
How to make a generator for a windmill with your own hands - the technology of work. How to make a wind generator from a car generator with your own hands? Windmill from a motorcycle generator

Help for the hostess

Alternative energy sources are the dream of any summer resident or homeowner whose site is located far from the central networks. However, when we receive bills for electricity consumed in a city apartment, and looking at the increased tariffs, we realize that a wind generator created for domestic needs would not hurt us.

After reading this article, perhaps you will make your dream come true.

A wind generator is an excellent solution for providing a suburban facility with electricity. Moreover, in some cases, its installation is the only possible way out.

In order not to waste money, effort and time, let's decide: are there any external circumstances that will create obstacles for us in the process of operating a wind turbine?

To provide electricity to a dacha or a small cottage, a small wind power plant is sufficient, the power of which will not exceed 1 kW. Such devices in Russia are equated to household products. Their installation does not require certificates, permits or any additional approvals.

In order to determine the feasibility of installing a wind generator, it is necessary to find out the wind energy potential of a particular area (click to enlarge)

No taxation of the production of electricity, which is spent to meet their own domestic needs, is not provided. Therefore, a low-power windmill can be safely installed, it can be used to generate free electricity without paying any taxes to the state.

However, just in case, you should ask if there are any local regulations regarding individual power supply that could create obstacles in the installation and operation of this device.

Wind turbines that can meet most of the needs of the average farm can not cause complaints even from the neighbors

Claims may arise from your neighbors if they experience inconvenience associated with the operation of the windmill. Remember that our rights end where other people's rights begin.

Therefore, when buying or self-manufacturing a wind turbine for a home, you need to pay serious attention to the following parameters:

  • Mast height. When assembling a wind turbine, it is necessary to take into account the restrictions on the height of individual buildings that exist in a number of countries of the world, as well as the location of your own site. Be aware that near bridges, airports and tunnels, buildings that are more than 15 meters high are prohibited.
  • Noise from gearbox and blades. The parameters of the generated noise can be set using a special device, after which the measurement results can be documented. It is important that they do not exceed the established noise standards.
  • Ether interference. Ideally, when creating a windmill, protection against tele-interference should be provided where your device can provide such trouble.
  • environmental claims. This organization can prevent you from operating the facility only if it interferes with the migration of migratory birds. But this is unlikely.

When creating and installing the device yourself, learn these points, and when buying a finished product, pay attention to the parameters that are in its passport. It is better to protect yourself in advance than to be upset later.

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The feasibility of a windmill device is justified primarily by a sufficiently high and stable wind pressure in the area

It is necessary to have a large enough area, the usable area of ​​​​which will not be significantly reduced due to the installation of the system

Due to the noise accompanying the operation of the windmill, it is desirable that there be at least 200 m between the neighbors' housing and the installation

The steadily rising cost of electricity convincingly argues in favor of a wind turbine

The installation of a wind generator is possible only in areas whose authorities do not interfere, but rather encourage the use of green types of energy.

If there are frequent interruptions in the area where the mini wind power plant is being built, the installation will minimize the inconvenience.

The owner of the system must be prepared for the fact that the funds invested in the finished product will not pay off immediately. The economic effect can become tangible in 10-15 years

If the payback of the system is not the last moment, you should think about building a mini power plant with your own hands

A wind generator or wind power plant (WPP) is a device that is used to convert the kinetic energy of a wind stream into mechanical energy. The resulting mechanical energy rotates the rotor and is converted into the electrical form we need.

The principle of operation and the device of a kinetic windmill are described in detail in the article, which we recommend that you read.

The structure of the WUE includes:

  • blades that form a propeller,
  • rotating turbine rotor
  • the axis of the generator and the generator itself,
  • an inverter that converts alternating current to direct current used to charge batteries,
  • battery.

The essence of wind turbines is simple. As the rotor rotates, a three-phase alternating current is generated, which then passes through the controller and charges the DC battery. Next, the inverter converts the current so that it can be consumed, powering lighting, a radio, a TV, a microwave oven, and so on.

The detailed arrangement of a wind generator with a horizontal axis of rotation allows you to imagine well what elements contribute to the conversion of kinetic energy into mechanical and then into electrical

In general, the principle of operation of a wind generator of any type and design is as follows: in the process of rotation, three types of force impact on the blades occur: braking, impulse and lifting.

This scheme of operation of the wind turbine allows you to understand what happens to the electricity produced by the work of the wind generator: part of it is accumulated, and the other is consumed

The last two forces overcome the braking force and set the flywheel in motion. On the stationary part of the generator, the rotor forms a magnetic field so that the electric current goes through the wires.

