
The fruits ripen on ancient plants of the actinidia genus. Varieties and types of actinidia

Herbs in the garden

Actinidia (from lat. Actinidia) in the wild in our country grows in the Far East. More than 30 species are known. The most common both in the wild and in the cultivated state are actinidia arguta and actinidia kolomikta. Actinidia received appreciation from amateur gardeners for the good quality of its edible berries, tasty, tender and nutritious. Its berries are rich in sugars and organic acids, and in terms of vitamin C content they can compete only with rose hips, the most vitamin of all berry crops. In addition, the fruits contain vitamins P (26 mg%) and carotene (provitamin A - 0.26 mg%). The advantage of this edible plant is the high stability of vitamin C in processed products.

The largest of the actinidia argument. This is a powerful liana up to 25 m tall, with a thick woody stem up to 18 cm in diameter, with light brown bark with a bluish bloom, exfoliating longitudinal stripes on old trunks. Young shoots are smooth, light gray or light brown, with longitudinal lenticels. The leaves are dense, narrowed at the top into a triangular island ending, glossy above, with frequent thin teeth along the edge. Berries of various shapes (from spherical to cylindrical), sometimes laterally compressed, green or yellowish, up to 6 cm long and up to 4 cm wide. The berries are juicy, sweet, with a strong pineapple aroma. Their weight is 1.5-10 g. They ripen in September-October.

Arguta differs from other species in the comparative simultaneity of berry ripening. The plant is winter-hardy and productive (sometimes it gives up to 50 kg of berries from one liana). Actinidia is cultivated both in the Moscow region and in the Urals, in southern Siberia, and in the Volga region.

- a tree-like liana-like climbing plant, reaching a height of 7 meters, with stems up to 5 cm in diameter. In open places, it spreads along the ground and forms thickets. It grows more slowly than actinidia arguta. The bark of the trunk is brown, with yellowish lenticels. Young shoots are reddish-brown, shiny, with numerous longitudinal and dotted lenticels. The leaves are alternate, 6.5-15 long and 3-12 cm wide, obovate, with a heart-shaped base, pubescent along the veins with reddish hairs. The berries of actinidia kolomikta are dark green, cylindrical, up to 4 cm long and 2.5 cm wide, obtuse, with remnants of columns at the top.

The pulp of the fruit is tender, sweet, somewhat reminiscent of gooseberries in taste. The berries contain up to 8.4% sugars, up to 2.1% organic acids, about 26 mg of Vitanim P and up to 1200 mg of vitamin C. Fruit weight 1.5-4.0 g. Bush yield - 5-7 kg. The fruits ripen in late August - September. It differs from the previous species by high frost resistance, but by a more extended ripening period of berries.

I. V. Michurin bred a number of varieties of actinidia, which differ from wild forms in greater winter hardiness, productivity and vitamin content. Among them are Pineapple Michurin, Klau Zetkin, Harvest.

Good growth of actinidia requires cultivated, well-fertilized and moist soils, loamy or sandy loam.

The root system of actinidia is located at the depth of the arable layer, so deep tillage is not required. Since this culture is dioecious (single-sex), there should be several plants (male and female) in the plantations. It is necessary to plant actinidia in a permanent place at a distance of 2.5-3 m. Since actinidia is a liana-like plant, trellises (as for raspberries) or stakes 2-2.5 m high are used in plantations. It propagates by seeds, horizontal layering and green cuttings . Seedlings and cuttings require shading. This accelerates their growth in the early years.

Actinidia, although it belongs to frost-resistant plants, has reduced winter hardiness in young cultivated forms. Therefore, in the first years after planting (one to three), it is necessary to cover them for the winter (with coniferous spruce branches or other material). With the entry into fruiting, actinidia no longer requires special protection. Cut off as it thickens. When pruning, all diseased, broken and weak branches are removed, and the remaining shoots are evenly distributed along the trellis. Pruning is carried out in early spring before the start of sap flow.

Actinidia berries do not ripen at the same time, and when ripe, they quickly crumble. Therefore, they must be collected in several stages as they mature.

Juice. The fruits are kneaded with a wooden pestle, the juice is squeezed out and heated in an enamel bowl up to 80 degrees. Then it is poured into sterile jars and sealed.

Jelly. Prepared berries are kneaded and covered with sugar (1 kg of sugar per 1 kg of berries), mix thoroughly and cook at a gentle boil. The finished jelly is packaged in jars and sealed.

Candied berries. They are poured in layers with sugar (1: 1), closed with lids and stored at 0 degrees.

Jam. Prepared berries are ground with granulated sugar (2 kg per 1 kg of berries) until smooth and kept for three to five days. Then cook until tender at a moderate boil. The finished jam is poured into jars and corked.

Compote. The berries are washed, placed in jars and poured with syrup (300 g of sugar per 1 liter of water) and half-liter jars are heated at 80 degrees for 10, and liter jars for 15 minutes.

dried berries. Ripe fruits are dried in an oven or oven at a temperature of 50-60 degrees. Ready berries should be elastic and soft. Store them pressed in cellophane. By their taste, they resemble dried seedless grapes (kishmish). Actinidia berries can be frozen for the winter.

Many gardeners are familiar fruit liana of the Far Eastern forests - actinidia, which is found in the wild in the taiga of Primorsky Krai, the Amur Region, in the south of Sakhalin and the Kuril Islands. However, this very decorative vine with surprisingly useful fruits is still rarely found in household plots.

We are growing three types of actinidia. The most frost-resistant of them - actinidia kolomikta (local names - raisins, raisins, Amur gooseberries) has found its place in the gardens of the Non-Black Earth region of the European part of the USSR. In botanical gardens and among amateur gardeners, it can be found in almost all areas of the country.

Description of the types of actinidia creepers

Liana reaches 10-15 m, wrapping around a supporting tree or shrub. Its bark is dark brown, with small white lenticels. The leaves are simple, entire, from elongated-oval to rounded. Flowers solitary or collected in two or three, with large petals and yellow stamens. Plants can be male, with staminate flowers, or female, with functionally female flowers. In the latter, the pistil with stigmas diverging like rays and small stamens are well developed.
A few days before flowering in male plants, the leaves from the top begin to turn white, then turn crimson. Such variegation gives the vine an exceptionally decorative look.

actinidia berries elongated cylindrical shape, when ripe they become dark green, their weight is 2-3 g. They are very tender, soft, sour-sweet, with a strong pineapple aroma. Each berry contains up to 90 small seeds, imperceptible when chewed. In terms of raw matter, actinidia kolomikta berries contain 1000-1100 mg% of ascorbic acid (the highest amount of vitamin C among berry plants). When stored in a dried form or jam, juices, the content of ascorbic acid changes little. In addition, actinidia berries contain up to 10% sugar and 1-1.5% organic acids.
Actinidia arguta (sharp, or large) is somewhat less hardy, but bears fruit well south of the Moscow region. This is a powerful liana, reaching a height of 17-20 m.

Differs in light brown bark, large glossy dark green leaves. It has flowers with white petals and black stamens. The fruits are relatively large, green, weighing up to 7-10 g, very pleasant in taste, with a strong pineapple aroma. They contain 100 mg% ascorbic acid, up to 10% sugar and 1% organic acids.

Actinidia polygamus, the most heat-loving of our actinidia, has a reddish-brown bark, with white long sparse lenticels. It is distinguished by variegation and orange fruits that taste like red bell peppers. At home, this plant is called pepper.

Reproduction of actinidia seeds

Actinidia is coming into its own fruiting in the fifth or sixth year after planting and yields annually. It can be propagated by seeds and cuttings.. Seeds are sown either before winter, or, after pre-sowing preparation of seeds, in the spring (the duration of pre-sowing stratification is 4 months). Only freshly harvested seeds should be used for sowing, without subjecting them to fermentation. The seeds should be washed from the pulp of the berries and put in a saucer of water for four days. Then place them in a nylon cloth and bury them in wet, clean, calcined sand in a wooden box with holes at the bottom.

