
Saint St. George Victorious Summary. George Victorious - Saint, which is honored in different religions


St. George called the victorious for courage and for the spiritual victory over the tormentors and for miraculous assistance to people in danger.

Life victorious

The future saint in Cappadocia (the area in Malaya Asia) was born in the IIM century - George's parents were rich and pious. Father George, when he was still a child, took a martyrdom for Christ. And the mother, who owned the estates in Palestine, after the death of the spouse moved to his homeland with his son, where he brought him in the Christian faith.

George, who was distinguished by physical strength, beauty and courage and received a brilliant education, entered at a young age on military service.

George Victorious, for the excellent knowledge of a military case, in 20 years already appointed the head of the famous cohort of Invictionitors (invincible). Having achieved the title of the thousandrld, the future saint earned the recognition and patronage of Emperor Diocletian, a supporter of the Roman gods and an ardent persecutor of Christianity.

The emperor was the first Edict against Christians published in February 303, in which she commanded: "To destroy to the foundation of the Church, burn the sacred books, and Christians to deprive honorable posts."

Holy George, having learned about the decision of the emperor, released slaves to the will, distributed his legacy and appeared in the Senate, where Diocletian was applied in cruelty and injustice.

© Photo: Sputnik / A.Sverdlov

The emperor, who loved and towering George, tried to persuade him to renounce the faith in Christ and not to root his youth, fame and honor, but he was adamant.

Then Diocletian, first subjected to a young Christian with numerous inhuman tortures and tortures, ordered his behead. Holy George Victorious, who endured all the torment and did not bother Christ faith, was executed in the 303rd.

The relics of the saint rest in the city of Lod, where the temple of George Victorious was erected, and the head and sword are stored in Rome.


Many wonders who committed a victorious is described in the life of St. George. The most common one of them, in which St. George won the terrible Zmia to his spear and saved the daughter of the ruler of Beirut's city from the faithful death.

According to legend, near the city of Beirut, at the homeland of St. George the Victorious, where many idolaters lived, there was a big lake, in which a huge snake lived, which, choosing ashore, devoured people.

The inhabitants of the location could not do anything and began to regularly give a snake on the lot of the girl or a young man in order to quench his rage.

© Photo: Sputnik / Evgeny Biatov

I did not avoid such a fate and the daughter of the local ruler - the girl was taken to the shore of the lake and tied, where she was horrified to expect the appearance of a snake.

The bright young man on the white horse appeared when the beast began to approach the girl - he struck the snake speaking and saved the maiden. It was the Holy George Victorious, who stopped with such a wonderful phenomenon within Beirut, the destruction of young people.

Residents of the country - pagans, learning about this miracle, accepted Christianity, and the plot served as the basis for writing the icons on which St. George the Victorious is depicting a snake-sitting on a white horse.

To the worship of St. George the victorious as a patron saint of cattle breeding and defender from predatory animals, the wonderful revival of the sole oxen at the farmer, described in the life of the Great Martyr.

© Photo: Sputnik / Eduard Pesov

Saint George (Yuri) Slavs revealed as a patron of warriors, cattle breeders and farmers. On the day of St. George (Yuriev Day), for the first time, the peasants were for the first time kicked up cattle for pasture after a long winter, after habits the greeting cooler with the sprinkling of holy water of houses and animals.


St. George's Day is one of the most revered religious holidays in the country. In Georgia, it is called "Giorgoba". Festive worship services on this day are held in all operating temples of Georgia.

The Day of the memory of St. George Victorious in Georgia, which is considered the patron saint of the country, celebrate twice - May 6 and November 23. In Georgia, November 23 is a public holiday and declared a day off.

George Victorious - A rider, striking Zmia, became an integral part of the Georgian consciousness and Orthodox faith and captured on the state coat of arms of the country. The George Cross decorates the Georgian flag.

© photo: sputnik / alexander iMedashvili

Holiday, according to legend, founded Holy Nino, the Christian enlightened by Georgia. As you know, she was a relative of St. George the Victorious, especially read it and taught the country that he turned into Christianity, to love him.

In Georgia, the first temple in honor of St. George the Victorious was built by King Mirian already in 335 at the site of the burial of St. Nino, and from the IX century the construction of churches in honor of George became massive. In almost every Georgian church there is an icon with the face of this saint.

As they ask

Saint George, who protects all weak and innocent, pray to win in any struggle. The victorious is patronized by soldiers and travelers, cattlemen and farmers. Therefore, people asking St. George on protection against evil and unclean strength, good harvest, about healing and about good livelodes, good luck on the hunt and so on.

Prayers of St. George

Prayer first

Holy, nice and all-willed Great Georgy! Your assembled in your temple and before the icon of your sacred barking people, Molima, the famous desires of our petition, moths with us and about us being shovel from our landscaping of God, and graciously hear us, asking for his albun, and will not leave our entire savings and lives. needed petitions, and gives the country to our victory to resist; and Paki, fallen, Molima, Saint Victorious: Protecting you with the grace in Brane, the Orthodox Hospit to destroy the strength of the agstate enemies, and they will shake and eat them, and they will hear them, we have divine help, and everyone, in Grief and the proceeds by the goal, multi-member Yavi their intercession. The mind of the Lord God, the All Creator creator, to save us from the eternal torment, and we glorify the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit and I confess your idea now, and are confessed, and in the eyelids. Amen.

Prayer Second

Oh all-haired, holy wonderful and miraculous Georgy! The proud of at now I will soon help and the mind of the human humor, so it will not condemn us, the sinners, on our lawlessness, but will create with us in the great mercy. Do not get the praying of our praying, but we succeed in the Christ of our quiet and beige life, the health of the same spiritual and body, the earth fertility and in all the abundance, and yes, not in evil, we turn to God given to us from happily In the glorification of your concession, it will give it to the country of our and the vigorous mind to the sparehold of the borrowing and will strengthen the indispensable world and blessing. The Holy Angel's holy angel will be fairly dentitioned, in Herge, to get rid of us at the end of our lives from Goose Lukavago and serious air solarms and inappropriate to see the throne of the Lord Glory. Hearing us, the passionerpheric of Christ, and moths for us incessantly triipostasnago the Lord of all God, and the grace of him and humans, your help and intercepting mercy from the angels and Archangels and all the saints of the Odemonary Protigo Street and the Holy Spirit Now, and confessed, and in the eyelids. Amen.

Material prepared on the basis of open sources

As an in-di-tel in Du-Hov-Noi-nor-nom-it, in advance. Looking at her epi-tet was a PE-RE-OS-Cape Len in Svyazi with a friend of George Victorious over the sn-ech (compare SKA-Zemiya Ska-Zemie ).

OSO-TA-NI-EM Georgius of the Victorious Foot-Words-Le, Na-Li-Li-La-Ri-An-Tov His life - "Mu-Che -I-Che-St-Va ", Ras-Paou-Yu-Yu-Xia to the main ones 2 groups: Ka-no-niche and apoc-ri-fi. The text of the Apo-Cry-Fichemical "Mu-Che-Che-St-Va" C-Tea-Nil-Xia in 6 re duck-qi, SIS-TE-Ma Ti-Rho-Wan K Krum-Bach-Rom. Co-voice-but-apoc-ri-fichki zhorgi, Georgy Victorious Pre-Teru-sang Mu-Che-Dar-Dar Persian Caxa Da-Dia-not (yes Not, Da-Tia-No) in the city of Lid-yes (Di-Os-in-le Pa-Le-Stin-Skom). With the launch of the Mu-Che-Ni-Ste-Wa, of the Vienna from me-non-Nii: the Persian king of da di-en pre-erased in the Roman emperor di-ok-le-tia-on, lid-yes in the middle-no-on -miy. Co-voice-BUT-VID-ZANTY AGIO-GRA-FIC TRA-DI-DIA, George Victorious Rh-Dil-Sia in Cap Pa-Po-Kie in Sea Maury Hrii-An-Ki -Ho-Nii and Pagan-Ni-Ka G-Ron-Tiya, Co-Qi-alone Pro-Iso-Ho-Ja-de-Ro-th Var-I - Rou-Ry In the time of the life of the re-duck-qi from the Persian Voi, to the Sea-Ra-Ra-Ti-La-Ta-La-Wa-Wast -Myan-ski (in northern hours of Ma Loi Asia). In the young Wall of Georgy, the victorious stage in Stu-drank on a military service-bu in the Roman AR-Miu and from-Li-Chil-Xia in the war-not with the per-sa-mi (296-297) ; Once it became three-bu-nom and co-volume. Under the Emperor Di-Ok-le-Tia-No, Ko-gda was on the native of Hori-en, Georgy Victorious, Vi Di-Mo, Os-Ta-Vil Servo-bu once gave imma-st-in-law and revealed to the Imperial Co-Vet in Ni-Co-Mi-Dia, where about the Li-Chal Sgorie-Ski-Blo-J. IM-PE-RA-RA. Dal-Nei-Easterns of George of the Victorious, Sob-St-Veni-de-Tel-St-Wa and Street, and Dae Three Syuzhe Blo-Ka: the first toast-ki and a pronounced spa and an esca go on in-le boasts; The Little Speed-Che Wa under the Emperor is a fog-in-pre-neck, uve-re-needed and priest and priests TO-RA, NO-TOT-KI - Chu-D. -ed Spa and IS-Tse-Le, Committee; Hugo-fights from im-pe-ray-Ra at a pre-ti-ti-ti-tongue bo-gam, a pre-crex of a non-Soft Usop "Oh, as a pre-ka-in-tel-in the Iz-Tin-no-stub, the co-de-yang, co-de-yda, In the effort of Imm-Lea-Ra, after-her, in progress, in prog, NIS-pro-Ver and Symological Bo-Gov , Mu-Che-Che-Skey Kon-Chi-on-Lo-Lo-Lo-Lo-Lo-Ra-Ra-Ra).

