
Review and description of the best types and varieties of peach. Peach - a complete description of the fruit with a photo The healing properties of peach or peach - an antidepressant

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Peach (Persian plum) is a relative of the almond tree. All peach varieties belong to the Rose family. Most of them reach 8 m in height and occupy the first place in industrial breeding and cultivation. The fruits of peach trees are among the honorary three of the most delicious in the world, along with mangoes and oranges. For the most part, Persica vulgaris is a thermophilic plant, so it needs special conditions and proper care.

Description: all representatives of culture can be divided into 4 specific species categories:

  1. Common peach - trees with rose-shaped or bell-shaped flowers and pubescent fruits;
  2. Potanin's Peach, he is Potanin's Almond;
  3. Fig peach - a plant with flattened pubescent fruits;
  4. Nectarine - a tree with glossy fruits, devoid of pubescent cover.

All species differ among themselves in the conditions necessary for their high-quality cultivation. But at the same time, they can suffer from the same diseases and pests, which bring a lot of trouble to agronomists and breeders.

Peach Varieties Resistant to Curl

Until now, many gardeners are tormented by the question: are there varieties of peaches that are resistant to curl? Pear and apple trees have long developed immunity to scab, and peach trees still have to be sprayed to get rid of pests and diseases. And if it’s easy enough to remove aphids with special means, then it’s much more difficult to cope with the “heat deficiency disease”.

A few years ago, peach trees were saved from curliness by warming the root system. Unfortunately, this method is far from ideal. Plants continue to suffer, but a little weaker and less frequently. Varieties resistant to such an ailment became a way out of the situation:

  • "Red Haven"
  • "Harow Diamond"
  • "Volcano"
  • "Big Honey", etc.

But even this seemingly ideal option has its drawbacks. The yield of curly-resistant peaches does not exceed 12 kg per season. It is much more profitable to plant winter-hardy varieties and spray them with Strobi, Horus, Skor, which prevent illness.

Frost-resistant varieties of peach and nectarine

Since the peach is an environmentally sensitive southern plant, not all species are suitable for growing in severe climatic conditions. So, gardeners in Russia and Ukraine should think about planting frost-resistant varieties. These include many representatives of the Canadian, American, Polish selection, etc. (good frost resistance).

All of the above frost-resistant varieties of peach and nectarine can manifest themselves both for the better and for the worse, depending on the climatic characteristics of the growing region.

Peach varieties for the middle band

In central Russia, southern varieties of peach will probably not take root. It is better to give preference to species zoned. You can also grow your own seedlings by planting seeds, and then choose the strongest and most winter-hardy of the sprouts. Although all varieties of peach are considered self-pollinating, it is best to have at least two plants per area (pollinator).

When choosing a peach variety for the middle lane, you should check with the sellers for the period and fruiting period. The most undersized and early ripe varieties can be bought without fear for the specifics of climatic conditions. Recently, there have been good reviews about Belgorod and Dnieper varieties.

For cultivation in more southern regions, you can choose "early Kiev" and "early Fluffy", "Juicy", "Donetsk", etc. In the Moscow region, it is allowed to plant and grow peach "White Swan", "Veteran", "Golden Jubilee", "Greensboro". The best varieties for the Kuban are Redhaven, Abundant, Krasnodarets, Collins, Veteran peach. The most delicious and sweet varieties for the Crimea are "Greensboro", "Juicy", "Favorite", "Redhaven", "Soviet", nectarine "Early Kiev".

Peach: planting in spring (video)

To grow a luxurious peach, planting in the spring must be carried out according to all the rules. When buying seedlings, you should pay attention to several important points:

  • The age of the seedling (one-year-olds are chosen for better survival);
  • The origin of the seedling, its adaptation to the local climate;
  • The state of the root system and bark.

For planting most peach varieties, damp and wetlands in a lowland are considered unsuitable. The optimal location is the south side of the yard with a high level of lighting. The distance to other seedlings or neighboring objects is at least 3 meters.

Often, when planting peaches in the spring, organic and mineral fertilizers are first applied to the soil. In poor soil - a mixture of 50 g of potassium chloride, 50 g of superphosphate, 300 g of wood ash and 7 kg of compost. In the fertile - a mixture of ash and mineral fertilizers.

The size of the landing pit is 0.5m x 0.5m x 0.5m. Soil mixed with fertilizer is laid at the bottom, then a seedling is placed and the pit is covered with earth. At the end of the process, the peach is watered with water (at least 30 liters), and the top layer is mulched with manure. After planting, the seedling is treated with remedies for curl and powdery mildew.

In terms of cultivation, all varieties of peaches are in many ways similar to each other. Plant care from spring to autumn includes quality feeding, watering, mulching, pruning, crown formation and, of course, harvesting when autumn comes. You can buy peach seedlings in Moscow from 250 rubles.

Previously, peach in the country could be considered a landmark, but today you can find a wide variety of varieties on your own plots. The only problem is to choose the right variety so that it can cover all your requirements and give a good harvest every year.

And, it’s true, even a dozen or two years ago there were not so many peaches in the dachas, but now, when you can buy high-quality seedlings in any city or village, many summer residents plant crops in the garden and expect juicy, fleshy and very sweet fruits. Unfortunately, not all hopes come true, because in order to grow a quality crop, you need to choose the right variety for your region, for the soil and climate, and many more criteria.

Today we decided to explore some varieties of peach, which, in our opinion, are most worthy of settling in the country. It should be understood that each region will have its own variety.

Early varieties of peach 2018

The fruits of early varieties can be tasted already in the first half of summer. But for this it is necessary to choose a high-quality seedling and plant it on the site, according to agricultural technology.

Kyiv early

Kiev early attracts not only summer residents, but also professional entrepreneurs who grow this variety in the Crimea and in many other regions where it is warm since spring. Differs in juicy and very tasty fruits of average size, average density and beautiful, light yellow or with a pink shade of color.

Kiev early is an industrial variety, and therefore it will be quite easy to get its seedlings. After the purchase, it will only be necessary to plant the plant and try to give it maximum time in the first years of life.

The plant shows high yield and excellent resistance to powdery mildew and clasterosporosis. He does not like Kiev early excessive dryness of the soil, but he also treats waterlogging extremely negatively.


If you are looking for a really juicy and tasty variety to give, Redhaven is perfect for you. This is a visiting variety that is perfectly adapted to local growing conditions, and therefore can show good results, both in private and industrial breeding.

Redhaven produces large fruits, sometimes more than 150 g, which are distinguished by excellent taste (almost the highest tasting score). The color of the fruit is orange-yellow, with red spots or patches, the flesh is yellow, tender, with a pleasant and very strong aroma. That is why Redhaven is so popular with children, and adults do not mind trying a great peach with an unforgettable taste.