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For the manufacture of a wind power generator, an engine from unnecessary household appliances is suitable. The more volts per revolution, the more efficient the system will work.

A sleeve is attached to the motor rotor, on which the blades of the device are fixed. It is better to close the frontal knot with a protective cover

The front part with the motor and blades must be balanced with the tail part. The shoulder of the tail from a pipe or rail should be longer, a shank of any shape is fixed on its edge

The mast holding the windmill must have at least three supports, the structure must be connected to the ground loop and a lightning rod must be arranged

There are several criteria by which wind turbines are classified. How to choose the best option for a device for suburban property is described in detail in one of the most popular articles on our website.

So, windmills differ in:

  • the number of blades in the propeller;
  • materials for the manufacture of blades;
  • the location of the axis of rotation relative to the surface of the earth;
  • pitch sign of the screw.

There are models with one, two, three blades and multi-blade.

Products with a large number of blades begin to rotate even with a small wind. Usually they are used in such works, when the rotation process itself is more important than generating electricity. For example, to extract water from deep wellbores.

It turns out that wind turbine blades can be made not only from solid materials, but also from affordable fabric

The blades can be sail or rigid. Sailing products are much cheaper than rigid ones, which are made of metal or fiberglass. But they have to be repaired very often: they are fragile.

As for the location of the axis of rotation relative to the earth's surface, there are vertical windmills and horizontal models. And in this case, each variety has its own advantages: vertical ones are more sensitive to every breath of wind, but horizontal ones are more powerful.

Wind turbines are divided according to step features into fixed and variable step models. The variable pitch allows you to significantly increase the rotation speed, but this installation is characterized by a complex and massive design. Fixed-pitch wind turbines are simpler and more reliable.

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From the badly damaged oscillator after disassembly, only the stator remained, for which the case was separately welded

Which windmill is best? Vertical windmill conversion to horizontal 02

Inside a Car Alternator Green Energy Generator Brush Reinsertion for wind turbine RPM

Windmill generator from a car generator. Test 1 and 2

your electricity. wind generator from a room fan.

wind generator for heating.veu6-5.

End generator for a windmill with ferrite cores // Do-it-yourself end generator

Homemade generator for a windmill from neodymium magnets Assembly

Wind turbine from the motor wheel of a gyro scooter, announcement.

Principle of operation

When the lifting force begins to act, the rotor of the generator begins to rotate. This force arises when the blades begin to flow around the wind flow. Under these circumstances, the generator begins to produce variable and unstable current flows, which are rectified in the controller.

This current is used to charge batteries. At the same time, a second device is connected to the batteries - this is an inverter that converts the DC voltage of the battery equipment into AC single-phase or three-phase, which is used by the consumer.

The wind generator normally does its job with the controller and inverter, but there are other ways to use it:

  1. Automatic battery operation.
  2. Automatic operation with battery and solar battery.
  3. Automatic operation with battery and diesel back-up generator.
  4. A windmill that does its work in parallel with the network.

The benefits of wind power are certainly good. Wind energy is abundant, does not harm the environment, is completely safe and reliable as a resource for generating electricity.

Components without which a wind generator cannot do:

  • foundation base;
  • electrical cabinet;
  • towers;
  • stairs;
  • rotating mechanism;
  • gondolas;
  • electric generator;
  • anemometer;
  • brake system;
  • transmissions;
  • blades;
  • systems for changing the angles of attack of the blades;

Required tools:

  • electric drill with drills (5.5 - 7.5 mm);
  • gas and adjustable wrench;
  • electric jigsaw with a saw for metal;
  • screwdriver;
  • roulette;
  • protractor;
  • compass;
  • marker;
  • ¼ ×20 tap;

The device consists of a rotor with blades, an electric generator, a mast for installation, inverters, a battery, a charge controller, and wires through which electricity passes. The mast can be with stretch marks and without them. Depending on the type of structure, sometimes it can be lowered to prevent or repair the device.

Wind generator - a device for converting wind energy into electrical energy

The operation of a wind generator includes 5 main stages:

  1. The wind spins the rotor or blades.
  2. There is a connection between the generator and the rotor.
  3. The generated energy goes first to the charge controller, and then to the battery.
  4. It then passes to the inverters and is converted from 12 to 220 volts (or from 24 to 380 volts).
  5. Electricity is fed into the grid.

The power of the wind generator is enough for street lighting, signaling and other devices

Assembling a device for a 220v home

When everything you need is ready, proceed to the assembly. Each of the options may have additional details, but they are clearly specified directly in the manual. First of all, assemble the wind wheel - the main structural element, because it is this detail that will convert wind energy into mechanical energy. It is best that it has 4 blades.