It is necessary to keep the seeds moist in a room at a temperature of 18-20 ° for two months. Take them out of the sand weekly and ventilate them. Then bury the seed box deep under the snow, but so that they do not freeze. Under the snow, the seeds must also be at least two months. In the spring, take them out from under the snow and keep them for one or two weeks in a cool room at 10 °. At this time, the seeds begin to crack, and they can be sown in seed boxes with soil. Sow superficially, in grooves, planting no deeper than 0.1 cm.

Actinidia shoots are very small, similar to weed shoots. At this time, water them often and protect them from direct sunlight, keep at room temperature. Seedlings in the phase of three or four true leaves, dive into boxes or cold greenhouses. With the onset of warm days, in June, it can be planted on the ridges.
In the first years, cover the seedlings for the winter with fallen leaves and spruce branches. Then plant the plants in a permanent place in the garden. Basically, seedlings require moisture, drained soil and partial shade.

Reproduction of actinidia cuttings

Actinidia can be rooted green summer cuttings. Cut them at the beginning of the growth of the shoots, when they begin to turn brown from below. Such semi-lignified cuttings are cut "with a heel", that is, with a part of the old shoot. It should be rooted with constant moisture in boxes or in cold greenhouses. Pests do not damage actinidia, but it often suffers from cats, so young plants need to be protected from them.

By their excellent taste, the fruits of actinidia are incomparable with anything. They are rich in vitamins (vitamin C is 15-20 times more than in lemon) and pectin.
At one time I read from I. V. Michurin that "in the future, actinidia will completely replace grapes in terms of the quality of its fruits, its resistance to various diseases and pests, and its ability to avoid damage from late spring morning frosts ...", and decided to grow this culture. She sowed the seeds sent from the Far East, but they did not sprout. True, the seeds were very small and, perhaps, were deeply buried during irrigation. And in the fall of 1966, she planted the crushed fruits of actinidia kolomikta in boxes and left them to winter in the garden, covering them with dry leaves. Planted in rows to a depth of 0.3-0.5 cm. In May - June shoots appeared, and in bunches (from each berry).

The first year the seedlings grew very weakly. In autumn, she selected the tallest and strongest and planted them separately, rarely, at a distance of 0.5 m from one another. In the third year, they began to grow so actively. that the vines had lengthened over a meter over the summer and given side branches.
In the fourth year, the plants bloomed and brought very large fruits, 2.5 times larger than ordinary kolomikta fruits.
A few years ago, actinidia wrapped around a frame made in the form of a gazebo. The vines have grown to 10-15 m. The harvest is large, all branches are strewn with berries, but it has become inconvenient to take care of actinidia. And I shortened the vines to 1.5 m, and sent those that are longer to trellises like grape ones.
She placed the trellis under the apple trees and soon made sure that the actinidia felt good and still bears fruit. I now grow all actinidia plants on a trellis. I cut the ends of too long vines. The plant tolerates transplanting well even at the age of 15.

The use of actinidia fruits

Actinidia is winter-hardy: after the winter of 1978/79, when frosts reached 38 °, it not only did not die, but also bore normal fruit. I did not notice pests and diseases on it.
I use the whole crop. I cover the fruits with sugar. I pre-wash them and put them in a three-liter jar, pouring the same amount of sugar. I close with a polyethylene lid with an eyelet.

A lot of juice stands out (about 1/2 can). The fruits are rising. From them I prepare compotes, and from the rest of the contents of the jar, diluting with water to taste, I make drinks.
After drinking such a drink, I feel cheerful, working capacity increases, digestion improves.
Actinidia covered with sugar is stored for two to three years.
I advise everyone to breed this beautiful plant.

Actinidia cultivation and care

I have been growing actinidia kolomikta for ten years, since the seeds were sent to me from the Vladivostok Botanical Garden. Received the seeds in April, stratified them for four months. Sowed in the first days of September immediately on a ridge located on the north side of the garden house. I previously dug it up on a shovel bayonet, adding manure and leaf humus, as well as wood ash (I did not apply mineral fertilizers).
I covered the seeds with leaf humus to a depth of no more than 0.5 cm. Shoots appeared together in the third decade of May the following year. After the formation of 4-6 true leaves, the seedlings were picked at a distance of 10-15 cm from one another.
In the first summer, he strictly monitored that the soil was always moist, and the seedlings were not in direct sunlight. While the actinidia kolomikta plants are young, they attract cats, from which they have to be protected. To do this, he built a low frame and covered it with a metal mesh.

Since shoots of actinidia appear late, it becomes necessary to protect them from trampling and to be able to loosen the soil without harming the germinating seeds. This is what I learned. The seeds were sown in grooves made in the direction from east to west, at a distance of 15-20 cm from one another, and retreating from them by 5-6 cm on the south side, parallel to them, dill was sown in rows late in autumn. Early spring shoots of dill allowed me to determine the location of the grooves with actinidia. It is also positive that dill covered the seedlings of actinidia from direct sunlight.
In the summer, in order not to damage the actinidia, the weeds were not weeded out, and in the fall, when they withered, well-rooted, lignified seedlings with characteristic thickenings at the ends of the vines, 10-12 cm high, remained on the ridge.

For the first three years for the winter, I covered them with a 15-20 cm layer of fallen birch leaves, which I later used to obtain humus.
Seedlings were planted in a permanent place in partial shade at two and three years (which is better) at the age of early spring. Some plants transplanted carefully, with a clod of earth, bloomed in the same year.
I tried to create conditions as close as possible to those in which actinidia grows in the taiga: partial shade, a thick layer of rotted plant residues, an abundance of moisture. Therefore, a lot of humus and wood ash was introduced into the soil. I prepared pits from autumn with a depth and a diameter of 0.7-0.8 m, placing them at a distance of 2-2.5 m. Broken bricks were laid in each pit for drainage with a layer of 20-25 cm.

After landing, he left only one shoot, and removed the rest. Immediately installed supports - metal pipes of three meters in height. Further care was reduced to watering, weeding, sprinkling in dry times.
In order not to damage the roots located superficially near actinidia, neither in the first nor in subsequent years did he loosen the soil, but every year 2-3 buckets of humus were poured into the near-stem circle of each plant. He applied wood ash, eggshells, small bones and half-rotted deadwood as fertilizer.

pruning actinidia

plants i systematically pruned at the end of sap flow - in the conditions of the Southern Urals, as a rule, in the second half of October. The main vines, older than three years or damaged during pruning, were replaced by others, always keeping in mind that the side vines extending from the main vines give a greater yield and the fruits on them are tastier than on side shoots of a different order (not from the main vine). Systematically removed all fruit-bearing, withered, weak and damaged branches.
I spend spring pruning in exceptional cases and without fail before sap flow (end of March - beginning of April).

A negative feature of actinidia, in my opinion, is the early spring awakening of the kidneys. Spring frosts typical for the Southern Urals in late April - early May (-3, -5 °) damage most of the opening buds, which significantly reduces the yield. To delay the exit of plants from dormancy, I sprinkle the snow around the bushes in March with humus. In the summer I shorten the growth of the current year by 1/3-1/4 of its length. According to my observations, these activities delay bud break by 10 days or more.
Actinidia kolomikta was not affected by diseases and pests.
Based on my ten-year experience of growing actinidia kolomikta in the garden, I believe that this crop can be cultivated by gardeners in many regions of our country.

Based on the materials of the journal "Plant farming", E. Kolbasina, candidate b. n.; In Ryzhov, Voronezh, In Ryabets, Chelyabinsk - amateur gardeners, 1981

Actinidia self-fertile is quite an interesting ornamental plant. Its fruits are extremely beneficial for human health, tasty and fragrant. Growing and caring for the plant is easy. In addition, actinidia gives high and stable annual yields. Fruits differ in marketability and remarkable transportability, can be stored for a long time in a cool place. Detailed information on growing actinidia and keeping it at home is provided below.

