
Dream interpretation What is the dream kitchen knives. Modern dream book - you would be deceived

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Knife - an instrument as dangerous, so and useful. They can be threatened, you can defend, and you can simply cut vegetables. And what can this object be dreamed of? In their answers, dreams are very ambiguous. The interpretation of the seen will depend on both current events in the life of the sleeping and the details of the dream.

Not unimportant are the form, size, context of sleep, the state of the knife, and of course the day, in which the dream dreamed. If a person has strange feelings when he wakes up, it is worth seeing the dream book. A knife in a dream often means ambulance or disorder.

Opinions of various dreams

For a detailed interpretation of the doned, a lot of details should be taken into account, and even what your birth has had. If you are an autumnal birthday boy, then for you a knife promises a meeting with a man who will protect you all his life from trouble.

As the dream of Miller Gustav Miller, see this cold weapon - a very disturbing sign. Sleeping can expect both separation with a person who is closer to which there are no frequent financial difficulties. The knife in your dream was covered with rust? Family atmosphere is far from ideal.

Carefully sharpened, shiny knives, will shoot at speedy alarms and possible stress. At such days it is important not to give in to a panic and act calmly and deliberately.

At all other opinions about the Eastern Dream Interpretation drewing adheres to. A knife, who happened to see in a dream, suggests that a meeting with you is eager to meet someone. The desire to see you so strongly that this meeting is already coming soon in reality.

The French dream book believes that the knife prevents a quarrel with someone from family members. The knife was folding and compact? Around you hoped enemies, and they aimed not only on your financial well-being, but also health and even life. Be extremely careful, advises this dream book. If you saw the knife folded, wait for treason.

What can the knife can dream, according to erotic dreams? The likely probability is that soon sleep will spend considerable funds for an interesting trip or just a cheerful pastime. It may happen and so that the proposal of this kind will come out.

Did you dream that you are doing cooking food for family members and suddenly cut? According to Dreamnik Vangi, your character is not the easiest. Homemade is trying to correct this situation, and once over again they suffer. If you do not reconsider your behavior, it will come to conflict.

In a dream, the knife fell out of your fingers? According to this dream book, it should be waiting for guests visits. Did you see a dream in which you got a set of knives as a gift? The likelihood is high that someone from friends and loved ones will hit the back. Be careful and do not let yourself be deceived.

The knife in your dream did blood of the blood? As Dream Interpretation of Vangi explains, your family is over the oppression of a generic curse. For a long time, the dead relatives, whose immoral life hesitated the highest strength.

If in a dream your hand firmly squeezed the knife handle, in reality, according to this dream book, you are trying to protect against the actions of others.

Kill or wander

  • Contrary to logic, to be slaughtered in a dream of a person - a sign is quite favorable. What can you dream like? Soon, new doors and interesting features will open before you. Thanks to them, you will not only be able to reveal yourself from unprecedented holidays, but also to become a financially secured person.
  • What can dream, if during sleep I had to kill a man with a knife, which would be entrusted with which? According to Dreamnoy, in reality, overcome over all the enemies. Moreover, the more seriously the fight before the decisive blow, the more difficult it will be the confrontation in reality.
  • There is no definite answer from dream books and on the plot, in which you received a fatal injury from the knife. Some believe that such a vision promises for long years and excellent health, others - that you are weak in the face of vital trouble.

  • In a dream, a man attacked you? He is a symbol of lies, which will soon come to the surface, explains the dream book. The truth will so shock you that the likelihood of stress is high, and on his background there are diseases of not only the body, but also the souls.
  • The rivals conceived unkind, if in a dream you got a blow with a knife between the blades. On the Soviet of Dream, be on your guard.
  • Dreamed that the interlocutor communicates with you pretty rude, and this is like a knife in the heart? In reality, as the dream foreman, you will torment deep experiences. Remember - if you allow them to win, it may well lead to health complications.
  • During sleep, you hit the heart with a knife? In reality, you are experiencing spiritual torments and heart pain. She can carry like figurative meaning, Being caused by the problems in the family and direct - the whole of the heart disease. Dream Interpretation believes that prudency should be shown and visit the doctor.
  • The knife in the throat, according to Dreamnik, promises a difficult situation where you will have to take a very difficult decision. Not only your good name, but also the well-being of relatives and loved ones will depend on this choice.
  • Anxious sign for not a young woman will be a blade, which she hit her chest. Such a dream can warn about a serious breastfeeding disease. It is quite possible, the disease is still born or only gaining power - there is time to consult a doctor.
  • What can you dream if you got the stomach knife injury? According to the advice of Dream, take care of what you consider valuable - otherwise the chance is great to lose it all. Do not get sick with friends and relatives, pay attention to the children, do not forget the parents - and about the dashable you can not worry.
  • Sleep in which you yourself cut someone, the sign is quite pleasant. Soon will be delighted with a valuable gift or income increase - all that can increase well-being.

