
What are the designer styles. Modern style in interior design

Where to begin

Modern styles in interior design allow you to breathe new life in the apartment. For some people modern design The interior seems too minimalist and completely uncomfortable. Others appreciate the modern interior styles as advanced and functional. Check out the styles in the article and write your position in the comments on this issue.

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Numerous photos confirm that the use of modern styles in the interior design is easy. The main thing is to soberly assess your capabilities and make efforts. This applies not only to creative ideas, but also the state of the family budget. If there are no restrictions in the material plan, it makes it possible to use the services of professionals. They will do everything so that your abode look prestigious.

Modern styles in interior design - constructivism

If speak about modern decoration At home, it is worth paying attention to constructivism. The peculiarity of this style is the presence of broken lines, the high functionality of the elements of the interior, as well as the meager decor.

It has no room for accessories that do not have a practical purpose. Rationality is the main thing than professionals are guided by design.

For the design of the house in such a style, materials and ideas are used:

  • The color palette is represented in monochrome combinations. There should be yellow, red, gray and metallic hue. Replace unnecessary baubles with the help of a color game. As a result, the interior comes to life. All this is achieved without the use of unnecessary accessories, which just occupy free space.
  • Wall finishing is better to hold one-day decorative plaster. For their decorations use paintings.
  • As an outdoor coating, it is customary to use laminate, which has aesthetic appearance and high strength.

  • As for the ceiling, it is plastered or separated by wooden panels. In the second case, use the built-in backlight.
  • Special attention is paid here to furniture, as it takes a lot of space. Furniture, like all elements of the interior, must be functional. Do not use unnecessary decorative elements that will give the room the type of litter.
  • As for the material for the manufacture of a particular interior item, it can be a tree, metal, stone and glass. Here it is unacceptable to use the sophisticated finish of the elements of the interior in the form of a thread or another. Such decoration will attract a lot of attention. And this does not fit into the design style in the interior constructivism.

Observing such rules and requirements, you can originally arrange an apartment and give her styles.

Art Deco

in interior design May be different and in their own way to decorate the house. One of these directions is modern. Recently, to design a house in a modern style began to use its variation of Art Deco. This design combines straight and broken lines with smooth bends, and simplicity with the original luxury.

Lovers of such a style are trying not to use common items to decorate the room, which are available to each person. The optimal option here will be the original items and decorations.

Extra popular decoration elements made of expensive materials, such as ivory, leather and others. If the interior is used wooden items and products, then they must be made of valuable wood wood.

Differs in frivolousness and use of bright shades. Unusual illumination and glossy surface, contrast and large number of bright colors - all this is characteristic of pop art.

Premises use simple and common materials. Even you can create original items and decor elements.

What is the feature of such a design style in the interior:

  • Combination of incompatible colors, contrasting and bright palette, monochrome design and much more can be found in this style.
  • The design of the walls is carried out with the help of portraits of famous stars and posters, comic characters. Such images and drawings are found not only on the walls, but also on pillows and other textile products.
  • As for the furniture, the issue is solved here on the principle of minimalism - fewer objects. At the same time, they must have high functionality. Built-in cabinets I. retractable beds Let break the space and make it more elegant.
  • For decoration and design, materials with a glossy surface are mainly used. Optimal option It will be glass, plastic, silk and other materials. For decorating interior items use brilliant rhinestones and threads.

So, for pop art inherent shine and original items made of simple materials.

Minimalism - the perfect solution for modern people

Many homeowners believe that design style in creates a view of an empty room in which there is only a sofa, a small wardrobe, a bedside table with a TV and a table. But it's not at all. Such an environment is inherent for a lonely person.

As for the style itself, such solutions are characteristic of it:

  • as little accessories and furniture can be saved, which will save space;
  • zoning of the room and lighting installed at different heights;
  • light shades in the design, natural colors of wood, metal and stone;
  • simple shapes and lines. Minimum decor;
  • the most simple figures, such as a rectangle, circle and others. Permissible to use soft bends;
  • maximum natural lighting. Achieved with the help of large windows.

All items should be able to combine as much as possible. At the same time, they must perform a specific task. There is no meaningless details here, even if they have a beautiful appearance.

