
Alignment of walls - methods, materials and tools. Ways to level the walls with your own hands Other ways to level the wall


Almost every homeowner, sooner or later, must face the process of leveling the walls. They are not often perfectly aligned. During a major overhaul, the procedure will become especially relevant, since during such repairs, various communications are most often laid in the walls. In this article, we will analyze how to level the walls on our own and the better, as well as what is required for this.

The use of putty

To begin with, we will analyze how to level the wall with putty. Using putty is the easiest way to create a smooth surface. A similar method is usually applied before the start of finishing the premises. For example, you need to carry out surface treatment before pasting them with wallpaper. We note right away that a cosmetic option will be possible when the walls are without significant damage, i.e. small pits, cracks or similar defects. In the presence of serious damage, this method is not suitable.

The question immediately arises - how to align and what is better? The technology involves the use of putty without beacons. Before starting work, you need to purchase a dry composition. Now on the market are ready-made liquid putty. If you bought a dry composition, then you need to dilute it in a container. The whole process is not complicated and does not require any special skills from you. Alignment is carried out with a large or medium (trowel) trowel. It is not necessary to apply putty to the entire surface. It should be used only in places that have defects.

After you have applied the putty composition, it needs to be leveled. Then, when the surface has become even, you need to wait a bit until it dries. When the composition is dry, you can continue to work. To complete the work, you need to rub the putty with a fine sandpaper, thereby removing all unnecessary elements from the surface. Everything, with how to align the walls in the apartment with your own hands, or rather with one of the methods, figured out. Let's move on to other methods.

Dry leveling

Dry leveling is usually carried out using drywall. However, many do not know how to level the walls with drywall.

Gypsum board is one of the lightest and most economical materials to work with. It has the following advantages over other materials:

  • Easy to cut. You can create shapes of various shapes;
  • In addition to leveling the walls, it can be used to perform sound and heat insulation of rooms;
  • GCR is completely safe and environmentally friendly material. It does not contain harmful additives or impurities;
  • Certain varieties of drywall can be used in fire hazardous areas, but even ordinary plasterboards perfectly resist fire.
  • Affordable. Sold in almost any hardware store;
  • Anyone can work with him, even without experience. However, it will not be superfluous to figure out how to align the walls with this material yourself;
  • In the course of work the special tool is not necessary. A minimum set of tools is required.

In order to level the walls with drywall without beacons, you first need to measure the room in which you will make repairs. It will not be superfluous if you complete the drawing. After measurements, you need to calculate the required number of components. For fastening drywall sheets, metal profiles may be required.

Such work can be carried out in several ways - with a frame and without a frame.

Leveling drywall with frame

First, let's see how to line drywall walls with framing. During the fastening of drywall to the frame, an additional layer of thermal insulation can be made at the same time. In a similar way, you can protect the room from excessive noise.. For in the process of work, it will be necessary to assemble the basis of the frame. This method is not advisable to use in small rooms. The thing is that the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room will decrease.

In addition to the drywall sheets themselves, you need to purchase guides, hangers, racks and self-tapping screws. Guides must be installed on the floor. Racks are fixed to the wall. To do this, it is best to use suspensions, thanks to them the racks are held more securely. After fixing the racks, drywall sheets can be fixed on them.

In some cases, the use of this method is preferable than leveling the surface with putty th.

Leveling drywall without frame

Now let's see how to properly align the walls with drywall without using a frame. With this method, the sheets are fixed by gluing.

Processing a wall without a drywall frame will look like this:

  1. On the surface of the wall, you need to create a grid of dowels and twisted screws. Self-tapping screws from each other should be approximately at a distance of 25-30 cm.
  2. A putty solution is being prepared. It must be thrown on each self-tapping screw. You need to throw it in such a way that the self-tapping screw is hidden under a layer of putty. The layer thickness should not be less than 1 cm. For work, it is necessary to use a gypsum putty that dries quickly.
  3. Sheets of drywall must be pressed against the applied putty. This is done as strongly and densely as possible.

If there is a lot of damage or very uneven, then it is better to think than to align. Most likely, the use of the framework method will be preferable. It is intended for more complex cases.

