
You go further. You go quiet, you will be on - meaning


As you understand, I have a addiction to disassemble famous sayings and aphorisms. Today, the turn has come to "you go quiet, you will continue."

I'll tell you in advance, I arrange this correction of sayings not to show how the stupid was our ancestors, or how the understanding of success and leadership changed. I do this because sayings and aphorisms play a very important role in our lives, they form our "virtual experience" and directly affect our process of thinking at the time of decision-making.

The saying is a hidden rule that we are guided by, if there are no other knowledge for making decisions. Be careful to what you are talking to yourself, because you are pronounced yourself instructions for making decisions, and your decisions determine the course of your life.

Yesterday ran in Sokolniki. My goal was running about 6 km and finish running on the platform with a horizontal bar and lake bars. At 33 degree heat, the pace had to choose correctly. "You are going to go further" - it came to mind. And so I didn't like this phrase, she caused such discomfort. "Not right, the phrase sounds wrong!" - I thought.

I wanted to shift the focus with a slow rack of running, i.e. Hold, to achieve a distant site, i.e. High target achievement. I wanted to motivate myself. Low tempo I was associated with passivity and manifestation of cowardice. High target would stimulate me.

I chose a high goal. Ran.

When I ran, I looked at the trees and paths, and my high goal gave me a feeling and raised the mood. "Going further, you will be" - I said to myself.

After half an hour, I easily rested to this site. I didn't just hope easily, but also showed the best than usual time. It happened because I was correctly motivated. I had a high goal that mobilized me. There was a cause of my perseverance and focus.

When I committed, my subconsciously told me: "You have achieved your goal and earned another reason to respect yourself and be confident."
If I thought "you go quiet, you will be" everything would be somewhat different. There would be no motivation. My efforts would be sluggish and deprived of azart. I would not like the whole process of running because of his Starikovskaya passivity, and who would I feel when I would run to the site? A squirrel, which avoids the difficulty - "I got to the site, normal." There is nothing to celebrate, the emphasis was not on purpose, but on a sluggish process. Agree - very small contribution to my bank confidence and completely unnecessary precedent for the development of the habit of being passive.

Absolutely on the form of a harmless phrase "you go quiet, you will continue to" thwart not one talent. She killed motivation and deprived people of Azart Life. It sounds like logical, but the emphasis in it is not on that. She subconsciously says: "Being a coward is normal, being passive is normal, because you are going to go further."
This harmless phrase combined with a realistic forecast sounds: "You go quiet, you will be quieter." The efforts are made by the "quiet", the motivation becomes "sluggish" and the results are "modest".

Imagine a football coach who says: "Do not hurry, take care of the strength, play quietly." How will his team play? Label and almost certainly will lose.
Another farewell to players: "I want to see today your best football. I want you to be the winner in each of the 90 minutes of your game "and players not only distribute their forces themselves, but also, more importantly, they will find more forces for distribution.

All successful world leaders achieved success. Not because they went to their goals quieter others, but because methyls above were more motivated than others, and tried stronger than the others.
Put very high goals and go to them powerfully, step by step. Further go, you will go further!


cF. Slow But Sure; Make Haste Slowly; More Haste, Less Speed; Slow and Steady Wins The Race; Haste Makes Waste; The More Haste, The Less Speed; Take Heed Will Surely Speed; THE FURTHEST WAY ABOUT IS THE NEAREST WAY HOME

The secretary chose an approximately suitable stamp and branded paper. Most of all, she was placed on a cautious replica: "You go quiet - you will go further," remears that it was the favorite resolution of the chief. (I. Ilf, E. Petrov, Golden Challenge) - The Secretary Picked Out ApproxiMately Suitable Stamps and Decorated The Papers With Them. MOST FREQUENLY SHE Used The Very Cautious Rubber: "Haste Makes Waste", Remembering That This Was Her Chiefs Favorite Resolution.

Bolshams are in their own way, and we are in their own way. Blisphek on luna as a trump tower puts ... - Blisphek on the trumps, and you on the gears, on a small map? You go, you will go further, so what? - Voice from the side responded. (L. Obukhova, Glob Town) - "The Bolshany Folk Have Their Way of Doing Things and We Have Ours. Blishchuk Uses His Flax As His Trump Card ..." "While you like to play on the low cards, Is That It? Slow But Sure, EH?" Another Voice interjected.