The variety is resistant to winter and spring frosts, curliness and many other diseases, but is affected by fungi, especially with improper agricultural practices. But, you can always protect a tree from diseases if you fertilize and stimulate growth and development in time, as well as take preventive measures that experts advise in relation to each individual variety.


The peach is very productive, and therefore the fruits must be removed from the tree in time so that the crop does not break the branches. Try to pick peaches sequentially, as they do not ripen at the same time, but over a period of time.

This variety is resistant to curl and powdery mildew, perfectly tolerates winter and spring frosts.

A feature of the variety can be called a great need for top dressing, regular watering and timely pruning with the formation of a crown. Only a well-groomed tree can please you with a stable harvest of large fruits.

In addition to the varieties we have indicated, you can always plant other early varieties in the country, for example, Juicy peach and Favorit Moretini.

Mid to late ripening peaches

There are quite a lot of fruits in the country that give early harvest, and therefore some gardeners prefer later varieties of peaches. Maybe the reason is the consistent use of delicious vitamins throughout the warm season. Let's choose the best varieties of late-ripening peach for planting in the country.


The variety attracts with its persistent charm, because each individual fruit is a real masterpiece. Average size, weight 140 g, carmine blush, sometimes replaced by pure yellow skin... and if we talk about taste, you can forget about it, because 5 points on the main tasting scale is the height of perfection. Of course, there are other juicy, sweet and aromatic varieties, but Cardinal is definitely among the leaders.

Planting material can always be found on sale, but purchasing a seedling is only the beginning, because this variety will require special care from you, as it does not tolerate frost very well.

If we talk about diseases, then powdery mildew is not terrible for the Cardinal, and this is seriously pleasing. Try to constantly keep the plant in good shape, supply it with fertilizing and moisture in time, because the formation of a large crop requires constant feeding.


Perfectly adapts to almost any, of course, reasonable conditions. This characteristic makes the Kremlin variety very popular, despite the fact that it does not show fruits of particular size at a constant level, although some trees bear peaches under 200 g in weight.

The fruits are orange or yellow, with a red blush or extensive patches, very juicy and fragrant, sweet or sweet and sour taste.

The variety is not very susceptible to many diseases and shows high winter hardiness, which is very good for regions with a cool climate.

It is worth growing it under standard conditions, but try to carefully monitor watering, as trees do not really like strong moisture. Therefore, they must be planted on flat areas or hills, and watered rarely, but systematically.

The description of peach varieties will give you only the basic information for choosing seedlings. In the future, you have a serious job of growing, caring and breeding.

New Varieties 2018

Sunrise, Golden Jubilee, White Swan, Veteran, Redgold, Flavertop, Bohun, Greensboro, Jaminat, Krasnodarets, Rainbow, Stavropolsky, Elberta are well-known varieties that can often be seen in the country, but we would like to introduce you to American and Canadian varieties of peach , which are adapted to our climate and show excellent yield results.

Among these varieties there are nectarines, frost-resistant and simply winter-hardy varieties: Harbinger, Harrow Diamond, Harnas, Airlie Redhaven, Harko, Suncrest, Inka.

We are well aware that it is quite difficult to choose the right variety of peach for a summer residence., but you need to make the right choice if you want to get large, sweet, juicy and fragrant fruits of a wonderful plant throughout the summer, and even at the beginning of autumn. Be careful, because you need to purchase not just a breeding variety, the description of which you liked, but a necessarily adapted seedling, preferably famous or generally advised to you by a summer resident neighbor who has been harvesting from trees for several years. Of course, you can always contact online stores or botanical gardens, but here at your own peril and risk.

Peach varieties and best yields (video)

After buying a seedling, be sure to study its proper planting and care in the first few years after planting - this is the main period when the plant needs care. In the future, of course, agricultural technology must also be observed, but, like any mature plant, the peach will no longer require as much attention from you as it did right away.

Now in every garden plot you can see a growing peach tree. But not always its harvest can please the owner. Why is that?

The tree must have been poorly cared for.

Before choosing any option, you need to familiarize yourself with the characteristics of popular varieties. Indeed, for a peach, the climate of the region in which it will develop, the composition of the soil and the place chosen for it to grow are very important.

Only if all his desires are observed, you will be able to enjoy a rich and high-quality harvest.

Delicious Redhaven

These large, tough-skinned, oval peaches are great for both home and commercial growing. Weight sometimes reaches 150g. The color of the fruit is rich yellow, even orange, with red barrels or dots.

The pulp is very juicy, bright yellow, with small raspberry patches, tender, has an amazing taste and rich dessert aroma.

These peaches rightfully receive one of the highest tasting ratings. In the upper part of the fruit, you can see a small hole or tubercle. The seam on the abdomen is rather superficial. The funnel is medium in width and depth. Bone large, with a sharp tip and a blunt base, quite easily separated from the pulp.

By the time of their ripening, peach fruits are divided into 3 categories - these are early, late and medium-ripening varieties. Peaches of the Redhaven variety are fruits with early maturity. Harvest can be harvested in early August.

Trees of this variety are medium-sized. They have a flat, rounded deciduous crown. The leaves are glossy, green, large, with a slight serration of the edges. The flowers are small, bell-shaped. The yield of this variety is quite high, which is one of its many advantages.

The other advantages of the "Rhehaven" variety include excellent taste characteristics, large fruit size and good transportability. These peaches are pretty universal for use.

The downsides are little frost resistance and diseases such as Powdery Mildew and Clusterosporium, as well as a slight tolerance to drought and absolute instability to curliness.

The main features of caring for a peach tree are regular pruning, a full-fledged irrigation regime, timely high-quality top dressing of the root system and protection from winter frosts, diseases, and pests.

Pruning of a peach tree is carried out in order to improve the shape of the crown, reduce the load on the tree, increase the fruitful period, etc.

Before proceeding with this procedure, it is necessary to determine the skeletal branches. Mark the expected height of the trunk (usually about 50 cm above the place of the kidney) and choose one of the strongest skeletal branches. The second skeletal branch is selected through 4 kidneys from the first, on the opposite side of the trunk.

Pay attention that the angle of inclination of the branches is not sharp. The next branch is chosen so that, when viewed from above, it is located between the first two. After that, the remaining conductor and the rest of the shoots are cut off, and you get a tree crown, consisting of three single branches.

Top dressing of peach trees consists in the annual enrichment of the soil with minerals over the entire area of ​​the root system. In late spring, until the beginning of the formation of peaches, every 14 days it is necessary to water the tree with potash fertilizers.

After the flowering period has ended, and the first ovary has appeared on the tree, it is necessary spray the trunk and branches such a mineral solution: 20 g of copper sulfate 10 g of boric acid 60 g of soda ash 1 g of manganese 10 drops of iodine 10 liters of water.