Pay attention! If you decide to understand how to level the walls in the apartment with your own hands with drywall, then you need to know that such walls will not be designed for hanging cabinets. If you hang something heavy, it will not hold, and the surface of the plasterboard partition will also begin to collapse. The material is a very brittle material. However, despite its fragility, in some moments it is simply irreplaceable and immediately removes doubts than to level the surface. If you still need to carry out a canopy of something, then you can use various panels or wood-fiber materials.

The use of gypsum plaster

Wet leveling of the walls is carried out with plaster. It can be plaster or cement.

Cement plaster will be cheaper in cost. It is used both during internal and external works. When there are doubts about how to align, then it is she who comes to the fore.

The main advantage of this material is resistance to moisture. It is thanks to this property that it is actively used in kitchens and bathrooms with high humidity. Still often, cement plaster is used in non-residential premises, for example, in garages. In such cases, there is no problem of how to level the walls yourself, since you can practice and get your hands on.

Gypsum plaster will be more expensive than cement plaster. However, it will create a more favorable microclimate. It can be applied on top of cementitious plaster, which can serve as the basis of a leveling layer.

Leveling the walls with plaster can be conditionally divided into 3 stages. First, by level. After placing the beacons, the stage of applying the plaster solution begins, taking into account the exposed beacons. The final step will be the alignment of the applied plaster layer.

What is better drywall or plaster?

There is a lot of controversy about which method will be the most effective. If you are looking for information in order to understand how to align the walls under the wallpaper on your own, then the method of using putty (if possible) or drywall sheets will suit you. If you need to figure out how to level more complex walls, then plaster will do.

I must say that people began to use plaster for a long time. This is a very old method. The surface after processing with a plaster composition is strong enough to withstand wall cabinets and other similar items, which cannot be said about the drywall surface.

Pay attention! Plastering will take a long time. Moreover, the bulk of the time will be spent on the process of setting up beacons. This process is quite responsible and will require all concentration and accuracy.

Plaster has another significant advantage. She won't take up space in small rooms.. Drywall, on the contrary, even if placed directly on bare walls, will still reduce the area of ​​​​the room.

When choosing whether to line the walls with stucco or drywall, it's best to stick with the material you're more familiar with and easier to work with. If you have never dealt with plaster, then it would be better to choose drywall, because. it's easier to work with him. In addition, GKL are sometimes simply irreplaceable. For example, in old houses, the walls are sometimes in such a deplorable state that the plaster may not be effective and only drywall sheets can help.

A beautiful apartment and high-quality renovation, tastefully selected modern furniture and a comfortable interior are the dream of any person. But only all this splendor fades in rooms with uneven walls. Very often, people try to hide a small blockage and cover it with furniture or resort to other tricks. In vain, since uneven walls need to be leveled, not masked. For example, furniture only emphasizes such a disadvantage. Therefore, in this article we will talk about how to align the walls and achieve the desired result.

The reasons for uneven walls can be different. Ceilings and walls in old houses often leave much to be desired, but in many new buildings they are also not ideal. Most panel houses have curved walls due to the fact that the panels are a little uneven. But only not to such an extent that the house cannot be put into operation - this aspect does not affect its reliability in any way. During the installation itself, the plate could turn around a little. For a more visual representation of the situation, you need to find a landscape sheet of paper and put it on the table. The sheet is even, but if you take it by the ends diagonally, and then pull one end up and the other down, you can see an interesting picture. What happens to the sheet? A concrete slab can also be bent according to the same principle. This deviation is insignificant, but it is enough to block the walls and violate the geometry of the corners in the room.

Definition of vertical deviations

It is quite possible to level the walls with your own hands, but first you need to determine where there is a blockage. To do this, you should pay attention to the corners, if there is an assumption that some wall is uneven, then you need to check the correctness of your thoughts. This is done in an elementary way: a heavy object is tied to one end of a thin but strong rope, and the opposite end must be attached to the corner of the junction of the upper ceiling and the wall. Well, are the line of the wall and the rope parallel? This means that the walls are even, and if deviations are observed, that is, there is a blockage and it needs to be eliminated.