Remember that the smaller their number, the more mechanical vibration and the more difficult it will be to balance it. They are made from sheet steel or an iron barrel. They should wear a uniform not the same as you saw in the old mills, but reminiscent of the winged type. They have much lower aerodynamic drag and higher efficiency.

In order for it to catch wind currents from different directions in the future, assemble the shank using a pre-prepared tube. The tail section will be attached with a screw-on shampoo cap. A hole is also made in it and, after putting a plug on one end of the tube, they pull it out and fix it to the main body of the bottle.

We attach a USB output to the back panel of the stand and put all the received parts into one. It will be possible to mount the radio or recharge the phone through this built-in USB port. Of course, it does not have strong power from a household fan, but it can still provide lighting for one light bulb.


Before determining the need to use a wind generator, you should familiarize yourself with its technical characteristics:

  • maximum power - 1500 W;
  • voltage - 28 V;
  • maximum current - 54 A;
  • the maximum noise level in case of proper balancing is less than 57 dB;
  • minimum rotation speed - 1200 rpm;
  • maximum rotation speed - 4500 rpm.

The mass of the structure head should not exceed 25 kg. This value does not include the weight of the propeller and tail.

Electrical circuit assembly

Let's figure out how to make a simple windmill with a vertical axis of rotation of the rotary type with your own hands. Such a model may well meet the electricity needs of a garden house, a variety of outbuildings, as well as highlight the local area and garden paths at night.

The blades of this rotary type installation with a vertical axis of rotation are clearly made from elements cut from a metal barrel.

Our goal is to manufacture a windmill with a maximum power of 1.5 kW.

To do this, we need the following elements and materials:

  • car generator for 12 V;
  • helium or acid battery 12 V;
  • semi-hermetic switch of the “button” variety for 12 V;
  • converter 700 W - 1500 W and 12V - 220V;
  • bucket, large saucepan or other capacious container made of stainless steel or aluminum;
  • automobile relay of a control lamp of a charge or charging of the accumulator;
  • automobile voltmeter (any one is possible);
  • bolts with nuts and washers;
  • wires with a cross section of 4 square mm and 2.5 square mm;
  • two clamps for fixing the generator on the mast.

In the process of doing the work, we will need a grinder or metal shears, a construction pencil or marker, a tape measure, wire cutters, a drill, a drill, keys and a screwdriver.

A controller for a system that generates electricity can also be assembled by hand. The article, the contents of which we advise you to read, will familiarize you with the rules and schemes for the manufacture of a controller for a windmill.

We start making a homemade windmill by taking a large cylindrical metal container. Usually, an old boiling pot, bucket or pan is used for this purpose. It will be the basis for our future WPP.

Using a tape measure and a construction pencil (marker), we will mark up: we will divide our container into four identical parts.

When making cuts in accordance with the instructions contained in the text, in no case cut through the metal to the end

The metal will have to be cut. To do this, you can use the grinder. It is not used to cut a container made of galvanized steel or painted sheet metal, because this type of metal will overheat. For such cases, it is better to use scissors. We cut out the blades, but do not cut them through to the very end.

Simultaneously with the continuation of work on the tank, we will remake the generator pulley. In the bottom of the former pan and in the pulley, you need to mark and drill holes for the bolts. The work at this stage should be taken as carefully as possible: all holes should be located symmetrically so that no imbalance occurs during the rotation of the installation.

This is how the blades of another design with a vertical axis of rotation look like. Each blade is made separately, and then mounted in a common device

We bend the blades so that they do not stick out too much. When we do this part of the work, we must take into account in which direction the generator will rotate.

Attach it with a bolt and nut to the bottle. After all the wires have been soldered, another hole is made in the body of the bottle to output these same wires. We stretch them and fix them in a bottle on top of the generator. They must match in shape and the bottle body must reliably hide all its parts.

Materials, devices and tools

To make a wind farm, you need:

  • car generator;
  • metal bucket or pipes (for the manufacture of blades);
  • acid or gel battery;
  • battery charging relay and charge control lamp;
  • a box in which the wires will be connected;
  • wire or clamps (for fixing on the generator mast);
  • four bolts with nuts;
  • button-switch for 12 volts;
  • wires (section - 4 mm²);
  • wire cutters, screwdriver, wrench, drill.

How to make a wind generator with your own hands

  1. The rotor is being made. For its manufacture, you can use an ordinary bucket, which is cut into 4 equal blades along, without cutting to the end. One hole is drilled on each part of the bottom. The same is done on the generator. It is important that the symmetry is exactly observed to avoid imbalance. Blades can also be cut out of PVC pipe using a pre-made template. Then they are bolted to the metal disc.

