
Original roofing and designer roofs: Basket zit. How to make a high-quality basketball backboard and a basketball net yourself at home from improvised materials


Our son became interested in basketball in the summer, and although there is a beautiful stadium with a basketball court half a kilometer from the house, sometimes you want to knock the ball near the house. Therefore, it was decided to make a do-it-yourself basketball backboard near the fence (so that you could knock on a relatively hard road surface, and the ball would fly away, if it didn’t hit the ring, to our site, and not to someone else’s.
We deviated a little from the standard and the sizes we got are like this (clickable photo)

The shield was sawn out of OSB (just in case, two layers were twisted, and one more, a small square, was added to strengthen the fastening - this can be seen in the photo below) and carefully painted with oil paint

The support was made of metal profiles 50*50 and 56*56 in size.
The fact is that the part of the fence at which the shield is attached is supposed to be removable for us - this is where we usually dump the soil, crushed stone and other minerals. Therefore, it was decided to make the shield removable. Along with support. We implemented this idea like this.

A short post is driven into a previously dug hole and cemented. The long one is fixed in it with screws. If necessary, it can be taken out. Actually, this is also visible in the diagram above.

Just shortly before the shield was built, we had a welding machine, and this product turned out to be an excellent workout. The pipes were welded with the letter G, a beautiful rectangle was welded to a short crossbar, on which a shield was attached.

Mesh rings are sold for little money in all sports shops and in many hypers.
It turned out very nice.

basketball playground

The playing area must be a flat rectangular hard surface without any obstacles.
For the main official FIBA ​​competitions, as well as for new playing fields under construction, the dimensions, measured from the inside edge of the boundary lines, must be 28 meters long and 15 meters wide. For all other competitions, the relevant FIBA ​​structures, such as the Zonal Commission or National Federations, have the right to approve existing playing fields with a minimum dimension of 26 meters in length and 14 meters in width.

The height of the ceiling or the distance to the lowest object above the playing area must be at least 7 meters.

The playing surface must be evenly and adequately lit. Light sources must be located where they will not interfere with Players and Officials.

All lines must be painted in the same color (preferably white), 5 cm wide and clearly visible.

front and side lines.
The playing area must be limited by two front (on the short sides of the site) and two side (on the long sides of the site) lines. These lines are not part of the court. The playing court must be at least 2 meters away from any obstacles, including the team bench.

Central line.
The center line is applied parallel to the end lines from the middle of the side lines and should protrude 15 cm beyond each side line.

Central circle.
The center circle is marked in the center of the court and has a radius of 1.80 m measured to the outer edge of the circle. If the center circle is painted a different color, it must be the same color as the restricted areas.

Free throw lines, restricted areas and free throw areas.

The free throw line is applied parallel to each end line. Its far edge is at a distance of 5.80 m from the inner edge of the end line, its length must be 3.60 m. Its middle must be on an imaginary line connecting the midpoints of the two end lines.
Restricted areas are designated areas on the court, bounded by the end lines, free throw lines and lines that start from the end lines. Their outer edges are 3 m from the middle of the end lines and end at the outer edge of the free throw lines. These lines, excluding the end lines, are part of the restricted area. The restricted areas may be painted a different color, but they must be the same color as the center circle.
Free throw areas are limited areas extended towards the playing court in semicircles with a radius of 1.80 m, the centers of which are located in the middle of the free throw lines. The same semicircles should be drawn in dotted lines within the restricted areas.
The places along the free throw areas taken by Players during free throws are marked as shown in the diagram.

Three-point shooting zone.

A team's three-point field goal area is the entire playing court, except for the area near the opponent's basket, limited by:
Two parallel lines starting from the end line at a distance of 6.25 m from the point on the court obtained at the intersection with it of a perpendicular lowered from the center of the opponent's basket. The distance from this point to the inner edge of the middle of the end line is 1.575 m.
A semicircle with a radius of 6.25 m to the outer edge of its line, centered on the same point as above, until it joins the parallel lines.


Shields must be made of a suitable transparent material (preferably tempered safety glass) which is a single piece.
If they are made of other opaque material(s), they must be painted white.
The dimensions of the shields should be: 1.80 m horizontally and 1.05 m vertically.
All lines on the shield must be marked as follows:
- white if the shield is transparent.
— in black in all other cases.
- 5 cm wide.
The front surface of the shields must be smooth.

Shield layout.
Shields must be rigidly mounted as follows:
- at both ends of the court at right angles to the floor, parallel to the end lines.
- the vertical center line on their front surface, extended down to the floor, must touch a point on the floor lying 1.20 m from the inner edge of the middle of each end line, on an imaginary line drawn at right angles to that end line.

Shield supports.

