
Crossbow houses. How to make a crossbow with your own hands at home

Before winter

The crossbow is an ancient throwing weapon invented by the Romans. According to its characteristics, it is similar to an onion.

Currently, the crossbow is not used in any army in the world, it is sold in weapons stores as an exclusive rarity, the cost of which sometimes exceeds a thousand dollars. Therefore, such products are very often decorations.

However, you can make an imitation of such a weapon with your own hands, which will be an excellent outfit for any boy. In addition, a toy crossbow can be made from almost any available materials. Also, do not forget about safety measures, since this product, although not professional, can cause significant injury to a person.

Homemade wooden crossbow

In order to assemble a crossbow with your own hands, you need to make each of its parts separately:

The final step in the manufacture of a crossbow is the pulling of the bowstring, which should be optimal. If the tension is weak, then the range of the arrow will be minimal, and if it is too large, there is a risk of deforming or breaking the arcs of the crossbow.

Mini crossbows from other improvised materials

If a wooden crossbow is a more professional product and can be used for sports purposes by both adults and teenagers, then crossbows made of paper, pencils or Lego are intended for children from seven to twelve years old.

Also, do not forget that products made from seemingly safe materials, if mishandled, can also cause harm to health.

Therefore, games with such homemade items should be supervised by adults.

Throwing paper weapon

To assemble such a toy with your own hands, you need to take care of the following materials and tools:

  • fifteen sheets of paper (A4 format);
  • three wooden sticks (possible from ice cream);
  • thread for bowstring, best of all kapron;
  • pencil;
  • stationery knife or scissors;
  • scotch.

The step-by-step instructions for making a paper crossbow are as follows:

Such a crossbow can be equipped with a sight, trigger and arrow guides.

From pencils

To make such a crossbow you will need:

  • four pencils;
  • seven rubber bands for money;
  • one ballpoint pen;
  • scotch.

To make such a "pencil" weapon, you must perform the following steps:

  1. Tie two pencils tightly together with rubber bands - you get two elements of a crossbow.
  2. Then perpendicularly connect these two elements to each other.
  3. Attach a pen case to the top of the pencils. This will be the guide for the arrow.
  4. As a bowstring, all the same elastic bands are used, which are attached to the sides of the arcs and connected to each other with adhesive tape or thread.

As an arrow, you can use the rod from the handle.

From the designer "Lego"

To make a Lego crossbow, the first step is to purchase such a designer, which is sold in almost any children's goods store. After the designer is purchased, you can start assembling it, which is carried out according to the enclosed instructions.

It should be borne in mind that the complete set of the designer is different, and therefore the assembled crossbows may differ from each other in size and principle of operation.

When the crossbow is assembled, it is necessary to proceed to the manufacture of arrows, which must first of all be strong and reliable. To do this, you need to observe the following nuances:

  • choose the right material. In this case, it is best to use well-dried pine, birch or spruce wood;
  • avoid knotting on arrow blanks;
  • wood fibers should be located along the length of the future product;
  • if the workpiece is uneven, you can try to level it, for this it must first be “heated” over the fire;
  • be sure to make plumage, which gives the arrow a stable and accurate flight;
  • for plumage, it is recommended to use the wing feathers of a goose, capercaillie, turkey or other large birds;
  • it is very important that one arrow has feathers from one wing (right or left);
  • as a tip, you can use a metal plate or a nail, or you can do without it. But for this you need to carefully plan the end of the arrow (like sharpening a pencil);
  • to store and transport arrows, you need to use a quiver, which you can buy in a specialized store or make yourself;
  • arrows must be stored in an upright position in places with moderate humidity, otherwise the products will be deformed.

Do you want to make a real crossbow that will not only look like it, but will also shoot? Then do not pass by and read our article on the topic of how to make a crossbow with your own hands. In the article, we will not only talk about the intricacies of this case, but also show the whole process in the photo. The topic is especially relevant in the summer, when you can go out into nature and shoot at targets. And a hand-made thing will please not only the eye, but also your friends or acquaintances, who, having seen such a product, will certainly set themselves the goal and desire to possess it!