Important: it is advisable to carry out such a check together - one person holds the cord, and the second evaluates the parallelism of the lines from a distance of several meters.

There is another option for assessing the condition of surfaces. For this process, you will also need a homemade plumb line with a weight that does not rotate. In each corner you need to perform the so-called hanging. To do this, the plumb line is fixed on a nail driven into the wall.

Important: the nail is hammered near the ceiling, so that the plumb line is located near the wall, but does not touch its surface.

A similar operation must be carried out with the other edge of the wall. The next step is to stretch the cords along the four lighthouse points, as a result, you can get an accurate picture of the state of the wall surface.

Determination of the verticality of the walls

With a slight deviation of 10 mm during the repair, it will be necessary to carry out putty work using gypsum and cement mixtures for leveling. And with more significant vertical deviations, it will be necessary to resort to leveling the walls with drywall.

Getting Started - Surface Preparation

How to properly align the walls, that is, what order should be followed? First, the surface is prepared: a solid base and the absence of crumbling areas are important. It is also necessary to remove the remnants of old wallpaper and dilapidated plaster. Next, the prepared wall is carefully primed with a roller, brush or sprayer. The primed base should dry for about 12 hours, so this work is best done closer to the night, so as not to waste time waiting.

Ways to level walls

Depending on the materials used, there are 2 ways to level the curvature of the walls. The first is raw (using building mixtures) and the second is dry (assembly of structures). Both methods are good, but only with strict observance of all processes. And each has its own characteristics, advantages and disadvantages. Basically, leveling with plaster finds its application with small differences (30-50 mm). Of course, they can also be used for surfaces with greater curvature. But these are additional financial costs for both labor and materials. Therefore, the best option in such cases is the installation of the frame and lining it with drywall.

Plaster leveling with beacons

So, if the irregularities have already been determined, and the surface of the walls has been prepared, you can proceed to direct leveling.

Important: do not forget about electricity - you must first turn it off. And when cleaning the walls, act carefully so as not to damage the electrical wiring elements that are hidden in the wall.

For a strong fixing of the plaster, the walls must be primed. This process prevents extremely undesirable delamination of materials, and also increases moisture resistance. For cement mixtures, cement milk is used, consisting of cement, water and sand.

Installation of beacons before "wet" leveling with plaster

When wet leveling with plaster, it is best to use the “beacon” technology. This is a special metal element made of flexible aluminum. The lighthouse is built into a curved wall, and it is along it that the subsequent alignment takes place. For greater clarity, we can give the following example: if the wall is littered at the top, then it can be understood that the lighthouse must be rested against the wall from below, and some material will be placed on top between the wall and the lighthouse, for example, a rotbant - it eliminates unevenness.

Beacon installation process

The installation of lighthouse rails begins with the installation of profiles on opposite walls. The verticality of each lighthouse is checked by a plumb line, and such profiles are mounted on the wall with building plaster. Gypsum is applied to the rail at several points while maintaining a distance of 50 cm. Then a cord is pulled through the lower, middle and upper profiles. The following rails are also mounted on the wall, but so that the cord barely touches them.

Important: the distance between the beacons is selected based on the size of the tool with which the plaster will be applied.

It is also possible to fix the beacons with self-tapping screws. This slows things down a bit, but then it makes it a lot easier. Even a non-professional can easily adjust the verticality of the lines by twisting or unscrewing the screws.

What is the best way to level a wall?

The leveling composition depends on the maximum thickness of the leveling layer, as well as on the type of binder - cement or gypsum. The cement mixture is most suitable for wet rooms (bathroom, kitchen), and it is advisable to use the gypsum composition in living rooms, because it perfectly maintains the microclimate of the room.

Wet leveling

When the display of lighthouses is over, there is little left to do. Now you need to dilute 10-15 liters of plaster and apply it between the beacons. The mixture should have a certain consistency, it should not be too thin (will slip) and too thick (will be difficult to apply). If gypsum compositions are used in the work, then their quantity should be such that the mixture is worked out within an hour.

After applying the mixture, a rule of the required length is taken and pressed against the beacons, and then the surface is leveled with movements from the bottom up, or vice versa, whichever is more convenient for you. If in some places there was not enough mixture, then it is necessary to add it and again carry out the rule. These actions are repeated until the wall becomes perfectly flat.

