
Sp 40 101 96 design and installation of pipelines made of polypropylene. Ministry of Construction of the Russian Federation

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Introduction date 1996-09-04


1. DEVELOPED by CJSC NPO Stroypolimer and leading specialists of research and design organizations in the field of design and installation of pipelines made of polymer materials.

INTRODUCED by the Main Directorate of Standardization, Technical Regulation and Certification of the Ministry of Construction of Russia.


The set of rules for the design and installation of pipelines made of polypropylene "Random copolymer" contains recommended additions to the current regulatory documents: SNiP 2.04.01-85, SNiP 3.05.01-85, SN-478-80, SN-550-82, etc.
When developing the Code of Practice, the results of certification tests of PPRC pipes, the experience of their use in the installation of water supply systems in the Russian Federation, the provisions of foreign standards, materials and technical documentation of the Pipeline corporation, etc. were used.
Pipes and connecting parts have a certificate of conformity No. GOST P RU.9001.1.3.0010-16 issued by the Ministry of Construction of Russia, and a hygiene certificate No. 11-9660 dated 12/28/94 issued by the Moscow Center for State Sanitary and Epidemiological Surveillance of the State Committee for Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision of the Russian Federation.
The set of rules has been agreed with the SantekhNIIproekt GPC, NIISantehniki, NIIMosstroy, Mosproekt JSC, MNIITEP, UMESTR, Glavmosstroy.
With the expansion of the scope of pipes, fittings, etc. necessary provisions and additions will be made to it.
The following persons took part in the development of this Code of Rules: G.M. Khorin, V.A. Glukharev, V.A. Ustyugov, L.D. Pavlov, Yu.I. Arzamastsev, A.V. Polyakov, V.S. Romeiko, Yu.N. Sargin, A.V. Sladkov.
Comments and proposals for improving the Code of Rules should be sent to NPO "Stroypolimer".

1 area of ​​use

1.1. Pipes and fittings made of polypropylene "Random copolymer" (trade name PPRC) are intended for installation of pipelines of cold and hot water supply systems and process pipelines. This Code of Practice describes the design and installation of PPRC piping systems with specific properties.
1.2. Do not use PPRC pipes for separate fire water supply systems.
1.3. The service life of pipelines made of PPRC in cold water supply systems is at least 50 years, in hot water supply systems (at a temperature not exceeding 75 C) at least 25 years. The service life of process pipelines made of PPRC depends on the chemical composition of the transported medium, its temperature, pressure and is determined by the project.
1.4. When designing and installing the pipeline systems specified in clause 1.1, the requirements of the current regulatory documents (SNiP 2.04.01-85, SNiP 3.05.01-85, SN 478-80, SN 550-82, etc.)
1.5. The main physical and mechanical properties of pipes and fittings made of PPRC at a temperature of +20 C are given in Table. 1.1, and chemical resistance - in app. 1.

Table 1.1

Name Method of measurement Unit of measurement Value
Density ISO R 1183 GOST 15139-69 g/cm3 >0.9
Melting point GOST 21553-76 °C >146
Average coefficient of linear thermal expansion GOST 15173-70 °C 1 1.5 10-1
Tensile yield strength ISO/R527 GOST 11262-80 N/mm2 22-23
Tensile strength ISO/R527 GOST 11262-80 N/mm2 34-35
Elongation at break ISO/R527 GOST 11262-80 % >500
Thermal conductivity DIN 52612 W/m C 0.23
Specific heat capacity GOST 23630.1-79 kJ/kg C 1.73

1.6. When liquid freezes in PPRC pipes, they do not collapse, but increase in diameter and, when thawed, regain their previous size.
1.7. Types of PPRC pipes are listed in Table. 1.2.
1.8. The dimensions and weight of the pipes are given in table. 1.3.

Table 1.2

Pipe type Nominal pressure, MPa (kgf/cm2)
PN10 1.0 (10)
PN20 2.0 (20)

1. Nominal pressure - constant internal water pressure at 20 C, which the pipes can withstand for at least 50 years.
2. The working pressure in the pipeline when transporting water, depending on its temperature, service life and type of pipe, is given in App. 2.
3. The choice of pipe type from PPRC for pipelines is determined by the project.