How to make a crossbow with your own hands

Among the simple tools created by oneself, the bow definitely wins. However, crossbows are also very popular. If you want to make a crossbow with your own hands, you should only read the instructions below. As an example, a medieval construction was chosen due to its simplicity. Such a crossbow does not require metal welding, it can be made at home, it also does not require the presence of springs, as in its other, more advanced variations.

All it takes to make a simple medieval crossbow is the desire to craft. Initially, you need to find a suitable stick for the base of the structure. It is recommended to use bird cherry, as after drying the wood retains good elasticity characteristics. When a suitable branch is found, it should be carefully sawed off, the bark completely removed and left to dry in a warm place.
Usually the drying time is about 5-7 months.

Step-by-step instruction:

In addition, it is recommended to immediately bend the stick so that in the future it does not crack during processing and fixation, as well as during operation. If there is no bird cherry in the area, you can use elm or other alternative wood.

It should be remembered that for good strength, durability and elasticity of the launching part of a home crossbow, you need to stand well. Moreover, in this case, the chances of a crack during the operation of the crossbow will be significantly reduced.

To be able to practice and to eliminate the need for repeated waiting, it is recommended to prepare several sticks at once.

On the bed of a homemade crossbow, you can use any type of board or dry wood. It all depends on how accurately you want to repeat the medieval model of the gun.

When the wood is selected and processed, a recess must be made in its front part to accommodate the crossbow bow. You can make a recess with any tool from a metal saw to a regular knife.

The next step in making a do-it-yourself crossbow at home is to drill holes for the bow bolts. They are placed at a distance of 8-10 cm from the front of the bed. Previously, holes were made with red-hot metal, so you can also use this method if you don’t have the right tools at hand.

Moreover, if you don’t have bolts at hand, you can use the same tree.

The upper plane of the bed should have a groove in which the crossbow bolt will be placed. Often such a groove is made round, but it is recommended to cut it triangular in order to increase the accuracy of the bolt.

When everything is ready, you can fix the bow. It is applied to the cut made in the front of the stock and tied tightly with a rope to the previously installed bolts or their wooden alternatives. This will be enough, but for a tighter fixation, it is better to use glue.

The last element of a homemade crossbow is the organization of the trigger mechanism. Usually the simplest lever type is used. The crossbow drawing below shows how such a system works.

When the lever bracket descends, the pin instantly starts up, and it launches the bolt forward. It is important that this system does not have any safety mechanisms, so you need to install the bolt only before firing.

The created crossbow must have a pulling force of about 40 kg, so the design will not fall into the list of melee weapons. The tension of the bowstring is carried out by hand, so additional mechanisms are also not required.

Drawings for making at home

The photo above schematically shows a crossbow with all the necessary dimensions. Its main value is to understand what size its parts should be in relation to each other. Its entire length is 732 mm, with a height of 223 mm at the point of attachment of the sight. The drawing shows a “pistol” handle (shaped like a pistol), for a secure and comfortable grip.

The second hole is made to facilitate the construction, since the total thickness of the plywood handle (can be made of wood) is 30 mm. Shoulders with a length of 302 mm, are a universal option, their total length is 532 mm. For the first time, it is enough to make exactly according to the dimensions indicated in the diagram, and after testing, make adjustments.

The crossbow is a throwing weapon that is an advanced design of the bow. Its advantage is the ability to aim without any extra effort. The technical characteristics of the gun increase the lethal force and accuracy of fire. In our country, the use of this type of throwing weapon is unpopular, since it is difficult to find the necessary design. There is very little inventory, but user interest is quite high. Crossbows are quite expensive. However, the device of the tool is quite simple, so you can easily do it yourself.

What is a crossbow used for?

First of all, it is worth noting that the use of throwing weapons with a pull force of more than 43 kgf is illegal, whether they are homemade or bought from official manufacturers. Today, the main use of the crossbow is sports competitions and outdoor activities.

The device itself was first created two and a half thousand years ago in China. In Europe, the gun gained popularity only by the beginning of the twelfth century and was used exclusively for military purposes. Later homemade crossbows were used for hunting. However, only rich people could afford expensive mechanisms and special arrows.