Watering is very important for fruit trees. With a lack of moisture, peaches will be small and crumble prematurely. When scheduling irrigation, it is worth considering the climate and the proximity of groundwater to where the tree grows. It is necessary to ensure that after watering the soil was moistened to a depth of 70cm and the water did not stagnate.

Preparation for winter should begin with the fact that two supports are dug next to the seedling, which are put on a bag covering the entire peach tree. On the south side, in the shelter, they make several windows for oxygen access. At the base, the bag is fixed with a load or sprinkled with earth to protect it from being torn off by strong winds.

To protect the root system from freezing, the seedling is planted in a large plastic bag with black soil. The edges of the package are left on top exactly as long as they are enough to close the near-stem circle in the spring after watering.

This will help retain moisture and prevent the earth from drying out, and will also protect young roots from pests such as Khrushchev and Medvedka. As they grow, the roots themselves will be able to break through the polyethylene.

After hibernation, at the beginning of spring, it is necessary to carry out the first treatment of the tree to protect it from pests and various diseases.

Treatment with a 3% solution of Bordeaux liquid helps protect peach from clasterosporia, leaf curl, cocomycosis, etc. The next treatment is carried out in April, when the tree is already beginning to bloom.

Whitewash trunk in the spring with a solution of lime with the addition of copper sulfate protect the tree Not only from pests hiding in the bark, and will stop flowering, which may be, by the way, due to spring night frosts.

Sunny Jaminat

The shape of these peaches is elongated, slightly pressed on the sides, oval. By weight and size, they belong to large fruits: weight 160g, height about 65mm, about 60mm in diameter. There is a small dimple at the top of the peach.

The funnel is rather deep, there is a light ventral suture, the stalk is short and tightly held at the base. The peel is bright yellow with marbled redness, it is difficult to remove from peaches, medium in density. The pulp is bright orange, very juicy, sweet, with a slight pleasant sourness. The juice is colorless. The stone is medium, it separates well from the fetus.

Ripening time falls on the first days of September, which classifies this variety as a mid-late peach.

The trees are not tall, rather medium growing. The leafy crown resembles the shape of a ball, slightly flat on top, spreading and sparse. Young branches are two-colored. The side that is illuminated by the sun has a red bark, and on the underside of the shoots the skin is green.

Lentils are white, in a small amount, medium in size. The leaves are large, glossy, bright green, with small, turning into large, serrated along the edge to the base. The flowers are bell-shaped, large, with a reddish tint. Productivity is high, ranges from 110c/ha to 302c/ha. They bear fruit every year, starting from the third year after planting.

The fruits of the Jaminat variety have high transportability. On the tree they ripen at the same time. Perfectly retain their taste and external characteristics for up to two weeks. Buds are quite resistant to spring frosts. In tasting their taste characteristics, these peaches rightfully receive 4.7 points.

Peach trees of this variety have only a relative resistance to diseases such as clasterosporia and curl, and also do not tolerate winter frosts very well.

There are no features of caring for the Jaminat variety that distinguish it from other peach trees. Its fruitfulness and good development depend on sufficient watering and fertilizing, increasing frost resistance and pruning, and, of course, protection from pests and diseases.

When pruning a peach, its crown shape is formed. If the lower branches of the tree are opposite each other, then the crown is formed from the number of 4 skeletal branches. The two upper branches are laid at right angles to the lower ones. Distance between branches 5 - 6 buds. The third and fourth branches are located opposite each other. The conductor is removed, like all other shoots. As a result, we get a tree with four strong branches, which will further form the crown.

When planting a seedling the pit is fertilized with two buckets of rotted humus, previously mixed with black soil. You can use this composition for top dressing: 10 kg of rotted manure 65 g of potash fertilizers about 80 g of ammonium nitrate 150 g of superphosphates the top layer of soil taken out of the pit.

Peach trees love a sufficient amount of watering. The water temperature should be within 25 degrees. During the formation of fruits, trees should be watered at least 1 time in 10 days, pouring 2 buckets of water under each. Excessive watering is also undesirable, as it will lead to cracking of the fruit.

For winter protection sapling desirable wrap with old rags. But cover the trunk circle with spruce or pine branches. This will protect not only the trunk of the tree, but also its roots from rodents.

In order to protect the tree from pests and diseases spraying is required. Before the buds ripen, the peach is irrigated with 9% copper chloride or 3% bordeaux acid.

Also suitable is a double spraying with a 1% solution of copper sulfate with an interval of 5 days or treatment with DNOC (universal remedy for pests and diseases, 100g per 10l of water).

About 5 days after the end of flowering, as well as in summer, the tree is sprayed with drugs such as Decis, Dursban or Karate Zeon.

Universal "Irganai late"

The fruits of this variety are medium in size, rounded. Their weight is about 140g, height 65mm, and diameter 62mm. The funnel is small and narrow. Base with a middle depression. The ventral seam stands out a little. The peach stalk is short, easily separated from the branch, thick.

The peach itself is bright yellow, sunny, with beautiful red spots. The peel is easily removed from the fruit, which has an average thickness and a slight coating. The pulp is bright, orange, juicy, tender in taste with barely perceptible fibers.

The juice is clear, very sweet with a slight acidity. The stone is small, well separated from the fetus. The period of full ripening of fruits falls on September 5–8, which refers the variety in question to late peaches.

Trees This variety has a spreading, spherical, slightly flat-topped deciduous crown. Height and density medium. They have straight and cranked shoots with a small edge. The kidneys consist of three parts, two of which are generative, and the middle one is necessarily vegetative.

The leaves are broad, elliptical in shape, pointed at the base and margins. The flowers are small with a reddish tint. Flowering occurs in mid-April. Petiole up to 10 mm long, pigmented. Fruiting occurs, to a greater extent, on mixed shoots.

Productivity ranges from 87c/ha to 208c/ha. Peaches ripen at the same time, which is preferable for small gardens, since it is possible to immediately harvest the entire crop.

The advantage of this variety is good fruit transportability. Their shelf life is up to 10 days from the date of harvest. High tasting evaluation of taste qualities - 4.6 points. These trees bear fruit every year. Generative buds are quite resistant to spring frosts. This variety is suitable for commercial purposes. It is quite versatile.

One of the main disadvantages is late fruiting, only in the fifth year after planting. The yield is lower than that of the Jaminat variety. Not very resistant to frost, as well as such major diseases of peach trees as klesterosporiosis and curl.

If we see a small number of shoots in front, this makes it impossible to isolate 3–4 skeletal branches to form a crown. In this case, it is necessary to bring together one pair of branches.

