
AC voltage regulator. Thyristor voltage regulator simple circuit, principle of operation 220 volt voltage regulator




The features of the proposed device are the use of a D-trigger to build a generator synchronized with the mains voltage, and the method of controlling the triac using a single pulse, the duration of which is automatically controlled. Unlike other methods of triac pulse control, this method is not critical to the presence of an inductive component in the load. The generator pulses follow with a period of approximately 1.3 s.
The DD 1 microcircuit is powered by a current flowing through a protective diode located inside the microcircuit between its terminals 3 and 14. It flows when the voltage at this terminal, connected to the network through a resistor R 4 and a diode VD 5, exceeds the stabilization voltage of the zener diode VD 4 .

K. GAVRILOV, Radio, 2011, No. 2, p. 41


The regulator contains two independent channels and allows you to maintain the required temperature for various loads: the temperature of the soldering iron tip, electric iron, electric heater, electric stove, etc. The regulation depth is 5...95% of the mains power. The regulator circuit is powered by a rectified voltage of 9 ... 11 V with transformer isolation from a 220 V network with a low current consumption.

V.G. Nikitenko, O.V. Nikitenko, Radioamator, 2011, No. 4, p. 35


A feature of this triac controller is that the number of mains voltage half-cycles applied to the load at any position of the control element turns out to be even. As a result, the constant component of the consumed current is not formed and, consequently, there is no magnetization of the magnetic circuits of the transformers and electric motors connected to the regulator. Power is regulated by changing the number of periods of alternating voltage applied to the load in a certain time interval. The regulator is designed to regulate the power of devices with significant inertia (heaters, etc.).
It is not suitable for adjusting the brightness of lighting, because the lamps will flash strongly.

V. KALASHNIK, N. CHEREMISINOVA, V. CHERNIKOV, Radiomir, 2011, No. 5, p. 17 - 18


Most voltage (power) regulators are made on thyristors according to a phase-pulse control circuit. As you know, such devices create a noticeable level of radio interference. The proposed controller is free from this shortcoming. A feature of the proposed regulator is the control of the amplitude of the alternating voltage, in which the shape of the output signal is not distorted, in contrast to the phase-pulse control.
The regulating element is a powerful transistor VT1 in the diagonal of the diode bridge VD1-VD4, connected in series with the load. The main disadvantage of the device is its low efficiency. When the transistor is closed, no current flows through the rectifier and the load. If a control voltage is applied to the base of the transistor, it opens, a current begins to flow through its collector-emitter section, the diode bridge and the load. The voltage at the output of the regulator (at the load) increases. When the transistor is open and in saturation mode, almost the entire mains (input) voltage is applied to the load. The control signal forms a low-power power supply, assembled on a transformer T1, a rectifier VD5 and a smoothing capacitor C1.
The variable resistor R1 regulates the base current of the transistor, and hence the amplitude of the output voltage. When the variable resistor slider is moved to the upper position according to the diagram, the output voltage decreases, and to the lower position it increases. Resistor R2 limits the maximum value of the control current. Diode VD6 protects the control unit in the event of a breakdown of the collector junction of the transistor. The voltage regulator is mounted on a 2.5 mm thick foil fiberglass board. Transistor VT1 should be installed on a heat sink with an area of ​​at least 200 cm2. If necessary, the VD1-VD4 diodes are replaced with more powerful ones, for example D245A, and are also placed on the heat sink.

If the device is assembled without errors, it starts working immediately and requires little to no adjustment. It is only necessary to choose the resistor R2.
With a regulating transistor KT840B, the load power should not exceed 60 W. It can be replaced by devices: KT812B, KT824A, KT824B, KT828A, KT828B with a permissible power dissipation of 50 W .; KT856A -75 W.; KT834A, KT834B - 100 W; KT847A-125 W. It is permissible to increase the load power if control transistors of the same type are connected in parallel: connect the collectors and emitters to each other, and connect the bases through separate diodes and resistors to the variable resistor engine.
The device uses a small-sized transformer with a voltage on the secondary winding of 5 ... 8 V. The KTs405E rectifier unit can be replaced with any other or assembled from individual diodes with a permissible forward current not less than the required base current of the regulating transistor. The same requirements apply to the VD6 diode. Capacitor C1 - oxide, for example, K50-6, K50-16, etc., for a rated voltage of at least 15 V. Variable resistor R1 - any with a rated power dissipation of 2 watts. When installing and setting up the device, precautions should be taken: the regulator elements are under mains voltage. Note: To reduce the distortion of the sinusoidal output voltage, try to eliminate the capacitor C1. A. Chekarov

MOSFET voltage regulator - transistors (IRF540, IRF840)

Oleg Belousov, Electrician, 201 2 , No. 12 , p. 64 - 66

Since the physical principle of operation of a field-effect transistor with an insulated gate differs from the operation of a thyristor and a triac, it can be repeatedly turned on and off during a period of mains voltage. The switching frequency of powerful transistors in this circuit is 1 kHz. The advantage of this scheme is its simplicity and the ability to change the duty cycle of the pulses, while slightly changing the pulse repetition rate.

