reader meets with the thoughts of some fathers and teachers of the Church on the call of the name of God in the practice of the prayer of Jesus and in worship. Here we are talking about the understanding of church experience and about its correct expression. For this, the author in 2005 was awarded the Makariyev Prize.

In his book "Rev. Simeon, the New Theologian and Orthodox Tradition" Metropolitan Hilarion presented the translation of his doctoral dissertation protected in Oxford University, at the Bogoslovskaya Faculty. In it, he explores the attitude of the theologian XI century of Rev. Simeon to the Orthodox ministry, the Holy Scripture, ascetic and mystical theological literature, etc.

The Metropolitan of Hilarion did not go around his attention and Isaac Sirin and dedicated to him the book "The Spiritual World of Isaac Sirin." This great Syrian Syrian as no one was able to transfer the spirit of gospel love and compassion, so he prayed not only for people, but also for animals, and demons. According to his teaching, even hell is God's love, which is perceived by sinners as suffering and pain, because they do not accept it and have hatred for this love.

Among his books, there is a work "Life and Teaching of St. Gregory Theologian." Here he describes the life of the Great Father and the Saint and His teaching, who has crushed dogmat about the Blessed Trinity.

Awards and titles

Its activity did not remain unnoticed, and therefore in the arsenal of this priest there is a huge number of awards - all sorts of letters, medals and ranks, among whom - the Order of St. Innokentia of Moscow II Art. (2009, America, ROC), the Order of the Holy Martyr Isidor Yuryevsky II Art. (2010, Estonia, MP RPC), the Order of St. Stephen's Great II Art. (2010, Moldova, ROC), gold medal Bologna University (2010, Italy), Order of Serbian Sokolov (2011) and other awards.

Films Metropolitan Illarion

Metropolitan Volokolamsky Hilarion Alfeyev became the author and leading the following films: "Man in front of God" - a cycle of 10 episodes (2011), introducing into the world of Orthodoxy, "Path of Shepherd" dedicated to the 65th anniversary of the Patriarch Kirill (2011), " Church in history, "the history of Christianity," Byzantium and the baptism of Russia "- the series (2012), the" unity of faithful "- a film dedicated to the five years from the day of the unity of the Moscow Patriarch and the ROC abroad (2012)," Travel to Athos "(2012)," Orthodoxy in China "(2013)," Pilgrimage to the Holy Land "(2013)," With Patriarch in Athos "(2014)," Orthodoxy in Athos "(2014 .), "Orthodoxy in Serbian Lands" (2014).

Present a real base for those who want to know how to behave in the church, what icons are, how to understand the holy works, films, the author of which became Metropolitan Hilarion Alfeyev. Orthodoxy appears in them as a world that fills the life of a person in depth. With his eyes, we will see the holy pilgrimages and how Christianity is preached in other foreign places for Orthodox people.

On Saturday, bright weeks on April 18/5 in one of the Russian temples Orthodox church (ROC), adhered to the ancient Russian litrogenous rank (such parishes are called old-handed or, as in the XIX century. The twentieth century, one-time), the bishop service took place. The Divine Liturgy on the old rite in the Moscow Church of Pokrov, the head of the external church connections of the Moscow Patriarchate (OVDS MP), Chairman of the Commission for Old Believers and Interaction with the Old Committee of ABS, Metropolitan Volokolamsky Hilarion (Alfeyev) committed.

Metropolitan served 6 priests: Clearying Temple of Pokrov in Rubtsov Father Primer - Archimandrite Dionysius (Shishigin), Archpriest John Mirolyubov and Ieria Andrei Fastov, Abbot of the Michael-Arkhangels Monastery in the city of Yuryev-Polish Igumen Osthanasius (Selichev), the abbot of the Old Belief Temple SVT. Nikola on Berzenevka Igumen Kirill (Sakharov), as well as the abbot of the temple of the resurrection of the word in Danilovskaya Sloboda, a member of the Commission on Old Believers and Interaction with the Old Committee of Oscs Archpriests Igor Yakimchuk, who took part in recent negotiations with the RPSC delegation on the study of the canonical dignity of the Belokrinitsky hierarchy . The Diaconian ministry was performed by Ierodiakon Nikolai (it) from the temple of the icon of the Mother of God "all the mournful joy" on the Big Ordinke (father Nikolai - Japanese, the successor of the clergy dynasty). Liturgy also prayed the cleric of the Mikhailo-Arkhangelsk One-Archive Temple of Ieria Evgeny Saransch.