In a tree with three main branches, the first two branches are brought together, and in a seedling with four, the second and third. If there are no strong branches on the tree at all, then the crown is formed from shoots grown a year after planting. In this case, it is necessary to wait for the stiffening of the skeletal branches and only then cut out all unnecessary shoots. Otherwise, the angle of the branches may change and become sharper.

After the crown is formed, and the peach began to bear fruit, sanitary pruning is done annually. This will protect the tree from moving fruiting to the periphery of the crown, defuse the excessive density of branches, and protect healthy parts of the tree from infection with diseases.

It is impossible to feed a peach with nitrogen-containing fertilizers in the fall. They contribute to sap flow, and as a result, the tree will not be able to “fall asleep” in time and risks dying from severe frosts.

The timing and frequency of watering depend on the climatic zone in which the peach tree is planted. To determine the level of soil moisture yourself, you need to take a sample of the earth.

The lump is taken from a depth of at least 40 cm and compressed in the palm of your hand. If the earth crumbles, it means that the soil is not sufficiently moistened. Ideally, the lump should stick together well and not smear hands. To slow down the flow of sap and prepare the tree for winter, the last watering is done during the autumn digging of the near-stem circle and fertilizing the soil.

In winter, not only frosts are terrible, but also sunburns of the bark. To avoid them, it is recommended whitewash the trunk and branches of the tree with a solution of lime, which will reflect the rays. The same measure of protection will also protect the tree from pests that have deposited their larvae in the bark until spring.

Planting features for all peach varieties are the same. The landing hole must be deep., dug up and fertilized 2-4 weeks before the expected date. It is very good to choose a place for a tree near the wall of the house, facing south. Then the peach will be protected from the winds and will receive additional heat from the wall heated by the sun.

The tree is planted at a distance of 20 cm from the shelter with a slight slope to the wall. Planting time is best chosen in early spring or early autumn.. For the southern regions, it is better to plan for the fall. In this case, the tree from the nursery will immediately fall into the planting pit. During the winter, it will already take root, and in the spring it will direct all its forces into growth.

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100 times already

Peach (lat. Prunus persica)- a plant of the subgenus Almond of the Pink family. Where the plant came from, there is no reliable data. In any case, it is known that the peach of David grows in the nature of Northern China, which is a wild-growing form of the common peach. In culture, the tree is cultivated in warm regions, and China is the champion in the industrial cultivation of peaches.

Planting and caring for a peach (in brief)

  • Landing: in areas with a cool climate - in the spring (before the start of sap flow), in warm regions - both in spring and autumn.
  • Bloom: from mid-April.
  • Lighting: bright sun.
  • The soil: any well-drained.
  • Watering: early varieties - an average of 2-3 times per season, late - 5-6 times. Water consumption - from 2 to 5 buckets per tree, depending on age and size. Water the peaches early in the morning or in the evening. The first watering - in late May or early June, the second - in the first half of July, the third - in the first half of August. The soil is saturated with water to a depth of 60-70 cm. For fruit quality, watering is important 3-4 weeks before harvesting: depending on the age of the tree, water consumption is from 30 to 60 liters. The next watering - only after harvest. The last watering is winter, October. Water consumption for water-charging irrigation - 90-100 liters per m² of the near-stem circle.
  • Top dressing: poor soils are fed annually with both organic matter and mineral fertilizers; organic fertilizers are applied to fertile soil once every 2-3 years.
  • Pruning: sanitary and formative - in the spring, between the beginning of sap flow and peach blossom. In autumn - pruning for sanitary purposes.
  • Reproduction: seeds, grafting, cuttings.
  • Pests: plum and oriental codling moths, aphids, scale insects, striped moths, flower beetles, fruit and mining moths, spider mites.
  • Diseases: clasterosporiasis, moniliosis, powdery mildew, leaf curl, coccomycosis, scab, fruit and gray rot, cytosporosis, milky sheen, gum disease, verticillosis, gomoz (mushroom burn).

Read more about growing peaches below.

Peach tree - description

The root system of peach is located close to the surface - only at a depth of 20-50 cm. Peach trees reach an average height of 4 m, and their crown can grow up to 6 m in diameter. Peach leaves are lanceolate, finely serrated at the edges. The flowers are pink or red, almost sessile, and open in mid or late April, before the leaves appear on the peach, so from afar, peach blossoms resemble sakura. The fruit of the peach, usually velvety, may be flat, round or oblong-elliptical with a groove on one side. The fruit bone is wrinkled, furrowed, with a pointed apex.

Peach trees enter fruiting after 2-4 years from the moment of planting, the fruiting period lasts 10-15 years. Peach, just like mangoes and oranges, is one of the most delicious fruits with the finest aroma and refreshing taste. It is related to such fruit trees as almond, from which it differs only in fruits, apricot , irga , quince , chokeberry , plum , Rowan , hawthorn , rose hip , cotoneaster , Apple tree , pear and medlar. We offer you carefully selected material on how to grow a peach in your garden and how to properly care for a peach, how to treat a peach from pests and diseases, how to fertilize a peach throughout the season and how to plant a peach if you have a desire to propagate it .

Planting a peach

When to plant a peach

Peach planting time depends on the climatic features of your area. The further south you live, the more appropriate it will be to plant a peach in the fall. In the northern regions, it is better to plant seedlings in open ground in the spring, so that during the spring-summer season the trees take root well and have time to grow. The conditions of the middle lane make both spring and autumn peach planting possible, but it is better to give preference to the latter.

For peach, choose an elevated and protected from the wind, but sunny place on the south side of the site. Large trees, shrubs and buildings should not cover the seedling from the sun. Keep the peach at least 3 m away from other plants. Do not plant a peach where it was grown before strawberry, alfalfa, clover, nightshade and melons, as it can get sick with verticillium. After these plants, peach can be planted on the site only after 3-4 years.

Planting a peach in spring

A pit for a seedling must be dug in advance - the more time passes from digging a pit to planting a tree, the better the soil will be. If you are going to plant a peach in the spring, prepare a hole for it in the fall, six months before planting. The depth of the pit depends on the size of the root system, but, as a rule, a hole for a seedling is dug with a diameter of 50-70 cm, and its depth should be the same. A strong long peg of such length is driven into the bottom of the pit in the center so that it protrudes at least half a meter above the surface.

If the soil on the site is poor, the top layer of the soil taken out of the pit is mixed with rotted manure, humus or compost in the amount of 5-8 kg, 200-300 g of wood ash, 50 g of superphosphate, 50 g of potassium chloride are added and carefully mix everything. Only mineral fertilizers and ash are added to fertile soil. The soil with additives is poured into a hill in the center of the pit.