The shield supports should be designed as follows:
- the face of the structure (including upholstery) must be placed at least 2.00 m from the outer edge of the end line, painted in a bright color contrasting with the color of the walls, in order to be clearly visible to the Players.
- the shield support must be so attached to the floor that it cannot be displaced.
— any structure to which the shield is attached must be upholstered with soft material behind the shield along the bottom surface of the structure at a distance of 1.20 m from the front surface of the shield.
- the minimum thickness of the upholstery should be 5 cm. It should have the same density as the upholstery of the panels.
- all backboard support structures must be completely upholstered with soft material to a height of at least 2.15 m on the surface from the side of the site. The minimum thickness of the upholstery must be 10 cm.


Baskets consist of rings and nets.

Material - durable steel, inner diameter 45 cm and painted orange.
The metal bar of the ring must have a minimum diameter of 16 mm and a maximum diameter of 20 mm. On the bottom of the ring there must be devices for attaching nets, such as to prevent injury to the fingers.
The mesh must be attached to the ring at twelve equally spaced points along the entire perimeter of the ring. Net attachment devices must not have sharp edges or crevices that the Player's fingers could get into.
The ring is attached to the structure supporting the basket in such a way that no force applied to the ring is transmitted directly to the shield. Therefore, there should be no direct contact between the ring and the device that secures the ring to the shield and the shield. However, the gap must be small enough that fingers cannot get into it.
The upper edge of each ring should be located horizontally at a height of 3.05 m above the surface of the site at an equal distance from the vertical edges of the shield.
The nearest point of the inner part of the ring should be located at a distance of 15 cm from the front surface of the shield.
You can use rings with a shock absorber.

Made of white cord and designed to hold the ball momentarily as it passes through the basket. The net length must be at least 40 cm and not more than 45 cm.
Each mesh should have 12 loops for attaching to the ring.
The top sections of the mesh must be sufficiently rigid to prevent:
Overlapping of the mesh on the ring and its possible entanglement.
The ball getting stuck in the net or thrown back out of the basket by the net.

Official Basketball Rules

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A basketball backboard and a hoop are essential components of a basketball court. The world has adopted standards regarding these elements: they were established by the International Basketball Federation.

A basketball backboard is a rectangular or square panel on which the hoop is fixed. The shield is equipped with a mount for mounting on a pole or hanging on the wall: rigid mounting is required so that the product does not wobble or move. The size of the product is 1.8x1.05 meters, while the distance from its edge to the floor should be 2.9 meters. The NBA has set the following standards: the size of the backboard is 72 x 42 inches. There should be two shields, they are installed at opposite ends of the field, the material is durable and resistant to shock (for example, tempered glass, acrylic, wood). The surface is marked with lines, it should be smooth. Non-stationary basketball backboard models with a net use the same mounting elements as the brackets for hanging punching bags. This allows you to withstand a large weight of the product and securely fix it.

What should a basketball hoop look like?

The ring or basket is a metal (steel) circle, which is covered with a mesh without a bottom. This element should be installed at a distance of 3.05 meters from the floor and 0.15 meters from the bottom edge of the shield.

How to make a basketball backboard and a ring in the yard, what sizes and what can be done?

The inner diameter can vary from 45 to 45.7 centimeters. The basketball hoop is painted in a bright color, most often orange. The load on the basket should not be transferred to the shield, so special attention must be paid to the installation of the product.

Front line and its dimensions

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How to make a basketball hoop

A mandatory feature of such a famous game as basketball is a basketball basket with a net. You can absolutely build this device in your yard, making a shield and a homemade one from improvised materials. ring from thick wire. But if you decide to practice your playing skills more masterfully, you should know what are the requirements for the design of a basketball hoop. Keep these instructions in mind when making sports equipment.

You will need

  • - metal rod with a diameter of 16-20 mm
  • - metal plate
  • - white cord


1. The expertly crafted basket consists of a basketball hoop and a net. The design of the ring is clearly defined by the relevant rules of the game. The material for the ring is strong iron. The inner diameter of the ring is 45 cm. The ring should be orange in color. The diameter of the rod from which you have to make ring, must be at least 16 mm and not more than 20 mm.

2. The lower part of the basketball hoop has attachments for attaching the net. The design of such devices should prevent injury to the fingers.

3. The basketball net is attached to the hoop at twelve points along each hoop perimeter. These points must be located at an equal distance from each other. Net attachment devices must not have sharp edges or crevices where the player's fingers could get caught.

4. The fastening of the ring to the structure supporting the basket is done in such a way that any force applied to the ring cannot be transferred unconstrainedly to the shield. direct contact between ring m and a fastening device should not be. At the same time, the gap should be quite small so that the player's fingers cannot get into it.