    The edges of the blades are polished, which gives the device an aesthetic appearance and reduces noise during operation.
  2. The rotor is bolted to the generator.

    The bolts must be tightened strongly to ensure the reliability of the structure.
  3. The wires are connected to the generator, and then the electrical circuit is assembled in the box.

    For the operation of the wind generator, wires with a cross section of 4 mm² are used.
  4. The rest of the elements are attached to the mast.
    The rotor is attached to the mast with bolts or by welding.
  5. Connected to the battery circuit.

Wires are connected to the resulting structure, which lead to devices that consume energy (alarm, street lighting, etc.). If necessary, a voltage converter can be installed as an additional element.

DIY wind generator from a stepper motor

The blades will be made of PVC pipe. The workpiece is drawn on the pipe, and then cut out with a cutting disc. The span of the screw should be about 50 cm, and the width should be 10 cm. It is necessary to machine a sleeve with a flange to fit the size of the stepper shaft. It is mounted on the motor shaft and fastened with screws, plastic “screws” will be attached directly to the flanges.

Also carry out balancing - pieces of plastic are cut off from the ends of the wings, the angle of inclination is changed by heating and bending. A piece of pipe is inserted into the device itself, to which it is also attached with bolts. As for the electrical board, it is better to place it below, and bring power to it.

Installation rules

It is recommended to install a windmill at a relatively long distance from the house and other structures (from 20 meters or more). It is advisable to choose an open space for this. In addition, consider the density of the soil: the length of the wedges intended for stretching the mast, as well as the material for their manufacture, depends on it.

Stretching methods are selected taking into account the length of the mast and the condition of the soil. For tall structures that are installed on soft ground, more stringent requirements are imposed on the wedges.

The lower part of the mast is bolted to a metal stand and concreted

The mast is lowered into the soil to a depth of 0.5 meters or less, the guy wires are concreted, since the soil is loose after rain. This feature can cause them to weaken and create a threat of the fall of the entire structure.

If the mast does not lower, then it is necessary to provide a device for lifting to the main elements of the wind generator, which will allow it to be serviced. The climbing device should be fixed on the mast, because it must provide reliability and convenience during repair work. It must be understood that the wind speed can be high, and therefore it is recommended to build a platform with a welded ladder.

As for the height of the mast, it must be 10 meters higher than the highest obstacle, which is within a radius of 100 meters.

Windmill from a motor-wheel and magnets

Not everyone knows that a wind generator from a motor-wheel can be assembled with your own hands in a short time, the main thing is to stock up on the necessary materials in advance. The Savonius rotor is best suited for it, it can be purchased ready-made or on its own. It consists of two semi-cylindrical blades and an overlap, from which the axes of rotation of the rotor are obtained.

Choose the material for their product yourself: wood, fiberglass or pvc pipe, which is the simplest and best option. We make a junction of parts, on which you need to make holes for fastening in accordance with the number of blades. You will need a steel swivel mechanism so that the device can withstand any weather.

During the operation of the wind turbine, it is better to follow these recommendations:

  • periodically inspect the bolt connections in the places where the mast is attached to the generator and the foundation;
  • lubricate the bearings of the rotator and generator;
  • control the wheel balance;
  • check the condition of the insulation of electrical equipment once every six months or more often.

Thanks to the wind turbine, you can save on electricity bills. It is easy to use and maintain, does not make much noise, but is not protected from hurricanes.

From ferrite magnets

A magnetic wind generator will be difficult to master for inexperienced craftsmen, but you can still try. So, there should be four poles, each will contain two ferrite magnets. They will be covered with metal linings a little less than a millimeter thick to distribute a more uniform flow.

Today, there are many options for how to make a device for converting wind energy, each method is effective in its own way. If you are familiar with the methodology for manufacturing energy-producing equipment, then it will not matter on the basis of what it is made, the main thing is that it meets the intended scheme and gives good power at the output.

For you, Kulibins, a story

How to make a homemade wind generator from a car generator. The occupation is quite exciting and it makes economic sense to do it right today in order to get the first free electric current in your apartment in a couple of weeks. And maybe even earlier. It all depends on your promptness. Some minor expenses are still waiting for you.

We collect all the components, and only then we begin to work. What do you need to have before you start assembling a wind turbine? It is advisable to have a car generator from more powerful machines (bus, tractor). Please note that all components must be purchased as a set: battery, relay, generator from one machine.

