
Insect limbs departments. How many legs have insects? Answer so interesting question

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Hardworking ants are found everywhere and often they live in our homes. When they set in a residential room, it becomes a real problem. Their appearance in the apartment, for most of us is a mystery. They always move quickly, staying in constant affairs and troubles. What is the building in the insect, how many paw in ants, and what role do they perform?

The ants belong to the family of insects, the detachment of the refigulates of the anthrax. This detachment includes their close relatives - bees and wasps. In terms of its structure, they are all very similar, including on the presence of wings. The exception is only individual types of ants. In total, our planet has 12,000 species of these insects.

The body of an adult individual is divided into three main departments:

  • volumetric abdomen;
  • large head;
  • small breasts.

Insects are divided into 3 castes - females, males and individuals. Female males have differences in the structure and they have wings. The working individuals have no wings. The first ants that still existed in the era of dinosaurs had a primitive structure. Very often you have to hear the question how many legs have an ant and what is the speed of the answer is very simple, only 6 paws or three pairs of legs. They can easily calculate in adults, in the mature age of the limb are well visible and distinguishable.

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The differences in appearance differ depending on the species, since there are differences in the size and weight of the body of the insect. For example, representatives of the tropics reach only 2 mm in length and weigh no more than 2 mg. There are also large species whose weight can reach 90 grams, and their body length comes up to 3 cm. Despite the difference in weight and size, they have a very similar.

Food and reproduction

Most often ants their nests (anthills) are built in the soil, as well as under stones or in the wood. Mostly insects are powered by plant juice or a step of sucking insects. There are separate species that feed on mushrooms and seeds. The basis for the nutrition of all ants Make up two components:

  • proteins;
  • carbohydrates.

Adults are powered by carbohydrates, and protein food of the larvae. These insects are considered universal predators. Ants hunt for invertebrate insects or collect their corpses. Any food, getting into the nest, is distributed among family members. Young individuals there are several stages of development:

  • egg;
  • larva;
  • doll;
  • imago.

The life of any kind of ant begins with eggs. After a while there is a low-lifting worm-like larva, followed by workers' individuals. When the pupsis phase occurs, the larva stops feeding. While the larvae still feeds it can develop into a working part or the queen, everything depends on its nutrition.

In the stage of the larvae and dolls insects are in a separate place with a permanent temperature. After completion of the stage, working ants help to get out of the pupa, as the individual itself is not able to get out of the cocoon.

The speed of the ant in his paws

He has 3 pairs of legs, so only 6 paws, it is the main difference in the insect from spider. All pairs of paws have their own sizes and proportions and are located on a separate side of the chest. Front legs are on the front of the chest. These paws have special devices resembling miniature brushes. With their help, the insect cleans their mustache and other paws.

The rear paws are equipped with spurs that perform certain functions. Most often, the spurs serve as a protective or attack gun. Insects use them for battles with other ants. Due to the peculiar structure of the legs, ants can perform many useful and vital actions with them.

Very often insects are forced to move on a smooth and sheer surface. Thanks to the structure of the paws, it is not an obstacle for them. Very small ants can move along any surface, for example, glass, which you can not say about spiders or cockroaches.

Small jar, which are on the paws, help them overcome many obstacles on the way. With their help, ants cling to protrusions on the surface. The bark of trees and stones for them is a natural habitat, so they are moving on them as a stairs at high speed. Separate species Can move at speeds up to 4 km / h.

Also, thanks to its paws, some types of ants know how to swim. Australian Bulldogs are capable speat a distance of 15 meters, for example, puddle on the way. Insects of this species are also well jumping, jump can reach 50 cm long.

Chief distinctive feature

Very often many people who do not know biology, confuse ants with ticks or spiders. In fact, the answer is simple - the ticks are 8 paws, and ants have 6 legs. In our fauna, only spiders, mites and ants are found from arthropods. There are some beetles that can mimic an ant body shape to penetrate their nest. It is quite difficult to distinguish them from ants.

Insect workers use their paws not only for running. Thanks to the peculiarities, arrange their wider body, as well as their strength, the insect raises weight over himself and carries it. The weight of the cargo may be 50 times more than the total masses of the antimony.

Paws are also used to measure distance. So, making ants living in the deserts. They serve them with a navigation tool. The insect remembers how many steps do to turn and makes an amendment, focusing on the angle.

In the legs, ants were discovered by scientists the smell, distinguishing strongly smelling pheromones. These substances are used for labels while driving. Thanks to this, other individuals can pass along the path, because it will be noticeable for them. A large number of The labels will attract more fellow.

Sometimes there are errors in the layout of the labels, after which the other ants begin to get off the way And run in a circle. They closure their trail more fresh next, which subsequently can become a real misfortune for the entire family.