5. The upper edge of the ring is located horizontally at a height of 3.05 m above the surface of the playing area. The ring must be identically spaced from the vertical edges of the shield. The nearest point of the inner surface of the ring is located 15 cm from the front surface of the shield.

6. It is not forbidden to use shock-absorbing basketball ring. It is equipped with a suitable spring mechanism that allows the ring to deviate 30 degrees and return to its original position.

7. A few words about the net that you have to make complete with a basketball ring m. It is allowed to make it from a white cord. It should be large enough to momentarily stop a basketball passing through the basket from above. The length of the basketball net is 40-45 cm. The net must have twelve loops for attaching to the ring.

The top segments of the net are made rigid to prevent the net from becoming tangled or entangled to an acceptable extent, as well as the ball getting stuck. The net must not allow the ball to be thrown back out of the basket for no reason.

Standard basketball backboard sizes

DIY basketball stands

Basketball stands can be made by hand, or you can buy from us easier and faster.

Currently, there are a large number of the most diverse designs of basketball racks. Their choice is determined by the conditions and the place of installation. For halls with a length of less than 30 m, wall hangings are usually used, in the open air and in halls with a length of more than 30 m - floor and hanging racks. For school halls, the length of which usually does not exceed 24 m, only wall racks may be of interest, and for open areas - floor racks.

Basketball posts for open areas (Fig. 173, 174, 175) are a tubular welded truss, dug into the ground or loosely resting on the ground. In the latter case, stability is created by means of load balances placed on the base of the truss. Such racks (they are called portable) are convenient in that they can be moved, freeing up space for other sports events, for filling rinks, etc.

Basketball stands consist of a truss, a wooden (or organic glass) backboard and a ring with a net.

To make a farm, which will then be reinforced in the ground, it will take 45 m of water and gas pipes with a diameter of 1 / * inch, 21 m of pipes with a diameter of 3-4 inches and sheet steel (for washers) 8 mm thick - 0.5 m2.

The depth of the farm into the ground depends on the freezing of the soil in the area, but should not be less than 700 mm. The truss is fixed on concrete bases (section size 0.5 X 0.5 m) with a depth of at least 1 m. When concreting, the vertical position of the shield should be ensured. To do this, the support flanges are installed inside the dug pits on brick posts 300 mm high, and the truss is supported by a prop. By adjusting the height of the support, a position is achieved in which the mounting shield flanges do not reach the vertical position by 2-3 ° '. In this case, the supporting flanges of the truss must rest on the brick columns with the entire surface. If this does not happen, it is necessary to place steel linings under the flanges.

Having adjusted the position of the farm, the pit is poured with cement mortar flush with the ground. The farm remains standing with props for at least 3-5 days. After this period, the supports are removed and the shield is hung. In this case, the truss, under the weight of the shield and its own, will lean forward somewhat and the shield flanges will take a strictly vertical position. Using the oval holes in the flanges, the backboard is installed straight, without distortion, and the lower edge of the backboard should be 2.75 m from the surface of the playing area.

The shield is made of dry pine boards 30 mm thick, connected into a spike, and framed with a frame 30 mm thick and 75 mm wide and bars 45 and 120 mm, respectively. To increase rigidity, it is allowed to place a vertical bar in the middle part of the shield of the same dimensions as the outer bars. The parts are connected with K-17 glue.

Shield dimensions: length - 1800 mm, height - 1200 mm.

In addition to the standard ones, you can use simplified shields. They are assembled from dry boards 20-30 mm thick, butted together and connected by four vertical bars 160 mm wide and 60 mm thick. The bars are fastened to the boards with screws 5-6 mm in diameter and 60-75 mm long.

The front surface of the basketball backboard must be carefully processed, well sanded and painted with white oil paint. The back of the board is soaked with hot drying oil. Along the entire perimeter, the shield is bordered with a black strip 50 mm wide, and in the middle part, at a height of 250 mm from the bottom edge, a rectangle measuring 600 X 450 mm is applied. Line thickness

rectangle - 50 mm.

To connect the shield to the truss, standard bolts with a diameter of 10-12 mm and a length of 75-90 mm are used (depending on the thickness of the shield). The heads of the bolts are flush and, after installation, are painted over with paint to match the color of the shield.

Rings for hanging the mesh can be made in a normal or simplified design.

The ring of a simplified design is a circle with an inner diameter of 450 mm, rolled from a bar with a diameter of 20 mm. The circle is connected by a metal rod with a diameter of 30-35 mm with a round flange, which is attached to the shield with three bolts with a diameter of 10 mm. On the circle for attaching the mesh, through holes (11 or 22) with a diameter of 5 mm are provided or brackets of various configurations are welded.

A simplified ring can be successfully used in schools for primary education. However, it should be remembered that it is not rigid enough and vibrates when hit by the ball.