The cult of St. George Victorious Prothesius of St. George the Victory Cult of St. George Votor-Van from the IV century. Cro-Main Price-Tra In-Chi-Taja Committee in the city of Lid-yes, Church of St. Georgia on-Chi-Naya from the IV century Straz-Yat-Xia in many go-ro - Para-les-style, Cap Pa-Du-Ki, in other OB-Las Ma Loi Asia, in Gru-Zia, on the Peninsula PE-Lo-Po-Put, in Con Stand Ti-in-le, as well as in the Ner-An-Skom Egypt. In the South Slavic land (Bol-Gaji, Ma Ke-Dia, Ser-Biya), the cult of Svyaggoto George Victorious Statement appraily under the non-mediocre-mediocre Vi-Zantine the influence of In the 1st half of the XI century, it is also ut-Ver waiting in Ki-Ev-Ru-Si blah-go-aid, the act-tel-but-stubs of Prince Yaro-Slaya -Di-Mi-Ro-Vi-cha Mud-ro. At the same time, on-si-naya since the XI century in the South Slavic land and in the Ki-Ev-Ru-Si, the cult of communication, as Gu Vi-Lo, Bu-do Chi ции-po-visa with the Knea-Samet, Tsar-Skoy or Ko-Ro-Lev-Slah-Stew, Never-Rive-But-Zan with Sta-Nov-Le Ni -Su-Darst-Vosh-Nu, co-bi-ray-ni and a compatible zo-ray, in addition in Claus and Di-on-sticks - Bi-tsh (compare, direction, non-ma-ni-chi). In the IV-VI centuries, the cult of the Community Ras-Pro-Stroy-ET-XI and in Latin Inc., where at the end of the 6th century the Grief-Ri-Tour-skim and N-qi-Tu-on-Tom (died about 600) would be COP-DE -SU-LIA literary pro-is-ve-de-de-one Togo. In the XII - early VIII centuries from the Ara-Bov-Ner-en-ach, si-ta, the Holy Ge-Or-Gia (Arab. Jird-Zhis) PE-RE-ARA-BAM-MU-SUL- Ma-us; At the beginning of the VIII century, the boss-go - one from the main non-co-rayani fi-gur would be-le arabic And in the apoc-ri-formational re-dak-ration, then in the "IS-Ria of Pro-Ro-Kov and Caes" at-Ta-Ba-Ri (died in 923). So-voice, he, Jird-Zhis, non-one-but-short, but under-ver-gav-yy-smi toast-kam and Kaz-Na-Su-La , but all of the times of WHO-ROOHI-I-SE-SIM, was one of him from the studies of the apothern souls of Isa (II CA). In the near-it is a non-red-ki-ko-ko-ko-co-ration-ryu-smta and from-wait-st-in-la -Ha-drom - one of it from 4 infantless (on-du-du with ISU-Ii-Su-Som, Il-I-Som-Eliye pro-Ro-com and ID-ROM, from -Jees-st-in-laea-mam with Bib Lei-Ski-Ro-com. In the Vi-Zaninsky Agio-Gra-Cell Trad Duration, St. George the Victorion of the Victory Ska-Own, the Sre-di-rye - Let us "Chu-up to about Zmie", "Chu-up to about Ko-Lon-not to-You", "Chu-up to about the circle of Sa-Ra-qi-on" and others. Day of Pashe - April 23 (May 6).

Iko-but-gramber George of the Victorious in the main Va-Ri-An-Takh lay-lived to the VI century. Its iso-brazy-whether, with the co-roth-ki view-soup-si-si-Lo-Sa-Mi, foreign-gda in the length of Chi, not and the plane, Like a Mu-Che-Skye (En-Kau-Che-Sky Iko-on "Bo-Gu-Mother on Pred Stro-le, with AR-Khan-Ga La and Pre-standing -2-Mi FEO-DO-ROM and GE-OR-EM ", VI century, Monastery of Saint Eka-Te-Ri-Nay), foreign-gda - in Ko-Roth Tu-ni-ke, dos-pe-hah and the plane, like Voi-on (Fre-Ska on the table-ne-Verkh Church in Baui, Egyi Pet). In the per-in-chase of his ICO-but-grams at-ri-ta-mi-li, a cross or a Pal-Mo-Waa branch, in the WTO-rum - Ko-drink, sword, shield , lately knowing. Zhi-thiy Cyc-li George Victorious, POTI-VIV-SHIE-XIA in Mi-Nia-Tu-Rakh Vi-Zanti Mi-Lo-Gui in the XI century, in Lu-Chi-Lee -theless raz-pro-country-na-pi-si (Fre-Ski-Or-Gui-Ey Fiy-Ski Co-Bo-RA in Kieu-ve, 1040s) and in the ICO-NO-SI (IO-on "Holy Ge Or-Guy with Li-Ti in 20 MAKH ", XIII century, Monastery of Saint Eka-Te-Ri-Na). Since the XII century, from the West-Out-of-Screw-and-the-Neighborhood of the Victorian Si-Dyu-Tro-non-Pre-Stro-Le and Ya-Ni-Mai Sword from No-Wives (Rail-Eph from So-Bo-Ra of St. Mar-ka, ve-ne-qi), as well as George Victorious - Sad-Ni-ka, Ska Chu-th, on Ko-not (foreign-gda with spa from-Ro-kom) or in Ra-Say-go-go-ko-on. In the IS-Cry-St-ve V-Zanti Cro-Hawa, the connection of the o'-la-cion in the Solution of the Academy of Sciences; Chu-du-Vosha has the appearance of the AS-Pi-yes with the two La Pa-Mi and Snake Tu-Lo-Voshm. In follow-up Syuzhe, in Lu-Chives in the Russian trad-duration of "Chu-to Ge-or-Gia about Zmie", Paul-Zo-Val-Sia Keeping-tel in Pu-Lar-No-Stew in the art of Ma Loi Asia, Rou-Si and Western Ev-Ro-Py. KOM-VI-QUI-NAI-MA IS-POL-ZO-VASH DOES NOT IS NOT IS UPTER DAYS (RED-COUNT -comy-new-ki - with Tsa-Reb, on the Persian Pep-not - on Kar-Ti-not Ya. Tin-Reta-Reta, about 1560, National Ga-Lea, London). In the Western-Ev-Ropai Life-Pi-si, George of the Victorious Custom, but iso-shed, whether in the Ry-Tsar-Ski La Thah, Sch-Zhaya-Xia with Chu-up-Vizhym Dr. Ko-nom: "Bit-Va of St. Ge-Or-Gia with Dr." P. Uch-Lo (about 1470, National Ga Le-Reia, Lon-Don), Cycle TIN V. Kar-Pach-Cho for Sku-La San Ji-Jo de Ly-Skya - not in vessels (1502-1507), "Bit-Wa of St. Gera with the dra-ko-noma "Ra-Fa-Ale (1505-1506, the National Ga Lea-Ray of Isoches, Va-Shing-tone)," Holy Ge-Or-Guy, in Ra-Zhayu- Dr. Ko-on "P.P. Ru-Ben-sa (1606-1607, Pra-to, Mad Reed), "Bit-Wa of St. Ge-Or-Gia with Dr. Ko-Nom" Mo-Ro (1889-1890, National Ga Le-Reia, Lon-Don).

In the Sculpt-Tu-Ree, the Russian Ros-E-FA-E-FA and Sta-Tui Ge-Or-Voi-on (Rail-Ef-Naya Devusive Iko-on Church Holy Ge Or-Gia in Omor-Fock-Li Sya, CAS-TO-RIA, XIII century; A hundred-thu o-bodies in the church of Or-San Mi-Ke-le, Flo Ren etc.), the re-style - Ge-Or-Gia-Ud-Ni-ka (hundred-thuua from the Spare-mouth of the Moscow Cream-La, 1464, frag-men-you - in Muz Moskovsky crest, GTG, etc.). In the chalk of the plaque, George of the Victorious Iso-Brazi-Li on Na-Tel-Once, Cre-Stah, Mo-Net-Tach, PE-CHA-TIM, etc.

The suffering of the Holy Great Martyr George Victorious

The unworthy ruler of the Roman kingdom, the wicked dioclitian was a tary follower and the patron saint of an idolatry. Above all the gods, he was honored by Apollo, who was heard of the well-minder of the future. For the deva, who dwells in his soulless idol, prophesied for the future, but the prediction of these ever came true.

Once Dioclitian questions about a certain thing about the Apollo. The demon answered him:

- I can not truly proseget the future, because I interfere with the righteous people, why and lump in theatey magic tripods: The righteous destroys our strength.

