
Psychological exercises for working with drug addicts. "Emotional addiction" - a series of practical seminars

Pests of garden plants

Do you have any questions about drug addiction treatment, drug rehabilitation?

Addiction treatment is what Narcozona is all about. Here you will also find articles about drug rehabilitation, drug addiction prevention. The FAQ section contains many interesting subsections, for example: addresses of drug addiction treatment clinics. On our forum you will find answers to questions about how to quit drugs, as well as psychological trainings for drug addicts. The portal contains all the relevant information about drug addiction treatment and drug addiction rehabilitation. That is why it occupies a leading position in the main search engines Yandex, Google, Rambler for requests for drug addiction treatment.

Our portal about drug addiction will be interesting:

  • Novice drug addicts, i.e. those who have given themselves the moral permission to try a drug, but want to recover from drug addiction.
  • Parents of drug addicts and parents who have not encountered this problem.
  • Specialists - drug addiction doctors, psychiatrists, psychologists dealing with drug addiction treatment.
  • People who are simply interested in the problem of drug addiction treatment.
  • Drug prevention teachers.
  • Students - when writing all kinds of term papers, essays and theses on drug addiction treatment.

Drug addiction treatment on our portal is what we wanted to convey truthful and objective information about the drug problem, about various drugs. The site summarizes the experience of drug addicts recovering from the 12 Step program of Narcotics Anonymous.

Many of those who helped in the creation of the site have gone through drug addiction treatment. They were drug addicts with an experience of 6-15 years, drug addicts who were abandoned by doctors, turned away by their parents, wives, friends and all relatives. Now these people have 5-10 years of sobriety, and this is the period during which one can speak of recovery, although drug addiction is incurable in a certain sense.

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© 2010 Narcozona - all about drug addiction treatment.

psychological exercises for trainings

Chemical dependence prevention training

Goals and objectives of the training:

  • gain psychological literacy;
  • learn to understand yourself, some features of interaction with people;
  • receive information about the situation of personal danger and safety;
  • to raise awareness of the causes, forms and consequences of drug use;
  • to form in adolescents and young people the skills of analysis and critical assessment of information received about legal and illegal drugs, and the ability to make the right decisions.
  • do not "stick" labels
  • nobody criticizes the other
  • sincerity
  • be punctual
  • let's leave our previous relationship outside the window - the law "here and now"
  • maintain confidentiality (confidentiality)
  • try to understand the opinion of the other
  • listening and speaking skills
  • everyone has the right to their opinion: speak only for themselves

Exercise "Words on the letters of the name"

  1. Participants are asked to talk about spontaneous associations on the themes of "Addiction and Drugs", "Smoking and Health", "Alcoholism".
  2. Each participant writes his name vertically on a piece of paper and on each letter of the name writes down concepts on this topic that come to his mind.


  • Apathy
  • Depression
  • Illusion
  • Demise
  • Atrophy
  • Smoldering
  • Describe your attitude towards life.
  • How would you describe your life? Put your opinions on paper.
  • Discuss with the participants the concepts of optimism and pessimism, positive and negative thinking.
  • Have participants mark their positive life stories with an O and pessimistic descriptions with a P.
  • Lead a group discussion.

Exercise "Silent discussion"

A provocative statement is written in the center of a large piece of paper and presented to the group. Each member of the group should first, without discussing with the others, write down on paper their opinion or comment on this statement. Then, everyone can express their point of view in writing on the comments recorded by the rest of the participants. At the end of this quiet discussion, you can discuss the participants' impressions of the discussion and its results.

Provocative theses:

  • The problem of drug addiction cannot be solved, since there is no drug-free society.
  • Only people outside of society have drug problems.
  • Drug addicts and those at risk of becoming drug addicts cannot be helped.
  • The police should have taken more decisive action against drug addicts.
  • There is too little information about drugs among young people.
  • Someone who becomes a drug addict is out of luck.

Exercise "Interview with a partner"

Target: Determination of the level of knowledge and focus of interests of the group members.

Participants (in pairs) interview each other using a prepared questionnaire. Then everyone presents the results (of their partner) to the whole group, and the results can be written on a poster.

    • What concepts and images come to your mind when you hear the word "drug addiction" or "drug addiction"? (Other topics: "Smoking", "Alcoholism").
    • Could you think of the feelings you have about this?
  1. What addictions and drugs do you know? (Other topics: "Cigarettes", "Alcoholic drinks").
    1. Why do you think a person becomes a drug addict, a heavy smoker, an alcoholic?
    2. Do you think that addictions such as drug addiction, alcohol, smoking or others play a role in your life?
    3. Do you have any questions related to the topic of "Addiction and drugs" ("Smoking", "Alcohol") that we should discuss in class?

American boy's story

“When I was about 12 years old, I got into a company of hooligans and“ got on the needle ”- these were very strong drugs. Because of my condition, I was often banned from going to school, and by the end of the year I had 15 “failures”.

Once on the street I bought new drugs. The guys from my company said that they took pills instead of injections, but I did not know what happens from these pills. I "slammed" two pieces at once. No effect. Then I swallowed two more pills and went home - I wanted to eat. I made myself a sandwich with butter, took out the jelly, but first decided to go to the bathroom. When I returned from the bathroom and began to eat a sandwich, it seemed to me that I was not eating it, but he was me. I screamed in fright. The parents came running to the scream. I wanted to throw the sandwich away - I was so scared of it, but my mother snatched it out of my hands and threw it on the floor. She gave me then the first and last slap in the face, shouting: "If I knew that you would end so badly, I would have killed you in the womb!" And this word sobered me: I never again had a desire to try drugs.

The doctors helped me to wean myself from this terrible potion, and soon I was able to honestly look my mother in the eyes again. Then he started going to school. Now I have a great desire to go to college, to become a criminal judge. Maybe someday I will be able to help children like I was when I used drugs. "

Physical dependence, in the case of stopping drug use, manifests itself in symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, various manias (persecution, greatness, etc.), muscle tremors, hallucinations. However, we still do not know how many adolescents develop psychological dependence, because it is very difficult to establish when feelings of constant anxiety or irritability appear as a result of refusing alcohol or drugs, and when they are based on other reasons.

1. Marijuana gives rise not so much physical as psychological dependence and, like alcohol, leads to disorders of the motor apparatus. Chronic marijuana use can have a fatal impact on the intellectual development of adolescents. Teenagers who abuse these drugs, as a rule, suffer from frequent bouts of depression, experience a constant feeling of fear, anxiety, nervous disorders or a state of being "out of place." For teenagers who abuse marijuana, there is a gap between word and deed, because they simply forget about their promises.

2. In recent years, the popularity of cocaine has risen sharply, which is alarming, since it is an expensive drug. Counts. That cocaine leads not so much to psychological as to physiological dependence, but since it does not cause a feeling of "escape from reality", many classify it in the same category of drugs as marijuana, which causes an increase in emotions, tone, a manifestation of authority and euphoria.

3. Hallucinogens (sometimes they are called "psychedelics") are drugs that change the emotional world of a person, distorting all forms of perception of the external world. Hallucinogens include LSD, mescaline, psilocybin. The consequences of using these drugs are very different - from the feeling of some magical powers and hallucinations in oneself to the complete loss of the sense of time and space and reality that is happening around.

Hallucinogenic drugs are also morphine, codeine and heroin. They evoke feelings of well-being, relaxation, "disinhibition". Under the influence of these drugs, problems seem to "evaporate" and no longer weigh on.

Drug addiction occurs quickly, and the negative consequences of stopping drug use are very strong.

4. Among stimulants, the most widely used drugs are caffeine and amphetamine. They enhance the activity of a person, make him lively, less susceptible to hardships and everyday problems.

In addition, they reduce the feeling of hunger and relieve fatigue. But even these substances give rise to dependence, their systematic use leads to physical exhaustion, causes itching, tremors, constant nervous excitement.

5. Sedatives. These usually include barbiturates and tranquilizers, which help, if not relieve, then significantly reduce the state of anxiety and intense excitement. They are useful in treating certain mental disorders, stomach ulcers, and high blood pressure.

Overdose of barbiturates and tranquilizers is most often fatal. In adults, along with this drinking alcohol, the case, as a rule, ends in suicide.

Addict's Bag Exercise

Target: This method can also be used to get into the topic of Addiction and Drugs.

Material: bag (package), blindfolds, various items: sunglasses, beer bottle, jump rope, rag, syringe, gloves, telephone, condom, candy box, decoration, cigarettes, pill packaging, plush animal, hat and much more.

Blindfolded participants remove one or more items from the bag. Those who are blindfolded should feel things. At the end, they should tell about their associations: How this subject might have to do with drug addiction. At the same time, the eyes remain closed so as not to be distracted.

Carrying out option: Participants choose one item from the bag. Then small groups of 2-3 people are formed. With the existing props in a small group, you need to create a role-playing game on this topic.

Exercise "The personality of a drug addict (according to Rolf Harten)"

Target: with this method of interrogation, it turns out that there is no special personality - a drug addict, and each of us has properties that are attributed to drug addicts. Drug addiction and addiction is a topic that concerns everyone, albeit in different manifestations and with different consequences.

Each participant receives a sheet of paper with various character traits written. With a red pencil, you need to mark 6 lines with a cross (3 positive and 3 negative), which characterize your own personality. The sheets are collected and redistributed. Then, with a green pencil, it is necessary to mark 6 features that most of all characterize the addict. The sheets are collected once more and distributed again. For the third time, with a blue pencil, it should be noted properties that can help not to become addicted.

The named character traits are written on the board or on a large sheet of paper - respectively, in different colors for each heading, the result is offered for discussion. Summing up, it turns out that the same traits appear not only in one heading, for example, “unreliability” can be found both in describing one's own personality and in the heading “character traits inherent in a drug addict”. Questions arise: “Are unreliable people drug addicts? Are drug addicts unreliable people? Where will I take myself? " Regarding the third section, which contains the properties that protect against the danger of becoming addicted. Participants can come up with their own ideas about drug prevention and work together to find solutions to the problem.

  1. communicative
  2. unbalanced
  3. balanced
  4. careful
  5. surface
  6. cowardly
  7. sullen
  8. indifferent
  9. direct
  10. slightly dejected
  11. good-natured
  12. weak-willed
  13. impulsive
  14. unbearable
  15. selfish
  16. helpless
  17. loose
  18. self-controlled
  19. unadapted
  20. self-controlled
  21. troggy
  22. shy
  23. open
  24. sensitive
  25. confident
  26. restrained
  27. uncertain
  28. ready to help
  29. unreliable
  30. thorough
  31. nervous
  32. calm
  33. closed
  34. self-critical
  35. fearful
  36. hardy
  37. melancholy
  38. touchy
  39. compliant
  40. restless
  41. aggressive
  42. persistent
  43. courageous
  44. distrustful
  45. easily excitable
  46. self-confident
  47. reliable
  48. weak-willed
  49. gusty
  50. patient

Exercise “What if. "

  1. Each participant chooses a theme for himself and makes a collage based on it. You can work in groups. Ready-made collages are presented to everyone and serve as a basis for conversation.
  2. Continuation of the proposal.
  3. Invite participants to write a story on a given topic or show a pantomime.
  • If I'm furious, then.
  • If I'm sad, then.
  • If I'm afraid then.
  • If I have no desire to do something, then.
  • If I can't stand someone, then.
  • If I'm proud of myself, then.
  • If I want to meet someone, then.
  • If I did something well, then.
  • If I have overcome something, then.
  • If misfortune happens to me that I can no longer live as I do now, then.
  • If I realize that I am no longer doing at school and, in fact, I should leave it ,.
  • If I ever get seriously ill,.
  • If I suddenly get disappointed,.
  • If I lose my best friend (boyfriend),.
  • If I'm desperate,.
  • If I'm under stress,.
  • If I feel excluded from the group,.
  • If I'm lonely,.
  • If I'm jealous,.
  • If I'm bored,.
  • If I'm not sure of myself,.
  • If I'm jealous,.
  • If someone admires me,.

Exercise "Statements"

Assertions are recorded. Any statements that the group members agree with should be flagged. When summing up, the statements are discussed for which the participants find it difficult to make a decision. This applies to those statements about which the participants are not sufficiently informed, they require additional information in order to be able to agree with the statement or reject it.

Possible statements:

  • Pupils who use drugs are dangerous because they seduce others.
  • Drugs are a daily routine for us teenagers.
  • Alcohol is worse than hashish.
  • Alcohol is a drug that you can become addicted to.
  • Teens take medication to calm down before the test, exam.
  • Adolescents who consume alcohol in order to solve their problems are at risk of becoming drug addicts.
  • If a person drinks or smokes consciously and in moderate doses, then his actions help prevent addiction.
  • A person fleeing conflict is more likely to become a drug addict.
  • A teacher who smokes but forbids his students looks unconvincing in their eyes.
  • Students who use drugs need understanding from friends and adults.

Magic Shop game

The magician seller can offer the participant everything one could wish for: health, career, success, happiness, love ..., but requires that the buyer also pay for it with what he values ​​in life (health, love, etc.). During the "trade", the participant begins to actively reflect on the real goals and meanings of life.

Exercise "Arguments" for "and" against "

Work in pairs. The couple is offered a card with a controversial statement. Everyone should calmly, reasonably, without aggression to defend their position (one - "for", the other - "against").

  • It's okay for a guy to experiment with a cigarette, but it's not acceptable for a girl.
  • All household chores such as cleaning, cooking and taking care of the children are the responsibility of the woman.
  • Only men have the right to decide when they have sex with their wives.
  • Women should eat well and get plenty of rest during pregnancy.
  • Smoking is a bad habit.
  • Homosexuality is an abnormal abnormality.
  • Drug addicts are shameless and mentally ill individuals.
  • An unmarried woman is a defective woman.
  • If a woman is educated, the health of her children is much better.
  • With multiple sexual partners, a person lives a fuller life.
  • Getting an education is the best way for a woman to be independent.
  • It is normal for a guy to experiment with sex before marriage, but it is unacceptable for a girl, otherwise she is a prostitute.
  • If one of the spouses does not agree to sex and is forced to engage in it against his will, then this is sexual violence.
  • Condom use interferes with genuine sexual pleasure.
  • The community must take action to prevent HIV / AIDS.

“Stop smoking? - the writer-humorist once laughed. - Nothing could be easier! I do this 5 times a day. "

Host: - Let's try to hold a small scientific conference on this important topic now. The problem is relevant not only for those who smoke, but also for those. Who is just starting to smoke. Let's assign roles. Someone can take on the role of a heavy smoker who really wants to quit smoking, but will never find a reason to do so. Someone can take on the role of the Ministry of Health, representatives of the firms "Dymok" or "Java", society for the protection of mothers, etc.

Write the names of the roles on the pieces of paper and hold them so that everyone can see. Distribution of roles - 30 seconds. Let's start! (Gong). Now let's start our work. Let's agree that we are gathered here not in jest, but in earnest: someone really wants to quit smoking, someone is really convinced that smoking is harmful. And someone is afraid of losing a dear client - the buyer of tobacco potions ... Bah, but a whole drama can play out here.

At the same time, everyone understands that quitting smoking is not easy. At least it has been that way until now. If the speaker argues against smoking, then he tries to do it so convincingly that, as a reward for his speech, the quit smoking is ready to present some valuable thing as a souvenir - a fountain pen, glasses, or even something more serious. The more convincing the performance, the more significant the thing!

We agree this way: if by the last day (week, month ...) the quitting smoking person keeps his obligation and does not smoke, the souvenir will return to him back. If the quitting smoking breaks his word, this souvenir will always remain with the new owner. The conditions are very simple, but also very serious. 1-2 minutes are allotted for preparation of performances and inventing souvenirs. Let's start! (Gong).

The presenter directs the speeches, gives the floor to everyone. And he repeats once again that if the presentation is convincing enough, the quitting smoking gives the speaker a memento. Souvenirs can return to him on the last day, if the quit smoking keeps his word. Let's start! (Gong). Let's summarize our work. The one who has earned more souvenirs, apparently, will be the winner at the moment. But let's see who will win on the day of our next meeting. Thank you, game over (Gong). But we have yet another serious meeting.

- How can students spend evenings and other weekend activities without tobacco, alcohol, drugs?

Discussion of the film "Requiem".

  1. What do you think of the movie? Did you like it?
  2. Why are you shown the film?

- Draw pictures to illustrate all the health risks associated with drug abuse.

Children take the cards one by one. Subject reads the card and listens. Consequences (5 people) (of their behavior): “I am your first consequence, and I tell you. "

  • Consequence 1. “I am your consequence 1, and I tell you that if you do it now, then. "
  • Consequence 2. “I am your aftermath 2 and I tell you that in a week. "
  • Consequence 3. “I am your aftermath 3 and I tell you that in a month. "
  • Consequence 4. “I am your consequence 4, and I say that in adulthood. "
  • Consequence 5. “I am your fifth consequence, and I tell you that at the end of life. "
  • Consequence - 1 tells what will follow "now after what the subject has done."
  • Consequence - 2 warns that the subject is "in a week".
  • Consequence - 3 paints a picture "in a month".
  • Consequence - 4 foresees the inevitable "in adulthood".
  • Consequence - 5 reports the outcome to which the subject will come at the end of life.