Table 1.3

Dimensions and weight of PPRC pipes
(according to DIN 8077)


SP 40-101-96



Design and layout of “Random copolymer”
polypropylene pipelines

Introduction date 1996-09-04


1. DEVELOPED CJSC "NPO Stroypolimer" and leading specialists of research and design organizations in the field of design and installation of pipelines made of polymeric materials.

INTRODUCED Main Directorate of Standardization, Technical Regulation and Certification of the Ministry of Construction of Russia.


The set of rules for the design and installation of pipelines made of polypropylene "Random copolymer" contains recommended additions to the current regulatory documents: SNiP 2.04.01-85, SNiP 3.05.01-85, SN-478-80, SN-550-82, etc.

When developing the Code of Practice, the results of certification tests of PPRC pipes, the experience of their use in the installation of water supply systems in the Russian Federation, the provisions of foreign standards, materials and technical documentation of the Pipeline corporation, etc. were used.

Pipes and connecting parts have a certificate of conformity No. GOST P RU.9001.1.3.0010-16 issued by the Ministry of Construction of Russia, and a hygiene certificate No. 11-9660 dated 12/28/94 issued by the Moscow Center for State Sanitary and Epidemiological Surveillance of the State Committee for Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision of the Russian Federation.

The set of rules has been agreed with the SantekhNIIproekt GPC, NIISantehniki, NIIMosstroy, Mosproekt JSC, MNIITEP, UMESTR, Glavmosstroy.

With the expansion of the scope of pipes, fittings, etc. necessary provisions and additions will be made to it.

The following persons took part in the development of this Code of Rules: G.M. Khorin, V.A. Glukharev, V.A. Ustyugov, L.D. Pavlov, Yu.I. Arzamastsev, A.V. Polyakov, V.S. Romeiko, Yu.N. Sargin, A.V. Sladkov.

Comments and proposals for improving the Code of Rules should be sent to NPO "Stroypolimer".

The system of regulatory documents in construction

Code of Practice for Design and Construction

polypropylene pipelines
"Random copolymer"

SP 40-101-96

Ministry of Construction of the Russian Federation

(Ministry of Construction of Russia)



1. Developed by CJSC NPO Stroypolimer and leading specialists of research and design organizations in the field of design and installation of pipelines made of polymer materials.

Introduced by the Main Directorate of Standardization, Technical Regulation and Certification of the Ministry of Construction of Russia.


The set of rules for the design and installation of pipelines made of polypropylene "Random copolymer" contains recommended additions to the current regulatory documents: SNiP 2.04.01-85, SNiP 3.05.01-85, SN 478-80, SN 550-82, etc.

When developing the Code of Practice, the results of certification tests of PPRC pipes, the experience of their use in the installation of water supply systems in the Russian Federation, the provisions of foreign standards, materials and technical documentation of the "Pipe life" corporation, etc. were used.

Pipes and connecting parts have a certificate of conformity No. GOST P RU.9001.1.3.0010-16 issued by the Ministry of Construction of Russia, and a Hygienic Certificate No. 11-9660 of December 28, 1994 issued by the Moscow Center for State Sanitary and Epidemiological Surveillance of the State Committee for Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision of the Russian Federation.

The instruction has been approved by GIC SantekhNIIproekt, NIISantekhnika, NIIMosstroy, AO Mosproekt, MNIITEP, UMESTR, Glavmosstroy.

With the expansion of the scope of pipes, fittings, etc. necessary provisions and additions will be made to it.

The following persons took part in the development of this Code of Rules: G.M. Khorin, V.A. Glukharev, V.A. Ustyugov, L.D. Pavlov, Yu.I. Arzamastsev, A.V. Polyakov, V.S. Romeiko, Yu.N. Sargin, A.V. Sladkov.