Description of actinidia self-fertile

The above plant has several names. This is holly actinidia, and self-fertile actinidia, and kiwi, and pineapple atinidia. The plant is, first of all, a spectacular tree-like vine, which is characterized by a beautiful decorative appearance and edible fruits. The latter are distinguished by an extremely high content of useful trace elements and vitamins.

This plant is characterized by a stable, high yield, sufficient frost resistance, unpretentiousness to growing conditions, resistance to diseases and pests.

It should be noted that self-fertile actinidia does not require a male plant: it is well pollinated by itself. It begins to bear fruit already 4 years after planting. From one bush you can get up to 9 kg of berries.

Actinidia fruits can be stored in the refrigerator for up to 2 months, but it is imperative to observe a strict temperature range for this: from 0 to 2 degrees Celsius.

Features of actinidia

The above plant has the following characteristics:

  • has a height of up to 25 m (variety of argut), up to 6 m (type of kolomikta);
  • trunk with a diameter of up to 5 cm;
  • high intensity of growth of plant shoots (up to 2 m per season);
  • with skeletal roots;
  • the maximum sub-zero temperature that the actinidia plant can withstand is -30 degrees Celsius;
  • kiwi fruit that has come into fruition is more frost-resistant than non-bearing ones;
  • mid-August - fruit ripening period;
  • the fruits of the plant are distinguished by a round or oblong shape, from light to dark green in color;
  • the taste of fruits - from sweet and sour to fresh-sweet;
  • photophilous plant;
  • culture loves moisture, but an excessive amount does not tolerate it;
  • spring pruning is strongly discouraged.

It should be noted that the actinidia plant can grow and bear fruit well for about 30 years.

Useful properties of actinidia

The fruits of the above plant are extremely beneficial for the human body. In their composition they contain:

  • carotene, niacin, ascorbic acid, vitamin B5;
  • polyphenols;
  • minerals: salts of potassium, magnesium, calcium, phosphorus;
  • dry matter;
  • organic acids;
  • pectins.

It should be noted that the fruits of this plant contain 5 times more vitamin C than black currants and 10 times more than citrus fruits.

These fruits significantly strengthen the immune system of hypertensive patients, people with diabetes, the elderly and children. Kiwi fruits are especially useful for patients who have vision problems.

Types of self-fertile actinidia

Perennial tree vines have about 30 plant species in the genus. All varieties of actinidia are distinguished by high annual fruitfulness and a beautiful decorative appearance. On the territory of Russia, the following types of the above plant are known:

1. Argut:

  • hybrid;
  • Kyiv large-fruited;
  • curly;
  • September;
  • Actinidia Arguta is self-fertile.

2. Interspecies:

  • Giralda;
  • Polygam.

3. Kolomiktovye:

  • Pineapple;
  • Clara Zetkin;
  • Self-fertile actinidia Kolomikta;
  • Victory.

Pollination of this plant occurs with the help of wind or insects. Interestingly, this process can be carried out at fairly large distances: up to half a kilometer. For example, some species of kolomiktsy and interspecific pollinators independently. In this case, the yield is small.

In one place, tree vines can grow for more than 70 years.

The yield of the vine depends on its type. Argut give the largest number of fruits - up to 250 kg, kolomiktovye - only up to 3 kg. The weight of the fruits themselves also differs: for example, polygamous ones have fruits weighing 6 grams.

Recently, in America, breeders have bred a new variety of actinidia called Kiwi. So it is capable of producing fruits weighing up to 330 grams.

As for the harvest, the Giralda variety and all colomict fruits are harvested at the end of August, the rest - until mid-September. Although, if you want more sugars to accumulate in fruits, shoot kiwi closer to frost.

If the crop was harvested at sub-zero temperatures, it will not be stored in the refrigerator for a long time.

Reproduction of actinidia

The above plant is propagated by both cuttings and seeds. Stratification of the seed is carried out for 2 months. Before this process, the seeds are steamed. Then they are mixed with sand and lightly moistened. After that, the seeds are wrapped in a cloth and placed in a refrigerator, where a temperature of about +5 should be maintained. It is recommended that they be aired daily for fifteen minutes at room temperature.

After the above stratification process, the seeds are planted in light soil, which is pre-steamed. Seedlings appear early enough: after two weeks. During the first year they grow slowly. But it is not recommended to feed them with anything.

Young seedlings of actinidia in the first winter are best kept in a cool place. It is advisable to plant only in early spring.

If actinidia is propagated by cuttings, then it is recommended to cut them with two or three buds. Also leave one upper shortened leaflet. Cuttings are recommended to put for a day in a glass of distilled water. Only after that they can be planted in a container with a substrate. As the latter, you can safely use peat or sand. Important: do not fall asleep a kidney with a leaf substrate! After planting the cuttings, they need to be watered and covered with a film.

In order for the cuttings to take root well, it is necessary to provide them with a temperature regime (+18 degrees Celsius), humidity above the average and access to sunlight. Once a day, it is recommended to spray the cuttings with a spray bottle.

Seedlings grown from cuttings will begin to bear fruit in two to three years.

Soil for the above plant

Actinidia seedlings prefer a variety of soils, with the exception of floating clay soils, near which groundwater is located. Breeders recommend making good drainage for the plant. Therefore, tree-like vines are best placed on slopes with water flow, elevated areas. This will prevent stagnation of water in the roots of the plant.

It should be noted that it is strictly forbidden to plant actinidia after actinidia. An undesirable neighbor for the above plant is an apple tree. It is better to plant actinidia near blackcurrant.

In no case is it allowed to dig the soil around the tree vine. The maximum that can be done is to carry out fine loosening.

Self-fertile actinidia: planting and care

Plants are planted in spring to a depth of 70 cm. Gardeners advise adding a little fertilizer to each hole: about 10 kg of ordinary humus and 100 grams of superphosphate. It should be noted that actinidia is planted in early spring.

At the very bottom of the pit, you first need to place a drainage, which can be stones, expanded clay or broken bricks.

Plants are planted at a distance of up to 2.5 m. Before planting a tree vine, its roots are moistened in a clay mash.

Actinidia care is as follows:

  1. Before flowering, a tree-like vine is fertilized with phosphorus.
  2. In autumn, actinidia is fed with humus, potassium salt, superphosphate and ammonium nitrate.
  3. For a plant, it is useful to mulch the soil with humus, sawdust or peat with a layer of 12 cm.
  4. In addition, actinidia is covered for the winter to prevent freezing of young plants.

The above plant is unpretentious, but still requires some attention. Tree liana prefers to grow in the sun, although it also feels good in the shade.

  1. It is important to build supports for the plant.
  2. Provide her with additional watering in hot weather.
  3. During the fruiting period, the soil around the tree-like vine is kept under black fallow.

Pruning a self-fertile actinidia

This action cannot be performed:

  • in early spring;
  • during the period of intensive sap flow (due to the loss of juice, the plant becomes weak);
  • at the end of summer (may cause awakening of the kidneys on the shoots of the current year).

The ideal time for pruning is the period after the flowering of the plant. Actinidia pruning is also carried out in late autumn. At this time, you can thin out the plants, cut out weakened branches, remove frozen tips on the shoots.

Pests and diseases of actinidia

The above plant is highly resistant to various diseases. Breeders note the following diseases that can affect actinidia:

  • leaflet phyllosticosis (brown spots);
  • on berries.

It should be noted that in order to combat the above infections, the affected fruits and leaves are collected and destroyed.

A dangerous pest for actinidia are cats that like to gnaw out young shoots and dig up the roots of the plant. Therefore, it is important to enclose a woody vine with a wire mesh, and cover the top.

