
History arc. Arcona - Legendary Praodina Rurik


Arcona - Sacred City of Slavs

West Slavic Baltic tribes (Vendi), settled between the Elbe (Laba), Oder (Odra) and the Bolt, reached high development to the IX-X centuries of our era, building the Holy City of Arkon Temples on the Island, which was performed for all Baltic Slavs for all the Baltic Slavs The role of Slavic Mecca and Dolphic Oracle. The Slavic tribe of the wounds has formed a priest cast in its environment (like Indian Brahmins or Babylonian Halldi) and no serious military-political issue decided with other Slavic tribes without a council with wounds.

Wounds (Ruan) owned the Runic writing of the Venndian tradition, whose graphics differed notably differ from the famous senior and younger runes (probably the term of the wound occurred from Slavic wound, that is, cut runes on wooden planks). The construction of the city of temples and the rise of the pagan culture of the Vendian ethnos was the response of the Slavic priestly elite for ideological cohesion of the Baltic Slavs against the strengthened expansion of Frankish, and then the German and Danish aggressors who conducted a planned genocide of the Slavic population under the banner of Christianization from the territory. By the XIII-XIV centuries, under the intensive Natios of the Danish and German Crusaders, the Slavic Principles of Paradise, Mecklenburg, Brandenburg and other fell, and the Baltic Slavic Venndan Ethnic Score has ceased to exist.

We give the information of Western Chronicles (Adam Bremensky, Ottone Bamberg, Titmar Merzeburg) about the paganism of the Baltic Slavs.

Arcon was built on a high rocky coast of the island of Rügen and from the Baltic Sea was impregnable. There were many temples in the city of all tribal Slavic gods. The main God of Arkon was Satovit, whose idol was installed in a special temple. The idol was a huge, higher human growth, with four heads on four separate necks with sliced \u200b\u200bhair and overwhelmed beards. Four heads, apparently, symbolized the power of God over four sides of the world (as four winds) and four seasons of time, that is, the space god of space-time (similar to Roman Janus). In the right hand of the idol held Rog, laid out multiple metals And annually filled with wine, the left hand was curved by the arc and rested in the side. Horn symbolized the power of God over yield and fertility, that is, as a god of life and vegetable power. Near the idol there were a zlond, saddle and a huge combat sword and shield (symbols of the God of war). In the temple there was a sacred banner of Svyatovit, called the village. This village of Wounds was honored as the very shrine and carrying her in front of him in the campaign or battle, considered themselves under the cover of their God (a combat banner can also be attributed as a symbol of the war of war).

After cleaning bread in Arkon, many people were glaked and a lot of wine was brought for victims and a pyr. Apparently, this happened in September, in Slavyansky - Ryun, from where the second name of the island of Ruyugen. On the eve of the holiday, the priest of Svyatiths with a broom in his hands was included in the inner sanctuary and, holding his breath, so as not to desecrate the deity, patted the floor. The broom and sweating symbolically mean the end of the time cycle, in this case an annual one, for the next day, fortune telling on the pie, similar to the East Slavic Christmas Blange. This means that the Paradise Priests used the September Style Style (year began with autumn equinox). The next day, in the presence of all the people, the priest took out of the horn of the idol, and carefully examined him, predicted: to be or not to be harvest for the next year. Throwing out old wine to the feet of idol, the priest filled the horn with new wine and dragged him with one spirit, asking all sorts of favor and people. Then he again poured the horn with new wine and made it in his hand to the Istukan. After that, they brought an idol cake from a sweet dough above human growth. Priest hid behind the cake and asked people, whether it was visible. When they answered that only a cake was visible, the priest asked God to and for another year they could make the same pie. In conclusion, the name of the Saints, the priest blessed the people, punished himself to honor the Arkonian God, promising the abundance of fruits in a reward, winning the sea and on land. Then everyone drank and fought before the dump, for the abstinence was taken by the dishust.

Arkona also visited for fortunes. At the temple, there was a sacred horse of shit, white suit with long, never trimmed with a mane and tail.

Only the priest of Svyatniti could feed and sit on this horse, on which, on the belief of the wound, he fought sagniolit himself against his enemies. Through this horse and wondered before the beginning of the war. The servants stuck in front of the temple three pairs of copies at a well-known distance from each other, the third spear was tied to each pair. Priest, by saying a solemn prayer, removed the horse in the city of Seine Temple and led on crossed spears. If the horse through all the spears step first the right leg, and then the left one was considered a happy foreman. If the horse step first the left foot, then the hike was canceled. Three pairs of copies perhaps were symbolically displayed at gadas the will of the gods of heaven, earth and underground (3 kingdoms in Russian fairy tales).

Thus, the main symbol-oracle of the Arkonian cult was the combat boat horses of Svyatovitis White Maste - "Yar Horse", from where it was possible and the name of the sacred city of Ar-Kona, that is, an ardent horse or the city of an old horse.

In addition to the functions of the oracle-progressant, the hind of Svyatioli also performed the role of a biological indicator of the state of the vitality phase at the moment. If the horse was trembled, with confused and suspended hair, the phase of vitality was considered negative (depressive) and the planned campaign was canceled. If the horse was in excellent physical condition (passionary), then the planned campaign was blessed.

Unfortunately, literary sources do not give an unequivocal response according to the method of this fortune telling: by one - the horse all night is in the temple, along the other - the priest (or shrine himself) all night jumps on it with riding.

The Arkonian Temple became the main sanctuary of Slavic Pomerania, the focus of Slavic paganism. According to the overall conviction of the Baltic Slavs, Arkonsky God gave the most famous victories, the most accurate genuins. Therefore, for sacrifices and for fortune telling here the Slavs flocked on all sides of Pomoria. From everywhere delivered to him the gifts on the honeycomb not only individuals, but also the whole tribes. Each tribe sent him an annual tribute to the victims. The temple had extensive estates that gave him income, in favor of him gathered duties from merchants who traded in Arkon, from industrialists who caught herring at the island of Rügen. He was brought by the third part of military prey, all jewels, gold, silver and pearls mined in war. Therefore, in the temple stood chests filled with jewels. At the temple there was a permanent squad of 300 ventuses on white combat horses, equipped with heavy knightly arms. This squad participated in the campaigns in favor of a third of the extraction in favor of the temple.

The phenomenon of the Arkonsky Temple resembles the Delphic Oracle in the Greeks. The analogy goes on: both the gifts were sent to Delphs and the innings were treated for predictions, and the gifts of the lords of neighboring peoples were sent to the Arkonian temple. For example, the Danish king of Sven donated to the church of the Golden Bowl.

The reverence of the Baltic Slavic tribes to the Arkonian shrine was involuntarily transferred to the wounds that were so close to this shrine.

Adam Bremensky wrote that the Baltic Slavs have the law: there is nothing to decide in the matters of general and not to take the opinion of the paradise people, they were afraid of the wounds for the connection with the gods.

The sanctuary, similar to Arkon, also existed in the bristles, where the idol of Triglava stood, in the bobbin, where the idol of Yarovit was stood in other cities. The Sanctuary of Triglava was at the highest of the three hills, which was located the city of Schetn. The walls of the sanctuary inside and outside were covered with colored threads with the image of people and animals. The statue of God three-headed was removed by gold. The priests argued that three chapters were the symbol of the power of God over the three kingdoms - heaven, earth and pecl. In the temple, weapons were produced, which was mined in wars, and prescribed by law the tenth of the production taken in battles to the sea and on land. There were also kept gold and silver bowls, which were taken out only on holidays, from which they drank and wondered Veelmazby and noble people, gilded and decorated horns, swords, knives and various cults of the cult.

