
Gel for narrowing of intimate muscles. Narrowing of the vagina

To help the hostess

Price: 1600 RUB 1 tube

Price: 1250 RUB 1 stick

Price: 1400 RUB 1 stick

The size of the vagina directly affects the enjoyment of sex

The vagina is a genital organ in the female body that participates in many processes and performs important functions:

  • generic activity;
  • the process of conceiving a child;
  • function of the erogenous zone during intercourse.

The walls of the organ can change, stretch, acquire insufficient muscle tone. The altered size of the vagina reduces the quality of a woman's intimate life, sometimes it causes painful sensations and unpleasant discharge.

This happens as a result of natural childbirth, with gusts of the perineum and incisions with surgical instruments of the tissues of the vagina, active sex life. Due to a sedentary lifestyle, the walls of the vagina can also lose elasticity and weaken.

When to narrow the vagina

Narrowing of the vagina is necessary when a woman feels uncomfortable and uncomfortable.

With a stretched vagina, the following occurs:

Drugs for narrowing the vagina in the pharmacy

If a stretched vagina is in the way, it can be corrected. Modern medicine offers many local remedies.

Preparations for women narrowing the vagina have:

  1. non-hazardous composition of components - plant extracts and natural trace elements;
  2. quick effect on the muscle structure of the vagina - the speed of the effect is from a few minutes;
  3. ease of use on your own - inside the vaginal application can be carried out by any woman;
  4. prolonged action - the effect of using vaginal agents lasts a long time;
  5. no side effect (with the exception of allergy to the ingredient of the product), if the instructions for use are followed, there is no harm to health.

You can purchase preparations for adjusting the size of the vagina in the form of creams, ointments, sprays, suppositories, vaginal balls and sticks. It is necessary to select the remedy individually, having fully studied the composition of the drug, the mechanism of action, the presence of contraindications and the scheme of use. It is advisable to consult a female doctor.

If, as a result of the trial treatment procedure, no side effect has arisen and there is a noticeable result from the application, you can safely use the selected remedy.

Special exercises will help restore the size of the vagina

Restore the elasticity of intimate muscles after childbirth

Changes in the vagina after childbirth, edema, damage to the walls, stretch marks disappear after a while. But if soreness, dryness, decreased sensitivity, discharge occurs, you need to seek help from a gynecologist, since only a doctor can successfully solve these problems.

Any unpleasant situation has reasons, and it is important to determine it in order to restore health. You can restore a comfortable size of the vagina, improve intimate life by performing special exercises on your own, without medical assistance. In the process of training, tension and relaxation of intimate muscles are made for 10 seconds of each action.

In order for the vagina to recover faster and become elastic, a woman must follow the rules after childbirth, which are recommended by doctors;

  • refusal to have sex for 6-8 weeks;
  • regular intimate gymnastics until the condition of the vagina improves;
  • observance of genital hygiene.

Methods for restoring the shape of the vagina

The method by which the elasticity and shape of the vagina will be restored must be selected based on the opinion of a medical specialist. Self-medication in this matter can aggravate the well-being and condition of the vagina.

The most popular methods for the neglected condition of the vaginal muscles are:

  1. surgery;
  2. Kegel exercises;
  3. laser exposure.

Laser correction procedure

The procedure for laser correction of a stretched vagina is painless, fast, and guaranteed to have an effect after application.

After a laser lift, the shape and condition of the vagina changes:

  • the color of the crotch is improved;
  • the vagina becomes elastic and narrowed;
  • irregularities and scars on the mucous membrane are eliminated;
  • the tone of the vaginal muscles increases;
  • sensitivity increases during sex.

The laser procedure cannot be carried out during menstruation and during pregnancy, in the presence of inflammation and infections in the body.

Kegel technique is a universal method to shrink the vagina

A set of Kegel exercises to reduce the size of the vagina

The set of exercises of Dr. Kegel in the best way helps to adjust the size of the vagina. In addition to this effect, classes have a positive effect on the entire genitourinary system and reproductive function. Every woman can do exercises in order to increase the firmness and elasticity of the vaginal muscles and enhance sexual functions.

Exercise number 1Lie on your back, relax. You need to start with the tension of the vaginal muscles, as if you are holding back urination, then relax. With tension, count to 5, with relaxation also. It is necessary to do 10-15 approaches in one lesson. This exercise trains the external muscles of the vagina.
Exercise number 2Ejection. With the help of the vaginal muscles, simulate pushing the object out of the vagina (as it happens during childbirth).
Exercise number 3Squat. Squat slowly from a standing position, while contracting the vaginal muscles for 5-10 seconds in the lower position. Slowly, fully straighten your legs and back, rest for 3-5 minutes. You need to perform 5-7 approaches.
Exercise number 4Anal muscle training. The principle of execution is the same as in the first exercise. During the day, it is enough to do it 10-15 times.

Intimate plastic of the perineum

Only a doctor can prescribe an operation to correct the size and retouching of the vagina after assessing the condition of the penis and studying diagnostic studies. An intimate operation is performed under general anesthesia, as a result of which the damaged parts of the vagina are removed and it is sutured.

It is quite possible to reduce the size of the vagina, but it is not always possible to restore elasticity and sensitivity as a result of the operation. The recovery process after the operation lasts at least 10 days and the ban on sexual intercourse lasts up to 2 months. During the rehabilitation period, additional medications are used to facilitate well-being and quick recovery after surgery.

Vaginal products for women

Vaginal products are designed to quickly narrow the vagina without additional methods. The advantages of this method are its precise effect and the possibility of using it as needed.

Vaginal shrink sticks

Vaginal sticks are developed according to oriental recipes, inserted into the vagina before intimacy, if you need to quickly increase the sensitivity of the intimate organ. Sticks can be used in order to restore the normal microflora of the vagina, then the stick is used several days a month until the condition of the vaginal microflora improves.

The frequency of the procedure for preventive purposes is 1 procedure per week for a month. Before use, the sticks are moistened with water and inserted into the vagina for several minutes, making rolling massage movements for no longer than 30 seconds.

The composition of vaginal sticks is almost the same:

  1. talc - contains trace elements necessary to strengthen the muscles of the genitals;
  2. pearl powder - prevents cell aging;
  3. alum - relieve inflammation, restore microflora;
  4. plant extracts medicinal herbs- reduce irritation, nourish tissue and organ cells with nutrients.

Safe natural remedy, main effects during use:

  1. narrowing of the vagina;
  2. stimulation of recovery processes after childbirth on the walls of the organ;
  3. increased sensitivity during intimacy;
  4. prevention of laxity of the vaginal muscles;
  5. prevention of inflammatory and infectious problems.

An intimate remedy for women with anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, stimulating, regenerating effect. The principle of action and effect is similar to that of Doyan Chka sticks.

A contraindication to the use of vaginal sticks is:

  1. pregnancy and lactation;
  2. menstruation;
  3. minor age;
  4. painful condition of the internal genital organs;
  5. intolerance to the components.

The cream does not cause side effects

The best cream for narrowing the walls of the vagina

With a cream with a suitable composition for narrowing the vagina, it is permissible to quickly and reliably adjust the size of the vagina, and improve the quality of sexual life.