Modern Styles in Interior Design - Kitch

Kitch is an original design direction in the interior. Its peculiarity is to combine different solutions. As a result of this combination, a tasteless composition is obtained. No wonder Kitch is translated as a "beamless".

Of course, a combination of various items and a color game makes the original design. Experts believe that only a person with a steady psyche can live in a premises decorated in Kitch.

To understand how original this style is, you must view the photo interiors that can be found on the Internet. This style is optimally suitable for creative and active people who are not afraid of experiments.

The interior uses original crafts from a natural material. Of course, with the help of such elements, it is impossible to create an exquisite and noble atmosphere. Therefore, this option will be loved by beauty, this option will not be the best choice.

Neoclassic - optimal solution for country houses. It is not customary to use here. modern materialsWhat makes it possible to take advantage of this option for design at home. For neoclassics, pastel colors, simplicity, symmetric and harmonious combinations are characteristic.

The optimal solution will be here:

  • walls in pastel colors;
  • white and dazzling furniture;
  • natural floor covering;
  • availability decorative elements in sufficient quantity.

With the help of such solutions, you can create a feeling of freedom and ease. The peculiarity of white furniture is that it can be used in large quantities. Of course, to install additional elements of the interior need only if there is a big need.

Design must be delicate and elegant. So, for example, take an ordinary dressing table. The elegant mirror on it and a tissue cover on the chair will add gloss and refinement furniture.

Modern styles in interior design - High-tech

When it comes to modern design styles in the interior, you should not forget about this direction like High-tech. This style simultaneously combines progress, minimalism and originality. The room creates an open space in which only functional elements subordinate to strict geometry are installed.

In order to originally decorate the room in this style, some rules should be taken into account:

  • widespread use of chrome and metal elements;
  • straight lines in the decor;
  • modified furniture (rotating seats, curved elements);
  • the color solution is represented in white and black. Also often use different shades of gray;
  • interior items must be made of metal or glass. The use of wood is unacceptable.

Paints of light shades are used for wall decoration. In order not to litter the interior, the walls will not decorate anything. Carpet or linoleum fill on the floor. All textile products in the interior must be monophonic.

Special attention is paid to the design of the kitchen. She must glisten. This effect can be achieved with metal objects and glass facade of the kitchen headset.

High-tech style is used for design, both urban apartments and country houses. The main thing is to follow the advice of professionals.

Many famous Loft

Came to us from America. Externally, the situation resembles warehouse and factory premises. Over time, this style was decided to use for the design of residential premises. Cold shades are characteristic.

To create a contrast, one wall in the room is separated by another color. So, for example, three walls are brick, and the fourth is covered with plaster. Such a contrast allows you to zonail the room.

During the design of the room use minimum furniture. There is no practically a single decorative element. The interior feature is large windows that to highlight the room as efficiently.

Textured brick walls And the minimum set of furniture allows you to originally place the room in this style.

Techno style: keep up with the times

Techno style not everyone is assessed, considering it cold and uncomfortable. This is due to the fact that elements of glass and metal are used to design the interior. The tree is replaced by plastic here. This style is ideal for those who are tired of classical motives.

When decorating the room in Techno style, you should withstand several rules:

  • a lot of free space;
  • minimum of light;
  • a sufficient number of decorative elements.

This style in the interior decor will create a strict and cozy atmosphere.

Modern styles in the interior design are not so scary if you create such a design in line with its rules. What do you think? Write your opinion in the comments under the article!

The interiors created according to the trends of the most modern styles, much more democratic than historical. Not only marble or parquet, but also laminate, familiar to many can be applied as finishing materials.

A characteristic feature of the main amount of modern styles is to combine several stylistic directions in their borders. For example, you can combine Provence, etc. With this, the process of arranging the room is simplified. Several bright and characteristic attributes of a certain style are selected, after which everything else is filled with neutral objects, which will not be used. This action algorithm is much saved by energy and time, while it allows you to get excellent results.


It is the postmodernism that is most often perceived as the boundary of modern and historical styles. This is a bizarre mixing of various forms of the past, often in a modified form with a small raid of irony. The main shades of the color colors are considered bright and energetic colors. Very often, picking up in a modern style, you can see the room in postmodernism.

