
How to make a blinking light. How to make a blinking LED

Conifers in design

In this tutorial I will show you how to make banners for your own website or blog/

First, decide what kind of banner you want to make. It can be any, but the following sizes are most often used:

468×60 -------



88×31 -------

Once you have decided on the size, open Adobe Photoshop and create a new file of the selected size: File –> New –> set the selected width and height (Width, Height):

Fill the background with the selected color (for example, light green) or insert the finished image: File –> Open –> select the desired image –> Ctrl + A –> Ctrl + C –> go to the tab with our blank –> Ctrl + V. To adjust the size, press Ctrl + T, then hold down Shift (so that the picture maintains proportions) and drag the upper left corner.

Then create a new layer and enter the required text. Here you can try different fonts and sizes:

Again create a new layer and add an image, an icon or a beautiful brush to it:

Press Ctrl+Shift+E to merge all layers into one. Now let's start creating the second picture. We do everything the same as with the previous one. Just use a new fill color, write a different text and insert a new image. When the second part of our future banner is ready, turn off the eye on the first picture (Layer 1):

And again press Ctrl+Shift+E to merge the layers of the second picture. Turn on the "eye" on the first layer. As a result, we should have 2 layers left: pictures #1 and #2.

Now let's move on to animation. To do this, go to Window –> put a tick on Animation. Turn off the "eye" on the second layer. In the animation panel that opens, duplicate the frame:

Turn on the "eye" on the second layer. Select the frame switching speed. (For banners, this is an interval of 0.5 - 1 second). And set the value to Forever? that is, an infinite number of switches.

Press play and enjoy your work.

The picture is ready! Now we need to turn it into a banner. To do this, you need to upload it to any available server (I use Yandex. Photos) and get a link to the image.

Now we write the code so that our banner is clickable and links to your site: . We get this clickable image:

And the final touch: you need to make a thematic caption for the picture, so that when you hover over the banner with the mouse, a beautiful inscription appears, and not a working file name. Like this:

To do this, add title="your_title" to the previous code and get: .

All is ready!

Now you can paste this code into any field that supports html.

Lesson taken from

You are deprived of the opportunity to buy a ready-made flashing LED, where the necessary elements are built into the bulb to carry out the desired function (it remains to connect the battery) - try to assemble the author's circuit. It will take a little: calculate the LED resistor, which together with the capacitor sets the period of oscillation in the circuit, limit the current, select the type of key. For some reason, the country's economy works for the mining industry, electronics are buried deep in the ground. With the element base strained.

The principle of operation of the LED

When connecting an LED, learn a minimum of theory - the VashTechnik portal is ready to help. The p-n junction region, due to the existence of hole and electronic conductivity, forms a zone of energy levels unusual for the thickness of the main crystal. Recombining, charge carriers release energy, if the value is equal to a quantum of light, the junction of two materials begins to radiate. The hue is defined by some values, the ratio looks like this:

E = h c / λ; h \u003d 6.6 x 10-34 - Planck's constant, c \u003d 3 x 108 - the speed of light, the Greek letter lambda denotes the wavelength (m).

It follows from the statement: a diode can be created where the difference in energy levels is present. This is how LEDs are made. Depending on the level difference, the color is blue, red, green. Rare LEDs have the same efficiency. Weak are considered blue, which historically appeared last. The efficiency of LEDs is relatively low (for semiconductor technology), rarely reaches 45%. The specific conversion of electrical energy into useful light energy is simply amazing. Each W of energy gives 6-7 times more photons than a filament coil under equivalent consumption conditions. Explains why LEDs occupy a strong position in lighting technology today.