When buying seedlings, you should ask how they are adapted to the area in which they will grow. Make sure that the place where the scion grows together with the stock is smooth, without sagging. The peach bark and its root system must also be healthy - pinch off a piece of bark: its underside should not be brown, but green. Carefully inspect the roots of the seedling and make sure they are not overdried or rotting. Best of all take root in open ground annual peach seedlings.

The tree is placed on a mound in the center of the pit, its roots are carefully straightened and the foundation pit is covered with soil. As a result, the grafting site should be a few centimeters above the surface of the site. The soil is trampled down from the edges of the near-stem circle to the trunk, then the seedling is watered with two or three buckets of water. When the water is absorbed and the earth settles, tie the tree to a peg, and mulch the near-trunk circle with a layer of manure 8-10 cm thick. Make sure that the mulch does not come into contact with the trunk of the seedling.

Planting a peach in autumn

On the eve of autumn planting, they dig a hole for a seedling at least 2-3 weeks in advance, but in autumn only ash and mineral fertilizers are mixed with the soil. The soil with fertilizers, as well as during spring planting, is poured into a hill in the center of the pit around the peg. A peach is planted in autumn in the same way as in spring, but after planting and watering the seedling, when the soil dries, the tree is spudded to a height of 20-30 cm, and on the eve of the onset of cold weather, the peach trunk is wrapped in burlap, making holes in it from the south side for ventilation.

peach care

Peach care in spring

Peach care begins in mid-April: the first procedure is the processing of a tree along swelling buds from codling moth, aphids and other pests. Then you have to treat the peach with a three percent Bordeaux liquid from fungi. On a pink bud, a peach is pruned for replacement and fungal treatment with preparations that replace Bordeaux liquid, since it is impossible to spray a peach with copper-containing preparations during the active growing season.

After flowering, a combined treatment of trees from pests and diseases is carried out.

If the winter was snowless and the spring dry, do not forget to water the peach in May.

Summer peach care

After the excess ovary is shed from the tree, distribute the load of fruits on the tree: on each fruit-bearing shoot, leave so many fruits that there is one ovary per 8-10 cm in length, remove the rest of the fruits. Monitor the condition of the soil in the trunk circle - loosen the soil and remove weeds. A peach needs watering in the summer, especially when a prolonged heat sets in, but first wait for the stone to harden, otherwise the fruits will begin to crack. In order not to lose the crop, treat the tree from diseases and pests.

Before harvesting the fruits, it is advisable to carry out 2-3 foliar top dressings of peach with potash fertilizers to increase sugar in the fruits, which can be combined with pest and powdery mildew treatment. Not later than a month before harvesting, peach watering is carried out - this will increase the fruit in size by a third.

Autumn peach care

Peach lays and forms flower buds in August and September, and their winter hardiness directly depends on the amount of moisture in the ground, which is why peach watering is so important, which is carried out during these periods.

If you notice that your tree is often affected by fungal diseases, as a preventive measure in October, when the leaves begin to change color, treat the peach with a 3% Bordeaux liquid, and after leaf fall, with a 1% solution of copper sulphate or a 7% solution urea.

In autumn, organic and mineral fertilizers are embedded in the soil of the trunk circle, which should be enough for the tree until spring.

Watering peach

The number of waterings during the growing season depends on weather conditions, but on average, early varieties of peach are watered 2-3 times per season, and late ones - 5-6 times. From 2 to 5 buckets of water are spent per session per tree. Watering is carried out in the early morning or evening. The first time a peach is watered in early June, and if the winter was without snow and the spring without rain, then it is better to water the plant at the end of May. The next watering is carried out in the first half of July, and the third - in the first half of August. Try to wet the soil to the depth of the roots - 60-70 cm.

It is very important to irrigate 3-4 weeks before harvesting, which will allow the fruits to grow in mass. The amount of water for each m² of the near-stem circle is 30-60 liters, depending on the age of the tree. After that, the peach cannot be watered until harvest, otherwise its fruits will become watery and lose their sugar content.

No less important is the winter watering of peach, which saturates the soil with moisture and increases the winter hardiness of the tree. Water consumption for water-charging irrigation is 90-100 liters per m² of the near-stem circle.

Peach dressing

Growing peach involves the annual application of fertilizers to the soil. The amount and composition of fertilizing depends on the quality of the soil. For example, poor soils require the annual application of both mineral fertilizers and organic matter, and organic fertilizers are applied to fertile soils once every 2-3 years. In conditions where you have to water the peach often, the amount of fertilizer applied is increased, since they are washed out during irrigation.

The first spring peach top dressing for still dormant buds can be a tree treatment with a seven percent urea solution: this measure will provide the plant with nitrogen and, moreover, will destroy pathogens and insect pests that hibernated in cracks in the bark and in the upper layer of soil. Before processing a peach, make sure the buds on the trees are still dormant, otherwise the urea will burn them. If you are late and the buds begin to bloom, instead of working on the leaves, dig the soil in the peach tree trunks while adding 70 g of ammonium nitrate and 50 g of urea per m² of the tree trunk under the young trees. The older the tree, the more fertilizer is needed per unit area: every 2-3 years, the dose of each fertilizer is increased by 15-20 g.

In the summer, it is better to fertilize in a foliar way. How to feed a peach during the period of growth and ripening of fruits? The culture responds well to such a fertilizer composition: 100-150 g of an aqueous extract of superphosphate, 50-60 g of ammonium nitrate or 30-50 g of urea, 50-80 g of ammonium sulfate and 30-60 g of calcium chloride or 50-70 g of potassium sulfate, 15 g of manganese and 10 g of borax, dissolved in 10 liters of water. If the fruits on the peach are already ripening, exclude the nitrogen component and borax from this composition.

To achieve a more intense color and increase the sugar content of fruits in the phase of their ripening, foliar top dressing of peach is carried out with a solution of 30 g of potassium salt or potassium sulfate in 10 liters of water.

In the fall, 40 g of superphosphate and 50 g of calcium chloride per m² are added to the soil for digging the trunk circle. Once every 2-3 years in the fall, organic fertilizers are added to the soil - humus or compost, but instead, green manure can be grown in the aisles - oil radish, rape, lupine or rapeseed.

Wintering peach

The peach is a thermophilic plant, and for the winter it needs to be covered: next to the trunk, two pegs are driven into the ground as tall as a tree stem and the trunk and pegs are wrapped in a bag of sugar. You can make a cardboard box around the barrel and wrap it with a film. If your winters are not too cold, spud the peach trunk with earth to a height of 50-60 cm. The trunk circle for the winter is mulched with a layer of peat or humus 10-15 cm thick.

peach pruning

When to prune a peach

The best time to prune a peach is the two to three week period between the start of sap flow and the start of flowering. The easiest way for a plant to tolerate a haircut is from the beginning of the appearance of rose buds to the beginning of their opening - this is a period of time of about a week. At this time, the risk of peach infection with cytosporosis is minimal. After harvesting, sanitary pruning of the tree should be carried out.

