
How to restore wood cover. Repair and restoration of individual elements of the book


In a normal situation, book repair is best left to professionals. Only they can return the binding cover to its place with high quality and reliability, renew the spine, reinforce the book block, etc. But almost everyone can fix minor damage to pages - there would be a desire to take care of your favorite publication on your own! Moreover, for this type of repair you do not need special tools and expensive consumables. What can be repaired and how?

One of the most common "traumas" of a book is associated with sheets. After all, the paper of the pages is fragile and delicate: it tears easily, wears out relatively quickly, and is afraid of water, dirt, and dust. And at the same time, it is precisely the various repair of sheets that most often does not require disassembling the book and is quite simple:

Gluing a torn page

The repair technology depends on a number of factors. If it is duplex printing, and the break line runs through the text, then you will need to carry out the following procedure. Place glass, a metal plate, or at least waxed cardboard under the damaged sheet and gently smooth the gap with a damp gauze pad. Then, with a small dense brush, apply glue with an indent of no more than 1 cm from the joint line (remove excess glue with the same swab). And put a thin strip of tissue paper on the smeared place. This should be repeated on the back of the sheet - so that it does not curl later. When ready, leave the book to dry naturally for 15 minutes. To fix the effect, cover the patch on both sides with release paper and place the book under the press. As a result, the page will be intact, and the text is quite readable. And if the page is torn in the margins or the test is applied to one side of the sheet, it is better to do the same thing, but with mica paper. It is not as transparent as cigarette paper (therefore, it is not suitable for gluing text), but it is noticeably stronger than it.

Strengthening fields and corners

The edges of the pages, even if treated with care, can simply fray over time from frequent use of the book: this is true both for the corners and for the margins. But the shabby edges of the sheets can and should be strengthened. The essence of this repair is in many ways similar to gluing gaps, but there are slight differences. First, the edge of the worn sheet is evenly covered with glue, and then a strip or corner of tissue or mica paper is applied. Then all this should be repeated on the back of the page. It is important that the glued parts of the paper have an allowance of 15-20 mm towards the edges. You also need to make sure that there are no swelling or wrinkles at the junctions of the added strips. If they appear, you can get rid of them by gently lifting and pulling a strip of tissue paper in the longitudinal direction, then return it to its place and smooth it with a roller or gauze swab. The final step is drying under pressure. Don't forget the release paper after drying! It must be carefully removed so as not to damage the restored edge of the sheet.

Return dropdown sheet

If the threads break or the metal staples that hold the book block together are damaged, individual sheets may fall out of the book block. It is very easy to detect them: they protrude from the edge. So that such a sheet is not completely lost, it should be returned to its original place. To do this, you first need to glue the fold of the dropped sheet (the place of its fold at the base): on both sides, with a strip of up to 3-4 mm. After that, open the book in the desired slot and attach the sheet, aligning it with the bleed and text. So that it does not move out when you close the book, you need to pull the fold to the place of gluing - a metal ruler will come in handy for this. It looks like this: put the book with the spine towards you and pull the ruler by its ends until the edges of the sheet are aligned with all the edges. In this form, it remains to leave the book until the glue has completely dried, and then bend the sheet along the gluing so that it turns over without problems. But remember: gluing a sheet makes sense if the fastening strength of adjacent sheets to which the fallen one is glued is not lost. Therefore, first make sure they are securely held in place.

Also note: all these procedures are just repairs. The restored pages will allow you to work with the book and text, but they will not look “like new”. And if the original appearance of the sheets in the book is important to you, then restoration is needed for this. And this will only be done by an experienced specialist.

It can be very difficult to part with favorite or useful books. Even if from time to time, careless handling or too frequent use, they become unusable. However, it is quite possible to give a second life to a volume with poems dear to the heart or a book of useful tips inherited from a grandmother at home with your own hands.