Code of Practice for the Design and Installation of Pipelines
polypropylene "Random copolymer"

Design and instruction from polipropilene “Random copolymer”

introduction date 1996-09-04

1 area of ​​use

1.1. Pipes and fittings made of polypropylene "Random copolymer" (trade name PPRC) are intended for installation of pipelines of cold and hot water supply systems and process pipelines. This Code of Practice describes the design and installation of PPRC piping systems with specific properties.

1.2. Do not use PPRC pipes for separate fire water supply systems.

1.3. The service life of PPRC pipelines in cold water supply systems is at least 50 years, in hot water supply systems (at a temperature not exceeding 70 ° C) at least 30 years. The service life of process pipelines made of PPRC depends on the chemical composition of the transported medium, its temperature, pressure and is determined by the project.

1.4. When designing and installing the pipeline systems specified in paragraph 1.1, the requirements of the current regulatory documents SNiP 2.04.01-85, SNiP 3.05.01-85, SN 478-80, SN 550-82, etc.)

1.5. The main physical and mechanical properties of PPRC pipes and fittings at a temperature of +20 °C are given in Table. 1.1, and chemical resistance - in Appendix 1.

Table 1.1


Measurement technique




Melting temperature

Average coefficient of linear thermal expansion

Tensile yield strength

Tensile Strength

Elongation at break

Thermal conductivity

Specific heat

kJ/kg °С

1.6. When liquid freezes in PPRC pipes, they do not collapse, but increase in diameter and, when thawed, regain their previous size.

1.7. Types of PPRC pipes are listed in Table. 1.2.

1.8. The dimensions and weight of the pipes are given in table. 1.3 and the range of pipes, fittings and fasteners in Appendix 3.

Table 1.2


1. Nominal pressure - constant internal pressure of water at 20 ° C, which the pipes can withstand for at least 50 years.

2. The working pressure in the pipeline when transporting water, depending on its temperature, service life and pipe type, is given in the Appendix. 2.

3. The choice of pipe type from PPRC for pipelines is determined by the project.

Table 1.3

Dimensions and weight of PPRC pipes
(according to DIN 8077)

Wall thickness, mm, and theoretical mass of 1 lin. m of pipe

outer pipe PPRC, mm

conditional pass

Rated value


nominal value


weight, kg

nominal value


weight, kg


The symbol for pipes consists of the words: PPRC pipe, outer diameter size and pipe type.

An example of a symbol for a PPRC pipe for a pressure of 20 kgf / cm 2 with an outer diameter of 32 mm: PPRC 32PN20 pipe.

1.9. PPRC pipes are supplied in lengths up to 4 m.

2. Piping design

2.1. The design of pipeline systems is associated with the choice of the type of pipes, fittings and fittings, the performance of a hydraulic calculation, the choice of a laying method and conditions that provide compensation for thermal changes in the length of the pipe without overstressing the material and pipeline connections. The choice of pipe type is made taking into account the operating conditions of the pipeline: pressure and temperature, the required service life and the aggressiveness of the transported liquid. When transporting aggressive liquids, the coefficients of the pipeline operating conditions should be applied according to Table. 5 of CH 550-82.

2.2. The assortment of pipes, fittings and fittings is given in Appendix 3.

2.3. Hydraulic calculation of pipelines from PPRC consists in determining the pressure loss to overcome the hydraulic resistance that occurs in the pipe, in butt joints and fittings, in places of sharp turns and changes in the diameter of the pipeline.

2.4. Hydraulic pressure losses in pipes are determined from the nomograms in Fig. 2.1. and 2.2.

Consumption, l / sec.

Friction head loss, mm/m

Rice. 2.1. Nomogram for engineering hydraulic calculation of cold water pipes from PPRC pipes (PN10)

Definition example

Given: PPRC 32PN10 pipe,

fluid flow rate 1 l/sec.

According to the nomogram: average fluid flow velocity 1.84 m/s, head loss 140 mm/m

Consumption, l / sec.