Popular made from biologically natural ingredients:

A small amount of cream is injected into the vagina and distributed throughout the vagina. After the onset of the active effect of the composition of the cream, there is an increase in sensitivity, the release of vaginal secretions, an increase in attraction, a comfortable sexual act.

Vaginal Muscle Balls

Intimate beads are used to resize the vagina. They are made from plant components with an astringent effect. The ball is placed in the vagina and it dissolves inside the vagina. The narrowing effect is felt after 5 hours.

In addition to herbal balls, balls for vaginal massage can be used, designed to strengthen muscle tone and increase the elasticity of the vaginal walls. Such remedies are more often used when performing intimate gymnastics to correct the wide size of the vagina.

Suppositories for narrowing the vagina do not contain synthetic ingredients, like other medicines for treating problems with the internal genital organs. The products consist of purely natural substances, extracts of medicinal herbs and oils from medicinal plants.

Suppositories are recommended to be administered 1 piece at night for 30 days. The drug is recommended for women who have ceased to experience arousal and orgasm due to a stretched, insensitive vagina. When using vaginal balls and suppositories, it is advisable to find out the possibility of their use with the attending physician.

The best ways to narrow your vagina

All means for narrowing the vaginal walls noticeably stimulate muscle tone. Most of the drugs have an antiseptic and revitalizing effect, which is especially valuable in postpartum treatment.

Effective vaginal tablets

Tablets consist of soluble medicinal components that have a positive effect on a woman's body:

  • reduce the size of the vagina;
  • increase attraction;
  • eliminate unpleasant odors in an intimate place;
  • prevent the appearance of germs and inflammation.

The main advantage of vaginal pills is that they act much faster than other drugs. After the introduction of the tablet into the vagina, the effect occurs in 15 minutes. It is permissible to use the tablets once, in order to enhance the sensation of sexual intercourse.

Alum to stimulate the contractions of the vaginal muscles

Alum (or galloons) are crystals white represented by aluminum salts. In gynecology, alum is used to narrow the vagina by preparing their vaginal tampons and douching solutions. The beneficial substances of alum heal wounds, eliminate thrush and other sexual ailments in women, change the size of the vagina, by stimulating contractions of the vaginal muscles, and stop bleeding.

Alum should be used after consulting a doctor. The doctor will prescribe the correct form for using galloons and calculate the number of procedures, taking into account the benefits and health risks.

Various lubricants for women

Lubricants and ointments presented in pharmacies for sex are varied in composition and principle of action. Lubricants can be water-based, oil-based and silicone-based. Which one is right for a woman needs to be selected individually. The main purpose of such funds is to strengthen muscle tone and maintain a healthy microflora in the intimate area, as well as restore a regular sex life with pleasant emotions and sensations from sex. In addition to this effect, lubricants and ointments have a moisturizing, softening effect and provide prolonged sexual intercourse, due to the comfortable sliding of the penis into the vagina.

Such means:

  1. convenient to use;
  2. do not have a negative effect on the body;
  3. have a great variety on the shelves of pharmacies.

For douching the vagina, use a diluted decoction of oak bark

Narrowing of the vagina with folk remedies

Among the traditional treatments, there are many recipes for narrowing the vagina. Affect the genitals with specially prepared solutions of medicinal herbs. It can be douching, tampons, compresses on broths. A decoction of oak bark is very popular. It contains tannins that help tighten the vagina. To prepare a decoction from oak bark, it is necessary to brew the raw materials and leave for several hours. Then use cotton swabs soaked in the broth for 3 hours. A few drops of lemon balm or mint juice can be added to the drug. These plants have a calming and healing effect.

Another powerful recipe is lavender oil and pepper mixture. Pharmacy tampons for women are impregnated with a medicinal mixture and inserted into the vagina for 2-3 hours. Then the genitals are rinsed with a decoction of chamomile. You can douch with chamomile before and after the procedure. Gooseberries have a tonic effect if you make a steep broth from them. The warm broth is used as a genital rinse.

A douching solution made from mint and lemon has a beneficial effect on the walls of the vagina and contributes to their narrowing. The juice from half a lemon is mixed with mint leaves, 2 glasses of water are added and the mixture is brought to a boil. The solution is cooled and used every day during evening hygiene procedures as a solution for the treatment of intimate organs.

The use of tampons soaked in sea buckthorn oil is a good method to restore healthy microflora of the penis and eliminate unpleasant discharge. For 2 weeks, insert a medicated tampon into the vagina daily for 2 hours. After the procedure, douche with boiled water. The course method of treatment will start the natural functions of the vaginal muscles, as they will be healthy and active. The shrinking effect will occur naturally.

By applying folk recipes, the woman heals the internal genital organs. The components of medicinal plants enhance the body's natural capabilities for cell renewal and tissue repair. The secret properties of traditional medicine are aimed at alleviating the well-being and speedy recovery of the female body.

Video restoration of the intimate area of ​​a woman

In the video you can see how to train the muscles of the vagina.

A detailed description of the Virgin Star gel for stimulating the muscles of the vagina and improving the condition of the genital area: an overview of the composition and properties, features and results of use, reviews.

Virgin Star is a special gel lubricant that enhances vaginal and pelvic contractions. It is applied superficially to the intimate area, provokes increased muscle contraction - as a result, they are strengthened and tightened. Virgin Star gel is created entirely on the basis of natural ingredients - it is safe for health, practical tests indicate a high efficiency of use. Frequent use of the gel is acceptable, because there is no addiction to it. The products are certified according to international quality standards.

Diseases of the genitals, surgery, pregnancy and childbirth, age-related changes - all this can lead to discomfort in a woman during sex. Later, the problem may be aggravated by the appearance of chronic pain in the lower abdomen (especially with frequent heavy lifting).

The cause of the problem is a change in the position of the pelvic organs and the weakening of muscle tissue. The most common problem is the uterus and vagina. Changing their position is a fairly common problem in women, in view of the specificity of the local muscle tissue. If the deviation is insignificant, regular gymnastics can help - after a few days, a change in position and the appearance of tone will be felt. With significant deviations, surgical intervention is required.

The sooner a woman pays attention to the symptoms and begins prevention, the lower the risks of further development of the disease.

As the main and additional funds prevention and treatment, special lubricants, creams and gels, myostimulants are used. The most popular are compositions based on natural components. Among them is Virgin Star Lubricant, which increases the effectiveness of gymnastics and stimulates the pelvic floor muscles.

Virgin Star Lubricant Gel can be used as a stand-alone product in the following situations:

  1. Treatment of organ prolapse.
  2. Difficulties during pregnancy and childbirth.
  3. Various sexual disorders.
  4. Frequent violations of the genitourinary microflora, leading to the development of inflammation.

The gel is distinguished by pleasant aroma properties, light consistency, and a quick positive effect on muscle tissues. The possibilities of use are expanded due to the external application of the product - it can be a stimulating drug during intercourse (enhances desire and sexual sensations, prolongs sexual intercourse).

Since Virgin Star Gel is easy and pleasant to use, there will be no problem with regular treatment. The preparation contains natural ingredients, the main of which is ximenia extract. These are natural remedies from which addiction does not develop and there are no allergic reactions. It is regular use that ensures reliable muscle strengthening and correct change in the position of internal organs. Accordingly, pain sensations disappear, everyday and sexual life return to normal.