Having heard the predictions of the future, the subject makes a decision: either he refuses to do what he has done in the future, or he is affirmed in the significance of what he does for his life. Constantly change the Consequences for the other person.

  • "I brought and gave flowers to a good man."
  • "I laughed rudely at a friend"
  • "I washed the floor in the apartment while my mother was at work."
  • "I love to lie, embellish, blurt out, boast."
  • "I started smoking."
  • "Found someone's wallet and embezzled money"
  • "I am 13 years old. I started to have a sex life "
  • "I read a lot".
  • "I started doing exercises in the morning."
  • "I am slowly writing off everything test papers at the neighbor's. "
  • "Said ugly that she is ugly."
  • "I love to lie, embellish, blurt out, boast"

Reflection: what was thought during the game?

In microgroups: design 2 advertisements for new “excellent health” products - one for a magazine or notice board, the other for television. Tell students to view “excellent health” as something that can be bought like a pack of cigarettes. For each ad sample, they should:

  • determine the audience for which it will be designed;
  • choose techniques that ensure the success of advertising;
  • write the text of a magazine advertisement and rehearse a TV spot, then demonstrate;
  • develop a truthful cigarette advertisement.

Behavior Rehearsal Exercise

When being persuaded to try a drug (How should a student say “no” to an offer of tobacco, alcohol, or other drugs?)

Exercise "Joy of Life Stories"

Target: Participants are encouraged to think about what brings or could bring them joy in life.

Carrying out... Small groups of 2-3 people. According to the number of small groups, pictures / photographs are laid out (as many areas of life as possible should be affected: love, friendship, sexuality, free time, work, family). For 5 minutes, participants in groups write a story from their picture. After that, each group moves to the next picture and continues the story started by the previous group. This continues until the first group returns to its first picture (no more than 5 transitions). The stories are read and discussed.

Exercise "Sun of joy"

Each individually draws the sun: a circle and rays radiate from it. On each ray, you need to write what the teenager enjoys in life (mom, cycling, cinema, etc. - for example). The participants then share their "sunbeams" with each other.

To avoid becoming a slave bad habits, need to:

  • Be honest with yourself, be aware of your problems without driving them inside.
  • Be kind to others.
  • Being good about yourself, remembering to praise yourself for your successes, gives you an incentive to achieve further.
  • Visit nature more often at any time of the year. A person who is in harmony with nature is also in harmony with himself. Such a person does not need additional doping.
  • Be able to rest and relax on time, spend more time with people who are pleasant to you.

thanks for the interesting exercises. I will definitely spend with my guys

Very good training!

The objectives of the training were not fully met. There are exercises, to put it mildly, it is not clear for whom they are written (Consequences, Statements, Addict's Bag, etc.). Sorry, but this training looks more like propaganda than prevention or correction.

Thanks! Interesting. I will conduct a training with the guys and tell you the effectiveness of this training

Terrible! Not thought out, some are categorically not recommended for spending with children!

There is good exercise, but about the benefits of some, an obvious overkill, not all of the proposed ones can be used in prevention with normal children who do not use any surfactants.

psychological exercises for trainings

Chemical dependence prevention training

Goals and objectives of the training:

  • gain psychological literacy;
  • learn to understand yourself, some features of interaction with people;
  • receive information about the situation of personal danger and safety;
  • to raise awareness of the causes, forms and consequences of drug use;
  • to form in adolescents and young people the skills of analysis and critical assessment of information received about legal and illegal drugs, and the ability to make the right decisions.

Group laws

  • do not "stick" labels
  • nobody criticizes the other
  • sincerity
  • be punctual
  • let's leave our previous relationship outside the window - the law "here and now"
  • maintain confidentiality (confidentiality)
  • try to understand the opinion of the other
  • listening and speaking skills
  • everyone has the right to their opinion: speak only for themselves

Exercise "Words on the letters of the name"

  1. Participants are asked to talk about spontaneous associations on the themes of "Addiction and Drugs", "Smoking and Health", "Alcoholism".
  2. Each participant writes his name vertically on a piece of paper and on each letter of the name writes down concepts on this topic that come to his mind.



  • Apathy
  • Depression
  • Illusion
  • Demise


  • Atrophy
  • Smoldering

Understanding yourself.

  • Describe your attitude towards life.
  • How would you describe your life? Put your opinions on paper.
  • Discuss with the participants the concepts of optimism and pessimism, positive and negative thinking.
  • Have participants mark their positive life stories with an O and pessimistic descriptions with a P.
  • Lead a group discussion.

Exercise "Silent discussion"

A provocative statement is written in the center of a large piece of paper and presented to the group. Each member of the group should first, without discussing with the others, write down on paper their opinion or comment on this statement. Then, everyone can express their point of view in writing on the comments recorded by the rest of the participants. At the end of this quiet discussion, you can discuss the participants' impressions of the discussion and its results.

Provocative theses:

  • The problem of drug addiction cannot be solved, since there is no drug-free society.
  • Only people outside of society have drug problems.
  • Drug addicts and those at risk of becoming drug addicts cannot be helped.
  • The police should have taken more decisive action against drug addicts.
  • There is too little information about drugs among young people.
  • Someone who becomes a drug addict is out of luck.

Exercise "Interview with a partner"

Target: Determination of the level of knowledge and focus of interests of the group members.

Participants (in pairs) interview each other using a prepared questionnaire. Then everyone presents the results (of their partner) to the whole group, and the results can be written on a poster.

Application form.

    • What concepts and images come to your mind when you hear the word "drug addiction" or "drug addiction"? (Other topics: "Smoking", "Alcoholism").
    • Could you think of the feelings you have about this?
  1. What addictions and drugs do you know? (Other topics: "Cigarettes", "Alcoholic drinks").
    1. Why do you think a person becomes a drug addict, a heavy smoker, an alcoholic?
    2. Do you think that addictions such as drug addiction, alcohol, smoking or others play a role in your life?
    3. Do you have any questions related to the topic of "Addiction and drugs" ("Smoking", "Alcohol") that we should discuss in class?

American boy's story

“When I was about 12 years old, I got into a company of hooligans and“ got on the needle ”- these were very strong drugs. Because of my condition, I was often banned from going to school, and by the end of the year I had 15 “failures”.

Once on the street I bought new drugs. The guys from my company said that they took pills instead of injections, but I did not know what happens from these pills. I "slammed" two pieces at once. No effect. Then I swallowed two more pills and went home - I wanted to eat. I made myself a sandwich with butter, took out the jelly, but first decided to go to the bathroom. When I returned from the bathroom and began to eat a sandwich, it seemed to me that I was not eating it, but he was me. I screamed in fright. The parents came running to the scream. I wanted to throw the sandwich away - I was so scared of it, but my mother snatched it out of my hands and threw it on the floor. She gave me then the first and last slap in the face, shouting: "If I knew that you would end so badly, I would have killed you in the womb!" And this word sobered me: I never again had a desire to try drugs.

The doctors helped me to wean myself from this terrible potion, and soon I was able to honestly look my mother in the eyes again. Then he started going to school. Now I have a great desire to go to college, to become a criminal judge. Maybe someday I will be able to help children like I was when I used drugs. "

Physical dependence, in the case of stopping drug use, manifests itself in symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, various manias (persecution, greatness, etc.), muscle tremors, hallucinations. However, we still do not know how many adolescents develop psychological dependence, because it is very difficult to establish when feelings of constant anxiety or irritability appear as a result of refusing alcohol or drugs, and when they are based on other reasons.

1. Marijuana gives rise not so much physical as psychological dependence and, like alcohol, leads to disorders of the motor apparatus. Chronic marijuana use can have a fatal impact on the intellectual development of adolescents. Teenagers who abuse these drugs, as a rule, suffer from frequent bouts of depression, experience a constant feeling of fear, anxiety, nervous disorders or a state of being "out of place." For teenagers who abuse marijuana, there is a gap between word and deed, because they simply forget about their promises.

2. In recent years, the popularity of cocaine has risen sharply, which is alarming, since it is an expensive drug. Counts. That cocaine leads not so much to psychological as to physiological dependence, but since it does not cause a feeling of "escape from reality", many classify it in the same category of drugs as marijuana, which causes an increase in emotions, tone, a manifestation of authority and euphoria.

3. Hallucinogens (sometimes they are called "psychedelics") are drugs that change the emotional world of a person, distorting all forms of perception of the external world. Hallucinogens include LSD, mescaline, psilocybin. The consequences of using these drugs are very different - from the feeling of some magical powers and hallucinations in oneself to the complete loss of the sense of time and space and reality that is happening around.

Hallucinogenic drugs are also morphine, codeine and heroin. They evoke feelings of well-being, relaxation, "disinhibition". Under the influence of these drugs, problems seem to "evaporate" and no longer weigh on.

Drug addiction occurs quickly, and the negative consequences of stopping drug use are very strong.

4. Among stimulants, the most widely used drugs are caffeine and amphetamine. They enhance the activity of a person, make him lively, less susceptible to hardships and everyday problems.

In addition, they reduce the feeling of hunger and relieve fatigue. But even these substances give rise to dependence, their systematic use leads to physical exhaustion, causes itching, tremors, constant nervous excitement.

5. Sedatives. These usually include barbiturates and tranquilizers, which help, if not relieve, then significantly reduce the state of anxiety and intense excitement. They are useful in treating certain mental disorders, stomach ulcers, and high blood pressure.

Overdose of barbiturates and tranquilizers is most often fatal. In adults, along with this drinking alcohol, the case, as a rule, ends in suicide.

Addict's Bag Exercise

Target: This method can also be used to get into the topic of Addiction and Drugs.

Material: bag (package), blindfolds, various items: sunglasses, beer bottle, jump rope, rag, syringe, gloves, telephone, condom, candy box, decoration, cigarettes, pill packaging, plush animal, hat and much more.

Carrying out:

Blindfolded participants remove one or more items from the bag. Those who are blindfolded should feel things. At the end, they should tell about their associations: How this subject might have to do with drug addiction. At the same time, the eyes remain closed so as not to be distracted.

Carrying out option: Participants choose one item from the bag. Then small groups of 2-3 people are formed. With the existing props in a small group, you need to create a role-playing game on this topic.

Exercise "The personality of a drug addict (according to Rolf Harten)"

Target: with this method of interrogation, it turns out that there is no special personality - a drug addict, and each of us has properties that are attributed to drug addicts. Drug addiction and addiction is a topic that concerns everyone, albeit in different manifestations and with different consequences.

Each participant receives a sheet of paper with various character traits written. With a red pencil, you need to mark 6 lines with a cross (3 positive and 3 negative), which characterize your own personality. The sheets are collected and redistributed. Then, with a green pencil, it is necessary to mark 6 features that most of all characterize the addict. The sheets are collected once more and distributed again. For the third time, with a blue pencil, it should be noted properties that can help not to become addicted.


The named character traits are written on the board or on a large sheet of paper - respectively, in different colors for each heading, the result is offered for discussion. Summing up, it turns out that the same traits appear not only in one heading, for example, “unreliability” can be found both in describing one's own personality and in the heading “character traits inherent in a drug addict”. Questions arise: “Are unreliable people drug addicts? Are drug addicts unreliable people? Where will I take myself? " Regarding the third section, which contains the properties that protect against the danger of becoming addicted. Participants can come up with their own ideas about drug prevention and work together to find solutions to the problem.


  1. communicative
  2. unbalanced
  3. balanced
  4. careful
  5. surface
  6. cowardly
  7. sullen
  8. indifferent
  9. direct
  10. slightly dejected
  11. good-natured
  12. weak-willed
  13. impulsive
  14. unbearable
  15. selfish
  16. helpless
  17. loose
  18. self-controlled
  19. unadapted
  20. self-controlled
  21. troggy
  22. shy
  23. open
  24. sensitive
  25. confident
  26. restrained
  27. uncertain
  28. ready to help
  29. unreliable
  30. thorough
  31. nervous
  32. calm
  33. closed
  34. self-critical
  35. fearful
  36. hardy
  37. melancholy
  38. touchy
  39. compliant
  40. restless
  41. aggressive
  42. persistent
  43. courageous
  44. distrustful
  45. easily excitable
  46. self-confident
  47. reliable
  48. weak-willed
  49. gusty
  50. patient

Exercise "What if ..."

Carrying out options:

  1. Each participant chooses a theme for himself and makes a collage based on it. You can work in groups. Ready-made collages are presented to everyone and serve as a basis for conversation.
  2. Continuation of the proposal.
  3. Invite participants to write a story on a given topic or show a pantomime.
  • If I'm furious, then ...
  • If I am sad, then ...
  • If I'm afraid then ...
  • If I have no desire to do something, then ...
  • If I can't stand someone, then ...
  • If I am proud of myself, then ...
  • If I want to meet someone, then ...
  • If I have done well with something, then ...
  • If I have overcome something, then ...
  • If misfortune happens to me that I can no longer live as I do now, then ...
  • If I realize that I have no time to do at school anymore and, in fact, I should have left it, ...
  • If I ever get seriously ill, ...
  • If I suddenly get disappointed ...
  • If I lose my best friend (boyfriend), ...
  • If I'm desperate ...
  • If I'm under stress ...
  • If I feel excluded from the group ...
  • If I'm lonely ...
  • If I'm jealous ...
  • If I'm bored ...
  • If I'm not sure of myself ...
  • If I'm jealous ...
  • If someone admires me, ...

Exercise "Statements"

Assertions are recorded. Any statements that the group members agree with should be flagged. When summing up, the statements are discussed for which the participants find it difficult to make a decision. This applies to those statements about which the participants are not sufficiently informed, they require additional information in order to be able to agree with the statement or reject it.

Possible statements:

  • Pupils who use drugs are dangerous because they seduce others.
  • Drugs are a daily routine for us teenagers.
  • Alcohol is worse than hashish.
  • Alcohol is a drug that you can become addicted to.
  • Teens take medication to calm down before the test, exam.
  • Adolescents who consume alcohol in order to solve their problems are at risk of becoming drug addicts.
  • If a person drinks or smokes consciously and in moderate doses, then his actions help prevent addiction.
  • A person fleeing conflict is more likely to become a drug addict.
  • A teacher who smokes but forbids his students looks unconvincing in their eyes.
  • Students who use drugs need understanding from friends and adults.

Magic Shop game

The magician seller can offer the participant everything one could wish for: health, career, success, happiness, love ..., but requires that the buyer also pay for it with what he values ​​in life (health, love, etc.). During the "trade", the participant begins to actively reflect on the real goals and meanings of life.

Exercise "Arguments" for "and" against "

Work in pairs. The couple is offered a card with a controversial statement. Everyone should calmly, reasonably, without aggression to defend their position (one - "for", the other - "against").

  • It's okay for a guy to experiment with a cigarette, but it's not acceptable for a girl.
  • All household chores such as cleaning, cooking and taking care of the children are the responsibility of the woman.
  • Only men have the right to decide when they have sex with their wives.
  • Women should eat well and get plenty of rest during pregnancy.
  • Smoking is a bad habit.
  • Homosexuality is an abnormal abnormality.
  • Drug addicts are shameless and mentally ill individuals.
  • An unmarried woman is a defective woman.
  • If a woman is educated, the health of her children is much better.
  • With multiple sexual partners, a person lives a fuller life.
  • Getting an education is the best way for a woman to be independent.
  • It is normal for a guy to experiment with sex before marriage, but it is unacceptable for a girl, otherwise she is a prostitute.
  • If one of the spouses does not agree to sex and is forced to engage in it against his will, then this is sexual violence.
  • Condom use interferes with genuine sexual pleasure.
  • The community must take action to prevent HIV / AIDS.

"Stop smoking!"

“Stop smoking? - the writer-humorist once laughed. - Nothing could be easier! I do this 5 times a day. "

Host: - Let's try to hold a small scientific conference on this important topic now. The problem is relevant not only for those who smoke, but also for those. Who is just starting to smoke. Let's assign roles. Someone can take on the role of a heavy smoker who really wants to quit smoking, but will never find a reason to do so. Someone can take on the role of the Ministry of Health, representatives of the firms "Dymok" or "Java", society for the protection of mothers, etc.

Write the names of the roles on the pieces of paper and hold them so that everyone can see. Distribution of roles - 30 seconds. Let's start! (Gong). Now let's start our work. Let's agree that we are gathered here not in jest, but in earnest: someone really wants to quit smoking, someone is really convinced that smoking is harmful. And someone is afraid of losing a dear client - the buyer of tobacco potions ... Bah, but a whole drama can play out here.

At the same time, everyone understands that quitting smoking is not easy. At least it has been that way until now. If the speaker argues against smoking, then he tries to do it so convincingly that, as a reward for his speech, the quit smoking is ready to present some valuable thing as a souvenir - a fountain pen, glasses, or even something more serious. The more convincing the performance, the more significant the thing!

We agree this way: if by the last day (week, month ...) the quitting smoking person keeps his obligation and does not smoke, the souvenir will return to him back. If the quitting smoking breaks his word, this souvenir will always remain with the new owner. The conditions are very simple, but also very serious. 1-2 minutes are allotted for preparation of performances and inventing souvenirs. Let's start! (Gong).