Replacing the old cover with a new one

The cover is the first thing to look at when evaluating the condition of a book. If its front or back parts are missing or severely damaged, the endpapers are in a deplorable state, then there is nothing left but to make a new one. Or use a suitable one from some other book that you don’t mind sacrificing. First, consider the second option, as the simplest:

  1. We carefully separate the cover requiring replacement from the main block of the restored book, trying to preserve its integrity as much as possible.
  2. We clean a suitable finished cover from another book from the remnants of glue and paper. The main thing here is that it matches the desired size.
  3. If you managed to find a suitable cover entirely, then it remains only to think about the design. To do this, you can use well-preserved fragments from the old cover. Scan them, correct them, for example in Photoshop, print them on a color printer and stick them on the front, back and spine. But you can show creative imagination and make the design original author's.

In order to make a new cover with your own hands, you will need suitable sheets of cardboard, preferably dense, 1.5–2 mm thick. But a simple one is also suitable, including, again, from the covers of old or unnecessary books. Only the technology will now be somewhat different:

  • We make two blanks for the future cover, cutting them out of cardboard to the desired size. If the old cover has not been preserved, you need to measure the block itself or a separate page and add 2-3 mm along the edges.
  • We cover the blanks with paper. The easiest option is plain white printer paper. Only in size it should be much larger than the workpiece itself. We place the cardboard exactly in the middle of the rectangular sheet selected for wrapping. We cut the corners of the paper without reaching the edge of the cardboard. Then we alternately bend the edges to the back side, coat them with glue from the inside and carefully level them. You will get a cardboard rectangle covered with paper on one side. We do the same with the second piece.

  • We put the covered blanks under the press and leave for 3–5 hours so that the glue dries up, and both parts of the new cover do not deform. Several large and rather heavy books can serve as a press.
  • The third component of the new cover is the spine, with the help of which its upper and lower parts are connected to each other. It can be cut from leather, fabric, thick paper, natural or artificial leather. To do this, measure the thickness and height of the block with pages and make a pattern. In width, add 2 cm on both sides and 1 cm at the ends, if necessary, for a hem. It is convenient to make a pattern using graph paper. You can immediately glue both parts of the cover together using the spine. But it is better to do this after the entire binding is put in order and the endpapers are glued.

  • As a result, you get a neat cover.

Learn the basics of bookbinding

The word binding in a narrow special sense is that part of the book that fastens all its pages together. But quite often it is also used in a broader sense, saying, for example, old binding, chic binding, etc. Or they mean the process of weaving paper sheets. The binding of old books is a kind of keeper of history. After all, at different times in their manufacture, different technologies were used. However, in order to master the basics of bookbinding at home, it is enough to deal with soft or hard cover books.

How to glue a softcover book? It needs to be glued, because all the sheets of such a book are connected only by a thin adhesive layer applied over the entire area of ​​​​the spine. The cover itself is glued directly to the page block in a simple, but, as a rule, unreliable way. It is really soft, sometimes it is glossy on the outside. Very often, a book with such a binding begins to fall apart on the first day of purchase. And in this case, there is nothing left but to glue the book with your own hands again. But first, you definitely need to buy glue for bookbinding.

In no case should you use silicate glue and adhesive tape! From silicate glue, it is also called stationery, the binding will become hard and brittle, and the adhesive tape will lose its properties in a few years. In addition, it can be difficult to remove without damaging the paper on which it was once pasted.

We strengthen the binding

Now let's take a closer look at not only how to seal a book, but also how to strengthen the soft cover of books with your own hands. Materials and tools that we need for this:

  • Glue for binding books. If you could not find a special one, then PVA can also be used, but only of the highest quality.
  • Strong thread. A thread or, for example, a thread for quilting clothes is suitable.
  • Jigsaw or hacksaw for metal.
  • A clamp or any other device that can be used to clamp the block so that it does not crumble during operation.