Basketball backboard with your own hands. Made of Metal Project

The rebound of the ball from such a ring is unstable.

The normal design ring is devoid of this drawback, but its manufacture is more difficult due to the introduction of additional struts, a plate bracket, as well as a large number of welding operations.

I.P. Mokhov, S.N. Abelson

Sports equipment and supplies for schools

Publishing house "Enlightenment" Moscow 1967

01. First, I sit down at the computer and sketch out a drawing for attaching the shield and the pole itself.

It was originally planned to put the ring in another place and pull it with a solid hitch to the nearest tree. But there turned out to be a lot of roots and they decided to put them in free flight and without a screed, which is why the ring in the upper part of the column remained rudimentary only in the drawing. Diagonals that are not in the drawing (green) have also been cancelled. We decided that the rigidity of the wooden shield and metal fasteners would be enough not to "walk".

Also on the course I changed the way of strengthening the outrigger knee. Not with a corner as in the drawing, but with two stripes on the sides, see the photo below.

A profile of 5 cm was used for the pole, for a bracket strung on a pole - 6 cm. A strip is welded inside so as not to play.
Everything that adjoins the wooden shield is a 25 mm corner.

Important: the ring should be universal for both adults and children of different heights. Therefore, a height offset system was made.

02. The main large elements are welded: a pillar, a knee, two stepson solid fuel boosters. The upper edge of the pillar and stepchildren is bevelled: for rainfall and for beauty.

03. More different views


05. There it is a strip welded inside the elbow pipe. At the top of the hole.

06. The shield fixing system has been completed. No, this is not a bottle of Zhatetsky Gus beer, this is gasoline.

What is the size and layout of the basketball backboard? At what height is it attached?

Stepchildren are welded. There was an error in the calculations. It was assumed that the stepchildren would strengthen the pillar from swinging, but they were attached lower than necessary. Further in the photo you will see that they protrude quite a bit from the ground. It would be possible to raise 30-40 cm higher. And now, nevertheless, the pillar sways during the game.

08. The heels are welded into the part that goes underground.


10. Everything is painted


12. Fossa

13. It will stand like this for a couple of days and you can continue. there was no putty for metal, to putty the seams. The putty was bought in addition, puttied and repainted a little later.

14. Up!

15. Shield assembly.

16. Done!

17. Now the ring is at its lowest height. Even lower than calculated, because one hole is not used (see the vacant thumb screw). Altitude change occurs with the help of one man-power on a stepladder.


19. The Basketball Village Open Championship has begun!

From this article you will learn:

  • What are the dimensions of the basketball hoop
  • How to make a basketball hoop with your own hands
  • Where to buy a ready-made basketball hoop

Basketball-like games were found among the ancient Scandinavian peoples and Mexican Indians. Today in northern Mexico, one of these games is popular - "Pok-Ta-Pok". It is believed that it appeared due to religious rites, which eventually turned into sports fun and an attraction for tourists. How the game "basketball" appeared, and what is a basketball backboard with a ring as a necessary element of this popular game, we will learn in this article.

When did basketball and the first backboard with a hoop appear?

The forerunner of basketball is the 19th-century children's game "duck on a rock", familiar to the Canadian inventor of basketball, James Naismith. The principle of the game was to hit the top of the big one with a small stone.

The concept of basketball was finally formed when D. Naismith moved to the United States and became a physical education teacher at the College of the Youth Christian Organization (YMCA) in Springfield, Massachusetts. Already teaching physical education and as a college professor, he faced the challenge of creating a winter game between baseball and football. Naismith, given the weather conditions this time of year in Massachusetts, decided that this game should be played indoors.

Naismith's goal was to create an outdoor game for the students of the Christian Workers' School that required more than just strength and dexterity. It was supposed to develop coordination of movements in teenagers and at the same time be interesting.

So, in the winter of 1891, under the leadership of Naismith, the first basketball baskets were installed in the college gym. Baskets from under the fruit, fixed on both sides of the hall on the balconies, which encircled the room around the perimeter, acted as basketball hoops. Such baskets were fastened at a height of 3.05 m, it was this indicator that became the international standard, which is observed to this day.

The task of the players was to throw the ball (they used football at that time) into the basket. The first basketball match was held in the same hall on December 21, 1891. According to the conditions of the game proposed by Naismith, each team had 9 people, which exactly coincided with the number of students in the group.

The news of the new game spread across America very quickly, and Naismith was asked to send in the rules. On February 12, 1892, after learning the rules and mastering the basics of technology, the students of Springfield College played the first "official" match in the history of basketball, which ended in a 2-2 draw.

This meeting turned out to be so successful, and the rumor about a new type of competition spread so rapidly that soon two Springfield teams began to hold demonstration competitions, which were already attended by hundreds of spectators. The initiative was picked up by students from other educational institutions, and the following year, the Northeast of America was swept by a real basketball fever.

