
Arbor rectangular with their own hands. Dimensions of gazebos: we choose the optimal building for a different number of people Project of a frame wooden rectangular gazebo


There is one element for giving, which cannot be replaced by anything else. A rectangular gazebo is a building that is built in a short period of time, but will serve for a long time. Food eaten outdoors is better digested and more beneficial, and spending time with your loved ones is priceless. In today's world filled with electronics, many people forget about live communication. But it is precisely this that is the key to strong relationships. Next, we will consider how a rectangular gazebo can be built with our own hands.

What size

In order to fully give a considered answer, it is necessary to analyze a few simple points:

  • Where will the building be located?
  • What territory can be allocated for it?
  • Will the gazebo serve as a kitchen?
  • How many people will be in the building at the same time?
  • What kind of seats will be installed inside?
  • Will the structure adjoin the house in the form of a canopy?
  • Will the water rise high during heavy rains?
  • Will communications be required?

There is no need to make the structure too large, as it will not be used to its full extent so often. Moreover, it will be an additional waste of maintenance. At this stage, you need to think about whether all the walls of the gazebo will be open or several of them will need to be closed. The easiest way is to imagine a table in the middle, surrounded by chairs. You can make a solution that is distinctive for some cultures - sunbeds.

We draw up a drawing

After considering the above questions, it's time to transfer the plan to a piece of paper so that it becomes a little more real than our imagination. Here are some projects that will take up little space, but allow you to place all the necessary elements.

  • 2.5 × 3.5 m. This solution is enough to place a dining table and chairs inside. Four people will feel quite comfortable.
  • 3 × 4 m. In such a gazebo you can invite guests or gather a large family at a good table.
  • 4 × 4 m. This option is with a barbecue. A small platform is made with dimensions of 1 × 1 m without covering, so that the smoke can freely rise and not linger under the roof.
  • 5 × 5 m. In such a gazebo, it will be possible to build sunbeds on which mattresses and pillows are placed. It will become a really good place to relax and spend time.

Dimensions are given as examples. They can be varied and adjusted to specific needs and land. Knowing the specific parameters, you can choose the type of foundation that will be used. There are several options that do not take much time in construction, but will be a good support for the whole structure:

  • columnar brick;
  • columnar monolithic;
  • pile;
  • solid slab.

How each of them is made, we will consider a little lower. The material planned for use is also applied to the plan. The gazebo can be closed from all sides with double-glazed windows. In this case, you can make a large number of casement or sliding windows. In such a building it will be comfortable in any weather. The most common material used is wood. It is affordable, easy to process, and no special tools are required to handle it. Profile metal can be easily used for the frame, but to work with it you need to have welder skills. One wall or several can be lined with facing bricks, which looks quite attractive and makes it possible to combine the design with the main building.


It was said above what types of foundation can be used for buildings of this type. The easiest to build will be columnar brick. To implement it, you will need:

  • Dig holes to a depth of 30 cm. This is done every meter along the length of all walls. Sand is poured with a layer of 20 cm. It is well rammed, then wetted with water so that the material shrinks.
  • For each element you will need 4 blocks. Their size should be 20 × 20 × 40 cm. These are standard dimensions for cinder block or other similar building material.
  • The first two are placed on the prepared pillow. They are leveled. It is most convenient to use a laser level, with which a line is projected. It will be a guide for all elements. A solution is applied between the stones to hold them together. They are equal in level.
  • Thus, two elements are set in all corners.
  • A fishing line is stretched between them, which will help to set intermediate supports.
  • From above, two more bricks are perpendicularly laid on the mortar.

The foundation can be considered ready. But it is important to remember that this option is suitable for those areas where the soil has sufficient density and does not soak excessively during rains. Otherwise, the gazebo may lose support and collapse.

The columnar monolithic foundation resembles the previous version, but has its own characteristics:

  • The optimal step of the supports for a particular structure is selected. It can be within 1-1.5 meters.
  • First, holes are dug in the corners. Their depth should be below the freezing of the soil, and the dimensions, for example, 40 × 40 cm.
  • Further, with the selected step, holes are dug along the future wall. If the width of the building is large, then in the middle it is also necessary to provide several supports for the central beam. If this is not done, then the floor will not be strong enough.
  • Sand is laid at the bottom of each recess in the same layer as in the previous version.
  • Formwork is made from edged boards, OSB sheets or plywood. It should be of such a height that the head is 20 cm above the surface. This will protect the main building material from getting wet during rains or other precipitation.
  • The form is mounted and fixed.
  • The inner walls are covered with roofing material.
  • Reinforcement bars are inserted into the middle. It will be more efficient to make a crate: 4 main vertical elements should be 12 mm in diameter, the rest can be taken 8 mm. They are tied together with a knitting wire in such a way that a parallelogram is obtained. The transverse segments are arranged in increments of 30–40 cm.
  • The prepared concrete solution is poured. It needs to be well sealed. It is better to do this with an electric vibrator. If this is not possible, then in extreme cases, you can use a piece of reinforcement.
  • The upper ends of all elements are aligned in the same plane to facilitate further construction.
  • At this stage, there is an advantage to making a blank for the grillage. To do this, you need a metal shank (a strip of sheet metal). Its width should be at least 5 cm. 2 pieces of 15–20 cm are made. They are vertically immersed in a fresh solution to the distance of a beam, which will then be applied.