Since consumers are supplied with alternating current, it is necessary to have a converter or inverter. If the power of this device is 100 watts, then this is quite enough for the operation of two light bulbs from 40 watts. In the area where the wind speed is sufficiently high (average annual not less than 5.5 m/s), it is possible to safely install high-capacity wind turbines. But we are talking about small-capacity wind turbines, for which automobile generators are quite suitable.

To assemble them you need:

  • car generator 12 volts;
  • voltmeter;
  • battery charging relay;
  • blade material; 12 volt battery;
  • lockable box for wires;
  • four bolts complete with nuts and washers;
  • clamps for fastening the generator.

First of all, we make a windmill rotor. The best option for a homemade wind generator using a car generator would be to make a rotor wheel of 4 blades. It can be made from sheet iron, even from an iron barrel. The cutting tool is a "grinder", or a grinder.

After manufacturing the windmill, we connect it to the generator axis: we drill holes, we connect it with bolts. Then we assemble the electrical circuit, install the mast, fasten the generator and wires, connect it to the battery, voltage converter. In a word, we do everything as taught at school in physics lessons on drawing up an electrical circuit.

Installation of such a wind turbine is done quickly, simply and without any special financial costs. The rotary wind generator has its advantages: simple, silent, reliable in operation. The disadvantage is that it is afraid of hurricane pressure.

What is a wind turbine capable of?

In measuring distance, the smallest unit will be the centimeter, although there are millimeters, microns, etc. Electric power is measured in watts. It is the smallest unit, like a centimeter in distance. Therefore, they use kilowatts (1000 watts). The production and consumption of energy is also measured in time - 1 hour. So, we have come to the secret measurement - (kW / h). From here we dance.

How much can a wind generator from an autogenerator made with your own hands give? 100 - a watt light bulb consumes 1 kW / h for 10 hours of operation. Now imagine such a picture. You are sleeping - the installation works with the wind. Wake up and stay awake, but do not use electricity - the windmill continues to work for you. You turned on the TV and began to consume energy - the windmill compensates for some part. And suddenly the wind subsides and stops completely.
Here it is, let's go! Energy comes only from the battery.

Here you will already need a powerful inverter that converts direct current into alternating current and supplies it to consumption points. Even if the wind generator is not strong enough to provide the required power, but for the duration of operation it accumulates enough energy. And here the battery capacity is crucial. The principle is as old as the world: how much you accumulate, so much you take.

Let's move on to more accurate calculations. We are all interested to know if the wind generator we made from a car generator can pull all the energy consumers that are in the house. We already know the energy consumption of one light bulb and now it is easy to calculate how many there are. Taking into account the fact that now we are increasingly using energy-saving consumers. And on the other consumers (washing machine, food processor, dishwasher, electric drill, etc.) the amount of power consumed is indicated. We count, but at the same time we take into account that we do not turn on all the appliances at the same time. And it will turn out that a powerful hydroelectric station will not be enough.

The calculation of the power of the installation is simple to disgrace. It depends on the pressure of the wind and the area of ​​rotation of the propeller, or the area of ​​the blades that the wind hits. The installation begins to “wake up” with a breeze of 2 m / s, and its most productive work is with a wind of 10-12 m / s.

So, we consider. Special literature offers several formulas for calculating the power of wind turbines. Let's take the simplest one. They are not much different and the results of the calculation are insignificant from each other. Let's show the formula not in a conventionally literal expression, but in a verbal one.

The power is equal to the propeller area multiplied by 0.6, the resulting number is again multiplied by the wind speed cubed. That's the whole formula. Compare with our "appetite". If such an installation provides the necessary energy, we install it. If not, then we install several small wind turbines, or we mount a hybrid installation, supporting it with solar panels.

The "golden" figure for the average family's electricity consumption is 360 kWh per month. The average load is 0.5 kW, and the peak, most intense, when many devices are turned on, is 5 kW / h. This means that your 5-kilowatt wind generator will be able to pull the load. And if heating batteries work around the clock, then with a monthly consumption of 700 kW / h and above, such an installation will no longer pull in light winds.

Video on the topic of creating a generator from an induction motor:

- useful thing. It helps to generate electrical energy using only natural phenomena, in this case, this phenomenon is the wind. The stronger the wind, the more energy can be obtained using a wind generator.

They fall into two categories:

  1. industrial;
  2. domestic;

Industrial ones are established by the state or large energy corporations, and most often they are networked. Using a wind generator at home, they primarily receive not electricity, but direct alternating current.