It should be noted that it was no longer the first worship for the old rank committed by Metropolitan Hilarion. A few weeks earlier, on February 25/12, he served a brief prayer service and made the Herotesia of two gifts and four readers for the community of the Pokrovsky-Rubtsovsky temple. However, the Divine Liturgy in an ancient rank serve him before he had not been brought. Praying noted the elements of the saint, sewished in ancient samples: Skuchey with an eight-pointed cross, hemman and elegant warehouse. Unfortunately, due to the lack of time, it was not possible to make a bishop headdress and rod in ancient Russian style, so Mer. Hilarion used traditional MP staff staff with snakes and Novogreic Mitra for the modern bishopath. Interestingly, the problem of the radical authenticity of the purposes and church utensils is also characteristic of the current service of Popovsky Old Believers. Both in the Russian Orthodox Old Believers of the Church, and in the Russian Holiday Church of the bishop, Mitra, Sakkos, Panagia and the regions of the new propelled sample often use. This fact drew attention to one of the recent Cathedrals of the RDC, issued to begin work on bringing the priesthood and church utensils to the Deraskolnaya denominator (XVII century).

As Worship Observers write in the Rubtsovsky Temple, the rest was followed by following the overall aesthetics of the service in an ancient rank. Metropolitan of Hilarion blessed, and donated himself exclusively two-purpose congestion. And he, and Ierodiakon Nikolai, and who served the priests from among the new facilities, paid much attention to such nuances as the developing standards of saying the name of the Savior Isus, stress in the words "forever and in such situations, when their" on the machine "pulls to pronounce a similar liturgical Text in the usual Plenikov edition.

For the community of the cover of Pokrov in Rubtsov, the bishops are still a rarity, despite the fact that the state of the Patriarch has the status of the Patriarch in the temple of the center of the Old Russian welfare tradition. In previous years, the Bishop of South American and Karakasy John (Berzins), Vicar of the First Hierarch of the Russian Orthodox Church, served in the temple, served several times in the temple. In general, in general, in the one-time (old-procured) parishes of the Moscow Patriarchate, the bishops are rarely quite rare, because in the structure of the Russian Orthodox Church, the one-time temples are subject to local priests (this temporary management scheme was adopted due to repression in relation to the one-day Vicarial hierarchs in 1937 and from those pores were not revised). Each bishop service becomes an event for the Old Believers of the ROC Event - especially significant and memorable for the UNDERSERS in the Assumption Cathedral of the Moscow Kremlin on the day of the memory of St. Makaria, Metropolitan Moskovsky on January 12, 2013 is the first after the split of the XVII century liturgy in one of the Kremlin cathedrals.

The relative regularity of the bishops can "boast" the largest and most equipped one-time parish in Mikhailovskaya Sloboda - Metropolitan Krutitsky and Kolomna Sushenaly visits it at least 1-2 times a year, and therefore the experience of Mikhail-Arkhangelsk priests was most valuable to prepare the service of Lord Hilarion . However, when committing a liturgy in the Rubtsovsky temple, the developments of Hegumen Cyril from Berserevki were taken into account, where bishop services are also taken from time to time.

The clock and liturgy of Saturdays completed the period of bright weeks when the ranks of the services differ significantly from ordinary and logically continue, and in many respects they repeat the festive service of the Holy Easter. Schierers Holiday in the Nonor Pomeranian tradition sang choir under the control of Daniel Grigorieva's lesser. After the initial bows and release took place procession Around the temple. The service prayed as the permanent parishioners of the church of the Intercession in the Rubtsov, and the members of other one-time communities, and guests from the usual parishes of the ROC.