When the applied layer of plaster dries, it will be possible to notice the roughness of the wall. For this reason, there is a need for its processing with finishing putty and grinding with fine sandpaper.

The advantages of this leveling method are that the usable area of ​​​​the room is not taken, and the disadvantages are that preliminary cleaning of the walls is necessary and this is a rather laborious process, after which a lot of debris and dust remain.

Plaster square - a device for forming ideal angles

A separate moment of the alignment process is the corners. How to align the corners of the walls, because these are the most problematic areas? It is advisable to use an angle trowel, level and other auxiliary tools in this work. Aligning corners is a painstaking task and requires experience and knowledge. For a faster setting of the mortar in the corners, you need to add a small amount of gypsum to the mixture.

How to eliminate significant irregularities?

How to level the walls in an apartment with large differences and terrible curvature of the walls? In this case, it is rational to resort to the installation of specific structures, followed by sheathing them with drywall. This method has the main drawback - “eating up” the usable area, but it is also characterized by positive aspects: there is no need for preliminary work, and communications can be hidden inside the constructed frame and sound and heat insulating materials can be laid.

This method has the right to life. First, the frame is mounted, which is subsequently sheathed with drywall. It is possible to level the blockage, but still the blockage does not disappear anywhere, but simply hides under the skin. If the apartment is small, then such frauds will make the living space even smaller.

Preparing walls for wallpaper

If repairs have begun in the apartment, then the question will surely arise, how to align the walls under the wallpaper? Wallpaper and other decorative coverings require a smooth surface to be prepared.

If the irregularities are minor, you can safely treat the wall with ordinary putty. For this purpose, it is necessary to use a spatula, which is designed for jointing cracks and their subsequent puttying. The most convenient option is to use two medium-sized spatulas.

Perfectly smooth walls - a beautiful room

With a large amount of work, you can dilute the putty in the basin so as not to constantly jump up and down. And for small holes and crevices, a small vessel is used.

Important: if the volumes are still large, then it is better to dilute the mixture with a drill with a special nozzle.

And if the layer is thick, then the surface must first be treated with a starting putty. With the right technology, putty is applied in several steps, but only when the previous layer dries. Three layers are usually applied, the last one is the finishing putty to finish the job. Then the entire surface is cleaned with sandpaper.

The bathroom is no exception to the rule.

The most common reason for leveling the walls of the bathroom is the type of future finish. If it is a tile, then you need to know how to align the walls under the tile. It should be noted that working with tiles is a responsible and serious process that needs a competent approach, and uneven walls are no exception. So, before proceeding with the main process, you need to think about how to align the walls in the bathroom, adhering to the technology.

Laying ceramic tiles is possible only on flat walls, because if you ignore this issue, the result can be disastrous: protrusion of the masonry with bumps and spoiled appearance of the room. The most common alignment method is the same beacons.

Scheme for installing beacons for alignment

Walls with lighthouses are more durable, because after the completion of work they are not removed from the wall, but continue to support the plaster. When working with plaster angles, you can get excellent 90-degree angles.

The plaster is applied according to the principle of "throwing" the wall. For this purpose, it is advisable to use a trowel. A small area is covered at a time, and not the entire surface of the wall. After the mixture is applied, you need to give it time to dry, and then you can cut off the excess protruding parts of the solution that go beyond the beacons. Water is added to the cut solution and the following intervals are rubbed again.

Installation of beacons with gypsum mixture

After the plaster has dried, the walls are primed, and then the tiles are laid. The primer promotes better adhesion of the adhesive solution to the base.

There are options for leveling walls, knowing all the subtleties and tricks of this laborious process, you can achieve a good result. The work of a plasterer, a master of his craft, is based on a quality surface, plaster composition and accurate beacons.

Video instruction for leveling walls

If you still have questions and need to learn everything in detail about how to align the walls - a video example with well-written material should help.