In the author's design, the following pulse durations were obtained: 0.08 ms, with a repetition period of 1 ms and 0.8 ms, with a repetition period of 0.9 ms, depending on the position of the resistor R2 slider.
You can turn off the voltage at the load by closing the switch S 1, while the gates of the MOSFET transistors are set to a voltage close to the voltage at pin 7 of the microcircuit. With the toggle switch open, the voltage at the load in the author's copy of the device could be changed by resistor R 2 within 18...214 V (measured with a TES 2712 instrument).
A schematic diagram of such a regulator is shown in the figure below. The regulator uses a domestic K561LN2 microcircuit, two elements of which are used to assemble an alternator with adjustable swagger, and four elements are used as current amplifiers.

To eliminate interference on the network 220, it is recommended to connect a choke wound on a ferrite ring with a diameter of 20 ... 30 mm in series with the load until it is filled with 1 mm wire.

Load current generator on bipolar transistors (KT817, 2SC3987)

Butov A. L., Radio designer, 201 2 , No. 7 , p. 11 - 12

To check the performance and configure power supplies, it is convenient to use a load simulator in the form of an adjustable current generator. Using such a device, you can not only quickly set up a power supply, voltage stabilizer, but also, for example, use it as a stable current generator for charging and discharging batteries, electrolysis devices, for electrochemical etching of printed circuit boards, as a power supply current stabilizer for electric lamps, for "soft" start-up of collector electric motors.
The device is a two-terminal device, does not require an additional power source and can be included in the power circuit break of various devices and actuators.
Current adjustment range from 0...0, 16 to 3 A, maximum power consumption (dissipation) 40 W, supply voltage range 3...30 VDC. The current consumption is regulated by a variable resistor R 6. The more to the left in the diagram the slider of the resistor R6, the more current the device consumes. With open contacts of switch SA 1, resistor R6 can set the current consumption from 0.16 to 0.8 A. With the contacts of this switch closed, the current is regulated in the range of 0.7 ... 3 A.

Drawing of the printed circuit board of the current generator

Car Battery Simulator (KT827)

V. MELNICHUK, Radiomir, 201 2 , No. 1 2 , p. 7 - 8

When reworking computer switching power supplies (UPS), recharging devices (chargers) for car batteries, finished products must be loaded with something during the setup process. Therefore, I decided to make an analogue of a powerful zener diode with an adjustable stabilization voltage, circuit a of which is shown in fig. 1 . Resistor R 6 can adjust the stabilization voltage from 6 to 16 V. In total, two such devices were made. In the first variant, KT 803 was used as transistors VT 1 and VT 2.
The internal resistance of such a zener diode turned out to be too high. So, at a current of 2 A, the stabilization voltage was 12 V, and at 8 A - 16 V. In the second variant, composite transistors KT827 were used. Here, at a current of 2 A, the stabilization voltage was 12 V, and at 10 A - 12.4 V.

However, when regulating more powerful consumers, such as electric boilers, triac power controllers become unsuitable - they will create too much interference on the network. To solve this problem, it is better to use regulators with a longer period of ON-OFF modes, which clearly eliminates the occurrence of interference. One of the variants of the scheme is shown.

A semiconductor device that has 5 p-n junctions and is capable of passing current in the forward and reverse directions is called a triac. Due to the inability to operate at high AC frequencies, high sensitivity to electromagnetic interference and significant heat generation when switching large loads, they are currently not widely used in high-power industrial installations.

There they are successfully replaced by circuits based on thyristors and IGBT transistors. But the compact dimensions of the device and its durability, combined with the low cost and simplicity of the control circuit, allowed them to be used in areas where the above disadvantages are not significant.

Today, triac circuits can be found in many household appliances from a hair dryer to a vacuum cleaner, hand-held power tools and electric heaters - where smooth power control is required.

Principle of operation

The power regulator on the triac works like an electronic key, periodically opening and closing, with a frequency set by the control circuit. When unlocking, the triac passes part of the half-wave of the mains voltage, which means that the consumer receives only part of the rated power.