The main elements of modernity are abstract posters or paintings, asymmetric furniture located on the neutral background of the ceiling and walls. Despite a certain variety of elements that constitute it, the interior in such a style is perceived as holistic and harmonious.


So, what are the interior styles? One of them is constructivism. It appeared at the border of the 19th and 20th centuries, embodies the idea of \u200b\u200bthe prevalence of the design over the entire composition. Style - functional, therefore, the interior is not clogged with decor. But periodically walls decorate various abstract posters or photos of a large format.

The main features of constructivism are the presence of frame, lattice forms, the predominance of geometric proper figures (square, circle, triangle), division into cells. In this style, the basis is metallic white. The ornaments are completely absent, therefore, all surfaces are always monophonic. A certain monotony of constructivism is smoothed due to the presence of complex lighting systems.


What are the interior styles? There is also an avant-garde. He originated at the beginning of the last century, carries the idea of \u200b\u200ba complete abandonment of traditional aesthetics and impregnated with the adventurous spirit of experiments. In the interior of the semantic accent and on color, and on the form.

Such an interior is perceived as a symbolic, contrast. Pure and bright colors prevail, mostly red, white, yellow, black, green. This style does not need ornaments or a small decor.

Art Deco

If you are interested in which interior styles that combine the abundance of abstract motives, expressive colors and complex ornaments, while remain practical, pay attention to the ar-deco. Furniture of such a style for the first time in Paris was presented in 1925 at the thematic exhibition. This direction is an interesting compound of modern, ethnics and neoclassics.

Brown-beige color gamut prevails with light spots of gold, black, bright tones. Various exclusive finishing materials are used, such as ivory, crocodile or snake skin, exotic wood species.


We continue to find out what interior styles are. So, minimalism combines the ideas of constructivism and Japanese style. He appeared in the United States in the 60s of the last century. This direction is kept on smoothness, light and emptiness. In such an interior, simple monolithic and large forms are dominated.

Applied only natural materials with a completely neutral texture, shades of gray and beige, white color. Screaming tones and contrast of the spirit of minimalism contradict. Decor is widely used: fluffy carpets, pillows, lamps, vases.

High tech

For this style, which appeared in the 70s of the last century, a huge amount of metal and glass elements is characterized. The space of the room is used functionally, therefore, decor and textiles in this interior are not enough.

No decorations are compensated by an interesting game of shadows and light. The main color gamut is white, black, gray, and let's say a color dominant accent.


Immediately it is worth noting that in the borders of Neoclassics there will be a revision of the traditions of antiquity and classicism, taking into account all the modern realities. In such an interior, you can easily find even minimalism notes.

Modern finishing materials are used, while in the interior reflection also find advanced technologies.

Country style

This direction unites Provence, the Mediterranean and Scandinavian style, whose characteristics differ depending on the state in which they appeared.

Rustic style is simple, functional, while not devoid of comfort and romanticism. Natural textiles, wicker furniture, Handmade - the main characteristic features of such an interior.

Mediterranean style

If we consider the interior of the classic style, then the Mediterranean should be allocated. It is one of the most popular today, since within its framework, the ease of rustic and practicality of urban trends is successfully connected. Nathods that inhabit the coast of the Mediterranean Sea, cultivate delicious food. Consequently, such an interior necessarily has various table zones.

It is also worth noting that the Greek direction of this style is expressed blue, blue, lemon and emerald colors, marine attributes. Italian direction at the same time is warmer, it is dominated by bright solar shades of terracotta, bottle-green, olive.


For several years, the style of French Provence has firmly occupy a leading position. Its color gamut is pastel, as if burnt or dusty, colors: pink, white, lilac. Variously used are actively used

The furniture in this style emphasizes grunge trends, and it may contain all sorts of one of the most popular techniques for decorating this style - this is a decoupage and surface formation. In this interior, a large number of decorations: candlesticks, bird figures, knitted napkins, herbaria.