In the bristles was a holy horse dedicated to Triglan. No one could sit on him. He cared for him one of the priests. With the help of this horse, fortune-telling was performed before the campaigns, for which they stuck in the land of a spear and forced the horse to overcall through them.

The third center of paganism at the Baltic Slavs was the city of Radigosh in Earth Ratary. According to the description of Titmar Merzeburg city lay among the Big Forest on the shore of the Denlane Lake. This forest was considered sacred and inviolable. Inside the city, where the three gate was led, there was only one wooden sanctuary, the walls of which were decorated outside the horns of animals, and from the inside the threads depicting the gods and goddesses. The sanctuary was terrible statues of gods, dressed in helmets and shells, and the first place among them was occupied by the Idol Weshirch, revered by all the Slavs.

A seminal sanctuary was also the temple of Ruhetz or Yarovit in the bobbin (city of God Veles) on Pomorie. The meaning of this God is clearly determined by the words that, according to the story of the lives of St. Ottone, Bamberg pronounced his priest, on behalf of God: "I am your God, I am the one that puts the fields with bread and forests with leaves, fruits of Niva and Gardens. Fruits of living and everything that serves The benefits of a person - in my power. "

Ruhevit was depicted with seven people on one head, seven swords in the sheath were tied to his belt, and he held the eighth in his right hand.

The image, functions and the name of the Ruevite indicate that he was a calendar god of reference of the biorhythms of vitality as the days of the week, and seven-day segments, starting from the day of the autumn equinox (Ryen). Every day of the week for the ideas of the ancients has its emotional and physiological color and characteristic (its sword and your face). The countdown of life-strength biorhythms begins from the moment of the birth of a person, in a female account left to the right of seven-day weeks and ends with death - the sword in the right hand and skull (death symbols).

In East Slavic tradition, such functions perform Veles, the God of underground (chtonic) vitality.

An Idol Ruyevit was dedicated to the shield to which no one was bold to touch and who was taken out of the temple only during the war, and the people either came out or fell into Earth. The removal of the shield from the temple (equivalent to the disclosure of the temple gate) conventionally meant the opening of the Earth and the radiation of the fertile life forces, contributing to victory over the enemies (the shield is the conditional symbol of the Earth).

Idol Ruhevit, along with the idols of the fucking and porn, stood in the princely residence of the wounds of Cartiya. According to the news of the holy Ottone of the same god under the name of Yarovit (Herovita), Havolyan was counted in honor of his special holiday. According to Titmar Merzeburgsky, the Baltic Slavs had many temples and gods, equal to the number of their volosts.

In 1166, the King of Danish Waldemar with his army and auxiliary detachments of the Bodritsky and Pomeranian princes (his vassals) finally conquered the island of Rügen, the extension of Slavic paganism and marine decay. All pagan temples and shrines were destroyed.

The Western Slavic Arkonian Cult of the Sainthood When conquering East Slavic lands with the Baltic attacks received a new name - a cult of Perun or, in common, Beloboga. Princely squad as the main carrier of the Druzhinno-Prince Cult Perun received the caste name Rus (Rus - blonde, light, white - on the color of the Caste God of the Perun-Beloboga war, which was at the same time the Space God of Light Parts of the day). Lands controlled by a princely friendly, collecting lifts or tribute to the population of these lands, was called Russian Earth. And the princely warriors were called Rusyn.

For the East Slavic tribes, who lived by the generic building engaged in agriculture, cattle breeding, fisheries, hunting, fastening and honey, the main peasant castean god was Veles (Chernobog) - a patron sieve of agricultural work, cattle breeding and fertility, and there was a separate Caste of the Volkhvov Vetsov Veles.

Belobog (Perun) was familiar to the Eastern Slavs, but performed compared to Veles the secondary functions as a stream of thunderstorms and rain, as he was prayed for dry time.

Unlike the Baltic Slavs, engaged in seabilities (Rügen Island) and raids on the neighbors, why they received the chronicle name Varyagi-Rus, the eastern Slavs, due to their peasant lifestyle, needed less than God of War.

When winning the Baltic Slavic princes of East Slavic land, the caste-friendly god of war Perun-Belobog was proclaimed primary, and the peasant Veles-Chernobogogogo is secondary, which was recorded in the texts of the Russian princes agreements with the Greeks: "And Olek rusked in his law by Perun idol and hair God. "

Before, before organizing the druzeno-princely building on the East Slavic lands, both of these God-God and Chernobogo - it seems to be equal as the god of the day (good) and the god of the night (evil). Maybe black and Gode-Veles in its functions of God fertility and vitality in the peasant environment was revered above.

We observe the same thing in the Christian era: the peasant Nikola Roman (Deputy Veles) is honored higher than Ilya-Prophet (Deputy Perun-Ruoroujnz).

In connection with the above, we will try to clarify the origin of the term "White Rus", primarily associated with the emergence of the Polotsk Principality and the promotion of the Arkonian cult of Svyatiyat on its territory. In the Russian chronicles under the 980 year, there is a record: "Be Bo-Rogovod came to Zamoria and torture power in the Woman. And there is a tour of the tour with him, but in the round, from ithemmer and tours are nicknie."

Approximately the same period refers to the conquest of the German knights of Slavic lands under Herrhea I and Otton I (919-973). Polands and Baltic Slavic lands were divided into 18 German marking with church subordination to Bishop Magdeburg. N.M. Karamzin mentions blood bonds between Pomorsi and Polotsky princes. The names-nicknames of Polotsk Prince ROGNOLOVA and his daughter Rogneda point to a possible connection with the Arkonian cult of Svyatovitz (holding a horn of fertility in hand).

Thus, it can be assumed that the emergence of the term "White Rus" is associated with the displacement of the Hermann from the Baltic Pomera of the Slavic Pomeranian Princes, which brought Arkonsky cult in Polotsk when conquered in 980.

An important argument in favor of the suggested hypothesis is the detection of the Zbruch idol of Svyatovit on the territory of the Ternopil region.

Promotion of the Arkonian cult in East Slavic land can be traced on a variety of characters and plots of East Slavic Folklore:

Battle boat horse white suit in the epics and fairy tales, bringing good luck and win with their owner and at the same time possessing the properties of the oracle-prunerator;

Mentioned in the fairy tales of the Bogatyr "sword-Kladenian";

Magic bridle (Horse Horse), which has the properties of the deduction of unclean strength;

Horseshoe (the conditional symbol of the horse of the holy), which is navigable to the doors "for happiness" and to scare away the unclean strength;

White Horse Character (sometimes horse head on a stick) in christmas rigging strides;

Saty fortune telling rural girls about the upcoming marriage through a white horse, passing through the neck;

An image of a carved horse head on the roof of the dwelling, horse.

In the Russians, the allegorous language of the symbols showed the transfer of power to the Russian Perun (Ilya Muromtsu) from the Arkonsky Svyatovit (the Saint), as well as from Pomeranian Triglav (three bowls of green wine).

In conclusion, we will make a major conclusion that the origins of the Russian pagan pre-Christian culture will go up to the Arkonian Sanctuary of the Islands of the Rügen, which in all Russian conspiractions is called the island of Buyan.

Arconea - This is the church city of the state of Russia on the island of Ruyan (Buyan) in the Varangian Sea (now the German Island Rügen in the Baltic Sea). After the fall of Arkons in 1168, the unprecedented and largest genocide began, the German Natisk to the East on Earth began, as a result of which Western Slavic lands were captured, and nations and tribes were destroyed or assimilated.

West Slavic Baltic tribes (Venedy-Wendes), settled between the Elbe (Laba), Oder (Odra) and the Bolt, reached high development to the IX-X centuries of our era, building on the island of Ryugen (Rügen) The Holy City of Arkon Temples, who performed for everyone Baltic Slavs The role of the Slavic Vedic Capital.