  • In a dream, did the stranger struck the knife blow? A person will come to your life who will not only become an excellent friend, but will be ready for everything you won't wish. According to his own will, he will be in full of your subordination. How to manage it - to decide, tells the dream book.
  • Friends are only being implemented if someone left knife cuts on you. Be careful and careful - traps are already placed around you, and the enemies are only waiting for you to please them.
  • What can dreamed of a knife cut? According to Dreamnien Freud, a man who saw such a dream, overly compacon. You should get rid of excessive shyness, and life will gradually enter the normal rut. It must be remembered - all fears and doubts come from childhood. It's time to forget about them forever.
  • Did you see a dream in which a sharp blade was injured by a sworn enemy? As the dream book says, in difficult things you will succeed. The enemy will hand over positions, the sooner than confidently you wounded him in night gold.
  • Wailed to see a dream in which close people are busy cutting products? Very soon you will have to spend large, which will lead to difficult times.
  • What can you dream to cut your hand when cooking? According to the dreams, soon the relatives match you most of your affairs, which will be in charge of you and will not leave free time.
  • What can the attack armed with a knife? If you have never seen the attacker, a person comes to life, who radically changes his personal life. Most likely, the dream book is encouraged for the better.
  • If you have to deal with the snake with a knife in a dream, wait for various difficulties in a short time. To cope with this difficult situation, you will need random patience and common sense. But the dream book promises - in case of success, the reward will not make himself wait, it will be full of pouring problems.
  • In a dream you are threatened with this cold weapon, and at the same time do something require? In reality, you can easily become a victim of extortionists. But, according to Dream, a similar situation will be due to an error, so try to clarify everything as soon as possible.
  • What can suicide be dreamed with a knife? Oddly enough, a similar plot is interpreted very positive. Sleeping is waiting for a big luck and joy, and in the very near future after what he saw. Such a dream speaks of canceled health for many years.
  • What can you dream if you do not attack with a knife, and try to protect yourself? This dream projects the situation from reality, which speaks of your non-free from other people. If during sleep we managed to defend, then in reality your addiction will no longer make sense.

  • The dream in which you wound with a knife of a friend or a close friend, says that in reality you do not consider him another, but experiencing completely controversial feelings, perhaps even hatred.
  • During sleep, someone seriously removed you to stir? In reality, he should heed to the Sonnik advice and show maximum caution - the enemies have thought unkind, and if it was not possible to confront the enemy in a dream, it would lead to this.
  • If, in a dream, knife strikes, once again, apply you, it suggests that you are so in yourself insecure that you cannot gain courage to solve problems with familiar methods.

What else can you get to get a knife injury? Very soon on your shoulders will fall a series of problems and difficulties. Try to remember what an attack was. If it was a cowardly blow in the back, trouble should be waited from the side that is capable of meaning the least. However, if in a dream it was possible to pull the knife, the troubles will be bypass.

Such different blades

No less important is that the knife was in night visions, so try to consider it to the last details.

  • What is the dream if the knife in your vision was broken? Such a plot does not promise anything good and means the loss of hope and the collapse of the planned. There is some kind of sleep and one more interpretation - because of the inability to soberly evaluate life, you will experience offense and disappointment once.
  • Knives in your dream was a great set? If they are welded in a bunch, in reality will come across conflicts and nonsense. And it's very bad to see if the knives were crossed - this is similar to the on the eve of mass global cataclysms.
  • What can blood on the knife can dream? A similar plot is a kind of warning - do in my life only good, live on the conscience, and the payback for the sins of the ancestors will not affect you.

