
Steel St3sp: interpretation, composition, application. Physical and chemical characteristics of steels st3 General description of the material

Fundamentals of garden composition


The goals, basic principles and basic procedure for carrying out work on interstate standardization are established GOST 1.0-92“Interstate system of standardization. Basic Provisions” and GOST 1.2-97“Interstate system of standardization. Interstate standards, rules and recommendations for interstate standardization. The order of development, adoption, application, updating and cancellation "

About the standard

1 DEVELOPED by the Research Institute "UkrNIImet" of the Ukrainian State Scientific and Technical Center "Energostal"; Interstate technical committee for standardization MTK 327 "Rolled bars, shaped and special profiles"

2 INTRODUCED by the State Committee of Ukraine on Technical Regulation and Consumer Policy

3 ADOPTED by the Interstate Council for Standardization, Metrology and Certification (Minutes No. 28 of December 9, 2005)

Short country name
according to MK (ISO 3166) 004-97

Code of the country
according to MK (ISO 3166) 004-97

Abbreviated name of the national standards body




Ministry of Trade and Economic Development


State Standard of the Republic of Belarus


State Standard of the Republic of Kazakhstan





Russian Federation

Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology






Gospotrebstandart of Ukraine

7 EDITION (September 2009) as amended (8-2008).

Information O administered V action (termination actions) present standard published V index "National standards".

Information about changes To present standard published V index "National standards", A text changes - V information signs "National standards". IN case revision or cancellation present standard relevant information will published V informational index "National standards"

GOST 380-2005




Common quality carbon steel.

Introduction date - 2008-07-01

1 area of ​​use

This standard applies to carbon steel of ordinary quality intended for the manufacture of hot-rolled products: long, shaped, thick-plate, thin-sheet, broad-strip and cold-rolled thin-sheet, as well as ingots, blooms, slabs, piping, rolled and continuously cast billets, pipes, forgings and stampings, strips , wire, hardware, etc.

2 Normative references

This standard uses normative references to the following interstate standards:

3.3 Requirements for the chemical composition of steel grades E185 (Fe 310), E235 (Fe360), E275 ( Fe 430), E355 (Fe 510), Fe 490, Fe 590, Fe 690 according to the international standards ISO 630 and ISO 1052 are given in the appendix.

3.4 The degree of deoxidation, if it is not specified in the order, is set by the manufacturer.

4 Requirements for the chemical composition of steel

4.1 The chemical composition of steel (basic elements) according to the analysis of the ladle sample must comply with the standards specified in the table.

Table 1

In percentages

Mass fraction of chemical elements





Not more than 0.23


0,06 - 0,12

0,25 - 0,50

Not more than 0.05


0,06 - 0,12

0,25 - 0,50

0,05 - 0,15


0,06 - 0,12

0,25 - 0,50

0,15 - 0,30


0,09 - 0,15

0,25 - 0,50

Not more than 0.05


0,09 - 0,15

0,25 - 0,50

0,05 - 0,15


0,09 - 0,15

0,25 - 0,50

0,15 - 0,30


0,14 - 0,22

0,30 - 0,60

Not more than 0.05


0,14 - 0,22

0,40 - 0,65

0,05 - 0,15


0,14 - 0,22

0,40 - 0,65

0,15 - 0,30


0,14 - 0,22

0,80 - 1,10

Not more than 0.15


0,14 - 0,20

0,80 - 1,10

0,15 - 0,30


0,18 - 0,27

0,40 - 0,70

Not more than 0.05


0,18 - 0,27

0,40 - 0,70

0,05 - 0,15


0,18 - 0,27

0,40 - 0,70

0,15 - 0,30


0,28 - 0,37

0,50 - 0,80

0,05 - 0,15


0,28 - 0,37

0,50 - 0,80

0,15 - 0,30


0,22 - 0,30

0,80 - 1,20

Not more than 0.15


0,38 - 0,49

0,50 - 0,80

0,05 - 0,15


0,38 - 0,49

0,50 - 0,80

0,15 - 0,30

4.2 It is allowed to manufacture steel of all grades, except for those intended for rolled products used in shipbuilding and car building, without limiting the lower limit of the mass fraction of carbon and manganese, provided that the required level of mechanical properties is ensured.

In steel grades St2kp, St3kp and St4kp, intended for the manufacture of long and shaped steel, an increase in the mass fraction of silicon to 0.07% is allowed.

(New edition, Rev. No. 1).

4.3 When deoxidizing semi-quiet steel with aluminum, titanium or other deoxidizers that do not contain silicon, as well as several deoxidizers (ferrosilicon and aluminum, ferrosilicon and titanium, etc.), the mass fraction of silicon in steel is allowed to be less than 0.05%. Deoxidation with titanium, aluminum and other silicon-free deoxidizers is indicated in the quality document.

4.4 The mass fraction of chromium, nickel and copper in steel of all grades, except for St0, should be no more than 0.30% each. In steel grade St0, the mass fraction of chromium, nickel and copper is not standardized.

In steel made by the scrap process, the mass fraction of copper is allowed up to 0.40%, chromium and nickel - up to 0.35% each. At the same time, in steel grades St3kp, St3ps, St3sp, St3Gps and St3Gsp, the mass fraction of carbon should not exceed 0.20%.

4.6 Mass fraction of nitrogen in steel should be no more than:

Smelted in electric furnaces - 0.012%;

Open-hearth and converter - 0.010%.

It is allowed to increase the mass fraction of nitrogen in steel up to 0.013%, provided that the norm of the mass fraction of phosphorus is reduced by at least 0.005% with each increase in the mass fraction of nitrogen by 0.001%.