Dioclitian began to ask the priests, that this is for the righteous, for whom God Apollo cannot prophesy. The priests answered that Christians were righteous on Earth. Hearing it, Dioclitian turned anger and rage on Christians and resumed the ceased persecution on them. He exposed his sword on the righteous, unusual and immaculate people of God and sent the command about the execution of them in all countries of her kingdom. And the audience was filled with confessions of the true God, instead of adulterers, robbers and unfasteless people. Common methods of torment were abolished as unsatisfactory and invented lute flour, which was subjected to many Christians daily and everywhere. From all sides, especially from the East, a lot of written slanders were delivered to the king. These denuncations have been reported that people are not executing the royal commands and named Christians such a lot that you should or leave them to be in your faith or to get war on them. Then the king convened from everywhere of his Avtiipat and Imemon to the Council in Nikomidia, gathered princes, boyars and all his Senate and, opening his rage against Christians, commanded everyone to give his advice in his understanding, how to do with paganism. After many speeches attended the Council, the tormentor stated that there was nothing more honest and more consistently revered by the ancient father's gods. When everyone agreed with the king expressed, he continued:

- If you all think so, and you wish to fulfill diligently, and if you value my love, try to destroy the Christian faith to destroy our kingdom with all our gods. So that you can make it more successful, I myself will help you with all my forces.

All accepted this royal word with praise. Dioclitian and the Senate gathered for the Council about the elimination of Christianity and the second and third time. Then he was announced to the decision of the people so that it became an indispensable command.

At that time, in the Roman war was the wonderful warrior, Saint George, from Cappadocia, the Son of Christian Parents, from Mlada, who was brought in piety. As a child, he lost his father, who died tortured for the confession of Christ. Mother George moved to Palestine with him, as her homeland and rich possessions were there.

Having come to age, St. George was distinguished by the beauty of the face, courage and the fortress of the body, why was put in the tribune in the famous Military Regiment. In this rank, he showed such brave courage that King Dioclitian, who had not yet known about his Christianity, honored him to Sanom Komit and the governor. Mother George at that time had already died.

When Dioclitian was intended to destroy Christians, Saint George consisted of Tsar. From the first day, as soon as St. George was convinced that this unjust intention could not be canceled in any way, and he learned about the turbidity of the wicked Christians, he decided that the time had arrived, which would serve to rescue his soul. Immediately all its wealth, gold, silver and precious clothes, Saint George, distributed to the beggar, former with him, gave freedom, and about those slaves who were in the Palestinian possessions, ordered some of them to be liberated, and others were transferred to the poor. On the third day, when the final meeting of the king and his princes should be held about the lawless killing of unhappy Christians, the courage of the warrior of Holy George, rejected by every fear of human and having only fear before God, with the face of a light and courageous mind appeared on the wicked and Forglessly gathering and addressed him with a speech:

- About the king, and you, princes and advisers! You are installed to comply with good laws and righteous vessels, and frantically erect your rage against Christians, claiming lawlessness and making the wrong decisions about the court of unhappy and no one who did not have offended people. You chase them and torment them, forcing them to your crazy dishonesty and those who have learned to be pious. But no, your idols are not gods! Do not impose with this lie. Jesus Christ is a single God, the Lord in the glory of the god of the Father, who all created and everything exists in the spirit of His saints. Or you yourself know the truth and learn a piety, or do not embarrass the madness of your truthful piety.

Having wandering around the words of St. George and his unexpected daring, everyone turned their eyes to the king, looking forward to that he will answer the saint. The king could not come to himself from surprise and, exactly stunned by thunder, sat in silence while holding anger in himself. Finally, the king is instructed by his magnance present on the Council, San Antipat, so that he answered Georgia.

Magnesia called himself the saint and told him:

- Who prompted you to such daring and exercise?

"Truth," answered the saint.

- What is this truth? - said magnance. George said:

"Truth is Christ, who chases you."

- So are you a Christian? - asked magnament.

And answered Saint George:

"I'm a slave of Christ, God of my, and, at him, I said, I came on my will among you to testify about the truth."

From these words, the saint was worried all atmosphere, everyone spoke, one one, another other, and a non-stroke cry and scream rose, as it happens in the numerous crowd of the people.

Then Dioclitian ordered to restore silence and, turning his eyes on the saint, recognized him and said:

- I was firstwaling to your nobility, about Georgy! Having recognized your appearance and your courage worthy of honor, I honored you not with a small san. And today, when you say bold words for yourself, I, from love for your mind and courage, like the Father I give you advice and I focus you, so that you do not lose the military glory and the honor of Sana's own and did not betray your youth color flour. Bring the gods to the sacrifice and get even more honorable honor from us.

Saint George answered:

- Oh if you are myself, the king, I knew the true God through me and brought him a loved victim to him! He would make you better than the kingdom - the immortal, for the kingdom, which you now enjoy - is inconceive, dyingly and quickly dies, and his short-term pleasure is dying with him. And no benefit receive those who are seduced by them. Nothing from this can weaken my piety, and no flour frightened my soul and won't make my mind.

These words of St. George led the king in fury. Without giving the Holy to finish his speech, the king commanded his squires to expel Georgy from the meeting and conclude it to the dungeon.

When the warriors began to fulfill the orders of Tsarevo, and already one spear touched the body of the saint, immediately its iron became gently like tin, and bent. The martyr's martyr fulfilled the praise of God.

By entering the martyr in the dungeon, the warriors spread it on the ground, face up, knocked his legs into the decks and put a heavy stone on his chest. So told the painter. The holy all endured all this, incentively gave thanks to God until the next day.

When the day came, the king again called on the martyr to the test, and, seeing George depressed by the severity of the stone, asked him:

- Did you repent, George, or still stay in your non-defeat?

Holy George, oppressed by a heavy stone, which lay on his chest, could hardly speak:

- About the king, do you really think that I came to such an exhaustion that after such a small torment rejected by the faith of his own? Rather, you extend, tormenting me than I, tormented to you.

Then Dioclitian ordered to bring a great wheel under which boards were placed by iron rally, similar to swords, knives and knitting needles; Some of them were straight, other twisted on the semblance of rods. On that wheel, the king ordered the naked martyr, and, rotating the wheel, cut the whole body with its iron rally approved on the boards. Holy George, cut into parts and crushed as a reed, fully transferred its flour. At first, he prayed to God with a loud voice, then quietly, about himself, thanked God, not by emptying a single wedding, and staying like sleeping or insensible.

Having considered the saint, the king in joy brought the praise of the gods to his and turned to Georgia with such words:

- Where is your God, George; Why did he not get rid of you from such flour?

Then he ordered George as he had already deceased, to untie the wheel, and he himself went to the capital of Apollo.

Suddenly the air darkened and the terrible thunder thundered, and many heard the voice over:

- Do not be afraid of George, I am with you.

The radiance, great and unusual, and the Angel of the Lord in the image of the young men of beautiful and clear, illuminated by the light, seemed to be standing at the wheel and, laying his hand on the martyr, said:

- Rejoice.

And no one dare knew the wheel and to the martyr, while the vision continued. When an angel disappeared, a martyr himself came down from the wheel, an angel and healed from RAS. And he became a holy georgy to a universal body and called on the Lord.

At the sight of this miracle, the warriors came to great horror and bewilderment and was announced about the happening of the king, which was then present in the chapter on the commission of unclean service of idols. He followed the warriors and St. George and appeared the king in the temple.

The king first did not believe that he was his Holy George, but thought it was someone like him. The surrounding king stared at George intently and were convinced that it was he who, and himself hesitated with a loud voice:

- I am George.

Horror and bewilderment for a long time for a long time. The two of the same husband, which was there, Anthony and Protolaon, respectable by the Pretorous San, who were previously announced in the Christian faith, seeing this wonderful miracle, was completely established in the confession of Christ and appeal:

- God's great and true, God Christian!

The king immediately ordered them to grab them, without interrogation to withdraw for the city and to betray the sword.

Queen Alexander, also attended in the temple, seeing the wonderful healing of the martyr and hearing about the angel's phenomenon, learned the truth. But when she wanted to confess Christ to confess, the epars kept her before and before the king learned, commanded her to take her to the palace.

The villainal dioclitian, who is not able to do good, commanded George to plunge into the landed stone ditch with the negascinary lime and it fall asleep the martyr for three days.

Slave to Rives, the Holy Three Timelly prayed to the Lord:

- Savior of grieving, refuge of persecuted, hope hopeless, Lord My God! Hear your prayer for your boyfriend, proud to me and nice me. Relive me from cunning the opposite and give me to keep the confession of your saint's confession to the end of my life. Do not leave me, Lord, for my sins, so that my enemies do not say: "Where is his God?" Show your strength and glorify your name in me, an uncomfortable slave. I went to an angel, the keeper of me unworthy, - you, who pretended the stove of the Babylonian in Russia and who preserved your extermination (DAN.3), for you are blessed forever. Amen.

So praying and protecting the whole body with his own sign, George entered the ditch, rejoicing and the famous of God. Tied the martyr and, according to the command, falling asleep into the ruins of Negasy Lime, the servants of Tsarev were removed.