You can also make a fixed formwork for such a foundation. To do this, you need an asbestos pipe with a diameter of 250 mm or more. Pits are dug in the same way, backfilling is done, but small gravel is still laid on the sand with a layer of 15 cm and is well rammed. Pipes are inserted inside, they are leveled. Crushed stone is poured up to half on the sides and compacted. Several reinforcement bars are inserted inside and the solution is poured. In the same way, blanks can be made from metal plates for timber.

Like the previous version, the pile foundation will allow you to withstand the construction of a large mass. It will be possible to build brick walls. The easiest will be working with screw elements.

In order for the supports to last as long as possible, they must be treated with an anti-corrosion agent and coated with paint. You can prevent the growth of weed under the floor of the gazebo as follows: sheets of roofing material are laid over the entire area. The overlap is 10 cm. From above, a 5 cm sand filling is carried out and it is well rammed.

The base in the form of a monolithic slab will allow you to achieve two goals in one pass - to make a foundation and prepare the floor.

  1. The territory is marked.
  2. A pit is dug to a depth of 30–40 cm.
  3. The bottom is covered with a layer of sand of 15 cm. It is well rammed.
  4. The next step is to lay a metal crate, which will give strength. Instead, you can use building rubble - broken bricks, the remains of concrete slabs or natural stone. It is laid in an even layer over the entire excavated area.
  5. Lighthouses are made from metal pipes or wooden pegs. They are leveled. At the same time, you can make a slight slope in one direction by 1–2 cm. This will allow spilled liquid or rainwater that has fallen into the ground to calmly drain.
  6. The solution is poured and pulled together with a rule or a flat metal bar, for example, a piece of profile for drywall.
  7. If it is not planned to lay tiles, then ironing can be done on top. To do this, dry cement is applied to the still damp floor and rubbed. Subsequently, a smooth surface with a slight gloss is obtained.
  8. The construction will reach its full strength no sooner than after 27 days.

In the case when there is absolutely no desire to mess with concrete and the foundation, you can simply dig the racks into the ground by 50–70 cm, make a backfill of crushed stone and sand and tamp everything well.

Main structure

The principle of erecting a wooden and metal frame is in many ways similar. For the first option, you will need a 10 × 10 cm timber and a 10 × 5 cm edged board. In the second case, you will need an I-beam channel for the base, and a square profile pipe measuring 6 × 6 cm or 8 × 4 cm for the racks. In this case, all work is carried out using welding machine.

  1. If the first three options for the foundation were chosen, then it is necessary to make the lower harness. To do this, the timber is cut along the length of each side, in the same way another element is made, which will be laid in the middle.
  2. They connect with each other. To do this, a cutout is made in the corners with a depth of 5 cm, and a width of 10 cm. The grooves are joined together and fixed with self-tapping screws.
  3. The next step is to install the corner posts. For them, the same material is used as for the grillage. They are attached to the base with metal plates-corners. To make the joint more reliable, it is necessary to cut the spike and sink it into the corresponding groove.
  4. If the walls are more than 3 meters, then it is necessary to make additional vertical supports from the edged board. You can install them after 1 m.
  5. From above, all elements are connected using two boards, which are nailed on the inside and outside. The corners are reinforced with metal strips.
  6. The next step is laying the floor. It can be made from a sanded board, which is nailed end-to-end. When finishing, it can be varnished and stained.
  7. If a shed roof is planned, then the racks on one side must be made 20 higher 30 cm. For a gable or four-slope, they must be the same size. For the first option, it will be enough just after 40 cm to install boards from one wall to another and fix them. For a gable, you will need to assemble several farms, they can be arranged in increments of 60 100 cm. They represent an isosceles triangle. First of all, two extreme ones are mounted. They are leveled in the horizontal and vertical plane. Between them, 3 fishing lines are stretched, which will serve as a guide for the rest of the components. You can connect them to each other using a ridge beam or oblique jumpers. A crate is made for a specific flooring, and the area is covered.

For a monolithic foundation, the corner posts must be sunk into the ground. This can be done at the filling stage or after. At 4 corners, holes are dug to a depth of 50 cm. Columns are made according to the foundation principle, which was described above. They will be the support for the racks. Further assembly is the same as in the previous versions, but it is no longer necessary to perform the lower trim. In this case, you can go the other way. The main racks may not be wooden, but brick. To do this, columns are laid out in the corners, which are necessarily reinforced inside. A wooden beam 10 × 10 cm is laid on top of them. The elements are tied together, as described for the grillage. This will be the Mauerlat, which will become the basis for the roof.

Some elements that can be located inside have already been mentioned in the course of the article. The space between the uprights may be open. Several sides can be covered with transparent polycarbonate. In another version, up to the middle, masonry is made with facing bricks. The remaining opening is left as is, or a wooden grate is mounted in it. Around the area can be planted with wild grapes or ivy. Over time, he will envelop the entire gazebo and get a green island.

If desired, the structure can be made with elements borrowed from the kolyba. To do this, a hole is left in the middle of the roof, which will be used to exit the smoke. In this case, you can make a bonfire right in the middle, which will allow you to enjoy the fire in any weather, sitting around it on comfortable chairs or sunbeds.