  • If the knife in your dream was truly huge, in reality you are inclined to exaggerate all the problems that have to be solved. Take a look at them at a different angle, advises the dream book, do not look for difficulties where they are not, and life will change for the better.
  • Negative dream interpretation and what can dream of a sharp knife in other people's hands can dream. Soon on the path of the sleeping will fall difficulty, overcome which will be very difficult. Interpretation will be the stronger than brilliantly in a dream blade blade.
  • It should be noted that the dream in which you hold the knife in your hands is much more positive than the vision where this item turns out in the hands of foreign people.
  • And what does the impressive length be the blade? You have to face very unpleasant events, and the longer the blade was the blade, the more negative, their influence will be on your mood and well-being.
  • What can dare a stupid knife in her hand? It is likely that you are too worried about relatives and family members. During sleep, I had such a knife to shine products? Experiences will be so strong that they can have a negative impact on your well-being.
  • Did you dream of a knife, who does not have to cook not the slightest relationship? High probability of danger from close people. Be careful and careful.

Other actions

In the dreams there is no clear interpretation of the vision in which the sleep has happened to give a knife. This may be a favorable sign that the uneasy period in life will soon come to an end. But there is another explanation - the dreams will reduce its problems on another person, giving him to solve them alone.

But if such a gift in a dream you received, then to help someone will also have to help you. Help may be in a burden, because on your shoulders, the problems that have to be dealt with independently are also welcomed.

If, during sleep, the sleeping had to pour blade blade, in reality it hits the mercenary plans that will negatively affect his friends and loved ones.

Dreamed that they found a knife? According to Dreamnik, very soon to meet a person who will be pretended by your comrades, but in reality the gossip and evil rumors regarding your person will dissolve.

What can dreamed the cutting of meat? A similar vision of the dream book warns - now not the best period for investing money, even if the project seems very reliable and win-win.

In a dream broke the blade? The reason for all the problems that will soon be let yourself know, you will be and only you.

During sleep I wake up to throw knives into some purpose? Your dubious deeds will negatively affect reputation and authority. Did you have tried to hide the blade? It is quite possible, your conscience is not so clean, and this situation is just enough.

If you see how you buy a knife, you are an ambitious person. And the more expensive the purchased blade, the more your ambitions, explains the dream book.

Do you dream that you shave with a knife? A high probability of losing the property, which at one time got it is not easy for you. There will be mistakes of nonsense, so do not lose vigilance.

It is quite nice to see in a dream the plot in which you had the opportunity to take this cold weapon. It means that all problems with enemies are allowed calmly and without conflict. So I say dreams.

Man with a knife

What is the dream of a stranger, whose hand cleaned the knife? Interpretation is quite positive - personal life will soon change for the better. But if the knife in your dream was holding a maniac, in his explanation, the dream book hints on the problems that cannot be solved in any way.

Did the killer, compressing the dagger? As the dream explains, you took the idea from which it does not manage to get rid of. During sleep, they tried to escape from a similar person? A difficult period is coming, full of losses, but it will end fast enough. Help in this will be the people with whom you are not even familiar.

What dreams, if you go through a busy street, squeezing a knife in your hand? You are not very - then arranged to people, says the dream book.

It's not so bad to see the dream in which you are trying to attack a man armed with a knife. Soon, get acquainted with a person who will take on the solution of your problems.

During sleep, you have a knife with friends, but it only delivers fun and excitement? In reality, too, have a great fight.

And a woman with a knife, which was able to see in a dream, promises a meeting with a stranger. She will very soon enter life and become a good friend. This is the opinion of dreams.

How to determine the prophetic dream

After interpretation of sleep, we think. A dream will come true or does not depend on how the lunar days he dreamed and on what day of the week. Ploy B. moon calendar - What a lunar day.

Comparing the data on the lunar days and on the day of the week you can assume whether the prophecy of sleep will come true.

About betrayal, symbol of aggression. Male phallic symbol.