The formation of a peach must begin from the first year of growth, and the formation will be completed only after four years. How necessary is shaping pruning? Firstly, it regulates the balance between the crown and the root system of the plant. Secondly, it allows you to maintain the health of the tree in good condition. Thirdly, it contributes to the earlier entry into fruiting of the peach, and also provides you with convenience when harvesting.

How to trim a peach

Peaches of different ages are cut differently. The crown of the tree is usually formed in the form of a bowl. How it's done? In the year of planting, the seedling guide is cut at a height of 60-70 cm. The peach branch located above all should have a wide angle of departure. Select two more growths a little lower, located at the same angle, and cut all three branches up to 10 cm into the outer buds. Cut off the rest of the shoots located on the stem and conductor immediately after the buds open.

On the skeletal branches of trees of the second year of life, it is important to maintain an optimal slope. Extension growths are shortened to 60-70 cm. Strong upper and lower growths are removed, lateral growths are thinned out, and those that remain are shortened by two buds.

On the upper skeletal branch of trees of the third year of life, two powerful branches of the second order are selected and cut off to 60 cm from the bifurcation of the main branch. The part of the conductor that rises above the upper branch is cut off. The upper and lower sides of the skeletal branches are freed from powerful growths. Annual growths that have reached 80 cm in length are cut into two buds to form a fruit link. The lower shoot is cut to 50 cm. On the branches shortened last year by two buds, the growths growing upwards are shortened for fruiting, and the lower ones by two buds. Next year, fruit links will be formed from them.

In the fourth year of a peach's life, two successful third-order branches are selected on the second-order branches of the skeletal branches and shortened by a third of the original length. On the branches of the second order, the formation of fruit links is completed, and the growths on the branches of the third order are thinned out and some are cut short - into two buds, and the rest are not touched to use them as non-permanent fruit-bearing branches. On the fruiting links of the first order, the non-fruiting parts are removed. The branches of the lower growth, cut short last year, are cut into two buds located below. On the upper growths, 7-8 groups of buds are removed to stimulate future fruiting.

peach pruning in spring

Formative pruning, which we told you about, is carried out in the spring in order to give the crown a cupped shape that is convenient for peach care and harvesting. But peach pruning also has sanitary purposes: after spring, frozen, diseased or damaged branches can be found on the tree, which must be removed. After pruning, treat the cuts with garden pitch.

pruning peach in autumn

In autumn, trees are prepared for winter: they carefully cut off old, diseased, dry and damaged branches during harvesting, as well as those that grow inside the crown, thickening it: the tree should expend energy and nutrition only on healthy branches and shoots, which next year will give a harvest. Formative pruning is not done in the fall; there will be time for this in the spring.

In summer, a fruiting peach is not pruned unnecessarily.

Peach breeding

How to propagate a peach

Peaches are propagated by seed, grafting and cuttings. It is possible to grow own-rooted peaches from cuttings only in horticultural conditions, since it is very difficult for an amateur to create the conditions necessary for rooting cuttings.

Growing a peach from seed has some drawbacks: a plant grown from seed may not inherit the characteristics of the mother tree. In addition, finding good seed is not so easy: shops and supermarkets usually sell peaches from the stone of which it is difficult to grow something, and market peaches do not always meet the required requirements. It is best to take seed from the owners of healthy zoned peach trees, and then all that remains is to meticulously follow the instructions developed by specialists for growing peach from the stone.

There are also disadvantages to the method of propagating peach by grafting. Firstly, it is not so easy to get the right rootstock, and if you grow it yourself, it will take at least a year. Secondly, it is necessary that there is compatibility between the tissues of the scion and the rootstock, otherwise they will not grow together. Thirdly, you need to meticulously follow the instructions, otherwise the slightest mistake can negate all your efforts.

Propagation of peach seeds

Seed propagation of peach, in addition to disadvantages, has undoubted advantages:

  • own-rooted seedlings grown from seed live twice as long as grafted peaches;
  • they are more resistant to drought, cold, gum disease and other diseases;
  • in some cases, own-rooted seedlings surpass their parents in many characteristics.

If you are full of desire to grow a peach from a seed, we are ready to tell you how to do it right.

Find a site for future peaches located no closer than 3-4 m from any mature trees, large bushes and premises. The place should be sunny, but at the same time protected from cold winter winds. Planting is best done in October or November, so that the seeds in the ground undergo natural stratification over the winter.

Before planting, the seeds are not soaked, on the contrary, they are dried in the shade and, carefully opened, the kernels are removed from them. A trench is dug at the site, filled with fertile loose soil, into which peach seeds are planted every 25-30 cm to a depth of 5-6 cm. After planting, the seeds are covered and watered. Do not panic if you do not see shoots for a long time: first a root will develop from the seed, and only then a sprout will appear. That is why the soil in the trench is filled with soft and loose. At first, the site is watered daily. When shoots appear in the spring, they are fed with a weak solution of humus, and the seedlings are also treated on the leaves with Ridomil or Thiovit preparations - also of low concentration.

Peach seedlings are transplanted three times. The first time a peach, along with an earthy clod, needs to be dug up when it has 8-10 leaves. The central root of the seedling is carefully cut 6 cm below the root collar, then the seedling is planted in its original place, after which the soil is compacted and watered around it.

The second transplant is carried out when the peaches reach a height of 90-100 cm. They do this in the spring, before the start of sap flow: the seedlings are dug around the perimeter at a distance of 25-30 cm from the stems and, taking them out together with an earthen clod, transplanted, swapping with each other.

The third time the peaches, when they grow up and get stronger enough, are transplanted to a permanent place.

peach grafting

Peach is a crop with limited winter hardiness, but it tolerates drought very well - this is one of its indisputable advantages. You can graft a varietal peach using an apricot, plum, almond or quince seedling as a rootstock. The grafting technology for any of these rootstocks is the same: you should prepare a cutting of the variety you need in advance and graft it onto a one-year-old or two-year-old seedling of one of the listed crops.

Cuttings are harvested at the end of autumn before the start of frost, they are stored in the cellar or in the garden, covered with warm material, and covered with a layer of sawdust 20 cm thick on top. As soon as it gets warmer, the cuttings are transferred to the vegetable box of the refrigerator. Vaccination is carried out in the spring, after the start of sap flow.

As a rootstock, you can use both peach seedlings grown from seed and wild game of the crops listed by us, the thickness of which is at least 1.5 cm. The stock is cut to the desired height, it is checked that the bark is smooth and without buds. The methods of grafting, depending on whether the thickness of the scion coincides with the thickness of the stock, can be as follows: by a kidney, a cutting or a split.

peach diseases

Peach diseases and pests can greatly complicate the life of both him and you. Peach diseases are innumerable - this is one of the shortcomings of the culture. Let's talk about those diseases that are most common and are the most dangerous for the plant.