Friction head loss, mm/m

Rice. 2.2. Nomogram for engineering hydraulic calculation of cold water pipes from PPRC pipes (PN20)

Definition example

Given: PPRC50 PN20 pipe,

fluid flow 1 l/s

According to the nomogram: average fluid flow velocity 1.1 m/s, head loss 45 mm/m

2.5. Hydraulic head loss in butt joints can be taken equal to 10 - 15% of the head loss in pipes, determined by the nomogram. For internal plumbing systems, the value of pressure loss due to local resistances, in fittings and fittings, is recommended to be taken equal to 30% of the pressure loss in pipes.

2.6. Pipelines in buildings are laid on suspensions, supports and brackets openly or hidden (inside mines, building structures, furrows, in channels). Hidden laying of pipelines is necessary to ensure the protection of plastic pipes from mechanical damage.

2.7. Pipelines outside buildings (inter-shop or outdoor) are laid on overpasses and supports (in heated or unheated ducts and galleries or without them), in channels (through or without passage) and in the ground (channelless laying).

2.8. It is forbidden to lay technological pipelines from PPRC in premises belonging to fire hazard categories "A", "B", "C".

2.9. It is not allowed to lay intrashop technological pipelines from plastic pipes through administrative, amenity and utility rooms, electrical installation rooms, control and automation system panels, stairwells, corridors, etc. In places of possible mechanical damage to the pipeline, only hidden laying in furrows, channels and mines should be used.

2.10. Thermal insulation of water supply pipelines is carried out in accordance with the requirements of SNiP 2.04.14-88 (section 3).

2.11. The change in the length of pipelines from PPRC with a temperature difference is determined by the formula

DL = 0.15´L´Dt (2.1)

where DL is the temperature of the change in the length of the pipe, mm;

0.15 - coefficient of linear expansion of the pipe material, mm/m;

L - pipeline length, m;

Dt is the calculated temperature difference (between the temperature of installation and operation), °C.

2.12. The magnitude of temperature changes in the length of the pipe can also be determined from the nomogram in Fig. 2.3.

Temperature Dt °C

Change in pipe length DL, mm

2.13. The pipeline must be able to freely lengthen or shorten without overstressing the material of pipes, fittings and pipeline connections. This is achieved due to the compensating ability of the pipeline elements (self-compensation) and is ensured by the correct arrangement of supports (fasteners), the presence of bends in the pipeline at the points of rotation, other bent elements and the installation of temperature compensators. Fixed pipe fixings must guide pipe extensions towards these elements.

2.14. The distance between the supports for horizontal laying of the pipeline is determined from the table. 2.1.

Table 2.1

Distance between supports depending on the temperature of the water in the pipeline

Rated outdoor

pipe diameter, mm

Distance, mm

2.15. When designing vertical pipelines, supports are installed at least every 1000 mm for pipes with an outer diameter of up to 32 mm and at least every 1500 mm for large diameter pipes.

2.16. Compensating devices are made in the form of L-shaped elements (Fig. 2.4), U-shaped (Fig. 2.5) and loop-shaped (circular) compensators (Fig. 2.6).

Rice. 2.4. L-shaped element of the pipeline

Rice. 2.5. U-shaped compensator

Rice. 2.6. Loop compensator

2.17. The calculation of the compensating capacity of L-shaped elements (Fig. 2.4) and U-shaped compensators (Fig. 2.5) is made according to the nomogram (Fig. 2.7) or according to the empirical formula (2.2)


where L k is the length of the section of the L-shaped element that perceives temperature changes in the length of the pipeline, mm;

d - outer diameter of the pipe, mm;

DL - temperature changes in the length of the pipe, mm.

The value of L k can also be determined from the nomogram (Fig. 2.7).

Rice. 2.7. Nomogram for determining the length of a pipe section that perceives thermal elongation

2.18. It is recommended to design internal piping systems in the following sequence:

On the piping diagram, the locations of the fixed supports are preliminarily marked, taking into account the compensation for temperature changes in the length of the pipes by the pipeline elements (bends, etc.);

Check the calculation of the compensating ability of the elements of the pipeline between the fixed supports;

Outline the location of the sliding supports, indicating the distances between them.