4.7 The mass fraction of arsenic in steel of all grades, except for St0, should not exceed 0.080%. The mass fraction of arsenic in steel grade St0 is not standardized.

4.8 Limit deviations in the chemical composition of finished rolled products, ingots, billets, forgings and further processing products must comply with the standards specified in the table.

Table 2

In percentages

Maximum deviation by chemical composition

boiling steel

Semi-calm and calm steel






















Note - For chemical elements, the mass fraction of which, according to limited only by the upper limit, positive limit deviations apply.

( Amendment).

(Revised edition, Rev. No. 1).

5 Control methods

5.1 Sampling methods for determining the chemical composition of steel - according to GOST 7565.

5.2 Chemical analysis of steel - according to GOST 12359 , GOST 17745 , GOST 18895 , GOST 22536.0 - GOST 22536.11 , GOST 27809 , GOST 28033 or other methods approved in the prescribed manner and providing the necessary accuracy.

In case of disagreement between the manufacturer and the consumer, the assessment is carried out by the control methods provided for in this standard.

5.3 Determination of the mass fraction of chromium, nickel, copper, arsenic, nitrogen, and also silicon in boiling steel may not be carried out, provided that the manufacturer guarantees that the standards are met.

6 Marking

6.1 Marking of products made of carbon steel of ordinary quality is carried out according to regulatory documents for a specific type of metal products, taking into account the requirements GOST 7566.

At the request of the consumer or if there are requirements for color marking in the regulatory documents for rental, it is additionally applied with indelible paint with the colors indicated in the table.

Table 3

Marking color


Red and green


yellow and black






Red and brown

St3 Gsp

Blue and brown






Green and brown



Annex A

Table A.1

Steel grade according to

Steel grade according to

GOST 380:2005

ISO 630:1995

ISO 1052:1982

GOST 380:2005

ISO 630:1995

ISO 1052:1982


E 185 (Fe 310)


E 235-B (Fe 360-B)



E 235-C (Fe 360-C)

E 235-D (Fe 360-D)



E 275-A (Fe 430-A)



E 275-B (Fe 430-B)



E 275-C (Fe 430-C)

E 275-D (Fe 430-D)



Fe 490



E 355-C (Fe 510-C)

Fe 490


E 235-A (Fe 360-A)


Fe 490


E 235-B (Fe 360-B)


Fe 590


E 235-C (Fe 360-C)


Fe 590

Fe 690

B.1 The chemical composition of steel according to the analysis of the ladle sample must comply with the standards given in the table

Table B.1

Rolled thickness, mm

Mass fraction of chemical elements, %, no more

Deoxidation degree






E 185 (Fe 310)

E 235 (Fe 360)




Up to 16






St. 16 to 25






Up to 40






St. 40
















E 275 (Fe 430)

Up to 40




St. 40





















E 355 (Fe 510)

up to 30






St. 30






up to 30






St. 30






Fe 490



Fe 590



Fe 690



Note 1 - The sign "-" means that the indicator is not standardized.

Note 2 - NE - non-boiling steel.

Note 3 - GF - fine-grained calm steel. The recommended mass fraction of total aluminum is not less than 0.020%.

B.2 Steel grades Fe 490, Fe 590 and Fe 690 is made semi-calm and calm.

B.3 Limit deviations of the chemical composition in the finished rolled products must correspond to those given in the table.


Structural steels. Rolled thick-plate, broadband, sectional and shaped profiles (ISO 630:1995 Structural steels - Plates, wide flats , bars, sections and profiles )

ISO 1052:1982

General purpose steel (ISO 1052:1982 Steels for general engineering purposes)

Keywords:carbon steel, grades, chemical composition, control methods, marking

state standard


GOST 380-88

Official edition


UDC 669.14: 006.354 Group B20



Common quality carbon steel. Grades OKP 08 7010

GOST 380-88

Date of introduction 01.01.90

1. Carbon steel of ordinary quality is produced in the following grades: STO, St1kp, St1ps, St1sp, St2kp, St2ps, St2sp, StZkp, StZps, StZsp, StZGps, StZGsp, St4kp, St4ps, St4sp, Stbps, Stbsp, StbGps, Stbps, Stbsp.

The letters St stand for "Steel", the numbers - the conditional number of the grade depending on the chemical composition of the steel, the letters "kp", "ps", "sp" - the method of deoxidation ("kp" - boiling, "ps" - semi-calm, " sp "- calm).

2. The method of deoxidation, if it is not specified in the order, is set by the manufacturer.

3. The chemical composition of steel according to the melting analysis of the ladle sample must comply with the standards specified in Table. 1.

4. In steel grade StZsp, intended for further processing into sheet metal, manufactured with normalization of impact strength, the mass fraction of acid-soluble aluminum must be at least 0.02%. When deoxidizing steel with titanium, aluminum is not standardized, and the mass fraction of residual titanium is not more than 0.03%.

5. The mass fraction of chromium, nickel and copper in steel should be no more than 0.30% each.

5.1. In steel made by the scrap process, the mass fraction of copper is allowed up to 0.40%, chromium and nickel - up to 0.35% each with a mass fraction of carbon not more than 0.20%.

Official Edition ★

© Standards Publishing, 1988 © Standards Publishing, 1991

Reissue with change

This standard cannot be fully or partially reproduced, replicated and distributed without the permission of the State Standard of the USSR

5.2. For steel grades StZkp, StZps, StZsp, StZGps and StZGsp, manufactured by the scrap process, a mass fraction of copper is allowed up to 0.40% with a mass fraction of carbon not more than 0.20% and a mass fraction of chromium, nickel and copper in the amount of not more than 0 .80%.