Creating a flasher based on semiconductor elements is incomparably simpler. Enough relatively small voltages, the circuit will start working. The rest comes down to the correct selection of key and passive elements to create a sawtooth or pulsed voltage of the desired configuration:

  1. Amplitude.
  2. Duty cycle.
  3. Follow frequency.

Obviously, connecting the LED to a 230 volt network looks like a bad idea. There are similar schemes, but it is difficult to make it blink, there is no element base. LEDs run on much lower supply voltages. The most accessible are:

  • The +5 V voltage is present in phone battery chargers, iPads and other gadgets. True, the output current is small, and it is not necessary. In addition, +5 V is not hard to find on the power supply rail of a personal computer. We fix the problem with current limiting. Red wire, look for ground on black.
  • Voltage + 7 ... + 9 It is found on chargers of hand-held radio stations, commonly called walkie-talkies. A great many firms, each with standards. Here powerless to give specific recommendations. Walkie-talkies often fail due to the nature of use, extra chargers can usually be obtained relatively cheaply.
  • The LED wiring diagram will work best from +12 volts. The standard voltage of microelectronics, we will meet in many places. The computer unit contains a voltage of -12 volts. The core insulation is blue, the wire itself is left for compatibility with old drives. In our case, it may be necessary, do not be at hand with a +12 volt power element base. Complementary transistors are difficult to find, turn on instead of the original ones. The ratings of the passive elements remain. The LED turns on the back side.
  • The nominal value of -3.3 volts at first glance seems unclaimed. Lucky to get on aliexpress RGB LEDs SMD0603 4 rubles a piece. However! The voltage drop in the forward direction does not exceed 3 volts (reverse switching is not needed, but in case of incorrect polarity, the maximum voltage is 5).

The device of the LED is clear, the burning conditions are known, let's proceed to the implementation of the idea. Let's make the element blink.

Testing Flashing RGB LEDs

The computer power supply is ideal for testing SMD0603 LEDs. You just need to put a resistive divider. According to the scheme of technical documentation, the resistance of p-n junctions is evaluated in the forward direction, with the help of a tester. Direct measurement is not possible here. Let's put together the diagram below:

The +3.3 V wire of the computer power supply is orange insulated, we take the circuit ground from black. Please note: it is dangerous to turn on the module without load. Ideal to connect a DVD drive or other device. It is allowed, if you have the ability to handle devices under current, to remove the side cover, remove the necessary contacts from there, do not remove the power supply. The connection of the LEDs is illustrated by the diagram. Measured the resistance on the parallel connection of the LEDs and stopped?

We explain: in the working state of the LEDs, you will need to turn on several, we will do a similar setting. The supply voltage on the chip will be 2.5 volts. Please note that the LEDs are flashing, the readings are inaccurate. The maximum is not more than 2.5 volts. Successful operation of the circuit is indicated by the flashing of the LEDs. To make the part flicker, we will remove the power from the unnecessary ones. It is allowed to assemble a debug circuit with three variable resistors - one per branch of each color.

Ratings need to be taken weighty, do not forget: we will significantly limit the current flowing through the LEDs. In fact, it will be necessary to think over the question according to the situation.

Regular LED flashes

Flashing LED Circuit

The circuit shown in the figure uses the avalanche breakdown of the transistor to work. KT315B, used as a key, has a maximum reverse voltage between the collector and the base of 20 volts. There is little danger in such an inclusion. For the KT315Zh modification, the parameter is 15 volts, much closer to the selected supply voltage of +12 volts. The transistor should not be used.

Avalanche breakdown is an abnormal p-n junction mode. Due to the excess of the reverse voltage between the collector and the base, the atoms are ionized by the impacts of the accelerated charge carriers. A mass of free charged particles is formed, entrained by the field. Eyewitnesses say: for the breakdown of the KT315 transistor, a reverse voltage is required, applied between the collector and emitter, with an amplitude of 8-9 V.