Naismith's rules of basketball, which Naismith personally wrote as a college instructor in 1891, were a 13-point list that eventually formed the basis of today's international rules, barely 200 pages long. In 1893, instead of baskets, they put iron rings with a grid, two years later they added shields, and two years later the team was reduced to 5 people.

What is a basketball hoop today

To play basketball on the sports ground, two shields are installed on which baskets (rings) are attached. The shield is made of a transparent material, usually a single piece of tempered impact-resistant glass with a degree of hardness corresponding to that of a 30 mm thick hardwood shield. It is allowed to produce such shields from other materials, but in this case they must be painted white and comply with other requirements for such sports equipment.

The front side of the shield is made smooth, a marking line is applied along the edges, a rectangle measuring 45 cm vertically and 59 cm horizontally is indicated at the place where the ring is attached. Moreover, the upper edge of the base of the rectangle must coincide with the level of the upper plane of the ring. White outlines are applied to transparent shields, and black is used in other cases. Line width - 5 cm.

A basketball backboard with a ring is installed at right angles on both sides of the playing court, parallel to the front lines. The center of the front surface of each shield lies on perpendicular lines reconstructed from points located on the site at a distance of 120 cm from the middle of the inner edge of each front line.

Shields are upholstered, the following requirements are imposed on it:

  • the sides of the shields and the lower end are covered with soft material at a height of at least 35 cm from the lower corners;
  • the lower end is upholstered with a material with a thickness of at least 5 cm;
  • the back and front surfaces of the shield should be decorated with upholstery material, the thickness of which is at least 2 cm, at a height of at least 2 cm from the bottom end.

The following requirements are imposed on the structures on which the shields are attached: their front parts, including upholstery, are placed at a distance of at least two meters from the outer edge of the front line. They are painted in bright colors that contrast with the walls of the sports hall in order to provide sufficient visibility to the players of both teams.

The structure, on which the basketball hoop is installed, is attached to the floor of the court in such a way as to prevent its displacement during the game.

The structures used for fastening the shields must be upholstered with soft material behind the shield at a distance of 120 cm from the front surface of the shield. The minimum thickness of the upholstery is 5 cm, and the density is the same as that of the upholstery of the shields.

The base of the structure from the side of the playground is upholstered with dense soft material to a height of at least 215 cm, the thickness of the upholstery is 10 cm.

The minimum value of the so-called "indentation factor" of the upholstery of panels and structures is 50%. This figure means that when an appropriate force is applied to the upholstery, its indentation should be within 50% of its original thickness. The upholstery material provides protection to players from possible injuries during the game.

Basketball backboard and hoop dimensions

It's hard to imagine a basketball court without a basketball backboard and hoop. For them, world standards established by the International Basketball Federation have been adopted.

A basketball backboard is a rectangular or square panel to which a hoop is attached. Mounting is provided on the shield for mounting on a pole or hanging on a wall: rigid mounting is required, the product should not stagger and move.

The dimensions of the shield are 1.8x1.05 meters, with an installation height of 2.9 meters. By NBA standards, the size of the backboard should be 72x42 inches. Two shields are installed opposite each other from different ends of the field, the material is impact-resistant (as an option, tempered glass, acrylic, wood). Lines are drawn on a smooth surface. Models of basketball backboards with a net that are not intended for stationary installation are equipped with the same mounting elements as in the brackets for hanging punching bags. This method makes basketball backboards able to withstand a lot of weight and securely fixes them.

The ring or basket includes a metal (steel) circle covered with mesh without a bottom. It is installed at a height of 3.05 meters from the floor and indented 15 cm from the lower edge of the shield. The inner diameter is selected from the range of 45–45.7 cm. The basketball hoop is painted in a bright color, usually orange. It is impossible to allow the transfer of load from the basket to the shield, therefore, the installation of the product is carried out with special attention.

DIY basketball hoop

Homemade basketball hoops are installed in cottages or hung in the yard near the house. In the summer, you can throw the ball with pleasure, feeling like Michael Jordan for a moment. This game is available to everyone: both children and adults. The benefits of such a seemingly simple exercise are incredible!

Have you set out to make your own basketball hoop and don't know where to start? Further, we will talk about this.

To make your own basketball hoop, you need thick wire and rope. Instead of a wire, an old unnecessary sports hoop is suitable, which is cut, shortened and connected again. Do not forget to leave a "sprout" for attaching to the shield.

In order to make a basketball hoop out of thick wire, you need to use some tricks. To obtain an even circle, a cylindrical fixture can be used as a template on which the wire is wound. But, before cutting off the wire, do not forget about the "sprout" for attaching to the wall.