The main thing is to strive for something better, and not live on the principle of "it will do." No, it won’t do, a person’s housing should be properly designed: with smooth walls, beautiful decor and suitable furniture. Living in a room with such conditions is much more comfortable than contemplating crooked corners and collapsed walls every day. Perfectly even walls are the norm to strive for, since neither high-quality wallpaper nor compositionally installed furniture will hide the curvature.

The durability and appearance of the finishing of the walls largely depend on the quality and correctness of the preliminary leveling of the base. Therefore, it is very important to learn how to level the wall with your own hands in order to obtain a perfectly flat surface. Before proceeding with the decoration of the walls with tiles, wallpaper, paint and other materials, it is necessary to eliminate irregularities and any kind of surface defects. Even the slightest flaws will eventually lead to a noticeable deterioration in the appearance of the finish, and you will have to redo the repair.

Ways to level walls

The curvature of the walls can be leveled in two main ways, namely:

  • wet, involving the use of various kinds of mixtures;
  • dry, carried out by arranging plasterboard structures.

Both methods have many advantages and some disadvantages.

It is usually used to eliminate minor differences (up to 30-50 mm) in walls of a small area. If desired, of course, with the help of a plaster mixture, more significant defects in huge rooms can be eliminated, but this will lead to irrational financial and labor costs.

Building mixtures do not reduce free space, and this is their main advantage. However, wet leveling is inevitably accompanied by the formation of dust and dirt.

Drywall allows you to eliminate large drops and uneven surfaces.

The main advantage of drywall constructions is that there is no need to pre-level the base before installing the frame and the sheathing sheets directly. It is only important that there are no crumbling areas of finish.

In addition, the cells of the supporting structure can be filled with noise and heat insulation. If necessary, various kinds of communications are easily hidden in the plasterboard structure.

At the same time, the installation of the frame and sheets leads to some reduction in the usable space of the room.

On sale are simple and moisture-resistant modifications of drywall. Material with moisture-resistant properties is usually green, while simple drywall is gray.

12.5mm1200x2500 mm3 sq.m28.9 kg
12.5mm1200x2700 mm3.24 sq.m31.2 kg
12.5mm1200x3000 mm3.6 sq.m34.7 kg

Preparing walls for leveling

Before proceeding with the alignment of the walls, the surface must be properly prepared. In particular, the preparation of the base before plastering is important. In the case of arranging a drywall structure, preliminary preparation in most situations can be waived.

Preparation is reduced to the elimination of existing finishes and old plaster. Next, the surface is primed. Brushes and rollers can be used to apply the primer coat, but the best result is achieved when using a sprayer. Thanks to the primer, the quality of adhesion of the plaster to the surface of the base will be improved.

The primer dries in about 12 hours. After this time, you can start applying the plaster composition.

Leveling walls with plaster

Work begins with the installation of special beacon lines. They will allow you to apply the highest quality.

First step

Fix the beacons on different sides of the wall being processed. Check the verticality of the installation of the profiles with a plumb line.

Second step

Prepare about 10 liters of cement mortar (you simply won’t have time to use a larger amount until the mixture becomes unusable). Instead of cement plaster, other existing mixtures can be used.

Third step

Apply in large strokes to the surface between the beacon profiles.

Fourth step

Carefully align the applied mixture along the beacon profiles. For alignment, use a rule or a simple, even rail of a suitable length.

Add the mixture and spread it over the surface until the base is level with the beacons.

Carefully trim the corners with a spatula.

If you decide to use a factory dry mix, prepare and apply it according to the manufacturer's instructions. When choosing such a mixture, be sure to pay attention to the type of "binding" component.

So, gypsum-based mixtures are intended for use in living rooms, because. gypsum does not violate the normal microclimate in the room. Cement plasters are better suited for bathrooms, kitchens and other rooms with a high level of humidity.

Prices for popular types of plaster


Leveling the base with drywall

If the dimensions of the base irregularities exceed 50 mm, it would be more rational to use the method of leveling the walls, which involves the arrangement of a plasterboard structure.

Any special - the main thing is that there are no crumbling fragments on the walls. Clean up such areas if found.

The frame for fastening the sheets is assembled from a galvanized profile specially designed for this. Several types of profiles are used.