After all, it was here, at the very northern point of the island there was a legendary fortress Arconea. Highly on a chalk rock, on a cool cliff, protected from three sides by the sea, and with a fourth, a huge fortress shaft, an impregnable for the enemy, the capital of the most powerful tribe of Western Slavs.

Ancient Slavs always used the features of natural landscapes for the defense of their cities, but the arrangement arrangement is so great, ingeniously and incredibly, which allowed this little Slavic principality to maintain his will, independence and faith, being a constant state of war with in many ways superior on the number and military power of Judochricistan Neighbors - the Catholic Polish state, Imperial Germany and Dania. And not only defend against numerous enemies. Possessing a powerful fleet, Ruyang held for a long time under control most of the southern coast of the Baltic Sea.
The huge wealth accumulated in the fortress of Arcona, in part being conquered in military campaigns, partly being presented in the form of Dani and the victim of God to Svyatovitu (Swing) with all the rest of Slavic tribes. Priests with gifts God to God were not only from the entire Baltic coast, modern East Germany and Poland, but also from Moravia and Russia. The memory of this place is preserved and in Russian legends.
In the ancient Russian legends, this island of Buyan in the sea - Okiasin, where the stone-Alatyr Bel-Guliuch lies, Praduba Ancient Neuhwatn and Mogrance stands, Seven Heaven pierces and supports the center of the Universe. Arcona - Yarkon - Yarm - Fiery White Horse - a symbol of grace of the God of Light - light. White horse is a symbol of the heritage of the traditions of the traditions of her ancestors, legendary ary.

Ilya glazunov "Rügen island. Priest and sacred horse Svyatovit

The temple of Arcon on the island of Ruyan was the main shrine of Western Slavs, was the largest religious center and the last Bastion of the Western Slavic paganism opposing the impact of judochristism. According to the overall conviction of the Baltic Slavs, God of Svyatikov gave the most famous victories, the most accurate progress. Therefore, for sacrifices and for fortune telling here the Slavs flocked on all sides of Pomoria.

The sacred white horse lived in Arcone with the temple of the light (Svetimit). His mane and tail were left non-trivial. Only the first priest could be saddled. This horse, also participated in fortune telling, was guessing him before the start of the military campaign. In the most important battles, the white horse stood on the princely roaster.
In particularly important cases, the sacred horse "gave answers" to the difficult issues of state importance - the white horse carried the will of the light, going through the thorns of the rite - the Russes at the risks of life were always advised.
There were several ways to fortune telling by the ministers of the Svetovat about the coming. Some of them - with the help of a sacred white horse of God.
The ministers stuck in front of the temple three pairs of copies at a well-known distance from each other, the third spear was tied to each pair. Priest solemnly pronounced prayer, then removed the horse for the ultrasound of the Seine of the Temple and led to the crossed spears. If the horse resembling through all the spears, step first with the right foot, and then left - it was considered a happy omen, if the horse step first with his left foot, then the military campaign in this case was canceled.
And still there is a belief that getting up in the morning with the left leg - bad sign, and they say: "I got up not from that foot".
Three pairs of copies may have been symbolically displayed at gadas the will of the gods of heavenly, earth and underground (3 kingdoms in Russian fairy tales).
They also wondered as follows: under the evening the horse was left clenched, and in the morning they found it foam and dirty (all night lights beating with the enemy on his horse). As a horse, it was determined whether it was worth starting war or not - the planned campaign was blessed, only if the combat boat horseship horse was in excellent physical form.

At the temple there was a permanent squad at 300 Vityazes on white combat horses. Each of which voluntarily served from his tribe, it was the fourth favorite, equipped with heavy weapons. This squad participated in the campaigns in favor of a third of the extraction in favor of the temple.

Vsevolod Ivanov "Church of Svyatovit in Arcone"

The main god Arkon was God Svetovit (Swing), he was dedicated to him the largest and richest temple on the island (during excavations near the temple, the area of \u200b\u200bpeople's assemblies was discovered, and residential buildings were located west).
Lighting (sanctuary) was located on the top of the cape, the main square was protected from the sea with steep cliffs, and from the island by the double half-ring system of the RVs and the shafts (generally characteristic of Slavic luminais), and on the central square there was a wooden capital, surrounded by palicol with a large gate to the courtyard.

Vsevolod Ivanov "Rainbow over Arcone"

Inside the sanctuary stood the idol of the holy. The temple itself was a wooden structure and rummaged on the plain.
The walls of the temple decorated the paintings, there was only one entrance. There were two rooms in the building, in one of which, consisting of several columns and wonderful curtains, was the idol of Lightovad and his full combat equipment: a sword, as well as the Judo and the saddle of his horse, which was kept here in the temple.
Once this temple of Svetite was one of the most light-bright (saints) places of Veni (Europe), a miracle of light, not less than the temple of Zeus in Olympia. And therefore excited in the Jewokhristian neighbors envy and hatred.

Hospita idol installed in Arcone by Polish Rodnovers in the 90s of the twentieth century

The idol of Svetovit had four faces looking at different directions of the world and, possibly, symbolizing the power of God over four sides of the world (as four winds) and four seasons of time. According to one version in his left hand he had a bow, on the other she rested in the side. The shirt was made to elbow; The lower parts of the hands were made of different varieties of wood and so bizarrely connected to the knees, that at first glance it was difficult to recognize the place of their connections. Feet rested on the floor and went to the ground. " In his right hand, the deity was holding a horn with different metals, striking his sizes - the priest annually filled his fluid, so that later to predict future yield (The idol itself exceeded the human height), the sword was hung in the hip in the hip.

In addition to the listed in the temple there was a sacred banner of Lightovad ( stitzya), he was carried ahead of the troops before the battle. Like other military attributes, the banner tells us that the light warded the war of war.
Right of Lightovad meant patronage of fertility.
Holiday in honor of God of Svyatovitis in Slavyan was observed by baking a huge public cake, for the manufacture of which should be required a large number of Granitary.

The temple had extensive estates that gave him income, in favor of him gathered duties from merchants who traded themselves in Arkon, from the industrialists who caught herring at the island of Ryuja. He was brought by the third part of military prey, all jewels, gold, silver and pearls mined in war. Therefore, in the temple stood chests filled with jewels. And Arkon himself was surrounded by a few more villages.

The sacred city of Arcona was in those distant times for the forge of the martial arts of the European North. Ancient history Polabskiy Slavs gives me a memories that there was a special type of military service with temples. These temple warriors were called initially knights.

When, after the undergrowth centuries-old struggle with Frankish, Germanic, Danish judochristian baptizers, the peoples of the Baltic Slavs one after another - were enslaved, Arcona became the last free Slavic city of the governing gods. And remained so, before its destruction in 1168.

The death of arcia

In the spring of 1168, by order of the Judochristian bishop of Absalon, the troops of the Danish king Valdemara I with the allies - attacked Arkonian power.

Almost a month and a half was war in possession of rugs on the shores of the Baltic Sea. And only then, when the remnants of troops moved to the island - the Danish king with German detachments began the assault on the city of the fortress of Arcona.
In total, the invaders numbered up to 20,000 soldiers - professional warriors, and not peasants gained in the villages ...
Already at the very beginning, on the very first day - the main arrow army died (about 2500 people), reflecting the landing of the Judochristian aliens.
Then a whole week of Danes and the Germans stormed urban walls where they stood simple peoplewho are heroically fought. When the Christian man could not take the city storming - he was set on fire from all sides. Slavs rushed into the fire and preferred death with captivity and baptism.

All this time, side by side - fought with the remnants of the Arkonian troops - the professional squad of the knights of the temple - by the time of the fall of the city there are less than 200 people. And when after the fire, the city was taken - only the temple of Svetite remained.
Almost a week 200 with a small warriors defeated it from 15,000 troops (so much left from 30,000 Christian troops - about 10,000 died on the coast and 5,000 during the storm).