On the third day, the king commanded to spew the dice of the martyr from the Rib with Lime, for he thought he burned out there. When the servants came and deliberate lime, they found saint contrary to waiting, unscathed, alive, healthy and allowed from the UZ. He stood with his face light, stretched his hands to the sky and thanked God for all his well-bodies.

The servants and the people who were present at the same time came to horror and surprise and, as if uniform, glorified God Georgiev, calling him great.

Having learned about what happened, Dioclitian immediately ordered the saint and surprised to say:

"Where in you, George, such force, and what magic you use," tell us. I think that you haveniguously pretending to believe in Christ to show the magic trick, surprise everyone with your sorcerence, and to reveal yourself through him great.

"Oh king," answered the saint, "I believed that you could not open our mouth for the hill of the omnipotent God, for which everything is possible and who eliminates the misfortunes. You, being delivered by Dilolo, fell into such a depth of delusion and died, what you call the magic and the wonders of the wonders of my God, visible by your eyes. I cry about your blindness, call you the puzzled and consider it unworthy of my answer.

Then Dioclitian commanded to bring iron boots, split long nails, driven into the sole, to shod a martyr to these boots and so drive him with beatings to the dungeon. When the champions of the martyr, wage thus, the tormentor, abruptly, said:

- What are you fast speed, George, how soon you go!

The martyr, inhumanly dominable, exposed to cruel blows, spoke of himself:

- Go, George to reach, because you go, "Not as wrong" (1 Cor. 9:26).

Then, calling God, said:

- Watch from heaven, Lord, look at my work, and hear the bread of an accounted slave of yours, because my enemies multiplied, but you heal me, Lord, for my bones, and give me patience to the end, so that my enemy says: I Silen against him. "They hate me loute hatred" (Psal. 24:19).

With such a prayer was his holy georgy to the dungeon. Enclosed there, he was squeezed by the body, having the legs with a confused, but not exhausted in spirit. All day and all night did not cease to make thanks and prayer to God. And that night, God's help, healed from the ulcers, his feet and the whole body became unharmed again.

In the morning, the saint George was presented to the king on the spot the disorder, where the king was with all the synclith. Seeing that the martyr goes correctly and does not lame her legs, as if he did not hurt him, the king was surprised to tell him:

- What is George - do you like your boots?

"Very," answered the saint.

And the king said:

"Stop being bold, be meek and conquer and rejected the magic trick, bring the victim to the gracious gods, so as not to lose your sweet of this life with many flour.

Answered George Saint:

- How insane you, calling the power of God, and without shame proud of the demonstration of the charm!

Arriving on the holy angry eyes, Dioclitian fiercely choke interrupted him and ordered the upcoming beat him in the mouth; Let him say the tormentman, he will learn not to annoy the kings. Then, he commanded George to beat with oxides until the flesh with blood would stick to the ground.

Lyuto tormented, Holy George did not change his lightness of his face. Surprisingly Surprisingly, the king spoke to others:

- Truly, not from the courage and the fortress George, but from magical tricks.

Then magnance told King:

- There is a certain husband, skillful in the excitement. If you order him to lead, georgy will soon be defeated and will come to obedience.

Immediately, the Volhv was drafted before the king, and Dioclitian told him:

- that the perfect this man George has created here, the eyes of all those present saw; But how he created it, only you know, skillful in that trick. Or beyond and destroying his excitement and make it submissive to us, or the immediately of his life with worshipers, so that he accepts her death from that trick, which he learned. Therefore, I left him alive until now.

Muck, the name of Athanasius, promised to fulfill all those who were the next day.

The commandments to watch the martyr in the dungeon, the king left the Justice, and Saint entered the dungeon, calling God:

- Show, Lord, your mercy on me, to send my foot to your confession and save my way in the faith of yours, so that your name is famous everywhere.

In the morning, the king appeared again at the trial and rake in a high place in mind. Athanasius Volkhv came, proud of his wisdom, carrying magician peets in different vessels to show the king and all the upcoming. And said Athanasius:

- Let now lead a convict here, and he urtilizes the power of our gods and my char.

Then, taking one vessel, Athanasius said King:

"If you want that the madman in all of you listened to, let him drink this pit."

Taking another vessel, the Volkhv continued:

- If you want to see you to see the bitter death, let him drink this.

Immediately, on the command of the king, Saint George, his court is shown. And Dioclitian told him:

- Now your excuses, George, will be destroyed and stop.

And commanded forcibly soaring with chagrin beating. After drinking without hesitation, George remained unharmed, rejoicing and mocking over the demonic charm. Boiling rage, the king ordered forcibly to drink it and other betties performed by the poison of the mortal. The holy did not expect violence, and voluntarily took the vessel and drank a deadly poison, but he remained unharmed, being preserved from death with the grace of God.

The king was surprised and all his synclite; Athanasius Volkhv also came in bewilderment. After a while, the king told the martyr:

- How long, George, you will wonder your acts of your acts, do not tell us the truth, what kind of magic goats did you reach the contempt of your torment and remain unscathed from death-beacon? Say everything truly to us who wanted to listen to you with meekness.

The Blessed George answered:

- Do not think about the king that I do not pay attention to flour, thanks to the human mind. No, I save by the Call of Christ and His power. Using on him, on the mysterious learning, we consider me flour.

And Dioclitian said:

- What is the mysterious learning of Christ?

Georgy answered:

"He knows that your malice will not reach anything, and taught his servants not to be killing the body, as they cannot kill the souls. For he said: "But your hair does not disappear from your head" (Luk. 21:18), "Will take snakes; And if that the deadly bother will not hurt them " (MRK.16: 18). "Believer in me, the cases that I do, and he will create" (John 14:12). Hear, about the king, this is a simple to promise to us, about which I tell you briefly.

- What are it about him about which you say? Dioclitian asked.

Answered holy:

- Blind enlightened, clean the lepers, to feed - chrome, rumor - deaf, the spirits of unclean expelled, resurrect the dead - these are these and similar SIM cases of Christ.

Turning to Athanasia Magli, the king asked him:

- What will you say about that?

"I am surprised," answered Athanasius, "as he oversleep over your meekness, saying a lie in the hope of avoiding the hands of your hand. We enjoying our everyday blessings of our immortal gods, have never seen what they would resurrect the dead. The same, versioning on a person dead and believing in a crucified God, without shame says that he committed great things. Since George before all we confested that God was the perfect miracles and that the believers took him a simple promise from him that they would create such things that he had created, then let Georgy raises the dead man before you, about the king, And before all of us. Then we will conquer him to God as Almighty. From here, the grave was visible, in which the dead was new to which I knew during my life. If George will resurrect him, will truly win us.

The king was amazed to such advice Athanasius. The tomb, indicated by them, defended from the trill at half stage. For the court took place on the site of the former theater, at the gate of the city. The tomb was beyond the city, because by the customs of ELLINIONS, they were buried outside the city. And the king commanded the martyr so that he will not resure his dead for the power of God's strength. The magnesium is the same Antipath rejected the king to free George from the shackles. When the shackles were removed from George, Magnia said to him:

- Show, George, the wonderful things of your God, and you will bring us all to faith in it.

And he told him Holy:

- My God, created everything from nothing, has the power to resurrect the dead man to me; You, who, remembered your mind, can not intelligible truths. But the Lord My for the sake of the people present will create the fact that you, tempting me, ask, - so that you will not attribute to the magicianship. Fair the words of the Magnifier, which you cited you, that neither the excuse, nor the power of your gods could never resurrect the dead. I am before the face of all around the circle and in all the prize of my God.

Having said Sie, Georgy kept kneeling and prayed for a long time with tears; Then I put, George with a loud voice appealed to the Lord:

- God's God, God gracious, God of all forces, Almighty, not by the persons of those who believes on you, Lord, Jesus Christ; Hear me, the humble slave of your hour, you, who heard the holy apostles of their own in every place, with all sorts of wonders and signs. Give the genus the soution of a condemnation and Sunday of the dead man lying in the coffin, for a shame of you deny you, your father and the Most Holy Spirit. About the Vladyka, show the upcoming that God is one for all the land, so they have known you, gentlemen of the omnipotent, who will all obey and the glory of which forever. Amen.

When he said: "Amen", suddenly thunder thundered and shook the earth, so everyone was horrified. Then the roof of the tomb fell on the ground, the coffin opened, and the dead rose alive and left the coffin. Everything, seen this, was sacrificed from horror. He immediately dealt with the people of Solva about what happened, and many sobbed and glorified Christ as the Great God. The king and all with him the former, perfted and fear and disbelief, first said that George, being a great Magi, restored the coffin is not a dead man, but a spirit of some and ghost to delight seen this. Then, making sure that there is no ghost before them, and the person is resurrected from the dead and calling the name of Christ, the king and Velmazbi came to great bewilderment and amazement and silently surrounded George, absolutely not knowing what to do. Athanasius was crippled to the feet of the saint, confessing that Christ is an all-industrialous God, and praying the martyr, so that he forgave him the sinners who were deeded in ignorance. After a long time, Dioclitian finally commanded the people to shove and said:

- Can you see the tender, about the men; Do you see the malice and the debris of the Magi so? The wicked Athanasius, helping the magic, like himself, gave Georgia to drink not poison, but some fascinated drink, which would help him choose us. They gave a living person to the apparent kind of dead and magic before our eyes rebelled him, as if resurrected from the dead.