The presenter directs the speeches, gives the floor to everyone. And he repeats once again that if the presentation is convincing enough, the quitting smoking gives the speaker a memento. Souvenirs can return to him on the last day, if the quit smoking keeps his word. Let's start! (Gong). Let's summarize our work. The one who has earned more souvenirs, apparently, will be the winner at the moment. But let's see who will win on the day of our next meeting. Thank you, game over (Gong). But we have yet another serious meeting ...

In micro groups:

- How can students spend evenings and other weekend activities without tobacco, alcohol, drugs?

Discussion of the film "Requiem".

  1. What do you think of the movie? Did you like it?
  2. Why are you shown the film?

In micro groups:

- Draw pictures to illustrate all the health risks associated with drug abuse.

Game "Consequences"

Children take the cards one by one. Subject reads the card and listens. Consequences (5 people) (of their behavior): "I am your first consequence, and I tell you ..."

  • Consequence 1. "I am your consequence 1, and I tell you that if you do this now, then ..."
  • Consequence 2. "I am your aftermath 2, and I tell you that in a week ..."
  • Consequence 3. "I am your consequence 3, and I tell you that in a month ..."
  • Consequence 4. "I am your consequence 4, and I say that in adulthood ..."
  • Consequence 5. "I am your fifth consequence, and I tell you that at the end of life ..."
  • Consequence - 1 tells what will follow "now after what the subject has done."
  • Consequence - 2 warns that the subject is "in a week".
  • Consequence - 3 paints a picture "in a month".
  • Consequence - 4 foresees the inevitable "in adulthood".
  • Consequence - 5 reports the outcome to which the subject will come at the end of life.

Having heard the predictions of the future, the subject makes a decision: either he refuses to do what he has done in the future, or he is affirmed in the significance of what he does for his life. Constantly change the Consequences for the other person.

Fan of cards:

  • "I brought and gave flowers to a good man."
  • "I laughed rudely at a friend"
  • "I washed the floor in the apartment while my mother was at work."
  • "I love to lie, embellish, blurt out, boast."
  • "I started smoking."
  • "Found someone's wallet and embezzled money"
  • "I am 13 years old. I started to have a sex life "
  • "I read a lot".
  • "I started doing exercises in the morning."
  • "I am slowly writing off all the tests from my neighbor."
  • "Said ugly that she is ugly."
  • "I love to lie, embellish, blurt out, boast"

Reflection: what was thought during the game?

  • Tobacco advertising and health.
  • Health advertising.

In microgroups: design 2 advertisements for new “excellent health” products - one for a magazine or notice board, the other for television. Tell students to view “excellent health” as something that can be bought like a pack of cigarettes. For each ad sample, they should:

  • determine the audience for which it will be designed;
  • choose techniques that ensure the success of advertising;
  • write the text of a magazine advertisement and rehearse a TV spot, then demonstrate;
  • develop a truthful cigarette advertisement.

Behavior Rehearsal Exercise

When being persuaded to try a drug (How should a student say “no” to an offer of tobacco, alcohol, or other drugs?)

Exercise "Joy of Life Stories"

Target: Participants are encouraged to think about what brings or could bring them joy in life.

Carrying out... Small groups of 2-3 people. According to the number of small groups, pictures / photographs are laid out (as many areas of life as possible should be affected: love, friendship, sexuality, free time, work, family). For 5 minutes, participants in groups write a story from their picture. After that, each group moves to the next picture and continues the story started by the previous group. This continues until the first group returns to its first picture (no more than 5 transitions). The stories are read and discussed.


Exercise "Sun of joy"

Each individually draws the sun: a circle and rays radiate from it. On each ray, you need to write what the teenager enjoys in life (mom, cycling, cinema, etc. - for example). The participants then share their "sunbeams" with each other.

In order not to become a slave to bad habits, you need:

  • Be honest with yourself, be aware of your problems without driving them inside.
  • Be kind to others.
  • Being good about yourself, remembering to praise yourself for your successes, gives you an incentive to achieve further.
  • Visit nature more often at any time of the year. A person who is in harmony with nature is also in harmony with himself. Such a person does not need additional doping.
  • Be able to rest and relax on time, spend more time with people who are pleasant to you.
thanks for the interesting exercises. I will definitely spend with my guys
Very good training!
The objectives of the training were not fully met. There are exercises, to put it mildly, it is not clear for whom they are written (Consequences, Statements, Addict's Bag, etc.). Sorry, but this training looks more like propaganda than prevention or correction.
Thanks! Interesting. I will conduct a training with the guys and tell you the effectiveness of this training
Terrible! Not thought out, some are categorically not recommended for spending with children!
There are good exercises, but about the benefits of some, an obvious overkill, not all of the proposed ones can be used in prevention with normal children who do not use any surfactants.
It is written in Russian - for the prevention of chemically dependent people!

A series of training exercises for working with adolescents "Overcoming Difficulties"

Lesson 1. "My problems"

Goals: learning to understand their problems and find a constructive way to solve them; development of reflective thinking; developing the ability to adequately assess and resolve problems; considering addictive behavior as a destructive way of avoiding problems; actualization of their own experience in solving problems.

Leading :

Guys! Today we will talk about problems and how to make them your friends. When we are suffering from a problem, we usually look at it as an enemy, as a misfortune that only grief brings. However, problems, besides suffering, help us at the same time. They can be useful to us, facilitating solutions to other problems and providing us with new useful information that could not have been obtained in any other way. Therefore, each time faced with a problem, you can say to yourself: "The cloud has a bright side!" Then new opportunities will open up for us to solve the problem. Today we will get acquainted with several ways of self-help in solving problems. "

1. Exercise "List of problems"

Participants are instructed to write a list of problems on a piece of paper. In addition, the facilitator asks them to reflect and write down the answers to the following questions:

Which of these problems do you consider it necessary to resolve in the first place?

What do you want to achieve as a result?

After this part of the assignment is completed, the facilitator organizes a discussion on this topic. He then asks each participant to write a Personal Problem Solving Plan.

The facilitator tells the participants that problems in life are normal and inevitable. Therefore, in order to solve problems, first of all, it is necessary to believe that a way out of this situation can be found. Life problems are not always associated with a threat to human life. More often than not, they are a normal and changeable situation. To draw up a personal plan, participants are offered the scheme "Steps for drawing up a personal plan."

Whatman paper with the diagram "Steps of drawing up a personal plan" is prepared in advance.

Steps to Create a Personal Problem Resolution Plan

1. Determine if the situation is really

2. Think about what information or tools you need to solve the problem. Collect additional information. Choose the most important thing.

3. Identify the circumstances and factors that interfere with the resolution of the situation.

4. Set your desired goal.

5. Write down all possible solutions to the problem on a piece of paper. Write any of the most ridiculous options that come to your mind, without trying to evaluate whether they are correct or not, and without making a final decision.

6. Make a decision.

7. Examine the consequences of making a decision: what will it give me? Will the problem be completely resolved? What positive consequences will arise? What negative consequences will arise? How can I reward myself if I solve a problem?

Of all the options for solving the problem, the one that is fully capable of resolving the situation and increasing the positive consequences is selected.

2. Exercise "What the problem taught me"

The facilitator asks the participants to recall a recent problem, as a result of which they received a new valuable experience, and answer the questions:

What was this situation and how was it resolved?

If solving this problem taught you something important, what was it?

Imagine being asked the same question a few years later. What do you think you will answer?

Imagine that in many years, when you have children and grandchildren, and you decide to pass on to them the experience gained as a result of solving these problems, what will you tell them about?

Lesson 2 "I feel bad"

Part 1.

Goals: the formation of skills of introspection and observation, through the awareness of internal states; actualization of experience and knowledge related to the emotional sphere; the formation of skills to control their emotional states; development of the ability to control affect; actualization of the experience of self-regulation; awareness of the limits of their capabilities and the need to timely seek help; awareness of the importance of being able to get help.


Guys! Our today's lesson is about emotions and feelings.

Emotions reflect the world around us in the form of direct experience of phenomena and situations, conditioned by the extent to which the latter satisfy our various needs.

Any new situation, information that contributes to the satisfaction of needs (or increases the likelihood of their satisfaction), evokes positive emotions, and information that reduces this likelihood inevitably causes negative emotions. Therefore, in some cases, we choose such behavior that helps to strengthen, repeat joy, admiration, interest; in others, it is one that weakens or prevents fear, grief, anger. This is how emotions regulate our behavior.

We call the change in the general emotional background mood.

Many people do not know how to be aware of their own emotions and feelings. As a result, our senses are “frozen”, like in a refrigerator. To learn how to liberate your emotions, to allow them to "thaw", it is important to be able to analyze your own feelings.

1. Exercise "On the benefits and harms of emotions"

Participants are divided into groups of 3-5 people, those who wish can work in pairs or alone, and fill out the table:

Here it is important to emphasize the possibility of turning each emotion both to the benefit of the person and to the detriment of him, the groundlessness of an unambiguous division of emotions into useful and harmful. Example: fear. The harm of fear - keeps a person from doing what sometimes needs to be done. The benefits of fear - allows a person to protect themselves from unnecessary risk. You can also "sort out" the rest of the emotions.

2. Exercise "Our emotions - our actions"

Participants are encouraged to continue the proposals:

I get upset when ...

I get angry when ...

I feel bad when ...

I am glad when ...

I am calm when ...

I like when...

I don't like it when ...

I feel good when ...

As soon as this part of the work is completed, the participants are invited to continue the sentences further: "... when ... and I do ...".

This is followed by a discussion: what do you think about when you do this or that act? Do people always think when they do something? The moderator invites the group to confirm or deny the correctness of the statement: "Before you do anything, think about it!" In what situations is this postulate acceptable? It is necessary to lead adolescents to the formation of the following attitude: "Ahead of any action must go a thought!" Together with the guys, the presenter discusses what needs to be done in order to stop in time before committing a rash action.

3. Exercise "Your mood"

Think and determine which emotional state you are in most often: cheerful, optimistic, or sad, sad, or depressed, gloomy. This is your mood. Each person has their own tone of ordinary mood. About one we say: "a cheerful person", although at some moments he may have a sad and depressed mood. We perceive the other as gloomy, dissatisfied, although he can sometimes be cheerful, lively. The most interesting thing is that we do not report to anyone about our mood, but ... look, word, movement, facial expression, head tilt, intonation, sigh, smile - and everything becomes clear.

Do you have "your" mood, the one in which you find yourself most often?

How do you think your friends, classmates, parents see you?

Keep in mind that we often unwittingly pass on our mood to other people. Psychological research shows that a person with a persistent gloomy mood spreads his condition to those around him with whom he interacts. As a result, everyone may have a general depressed mood, when one does not want to joke, or talk, or exchange impressions, when new thoughts and ideas do not come to mind, when the soul is possessed not by life-affirming feelings, but by gloomy forebodings. But, on the other hand, you know that the stormy cheerfulness constantly expressed in words and behavior, exaltation in the manifestation of feelings, even positive ones, also depressingly affects the people around them, tires them and often causes irritation, especially when the optimism of one person does not correspond general mood. Therefore, it is important to know about your usual mood and think about the correspondence of your mood to a particular situation, as well as about the degree (degree) of its manifestation in behavior. In other words, you should control your mood, not it you.

3. Exercise "Auction"

By type of auction, there are as many ways as possible to help you cope with a bad mood. All methods adopted by the auctioneer (presenter) are recorded on the board and then written down.

Lesson 2 "I feel bad"

Part 2.

Goals: the formation of skills of introspection and observation, through the awareness of internal states; actualization of experience and knowledge related to the emotional sphere; the formation of skills to control their emotional states; actualization of the experience of self-regulation; awareness of the limits of their capabilities and the need to timely seek help; awareness of the importance of being able to get help.


What do we know about stress? That it is an integral part of modern life and almost everyone is exposed to it. What else? Based on our own experience, we will remember about sleepless nights, about problems with appetite - some in such an immoderate state, others - disappeared. We can tell a lot without knowing, in fact, nothing about stress. Just like most people. And it is precisely ignorance that makes us defenseless in front of a rather dangerous enemy, unexpectedly attacking and destroying not only inner harmony, but also physical health. We are trying to defeat him, without even knowing which side he sneaks up on and what he is. Our ignorance is blindfolded. Do not fight blindly. It's time to know as much as possible about stress - how dangerous it is and what is useful in it.

Today we brought in an expert to tell us what you need to know about stress and how to deal with it. (A psychologist acts as an expert. If it is not possible to invite a psychologist, then we have presented material that will help the presenter to tell the teenagers about stress himself.)

To help the presenter.

Stress and how to deal with it

What is stress?

The word "stress" is translated from English as "pressure, pressure, tension" and denotes a condition that occurs in a person or animal under the influence of strong influences. This term was introduced into medicine by the outstanding Canadian physiologist Hans SELIER. In 1936, he first formulated the concept of stress, which he considered as a response to any demands made on the body. SELIER believed that the body can cope with any difficulty. For this, there are two types of reactions: active (i.e. struggle) and passive (i.e. escape from difficulties, willingness to endure them). Based on these beliefs, the scientist developed a hypothesis about the adaptation syndrome, according to which at the moment of stress, all protective mechanisms developed in the process of evolution are turned on. These mechanisms are able to protect a living creature from a sudden stimulus. Of course, SELE had predecessors, but it was his concept that had a great influence on various areas of human science - medicine, psychology, sociology and other areas of knowledge. Today there are many scientific and popular books reflecting the continuously growing interest in the problem of social, psychological and physiological stresses - their occurrence and impact on people.

When are we stressed?

The problem of stress has become of paramount importance in life modern man... Anyone can get into a stressful situation, regardless of social status and level of well-being. People are characterized by experiences and worries associated with the fate of their loved ones, work, wages etc. Many reasons daily confuse a person's peace. True, not only an excess of stimuli, but also their lack can have a negative effect. Loneliness, boredom, monotony, isolation also have negative effects. No one and nothing will fence you off with a solid wall from an accident or circumstance that will cause spiritual disharmony. But often we ourselves are the culprits of complex life collisions, discord with ourselves and with the world around us.

Don't drive yourself to a dead end

In order not to provoke stress ourselves, psychologists advise getting rid of destructive personal attitudes that often destroy us from the inside. These settings are called drivers. They push a person into certain behavior. And if he fails to meet his own needs, then problems begin. Among the most common drivers, the following are distinguished: be perfect, please others, try, be strong, hurry.

- Driver “Be perfect! Be the best!" - implies: "I will receive recognition and satisfaction if I do everything right ... my work must be perfect ... no one will be better than me." Such beliefs encourage us to take an overly responsible attitude to life and work, always fearing to forget something, to spend too much time and effort on the perfect execution of things. A person begins to worry if it seems to him that something has not been done well enough, look for an excuse, constantly apologize, worry if someone turns out to be better and deserves more praise and recognition. In this situation, a person suffers from the constant feeling that he is not good enough. At the same time, he demands the same attitude towards life from others and gets annoyed if they do not share his opinion. And he always feels psychological discomfort.

- "Make others happy" driver - carries the following meaning: "I will receive recognition and satisfaction if I feel the expectations of other people and meet their expectations ... other people should be happy next to me ...". In this case, a person begins to believe that the needs of others are more important than his own and, first of all, take care not of himself, but of those around him, adjusting to their mood and interests. Trying to please and constantly fearing to disappoint someone, he can bring himself to mental disharmony.

- Driver "try" - individuals with this attitude are usually not aimed at achieving a result. More important is the labor process itself. They were always praised for their hard work and diligence, and the result was ignored. Therefore, they believe, "I will get recognition and satisfaction if I try and work hard." This attitude makes a person give all his best even when this is not required at all, feel anxiety if there is no job, look for and find more and more new tasks for himself, demonstrate his strenuous activity to others, worry without receiving the expected encouragement.

- Driver "be strong" requires independence and self-sufficiency from a person. Individuals with such convictions are forced to constantly prove own strength and consistency. To do this, they strive to conquer new frontiers. They do not tend to ask others for sympathy, support and participation. They often hide their emotions and feelings to avoid appearing weak. They feel that emotions can lead to vulnerability, which is unacceptable. These people experience stress in situations of uncertainty and ambiguity, where there is no confidence in their own capabilities, and they cannot seek help. To do this, you have to break yourself.

- Hurry up driver can be interpreted as follows: "I will be satisfied and energetic if there is a constant strain in my life." This attitude encourages you to constantly rush, be late or "catch the last car", take on an excessive amount of work and be horrified at how much needs to be done, be in a state of constant lack of time, but not give up new tasks. People who adhere to these principles often hear criticism for being late and missing deadlines. But this does not affect their rhythm of life. They still strive to feel the "rush" and feel despondency and boredom when everything is measured and smooth. They fall into a state of stress not only from boredom, but also from a continuous race, when vitality and opportunities are depleted.

In order for the above attitudes not to spoil your life, first of all you need to realize their destructive action for the psyche and relationships. And then try to get rid of their influence. But if the experience is caused by factors beyond your control, find an opportunity to revive yourself by other means.