It must be remembered that wooden structures need constant maintenance. At least every 3 years, it is necessary to remove the old coating and reapply a varnish or paint that is intended for outdoor use. In this case, it will be possible to avoid drying out and decay.


An example of the construction of a rectangular gazebo:


Before starting any construction, you need to prepare project documentation for it. Building a gazebo with your own hands in the country is no exception, here you also need diagrams, dimensions, sketches, which together will allow you to get a complete picture of the future structure.

You will understand what materials are needed for construction, as well as where and how certain structural elements will be placed. Most importantly, it will be possible to draw up estimates in order to avoid unnecessary costs.

Country gazebos - it's simple and beautiful

To date, a lot of modern building and finishing materials have appeared on sale. Therefore, it is possible to move away from the use of familiar building materials and create unique gazebo designs with your own hands. In the understanding of many people, a gazebo is just a place where you can relax. Indeed, it is so. But now kitchens, couches, swings and even barbecues are being created in the gazebos.

Due to the fact that modern building materials are light and elegant, you can assemble gazebos yourself. Difficulty is determined only by your own ideas. On the Internet you can find a huge number of photos that will inspire you to create a unique gazebo on your site:

Design of a gazebo in the country, photo:

portable design

Given the various characteristics of gazebos, we can conditionally divide these buildings into groups. So there is:

  • open gazebos (easy to build, used mainly in summer),
  • closed gazebos (construction with walls, windows and doors),
  • portable gazebo (disassembled and assembled easily).

There is a huge variety of building materials that can be used to build gazebos with your own hands. So, wooden, metal, glass and plastic objects are used. In addition, stone is actively used. Stone gazebos have recently become popular. Here, even raw materials that no one uses at all can be used: plastic bottles, pallets, trees, and others. It all depends on what kind of imagination the owner has.

Arbor drawing for a small area

As for the size of the future gazebo, everything is determined by the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe site itself. If there is not much space, then the gazebo should not be created very large. The configuration is square, rectangular, round, in the form of a hexagon, octahedron. Sometimes they create gazebos in the shape of an oval.

Advice! If you are creating a gazebo for the first time with your own hands, then you need to use photographs, drawings, and expert advice. All information can be found on the Internet. This will help you avoid mistakes in the future.

Slate, corrugated board, flexible tiles, cellular or monolithic polycarbonate are chosen as roofing material for gazebos. If we take into account that many of these materials are very plastic, then it is possible to make not only single-pitched, but also multi-pitched, as well as spherical, arched, domed and other forms of roofs. Arbors are common, in which climbing green plants are used as a roof.

Arbors, in which summer kitchens are equipped, are especially popular today. Barbecues, fireplaces or barbecue areas are also built in there. Remember that to create such structures, you will need to fulfill certain requirements. And again: it is necessary to have drawings, sketches and projects not only of the entire gazebo, but also of a stove, a fireplace, for example. This will allow you to accurately cope with the work, as well as spend a minimum of funds.

Gazebo with open barbecue

Building gazebos with your own hands

How to create do-it-yourself gazebo? On the Internet, as mentioned earlier, there are many projects and drawings of gazebos. If you are not sure that you can create your own project on your own, it is strongly recommended to use the projects of those arbors that are found on the network.

Dimensional drawing of a wooden structure

So, the creation of a gazebo project consists of several stages. First you need to create a sketch of the future building, draw up working drawings. Schemes and sketches will allow at this stage to plan the location of the structure, outline the arrangement of equipment and furniture in it. If communications are needed in the gazebo, in addition to light, then their supply system is also determined. There are clear guidelines that will allow you to properly prepare the project.

Open Structure Diagram

So, initially we decide on the type of gazebo - open or closed. Then - think over the style of the summerhouse, which should be combined with other buildings on the site. Construction materials to be used in the works are determined. Finally, on the site you need to allocate a place for a gazebo. All dimensions must be clearly reflected in the drawing and coincide with the area on the ground. If the gazebo in the country will have a closed type, then you should definitely create a ventilation system. For massive gazebos, the type of foundation is determined:

  • tape,
  • columnar,
  • slab base.

Now you can proceed to the description of structural units. Here mark the place of installation of windows, doors and stairs. The roof scheme is a separate work. The technology for the construction of each of the structural elements of summerhouses is determined separately, which should be reflected in the project. It's time to mark the wiring of electricity and plumbing. The plan shows the places of installation of furniture, equipment, lamps. It should be noted that this is far from all the work, the nuances that should be taken into account when drawing up a gazebo project with your own hands.

Photo of a rectangular building project

The more carefully the project is worked out, the more accurately the calculations of building materials will be made, the easier it will be to carry out the construction itself. Most importantly, errors are practically leveled. The construction will be strong and durable.

Video: garden gazebo made of wood, step by step instructions

Building a wooden gazebo with your own hands

So, when it comes to choosing a material for building a gazebo, many people prefer to choose wood. The fact is that this material allows you to create a gazebo for a summer residence that fits into the interior of any site. In addition, wood is an environmentally friendly material that is environmentally friendly, durable. The tree is easy to process and for the construction of arbors they use timber, logs, boards, and other elements.

Winter design of gazebos made of wood, photo

Rectangular gazebo

The easiest option for self-construction is to use a rectangular structure. This is an open structure for summer use. There will be open support posts, a roof and a fence. In the drawing, only the dimensions of the structure, the height, and the sketch of the structure should be displayed.