Arrows for this type of weapon are much heavier and are more commonly referred to as bolts. Their use is necessary, since the tension force of the bowstring is much higher and requires the use of heavy projectiles. They, in turn, provide increased power when hit. Now, the ban on hunting with throwing weapons in Russia and the CIS countries does not allow the use of a crossbow to catch game. Throwing weapons are used exclusively for sporting purposes.

Differences and adaptations

The bow and crossbow have several obvious differences that must be taken into account when creating weapons with your own hands. The main differences are:

Tension force. Since the design of the crossbow allows you to pull the bowstring with more force, a reliable mechanism is required that does not fail. When buying it, you should not skimp, because it guarantees not only safety, but also durability. It is also convenient to use a device for string tension.

Use of bolts. By adding a spring to hold the projectile, the gun can be used at any desired angle. Aim. The installation of additional equipment will ensure accuracy and make it easier to shoot from the shoulder, by analogy with a firearm.

In addition, when creating a throwing weapon with your own hands, you should pay special attention to the method of pulling the bowstring. There are several of them. The most reliable and popular are:

Leg or hand braces. A very popular type of tension. However, its use is only available for crossbows with low power. Belt and hook. This method allows you to fix the tool machine with your feet, like the first example. When bent, the hook clings to the bowstring, and restoring the position produces its tension and fixation. An improved type of the second method is a rope with the use of rollers. The mount is also mounted on the belt. The use of two curved levers stacked on pins is called a "goat's foot". Pins protrude on both sides of the stock. The owner pulls the opposite side towards him, thereby exercising tension. Pull lever. The essence of the method lies in the coupling of the hook and bracket on the front of the box. Thus, the bowstring is pressed back. Use of rack and pinion. A very ancient technology that appeared in the fifteenth century in Germany. The tension is carried out by a collar, which allows the method to be applied to very powerful crossbows. Very suitable for hunting, because it has lethal force.

There are also many other ways to stretch the bowstring for certain types of weapons. However, they are used much less often and were used in ancient times. Their safety is much lower, which does not guarantee the correct use of weapons. To create a crossbow with your own hands, it is recommended to use one of the above methods.

How to create a throwing weapon

When creating a crossbow with your own hands, it is important to understand that the design must be strong and reliable. Making homemade throwing weapons is not difficult, but it requires a very responsible approach to work.

First you need to decide on the purpose of using the tool. If it will be used for hunting, then special emphasis should be given to the tension mechanism and the bed. If you make the design correctly, then it will be much easier to cope with the shooting technique.

After determining the required characteristics, you need to make drawings of the future weapon or find ready-made ones on the Internet. They will not only facilitate the creation process, but also organize the workflow. It is best to use carefully designed drawings with dimensions..

Devices and materials

Before you make a throwing weapon for hunting with a small tension force, you need to organize a workplace and prepare the necessary materials. Here are the main items you will need:

    two meter bars of coniferous wood; thin rail 6x1 cm; polyurethane tube with a diameter of 3 cm; nylon fishing line; wheels with a groove in the middle of the rib; screws and nails 5 cm long; glue; wooden dowels (6 pieces); adhesive tape and foam; vise and rasp; hammer, chisel, saw and drill; pen or pencil.

Also, in the process of work, additional materials may be needed to give an aesthetic appearance to the tool. However, you can do this at your own discretion. When using a crossbow for hunting, appearance is not so important. However, it can be polished and decorated as desired.

The working process

First of all, you need to make a tool bed. This is the main part to which the rest of the structure is attached. Take one of the prepared bars and attach it to your shoulder to determine a comfortable length. Make a mark with a pencil and saw off the unnecessary part. With your other hand, mark the comfortable position of the trigger. When creating tools with your own hands, it is worth considering that power depends on the length of the stock. The longer the length, the stronger the tension force. For hunting, it is better to use a longer bar. At the location of the trigger, with a chisel and a rasp, cut a rectangle measuring 10x2.5 cm. Cut a strip across the resulting hole in which the bowstring will be located.

Now along the timber it is necessary to cut a chute for the arrow. Since the work is done by hand, it is extremely important to approach this stage responsibly. The accuracy of shooting depends on the correct position. Using a drill and a hammer, knock out a 5 mm deep gutter exactly in the center and grind it.