Lubricant Virigin Star is suitable for women of all ages. Regardless of the frequency of sexual intercourse (or lack thereof), the gel will be an effective means of improving the condition of the pelvic organs. Effects of the gel with single and regular use:

  • Narrows the walls of the vagina.
  • Makes the intimate organs more sensitive.
  • Brightens the labia a little.
  • Makes fabrics more elastic.
  • Strengthens the muscles of the vagina.
  • Moisturizes the vaginal mucosa, prevents its excessive drying.

All Virgin Star effects are guaranteed by the manufacturer. It should be borne in mind that the best results from using Virgin Star are achieved with regular use, simultaneously with special gymnastics. So tissues and muscles will always be in a tight state.

The cost of the gel Virgin-Star, methods of purchase

Important! Buy the product only on the manufacturer's website! Counterfeit lubricants are spreading on the Internet. The use of such questionable means can lead to unintended consequences. Use Only Genuine Virgin Star!

Virgin Star helps reduce pain in the lower abdomen, improves the condition of the vaginal muscles, stabilizes the position of internal organs, enhances arousal and sexual sensations. Possesses bactericidal properties, can be used as an adjuvant in the treatment of urinary tract infections.

Virgin Star intimate gel is not sold in pharmacies or beauty stores. It can be purchased only through the official website of the manufacturer. Certified product, no doctor's prescription is required for its use. The cost of a female intimate gel for contracting the muscles of the vagina is more than acceptable, and therefore you can buy a cream for narrowing the vagina, the price of which is:

  • in the Russian Federation - about 1 thousand rubles;
  • in Kazakhstan up to 6000 tenge;
  • in Belarus 35 rubles;
  • in Ukraine - about 450 UAH.
  • in Vietnam - 790,000 dong.

Residents of Vietnam can buy Virgin Star gel with delivery, for this you need to pre-order on the distributor's page.

Within 15 minutes after placing the order, the company manager calls the customer's contact number, specifies the delivery address of the goods.

Components of Virgin Star Women's Lubricant Gel

The main component of Virgin Star, which provides effective contraction and strengthening of the vaginal muscles, is a herbal remedy - Ximenia American extract. This plant grows in tropical climates and has significant astringency among its properties. It is thanks to the "astringent" properties that muscle contraction is ensured. Other beneficial features of the plant are its pronounced antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects.

Additional components of Virgin Star are caffeine and a special softening viscous liquid - it moisturizes the mucous membrane of the genital organs, helps to maintain tone.

How to use the cream gel

Virgin Star is a topical drug. It must be applied to the area of ​​the body, it is not required to remove it after a while. Recommendations of the manufacturer for the use of the gel:

  • The surface to be applied must be clean.
  • After applying the gel, rubbing it in is not required, it is also not necessary to rinse it off.
  • The frequency of use is different, but the interval should not exceed four days.

Effects of using Virgin Star

The results of practical tests show that this cream-gel is a highly effective remedy for maintaining the health of the female genitourinary system. Virgin Sta's formulation is almost instantaneous, and for the first time there are tangible effects:

  • The mucous membranes in the intimate area are qualitatively moistened.
  • The vaginal muscles contract.
  • The tone rises, the mood improves.

When choosing a drug, pay attention to the manufacturer's warning - if there is an individual intolerance to the components of the gel, its use may be unsafe. It is necessary to check the effect of the gel on the skin, or just use it once in a small amount. If there were no allergic reactions, you can proceed to regular use for prophylactic or therapeutic purposes.

Cases in which the use of Virgin Star is contraindicated

Virgin Star cream is well balanced and can be used without a doctor's recommendation. The lubricant gel does not have any negative effect on the reproductive system. There are also no side effects.

Refusal to use the drug is recommended for people who are allergic to the components contained in Virgin Star - this plant is xymenia and caffeine. At the same time, the gel contains very little caffeine, and no negative reactions occur even in people with high sensitivity to this substance. A preliminary test can be carried out by applying a small amount of the gel to the skin of the hand. If no signs of allergy appear within 20-30 minutes, the drug is completely safe for you.

If there is irritation on the genitals (yours or your partner), it is necessary to stop using the gel for a while.

Testimonials from women with Virgin Star experience

On the drugs used for the treatment of genitals, there are few reviews on the Internet. However, they are, including about the Virgin Star gel - both positive and negative, but there are very few of the latter. It is difficult to make a final purchase decision based on such reviews, but they can give some idea about the drug.

Maria, 31 years old:
For a long time I could not get pregnant due to the fact that the vagina and uterus were in the wrong position. My husband and I decided not to rush with IVF, but to try to change our lifestyle, make it more athletic, with proper nutrition, with special cosmetics. One of them is Virgin Star Lubricant Gel. After just 4 months of regular use, I was able to get pregnant! Now the 4th month of pregnancy has already begun, while I do not use the gel. I think he will be needed again in a year.

Victoria, 47 years old:

Unfortunately, with age, genital tissues are no longer as sensitive as they used to be. Sexual pleasure decreases and discomfort may occur. I sometimes use Virgin Star to heighten the sensation - it really strengthens the vaginal muscles. I am sure that for preventive purposes this is an excellent drug, especially when combined with gymnastic exercises. After several uses, pain in the lower abdomen disappears, the menstrual cycle normalizes

Oksana, 34 years old:

I heard from many about the Virgin Star gel, read articles about it on the Internet. And now, it's time to try the remedy for yourself. The results were contradictory. To achieve strong muscle contractions, you need to use a lot of gel, so it will quickly run out. And the action is not long-lasting. I doubt that it is worth using it as an independent means, only in conjunction with gymnastics. But for sex - the gel is very good!

Operations on the vagina: labioplasty, suturing and more

One of the most common postpartum problems is a vagina that is too wide. To narrow it down, many pump their muscles with vaginal balls. But in some cases, you have to resort to more radical methods - operations. Usually they are performed by gynecologists, but you can also contact a plastic surgeon.

Vaginoplasty is performed about 3 months after delivery. The intervention lasts about an hour. In this case, part of the mucous membrane is excised, and muscle tissue is sutured. After such manipulations, the vagina becomes narrower. In some cases, surgery is done immediately after childbirth (if there are tears or the woman asked in advance). Rehabilitation lasts two months, and the stitches dissolve in one and a half months. Since the operation is usually performed during lactation, the milk must be expressed in order for the anesthesia to come out.

As the tissues lose their elasticity with age, the labia become flabby to improve them. appearance performing labioplasty. Previously, fat was injected into the lips to make them look fuller. The problem is now being solved by removing the excess tissue.

Other vaginal surgeries include restoring virginity and filling the G-spot with hyaluronic acid for vaginal orgasms.

The importance of maintaining vaginal muscle tone

Muscle and other tissues located in the pelvic region support the internal organs of the genitourinary system and part of the intestines. The main purpose of muscle mass is to stabilize internal organs, which is facilitated by Virgin Star gel. In the lower part of the pelvis, on the stomach and on the side of the back, there is a special group of muscles that are responsible precisely for stabilizing the position of the body in its lower part. The weakness of this muscle group leads to improper support of the internal organs. Their position changes, which can lead to a number of unpleasant results, including chronic ones. Consequences - inability to get pregnant, pain, urinary incontinence.