It should be noted that the Russian Old Believers of the ROC MP still does not have its old-handed bishop, although this issue has repeatedly been discussed in a one-time environment in the last 10 years. Until the 1917 revolution, the Synod refused to the uninterests in his bishop from the fear of creating a parallel old-supplied hierarchy. At that time, about 600 parishes of the Synodyl Church were considered a one-time, which were real power. After the February Revolution, the Secondary Cathedral of the Synodal Church of 1917-1918 finally allowed the charifonia of one-trial bishops in the discharge of Vicaris. The greatest fame among those acquired the Bishop Ufa Simon (Schalek). However, during the Bolshevik terror of 1920-1930, all single bishops (including T. N. Catacomb) were destroyed.

From the late 90s of the twentieth century, the possibility of supplying his bishop for the old-handed parishes of the RPC MP again became relevant. However, while this question cannot find its decision, including due to the fact that the algorithm for the interaction of such a bishop with local bishings, which have the full power in the dioceses of the ROC. Analysts emphasize that a similar problem can be solved by rearming the old-handed parishes of the Patriarchate directly, to give them the Stavropigal status. However, as is known, the old-handed parishes of the ROC today are very heterogeneous and have significant differences not only in liturgical practice, but parish customs and devices.

Today marks 50 years since the birth of the Great Composer, Theologian, Historian; Polyglot, who knows in different degrees, many foreign languages: English, French, Greek, Italian, Spanish, German, Ancient Greek, Syrian, Hebrew, owner of the global ecumenical award for tolerance, famously rewriting in the days of unwanted texts of holy fathers (for example, According to the yubilest, he wrote his catechism for three days from nothing to do, because The RPC delegation did not go to the false Cathedral in Crete - approx

Yes, right! Today, the Chairman of the External Church Relations of the Moscow Patriarchate, the Permanent Member of the Holy Synod, Chairman of the Synodal Biblical-theological Commission, the Rector of the Overcoming Graduate Studies and Doctoral studies named after the Saintsa-Apostles Cyril and Methodius, the Abbot of the Church of the Icons of the Mother of God "All Thoring Joy" in the Big Ordinke in Moscow , Chairman of the United States Dissertation Council D 999.073.04 on the theology of the general terrorism graduate school and doctoral studies named after the Saintsa-Apostles Cyril and Methodius, Orthodox Holy Tikhonovsky Humanitarian University, Moscow state University named after M. V. Lomonosov and the Russian Academy of National Economy and Public Service under the President Russian Federation; Latinan's dusty friend, with all the forces of trying to destroy Orthodoxy, by combining it with papists; Ecumenist's malicious heretic - Metropolitan of Hilarion Alfeev.

The unprecedented talent and dizzying career of the Lord is likely to lead to a reverent thrill of anyone. For example, from the moment of entering the monastery Grigory Dashevsky (this is what is the name of Metropolitan Ilarion - approx to the novice to ordain him in San Hieromonach, only 5 months passed! Although, as a rule, the novices take place for years in the monastery, before the monastic post is taken, not to mention the ssen of the priest.

Metropolitan Hilarion:

Doctor of Philosophy Oxford University

Dr. Theology of the Holy Sergiev Orthodox Theological Institute in Paris

Professor of the Moscow Spiritual Academy

Professor of the Bogoslovsky Faculty of the University of Friborism (Switzerland)

Professor, Head of the Department of Theology of the National Research Nuclear Institute "MIII"

Honorary Doctor of St. Petersburg Theological Academy

Honorary Doctor of theology of the Minsk Spiritual Academy

Honorary Doctor of theology of the Holy Vladimir Sacred Seminary in New York

Honorary Doctor of the Russian State Social University

Honorary Doctor of theology of the Theological Faculty of the University of Catalonia

Honorary Doctor of theology of theological Faculty of University of Lugano

Honorary Dr. Prests University (Slovakia)

Honorary Doctor of theology of the University of Villanova (USA)

Honor Doctor of the Spiritual Seminary Nashotah House (USA)

Honorary Doctor Institute of Theology of the Belarusian State University

Honorary Doctor of the Russian State Humanitarian University

Honorary Professor of the Russian Christian Humanitarian Academy

Honorary Professor of the Ural State Conservatory. M. P. Mussorgsky

Honorary Professor of the Ural State Mining University

Honorary Dr. Varotrnovsky University "Saints Kirill and Methodius"

