
What should I do if bitten by a tick. What to do if a man bit the tick

All about the lawn

For medical care in Russia, more than half a million victims of ticks affected by the bites are treated annually, of which 100 thousand children.

Every year, up to 10 thousand cases of tick-borne encephalitis are registered in Russia.

The maximum peak of infection with tick-borne encephalitis accounted for spring and summer.
In people had a mullent encephalitis, lifelong immunity to this disease is produced by tick-borne encephalitis.

Often tick-borne encephalitis leaves behind unpleasant consequences. In the case of severe forms of the disease, people die or become disabled.

How does bite and infection occur?

In most cases, the bite of the tick becomes inconspicuous and is not detected at once, since at the time of the bite of the tick there is special painkillers. The tick is most often dug in those places where softer and delicate skin: neck, leather behind ear sinks, axillary depressions, leather under the blade, butorous region, groin, and others.

The tick is proxicing the skin and inserts a special grip throat in the ward similar to harpoon (hypostite). A kind of harpoon is covered with ticks, which hold the tick, so it is not so easy to pull it out.

The virus in the case of tick-borne encephalitis enters the blood of a person through the saliva of the tick. Immediately since the bite, the virus enters the body of the victim. Therefore, even rapid removal of the tick does not exclude the infection with tick-borne encephalitis.

In the case of borreliosis, the bacteria accumulates in the gastrointestinal tract of the tick and begin to stand out in the body of the victim at the moment when the tick begins to eat. This usually occurs 4-5 hours after the bite. Therefore, timely extraction of the tick can prevent infection.

It is worth noting that not all Ixodic ticks are contagious. However, the tick of the tick-borne encephalitis virus retains it throughout life.

The most frequent diseases passing through the tick bite

Disease Causative agent Tick \u200b\u200bof the carrier What does it look like?
  • Tick-borne encephalitis
Virus from the Flavaviridae family Ixodic ticks:
I. Ricinus, I. Persicatus
  • Ixode Tick Borreliosis (Lyme Disease)

Spirochete -Borrelia burgdoferi.
Ixodic ticks:
  • , I. Persicatus (Europe, Asia)
  • I. Scapularis, I. Pacificus (North America)
  • Crimean hemorrhagic fever
Virus of the genus Nairovirus, the Bugherevirus family Pincers roda Hyaloma.
  • N. marginatum
  • H. Punctata, D. Marginatus, R. Rossicus

Tick-borne encephalitis- an infectious viral disease transmitted through tick bites, characterized by fever and lesion of the central nervous system, often leading to disability and death.

Where is the tick-borne encephalitis occur?

The largest spread of tick-borne encephalitis has in the taiga and forest regions from Sakhalin to Karelia, the countries of Eastern and Central Europe, the North of China, Mongolia, Korea, Baltic, Scandinavia.

Symptoms of tick-borne encephalitis

In the middle symptoms, the disease is manifested in 7-14 days (5-25 days) after infection. The beginning of the disease is sharp, more often than the patient can indicate not only the day, but also an hour of the beginning of the disease.

General symptoms:

  • Chills
  • Feeling heat
  • Pain in eyeballs
  • Photophobia
  • Pain in muscles
  • Bone pains, joints
  • Headache
  • Vomot
  • Cramps are possible, more often in children
  • Lethargy
  • Drowsiness
  • Excitation (rarely)
  • The patient has red eyes, face, neck, upper body.