Clusterosporiasis- the most harmful fungal disease of peach, which also affects nectarines. All the ground organs of the tree suffer from this disease. Light brown spots with a raspberry or dirty red border appear on the leaves, the tissue inside the spots dries up, dies and falls out, leaving holes, which is why klesterosporiosis is often called perforated spotting. The bark of young shoots of annual seedlings is covered with orange varnished spots, which spread in length along the fibers, the bark cracks, and gum is released from the cracks. The affected shoots die off, the peach dries.

Leaf curl. This is perhaps the most dangerous disease for peach, which most often occurs in a long and damp spring. The leaves of a diseased tree are covered with reddish swellings, their surface becomes uneven, wavy, they swell, a white coating forms on the underside of the leaf plate, the leaves turn brown and fall off. The shoots become bare, acquiring the appearance of a lion's tail with leaves instead of a tassel at the end, bend, thicken and turn yellow. If you do not fight curly, the peach will begin to lag behind in development and eventually die.

powdery mildew forms a white felt coating on the underside of the leaves, the upper part of the shoots of the current year and fruits. Shoots begin to lag behind in growth, deform, partially die off. The first symptoms of the disease appear from late April to mid-May, and the disease reaches its maximum development in the very heat - in the middle of summer.

Moniliosis stone fruits - a common disease from which shoots and individual branches dry out, dark spots appear and grow on peach fruits, the flesh of the fruit becomes brown, rotten peaches wrinkle and dry. A healthy fetus can become infected with moniliosis from a sick person.

peach processing

Peach treatment for kleasterosporiosis is carried out for the first time with copper chloride or Meteor during the swelling of the kidneys, but you need to have time to carry it out before they begin to open. The following treatments are carried out before and after flowering with Horus or Topsin M preparations in accordance with the instructions. In the spring, before flowering, it is necessary to cut off all the affected branches and shoots, treating the sections with an eight percent solution of lime with the addition of a two percent solution of iron or copper sulfate, after which the sections must be covered with garden pitch.

If you have determined that the peach is affected by curl, after harvesting, when the leaf fall begins, treat the tree with copper oxychloride or Meteor. In early spring and during the beginning of the appearance of pink buds, peach is treated with the same copper-containing preparations that can be replaced with Horus or Skor with the addition of Delan. Sick leaves and shoots are cut and burned before sporulation begins.

To protect against powdery mildew, peach at the end of flowering is treated with Topaz, Topsin M, Skor, Vectra or Strobi. As preventive measures, spring and autumn pruning of disease-affected shoots with their subsequent burning, collection and destruction of fallen leaves and fruits, and digging of the soil in tree trunks are very important.

From moniliosis, the peach will have to be treated three times: with Horus before flowering, in the rosebud phase, with Topaz after flowering and Topsin two weeks after the second treatment. The areas damaged by the disease are cut off and destroyed.

In addition to the diseases described, the peach can suffer from coccomycosis, scab, fruit or gray rot, cytosporosis, milky sheen, gum disease, verticillosis, homosis or fungal burn.

Peach pests

Eastern And plum codling moth- butterflies of small sizes, using peach to feed their offspring and as a place for wintering. Butterfly caterpillars eat young peach shoots, adults feed on the seeds of its fruits. Insects spend the winter cold in cocoons in cracks in the peach bark or under fallen leaves in the near-trunk circle.

Ways to fight. Treating the tree three times with insecticides such as Chlorophos, Metaphos, Karbofos or Durban will help you rid the peach of codling moths. The interval between sessions is 2 weeks.

Ways to fight. While there are not too many aphids, it can be removed mechanically by wiping the affected areas with soapy water after that. But if you overlooked the appearance of aphids, and she managed to breed, treat the peach with Karbofos, Aktellik, or any other similar preparation. The treatment may need to be repeated. The interval between sessions is 10-14 days. The last treatment is carried out no later than 2-3 weeks before harvest.

Shchitovka damages all ground parts of the peach: a day after the pest sucks, red spots appear on the bark and fruits. Scale insects deplete the tree, populating the skeletal branches, tops of the shoots and the trunk. At the tree on which scale insects settle, the bark cracks and dies, the foliage falls prematurely, the growths dry out, the fruits become smaller and deformed.

Ways to fight. In the fight against scale insects, peach treatments with drugs such as Actellik, Aktara, Bankol, Inta-vir or Mospilan are effective in accordance with the instructions. Of the folk remedies, pepper tincture or onion water are the most famous, but they are ineffective.

striped moth no less dangerous pest. Its caterpillars bite into the buds and young shoots, eating away the core, causing the affected areas to dry and die. Damaged in the stalk area, the fruits expire with gum. One caterpillar can damage from 3 to 5 shoots.

Ways to fight. During bud break, treat the peach with Karbofos, Chlorophos or Zolon. Recognize and cut out damaged shoots in a timely manner and burn them.

Flower weevils, fruit and mining moths, mites and other harmful insects can also be dangerous for peach.

Peach varieties

Peach subspecies

The Peach species is divided into several subspecies:

  • common peach- we gave its description at the beginning of the article;
  • peach (or almond) Potanin- a low-growing tree, reaching a height of 2 m, with reddish bark, large white or pink flowers and rounded fruits with an elongated bone, unsuitable for food. This variety of peach is found only in the nature of China. Since the fruits of this subspecies have no nutritional value, it is not grown in culture;
  • peach david- a tree that grows up to 3 m in height. The fruits of this subspecies are small, with a dry pericarp and low-juicy sweet and sour pulp, therefore David's peach is grown mainly for decorative purposes;
  • gasuan peach grows wild in China. This is a medium-sized tree 3-4 m high, it looks very impressive during flowering, when it is covered with small pink and white flowers. The fruits of this low-tasting peach are small, round, yellowish in color, with hard white flesh. This subspecies serves as the basis for breeding valuable varieties of common peach, endowing them with their disease resistance and frost resistance;
  • peace peach- wild tall eastern subspecies, reaching a height of 8 m, with spherical fruits of low taste. It has no value for cultivation;
  • nectarine very similar to peach. Its main difference is its smooth, slippery skin. The color of the nectarine can be yellow, white or yellow-red. The pulp of the fruit is juicy, yellow, not as sweet as that of a peach, but the seeds in the stones are just sweet, they can be used like almond kernels;
  • some scientists also distinguish in a separate subspecies fig peach, or Ferghana, which is a tree up to 5 m high with a wide spreading crown. This subspecies has nothing to do with figs. The fruits of the fig peach are rounded and flattened, with a depressed top. The skin is slightly pubescent, dense, yellow with a greenish tint. The flesh is light yellow, fibrous, sweet and aromatic. The bone is small. The advantage of the variety is resistance to freezing of buds and buds.