Childbirth, frequent severe cough, age-related changes, insufficient physical activity... An additional negative point is the loss of pleasure from sexual intercourse, chronic pain in the back and lower abdomen. If you don't pay attention to the problem for a long time, even your posture can change.

How to develop vaginal muscles

There are three methods for training the vaginal muscles - these are Pilates, a stick and a special Kegel technique. As you know, Pilates is a type of fitness, which is characterized by a reduced intensity - exercises are performed slowly, but the muscles are worked out as efficiently as possible. Thanks to training, the pelvic muscles work in conjunction with other muscle groups, support movement, and restore the natural position of internal organs.

Muscle tissue involvement depends on the amount of stress, and for good results it is necessary to increase the tension along with the intensity of the movement. For a start, simple exercises are suitable, aimed at the initial training of the muscles of the walls of the vagina.

Virgin Star has an analogue, a cream-gel for contraction of the vaginal muscles called VagiTonus, which contains the following herbal ingredients: chamomile oil, American ximenia, calendula oil, lavender, patchouli, rose oil. Using Vagitonus cream is an easy way to tighten your intimate muscles effortlessly.

It is for the pelvic muscles that there are no special exercises in Pilates. It is necessary to look for effective exercises that affect the lower muscle group, and use them most actively. The problem lies in the specifics of the muscles themselves - the vaginal muscles do not participate in the work of the rest of the group, and therefore the effect appears more slowly. At first, there may be doubts about the compliance of the actions performed with the requirements of the method.

It is possible to determine which muscles need to be strained using a special technique. It is necessary to feel the space between the ischial bones, and imagine the reduction and slight rise of this area to the stomach. Insulating compression will occur as a result of stress. An alternative way is to imagine a line running through the torso from the vagina to the crown of the head. Next, you need to visualize the flow rising along this line - together with it, you need to lift the pelvic muscles, feel their contractions.

As for the Kegel technique, it has a special specificity. Exercise is reduced to periodic contractions of the muscles (as for stopping urination). It won't be difficult to identify and feel these muscles. The technique shows good efficiency in restoring muscle tone after childbirth, but it does not help everyone, therefore it is recommended to use Virgin Star at least once a week.

Kegel technique

A well-known methodological complex developed by Dr. Arnold Kegel. It is used to develop the muscles of the vagina, to isolate and tone the muscles in the lower pelvis. Long workouts of this type are unacceptable - just five minutes daily is enough. With this training regimen, you can achieve good vaginal tone in 1.5 - 3 months.

The set of exercises boils down to performing the following actions: It is necessary to contract and unclench the muscles, as when interrupting urination. To begin with, it is enough to do 3 approaches, each of which will have 10 squeezes. If you can't find the muscles you want right away, you can try interrupting urination and feel which muscles are being used for this. You can't do this all the time - it can lead to problems with urination.

You can check how the muscles are contracting with your own finger inserted into the vagina. In addition, squeezing the finger with the vaginal muscles is another very effective exercise. It is done in a sitting or lying position - the main thing is that it is as comfortable as possible. The pelvic muscles are pulled inward and upward by force, in this state they need to be held for 10 seconds. If this force is too hard, you can reduce the compression time to 5 seconds. There should be 10 seconds of relaxation between squeezes. The number of repetitions in one approach is from 8 to 10. If you want to seriously develop and enhance your sexual sensations, you need to seriously develop your vaginal muscles. Another development of Dr. Kegel, vaginal simulators, can help in this.

Using Kegel Balls

These vaginal simulators have many names, but the most correct is "Kegel balls", because it was this specialist who created an effective method of their use. The balls are inserted into the vagina or anus, and the genitals are stimulated. With the help of such simulators, you can also practice the methodology presented in the previous section. In Western medical practice, the appointment of Kegel balls is a common practice aimed at increasing the elasticity of the vaginal walls. It is also a good remedy for preventing urinary problems.

If the weights are small, their compression will be almost a reflex - the body will work on its own, and you will not have to search for specific muscles. Using balls gives nice results simultaneously with Kegel exercises - increased arousal, new sensations in sex, more pleasure for both partners. Kegel balls have proven themselves well in preparation for childbirth, as well as a means of restoring the muscles and genitourinary system after childbirth.

How to use the vaginal trainers: You need to empty the bladder, and then insert the balls into the vagina one at a time. For better slip, you can use Virgin Star Gel. Inserting balls is similar to inserting tampons. If there is no experience in using this hygiene product, the actions should be as follows: the ball is introduced in a supine position, or standing, with one leg raised. You need to strain your hips a little, and then transfer the tension to the vaginal muscles.

There will be a feeling of heaviness and some filling. The weight of the balls themselves will also be felt. They should be in the vagina for at least 15 minutes daily. As the muscles develop, the daily use time can be increased to 2-3 hours. If the simulator falls out, it must be thoroughly washed with soap, and only then reinserted. Removing the balls is not at all difficult - a small contraction of the muscles is enough. An alternative option is to use balls connected by a thread. For starters, it is recommended to use light, small diameter balloons made of latex or plastic. In the future, you can increase the volume and switch to other materials - for example, to metal balls.

After use, the exercise equipment must be cleaned - with soap under hot water and then wipe and store in a hygienic package. If you are concerned about the consequences of using a vaginal trainer, consult a physical therapist and gynecologist beforehand. Desirable - with specialists who treat specifically the pelvic organs. You will be able to use the Kegel complex as efficiently as possible if you receive recommendations for use from your doctor.

After the birth of a child, any woman is faced with such a problem as vaginal enlargement. Of course, this process is physiologically natural, but nevertheless it seriously affects the quality of sexual life. Many women who have gone through natural childbirth have repeatedly stated that sexual intimacy ceases to bring vivid and unique sensations. This is due to the stretching and weakening of the pelvic floor muscles.

Stretching the vagina prevents the penis from feeling the walls of the vagina during intercourse. Therefore, sexual intercourse will not bring any pleasure to the man. To prevent this problem, today many women are actively using various creams to narrow the vagina.

But often the fairer sex is faced with such a problem as a huge variety of options presented. Without using the cream before, it is very difficult to understand which drugs are the most effective. In order to avoid such difficulties, you should use the rating of cream gels for narrowing the vagina. This rating includes the following drugs:

  1. V-mini;

Naron cream

At the moment, the undisputed leader is intimate cream ... This remedy restores the firmness, elasticity and tone of the vaginal muscles. Naron cream strengthens the smooth muscles of the vagina, contributing to their narrowing and easy slippage of the male penis. The use of this cream also provides elimination of dryness, itching and any painful sensations that may occur during intercourse.

Another unique property Naron cream is an increase in the depth of the vagina. This effect is achieved by toning its longitudinal muscles. Among the other qualities of this cream, it is worth noting:

  1. support for healthy vaginal microflora and optimal acidity levels;
  2. ensuring the necessary intimate hygiene;
  3. preventing the growth of pathogens.

In general use Naron cream allows not only to narrow the vagina, but also to enhance the orgasm of both partners. In addition, this drug eliminates bad smell from the female genital organ. Considering all of the above, this vaginal cream should be used by women who suffer from vaginal dryness, overweight and painful sensations during sex. This cream is also often prescribed during menopause.

With regard to the composition Naron cream , then it includes more than ten different components. Among the main ingredients, it is worth noting: symplokos racemose, licorice, ashwagadhu, catalomai, Ceylon ironwood, aloe vera, turmeric and manjishta.