Due to its subtle, but moving legs, ants are capable of doing wonders, performing a very difficult daily work.

Taracan Almost every adult and teenager define instantly, as they see them quite often. But to answer the question of how many legs from Caracan, not everyone will be able. The insect has brown or black color. It depends on the type of insect. Its normal dimensions - 1.2-5.0 cm. The head is lowered down. The males have wings, but they never use the creature.

These insects may have different appearanceBut always have similar properties with other similar creatures. Their body consists of such parts:

  • heads;
  • chest;
  • abdominal department.

On the body you can see hard cover from chitin, a pair of mustache and three pairs of your feet. The outer shell changes several times. It happens during the insect molting. After that, the part receives color white colorwhich after some time under the action of hormone Bursicon darkens and becomes brown. During molting, sometimes loss of limbs occurs, which will soon grow again. This property is unique for cockroaches.

Cockroaches are most common in our dwellings:

  • german redhead (Prusak);
  • american.

The outer shell consists of the limestone layers. There are 10 such segments: on the back 5 and on the abdominal part, too. Outdoor chitinous cover is covered with a layer of wax that protects a person from water exposure.

Insects double pair of wings and 6 paws. The paws are located on the articulated parts of the body. Wings almost completely close the chest area and part of the abdomen. On the head there is a mouth hole. In it, with attentive consideration, it is possible to detect a couple of jaws, a lower lip and a sip with a larynx. With the help of the mouth of the opening, the insect buys and chews the feed. Eyes insect mosaic type.

Composite organs are located on the top of the head. In their composition, about 2,000 separate bodies, with which the cockroach simultaneously sees several images of one object.

Number and purpose of foot and other organs

How many paws from Tarakan? To the thoracic insect is attached a walk limbs. They are already 3 pairs. Each couple has its name:

  • transfereagood steam;
  • meditergo legs;
  • headproof pair of legs.

The passage pair is located next to the head. These legs are the shortest. The cockroach uses them mainly for braking after fast running. The average germ limbs can move both forward and forth. They help to accelerate or slow down in running. Zadorrowgood legs are the main insect-walled apparatus. Each pair of legs has the same structure in the form of segments and the same extension and flexing functions. On the legs there are claws. They are located at the end of the limbs. With these sharp curls, the insect clings to the surface. Claws allow insect to crawl both by vertical and horizontal surfaces and on the ceiling. 3 pairs of legs allow the cockroach to develop a rather large speed when moving.

The digestive system of these red features is very developed. It allows you to digest a lot of food samples. 6 teeth are chewed, which then enters the middle intestine, the gastroincing acting. It has 8 liver papillars. They produce and highlight special enzymes for food processing. The cockroach is an omnivorous creature. He eats even brick and concrete.

There is practically no brain from the insect. For this reason, even without a head, the cockroach lives a few days. But on his body a lot of touch receptors. They are located on the antennas, on the legs, on the peppers of the jaws. Obony receptors help the creature to evaluate smells, taste - the taste of feed. With the help of other receptors, the cockroach recognizes changes in the ambient temperature. Hearard receptors distinguish a wide range of waves. The bloodstream consists of hemolyamph, vessels and tubular hearts. The speed of blood in the vessels is very low, so it is not lost even with the loss of some organs, including heads.

Breathing is carried out through 10 pairs of holes located on the sides of the body body. Air flows through them and transferred to all organs and parts of the body.


Homemade cockroaches are found both in rustic houses and in urban apartments. These insects have red-red, brown color. They are able to run quickly and there is everything that will fall on the way. The remains of them were found in the sediments of the Paleozoic era. This means that they live on our planet already about 300 million years. During this time, there were no external differences. Trackers include approximately 7,500 species of different insects. They differ from each other mostly their colorful. We are more famous for the stub - red cockroach.

On the chest of all insects there are legs and wings. 6 pairs of paws are located on chest segments. Each leg is designed equally, but has different sizes. Their structure allows you to easily move along any surfaces, even on the ceiling. Foot insect washed, can make high jumps with them. With strong legs, it is able to develop a speed of up to 4 km per hour. The lack of management of basic life functions using a brain allows insects to live without a head about a month. Blood when separating the head does not flow due to its very small pressure.

How many legs have insects? Respond to so interest Ask

Here, for example, how many legs have insects? When it comes to other animal species, you can answer one one by calling one digit. Another thing is insects. This question will have to disassemble long and detail.


