
How to call sins to confession an example. How to prepare for confession that talk to father


Confession is an important event in the life of every believer. Honest and sincere sacrament acts as a way to communicate a churched laity with the Lord through the confessor. Rules of repentance are not only with what words to start when you can pass the rite and what to do, but also in the obligation of humility and conscientious approach to the preparation and procedure of confession.


The man who decided to go to the confession should be baptized. Important condition - Holy and unquestioning to believe in God and take his revelation. You need to know the Bible and understand the faith, which can help a visit to the church library.

It should be remembered and kept in the head, and it is better to write on a piece of paper all the prefected sins from the seven-year-old age or from the moment when a person was accepted by Orthodoxy. Do not hide or recall other people's wrongdoing, blame other people in our own.

A person needs to give the floor to the Lord that with his help he eradicates his sinfulness and diallas low accomplishments.

After you need to prepare for confession. Before serving, you need to behave like an approximate Christian:

  • on the eve I dictate to pray and reread the Bible;
  • refuse entertainment, entertainment activities;
  • read the cleaned canon.

What can not be done before repentance

Before repeating the post is optional and performed only at the request of a person. In any case, it is not necessary to carry it out to young children, pregnant women and sick people.

Before the sacrament, a Christian refrains from physical and spiritual temptations. Installed a ban on watching entertainment programs, reading entertainment literature. It is prohibited to spend time at a computer, play sports or lazy. It is better not to attend noisy meetings and not to be in crowded companies, spend days before confession in humility and prayer.

How is the rite

What time does the confession begins, depends on the church chosen, usually it passes in the morning or in the evening. The procedure begins to Divine Liturgy, during and immediately after evening worship. Provided under the patronage of his own confessor, the believer is allowed to agree with him individually when he confesses a person.

Before the priest is arranged the line from the parishioners, the general general prayer is read. In her text there is a moment in which praying call their own name. After that, the expectation of your turn.

No need to use brochure issued in the temples with the listing of sins, as a sample on building their own confession. It is not necessary to rewrite the advice from there, what to repent, it is important to take it as an approximate and generalized plan.

It is necessary to repent honestly and sincerely, telling about the specific situation in which there was a sin. When reading the standard list, the procedure becomes formality and does not carry any value.

Confession ends with the confessor of the final prayer. At the end of the speech, the heads are inclined under the Epitrochil of the priest, and then kiss the Gospel and Cross. Finish the procedure is appropriate to the last blessing of the Batyushka.

How to confess

When holding the sacrament, it is important to adhere to recommendations:

  • Remember without a rustle and repent in every perfect evil. It is pointless to attend the sacrament, if a person is not ready to humbly get rid of sins. Even if the meanness is made for many years ago, it is worth confessing to the Lord.
  • Do not be afraid of condemnation from the priestSince the communion does not lead a dialogue with the servant of the Church, but with God. The clergyman is obliged to keep the secret of communion, so the said in the ministry will remain hidden from foreign ears. During the years of the church service, the priests released all conceivable sins and upset them, only insecurity and desire to hide evil accomplishments.
  • Keep under the control of feelings and expose sins with the words. "Playing blessed, for they are consumed" (Matt. 5, 4). But tears, which no clear awareness of their achievements are not blessed. Some feelings are not enough, most often the triggering crying from pity for themselves and resentment.

    This confession is useless, on which a person came to release emotions, because such actions are sent only to forgetting, but not for correction.

  • Do not hide the reluctance to recognize their evil for memory diseases. With the confession "I repent that I sinned thoughts, in a word and case" usually do not allow the procedure. You can get forgiveness if it was full and sincere. It is necessary for a passion desire to pass the procedure of repentance.
  • After the most grave sins not forget about the rest. After confirming your most angry accomplishments, a person is going on the very beginning of the real way to calm the soul. Mortal sins are rarely committed and often they often regret them, unlike small misconduct. Paying attention to the feelings of envy, pride or condemnation in his soul, the Christian is becoming cleaner, all as much as the Lord. Work on the eradication of small manifestations of fabrics is more complicated and longer than over the atonement of a big evil. Therefore, it is necessary to carefully prepare for each confession, especially to the one before which it is not possible to remember your sins.
  • Speak at the beginning of confession about what to say is harder than the rest. Living with the awareness of the act, for which every day a person Tries his soul to himself, it is difficult to recognize him out loud. In this case, it is important to remember that the Lord sees and knows about everything and is waiting for only repentance in the deed. This means that at the very beginning of the dialogue with God, it is important to reset yourself and state your terrible sin and sincerely ask for for forgiveness.
  • The more informative and concisely confession, the better. It is necessary to set out their sins briefly, but Emko. It is advisable to immediately move to the essence of the case. It is necessary that the priest immediately understood what he wanted to repent. It is not necessary to mention names, places and dates - it is too. It is best to prepare your story at home by writing it, and then cross out all the unnecessary and interfering understanding of the essence.
  • In no way resort to self-defining. Pity to myself makes the soul and does not help the sinner. Taking the perfect evil on one confession is not the worst thing that a Christian can do. Much worse, if such a situation is repeated. It is important to remember that attending the sacrament, a person is looking for liberation from sins. But he will not achieve this if he leaves them with him, every time finishing confession words about the insignificance of some misconduct or their need. It is better to set out the situation in your own words without justification.
  • Apply effort. Repentance is a grave work that requires the cost of strength, time. Confession involves the daily forecasting of its own creature on the way to the best person. The sacrament is not a slight way to calm the feelings. It is not a permanent opportunity to seek help in a particularly heavy hour to speak out about sore, with a clean soul to get into the light of another person. It is important to draw conclusions about your own life and actions.

List of sins

All sins performed by a person are conditionally divided into groups, depending on their content.

In relation to God

  • Doubt in his own faith, the existence of the Lord and the Truthfulness of the Holy Scriptures.
  • Prolonged unbinding of holy temples, confessions and communities.
  • Non-idle when reading prayers and canons, scattered and forgetfulness in their respect.
  • Failure to pay the god promises.
  • Blasphemy.
  • Suicidal intentions.
  • Mention in the swearing of unclean strength.
  • Eating and fluid in front of communion.
  • Failure failure.
  • Work during church holidays.