The second place in the ranking should be given to the gel for narrowing the vagina V - mini ... This remedy, like Naron cream , acts on the basis of natural ingredients that restore elasticity and increase the sensitivity of the genital muscles. Thanks to this, a woman will be able to experience an incredibly strong orgasm.

V - mini , first of all, is intended for women who have given birth in a natural way, and the fairer sex who are in the period of menopause. The use of this gel allows you to qualitatively solve intimate problems without resorting to surgical intervention.

One of the main advantages V - mini maximum health safety is considered. This drug has a minimum of contraindications. It categorically should not be taken by girls who are in the period of menstruation, pregnancy or breastfeeding. Also, this remedy is not recommended for women who are hypersensitive to the main components. V - mini.

The way of using this drug is very simple. A small amount of the gel should be applied to the inside of the vagina. This procedure should be carried out under conditions of special sterility. Before applying the gel, a woman should thoroughly wash her hands and take a shower.


Runmei RUNHUAJI closes the top three cream-gels for narrowing the vagina. This lubricant has a strong effect and a fairly quick action. This drug was developed on the basis of unique Asian technologies. Due to the scientific approach in the development of RUNHUAJI, this product does not contain any harmful impurities and toxins. At the same time, its use allows you to achieve the desired result - the lubricant ensures the restoration of the elasticity of the vaginal walls and tones the genital muscles. Among other qualities of RUNHUAJI RUNMEI, the fact that this drug has a hygienic, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effect should be highlighted.

Runmei RUNHUAJI is primarily intended for the fairer sex suffering from generic vaginal distension. It is also recommended for women who have entered the menopause.

This lubricant should be applied to the inner walls of the vagina 15-20 minutes before the planned start of intercourse. Runmei RUNHUAJI should also be applied to the surface of the labia. Experts recommend starting with a small dosage. In the absence of the desired effect, the dosage can be gradually increased.

In conclusion, it should be added that all of these drugs are recommended to be used as an adjunct to special exercises designed to restore the functionality of intimate muscles. Therefore, girls should not be lazy and hope for a "miracle pill". A comprehensive approach is required to combat vaginal stretch and dryness. In addition, taking any means for narrowing the vagina should be carried out only after consulting a gynecologist.

If you have chosen for yourself the best option cream gel to improve your sex life, you should go to the online pharmacy website. All popular remedies for beauty, health and restoration of a normal sexual life are presented here.

Hello everyone!

Today will be a very delicate topic. I began to use it, dreaming to restore it to a generic state, but received nothing more.

Who needs it? If you think you definitely don't! Then you are wrong!
I got it initially because I read the announcement and became interested in muscle contraction.

Long thought to order it or not. Because I was afraid that suddenly it would hurt that the muscles were narrowing.
For some reason, I imagined pain about muscle contraction during childbirth. But thank God nothing like this was waiting for me.

For a month of use, muscle contraction was never confirmed. And the manufacturer on the site writes that the minimum duration of use is 3 months. so that there is a visible result. Well, as Visible - you can't see him.

Since I had no need for lubricant. And she took for the sake of curiosity, will he narrow the muscles? Whether I can hope for it or not.

During the application, I was convinced that this tool, even for me, is very helpful. Despite the fact that I have no problems, it still changes the feeling.
For a month of operation, I noticed that it increases the female. sensitivity, and I get new emotions and impressions.

Information from the manufacturer from the office. site

The lubricant is designed to improve the sexual comfort of the couple. Provides an increase in the duration of intercourse, enhances sensations and increases pleasure. Provides a soft, soft and velvety glide. The lubricant has a natural water-based composition and is compatible with all condoms.
The gel is designed to improve the elasticity of the intimate muscles of women. Its uniqueness lies in the narrowing of the walls of the vagina. Aimed at strengthening and rejuvenating the tissues of the vagina. Improves elasticity and tone of intimate muscles, increases sensitivity during intercourse.

While I was using it, I wondered more than once, but does muscle contraction and tightening actually happen? And my experience has shown that apparently not.

And the manufacturer indicates that it takes more time - from three months of use.

A little about its composition ..
When I started checking the composition for naturalness, one component was identified as not natural. I found out at the moment with the manufacturer that this is a biological component that is completely natural.

Biopeptide SYN-Hycan(Shin Hikan) - it has properties to restore elasticity and tighten the skin. The main thing is to use it daily. I used it once a day at night. Good morning and evening.

Biopeptide SYN-Hycan(Shin Hikan) - a tripeptide designed to strengthen the skin - it helps fight sagging skin by increasing the hyaluronan content and increasing the production of decorin and lumican.

It is a rejuvenating complex of peptides that stimulates the synthesis of its own hyaluronic acid and regenerates the intercellular space, helping to fight sagging skin. L-arginine effectively affects the work of intimate muscles - fills with blood and promotes their growth.

The volume of the tube is not large - 50 ml
The cost is the difference from 580 at the office. Siberina website
And I bought a lot of difference in price for [link] for 725 rubles.
Expiration date 12 months
After opening 3 months

And he's worth his money! You know, I was always afraid of lubricants, because who knows what their composition is. Therefore, I never bought and was not interested in them. And this one is just perfect. It is made entirely from natural ingredients. Completely on herbs and extracts.


Distilled water, L-arginine, Syn-Hycan biopeptide, aloe vera gel, sodium lactate, guar gum, hyaluronic acid, lactic acid, xanthan gum, vitamin E, vitamin A, D-panthenol, magnolia extract, green tea extract, extract calendula.

INCI: Aqua, L-Arginine, Tetradecyl Aminobutyroylvalylaminobutyric Urea Trifluoroacetate, Aloe Barbadensis (Aloe Vera) leaf gel, Sodium lactate, Guar gum, Sodium hyaluronate, Lactic Acid, Xantan gum, Tocopylate Officylate Acetate Camellia sinensis extract, Calendula officinalis extract.

It is safe and healthy for women! Besides sliding properties, it has a number of advantages. He's like a cream. Nourishes the skin, takes care of it. Protects skin from cracks and dryness.

It has Retinol (vitamin A) in its composition - therefore it is strictly forbidden to use it for pregnant women.

Application method?

Before use, wash the intimate area with water without using personal hygiene products. Squeeze the product onto your fingers, gently apply to the inner area, rubbing from the inside to the outside.

Unfortunately, the tube did not indicate how many times the product should be applied. And at first I applied twice a day, but after a week only at night. I used it in combination with exercises for muscle contraction.

I acted, I agree with the instructions. Described above.

A little about the active ingredients that make up the gel:

  • L-ARGININE improves the condition of the muscles, increases the elasticity of the mucous membrane and skin. SYN-HYCAN BIOPEPTIDE stimulates the production of collagen fibers, maintaining muscle tone. Aloe Vera gel perfectly moisturizes, soothes and heals.
  • HYALURONIC ACID rejuvenates cells, is a powerful moisturizer, increases the sensitivity of nerve receptors.
  • LACTIC ACID provides a protective barrier against pathogenic microorganisms and completely normalizes the pH balance.
  • VITAMIN E improves symptoms of vaginal dryness, increases moisture content. GREEN TEA AND CALENDULA EXTRACTS enhance immune protection, improve the elasticity of the epithelium.