How to get rid of stress

The adaptive capabilities of the human body are very high. But they have a limit. And the level of adaptation is individual for everyone. Therefore, finding ways to deal with stress must be taken seriously and know what, when and how to apply. For example, ways such as eating a chocolate bar or watching your favorite movie can only have a positive effect in a one-time stressful situation caused by a minor conflict or a small failure in some non-vital business. If a person at home or at work is constantly in a very tense psychological environment or at any time can get into it, he must definitely think about strengthening his own stress resistance, develop a kind of immunity. To do this, you need to listen to yourself more often.

In almost every textbook on psychology, you can find a description of what happens to the body of a person in a stressful situation. The focus of arousal primarily occurs in the brain, from where alarming signals are sent, provoking the release of adrenaline and other stress hormones into the blood. As a result, the work of the heart increases, the level of sugar in the blood increases, blood flows from the internal organs to the muscles, and blood clotting increases. Often, in people in a similar state, the pupils dilate, so they often talk about the "crazy" eyes of an excited person. Also, due to the flow of oxygen to vital organs, breathing can become more frequent. This condition requires immediate physical release. It is necessary to "let off steam" - as the people say, to release the accumulated energy, to neutralize the stress hormones circulating in the blood. To achieve this goal, any actions are permissible, provided they do no harm to anyone, of course. You can shout, sing, run or squat and thus get the necessary physical release. The situation is different with mental relaxation. Different approaches are required here.

Modern technology for the rapid elimination of stress recommends a method called "debriefing", which is aimed at relieving acute stress in a person. This technique is actively used in the psychology of crisis states and is widely known to those who study crisis psychology. Its essence lies in the repeated retelling of all the details and details of the experienced stressful situation. Sharing unpleasant impressions, with each new retelling, a person frees up emotional memory, experiences less and less excitement about what happened and gains control over his emotional state. If a debriefing is not carried out immediately after the incident, there is a danger that the negative experience deeply traumatizes the psyche and can turn into a chronic anxiety state. Especially if the causes of stress are global, such as a catastrophe, natural disasters or any other threat to the life and health of the victim or his loved ones. Psychologists also recommend debriefing for mothers when dealing with children who are constantly worried about any fears. People use this method quite often, without thinking about what helps them restore peace of mind. It is evening gatherings in the circle of relatives, when each family member shares his impressions of the past day, school, work, boss, friends, etc., or many hours of telephone conversations of girlfriends - that is a debriefing, although many do not even know about it. Not only close people can listen to revelations, but also unfamiliar people. The main thing is that their response is correct.

For a person who has experienced a stressful situation, full support is very important. In this case, a lot depends on who is nearby. It is necessary to be attentive and try to understand the emotions and feelings that your interlocutor is experiencing. Psychologists say that full support should be like a parent talking to a child with a broken knee. It is required to regret, but not to scold. Even if the "offended" one is wrong a hundred times.

You should not always rely only on the help of other people. Taking care of their own peace of mind, each person should remember that there are hidden reserves in him, ready to fight back stress at any time. In each of us there is a so-called “self-support box”. It contains techniques known only to us that contribute to our speedy deliverance from a mental crisis. These techniques may include physical activity: massage, shaping, yoga, swimming, running, walking. Exercise gives you a sense of your own body, control over it. This contributes to gaining control over the situation. Thanks to rhythmic movements, a person first calms down, "pulls himself together", then begins to think logically and reason, and this is already a big plus on the way to internal stabilization.

Another technique is relaxation and meditation. It has been known for a long time how useful musical accompaniment is, no matter what you do. Music can plunge you into a state of sadness and melancholy, or, conversely, lift your spirits and induce action. Listening to soothing or dynamic music has a positive effect on emotional condition person. Smells are no less important in this sense. In order to completely forget about troubles, it is recommended to use energy resources, such as walks in nature, contact with animals, etc. Using energy resources, you "disconnect" from worries at first for a while, but there is a possibility that you will completely forget about them.

It is useful to resort to the help of the technique, which is conventionally referred to as the "bank of strokes." Its essence is to give yourself pleasure and joy in a long-proven way. For example, buy new thing, do what you love, chat with friends.

Should you be afraid of stress?

According to doctors, the human body tends to perceive and respond to stress. Life without stress would be boring, and most importantly, harmful. Because a little stress is essential to maintain motivation and enthusiasm. Without stress of various nature, our life would be like some kind of colorless vegetation. True, their excess is harmful to health. In this case, it is necessary to remember one old wisdom - if you cannot change the situation, change your attitude towards it. Then, perhaps, unnecessary stress will begin to bypass you.

1. Exercise "My Top Five Stressors"

You need to write on a piece of paper 5 major stressful events of late. In addition, you should think about and write down the answers to the following questions:

Are these events of vital importance or are they common annoyances?

Has the stressing event already happened or is it expected?

Is it controllable or not?

2. Exercise "Stressful situations"

Participants are asked to describe in detail the stressful situation and their behavior in it. For this purpose it is necessary to fill in the table:




The senses


After completing the task, its results are discussed and the main strategies of human behavior in problematic and stressful situations (problem solving, seeking social support, avoidance) are highlighted. Here it is important that the invited expert gives recommendations on building a constructive strategy for solving the problem, overcoming stress and emphasizing the danger of avoiding the problem by substituting addictive behavior (If it is not possible to invite an expert, then below is material to help the facilitator).

To help the presenter.

Human reaction to a problem (stressful) situation

A person can react to a problem situation in two ways of behavior:

- an adequate decision, the formation of new behavior, drawing up an action plan;

- inability to make an adequate decision.

In the event of a person's inability to make an adequate decision, there are also two ways of reacting:

- switching attention to relieve emotional stress, change the point of view on the problem, mobilize resources. After reaching the state of balance, a return to the solution of the problem is carried out;

- avoiding solving a problem in the real world with the help of protective mechanisms is carried out in one of two areas:

- the unconscious. The presence of the problem is not recognized and the avoidance of solving the problem is realized through the mechanism of repression, forgetting;

- consciousness. The presence of the problem is recognized, but the information about the problem is distorted by the action of other protective mechanisms.

Avoiding solving the problem is possible in four ways:

- the use of borrowed decisions and actions, manifested in superstition, adherence to destructive cults, the use of the help of astrologers, fortune-tellers, psychics. There is no escape from your own inner world. "Work on the problem" is carried out by means of methods of action (rituals) imposed from the outside by authoritative persons, the responsibility is shifted to other people or circumstances. This method is associated with the dominance of mythological thinking, belief in the supernatural, the predominance of perception over thinking;

- "work on the problem" in terms of passive imagination (in dreams, not realizable fantasies-dreams). There is no escape from your own inner world. Working on the problem is ineffective, since the plans drawn up are not realizable. Individual prerequisites: initially, logical, figurative thinking and imagination are well developed; a rational approach to finding reasonable solutions is characteristic, but the presence of a number of factors does not allow them to be applied to this problem due to the insufficient level of adaptation, experience, etc.)

- substitute active behavior - watching TV, gambling, Internet addiction, workaholism., relationship addiction, gadget addiction (addiction to electronic toys for adults, for example, mobile phones and CD players). There is basically no escape from one's own inner world. There is no work on the problem internally. There is a desire to acquire a maximum of ready-made information in a passive way (with minimal own efforts).

- substitute addictive behavior - alcoholism, drug addiction, substance abuse. The withdrawal from the inner world is completely carried out, work on the problem is not performed.

Lesson 3. "Freedom or Slavery?"

Goals: informing about the causes and mechanisms of the formation of addictive behavior, its types, consequences; awareness of the incompatibility of addictive behavior and freedom, independence, full and active life.

1. The game "Puppets".

Participants must be divided into three people. Each trio is given a task: two participants must play the role of a puppeteer - completely control all movements of the puppet, one of the participants plays the role of a puppet. Each participant must visit the role of a doll. For each troika, two chairs are placed at a distance of 1.5 - 3 meters. The goal of the "puppeteers" is to transfer the "doll" from one chair to another. At the same time, the person who plays the "doll" should not resist what the "puppeteers" do to him. It is very important that every participant visited the place of the "doll".

After the end of the game, a discussion takes place, the players are invited to answer the questions:

How did you feel when you were in the role of the "doll"?

Did you like the feeling, were you comfortable?

Did you want to do something yourself?

2. Methodology of unfinished sentences "Addiction"

Proposals are prepared in advance in the form of printouts and distributed for independent work (10 minutes). Then the group is divided into pairs: the participants take turns reading each other's proposals. Or sentences are completed aloud in a circle. In the general discussion, the most typical points of view, as well as the most excellent, should be noted.


When I communicate with a person addicted to drugs and alcohol, then I, ..

When dealing with addicted people, the hardest thing for me is ...

I show my sympathy for the addicted person through ...

When I observe the behavior of an addict, I understand that ...

A situation in which I might become addicted to drugs is ...

When I notice that I am becoming addicted to someone and something, I realize that ...

To me, being independent means ...

As I understand it, addiction is ...

3. Role-play "Trial of addiction"

The facilitator asks the entire group to participate in the addiction trial (you can specify the type of addiction, for example: addiction to psychoactive substances). He summons a volunteer to be a judge. The rest of the participants are divided into defenders and prosecutors.

The presenter himself acts in the role of dependence. The task of the group is to jointly decide whether addiction is to blame for the death of people? To do this, they must collect reliable information and provide facts. An expert - psychologist is invited to clarify information on the problems of addictive behavior. If it is not possible to invite a psychologist to clarify the information, participants can contact the presenter himself, acting in the role of addiction.

To complete the assignment, participants adhere to the following scheme:

1. Teams of attorneys and prosecutors brainstorm and brainstorm addiction on a piece of paper.

2. Each of the parties on a Whatman paper records facts confirming the guilt or innocence of the addiction.

Then the case is submitted to the court.

At the end of the game, everyone “takes off” their roles, a discussion is held. The facilitator makes a generalization.

To help the presenter.

Dependent behavior: mechanisms of occurrence, types, consequences

Dependent (addictive) behavior - This is one of the forms of destructive behavior, which is expressed in the desire to escape from reality by changing one's mental state through the intake of certain substances or constant fixation of attention on certain objects or activities (activities), which is accompanied by the development of intense emotions.

This process captures a person so much that it begins to control his life. The person becomes helpless in the face of his addiction. Willpower weakens and makes it impossible to resist addiction.

The desire to change mood by an addictive mechanism is achieved with the help of various agents. These agents include psychoactive substances: alcohol, drugs, drugs, toxic substances.

Artificial mood changes are also promoted by involvement in some kind of activity: gambling, computer, overeating or starvation, work, prolonged listening to rhythmic music, etc.

Types of addictive behavior have their own specific characteristics and manifestations, they are not equivalent in their consequences. The most destructive are such forms of addiction as alcoholism and drug addiction.

The destructive nature of dependence is manifested in the fact that in this process emotional relationships are established, connections not with other people, but with inanimate objects or phenomena. Emotional relationships with people lose their importance, become superficial. The way of addictive realization gradually turns from a means into a goal. Distraction from doubts and worries in difficult situations is periodically necessary for everyone, but in the case of addictive behavior, it becomes a lifestyle, in the process of which a person is trapped in a constant withdrawal from reality.

Forms of addiction can replace one another, which makes the illusion of problem solving even more stable and stronger. This is dangerous not only for the addicted person himself, but also for those around him. Addictive realization replaces friendship, love, and other activities. It absorbs time, strength, energy and emotions to such an extent that a person is unable to maintain balance in life, engage in other forms of activity, enjoy communicating with people, get carried away, relax, develop other aspects of the personality, show sympathy, empathy, emotional support even to the closest people.

Part 1.



Guys today we will talk about drug addiction. Not all of us have a clear understanding of drug addiction. Often, adults and adolescents themselves form their ideas about drugs, focusing on the stories of friends, rumors and prejudices.

This is dangerous, firstly, because myths about drugs can underestimate a real threat (for example, the myth that marijuana is a completely harmless drug), and secondly, because myths can exaggerate the danger, giving rise to a sense of hopelessness and doom ( for example, the myth that as soon as a person tries a drug once, he will definitely become a drug addict).

The group begins with a series of statements related to the topic of drug addiction. For example, such:

It is enough to try once to become a drug addict.

Addiction is not a disease, but promiscuity.

All drug addicts are criminals.

Drugs help relieve tension.

Marijuana is completely safe.

Three plaques with the words "Yes", "No", "Maybe" are hung in the room.

Participants think over their position on each of these statements for several minutes. Then the participants need to divide in accordance with their beliefs into 3 groups, after which the moderator organizes a discussion, during which each group defends its point of view. Then the following statement is discussed.

After the exercise, it is advisable to provide the participants with additional information and statistics to debunk the myths that exist in society on this topic. For this purpose, experts are invited: a narcologist, an inspector for juvenile affairs, a psychologist. If it is not possible to invite experts, then to help the presenter we have presented materials about the most common myths about drug addiction and facts that refute them.

To help the presenter.

Drug myths

The first myth: "There is no dependence on soft drugs"

It is a myth. Both physical and psychological addiction can develop from cannabis use. This has been repeatedly confirmed by the results of many studies conducted in different countries of the world. The most harmless drug substance is marijuana. At first glance, smoking marijuana is a completely harmless addiction. And in this regard, literature is spreading among young people, which can be called in one word - "the anthem of marijuana." This literature describes the "healing" properties of marijuana, it is said that in Muslim countries, marijuana is quite legal, that it is smoked and consumed by all people in India, that marijuana is an unofficial part of the youth cult. But despite this, in our country, as in many other countries, marijuana is classified as a "hard" drug. There is medical evidence that marijuana causes the development of a number of serious diseases and mental disorders, and is also a direct route to the use of "hard" drugs.

The second myth: "There will be no harm from one time"

"After all, I'll just try once, and that's it." But every addict had this "first and only" time. Recently, in one TV program, they showed a morgue where drug addicts are brought. For some, the whole body is punctured, there is no living place. And then they showed the corpse of a 17-year-old boy. And there is only one injection mark on it. One.

From the story of a student of one of the Minsk schools: “We came to a disco. They offered to throw in ecstasy. Everyone was fine, but I lost consciousness, woke up in the hospital. The doctors told my mother that if the ambulance had arrived a little later, they wouldn't have saved me. I was in the hospital for a month. I would not wish anyone to experience this. "

From the story of the mother: “My son is already an adult, a family man, but he has a serious illness: a drunken drunkard. And the disease proceeds so hard that without "new products" he cannot get out of the binge. It all started with the use of LSD in a disco. He tried everything once with his friends, and he lost his mind. Now we are all suffering from this, our whole family, and he himself, and his wife, and daughter, and we, parents. One brand is a nightmare of a lifetime. "

The third myth: "We live once - in life you have to try everything"

Today this is the life credo of many young people. They reason like this: "We came to this world to try everything." But should you jump from a skyscraper, hoping you won't crash? Do I have to go to the tram rails with the thought “what if it will go around”? No sane person would want to contract AIDS, hoping to be the first person in the world to be cured? Drug addiction can be compared to a game of "Russian roulette", where a full drum is loaded in a revolver.

The fourth myth: "Only the same addict can help a drug addict"

In my opinion, this is a myth that removes responsibility from loved ones. Only through the common efforts of family members, friends, doctors, teachers can there be hope for healing. It is friends and family that most often lead the addict to the realization of the need to get out. But the addict's will is blocked, and therefore the healing process begins with his loved ones. A patient with drug addiction needs constant help in recovery, just as help and mutual support is needed for his loved ones, people who live with him every day, because they are now codependent. Most often, they suffer no less than the addict himself. But they are free from drug addiction, and therefore the path to healing begins with them.

Fifth myth: "Since there are narcologists, drug addiction is treated."

According to statistics, only 1-3% of drug addicts who are undergoing treatment in narcological institutions manage to get out of this disease. The help of doctors is absolutely necessary. But in fact, they can only alleviate suffering: remove the consequences of withdrawal symptoms, provide psychological support. And then the drug addict needs to return to real life. And his will is still blocked, still remains under the control of drugs. Can doctors use pills and injections from a weak-willed person to make a strong-willed person? Unfortunately no. A very long, very complicated, multi-stage rehabilitation process is required, which, unfortunately, is not always successful either.

1. Game "Reasons for the use of psychoactive substances"

The moderator invites the participants to split into two teams. Each team brainstorms a poster "Reasons for Substance Use" and presents it to the group. The results are discussed. The facilitator weaves reliable information about psychoactive substances into the context of the game by talking to invited experts or using the materials below. The moderator sets the tone for an open, serious discussion of this problem by his example.

To help the presenter.

The concept of dependence on psychoactive substances (PAS)

Narcotic is a psychoactive substance included in the official state list of narcotic drugs and psychoactive substances found in illegal storage or circulation. The concept of "drug" is medical, social and legal.

Their list includes socially dangerous psychoactive substances that, even with a single use, can cause an altered state of consciousness or impaired mental response, the rapid formation of dependence on them.

According to the classification of the World Health Organization (WHO), drug addiction is classified as a mental illness. The patient shows signs of self-destructive behavior (desire for self-destruction). Substance dependence is a condition in which a person becomes dependent on any substance that affects mood. It arises as a pathological reaction to the intake of psychoactive substances. Psychoactive substances alter the chemistry of the brain and thus affect a person's feelings and behavior.