I said this, the king commanded, without interrogation and preliminary flour, cut off the head of Athanasia and the resurrect from the dead; The Holy Martyr of Christ Georgy ordered to keep in the dungeon and in the skies until he himself would be free from the affairs of the People's Board and will not come up with how to do with the martyr [. Holy has selected] God:

- Glory to you, Vladyka, not being taken to those who relieve you. Thank you for helping me everywhere and every day you show me all big blessings and your grace you decorate me unworthy. The help of me is God, my God, soon I do not see the glory of your glory, damaged the devil to the end.

When the Great Martyr George was in the dungeon, people came to him, from his wonders they assumed in Christ, gave gold guard, fell to the feet of the saint and instructed them in the Holy Faith. By calling the name of Christ and the sign of the godfather, healing and patients, in a variety of those who came to him in the dungeon. Among those who had a certain husband, the name of glycherius, a simple landpaste, whose will will fall out from the mountain to the forest and crashed to death. Hearing about the beautiful wizards of the saint, glycheria went to him, grieving about the abhorchair. Holy smiled and told him:

- Go, brother, and not sad. Christ, my God will give back the will of your life.

The landpastetz went with a firm faith in the words of the martyr and did see his will alive. Immediately he returned to Georgia and, walking in the middle of the city, loudly called:

- History is truly great!

For this, he was captured by the warriors and he was constructed to the king. Dioclitian turned anger, did not want to see him, and ordered his head immediately in the city. To death for Christ, Glycheri went with joy, as on the feast, ahead of warriors, a loud voice calling for Christ of God and praying so that he is to have blood outpaning, like baptism. So died glycheria.

Then, some of the men who belonged to the syncline were announced to the king that George, being in the dungeon, outraged the people, many disgusts from the gods to crucified and mysteriously wobbly so that everyone goes to him. At the same time they advised George to be dedicated to torture, and if he does not show and turn to the gods, then that was immediately convicted of death. Calling the Anti -ipata Magnament, the king commanded the morning to prepare a trial with the temple of Apollo to experience the martyr in front of the people. That night, when Saint George prayed in the dungeon, Zero, he said in a dream of an appeared gentleman who raised his hand, hugging him, having listed him and laughed him to the head of the crown, saying:

"Do not be afraid, but dare and make up with me to reign." Do not exhausted, you will soon come to me and get treated you.

Having woke up from sleep, Holy happily thanked the Lord and, calling the guard of the Dunnacky, said to him:

- I ask you, brother, about one blessing; Orders to enter my servant here. I need to say something to him.

The guard called the servant, who constantly stood in the dack and carefully recorded the acts and speeches of the saint. Included, servant to the ground bowed to Mr. His sitting in the skies, and a student to his feet and flooded with tears. Holy raised him from the ground, ordered him to strengthen the Spirit and announced his vision, saying:

- Chado! Soon the Lord will call me to him, you are on my outcome of this life, take my humble body and according to the will, which I wrote before my feathers, take our place with the help of God in the Palestinian house and fulfill my will, having fear of God and Ferrious faith in Christ.

The servant with tears promised to execute the commanded. Holy lovingly hugged him, gave him the last kissing and let go with the world.

On the morning, as soon as the sun climbed, the king was skewed at the trial and, holding back the anger, began to talk to George, presented his face:

"Don't you think about George, that I am filled with man and mercy to you, with a blessing to carry your crimes?" The gods are my witnesses to the fact that I do not want your youth, for the sake of your blooming beauty, mind and courage. And I would like to have you by the co-program, the second for honor in my kingdom, if you just wished to appeal to the gods. Tell me what you think about it?

Saint George said:

"Oh king, you would first have taken such a mercy to me, and not torturing me with such a lid flour."

Hearing with the pleasure of this speech of the martyr, the king said:

- If you want to obey me with love, as a father, for all the flour that you suffered, I will repulse you with many honors.

Georgy answered:

- If you please, king, enter the temple inside the temple to see the gods that you honor.

The king gladly rebelled and went with all the synclith and the people in the temple of Apollon, with honor with Holy George. The people with click welcomed the king, glorifying the power and victory of their gods.

Entering the temple where the sacrifice was cooked, everyone with silence looked at the martyr, no doubt awaiting it to bring the gods to the victim. Holy came to the idol of Apollo, stepped to him with his hand and asked him insane, as if alive:

- Do you want to take a victim from me like God?

With these words, Saint created the glooring sign. The demon who dwells in the idol exclaimed:

- I'm not God, not God and none of the like me. One God is the one you confess. We are apostates from the angels who served him; We, obsessed with envy, pretend to people.

Saint then told Besu:

- How do you dare to dare here when I came here, the minister of the true God?

At this time, the words of the saint, the noise and crying that came from idols rose. Then they fell on the ground and crushed. Immediately, the priests and many of the people, like furious, fiercely rushed to the saint, began to beat him and knit him and cried to the king:

- Kill this wrap, about the king, kill him before he destroys us!

The rumor about the cemination and the cry was spread throughout the city and reached the hearing of Queen Alexandra. Until now, the faith in himself in Himself in Christ, the queen had no strength to hide his confession longer and immediately went there, where he was Holy Great Martyr George.

Seeing the people's confusion and nurser from afar of the martyr, who was kept connected, the queen tried in vain to go to him through the crowd and began to look loudly:

- God George, help me, since you are alone.

When the crude is a folk verse, Dioclitian ordered the martyr to himself and, like a larger to himself, told the saint:

- You pay such a gratitude, nasty, for my mercy, so you used to bring sacrifice to the gods!

He answered Holy George:

When Saint said this, the queen finally passed through the crowd to the middle, dare confessing before everyone that Christ is true God. She fell to the legs of the martyr and, by passing over the madness of the tormentor, reinforced the gods and cursed those who worship them. Seeing his spouse that, at the feet of the martyr, with such courage, I sofled Christ and humiliated idols, the king came to great amazement and told her:

- What happened to you, Alexander, that you join this Magnifier and the magician and so shamelessly passion from the gods?

She turned away, did not answer the king. Dioclitian was even more rage and neither Georgy nor the queen was not tortured, but immediately hesitated such a death sentence to both:

"The worst George, who declared himself a follower of Galileanin and hung me a lot and the gods, together with Alexandroy Tsaritsy, corrupt his excitement and like him insanely shortly by the gods, speaking tricks with a sword.

The warriors grabbed the martyr, enchanted by the skis, and led out of town. They also entailed the noblest queen, which was followed without resistance for George, praying in itself and often looking at the sky. The queen was in the way and asked for permission to sit down. Sevzha, she leaned his head against the wall and betrayed the Spirit of his Lord. Seeing this, the martyr of Christ, Georgy glorified God and went, praying to the Lord, so that his path would end with adequately. When George approached the place appointed for his execution, he is a loud voice with a prayer:

"You are blessed, my God's God, for I did not betray me in the prey of the seekers looking for me, did not argue my enemies and delighted my soul like a bird from the network. Hear me and now, the Vladyka, I will appear to me to your slave at the last time and save my soul from my goat air prince and from the spirits of his unclean. Do not put it in the sin sinned against me by ignorance, but give them forgiveness and love, so that they, having given you, received participation in your kingdom, with your chosentes. We accept and my soul with most of the century, despite my sins committed in jurisdiction and ignorance. Looking, Lord, calling your nice name, for you are blessed and declared forever. Amen.

Praying, Saint George gladly kept under the sword under the sword, and so died at the twenty-third day of the month of April, having adopted his confession and retaining faith in immaculate. Therefore, he is crowned with the chosen crown of the truth.

This is the triumph of the great feats of the brave warrior, such a militia of him on the enemies and a glorious victory, so having hungry, he encouraged him with an imperious and eternal crown. According to the prayers of him and we will advise the lot of righteous and standing on the day on the second coming of the Lord of our Jesus Christ, who is pleased with any glory, honor and worship of centuries. Amen.

Miracles of the Holy Great Martyr George

In the countries of the Syrian, the city was called the Ramel, in which the church was built in the name of the Holy Great Martyr George. And did not happen in that place suitable stonesFrom which it would be possible to make great stone pillars to the statement of the church building. Such pillars were usually bought in distant countries and were brought around the sea. Many of the Bogroli citizens of Ramsel went to various countries to buy stone pillars for the constructed church. With that, the goal went and some piety widow, having a diligence and faith to the Holy Great Martyr George, wanting to buy one pillar from his small means for the temple George. Bought in a kind of country an excellent pillar, she brought him to the sea shore, where the Grador Barrel, who acquired a few pillars, loaded them on the ship. And the woman began to begging the dignity so that he would take to his ship and her pillar and would deliver it to the Church of the Martyr. The rich is not listened to her requests, did not take her pillar, but sailed, loading the ship only with his pillars. Then the woman fell out of pity on the ground and with tears called for the help of the Great Martyr, so that he would somehow arranged the delivery of her pillar to Ramel to his church. In sadness and in tears, she fell asleep, and appeared in a sleepy vision of the Holy Great Martyr George, on horseback in the image of the governor, raised it from the ground and said:

- Oh woman, tell me what is the matter?