To admire a knife - To hire evil qualities.

Fencing with a knife - To quarrels and disputes.

To be a wound knife - to illness, adverse circumstances.

Dream of Freud.

See a knife lying on the table - You are too afraid to get acquainted with new people. This is because you once "burned" very much. Try to be more objective and do not go on your own fear.

If in a dream you saw that someone from your friends takes a knife to cut something - Such a dream says that you are currently walking on the verge of permitted, but consider for some reason that none of those surrounding this notices. Expect soon the consequences of your frivolous behavior.

If a bad dream dreamed:

Do not be discouraged - it's just a dream. Thank you for the warning.

Waking up, look out the window. Tell me in the open window: "Where night, there and sleep. All good stay, all the bad go. "

Open the faucet and tell the sleep of flowing running water.

Surride three times with the words "Where the water flows, there and sleep leaves."

Throw into a glass with water pinch of salt and tell me: "As this salt melted, so my sleep will leave, it does not bring harm."

Spread bed linen inside out.

Do not tell anyone a bad dream before lunch.

Write it down on paper and burn this sheet.

The sharp items that are most often the symbol of the same sharp passions. Sharpened blade is definitely one of such signs. Dream Interpretations have their own opinion about what the knife is dreaming: it means both the upcoming wedding, and a possible betrayal - it all depends on the details.

Knives accompanied humanity from ancient times, they were and weapons, and one of the most necessary tools in everyday life and craft. The blades could be both dangerous enemies, and good assistants, so a knife in a dream and is good, and dangerous.

A rare dream book knife does not call a bad sign, but it can be regarded differently: dreaming a man's knife when it is necessary to adjust its behavior. If a knife dreamed, it is worth thinking what a warning he wanted to convey to you.

A knife in a dream is a good friend who will save you from a rapid, wrong step. At the same time, the blade can dream of differently.

  • It can be big and brilliant.
  • Or old, rusty and broken.
  • Be the subject of everybody or weapon.
  • Lying on the table or fall to the floor.
  • He may not be one, but "in the company."

Let's try to figure out what the knife is dreaming, based on the details. To begin with, consider the situation when you simply see the subject, but no events happen.

In the darkness flashed steel ...

1. A large knife in a dream signals that the dreams are inclined to exaggerate everything, especially the problems in his life, "make an elephant fly." Such a dream means that you should not perceive the problems more seriously than they are in fact, then the keys to their decision will find much easier.

2. The long blade foreshadows some unexpected unpleasant events that, besides, can produce a squall negative emotions You have the same in people in your environment. The stronger the knife shines, the louder the warning: you should not give the will to emotions so that the fire of the conflict does not destroy the good atmosphere in your family and in a friendly circle.

3. The knife in a dream was stupid - it means you are worried about loved ones and native people. On the one hand, it is commendable, but on the other - the desire to control the situation can cause a negative reaction, and also badly affect health. Such a dream can warn that you would have to trust more to trust our households.

4. If a rusty knife dreamed, some brief dreams believe that such a dream means a conflict situation with your second half, some quarrels and flue. More detailed interpretations Explain: the rest can be avoided if you make efforts to this, that is, not to initiate quarrels, treat your beloved person with great understanding.

5. Miller's dream book The knife broken considers the harbingers that your dreams are not destined to come true.

The broken knife in this case is perceived as a symbol of the wreck of hopes, however modern interpretation They say: a broken knife see in a dream - a warning. In reality, it is necessary to more objectively assess your strength and opportunities, not to build locks on the sand, and then your projects will acquire a chance to bring to life.

6. To see a knife whose place in the kitchen means that in the coming days there may be a peaceful and pleasant event - an invitation for a walk or a picnic, on a journey and even on a date.

But if in a dream the knife turned out to be a combat or hunting, it is worth showing vigilance. Such a dream means that someone has started a provocation against you or some meanness - you need to strengthen the vigilance to bring the attacker to clean.

7. Freud Dream Interpretation Knife lying on the table, treats as a fear of a dream for new acquaintances - due to the fact that before a person has suffered a lot emotionally in relations. The author of the interpretation advises first of all to deal with his fears that prevent calmly move in life further.