The diameter of the metal blank for the ring is slightly larger than the diameter of the basketball. Next, the pre-prepared rope is cut into 20–22 identical segments. The length of each is 2.5–3 times the planned length of the net hanging.

These segments at equal intervals are attached to a metal ring. The ropes are tied in the middle, and the two ends of equal length are left free. Then the two ends of the nearby ropes are tied in turn, and so on along the entire circumference of the ring. It turns out the first level of the grid. In the same way, the ropes of the next level are tied, etc.

When making a basketball hoop for the home, the bottom of the net can be tied up to allow the ball hitting the net to stay inside. Thus, the ball does not accidentally bounce to the side.

Now we know how to make a basketball hoop ourselves. But it is necessary to answer the question, which is better - a home-made or a quality product bought in a store?

Making parts with your own hands is a pleasure. To do this, you only need free time, the necessary materials and a third-class welder. If you do not have this, then it is better to purchase a basketball hoop with a backboard from trusted manufacturers.

In order to make a basketball backboard with fastening, you will need six meters of a 2x2 cm profile pipe, 8.5 m of a 2x4 cm profile pipe, a backboard made of laminated moisture-resistant plywood, a basketball hoop, and six anchor bolts for attaching to the wall. The design is assembled from three parts for easy wall mounting.

The desired part is cut off from the shield.

The metal structures are welded and the prepared AKZ is applied to them.

The shield is drawn, glued with adhesive tape, and lines 5 cm wide are applied to it.

We fix two components of the structure on the wall.

We attach a shield to the frame.

Where to buy a basketball hoop with a shield

In such a mobile game as basketball, every little thing is important! Even at the finish line, troubles happen: the ball is in the ring, but gets tangled in the net and gets stuck. This moment is ruined! How to avoid such troubles?

The following requirements are imposed on the grid for rings:

  • 12 loops for fastening;
  • length should be 40–45 cm;
  • use a hard white cord as a material;
  • the top is made in such a way as to exclude throwing the net onto the ring, tangling or sticking the ball.

How to choose the right basketball net? The main thing to pay attention to is the material, diameter and thickness of the thread, type.

  1. Products from kapron and nylon are used more often. The latter is more wear-resistant, so for professional training, boron falls on this material.
  2. The diameter is selected in accordance with the diameter of the ring and the ball.
  3. For professional basketball nets, thick threads of increased strength are used, but for amateurs, more fragile ones can be used.
  4. Type: knotted and knotless. Products of the first type are widely used, but knotless basketball nets for the hoop look better and absorb the impact of the ball well, and are more reliable.

The Sportstyle company was founded in 1992 and has been successfully presenting its products and services in the markets of Russia and neighboring countries for more than 25 years.

One of the main activities of the company is the production of frame and tent structures, sports equipment, goods for recreation. Our products are very popular and in demand, among them everything for:

  • martial arts. Equipment and sports equipment for boxing, wrestling, wushu, taekwondo. Boxing bags, punching bags, shell gloves, paws, shields, stuffed animals.
  • Gymnastics, fitness, aerobics. Gymnastic mats, hoops, sticks, jump ropes, wall bars, horizontal bars, rings, ropes, benches. Platform for sports aerobics.
  • sports games. Sports equipment for basketball, volleyball, tennis, ice hockey, football, mini-football, handball, etc.
  • athletics. Throwing shields, throwing grenades, hurdles, high jump equipment.
  • winter sports. Safety cubes, mats for short track, protective mats for ski slopes.

Today we will talk about how to independently make a high-quality basketball backboard and a basketball net with your own hands at home from improvised materials. We will also consider the technology of manufacturing a basketball backboard and a net for playing basketball for children or adults.

In order to make a simple do-it-yourself basketball hoop for children, we will need a thick wire, as well as a rope. Instead of thick wire, you can take an old unused hula hoop, cut it, shorten it and reconnect it. It is important to leave a "sprout" for attaching the ring to the shield.

If you want to make a basketball hoop with your own hands from thick wire, then in order to get the most even circle, we recommend using a cylindrical fixture designed to serve as a template. We wind the wire around it. And do not forget to leave a "sprout" for attaching the resulting ring to the basketball backboard.

The diameter of the metal blank for the ring should be slightly larger than the diameter of the basketball. Then you should take the prepared rope and cut it into 20-22 identical segments. At the same time, the length of each should be 2.5 - 3 times greater than the planned length of the mesh hanging.

These segments are attached to a metal ring at equal distances. You need to tie the ropes exactly in the middle so that 2 ends of equal length remain free. Then we connect in turn 2 ends of nearby ropes around the entire circumference of the ring. This is the first level of our grid. Then, similarly, we tie the ropes to the next level, etc.
If you want to make a basketball hoop for your home, you can tie the bottom of the net so that the ball will stay inside when it hits. This will help reduce the chance of an accidental bounce of the sports equipment after hitting the basket.