Scandinavian style

He is a great sign to many, because it is rare to see a person who has not seen the interiors IKEA. It is worth noting that the scandinavians of the newest approaches do not reject, therefore, they have a fairly blurred style boundaries. Light interiors with complex lighting systems and large windows. The walls are painted in gentle-beige or white colors, allowing the use of wallpaper with a floral unobtrusive print.

Special attention is paid to various storage systems: in this interior, baskets, boxes, drawers are certainly present. Furniture is made of natural wood, as well as from glass, plastic. The beauty of such a style is all sorts of interior accents. Decor is very diverse: animal skins, blankets, candles, posters, ceramic casting dishes.


The main feeling of finding in such an interior is an absolute unity with nature, cleanliness and freshness. In the role of finishing materials used natural, including ceramics, glass, often having a negligent look.

Home Color range - white, shades of brown, accents can be black, green, blue. Furniture is created from wood, sufficiently massive, although it can be made from glass. For ecosil decor gives nature: branches of unusual shape, shells, flowers, stones.


Loft appeared in the United States due to the need to alter non-residential spacious premises in residential. It welcomes the presence of unlocked communications ( electrical cables, pipes), untreated surfaces (old brickwork, concrete). Separate attention is paid to lighting. In such an interior, theatrical spotlights are also present.

Furniture can be ultra-modern massive and antique exquisite. Loft interior is mostly studio open space without partitions. In the form of decor, posters, green plants, large mirrors in the frames, photo are applied.


This direction combines all styles that can not be attributed to the above. In the first place in such interiors - high functionality. At the same time, the form of interior details is very simple, while the basis color Gamma. It is considered gray, white, beige.

Small accessories and decor often play the role of accents due to their bright color, unusual texture or form. In the decoration, artificial materials are combined with natural. This style is popular, as it looks harmoniously in the rooms of a small square. This interior makes the impression of concise and cozy.

Antique style

The main in this style is a sphere, pompousness and majestity of content and form. In this interior, the scientific advanced idea of \u200b\u200bancient Greece and the power of the Roman Empire must be viewed. The output itself suggests itself - to create antiquity requires a large space, small areas are not suitable for creating architectural ancient forms.

Antique style when building compositions involves scale. In order for the room to be perceived majestically, it is complemented by a variety of small parts, design elements and equipment that will create a sense of significance and space.

Ethnic style

For such a style, the use of household items, various elements of the situation and interior, which are inherent in a certain nationality. This concept is widely and immediately covers many directions, therefore, in each case it is necessary to talk about a certain direction.

Types of ethnic style in the interior:

  • japanese;
  • indian;
  • moroccan;
  • mexican;
  • egyptian;
  • chinese, etc.


The Chinese interior style involves the absence of sharp corners, cumbersome furniture, with its great variety. The main material of the manufacture of various interior items is a durable, but elastic bamboo.

Making furniture, masters are used as a decor a multi-layer complex varnish technique, while carving on black lacquer and today remains the optimal way of decoration.

The types of modern style interior can be attributed to the avant-garde, high-tech and eclectic, among the trends proven, first of all, romanticism, baroque and classicism are distinguished.

Turning to a specialist for helping in creating an interior, it is impossible to just ask him to do everything "fashionable" or "euro". First of all, at least determine the interior design style that you prefer. After all, without a clearly formulated conceptual solution, it is impossible to move on - select materials, furniture, equipment, etc. and approach the selection of style and directions in the interior it is very serious.

In order to talk with the designer "in the same language", it is necessary to meet the trends most famous in our days. The main styles and directions in the interior design are Country, Classicism, Loft, Modern, High Tech and Ekletics, Avangard, Ampir, Baroque, Constructivism, Minimalism, Pop Art, Romanticism.

Fashionable interior styles Avangard, Ampir and Baroque

The modern style of the interior of the avant-garde, which primarily concerns furniture, inherent unexpected solutions in forms and decoration, unusual combination Materials that resemble the product of contemporary art rather than just a domestic product. According to experts, on the furniture made in the style of avant-garde, the gun is not only to relax, but it can be enjoyed, every time I find any new details for yourself.

The name of the Empire style comes from the French word Empiere- "Empire". This direction born in the era of the Napoleonic Empire was the final point of another style - classicism. A description of this style of the interior and its essence is already expressed in the title itself. The design of the premises are used antique, especially Roman architectural forms: columns, pilasters, consoles, eaves and friezes.