8. The traditional tradition says that a large number of blades on a dining or kitchen table in a dream calls to be more economical, because otherwise you can be in a difficult financial situation.

And the blade, which turned out to be in the vision on the pillow of your bed, promises unexpected good luck. To see in a dream the falling knife for a woman means the presence of a man in her surroundings, which literally suggests a closer acquaintance.

9. To see many blades in night gold - it's not just a warning, and the sign of what you should stop, draw up and rewrite your strategy of behavior. There are many knives in me - around a lot of temptations and temptations, and if they succumb to, you can get a lot of dangers on your head. Save from them an adequate assessment of the situation and the exact calculation of each subsequent step.

10. An interesting explanation gives Gypsy Dream Interpretation when in a dream the knife turned out to be a pero (folding). According to the dream, such a dream foreshadows a quarrel, which, however, will be "empty" and will be very quickly forgotten.

Metal rule

As a gun on the wall, as a result, the knife is obliged and in a dream the knife will eventually be involved in different actions. During the night rest, you were able to see the knife in someone's hand - the explanation of sleep would be one, they themselves took sharpening the blade - get another interpretation.

Most often, people ask for dreams, which means the following actions:

  • Keep it in hand.
  • Cut them something.
  • Throw it.
  • Give a knife or get it as a gift.
  • Cold weapon.
  • The attack with the blade is committed on someone who sees a dream.
  • The blade turns out to be in the blood.

It is worth analyzing different stories in which the blades and kitchen utensils appear. After all, otherwise it is very easy to confuse the signals that fate applies to us.

1. To sharpen a knife in a dream, as a rule, symbolizes the opportunity to reconcile with a long-time opponent and even the enemy. It may also mean that you will have to carry out the unloved job to keep the well-being of the family.

But clean the blade of weapons or kitchen utensils folk tradition He considers foresight.

2. What dream of a knife, which you keep in your hands to work? For example, the capabilities that have something to cut? In a dream, you had to work with a blade - and in life will soon have to work, not to give up hands, it is worth tune in to the working way.

3. In a dream, you cut products, for example, such a dream warns from unreasonably large spending that your home can require you. You have to cut something else - most likely, in reality you will have to go for serious concessions and compromises to achieve your goal.

4. The knives are shot, which you throw in the target - such a vision warns against non-departious deeds that can seriously leak your reputation.

5. In a dream, you hide cold weapons - no matter, behind the back, or in a tree hollow, or somewhere else - it means that you are aware of the misconduct of any actions you have completed, but at the same time try to make it so that your "skeletons in The closet "no one knew.

6. What is the dream of a knife in a dream, in the case when you found it? This is another warning: you will be able to keep your secrets. Non-successors are glad to use this "insider" information against you.

7. The blades have been shot that you have been presented, - reveal more attentively to the requests with whom they contact you. It may be so that, agreeing to help someone, you will take over greater responsibility. Give sharp items yourself - you can resolve your problems with the help of others.

8. The knives are shot, which you buy - your ambitions require satisfaction, you must act more active. Select someone cold weapons - in reality your opponent is retracted without your intervention.

Such a different blood

Most people are worried when they dream of dreams, in which an attack takes place, glitters the blade and pour. The interpreters of dreams assure that these visions are not as terrible, as it seems at first glance.

When a woman dreams that she plays with a metal product, it means that she puts the places of revenge. However, they should be abstained, otherwise they can turn against their "author".

See yourself in a dream in the role of a criminal with a knife in hand - a good omen: a risky project in reality promises to be successful. But to make an attack and hurt someone, shedding blood means that your character can serve you a bad service. Do not disturb moral obscures to not be in an extremely unpleasant situation.

In the dream, you yourself got a blow to the back - in reality, beware of imaginary friends: they are preparing to strike in the back, "because of the corner" - of course, not literally. But this "attack" can be an unexpected kick for you, capable of knocking out of the gauge for a long time.

  • If you attacked you in your vision and in your stomach, while you have seen blood, - in reality it is worth paying more attention to family matters to avoid serious home problems.
  • If in a dream you wounded to blood, but you managed to escape, the problems will be able to solve the price of not very great effort.
  • They were injured themselves to blood in a dream - in life you can expect a profit. The idiom dream book also says that the knife shake himself and see the blood - to rethinking his life plans. And to wander another cold weapon - to love yourself.