In relation to neighbor

  • Unwillingness to believe and help salvation of someone else's soul.
  • Disresponsibility and disrespect for parents and seniors.
  • Lack of affairs and motivations to help poor, weak, mournful, disadvantaged.
  • Suspiciousness to people, jealousy, egoism or imperitiousness.
  • Raising children out of compliance with the Orthodox Christian faith.
  • Murder, including abortion, or self-interest.
  • Cruelty or passionate love for animals.
  • Applying a curse.
  • Envy, slander or lies.
  • Shallowness or insult to someone else's dignity.
  • Condemnation of other people's actions or thoughts.
  • Seduction.

In relation to oneself

  • Ungratefulness and negligence to their own talents and abilities, expressing in idle time, laziness and empty dreams.
  • Bullen or complete ignoring your own routine obligations.
  • Care, strict savings, striving for the strictest savings in order to accumulate money or wasteful trust waste.
  • Theft or begging.
  • Blindness or adultery.
  • Blood, homosexuality, lobby and similar.
  • Onanism (so it is better to call the sin of the handobluded) and viewing the depraved images, records and other things.
  • All kind of flirting and coquetry for the purpose of seduction or seduction, indiscriminateness and disregard for meekness.
  • Drug addiction, drinking alcohol and smoking.
  • Cheering or intentional torturing themselves hunger.
  • Taking an animal blood.
  • The negligence of attitudes towards your health or excessive concern about them.

For women

  • Violation of church rules.
  • Disgusting attitude towards reading prayers.
  • Communion, smoking, drunkenness in order to drown out insult or anger.
  • Fear of old age or death.
  • Immodest behavior, breaking.
  • Advocacy to vorozh.

The sacrament of repentance and communion

In Russian Orthodox church The processes of confession and communion are inextricably linked. Although this approach is not canonic, nevertheless, it is practiced in all corners of the country. Before a Christian will be able to communion, he passes the procedure of confession. This is required to understand the father that the communion is applied to an adequate believer, which has passed the post before the sacrament, withstanding the test of will and conscience that did not peak the grave sins.

When a person released his evil accomplishments, the emptiness appears in his soul, which should be filled with God, this can be done on the communion.

How to confess the child

There are no special rules for the confession of children, with the exception of the achievement of the seven-year-old age. By the first time of their child on the sacrament, it is important to remember some of the nuances of their own behavior:

  • Do not tell the child about his basic sins or write a list that you need to say to the priest. It is important that he is preparing for repentance himself.
  • It is not allowed to interfere in church secret. That is, ask the siblings questions: "How do you confess", "What the Batyushka said" and the like.
  • It is impossible to ask the confessor about a special attitude to his child, ask about the successes or delicate moments of the church life of the son or daughter.
  • Leading children to confession before the onset of their conscious age need less often, since the likelihood of transforming the confession from the sacrament into a routine habit. It will take place to memorize the list of his small sins and reading them every Sunday father.

    Confession for a child should be comparable to the holiday so that it goes there with understanding the sacrality of what is happening. It is important to explain to him that repentance is not a report before an adult man, but voluntary recognition of evil in itself and sincerely desire to eradicate.

  • Do not refuse to disprove self-election Delician. In the situation at which he liked another father, it is important to affect it from this minister. Selection of a spiritual mentor - a subtle and intimate case, which should not be interfered.
  • Better adult and child to visit different parishes. This will allow you to give freedom to grow by independent and conscious, not tolerating the oppression of excessive parental care. When the family is not worth in one queue, disappearance disappears to overhear the confession of the child. The moment when the offspring becomes capable of voluntary and sincere confession, it becomes the beginning of the distance of parents from him.

Examples of confession


I, chrokery Maria, I repent of my sins. I was superstitious, because of what I visited the fortune-telling and believed in horoscopes. Has holding offense and anger on a loved one. Obserchurized the body, going out to get someone else's attention. Hopefully to seduce unfamiliar men, thought about the carnal and obscene.

I regret myself, I thought about it to stop living myself. Lenosal and idle time spent time for stupid entertainment activities. Did not stand the post. I prayed and attended the church less as laid. Reading the canons, thought about the worldly, and not about God. Allowed sexual connection before marriage. I thought about dirty things and dismissed rumors, gossip. I thought about unnecessaryness in the life of the church service, prayers and repentance. Forgive me, Lord, for all sins, in which I am guilty and accept the word about further correction and chastity.


Slave of God Alexander, confessing to God, Father, Son and the Holy Spirit, his evil accomplishments from youth to today, perfect consciously and unconsciously. I repent in sinful thoughts about someone else's wife, the decline of others to the use of durable substances and in conducting a celebrating lifestyle.

Five years ago, I diligently deviated from the service in the army and participated in beating any innocent people. The church foundations, the laws of holy posts and worships. I was cruel and rude, what I regret and ask the Lord to forgive me.


I, Vanya, sinned and came to ask for for forgiveness. Sometimes I brought my parents, did not fulfill these promises and annoyed. For a long time he played a computer and walked with friends instead of reading the gospel and prayers. I recently painted on my hand and snapped when the godfather asked to wash off what I did.

Once late for the ministry on Sunday, and after a month did not go to the temple. One day I tried to smoke, because why quarreled with my parents. I did not give the desired meaning to the tips of the father and senior, specially made them in the wrong words. He offended me close to me and rejoiced grief. Forgive me, God, for my sins, I will try to prevent this.

  • sacra. Dionysius candles
  • archim.
  • sacra. Dimitri Galkin
  • V. Ponomarev
  • archimandrite Lazar
  • prot.
  • archpriest M. Shpolyansky
  • Ekaterina Orlova
  • hieromona Evstafius (Khalimankov)
  • hieromona Agapius (Golub)

Preparation for confession - Testing conscience before.

Unlike the magical rite of purification, allowing the blind fulfillment of the instructions of the "sacred" sorcerer or magician, the sacrament of repentance implies the presence of faith, awareness of personal guilt before God and the near, sincere and conscious desire to free themselves from the power of sin.
It is impossible to approach the sacrament of repentance mechanically. Forgiveness and resolution of sins are not a legal act of an inference to an innocent. Everyone who has confessed at least once in his life, could pay attention to what prayer is read over him: "Prison and connect the Holy Church." Through the sacrament of repentance, a person is reconciled with, restores itself as a member.