As a rule, a drawing of the profile and frontal projection of the gazebo is created. The foundation is displayed in a separate scheme. As a rule, preference is given to a columnar base. Here you need to specify the dimensions of the pillars, the height and depth to which they will be dug.

Advice! In order to make the work more convenient to carry out, it is possible to attach to the project a detailed installation diagram of technical units indicating the options for attaching to each other.

As for the roof drawing, it is appropriate to display the truss systems here, indicating the fastening of the upper trim, the lower support for the rafters, and also indicate the step between the rafters. Once all the drawings are ready, you can directly proceed to construction work. So, we prepare and mark the site for construction. Stakes tied with a rope are used. Once the perimeter is marked, we begin to equip the foundation.

Do-it-yourself drawing of a simple wooden gazebo for a summer residence, dimensions

To create a foundation, according to the drawing, a pit should be dug. Although it is difficult to call a pit a foundation pit if it is 80 centimeters deep. However, everything should be named according to the building rules. A layer of sand is laid out at the bottom. Supports are placed, which are then concreted. Be sure to check the evenness of all supports with a level, their distance from each other, as well as the level in height.

Photo of the initial stage of work

Now let's move on to creating the lower trim, we equip the floor from the log. Wooden beams are used. As soon as the floor frame is ready, you need to create a flooring from boards or ready-made floor coverings (see website). Then the upper trim is fixed, the roof frame is assembled. The frame is sheathed with a board and covered with roofing material.

Construction stages

Once the structure of the gazebo is in place, you can create fences. Initially, fix the horizontal bars, which will be the railing at the same time. Then vertical racks are installed. If the project provides for a wooden grate, then it is necessary to create a frame from a bar, and then a grate is stuffed inside it.

Wooden structure, building dimensions

Gazebo with barbecue and barbecue

Before you start creating a gazebo project with a barbecue, fireplace or barbecue, you need to create a sketch that displays the location of the gazebo on the site. The fact is that gas and water will be suitable for such gazebos. Therefore, the layout must be perfect. Consider the direction of the wind, in which the smoke from the stove will not spread to other buildings.

Arbors made of wood with a barbecue, stove or fireplace, as a rule, replace summer kitchens. It is noteworthy that the structure can be open or closed. So, a closed gazebo can be used even in winter. Therefore, at the design stage, you need to take care of the insulation of the room, as well as the creation of a high-quality ventilation system.

Note that create gazebo project with barbecue, barbecue or oven - this is quite a difficult job. Here, not only the design of the gazebo and the foundation are taken into account, but also elements such as a stove, a fireplace. Remember that furnace equipment is created from stone, which has a lot of weight. As a rule, a strip foundation is created, and a tiled one under the stove or fireplace.

Advice! To prevent cracks from appearing in the concrete base, it is necessary to lay reinforcement under the brazier or fireplace.

The drawings need to display the dimensions of the future gazebo, as well as the location of a fireplace or barbecue in it. Separately, the scheme of the foundation and the chimney is indicated. The project will include the brazier itself, the shape of the brazier, the number of firing points, laying the stone in rows.

During the development of the gazebo plan, it is necessary to carefully consider the zoning of the room. It is necessary to provide for the safest arrangement of the table, to provide a free approach to the fireplace or to the barbecue. Do not forget that you will have to clean the stove, fireplace, and so on. It is extremely important to designate in the project a zone within which fire-fighting material will be laid around the fireplace.

If your gazebo with a fireplace or barbecue will be used as a summer kitchen, then it must be supplied with water, electricity, gas. Therefore, the project must provide for the appropriate communications, wiring diagram, water, and so on.

Once again, we note that there is a lot of work to be done not only during the creation of the project, but also during construction. Therefore, now it is necessary to draw up a project as carefully as possible, so that later unpleasant “surprises” can be avoided.

Very often, in addition to wood, metal is used to build gazebos. It can be aluminum or simple iron. The material is good because it does not need to be specially processed, like wood. Connections are created using a welding machine. It is noteworthy that the models of metal gazebos can be not only stationary, but also prefabricated / collapsible. In the second case, bolts are used to connect structural elements.

Advice! In order for the metal structure to last as long as possible, it must be treated with an anti-corrosion material, and also occasionally painted.

When you plan to create a metal gazebo, carefully choose a place on the site. The fact is that the metal is very hot in the summer. Therefore, the metal structures of arbors, as a rule, are created in an open type in the garden.

Simple design from a profile pipe

Before you start creating a project, it is better to think over the design of the building, which will match the style of the exterior. The dimensions that are laid down in the drawings depend on the number of people who are supposed to be inside the gazebo. In addition, you should consider the amount of furniture, equipment and so on.

Usually people use ready-made schemes for the construction of metal arbors. It is not difficult to find photos and designs on the Internet. The simplest design of a rectangular shape, which has dimensions of 2.5 by 3 meters. In this case, the gazebo will not be bulky. At the same time, you can easily install several seats and a table in it.