Biopsychosocial-spiritual model of addiction

Substance dependence is a biopsychosocial-spiritual disorder as it is influenced by the four main dimensions of human life.

"Bio" is biological, that is, it affects the body. Some people are born with a physiological status that makes them more likely to become addicted to the drug. Addiction causes bodily harm.

"Psycho" is mental, that is, it affects the mind and soul. It can depend on certain views and beliefs whether a person becomes a drug addict or not. Addiction changes your perception of yourself, others, and the world.

"Socio" - social, relating to relationships with people. The social environment influences the development of addiction. Addiction weakens relationships with other people and worsens the quality of a person's life in social space.

"Spiritual" affects the meaning and purpose of life. A person loses the meaning of his existence and does not feel the desire for something greater than his own life.

The addicted person reacts painfully to the cessation of the use of psychoactive substances that affect the mood (the state during the period of drug withdrawal). Physical withdrawal syndrome occurs because the addict's body needs the drug and reacts physiologically when it is not. Psychological withdrawal syndrome occurs because the addict is unhappy without a drug, experiences feelings of fear and loss. Social symptoms during drug withdrawal arise because social interaction with other people without drugs is painful (T. Gorsky).

When addiction to psychoactive substances occurs, the following are observed:

Loss of control over their use.

An irresistible urge to take alcohol or drugs.

Unsuccessful attempts to reduce the dose or stop using the surfactant.

Eating in large quantities or for a longer period of time than the person intended.

Anosognosia(denial of the disease) - a protective ego-structure, mostly unconscious, which allows the individual not to see the connection between the use of psychoactive substances and the consequences.

Addiction syndrome includes:

the syndrome of mental dependence, in which the patient experiences an obsessive attraction to the drug, constantly returns in his thoughts to him and the ways of its acquisition;

physical dependence syndrome, which consists of
compulsive, irresistible desire to use drugs and withdrawal symptoms - a pronounced state of psychosomatic ill-being that occurs when the drug is withdrawn.

Biological risk factors:

brain pathology;

factor of hereditary burden (mental illness in parents, alcoholism, drug addiction);

a factor of impaired development (the presence of craniocerebral trauma, chronic somatic diseases).

Socio-psychological (psychogenic) factors:

the factor of the disturbed family system (single-parent families, newly created families, etc.);

pathogenic type of upbringing (everything is allowed, weak control or its complete absence, emotional rejection - hypoprotection; diktat, excessively strict control - hyperprotection);

the parents are abusing themselves or are alcoholics
drug addicts.

weak social ties of the family, the lack of its belonging to any group, the low level of education of the parents;

lack of clear norms and rules in the family, manifestation of antisocial behavior, domestic violence.

Personal risk factors:

feeling of own insignificance, uselessness;

lack of self-control and self-discipline;

inability to be aware and adequately express their feelings;

the tendency to implement emotional stress into direct behavior;

rejection and misunderstanding of social norms and values;

low self-esteem and self-doubt;

lack of meaning in life.

Background to substance use

Biological -changes in the chemical balance of the brain.

Psychological -low self-esteem, difficulties in communicating with peers and adults, enslavement, lack of skills in solving personal problems, inability to resist pressure from others, etc.

Social -high level of social problems in society; economic benefits from drug sales; cultural acceptability of the use of certain substances; communication difficulties; inability to resist pressure from society, etc.

Spiritual -low level of spirituality in society, lack of meaning and goals in life.

Possible reasons for the first experiences of using surfactants: more natural curiosity, a desire to just try, an active search for new types of pleasure, inability to say "no", difficulties in understanding one's own boundaries, an unconscious desire to escape from the complexities of life, lack of knowledge about the effect of psychoactive substances on the body, etc. P.

Reasons for drug use by adolescents:

- out of curiosity;

- solidarity, so as not to be a "black sheep";

- out of spite;

- lack of understanding of loved ones;

- dysfunctional family;

- the desire to conform to a certain lifestyle;

- desire to be considered an adult;

- desire to weaken self-control;

- desire to relax;

- for courage;

- relieve pain, etc.

The possibility of recovery

Drug addiction is a chronic disease characterized by periods of exacerbation and remission. With proper treatment, remissions can be very long - several years or even a lifetime. Recovery of the patient is possible, but this requires long-term work on the recovery program and personal growth. The patient must acknowledge the problem, seek help, and the recovery program must address all four aspects of the disease.

3. Brainstorming "What does the drug and toxic substance sample lead to?"

Teenagers are encouraged to build a logical chain from the proposal to try the drug to the last stage of use. What links can be used to interrupt the path to drug death? It is important to bring to the understanding that only refusal from the offer to try the drug can prevent negative changes in life, and ultimately save from a sad outcome. In the process of brainstorming, experts comment on the assumptions made by adolescents and provide additional and clarifying information on the topic. Materials to help the facilitator are presented below.

At the end of the lesson, the participants are given a reminder “Say No to drugs!” And “Yes to life!”. (Appendix 2)

To help the presenter.

Stages of drug addiction development

Drug addictionis a process that contains 4 stages, and like any process has a beginning and an end.

I stage. First samples

At the first stage, there is an acquaintance with drugs, this stage, therefore, is called "first samples". This stage is characterized by:

- natural curiosity, desire to “just try”;

- active search for new types of "high";

- inability to say "no";

- Difficulty understanding your own boundaries;

- falling under the influence of various myths about drugs;

- fear of being branded as a "black sheep" or "mama's boy";

- unconscious desire to escape from the complexities of life (or conscious);

- disregard for yourself and your life;

- the desire to make your life interesting and fulfilling;

- ignorance of how drugs actually work on the psyche and the human body.

There are two ways after the first try:

1) completely stop using;

2) continue to use, which inevitably leads to the transition to the next stage in the development of drug addiction.

II stage. I like to use drugs

The second stage usually includes those people who “liked this state”. And the ball rolled down.

This stage is characterized by:

- a conscious desire to get a "high" with the help of drugs;

- search for reasonable excuses for use;

- search for a "suitable" company;

- drugs become necessary attribute fun and relaxation;

- drugs are beginning to be used as: a remedy against "complexes", a cure for stress, a way of communication, a companion of sexual relations;

- you can notice an increase in the dose required to obtain the desired sensations;

- a special "get-together" is being formed - their own drugs, their own music, clothing style, humor.

If a person continues to use drugs, he switches from lower doses to higher ones, and from less potent substances to stronger ones.

When a person enters the 2nd stage of addiction, he realizes that people close to him will not approve of the fact that he uses drugs, but he likes this state, and therefore he is forced to justify his behavior, and then various myths arise, for example:

- There is no dependence on one time ...

- I will control myself ...

- I am strong, I will control myself ...

- Those who became drug addicts are weak and weak-willed ...

- Hemp is not a drug, there is no dependence on it ...

- When I feel that addiction begins, I will quit ...

If a person does not stop using, the next stage of addiction development begins.

III stage. Problems arise

- health problems (withdrawal symptoms, discomfort after use, infectious diseases);

- loss of control over behavior (trauma, violence, crime);

- promiscuity in sex ( venereal diseases, unwanted pregnancy, relationship problems);

- scandals in the family;

- problems with studies, troubles at school;

- financial difficulties (debts, selling things from home, constantly looking for money);

- conflicts with friends;

- the main social circle - those who use drugs;

- conflicts with the law, bringing to the police.

At this stage, physical dependence arises. The drug does not bring the desired pleasure, but is used to bring the body back to normal.

It is almost impossible to stop using at this stage on your own, you need the help of specialists. Continued use necessarily leads to a transition to the next stage in the development of addiction.

IV stage. Drug use becomes a target

At the fourth stage, our ball enters the cycle, from which it is difficult to get out. It is always easy to slide, but to go back, as you can see, is very difficult.

This stage is characterized by:

- use for the sake of use;

- constant need for drugs;

- the use of extreme means, in search of a dose;

- destruction of moral values;

- apathy and unwillingness to live, loss of the meaning of existence;

- attempted suicide;

- serious health problems, the occurrence of chronic diseases;

- a break with family, friends, society.

At this stage, if the person does not stop using drugs, he dies. Statistics show that out of 100 patients with drug addiction, only 3% recover, that is, out of 100 patients, only 3 people survive, all the rest simply die.

Lesson 4. "Do not stumble - there is an abyss in front of you!"

Part 2.

Goals: awareness of their own vulnerability to drugs, informing about the dangers of drugs, about the motives for their use; awareness of drug myths; awareness of the consequences of drug use; the formation of a personal attitude towards the use of psychoactive substances.

1. Group discussion "What people gain and what they lose from drug use"

Target: Identification of losses in drug use.

Content. Participants are encouraged to compile a list of acquisitions and losses that have occurred in connection with the use of drugs. The lists are being discussed. During the discussion, experts clarify and supplement the adolescents' ideas about the consequences of drug addiction. It is necessary to deduce that, while experiencing a short pleasure, a person ultimately loses everything, even his life. It is debated whether the pleasure is worth the loss.

Notes for the presenter. It is very important for teenagers to understand that the most precious thing a person has is his life. You can show this clearly. For example: you lost money, but you continue to live without these funds, you find something you can refuse. Your loved one left you, you worry, but you continue to live. Your life is over - you are no more and you will never be.

2. Exercise "Message to the world"

The group is divided into subgroups (two or three) depending on the number of students. Each subgroup receives the task: to prepare a project "Prevention of drug use among young people". The task of the participants is to prepare a speech for the presentation of the project, slogans, draw posters with a scheme of action. The host explains that they have complete freedom to choose drug prevention measures.

Participants can use the principles of brainstorming to develop projects. Then each team in turn comes up with their proposals.

The exercise is aimed at developing an active life position, awareness of one's own responsibility for solving this problem.

Lesson 5. "Don't walk blindly through a minefield!"

Goals: informing adolescents about specific situations that pose a danger to them; destruction of myths that persist in adolescence and provoke social deviations in adolescent behavior; formation of the ability to recognize and assess risk situations; developing critical thinking; awareness of the right and the need to protect yourself, your choice, your individuality; development of skills to overcome stereotypes of conformal behavior and imitation of socially unapproved patterns of behavior; the formation of psychological immunity to negative external influences and the ability to conflict-free opposition to negative external influences, actions associated with manipulations, provocations, temptations.


Guys! From an early age, we begin to adapt to life in society, and we feel its pressure. This pressure from others persists throughout life.

The pressure of the environment begins to be felt very clearly upon entering school. Many social contacts are established here, but many problems also arise: it is necessary to establish relationships with comrades and teachers, to develop effective strategies of behavior. At your age, schoolchildren are particularly concerned about meeting the expectations of their peers and some significant adults. They strive to get into a certain group of peers, have certain friends and are ready to make many sacrifices for this. In order to be prepared for possible pressure from others, we will talk today about ways of self-defense in such cases. "

1. Exercise "My territory"

Each of the participants declares himself a sovereign state, chooses a name, coat of arms, establishes a border around his state. He can designate it in words or in some other way (put it out of objects).

Each representative of sovereign states has the right to send a diplomat to the territory of another state. However, a sovereign state itself decides the question of who and how far to let on its territory. States are allowed to unite with each other, seize foreign territories, jointly defend against attack, etc. Participants can use any methods of persuasion and opposition. At the same time, it is important not to offend or offend anyone.

The game is aimed at realizing physical and psychological boundaries, developing skills to resist pressure and working out the skills to clarify the situation - the ability to say "no", the ability to persuade, the ability to recognize deception and the development of attention to non-verbal manifestations.

2. Exercise "Learning to Resist Influence"

Teens are encouraged to discuss: what is influence and what or who can be influenced? Influence is the ability to convince a person to do what you want, or the ability to take any action that changes the outcome of a situation. Most often, such influence has a manipulative nature, that is, it is performed in such a way that they seek to hide its true goal from the addressee. To successfully resist it, you must:

Recognize the very fact of manipulative influence;

To systematically defend their interests without being led by the manipulator.

It is further discussed: is the influence always negative? How can negative influences be distinguished? What are the ways to negatively influence? (Intimidation, blackmail, threat, imitation, addiction, beating, pressure on the person, etc.) Teenagers are invited to speak up: do they want to succumb to such influence and what are the consequences of an agreement? What should be done to get away from the negative influence? The moderator talks about the methods of protection, the participants give examples of how exactly it might look.

Manipulation protection:

First of all, discern the very fact of manipulation! For this, knowledge of its methods is also needed.

Use the technique of "endless clarifications": not to answer the manipulator in essence, but to ask him for a long time and in detail - what exactly he wants, why he needs it, why he started a conversation about it right now, etc.

Use the "hackneyed record" technique - repeat your position over and over again without getting into an argument.

Take a time-out: do not immediately do what the manipulator is trying to achieve, but ask for time to think, consult with others, etc.

A security plan is drawn up. It is necessary to convince adolescents that seeking help is not an admission of their own weakness, but a manifestation of the ability to resist. The plan should also include such items as contacting parents and adults, teachers, police agencies, helplines.

3. Exercise-activator "Swap places"


- Now let's play the Swap Game. It is performed in pairs. You need to pay off for the first or second. Competitor number 1 must persuade competitor number 2 to switch places. You can persuade by any means, but without the use of physical force.

The methods of applying pressure seen in the game are discussed.


- It is especially difficult to resist pressure from a group of people, i.e., group pressure, since a person usually seeks to be a member of a group, to comply with the norms and values ​​of this group. We quite often cannot resist him, and we give in, although we do not want it at all. One of the types of pressure is imitation of others (“herd feeling”, for example, in a situation of panic). In a crowd, a person can do things that he would never do alone.


- Attempts to force another person to do something without explaining the true reasons, but only through accusations, flattery, references to other people, etc., are called pressure.

Now let’s discuss the types of pressure that are most commonly used in peer groups.

Types of group pressure: flattery; blackmail; persuasion; threats, intimidation; ridicule; praise; bribe; deception; the call "do as we do"; emphasized attention.

4. Exercise "Practicing the skills of recognizing ways of group pressure"

The guys are divided into five teams, each with a card with the name of the type of group pressure.


I propose to divide into 5 subgroups and discuss and write down (act out) your appearance in the proposed situation. The task of the whole group is to determine what types of group pressure were used.

Situations for playing in subgroups:

1) the guys offer a classmate to skip the lesson;

2) the guys offer a classmate to go to a late disco (additional).

From each group, one person reads out a fictitious situation of the proposed type of group pressure.

5. Game "Refusal".

The work is also carried out in microgroups, each of which is offered one of the situations:

  • A classmate (neighbor, leader of the yard) asks for permission to prepare a drug at your home.
  • A classmate (neighbor, leader of the yard) asks to leave some things at your house.
  • A classmate (neighbor, leader of the yard) offers to try the drug "for the company".
  • A classmate (neighbor, leader of the yard) asks to take some thing to a stranger.
  • A classmate (neighbor, leader of the yard) asks to get a drug for him.

Assignment to subgroups: within seven minutes, come up with as many arguments as possible for refusing in this situation. After that, each subgroup “plays” its situation in front of the rest of the participants. One plays the role of “persuading”, the other “refusing”. The facilitator suggests using three rejection styles in each situation: confident, aggressive, and insecure.

To help the presenter.

Ways to refuse an offer, try psychoactive substances:

- Choose an ally: Look for someone in the company who agrees with you - this helps to gain support and reduce the number of supporters of the use.

- “Translate arrows”: to say that you are not forcing any of them to do something, so why are they so annoying?

- Change the subject: come up with something that is also interesting and not related to the use of drugs (go to the gym, to the arcade, dance, or something else).

- "To push forward": to say that some other time ...

- "Crush with intellect": if they convince that it is harmless, point out where they lie or simply do not know the consequences (for this you need to know what tobacco, alcohol, drugs are harmful).

- "Stubborn": answer "no" no matter what. Defend your right to have your own opinion. This, by the way, will testify to a solid character.

- Scare them: describe any dire consequences if they use (for example, “caught”, “delirium tremens will happen,” “we get hepatitis,” etc.). You can even invent some "terrible consequences" yourself (for example, "your teeth will turn blue", "deaf", etc.).

- Avoid: if there is a suspicion that drugs may be offered at a certain company at a certain time, just bypass it.

Which of these tricks do you think are more effective and which will not work? Why? What is the best way to use them?


- Guys, it is always important to remember that a person in any situation has the right to choose, that is, any person in different situations can make their own decisions, and we want each of you to make right choice- freedom from drugs!

1. The twelve-step approach as the basis of group psychotherapy for chemically dependent persons.

1.1. The 12-Step Approach to Chemical Addiction: Illness and Recovery.

1.2. History of the 12 Step Community.

1.3. Anonymous Communities as a support system for addicted persons.

1.4 Key Points of the 12-Step Treatment Center Approach.

2. Aims of 12-Step Orientation Group Psychotherapy.

3. Illness and recovery at neurological levels.

4. Psychological protection of chemically dependent. Negation.

5. Teaching methods of working with denial.

5.1. Loss of control in different areas of life.

5.2. Powerlessness before alcohol, drugs.

5.3. Collecting psychosocial history.

5.4. Some techniques for overcoming denial.

6. Development of spirituality as the main factor in recovery.

6.1. The Higher Power, as we understand it.

6.2. Transfer of control of life to a Higher Power.

6.3. Parable as a therapeutic tool in addiction psychotherapy.

6.4. Meeting with the “inner child”.

7. Some developmental techniques (drawing and others).

8. Recovery as a process.

8.1. Disruption-recovery scheme according to T. Gorsky.

8.2. High risk factors for breakdown.

8.3. Stages of a recurrent process.

9. Chemical dependence is a family disease.

9.1. Family codependency.

9.2. Professional codependency.

9.3. Family techniques: family sculpture, multi-family groups, unity of feelings.

10. “Intervention” - a method of influencing loved ones on a chemically dependent person. Preparation and implementation.