Repentance in sin consists of 3 stages: repent of sin as soon as he committed; Remember him on the outcome of the day and again ask God for him for forgiveness; Confess him in the sacrament of repentance (confession) and get permission from this sin.

From the sacrament of repentance should be distinguished:
- a trustful spiritual conversation with a priest;
- The repentant conversation in front of (is not mandatory).

Where and when can I confess?

Confessions can be confessed anywhere on any day of the year, but the confession is generally accepted in a time-defined time or by agreement CO. The staffing should be baptized.

For the first confession or confession after a long break, it is better not to come on Sunday or the days of the great church holidays, when the temples are full of praying and great to confession. It is also desirable to come to the sacrament in advance.

The first confession should not be connected to the first communion to fully experience the impressions of this great event in our lives. However, this is only advice.

How to prepare for confession?

In preparation for confession, in contrast to the preparation for the mysteriousness of communion, the church charter does not require a special nor special prayer rule.

Before you go to confession appropriate:
- Focus on repeated prayers.
- carefully examine the thoughts, thoughts, affairs; Mark, if possible, all his sinful features (as an auxiliary manual, bring those accusations that proceeded by relatives, close, other people).
- as far as possible to ask forgiveness from those who insulted as a sin, offended by the inattention, indifference.
- to think about the confession plan, and if necessary, prepare questions to the priest.
- With severe sins or rare confession, an additional post can be recommended.

- Sins confess from the moment of the last confession, if never confessed, then from the moment of baptism.
- All sins are forgiven with the exception of deliberately hidden. If you forgot to call some minor sin, do not worry. The sacrament is called the sacrament Repentance, but not " The mystery of the transfer of all the rates of sins ".
- To confess, first of all, for what is ashamed! Tactically confession should always be very subject and concrete. It is impossible to repent that you are "Gord" - it is meaningless. Because after such an repentance in our life, nothing changes. We can repent of what arrogantly looked or said some words of condemnation to a particular person. Because, repenting in this, next time we will think, and whether it is worth doing so. It is impossible to repent "generally", abstract. Substatement allows you to simultaneously make a plan to combat those or other passions. At the same time, fineness should be avoided, there is no need to list a large number of sins of one species.
- Do not use evil summary. For example, under the phrase unfairly done with the neighbor You can understand both involuntary chagrin and murder.
- It is not necessary to describe sex sins in detail, it is enough to call them. For example: sinned (,).
- When preparing for confession and self-excursion should be avoided.
- With the insensit of their sins, it is recommended to contact God with " Lord, give me Rishti my sins».

Is it possible to write sins to not forget them for confession?

What if you do not consider yourself a sinful person? Or if the sins are ordinary, like everyone else.

It should be compared first of all CO, then your own spiritual health will not look so rosy.
Clean conscience - a sign of a short memory ...

Is it worth confessing if you certainly sink some sins again?

Should I wash, if you know exactly what you have been blocked again? Repentance is a desire to be reborn, it does not begin by confession and does not ends with her, this is a matter of life. Repentance is not only the listing of sins before under the testimony of a priest, this is a state hateing sin and avoiding it.
Repentance should not be simply an emotional discharge, this is a systemic, meaningful work on himself, which is intended to approach its qualities to God, become in. Orthodoxy has an inexhaustible ascetic heritage compiled by the Holy Moteners, which must be studied for the right organization.
Our goal is not easy to cleanse from sins and passions, but acquire. Little, for example, stop stepping, you need to learn mercy.

Gross sins have already been overcome and every confession has to repeat almost the same sins. How to get out of this vicious circle?

Bishop Tikhon (Shevkunov): "For long-term churches, the" list "of sins, as a rule, from confession to confession about the same. There may be a feeling of some formal spiritual life. But at home we often sweep the floor, and, thank God, not every time you have to rake Augean stables. This is just not trouble. The trouble is that you begin to notice how life in some Christians is being done over the years and more boring. And it should be on the contrary: it should become more saturated and more and more joyful. "

The sacrament of confession is a test for the soul. It consists of the desire to repent, verbal confession, repentance in the simpler. When a person goes against the laws of God, he gradually destroys his spiritual and physical shell. Removal helps to be cleaned. It reconciles a person with God. The soul is healed and gets strength to combat sin.

Confession allows you to tell about your misconduct and get forgiveness. In excitement and fear, you can forget what I wanted to repent. The list of sins for confessing a reminder, tip. It can be read completely or use as a plan. The main thing is that confession be sincere and truthful.


Confession - home composite repentance. This is an opportunity to ask for forgiveness for your sins, to be cleaned of them. Confession gives spiritual forces to confront evil. Sin is a discrepancy in thoughts, words, actions with God's permissions.

Confession - sincere awareness of the wicked acts, the desire to get rid of them. No matter how difficult and unpleasantly remembering them, it is necessary to tell the priest about their sins in detail about their sins.

For this sacrament, the complete relationship of feelings and words is needed, because the everyday listing of their sins will not bring true purification. Feelings without words are also unsuccessful as words without feelings.

There is a list of sins for confession. This is a big list of all uncommon actions or words. It is based on 7 mortal sins and 10 commandments. Man's life is too diverse to be absolutely righteous. Therefore, confession is the opportunity to repent of sins and try to prevent them in the future.

How to prepare for confession?

For several days there must be prepared for confession. List of sown can be written on a piece of paper. Special literature on the sacraments of confession and communion should be revealed.

Do not look for excuses to sins, you need to realize their wickedness. It is best to analyze every day, disassembled what was good and what is bad. Such a daily habit will help attentively treat thoughts, actions.

Before confession, it should be made up with everyone who was offended. Forgive those who offended. Before confession, it is necessary to strengthen the prayer rule. Add to the monthly reading, the repentant canon, the canons of the Virgin.

It is necessary to separate a personal repentance (when a person mentally repents in his actions) and the sacrament of confession (when a person tells about his sins in a desire to cleanse them).

The presence of a third-party requires a moral effort to aware of the depths of the offense, will force it to overcoming the shame to look at the wrong actions. Therefore, a list of sins is needed for confession to Orthodoxy. It will help to identify what was forgotten or wanted to hide.

If it is difficult to make a list of sinful actions, you can purchase a full confession book. She is in every church shop. There is a detailed list of sins for confession, features of the sacrament. Published samples of confession and materials to prepare for it.