DIY basketball backboard for adults. How to make a professional basketball backboard - here you have to try. How to make a basketball backboard at home. The process of making a basketball backboard is no more difficult than making sports predictions, especially if the necessary materials are available.

Here is a typical instruction for making a basketball backboard at home. For the base of the basketball backboard, you can choose a sheet of plywood, which is inexpensive and not hard to get either. A sturdy rectangular piece of plexiglass or thick plastic may also work well.

If the basketball backboard will be installed outdoors, then it is worth choosing the material for its base based on considerations not only of strength, but also of resistance to adverse weather conditions.

The next step is to choose a place where the basketball backboard will be attached. When choosing such a place, the main thing to remember is that the lower edge of the shield should be at a height of 290 centimeters from the ground, and the ring should be located at a height of 305 centimeters.

Now you need to apply dimensions and cut a plywood blank along them. The ideal size of a standard basketball backboard are the following parameters: width - 1.8 meters, height - 1.05 meters. This size will allow players to make more accurate and varied throws.

Before you start cutting the workpiece, you need to use a pencil to outline the dimensions and draw lines along which the workpiece will be cut. It is better to cut it with a jigsaw, when working with which you must be careful.

After the blank of the future basketball backboard is ready, it will be necessary to draw a white square on it, which plays a very important role.

The white square is a kind of guide for the players when throwing, with the help of such markings it is much easier to get the ball into the basket. If the ball is correctly thrown into the corner of this square, then it will definitely reach the goal.

In order to mark such a square, not only a brush and paint are needed, but also knowledge of the dimensions of the rectangle. Its external dimensions are 59 centimeters horizontally and 45 centimeters vertically.

When marking, it should also be taken into account that the upper edge of the base of this rectangle must coincide with the level of the upper plane of the ring. The width of the stripes of the square should be 5 centimeters.

basketball hoops

Material - durable steel, inner diameter 45 cm and painted orange.
The metal bar of the ring must have a minimum diameter of 16 mm and a maximum diameter of 20 mm. On the bottom of the ring there must be devices for attaching nets, such as to prevent injury to the fingers. The mesh must be attached to the ring at twelve equally spaced points along the entire perimeter of the ring. Net attachment devices must not have sharp edges or crevices that could get caught by the player's fingers.

The ring is attached to the structure supporting the basket in such a way that no force applied to the ring is transmitted directly to the shield. Therefore, there should be no direct contact between the ring and the device that secures the ring to the shield and the shield. However, the gap must be small enough that fingers cannot get into it.
The upper edge of each ring should be located horizontally at a height of 3.05 m above the surface of the site at an equal distance from the vertical edges of the shield.
The nearest point of the inner part of the ring should be located at a distance of 15 cm from the front surface of the shield. You can use rings with a shock absorber.

Made of white cord and designed to hold the ball momentarily as it passes through the basket. The net length must be at least 40 cm and not more than 45 cm.

Each mesh should have 12 loops for attaching to the ring.
The top sections of the mesh must be sufficiently rigid to prevent:
Overlapping of the mesh on the ring and its possible entanglement.
The ball getting stuck in the net or thrown back out of the basket by the net. Basketball net can be woven from braid, twine, rope, thick threads. The braid or thread is first cut into segments.

The length of each segment should be four times the length of the grid. The number of segments is determined as follows: the ring intended for the grid is measured, and the resulting value is divided by four. The do-it-yourself basketball backboard is almost ready. Now it needs to be firmly fixed. To do this, you will need 4 large bolts that can withstand a load of 30 kg, and drill four holes in the wall or any other place where the basketball backboard will be mounted.

Use a level to drill holes evenly. After that, you can start installing the shield. It is very inconvenient to do it yourself, so you should again resort to the help of friends who can insure you on the stairs, as well as file and hold the shield.

Once the bolts are installed and screwed into place, the basket can be hung up so that you can finally play on the court with a new basketball backboard that will last for many years.

In short, you can make a good basketball backboard with your own hands. But it is important to pay attention to one serious point.

The fact is that no matter how it seems to us from the outside that the contact of the ball and the hoop of the basketball basket is quite soft, it should be noted that the impact load on the fastening of the hoop to the backboard is very high. The weight of the ball (if you do not go into the definition of physical values) during contact with the ring increases many times, even when thrown from an average distance.

Well, with an inaccurate hit from a long distance, this blow can reach destructive power. And such a load acts on the mount hundreds and thousands of times. So that your work does not go to waste, that is, the future ring with a shield is a reliable design, you need to pay maximum attention to attaching the ring to the shield and then the same shield to the wall or other structure. Regarding the material of the shield, it can be put together from the same inexpensive pine boards available, and preferably from harder wood. Proposals to make a basketball backboard from plywood, fiberboard, plastic do not stand up to criticism. The first two positions do not pass due to the fact that if your shield hangs in the season in the rain and the sun, nothing will remain of it.