11. The structure of the treatment process in the treatment center of 12-step orientation.

12. Working documentation.


1. Alcoholism is a family disease. New York: Al-Anon Family Group Headquarters, Inc.

2. Alcoholics Anonymous. New York: Alcoholics Anonymous world services, Inc., 1989.

3. Belogurov S.B. Popularly about drugs and drug addiction. M .: BINOM, St. Petersburg: Nevsky dialect, 1998.

4. Beatty M. Alcoholic in the family, or overcoming codependency. M .: FiS, 1997.

5. Voronovich B.T. Alcoholism: nature, treatment, recovery. M .: "Inform-12", 1999.

6. Twelve steps and twelve traditions. New York: Alcoholics Anonimous world services, Inc., 1989.

7. The Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions of Al-Anon Family Groups. New York: Al-anon Family Group Headquarters, Inc.

8. Live sober. New York: Alcoholics Anonimous world services, Inc., 1989.

9. Kamenskaya A.I. Two levels of taking the first step. M .: Center "Recovery", 1993.

10. Kamenskaya A.I. Defects of character. M .: Center "Recovery", 1993.

11. Kamenskaya A.I. The first step is uncontrollability. M .: Center "Recovery", 1993.

13. Narcology / Ed. L.S. Friedman et al. M .: BINOM,

St. Petersburg: Nevsky dialect, 1998.

14. Negerish N.V. Basic principles and techniques of group psychotherapy in patients with drug addiction // Issues of narcology, No. 2, 1999.

15. Protsenko E.N. Drugs and drug addiction. M .: "Inform-12", 1999.

16. A guide for the alcoholic's family. New York: Al-Anon Family Group Headquarters, Inc.

17. Gorski T. The relapse / recovery grid. Haselden, 1986.

Comments on the program

1. Twelve-step approach as a basis

group psychotherapy for chemically dependent individuals

In the practice of treating chemical addictions (alcoholism, drug addiction, substance abuse, dependence on certain types of drugs), in addition to individual therapy, group methods are used. Group treatment for chemical addiction has certain benefits. Being in a therapy group and comparing their experience with the experience of others, patients have the opportunity to be aware of very important points:

there are people who have the same problems and goals;

the development of addiction has its own laws, which are repeated in the experience of different people;

in the patient's group it is very well understood, the group is almost impossible to deceive (a lie is one of the first onset of symptoms of chemical dependence).

While in a therapy group, a chemically dependent patient may for the first time experience belonging to a community. In a group of chemically dependent individuals, the patient can much faster than in individual therapy, overcome his denial of the disease and move forward in the acquisition of skills of a sober lifestyle.

In a therapeutic group of chemically dependent persons, gestalt therapy, psychodrama, transactional analysis, art therapy, and so on can be successfully used. The choice of methods and techniques is very wide, and the therapist can use the entire arsenal that he possesses.

However, none of these psychotherapy methods specifically target addiction treatment. A holistic and specific approach to the treatment of chemical addiction is needed, including the concepts of illness and recovery. This section focuses on teaching a 12-step approach to meet these requirements.

1.1. The concept of chemical dependence from the standpoint

12-Step Approach: Illness and Recovery

This material is given in the form of a lecture followed by discussion in small groups of three and in a large group.

The main points to which the attention of the participants should be drawn:

1. Chemical dependence (alcoholism, drug addiction, drug substance abuse) is a disease:

Incurable, i.e. final physical recovery is impossible, moderate and controlled use of psychoactive substances by an alcoholic, drug addict is impossible. However, a normal life is possible without them;

Progressive, i.e. the disease is exacerbated if substance use continues. If you return to substance use after a long period of sobriety, the consequences are even more severe than before the break;

Deadly, i.e. causing death in case of continued use of psychoactive substances, including overdose, suicide and accidents;

2. Addiction develops at the biological (bodily), psychological, social and spiritual levels. This position is called the biopsychosocial-spiritual concept of the disease.

3. Recovery from chemical addiction is possible only in the case of a complete rejection of the use of psychoactive substances.

4. Recovery in the 12-step community is not a final static state, but a constant process of deep moral and spiritual work on oneself, leading to an improvement in the quality of life. This process is described in 12 steps.

5. Recovery is possible only in a certain environment - among people who have the same problems and use the same means for recovery - that is, in the anonymous community: Alcoholics Anonymous, Narcotics Anonymous, etc.

6. Chemical dependence is a family disease. This means that it is not only the alcoholic and drug addict who suffers, but also his family, as well as friends and colleagues.

1.2. History of the 12-step community

The history of the emergence of "Alcoholics Anonymous", "Al-Anona", the "12 steps" recovery program, its use in relation to various problems, the spread of Anonymous Communities in the world - this material is given in the form of a lecture, accompanied by the showing of video materials (for example, a video recording of an AA meeting) and discussed in a large group. For the contents of the 12-Step Program, see the handouts.

The twelve-step approach to addiction treatment is impossible without the communities of Alcoholics Anonymous, Narcotics Anonymous, Al-Anon, where, in fact, people recover by following 12 steps.

The "12 Steps" program was formulated in 1935-1937 by William Wilson and Robert Smith - the founders of the community of "Alcoholics Anonymous", people suffering from alcoholism, whom medicine was powerless to help. The Steps are based on the principles of the religious Christian movement, which from 1921 to 1939. was called the "Oxford Group". The 12 Steps is a program of the Alcoholics Anonymous community, following which millions of people in more than 200 countries around the world have gained sobriety. There are now over 100,000 Alcoholics Anonymous groups registered and the number is growing.

Alcoholics Anonymous groups are self-help groups, i.e. they do not have specialists who would work with the participants. But, of course, drug therapists and other professionals can attend meetings if they have a drinking problem.

Following Alcoholics Anonymous, relatives and friends of alcoholics suffering from other addictions united in the Al-Anon community. Even later, the communities of Narcotics Anonymous and Nar-Anon (relatives of drug addicts) arose.

Now the 12 Steps program is used to solve a variety of problems - emotional (Emotional Anonymous), overeating (Glutton Anonymous), sexual addiction, gambling, etc.

In the late 1980s, in the wake of modern Western psychotherapeutic concepts, Alcoholics Anonymous and specialists using the 12-step approach in medical clinics appeared in Russia. Now in Russia there are about 180 groups of Alcoholics Anonymous in 80 settlements. In 1999, Russian Alcoholics Anonymous celebrated 12 years of its existence. Al-Anon and Narcotics Anonymous are 8 years old.

As the 12 Steps proved to be highly effective in recovering from alcoholism, clinics began to emerge in the late 1940s using the principles of Alcoholics Anonymous. Treatment programs that combine professional psychotherapy and 12 steps are called the Minnesota Model of Treatment. In Moscow, the first such clinic began operating in 1990; before that, the treatment program had been working on an outpatient basis for some time.

Due to the wide and rapid spread of drug addiction, in particular heroin addiction, treatment centers are emerging in Russia, including those practicing the 12-step approach. Now there are about ten of them in Moscow alone.

Addresses and phone numbers for inquiries:

1. Alcoholics Anonymous in Russia. 129128 Moscow-128, PO Box 33. Tel. 185-40-00.

2. Al-Anon in Russia. 109004 Moscow-004, PO Box 88.

3. Information service of the RBF “No to alcoholism and drug addiction”. Tel. 126-04-51.

4. Narcotics Anonymous in Russia. 111672 Moscow, PO Box 102. Tel. 785-36-09.

1.3. Anonymous communities as a system

support for addicted persons

This section is offered as a lecture and subsequent discussion in a large group. The working tools of the 12-step community are meetings (thematic, step by step, speaker), literature, slogans, sponsorship, telephone contacts, conferences.

Why is Alcoholics Anonymous, founded in 1935 (and Narcotics Anonymous in 1953), still exist today, why is the number of groups and the number of participants growing? Why have 12-step groups become an integral part of social life in the United States, and why are there branches of Alcoholics Anonymous, Al-Anon, Adult Children of Alcoholics in every small town?

Anonymous 12-step communities on various issues fulfill very important functions in the life of a suffering person. Part of the psychopathology of addictions is feelings of loneliness. The opportunity to be present in a group of people who understand you or to turn to an individual person with the same problem, who has learned to cope with it, - such an opportunity, naturally, reduces the feeling of loneliness; and vice versa - satisfies the need to belong to a certain community. The institution of sponsorship is developed in the Anonymous Communities, i.e. recovering people, as it were, take on patronage, become mentors for beginners.

If the family of a recovering alcoholic or drug addict begins to visit Al-Anon, Nar-Anon (they follow the same 12 steps), the patient's treatment efficiency is five times higher. No therapist can provide as much attention and support, spend as much time in contact with the patient as members of the Community.

When an alcoholic or drug addict joins the Fellowship, their behavior changes significantly. Instead of getting and using drugs, he spends time talking to sober people, learning how to cope with various problems while staying sober. He develops lost abilities to trust, to be honest and open, to be aware and express his feelings, to take care of himself and others. Responsibility for their own behavior and the consequences of drug use is formed. New ideas about addiction as a disease are being formed; about yourself as a sick person; on the need for preventive measures to avoid breakdown. Awareness of the damage inflicted on oneself and loved ones and the need to correct it comes. Taking the Steps leads to profound moral changes in a person, spiritual rebirth - or birth. In Communities Anonymous, people come together to become better, improve their quality of life, make it more joyful - and help others. Therefore, Anonymous Communities continue to exist.

1.4. Key Points of the 12-Step Approach

about treatment centers

Treatment center regulations are discussed in threes and in a large group. They are outlined in the handouts.

2. The goals of group psychotherapy

12-step orientation

Classes in this section are conducted in the form of triple and large group discussions. The objectives are outlined in the handouts.

3. Illness and recovery

at neurological levels

This section of the training examines how chemical dependence is presented at all neurological levels, what changes occur at the same levels when the patient recovers by joining the Anonymous Society, and what impacts are at each level in the course of therapy.

The lesson is conducted in the form of a seminar and small group discussions. The handouts contain diagrams for the lesson.

4. Psychological protection

chemically dependent. Negation

It examines the psychological defenses of the chemically dependent, used to deny the disease and the presence of problems: minimization, rationalization, intellectualization, projection, isolation, as well as denial itself as the main defense.

The lesson is conducted in the form of a seminar, as well as in small groups; participants give examples of the use of protections.

5. Teaching the techniques of working with denial

This section is devoted to practicing specific techniques by training participants in groups of 5-6 people, aimed at overcoming denial in patients, that is, aimed at helping the patient to take the First Step (see handouts, “12 steps”). Participants draw on their personal and professional experience to complete the exercises.

In section 5.1, from the point of view of loss of control (in patients - under the influence of alcohol, drugs), the following spheres of life are considered: health, education, work, finances, family relations, social relations, emotions, spirituality.

Exercise instructions:

“Remember and give examples of loss of control over yourself, your behavior, as well as examples of experiencing powerlessness in some situations under the influence or in connection with the use of alcohol and drugs. If you do not have such examples, give examples from the lives of your friends or cases of your own loss of control and powerlessness outside of connection with alcohol and drugs. "

In section 5.2, in groups, participants give examples of their powerlessness in front of alcohol, drugs or something else, not related to chemical dependence. Here it is important to get in touch with the feeling of powerlessness that the participants in the training have ever experienced.

Next, a demonstration of the collection of psychosocial history is carried out, by the example of which it is possible to study the influence of psychoactive substances on different areas in different periods life. Participants in the training practice collecting psychosocial stories in pairs.

There are two exercises in section 5.4.

Exercise "Chaos" - in a large group, a demonstration of the use of a genogram to overcome denial and a practice of this technique in pairs.

Instructions for the exercise "Chaos":

“Remember the state of the morning after a strong drink. Find a succinct phrase that would express this state. Move randomly around the room and repeat this phrase loudly. Feel your condition. What phrase do you hear louder than the rest (of those that others say)? "

The Exercise “Case History” is performed by each participant and discussed in a large group.

6. Development of spirituality as the main

recovery factor

One of the main concepts in the 12 Steps program is the concept of “Power More Powerful than We” (see handouts, “12 Steps”).

Section 6.1, large and small groups, discusses the participants' perceptions of a Higher Power as they understand it. A meditation, an exercise on guided imagination "The Temple of Silence" (see D. Rainwater. It's in your power. M .: Progress, 1992, pp. 49-50.) Is carried out.

"Temple of Silence"

Imagine yourself walking on the outskirts of a crowded and noisy city ... Try to feel how your feet step on the pavement ... Pay attention to other passers-by, their expressions, their figures ... Note that some look alarmed, others are calm and joyful. .. Pay attention to transport, its speed, noise ... Cars hum, brakes squeal ... Maybe you hear other sounds? Pay attention to the windows of the shops ... the bakery ... the flower shop ... Maybe you saw a familiar face in the crowd? .. Will you come over and greet this person? Or will you pass by? .. Stop and think how you feel on this noisy business street.

Now turn the corner and walk along the quieter street. After walking a little, you will notice a large building, different in architecture from all others. The large sign reads "Temple of Silence." You understand that this temple is a place where no sounds are heard, where not a single word has ever been spoken. You walk up and touch the heavy carved wooden handles. You open them, enter and immediately find yourself surrounded by complete and deep silence. ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

When you want to leave the building, push the wooden handles and go outside. How do you feel now? Remember the road that leads to the Temple of Silence so that you can return there whenever you want.

In sections 6.2 and 6.3 the participants in large and small groups discuss the third step of the “12 steps” program, give examples from their own lives, when they used it. The parables "Messiah" (R. Bach. Illusions. Kiev: Sophia, 1994), "About the farmer" (R. Norwood. How to accept the blows of fate, M .: Myrt, 1995, pp. 331-333), "Meeting with death ”according to N. Pezeshkian.


Once upon a time there were creatures in the same village at the bottom of a large transparent river.

The river flowed silently over them all - young and old, rich and poor, good and evil. The stream went its own way, knowing only its own crystal self.

All creatures, each in their own way, firmly clung to the stems and stones at the bottom of the river, for clinging was their way of life, and resistance to the current was what everyone learned from birth.

But one creature finally said, “I'm tired of clinging. Although I cannot see it, I do believe that the stream knows where it flows. I will unhook and let him carry me wherever he wants. By clinging, I will die of boredom. "

The other creatures laughed and said, "Fool, let go, and the stream you worship will throw you against rocks and smash you into smithereens, and you will die sooner than from boredom!"

But he did not pay attention to their advice and, taking a deep sigh, stopped holding on - and immediately the current whirled and threw him against the stones.

However, he refused to cling again, and the current lifted him high, free, from the bottom, and he was no longer bruised and hurt.

And the creatures at the bottom, for whom he was already a stranger, shouted: “Look, he flies! A miracle happened! Look, the Messiah has come to save us all! ”

And he, rushing in the stream, said: “I am no more the Messiah than you. The river accepts us, free, with delight, if only we dare to unhook. Our true work is on this journey, on this adventure! ”

But they shouted even louder: "Savior!"

The Farmer's Parable

You may have heard the story of a farmer who lived in a remote village. One day he discovered that his cow had left the pasture and disappeared. Going in search, he met with his neighbor, who asked where he was heading. When the farmer replied that he had lost the cow, the neighbor shook his head and said, "No luck."

“Lucky, not lucky. Who knows?" - answered the farmer and went his own way. In the hills beyond the cultivated fields, he found his cow grazing next to a handsome stallion. When he led the cow, the stallion followed.

The next morning the neighbor went to inquire about the cow. Seeing her in the pasture next to a handsome stallion, he asked what had happened. The farmer explained that the stallion followed the cow towards him. "Lucky!" - exclaimed the neighbor.

“Lucky, not lucky. Who knows?" - answered the farmer and returned to his studies.

The next day the farmer's son returned from the army. He immediately tried to drive around the stallion, but fell and broke his leg. Passing by on the way to the market, a neighbor saw a young man sitting on the porch with a bandaged leg in a splint while his father was digging in the garden. The neighbor asked again what had happened, and when he heard the answer, he shook his head. “Bad luck,” he said.

“Lucky, not lucky. Who knows?" - answered the neighbor, continuing to dig in the garden.

The next day, the branch in which the farmer's son was serving marched along the road. At night, the war broke out, and they hurried to battle. When the farmer's son could not join them, a neighbor leaning against the fence noticed that the father was at least spared the possibility of losing his son in the war.

"Lucky!" he shouted to the farmer. “Lucky, not lucky. Who knows?" - answered the farmer and returned to the plow. That evening the farmer and his son sat down to supper. Having eaten several pieces, the son choked on a chicken bone, suffocated and died. At the funeral, the neighbor put his hand on the farmer's shoulder and said sadly, "No luck."