There is a severity in the soul, I want to spoke, ask for forgiveness? After confession it becomes much easier. It is open, sincere recognition and repentance in perfect misconduct. Up to 3 times a week, you can go to confession. The desire to cleanse the sins will help overcome the feeling of stiffness and awkwardness.

The less often confessing, the more difficult it is to mention all the events, thoughts. Optimal option For the sacrament - once a month. Help in confession - a list of sins -cakes the necessary words. The main thing is that the priest becomes clear the essence of the misdeed. Then the punishment for sin will be justified.

After the confession, the priest imposes in complex cases by the penis. This is punishment, excommunication from the holy sacraments and God's grace. Its duration determines the priest. In most cases, there is a moral-correctional work. For example, post, reading prayers, canons, akathists.

Sometimes a list of sins for confession reads the father. You can independently write a list of what was performed. It is better to come to confession after the evening service or in the morning, in front of the liturgy.

How is the sacrament

In some situations, you should invite a father to confession to the house. This is done if a person is seriously ill or is under death.

Entering the temple, you need to take a queue for confession. At the same time, the sacraments on the analogue lie cross and the gospel. It symbolizes the invisible presence of the Savior.

Before the beginning of the confession, the father can start asking questions. For example, as often pronounced prayers, whether church rules are complied.

Then the sacrament begins. It is best to prepare your list of sins to confession. The sample can always be purchased in the church. If the sins forgiven in the previous confession were repeated, then they should be mentioned again - this is considered a more gravity. Do not do anything from the father or talk to hints. You should clearly explain the sins in which they repent.

If the father ripped a list of sins for confession, it means that the sacrament is completed and a vacation is given. The priest imposes on the head of the chucking Epitrohil. This means the return of God's mercy. After that, the cross is kissing, the gospel, which symbolizes the willingness to live on commandments.

Preparing for confession: a list of sins

Confession is designed to understand their sin, desire to correct. A person far from the church is difficult to understand what actions should be considered wicked. In order to exist 10 commandments. They are clearly spelled out, which is impossible to do. The list of sins for confession to the commandments is better to prepare in advance. On the day of the mystery, you can promote and forget everything. Therefore, it should be calm a few days before confession to re-read the commandments and record your sins.

If confession is the first, then it is not easy to understand the seven mortal sins and ten commandments. Therefore, it is necessary to approach the father in advance, in a personal conversation to tell about your difficulties.

The list of sins for confession with the explanation of sins can be purchased in the church or found on the site of your temple. In decoding, all alleged sins are painted in detail. From this general list, it is necessary to identify what was performed personally. Then write your list of offense.

Sins committed against God

  • Unbelief in God, doubt, ungratefulness.
  • The absence of a native cross, unwillingness to protect faith in front of the loans.
  • Oaths with the name of God, uttering the name of the Lord VSE (not during prayer or conversations about God).
  • Visiting sects, vorozhb, treatment with all sorts of magicia, reading and distribution of falsehoods.
  • Gambling, thoughts about suicide, foul language.
  • Nonage of the temple, the absence of a daily prayer rule.
  • Failure to comply with posts, reluctance to read Orthodox literature.
  • Condemnation of clergy, thoughts of worldly during worship.
  • Empty time spending on entertainment, watching TV, inaction with a computer.
  • Despair in difficult situations, excessive hope for herself or anyone's help without faith in the fishery of God.
  • Holding sins for confession.

Sins committed against near people

  • Quiliency, anger, arrogance, pride, vanity.
  • Lies, non-interference, ridicule, misfortune, wastefulness.
  • Raising children outside faith.
  • Non-return of debts, non-payment for labor, refusal to help asking and needing.
  • Unwillingness to help parents, disrespect for them.
  • Theft, condemnation, envy.
  • Quarrels, drinking alcohol on commemoration.
  • Murder in a word (slander, bringing to suicide or illness).
  • Killing a child in the womb, the decline of others to the abortion.

Sins committed against themselves

  • Communion, pride, celebration, gossip.
  • The desire of the pricks.
  • Deploying a good deed.
  • Envy, lies, drunkenness, curmony, drug use.
  • Fornication, adultement, bloodstand, ruthful.

List of sins for female confession

This is a very delicate list, and many women refuse to confess, familiar with him. Do not trust any read information. Even if a brochure with a list of sins for a woman was acquired in the church shop, be sure to pay attention to the vulture. Must be the inscription "recommended by the Publishing Council of the Russian Orthodox Church."

The priests are not disclosed by the secret of confession. Therefore, the sacrament with a constant confessor is best. The church does not invade the sphere of intimate marital relations. The questions of contraception, which sometimes equates to the abortion, to optimally discuss with the priest. There are funds that do not possess an abortion action, but only prevent the birth of life. In any case, all controversial questions It should be discussed with a spouse, a doctor, a confessor.

Here is a list of sins for confession (brief):

  1. Rarely prayed, did not attend the church.
  2. More thought about worldly during prayer.
  3. Allowed sex life before marriage.
  4. Abortions, declining to others.
  5. There were unclean thoughts, desires.
  6. Watched movies, read the books of pornographic content.
  7. Gossip, lie, envy, laziness, resentment.
  8. Excessive body exposure to attract attention.
  9. Fear of old age, wrinkles, thoughts about suicide.
  10. Addiction to sweets, alcohol, drugs.
  11. Avoiding assistance to other people.
  12. Appeal for help to the fortune tellers, vigories.
  13. Superstition.

List of sins for men

There are disputes about whether a list of sins should be prepared for confession. Someone believes that such a list harms the sacrament and contributes to the formal consideration of the provinces. The main thing in confession is to realize your sins, repent and prevent them from repetition. Therefore, the list of sins can be a brief memo or absent at all.

The formal confession is not considered valid, since it has no repentance. Return after the sacrament to the old life will add hypocrisy. The equilibrium of spiritual life is to understand the essence of repentance, where confession is only the beginning of the awareness of their sinfulness. This is a long process consisting of several stages. internal work. The creation of spiritual resources is a systematic setting of conscience, responsibility for their relations with God.