They are classified:

  • in count ;
  • the material from which it is made;
  • along the axes of rotation;
  • by screw pitch;

There are 2 main types of wind turbines:

  1. The axis of rotation is vertical.
  2. The axis of rotation is horizontal.

Principle of operation

When the lifting force begins to act, the rotor of the generator begins to rotate. This force arises when the blades begin to flow around the wind flow. Under these circumstances, the generator begins to produce variable and unstable current flows, which are rectified in the controller.

This current is used to charge batteries. At the same time, a second device is connected to the batteries - this is an inverter that converts the DC voltage of the battery equipment into AC single-phase or three-phase, which is used by the consumer.

The wind generator normally does its job with the controller and inverter, but there are other ways to use it:

  1. Automatic battery operation.
  2. Automatic operation with battery and solar battery.
  3. Automatic operation with battery and diesel back-up generator.
  4. A windmill that does its work in parallel with the network.

The benefits of wind power are certainly good. Wind energy is abundant, does not harm the environment, is completely safe and reliable as a resource for generating electricity.

Components without which a wind generator cannot do:

  • foundation base;
  • electrical cabinet;
  • towers;
  • stairs;
  • rotating mechanism;
  • gondolas;
  • electric generator;
  • anemometer;
  • brake system;
  • transmissions;
  • blades;
  • systems for changing the angles of attack of the blades;

Required tools:

  • electric drill with drills (5.5 - 7.5 mm);
  • gas and adjustable wrench;
  • electric jigsaw with a saw for metal;
  • screwdriver;
  • roulette;
  • protractor;
  • compass;
  • marker;
  • ¼ ×20 tap;

How to make a windmill

Before you start building a windmill, you should choose a suitable generator that will provide energy at low rotations. A good generator is an automobile one, however, before using it, it is necessary to rewind the stator and implant neodymium magnets.

If there is no autogenerator, then you can weld the housing for the stator.

The action plan is:

  1. Take a sheet of steel whose thickness is 2 mm.
  2. Cut out 2 octagons with a grinder, which will exceed the outer diameter of the stator by 2 centimeters.
  3. Cut off 2 strips, the width of which will be 1.5 centimeters.
  4. Press the strips over the stator and weld them to the octagons.
  5. Make 2 flanges from 2 mm steel.
  6. Drill holes for 201 bearings to attach flanges with bearings.

Rotor manufacturing:

  1. Find a metal bar with a thickness of 12 mm.
  2. Cut the thread on the stud to secure the screw.
  3. Get a metal sleeve, the thickness of which will be 76 mm.
  4. Take a piece of the 72nd pipe and make a 2 mm ring.
  5. Fry with clamps and weld.
  6. Fill the sleeve with epoxy resin on the stud.
  7. Weld plates on the stud so that it does not spin.
  8. Cut out 2 circles from tin along the outer diameter of the sleeve.
  9. Insert the stud into the holes and pour the epoxy.
  10. The rotor is polished to a shine.

This rotor will help save a certain part of the money.

When the housing has acquired a normal appearance, it is necessary to move on to the stator. First you need to remove the old winding and scrape off the old varnish from the grooves. Then you should purchase 200 enamel wire in 200 turns of 0.56 mm.

The stator must be wound on each coil directly on the tooth, so that it turns out tightly and evenly, and also many turns fit. Notebook cardboard can be used as an insulating material. The wire must be wound in phases, it should be stepped over every 2 teeth. Then you should check the phases to see if they are short and coat with varnish. You should get 12 coils of 3 phases.

It is necessary to create 24 poles on the rotor, since the ratio of magnet to coils is 2/3. Next, stick 24 magnets on the rotor at the same distance and fill with epoxy.

After all the actions taken, it is necessary to assemble the generator, connect the phases into a star and scroll. It will turn out about 2000 rpm with the issuance of 13 volts.

Blade manufacturing:

  1. Take a barrel.
  2. Divide with a marker and tape measure into 4 parts that will be equal.
  3. Cut out the blades.
  4. Attach them with bolts to the bottom and pulley.
  5. Bend the blades, doing it carefully to avoid a sharp gust of wind.

After that, you need to mount the wheel and balance it. Balancing the wind wheel should be carried out in a closed and spacious room. An important part will be the stillness of the air.


  1. Suspend the wheel in working position at a height so that there are no obstacles for free rotation.
  2. Stop the wheel until it is completely still and release.
  3. Turn the wheel by hand through an angle that is 360/3.
  4. Stop and let go.
  5. Repeat the observation again until the wheel turns completely around the axle.

If the stopped and released wheel starts spontaneous rotation, it indicates that the part of the wheel that rushes down has a heavier weight. It is necessary to make this part easier by grinding the edge of one of the blades.