Valid member of the Academy of Russian Literature

Member of the Union of Composers of Russia

The performance of the Metropolitan Volokolamsky, in truth, inhuman! Mind by a simple person not to realize how perhaps combining his direct duties of Metropolitan, which

a) he first examines the services of the Metropolis boringly accomplished;

b) convenes the bishop council, presides on it, represents his decision of Patriarch and sends them to the diocesan bishops of Metropolis;

c) takes care of the coordination of the activities of the Diocese of Metropolis in the issues listed in paragraphs 2 and 8 of these Regulations;

d) within the Metropol'y has the leadership of the implementation of the decisions of local and bishops, as well as the sacred synod;

e) observes the regular meetings of representatives of diocesan departments and other institutions of the Diocese of Metropolis;

(e) He has a care about the interaction of the Diocese of Metropolis with the bodies of secular power, the powers of which are distributed to the entire territory of Metropolis;

g) to familiarize themselves with the church life in Metropolis, there is a diocese in coordination with their diocesan bishings or on behalf of the Patriarch;

h) receives copies of annual reports sent to the Patriarch from the diocesan binders of Metropolis;

and) teaches fraternal councils to the bishops of Metropolis regarding the management of dioceses;

k) on the instructions of the Patriarch or on his own initiative represents the Patriarch his opinion regarding the state of affairs in the dioceses of Metropolis;

l) at the request of the Overlooking Court represents a review regarding cases under consideration in the general-terrorist court and relating to the activities of canonical units or officials of the Russian Orthodox Church in the territory of Metropolis;

m) accepts complaints of the bishops of Metropolis and considers them without formal church proceedings, and in case it is impossible to solve the issue - it seems to considerse the patriarch with the appendix of his opinion;

n) carries out a formal investigation into cases relating to the Dioceses of Metropolis, in cases where the organs of the highest church governance guide him the relevant request;

in his free time, it composes an oratorio, symphony and other musical works; Writes in the plural book, shoots movies!

Here is the list of works of Lord of Hilarion:


In Russian

The sacrament of faith. Introduction to the Orthodox dogmatic theology.

Fathers and teachers of the Church of the III century. Anthology. T. 1-2.

Life and the doctrine of St. Gregory Theologian.

Rev. Simeon New Theologian and Orthodox Tradition.

Rev. Isaac Sirin. About divine secrets and about spiritual life. Newly open texts. Translation from Syrian.

Rev. Simeon New theologians. The heads of theological, speculative and practical. Translation from Greek.

Eastern fathers and teachers of the Church of the IV century. Anthology. T. 1-3.

The night passed, and the day approached. Sermons and conversations.

Orthodox theology at the turn of the epoch. Articles, reports.

Rev. Simeon New theologians. "Prime, the light is true." Selected hymns in poetic translation from Greek.

Eastern fathers and teachers of the church V century. Anthology.

Christ is the winner of hell. Travel theme to hell in an Eastern Christian tradition.

About prayer.

You are the light of the world. Conversations about christian life.

Human face of God. Sermons.

Rev. Simeon New theologians. Rev. Nikita STIPHATH. Ascetic works in new translations.

Sacred Mystery of the Church. Introduction to the history and issues of immolus disputes.

What they believe Orthodox Christians. Catechizus conversations. .

Orthodox certificate in the modern world.

Orthodoxy. Volume I: History, canonical device and the creation of the Orthodox Church. With the preface of the Holy Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia Alexy II.

Orthodoxy. Tom II: Temple and icon, sacraments and rites, worship and church music.

Conversations with Metropolitan Ilarion.

How to find faith.

How to come to church.

The main mystery of the church.

The church is open to everyone. Speeches and interviews.

Holidays of the Orthodox Church.

Orthodox church rites.

Church in history.

Be in the world, but not from the world. Collection of reports and speeches by the Chairman of the Department of External Church Relations of the Moscow Patriarchate.

God: Orthodox teaching.

Jesus Christ: God and man.

The creation of God: peace and man.

Church: Sky on Earth.

END TIME: Orthodox teaching.

In English

St Symeon The New Theologian and Orthodox Tradition.

The Spiritual World of ISAAC The Syrian.