We give a list of sins for confession (brief) for a man:

  1. Constriction, conversations in the temple.
  2. Doubt in faith, afterlife.
  3. Blastness, mockery over poor.
  4. Cruelty, laziness, pride, vanity, greed.
  5. Evasion from service in the army.
  6. Avoiding unwanted work, bulging from duties.
  7. Insults, hate, fights.
  8. Slander, disclosure of other people's weaknesses.
  9. Seduction for sin (fornication, drunkenness, drugs, gambling).
  10. Failure to help parents, other people.
  11. Theft, aimless collecting.
  12. The tendency to boasting, disputes, humiliation of the near.
  13. Arrogance, rudeness, contempt, familiarity, foolishness.

Confession for the child

For the child, the sacrament of confession can be started with seven years. Prior to this age, children are allowed without it. Parents must prepare a child to confession: explain the essence of the sacrament, tell, for which it is being held, remember with it possible prematures.

Chad must be made to understand that sincere repentance and there is preparation for confession. List of sinwheaves better write to himself. He must realize what actions were wrong, try not to repeat them in the future.

Older children themselves decide to confess or not. Do not limit the freedom of the will of the child, a teenager. Personal example of parents is much more important than all conversations.

The kid must remember his sins before confession. The list can be compiled after the child responds to questions:

  • How often reads prayer (in the morning, in the evening, before meal), what do you know by heart?
  • Does the church go to the church, how does it behave in the service?
  • Is there a native cross, is distracted or not during prayers and worship services?
  • Cheat sometime parents or father during confession?
  • Isn't it proud of his success, victories, was not accused of?
  • Holds or not with other children, does not offend any kids or animals?
  • Does other children beyond to fool yourself?
  • Does theft committed, could anyone envy?
  • Did you laugh at the physical disabilities of other people?
  • Didn't you play in the card (smoked, drinking alcohol, tried drugs, fought)?
  • Sleaning or helps parents around the house?
  • Did not pretend to be patients to avoid their duties?
  1. The person himself determines - to confess to him or not, how many times to visit the sacrament.
  2. It is necessary to prepare the reviews of sins to confession. It is possible to take an exemplary in the temple where the sacrament will occur, or to find it yourself in church literature.
  3. It is optimally going to confession to the same clergy, which will be a mentor, will contribute to spiritual growth.
  4. Confession is made free.

Previously, you need to ask for what days confession is held in the temple. Itches should be apparent. For men - shirt or t-shirt with sleeves, pants or jeans (not shorts). For women - scarf on the head, lack of cosmetics (at least lipstick), the skirt is not higher than the knees.

Sincerity is confessing

The priest as a psychologist can recognize how sincere people in his repentance. It happens confession, insulting the sacrament and gentlemen. If a person mechanically tells about sins, he has several confessors, pulls the truth - such actions do not lead to repentance.

Behavior, tone of speech, words that are pronounced confession - it all matters. Only so the priest understands how sincerely repentant. Flour conscience, embarrassment, experiences, shame contribute to spiritual cleansing.

Sometimes the personality of the father is important for parishioners. This is not a reason to condemn and comment on the actions of the clergy. You can go to another temple or contact another Holy Father for confession.

It happens that it is difficult to voice your sins. Sincere experiences are so strong that it is more convenient to make a list of unrighteous actions. The father is attentive to every parishioner. If because of the shame it is impossible to tell about everything and repentance deeply, then sins, before confession, a list of which is compiled, the priest has the right to let go, even without reading them.

The meaning of confession

The need to talk about their sins before a stranger confuses. Therefore, people refuse to go to confession, believing that God and so forgive them. This is a wrong approach. The clergyman acts only as a mediator between a person and God. His task is to determine the measure of repentance. The father is not entitled to condemn anyone, he will not fade out of the temple of the smoking. For confessions, people are very wounded, and the clergymen try not to cause extra suffering.

It is important to see his sin, to realize and condemn it in his soul, voice to the priest. Have a desire to repeat your misconduct, try to redeem the accomplishment of harm. Confession brings the revival of the soul, re-education and access to a new spiritual level.

Sins (List), Orthodoxy, confession implies knowledge of themselves and search for grace. All good things are doing strength. Only overcoming themselves, doing mercy, grieving virtues, you can get God's grace.

The value of confession consists in understanding the typology of sinners, the typology of sin. At the same time, an individual approach to each rising akin to pastoral psychoanalysis. The sacrament of confession is pain from the awareness of sin, recognizing it, the determination to voice and ask for forgiveness for him, cleansing the soul, joy and peace.

A person must feel the need for repentance. Love for God, love for yourself, love for neighbor cannot exist separately. The symbolism of the Christian Cross - horizontal (love for God) and the vertical (love for themselves and neighbor) - consists in awareness of the integrity of spiritual life, its essence.

Summary before confession (based on the materials of Orthodox publications)

Beloved about Christ's Brachi and Sisters! Pretending to start the great sacrament of the Holy Confession, looking at the mercy of God, ask themselves, whether we had mercy near, with everyone whether they were reconciled, do not have his hostility for anyone in his heart, remembering the cherished words of the Holy Gospel: "Especially released by man The sins of them will release and your Heavenly Father "(Matt. 6, 14). Here is a condition that we must understand and keep in the saving business of the saint repentance. However, in order to repent and get leaving sins, you need to see your sin. And this is not so simple. Prevents this pride, self-assessment. The bad act in which conscience refuses us, we tend to consider "chance", blame the circumstances or neighbors in it. Meanwhile, every sin is the case, word or thought there is a consequence of passion living in us - a kind of spiritual illness.

If it is difficult for us to realize your sin, it is even harder to see the passion ingracing in us. So, you can live, without suspecting the passion of pride, while someone does not hurt us. Then the passion will open through sin: the wish of evil the offender, a sharp offensive word and even revenge. Fighting passions - the main thing for every Christian.