Due to the fact that the profile pipe has a number of advantages, many people use this particular material for the construction of arbors. The structure is not only easy to build, but also easy to maintain. The fact is that the metal is not strongly affected by the environment and has a relatively high durability. Profile pipes are not expensive, they have a neat appearance. Before starting construction, you should decide on the type and shape of the structure. In addition, drawings are being prepared, the availability of materials and tools that will be involved in the work is checked. So, you can create a rectangular, round, square, hexagonal and other shape of the gazebo.

Advice! If you do not have enough experience with a welding machine, or if you are creating such structures for the first time, like a gazebo, it is better to choose the simplest designs.

You can create your own drawing, a sketch of a gazebo. All dimensions are indicated in the drawings, the rest of the calculations are carried out as accurately as possible, since the further appearance and durability of the arbor depends on this.

So, in order to build a gazebo from profile pipes with your own hands, you should use the following materials: concrete, primer for metal processing, roofing material, as well as the actual profile pipes. Of the tools, there must be a welding machine, a level, a grinder, drills with a drill, as well as fasteners. As soon as a place for the construction of the structure is chosen, you need to start arranging the pits. Their number is determined according to the project - by the number of supports. The pits are up to 60 centimeters deep. The height of the racks is taken into account with this dimension. As supports, it is allowed to use a profile 80 by 80 mm, as well as with a wall thickness of 3 mm. Support heels are welded to the racks. This will increase the degree of rigidity of the structure.

Crushed stone is poured into the bottom of the prepared pits. After that, the litter is tamped, racks are placed and concrete is poured. Here you should follow the vertical of the racks as accurately as possible. As soon as the concrete begins to harden, the evenness of each rack is checked again. After these works are carried out, it is necessary to wait about two days until the concrete "grabs".

Now you can start creating the bottom strap. Here a profile of a smaller section is used, welding the material to the supports at a certain height above the ground level. As a rule, the harness is made at such a height that it is possible to enter the gazebo as comfortably as possible.

Now comes the stage of creating the roof. A truss system is created from the profile according to the drawings. If the shape is gable, then the profile is welded at an angle of 15 degrees. To make it more convenient to fix the roofing material, a profile pipe is welded onto the frame as a crate, the pitch of which is 45 cm. That's all - the gazebo frame is considered assembled.

Metal and polycarbonate construction

The main advantage of polycarbonate is that it has a transparent structure. In addition, it goes well with other materials. Arbors made of polycarbonate can decorate any yard. It is noteworthy that polycarbonate can be used not only for roofing, but also for fencing.

  • Forms of arbors

There are a huge number of forms of arbors made of polycarbonate. This can be explained by the plasticity of the material, low weight, and ease of installation. The design is oval, round, rectangular and even spherical. The structure can be open or closed.

Polycarbonate must be closed at the ends. When moisture enters its cells, destruction begins.

The roof can be single or gable, arched, hipped and so on. Since all kinds of polycarbonate colors are sold, you can create a unique atmosphere inside the gazebo. Everyone chooses the color of the material in accordance with their tastes. Polycarbonate is combined with any material: stone, metal profile, wood, plastic and so on.

Have you ever faced with choosing the optimal size for a country gazebo? How many people do you need to count on, what site to prepare, what sizes to focus on? We have collected all the data on this issue and presented them in the form of visual text, which you can evaluate below through the content.

Space issues are especially acute when building on your own, when you are unlimited in your own fantasies and are ready to create until the budget runs out. I would like to make it cheaper. but at the same time more, and, on the other hand, the scale is not really needed ...

From dark wood

In short, read about the different sizes, and then conclude what is best for you - small and inexpensive houses or large and massive gazebos.

Small (up to 10 sq. m.)

This type is designed more for family vacations than collective ones. The recommended number of people is 4-6.

Gable with extension
from logs

Small size
Building in the yard
Gable with straight poles

Due to its small size, you do not need to seriously invest in construction. Little building material is needed, so labor and money will be optimally invested. If you want something more serious so that you can walk with a large team, then take a look at the medium sizes.

Medium (from 10 to 20 sq. m.)

Medium-sized buildings look much more impressive. They can accommodate 10-15 people, and everyone can accommodate without discomfort. Such an approach to recreation can already be called "on a grand scale."

With lined track
With a beautiful floor

open design

The optimal size ratio for the average type is a gazebo 4 by 4 meters. If you do not clutter it up with a large table and massive chairs, then a large group of people (up to 15 people) will fit in it without any problems.

Large (more than 20 sq. m.)

Large-scale structures in most cases are made open so that the crowd inside is blown with fresh air. A similar format is used during weddings, birthdays and other public events.

Buildings of 6 by 6 meters are considered universal sizes, which can easily accommodate more than 30 people.

To erect such a building in order to simply have a large and free area is not advisable. It will require a huge amount of material and labor, and the gazebo will be operated infrequently. Therefore, they are given preference at recreation centers.

By number of people

For 6 people

For six people, a gazebo from 3 to 3 meters is suitable. At least one and a half square meters per person should be, if we are talking about buildings of a small class.

The ideal to which we will aspire

For 10-15 people

We will give preference to the construction of 4 by 4 meters. Even in a closed format, the presented number of people will comfortably fit at the table, although an open form will be more convenient.

With barbecue

for 20-30 people

From square forms, buildings 5 ​​by 5 and 6 by 6 meters are suitable. Of the rectangles, an arbor of 6 by 5 and 7 by 5 meters will be an interesting option. They are quite suitable for a pleasant pastime of several dozen people.