The Mystery of Faith. Introduction to the Teaching and Spirituality of the Orthodox Church.

Orthodox Witness Today.

Christ The Conqueror of Hell. The Descent Into Hell In Orthodox Tradition.

Orthodox Christianity. Volume I: The History and Canonical Structure of the Orthodox Church. .

Orthodox Christianity. Volume II: Doctrine and Teaching Of The Faith.

Orthodox Christianity. Volume III: The Architecture, ICONS AND MUSIC OF THE ORTHODOX CHURCH.

Prayer: Encounter with the living god.

In French

Le Mystère de La FOI. Introduction à la Théologie Dogmatique Orthodoxe. Paris: Cerf, 2001.

L'Univers Spirituel d'Isaac Le Syrien.

Syméon Le Studite. Discours Ascétique. Introduction, Texte Critique et Notes Par H. Alfeyev.

Le Chantre De La Lumière. Initiation à la Spiritualité de Saint Grégoire de Nazianze.

Le Nom Grand Et Glorieux. La Vénération Du Nom de Dieu Et La Prière de Jésus Dans La Tradition Orthodoxe.

Le Mystère Sacré de l'Eglise. Introduction à L'Histoire et à la Problématique des Débats Athonites Sur La Vénération Du Nom De Dieu.

L'Orthodoxie I. L'Histoire et structures canoniques de l'eglise orthodoxe.

L'Orthodoxie II. La Doctrine de l'Eglise Orthodoxe.

In Italian

La Gloria Del Nome. L'Opera Dello Schimonaco Ilarion E La Controversia Athonita Sul Nome Di Dio All'inizio Dell XX SECOLO.

La Forza Dell'amore. L'Universo Spirituale di Sant'isacco Il Syro.


Cristiani Nel Mondo CONTEMPORANEO.

La Chiesa Ortodossa. 1. PROFILO STORICO.

La Chiesa Ortodossa. 2. Dottrina.

La Chiesa Ortodossa. 3. Tempio, Icona E Musica Sacra.

In Spanish

El Misterio de la Fe. Una Introduction A La Teologia Ortodoxa.

In German


Vom Gebet. Traditionen in der Orthodoxen Kirche.

On the greek

Άγιος ισαάκ ο σύρος. Ο πνευματικός του κόσμος. Αγιολογική βιβλιοθήκη, αρ. 17. εκδόσεις ακριτας.

Το μυστήριο της Πίστης. Εκδόσεις ΕΝ ΠΛΩ.

In Serbian

Tajna Vera: Involutionary in Orthodox, Dogmatsko Theologian. Prejections sa Rusk ђ Yar Lazarevi; Editor Prev Ksenia Konchareviy.

We have a light light light. A conversation about the Hiswoman's belly. Ca Rusk Neveod Nikola Studyanov. Editorial prefect. Dr Ksenia Konchareviyћ.

Belly and learning the Szotok Grigorya Theologian. Prejections Nicolas Stroyanov.

Christ winning hell. The theme of Soviet at blood from the source-harshan citizen.

Orthodoxy theologian on the size of the eyelid. Ca Rusk relied Marieja Dubetiћ.

Patriajarch Kiril: Belly and Gladshte. Prev Ksenia Konchareviy.

In Finnish

USKON Mysteeri. Johdatus Ortodoksiseen Dogmaattiseen Teologiaan. Ortodoksissen Kirjallisuuden JulkaisuneuVosto.

In Hungarian

A Hit Titka. Bevezetés Az Ortodox Egyház Teológiájába és Lelkiségébe.

In Polish

Mysterium Wiary. WPROWADZENIE DO Prawosławnej Teologii Dogmatycznej. Warszawska.

On Romanian language


SFântul Simeon Noul Teolog şi Traditia Ortodoxa.

Lumea duhovnicească a sfântului isaac sirul.

Taina Credinţei. Introducere în Teologia Dogmatică Ortodoxă.

Rugăciunea. Întălnire Cu Dumnezeul Cel Viu.