Calendar of works for the care of the above plant

In order for the plant to grow intensively and bear fruit well enough, it is important to carry out the necessary work on the care and maintenance of actinidia in time:

  1. In April, shelters are removed from young tree-like vines. This is the time when actinidia is planted.
  2. In May, gardeners are advised to feed the tree vine with organic fertilizers. Also this month it is recommended to loosen, weed the soil around the actinidia. If the weather is too dry in May, gardeners are advised to water the plant and mulch the soil.
  3. In June, it is desirable to ensure that the plant receives the required amount of moisture. It is also important to loosen and weed the soil a little. At this time, the cutting of green cuttings is also carried out.
  4. In July, in addition to weeding, loosening and watering, it is important to tie up the plant. It is also necessary to remove excess shoots.
  5. The harvest is in August. After harvesting the fruits, it is recommended to feed the plant with minerals and organic fertilizers.
  6. The harvest is also in September.
  7. In October and November, pruning of actinidia is carried out, which is carried out to form a bush. Although the above plant is also highly frost-resistant, it is still important to have time to cover young tree-like vines for the winter to sub-zero temperatures.

Do you know that:

  • in terms of the content of ascorbic acid, only wild rose can compete with the fruits of the above plant;
  • 1 or 2 actinidia berries provide the body with a daily requirement for vitamin C;
  • about 700 berries of the above plant cover the annual need for ascorbic acid for a person;
  • for a family of 4, it is enough to have only one tree liana bush to provide each of its members with an annual norm in vitamin C.

How is actinidia used?

The fruits of the above plant are actively used in cooking. They are also prepared for the winter: they canned and dried.

Jam is prepared from the fruits of actinidia, juice is squeezed out, and cocktails are made. The above fruits are also used to decorate cakes and other sweets, to make desserts.

Dried actinidia or sultanas are especially popular, which resembles in their appearance

When preserving actinidia fruits, experts recommend adding citric acid, since already processed they have a taste with mild acidity.

Actinidia is self-fertile - a plant that can not only decorate a personal plot, but also give extremely tasty and healthy fruits. This is just a godsend for an enterprising summer resident.

Actinidia kolomikta (Actinidia kolomikta).

Other names: Amur gooseberry, Far Eastern raisin, taiga pineapple.

Description. Dioecious plant shrub-liana of the Actinidiaceae family (Actinidiaceae) up to 10 m high, up to 5 cm in diameter. It has a fibrous branched root system, which is mainly located on the soil surface.

Shoots are red-brown or dark brown, shiny, with curly or erect branches. If there is a support, then strengthening on it, the vine rises, if there is no support, then it spreads along the ground.

The leaves are green, alternate, entire, wrinkled, on long petioles, elliptical, ovate or rounded, serrated along the edge, up to 10 cm long. Some specimens, especially male plants, are characterized by variegation. Before flowering, the tips of many leaves turn white, after flowering - pinkish. Still later - raspberry-red. This phenomenon is not a disease.

The flowers are unisexual (some are bisexual), five-petalled, fragrant, white or pinkish, drooping, on thin pedicels. Male flowers are collected in corymbose inflorescences of 2-5. Female flowers are solitary. Blooms in June. Fruit ripening begins at the end of August.

The fruit is a green multi-seeded berry with longitudinal dark stripes. The shape is oblong, elliptical, less often rounded, up to 3 cm long, about 1.5 cm wide. Ripe actinidia fruits are soft, fragrant, tasty (sweet and sour). Liana begins to bear fruit at the age of 9.

The plant lives up to a hundred years, reproduces well vegetatively. In the wild, actinidia kolomikta grows in the Far East. It is grown as a fruit and ornamental plant. There are more than 30 types of actinidia. The most common species is actinidia kolomikta.

The early varieties of actinidia kolomikta include - Fragrant, Early, Mattovaya, the middle ones - Pineapple, Clara Zetkin, Large-fruited, the late ones - September, Leningrad late.

Collection and preparation of raw materials. Fruits (berries) of actinidia kolomikta are consumed and harvested. Berries are picked when they are ripe. Actinidia fruits are consumed fresh, juices, jams, jams, compotes are made from them.

They can also be dried and frozen in the freezer. If there is a need to transport and keep the berries fresh for as long as possible, then they are picked a little unripe. Fruit ripening is extended in time, so the collection is carried out approximately once a week. Ripe berries are dried in an oven or oven at t 50-60°C. Dried fruits resemble raisins.

Plant composition. Fruits contain a lot of vitamin C (810-1400 mg%). It also contains sugars, vitamins P, B1, B2, B5, carotene, polyphenols, solids, tannins and dyes, pectins, organic acids, mineral salts (calcium, potassium, phosphorus, magnesium). The leaves contain flavonoids, lactones, polyphenols, pectins, organic acids, traces of saponins.

Useful properties, application, treatment.

The fruits of actinidia kolomikta have antiscorbutic, hemostatic, analgesic, anthelmintic properties. The antiscorbutic property is due to the high content of vitamin C.

The hemostatic property of actinidia fruits can be effective in uterine bleeding. The fruits are also considered effective in the recovery period after infectious diseases and operations, with physical and mental overwork, acute and chronic diseases of the stomach and intestines.

The analgesic effect will be useful for whooping cough, bronchial asthma, pulmonary tuberculosis. It is best to consume fruits fresh. Many vitamins are preserved in berries mashed with sugar.

Actinidia pureed with sugar. The fruits of actinidia are sorted, cleaned of stalks, washed in cool water. Then lay out in a thin layer on paper or cloth to dry the water. After the water dries, the fruits are passed through a meat grinder, which is pre-cleaned and sterilized well. The crushed fruits are mixed with sugar (2 kg of granulated sugar are taken for 1 kg of fruits). To taste, you can add citric acid at the rate (about 2 g of acid per 1 kg of fruit). The berries rubbed with sugar are scattered in sterilized jars, covered with plastic lids. Store in a cool place (refrigerator, cellar, cellar).

Actinidia berry juice. On a juicer, squeeze the juice from the fruits of actinidia. It is heated in an enamel bowl to t 80 ° C (pasteurization), poured into sterilized jars and corked with metal lids. Store in a cool place (refrigerator, cellar, cellar).

Actinidia: care and beneficial properties

Actinidia kolomikta is a garden decorative tree-like liana, the fruits of which have good taste and contain many useful substances.

plant description

Actinidia kolomikta is a representative of the relict actinidia family, often also called the Far Eastern or Amur gooseberry for the taste of the fruit. This plant is a close "relative" of kiwi (Chinese actinidia). Its homeland is the tropical forests of southern East Asia; in the middle lane, this liana-like shrub is cultivated as an ornamental and fruit plant.

The large heart-shaped leaves of actinidia have a bronze tint in spring, then turn green, during the flowering period their tips turn white, at the end they turn pink, and by autumn they turn crimson.

The shoots of the plant grow up to 7 meters in height, so it needs support. The flowers on this tree-like vine bloom in early summer, are white, pink and purple in color and fragrant. The fruits appear in August-September, in appearance they resemble kiwi, but usually do not exceed 2-3 cm in length, and five grams in weight.

They appear 3-4 years after planting. Dark green berries ripen not at the same time, but within 20 days. They are very delicate, and if they are not removed in time, they will fall and break. The easiest way out of the situation is to collect unripe fruits and place them in a cool, shady place for ripening. In the sun, the berries can "cook" and become tasteless.

Actinidia: care and cultivation

For planting kolomikta, seedlings no more than four years old are used; an adult plant does not take root. Being a tree-like liana, this plant does not tolerate the neighborhood of large fruit trees, such as apple trees, as it competes with them for water and light. It is best to place them on the south side of the house or hedge, after placing a support (ladder, trellis), no closer than a couple of meters from other plants. The landing pit is made about half a meter deep, not counting the necessary drainage layer of sand, pebbles or broken bricks.