Pay attention to the photo of this interior design style: Ampir furniture has rectangular, massive, closed forms, it rarely meet profiles and protrusions.

Supported parts of tables, chairs, chairs, sofas are made in the form of ancient GERM, sphinxes, griffons, columns and paws of animals Smooth surfaces are often decorated with strictly symmetric patterns of bronze, and separate parts are covered with threads.

Barochko received its name from the Italian word Barocco - "fancy". Rome of the XVII century is considered to be Rome Baroque, and the most bright samples of this style architecture were created in those European countries where the Catholic Church had a very big influence and, thus, became its distributor. This style was intended to demonstrate wealth and prestige of the owner.

TO characteristic features Baroque can be attributed to the predominance of curvilinear forms, pomp, widespread use of varnishing, valuable materials in decoration (gold, silver, copper, bone, marble, valuable wood, mosaic), threads in the form of curly stems, wreaths, shells, garlands.

Popular Country Interior Design Styles and Classicism

According to experts, the interior decorated in the country style is fully deprived of the concept of modernity or income. The warmth and character of this style, which preserved the folk spirit with folklore motifs will make comfort in any home. In this popular interior style, natural natural materials with a special rough decoration, elements of simple handmade thread, woven or wooden unpacked furniture, natural fabrics (sitherium, flax), vintage things, rare books, flowers are widely used.

Classicism in the interior is characterized by small rooms, classically discreet windows, eaves and doors, fireplaces of clear outlines from a beautiful marble, crowned with large simple mirrors, ceilings painted in white, and white, gray or pale-green walls.

Pay attention to the photo of this type of interior style: everything is simple and elegant here, symmetry is preserved. Soft furniture Assums like fabrics with floral ornament.

Typical cabinets - red tree plus light bronze finish. Frequently often in the decor, antique Greek and Roman motifs are introduced - swords, helmets, shields, as well as Egyptian (for example, the legs of the chairs and tables in Egyptian is narrowed by the book).

Modern directions in interior design Constructivism and loft

At the beginning of the XX century. A new direction emerged in the interior design - constructivism, that is, the style, fully devoid of mysterious-romantic halo, inherent, for example, modern.

The interior in this style is purely rationalistic, submitting the logic of the design, functionality, expediency. The furniture has simple, comfortable and sometimes very strict forms. Function, destination of each subject is extremely clear: chairs for seating, beds - for sleep, cabinets - for storage of items.

The direction of interior design Loft originates as a result of using abandoned manufactories under housing and work premises. In this case, part of industrial elements - pipes, raw brick or painted walls were left intact to create an unusual interior.

Over time, this decoration of the premises is so impressed creative peoplethat a similar "industrial" atmosphere began to create in ordinary city apartments and country houses.

The main features of the loft: the lack of capital partitions, the maximum of space and light, the neighborhood of the old (pristine or imitated brickwork, concrete or painted white walls, boarded floor) and new (glass, chromium, ultra-modern technique, technological lighting).

Description of interior design styles Minimalism and modern

It is believed that minimalism as a style came to us from the east. It is filled with Buddhist philosophy: items and space lose shapes, borders, the illusion of infinite space and weightlessness is created. it fashionable style The interior is extremely concise forms and the complete lack of decor, ornaments or detailing of the facade finish.

The interior of "minimalist" is distinguished by large bright volumes, nothing superfluous and not cluttered with furniture.

The furniture itself has strict shapes (circle, rectangle, there may be a soft bend, but in no case turns into a spiral), made of modern materials (steel, matte glass, natural wood, aluminum profiles), and its color has a minimal number of colors . Usually, the furniture is slightly raised on thin metal legs or completely devoid of them.

But the interior made in the modern style, on the contrary, is intended for a person tired of tough straight lines, corners and a dull appearance of a modern environment. This is one of the most popular styles of the interior, it is especially read by those who want to relax, looking at living, elegant, beautiful forms. And let them come not from the past, and were created just modern masters.