Black is attractive. As if he said that I was made for the night. Comfortable. It is pleasant to hold and comfortable to use. The lid is easy to open.

The lid is used as a "flip-top", it is also the base so that you can put the tube. Always makes a loud click when closing)

Transparent gel, no additives or dyes. Has the smell of lactic acid, which is very often used in intimate hygiene gels. The smell is neutral, it does not cause either bad or good emotions.

Slippery. It is absorbed within 15 minutes.

I did not wait for complete absorption, and wiped it off with a napkin. The smell, though neutral, is there.

I will use it. He suited me 100%. I can't say anything about muscles. For a month of use, it feels like nothing has changed. But as a lubricant, he's awesome!

And they consider it necessary for all women, and not just those who suffer from dryness.
I recommend and will buy!

Weakened or flabby vaginal muscles are a problem that most women over forty face. The lost pleasure of intimacy is not the biggest nuisance that follows this process. Weakened muscles also provoke many health problems, if this issue is not taken seriously.

Causes of loss of tone in the muscles of the vagina

With age or under the influence of some unfavorable factors, the abdominal muscles and the muscles of the pelvic floor weaken and become loose. This causes a chain reaction, disrupts the elasticity of the ligaments and leads to the prolapse of the muscles of the vagina. After that, the woman's body loses its ability to hold the uterus, separate areas of the intestines and the bladder in the correct position. Violation of the natural position of organs affects their full functioning.

Factors provoking weakening of the walls include:

  • genetic disorders and congenital anomalies in the structure of connective tissues;
  • difficult and prolonged childbirth, accompanied by traumatic injuries of the perineum;
  • numerous childbirth;
  • drastic loss of weight and muscle mass;
  • abdominal hypertension due to chronic constipation;
  • benign and malignant neoplasms in the genital area;
  • lifting weights with incorrect weight distribution;
  • hormonal age-related changes;
  • uterus removal.

Experts identify 3 degrees of severity of the prolapse of the vaginal walls, provoked by the weakening of the muscles of the intimate sphere.

  1. Descent of the anterior or posterior wall of the vagina, or both at the same time. The vaginal opening is not obstructed by the vulva.
  2. Partial or complete descent of the anterior wall, accompanied by partial descent Bladder... Partial descent of the posterior wall, entraining the lower rectum.
  3. Complete prolapse of the posterior and anterior walls, causing prolapse of the uterus.

The weakening and change in the tone of the internal muscles of the vagina leads to deformation of the size of the penis in a woman.

Criteria for the ideal size of the penis in women

Based on medical statistics, it is safe to say that not only men are worried about the size of the penis. Women are equally concerned about the ideal size of the internal structure of the vagina. The fair sex visit specialists and find ways to effectively reduce the internal parameters of the vagina.

Is it worth worrying married women because of the large size of the vagina? What should be the size of the vagina? The female vagina after childbirth. Penis and vaginal size statistics. The myth about women "buckets". How to strengthen your intimate muscles?

When a woman's body is at rest, the depth of the vagina ranges from 7 to 13 cm, depending on the overall dimensions of the body. The diameter of the entrance does not exceed 4–5 cm. At the time of sexual arousal, the parameters change: depth: by 5–6 cm, diameter: by 1.5 cm.

Gynecologists and sexologists are actively debunking the myth that tall women have a deep vagina, while petite women are deprived of this privilege. The body of each woman is individual, and growth is not at all an indicator of the ideal size of the vagina.

The female genitals have the unique ability to adapt to the size of the partner's penis. This is due to the increased elasticity of the inner walls. Nature has endowed the woman's body with a variety of protective mechanisms, including the plasticity of the birth canal.

ATTENTION! With a decrease in the severity of sensations in sex, we recommend: The stick is able to quickly and painlessly contract the vaginal muscles, make the vagina virgin narrow, stimulate a woman's orgasm and significantly increase the sensations of her sexual partner.

Signs of loss of tone in the muscles of the vagina

If you treat your body with due attention, then you can timely determine a decrease in muscle tone for a number of the following signs.

  • Unpleasant sensations of dryness, itching, painful spasms in the genital area.
  • The sensations during sex have lost their sharpness.
  • Violation of libido and decreased sexual desire for a partner.
  • Partial loss of control over the urination process.

Why is weakening of the vaginal walls dangerous?

It is only at first glance that the weakening of the walls of the vagina will seem to be a minor problem. This process causes serious disorders in terms of the woman's physical and mental health.

  1. The loss of pleasure from sex causes rejection, first to the process itself, and later is shifted to the attitude towards the partner.
  2. There is a change in hormonal status.
  3. Irritability and depression develop.
  4. Loss of elasticity leads to the appearance of microcracks on the walls of the vagina, and this, in turn, is fraught with bacterial infections, endometriosis, and erosion.
  5. Over time, the pelvic organs descend.

Discomfort in the intimate area negatively affects a woman's sexuality, her sensory perception of herself, finds a way out into her everyday life, adversely affects her health, therefore, at the first symptoms of dryness, burning, weakening of the vaginal muscles, you should visit a specialist and take urgent measures to prevent the development of pathology ...

Conservative medicine and modern pharmacology in the fight against weakening of the vaginal muscles

Violation of the tone of the muscles of the vagina occurs not only with age, but also during difficult childbirth. Young girls react especially sharply to the occurrence of this problem and try to choose the most effective means restoration of the lost elasticity of the inner walls of the vagina. Fortunately, modern medicine has provided a large list of drugs that can solve this problem. On the shelves of pharmacies you can find:

To solve this problem, pharmacology relies on the use of natural ingredients, so the presence of side effects is minimized with a good therapeutic effect. The exception is individual intolerance or hypersensitivity to the substances that make up the drugs.

Here is a small list of natural ingredients, which in one combination or another and the amount are included in the composition of cosmetic and health products to improve the tone of the muscles of the vagina.

  1. Hyaluronic acid moisturizes the epithelium, increases muscle elasticity, and improves muscle tone.
  2. Arginine specifically enhances the elasticity and structure of muscle fibers.
  3. Damiana normalizes hormonal balance, eliminates dryness of the inner epithelium, increases the level of secretion of sex hormones.
  4. Zamaniha is a herbal ingredient that naturally enhances sex drive.
  5. Ginseng root extract enhances blood circulation in tissues, renews the epithelium at the cellular level, and enhances muscle tone in the intimate area.

Advantages of the methods of conservative medicine and cosmetology

  1. Delicate and mild effect on tissues in the intimate area.
  2. Minimum side effects.
  3. The quality of sex improves.
  4. Good effect.

Weaknesses of the pharmacological intervention

  1. The effect is short-term and requires constant use of drugs.
  2. Application of drugs on the eve of sexual intercourse.
  3. Short-term spasms of the muscles of the genitourinary system and abdominal cavity.
  4. The high cost of drugs.

Naron - cream gel to tone the vaginal muscles

Among modern drugs for narrowing the vagina, Naron is in special demand. Indian Gel is designed for a delicate solution to problems with prolapse of the vaginal walls and loss of muscle tone in the intimate zone. The preparation contains the best herbs and mineral components, which allows minimizing all possible side effects from the use of the gel. Lightweight base does not leave marks on laundry. In just a couple of months, the use of Naron cream allows you to strengthen the muscles of the vagina and increase the sensitivity of the vaginal walls.