Similar tests on the same bench will show whether all parts of the blade "fit" into the plane of rotation of the wheel. To do this, it is necessary to completely stop the wheel and place two bars on both sides of the blade, which will not interfere with the rotation of the bar at a distance of 2 mm from the blades. When rotating the wheel, the blade should not touch the bar.


In order to assemble a windmill, you need to make a rotary axis. It can be made from bearings and a branch of the 15th pipe with threads and nuts. It is necessary to fill the tube with epoxy inside the bearing, and pour it on a piece of plastic pipe, the diameter of which will be 50 mm. Thus, the turning axis appeared.

How to install the visor:

  1. Make a beam 60 centimeters long from a 50 * 25 mm profile.
  2. Attach it to the generator beam.
  3. Fasten the tail.
  4. Cut holes for fixing the rotary axis.
  5. Install the blades.
  6. Attach the finished wind generator to the mast.
  7. Connect a small battery pack.
  8. Connect multimeter.

The wind turbine is installed and ready to use. This windmill can easily provide LED lighting, a TV with a laptop and other little things in low windy weather. But this is only in light weather. With a strong wind, energy production increases several times.

At the present time, the biggest problem that hinders the development of industrial small wind turbines is their too high cost, and based on this, their acquisition in order to fully provide the house and nearby electrical power will be financially beneficial with an average annual wind gust that will reach more than 6 m /With.

If a weak wind is blowing, then it is quite enough for the replacement energy to be able to assist in providing electricity to some small structures, then it is necessary to make a wind structure for giving by hand - at a cost it will cost several times cheaper than buying a ready-made one.

However, it should be remembered that wind energy is an industry that is developing rapidly, and therefore, if you always follow the latest production, it will not be difficult to find the best option to solve the problem in building windmills for private houses.

If you want to make a wind generator from a car, then you will need to prepare all the tools and materials, as well as familiarize yourself with the work methodology. Quite often, carrying out this kind of work does not take much time and effort from the master, but you may have to use the services of a turner. This statement, of course, is only true if you yourself are not a professional in this field. Be that as it may, a specialist of this profile will perform a minimum number of manipulations, which is why you can do the rest of the work yourself. As a result, it will be possible to obtain a structure with a long service life.

For work, you can use a 95A 12 V generator. At the first stage, it is recommended to remove the excitation winding and electronic control circuits. Now you can remove the winding, and in its place put ring ferromagnets in the amount of 3 pieces, the size of each of which should be 85 x 35 x 15 millimeters. These elements need to be borrowed from the loudspeakers.

How to eliminate errors?

The installation should be done inside the so-called crabs, after manipulations they will attract iron elements well. In order to exclude this phenomenon, you need to put everything on a metal shaft. This is due to the fact that the shaft shunted the magnetic lines of force through itself. If you decide to make a wind generator from a car generator with your own hands, then you may have to order a new shaft from a material that is not related to the magnet. To turn the shaft, you can find a piece of titanium rod. After that, the rotor should work properly. If the 600 rpm alternator is only putting out 4 volts with no load, then the stator will have to be rewound.

Work technology

The master must increase the number of turns by 5 times, this will reduce the diameter of the wire. At idle, the voltage will be 20 V. If you load with a light bulb borrowed from a 60 candle car headlight, then the voltmeter will show 12 V, while the ammeter will show 5 A. If it seems insignificant to you that a 1.3-kilowatt generator produces 60 watts, you can use a reducer. This is because 600 rpm is too low to compare to a car's alternator. Power will increase in proportion to the number of revolutions. If it is possible to purchase neodymium magnets, the size of which will be 50 x 20 x 5 millimeters, in the amount of 12 pieces, then a new rotor can be made.

Work on the rotor

If you decide to make a wind generator from a car generator with your own hands, you can make a rotor. To do this, you need to prepare scrap aluminum, which can be old pistons from an internal combustion engine. Scrap aluminum can be melted in a steel mug, and the base of the rotor can be machined from the resulting blank, this element can be mounted on the old shaft from the first rotor. On the one hand, a side should be left, the width of which will be 8 millimeters, and the rest of the aluminum must be removed with a cutter, deepening to a distance that will be equal to the dimensions of the magnets and the metal bandage. To these parameters it will be necessary to add 5 millimeters.