Table 1 .

steel grade

Mass fraction of elements, %



Not more than 0.23

Not more than 0.05

Not more than 0.05

Not more than 0.05

Not more than 0.15

Not more than 0.05

Not more than 0.15

Note. It is allowed in the NTD for specific types of metal products, provided that a standardized set of properties is provided, clarification:

the lower limit of the mass fraction of carbon or manganese;

the lower limit of the mass fraction of silicon during the deoxidation of semi-quiet steel with aluminum, titanium or other deoxidizers that do not contain silicon, as well as several deoxidizers (ferrosilicon and aluminum, ferrosilicon and titanium, etc.).

(Revised edition, Rev. No. 1).

6. In steel intended for the manufacture of long, shaped and sheet products, the upper limit of the mass fraction of manganese increases by 0.2%, except for steel grades StZGps, StZGsp, StbGps.

7. Mass fraction of nitrogen in steel - no more than 0.008%, and when smelted in electric furnaces - no more than 0.012%.

8. The mass fraction of sulfur in steel of all grades, except STO, should be no more than 0.050%, phosphorus - no more than 0.040%, in steel grade STO sulfur - no more than 0.060%, phosphorus - no more than 0.070%.

9. The mass fraction of arsenic in steel should be no more than 0.08%.

In steel smelted on the basis of Kerch ores, the mass fraction of arsenic is not more than 0.15%, phosphorus is not more than 0.050%.

10. Limit deviations in chemical composition in finished rolled products must correspond to those given in table. 2.

table 2

Note. For rolled steel grades StZps, StZsp, StZGps and StZGsp, intended for welded structures, positive deviations in the mass fraction of carbon are not allowed.

11. Chemical analysis of steel for the content of chromium, nickel, copper, arsenic, nitrogen, and in boiling steel also for silicon content, may not be carried out if the standards are provided by the manufacturing technology.

In steel smelted on the basis of Kerch ores, the determination of arsenic is mandatory.

12. Sampling methods for determining the chemical composition of steel - according to GOST 7565-81.

13. Chemical analysis of steel - according to GOST 22536.0-87, GOST

22536.1-88, GOST 22536.2-87, GOST 22536.3-^-88, GOST

22536.4-88, GOST 22536.5-87, GOST 22536.6-88, GOST

22536.7-88, GOST 22536.8-87, GOST 22536.9-88,- GOST

22536.10-88, GOST 22536.11-87, GOST 27809-88, GOST 17745-90, GOST 18895-81 or other methods approved in the prescribed manner and providing the required accuracy.

In case of disagreement between the manufacturer and the consumer, the assessment is carried out by standard methods.

14. For marking products, use the paint of the colors shown in Table. 3.

By agreement between the manufacturer and the consumer, paint marking is not performed.

Table 3

GOST 380-88 S. 5


1. DEVELOPED AND INTRODUCED by the Ministry of Ferrous Metallurgy of the USSR


D.K. Nesterov (Head of Department), Ph.D. tech. sciences; S. I. Rudyuk (head of direction), Ph.D. tech. sciences;

V. F. Kovalenko (supervisor), Ph.D. tech. sciences;

One of the most popular grades of steel alloys can safely be called St3 steel. This material can be found almost everywhere, from garden benches to complex welded structures. What caused it?

Chemical composition

Grade St3 refers to carbon structural steels of ordinary quality. The composition includes the following chemical elements:

  • carbon up to 0.22%;
  • silicon up to 0.17%;
  • manganese up to 0.65% and many others, including chromium and nickel.


Metallurgical plants produce the following range of products from the St3 brand:

  1. Forgings GOST 8479-70;
  2. Rolled products GOST 2591-2006;
  3. Strip and strip products GOST 14918-80;
  4. Rails GOST 5812-82;
  5. Pipes and fittings for them GOST 10705-80;

Decoding steel St3

The steel supplied to the customer must be marked in accordance with GOST 380-2005. The full name of St3 should sound like this St3Gsp GOST 380-2005. Its decoding is as follows:

  • St - so designate carbon steel of ordinary quality;
  • 3 - serial number of the alloy grade according to GOST 380-2005;
  • G is the designation for manganese. If it is more than 0.8% in the alloy, then it must be indicated.
  • Cn is the level of deoxidation.

As a substitute, you can use steel C245, this is defined in GOST 27772-88 and C285

The use of steel St3

The technical parameters of St3 allow it to be used for the production of loaded elements of welded structures and parts of machines and mechanisms operating at positive temperatures.

Some types of rolled products, in particular, the fifth category, are used in the production of metal structures that can operate at temperatures from -40 to 425 degrees Celsius with alternating loads.

After the construction of complex structures, it makes sense to carry out heat treatment, in particular, annealing. This operation is necessary to relieve stresses that arise after welding.

In addition, this material is used in the production of construction reinforcement At400s.

A sheet made from this steel is used for the production of parts produced using cold stamping technology. It is used to produce troughs for collecting coolant and waste oils installed on machine tools, containers of various sizes and purposes, covers for machine tools, casings, etc.


As already noted, the St3 grade is in demand in the production of various structures, and, in fact, is the most popular structural steel. This led to the fact that it is produced by metallurgical plants located in all parts of the world, for example:

  • USA - A284Gr.D, A57036;
  • Germany - 1.0038;
  • Japan - SS330;
  • European Union - Fe37-3FN;
  • China - Q235.