On the japanese

イラリオン・アルフェエフ著、ニコライ高松光一訳『信仰の機密』東京復活大聖堂教会(ニ コライ堂)

In Chinese

正教導師談祈禱卅二講 貝 伊拉里翁總主教 電視演講,

作者 都主教伊拉里雍(阿爾菲耶夫 正信奧義

In Ukrainian

Treatment Vіri: Introduce to Orthodox theologian.

On the Macedonian language

Tajnat on the Verat. Made in the Orthodox Dogmatsko theology.

In Czech

Izák Syrský a Jeho Duchovní Odkaz. Přel. Jaroslav Brož a Michal řoutil.

Kristus - Vítěz Nad Podsvětím: Téma Sestoupení Do Pekel Ve Východokřesťanské Tradici. Přeložil: Antonín Čížek.

Mystérium Víry. UVEDENí DO PRAVOSLAVNÉ TEOLOGIE. Překlad: Antonín Čížek.

In Swedish

TRONS MYSTERIUM. EN Introduktion Till Den Ortodoxa Kyrkans TroSlära Och AndLighet.

In Georgian

სარწმუნოების საიდუმლოება. თბილისი, 2013.

Musical works

Works for choir and orchestra

"Matthew Passion" for soloists, choir and string orchestra

"Christmas Orator" for soloists, choir boys, mixed chorus and a large symphony orchestra

Symphony for the choir and orchestra "Song ascent" on the words of Psalms

STABAT MATER for soloists, choir and orchestra

Spiritual music for choir and chapel

"Divine Liturgy" for mixed choir

"The chants of the Divine Liturgy (Liturgy No. 2)" for mixed choir. Score: Metropolitan Hilarion (Alfeyev). Collection of liturgical chants.

Imuslav disputes. Movie Metropolitan Hilarion

With Patriarch in Athos. Movie Metropolitan Hilarion.

Orthodoxy in Georgia. Movie Metropolitan Hilarion.

Orthodoxy in the Serbian lands. Movie Metropolitan Hilarion.

Orthodoxy in Bulgaria. Movie Metropolitan Hilarion.

Orthodoxy in Romania. Movie Metropolitan Hilarion.

Orthodoxy on the Crimean Earth. Movie Metropolitan Hilarion.

Johann Sebastian Bach is a composer and theologian. Movie Metropolitan Hilarion.

Moreover, according to the words of Metropolitan of Hilarion, his daily routine is subordinate to official duties. At least, the most responsibilities of the Lord resorted in the following cases: six days a year - the meetings of the Holy Synod (before the start of which takes several days to prepare - in about 30 days - approx, eight days a year - meetings of the Supreme Church Council (more plus the bottoms in preparation - and about 40 days - approx Sunday is a liturgical day (52 Sundays a year, not counting the bright weeks - approx Everyone religious holiday - The day is liturgical (the two-month holidays + great - 20 days - approx Apart from important dates, also post-country services, it goes - 142 days. But there are also lectures, friendly trips to Pope Roman, numerous interviews and press conferences, etc. etc.

The right question arises: what does Vladyka Hilarion actually do? After all, if he is even a robot, who does not have to sleep, he would just physically did not have time to do everything that all sorts of information sources attribute to him. Even the great composers, writers and theologians in all their lives would not have been able to write and part of the fact that the Volokolamsky Metropolitan was managed. And, as the birthday itself confessed himself, he can write an entirely author's list in a day! But still it is perfectly clear that this pace cannot be written and the tenth of the above literature is not to mention, not to mention the music. Perplexity causes another fact: if, after all, Metropolitan Hilarion has a huge artistic talent, how does he manage to fulfill his immediate duties in Metropolis? At the same time, a considerable number of days of Lord spends in the Vatican and other events of the heresy, leading active negotiations on the unification of all religions.

All questions probably the answer is very simple - the show of these visible works of "the genius" of our, Metropolitan of Hilarion is needed only to distract attention to his activities aimed at the service of the papal throne, the purpose of which is the death of Orthodoxy. Only that's why "the Great Theologian," who considers himself more aware in the Holy Scripture than the Holy Fathers of the Church, does not know the phrase said by the Lord: "Mo Church Cold, and the Gate of hell will not overcome it" (Matt.16: 18)? Because if he knew her, he would well understand that all his efforts were vain ...