The temple was strengthened and located on the top of the cliff, 2 roads were led to it on which Arkon warriors were to death.
For 2 weeks of fighting (in the German chronicles they write 6 days and losses are lossed ...) Vityazi-soldiers of the temple of the Svetite, which remained by that moment 9 !!! Man - withdrawn by almost 4500 thousand professened judochristian warriors. The corpses filled with all ditch before the temple, the swords were taken from the murdered comrades.
Normans and Daci have already been simply afraid to go on the next assault, 2 brothers king, 7 barons, riders were destroyed with swords along with horses. After all, it was the best soldiers of Slavs - the best of the best!

In the day the day, when only 9 soldiers of the temple remained, the detachment for the detachment on the assault of the temple was German and Danish detachments, for the first time, applying the change method, the Danes beat at night, and in the day of the Germans.
The Slavs did not give up and did not give up the Slavs several nights and for the last day, the Germans could not kill anyone from 9 Slavic temple wars of Vityaze (one of them was the Supreme Priest)

Then the Danes gathered all the barrels with the resin (she was already brought to this time on the ships) and the temple was thrown from the catapult, and then set fire to it.
Last minute Oblated Slavic Wari-fighters ran out of the temple and rushed into the thick of the troops killing everyone, until they died ....
So the last Vedic Power of Slavs in Venise (Europe) died.

The official Christian date of the fall of Arkon on June 15, 1168, but these 2 weeks were crossed out of many chronicles, no one wanted to know about the heroes.
In fact, the fall called July 1, 1168., It was then that the temple with the last defenders burned down.
According to the revival of the nation of Rus and Rodnovier, it will begin when the ruled idol of the Svetite (Svetovitis) will be returned to Arkon.

1168 year. Militant Christians, under the leadership of the Bishop of Absalone, destroy the statue of God's God in Arcone.

On July 1, 1168, the Arcon was destroyed by Arcona - the sanctuary on the island of Ruyan, the former once united Slavonic. The temple of the light, the sunshine of all Slavic tribes collapsed in the fire. His burned Christian Danish King Waldemar 1, again, called "Great".

So, the last, the most northern stronghold of Slavs was a stuff from the face of the earth. Sacrificial blood of the Baltic Slavs - insatiable Jehovah fought. But there were still eastern Slavs. There was a mighty people Rus. And there was a holy rus.

Yes, Rus was holy to the bloody "appeal" into Christianity. Saints means light (sunny), the meaning is merged here in touching.

After a trip, Arkon began the unprecedented and largest Genocide of Slavs (it was not a lime Jewish Holocaust) - for 50 years from 8 million Slavs left alive, i.e. as if assimilated less than 0.5 million people.
But this in Europe neither the line is a taboo ...
All GDRs are all Slavic lands, not in vain Stalin divided Germany on the border of the settlement of the Slavs during Arkon.
Eastern and Western (Baltic) Slavs are related groups, they are closer to us than southern Slavs or Poles or Czechs. There were no differences between us with Rusichi and them. It was a huge anti-Christian civilization, unscrew the Judochristian cross and the dead, but we will always remember them.

In 1308, an earthquake occurred on the Baltic, after which most of the island of Ruen (Rügen) and a good half of Arcons went to the seabed. In 1325, the last prince of Ruyugen died, Vilaw III, and after another 80 years, the last woman died on Rugen, who told in Slavic.

The Baltic Slavic Ventensky Ethnic Closer ceased to exist, many people think so, but even now almost in the very center of the long-range land can be heard an ancient Slavic speech ...

Currently, two lighthouse will come out instead of an ancient fortress. The first was built in 1826, and the second place - in 1902

West Slavic Baltic tribes (Vendi), settled between the Elbe (Laba), Oder (Odra) and the Bolt, reached high development to the IX-X centuries of our era, building the Holy City of Arkon Temples on the Island, which was performed for all Baltic Slavs for all the Baltic Slavs The role of Slavic Mecca and Dolphic Oracle. The Slavic tribe of the wounds has formed a priest cast in its environment (like Indian Brahmins or Babylonian Halldi) and no serious military-political issue decided with other Slavic tribes without a council with wounds.

Wounds (Ruan) owned the Runic writing of the Venndian tradition, whose graphics differed notably differ from the famous senior and younger runes (probably the term of the wound occurred from Slavic wound, that is, cut runes on wooden planks).

The construction of the city of temples and the rise of the pagan culture of the Vendian ethnos was the response of the Slavic priestly elite for ideological cohesion of the Baltic Slavs against the strengthened expansion of Frankish, and then the German and Danish aggressors who conducted a planned genocide of the Slavic population under the banner of Christianization from the territory. By the XIII-XIV centuries, under the intensive Natios of the Danish and German Crusaders, the Slavic Principles of Paradise, Mecklenburg, Brandenburg and other fell, and the Baltic Slavic Venndan Ethnic Score has ceased to exist.

We give the information of Western Chronicles (Adam Bremensky, Out of Bamberg, Titmar Merzeburg) about the paganism of the Baltic Slavs.

Arcon was built on a high rocky coast of the island of Rügen and from the Baltic Sea was impregnable. There were many temples in the city of all tribal Slavic gods.

The main God of Arkon was Satovit, whose idol was installed in a special temple. The idol was a huge, higher human growth, with four heads on four separate necks with sliced \u200b\u200bhair and overwhelmed beards.

Four heads, apparently, symbolized the power of God over four sides of the world (as four winds) and four seasons of time, that is, the space god of space-time (similar to Roman Janus). In the right hand, the idol held a horn, laid out by different metals and annually filled with wine, the left hand was curved by the arc and rested in the side.

Horn symbolized the power of God over yield and fertility, that is, as a god of life and vegetable power. Near the idol there were a zlond, saddle and a huge combat sword and shield (symbols of the God of war). In the temple there was a sacred banner of Svyatovit, called the village. This village of Wounds was honored as the very shrine and carrying her in front of him in the campaign or battle, considered themselves under the cover of their God (a combat banner can also be attributed as a symbol of the war of war).

The resettlement of the Western Slavs by the end of the I thousand AD. Map A. Belova. At the top - the plan of the sacred city of Arkon, the reconstruction of the temple of Svyatovit.

After cleaning bread in Arkon, many people were glaked and a lot of wine was brought for victims and a pyr. Apparently, this happened in September, in Slavyansky - Ryun, from where the second name of the island of Ruyugen. On the eve of the holiday, the priest of Svyatiths with a broom in his hands was included in the inner sanctuary and, holding his breath, so as not to desecrate the deity, patted the floor. The broom and sweating symbolically mean the end of the time cycle, in this case an annual one, for the next day, fortune telling on the pie, similar to the East Slavic Christmas Blange.

This means that the Paradise Priests used the September Style Style (year began with autumn equinox). The next day, in the presence of all the people, the priest took out of the horn of the idol, and carefully examined him, predicted: to be or not to be harvest for the next year. Throwing out old wine to the feet of idol, the priest filled the horn with new wine and dragged him with one spirit, asking all sorts of favor and people. Then he again poured the horn with new wine and made it in his hand to the Istukan. After that, they brought an idol cake from a sweet dough above human growth. Priest hid behind the cake and asked people, whether it was visible. When they answered that only a cake was visible, the priest asked God to and for another year they could make the same pie. In conclusion, the name of the Saints, the priest blessed the people, punished himself to honor the Arkonian God, promising the abundance of fruits in a reward, winning the sea and on land. Then everyone drank and fought before the dump, for the abstinence was taken by the dishust.