Construction cost - 200 thousand rubles

Length to width ratio

2 on 2

The smallest version of the gazebo, which is designed for a maximum of two persons. Sometimes they don’t even put a table in such buildings, but are limited to chairs or a bench.

It is quite difficult to buy such a building, since online stores do not provide such small sizes. However, you can do it yourself, and at a low price, since the material is needed at a minimum.

2 on 3

Another extremely small class of gazebos. Accommodates about 3-4 people depending on the size of the table and chairs. The rectangular shape allows you to accommodate with increased comfort (compared to the previous version).

With figurines at the entrance

3 by 3

The most popular format of arbors, which is in incredible demand. Nine squares completely covers any need for a family dinner or relaxation with friends.

The classic dimensions of the summer gazebo

3 by 4

A rectangle with an increased area, where it is already possible to comfortably turn around for vacationers. Several times I have seen reviews from people who spoke positively about the size of 3 by 4. Just a few meters more area, and the increased capacity is immediately felt.

3 by 5

An even more elongated seating area in which you can already put a barbecue or a small stove.

Due to the large length, the corners of the gazebo remain free. Therefore, the entire interior can be moved all the way to one corner, and in the second place means for frying meat. Choice of .

3 by 6

And here God himself ordered to put a brazier, since it would be difficult to communicate at such a great distance between people in different corners of the table.

With barbecue

And yet, if you don’t need a barbecue inside the gazebo (many people have subjective reasons for this), then you can install a rectangular table. Alternatively, at the end you can install a TV or speakers for music.

4 by 4

The gazebo is medium in size, but for a summer cottage it can already be called quite large. More construction resources will be needed, and the structure itself will be heavier.

Therefore, before building, find objective reasons to build such a large recreation area and overpay for the scale. If they are not, then give preference to the classics - 3 by 3 meters.

4 by 5

The presented building is at the psychological mark of 20 squares, after which the gazebos can already be called really large. The rectangular shape will accommodate more people, although from an aesthetic point of view, it does not always look better.

The presence of a gazebo on the territory of a summer residence or a plot with a cottage makes it possible to have a pleasant time of rest. It can also be a great place for a family dinner together.

The material for building a gazebo can be absolutely anything. Everyone chooses it according to their desire. You can build it from wood, use brick, polycarbonate, metal, plywood, soft tiles. The list doesn't end there. It all depends on financial capabilities and what will be the size of the future building.

Types of gazebos

Forged and metal products are popular. Such structures are installed quickly and easily. They are resistant to the negative effects of external factors, have a long service life, do not require special care. Some cottage owners prefer to combine construction from various materials.

The forms of the bases of the arbors are also very diverse. They can be round, semicircular, hexagonal. Square bases are good options. They have beautiful sophisticated forms, are the easiest to arrange.

The advantage of wooden structures

Majority framework. This material is environmentally friendly, safe for health. The advantages of gazebos, the frame of which is made of wood, are obvious:

  1. relatively low cost;
  2. the material is natural;
  3. ideal for people with low building skills;
  4. high construction speed;
  5. perfect harmony with the environment.

This can be purchased ready-made. However, it is within the power of wealthy people. The most budget option is to build it yourself.

Choosing a roof option

Types of roofs for garden square arbors can also be varied. The simplest design is a single-sided version. The semicircular shape of the roof is acceptable on the basis of a welded metal grating. In addition, they use four-pitched, hexagonal, hipped, round types of roofing.

For a square design garden gazebo, one of the best options is a roof with a gable roof. Such a building has little weight, low cost. To equip a gable roof, you do not need special carpentry skills. It will not be difficult to build it with your own hands.

If for a summer residence the choice is made on the device of a gazebo of a square design, then first of all, its drawing is needed. It is compiled in several stages. Before proceeding with it, it is necessary to decide on the design and size of the building.

The need for a building scheme

The drawing should provide for the location of the gazebo from the main house. The optimal distance is 3–5 m. If a gazebo for a summer residence is planned with a barbecue or stove, then it is desirable to move it away from the house by 8 meters.

When drawing up a drawing, it is necessary to take into account the foundation. To give the design must have a columnar base. If the size of the foundation is 3x3 meters, then the distance between the pillars should be 150–200 cm. The do-it-yourself drawing of the building suggests that when marking the base on the ground, add 10 cm each. This makes it possible to increase the dimensions of the foundation.

It should also provide for the location of the table, chairs or armchairs, the size of each of them. The type of structure is taken into account: open or closed. If the building is closed, ventilation must be provided. There is also a collapsible version of the design. With it, the components are easily dismantled, and subsequently installed anywhere.

Photos of square arbors 4x4 and 3x3

Thematic material:

Separately, a drawing of the roof of the shelter is carried out. It indicates the size of the roof, the angle of inclination, height, coating material.

If you correctly complete the drawing, taking into account all the necessary building materials, this will avoid unreasonable financial costs. If desired, using the many available ready-made construction schemes, you can design your own version.

A drawing of a gazebo for giving a square shape made of wood with a gable roof should be done with a frontal and profile projection of the object. The foundation is displayed as a separate diagram indicating the depth of the supports, the distance between them. The size of the structure has a significant impact on the last parameter.