The next steps will be:

  1. All parts of the book, except for the cover, are carefully folded, aligned and firmly clamped in a clamp. We clean the binding from scraps and remnants of old glue (you can walk with fine sandpaper).
  2. With a jigsaw or a hacksaw, we make transverse cuts along the entire length of the spine at a distance of 3-4 cm from each other up to 2 mm deep.
  3. We cut the prepared thread into as many pieces as there are cuts. And in length - a little more than the incision itself.
  4. We clean the sawn places from debris, coat with glue and insert pieces of thread there. Leave the block in the clamp until the glue dries completely.

Glue the cover

The final step in restoring a softcover book will be gluing the cover. You can take the old one, if it is well preserved, and paste it the way it was originally. But it is better to replace it with a hard cover made according to one of the previously described methods, and connect it using endpapers.

For the endpaper, you can also use ordinary office paper, although it is better to take a denser pastel. The sheet is folded in half, in length and width it should be equal to the book block. We combine the fold line of the sheet of the first flyleaf with the title page of the block and glue it along the entire length of the page with a narrow strip 3-5 mm wide. In the same way, another folded sheet is glued from the back to the last page.

The second halves of the sheets of each of the endpapers are glued to the inner parts of the cover no longer in a strip, but over the entire surface. The adhesive is applied in a thin even layer. The place of gluing is leveled, the remains of glue are removed with a soft cloth. After that, the updated book is placed under the load until completely dry.

The binding will be better and more durable if you use a piece of gauze when connecting the cover to the book block. It should be slightly shorter in length than the spine, and 3-5 cm longer in width. Gauze is glued onto the spine of the book until the final stage of gluing the endpapers. Thus, the loose ends of the gauze hanging from both sides will be hidden, but will give the entire binding structure greater flexibility and strength.

Restoring pages

The restoration of a book cannot be of high quality and complete if there are not enough pages in it or, for example, the pages are torn. Not so long ago, lost fragments of text, torn corners and side margins of pages were recommended to be repaired using tissue paper. But today, modern computer technologies make it possible, even at home using a conventional printer, to restore irretrievably lost pages. There is also a special technology to artificially age them to a state that is outwardly indistinguishable from the rest.

When it is necessary to restore the lost pages of a softcover book, it is not a pity to divide it into as many parts as necessary, and then assemble and glue it again. If you don’t worry too much about aesthetics, you can paste a page into a book without violating the integrity of the binding, using an ordinary school ruler, brush and glue. The ruler is applied to the next page, which follows the fallen sheet, retreats from the spine by 0.5 cm, this strip is smeared with a brush, after which the page to be glued is inserted and pressed. To prevent the pages from sticking together, remove any excess glue with a soft, dry cloth. This method is appropriate for the loss of single or a small number of sheets.

But if we are talking about a hardcover edition, it is worth figuring out not how to glue, but how to sew the sheets into a book. The book block of such publications, as a rule, consists of several parts, each of which is a stack of double sheets sewn together like a student's notebook. Such sheets are called folded (from the German word for "fold, fold"). Therefore, in order to qualitatively restore a lost or damaged page, it is necessary to change not one sheet, but at least two. To do this, the stack should be disassembled into separate sheets, and then, together with the restored pages, re-sewn with a special waxed linen thread. But thread, dental floss and thread for quilting garments are also suitable.

You should not take ordinary cotton threads for firmware. They are not capable of stretching, and even such a thread folded in half can cut through the paper.

After all pages are restored, the binding structure is returned to its original state. Before that, if necessary, you can additionally strengthen the spine with the help of threads inserted into the transverse incisions - as was recommended when restoring a softcover book.

We apply modern technologies

It happens that a book needs to be restored solely in order to preserve its useful content. For example, a collection of recipes or a book on needlework. Then you can safely apply modern technologies and replace the usual binding with a metal one.

To do this, in any store or stationery department, you need to purchase metal rings for fastening landscape sheets and a hole punch. It is better to choose it with a retractable scale, as it will be much more convenient to use a hole puncher with a ruler. How to fasten the sheets into a book in this case? A hole punch punches the required number of holes along the entire spine of the book, inserts detachable metal rings into them and the new binding is ready!