Arkona also visited for fortunes. At the temple, there was a sacred horse of shit, white suit with long, never trimmed with a mane and tail.

Only the priest of Svyatniti could feed and sit on this horse, on which, on the belief of the wound, he fought sagniolit himself against his enemies. Through this horse and wondered before the beginning of the war. The servants stuck in front of the temple three pairs of copies at a well-known distance from each other, the third spear was tied to each pair. Priest, by saying a solemn prayer, removed the horse in the city of Seine Temple and led on crossed spears. If the horse through all the spears step first the right leg, and then the left one was considered a happy foreman. If the horse step first the left foot, then the hike was canceled. Three pairs of copies perhaps were symbolically displayed at gadas the will of the gods of heaven, earth and underground (3 kingdoms in Russian fairy tales).

Thus, the main symbol-oracle of the Arkonian cult was the combat boat horses of Svyatovitis White Maste - "Yar Horse", from where it was possible and the name of the sacred city of Ar-Kona, that is, an ardent horse or the city of an old horse.

In addition to the functions of the oracle-progressant, the hind of Svyatioli also performed the role of a biological indicator of the state of the vitality phase at the moment. If the horse was trembled, with confused and suspended hair, the phase of vitality was considered negative (depressive) and the planned campaign was canceled. If the horse was in excellent physical condition (passionary), then the planned campaign was blessed.

Unfortunately, literary sources do not give an unequivocal response according to the method of this fortune telling: by one - the horse all night is in the temple, along the other - the priest (or shrine himself) all night jumps on it with riding.

The Arkonian Temple became the main sanctuary of Slavic Pomerania, the focus of Slavic paganism. According to the overall conviction of the Baltic Slavs, Arkonsky God gave the most famous victories, the most accurate genuins. Therefore, for sacrifices and for fortune telling here the Slavs flocked on all sides of Pomoria. From everywhere delivered to him the gifts on the honeycomb not only individuals, but also the whole tribes. Each tribe sent him an annual tribute to the victims. The temple had extensive estates that gave him income, in favor of him gathered duties from merchants who traded in Arkon, from industrialists who caught herring at the island of Rügen. He was brought by the third part of military prey, all jewels, gold, silver and pearls mined in war. Therefore, in the temple stood chests filled with jewels. At the temple there was a permanent squad of 300 ventuses on white combat horses, equipped with heavy knightly arms. This squad participated in the campaigns in favor of a third of the extraction in favor of the temple.

The phenomenon of the Arkonsky Temple resembles the Delphic Oracle in the Greeks. The analogy goes on: both the gifts were sent to Delphs and the innings were treated for predictions, and the gifts of the lords of neighboring peoples were sent to the Arkonian temple. For example, the Danish king of Sven donated to the church of the Golden Bowl.

The reverence of the Baltic Slavic tribes to the Arkonian shrine was involuntarily transferred to the wounds that were so close to this shrine.

Adam Bremensky wrote that the Baltic Slavs have the law: there is nothing to decide in the matters of general and not to take the opinion of the paradise people, they were afraid of the wounds for the connection with the gods.

The sanctuary, similar to Arkon, also existed in the bristles, where the idol of Triglava stood, in the bobbin, where the idol of Yarovit was stood in other cities. The Sanctuary of Triglava was at the highest of the three hills, which was located the city of Schetn. The walls of the sanctuary inside and outside were covered with colored threads with the image of people and animals. The statue of God three-headed was removed by gold. The priests argued that three chapters were the symbol of the power of God over the three kingdoms - heaven, earth and pecl. In the temple, weapons were produced, which was mined in wars, and prescribed by law the tenth of the production taken in battles to the sea and on land. There were also kept gold and silver bowls, which were taken out only on holidays, from which they drank and wondered Veelmazby and noble people, gilded and decorated horns, swords, knives and various cults of the cult.

In the bristles was a holy horse dedicated to Triglan. No one could sit on him. He cared for him one of the priests. With the help of this horse, fortune-telling was performed before the campaigns, for which they stuck in the land of a spear and forced the horse to overcall through them.

The third center of paganism at the Baltic Slavs was the city of Radigosh in Earth Ratary. According to the description of Titmar Merzeburg city lay among the Big Forest on the shore of the Denlane Lake. This forest was considered sacred and inviolable. Inside the city, where the three gate was led, there was only one wooden sanctuary, the walls of which were decorated outside the horns of animals, and from the inside the threads depicting the gods and goddesses. The sanctuary was terrible statues of gods, dressed in helmets and shells, and the first place among them was occupied by the Idol Weshirch, revered by all the Slavs.

A seminal sanctuary was also the temple of Ruhetz or Yarovit in the bobbin (city of God Veles) on Pomorie. The meaning of this God is clearly determined by the words that, according to the story of the life of St. Bambergs, who pronounced his priest, on behalf of God: "I am your God, I am put on the fields of bread and forest with leaves, fruits of Niva and Gardens. Fruits living and all that It serves as the benefits of a person - in my power. "

Ruhevit was depicted with seven people on one head, seven swords in the sheath were tied to his belt, and he held the eighth in his right hand.

The image, functions and the name of the Ruevite indicate that he was a calendar god of reference of the biorhythms of vitality as the days of the week, and seven-day segments, starting from the day of the autumn equinox (Ryen). Every day of the week for the ideas of the ancients has its emotional and physiological color and characteristic (its sword and your face). The countdown of life-strength biorhythms begins from the moment of the birth of a person, in a female account left to the right of seven-day weeks and ends with death - the sword in the right hand and skull (death symbols).

In East Slavic tradition, such functions perform Veles, the God of underground (chtonic) vitality.

An Idol Ruyevit was dedicated to the shield to which no one was bold to touch and who was taken out of the temple only during the war, and the people either came out or fell into Earth. The removal of the shield from the temple (equivalent to the disclosure of the temple gate) conventionally meant the opening of the Earth and the radiation of the fertile life forces, contributing to victory over the enemies (the shield is the conditional symbol of the Earth).

Idol Ruhevit, along with the idols of the fucking and porn, stood in the princely residence of the wounds of Cartiya. According to the news of the holy chip of the same god under the name of Yarovit (Herovita), Havolyan was honored, certifying his special holiday. According to Titmar Merzeburgsky, the Baltic Slavs had many temples and gods, equal to the number of their volosts.

In 1166, the King of Danish Waldemar with his army and auxiliary detachments of the Bodritsky and Pomeranian princes (his vassals) finally conquered the island of Rügen, the extension of Slavic paganism and marine decay. All pagan temples and shrines were destroyed.

The Western Slavic Arkonian Cult of the Sainthood When conquering East Slavic lands with the Baltic attacks received a new name - a cult of Perun or, in common, Beloboga. Princely squad as the main carrier of the Druzhinno-Prince Cult Perun received the caste name Rus (Rus - blonde, light, white - on the color of the Caste God of the Perun-Beloboga war, which was at the same time the Space God of Light Parts of the day). Lands controlled by a princely friendly, collecting lifts or tribute to the population of these lands, was called Russian Earth. And the princely warriors were called Rusyn.

For the East Slavic tribes, who lived by the generic building engaged in agriculture, cattle breeding, fisheries, hunting, fastening and honey, the main peasant castean god was Veles (Chernobog) - a patron sieve of agricultural work, cattle breeding and fertility, and there was a separate Caste of the Volkhvov Vetsov Veles.

Belobog (Perun) was familiar to the Eastern Slavs, but performed compared to Veles the secondary functions as a stream of thunderstorms and rain, as he was prayed for dry time.

Unlike the Baltic Slavs, engaged in seabilities (Rügen Island) and raids on the neighbors, why they received the chronicle name Varyagi-Rus, the eastern Slavs, due to their peasant lifestyle, needed less than God of War.