A mound is poured onto the drainage layer from a mixture of earth with organic and mineral fertilizers, and a seedling is already placed on it so as not to deepen the root collar. Next, the plant is watered abundantly, its roots are covered and mulched with peat or humus.

Kolomikty do not tolerate liming, because in nature they grow on slightly acidic soils, and they need organic and mineral fertilizers annually, since these shrubs grow in one place for a long time (up to 50 years) and greatly impoverish the soil.

Video: Actinidia care.

Like most vines, kolomikta prefers airborne moisture, so on hot days it is better to spray it in the morning and evening than to water it. The soil under actinidia cannot be dug up, it should be loosened and weeded. In the second year after planting, the plant begins to form. usually in the form of a fan. Pruning is carried out in the fall, after the leaves fall, in the spring the kolomikta “weeps”, releasing juice like birch trees, as a result, its vitality decreases and even death is possible.

It should be noted that actinidia is a dioecious plant, therefore, in the foreseeable space, next to the female fruit-bearing plant, there should also be a male.

This bush can be propagated with the help of seeds and vegetatively (rooting of air layers, cuttings, grafting onto another vine). Seedlings bloom for about 5-6 years, seedlings - earlier. The harvest depends not only on proper care, but also on the weather during the flowering period. In warm sunny weather, more ovaries appear.

Dots and spots on the leaves of kolomikta usually mean that the plant is infected with powdery mildew or another fungal infection, spraying with Bordeaux liquid and removing the affected leaves is used to combat it. Young plants should be protected from small rodents and cats; they cannot harm adult specimens.

Beneficial features

Unlike the fruits of most other plants, actinidia kolomikta berries ripen faster in the shade. This is due to the presence of a large amount of ascorbic acid in them, which accumulates faster when the plant is protected from the sun.

It is enough to eat just a couple of berries to get the required daily dose of vitamin C.

Video: Medicinal properties of actinidia.

It is this substance that attracts cats so much that they completely gnaw the branches of young plants. Traditional medicine uses the fruits of kolomikta to treat bronchial asthma, uterine bleeding, anemia and tuberculosis, as well as an analgesic and anthelmintic.

Actinidia useful properties

Garden and vegetable garden-107 Actinidia - the northern sister of kiwi

Useful properties of actinidia

Actinidia is the Greek name for this vine-like plant and translates as "ray".

There are almost 30 types of actinidia in the world and all of them are very much appreciated by gardeners and decorators for their ability to quickly create vertical green compositions.

The first actinidia appeared in the preglacial period and have come down to our days with little or no significant changes.

By the way, so loved by some kiwi. also refer to the actinidia species.

However, this plant is valued not only for its ability to grow rapidly and for the beautiful oblong fruits and leaves that adorn gardens.

Actinidia has a whole complex useful properties. that improve human health.

The fruits of the plant contain such an amount of vitamin C, which is not even in a lemon; just one berry can provide the body with a daily dose of this vitamin.

Berries and leaves of Actinidia are widely used in folk medicine and cosmetics.

Try to make a face mask from the pulp of actinidia: take 2-3 fruits for this, peel and mash into a pulp. Add half a banana and 2 tbsp. l. natural yogurt.

Apply the mixture on the skin of the face and neck, hold for a quarter of an hour and rinse with warm water.

Such a mask has a beneficial effect on the skin during the cold season, when we lack vitamins from food.

For fading facial skin and for those who, on duty, are rarely outdoors, a nourishing mask from berry juice will help.

Just take and cut the fruit in half, rub the juice on the face with the pulp and leave it on the skin for 15 minutes.

Then remove the juice with warm water.

To exfoliate dead skin cells and cleanse the pores, exfoliate with the pulp of the actinidia fruit.

Mash the pulp to a state of porridge and apply with light massaging movements on the skin of the face.

Rinse with warm water and apply your nourishing cream.

Such a natural scrub can be used several times a week without contraindications.

Useful properties of actinidia found their application not only in cosmetology: the leaves and fruits of the plant are used in the form of infusions and decoctions for the treatment of various diseases.

For example, for patients with angina, traditional medicine offers the following recipe.

Put 5-7 crushed actinidia leaves in a saucepan and pour them with a glass of boiling water.

Put on fire, heat and boil for a quarter of an hour.

Remove from heat, cool and strain.

Take a third of a glass in the morning, afternoon and evening.

The course of treatment is a month with a break of two weeks.

To treat problems with the gastrointestinal tract (bloating, constipation, difficult stools), prepare an infusion of actinidia berries.

To do this, pour 2 tbsp into a thermos. l. berries and pour a liter of boiling water.

Leave overnight, and in the morning drink a glass of infusion before meals.

During the day, take two more glasses.

Course of treatment: two to four weeks three times a day.

In addition, such a vitamin drink is useful in itself for strengthening immunity in the cold season.

By the way, actinidia leaves are credited with not only medicinal, but also mystical properties.

It has long been believed that if you put the leaves of a plant under your pillow, you can meet romantic love.

If under the mattress, then you will live a long and eventful life; and if you store leaflets in a desk drawer, then you can ensure material well-being and climb up the career ladder.

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  • Minerals
  • Beneficial features

    Actinidia contains a large amount of ascorbic acid, which strengthens the immune system

    Use in cooking

    Actinidia is used in cooking not only fresh, but also processed. The fruits can also be frozen and dried so that they can be used at any time of the year. They can also be dried and even marinated. Various drinks are prepared from this fruit: juice, compote, jelly, etc. In addition, actinidia is perfect for jam, jam, syrup, jelly, marshmallow and marmalade.

    The benefits of actinidia and treatment

    The benefits of actinidia are widely used in traditional medicine recipes. For the treatment of many diseases, not only fruits are used, but also leaves, flowers and rhizomes. Actinidia helps in the treatment of whooping cough, anemia constipation, intestinal worms and bronchitis. In addition, the plant is recommended for use in problems with the lungs, rheumatism, paralysis, as well as in the period of stomach diseases, that is, it has rich healing properties.

    Actinidia decoctions help with caries. The bark of the plant contains tannins and cardiac glycosides, which improve the condition with severe dizziness and headaches. Decoctions prepared on its basis have a calming, analgesic and hemostatic effect. In addition, the decoction has expectorant and tonic properties.

    Actinidia can harm people with individual intolerance to the product. It is worth refusing to use the plant for thrombophlebitis, varicose veins and increased blood clotting. It is also worth controlling the amount of fruit eaten, as in case of overeating, you can cause an eating disorder.

    Species and varieties

    There are a myriad of varieties of actinidia, but we will talk about them a little later. Let us first touch upon the question of the types of actinidia. So, these are the three most popular types of actinidia: actinidia arguta, actinidia kolomikta and polygamous actinidia. Let's consider each of them in more detail.

    As regards the first kind, namely actinidia arguta. then it rightfully occupies a leading position in size. So in height such actinidia can reach thirty meters. The thickness of the trunk ranges from ten to twenty centimeters. This giant, as a rule, braids nearby growing trees, and therefore outwardly resembles huge ropes. Arguta is thrown from one tree to another and thus provides the plantations with a rather spectacular and exotic appearance.

    - this is exactly the type of plant that is most often grown on the territory of Russia, since it has the greatest frost resistance. So she is able to survive winters, the temperature of which does not fall below -45 degrees.

    As for the actinidia varieties, as we mentioned earlier, there are quite a large number of them, and therefore it will not be possible to list and characterize them all within the framework of one article. But still, we will tell you about the best varieties for growing on the territory of Belarus, Russia (its middle zone, including the Moscow region), Ukraine.

    We study the beneficial properties of actinidia and contraindications for use

    This plant is becoming more and more popular in Russian gardens every year. And, if you have already decided to acquire them, you should carefully study the beneficial properties of actinidia and contraindications to its use.