Suppliers of steel produced outside our country must submit documents confirming the compliance of imported materials with domestic GOST and TU.

Technological properties

Steel of this grade has no restrictions on welding by any available method, incl. gas, electric.

The following were the key indicators:

  • resistance to corrosion;
  • mechanical characteristics;
  • weldability.

These indicators make it possible to divide steel alloys into such groups as: ordinary, increased and high strength. For parts with a thickness or diameter greater than 36 mm, it makes sense to carry out a heat treatment after welding, which will relieve the stresses that arise in the weld zone under the influence of high welding temperatures.

Mechanical restoration

The choice of cutting conditions and the selection of tools is an important part necessary for drawing up the correct technological process for processing parts made from St3.

For its turning or milling, a cutting tool made of hard alloys VK8, T5K10 is used. To obtain a thread, both internal and external, taps and dies made of steels R18, R6M5 are used. When processing on machines of the turning-milling group, it is advisable to use water-based coolants, for example, Emulsol. By the way, when threading by hand, it is advisable to use castor oil, which greatly facilitates the work.

The choice of processing speed is made on the basis of the properties of the steel, the technical parameters of the machine equipment and the type of processing. For example, with a workpiece diameter of 60 to 100 mm, it is permissible to use a turning tool with a holder size of 16x25 mm. With a depth of cut of 3 mm, the feed rate of the caliper should be between 0.7 and 1.2 mm per spindle revolution. When processing on a lathe, a spindle speed of 700 rpm is allowed.

Production features

The properties of the finished material are determined by the substances that are included in its composition and largely depend on what technologies were used in the production of a particular alloy.

The basis of the steel alloy is ferrite. It is a component of iron-carbon alloys. It is, in fact, a solid solution of carbon and alloying components. To increase its strength, the melt is saturated with carbon.

Impurities from which, apart from harm, there is nothing to expect include phosphorus and sulfur, as well as their derivatives. Phosphorus, reacting with ferrite, reduces the ductility of the alloy during exposure to high temperatures and increases brittleness under the influence of cold. During the melting process, iron sulfide can form, which can lead to red brittleness. Steel St3 contains in its composition no more than 0.05% sulfur and 0.04% phosphorus.

For the production of structural steels, two steelmaking technologies are used:

  • open-hearth;
  • converter.

The parameters of the St3 brand obtained by one or another method differ little from each other, but the converter technology is simpler and cheaper.

Deoxidation of steel St3

The deoxidation process is performed to remove excess oxygen, which reduces the mechanical characteristics of the steel. For this, silicon or aluminum is used. They neutralize oxygen, and the emerging oxides serve as a stimulus for the formation of crystallization centers and thereby contribute to the appearance of a fine-grained structure. The steels that have gone through this operation are divided into three types:

  • calm - sp;
  • semi-calm - ps;
  • boiling - ks.

What are their differences from each other. Quiet steels get their name because they do not boil when poured. They have a more uniform structure, they are better processed by welding and show good resistance to dynamic loads. But, on the other hand, they are more expensive and that is why semi-calm ones have become more widespread. They occupy a place between calm and seething alloys. By the way, it is semi-quiet steels that are most often used to create structures for various purposes. To obtain it, a smaller amount of deoxidizer is used, for the most part it is silicon.

An example is the use of steel st3 ps to create building structures.

It should be noted here that the steel must meet the requirements of GOST 380-71. When purchasing this brand, the supplier must provide documents with the results of testing the material for chemical composition, strength characteristics, tensile strength, and so on.

GOST 380-2005

Group B20



Common quality carbon steel. grades

MKS 77.080.20
OKP 08 7010

Introduction date 2008-07-01


The goals, basic principles and basic procedure for carrying out work on interstate standardization are established by GOST 1.0-92 "Interstate standardization system. Basic provisions" and GOST 1.2-97 "Interstate standardization system. Interstate standards, rules and recommendations for interstate standardization. The procedure for developing, adopting, application, renewal and cancellation

About the standard

1 DEVELOPED by the Research Institute "UkrNIImet" of the Ukrainian State Scientific and Technical Center "Energostal"; Interstate technical committee for standardization MTK 327 "Rolled bars, shaped and special profiles"

2 INTRODUCED by the State Committee of Ukraine on Technical Regulation and Consumer Policy

3 ADOPTED by the Interstate Council for Standardization, Metrology and Certification (minutes N 28 of December 9, 2005)

Voted for the adoption of the standard:

Short name of the country according to MK (ISO 3166) 004-97

Abbreviated name of the national standards body




Ministry of Trade and Economic Development


State Standard of the Republic of Belarus


State Standard of the Republic of Kazakhstan





Russian Federation

Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology






Gospotrebstandart of Ukraine

4 Appendix B of this standard complies with international standards:

- ISO 630:1995 "Structural steels - Plates, wide flats, bars, sections and profiles", NEQ);

- ISO 1052:1982 "Steel for general purposes" (ISO 1052:1982 "Steels for general engineering purposes", NEQ) in terms of requirements for the chemical composition of steel

5* By order of the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology dated July 20, 2007 N 185-st, the interstate standard GOST 380-2005 was put into effect as the national standard of the Russian Federation from January 1, 2008.
* By order of the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology dated March 7, 2008 N 33-st, the deadline for introducing the interstate standard GOST 380-2005 was postponed to July 1, 2008.


7 EDITION (September 2009) as amended (8-2008).

Information on the entry into force (termination) of this standard is published in the index "National Standards".