Usually people, inexperienced in spiritual life, do not see many of their sins, do not feel their gravity, disgusting to them. They say: "I did not commit anything special," I have only small sins, like everyone else, "" did not stole, did not kill, "so many often begin to confess. But our holy fathers and teachers, who left us the repentant prayers, considered themselves the first of the sinners, with sincere conviction they appealed to Christ: "Niktegro sinned on the Earth from the century, the sinners of the sinned Az, the appearances and prodigal!" The brighter the light of Christ illuminates the heart, the more clearly all the flaws, ulcers and soul wounds are confined. Conversely: People immersed in the darkness of sinful, do not see anything in their heart, and if they see, they are not terrified, since they have nothing to compare with, for Christ is closed for them by watering sins. Therefore, to overcome our spiritual lazeny and the ingrowth of the Holy Church, preparatory days are laid for the sacrament of repentance, and then to communion. The period of fields can continue from three days before the week, if there is no special advice or the prescription of the confessor. At this time, the post should be observed, to keep yourself from sinful affairs, thoughts and feelings, in general, life is generally absolutely, repeated, dissolved by the affairs of love and Christian benefits. During the period of fields, it is necessary to visit church services as much as possible, more than usual praying at home, to devote time to reading the creations of the holy fathers, the lives of saints, self-sufficiency and self-adequacy.

Taking over in the moral state of his soul, it is necessary to try to distinguish between the basic sins of their derivatives, the roots are from the leaves and fruits. You should also beware of the petty suspicion of all the movement of the heart, lose the feeling of an important and unimportant, get confused in the trifles. Repentant should bring to confession not only a list of sins, but what is most important - the repentant feeling; Not a detailed story about your life, but a crushed heart.

Know your sins - it does not mean to repent of them. But what to do, if the hearts of the sinful flame is not irrigated by the waters of tears? What if the disigma of the spiritual and "flesh is nozzles" is so great that we are not capable of sincere repentance? But this cannot be the reason to postpone the confession in anticipation of the repentant feeling. Agone accepts confession - sincere and conscientious - even if it is not accompanied by a strong sense of repentance. Just need and this sin - a fossile inevitution - confess courageously and frankly, without hypocrisy. God can touch the heart and during the confession itself - to soften it, thin spiritual vision, awaken the repentant feeling.

The condition that we must necessarily observe our repentance to be taken by the Lord effectively - the forgiveness of the sorry of our neighbors and reconciliation with everyone. Repentance cannot be perfect without verbal confession of sins. Sins can be allowed only in the church sacrament of repentance committed by the priest.

Confession is a feat, self-sufficiency. During confession, you do not need to wait for questions from the priest, but to make an effort yourself. It is necessary to call sins exactly, not exactly the unsightliness of sin with general expressions. It is very difficult, confessing, avoid the temptation of the self-excursion, to abandon the attempts to explain the "softening circumstances" by the conference, from references to third parties, allegedly introduced into sin. All these are signs of pride, the lack of deep repentance, which is continuing to the sin.

Confession is not a conversation about his shortcomings, doubts, this is not a simple awareness of the confessor about himself, although the spiritual conversation is also very important and should take place in the life of a Christian, but confession is another, this is the sacrament, and not just a pious custom. Confession is a hot repentance of the heart, thirst for cleansing, this is the second baptism. In repentance, we die for sin and resurrected for righteousness, holiness.

Bringing repentance, we must be established internally in determination not to return to the sin professed. The sign of the perfect repentance is hatred and disgust to sin, the feeling of lightness, purity, inexplicable joy, when sin seems as difficult and impossible as just far away was this joy.

Human life is so diverse, so mysterious the depth of our soul, which is difficult to even list all the sins and sins that we do. Therefore, starting to the sacrament of the Holy Confession, it is useful to remind yourself of basic violations of the moral law of the Holy Gospel. We will carefully check your conscience and repent of your sins before the Lord God. The sacrament of the saint repentance has a major goal - awaken our spiritual consciousness, to open up the eyes of themselves, to come to his senses, deeply understand, in which destructive state is our soul, as you need to look for salvation from God, ask for a tearful and crushing the forgiveness of our countless sins in front of him. The Lord Jesus Christ is waiting for from us the imported consciousness of our deviations from His Holy Will and the humble appeal to him, as unworthy of his slaves, a lot of pregnant and those who have insulted his divine love for us.

We need to remember and deeply believe in the infinite mercy of God, stretching your arms to every handicraft sinner. There is no sin whom God for his unfriendly mercy would have forgiven a person who was a comprehensive repentance in his sins, firmly determined to correct his life and not to return to the former sins. Getting Started by confession, we will pray to God so that he will disgrace the doors of repentance with its almighty assistance to us, reconciled and connected with him, gave the Spirit of Svyataro for a new and updated life. Amen!

Approximate confession sample.

Confessing, a multi-sized (aya) slave (a) of God (Iya) (name ...), Lord God to the Almighty, in Holy Trinity Slavimoma and the collaborated father and son and the Holy Spirit, and you, honest, all my sins of free and involuntary, who have been deemed by a word, or a matter, or a thinking.

I sinned (a) disabrection of vows, my data for baptism, but I lied in everything and abandoned, and it was uncomfortable before God.

I sinned a little, unbelief, doubt, fluctuate in faith, slowdown in thoughts, from the enemy of all, against God and the Holy Church, blasphemy and ridicule over the shrine, doubt in the life of God, superstition, appeal to "grandmas", healers, extensions, fortunate, I need to write to the cards, arrogance, disappointment, despair in my salvation, hope for yourself and for people more than God, oblivion about God's justice and the absence of sufficient devotion to God, I did not thank God for everything.

I siggled a member of the fishery of God, a stubborn desire, so that everything was in my opinion, manotele, predensual love for things. I did not try to know the will of God, did not have a reverence of God, fear before him, hopes for him, jealousy about his glory, for he is glorified by a pure heart and good deeds.

He sinned ingratitude to the Lord to God for all his great and unceasing blessings, forgetting about them, a ropot on God, a little disgrace, despondency, the fierce of his heart, the lack of love and the failure of His Holy Will to him.

I sinned the enslavement of myself with passions: Sweistance, corestand, pride, tannies, vanity, vanity, ambition, love, vigorous, delicacy, mystery, cheering, drunkenness, smoking, addiction, addiction to games, spectacles and entertainment.

I sinned the bore, the failure of the vows, the coercion of others to the female and oath, ungiven towards the shrine, hilar on God, on the saints, for any shrine, blasphemy, calling the name of God's Vure, in bad affairs, desires, thoughts.

I sinned the urgency of the festivals of church, did not go to the temple of God on ladensts and unlawful, in the temple of God stood unclearly; I sinned conversations and laughter, inattention to reading and singing, scattered mind, wandering of thoughts, fussy memories, walking on the temple during worship without need; He left the temple until the end of the service.