She told the holy cause of her sadness. He came down from his horse and asked her:

- Where do you want to put a pillar?

She answered:

- on the right side of the church.

Immediately saint draws the following to the pillar:

- Let this widower be supplied to the second in a number of pillars on the right side of the church.

Having written this, George said to a woman:

- Help me you yourself.

And so when they took up the pillar, the stone became light, and they plunged the pillar into the sea. That's what a woman saw in a dream.

Waking up, she did not find a pillar in his place and, putting hope for God and his servant, St. George, went home. But before she arrived there and before the ship sailed, the next day after her vision, the pillar was found lying on the shore of the Ramelskaya Pier. When the Garde, named Vasily, brought his pillars on the ship and went ashore, then saw the pillar of the widow and the inscription on it, depicted by the saint's finger. The husband was amazed by the one and, of course, the miracle of the Holy Great Martyr, knew his sin and repented in the fact that he was despicable by the request of the widow. He asked for many prayers by George about forgiveness and received him from the saint that was in vision. The pillar of the widowers was put on the place where it was indicated by the inscription on it, in memory of the pious woman in surprise miracle, who was deemed by the Holy Great Martyr, and in the glory of Christ's God, the source of miracles.

Many years later, when Syria won the Saratsyns, in the city of Ramel, in the Church of the Holy Great Martyr Georgy was accomplished by such a miracle:

A certain Sarazin, accompanied by other one-grainsmans, entered the temple during the church rule and, seeing the icon of St. George, as well as the priest who was standing before the icon, who gave her and delightful prayer to Holy, - said to his friends in Saratsyn:

- Do you see what makes this madman? - Board prays. Bring me onions and an arrow, and I am shooting this board.

He immediately brought onion, and Saratsyn, standing behind everyone, pulled onions and let the arrow in the icon of the Great Martyr. However, the arrow did not fly to the icon, but climbed up and, having fallen down, stuck in his hand to the Saratsyna, strongly wounded him. Immediately, Saratsyn went to her home, feeling strong pain in his hand. The pain increasing more and more, the hand of Saratsyna Echoked, sneaked as fur, so from the strong sufferings of Saratsyn moaning.

This Sarazna house had several slaves of Christian. Calling them, he told them:

"I was in the church of your god George and wanted to shoot him an icon." However, I let the arrow from Luka so unsuccessful that, having fallen down, the arrow wounded me very much, and now I am dying from unbearable pain.

Slaves they told him:

- What do you think: did you do well, having daring to apply such an insult to the icon of the Holy Martyr?

Saratsyn answered them:

- Have this icon have the power to make so that I have now become sick?

Slaves answered him:

- We are not knowledgeable in books and therefore do not know what to answer you. But call our priest, and he will tell you about what you ask.

Saratsyn listened to the Council of his slave and, calling the priest, said to him:

- I want to know what power is the board, or the icon you have gone.

The priest answered him:

- I did not give up a board, but to God to my, the creator of the universe. Instructed on the chalkboard of the Holy Great Martyr Georgy, I prayed that he was presented to me before God.

Saratsyn asked him:

- Who is George, what is not your god?

The priest answered:

"Holy George is not our God, but only the servant of God and the Lord of our Jesus Christ." He was a man like us in everything. He has undergone many torment from the pagans, who forced him to renounce Christ; But, courageously opposed to them and having made the confessor for the name of Christ, he received a gift from God - to create signs and wonders. We, Christians, honored, respect him, and his icon, and, looking at her, as if on the saint, we turn to her and wave it. The same and you do; So, when the dear parents die or your brothers, you, looking at their clothes, cry before them, kiss them, imagining themselves in these clothes as if those most people who died. Exactly and we read the icons of the saints, - not as the gods (and there will be no one!) - But as an image of servants of God, which mysteries and their own icons; You myself, who daring to let the arrow in the icon of the Holy Martyr, it happened to wonder his strength to learn and edifying others.

After listening to this, Saratsyn said:

- What should I do now? You see that my hand is very echo; I missed and approach death.

The priest told him:

- If you want to stay alive and recover, then the orders to bring to you the icon of the Holy Great Martyr George, put it on my bed, arranged the icon of the lamp with a bare lamp on all night in it; In the morning, the sick hand your hand is barely from the lamp, firmly believing that you heal, - and you will be healthy.

Saratsyn immediately began to ask the priest to bring the icon of George to him and, accepting her with joy, did, as he taught his priest. In the morning he anointed his hand with her barely from the lamp, and immediately the pain in his hand was stopped, and his hand became healthy.

Being surprised and amazed by such a miracle, Saratsyn asked the priest, - is not written in his books about Saint George?

The priest brought him a story about the life and suffering of the saint and began to read His Saratsyna. Sarafter, with attention listening reading, all the time kept in the hands of the icon of the martyr and, turning to the saint shown on the icon, as a living person, exclaimed with tears:

- About Saint George! You were Yun, but the way, I am old, but the mad! You still caught God in the young years, I lived to old age, and still I don't know the true God! Pray for me to God your God so that he makes it help and me to be his slave!

Then, turning to the legs of the priest, Saratsyn began to ask him that he would help him of Holy Baptism.

The priest first did not agree to this, for Saratsyn was afraid. But seeing his faith and being unable to confront his requests, baptized him at night, secretly from Saratsyn.

When the morning came, the newly-standing Saratsyn left the house of his and, becoming in the middle of the city in front of everyone, began to preach Christ with great diligence, the belief of the True, the faith of Sarazin began to curse. He immediately overwhelmed by a lot of Sarazin: putting anger and rage, they rushed to him, like wild animals, and swords their cut him into small parts.

Thus, Sarazin, that in such a short time committed a good feat of confessionism for Christ and accepted the crown of martyrdom, according to the prayers of the Holy Great Martyr George.

There was also a new miracle here. When this church was consecrated in honor of the Most Holy Theotokos and the Holy Great Martyr George, then in the sign of the grace of the divine, from the altar of this church, the source of water was expired, healing all the illness of everyone with faithful to the fame of the king of Glory (who has the source of the life of the eternal ), God is in Trinity, Father and Son and the Holy Spirit, who was praised in his saints. Amen.

Tropear, voice 4:

Yako prisoners freedom, and a beggar, weak, weak, the kings of the challenge, the victorious of the Great Martyr Georgy, the moths of Christ of God, to be saved our souls.

In Tropar, Vlasoy Toy:

The feat of the kind of good faithfully faithfully faithfully faithfully, and the painfulness of the evils were dishonestly, the victim was favorable to God brought themselves: the tricks and the crown of the newness of the victory, and with the prayers to hire your forgiveness.

Kondak, voice 4:

Hardened from God seemed to have a piety of a honest, virtues of the handles by gathering themselves: Saying Bo in tears, cheerful ricege. He suffered from the same blood, Christ was happy, and the prayers holy your everyone's pretty forgiveness.

Name:George Victorious (Saint George)

Date of Birth: 275

Age: 28 years

Activity: Christian Saint, Great Martyr

Family status: Not married

George Victorious: Biography

One of the most famous and distortions of Christian Bogomicians is the name of Georgy Victorious. There is a lot of versions of the life of the saint. In canonical lives suffered during the great persecution. The famous story about Georgy Victoroscese is called "Miracle about Zmeye."

Childhood and youth

The Byzantine version of being outlined Simeon metaphrastructure. According to records, George appeared in the III century in Cappadocia. The father of the boy - Gerontius - served as a senator, the polychrony mother had a great estate. The parents of the child were considered rich and God-fearing people.

When his father, George, left his life, his mother moved to Lidd together with the child. George brought up a Christian. He got a good education. The future holy grew by a strong young man, so he entered military service. In a short time he won the fame and became the favorite military personnel of the Emperor Diocletian.

When Georgia was twenty years old, gone from the life of his boyfriend. He was inherited a large amount of money.

The Lord of the Empire of Rome was honored by the pagan gods and was an opponent of the Christian faith. When George learned that at the order of the emperor, the churches destroy the churches and harp the sacred books, he distributed the property to the poor and came to the Senate. There, the young man in all stated that Diocletian is a ruler who does not deserve to be at the head of the country. The young man was famous for beauty and courage, people asked George not to ruin their lives and refuse words, but the young man remained adamant. After the spoken speech and disobedience, George was thrown into the dungeon and began tortured.


After said George in the Senate of the Flame Speech, the guards grabbed a young man and threw in the dungeon. There, the young man was subjected to terrible torture, forced to renounce Christianity and accept paganism. Georgy courageously endured the torment and did not renounce God. Torture lasted 8 days. During cruel, the body of George healed and strengthened.

The emperor concluded that the former commander of the troops uses magic, and gave the order to kill the young manner. But it did not work. Then Diocletian ordered Georgy to revive the deceased person. He thought so to henest the former military and force to refuse faith. But after said George's prayer, the earth was shocked, and the deceased resurrected.

George courageously made torture and did not refuse. After unsuccessful persuasion, the young man was sentenced to death. On the night before the execution of a young man in a dream was the Savior. He told that for the suffered tests and resistance before the power of the reserves of the young man will go to paradise. After the awakening, George called the servant and dictated to that under the entry seen in the dream.