The main UD profile is attached to the ceiling, floor and adjacent walls. Jumper functions are performed by the CD-profile.

First step. Attach the vertical profile to the previously listed surfaces. Use dowels to fix. As a result, you should get a reliable support frame.

The first profile must be installed directly next to the side wall. Fasten the following profiles in 60 cm increments. The second end profile must also be fixed close to the wall, even if the distance between it and the nearest profile is less than 60 cm.

The standard width of the sheathing sheet is 120 cm. With the mentioned profile spacing, the plasterboard panel will be fixed at the edges and in the center. In this case, measure the distance from the center of the profiles.

Second step. Proceed with the installation of jumpers from the CD-rails. Sheathing sheets will be attached to these profiles.

Fasten the profiles with their edges to the surface of the base, turning them with a wide edge into the room.

Use self-tapping screws to connect profiles.

To strengthen the structure, special suspensions must be included in its composition. Stiffening ribs are located in the center of the suspensions, the ends of the products are perforated.

The suspension must be bent in the form of the letter U and attached to the wall under each vertical profile. Place the fastener in the center of the suspension. Attach the "ears" of the hangers to the profiles.

Control the evenness of the installation of profiles.

Proceed with the installation of sheathing sheets. Use self-tapping screws for fastening. At this stage, you will need an electric screwdriver - with its help, the work will go easier and faster.

Embed the heads of the self-tapping screws into the material. Place self-tapping screws in increments of 100-150 mm. Fastening is carried out in the center of the sheet and along its perimeter. Typically, center lines are present on the face of drywall sheets to facilitate fixing.

If the length of the sheet is not enough to cover the entire height of the surface, add in the missing places. The sheet cutting technology is as follows: you cut the top paper layer, carefully break the sheet in the required place and cut the second paper layer.

Attach additional pieces to the jumpers from the CD-profile, fixed between the vertical posts.

After sheathing the entire frame, you just have to putty the joints of the sheets, treat the surface with a primer and finish with the selected material.

Read step-by-step instructions, as in our new article.

Successful work!

Prices for drywall and sheet materials

Drywall and sheet materials

Video - How to align the walls with your own hands

TOP-5 best wall drywall manufacturers

Photo Name Rating Price

Knauf ⭐ 99 / 100

Gyproc ⭐ 98 / 100

Lafarge ⭐ 97 / 100

Volma ⭐ 96 / 100

Rigips ⭐ 95 / 100


For the production of drywall, Knauf uses the most modern technologies, which confirms its high quality and maximum service life. The sheet standard is 2.5x1.2 m, there are other sizes. One sheet can weigh from 12 to 30 kg. The manufacturer produces material not only of European quality, there are also budget options that meet German quality standards.

  • low coefficient of thermal expansion;
  • flexibility within certain limits without damage;
  • the presence of rounded edges;
  • reinforcement of the material with fiberglass;
  • easy to process.

Often, when overhauling or entering a new house, residents are faced with a nuisance in the form of uneven walls. Modern finishing materials for the most part imply flat surfaces for processing. It will be about how to level a brick wall with your own efforts.

There can be many reasons why the walls are uneven, for example, poor-quality cement mortar or a violation of brickwork technology, but in this case this is no longer particularly important. The main question is how to eliminate the unevenness of the walls for subsequent finishing?

What may be needed at work?

Before you start leveling, you need to stock up on the necessary set of tools and building materials:

  1. A plumb line will be needed in order to determine the verticality of the walls.
  2. A trowel is needed in order to use it to apply and distribute the mixture along the wall.
  3. Lighthouses are needed to determine the irregularities, then it is on them that the wall needs to be leveled.
  4. A reinforcing mesh is needed so that the solution does not fall off under its own weight.
  5. Self-tapping screws will be needed to attach the reinforcing mesh to the wall.
  6. Building materials with which alignment will be performed.
  7. Perforator.
  8. Vertical guides are needed so that the plaster and primer lay flat.
  9. A metal frame may be needed if you decide to level with drywall.

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Alignment Options

There are several options for leveling brick walls, in each case you need to rely on specific data. According to the alignment technology, methods are divided into 2 types:

  • dry - when a drywall construction is used;
  • raw - when building mixtures are used.