    Actinidia, along with ginseng, eleutherococcus and honeysuckle, came to us from the Far Eastern taiga. The genus of these plants includes about 75 species, of which four varieties of actinidia grow in the Russian Far East, and only two are cultivated everywhere - kolomikta or arguta.

    General information about actinidia

    All types of actinidia growing in our country are deciduous shrub vines. They are unpretentious and have good winter hardiness. These plants are highly decorative, in gardens they often decorate arbors, fences, walls of buildings or are left to curl along a trellis. But it is bred most often because of its outstanding medicinal properties.

    The undoubted beneficial properties of actinidia, as well as contraindications to it, were noted by the Russian academician and breeder I. V. Michurin, when he wrote that actinidia is not inferior in quality to grapes. But, if only berries are considered medicinal in grapes, then all actinidia is useful - berries, leaves, bark and roots.

    What are the beneficial properties of actinidia

    The main value of actinidia berries lies in the record content of ascorbic acid. In terms of the amount of this vitamin, the Far Eastern liana is second only to rose hips, surpassing citrus fruits and black currants. Berries also contain:

  • tannins and pectins, which positively affect digestion and remove toxins from the body;
  • carotene, which improves vision;
  • vitamin P, which enhances the action of ascorbic acid;
  • glycosides that have a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system;
  • various trace elements and organic acids necessary for the body.
  • Berries, flowers, bark and leaves of creepers are used for gastrointestinal diseases, beriberi, anemia, lung diseases, constipation, rheumatism and hypertension. It is also useful as a hemostatic, sedative, analgesic and general tonic.

    For the first time, a substance unique in its action, actinidin, was isolated from the fruits of the plant. It restores the function of the heart muscle after a heart attack, reduces the likelihood of its re-damage and promotes digestion.

    Benefits of actinidia for weight loss

    The berries of this miraculous liana contain unique substances that together can effectively reduce weight. The benefits of actinidia for weight loss come from its properties to remove toxins and toxins from the body, while saturating it with essential vitamins and microelements. At the same time, 100 grams of fruit contain only 47 kilocalories.

    Regular consumption of actinidia can quickly normalize weight with a balanced diet and sufficient physical activity.

    Who should not use Actinidia?

    The benefits of actinidia far outweigh the possible harm from it. So, you need to use the fruits with caution with unstable stools, low blood pressure, thrombophlebitis, varicose veins and increased blood clotting. Ulcers and patients with gastritis with high acidity of gastric juice should eat actinidia berries only after consulting a doctor.

    An unequivocal contraindication to use is individual intolerance, which can cause a severe allergic reaction.

    The beneficial properties of actinidia, even briefly described, make it possible to evaluate its effect on health and on the body as a whole. If you have not found any contraindications to its use, try planting a healing vine in your area and you will always be provided with tasty and healthy berries.

    Video about the medicinal properties of actinidia

    ACTINIDIA: types, composition, calorie content, useful properties and contraindications.

    Kishmish Far East and Amur gooseberries are the popular names of several species of Actinidia, which grow wild in the Far East, as well as cultivated in garden plots in almost all regions of Russia. This favorite berry of many Far Easterners has the most valuable medicinal properties and excellent taste. And that's what this article is about.

    Description of Actinidia:

    Actinidia is a genus of shrubby deciduous vines that grows wild mainly in Southeast Asia, as well as in the Far East region of Russia. There are more than 70 species of Actinidia, the most famous of which is Actinidia sinensis and is known to us as kiwi. Kiwi is devoted to a separate article "Kiwi: useful properties and contraindications." And in this article we are talking about the types of Actinidia that grow on the territory of our country. There are not many such species, and the most common of them are Actinidia kolomikta and Actinidia arguta (acute Actinidia). In the wild, it is distributed in the Primorsky and Khabarovsk Territories, in the Amur and Sakhalin Regions, as well as in the Jewish Autonomous Region. As a fruit and berry crop is grown in many regions of Russia.

    Actinidia fruits are small (about 3 cm long) edible berries of an elliptical shape of a dark green color. The berries are fragrant, juicy, sweet or sour, they can taste like strawberries. kiwi. gooseberry. apples. watermelon. figs. but, as a rule, have a slightly pineapple flavor. Actinidia berries are eaten fresh, and compotes, juices, jams, jams, marmalade, etc. are also prepared from them. Actinidia can be dried and frozen.

    Actinidia has powerful medicinal properties and is widely used in folk medicine. At the same time, not only berries are endowed with healing properties, but also leaves, bark, roots and vines themselves.

    Actinidia composition:

    Far Eastern raisin has a unique composition. It contains vitamins C. A. R, group B. In terms of the amount of vitamin C. actinidia is second only to rose hips. significantly ahead of citrus fruits and black currants. Actinidia is rich in minerals, sugars, organic acids, fiber and other healthy substances.

    Actinidia calories:

    The calorie content of actinidia fruits is about 50 kcal per 100 grams of product.

    Useful properties of actinidia:

    When used for culinary rather than medicinal purposes, actinidia has the following beneficial properties:

  • Actinidia is an excellent source of vitamins for the body. Which, of course, has a great effect on the immune system and helps protect against various diseases, including colds.
  • Actinidia is good for the heart, strengthens blood vessels, improves blood circulation, and helps lower blood pressure.
  • It has a positive effect on the work of the broncho-pulmonary system.
  • Actinidia has a beneficial effect on the digestive system, helps to get rid of heaviness in the stomach, belching and heartburn. It has a mild laxative effect.
  • Some sources note the ability of actinidia to remove radionuclides from the body.
  • Regular use of actinidia helps to improve the condition of the skin.
  • Actinidia contraindications:

    If we talk about the culinary doses of the use of actinidia, then it is contraindicated in case of individual intolerance. During pregnancy and lactation, as well as thrombophlebitis, increased blood clotting and varicose veins, you should consult your doctor before eating this berry.

    When using fruits, bark, leaves and roots of actinidia for medicinal purposes, you should also consult a doctor.

    In addition, you should not consume actinidia in large quantities, as this can lead to unpleasant consequences, such as upsetting the digestive system.

    Eat actinidia with pleasure, take care of yourself and be healthy!

    Actinidia - description of the plant and its fruits with a photo, characteristics of properties (benefit, harm, contraindications); types and varieties of actinidia; its cultivation (planting and care); use in cooking

    Actinidia: properties


    Actinidia- a plant of the actinidia family. In addition, there is another popular name "kiwi". The birthplace of this fruit is Western and Central China. The oblong fruits are covered with a light fluff on top. Inside is a tender and soft pulp of green or yellow color. There are also several small black seeds inside. In the context, the fruits are very similar to kiwi (see photo).

    The variety of useful properties of actinidia is due to its rich vitamin and mineral content. So, it contains a large amount of ascorbic acid, which strengthens the immune system. which makes it much more effective to resist the action of viruses and infections. There is also potassium in the composition of the fruit, which favorably affects the functioning of the cardiovascular system. This reduces the risk of heart attacks, strokes and other similar problems. Actinidia is useful for beriberi, iodine deficiency and hypertension.

    The composition of actinidia includes fiber, which has a positive effect on the condition of the intestine, and it also improves its peristalsis. With regular consumption, you can get rid of constipation or prevent their occurrence. There is also carotene in this fruit, which has a positive effect on vision. Fruits help improve metabolic processes and help with beriberi.

    Use in cooking

    The benefits of actinidia and treatment

    The benefits of actinidia are widely used in traditional medicine recipes. For the treatment of many diseases, not only fruits are used, but also leaves, flowers and rhizomes. Actinidia helps in the treatment of whooping cough, anemia constipation, intestinal worms and bronchitis. In addition, the plant is recommended for use in problems with the lungs, rheumatism, paralysis, as well as in the period of stomach diseases, that is, it has rich healing properties.