On the same night, the emperor himself came to the young man in the dungeon. He again appealed to the mind George with a request to repent and recognize paganism. The young man wished the prisoner to lead to the temple. When a request was performed, he stood before the statue of God and crossed himself and the idol. The devil who lived in the idol left the refuge, and the pagan statues split. Raw priests beat George.

Then the wife of Diocletian was raised to the noise, kneeling before the martyr and began to pray for the forgiveness of her husband. At that time, she appealed to orthodox faithhaving seen what happened. The ruler, realizing what happened, ordered the execution of the girl along with the young men. George prayed and laid his head on the fell.

April 23, in a new way - on May 6, George executed. Since the young man made a test and did not refuse faith, he was counted for the face of saints. The exact date of canonization of George Victorious is unknown.

According to belief, the saint buried in the church in the city of Lod, and the cut-off head and the sword were kept in Rome. In 1821, it is indicated about several heads stored in Venice, Prague, Constantinople and other cities. Everyone of these chapters sincerely took George the Victorious. A part of the relics is stored in Saint-Chapels in Paris. Another part of the relics - Dandy is located on the Holy Mount Athos.

Today, Georgy's memory is honored on the killing of passion student, services are held in the cathedrals, prayers are being taken to Christ. This date is considered to be a day of memory of Queen Alexandra - a young spouse Diocletian. According to other information, the ruler's wife wore the name of the Prince.

Christian ministry

The real biography of the priest is under the sign of the question, as well as the descriptions of the lives of other ancient Christian saints. In the history of Eusevia, Kaesari is mentioned a young man who has rebuffed by the Uzurpactor. They believe that this hero was George. The version takes place that two Georgia lived in fact. But one fell under the persecution of Lidd, and the second is in Cappadocia.

Miracles performed by the martyr, occurred after the death of George. The most popular story is about the defeat of a terrible squeezing. The monster claimed in the possession of the king in taking preaching paganism. It is written that when the lot fell to give the saint daughter, Georgy appeared on horseback and killed a monster with a spear. The emergence of the saint struck the citizens so that they believed in God and appealed to Christianity.

The incident with Zmeim is sometimes interpreted differently: Tsarevna means the church, a cunning zmium - paganism. In such an embodiment - on a horse with a spear, scholars, the saint Great Martyr is depicted in iconopisis.

Another version of the development of events: George with the help of prayer pacifies the dragon, and the rescued princess leads to the city whose residents immediately take Christianity. Then the young man kills the serpent sword. On the spot where the temple of George Victorious, a live source made his way out of the ground. This is the place where the young man killed Zmia.

Another miracle that happened after the death of the martyr is described. It happened when the Arabs attacked Palestine. One of the soldiers entered the Christian temple and saw a clergy for prayer George Victory. Showing disregard for icon and worship, Arab took the bow and shot into the image.

But it happened so that the arrow went out in the hand of the shooter, and the image did not cause any harm. Then the fighter appealed to the priest, and he told the invader the legend about St. George. Arab was so impressed with the story that he accepted the Christian faith.


St. George is honored since the times of early Christianity. The first temples of the prescription erected in the Roman Empire in the IV century. The cult of St. George has arisen in return. On the ground, the Sanctuits of the God of pagans erected the Cathedrals of the Great Martyr Orthodoxy.

Holy George became an example of courage and courage. In particular, the martyr is honored in Georgia. The first temple, erected in memory of the passionwater, dates from 335 year. Over time, the number of churches and chapels began to grow. In Georgia there are 365 holy buildings, as much as many days a year. There is no cathedral in the country, in which the icon of St. George would not stand.

In Georgia, the name of Georgy is popular to give boys. It is believed that the carrier of such a name is accompanied by luck and victory. From the Old Russian Times, George is known as Yuri and Highria. Great in the 1030s founded Georgiev monasteries in Kiev and Novgorod and pointed out to celebrate the day of the martyr on November 26.

Central christian temple In North Ossetia is Holy Georgievsky. And from 56 working chapels 10 signs Georgievski.

In 1769, the Empress approved the Order of George Victorious. The award was presented for merits in battle and service in military ranks. In 1917, the new Soviet government abolished the Order. In zero Order Restored as a military award Russian Federation. A two-color Georgievskaya tape is applied to St. George Order. And the George ribbon serves as a symbol of the celebration of the Victory Day.

From the Board of St. George is considered the patron saint of Moscow. In Heraldry, the image of the rider piercing the winged Zmia spear appeared from the XIV-XV centuries. This figure is located in the emblem of the Russian Federation, but directly indicated that the Knight is Holy George, no. It was shown on the coat of arms, and not a dragon, because in the heraldic agreement of Zmiy - a negative character, and the dragon is positive. They differ from each other by the number of paws: the dragon has two limbs, in Zmia - four.

In the XIII century, a man with a spear on the hill was depicted on coins. In 1997, a rider drawing was placed on the Russian penny, a copy of the Icons of St. George XV century.

The image of Saint George is used in contemporary art. Artists love to embody the rider on the canvas with a spear in his hand that kills Zmia. Despite the similarity of the drawings, each picture indicates a special vision of the Creator.

Memorial dates

  • April 23 - Memorial Day Great Martyr George Victorious in the Catholic Church
  • May 6 - Memorial Day Great Martyr George Victorious in the Orthodox Church
  • November 16 - Update (sanctification) of the temple of St. George in Liddes (IV century)
  • November 23 - Keeping the Great Martyr George;
  • December 9 - the consecration of the church of the Great Martyr George in Kiev in 1051 (the celebration of Russian orthodox church, famous for the people like autumn yuriev day)
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The most famous miracle of St. George is the liberation of the prince of Alexandra (in another version, Elisava) and the victory over the devilish snake.

It happened in the vicinity of the Lebanese city of Lasi. The local king paid the annual tribute to the monstrous snake, who lived among the Lebanese mountains, in a deep lake: he was given one year in her lot every year. Once the lot go to the egregation of the snake fell daughters of the ruler itself, chaste and beautiful girl, one of the few residents of Lasi, who believed in Christ. Tsarevna led to the snake in the lair, and she was already looking forward to terrible death.

Suddenly, she was a warrior on a horse, who, having mastered himself with the godfather, struck by the Snake's spear, the power of God devoid of demonic power.

Together with Alexandra George, he was in the city, saved by him from the terrible Dani. The pagans took the victorious warrior for an unknown God and began to praise him, but George explained to them that he serves the true God - Jesus Christ. Many citizens led by the ruler, listening to confession new faith, adopted baptism. On the main square built a temple in honor of the Virgin Mary and George Victorious. The rescued princess accepted royal clothes and remained at the temple a simple obedient.
From this miracle originates the image of George Victorious - the winner of the evil embodied in the snake - the monster. The combination of Christian holiness and military valor made George with a model of the medieval soldier-knight - defender and liberator.

T. akim saw George the Victorious Middle Ages. And on his background, the historic Georgy Victorious - Warrior, who defeated his life and defeating death was lost and defeated.

San Georgio Schiavony. St. Georgy fights with a dragon.

In the rank of martyrs, the church glorifies those who suffered suffering for Christ and adopted a painful death with his name on the lips, without renounced from faith. This is the biggest rank of saints, numbering thousands of men and women, old men and children affected by the pagans, the godless authorities of various times who are militant. But among these saints there are especially revered - the Great Martyr. The suffering that fell on their share were so great that the human mind cannot accommodate the power of patience and faith of such saints and only explains them by the help of God, like all superhuman and incomprehensible.

Such a Great was George, a wonderful young man and a courageous warrior.

Georgy was born in Cappadocia - areas in the very center of Asia Minor, which was part of the Roman Empire. This area from an early Christian times was known for its cave monasteries and as-Christian devotees, leading in this harsh edge, where we had to endure the daily heat and night cold, drought and winter frosts, ascetic and prayer life.

Georgy was born in the III century (no later than 276) in a rich and noble family: his father named Gherontius, the PERS, was a senior one - senator with dignitystratilate 1 ; The Polychrony Mother is a native of the Palestinian city of Lidda (the modern city of Lod near Tel Aviv) - owned extensive estates in his homeland. As often happened at that time, the spouses adhered to various beliefs: Genonius was a pagan, and polychronia professed Christianity. Polychronyus was engaged in the education of the son, so George from childhood I absorbed Christian traditions and grew up with pious boys.

George from youth was distinguished by physical strength, beauty and courage. He received a brilliant education and could live in idleness and pleasures, spending parental inheritance (his parents died even before he entered the age of majority). However, the young man chose a different way for himself and entered military service. In the Roman Empire to the army taken from 17-18 years old, and normal time Services amounted to 16 years.

The emerging life of the future of the Great Martyr began under the emperor Diocletian, who became a sovereign, commander, benefactor and the tormentor, who gave the order about his execution.

Diocletian (245-313) came from the poor family and began service in the army by a simple soldier. He immediately distinguished himself in the battles, the benefit of such opportunities in those times was abuse: the Roman state, torn by internal contradictions, was to the same recruitment of numerous barbaric tribes. Diocletian quickly passed the way from the soldier to the commander, won popularity in troops due to the mind, physical strength, determination and courage. In 284, the soldiers proclaimed their commander by the emperor, expressing love and confidence in him, and at the same time, putting it before the most difficult task of managing the empire into one of the most difficult periods of its history.