Forms of meningitis

The disease may proceed in several forms that have some features: a feverish shape, meningial shape, a focal form.
  • Foreign form develops in half cases of the disease (40-50%). It is characterized by a fever duration of 5-6 days (38-40 s and above). After a decrease in temperature, the condition improves, but the general weakness can persist for another 2-3 weeks. In most cases, the disease ends with complete recovery.
  • Meningial formthe most common form (50-60%). It is characterized by pronounced symptoms of general intoxication and symptoms of inflammation of brain shells. Symptoms of general intoxication: High temperature more than 38 s, chills, feeling of heat, sweating, headache of various intensity. Symptoms of brain shell inflammation: nausea, frequent vomiting, headache, decrease in the elasticity of the muscles of the neck. Perhaps: asymmetry of the face, different pupils, violation of the movement of eyeballs, etc. The recovery is slower than with a feverish form. Over 3-4 weeks, such symptoms are characterized as weakness, irritability. Flasiness and others. It is possible to develop a chronic form of the disease.
  • Focal form- It has the most difficult course. It is characterized by a high temperature, severe intoxication, the appearance of a disturbance of consciousness, nonsense, hallucinations, disorientation in time and space, convulsions, disturbance of respiratory and cardiac activity. Most often goes into a chronic form.
  • Chronic formdiseases develops in a few months or even years after a sharp period of the disease. Chronic form arises in 1-3% of patients. The disease is characterized by constant muscle twitching in the field of face, neck, shoulder belt, frequent attacks of convulsion with loss of consciousness. The functions of the limbs are mainly reduced, their tone and tendon reflexes will decrease. The psyche is broken down to dementia.


In most cases, the disease ends with complete recovery. With focal forms, a large percentage of what a person remains disabled. Disability deadlines from 2-3 weeks to 2-3 months, depending on the form of the disease.

Ixode Tick Borreliosis (Lyme Disease)

This is an infectious disease transmitted through the uncertic ticks, characterized by the damage to the nervous system, leather, joints, hearts, the disease is inclined to chronic flow.

How is infection?

Symptoms of the disease will be envy against the course of the disease. In total, 3 stages can be distinguished: 1) Early Stage, 2) Stage of Distribution of Infection 3) Stage of Chronic Infection

  1. Early stage
The first manifestation of the disease happen on average through 10-14 days After bite.
Non-specific symptoms:
  • Headache
  • Tired
  • Temperature increase
  • Chills
  • Pain and lubrication in muscles, joints
  • Total weakness
  • The symptoms of inflammation of the upper respiratory tract are possible (permissions in the throat, cough, etc.).

Specific symptoms:

  • The appearance at the site of the bite of special redness, more often a ring-shaped form, (migrating erythema), which is expanding over several days around.
In some patients, characteristic redness may be absent.
  • Sustav pain
Also possible: point rash, ring-shaped rash, conjunctivitis. An increase in lymph nodes near the bite place.
  1. Stage of distribution of infection(manifests itself in 2-3 weeks or 2-3 months after infection)
  • Defeat nervous system: Inflammation of nerve roots of the cranial brain nerves, roots of the spinal cord, which is manifested by lumbar pains, pain in the face of the face along the nerves, etc.
  • Defeat hearts:violation of the rhythm, the development of myocarditis, pericarditis.
  • Defeat skin:transient red spindles on the skin.
  • Less often amazed: Eyes (conjunctivitis, irrit, etc.), respiratory organs (bronchitis, tracheit, etc.), urinary system (orchit, etc.).

  1. Stage of chronic infection(manifestations occur after 6 months and more after infection)
  • Defeat of the nervous system: violation of thinking processes, reduced memory, etc.
  • Defection of the joints: Inflammation of the joints (arthritis), chronic polyarthritis.
  • Skin lesions: the appearance of nodule, tumor-shaped elements, etc.
If the tick is removed no later than 5 hours after the bite of the development of bulliosis can be avoided. This is due to the fact that the pathogen of the disease Borrelia is in the intestine of the tick and begins to stand out only when the tick actively begins to eat, and this happens on average 5 hours after the introduction of human skin.


The forecast for life is favorable. Upon late and improper treatment, the disease acquires chronic character and can lead to disability. Terms of disability from 7 to 30 days depending on the flow and form of the disease.

Crimean hemorrhagic fever

A severe viral infectious disease transmitted through tick bites characterized by fever, intoxication and bleeding. The disease relates to a number of dangerous infectious diseases.