A do-it-yourself wind generator from a car generator can be easily made. The bandage is easy to make from pieces of steel pipe, the diameter of which should be 100 millimeters. This workpiece should be pushed all the way into the side of the base. On the sides, the master must apply markings, which will be represented by 12 sectors. The magnets must be fixed with glue on a metal bandage, while it is worth adhering to the previously made markings. You need to use the glue "Second", while alternating the polarity. The magnets are then wrapped and reinforced with tape from above so that the adhesive tape sticks to the side. You will need to prepare the epoxy by carefully pouring it into the space between the magnets. After the composition has hardened, it is necessary to balance the position of the rotor on parallel metal rulers, which must be clamped horizontally into a vise through a piece of board. The rotor will rest on these elements with its shaft, rolling as if on rails. It is important to consider that there should not be an imbalance in this case.

If you are thinking about how to make a windmill from a car generator, then you should consider that the shaft diameter must be equivalent to 20 millimeters. At the end of this workpiece there should be a thread and a key. A two-stage spacer sleeve is installed between the bearing and the propeller of the generator, the outer diameter should be as large as possible, only in this way the propeller will be well pressed against the end. Behind the bearing inside the generator there should be a spacer sleeve, which must be rested against the rotor, or rather against the blank. After you assemble the generator, it may turn out that the magnetic sticking is excessively large, while it will be quite difficult to turn the rotor mechanically, despite the fact that the magnets are glued with a slight skew.

Generator test

It is quite simple to make a windmill from a car generator with your own hands; you can test the generator on a lathe. If all is well, then the results should please. At 125 RPM, it will put out 15.5 volts, while at 630 RPM without load, this figure will be 85.7 volts. If we are talking about a load at 630 rpm, then the voltmeter will show 31.2 volts, while the ammeter - 13.5 amps. Thus, the power will be equal to 421.2 watts. This indicates that neodymium magnets work 7 times more efficiently than ferrite ones.

The nuances of the work

When making a wind turbine with your own hands, it may be necessary to rewind the stator with a large wire diameter in order to reduce the voltage. To reduce magnetic sticking between the stator and the rotor, you can sort out the stator plates. It should be noted that this work is very painstaking. With the help of an angle grinder, you can get rid of the seams, with a hammer and a knife, each plate should be separated. If you decide to make a wind generator with your own hands, then you may need a flat anvil, on which you can level with light blows with a rubber hammer. As soon as it is possible to separate the plates, you can use the help of a turner by ordering a tooling undercut for assembly. The equipment incorporates a cylinder, the diameter of which is equivalent to the same indicator characteristic of the plates. The second flange will slide freely along the cylinder. In the flanges, two oppositely located holes must be made, each of which will have a diameter of 6 millimeters. They are needed to install the guide rods. The latter should have a diameter within 5 millimeters. from a car generator, the master can begin to assemble on a snap, putting it on the cylinder so that the rods are inside opposite grooves. After assembly, the rods can be tilted in different directions until they stop, clamping the plates with clamps in the amount of 4 pieces. The skew should be 13 millimeters with a plate set height of 36 millimeters.

How to choose between rotary and drum wind generator?

A do-it-yourself wind generator can be made on the basis of a drum or rotary design. The coefficient of removal of air masses will always be lower for drum structures compared to propeller ones. If you try to approximate this parameter, then the device will turn out to be quite complicated. At the same time, excessive financial costs cannot be avoided with the same power. Among other things, the drum unit must have a very complex protection system that excludes spacing. In view of this, masters quite often refuse this element in the design.

A homemade windmill from a car generator cannot be made without a propeller. After the rewinding of the stator can be carried out, it will be possible to start manufacturing one of the important parts. There can be three blades, and they need to be cut out of a duralumin pipe, the length of which is 1 meter. At the very beginning, the width of the element should be 120 millimeters, while at the very end it should be 50 millimeters. Inside is a metal disk with a diameter of 100 millimeters. Its thickness should be equivalent to 2.5 mm. For rivets, holes will need to be made, and blades will have to be installed between them and the upper swings. The ends of the latter will need to be adjusted, taking into account the fact that an equilateral triangle is obtained. When a windmill is made from a car generator, it will be necessary to carry out balancing by hanging the propeller on a thread through the central part.

It will be possible to get rid of excess weight with the help of an angle grinder, which is supplied with an emery cloth. Blades should be well sanded. You will need to prepare a frame from a metal corner to fix the generator, the tail axle is welded to it. Paws must be attached to the body of the generator, which will allow fixing to the frame.


The wind generator from the autogenerator may make some sounds during operation. This is due to the fact that in the idle state, the step from the end of the blades to the mast is only 12 centimeters. The centrifugal force does not allow the blades to bend, and the ends of the blades approach the mast depending on the strength of the wind. A wind generator from a car generator has many advantages, and the creation of some noise during operation cannot be called a clear minus.