2.19. Fixed supports must be placed so that the temperature changes in the length of the pipeline section between them do not exceed the compensating capacity of the bends and compensators located in this section, and are distributed in proportion to their compensating capacity.

2.20. In cases where temperature changes in the length of the pipeline section exceed the compensating capacity of its elements, it is necessary to install an additional compensator on it.

2.21. Compensators are installed on the pipeline, as a rule, in the middle, between fixed supports dividing the pipeline into sections, the temperature deformation of which occurs independently of each other. Compensation for linear elongations of PPRC pipes can also be provided by preliminary deflection of pipes when laying them in the form of a "snake" on a solid support, the width of which allows the pipeline deflection shape to change with temperature changes.

2.22. When arranging fixed supports, it should be taken into account that the movement of the pipe in a plane perpendicular to the wall is limited by the distance from the surface of the pipe to the wall (Fig. 2.4). The distance from fixed connections to the axes of the tees must be at least six pipeline diameters.

2.23. Shut-off and water fittings must be fixed to the building structures so that the forces arising from the use of the fittings are not transferred to the PPRC pipes.

2.24. When laying several pipelines made of plastic pipes in one room, they should be laid together in compact bundles on common supports or hangers. Pipelines at the intersection of building foundations, ceilings and partitions must pass through sleeves made, as a rule, of steel pipes, the ends of which must protrude 20–50 mm from the crossed surface. The gap between the pipelines and cases must be at least 10 - 20 mm and carefully sealed with fireproof material that allows the pipelines to move along its longitudinal axis.

2.25. When laying in parallel, PPRC pipes must be located below the heating and hot water pipes with a clear distance of at least 100 mm between them.

2.26. The design of means for protecting plastic pipelines from static electricity is provided in the following cases:

The negative impact of static electricity on the technological process and the quality of transported substances;

Dangerous effects of static electricity on service personnel.

When designing and operating such pipelines, the provisions must be met.

2.27. To ensure the service life of hot water pipelines from PPRC pipes for at least 25 years, it is necessary to maintain the recommended operating modes (pressure, water temperature) specified in appendix. 2.

2.28. Taking into account the dielectric properties of PPRC pipes, metal bathtubs and sinks must be earthed in accordance with the relevant requirements of current regulations.

3. Transportation and storage of pipes

3.1. Transportation, loading and unloading of polypropylene pipes should be carried out at an outside air temperature of at least minus 10 °C. Their transportation at temperatures down to minus 20 °C is allowed only with the use of special devices that ensure the fixation of pipes, as well as taking special precautions.

3.2. Pipes and fittings must be protected from impacts and mechanical loads, and their surfaces from scratches. When transporting PPRC pipes, they must be laid on a flat surface of vehicles, protecting them from sharp metal corners and platform edges.

3.3. Pipes and fittings made of PPRC, delivered to the site in winter, must be pre-conditioned at a positive temperature for at least 2 hours before they are used in buildings.

3.4. Pipes should be stored on racks in closed rooms or under a canopy. The stack height should not exceed 2 m. Pipes and fittings should be stored no closer than 1 m from heating devices.

4. Installation of pipelines

4.1. Installation of pipelines is carried out using pipes, fittings, fasteners and fittings given in Appendix 3.

4.2. The connection of plastic pipelines with metal ones should be made using combined parts (Appendix 3).

4.3. The dimensions of the supports must correspond to the diameters of the pipelines. For fastening a plastic pipeline, you can also use supports made according to the type series 4.900-9 (developer by GIC SantekhNIIproekt).

4.5. The design of the sliding support must ensure the movement of the pipe in the axial direction. The design of the fixed bearings can be done by installing two couplings next to the sliding bearing, or a coupling and a tee. Fixed fastening of the pipeline on the support by compressing the pipeline is not allowed.

4.6. When the pipeline passes through walls and partitions, its free movement must be ensured (installation of sleeves, etc.). With hidden laying of pipelines in the wall or floor structure, the possibility of thermal elongation of the pipes must be provided.