I was sinned with a latitude of the morning and to evening prayers, leaving the reading of the Holy Gospel, Psaltiri and other divine books, patristic teachings.

Sinned the oblivion of sins for confession, self-defining in them and the diminishing of their gravity, concealing sins, repentance without a heart rate; did not fit the efforts of proper preparation for the communion of the holy secrets of Christ, did not reconcile with his neighbors came to confession and in such a sinful state daring to start communion.

Sinned a violation of posts and not lean days - Wednesdays and Fridays that are equated by the Days of the Great Post, like the days of the memories of the sufferings of Christ. I sinned the impresentation in food and beyon, a negligent and ungiring assignment with a procession.

He sinned his disobedience and senior, self-masses, self-absorption, lazing to work and the unscrupulous execution of entrusted cases. I sinned the urgency of my parents, leaving the prayer for them, not by raising children in faith Orthodox, not honing the elderly by age, keenness, and stubbornness, and stubbornness.

I sinned the lack of Christian love for neighboring, impatience, disapplication, irritability, anger, causing harm to neighbor, fights and quarrels, disadvantage, enthusiasm, rewarding evil for evil, dismissal of offensive, shaggy, jealousy, envy, zelenty, vigorion, condemnation, slandering, theft , preparation and sale of moonshine, "wrapping" of the electric meter, assigning state property.

Sinned a lot to the poor, did not have compassion for sick and cripples; I was sinned by misfortune, greed, wastefulness, borestip, infidelity, injustice, cruelly, thoughts and attempts to suicide.

I was sinned with a deception in relation to the near, deception, insincerity in circulation, suspicion, bobbies, gossip, ridicule, sharpness, lies, hypocritical circulation with other and flattening, good-fashioned.

I was sinned by the oblivion of the future of eternal life, a non-disabilities about his death and a terrible court and an unreasonable, predensive attachment to earthly life and her pleasures, cases.

Sinned the identification of his tongue, tribal, fellowship, foul language, ridiculousness, told jokes; They sinned the disclosure of sins and weaknesses of near, seductive behavior, liberty, keenness, non-harmony television, enthusiastic with gambling and computer games.

I sinned the impresentation of my mental and bodily feelings, addiction, sweet ashors, immodest views on the other sexes, free with them, forbid and adultery, the impresentation in the marital life, various carnal sins, the desire to like and also make others.

I sinned the lack of straightforward, sincerity, simplicity, loyalty, truthfulness, respect, degree, caution in words, prudent silence, did not protect and did not defend the honor of others. They sinned the absence of love, abstinence, chastity, modesty in words and actions, cleanliness of the heart, nonstusting, mercy and humbleness.

They were sinned by despondency, longing, sadness, vision, hearing, taste, smell, touch, lust, impure and all our feelings, thoughts, words, desires, deeds. I repent and in other my sins that I forgot and did not remember.

I repent that the name of the Lord God of God is all his sins, I sincerely regret it and I wish you all possible to refrain from my sins and correct. My God God, with tears I pray you, our save, help me to establish yourself in the holy intention to live in Christian, and sinted by me forgive me, IKO good and humans. Amen.

You need to call only your pretty sin from here listed. The sins not listed here must be said to the confessor especially. For convenience, sins can be written on a sheet of paper and read before the priest. Sins, confessional and permitted earlier, should not be called confession, for they are already forgiven, but if we repeat them again, you need to repent of them again. You need to repel in those sins that were forgotten, but remembered now. Speaking about sins, it should not be called unnecessary details and the names of other persons - the accomplices of sin. They must reassure themselves. Skills to sin are eradicated with prayer, post, abstinence, good deeds. Confession takes place in the temple after evening service or by agreement with the priest in love. How often do you need to resort to this saving sacrament? As often as possible, at least in each of the four posts.

How to prepare for confession? What to talk about confession?

Confession cleans our heart and soul. But not everyone knows how to properly approach confession. Take it on this and talk further.

What words to start confession, how is the confession?

Confession is a bath that is washes the soul from sinful mud. It is not enough to simply recognize your sin. It is necessary to go to the church and to confession before God repent.

If some do not understand why it is necessary to go to the temple, then one more example should be given. The church is like a soul hospital. But if we are sick of the body, then visit the hospital? So with the soul, it is necessary to heal it in the church.

During the confession, you come to the temple and listen to the words of the Holy Father "Se Choo, Christ is invisible, to accept your confession ...". So the confession itself begins.
Next, you bow my head over the analog, the Holy Father covers you with the Epitrohley, and you can already say that you have in my soul. At this time, the index and middle finger must be put on the gospel or cross.

After your words, the father can ask you some questions and will also clarify whether you are in this sin. After you repent, the abbot of the temple reads a permitting prayer. Next you need to kiss the cross and the gospel.

There are no formalities and duties in preparing for confession. You should not say any specific words. In order to confess not need to select a certain day or church holiday.

All you need is a call of the soul and the desire to be cleaned. Cooking for confession is the moment when you analyzed your life and actions and realized that you do something wrong.

After confession, you can take a blessing from the priest. To do this, put the right hand on top of the left and say: "Father, bless."

The priest inflicts a glooring sign and puts his hand to your palms. It is necessary to kiss the hand of the father. If after confession you are planning to take part, then also ask for this blessing.

How to prepare for confession for the first time?

Confession is perceived as reconciliation with the Lord. As a witness, there is a priest to which you open your sins. And he, in turn, prays about the forgiveness of your sins.

Before confession, remember several important rules:

  • Realize your sins And you sincerely shown. If you decide to come to confession, then you understand that in your life you do something wrong. Therefore, all the moments that you are not satisfied, and which you regret are. We sincerely ask God for forgiveness for all sins and ask to clean the soul and mind from the bad.
  • Do not write huge lists. In this case, you just read the list without opening the soul. You can sketch briefly what you want to confess to not forget. But it is not worth writing the entire confession on paper.
  • Apparently only in your sins. Do not say that you did something sinner in response to a sinful business of a neighbor, a relative or colleague. These are their sins for which you should not talk. Clean your soul and thoughts first.
  • Do not invent some beautiful words and revolutions for their speech. God accepts and loves us anyhow. And certainly knows about your sins. Do not hesitate to the priest. Over the years of service, he listened to a lot, so it's certainly not to be surprised by your words.
  • If you did not go to the temple for many years, then it followed to be confessed in this sin and talk about serious sinful affairs and thoughts. On wearing short clothes or viewing the TV in the post can be said at the end. Since in the presence of more serious sins about TV and clothing, it is not so important to mention.
  • Try to change your life before confession. Do not think that confession is an event, after which you can continue to make sinful actions. Change your life for the better. Let gradually and slowly, but confident.
  • Farewell and farewell. If you ask the Lord forgiveness, then be prepared and for yourself to forgive people who are offended.