Finally, the most important tip. It is strongly not recommended to restore old, rare books on your own. An amateurish approach can significantly reduce their artistic and historical value. Happy owners of such publications are better off seeking help from professionals.

This method of restoring a collapsed book is quite laborious, but it will give you a quality result. Carefully disassemble the book into individual notebooks or blocks. It depends on its initial bond. Check them out.

Glue loose sheets if necessary. To do this, attach the ruler to the next sheet after the one that has fallen out, stepping back 0.5 cm from the spine. Lubricate this distance with prepared glue with a thin synthetic brush. Insert the page and blot excess glue with a rag.

Glue for repairing books is best made independently by mixing flour and PVA glue. Flour glue is boiled in a water bath. It consists of 2 parts flour and 5 parts water. Mix the finished glue with the same amount of PVA.

The repair of the dropped sheet can be done in another way: just stick it with transparent tape. But this process will be irreversible. Over time, the sticky layer will turn yellow, but it will be impossible to remove the tape without damaging the top layer of the paper book sheet.

At the beginning and at the end of the book notebooks folded in order, place a clean white sheet of paper that matches the size of the book. Align the entire foot and clamp it in a vise so that the spine protrudes about 1 cm.

With a fine-toothed hacksaw, make cuts across the book spine to a depth of 5 mm every 5 cm. Saturate the entire end of the book and the resulting cuts with glue. Cut three identical pieces from the spool of cotton thread. Their length should exceed the length of the book spine three times. Put three threads together and secure one end in a vise. Then lay them with a snake in the cuts, observing the tension. Fasten the second end of the threads in a vise again. Lubricate the book end with glue and attach a thin cloth or gauze to it in size. Leave everything alone until completely dry.

Glue on the old cover. Spread glue on the first and last white sheet of the book, a strip of fabric and glue the cover to this. Put under pressure.

book firmware

You can quickly repair a collapsing softcover book with thick thread and a drill. Insert the collapsed book into a vise, after leveling the stack of sheets. With a drill with a thin drill, make several holes at a distance of 5 mm from the end. Thread the needle and sew the book through the finished holes.

So that the thread seam does not spoil the appearance of the book, glue it on top with a thin strip of paper to match the cover.

Book on metal rings

Purchase detachable metal scrapbook rings from a scrapbooking supply store or office supply store. Make a hole punch along the end of the hole in the book according to the number of rings. Insert them and press. Instead of rings, you can insert a book into a regular office folder-registrar.

Each of you probably has some favorite book that you often look through and which has suffered greatly from your love. It can be a school textbook, hardened in battles for knowledge, or a story, badly battered by a careless girlfriend. If you want to cure this "sick" book, we will gladly help you. First, you need to prepare tools and medicines. The only cure will be homemade glue, made from flour with a small (2-3%) addition of alum, which greatly improves the quality of the glue. Of course, you can also buy ready-made glue. Our flour glue needs to be mixed well so that there are no lumps, then it will look like a rather thick ointment. You can store it for 2-3 days, and with alum even 5 days, provided that we protect it from drying out. Mold glue should not be used.

The tool kit includes:

A sharp knife, the so-called bookbinding one, with a special point (see the figure) or a razor blade, if you know how to use it. But we do not recommend using scissors - not everything can be cut off with them and it is very difficult to cut exactly in a straight line;

ruler with a scale;

A metal ruler to cut paper on it;

Triangle or eker, metal is also better;

A sheet of cardboard or very thick paper and a piece of plywood, which should be placed under the paper so as not to damage the surface of the table;

Several large and heavy books for pressing the "sick" book while the glue dries;

Binding bone, similar to a wooden knife for cutting books. It can be replaced by a piece of a smooth bar for pressing and smoothing the glued pieces of paper.

Let's get started with these tools.

Let's start with the treatment of the most common ailment - a torn sheet or cover.