When winning the Baltic Slavic princes of East Slavic land, the caste-friendly god of war Perun-Belobog was proclaimed primary, and the peasant Veles-Chernobogogogo is secondary, which was recorded in the texts of the Russian princes agreements with the Greeks: "And Olek rusked in his law by Perun idol and hair God. "

Before, before organizing the druzeno-princely building on the East Slavic lands, both of these God-God and Chernobogo - it seems to be equal as the god of the day (good) and the god of the night (evil). Maybe black and Gode-Veles in its functions of God fertility and vitality in the peasant environment was revered above.

We observe the same thing in the Christian era: the peasant Nikola Roman (Deputy Veles) is honored higher than Ilya-Prophet (Deputy Perun-Ruoroujnz).

In connection with the above, we will try to clarify the origin of the term "White Rus", primarily associated with the emergence of the Polotsk Principality and the promotion of the Arkonian cult of Svyatiyat on its territory. In the Russian chronicles under the 980 year, there is a record: "Be Bo-Rogovod came to Zamoria and torture power in the Woman. And there is a tour of the tour with him, but in the round, from ithemmer and tours are nicknie."

Approximately by the same period refers to the conquest of the German knights of Slavic lands in Henrich I and the distillation I (919-973). Polands and Baltic Slavic lands were divided into 18 German marking with church subordination to Bishop Magdeburg. N.M. Karamzin mentions blood bonds between Pomorsi and Polotsky princes. The names-nicknames of Polotsk Prince ROGNOLOVA and his daughter Rogneda point to a possible connection with the Arkonian cult of Svyatovitz (holding a horn of fertility in hand).

Thus, it can be assumed that the emergence of the term "White Rus" is associated with the displacement of the Hermann from the Baltic Pomera of the Slavic Pomeranian Princes, which brought Arkonsky cult in Polotsk when conquered in 980.

An important argument in favor of the suggested hypothesis is the detection of the Zbruch idol of Svyatovit on the territory of the Ternopil region.

Promotion of the Arkonian cult in East Slavic land can be traced on a variety of characters and plots of East Slavic Folklore:

  • battle boat horse white suit in the epics and fairy tales, bringing good luck and win with their owner and at the same time possessing the properties of the oracle-prunerator;
  • mentioned in the fairy tales of the Bogatyr "sword-Kladenian";
  • magic bridle (Horse Horse), which has the properties of the deduction of unclean strength;
  • horseshoe (the conditional symbol of the horse of the holy), which is navigable to the doors "for happiness" and to scare away the unclean strength;
  • white Horse Character (sometimes horse head on a stick) in christmas rigging strides;
  • saty fortune telling rural girls about the upcoming marriage through a white horse, passing through the neck;
  • an image of a carved horse head on the roof of the dwelling, horse.
In the Russians, the allegorous language of the symbols showed the transfer of power to the Russian Perun (Ilya Muromtsu) from the Arkonsky Svyatovit (the Saint), as well as from Pomeranian Triglav (three bowls of green wine).

In conclusion, we will make a major conclusion that the origins of the Russian pagan pre-Christian culture will go up to the Arkonian Sanctuary of the Islands of the Rügen, which in all Russian conspiractions is called the island of Buyan.

West Slavic Baltic tribes (Vendi), settled between the Elbe (Laba), Oder (Odra) and the Bolt, reached high development to the IX-X centuries of our era, building the Holy City of Arkon Temples on the Island, which was performed for all Baltic Slavs for all the Baltic Slavs The role of Slavic Mecca and Dolphic Oracle. The Slavic tribe of the wounds has formed a priest cast in its environment (like Indian Brahmins or Babylonian Halldi) and no serious military-political issue decided with other Slavic tribes without a council with wounds.

200 million from Arkon to Southwest is today Hamburg

Wounds (Ruan) owned the Runic writing of the Venndian tradition, whose graphics differed notably differ from the famous senior and younger runes (probably the term of the wound occurred from Slavic wound, that is, cut runes on wooden planks). The construction of the city of temples and the rise of the pagan culture of the Vendian ethnos was the response of the Slavic priestly elite for ideological cohesion of the Baltic Slavs against the strengthened expansion of Frankish, and then the German and Danish aggressors who conducted a planned genocide of the Slavic population under the banner of Christianization from the territory. By the XIII-XIV centuries, under the intensive Natios of the Danish and German Crusaders, the Slavic Principles of Paradise, Mecklenburg, Brandenburg and other fell, and the Baltic Slavic Venndan Ethnic Score has ceased to exist. We give the information of Western Chronicles (Adam Bremensky, Out of Bamberg, Titmar Merzeburg) about the paganism of the Baltic Slavs.

Arcon was built on a high rocky coast of the island of Rügen and from the Baltic Sea was impregnable. There were many temples in the city of all tribal Slavic gods. The main God of Arkon was Satovit, whose idol was installed in a special temple.

The idol was a huge, higher human growth, with four heads on four separate necks with sliced \u200b\u200bhair and overwhelmed beards. Four heads, apparently, symbolized the power of God over four sides of the world (as four winds) and four seasons of time, that is, the space god of space-time (similar to Roman Janus). In the right hand, the idol held a horn, laid out by different metals and annually filled with wine, the left hand was curved by the arc and rested in the side. Horn symbolized the power of God over yield and fertility, that is, as a god of life and vegetable power. Near the idol there were a zlond, saddle and a huge combat sword and shield (symbols of the God of war). In the temple there was a sacred banner of Svyatovit, called the village. This village of Wounds was honored as the very shrine and carrying her in front of him in the campaign or battle, considered themselves under the cover of their God (a combat banner can also be attributed as a symbol of the war of war).

After cleaning bread in Arkon, many people were glaked and a lot of wine was brought for victims and a pyr. Apparently, this happened in September, in Slavyansky - Ryun, from where the second name of the island of Ruyugen. On the eve of the holiday, the priest of Svyatiths with a broom in his hands was included in the inner sanctuary and, holding his breath, so as not to desecrate the deity, patted the floor. The broom and sweating symbolically mean the end of the time cycle, in this case an annual one, for the next day, fortune telling on the pie, similar to the East Slavic Christmas Blange.

This means that the Paradise Priests used the September Style Style (year began with autumn equinox). The next day, in the presence of all the people, the priest took out of the horn of the idol, and carefully examined him, predicted: to be or not to be harvest for the next year. Throwing out old wine to the feet of idol, the priest filled the horn with new wine and dragged him with one spirit, asking all sorts of favor and people. Then he again poured the horn with new wine and made it in his hand to the Istukan. After that, they brought an idol cake from a sweet dough above human growth. Priest hid behind the cake and asked people, whether it was visible. When they answered that only a cake was visible, the priest asked God to and for another year they could make the same pie. In conclusion, the name of the Saints, the priest blessed the people, punished himself to honor the Arkonian God, promising the abundance of fruits in a reward, winning the sea and on land. Then everyone drank and fought before the dump, for the abstinence was taken by the dishust.

Arkona also visited for fortunes. At the temple, there was a sacred horse of shit, white suit with long, never trimmed with a mane and tail.
Only the priest of Svyatniti could feed and sit on this horse, on which, on the belief of the wound, he fought sagniolit himself against his enemies. Through this horse and wondered before the beginning of the war. The servants stuck in front of the temple three pairs of copies at a well-known distance from each other, the third spear was tied to each pair. Priest, by saying a solemn prayer, removed the horse in the city of Seine Temple and led on crossed spears. If the horse through all the spears step first the right leg, and then the left one was considered a happy foreman. If the horse step first the left foot, then the hike was canceled. Three pairs of copies perhaps were symbolically displayed at gadas the will of the gods of heaven, earth and underground (3 kingdoms in Russian fairy tales).