A few words about the operation of the scheme. At the initial moment of time, the capacitor begins to charge. Connected to +12 volts, the rest of the circuit is cut off - the transistor switch is closed. Gradually, the potential difference increases, reaches the avalanche breakdown voltage of the transistor. The capacitor voltage drops sharply, two open p-n junctions are connected in parallel:

  1. The transistor is in breakdown mode.
  2. The LED is open by direct switching.

In total, the voltage will be about 1 volt, the capacitor begins to discharge through open p-n junctions, only the voltage drops below 7-8 volts, luck ends. The transistor key is closed, the process is repeated again. The circuit has hysteresis. The transistor opens at a higher voltage than it closes. Due to the inertia of the processes. We see how the LED works.

The values ​​of the resistor, capacitance determine the period of oscillation. The capacitor can be taken much less by including a small resistance between the collector of the transistor and the LED. For example, 50 ohms. The discharge constant will increase dramatically, it will be easier to check the LED visually (burning time will increase). It is clear that the current should not be too large, the maximum values ​​\u200b\u200bare taken from reference books. It is not recommended to connect LED lamps due to the low thermal stability of the system and the presence of an abnormal transistor mode. We hope the review turned out to be interesting, the pictures are intelligible, the explanations are clear.

Light emitting diodes are widely used in various fields.

Before you make a flashing LED yourself, you should take into account all the nuances of manufacturing such a lighting structure, as well as purchase high-quality materials and prepare a competent assembly scheme.

Finished flashing LEDs

Flashing or blinking, in essence, are complete, ready-made functional devices that play the role of a standard light signaling and attract attention well.

Such lighting devices do not differ at all from the dimensions of a standard indicator LED, and the design of the device provides for the presence of a semiconductor generator chip and several additional elements.

In addition to compactness, the advantages of ready-made illuminators are represented by a very wide range of supply voltage indicators, a variety of emission colors and various flash frequency, as well as high efficiency.

Usage patterns

At the moment, there are several practical schemes that are quite affordable for independent implementation, which differ in the number and type of radio components.

The first circuit is characterized by the presence of a low-power, polar capacitor 16V - 470 uF, a resistor and an LED. The power supply of the device is provided by a standard 12V power supply. The principle of operation resembles an "avalanche breakdown", and a tangible minus of such a circuit is represented by the need to use a special voltage source.

Schematic diagram of LED flashes

The second circuit is characterized by an assembly similar to a transistor multivibrator. This is the reason for the high reliability of the device. The principle of operation is based on the use of a pair of polar capacitors 16 V - 10 uF, a pair of limiting resistors (R1) and (R4), a pair of resistors (R2) and (R3), as well as a pair of light diodes.

The second circuit operates in a wide voltage range with serial and parallel connection of light diodes, and changing the capacitor capacitance allows you to get a multivibrator with a different glow.

Ordinary LEDs

Modern LEDs can become a full-fledged replacement for incandescent lamps, due to the different characteristics of such light sources made on the basis of an artificial semiconductor crystal.

The main parameters of the LEDs are presented:

  • supply voltage;
  • operating current values;
  • efficiency or light output;
  • glow temperature or color;
  • radiation angle;
  • sizes;
  • degradation period.

certain rules must be followed. Depending on the characteristics and type of power source, there are a couple of options for connecting the device to a 220V network: using a driver with a standard current limiter or using a special power supply that stabilizes the voltage well.

The assembly of structures based on several LED illuminators involves the use of serial or parallel connection schemes.

How to make the LEDs blink

For self-assembly of a flashing one, you will need to purchase several components presented:
  • a pair of resistors 6.8 to 15 ohms;
  • a pair of resistors having a resistance of 470 by 680 ohms;
  • a pair of low-power transistors "n-p-n";
  • a pair of electrical capacitors having a capacity of 47 - 100 microfarads;
  • low power LED;
  • household soldering iron, solder and flux.

On all radio components, the output parts of the elements are cleaned and tinned. It is very important to consider the polarity when connecting capacitors. The flashing of the light diode is provided by the cycling of the current supply.

With the correct assembly of all elements, the manufactured lighting device has a flashing frequency of the order of one and a half Hz, or about fifteen flashes every ten seconds.