“Lucky, not lucky. Who knows?" - answered the farmer, placing a bunch of flowers next to the coffin.

The same week, a neighbor came to the farmer and said that the army in which his son served had been exterminated to the last soldier.

“At least you were with your son when he died,” said the neighbor. - Lucky you".

“Lucky, not lucky. Who knows?" - answered the farmer and went his own way.

Section 6.4 is the exercise “Meeting the Inner Child” with Guided Imagination. This is followed by a group discussion.

Brief instruction for the “Meeting with the inner child” exercise:

“Imagine yourself in a forest glade on a hot summer day. Look around. Overhead there is a blue sky over which white clouds float. You can see the trees; their delicate shadow sways underfoot from the light breath of the breeze. In the grass you can see ants hurrying about their business, in the clover a bumblebee swarms. The air is filled with the aromas of a heated forest, and bird voices are heard under its arches. A mighty tree grows in the depths of the clearing. Look carefully: a preschool child comes out from behind a tree. This child is you yourself, the way you once were. What do you feel? .. Come to the Child, take his hand. Tell him, “You can trust me. I will try to understand you, I will take care of you. I am the only person on earth who will be with you until the end. ” Together with the Child, go to the courtyard of your childhood. Here is the house where you once lived. Enter it and go to the room where your bed was. Look around ... What do you feel? .. Your memory keeps everything unchanged. You can always come back here if you want. Now go out into the yard. The child in your arms is a part of you that vividly and directly reacts to everything that happens. Imagine that the Child next to you decreases in size and becomes the size of a pea in your palm. Put it in your soul. "

7. Some developmental techniques

The techniques described here and similar ones are used during the training at the discretion of the trainer.

Picture "Disease": Come up with an image that expresses your feelings, your attitude to chemical addiction - alcoholism, drug addiction. Draw it. Discuss your drawing with the group.

Recovery Image: Create an image that expresses your idea of ​​recovery. Draw it. Discuss your feelings with the group.

Group discussion “Taking care of yourself”: Tell us what are the ways to take care of 1) the body; 2) about emotions; 3) about the mind; 4) about the soul. How do you take care of them? What new ways do you want to use in the future?

8. Recovery as a process

Breaking free from chemical addiction is a process, not a one-time event. Recovery is about more than refusing to use alcohol and drugs. It means growth and development, in the course of which people learn to fulfill themselves. In the recovery process, the convalescent must solve a number of problems in order to avoid relapse and arrive at “high quality” sobriety.

In section 8.1, in the form of a lecture and subsequent discussion in the group, the six stages of recovery are considered, the tasks solved in the process of recovery, critical points are highlighted at which a return of the disease is possible (see handouts).

Section 8.2 discusses high-risk factors for breakdown in the same ways. A demo analysis of a breakdown is possible using the example of a participant (see handouts).

Section 8.3 discusses the steps in the recurrent process (see handouts).

9. Chemical dependence is a family disease

In this section of the training, the concept of working with a family of chemically addicted people is presented in the form of a seminar. (See handouts for content).

Topics 9.1, 9.2, 9.3 are given in the form of building a sculpture of the addict's family. In addition, the group explores their own codependency using the questionnaire (see handouts) and in the exercise “Exploring feelings”.

Part of the treatment process is working with multi-family groups - that is, with groups where family members are present with patients. The training participants take on their respective roles and the trainer models a multi-family group. The content of the lesson is determined by the trainer in accordance with his training and goals.

Family sculpture

The following provisions about the family of a chemically dependent person are explained to the participants of the training.

The family is a system, the features of which are the following:

a) the family is centered around the chemically dependent;

b) other family members, including children, are not important, as if “at the same time”;

c) family rules work: don't tell; do not trust; don't feel.

1. "Alcoholic" focuses on his favorite drug - alcohol, heroin, etc.

2. The “main indulgent patron” (wife, mother) is focused on the addict's favorite drug (he drank - did not drink), covers, keeps in secret, scandal.

3. “Family hero”: socially successful, inside - feelings of guilt and inadequacy, allows the family to be proud of themselves.

4. "Scapegoat": a source of trouble for the family, inside - pain, fear, pulls the focus of attention and anger on himself.

5. “Lost child”: lonely among people, inside - a feeling of unimportance, for the family - relief.

6. "Jester": in society - "the soul of the company"; inside - fear, anxiety; relieves stress in the family.

Next, the coach builds the sculpture. An alcoholic in the center, he does not take his eyes off the bottle (a conventional object), with an effort leans on the Induser. The sucker is near, does not take his eyes off the bottle, supports the Alcoholic, is hung with bags (duties). On the other hand, the Family Hero supports the Alcoholic, is also hung with bags. At some distance, facing them, is the Scapegoat in an aggressive defensive posture. The Lost Child is also reading a book at some distance, covering his ears, turning his back to the family. The jester opposite the Alcoholic makes faces, plays the guitar, etc.

The participants in the "sculpture" communicate their feelings from the role. Sharing is in progress.

Further, there is a discussion in the group of the possible future for each character without help and with the help of specialists. In the first case, the Alcoholic degrades, the Induser develops a nervous breakdown, the Family Hero marries an alcoholic and becomes an Induser, the Scapegoat goes to prison, becomes an alcoholic, The lost child becomes an alcoholic, commits suicide, the Jester becomes an alcoholic. In the second case, each family member has the opportunity to recover and build his life more constructively.

The group is explained that it is not necessary for every family with a chemically dependent person to play all the roles at the same time. At different times, family members can play different roles, combine them.

Instructions for the exercise "Investigation of the senses":

“Please list the feelings that, as you know, the relatives of alcoholics and drug addicts have about their use of psychoactive substances and their behavior.” The group makes a list of feelings. “Now list your feelings for your patients when they once again“ break down ”or cannot stop using surfactants.” A list is being drawn up. These lists are then compared.

10. "Intervention"

The preparation and demonstration of this technique of powerful influence on the addict in order to direct him to treatment is carried out during the training.

"Intervention" is a method of active intervention in the life of a chemical addict, which is carried out by his loved ones only under the guidance of an addiction treatment specialist in order to convince the alcoholic (drug addict) to go for treatment. Actually "intervention" is carried out at a time, but preparation for it is several meetings of close people with a specialist, which the patient does not know about. During meetings with a specialist, each participant in the “intervention” draws up a list of cases when he personally suffered mentally or physically - experienced insult, humiliation, was disgraced or greatly upset by the behavior of an alcoholic (drug addict). The accumulated feelings of anger and resentment must be replaced with facts. Next, a meeting with the patient is held, where he is presented with these facts and the requirement to go for treatment. A place in the clinic must be prepared and things must be collected. If the patient disagrees, a certain period is set - for example, a month - and if during this time the patient does not cope with the problem, an ultimatum must be given to start treatment.

11. The structure of the treatment process

in the treatment center 12-step orientation

In the form of a seminar, an overview of the main therapeutic activities in the treatment center is given. These are therapeutic groups, monitoring, lectures, individual and family counseling, classes based on the book "Living Sober", AA and HA groups.

12. Working documentation

In the form of a seminar, the main working documents used in treatment programs are discussed: contract, psychosocial history, treatment plan, discharge epicrisis, notes on dynamics (see handouts).

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In the 21st century, drug addiction has become a global problem... Entire regions of the world, such as Colombia, Afghanistan, the countries of the Golden Triangle, are centers of the international drug mafia. In Russia in 1997, the internal affairs bodies identified 848 clandestine laboratories in which drugs were produced or work was underway to create new ones. In the area of ​​drug control, the United States has achieved the greatest success, with the number of Americans using drugs having halved over the past decade.

Drug addiction is a terrible disease of the 21st century. And it is our generation that must realize and understand that "The future is in OUR hands."

Drugs(from the Greek narkotikos - leading to numbness), natural and synthetic substances that cause drug addiction. Russian legislation establishes administrative or criminal liability for illegal actions with drugs (for example, for non-medical drug use, illegal manufacture, acquisition, storage, transportation or sale of drugs, for their theft, inducement to use drugs, their sowing or cultivation, etc.) ... Drugs for anesthesia are sometimes also called drugs.

Addiction(from the Greek narke - numbness and mania), a disease characterized by an irresistible craving for drugs (for example, morphine), causing euphoria in small doses, in large doses - stunning, narcotic sleep. The systematic use of the drug causes the need for increasing doses. Abstinence is accompanied by withdrawal symptoms. With drug addiction, internal organs are affected, neurological and mental disorders occur, and social degradation develops.

Objective: get acquainted with the basic concepts, terms of drug addiction; identify risk factors for adolescent drug addiction; consider the stages of development of drug addiction.


Development of trainings and exercises.

Help the teenager understand the problem of drug addiction and develop skills in defensive behavior.


The term "narcotic substance" contains three criteria: medical, social and legal. They are interrelated, and any substance can be recognized as a drug, only if these criteria are unified:

medical - the substance has a specific effect on the central nervous system.

social - the use of a substance acquires the scale of a socially significant phenomenon.

legal - the substance is included in the list of narcotic substances by the Ministry of Health.

The absence of at least one of these criteria does not give grounds for recognizing a medicinal product or chemical substance as a drug, even if this substance may become the subject of abuse and, accordingly, cause a painful condition. For example, according to medical and social criteria, alcoholic beverages or tobacco correspond to a narcotic substance, but they are not classified as narcotic substances by law, therefore they are not drugs.

Substance abuse is a disease that manifests itself in a similar mental, and sometimes physical, dependence on a substance not included in the official drug list.

Drug abuse and other toxic substances without dependence on them are not considered drug addiction or substance abuse.

This abuse is also called "addictive behavior", meaning that this is not a disease, but a behavior disorder. The main thing in addictive behavior is not medical, but educational measures.

The development of drug addiction and substance abuse is usually divided into 3 stages. The boundaries between them are conditional. Therefore, sometimes they resort to designations like "stage I-II drug addiction" or "alcoholism II-III".

The main feature of stage I is individual mental independence.

Reasons for drug addiction in a teenager.

Adolescence is the age of becoming. The teenager still does not know the world around him well, he does not know himself well. He is in a hurry to live, he is in a hurry to enter the world of adults. I want to try everything, I want to form my own opinion about everything. If we add to this a lot of new problems from economic to sexual, the first personal dramas and disappointments, the inability to cope with their own feelings, then we can understand why the teenager is so vulnerable to drugs.


The above reasons for drug addiction, as seen by drug addicted adolescents themselves, do not exhaust the complexity of the problem of drug addiction formation. Included in a complex system of social, economic, family relations, a teenager experiences the action of a variety of factors that can both contribute to and prevent drug addiction. In order to adequately build a preventive robot, it is necessary to imagine in general the situation in which a teenager is and only then to choose those links that can be really influenced.

Objective factors:

Economic or social disorder. Children from socially disadvantaged families with unsatisfactory living conditions whose parents have little prestigious or low-paying jobs are more likely to take drugs.

Unfavorable neighborhood and social insecurity. Areas with high crime rates, frequent tenant changes and high population densities are characterized by a higher prevalence of drug addiction.

Translations and frequent moves. Translations, such as translating students from primary school into the middle, from the lower grades to the older ones, accompanied by an increase in substance abuse. Frequent changes of place of residence also have a negative impact. The more often a family moves, the higher the risk of drug use problems. However, if the family is able to organically integrate into the life of society in a new place, this risk decreases.

Drug availability. Drug availability is objectively related to the likelihood of drug abuse. In schools where drugs are more readily available, there are higher rates of drug use.

Subjective factors:

Family predisposition. Children born or raised in families with alcohol or drug backgrounds are at greater risk of drug addiction. In this, both genetic factors and environmental influences seem to play a role. For example, boys born into an alcoholic family, even raised in an adoptive family, are at 2–4 times more likely to become alcoholics than boys in normal families.

The ineptitude and inconsistency of education. In families where parents do not set clear norms of behavior, where children are left to their own devices, and where disciplinary practices are overly harsh and inconsistent, children are at greater risk of drug addiction.

Failure to progress and unwillingness to learn. Teens who hate school and who are reluctant to continue their studies, teens who fail in school have a greater addiction to drugs.

Communication with peers who use drugs. Communication with peers who use drugs is one of the most reliable indicators of adolescent drug use, whether or not other risk factors are present.

A positive attitude towards alcohol and drugs - When teenagers believe that alcohol is not harmful, when they associate alcohol with a good time, there is a very high probability that they will drink and use drugs. Research has shown that combinations of risk factors dramatically increase the risk of drug addiction. That is, the presence of one of the factors, the danger is not much higher than when there is none. When two factors are present, the risk is quadrupled. In the presence of four factors, the risk of developing drug addiction increases tenfold. There are also factors that keep a teenager from using drugs, even in the most unfavorable environment. These protective factors include:

1. Internal self-control and purposefulness of the adolescent.

2. Affection for your loved ones.

3. The ability to actively participate in meaningful activities.

4. Success in mastering knowledge and skills.

5. Recognition and approval from others. The formation of values ​​that are alternative to drugs, the appeal to the resources of the personality of a teenager - this is the area where the efforts of teachers and school psychologists can bring the most tangible results. A teenager who has personal maturity and vivid life goals, a teenager who is able to cope with his emotions and build positive relationships with others, is much more resilient to life's difficulties and temptations.


You don't get addicted overnight. It can take several weeks, months, and sometimes years before a stable dependence on a drug is formed (it depends on the type of drug, dose, etc.). But regardless of time, a teenager's acquaintance with drugs occurs in stages. Therefore, before starting work with adolescents, it is important to imagine what his independence really means, at this stage he is.


The aim of the proposed training is to help the adolescent understand the problem of drug addiction and develop his defensive behavior skills. Considering that under the conditions of the school schedule, the psychologist is far from always able to conduct training within the optimal framework, the most flexible training scheme is proposed, when the psychologist himself, based on his capabilities, determines the volume, frequency and duration of classes. Of course, it is important to remember that any training has its own internal logic, which is determined both by the continuity of the exercises and the sequence of goals that the leader achieves at each stage.

The main stages of the training:

Acquaintance and development of group rules.

Awareness of their own attitude to drugs.

Awareness of the motives for drug abuse.

Awareness of the problem of addiction.

Training the skills of defending one's position.

Clarifying drug prejudices.

Awareness of personal values.

Developing skills to help others.

The training exercises presented below are arranged in the order that corresponds to the stages of the training and is traditionally followed by the facilitators.


To conduct group sessions, it is necessary that the facilitator has sufficient experience in working with a teenage group. Knowledge of group dynamics, group effects, understanding of possible complications arising in the course of the work of the group are absolutely necessary in order for the classes to be effective and safe for the participants themselves. In addition, it is important that the group leader has experience of his own participation in drug prevention trainings and is familiar with the course exercises. Leaders can be students who are participants in the volunteer movement. Our school has such work experience, among the 8 grades.

Throughout the course, it is necessary to maintain confidential contact with the group, for which the facilitator constantly asks the participants about what is happening to them, what emotions they are experiencing, what difficulties they have. Others important condition work efficiency at this stage is to maintain the unity of the group. Why, from the very beginning, conditions are created in which the very communication of the participants with each other and with the presenter would be valuable for everyone (a trusting tone, positive emotions, a lot of game elements; then the topic and its discussion become significant and, if the value of such interaction remains, then as a result, adolescents are introduced to values ​​of a higher order, the carrier of which is the presenter). Through a process of self-awareness organized throughout the sessions, participants are able to make more informed choices by finding alternatives to drugs and alcohol.

In order for the group to work productively, the leader) "must adhere to the following basic rules:

Maintain the self-esteem of participants,

Create a supportive group atmosphere based on trust and acceptance:

Ensure the safety of self-disclosure;

Explore the process of interaction in the group and ensure the formation of meaning (awareness of what is happening).

To achieve these goals:

Give everyone an opportunity to speak.

Become aware of your own feelings and talk about your experiences.

Respect the uniqueness of each participant and their experiences.

Listen to what the person is saying and be aware of how it affects you.


Group discussion is more structured and meaningful when participants know the rules in force and follow them. Some of these rules are:

Learn to listen to each other. This means looking at the speaker and not interrupting. When someone finishes speaking, the next taker may briefly repeat what the previous one said before proceeding with his thoughts. To draw attention to the speaker, an object (for example, a hand ball) can be used, which changes from hand to hand during the discussion. When someone speaks, everyone else is silent.

Speak to the point. Sometimes students get away from the topic being discussed. Instead of curbing the student, the discussion leader in this case can say: "" I do not quite understand how this relates to our topic. Could you please clarify what is meant? "This will allow the student to more clearly express his thought or understand that what he is saying is not relevant to the subject of discussion.

Share your feelings. It is important that every student in the class has the opportunity to speak freely. Encourage students to share their thoughts, let students feel appreciated and appreciated for their thoughts. If a student expresses a wrong judgment, you can react like this: "This is very important, what you are talking about, and probably many would agree with you, however, it is known that ..." In this case, the student will not be embarrassed position and will be spared the feeling of embarrassment for the wrong answer. In addition, you should remember that the student should have the right to refuse to participate in the discussion when it causes strong negative feelings in him.