4.7. For water supply systems operated only in the warm season, it is allowed to lay pipes above the depth of soil freezing. For year-round systems, underground piping should be done as required. In order to prevent the destruction of the pipeline when the temperature changes, when laying it in the ground, it is recommended to lay it using the "snake" method.

Rice. 4.1. Types of supports

4.6. When the pipeline passes through walls and partitions, its free movement must be ensured (installation of sleeves, wrapping with parchment or roofing felt, etc.). With hidden laying of pipelines in the wall or floor structure, the possibility of thermal elongation of the pipes must be provided.

4.7. For water supply systems operated only in the warm season, it is allowed to lay pipes above the depth of soil freezing. For year-round operation systems, laying pipelines in the ground should be carried out taking into account the requirements of SNiP 2.04.02-84. In order to prevent the destruction of the pipeline when the temperature changes, when laying it in the ground, it is recommended to lay it using the "snake" method.

4.8. The applied force when connecting metal pipes with threaded embedded elements of PPRC fittings should not cause destruction of the latter.

4.9. Piping of PPRC pipes must not be adjacent to the wall. The clear distance between pipes and building structures must be at least 20 mm or determined by the design of the support.

5. Pipe connection

5.1. The main ways of connecting pipes from PPRC during installation are:

Contact welding into the socket;

Threaded connection with metal pipelines;

Connection with union nut;

Loose flange connection.

5.2. Contact welding into the socket is carried out using a heating device (welding machine), consisting of a sleeve for melting the outer surface of the end of the pipe and a mandrel for melting the inner surface of the socket of the fitting or valve body (Fig. 5.1).

Rice. 5.1. The sequence of the process of resistance welding in the socket of the pipe and coupling made of PPRC.

1 - clutch; 2 - mandrel of the heating device; 3 - sleeve of the heating device; 4 - mark on the outer surface of the end of the pipe; 5 - restrictive collar; 6 - pipe; 7 - weld.

5.3. Contact socket welding includes the following operations:

On the welding machine (see Appendix 3), install replaceable heaters of the required size;

Connect the welding machine to the mains, the operating temperature on the surface of the replaceable heaters (+260 °C) is set automatically. The signal that the welding machine is ready for operation is the turning off of the signal light;

At the end of the pipe, chamfer at an angle of 30 °;

Before welding, clean the end of the pipe and the socket of the connecting part from dust and dirt and degrease it;

Apply a mark on the pipe (or install a restrictive clamp) at a distance from the end of the pipe to the mark (or to the edge of the clamp) equal to the depth of the socket of the connecting part plus 2 mm. The distance from the end of the pipe to the mark for various diameters is given in Table 5.1.

Table 5.1

Pipe outer diameter, mm

Distance to the mark, mm

Push the socket of the part to be welded onto the mandrel of the welding machine, and insert the end into the sleeve up to the mark (up to the restrictive collar);

Maintain the heating time (see Table 5.2), then remove the pipe and connecting piece from the heaters, connect to each other and cool naturally.

Table 5.2.

Pipe diameter, mm

Heating time, s

Technological pause no more than, s

Cooling time, min.

After each welding, it is necessary to clean the working surfaces of the mandrel and the sleeve of the heating device from adhering material.

5.4. The time of technological welding operations is given in Table. 5.2 (at an outside air temperature of +20 °С).

5.5. When performing the technological operation "heating", the deviation of the axial line of the pipe from the axial line of the heating device by more than 5 ° is not allowed (Fig. 5.2). For pipe diameters over 32 mm, if the length of the pipe section is more than 2 m, it is necessary to use additional supports to ensure the alignment of the pipe and the heating device.

5.6. During cooling, it is forbidden to make any mechanical impact on the pipe or connecting part after mating their melted surfaces in order to more accurately install.

5.7. The appearance of welded joints must meet the following requirements:

The deviation between the center lines of the pipe and the fitting at the junction should not exceed 5°;

The outer surface of the connecting part welded to the pipe must not have cracks, wrinkles or other defects caused by overheating of the parts;

At the edge of the socket of the connecting part welded to the pipe, a continuous (along the entire circumference) bead of melted material should be visible, slightly protruding beyond the end surface of the connecting part.