Thus, the main symbol-oracle of the Arkonian cult was the combat boat horses of Svyatovitis White Maste - "Yar Horse", from where it was possible and the name of the sacred city of Ar-Kona, that is, an ardent horse or the city of an old horse.

In addition to the functions of the oracle-progressant, the hind of Svyatioli also performed the role of a biological indicator of the state of the vitality phase at the moment. If the horse was trembled, with confused and suspended hair, the phase of vitality was considered negative (depressive) and the planned campaign was canceled. If the horse was in excellent physical condition (passionary), then the planned campaign was blessed.

Unfortunately, literary sources do not give an unequivocal response according to the method of this fortune telling: by one - the horse all night is in the temple, along the other - the priest (or shrine himself) all night jumps on it with riding.

The Arkonian Temple became the main sanctuary of Slavic Pomerania, the focus of Slavic paganism. According to the overall conviction of the Baltic Slavs, Arkonsky God gave the most famous victories, the most accurate genuins. Therefore, for sacrifices and for fortune telling here the Slavs flocked on all sides of Pomoria. From everywhere delivered to him the gifts on the honeycomb not only individuals, but also the whole tribes. Each tribe sent him an annual tribute to the victims. The temple had extensive estates that gave him income, in favor of him gathered duties from merchants who traded in Arkon, from industrialists who caught herring at the island of Rügen. He was brought by the third part of military prey, all jewels, gold, silver and pearls mined in war. Therefore, in the temple stood chests filled with jewels. At the temple there was a permanent squad of 300 ventuses on white combat horses, equipped with heavy knightly arms. This squad participated in the campaigns in favor of a third of the extraction in favor of the temple.

The phenomenon of the Arkonsky Temple resembles the Delphic Oracle in the Greeks. The analogy goes on: both the gifts were sent to Delphs and the innings were treated for predictions, and the gifts of the lords of neighboring peoples were sent to the Arkonian temple. For example, the Danish king of Sven donated to the church of the Golden Bowl.

The reverence of the Baltic Slavic tribes to the Arkonian shrine was involuntarily transferred to the wounds that were so close to this shrine.

Adam Bremensky wrote that the Baltic Slavs have the law: there is nothing to decide in the matters of general and not to take the opinion of the paradise people, they were afraid of the wounds for the connection with the gods.

The sanctuary, similar to Arkon, also existed in the bristles, where the idol of Triglava stood, in the bobbin, where the idol of Yarovit was stood in other cities. The Sanctuary of Triglava was at the highest of the three hills, which was located the city of Schetn. The walls of the sanctuary inside and outside were covered with colored threads with the image of people and animals. The statue of God three-headed was removed by gold. The priests argued that three chapters were the symbol of the power of God over the three kingdoms - heaven, earth and pecl. In the temple, weapons were produced, which was mined in wars, and prescribed by law the tenth of the production taken in battles to the sea and on land. There were also kept gold and silver bowls, which were taken out only on holidays, from which they drank and wondered Veelmazby and noble people, gilded and decorated horns, swords, knives and various cults of the cult.

In the bristles was a holy horse dedicated to Triglan. No one could sit on him. He cared for him one of the priests. With the help of this horse, fortune-telling was performed before the campaigns, for which they stuck in the land of a spear and forced the horse to overcall through them.

The third center of paganism at the Baltic Slavs was the city of Radigosh in Earth Ratary. According to the description of Titmar Merzeburg city lay among the Big Forest on the shore of the Denlane Lake. This forest was considered sacred and inviolable. Inside the city, where the three gate was led, there was only one wooden sanctuary, the walls of which were decorated outside the horns of animals, and from the inside the threads depicting the gods and goddesses. The sanctuary was terrible statues of gods, dressed in helmets and shells, and the first place among them was occupied by the Idol Weshirch, revered by all the Slavs.

A seminal sanctuary was also the temple of Ruhetz or Yarovit in the bobbin (city of God Veles) on Pomorie. The meaning of this God is clearly determined by the words that, according to the story of the life of St. Bambergs, who pronounced his priest, on behalf of God: "I am your God, I am put on the fields of bread and forest with leaves, fruits of Niva and Gardens. Fruits living and all that It serves as the benefits of a person - in my power. "

Ruhevit was depicted with seven people on one head, seven swords in the sheath were tied to his belt, and he held the eighth in his right hand.
The image, functions and the name of the Ruevite indicate that he was a calendar god of reference of the biorhythms of vitality as the days of the week, and seven-day segments, starting from the day of the autumn equinox (Ryen). Every day of the week for the ideas of the ancients has its emotional and physiological color and characteristic (its sword and your face). The countdown of life-strength biorhythms begins from the moment of the birth of a person, in a female account left to the right of seven-day weeks and ends with death - the sword in the right hand and skull (death symbols).
In East Slavic tradition, such functions perform Veles, the God of underground (chtonic) vitality.

An Idol Ruyevit was dedicated to the shield to which no one was bold to touch and who was taken out of the temple only during the war, and the people either came out or fell into Earth. The removal of the shield from the temple (equivalent to the disclosure of the temple gate) conventionally meant the opening of the Earth and the radiation of the fertile life forces, contributing to victory over the enemies (the shield is the conditional symbol of the Earth).

Idol Ruhevit, along with the idols of the fucking and porn, stood in the princely residence of the wounds of Cartiya. According to the news of the holy chip of the same god under the name of Yarovit (Herovita), Havolyan was honored, certifying his special holiday. According to Titmar Merzeburgsky, the Baltic Slavs had many temples and gods, equal to the number of their volosts.

In 1166, the King of Danish Waldemar with his army and auxiliary detachments of the Bodritsky and Pomeranian princes (his vassals) finally conquered the island of Rügen, the extension of Slavic paganism and marine decay. All pagan temples and shrines were destroyed.

The Western Slavic Arkonian Cult of the Sainthood When conquering East Slavic lands with the Baltic attacks received a new name - a cult of Perun or, in common, Beloboga. Princely squad as the main carrier of the Druzhinno-Prince Cult Perun received the caste name Rus (Rus - blonde, light, white - on the color of the Caste God of the Perun-Beloboga war, which was at the same time the Space God of Light Parts of the day). Lands controlled by a princely friendly, collecting lifts or tribute to the population of these lands, was called Russian Earth. And the princely warriors were called Rusyn.

For the East Slavic tribes, who lived by the generic building engaged in agriculture, cattle breeding, fisheries, hunting, fastening and honey, the main peasant castean god was Veles (Chernobog) - a patron sieve of agricultural work, cattle breeding and fertility, and there was a separate Caste of the Volkhvov Vetsov Veles.

Belobog (Perun) was familiar to the Eastern Slavs, but performed compared to Veles the secondary functions as a stream of thunderstorms and rain, as he was prayed for dry time.

Unlike the Baltic Slavs, engaged in seabilities (Rügen Island) and raids on the neighbors, why they received the chronicle name Varyagi-Rus, the eastern Slavs, due to their peasant lifestyle, needed less than God of War.

When winning the Baltic Slavic princes of East Slavic land, the caste-friendly god of war Perun-Belobog was proclaimed primary, and the peasant Veles-Chernobogogogo is secondary, which was recorded in the texts of the Russian princes agreements with the Greeks: "And Olek rusked in his law by Perun idol and hair God. "

Before, before organizing the druzeno-princely building on the East Slavic lands, both of these God-God and Chernobogo - it seems to be equal as the god of the day (good) and the god of the night (evil). Maybe black and Gode-Veles in its functions of God fertility and vitality in the peasant environment was revered above.

We observe the same thing in the Christian era: the peasant Nikola Roman (Deputy Veles) is honored higher than Ilya-Prophet (Deputy Perun-Ruoroujnz).