Most insects with all the variety of habits and sizes have the same characteristics. So, in this case, the question of how many feet in insects is the answer is the answer: "Six". Three pairs of extremities are observed in ants and fleas, mantoms and a weevil, and even more than a billion species. True, the paws are distinguished by the structure, and in connection with this, oddly enough, and appointment. "How so," are you surprised, "do the legs are designed not only for the movement of the body on the surface?" It turns out that it is. The usual concepts undergo significant changes, it is only worth paying attention to small (size) inhabitants of the planet. They, as scientists say, mastered the Earth long before mammals, have a serious organization that allows them to exist and not pay attention to the "king of nature".

What are the legs of the insects

The appointment of the limbs determines their name. Therefore, when you are asked: "How many feet have insects?" Boldly answer the question: "What?" And they are the adjectives, intractable, mooring and others. Usually only one pair of limbs is special. This is due to the lifestyle of a particular being. For example, at the mantis front pair - grasping. A locust or a grasshopper stand out among its relatives pair of jumped limbs. They immediately rush into the eyes long and thickness. Cockroaches have sloping legs that are distinguished by the elongation. Copy limbs are observed by the Medveda. They are short and plump, strong. Typically dig front legs. Vodomolub - owners of swimming limbs. They are comfortable to row, at the expense of hair and concrete the legs. And how many walking feet in insects in this case? The answer depends on the type. Non-specialized limbs are used to move. They can be recognized as followed.

The structure of the limbs

Despite the diversity of species, all legs are created almost equally. They consist of five departments. The leaf to the chest attaches a basin. Then there is a salag, thigh, shin. Leg ends with a leg. Such a complex structure ensures the speed and maneuverability of the insect. Any limb ending with a claw. Specialized legs can be underdeveloped - then there are no some elements in them. Regardless of the degree of development, the number of legs in insects includes all limbs. The structure of the paws is not limited to the elements described. Each of them is divided into subsections, has options. So, for example, the foot may consist of several (up to five) segments. Such difficulties lead to the fact that sometimes only scientists can reliably advise how many feet in insects. Below we give an interesting example.


Everyone knows this learning. Flies, pollinates flowers, honey collects. And how many feet of the insect, and whether all the limbs are these? It turns out that the bee on the foreheads there are special baskets in which it adds to pollen. On the mostst segment, the paw, the brushes are located, called brushes. We have a bee collects a valuable product. If you look carefully, it turns out that the front pair is almost almost the hands with the most difficult structure. But scientists do not recognize such a fact. These limbs relate to legs and are called collective. Let's consider the number of walking feet at insect-bees. If two paws are dedicated to collecting operations, then the rest of the insect moves. It means that she has two pairs. Basically, it is calculated, but not all.

Why should the gear?

Studying the number of legs in insects of different classes, their structure and functions, scientists stumbled upon an unexpected fact. Some of them have an interesting mechanism in their structure - gear. It can be schematically represented in the form of two serrated wheels, which are clips each. Through the protrusions, they interact and synchronize the movement. Why is it? It turns out that such a mechanism allows insect to jump at a huge speed. Miracle it lives in America, called Jesus. It is not capable of flying, but there is a stunning jumping. Even the racing car will not be able to overtake him during take-off. Interestingly, these legs are located not on the sides, but at the insect at the bottom. This makes his life problematic. If you do not synchronously repel, then the jump does not work. Insect just grips on one foot. Evolution eliminated this effect by mechanical device, the purpose of which is to make shock synchronous. The surprise of scientists was not the limit. This is the first fixed fact of using engineering thought in the structure of living beings.

Many are confused in the types of invertebrates, answering the question of how many feet pairs of insects. They mistakenly include spiders and multi-ninexides of all kinds, which is in the root incorrect. Later we will say a few words about them, but as long as we turn our attention to the representatives of the insects.


In the world of insects there are their own recordsmen. Thus, the structure of the extremities of Cicada-Potnitsa allows it to jump on an incredible height, given its small size. If you draw an analogy with a person, then two hundred ten meters will work. It is clear that this insect has a pair of jumper limbs, very strong and fast. They act like the catapult, powerfully sending the body up. At the same time, the acceleration reaches a mark of four thousand meters per second. And in order not to scalulate from the plants that the insect feeds, its front legs are equipped with sharp spikes.

Water beetles

Interest in terms of the structure of the limbs cause all water insects. They demonstrate a completely different, but also a unique device. Science wondered how they could be on the surface of the water and not sink? It turned out that a water beetle has some kind of fun on his hind legs. Special hairs have been thrown on them, which insect performs rowing movements. So it sails on the water. Some species are equipped with thickened and extended segments (this is the last leg department). Thanks to this structure, they can be perfectly held on the water. Although these insects prefer to dwell in calm waters. It's hard to fight with a strong stream. There is not enough strength to have a small creature.

Dragonfly and others

Another amazing representative of the insect world. This flying is specially uses its limbs. Her legs are equipped with hard bristles. When dragonfly flies, it has the limbs that it turns out a kind of cuckoo. It makes metering this device!