Advantages of using Naron Cream over other drugs

  1. Long-term and intensively moisturizes the inner epithelium of the vagina.
  2. Narrows the opening to the vagina.
  3. Raises the sensitivity of erogenous zones.
  4. Increases the elasticity of the skin on the outer labia.
  5. Relieves itching sensation.
  6. Eliminates unpleasant odors.
  7. Negates the possibility of microtrauma during sex.
  8. Consists of natural ingredients.
  9. Safe for the mucous membrane of the cervix and cervical canal.
  10. Has a pleasant aroma.
  11. It is applied externally and can be combined with alcohol or other medications without any problems.
  12. Ease of use: 5 mg of gel is applied to the inner wall of the vagina.

ATTENTION! Do not use the drug in case of muscle atrophy and violation of the integrity of the epithelium.

Virgin Star Cream

A cream based on oak bark helps to eliminate the discomfort caused by the weakening of the tone of the vaginal muscles and restore the elasticity of the muscles. The preparation contains:

  • sodium benzoate;
  • oak bark extract;
  • lemon acid;
  • arginine.

Specific application of Virgin Star cream:

  • the drug is applied after hygiene procedures;
  • the volume of the cream should not exceed the size of a small pea;
  • the inner walls of the vagina are processed.

ATTENTION! It is important to observe the regularity and consistency of use. The effect will appear after 30 days of use.

Vaginal shrinking granule "Balm"

Ambulance to enhance the elasticity of the inner walls of the vagina - Balm granule. The walls are intensely reduced already 12 hours after the introduction and dissolution of the granule, the sensitivity increases, which is reflected in the best way on the woman's libido. Auxiliary components serve as a protective barrier against pathogenic bacteria. However, it should not be abused and must be monitored regularly by a gynecologist to avoid side effects from prolonged use of suppositories.

Phytotampons "Beautiful life"

Phytotampons from Chinese manufacturers based on herbal ingredients will help to gently and delicately solve the problem. The active substances in the preparation - red resin, camphor, cloves, motherwort, sophora help to raise local immunity, restore the balance of microflora, start regenerating processes inside muscle fibers and strengthen the muscles in the intimate zone. The sensitivity of the erogenous zones increases, the elasticity of the walls increases, and the width of the vagina decreases.

The drug has many advantages, but there are also weaknesses.

Correction technique using phytotampons:

  1. Candles have a cumulative effect and the result does not come immediately.
  2. The phytotampon is inserted 7 cm, leaving the thread outside.
  3. The tampon is placed in the vagina for 3 days.
  4. After extraction, it is necessary to sprinkle with chamomile broth.
  5. The body rests for a day, after 24 hours a new tampon is inserted.
  6. On full course treatment, you need to put 6 tampons.
  7. During treatment, sexual rest is required.

Detailed video review of Chinese Phytotampons "Beautiful life"

"Doyan" - a stick for reducing the size of the vagina

A unique product for narrowing and tightening the vaginal muscles, designed specifically for the fair sex, is the easy-to-use ChKA Doyan stick. The effect of narrowing the vagina is so high that this popular remedy is called the "Virginity Stick" all over the world.

The stick is made on the basis of natural ingredients:
  • pearl powder;
  • bayfan;
  • Madula Shan root extract;
  • borneol.
  • hypotension of the muscles of the vagina;
  • prolapse of the uterus.

Advantages of using the Doyan stick:

  • the muscles of the vagina return a strong tone;
  • the weakened walls of the vagina rise;
  • the unpleasant odor disappears;
  • excessive discharge is eliminated.

Mode of application

  1. Before inserting the stick into the vagina, it must be moistened with a gel for intimate hygiene.
  2. The wet end of the stick is inserted into the opening of the vagina.
  3. The walls are processed in a circular motion.
  4. The stick must be placed in the vagina for 30 seconds.
  5. The general course of treatment does not exceed a week.

ATTENTION! You can use the stick only once a day.

Video review of the viginal stick "Chka Doyan"

Non-surgical vaginal narrowing or injection therapy

Along with means for external use, the internal size of the vagina is corrected with the help of injections and the introduction of hyaluronic acid into the vaginal mucosa. The method of contour plasty is aimed at increasing the orgasmic cuff of the vaginal opening and allows for a tight fit of the walls with the girth of the penis. This has the best effect on the quality of intimate life. Also, the tone of the inner walls of the vagina allows you to keep the pelvic organs from prolapse and prevent the appearance of a number of diseases.


  1. It is performed on an outpatient basis.
  2. The recovery period is 3-4 days.
  3. Long lasting effect.
  4. The result lasts for 12 months.

Weaknesses of intimate contouring:

  1. Relatively high cost.
  2. On the first day after the correction, tissue edema may occur, although this does not pose any threat except discomfort and disappears in a few hours.
  3. It is necessary to observe sexual rest for the first 5 days after the procedure.

Plastic surgery to narrow the vagina

Vaginoplasty can solve a number of problems:

  1. Elimination of external aesthetic defects.
  2. Correction of the size of the vagina.
  3. Return to the original position of the lowered walls.
  4. Eliminate urinary incontinence problems.
  5. Restoration of the sensitivity of the walls of the vagina.
  6. Elimination of discomfort during intercourse.

The body of each woman is individual, all processes occur at different speeds and to varying degrees, therefore, a different degree of intervention is required. The expediency of the operation is determined by the leading gynecologist after passing a detailed examination.

Types of surgery

Levatoroplasty- is prescribed for women suffering from genital prolapse. Specialists resort to this method of surgery in a situation where a deformation or rupture of the vaginal muscles and connective tissues that hold the rectum in the correct position is determined in the patient. Damage to levators can occur during difficult childbirth, and their stretching and deformation are the result of age-related changes in the body. This not only lays an imprint on a woman's sex life, but also harms her health.

Colporrhaphy- It is prescribed for girls and women in the presence of severe postpartum stretching that cannot be restored independently, prolapse of the vagina and prolapse of the uterus. The surgeon places neat cosmetic sutures on the back or front of the vagina. After they heal, the entrance will decrease and the organ itself will take on an aesthetically pleasing appearance. And the sensations during sex will become much brighter.

Colpopoiesis- carried out with a congenital anomaly - the absence of the vagina. Also when the vagina is overgrown due to illness or injury. The surgeon will remove the old scars left after ruptures, cut off the affected area of ​​the epithelium, fix the organ, and install the implant. This type of surgical intervention is designed for a very long-term effect.

IMPORTANT! The operation to correct the size of the vagina should be carried out by a qualified gynecologist-surgeon on the basis of a certified medical institution, since the final result is not only an aesthetically pleasing appearance of the genitals, but also your health.

Laser correction of the size of the vagina

The correction of the structure of the internal muscles of the vagina with the help of a laser is based on the principle of thermal effect on collagen inside the fibers. There is an increase in the processes of microcirculation and regeneration in tissues, collagen is actively produced, the muscles increase in volume. The muscles of the vagina rejuvenate, become elastic, better wrap around the penis. After the correction, the pleasant sensations from sex increase many times over.

A doctor of the highest category, obstetrician-gynecologist, specialist in aesthetic gynecology, A.S. Panarina talks about laser rejuvenation of the vagina and vulva with an erbium laser.