Do it yourself

To date, the range of triac regulators on sale is not too large. And, although the prices for such devices are low, they often do not meet the requirements of the consumer. For this reason, we will consider several basic regulator circuits, their purpose and the element base used.

Device diagram

The simplest version of the circuit, designed to work on any load. Traditional electronic components are used, the control principle is phase-pulse.

Main components:

  • triac VD4, 10 A, 400 V;
  • dinistor VD3, opening threshold 32 V;
  • potentiometer R2.

The current flowing through the potentiometer R2 and the resistance R3 charges the capacitor C1 with each half-wave. When the voltage on the capacitor plates reaches 32 V, the VD3 dinistor will open and C1 will begin to discharge through R4 and VD3 to the control output of the triac VD4, which will open to pass current to the load.

The duration of the opening is regulated by the selection of the threshold voltage VD3 (constant value) and the resistance R2. The power in the load is directly proportional to the resistance value of the potentiometer R2.

An additional circuit of diodes VD1 and VD2 and resistance R1 is optional and serves to ensure smooth and accurate adjustment of the output power. The limitation of the current flowing through VD3 is performed by the resistor R4. This achieves the required pulse duration to open VD4. Fuse Pr.1 protects the circuit from short circuit currents.

A distinctive feature of the circuit is that the dinistor opens at the same angle in each half-wave of the mains voltage. As a result, there is no rectification of the current, and it becomes possible to connect an inductive load, such as a transformer.

Triacs should be selected according to the magnitude of the load, based on the calculation of 1 A \u003d 200 W.

Used elements:

  • Dinistor DB3;
  • Triac TS106-10-4, VT136-600 or others, the required current rating is 4-12A.
  • Diodes VD1, VD2 type 1N4007;
  • Resistances R1100 kOhm, R3 1 kOhm, R4 270 Ohm, R5 1.6 kOhm, potentiometer R2 100 kOhm;
  • C1 0.47 uF (operating voltage from 250 V).

Note that the scheme is the most common, with minor variations. For example, the dinistor can be replaced with a diode bridge, or an RC noise suppression circuit can be installed in parallel with the triac.

More modern is a circuit with triac control from a microcontroller - PIC, AVR or others. Such a scheme provides more precise regulation of voltage and current in the load circuit, but is also more difficult to implement.

Triac power controller circuit


The assembly of the power regulator must be carried out in the following sequence:

  1. Determine the parameters of the device for which the developed device will work. Parameters include: the number of phases (1 or 3), the need for fine adjustment of the output power, the input voltage in volts and the rated current in amperes.
  2. Select the type of device (analogue or digital), select the elements according to the load power. You can check your solution in one of the electrical circuit simulation programs - Electronics Workbench, CircuitMaker or their online counterparts EasyEDA, CircuitSims or any other of your choice.
  3. Calculate the heat dissipation using the following formula: triac voltage drop (about 2 V) times the rated current in amps. The exact values ​​​​of the voltage drop in the open state and the rated current throughput are indicated in the characteristics of the triac. We get the dissipated power in watts. Choose a radiator according to the calculated power.
  4. Purchase the necessary electronic components, heatsink and circuit board.
  5. Make the wiring of the contact tracks on the board and prepare the sites for installing the elements. Provide mounting on the board for the triac and radiator.
  6. Install the elements on the board by soldering. If it is not possible to prepare a printed circuit board, then surface mounting can be used to connect the components using short wires. When assembling, pay special attention to the polarity of connecting diodes and triac. If they do not have terminal markings, then either “arches”.
  7. Check the assembled circuit with a multimeter in resistance mode. The received product must correspond to the original project.
  8. Securely fasten the triac to the radiator. Between the triac and the radiator, do not forget to lay an insulating heat transfer gasket. The fastening screw is securely insulated.
  9. Place assembled schema in a plastic case.
  10. Recall that on the terminals of the elements dangerous voltage is present.
  11. Turn the potentiometer down to the minimum and perform a test run. Measure the voltage with a multimeter at the output of the regulator. Slowly turn the potentiometer knob to monitor the change in output voltage.
  12. If the result suits, then you can connect the load to the output of the regulator. Otherwise, power adjustments must be made.

Triac Power Radiator

Power regulation

The potentiometer is responsible for adjusting the power, through which the capacitor and the discharge circuit of the capacitor are charged. If the output power parameters are unsatisfactory, the value of the resistance in the discharge circuit should be selected and, with a small range of power adjustment, the value of the potentiometer.