To make the construction work more convenient to implement, detailed diagrams of individual technical units are attached to the main diagram.

The drawing of the parts associated with a gable roof should display the truss system, which indicates how the top trim should be fixed, taking into account the step between the rafters. Once all the schemes and the main drawing are ready, you can start building with your own hands.

Gazebo drawing: dimensions 3 x 3, material - profile pipe

Preparation of the site for the foundation and its pouring

Initially, the construction site should be prepared. After appropriate marking (a good option is 3x3 m), the turf is removed from it along with the fertile layer. This must be done in order to prevent the decay of organic residues (grass, roots). Crushed stone, screenings, construction waste are poured into sandy soil, followed by tamping. If the soil is clayey, the pit is filled with soil, after which it is rammed.

This preparation will effectively prevent the accumulation of water in the base, since its appearance causes an unpleasant odor.

Large flat stones are also poured into the foundation pit under the foundation. Then the solution is poured, leveling it with a rule. The finished hardened foundation should be isolated by covering it with roofing material.

To install the frame, prepare four beams. Their size should be approximately 100x100 mm. Previously, they must be subject to anti-corrosion treatment. Then they are laid horizontally and connected to each other in half a tree.

Installation of strapping and frame

This design is the bottom strapping, holding the entire frame of wood. The material for it must be dry. Then the supports are installed on the strapping. It is advisable to put two additional ones at the entrance to the gazebo itself for giving.

Between themselves, they are connected by horizontal jumpers. Subsequently, these jumpers act as railings. Four more beams are laid on top of the supports, the size of which is similar to the size of the lower elements. They are attached to each other in the same way.

As a result of the work carried out, the structure is given additional rigidity. The upper bars are used already for the installation of the roof.

To give the supports additional stability, braces are attached to them at the bottom at an angle of 45 degrees.

The frame of the structure provides for a wooden floor. So that it does not bend, lay logs. The distance between them is 500–600 mm. Moreover, they should be 230 - 300 mm away from the walls. Wooden flooring is laid on logs without a gap from boards 40 mm thick.

Floor laying and installation of the top trim

Details of the truss system

Equally important is the construction of rafters. The rafters in it are hanging or inclined. Most often, in gazebos for summer cottages, they choose the option with hanging rafters. The dimensions of the building allow this to be done. In addition, there is no need to build additional supports.

For the arrangement of the truss system, the following components will be required:

  • Rafter. They can be installed one by one. An alternative method involves assembling them into a truss truss. After that, the frame is lifted and fixed on the roof.
  • Support beam - Mauerlat. Performs the function of supporting the lower part of the rafters.
  • Run, stand, lie down. Used for sloped rafters. Rarely used for country arbors. These elements, as a rule, rely on other components of the roofing system.
  • Puff. Serves to give the system greater strength.
  • Brace, headstock and crossbar. These components are used with hanging rafters. The need to use each element is due to the size of the span of the structure.

Roof system installation

When starting work on the installation of rafters, it is very important to correctly determine their size. Determine how far they should be from each other. With a length of 3 meters, a section of 50x150 mm will be the most acceptable option.

The distance between the rafters can be determined from a special table. Very important factors are the angle of inclination of the roof and the weight of the roofing material. If the weight is large, it is better to reduce the distance between the rafters. The frame of the entire system under a gable roof will be more durable from this.

The installation itself is carried out in stages. The drawing drawn up earlier will help with this. Initially, the truss frame is installed. It will be advisable to collect it at the bottom. To make the work faster and easier, they initially prepare a template. Subsequently, the finished frame rises up, attached to the Mauerlat.

Then proceed to the installation of the crate. It can be either continuous or sparse. Solid rational to use in the case of a soft roof. The use of sheet materials involves the use of a sparse crate.

Roof truss installation

The next step is the arrangement of the lining carpet. With a soft roof, moisture-resistant plywood can serve as a material. At this stage, the cornice strips are attached.

The finish coat is equipped according to the instructions of its manufacturer. The order and rules of work may vary. It depends on the chosen roofing deck.

The final step is the installation of the ridge and end strips. These elements are easy to make with your own hands. After that, it is desirable to treat the entire frame of the shelter with a tinted protective impregnation. Its color can be chosen, taking into account the design features.

A gazebo made in this way for a summer residence will delight the owners and their guests on warm summer evenings for many years.

Book a gazebo for professionals

Don't have time to build your own? Please contact the following organizations.

Construction companies

Any construction work should begin with planning, and the construction of a garden gazebo or gazebo is by no means an exception. Of course, the easiest way is to order a project of a rectangular gazebo to professional engineers, but if you have certain skills in construction work, you can cope with the task on your own. Moreover, there is nothing particularly complicated in the design, which means that we only have to accurately maintain the dimensions.

General design scheme

Arbor design


Before we start building a drawing of a rectangular gazebo, we need to determine its dimensions:

  • Firstly, the building should fit on our site, and at the same time not interfere with the movement. Ideally, the gazebo should be located at a distance from residential and outbuildings - this approach will provide optimal conditions for a comfortable stay.

Standard size option

  • Secondly, inside should be spacious enough. If we are talking about rectangular models, then they are initially planned as canopies for a fairly large number of people. At a minimum, your entire family should be accommodated comfortably there.
  • Ideally, the width of such a structure should be from 2.5 to 3.5 m, and the length - from 4.5 to 6 m. If we make it smaller, it will be cramped, and a structure with large dimensions will look cumbersome.