Easily and carefully, so as not to tear further, we bend the paper in the torn place and grease the edges of the gap with glue. Glue should be applied in a thin layer and not touch the surface of the paper. Then we connect the torn parts of the sheet into one whole, and on both sides of the gap we put a strip of thin, not smeared with glue, paper about 4 cm wide. The so-called Japanese paper is best suited for this - fibrous and transparent, which is used to paste over the wings of models of aircraft and gliders . The paper used for typewritten copies is also good. Remember that the paper should be thin and moderately transparent. The gap of the sheet pasted over in this way is ironed with a bone or a nail.

Then we put two more sheets of clean paper on both sides, close the book and, pressing it with a pile of heavy books, leave it to dry for 6-12 hours (preferably overnight).

After that, we take our patient, remove the sheets of paper, as shown in the figure. Finally, once again smooth out the glued place with a bone or fingernail. The torn sheet is cured, and the place of the rupture is barely noticeable.

Documents can also be glued in this way. We are sure that you will like our method much more than gluing with a “band-aid”.

And now about how to glue the torn cover.

Let's try to learn how to glue a torn and frayed cover. You already know how to make glue, and the same “tools” will be needed. In the "binding shop" we will strengthen the weakest and fastest wearing parts of the book: the spine of the cover and the place where it connects to the book. Depending on the type of cover and the degree of wear, we will need paper, thin canvas and thick gauze. Remember that thick, hard and glossy paper is unsuitable for this business. When all the necessary materials are already prepared, the glue is mixed, and unnecessary items are removed from the table - let's get to work.

Carefully tear off the torn and torn cover from the book, and then, if it is a cardboard cover, repair it in the same way that you learned how to do it last time. Lay the glued cover flat on the table and reinforce by gluing a strip of paper to the spine, which should be 10-15 mm wider than the thickness of the spine of the book. After 1-3 hours, while the glue is still not completely dry, remove the cover from under the “press” (several heavy books) and smear a strip of paper with a thin layer of glue again. Remove excess glue and attach the spine of the book to the spine of the cover; close the book by gluing the protruding edges of the paper strip to the outer pages of the book; put a closed book under the “press” for at least 12 hours.

However, when repairing thicker books, it is better to use the method shown in the figure.

1 - soft cover, 2 - book, 3 - strip of paper, 4 - strip of paper, thin linen or thick gauze, glued with tissue paper

Glue the spine of the cover with a strip of linen or thick gauze with tissue paper pasted on it, and the spine of the book with a strip of paper. The strip of canvas should be 20 cm longer than the height of the book, and its ends should be tucked in, gluing the canvas to the cover. The width of the strips should be such that the paper strip is 4-6 mm wider than the canvas strip, which, in turn, is 20 mm wider than the spine. Glue the cover only to the part of the paper strip tucked up and glued to the first page.

Hard covers are glued a little differently. Take a strip of canvas 30 mm wider than the spine and glue it only to the spine. If the book is badly frayed, crumbling "notebooks" must first be firmly sewn to the linen strip, firmly connecting them into one.

Restoration is not a craft, not a simple removal of flaws, and by no means a decorative design. Restoration of books is a chamber process, the task of which is to prolong the life of a book, preserving its image, energy, information, not only textual, but also sensual. Working with a book is always very delicate. To prolong the life of a book in the future, preserving the Past in it, is nothing but Art.

Each edition or manuscript has its own destiny. A person bringing us a book does not wait to receive a new glossy book, he comes to us to save the story with all the accumulated sensations and touches. Therefore, before starting work, the question of the degree of preservation of the lost fragments is always discussed. If necessary, you can use not modern restoration materials, but materials of the time when it was published.


There are organizations that are engaged in making a profit and this is their main task. And there are organizations that are trying to do a job, for them, making a profit is the result of a job well done. Our organization is trying to make a difference! If you get acquainted with our research, our work, come to us, you will feel it and be pleasantly surprised.