Show respect. Openness in statements will appear only when students learn that it is possible to disagree with someone's opinion, but it is unacceptable to express assessments in relation to other people only on the basis of their thoughts. Let students understand what kind of statements might be offensive and how the person who is being tactless is feeling. Also, you must remember that there are no stupid questions. Each question has its own value. Encourage students that any of their questions will be treated with due respect and that they will receive an answer to any of them in the process.

However, in order to set a psychologically correct framework for communication in a group and share responsibility for what is happening between all participants, the group must develop its own rules. Moreover, this must be done at the earliest stage of the group's existence, immediately after meeting

There are several options for developing group rules. You can invite those who wish to speak about what they would like to establish in the classroom rules in order to feel comfortable and safe. The moderator records all the proposals on a Whatman paper, then a short discussion takes place. Here are some of the typical rules:

Law "zero-zero" (on punctuality)

The Rule of Raised Hand: Take turns speaking, when one speaks, the others listen silently and, before taking the floor, raises his hand.

No ratings: different points of view are accepted, no one evaluates each other.

Confidentiality: what happens in the class remains between the participants.

Stop Rule: If the discussion of any personal experience of the participants becomes unpleasant or unsafe, the person whose experience is discussed can close the topic by saying stop.

Group rules can be drawn instead of writing on a Whatman paper. Then the one who proposes sketches this rule symbolically, the others usually help him.

Additionally, the following questions may be asked to clarify the expectations of the group members:

What would you like to get out of the class?

What can help me?

What can stop me?

What do I expect from the host?

First, the participants answer them independently, and then speak out in turn. The task of the facilitator is to clarify expectations as much as possible, for which they use rephrasing of what they have heard, leading to open questions. After everyone has shared their thoughts, the facilitator summarizes and tells in detail about the proposed training program.


Warm-ups are used at the beginning of the session or in situations where the participants are feeling tired or stressed.

"The very, very my poster"

Participants are invited to draw on a piece of paper a poster consisting of several sections: 1. Name 2. Age 3. Weight 4. Height 5. My favorite color.

Draw: a) what I like to do, b) some of my friends, c) this is how I look when I am happy (portrait), d) my family, e) if I had one wish, I would wish ... f) here is my favorite place.

These posters are attached to the chest and the participants randomly walk around the room, getting to know each other for about 15 minutes.


Participants take turns calling their name with an adjective starting with the first letter of the name. The next one in the circle should name the previous ones, then himself; thus, each next will have to call more and more names with adjectives, this will facilitate memorization and somewhat defuse the situation.

For instance:

1. Sergey is strict - 2. Sergey is strict, Peter is pensive - 3. Sergey is strict. Peter is pensive, Natasha is interesting, etc.

"How lucky I am in this life"

The group members are divided into pairs. The facilitator suggests the task: “Within three minutes, tell your partner how lucky you have been in this life. Switch roles in three minutes. " After the exercise, a short exchange of impressions takes place. This exercise, in addition to its own value, increases the level of optimism in life, creates a good mood for work. " We are similar?.,"

At first, the participants randomly walk around the room and say 2 phrases to each person they meet, beginning with the words: You look like me. that ... I'm different from you in that ...

Another option: for 4 minutes in pairs, conduct a conversation on the topic “How are we alike?” Then 4 minutes - on the topic “How are we different? As a result, it is concluded that we are all essentially similar and at the same time different, but we have the right to these differences, and no one can force us to be different.


1. "Feelings"

Participants are invited to: remember a situation when you had to communicate with a person who was intoxicated or intoxicated. Perhaps it was one of your relatives or friends, or just a person you met on the street. Try to remember the feelings you had with this person. The participants then communicate in pairs and for 5 minutes talk to each other about the feelings they then experienced. In this case, one during this time talks, and the other listens attentively, then the roles change. Then the participants return to the circle and together, under the guidance of the facilitator, make a list of the feelings they experienced when they spoke and when they listened.

Possible variant:

Feelings of the speaker Feelings of the listener

Irritation sympathy

Outrage interest

Pity indignation

resentment disgust

contempt understanding

distrust regret

fault, respect, responsibility, etc. etc.

The analysis of feelings helps to realize how much we are personally involved when faced with the problem of addiction of another person

2. "Puppet"

Participants are divided into threes. In each, a "puppet" and two "puppeteers" are selected. The exercise is that each subgroup is asked to perform a small puppet show, where the "puppeteers" control all the movements of the "puppet". The participants develop the scenario of the scene on their own, without limiting their imagination. substance abuse drug addiction group adolescent

After thinking and rehearsing, the subgroups take turns presenting their version to the rest of the participants, who act as spectators.

After everyone has made a presentation, the moderator conducts a group discussion, during which everyone who wants to share their impressions. It is good if the discussion focuses both on the feelings of the "puppet" and on the feelings of the "puppeteers" who controlled her movements.

The purpose of this exercise is to give the participants a first-hand experience of both the state of complete dependence and the state of the other being completely dependent on you. Participants can talk about different feelings: inconvenience, tension, or, conversely, a sense of their own superiority, comfort; it is important to show that both the state of dependence and hypertension make the relationship between people distorted and inferior. This exercise has a wide field of associations associated with both the "addict - drug" situation, and with various relationships that arise in the teenager's family or in the company of peers.

The leader places in the center of the circle a small box or box containing an unknown object. “There is something that is not allowed,” says the host. Then he invites everyone to somehow prove themselves in relation to this subject. Participants can stand up or remain in place, expressing their attitude with facial expressions and gestures; they can go up to the box, take it in their hands, look inside - everyone does as he sees fit. Even if someone stays in place, doing nothing, this will also be his way of reacting to the situation. When doing this exercise, it is important to remember that this is an exercise of action and not of explanation.

Therefore, if someone tries to simply speak in words about their position, the task of the moderator is to encourage him to “show” his attitude.

This exercise allows participants to understand how they feel about the different kinds of prohibitions and restrictions. Often, curiosity or a desire to taste the forbidden fruit, or the desire to demonstrate their courage, guide the teenager in his actions. Well, when he knows what feelings are controlling him, it allows him to make an informed choice.

"Portrait of a Drug Addict"

Participants are given paper and pencils. The moderator announces the task: “Draw a“ portrait of a drug addict ”. It doesn't have to be a picture of a person, just try to express in the drawing the feelings that arise when you think about drug addicts. " After the participants finish their work, the drawings are laid out inside the circle and the participants share their impressions. This exercise allows you to more deeply feel and experience the situation of addiction.

Addiction "(unfinished sentences)

It is carried out similarly to that described earlier.

When I talk to someone addicted to drugs and alcohol, then I ...

When dealing with addicted people, the hardest thing for me is ...

I show my sympathy for the addicted person through ...

When I observe the behavior of an addict, I understand that ...

A situation in which I could become addicted to a drug is ...

When I notice that I am becoming addicted to someone or something. I realize that ...

To me, being independent means ...

As I understand it, addiction is ...

You can prepare these proposals in the form of printouts and distribute them for independent work (10 minutes). Then the group is divided into pairs and the participants take turns reading each other their versions of the proposals. In general discussion, the most typical points of view, as well as the most excellent, should be noted.

"Sculpture of dependence"

The purpose of this exercise is to give participants deeply, down to the muscle level, to feel and understand what addiction is and what happens to a person in a dependent position. For many people, it is at this level, the level of bodily response, that the most significant and impressive acquaintance with addiction occurs.

"Responsibility" (unfinished sentences)

The sentences are recorded under dictation; during a pause, participants must complete these sentences; the first reaction is most correct; if some offer does not fit, you can skip it; at the end, a little time is given to complete everything.

* Being responsible for me means ...

* Some people are more responsible than others are people who ...

* Irresponsible people are ...

* I show my responsibility towards other people through ...

* The kind of responsibility I feel is more difficult for me -

I recognize a responsible person by ...

The stronger my responsibility, the more I ...

I would be afraid to be responsible for ..

Being responsible towards yourself is ...

I am responsible for..

Discussion is conducted in pairs and in a circle. The facilitator helps the participants to clarify their points of view and realize the degree of their responsibility for their feelings, thoughts, actions. During the discussion, you can give * the participants a sense of the merits and demerits of two positions: "responsibility for others" and "responsible attitude towards others." The table below will help the facilitator navigate this issue.

When I feel When I relate

responsibility responsibly

for others to others

"What do you really think?"

The exercise focuses on understanding the prejudices and values ​​that govern the behavior of adolescents.

The group is divided into subgroups of 4 people, cards with sentences written on them are issued. In a subgroup, participants take turns picking up, reading these cards and speaking for or against, and a short discussion is made. Offers:

"Smoking should be banned in all public places"

"Alcoholics and drug addicts should be isolated from society"

"It is necessary that drug addicts can receive clean

needles and syringes *

"Women with drug or alcohol addiction should not have children"

Other controversial statements related to the topic of addiction and youth behavior may be offered.

Time for work in subgroups (3-5 people) -10-15 minutes.

After that, in a general circle, the participants share the results of the resulting discussion.

During the discussion, attention is drawn to the fact that often our attitude to this or that phenomenon is dictated by prejudices and false ideas, which can give rise to discrimination against certain categories of people.

Not all of us have a clear understanding of drug addiction. Often, adults and adolescents themselves form their ideas about drugs, focusing on the stories of friends, rumors and prejudices. This is dangerous, firstly, because drug "myths" can underestimate a real threat (eg, the myth that marijuana is a completely harmless drug), and secondly, because "myths" can exaggerate the danger, creating a sense of hopelessness and doom (for example, the myth that if a person tries a drug once, he will definitely become a drug addict). The Myths exercise can help your teen develop a mature and informed attitude about drugs:

At the beginning of the exercise, the group is offered a series of statements related to the topic of drug addiction. For example, such:

It is enough to try once. to become an addict.

Addiction is not a disease, but promiscuity.

All drug addicts are criminals.

Drugs help relieve tension.

Marijuana is perfectly safe

Three plaques are hung in the room:

"May be"

Participants think over their position on each of these statements for several minutes. Then the participants need to divide in accordance with their beliefs into 3 groups, after which the moderator organizes a discussion, during which each group defends its point of view. Then the following statement is discussed.

After the exercise, it is advisable to provide the participants with additional information and statistics to debunk the myths that exist in society on this topic.

"Discussion of history" (discussion)

“Volodya and Katya have been friends for more than a year lately Katya began to notice that Volodya had changed a lot, he began to miss lessons often, he had“ suspicious ”friends. Once, during a school disco, Volodya called Katya into an empty classroom and admitted for several months he "indulges" in "khanka"; he likes it, but he does not consider himself a drug addict. Then he suggested that she try to inject herself together. listened carefully, but did not interfere, saying that this was not her problem

After a sleepless night, Katya decided the next morning to tell another classmate about everything - Sveta. She knew that last year Sveta's brother died from drugs. Sveta immediately took the initiative into her own hands, assuring Katya that she would settle everything. She reported the incident to the homeroom teacher. An emergency pedagogical council was assembled and Volodya's parents were notified. As a result, most of his peers turned away from the young man, only Dima, his friend from the third grade, always remained there and assured that all this could be survived. Volodya no longer uses drugs, but relations with Katya soured. "

This story is read once, then the participants need to determine the rating of the characters in the story, according to two criteria:

Who is most sympathetic to?

Whose actions were the most correct?

The group is divided into subgroups of 4-5 people, in which an exchange of views is carried out, it is desirable to come to a common point of view. Then a general discussion is held in the mode of discussion. The key concepts in this should be "responsibility" and "discrimination".


The group members are given lists of possible human values:

¦ interesting work

I'm a good country setting

public recognition I am material wealth

love i am family

I'm fun, fun

self improvement


kindness i am honesty

I am sincerity I am faith

I am purposefulness

Then each is asked to choose from the list the five most important values ​​for him and two values ​​that are not very significant at the moment. After the stage of individual work, the participants unite in small subgroups (3-4 people each) and discuss their options. This is followed by a group discussion during which the participants share their impressions.

Potential culprit

Every addict is a potential criminal. Drug addiction does not go away by itself. Having drawn in, drug addicts can no longer quit what they started. Every day the consumed dose of drugs increases, every day more and more money is required. Where can I get them? And drug addicts commit crimes: they rob, steal, steal cars, and someone even kills.

One of the cases: Seventeen-year-old Zhenya G. was brought up in a complete, prosperous family with a mom and dad. Having nothing to do, he got involved with a bad company and started using drugs (to be like everyone else). Parents, having learned about this, for a long time hid this misfortune from relatives and friends. After some time, Zhenya dropped out of school, began to take things out of the house, did not spend the night at home. Parents tried to stop him, closed the houses, but he managed to go down to his friends, drug addicts, through the balcony of 3 floors.

When his father's nerves could not stand, he forcibly dragged him into the trunk of a car and took him to his grandmother in the village. The addiction was strong, and after 2 weeks, after returning home, he began to inject again. Zhenya lived such a life for 8 years. He eventually died of cirrhosis of the liver.

Myths and facts

For new drug users, the first myth is about delayed effects. Adults must use all the power of their convictions so that teenagers do not indulge themselves in hopes that the consequences are something that will come someday ... The consequences are already present. The passion for drugs tends to absorb all other thoughts ... The idea of ​​the addict that he will not increase the dose of drugs is a myth. Increasing dosages is inevitable.

Another persistent myth among drug users: if you inject “according to your mind” (that is, not often, avoiding overdose, using only high-quality drugs), then nothing terrible will happen. There is not a single addict who would not cause material damage to himself, would not have health problems, would not degrade to one degree or another.

Very similar to this myth is the opinion of the addict about his exclusivity: he knows how others will end up, but one thing is all, and another is he! Such a bias in self-perception testifies to typically neurotic defense mechanisms: the drug addict finds it unbearable to think about the possibility of being defeated in something. As a rule, he is defeated.

One of the most persistent and convenient myths for some: drug addiction cannot be cured. From the same series there is a saying: "There are no former drug addicts." Indeed, there are no former drug addicts, but not at all because the addict cannot be cured. It's just that a person who has resolved his psychological problems, "grew out" of them and has given up drug use, cannot be considered a drug addict. By itself, the phrase "former drug addict" is meaningless. It would never occur to anyone to call an adult a "former child." Read the conditions for overcoming this myth in the next paragraph.

It is important to dispel the myth that something can be done with a drug addict against his will, using the so-called forceful methods of solving the problem. If a drug addict at heart, perhaps without even realizing it, has decided to continue using drugs, no one and nothing can stop him: no moral standards, no lack of money, no house arrest, no hospital, no army. However, it is also true that what if the addict decided -“That's enough”, no one and nothing will force him to use drugs again: no persuasion, no boredom, no difficulties in life, or even coexistence with a drug-addicted relative ... own healthy existence.

Now about the freedom that a person allegedly acquires through the use; narcotic substances. Supporters of this "freedom" do not understand or ignore the fact that the behavior of a person who has begun to use drugs is no longer guided by his previously formed views, beliefs, ideas, but by the need drug, in obtaining and taking more and more new and increasing doses. The addict is not only not free, but, on the contrary, is cruelly enslaved: he cannot even reduce the dose of the narcotic substance. Not to mention skipping a visit - a brutal whip of abstinence hits him.


In this work, we have discovered and revealed such concepts as: drugs, drug addiction, risk factors for drug addiction in a teenager, stages of drug addiction development.

The exercises and trainings presented in this work are designed to prevent drug addiction among adolescents. Produced to promote a healthy lifestyle. By conducting such trainings, we try to help the adolescent understand the problem of drug addiction and develop his defensive behavior skills.


1. Rubin, V.I. Sputnik of the inquisitive [text] / M .: Education, 1968.-S.-113-114.

2. Fedorov, A.I, Belonogova, EV, Yatsuta, I.V Your life is your choice [text] / Kemerovo, 2004.-S.-12-16.

3. Karelin, A.I. Life without drugs [text] / Altai regional youth organization "Victoria", 1999-p.-3-30.

4. LET'S SAY NO TO DRUGS Brochure.

5. Great Encyclopedia of Cyril and Methodius 2008

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    Causes of adolescent drug and substance abuse; levels of involvement of adolescents in drug use. The consequences of taking drugs: overdose, poisoning with highly toxic products, infection with infections transmitted through needles.

    term paper, added 10/18/2013

    Concepts, causes, consequences of drug addiction and substance abuse. Social policy in Russia in relation to the problem of drug addiction and substance abuse. Diagnostic study of the propensity of high school students to use drugs and toxic substances.

    term paper, added 05/12/2010

    The problem of drug addiction among young people in modern society, the main approaches to its prevention. Analysis of the results of prevention of drug addiction among young people in the Nizhnekamsk municipal district. Foreign experience in solving drug addiction problems on the example of Sweden.

    thesis, added 11/25/2010

    Theoretical aspects of the emergence and spread of social diseases. Disclosure of the effects of alcohol, drugs and psychoactive substances on the adolescent's body. Development of a system of preventive measures for tobacco smoking and substance abuse.

    term paper, added 07/03/2010

    Risk factors for the formation of drug addiction. Rising prevalence of drug addiction among adolescents. Danger of lack of knowledge about drugs. Stages of drug addiction development. Comparative analysis of the study of students' attitudes towards drugs.