  • Learn about the time confession in the temple. If you came for the first time, it is better not to choose the days of big holidays. At such days, there are usually very many people who want to confess. It is better to choose a day in a quieter to be able to have a complete leisurely confession.
  • Before confession, it is advisable to read prayer repentance. They can be found in prayer.
  • Confessions desirable not less than once a month. Then you will feel in the tone of physical and mental.

What prayers to read before confession and communion?

Before confession and communion, not only to observe the post, but also to prepare a prayer. Prayer before confession is the prayer of Simeon theologian. Also in the prayer with prayers of repentance, which are also recommended for reading.

Before communion:

  • Observe post 3 days before the Holy Communion. Do not eat meat and dairy products.
  • Before the day of the communion, visit the temple during the evening worship.
  • Read the rules in front of the Holy Communion.
  • From midnight to the communion, do not eat food and do not drink water.
  • Come to the beginning of the liturgy, and not by the time of confession. It is important to be in the temple during all worship.

Communion is necessary for both children and adults

To start the Holy Communion In the evening you need to read the canons:

  • Cover to Jesus Christ
  • Prayer to the Most Holy Virgin
  • Angel keeper

Also find in the prayer of the trails and songs to the Holy Communion and read them.

Do you need to fast before confession, can I eat before confession?

Not required before confession. Since you can confess at any time when it takes that soul, without thinking that you were ate before.

But before the communion you need a three-day post. These days you can use:

  • Vegetables and fruits
  • Flour products
  • Sweets (but do not overeat)
  • Dried fruits and nuts

Confession - Sins: Listing for women and men

Sins exist since Adam and Eve. They are so diverse that maybe some do not even know what they sin. We offer you a list of sins, in which men and women may appear:

  • Violated (a) rules of behavior in the temple.
  • Complained (a) on his life and surrounding.
  • I did not diligently performed prayers.
  • It was not refrained from the carnal joy during pregnancy, as well as on Wednesdays, Fridays and Sundays. She was with her husband in the days of the post.
  • Did not dare in sin at once.
  • I remembered (a) the deceased with alcohol.
  • Condemned (a), doubted (as) in the near.
  • Had sinful dreams.
  • Sin (on) gluttony.
  • Praised people, not the Lord.
  • Slesh (surveading) to go to the temple on Sundays.
  • Deceived (a), hypocrisy (a), failed (a).
  • Believed (a) signs and was (a) superstituted (for).
  • Called (a) sins when confessing.
  • Were (a) with clothes that was not modest, watched (a) on someone else's nakedness.

  • I was ashamed (as) to be baptized, removed the cross at meetings with people.
  • I didn't pray (as) before eating food, I went to bed (А) to sleep without prayer.
  • Condemned the priests.
  • I advised (a) or did an abortion.
  • I spent money for entertainment, events.
  • Ported water during swimming in the river, in which they take water for drinking.
  • Visited the fortuneral.
  • Sold (a) and made alcoholic beverages.
  • Being unclean went to the temple.
  • He told sinful stories from the life of close friends or relatives.
  • Sinned (a) by Blud and the robust.
  • He took (a) contraceptives, contraceptive means.
  • Attended (a) wicked places.
  • I had (a) proximity to a person of one sex.
  • He was engaged in charge in the morning, and not read prayer.
  • On Sundays, I went (a) not to the temple, but in the forest or on the river.
  • Jealous to his wife (her husband). Tried (as) the lime of the opponent (CSU) with the help of Sadharok.
  • Dreamed (a) about travel.
  • Priced (a) lottery tickets, hoping to get rich.
  • During breastfeeding, there was a connection with her husband.
  • Instead of prayer, read magazines, watched a TV.
  • Prayed with a uncoated head (men in the headdress).
  • Allowed a sinful connection without being married.
  • He had (a) Sodomsky sin (contact with animals, with a relative of the blood).

This is just a brief list of sins. On the pages of spiritual books, they listed 472 pcs. Some of them are repeated, or indicated with additional refinements.

Teenage and children's sins for confession: List

The child is confessing from seven years. Up to this time, the communion without confession is allowed. For children and adolescents during the confession, the instructions of such sins are assumed (naturally, if any):

  • Forgot (a) about reading the prayer in the morning and in the evening, as well as before and after meals.
  • Not prepared (as) to confession.
  • Rarely visited the temple.
  • I did not know (a) the main prayers: our father, the symbol of faith, the Virgin Devo, rejoice.
  • Not listened (as) parents and teachers.
  • Increased a voice to the elders.
  • Fought (as), called (a) children.
  • Did not teach (a) lessons.
  • Played (a) in gambling.
  • It was not confessing (as) after reaching 7 years.
  • Entertained (à la carte) on benchmarks.
  • Apply (a) on the body of the tattoo.
  • Did not teach (a) the younger relatives to the Word of God.
  • Not respectfully related to a godmother or crossfather.
  • Brew (a) or took (a) without demand.
  • We do not dwell, trying to draw icons.
  • Lived (a) not for divine laws.
  • Smoked (a).

How to say about handobrace for confession?

All people are sinful, everyone has his own. Harmobrace is also a sin. And it needs to repent. But very often there is such a situation that people who have talked about such sin to confession, continued to do it.

It should be understood for yourself that the sin of the Harobluda should be merged. After the first confession about this sin, try to no longer succumb to the temptation. If the power of the will is not yet strong enough, it means it is necessary to go to the temple after each handobood.

Ask God to give you strength to get rid of sin. Speake and talk to the priest. Do not confuse, the servant of the temple will listen and support you, will give advice.

Confession is a means of cleansing the soul and push to the new one, right life. If you feel soul severity or you do not leave the sorrows, visit the temple. There you will find help and support your soul. And along with this you will find calm and the vigor of the spirit.

Video: How does the confession begins?