As you can see, dreams with cold weapons and even with blood are not so terrible as it may seem. The main thing is to correctly understand the warning, which they try to convey to us. And yet: if you dreamed that you were injured with a knife in your heart, - to visit the cardiologist as soon as possible!

The knife is not only a kitchen device for cutting products, this object is also considered a symbol of force. Therefore, you need to know what a knife is dreaming to understand what a dream in real life prevents or foreshadows.

The dreams lead examples of a huge number of diverse scenes of dreams. Therefore, seen sleep with a knife is not always easy to decipher. It is necessary not only to get information from the dream room, but also to analyze the events that occur. It should be considered that the knife appears in a dream not to scare a person, but in order to warn from incorrect actions that can negatively affect the entire line of life.

What dreams kitchen knife

In order to correct the dream of a dream, in which you saw the knife, but did not take it in hand, it is necessary to remember the type of cold weapons who gave themselves in night gold. Most often people are interested in what a kitchen knife dreams.

But it is this item that seen in a dream does not predict anything dangerous in real life.

He can foreshadow:

    Meet with pleasant people; walk or travel; invitation to visit.

Hunting knife

But hunting knife In a dream, a great danger is hazardous, as it indicates that there is someone who reaches you to strike a "knife in the back". That is, in real life, the likelihood of betrayal of loved ones is largely increasing. Be alert, do not give in to provocations, and with this approach you can minimize negative consequences insidious deeds of ill-wishers.

Dagger - Interpretation of sleep

If you dream dagger, then in real life your closest friend can be a hypocrite. After such a dream, try to calculate the unfair as soon as possible so that he does not have time to harm you.

Many knives

The question is often asked why there is a lot of knives. This is a very disturbing dream, which indicates that many dangers around you are in real life. These also include various temptations that may have very dangerous consequences.

Folding knife in night gold

If you dream perrange or folding knife, then this is a warning that you need to take care of your health. Most likely, you are in real life asymptomatic serious diseases that require treatment at the initial stage.

Knife in the blood

For a woman, seen in a dream, the knife in the blood denotes that she tait in the soul of anger on the nearest girlfriends. It is necessary to try to get rid of this feeling and release the situation, otherwise it will interfere with success in life, because, as you know, evil people cannot be happy.

Knife in hand

Other very frequent question is what dream of a knife in man's hand. You should not be afraid of such dreams, although they seem very aggressive at first glance. This is all lisha characters that indicate small troubles or reflect your inner state, but do not foreshadow a big danger in real life.

Shoe knife - dream book

When you use a shoe knife in a dream, it suggests that you have a strip of bad luck in life. You will be pursued by trouble and failures in everyday life, but soon the situation will change, so it is not worth upset.

If you are playing in a dream with any knife, then this indicates that you in the soul ripens a cunning plan towards other people. Better stops, as trying to harm others, you are exposing yourself a lot of risk.

What dreams of killing with a knife?

When a murder takes place in the night of gold with a knife, it can designate wealth and material independence. If you killed in the dream of a real enemy, it foreshadows the victory over the ill-wishers in reality. But the more seriously in the plot of sleep the fight, the more difficult it will get to you victory in real life.

Dreamed that they found a knife

If you dream that you find a knife, then the interpretation of a dream depends on whether it was clean or evaporated blood. This means that you will meet in the life of a new acquaintance, which may be a good or uncomfortable person. When the knife was hardened, fan with blood, it is better for some time in real life to refrain from new acquaintances.

To sharpen a knife

A good sign is the plot of a dream, in which you sharpen a knife. It foreshadows that in the near future there will be reconciliation with a person whom you have considered for a long time considered by your enemy.

Transmit a knife - interpretation of dreams

But if in night gold you pass any of the loved ones any knife, it indicates that the discord happens between you. Therefore, I need to show special care to your relatives, because the world in the family and understanding with friends is the most expensive in life. Of course, the knife, seen in a dream, cannot cause pleasant sensations. But such a dream is always warning. Therefore, in reality in the dream, there is a time, and, it means, and a chance to minimize the negative consequences of certain events and avoid unpleasant life situations.