Here you can restore books, magazines, albums, geographical maps, newspapers, engravings and everything related to the library…


Let's talk about you first. After all, if you have come to this page, it means that you have Books that require restoration. Maybe these are posters or maps, or handwritten family heirlooms… Grandmother's recipes, grandfather's memoirs, parental diplomas - all this is of great value to you, memory.

Maybe they were struck by a fungus, that is, book mold, or they were simply stained with age-old dust, greasy with candle wax, soot, and stains of various origins? Or the paper and cardboard got wet because of the moisture... Or maybe there were also wrinkled or even torn sheets?!

Yes... Anything happens to the Book...

The spine may be missing - partially or completely.

Maybe your book got in contact with ruthless adhesive tape or a puppy ate it, and bugs and spiders made holes?!

A dilapidated cover, decrepit corners… Losses here and there?!

Dangling captal, sheets fly out of the book? The embossing has lost its shape - the gold has flown around, as a result of which the print has become unreadable?

All this can be fixed!

  • weak block
  • the gauze and threads dried up, as a result of which the sheets began to fall out
  • Sheets have rips and losses.
  • binding worn at corners
  • deformed cardboard
  • spine dented and torn
  • block alteration
  • topping up losses with restoration paper
  • strengthening fields
  • restoration of the binding with preservation of the covering material
  • binding material matched to the tone of the main binding
  • gold embossing drawing


And now about us, and about how we can help you.

* We are engaged in restoration of any complexity! For all the time of work, there has never been such a case that we refused to work because of its complexity.

* Our team is qualified master restorers. Your order will not depend on the human factor, and the Book will be delivered on time.

* Order execution time - 1 month. (It's fast enough).

* We work with all types of materials that are used in book binding, including fabrics, stones and metals.

* We strictly control the quality of work.


  1. You contact us - we will calculate the cost of the work for you.
  2. You make an advance payment - we accept the Book for work.
  3. We inform you by phone about the readiness of your Book.*
  4. You pay for the work done, pick up the Book and receive a "Certificate of Completed Restoration Works".

*If you wish, we can send you post-restoration photos by email.

  • When placing an order, we always check with the Customer for what purpose he wants to restore the Book, whether it is necessary to keep the old endpapers and covers, individual details from the cover, and other nuances.


  • Over 20 years of work, we have accumulated old materials from old books: sheets, endpapers, covers dating back to the 15th century, which we use in restoration when the Customer wants the Book to be restored with exactly old materials.


  • As soon as the Book enters production, we exactingly and responsibly ensure that the restoration is carried out exactly as requested by the customer.


  • We own the technology for building sheets, covers and metal parts. Let's say you need to make a Book out of new modern materials, but at the same time, so that it seems old - as if it has lived for 100 or 200 years. We can make the Book look old!
  • We restore all types of paper media. In addition to books, we work with maps, posters, magazines, newspapers, posters, posters, booklets, albums and other products made of paper, cardboard, leather and fabrics. We restore the lost cast elements.
  • In exceptional, critical situations for the Customer, we carry out a light repair of the Book - it costs several times cheaper. We call this kind of work Conservation of the Book for Future Restoration». This allows you to bring the Book into working condition at a lower cost, not for a long time. But we always recommend a high-quality restoration, after which the book will live, even with frequent use, for more than 100 years.


The cost of restoration depends on its complexity., each book needs a set of specific restoration measures. To estimate the cost, we always ask the Customer to show the book live or at least in photographs. The cost of restoration starts from 1-3 thousand rubles - this is a minor repair of a book or conservation. On average, the cost of a standard restoration is about 7-17 thousand rubles. But there are also difficult cases, then the cost of restoring one book can cost 40, and 80, and sometimes 120 thousand rubles.

Standard turnaround time is 1 month.


Sometimes clients, when faced with restoration for the first time, ask - why is this service so expensive? Like, glue here, but cut there, and that’s all business ...

Let's figure it out:


1. As a rule, the whole book must be disassembled, each leaf must be washed, doing this very carefully and carefully, since dilapidated old sheets are very fragile.