Saw off another bar to a length of 60 cm and glue it to the main part of the crossbow. Let the glue dry. After complete fixing, if desired, parts can be polished. You can make it with your own hands, or with special polishing devices.

Now that the main part of the structure is ready, you need to make the shoulders. To do this, use two polymer pipes, each 90 cm long. Make cuts at the ends of one side into which the bowstring will be placed. Their width should correspond to the prepared screws. Insert them into the cuts made and attach the wheels with the chute.

Get some nylon line. Fasten it to one of the screws, then wrap it around each wheel, going from one side to the other. After winding around the wheels, fasten the fishing line to another screw with a stretch. The result should be a curved structure with three rows of strings. When tensioned, the pipes should bend, if this does not happen, repeat the procedure again.

After completing the stage, it is necessary to fix the resulting structure on the main part of the crossbow. To do this, cut a hole at the end of the beam into which the arc will be attached. Insert the pipe into the hollow and wrap it securely with tape. Keep in mind that one string (more stretched) should be on top, and the other two on the bottom.

Now you can move on to the trigger mechanism. Take the prepared rail and cut out the letter "L" from it. At the base of the bend, cut the gutter so that it is centered and has a width equal to one-third of the full base. Now you need to cut the part so that it matches the hole in the stock. On the bend, on the side, drill a hole the thickness of the nail. Place the part in the hole in the stock and drive a nail into it so that it goes through the drilled hole in the part.

It remains only to focus. A sawn-off 20-centimeter bar will serve as it, which must be sanded for convenience. It can be attached to the main body with nails or glue. Wrap the stop with foam and secure with tape.

This completes the creation of a crossbow for hunting. It remains to make only arrows. They are easy to make from wooden dowels, cut to the desired length. On the one hand, an incision is made for the bowstring, on the other, the end is sharpened.

The main thing is not to use the tool in public places and near places of residence and objects of possible presence of people. By following the safety rules, you can have a great time not only hunting, but also doing outdoor activities.

Video instruction on how to make arrows for a crossbow

Video instruction on how to make a toy crossbow

One of the most popular types of small arms is the crossbow. And although hunting with such a device is prohibited in our country, there are still many who want to acquire such a “toy” in order to shoot at targets. At the moment, you can buy such weapons on many sites or in stores, but such a purchase will be very expensive. It is much more profitable to make a crossbow with your own hands at home, and you will find out what is required for this.


To date, there are many varieties of this sporting weapon. First of all, these are classic models familiar to us from historical films and block crossbows - modern weapons equipped with complex mechanisms. The last option to create houses will be quite difficult, so let's focus on the classic.

What parts does a crossbow consist of:

  • Trigger mechanism;
  • bowstring;
  • Crossbow stock;
  • Bolts and arrows.

Making a crossbow at home will be much easier if you immediately stock up on all the necessary materials and tools. For this you will need:

  • Well sharpened knife;
  • Hammer;
  • Drill or brace;
  • An ordinary hacksaw, which can be replaced with a grinder with a wood disk;
  • Plane;
  • Chisel.

How to make a crossbow with your own hands

In addition to the tools, you will need a piece of wood 900mm long and 30mm thick to make this ranged weapon. In this case, fit:

  • ash;
  • hazel;
  • poplar.
  • birch.

First of all, you need to prepare a wooden blank. To do this, cut the branch of the desired size and paint over the cuts. This is necessary so that the liquid from the wood comes out slowly and evenly. Please note that the wood must lie in a dark place for at least a year, only in this case the weapon will shoot with special power. After that, the bark is removed from the workpiece and left to dry for another week. Further, the log is sawn into two parts and from the northern - the most durable, they make the actual crossbow.

Draw the stock of the weapon on the board and cut it out with a hacksaw or grinder, then make a small arrow chute on the top of the workpiece. From the front side, cut a groove in which you will fix the arc. If knots or chips appear on the bed during the process, then remove them with a knife and treat the place with sandpaper.

How to make an arc

This part will require a flat board with a length of at least 750 mm and a width of 200 mm, a thickness of 60 mm. We dry the workpiece well and stand for several days, and equalize it. The width of the part in the middle is 40 cm, and narrows at the edges to 15 cm.