2) Set Phrase: FAIR AND SOFTLY GOES FAR (The Less We Hurry, The More Likely We Are To Succeed in Achieving Our Aim, Take Your Time) , Haste Makes Waste, Hasty Climbers Have Sudden Falls, Make Haste Slowly, Make Haste Slowly (literally: hurry slowly) , More Haste, Less Speed, More Haste, Worse Speed, Slow and Steady Wins The Race (literally: slowly and right, and victory for you) , Slow and Sure (Or Steady) Wins The Race, Slow But Sure, Slow But Sure (Or Steady) Wins The Race, Slowly But Surely, Step by Step One Goes Far, The Furthest Way About (Or Round) Is The Shortest ( Or Nearest) Way Home, The Longest Way About (Or Round) Is The Shortest (Or Nearest) Way Home, The More () Haste, The Less () Speed

The More Care and Thought You Give To What You are Doing, The Better The Result Will Be. See slowly, yes right (M), hurry - people rush (n), hurry, do not hurry (c), quiet WHO will rather be on the mountain (t)

CF: Not Who Treads Softly Goes Far (AM.). Slow and Steady Wins The Race (am., Br.). Slow But Certain Wins The Race (AM.). Slow But Sure Wins The Race (Br.). A Slow Fire Makes Sweet Malt (Br.). Soft Fire Makes Sweet Malt (am.). Soft Pace Goes Far (Br.). Steady Does IT (Br.) Step by Step One Goes A Long Way (am.). Step by Step One Goes Far (Br.)

14 We go

15 Quieter

See also in other dictionaries:

    The quieter you go, the further you'll get. - The quieter you go, the further you'll get. Sleep to go soon to get there. See the way the road is quieter you go further. Potya to business closer. See humility pride ...

    the quieter you go, the further you'll get - Nasrech, Number of synonyms: 1 The less hasty in the case, the better (1) the synonyms of the ASIS. V.N. Trishin. 2013 ... Synonym dictionary

    the quieter you go, the further you'll get - (jesting gain: from the place where you go) go, you will raise the famously. Cf. You go quiet, you will then be, your motto is prudent. By choosing a smooth track, we will ever end the target. P.I. Waynberg. Comfort. Cf. We… … Mikhelson's Big Thick-Frazological Dictionary

    The quieter you go, the further you'll get "You will be quieter, then you will be (joking gain: from that mѣsta, where you want). Ѣ Jead Potikh, will help you like famously. Cf. "You will go quiet, you will continue", your motto is prudent. Selecting a smooth track, we, someday, before the century we will end the slightly. P. I. ... ... ... Large intelligent-phraseological dictionary of Michelson (original spelling)

    You go quiet - you will be on the place to which you go - (from the last. Cherry you go further will be the less hasty in what l., the better) 1) the original meaning; 2) an objection to the call to go slower ...

    You go quiet - wider (thicker) muzzle - (from the last minute you go further will be the less hasty in what l., the better; rude) source sign ... Living speech. Dictionary of spoken expressions

    You rush quieter - Wider muzzle last. Late: Cherry you go further ... Explanatory dictionary of modern conversational phrases and progress

    further - I. compared. Art. to the distant (1 2, 4 zn) and far (1 zn). * You go fish further (last). II. Narch. 1. Then, in the future. How to live d. What do you do? What is D. Will? 2. Continuing the started. Tell me to read a letter d. Why don't you ... ... ... encyclopedic Dictionary

    Chibeid to go - do not go soon. - The quieter you go, the further you'll get. Sleep to go soon to get there. See way road ... IN AND. Dal. Proverbs of the Russian nation

    Potache - to business closer. - The quieter you go, the further you'll get. Potted to business closer. See humility pride ... IN AND. Dal. Proverbs of the Russian nation

    QUIET - Quiet, · counterpart. loud, sonorous, yoke, ringing, noisy; Deaf, weak. Quiet voice. Quiet murmur of the stream, quiet ptashka singing. Silent rust. | · Anti-counter. speedy, gusty, fast, prompt; Slow, baggy. Quiet ride. Silent ... ... Explanatory dictionary of Daly


  • You go quiet - you will be further, or the grandfather of Surikat Milli, Graham Okkley, in the hot Africa there is a colony of meerkats. Everyone is busy here: someone cares about kids, someone gets food, someone is guarding, warning about the approach of snakes. Once a meerkat ... Category:

Hurry - people rush

For example, in English:

Make Haste Slowly.

Or in German:

Eilen Macht Oft Heulen.

The meaning of this paradoxical proverb is not to rush, you must have patience. It is necessary to be prudent and thorough, and then you will do more and better than when you hurry.

This proverb dates back to the time when the main transport in Russia was a cart with a horse.

If you raise your horse rash, so that it gets up to a certain place, it can very much that the horse will just get out of his strength and stand up, and maybe even die, and you will not get anywhere.

And if you go slowly, the horse will not get tired and rather and more reliably take you to the right place.

Now almost the horse is not used as a type of transport, but we often remember this proverb, when we want to say: do not rush, you must think well - you go quiet, you will go further!

In Russian, there are some more proverbs on this or similar topic:

Hurry - people rush

Neshka is needed only when fishing

Sparrows hurry, but small

There are similar proverbs in other European languages.

For example, in English:

Slow and Steady Wins The Race.

Make Haste Slowly.

The More Haste, The Less Speed.

Or in German.