Information about changes to this standard is published in the "National Standards" index, and the text of the changes is published in the "National Standards" information indexes. In case of revision or cancellation of this standard, the relevant information will be published in the information index "National Standards"

INTRODUCED Amendment N 1, approved and put into effect by the Order of Rosstandart of December 29, 2015 N 2206-st from 04/01/2016

Change No. 1 was made by the database manufacturer according to the text of IUS No. 4, 2016

1 area of ​​use

1 area of ​​use

This standard applies to carbon steel of ordinary quality intended for the manufacture of hot-rolled products: long, shaped, thick-plate, thin-sheet, broad-strip and cold-rolled thin-sheet, as well as ingots, blooms, slabs, piping, rolled and continuously cast billets, pipes, forgings and stampings, strips , wire, hardware, etc.

2 Normative references

This standard uses normative references to the following interstate standards:

GOST 7565-81 (ISO 377-2-89) Cast iron, steel and alloys. Sampling method for determining the chemical composition

GOST 7566-94 Steel products. Acceptance, marking, packaging, transportation and storage

GOST 12359-99 (ISO 4945-77) Carbon, alloy and high alloy steels. Nitrogen determination methods

GOST 17745-90 Steels and alloys. Methods for determining gases

GOST 18895-97 Steel. Photoelectric spectral analysis method

GOST 22536.0-87 Carbon steel and unalloyed cast iron. General requirements for methods of analysis

GOST 22536.1-88 Carbon steel and unalloyed cast iron. Methods for determining total carbon and graphite

GOST 22536.2-87 Carbon steel and unalloyed cast iron. Methods for the determination of sulfur

GOST 22536.3-88 Carbon steel and unalloyed cast iron. Phosphorus determination methods

GOST 22536.4-88 Carbon steel and unalloyed cast iron. Methods for the determination of silicon

GOST 22536.5-87 (ISO 629-82) Carbon steel and unalloyed cast iron. Methods for determination of manganese

GOST 22536.6-88 Carbon steel and unalloyed cast iron. Arsenic determination methods

GOST 22536.7-88 Carbon steel and unalloyed cast iron. Chromium determination methods

GOST 22536.8-87 Carbon steel and unalloyed cast iron. Methods for determining copper

GOST 22536.9-88 Carbon steel and unalloyed cast iron. Nickel determination methods

GOST 22536.10-88 Carbon steel and unalloyed cast iron. Methods for the determination of aluminum

GOST 22536.11-87 Carbon steel and unalloyed cast iron. Titanium determination methods

GOST 27809-95 Cast iron and steel. Spectrographic analysis methods

GOST 28033-89 Steel. Method of X-ray fluorescence analysis

Note - When using this standard, it is advisable to check the validity of the reference standards according to the "National Standards" index, compiled as of January 1 of the current year, and according to the corresponding information indexes published in the current year. If the reference standard is replaced (modified), then when using this standard, you should be guided by the replacing (modified) standard. If the referenced standard is canceled without replacement, the provision in which the reference to it is given applies to the extent that this reference is not affected.

3 Steel grades

3.1 Carbon steel of ordinary quality is made of the following grades: St0, St1kp, St1ps, St1sp, St2kp, St2ps, St2sp, St3kp, St3ps, St3sp, St3Gps, St3Gsp, St4kp, St4ps, St4sp, St5ps, St5sp, St5Gps, St6ps , St6sp.

The letters "St" denote "Steel", the numbers - the conditional number of the grade depending on the chemical composition, the letter "G" - manganese with its mass fraction in steel of 0.80% or more, the letters "kp", "ps", "sp " - the degree of steel deoxidation: "kp" - boiling, "ps" - semi-calm, "sp" - calm.

3.2 Comparison of steel grades according to this standard and international standards ISO 630 and ISO 1052 is given in Appendix A.

3.3 Requirements for the chemical composition of steel grades E 185 (Fe 310), E 235 (Fe 360), E 275 (Fe 430), E 355 (Fe 510), Fe 490, Fe 590, Fe 690 according to international standards ISO 630 and ISO 1052 are given in Appendix B.

3.4 The degree of deoxidation, if it is not specified in the order, is set by the manufacturer.

4 Requirements for the chemical composition of steel

4.1 The chemical composition of steel (basic elements) according to the analysis of the ladle sample must comply with the standards specified in table 1.

Table 1

In percentages

steel grade

Mass fraction of chemical elements




Not more than 0.23

Not more than 0.05

Not more than 0.05

Not more than 0.05

Not more than 0.15

Not more than 0.05

Not more than 0.15

4.2 It is allowed to manufacture steel of all grades, except for those intended for rolled products used in shipbuilding and car building, without limiting the lower limit of the mass fraction of carbon and manganese, provided that the required level of mechanical properties is ensured.

In steel grades St2kp, St3kp and St4kp, intended for the manufacture of long and shaped steel, an increase in the mass fraction of silicon to 0.07% is allowed.

(Changed edition, Rev. N 1).

4.3 When deoxidizing semi-quiet steel with aluminum, titanium or other deoxidizers that do not contain silicon, as well as several deoxidizers (ferrosilicon and aluminum, ferrosilicon and titanium, etc.), the mass fraction of silicon in steel is allowed to be less than 0.05%. Deoxidation with titanium, aluminum and other silicon-free deoxidizers is indicated in the quality document.

4.4 The mass fraction of chromium, nickel and copper in steel of all grades, except for St0, should be no more than 0.30% each. In steel grade St0, the mass fraction of chromium, nickel and copper is not standardized.