2. Restore the binding and each leaflet of the book, that is, glue, glue, strengthen all dilapidated places with special materials, using various special glues and solutions. This is a laborious, painstaking work that requires a lot of time and great experience of the master.

4. Restoration of binding covers.

5. We dress the binding.

6. Before placing an order, we check the quality of the restoration and final assembly of the book. Checking the binding for strength. Revival of the book after restoration by opening it at each spread! We bring the book into working condition - we breathe life into the book.

Here 5+1 the main stages of book restoration technology!

Of course, there are other problems, tasks that always arise with each book in an individual case. Now we do not take them into account, but we should not forget about them.

In order not to be wordy, we made a "video"!

The duration of the video is 16 minutes.

After watching this video, you will have a general understanding of the restoration business.

It is hard to believe that the book, which consisted of separate shabby leaves floating in the water, will take on its original form.

Benefits are known in comparison!


For example, if we compare a restoration workshop with a car service, then the cost of the services provided (rubles per hour) is approximately the same both there and there. But, no offense to the masters of car services, the profession of a restorer is more complicated and subtler. If the car repairer replaces the broken parts with new ones, then the restorer recreates the old "parts of the book" as they were before they were damaged or lost.

The master must be able to feel different materials, their thickness, fragility, flexibility, be able to choose colors well, be able to draw, paint, glue, sculpt - in a word - to be an artisan-artist.

And if we talk about the restoration of parts in connection with their loss, then this means the direct manufacture of a certain element, and in a single copy.

And the restoration workshop "School RARITET" will take responsibility and make the lost roots, locks, legs, images and other lost elements of the Book, including the cost of manufacturing these "details" in the total cost of restoration.

The search and discovery of new techniques and unexpected solutions allow us to improve the restoration process - to improve quality, speed and cost.

Our team is craftsmen with an inquisitive, exploratory nature and, as a result, many years of accumulated experience. We were lucky to work with leading libraries, museums and bibliophiles of the country.

We are sincerely grateful to our teachers - cultural figures, readers, publishers, bibliophiles! After all, in communication, the search for something new, research, development and discoveries, the Mastery of Book Restoration improves and moves forward!



* Russian State Library.

* All-Russian State Library for Foreign Literature. M. I. Rudomino.

* Administration of the President of the Russian Federation.

* Administration of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

* All-Russian Museum of Decorative, Applied and Folk Art.

* Library of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation.

* Museum-panorama “Battle of Borodino”

* Library-reading room to them. I. S. Turgenev.

* State Museum of A.S. Pushkin.

* State Lermontov Museum-Reserve "Tarkhany"

* Russian Railways JSC.



>> Do you only restore leather bindings?(For example, the cover of my book is paper).

We restore not only leather books. We restore maps, posters, prints, books, and everything , what is made of binding materials: leather, cardboard, paper of any type, calico, bumvinyl, fabrics and even metal. For example, we had to restore such objects as: an old chessboard, an ancient glass case, a rare violin case, leather furniture elements!

>> How do you reproduce the original embossing when restoring a book?

We scan the old embossing, or what is left of it, and draw the rest. We create an electronic layout, then cut out the cliche. With this cliche we apply embossing, which turns out exactly like the original.

>> The book has lost one of the two locks and one of the legs. Can they be restored?

Yes you can! Bring it, we will make casts from the surviving samples, cast it in metal and age it so that you can’t tell it apart!

>> Do the sheets get wet in water?

Yes! sheets do not get wet in water! Paper does not dissolve in water, and printing ink does not peel off it. But, of course, she becomes vulnerable, and requires a careful attitude towards herself. This is the essence of washing the block - we clean the dirt from the sheets, remove the yellowness and excess glue. Then we carefully listen to the sheets under pressure, as a result of which the sheets become clean and perfectly even, even if they were previously creases.

You can entrust us with the restoration of your precious books!

After all, we employ real experts in their field, who and teach others this art. Restoring books is a calling and a talent, the master must be able to look through time and see the true, original appearance of the book. These are the people who work at Rarity.