To determine the method, it is necessary to measure the irregularities with the help of a building level (you can also use a laser level). If the fluctuations in the difference in the wall are up to 5 mm, then this is insignificant and you can only get by with putty. If the irregularities are within 3-5 cm, then building mixtures will come to the rescue, but if more than 5 cm, then it is more expedient to use drywall.

A brick wall can be leveled with plaster, putty, gypsum mixtures and plasterboard structures. Each type has its own characteristics and its own areas of application.

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Leveling with plaster

To plaster the walls, you need to prepare a platform for work:

  • if there are old finishing materials, remove them, leaving a bare wall;
  • inspect and evaluate the scope of work.

A properly prepared surface, combined with the right choice of mix and precisely positioned beacons, is the key to success. To level a brick wall, it is better to choose a cement mixture. The cost of this mixture is relatively low, plaster can be applied in a rather thick layer, but it should be borne in mind that with a layer thicker than 2 cm, it is recommended to use a reinforcing mesh.

After you have assessed the surface, you need to install beacons. They are needed in order to control the process of leveling the walls with a raw method. A perforated profile acts as beacons. If you have to deal with this process for the first time, then it is more expedient to buy ready-made beacons: you don’t have to remove them after work and close up the recesses left after them.

The installation of beacons is carried out on a mixture or solution of rapid hardening, which will be used for further work.

The distance between the beacons depends on the size of the rule: it should not slip when supported by 2 beacons. After installing the beacons, you can proceed to the plastering process.

A ready-made solution is taken, and with the help of a trowel, a large amount of it is thrown onto the wall. The next step, using the rule in the direction from the bottom up, distribute the solution over the surface of the wall. Thus, the entire surface must be treated. As soon as the layer dries, you can apply the next, but already much smaller in thickness, after specifying the construction level of the deviation.

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Leveling putty: features

The method of leveling the walls with putty is only suitable in cases where the deviation is small. To do this, stock up on 2 spatulas, narrow and wide. The mixture must be kneaded in such a way that when creating a cone (during mixing with a stick), its shape is preserved. It must be remembered that the putty thickens rather quickly, so you should not dilute it very much at once, it is better as it is worked out, in extreme cases you need to dilute the mixture with water.

A mixture is applied to the surface of the wall with a narrow spatula, then leveling is carried out with a wide spatula. The spatula must be held at an angle to the wall, but it is worth remembering that the smaller the angle, the thicker the layer. After applying the first layer and drying it, you need to smooth out the roughness with sandpaper. If there is a need to apply another layer, it is recommended to prime the surface and then proceed to the second layer, after which the wall must also be sanded after drying.

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If the wall is in a very poor condition, then drywall will come to the rescue. This option will be more cost-effective and efficient than the others. Can be aligned with or without a frame.

With the frame method, you need to create it so that there is something to attach drywall sheets to in the future. You can build a frame made of metal or wood, the second option is less durable and more difficult to install.

The frame is created in the following way: guides are attached to the ceiling parallel to each other, every about 40-60 cm, fastenings are carried out using self-tapping screws. If necessary, you can insulate the wall at this stage, which will give increased heat and sound insulation, for example, if it is a partition between rooms.

The frameless method is different from the frame method: in this case, drywall sheets are glued directly to the surface, which will be further finished. However, this method has a big minus - if there are large wall defects, they cannot be eliminated.

There are also methods for leveling brick walls, which are used much less frequently: using plywood or plastic panels. They are mounted similarly to drywall, but only on wooden blocks. These options are budgetary and are usually used for finishing premises such as a garage or country houses. Also in this way you can hide communications from the eyes.

If there is a need to level the brick walls outside the building, then it is better to stop at plastering the wall with a special mortar for outdoor work. Although uneven walls outside are not as common as inside.

Walls are the first thing that catches your eye in an apartment. Their uneven surface can greatly spoil the impression of the home, even if it is incredibly pompously decorated. In simple interiors, wall defects are especially noticeable. The only way out in this case is to level the surface. Of course, you can use the services of a wizard, but try to do it yourself. I am sure that with our recommendations you will certainly succeed.