5.8. Contact welding of polypropylene pipes and pipeline parts should be carried out at an ambient temperature of at least 0 °C. The place of welding should be protected from precipitation and dust.

5.9. The connection on free flanges (Fig. 5.3) is carried out using bushings with a shoulder (Appendix 3), welded by resistance welding to the ends of the pipes, and installing freely rotating flanges on them.

Rice. 5.3. Connection of PPRC pipes on loose flanges

1 - bushing with collar;

2 - flange;

3 - metal washer;

4 - metal bolt;

5 - gasket;

6 - weld

5.10. When welding PPRC pipes with a diameter greater than 40 mm, centering devices should be used.

5.11. To obtain detachable connections of pipes from PPRC with metal pipes or fittings, a connection with a union nut is used (Fig. 5.4).

Rice. 5.4. union nut connection

1 - PPRC pipe;

2 - detail from PPRC;

3 - metal union nut;

4 - threaded part;

5 - gasket;

6 - weld

5.12. Part 2 is socket welded to the PPRC pipe (points 5.2 and 5.3).

5.13. When connecting metal pipes with threaded fittings made of PPRC, sealing is carried out with fluoroplastic tape (FUM) or other sealing material.

6. Piping testing

6.1. The pipeline should be tested at a positive temperature and not earlier than 16 hours after welding of the last joint.

6.2. The design pressure in the pipeline and the test time should be set in accordance with SNiP 3.05.01-85.

6.3. Upon completion of the tests, the pipeline is flushed with water for 3 hours.

7. Safety requirements

7.1. Upon contact with an open fire, the pipe material burns with a smoky flame with the formation of a melt and the release of carbon dioxide, water vapor, unsaturated hydrocarbons and gaseous products.

7.2. Welding of pipe fittings should be carried out in a ventilated area.

7.3. When working with a welding machine, you must follow the rules for working with power tools.

8.1. SNiP 2.04.01-85 Internal water supply and sewerage of buildings.

8.2. SNiP 2.04.02-84 Water supply. External networks and structures.

8.3. SNiP 3.05.01-85 Internal sanitary systems.

8.4. SNiP 2.04.14-88 Thermal insulation of equipment and pipelines.

8.5. SNiP 3.02.01-85 Internal sanitary systems.

8.6. SN 478-80 Instructions for the design and installation of water supply and sewerage networks from plastic pipes.

8.7. SN 550-82 Instructions for the design of technological pipelines from plastic pipes.

8.8. GOST 15139-69 Plastics. Methods for determining density (bulk mass).

8.9. GOST 21553-76 Plastics. Melting point determination method.

8.10. GOST 15173-70 Plastics. Method for determining the average coefficient of linear thermal expansion.

8.11. GOST 11262-80 Plastics. Tensile test method.

8.12. GOST 23630.1-79 Plastics. Method for determining heat capacity.

Annex 1

Chemical resistance of PPRC pipes and fittings
according to DIN 8078)


- conditionally resistant;

Not resistant;

Insufficient information.

The following symbols describe chemical concentrations:

VL: concentration less than 10%;

L: concentration over 10%;

GL: complete solubility at 20°C;

H: commercial valuation;

TR: technically clean.


Annex 2

Permissible operating pressure for water transportation depending on temperature and service life (according to DIN8077A1 and NIIMosstroy)

temperature, °C

service life, years

working pressure, MPa

Pipe type

Annex 3
Assortment of pipes and fittings made of polypropylene PPRC

The dimensions in the tables are in millimeters.

G ”- indicates the size in inches

Pipe PN10 (for cold water)

Pipe PN 20 (for hot, cold water)

Reinforced pipe

Reducing coupling

Elbow combo (external thread)


Reducer tee

Combined tee (female thread)

Split tee (female thread)

Combined tee (external thread)

Elbow combi-ny, with fastening (internal cut.)

Combined coupling (female thread)

Combined coupling (external thread)

Detachable combo coupling (female thread)