  • prolong lamp life, adjust lighting or soldering iron temperature a simple and inexpensive regulator on triacs will help.
  • select circuit type and component parameters according to the planned load.
  • work it out carefully schematic solutions.
  • be careful when assembling the circuit, observe the polarity of semiconductor components.
  • do not forget that there is an electric current in all elements of the circuit and is deadly to humans.

Such a simple, but at the same time very effective regulator, can be assembled by almost anyone who can hold a soldering iron in their hands and even slightly reads the circuits. Well, this site will help you fulfill your desire. The presented regulator regulates the power very smoothly without surges and dips.

Scheme of a simple triac regulator

Such a regulator can be used to control lighting with incandescent lamps, but also with LED ones, if you buy dimmable ones. The temperature of the soldering iron is easy to regulate. You can adjust the heating steplessly, change the speed of rotation of electric motors with a phase rotor, and many more where there is a place for such a useful little thing. If you have an old electric drill that does not have speed control, then by using this regulator, you will improve such a useful thing.
In the article, with the help of photographs, descriptions and the attached video, the entire manufacturing process is described in great detail, from the collection of parts to the testing of the finished product.

I say right away that if you are not friends with your neighbors, then you can not collect the chain C3 - R4. (Joke) It serves to protect against radio interference.
All parts can be bought in China on Aliexpress. Prices are two to ten times less than in our stores.
To make this device you will need:
  • R1 - a resistor of about 20 Kom, with a power of 0.25 W;
  • R2 - a potentiometer of approximately 500 kΩ, it is possible from 300 kΩ to 1 mΩ, but 470 kΩ is better;
  • R3 - resistor approximately 3 Kom, 0.25 W;
  • R4 - resistor 200-300 Ohm, 0.5 W;
  • C1 and C2 - capacitors 0.05 uF, 400 V;
  • C3 - 0.1 uF, 400 V;
  • DB3 - dinistor, is in every energy-saving lamp;
  • BT139-600, regulates the current 18 A or BT138-800, regulates the current 12 A - triacs, but you can take any others, depending on what load you need to regulate. A dinistor is also called a diac, a triac is a triac.
  • The cooling radiator is selected from the value of the planned control power, but the more, the better. Without a radiator, you can regulate no more than 300 watts.
  • Terminal blocks can be put any;
  • Use the breadboard at your request, as long as everything is included.
  • Well, without the device, as without hands. But the solder is better to use ours. It's more expensive, but much better. Good solder Chinese did not see.

Let's start assembling the regulator

First you need to think over the arrangement of parts so as to put as few jumpers as possible and solder less, then we very carefully check the compliance with the diagram, and then we solder all the connections.

After making sure that there are no errors and placing the product in a plastic case, you can test it by connecting it to the network.

Hi all! In my last post, I showed you how to make . Today we will make a voltage regulator for AC 220v. The design is quite simple to repeat even for beginners. But at the same time, the regulator can take on a load of even 1 kilowatt! For the manufacture of this regulator, we need several components:

1. Resistor 4.7 kOhm mlt-0.5 (even 0.25 watts will do).
2. Variable resistor 500kΩ-1mΩ, with 500kΩ will regulate quite smoothly, but only in the range of 220v-120v. With 1 mOhm - it will regulate more tightly, that is, it will regulate with an interval of 5-10 volts, but the range will increase, it is possible to regulate from 220 to 60 volts! It is desirable to install the resistor with a built-in switch (although you can do without it by simply placing a jumper).
3. Dinistor DB3. You can take this from LSD economical lamps. (Can be replaced with domestic KH102).
4. Diode FR104 or 1N4007, such diodes are found in almost any imported radio equipment.
5. Current-saving LEDs.
6. Triac BT136-600B or BT138-600.
7. Screw terminals. (You can do without them, just solder the wires to the board).
8. A small radiator (up to 0.5 kW it is not needed).
9. 400 volt film capacitor, from 0.1 microfarad to 0.47 microfarad.

AC voltage regulator circuit:

Let's start assembling the device. To begin with, we will etch and proludim the board. The printed circuit board - its drawing in LAY, is in the archive. A more compact version presented by a friend sergei - .

Then solder the capacitor. The photo shows the capacitor from the tinning side, because my copy of the capacitor had too short legs.

We solder the dinistor. The dinistor has no polarity, so we insert it as you like. We solder the diode, resistor, LED, jumper and screw terminal. It looks something like this:

And in the end, the last stage is to put a radiator on the triac.

And here is a photo of the finished device already in the case.