Diocletian made his co-associate of Maximian - an old friend and comrades, and then they divided power with young Caesar Galeriy and Constance, according to custom, adopted. It was necessary to cope with rebellion, wars and difficulties of destroying different parts states. Diocletian was engaged in the affairs of Malaya Asia, Syria, Palestine, Egypt, and the residence did the city of Nikomidia (now Ismid, in Turkey).
While Maximian suppressed the uprising inside the empire and opposed the raids of the German tribes, Diocletian moved to the east - to the borders of Persia. Most likely, in these years, the young man George and entered the service in one of the legions of Diocletian, passing through his native land. Then the Roman army fought with the tribes of Sarmatov on the Danube. The young warrior was distinguished by courage and strength, and Diocletian noticed such and promoted the service.

Especially Georgy distinguished himself in the war with Persians in 296-297, when the Romans in the dispute for the Armenian throne broke the Persian army and moved him for the tiger, attaching to the empire a few more provinces. George who served incohort Invicators ("Invincible"), where they fell for special combat merits, was appointed by the Military Tribune - the second commander in Legion after Leah, and later appointedkomit. - So called the Senior Warlugress, who accompanied the emperor in his journeys. Since the commits were a retinue of the emperor and at the same time were his advisers, then the position of this was considered very honorable.

Diocletian, a coordinated pagan, the first fifteen years of his reign referred to Christians completely tolerant. Most of his closest assistants, of course, were his like-minded people - adherents of traditional Roman cults. But both Christians - warriors and officials - could well move to the career ladder and occupy the highest state posts.

The Romans generally showed great tolerance to the religions of other tribes and peoples. Various alien cults were freely sent everywhere in the empire - not only in the provinces, but also in Rome itself, where it was only necessary to respect the roman state cult and send their rites in a private way, without imposing them on others.

However, almost simultaneously with the advent of the Christian preaching, the Roman religion was replenished with a new cult, which became the source of many troubles for Christians. This wascaesone cult.

With the appearance of the imperial power in Rome, there was also an idea of \u200b\u200bthe new Divine: the genius of the emperor. But very soon reverence of the genius of emperors turned into a personal deification of the vendranos. At first, deified only dead Caesarians. But gradually, under the influence of the Eastern ideas, in Rome, they used to be considered to be considered God and Live Caesar, he was provided with the title "God and the rule of our" and fell in front of him. With those who, in negligence or disrespect, did not want to express honoring to the emperor, came as with the greatest criminal. Therefore, even Jews, in all the rest of the firmly holding their religion, tried to get along with the emperors in this matter. When Caligule (12-41) was conveyed to the Jews, that they insufficiently express reverence to the sacred person of the emperor, they sent a deputation to him say:"We bring sacrifices for you, and not ordinary victims, but hecaters (hundreds). We have already done it three times - on the occasion of your entry into the throne, on the occasion of your illness for your recovery and for your victory. "

Not in this language spoke with the emperors of Christians. Instead of the kingdom of Caesar, they missed the kingdom of God. They had one Mr. - Jesus, so it was impossible to be at the same time to worship the Lord, and Caesar. In the time of Nero, Christians were forbidden to use coins with the image of Caesar on them; Moreover, there could not be any compromises with emperors demanding that the imperial part of the title "Lord and God". The refusal of Christians to bring victims to the pagan gods and deify the Roman emperors were perceived as a threat to established relations between the people and the gods.

The pagan philosopher Celsius appealed to Christians with exhortations:"Is there something thin to acquire the favor of the lord of people; After all, not without Divine Flavor, it turns out the power over the world? If you demand an oath with the name of the emperor, there is nothing wrong with that; For everything you have in life you get from the emperor. "

But Christians thought otherwise. The TERTULLYAN has learned its brothers by faith:"Give your money to Kesar, and God himself. But if you all give Cesare, what will remain for God? I want to call the emperor of the Lord, but only in an ordinary sense, if I do not force him to supply him to the lord of God " (Apology, Ch.45).

Diocletian eventually demanded the detention of divine honors. And, of course, immediately came across the disobedience of the Christian population of the empire. On trouble, this is a meek and peaceful resistance of the followers of Christ coincided with increasing difficulties in the country, which opened open senses against the emperor, and was regarded as a rebellion.

In the winter of 302, the Competition of the gallery indicated Diocletian on the "source of discontent" - Christians and suggested starting the persecution of innerians.

The emperor addressed the prediction regarding his future to the temple of Apollo Delphic. Pythia told him that he could not do pronounce because she was bothering those who destroy her strength. The priests of the temple interpreted these words so that all the wines - Christians, from which all troubles occur in the state. So the nearest environment of the emperor, secular and priestly, pushed him to make the main mistake in his life - to start persecution of believers in Christ,the name of great persecution in history.

On February 23, 303, Diocletian published the first Edict against Christians who prescribed"To destroy the churches to the ground, burn the sacred books and deprive Christians of honorary posts". Soon after that, the Imperial Palace in Nikomidia covered the fire twice. This coincidence has served as a reason for the silent accusations of Christians in arson. Following that two more decisions appeared on persecution of priests and obligatory for all sacrifice to the pagan gods. Refusing sacrifices were subjected to imprisonment, torture and death penalty. So the persecution began, the lives of several thousand citizens of the Roman Empire - Romans, Greeks, immigrants from the barbaric peoples. All the Christian population of the country, quite numerous, was divided into two parts: Some of the sake of relief from the torment agreed to bring pagan sacrifices, while others confessed Christ to death, because they considered such sacrifices to renunciation from Christ, remembering his words:"No servant can serve the two gentlemen, for or one will hate, and to love another, or one will be zealous, but a friend to the other. Can't serve God and Mammon " (Lux. 16,13).

Holy George and thoughts did not allow the worship of the pagan idols, so he prepared for the torment for faith: gold, silver and everything else, he distributed his own riches, his slaves and servants did his freedom. Then he appeared in Nikomidia for the Council to Diocletian, where all his warlords gathered and close, and openly declared himself a Christian.

The meeting was amazed and looked at the emperor, sitting in silence, as if struck by thunder. Diocletian did not expect from his loyal military man, a long-standing associate, such a deed. According to the life of the saint, the following dialogue took place between him and the emperor:

"Georgy," Diocletian said, "I have always vacated your nobility and courage, you received a high post for military merit. From love for you, like a father, give you advice - do not circumcote your life on flour, bring the victim to the gods, and you will not lose your San and my location.
"The kingdom that you are now enjoying," answered Georgii, "it's badly, vigorously and transient, and his pleasure will die with him." No benefit get those who are seduced by them. In the true God, and he will give you the best kingdom - immortal. For the sake of him, no flour frighten my soul.

The emperor was angry and told the guards to arrest George and quit. There, it was spread on the prison floor, put on the legs of the pads, and a heavy stone was put on the chest, so it was difficult to breathe and impossible to move.

The next day, Diocletian ordered George to interrogate:
- Whether you repent or will you be dismissed again?
- Do you really think that I'm exhausted from such a small torment? - answered the saint. "Rather, you get tired of tormented me than I am - to endure the torment."

The angry emperor gave an order to resort to torture to force George to renounce Christ. Once, during the years of the Roman republic, the torture was used only to slaves to knock out testimony during the judicial investigation. But during the Empire, the pagan society was so corrupt and harder that torture began to be used to apply to free citizens. Trying St. George differed in particularracy and cruelty. The naked martyr tied to the wheel, under which the tormentors put the boards with long nails. Rotating on the wheel, the body of George was swung by these nails into parts, but the mind and mouth prayed to God, first loudly, then all quieter and quieter ...

Mikael Wang Coxy. Martyrdom of St. George.

- He died, what Christian God did not save him from death? - Diocletian said when the martyr was completely sat down, and with these words left the execution of the execution.

On this, apparently, the historical layer in the life of St. George is exhausted. Next, the aguiograph tells about the wonderful resurrection of the martyr and the ability acquired from God from God to emerge and unharmed of the most terrible torments and executions.

Apparently, the courage, manifested by George during the execution, had a strong influence on local residents and even at the nearest environment of the emperor. Life reports that these days, Christianity adopted many people, including the priest of the Apollo Temple named Athanasius, as well as the wife of Diocletian Alexander.

According to the Christian understanding of the martyrdom, George, it was a brand with the enemy of the human race, of which the Holy Passionerpiece, courageously underwent the most severe torture, who had ever undergoed human flesh, came out the winner, for which he was named the victorious.

His last victory - over death - Georgy won on April 23, 303, on the day of the Great Friday.

Great persecution completed the era of paganism. The tormentman of St. George, Diocletian, just two years after these events had to be folded with himself the powers of the emperor under pressure from the same court environment, and conducted the rest of his days in the distant estate for the cultivation of cabbage. The persecution of Christians after his resignation began to merry and soon completely stopped. Ten years after the death of George, Emperor Konstantin issued a decree on which Christians returned all their rights. The blood of the martyrs was created a new empire - Christian.


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