    Decoctions prepared on the basis of fruits are considered indispensable for fever and for quickly quenching thirst. An infusion of leaves will help get rid of the symptoms of angina pectoris and rheumatism. If the infusion is prepared from fruits, then it will have a general strengthening effect and it is useful to use it in cases of cerebral circulation disorders. An infusion based on the rhizome is recommended for use during the treatment of stomatitis and inflammation of the gums.

    p style="text-align: justify;">Fruit juice helps improve appetite and boost immunity. In addition, the fruit peel and juice have a wound healing and regenerating effect. Given this, lotions based on them will help in healing wounds and with wet eczema.

    Actinidia harm and contraindications

    Actinidia can harm people with individual intolerance to the product. It is worth refusing to use the plant for thrombophlebitis, varicose veins and increased blood clotting. The presence of at least one of these diseases is a contraindication to the use of fruits. It is also worth controlling the amount of fruit eaten, as in case of overeating, you can cause an eating disorder.

    Species and varieties

    There are a myriad of varieties of actinidia, but we will talk about them a little later. Let us first touch upon the question of the types of actinidia. So, these are the three most popular types of actinidia: actinidia arguta, actinidia kolomikta and polygamous actinidia. Let's consider each of them in more detail.

    The fruits of actinidia argut are also the largest among all other species, which, however, is not surprising. They are colored dark green. The berries are quite fleshy and juicy. When ripe, their taste becomes sweet. As for the aroma of the fruit, it is somewhat reminiscent of pineapple.

    The peculiarity of actinidia kolomikta is that during the flowering period it exudes a very pleasant aroma. As for the fruits, they look like elongated berries about 1.8 cm long. The berries of such actinidia are colored dark green, and they also have dark stripes. The taste of these fruits is very pleasant and delicate. And, of course, they are endowed with a wonderful aroma.

    It remains only to get to know actinidia polygamous. Outwardly, it is very similar to actinidia kolomikta, only in size it is slightly smaller. Its height, as a rule, does not exceed five meters. The polygamous actinidia weakly branches and winds. As for the fruits of this plant, they are very similar in shape to the fruits of kolomikta, only their tip is pointed and somewhat bent. The berries are painted in a light orange color, and when fully ripe they acquire a uniform orange color. Their taste in an immature state is very burning and pungent, but when the fruit ripens, it becomes sweet.

    So, since actinidia kolomikta has the highest frost resistance, it is precisely its varieties that are grown in the post-Soviet space. In addition, it is worth noting that the whole variety of fruits of this species has a record content of ascorbic acid in its composition. So, even two berries will be enough to cover the daily dose of vitamin C.

    We list the most popular varieties of actinidia kolomikta, and also give a brief description of them in the table that follows.

    Variety name

    Actinidia kolomikta is a garden decorative tree-like liana, the fruits of which have good taste and contain many useful substances.

    plant description

    Actinidia kolomikta is a representative of the relict actinidia family, often also called the Far Eastern or Amur gooseberry for the taste of the fruit. This plant is a close "relative" of kiwi (Chinese actinidia). Its homeland is the tropical forests of southern East Asia; in the middle lane, this liana-like shrub is cultivated as an ornamental and fruit plant.

    The large heart-shaped leaves of actinidia have a bronze tint in spring, then turn green, during the flowering period their tips turn white, at the end they turn pink, and by autumn they turn crimson.

    The shoots of the plant grow up to 7 meters in height, so it needs support. The flowers on this tree-like vine bloom in early summer, are white, pink and purple in color and fragrant. The fruits appear in August-September, in appearance they resemble kiwi, but usually do not exceed 2-3 cm in length, and five grams in weight.

    They appear 3-4 years after planting. Dark green berries ripen not at the same time, but within 20 days. They are very delicate, and if they are not removed in time, they will fall and break. The easiest way out of the situation is to collect unripe fruits and place them in a cool, shady place for ripening. In the sun, the berries can "cook" and become tasteless.

    Actinidia: care and cultivation

    For planting kolomikta, seedlings no more than four years old are used; an adult plant does not take root. Being a tree-like liana, this plant does not tolerate the neighborhood of large fruit trees, such as apple trees, as it competes with them for water and light. It is best to place them on the south side of the house or hedge, after placing a support (ladder, trellis), no closer than a couple of meters from other plants. The landing pit is made about half a meter deep, not counting the necessary drainage layer of sand, pebbles or broken bricks.

    A mound is poured onto the drainage layer from a mixture of earth with organic and mineral fertilizers, and a seedling is already placed on it so as not to deepen the root collar. Next, the plant is watered abundantly, its roots are covered and mulched with peat or humus.

    Kolomikty do not tolerate liming, because in nature they grow on slightly acidic soils, and they need organic and mineral fertilizers annually, since these shrubs grow in one place for a long time (up to 50 years) and greatly impoverish the soil.

    Video: Actinidia care.

    Like most vines, kolomikta prefers airborne moisture, so on hot days it is better to spray it in the morning and evening than to water it. The soil under actinidia cannot be dug up, it should be loosened and weeded. In the second year after planting, the plant begins to form. usually in the form of a fan. Pruning is carried out in the fall, after the leaves fall, in the spring the kolomikta “weeps”, releasing juice like birch trees, as a result, its vitality decreases and even death is possible.

    It should be noted that actinidia is a dioecious plant, therefore, in the foreseeable space, next to the female fruit-bearing plant, there should also be a male.

    This bush can be propagated with the help of seeds and vegetatively (rooting of air layers, cuttings, grafting onto another vine). Seedlings bloom for about 5-6 years, seedlings - earlier. The harvest depends not only on proper care, but also on the weather during the flowering period. In warm sunny weather, more ovaries appear.

    Dots and spots on the leaves of kolomikta usually mean that the plant is infected with powdery mildew or another fungal infection, spraying with Bordeaux liquid and removing the affected leaves is used to combat it. Young plants should be protected from small rodents and cats; they cannot harm adult specimens.

    Beneficial features

    Unlike the fruits of most other plants, actinidia kolomikta berries ripen faster in the shade. This is due to the presence of a large amount of ascorbic acid in them, which accumulates faster when the plant is protected from the sun.

    It is enough to eat just a couple of berries to get the required daily dose of vitamin C.

    Video: Medicinal properties of actinidia.

    It is this substance that attracts cats so much that they completely gnaw the branches of young plants. Traditional medicine uses the fruits of kolomikta to treat bronchial asthma, uterine bleeding, anemia and tuberculosis, as well as an analgesic and anthelmintic.

    Other names: Amur gooseberry, Far Eastern raisin (kishmish)

    Botanical characteristic. Tree-like liana, rising up the trunks and branches of trees up to 15 m. The trunk is up to 6 cm in diameter, branched, with slightly flaky bark. Young shoots are reddish-brown, shiny, with numerous longitudinal light lenticels. In the absence of supporting trees, it takes the life form of a shrub up to 2 m high. The leaves are alternate, petiolate, ovate with a heart-shaped base, pointed at the top, pubescent along the veins with reddish hairs, 2-7 cm long, often with a white or reddish top. During flowering, white spots appear on green leaves, gradually turning pink, and becoming raspberry-red after flowering. Variegation is especially pronounced in specimens growing in well-lit places. The plant is dioecious, that is, on some individuals only female flowers develop, on others - only male. The flowers are white or pink, on thin pedicels, with a double five-membered perianth, drooping, fragrant. The calyx of 5 sepals remains in fruit and dries up. Staminate flowers about 1 cm in diameter, with numerous stamens and a rudimentary ovary, are located in corymbose inflorescences. The fruit is a berry. Blossoms in June-July, fruits ripen in August-September.

    Spreading. Actinidia is widespread in the southern regions of the Far East: in Primorye, the Amur Region, on Sakhalin and the Kuril Islands. Quite widely bred by amateur gardeners in European Russia as an ornamental and fruit crop.