Small insects, hitting the weave of the bristles, immediately become prey and eaten dragonfly. The variety of methods and methods of using insect feet is truly huge. They are designed not only for walking like mammals. They and row, and cut, and grab. More insects with the help of the feet clean their antennas. For this limb are equipped with special grooves. But some types of butterflies The front legs are used exclusively for wiping the eyes. These limbs are atrophied and equipped with special hairs.

What about the wax and spiders?

Contrary to popular belief, and the name, the feet of the wax in the table is not forty, but only thirty. By the way, they are extremely interesting to appear in an invertebrate. At the beginning of existence, he has only eight legs (almost spider). Then the wave begins to grow, the body is lengthened, and additional limbs gradually grow. It turns out that the question of the number of legs of the Sorrystroke is closely associated with the duration of her life.

And it belongs to this creature to its limbs is very pre-worn. Just threatened, for example, the foot was stuck to the web, from her, not thinking, just get rid of. It can be said that this is a kind of protective mechanism. Very convenient, isn't it? Especially if you consider that the wave is capable of regenerating the limbs.

Spider. Oddly enough, it may sound, but this representative of the animal world is not insect. He has eight legs, not six, like insects, and the torso consists of only two parts (headband and abdomen). In most cases, all spiders are predators, while insects for the most part feed on vegetation.

With this hardworking insect we are faced almost everywhere. Fast and tireless ants are always in concerns and troubles. They drag it with their legs, which are many times higher than their own weight. How many legs have an ant, and what function do they perform?

Insect building and his paws

The ants belong to the discharge of the insects of the foresight of the forming and the detachment of the refamped. These public insects are divided into 3 castes:

  • females;
  • males;
  • operating individuals.

The females and males differ in the structure, they have wings, there are no wings in the work individuals. The very first individuals began their existence during dinosaurs. Murauches then had a primitive structure. Since then, millions of years have passed, and today two types of ants have been preserved. Despite changes in the structure of the insect of only 6 paws. The number of paws, these creatures differ from other distant relatives:

  • spiders;
  • clay;
  • crustaceans.

How many legs have ants? You can easily answer this question, you can easy to calculate the number of legs. The limbs are well noticeable and distinguishable when the individual is already adult. Each pair of legs is located on a separate part of the chest. Ant legs are extremely strong, consist of three joints. The upper part of the leg is called the thigh, the middle part is the shin, and the lowest is the paw. The middle and the upper part combines spur. The limbs have different sizes, as well as proportions, it all depends on the type of insect. In general, they have the same location of the paw. Front paws are in front of the chest. These paws have a special device in the form of a small brush. With their help, the insect cares for other her legs and mustache.

Functions Laps

The rear paws are equipped with spurs performing various functions. Usually ants them often used in battles with their fellow. Their paws are characterized by a special structure, which gives them special abilities. For example, for ants there are no inaccessible barriers in the form of a plane. Small and nimble creatures can move on a smooth and sheer plane. The smaller the individual, the easier it is to move along any plane. Home creatures are easily running along the glass surface, and for example, the cockroaches cannot do this.

And how many different maneuvers can perform ants on different surfaces due to tiny jar on the legs. The jar helps them catch it almost for any subject. Different protrusions in the form of stones or bark for them serve in natural conditions a comfortable staircase.

Thanks to their legs, some species of individuals they know how to swim well. These include Australian ant bulldogs. These insects are considered unique due to their rare qualities. They can swam small puddles with a distance of 15 cm. Also insects can easily jump over long distances to half a meter. True, they do not help them in this, and their jaws, which they repel from the surface of the earth.

With its six paws, the workers perform many works. They have a feature to arrange the limbs wider than their body, due to which the insect can be transferred to the items of their own weight in the insect. It may be a load of 50 times heavier than the weight of the ant.

Legs also serve as ants as a navigation material. The insect remembers how much the steps have done after a certain turn. On the way back it makes amendment for this angle and remembering the number of steps.

There are antsthat use their feet for the construction of the nest. With the help of paws, the hardships collect leaves and build nests from them. In this case can take several dozen individuals. They grab the leaf by the jaws, on the one hand, and the paws with rug. The fastener is the secret to be secreted by larvae. So, the workers of individuals build housing for a large family, it is suspended, but very convenient to accommodate the whole colony of ants. One can only imagine how many such nests managed to build small workers.

What else do you need ant paws?

Feet ants are needed not only as a working tool for movement. Individuals use their paws to transfer signals about odors. On the forming limbs there are glands allocating pheromones with a strong aroma. During the movement, insects leave tags using glands on different objects. Other individuals will immediately notice and can easily detect it. A large number of ants, running, on such paths leave many traces, they become attractive for the rest of the fellow.