In steel made by the scrap process, the mass fraction of copper is allowed up to 0.40%, chromium and nickel - up to 0.35% each. At the same time, in steel grades St3kp, St3ps, St3sp, St3Gps and St3Gsp, the mass fraction of carbon should not exceed 0.20%.

4.5 The mass fraction of sulfur in steel of all grades, except for St0, should be no more than 0.050%, phosphorus - no more than 0.040%. In steel grade St0, the mass fraction of sulfur should be no more than 0.060%, phosphorus - no more than 0.070%.

4.6 Mass fraction of nitrogen in steel should be no more than:

- smelted in electric furnaces - 0.012%;

- open-hearth and converter - 0.010%.

It is allowed to increase the mass fraction of nitrogen in steel up to 0.013%, provided that the norm of the mass fraction of phosphorus is reduced by 4.5 by at least 0.005% with each increase in the mass fraction of nitrogen by 0.001%.

4.7 The mass fraction of arsenic in steel of all grades, except for St0, should not exceed 0.080%. The mass fraction of arsenic in steel grade St0 is not standardized.

4.8 Limit deviations in the chemical composition of finished rolled products, ingots, billets, forgings and further processing products must comply with the standards specified in table 2.

table 2

In percentages

Element name

boiling steel

Semi-calm and calm steel









Note - For chemical elements, the mass fraction of which, according to 4.2, is limited only by the upper limit, plus limit deviations apply.

(Amendment); (Changed edition, Rev. N 1).

5 Control methods

5.1 Sampling methods for determining the chemical composition of steel - according to GOST 7565.

5.2 Chemical analysis of steel - according to GOST 12359, GOST 17745, GOST 18895, GOST 22536.0 - GOST 22536.11, GOST 27809, GOST 28033 or other methods approved in the prescribed manner and providing the necessary accuracy.

In case of disagreement between the manufacturer and the consumer, the assessment is carried out by the control methods provided for in this standard.

5.3 Determination of the mass fraction of chromium, nickel, copper, arsenic, nitrogen, and also silicon in boiling steel may not be carried out, provided that the manufacturer guarantees that the standards are met.

6 Marking

6.1 Marking of products made of carbon steel of ordinary quality is carried out according to regulatory documents for a specific type of metal products, taking into account the requirements of GOST 7566.

At the request of the consumer or if there are requirements for color marking in the regulatory documents for rental, it is additionally applied with indelible paint with the colors indicated in Table 3.

Table 3

steel grade

Marking color

Red and green

yellow and black



Red and brown

Blue and brown



Green and brown

Annex A (informative). Designation of steel grades according to this standard and international standards ISO 630:1995, ISO 1052:1982

Annex A

Table A.1

Steel grade according to

GOST 380:2005

ISO 630:1995

ISO 1052:1982

E 185 (Fe 310)

E 235-A (Fe 360-A)

E 235-B (Fe 360-B)

E 235-C (Fe 360-C)

E 235-B (Fe 360-B)

E 235-C (Fe 360-C)

E 235-D (Fe 360-D)

E 275-A (Fe 430-A)

E 275-B (Fe 430-B)

E 275-C (Fe 430-C)

E 275-D (Fe 430-D)

E 355-C (Fe 510-C)

Appendix B (recommended). Requirements for steel according to international standards ISO 630:1995, ISO 1052:1982

B.1 The chemical composition of steel according to the analysis of the ladle sample must comply with the standards given in table B.1

Table B.1

steel grade

Rolled thickness, mm

Mass fraction of chemical elements, %, no more

Deoxidation degree





E 185
(Fe 310)

E 235
(Fe 360)

St. 16 to 25

E 275
(Fe 430)

E 355
(Fe 510)

Note 1 - The sign "-" means that the indicator is not standardized.

Note 2 - NE - non-boiling steel.

Note 3 - GF - fine grained calm steel. The recommended mass fraction of total aluminum is not less than 0.020%.

B.2 Steel grades Fe 490, Fe 590 and Fe 690 are made semi-calm and calm.

B.3 Limit deviations of the chemical composition in the finished rolled products should correspond to those given in Table B.2.

Table B.2

In percentages


Maximum deviation by chemical composition






ISO 630:1995

Structural steels. Rolled plates, wide flats, sections and profiles (ISO 630:1995 Structural steels - Plates, wide flats, bars, sections and profiles)

ISO 1052:1982

General purpose steel (ISO 1052:1982 Steels for general engineering purposes)

Electronic text of the document
prepared by Kodeks JSC and verified against:
official publication
ordinary carbon steel
quality and low-alloyed: Sat. GOSTs. -
M.: Standartinform, 2009

Revision of the document, taking into account
changes and additions prepared
JSC "Kodeks"







The goals, basic principles and basic procedure for carrying out work on interstate standardization are established by GOST 1.0-92 “Interstate standardization system. Basic Provisions” and GOST 1.2-97 “Interstate Standardization System. Interstate standards, rules and recommendations for interstate standardization. The order of development, adoption, application, updating and cancellation "

About the standard

1 DEVELOPED by the Research Institute "UkrNIImet" of the Ukrainian State Scientific and Technical Center "Energostal"; Interstate technical committee for standardization MTK 327 "Rolled bars, shaped and special profiles" 2 INTRODUCED by the State Committee of Ukraine on technical regulation and consumer policy 3 ACCEPTED by the Interstate Council for Standardization, Metrology and Certification (minutes No. 28 of December 9, 2005) For the adoption of the standard voted:

Short name of the country according to MK (ISO 3166) 004 - 97

MK country code (ISO 3166) 004 - 97

Abbreviated name of the national standards body

Azerbaijan Azstandard Armenia Ministry of Trade and Economic Development Belarus State Standard of the Republic of Belarus Kazakhstan State Standard of the Republic of Kazakhstan Kyrgyzstan Kyrgyzstandart Moldova Moldova - Standard Russian Federation Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology Tajikistan Tajikstandart Uzbekistan Uzstandard Ukraine Gospotrebstandart of Ukraine
4 Annex B of this standard complies with international standards: - ISO 630:1995 “Structural steels. Rolled plate, broadband, sectional and shaped profiles" (ISO 630:1995 "Structural steels - Plates, wide flats, bars, sections and profiles" , NEQ); - ISO 1052:1982 "General purpose steel" (ISO 1052:1982 "Steels for general engineering purposes", NEQ) in terms of requirements for the chemical composition of steel 5 Order of the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology dated July 20, 2007 No. 185- st interstate standard GOST 380 - 2005 was put into effect as a national standard of the Russian Federation from January 1, 2008. 6 REPLACEMENT GOST 380-94 Information O administered V action (termination actions) present standard published V index "National standards" . Information about changes To present standard published V index "National Standards" , A text changes - V information signs "National standards" . IN case revision or cancellation present standard relevant information will be published V informational index "National standards" INTERSTATE STANDARD



Common quality carbon steel. grades

dateintroductions - 2008 - 01 - 01

1 area of ​​use

This standard applies to carbon steel of ordinary quality intended for the manufacture of hot-rolled products: long, shaped, thick-plate, thin-sheet, broad-strip and cold-rolled thin-sheet, as well as ingots, blooms, slabs, piping, rolled and continuously cast billets, pipes, forgings and stampings, strips , wire, hardware, etc.

2 Normative references

This standard uses normative references to the following interstate standards: GOST 7565-81 (ISO 377-2 - 89) Cast iron, steel and alloys. Sampling method for determination of chemical composition GOST 7566-94 Steel products. Acceptance, marking, packaging, transportation and storage GOST 12359-99 (ISO 4945-77) Carbon steel, alloyed and high-alloyed. Methods for determination of nitrogen GOST 17745-90 Steels and alloys. Methods for determination of gases GOST 18895-97 Steel. Photoelectric spectral analysis method GOST 22536.0-87 Carbon steel and unalloyed cast iron. General requirements for analysis methods GOST 22536.1-88 Carbon steel and unalloyed cast iron. Methods for determination of total carbon and graphite GOST 22536.2-87 Carbon steel and unalloyed cast iron. Methods for the determination of sulfur. GOST 22536.3-88 Carbon steel and unalloyed cast iron. Methods for determination of phosphorus GOST 22536.4-88 Carbon steel and unalloyed cast iron. Methods for determining silicon GOST 22536.5-87 (ISO 629 - 82) Carbon steel and unalloyed cast iron. Methods for determining manganese GOST 22536.6-88 Carbon steel and unalloyed cast iron. Arsenic determination methods GOST 22536.7-88 Carbon steel and unalloyed cast iron. Methods for determining chromium GOST 22536.8-87 Carbon steel and unalloyed cast iron. Methods for the determination of copper. GOST 22536.9-88 Carbon steel and unalloyed cast iron. Nickel determination methods GOST 22536.10-88 Carbon steel and unalloyed cast iron. Methods for determining aluminum GOST 22536.11-87 Carbon steel and unalloyed cast iron. Titanium determination methods GOST 27809-95 Cast iron and steel. Spectrographic analysis methods GOST 28033-89 Steel. Method of X-ray fluorescence analysis Note - When using this standard, it is advisable to check the validity of reference standards according to the index "National Standards", compiled as of January 1 of the current year, and according to the corresponding information indexes published in the current year. If the reference standard is replaced (modified), then when using this standard, you should be guided by the replacing (modified) standard. If the referenced standard is canceled without replacement, the provision in which the reference to it is given applies to the extent that this reference is not affected.

3 Steel grades

3.1 Carbon steel of ordinary quality is made of the following grades: St0, St 1 kp, St1ps, St 1 cn, St 2 kp, St 2 ps, St 2 sp, St3kp, St3ps, St3sp, St3Gps, St3Gsp, St 4 kp, St 4 ps , St 4 sp, St5ps, St5sp, St 5 Gps, St6ps, St6sp. The letters "St" denote "Steel", the numbers - the conditional brand number depending on the chemical composition, the letter "G" - manganese with its mass fraction in steel of 0.80% or more, the letters "kp", "ps", "sp "- the degree of steel deoxidation: "kp" - boiling, "ps" - semi-calm, "sp" - calm. 3.2 Comparison of steel grades according to this standard and international standards ISO 630 and ISO 1052 is given in Appendix A. 3.3 Requirements for the chemical composition of steel grades E 185 (Fe 310), E 235 (Fe 360), E 275 (Fe 430), E 355 (Fe 510)

4 Requirements for the chemical composition of steel

4.1 The chemical composition of steel (basic elements) according to the analysis of the ladle sample must comply with the standards specified in table 1. Table 1