Schemes of "flashing lights" based on them

Obtaining simple sequential flashes is carried out using a pair of C945 transistors or analog elements. In the first case, the collector is located in the central part, and in the second, the center is allocated for the placement of the base.

A pair of blinking LEDs and a circuit with one diode are assembled in accordance with the standard circuit. The flashing frequency is provided by the presence of capacitors (C1) and (C2) in the circuit.

P-n junction resistance circuit

If it is necessary to connect several led elements at once, a PNP transistor of sufficient power is installed.

Flashing LEDs are obtained by connecting the outputs to multi-colored elements, alternate pulses are provided by the built-in generator, and the blinking frequency directly depends on the installed program.

Application area

Blinking LED light sources, equipped with a standard built-in type generator, are widely used in Christmas garlands.

It is the sequential assembly of such products, supplemented by an installed resistor that has a slight difference in nominal values, that makes it possible to achieve a shift in the process of flashing individual elements of the electronic circuit.

The result of such an assembly is an original lighting effect that does not need to add an overly complex control unit at all. Most often, the New Year's garland is connected using a conventional diode bridge.

Flashing diode current-controlled light emitters are in demand in a wide variety of modern household appliances and electrical engineering, where they play the role of standard indicators. At the same time, such indicator lights signal a certain state of the device or charge level. On the basis of blinking diodes, electronic displays, various advertising signs, various children's toys and many other goods are assembled.

Blinking diodes are great for creating a huge number of interesting and unusual lighting effects, including a "traveling wave".

How to make a flashlight from LEDs

Lanterns made on the basis of an LED light source are more bright and economical. The power source is a 12 V battery. To make such a flashlight with your own hands, you need to purchase:

  • a piece of PVC pipe 50 mm long;
  • adhesive composition;
  • a pair of threaded PVC fittings;
  • threaded PVC plug;
  • toggle switch;
  • a small piece of polystyrene foam sheet;
  • LED light bulb;
  • insulating tape.

Homemade flashlight

Assembly work is carried out using a soldering iron, solder, a hacksaw and a needle file, sandpaper and side cutters.

After placing all the elements in a PVC pipe housing, an LED light source is installed, as well as fittings and a plug that protect the lantern from moisture ingress.

The flashlight assembled according to the scheme can be represented not only by the whole model, but also by the series connection of several AA or AAA batteries at once, which provides an optimal total voltage of 12 V.

Do-it-yourself running lights on LEDs: a diagram

One of the options for using solid-state light sources for decorative purposes is the assembly of so-called "running lights" on diodes, which includes a rectangular pulse generator, a counter, a decoder and display devices.

The assembly of all elements according to the proposed scheme is carried out on a breadboard solderless board, and the installed capacitors and resistors at face value may have some variation, but strictly within ± 20%.

with a thin sting, solder and rosin;

  • sharp clerical or construction knife;
  • silicone transparent sealant.
  • Step-by-step technology for self-assembly of a diode garland:

    • determine the optimal distance between the diodes;
    • unwind and straighten the wire;
    • put a mark on the wire with a marker for the location of the diodes;
    • in the areas of marks with a sharp knife, remove the insulation;
    • apply rosin and solder to areas without insulation;
    • fix the light diodes by soldering their legs;
    • insulate the mounting areas of the diodes and silicone sealant.

    At the final stage, the power supply for 8-12V and a standard resistor are connected.

    When assembling a luminous garland on your own, you must remember that only the serial connection of all the LEDs in the circuit according to the standard scheme allows you to get the traditional flickering effect.

    The scope of flashing LEDs is currently quite wide. If desired, and some knowledge in the field of electrics, on the basis of such light sources, it is quite possible to independently produce various signal circuits, original children's toys, portable flashlights and even luminous New Year's garlands.