In connection with the above, we will try to clarify the origin of the term "White Rus", primarily associated with the emergence of the Polotsk Principality and the promotion of the Arkonian cult of Svyatiyat on its territory. In the Russian chronicles under the 980 year, there is a record: "Be Bo-Rogovod came to Zamoria and torture power in the Woman. And there is a tour of the tour with him, but in the round, from ithemmer and tours are nicknie."

Approximately by the same period refers to the conquest of the German knights of Slavic lands in Henrich I and the distillation I (919-973). Polands and Baltic Slavic lands were divided into 18 German marking with church subordination to Bishop Magdeburg. N.M. Karamzin mentions blood bonds between Pomorsi and Polotsky princes. The names-nicknames of Polotsk Prince ROGNOLOVA and his daughter Rogneda point to a possible connection with the Arkonian cult of Svyatovitz (holding a horn of fertility in hand).

Boris (Rog Volodya) Vseslam

Thus, it can be assumed that the emergence of the term "White Rus" is associated with the displacement of the Hermann from the Baltic Pomera of the Slavic Pomeranian Princes, which brought Arkonsky cult in Polotsk when conquered in 980.

An important argument in favor of the suggested hypothesis is the detection of the Zbruch idol of Svyatovit on the territory of the Ternopil region.

Promotion of the Arkonian cult in East Slavic land can be traced on a variety of characters and plots of East Slavic Folklore:

- Battle boat horse white suit in the epic and fairy tales, bringing good luck and win with their owner and at the same time possessing the properties of the oracle-prunerator;

- mentioned in the fairy tales of the Bogatyr Sword-Kladenian;

- Magic bridle (Horse Horse), which has the properties of the deduction of unclean strength;

- Horseshoe (the conditional symbol of the horse of the holy), navigable to the doors "for happiness" and to scare off of the unclean strength;

- a white horse character (sometimes a horse head on a stick) in the Christmas rite of the strides;

- Saty fortune telling rural girls about the upcoming marriage by means of a white horse, passing through the neck;

- Image of a carved horse head on the roof of the dwelling, horse.

In the Russians, the allegorous language of the symbols showed the transfer of power to the Russian Perun (Ilya Muromtsu) from the Arkonsky Svyatovit (the Saint), as well as from Pomeranian Triglav (three bowls of green wine).

In conclusion, we will make a major conclusion that the origins of the Russian pagan pre-Christian culture will go up to the Arkonian Sanctuary of the Islands of the Rügen, which in all Russian conspiractions is called the island of Buyan.

Island Buyan.

- 4156

No other Slavic shrine was at one time so famous as the one that was in Rugius (Ruyan). Thanks to its holiness and power, she threw on his knees of European monarchs and conquered the peoples ...

Here was the focus of the whole of faith, the entire hope of the pagan Slavs. And not only Slavs - the Danish King Swords and many others sacrificed prey to the temple of Arkon, and in the temples themselves, idiot and rituals, scientists see a lot in common with the Religion of the Celts. The graying antiquity sleeps on the shores of Ryugen - she remembers the druids destroyed by Caesar! Back in the XI century, on the bow to his main shrine, the four-headed idol of Svyatovit, the pilgrims were from distant, already two centuries seem to be the Christian Czech Republic. The Arkonian temple became the main religious center of Slavic Pomerania. The temple had extensive estates that gave him income, in favor of him gathered duties from merchants who traded themselves in Arkon, from the industrialists who caught herring at the island of Ryuja. He was brought by the third part of military prey, all jewels, gold, silver and pearls mined in war. Therefore, in the temple stood chests filled with jewels.

For more than 350 years, Arcona was the center of resistance to Slavs against the aggression of Judochristian Germany-Denmark-Poland. It was thanks to her that was completely broken by 4 crushes, the largest in the history of Middle Ages, (three armies with a total number of 200,000) campaign against Slavs (and it was not the only one !!!). There are many descriptions as 4 crusades were broken. The German knights were divided into 3 columns to which the Danish king joined, the troops of the Pope, Franzic parts from Brittany and others (well, as usual - all of Europe). I will not describe the entire company, but the fact is that the temporarily elected military prince of all Slavic associations of the Luthich, encrypses, etc. Alternately broke all 3 columns by very cunning maneuvers, and at this time the Arkon fleet broke the Danish fleet that supports the invasion from the sea. On this topic there are literature, so it is worth searching.

Everyone remembers the 300 Spartar, but few people do not know that we had our 300 Slavic "Spartans" ...

The sacred city of Arcone, appeared in those distant times for the forge of the martial arts of the European North. The ancient story of the Polansky Slavs is racing the memories that there was a special type of military service at the temples. These temple warriors were called initially "knights."

The phenomenon was unique, since the special troops at the temples in other nations did not exist in Europe. The temple army was considered from Poland Slavs sacred. It consisted of messengers-youth noble Slavic childbirth. Moreover, these young men have already remained professional warriors for life.

Three hundred (!) Vityaze - gold shoes (Dvjj, twggling), Arkon temple warriors, held all the surrounding tribes and peoples of Baltic under their control. With the koi they took tribute to the world, and they collected with a sword.

As in Arcone, with the continn of other gods, in other tribal centers, also contained 300 Vityazes, "Recruited" from the best families of the Polandsky tribes - after all, these were essentially the necessary security troops of sacred haggokes-fortresses. Therefore, in battles, for example, against the Germans ahead of Polandskogo troops performed 300 horses on the horses, one-color with the Horse of the Divine: for example, on white horses 300 of the shynzit, on black - 300 triglav ventuses.

On the origin of the word "Vityaz":

The word "Vityaz" consists of the root of "Vit", the pronouns of "Yaz" and the end of the "B" (EP), which could be announced by the sound "E" (ESI). The word as a whole decrypts "Vit I is."
Poland's lands were famous for the temples of the pagan gods that were (in addition to Arkon) in Radre, Retre, Corbel, and other cities. The gods were called names with the end of the "Vit" ("Viti" SanskR. - Light, the whole inhabable world). And their huge, carved from the tree of the Eastukans were many-headed: Svyatovic had 4 heads, translating - 5, Koreng - 5 persons (four - under one skull, fifth - on the chest), Yarovit - 7. In the German chronicles, the names of the gods are transported in every way The Slavic ending "Wit" was written everywhere: German Wiht, Wicht meant a kind of face, the person and belonged to supernatural forces: spirits, demons.

From the Polandic Bogov - "Vitov" - and more nowhere - the word "Vityaz" occurred. The word was used in the Chekhov, the closest ethnically to the Poland Slavs, and "Vitezky" meant they have "victorious". Ie "Vityaz" means "I am God" (in the sense of as a conductor). I will add, similarly it is believed that the Cossacks and characteristics during the battle are directly communicated with themselves.

And by the way, if you remember the Cossacks, their custom to wear a mustache and chub, earlier we will see Svyatoslav brave (Varygui-Rus before the baptism of Shall head and beards are almost short, as the Arabs and Byzantines are reported. Their god Perun has portrayed "Silver Ussa", And on miniatures of the Radziwill chronicle - with the military echo on the head.), And even earlier ...

"Slavs themselves, contrary to the image of the" Ancient Slav "with hair to the shoulders and a beard of a shovel, shortly strigli, and even shared hair and beards. Noble warriors - Lutchi !!! (in Titmar) - Could in a sign of high kind and military It was removed to leave on the top, or on the front of the skull of the block of non-swollen hair. Arkonian idol of Svyatovit had overwhelmed heads and beards "according to popular custom," according to Saxon grammar. Only the priests wore long hair and beard "Contrary to usually."

So, most likely, the legendary Cossacks and characteristics are carriers of traditions and knowledge of temple attack Arkons ...