Note! If you plan to install a hearth or a barbecue, then in this case it is necessary to lay a platform of approximately 2x3 m in one of the ends. This reserve is necessary so that the smoke and heat from the coals do not interfere with rest.

The selected dimensions can be adjusted in the process of building a detailed plan. Naturally, this must be done in such a way that the overall dimensions do not “crawl out” beyond the area allotted for the construction on the site.

Pagoda gazebo project

When you have decided on the dimensions, you can take on a ruler or a special computer program. In any case, the principles by which we will build, remain unchanged.

Related articles:

  • Gazebo projects
  • Drawings of gazebos for giving with dimensions
  • Projects of gazebos for summer cottages

Building a base drawing

You need to start designing by building a foundation diagram.

As an example, we will take a columnar foundation made of concrete blocks 250x250 mm:

Foundation plan

  • On a sheet of paper (it is advisable to use graph paper - it will be much easier for a beginner to avoid mistakes) we draw the outline of the structure in accordance with the selected dimensions.
  • On the drawing we impose axial lines passing through the middle of the long and short sides.
  • Focusing on the position of the center lines, we mark the places where the installation of the foundation elements will be carried out

The device and appearance of the base

  • Supports must be evenly spaced. For example, for an option with a width of 3.4 and a length of 5 m, the optimal step between concrete columns will be 1.4 m, as shown in the diagram.

Note! Based on the fact that we will mount supports 250x250 mm, the step between the centers of their sockets during installation will need to be 1500-1550 mm.

  • Next, we need to draw the strapping. Using the previous scheme, and better - making a copy of it, we put on paper the image of the bars. As a strapping, it is best to use a wooden beam with a section of 150x150 mm or a board of 50x150 mm, which should be reflected in the drawing.
  • It is also necessary to schematically depict the design of the junction of the racks to the base, including fasteners and a waterproofing layer of roofing material or a waterproof membrane.

Rack mount

  • In conclusion, we separately draw the floor device. As a rule, in arbors of this type, one layer of massive floorboards laid on logs is sufficient.

Separately, you should consider the situation with the installation of a stationary stove or barbecue. If the mass of these devices is large, then the floor made using conventional technology may not withstand. That is why it is worth pouring a separate foundation under the furnace, marking it on the drawing.

Related articles:

  • Barbecue gazebo project: dimensional drawings
  • Arbor 3x3 do-it-yourself: drawings and dimensions
  • Arbor projects: drawings and photos

Development of frame details

When the base scheme is ready, you can proceed to the construction of the frame. In most cases, drawings of a rectangular arbor are built in several projections (long view and short side view), which allows you to get an idea of ​​​​the general view of the finished structure.

To begin with, as in the case of the base, we draw the general contours of the structure. Here you need to choose the right height.

The optimal settings are:

  • From ground zero to the ridge -4 - 4.5 m.
  • From ground level to ceiling - 2.8 - 3m.
  • From floor to ceiling -2.3-2.5m.
  • Plinth - up to 0.5 m.

Lateral projection with elevation mark

Having marked these heights on the diagram, we proceed to the image of individual elements:

  • First of all, we make a drawing of the racks, making sure that their placement coincides with the placement of the foundation supports.
  • Then we connect the racks with the upper strapping, if necessary, depicting the ceiling deck.
  • Between the racks we apply schematic images of fences. The fences themselves should be built on a separate sheet on a larger scale.

Rafter attachment scheme

  • At the top of the diagram, we draw rafters connected to a ridge beam. To facilitate the design, you can also make a drawing showing the top projection of the placement of the rafters - so it will be easier for us to navigate during installation.

Advice! As in the case of the junction with the foundation, we draw the place of attachment of the rafters to the upper harness separately.

  • At the final stage of work, we apply finishing elements to the scheme: handles, stairs, decorative details, etc. They must be placed in such a way that they do not reduce the performance of the structure itself.

As we noted above, this instruction can also be implemented through computer programs. Naturally, their use requires practice, but in the end, in addition to the drawing, we can get a three-dimensional model of the future gazebo, and imagine what your site will look like with this new building.

Materials and technologies

What are we made of

When building drawings with your own hands, you need to constantly keep in mind what materials we have available for work. And it is precisely on this basis that specific dimensions should be applied to the diagram.

For example, to build the gazebo described in the example, we will need:

  • Concrete supports 250x250 mm, about 1 m high.
  • Racks made of timber 150x150 mm, about 2.5 m high.
  • Boards or bars for strapping (50x150 mm, length from 3.5 to 6 m).
  • Ceiling beams (50x150 mm, length - 3.5 - 5.5 m).
  • Rafters (40x120 mm).
  • Ridge timber (50x150 mm, 2000 mm long).
  • Boards for flooring (40x100 mm).

The range of used lumber is very extensive.

We will also need:

  • Fencing elements (polycarbonate sheets on a frame, wooden lattice panels, etc.).
  • Boards for lathing and sheathing.
  • Casing boxes for window structures (if any are provided for by the project).
  • Fasteners.
  • Roofing material.

The decisive factors in choosing these parts are your preferences, as well as the availability and price of certain materials in your area.