Plastic will naturally withstand all of these weather conditions, but is unlikely to be affordable. Plastic plastic is different, because the one that is used in the gym is very expensive, another different lottery ... will stand it - will not stand it. But a wooden board, it is a material that has stood the test of time and history. It is known that the official dimensions of the basketball backboard are as follows - a width of 1 meter 80 centimeters and a height of 1 meter 5 centimeters.

But in principle, you can try to build a flat square of boards 3 cm thick and 80 cm X 80 cm in size, I think this area will be quite enough to play or work out the throw normally. Basically, only a square is actively used when throwing (its dimensions are 59 centimeters wide, 45 centimeters high) above the ring, since it is this small square that you need to be able to hit if you want to throw from the shield.

Then (if it hits this square) the ball will most likely fall into the ring. Even in this case, if you perform a throw with a rebound from the shield, the load on the shield itself will be very small, but on the fastening of the shield and the ring, in this case, the pressure will be maximum.

The basketball hoop is made from a metal bar with a diameter of 16 - 20 millimeters. I think everyone understands that in order to protect against atmospheric precipitation, the entire structure should be painted with the appropriate paint, which can be bought at the store, explaining to the seller why the paint is needed.

As a result, I will repeat myself and say that when trying to make a basketball backboard on your own, pay attention to the fastening of the ring to the backboard. This is the most fragile place in this design.

Love basketball and want to make a hoop? I wanted to make it myself, not buy it, and I ended up making it. It's pretty cheap, especially if you have some of the stuff you need to assemble.

Let's start assembling a basketball hoop with our own hands.

Step 1: Forming a Ring

The first thing you will need is a ring, I made it from 12mm rod, but it doesn't have to be that size. The standard diameter of a basketball hoop is 450 mm.

To make it flat you need something to wrap it around, this thing should be about 400mm in diameter.

I found an old car rim of the right size, you will need to clamp it to the table with a clamp using a block of wood.

As shown in photo 2, place another clamp a little further from the first with a rod between them.

As shown in photo 3, slowly wrap the rod around the disk, as soon as you wrap the rod and its edges overlap each other, cut off the straight ends.

Use a clamp to squeeze the ends together, then weld them together.

To finish this part, place the ring on the ground and line up all the curves.

Step 2: Frame

  1. Bend a piece of flat metal, mine was 4mm thick.
  2. Weld it to a flat point in the ring.
  3. Cut two rods to a length of 320 mm.
  4. Weld them as shown in the photo.
  5. Drill four holes according to the size of the bolts you have.
  6. If you need a netball ring, you can simply attach it to a post and skip the rest of the steps.

Step 3: Mesh Staples (Optional)

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Do this step if you need a grid. If you need a network, you will have to buy it.
This step is not as difficult as it seems.

  1. cut 12 pieces of 90mm wire (I would recommend making a few spare parts as they are easy to mess up.)
  2. bend them in the middle (it doesn't matter if the lengths of the tips are the same)
  3. clamp the wire in a vise with a steel rod at one end
  4. bend the wire over the rod
  5. repeat this with all parts
  6. re-clamp the wire wrapped around the rod (see photo)
  7. bend it
  8. repeat the action with all parts
  9. re-clamp the wire wrapped around the rod
  10. bend it (at this point you can't just remove the wire from the rod - you will need to slide it to one of its edges and remove it from the edge)
  11. repeat with all parts
  12. divide into 12 parts and weld the brackets

Step 4: Back Shield

Cut the board to the desired dimensions. My board does not fit the full size of basketball boards. (the second picture shows the dimensions of a standard shield).

My measurements are 1100mm wide, 700mm high and 25mm thick. (You don't have to be that size.)

Step 5: Color the Shield

Once you have drawn all the lines on the shield, lay masking tape over them. If you try, everything will look neat.

If you are using MDF, you will need to take care to protect the edges from moisture (as shown in photo 2).

Carefully paint over the areas around the masking tape.

Remove the masking tape after you've applied enough coats of paint and the board looks complete.

Step 6: Color the Ring

First you need to sand the metal. I used a grinding disc on a grinder.

The ring should not be black or white, it should stand out from the shield. Usually the ring is painted orange or red.

It will be easiest to paint inventory from a spray can.

A DIY basketball stand is great for mounting on a garage or house wall, but if you want to mount it on a pole, you can create one too.

I installed my ring in the yard using heavy duty wood screws.

A standard basketball hoop should be 3 meters from the ground.

I am not responsible for any damage you cause to yourself or your property - you make your own ring.