The knife is at the same time cold weapon and tool. They can be injured and contempted. Since ancient times, the knife was perceived from unclean power. He was the attribute of witchcraft. This item is idle and feared.

The dreams, in which we see the knife scares us very much. To find out what dreams of a knife wound, it is necessary to consider various interpretations of dreams.


Often, dreams interpret this dream as negative, predatory conflicts, health problems. The opposite interpretation is strong love experiences.

For men, sleep may have a positive value if a stranger wounded in a dream. In reality, he is waiting for success in affairs and successful solving problems. If a man holds up with a close man and hurt him, then it is worth waiting for betrayals of loved ones and failures in his own fault.

See the wounded man and not try to help him - a bad sign. Snovez will witness the crime or scandal. If the sleek bandaged the wounded, then a positive turn in the affairs is awaiting.

For women to see in a dream knife wounds - not very good sign. This is a symbol of impending diseases, treason of husband or problems with children. For pregnant women, such a dream preders premature or severe childbirth. Unmarried Woman Sleeps a bad marriage or violence over it.

Where did you wound?

Interpretation of sleep about knife injury depends on the place where the person is wounded:

  • Dreamed that I was injured in the back. Such promises betrayal of loved ones, deception. The dreams will not be able to know from whom to make treason.
  • Knife wound leg. Something prevents the career of sleeping and promoting his affairs. He has "the Earth will leave from under the legs," he will have to reconsider his actions.
  • Hand wounded. The dream family will begin problems, troubles, quarrels. Also foreshadows a new acquaintance who will fight against the sleeping.
  • Wound in belly. Real diseases of the abdominal organs are possible. Also, the dreams will lose something important. Led with parents. If sleeping himself sadly with a knife in the stomach - will benefit and good luck, which can enjoy full.
  • Punch in the heart. Such a dream expresses real heart pain. Either the dreams survive for his loved ones, or he has heart disease. After such sleep, it is not superfluous to consult a doctor. For a girl, such a dream predicts unhappy love.
  • Kicking in side. This dream predicts an unhappy period, damage to property. There are quarrels with loved ones.
  • Knife wound throat. The dreams will fall into the hopeless situation. On the horse will be reputation, business.
  • Head wound. Such a dream says that the dream has an overwork from work. It is necessary to give yourself a vacation.

Bloodied knife in a dream

The meaning to interpret sleep has what state was the knife, whether the wound was beless or not. The knife with blood is one of the most frightening dreams. In any case, such a dream foreshadows danger and self-destruction.

Danger can be as in the literal sense, for example participation in a fight. For a girl there is a danger of violence over her. Sleeping should be caution.

Blood on the knife is problems in affairs, material losses. Hostility from strangers. If the bloody knife is in the house of friends or relatives, parents, then the danger threatens them. It is necessary to warn them about it.

Dreamed that a man holds a bloody knife in hand - he will defend his interests Using strength.

To see a bloody medical scalpel in a dream means problems with. Perhaps the dream will have a serious operation.

The crystal knife is in the bathroom of the girl - she suffers from unrequited love and wants to commit suicide. It is worth talking to her about her problems and help. If this knife was rusty and old, then it is worth more attentively to home affairs and duties. Relatives can bring trouble. The broken knife in the blood - there is problems, vital difficulties, and your some hopes will not come true.

If the black strip sleeping in his life and he sees a bloody knife in a dream, then such a dream predicts the speeding resolution of problems. However, to kill someone with this knife means the emergence of new opportunities in human life, the resolution of material problems. Kill someone in the workplace and see the bloody knife - Promotion in service, an unexpected advantageous offer, victory over rivals in the service.

Pull out from your body a bloody knife also means victory over enemiesReceiving unexpected profits. There will be acquaintances with new people and will show the favor of the dream.

Dream interpretation about knife injury almost always hurts horror. However, you should not be afraid of such dreams. There is a great importance, the time and circumstances of sleep, for which sleep can be expanded in a positive side.