At a distance of 100 mm from the cut groove for this part, we create a through hole through which we stretch the rope - it will become the main fixator for the crossbow arc. Then we insert the part into the groove and firmly fasten it with a rope, as shown in the lower figure.

This detail plays a rather significant role in the “lethality” of the weapon, and to create it you will need the following materials:

  • kapron threads;
  • wooden plank;
  • two nails without a hat;
  • rubber glue.

First of all, you need to make a special machine for weaving this part: take a rope and measure the length of the bowstring. After that, saw off a board with dimensions slightly larger than this parameter. Next, mark the length of the string on the board and drill two holes in these places - this is where you need to insert your nails.

Take a thread, tie it to one of the nails, and leave a margin equal to the length of the bowstring. After that, start wrapping the threads evenly around the nails (lavsan ones are best). Continue this process until the base of the string reaches 5mm. To do this, you need to make 5-6 full turns. Try to keep the threads evenly stretched.

Next, wrap the base several times near the nails on both sides with wrapping material. This will give you loops at the ends. You can understand how to do this from the diagram above. Don't forget to wind the middle of the bowstring, because this part suffers a lot from friction. Tie the cut ends of the threads with a marine knot and grease well with glue so that the whole structure is strong. After that, you can pull the bowstring on the arc and adjust the degree of its tension.

How to make a trigger

The simplest option would be a pin-type lock, which we will choose for our weapons. Pull the bowstring to the maximum distance and drill a through hole in this place. Also make a small transverse recess in the upper part of the crossbow bed. Now fasten the lever at the bottom of the part. Make a wooden axle and secure it with wire.

Fix the stock and lever with ropes so that the latter moves with maximum friction. The depth of the “ammunition” groove should be equal to 1/4 of the volume of the arrow, and this recess must be “cut through” from the top of the lock to the front edge of the crossbow.

How to make arrows

In order to get ammunition for your small arms, you don’t have to run to a sports store, because they can be easily made at home. To do this, you will need several ordinary wooden blanks that need to be well planed and processed with fine sandpaper. For arrows, it is better to choose light woods, in which case the shooting will be more accurate. As for the tip, if you don’t have special ones, then sharpen the tip of the arrow - it will be quite possible to shoot at targets with such ammunition. You should not drive nails into the head, because in this case there is an increased chance that the arrow will be able to split when it hits the target.

Be that as it may, you should remember that in our country shooting from crossbows is equated with the use of firearms. So if you want to make such a device, then in no case do not use it for its intended purpose. Treat the crossbow as a beautiful souvenir, and then there will be no claims from the law against you.

Well, well, searches on the Internet gave their results. I finally found normal drawings in compliance with GOST.

With the available material and some equipment, it will not be difficult to make a real (or almost real) one.

At the end of the page is photo of homemade crossbow made according to these drawings from improvised materials.

Naturally, it will not replace a purchased crossbow (after all, the build quality and structure of the material in the factory version are not an example higher), but shoot at

So, before you is the general scheme of a homemade crossbow.

What does this type of crossbow consist of:

Stock, shoulders, butt, trigger, sighting device, block system.

The bed is best made from natural hardwood, solid or glued beams. Choose the size of your choice, but

Shoulders and decks at the crossbow

If there is a stock from small arms, then this would be an ideal solution, but you can try to cut out Pinocchio yourself.

Block design of the crossbow facilitates the cocking of the bowstring, but perfectly retains power and allows you to wear it cocked for a long time.

The processing of the guide boom must be carried out especially clearly. The lines must be smooth and straight. This affects the accuracy and

bowshot. It is best to do this on a milling machine, and then carefully process it with sandpaper. Then polish the groove.

A cross with shoulders installed from the end of the bed is best made from an aluminum plate, but you can also make a wooden one.

Do not forget to make an aiming device consisting of a rear sight and a front sight. You can make a mount for an optical sight.

where you can order the execution of any drawings.

It remains to take the tool in hand, recharge with a good mood and set about fulfilling the goal. Good luck!


The article is a rewrite. The administrator is not responsible for the accuracy of the information. Everything you do, you do at your own peril and risk.