The indications for laser correction are the following conditions:

  1. Weakened sensations during sex, orgasm disappeared.
  2. Stretching the vagina after difficult labor.
  3. Decreased tone of vaginal muscles of small and moderate severity.
  4. Age-related changes in the structure of the muscles of the vagina.

It is contraindicated or does not make sense to carry out laser correction in the following situations:

  1. Oncological damage to the body.
  2. Pregnancy.
  3. Lactation.
  4. Blood clotting disorder.
  5. Chronic inflammatory processes at the time of relapse.
  6. Acute inflammatory processes in the pelvic organs.
  7. Having an STD.
  8. High degree of loss of vaginal muscle tone.
  9. The prolapse of the pelvic organs.

Advantages of laser correction over alternative methods of narrowing the vagina

  1. Prompt carrying out 15-20 minutes.
  2. Painlessness of the procedure.
  3. No side effects.
  4. Fast rehabilitation.

Kegel gymnastics and special exercises to narrow the vagina

If the muscles in your vagina begin to lose their tone, you can help your body overcome the unpleasant changes through specific exercise. Kegel gymnastics is considered the most effective.

The method of training the vaginal muscles is based on tension and subsequent relaxation of the muscles. The technique is called wumbling. There are simulators for some exercises, but most of them are designed to activate the body's own resources.

Benefits of Exercise:

  1. Maintaining a healthy tone of the vaginal muscles, pelvic floor and abdominal muscles.
  2. Full sensations during intercourse.
  3. The level of self-esteem rises, the woman's libido rises.
  4. The desire to make love increases.
  5. Prevention of diseases of the genitourinary sphere.

Exercise technique:

Types of Kegel exercises and how to do them at home.

  1. When going to the toilet on a small one, stop the stream while urinating, hold the muscles in tension for four counts, and release again. Try to run at least 20 repetitions for the current day.
  2. The following exercise can be done anywhere and at any job. Just tense the muscles of the vagina for 5 seconds, then relax. Enough 20 repetitions.
  3. For the best effect, the next exercise should be done with special balls. You can buy them in an intimate store. The muscles of the vagina should be tense in such a way as if they were pushing something from the inside. In order for the exercise to carry the correct message, push the balls out. You need to do 10 to 15 repetitions.
  4. Alternately tense the muscular skeleton of the anus for 10 seconds, and the musculature of the vagina for 5 seconds. Then a break for 4 counts, and a repetition of the exercise. Enough 5-6 approaches.
  5. To heighten the sensation, tense the muscles in your intimate area during sex. It will also be a great workout for your muscles.
  6. If we complicate the usual exercise "Birch" a little, then we get an excellent workout for the muscles of the perineum. Performing a stand on the shoulder blades, slowly spread your legs to the sides and hold them in this position for 4 minutes. The time gradually increases to 10 minutes.

Pros of Regular Exercise:

  1. Benefits for the physical health of the body.
  2. Safe and free way strengthen the muscles of the vagina.
  3. Ease of execution.

Weaknesses of gymnastics:

  1. The effect does not come immediately.
  2. Must be done regularly and without skipping.

Traditional medicine has dealt with the problems of atrophy and weakening of the muscles of the vagina for a very long time. The methods used by our grandmothers and great-grandmothers made it possible to regulate the release of natural lubrication of the vagina so that during intercourse there was no discomfort, and also restored the elasticity of the walls and increased sensitivity during intercourse. Many recipes for medicinal decoctions and infusions have been passed down from generation to generation. The most popular ingredients then and now are mint leaves, oak bark, citric acid, red wine, and sourdoughs. Here are some simple recipes:

Composition No. 1

To prepare the broth, you need to take half a kilogram of oak leaves, 2-3 sprigs of mint, half a lemon and half a liter of dry red wine.

All components are mixed in a special glass container. After that, the composition is removed for a week in a dark place. They are filtering. The technique of application is simple: a cotton swab is moistened with the resulting liquid and inserted into the vagina for 3 hours. You should be careful and use hygienic everyday pads so as not to stain your laundry.

Composition No. 2

Weak manganese solution. It is used for douching or processing with a swab soaked in solution. After treating the walls of the vagina with potassium permanganate, they must be rinsed with plain water to avoid excessive dryness and constriction.

Oak bark is known for its antiseptic and antimicrobial properties. A strained oak bark broth is used for douching or rinsing. It protects the genitals from dryness, restores muscle tone. Heals damage to the internal epithelium. Scientists have determined the chemical composition of oak bark, which has a beneficial effect on the condition of the epithelium and muscles of the vagina:

  • tannins;
  • flavonoids;
  • pectin;
  • essential oils;
  • gallic acid.

Composition No. 3

Take half a teaspoon of ground oak bark, pour in a glass cold water, insist 8 hours, filter. Add 50 grams of red wine before drinking. The infusion is used every 12 hours in a glass until there is improvement.

Composition No. 4

50 g of chopped oak bark must be poured with a glass of boiling water, insisted for an hour. Then strain thoroughly. A tampon moistened with a solution is inserted into the vagina for 2 hours.

Composition No. 5

Half a kilo of crushed oak bark is poured into 1.5 liters of boiling water. The infusion time is an hour. The infusion is added to the bath. It is enough to sit in the bathtub for 15 minutes.

Decoctions and infusions based on oak bark for douching help:

  • strengthen the muscles of the vagina;
  • narrow the parameters of the vagina;
  • restore mucous epithelium;
  • reduce pain syndrome.

The expediency of douching is determined by the gynecologist. The procedure can be used individually, or it can be prescribed in conjunction with drug treatment.

Composition No. 6 (for douching)

2 tablespoons of chopped oak bark in a glass of boiling water. Boil the mixture in a water bath for 20 minutes. We filter and dilute with warm boiled water until we get a liter of solution. Use the broth when it reaches room temperature.

  1. For the procedure, we use a syringe pear or a specialized Esmarch mug.
  2. Fill the fixtures with the solution.
  3. For convenience, it is optimal to take a semi-recumbent position.
  4. You should douche in the bathroom.
  5. Douching accessories are equipped with soft silicone tips, but you can additionally lubricate the vaginal opening with lubricant or petroleum jelly to avoid damage to the sensitive epithelium.
  6. Before starting douching, air should be released from the rubber tube of a mug or pear.
  7. The tip is inserted 5 cm into the vagina.
  8. It will be better if the pressure is increased gradually.
  9. Douching is carried out 3 times a day.
  10. After each procedure, you need to rest for 15–20 minutes.

Summing up

Let's touch on the question of means for narrowing the vagina and see if they really help. I will show you a safe way to simulate vaginal narrowing and tell you all the nuances of this method.

The optimal method for correcting the size of the vagina and restoring muscle tone will be selected by your gynecologist, based on the results of examination and examination, the presence of concomitant chronic diseases. Narrowing the vagina will restore the sensitivity of the inner epithelium and allow the woman to enjoy sexual intercourse. The partner also has more pleasant sensations. A big plus from corrective measures is the prevention of prolapse of the pelvic organs and the development of pathologies against this background.

Surgical manipulations at a later stage of loss of tone and atrophy of the vaginal muscles will help to establish an intimate life and get rid of urinary incontinence, prevent prolapse and prolapse of the uterus.

It is important to monitor the health of the genital area and timely resort to the help of specialists and drugs.