Peach varieties

Today, there are many varieties of peach, the fruits of which differ in shape, size, aroma, taste, color and texture of the skin and pulp.

By type of fruit, peaches are divided into four classes:

  • real peaches are velvety fruits, the pulp of which is easily separated from the stone;
  • pavia - velvety fruits, the pulp of which does not separate from the stone;
  • nectarines - naked fruits, the pulp of which is easily separated from the stone;
  • brunyons are naked fruits in which the pulp does not separate from the stone.

According to the color of the fruit, peach varieties are divided into:

  • yellow (In memory of Rodionov, Solnechny, Donetsk yellow, Glo Haven and Bohun);
  • red (Suncrest, Harmony, Krasnodarets);
  • green (Juicy, Grisborough).

The best varieties of nectarine include Plentiful, Pink Princess, Autumn Blush, Relines, Skif, Lola. And the best winter-hardy varieties of nectarine are Skif, Krasnodarets, Fodor, Lyubimets 1 and Lyubimets 2.

According to the ripening period, peach varieties are divided into early, mid-ripening and late.

Early varieties of peach

The best varieties of early ripening peach include the following:

  • Morettini- an ultra-early self-pollinating early-fruiting variety of Italian selection, which enters fruiting 2-3 years after planting. The yield of this variety is up to 30 kg per tree. Medium-sized fruits weighing up to 115 g are covered with a bright yellow, gently pubescent skin with a bright red blush in the form of spots and dots, occupying 60% of the surface of the fruit. The pulp is yellow-creamy, fragrant, juicy, with delicate fibers. A stone of medium size is separated from the pulp with difficulty;
  • Velvety- a medium-sized productive variety with medium and large fruits weighing up to 140 g, rounded, bright yellow with a carmine blush, almost completely covering the surface. The pubescence of fruits is weak, suede. Very juicy flesh of golden yellow color with delicate fibers of excellent taste. A small bone is poorly separated from the pulp;
  • Kyiv early- an early maturing, winter-hardy and high-yielding variety of Ukrainian selection, undemanding to growing conditions. Round-elongated light yellow fruits of medium size weighing up to 100 g can sometimes be covered with a bright blush. The pulp of the fruit is greenish-white, juicy, tasty;
  • redhaven- a variety resistant to frost and curl with large fruits weighing up to 150 g, orange-yellow in color with red spots and specks. The flesh is yellow, tender, very aromatic. Unfortunately, trees of this variety, if agricultural practices are not followed, are affected by fungi;
  • Collins- a winter-hardy and productive variety, resistant to powdery mildew and curl, with pubescent fruits weighing up to 150 g, red-yellow in color, sweet taste with a pleasant sourness. This variety requires careful care - frequent fertilizing, watering and timely pruning.

In addition to those described, such varieties as Early Forest-Steppe, Juicy, Fluffy Early, Memory of Rodionov, Greensboro, Novoselovsky, May Flower, Arp, Early Riversa, Domestic, Excellent, Red Bird Kling and others are popular.

Medium varieties of peach

Of the varieties of peach of an average ripening period, the following are most often grown:

  • Veteran- a winter-hardy high-yielding variety of Canadian selection with rounded, slightly pubescent fruits weighing up to 130 g, yellow with a red blush covering a significant part of the surface. The pulp of the fruit is yellow, medium density, juicy, fragrant, sour-sweet. The stone is easily separated from the pulp. The variety is resistant to powdery mildew;
  • Peace Ambassador- winter-hardy self-fertile productive variety with very large fruits weighing up to 220 g of yellow-carmine color with dense yellow, juicy, fibrous pulp of pleasant taste, which is poorly separated from the stone. Peaches of this variety ripen in mid-August;
  • nectarine Krasnodarets- a variety with small rounded fruits with a barely noticeable seam, weighing up to 50 g of yellow color with a bright red blush, consisting of dots and stripes. The skin of the fruits of this variety is smooth, without pubescence. The pulp is yellow, juicy, tasty, with delicate fibers;
  • Soviet- a variety zoned for the southern regions of Ukraine with oval-blunt fruits weighing up to 170 g, slightly squeezed from the sides. The skin is medium velvety, yellow with a carmine blush. The pulp is yellow, medium fiber, very juicy and aromatic. A medium-sized stone is easily separated from the pulp;
  • Friendship- a winter-hardy variety, derived from Chinese material, with rounded fruits weighing from 140 to 250 g with a ribbed ventral suture. The skin is tender and elastic, with barely noticeable pubescence, creamy yellow, with a blush of red dots and strokes. The flesh is creamy white, sweet and very juicy, easily separated from the stone.

Also of interest are the mid-ripening peach varieties White Swan, Golden Jubilee, Champion, Dakota, Tuscan Kling, Double Mountain, New Yield, Fine, Pineapple Nectarine, Salami and others.

Late varieties of peach

There are not as many late varieties of peach as early and mid-season, but for a heat-loving crop, this is in the order of things. The best of the late varieties are:

  • Jaminat- high-yielding variety with elongated fruits, slightly squeezed from the sides, bright yellow with marbled red. Bright orange flesh of medium density, very juicy and sweet, with a barely noticeable sour taste. The stone is well separated from the pulp;
  • Irganai late- frost-resistant variety with rounded fruits weighing up to 160 g. Peel with suede pubescence, bright yellow, with beautiful red spots. The pulp is yellow-orange, sweet, tender fibrous. A small bone is well separated from the pulp. The variety is resistant to clasterosporia and curliness;
  • Kremlin- a productive variety, zoned for the Crimea and the south of Ukraine, with rounded fruits weighing up to 200 g with yellow-orange skin and marble carmine-burgundy blush, which occupies a significant part of the surface. Skin with soft pubescence. Orange-yellow fragrant pulp of medium density and juiciness of a very pleasant taste is easily separated from a small stone;
  • Golden Moscow- a winter-hardy high-yielding variety with fruits weighing up to 180 g of bright yellow basic color and a blurry red blush covering most of the fruit. The pubescence of the skin is weak, velvety. The pulp is yellow, fragrant, dense, medium juicy, well away from the stone;
  • Tourist- a relatively winter-hardy variety, zoned for the Crimea and southern Ukraine, with round, wide-oval fruits weighing up to 200 g, greenish-cream in color with a blurred burgundy blush, occupying up to half of the fruit surface. The pubescence of the skin is weak, suede. Greenish-white pulp is fibrous, medium density, juicy and fragrant, sweet taste with slight sourness. A large bone is well separated from the pulp.
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