    Habitat. It grows in cedar-broad-leaved, spruce-fir and other coniferous and mixed forests. A light-loving plant, therefore it develops magnificently in clarified forests.

    blank. The fruits are harvested ripe and processed mainly fresh. They make jam, juices, compotes, marshmallows, marmalade, candy fillings.

    Drying. Less commonly, the fruits are dried and dried at a temperature of 60 ° C. Berries are well preserved in dried and frozen form.

    External signs. Ripe fruit is a multi-celled dark green berry 10-18 mm in size with a pleasant sour-sweet taste, elongated-elliptical, smooth, juicy, with 12 dark longitudinal stripes. There are up to 90 seeds in a berry, they are dark brown or yellowish, with a fine mesh surface.

    Chemical composition. Actinidia fruits contain up to 10% sugar, a large amount of vitamin C (up to 1400 mg%), up to 3% organic acids, pectin, dyes, tannins, trace elements. According to the content of ascorbic acid, the fruits of actinidia are superior to black currants, lemons, oranges and are second only to some types of wild rose. Cardiac glycosides were found in the cortex. The leaves also contain ascorbic acid (up to 0.1%).

    Application. Actinidia berries are an effective antiscorbutic agent, they are very valuable as a means of preventing beriberi. Of course, in order to preserve the maximum content of ascorbic acid, it is better not to subject the berries to thermal processing; for long-term storage, it is advisable to freeze them or turn them into “raw jam”, that is, grind them with sugar. It is believed that in this form, vitamins are not destroyed for almost 9 months. Sometimes the fruits of actinidia are dried and dried in ovens at a temperature not exceeding 60 ° C. It turns out a very tasty product, reminiscent of raisins, but high in vitamins. The berries of other Far Eastern species of actinidia have the same medicinal and nutritional qualities, although they are inferior to actinidia kolomikta in taste and size.

    In Chinese medicine, the fruits are used as an analgesic, and in Primorye - as a laxative and antihelminthic.

    In folk medicine of the Far East, it is used for scurvy, bleeding, tuberculosis, whooping cough, dental caries.

    Kishmish: useful properties

    Kishmish is a very sweet grape variety with small berries and no seeds. From it, dark or light pitted raisins are obtained, in which a huge amount of vitamins and microelements is concentrated. It is also called kishmish, which means "dried grapes" in Arabic.

    The beneficial properties of raisins were appreciated by the ancient healers of Asia and the East. They claimed that a handful of sultanas can relieve fatigue and irritability, help with coughs and a weak heart.

    Kishmish has a huge calorie content - some varieties of raisins contain up to 400 kcal per 100 g of product. This is due to the fact that dried grapes consist mainly of carbohydrates (fructose, sucrose, glucose).

    Kishmish is rich in vitamins (A, C, B1, B2, B5, PP) and microelements (potassium, calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, boron and others). At the same time, the content of useful substances in dark raisins is much higher.

    Kishmish: useful properties

    Raisins: contraindications

    Since raisins are very high in calories, they should not be abused by overweight people.

    ACTINIDIA: types, composition, calorie content, useful properties and contraindications.

    Kishmish Far East and Amur gooseberries are the popular names of several species of Actinidia, which grow wild in the Far East, as well as cultivated in garden plots in almost all regions of Russia. This favorite berry of many Far Easterners has the most valuable medicinal properties and excellent taste. And that's what this article is about.

    Description of Actinidia:

    Actinidia is a genus of shrubby deciduous vines that grows wild mainly in Southeast Asia, as well as in the Far East region of Russia. There are more than 70 species of Actinidia, the most famous of which is Actinidia sinensis and is known to us as kiwi. Kiwi is devoted to a separate article "Kiwi: useful properties and contraindications." And in this article we are talking about the types of Actinidia that grow on the territory of our country. There are not many such species, and the most common of them are Actinidia kolomikta and Actinidia arguta (acute Actinidia). In the wild, it is distributed in the Primorsky and Khabarovsk Territories, in the Amur and Sakhalin Regions, as well as in the Jewish Autonomous Region. As a fruit and berry crop is grown in many regions of Russia.

    Actinidia fruits are small (about 3 cm long) edible berries of an elliptical shape of a dark green color. The berries are fragrant, juicy, sweet or sour, they can taste like strawberries. kiwi. gooseberry. apples. watermelon. figs. but, as a rule, have a slightly pineapple flavor. Actinidia berries are eaten fresh, and compotes, juices, jams, jams, marmalade, etc. are also prepared from them. Actinidia can be dried and frozen.

    Actinidia has powerful medicinal properties and is widely used in folk medicine. At the same time, not only berries are endowed with healing properties, but also leaves, bark, roots and vines themselves.

    Actinidia composition:

    Far Eastern raisin has a unique composition. It contains vitamins C. A. R, group B. In terms of the amount of vitamin C. actinidia is second only to rose hips. significantly ahead of citrus fruits and black currants. Actinidia is rich in minerals, sugars, organic acids, fiber and other healthy substances.

    Actinidia calories:

    The calorie content of actinidia fruits is about 50 kcal per 100 grams of product.

    Useful properties of actinidia:

    When used for culinary rather than medicinal purposes, actinidia has the following beneficial properties:

    Actinidia contraindications:

    If we talk about the culinary doses of the use of actinidia, then it is contraindicated in case of individual intolerance. During pregnancy and lactation, as well as thrombophlebitis, increased blood clotting and varicose veins, you should consult your doctor before eating this berry.

    When using fruits, bark, leaves and roots of actinidia for medicinal purposes, you should also consult a doctor.

    In addition, you should not consume actinidia in large quantities, as this can lead to unpleasant consequences, such as upsetting the digestive system.

    Eat actinidia with pleasure, take care of yourself and be healthy!

    The benefits and harms of green and black grapes kishmish

    The composition of grape varieties kishmish

    The main advantage of grapes is the absence of seeds in the berries. The composition includes a large number of vitamins of groups: B, C, E, PP, A, etc. In addition, the juicy pulp is rich in minerals that have a beneficial effect on the human body:

  • potassium;
  • iron;
  • magnesium;
  • calcium;
  • zinc;
  • selenium, etc.
  • Grape variety kishmish close-up on a bush

    The use of grapes has a cosmetic and therapeutic effect. Flavonoids slow down the aging process of the skin, and the vitamin composition has an antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effect. Therefore, it is important to replenish the body with useful trace elements that strengthen the immune system.

    Grape Kishmish is one of the few products that retains useful qualities not only fresh, but also after processing.


    The average calorie indicator is about 230-280 Kcal, depending on the variety. The nutritional value is due to the high content of glucose, fructose and sucrose. The daily dietary intake of an adult is approximately 1800 calories, and 100 grams of berries is not enough to eat, so it is important not to gain extra pounds while eating the amazing gifts of nature.

    Useful and harmful properties of green and black varieties

    The benefits of this type of grape are simply invaluable. Trace elements and vitamins, which are part of the berries, have a beneficial effect on the body:

  • strengthen protective functions;
  • calm the nervous system;
  • improve the functioning of the cardiovascular system;
  • reduce the risk of caries or gum disease.
  • Kishmish grapes growing in a greenhouse

    Antioxidants, which are part of grapes, protect cells from the destructive action of radicals, contribute to the restoration of metabolic processes.

    In addition to using the product fresh, wine is often used as an auxiliary treatment (in small doses), for example, with tonsillitis, bronchitis, and constipation. Raisins complement dietary dishes or pastries.

    In cosmetology, there are many recipes that involve the use of both berries (as juice) and leaves. There is a high effect of masks and creams containing a grape component.

    In order for a useful product not to harm the body, it is important to remember some limitations. For example, you should not eat a large number of berries at a time. Unbeknownst to yourself, you can raise the level of sugar in the blood, provoking an attack. The abundance of sweet substances in fruits has a devastating effect on tooth enamel. Therefore, after eating, you should rinse your mouth with clean water or a special lotion.