    Hello everyone, today we will look at a flasher on a single transistor. We can say that these are the first steps in radio electronics, because the first thing I decided to assemble was a flasher on a transistor. The circuit is very simple and consists of four parts: an n-p-n conductivity transistor (you don’t know - look in Google, read what kind of thing) in my case it was bc547, a 470 microfarad electrolytic capacitor, a 1.8 kilo-ohm resistor and a green LED .

    It is not so easy to assemble - you need to know where the LED and the capacitor have plus and minus. The polarity of the LED is checked by connecting it to a 5-10 volt power source through a 100 ohm resistor.

    The capacitor is simpler, since there is a white, yellow, blue line on the case - it has a minus on the other side, and a plus on the back.

    It is better to look at the pinout of the transistor used by you on the Internet, in my case this:

    We learned something about radio components, now consider the diagram. There is nothing complicated in it. We start soldering. We clean the soldering iron tip from dirt and oxide.

    Now let's look at the details that I dropped out of the boards. Use to find the resistance value.

    Then we solder the capacitor, carefully look at the pinout of the transistor and the polarity of the LED, capacitor. The resistor has no polarity - it can be soldered on either side.

    Our device is complete. We solder the wires and test, the operating voltage is 8-18 volts.

    In this lesson for beginners, it will be described in detail and in pictures how to make just such a flashing female avatar using the program photoshop:

    Making a flashing avatar is easy. To do this, we will need a program Adobe Photoshop CS3 (Adobe Photoshop CS2 And Adobe Photoshop CS4 fit too). In addition to the ability to edit individual frames of our animated avatar, Photoshop makes it possible to create the animation itself, i.e. This program alone will be enough for us.

    If you are not very comfortable doing animation in photoshop, you can use it to prepare frames for an avatar or banner, and make the animation itself in another program. The most popular program that allows you to make animated pictures - Ulead GIF Animator 5. I described in detail working with her in an article. The program is paid, but you can download it along with the tablet via torrents or using. Personally, I always make gif animation in Ulead GIF Animator 5, a photoshop I only use banners or avatars for training - it's a habit :).

    Step-by-step instructions on how to make a flashing avatar in Photoshop:

    1. We open photoshop. With the command File -> New... create a new photoshop file. Its dimensions 120x120 pixels (or 100x100, 90x90, depending on the size of the avatar you need), background:

    2. We make the first frame of our avatar. As a rule, avatars are made from fragments of large pictures downloaded on the Internet. If you do not know how to make an avatar of gentle size and quality from a large picture, I recommend reading my Photoshop tutorials for beginners,. In this article, we will not make an avatar from scratch and take a ready-made blank from the article:

    3. The first frame of the flashing avatar is ready. Let's start creating the second one. Let's use Ctrl+J to duplicate an existing layer:

    4. Let's make the second frame of the avatar a little darker by adjusting the levels of the duplicated layer. To do this, press the combination Ctrl+L and move the sliders in the window that opens as we like. Personally, it seemed to me that the best option was to move the middle gray slider in the upper window a little to the right, to the value 0.64 :

    5. Now both frames are ready. It remains to make one flashing avatar out of them, for which we will use the standard function photoshop. To open the animation window, select from the main menu of the program Window -> Animation. In the opened window Animation (Frames) will already be the first frame of the animation. And it will look the same as the whole picture looks like at the moment (in our case, the avatar blank looks the same as the top layer kadr_01 copy):

    6. Let's add a second frame of our blinking avatar to the window Animation (Frames), for which, at the very bottom of this window, click on the icon Duplicates selected frames (Duplicate selected frame). After the second frame appears, make the top layer invisible in the panel Layers(click on the eye next to the picture of the top layer, the eye will disappear and the layer will become invisible):

    7. Now we have an avatar from 2 different frames. But it will not blink, since the delay for each is zero seconds. In order to set the appropriate display time for each frame of the animation, you need to click on the inscription 0 sec. under each frame:

    I set the delay time to 2 milliseconds, you can choose any other value.