Preparing for alignment

Before leveling the walls, you need to perform a number of operations. First you need to set the frame of irregularities. To measure horizontally, you can use a cord that is pulled tight along the wall. It is even easier if you have a building level at least 1.5 m long. A plumb line is used to calculate vertical irregularities. Differences of no more than 3-5 cm are leveled with the help of special building mixtures. In this way, more curved walls can be leveled, but it will take a lot of time and money.

This is the so-called wet method of leveling load-bearing structures. In the dry method, the walls are sheathed. It is used if the walls are too curved. The latter method is more time consuming, but allows you to achieve perfect surface smoothness. In both cases, the key to success is strict adherence to the sequence of actions.

The plaster must be carried out quickly, because the solution for it dries quickly

Regardless of the method chosen, it is necessary to responsibly approach the alignment of corners. curvature imperceptible at first glance may appear when installing curbs or.

Plaster or drywall: all the pros and cons

Both types of wall alignment have both positive and negative qualities. This requires pre-cleaning of the surface. Elements of old plaster can affect the quality of installation of the material using a special adhesive.

Behind the installation, you can easily hide noise and heat insulating materials, hide communications and wiring. The problem is that drywall reduces the size of the room somewhat and can withstand less stress than walls covered with mortar. Pay attention to the color of drywall sheets. Moisture-resistant material is painted in green, and ordinary - in gray. In bathrooms, kitchens and other rooms with high humidity, it is better to use GKLV sheets.

If you prefer building mixtures, the room will retain its original dimensions. However, even here there are buts. The surface will be monolithic, without gaps between the wall and the layer. On curved walls, a large layer of the mixture is obtained, up to 5-10 cm) and a lot of material is required. As a result, this method is rarely used. To carry out such repairs, you will need to remove all furniture, and after completion of work, carry out a thorough cleaning of the room.

Wall plastering

Before starting work, you must completely turn off the electricity in the apartment. After the surface is thoroughly cleaned of old wallpaper, plaster or paint. Then treat the surface with a primer. In this case, the building mixture will be better fixed. The primer increases moisture resistance and prevents delamination of materials. For cement mixtures, a solution of cement, water and sand is used. To make the wall as smooth as possible, it is necessary to fix beacons on it. To do this, profiles are installed on the sides of the wall. The verticality of the beacons is checked by a plumb line.

Dilute about 10 liters of cement mixture and apply it to the wall with a construction spatula in large strokes. Then align the solution along the beacon lines from the bottom up. To do this, use a level or a wooden board. The solution must be added until the surface of the wall is aligned with the beacon lines. When using a spatula, it must be tilted 45 degrees. In this case, the surface will be perfectly flat. Do not forget about the corners, be especially careful in finishing them.

Economical wall leveling method (Video)

When working with dry mortar, pay attention to both the thickness of the applied layer and the type of bonding material. Gypsum-based compositions are usually used for finishing living rooms. This material well supports a microclimate of rooms. Cement mortars are mainly used in high humidity environments (bathrooms and kitchens).

How to level walls with drywall

The second and most popular way to level walls is to use drywall sheets. It is usually used if the size of the irregularities on the wall is more than 5 cm. The plasterboard wall must be protected from moisture, freezing and condensation. For reliable fastening of drywall sheets to the adhesive, it is recommended to clean the wall from the remnants of the old mortar. Then the surface is primed.

If the surface of the wall is loose or porous, it is better to use a deep penetration primer. It is applied with a sprayer or paint brush. On concrete and other low-porous surfaces, a special primer is applied with the mark “concrete active”. Before you install drywall sheets, do not forget to wire. Boxes for sockets must protrude at least 20 mm above the wall surface.

After the plaster is completed, the beacons are removed, and the strips after them are rubbed with plaster

Glue plasterboard sheets directly on the wall or install on metal frames. Corner irregularities are eliminated using special metal profiles. To install this type of construction, it is necessary to use self-tapping screws, dowels and a screwdriver. Places for metal structures are marked with a pencil.


Self-alignment of the walls requires a careful approach and the choice of the appropriate method of work. The main thing is not to despair and to approach the matter with responsibility.