Interior Design Styles, Romanticism and High Tech

Below are the interior styles with photos like pop art, romanticism and high-tech:

Pop Art style arose in America in the middle of the last century and almost immediately found himself fans in Europe. Such interior is replete with streamlined forms and "acid" flowers.

Not alien to him and an abstract drawing, screaming color, glossy surfaces, in general, everything that invariably attracts attention to unexpected shocking techniques.

Its style exists for elevated, poetic natures. This type of style in the interior was called Romanticism. It is characterized by refinement, sophistication, elegance, lightness and plastic lines. In the romantic interior, the forging, arched shapes of openings, exquisite flowers, sculptures, glass, light fabrics are perfectly combined.

Upholstered furniture has elegant forms and covered with silk cloth, and the presence of silk pillows is simply necessary.

If in the architecture of the country construction, High-tech began to lose its position, then in the interior design, this style still uses well-deserved popularity. This type of style in the interior design is characterized by rapid, straight lines, abundance of glass and metal parts.

Pay attention to the interior photo in this modern style: the technological design is present everywhere, they are saturated with ceilings, walls, floors, stairs, windows, doors.
Almost the complete lack of decor is compensated by the "work" of the material: light on glass, chrome, wood polyureture, etc.

In furniture and utensils, the technical forms of items and modern materials are dominated: stainless steel and chrome surfaces, bent metal pipes, Rotating seats, modifying levels. In the interior are widely used mobile partitionsAllowing to easily change the layout of the room.

Despite the fact that the eclecticism actually absorbed all the best of various styles, she has its own distinctive features:

Plastic shapes are widely used in the interior, it is inherent in the abundance of textiles, softness and convenience of furniture, many decorative elements in the eastern or Mediterranean styles.

Electric - This is actually a combination of mixed stylist furniture and objects of various origin, styles and times. It should be borne in mind that the "real" eclectic is becoming a style in the interior if it is designed according to the principle of a combination of no more than two-three stylistic types, combined with color, texture, architectural solution.

Before conducting repair work Each of us is planning the future interior design. In this case, incredible efforts are spent to make an apartment unique and unique. But in any case, in the interior of each house there should be a certain unity of the features and techniques of design, which as a result forms a specific style decision. Otherwise, after the end of the repair, you can find complete disharmony and chaos. And in order to create an individual interior can be combined various stylesbut in accordance with a certain direction.

Transnational interior styles

Transnational styles combine directions formed in various historical and cultural era. Designs of premises from the transnational group exist for many years, but also in modern world They are popular. And these architectural directions are related to them as:

  • art Nouveau Style Apartment Or the ar-nouveau is distinguished by the absence of angles. This is a direction that seeks natural lines in the interior;
  • baroque Style Interior Reminds the royal palace. It combines the greatness and pomp, contrast and the intensity of images. In the interior, the baroque face between illusion and reality is practically absent;
  • art Deco-style apartments combine classicism with module elements, and differ in chic, luxury and pomp;
  • flat in the style of Hi Techvery spacious and saturated with light. This is possible due to the main concept of this style - geometry, simplicity of forms and maximum indoors;
  • classic style apartments differ in refinement, the correctness of the forms and unobtrusive luxury;
  • sHESHBI SHECK STYLE Causes children's memories. There are no here metal surfaces, aggressive lines and causing colors. But the house, decorated in this style, is replete with expensive memory by trinkets and photographs;
  • flat in black and white style Does not need any comments. A sharp color contrast draws attention to the smallest details of the interior. However, at the slightest dissonance, a holistic impression is completely destroyed;
  • apire-style apartment Amuses imperial luxury. In this style, classic rigor and restraint are harmonized with an impressive decor.

Styles of interiors of different countries and continents

What is clear from the name this group Combines styles characteristic of a particular country or continent. And you can attribute such areas for decorating apartments:

  • apartment in Scandinavian style Symbolizes internal freedom. This style is characterized by external simplicity and thoughtful functionality;
  • japanese-style apartment combines simplicity, elegance and functionality;
  • the American-style apartment has simplicity, versatility and respect for national traditions. But at the same time, the American style is constantly changing, choosing certain elements of other directions;
  • apartment V. french style - This is the grace, chic and romance;
  • apartment in Italian