In percentages

Steel grade

Mass fraction of chemical elements



Not more than 0.23

Not more than 0.05

Not more than 0.05

Not more than 0.05

Not more than 0.15

Not more than 0.05

Not more than 0.15

4.2 In steel grades St3kp, St3ps, St3sp, St 4 kp, St 4 ps, St 4 sp, St 5 ps, St5sp, it is allowed to reduce the lower limit of the mass fraction of manganese by 0.10% for thin-sheet rolled products and thick-plate products up to 10 mm thick at condition of ensuring the required level of mechanical properties. In steel grades St3kp, St3ps and St3sp, intended for the manufacture of long and shaped steel, except for those supplied for shipbuilding and car building, it is allowed to reduce the lower limit of the mass fraction of manganese to 0.25%, and the lower limit of the mass fraction of carbon is not standardized provided that the required level is provided mechanical properties. In steel grades St 2 kp, St3kp and St 4 kp, intended for the manufacture of long and shaped steel, an increase in the mass fraction of silicon to 0.07% is allowed. 4.3 When deoxidizing semi-quiet steel with aluminum, titanium or other deoxidizers that do not contain silicon, as well as several deoxidizers (ferrosilicon and aluminum, ferrosilicon and titanium, etc.), the mass fraction of silicon in steel is allowed to be less than 0.05%. Deoxidation with titanium, aluminum and other silicon-free deoxidizers is indicated in the quality document. 4.4 The mass fraction of chromium, nickel and copper in steel of all grades, except St0, should be no more than 0.30% each. In steel grade St0, the mass fraction of chromium, nickel and copper is not standardized. In steel made by the scrap - process, the mass fraction of copper is allowed up to 0.40%, chromium and nickel - up to 0.35% each. At the same time, in steel grades St3kp, St3ps, St3sp, St3Gps and St3Gsp, the mass fraction of carbon should not exceed 0.20%. 4.5 The mass fraction of sulfur in steel of all grades, except St0, should be no more than 0.050%, phosphorus - no more than 0.040%. In steel grade St0, the mass fraction of sulfur should be no more than 0.060%, phosphorus - no more than 0.070%. 4.6 The mass fraction of nitrogen in steel should be no more than: - smelted in electric furnaces - 0.012%; - open-hearth and converter - 0.010%. It is allowed to increase the mass fraction of nitrogen in steel up to 0.013%, provided that the norm of the mass fraction of phosphorus is reduced by 4.5 by at least 0.005% with each increase in the mass fraction of nitrogen by 0.001%. 4.7 The mass fraction of arsenic in steel of all grades, except St0, should be no more than 0.080%. The mass fraction of arsenic in steel grade St0 is not standardized. 4.8 Limit deviations in the chemical composition of finished rolled products, ingots, billets, forgings and further processing products must comply with the standards specified in Table 2. Table 2

In percentages

Element name

Maximum deviation by chemical composition

boiling steel

Semi-calm and calm steel

Carbon Manganese Silicon Phosphorus Sulfur Nitrogen
( Amendment , IUS 5 2008). ( Amendment , IUS 8 2008).

5 Control methods

5.1 Sampling methods for determining the chemical composition of steel - according to GOST 7565. 5.2 Chemical analysis of steel - according to GOST 12359, GOST 17745, GOST 18895, GOST 22536.0-GOST 22536.11, GOST 27809, GOST 28033 or other methods approved in the prescribed manner and providing the necessary accuracy. In case of disagreement between the manufacturer and the consumer, the assessment is carried out by the control methods provided for in this standard. 5.3 Determination of the mass fraction of chromium, nickel, copper, arsenic, nitrogen, and also silicon in boiling steel may not be carried out, provided that the manufacturer guarantees that the standards are met.

6 Marking

6.1 Marking of products made of carbon steel of ordinary quality is carried out according to regulatory documents for a specific type of metal products, taking into account the requirements of GOST 7566. At the request of the consumer or if there are requirements for color marking in the regulatory documents for rental, it is additionally applied with indelible paint with the colors indicated in table 3. Table 3

Steel grade

Marking color

St0 Red and green Art 1 yellow and black Art 2 Yellow St3 Red St3Gps Red and brown St3Gsp Blue and brown Article 4 Black Article 5 Green St 5 Gps Green and brown St6 Blue

Annex A
Designation of steel grades according to this standard and international standards ISO 630:1995, ISO 1052:1982

Table A.1

Steel grade according to

Steel grade according to

GOST 380:2005

ISO 1052:1982

GOST 380:2005

ISO 1052:1982

E 235-B (Fe 360-B)

E 235-C (Fe 360-C)

E 235-D (Fe 360-D)

E 275-A (Fe 430-A)

E 275-B (Fe 430-B)

E 275-C (Fe 430-C)

E 275-D (Fe 430-D)

E 355-C (Fe 510-C)

E 235-A (Fe 360-A)

E 235-B (Fe 360-B)

E 235-C (Fe 360-C)

Annex B
Requirements for steel according to international standards ISO 630:1995, ISO 1052:1982

B.1 The chemical composition of steel according to the analysis of the ladle sample must comply with the standards given in Table B.1 Table B.1

Steel grade

Rolled thickness, mm

Mass fraction of chemical elements, %, no more

Deoxidation degree



E 235 (Fe 360)

St. 16 to 25

Note 1 - The sign "-" means that the indicator is not standardized. Note 2- NE - non-boiling steel. Note 3- GF is fine grain steel. Recommended mass fraction of total aluminum - not less than 0.020
B.2 Steel grades Fe 490, Fe 590 and Fe 690 are made semi-calm and calm. B. 3 Limit deviations of the chemical composition in the finished rolled products must correspond to those given in Table B.2. Table B.2

In percentages


Keywords: carbon steel, grades, chemical composition, control methods, marking