Symptoms of the disease

On average, the symptoms of the disease appear 3-5 days after bite (from 2 to 14 days). Symptoms are manifested in accordance with the period of the disease. In total, 3 periods of the course of the disease are distinguished: the initial, height and period of recovery.
  1. Initial period (duration 3-4 days)
  • Sudden rise of temperature
  • Strong headache
  • Pain and lubrication in the whole body, especially in the area of \u200b\u200bthe belt
  • Sharp general weakness
  • Nausea, vomiting
  • Lack of appetite
  • Dizziness
  • In severe cases, a violation of consciousness
  1. Period of fusion of the disease
  • Reducing the temperature for 24-36 hours, then it is raised again, and after 6-7 days a decrease again
  • The appearance of small-point subcutaneous hemorrhages (phetechial rash), on the side surfaces of the abdomen, chest
  • Blooding the gums
  • Blood selection of eyes, ears
  • Nasal, gastrointestinal, uterine bleeding
  • Sharp deterioration in general condition
  • Enlargement of the liver
  • Reduced arterial pressure
  • Hardness participation
  • Lethargy, confusion
  • Face, neck, red eyes
  • Justice

  1. Recovery period (duration of 1-2 months to 1-2 years)
  • Weakness
  • Increased fatigue
  • Headaches
  • Dizziness
  • Heartache
  • Redness of the eyes, mucous membrane of the mouth and pharynx
  • Reduced pressure and variability of the pulse (persisted within 2 weeks)


Late hospitalization Incorrect diagnostics and treatment often leads to a deadly outcome. Mortality is 25%. Terms of disability from 7 to 30 days depending on the form of the disease.

Diagnosis of diseases

The earliest diagnosis of the disease can be carried out only 10 days after infection. During this time, the necessary amount of virus accumulates in the human body to determine the blood. For diagnostics, highly sensitive PCR method is used. The definition of antibodies (IGM) to the encephalitis virus is possible 2 weeks after the bite. Antibodies to borreliam are defined only 4 weeks after the bite. The determination of antibodies in the blood is produced using modern methods as an immuno-immimensional, immunofluorescent analysis, etc.

First Aid when tick bite

Do I need to call an ambulance?
Well no Why?
  • By calling, in 03, you will definitely say specific recommendations in accordance with your case. Departure of the ambulance brigade will depend on the severity of the victim.
  • However, in any case, the victim should be consulted in the next injury point or other medical institution.
  • In the absence of above the listed features, take to extract the tick yourself.
  1. The earlier remove the tick, the less likelihood of the development of formidable diseases, such as encephalitis, borreliosis, etc.
  2. Proper tick removal reduces the likelihood of the development of the disease and the appearance of complications.

What can I do, if we bite the tick?

  • Remove ticks with bare hands. Through the headers on the skin, the virus released by the tick can easily penetrate the body and cause a disease. We should use gloves, tweezers, polyethylene package or other technicians able to protect the skin and mucous meals.
  • Do not touch the eyes and mucous membranes of the mouth and nose If you are in contact with the tick.
  • It is not worth dripping oil, glue, etc. Substances covering the breathing hole of the tick, which is in its back of the body. The lack of oxygen makes a tick aggressive, and he, with more power begins to spill into the body of the victim everything that has inside, including viruses and harmful microorganisms.
  • It is impossible to put pressure or sharply pull the attempted tick. The pressure on the digestive treatise of the tick contributes to the injection of its saliva into the skin, thus increases the risk of infection. Trying to pull the ticks can be broken, then the parts remaining in the skin can inflame and bump out. In addition, the glands and ducts remaining in the skin contain a significant concentration of the virus and can continue to infect a person.

How to remove a tick: what to do, how and why?

What to do? How? What for?
1.Take precautions Do not touch the tick with bare hands.
Put on gloves, use a plastic bag or other technicians.
Salus, secreted by a tick often contains a virus and bacteria, hitting damaged skin, may be infected.
2. Remove the tick
1. With the help of a special device (Tick Twister, The Tickkey., Ticked-off , TRIX TICK LASSO. , Anti-tick and others)
2. Using the thread
3. Using tweezers
The correct methods for extracting the tick are based on the moment that the tick should be out of the skin, and not pull out. Since, the part that the tick is dug into the skin is covered with spikes. Spikes are directed in the opposite direction from the progress of the tick. Thus, when trying to pull the tick, there is a high probability that part of its body will remain in the skin. Rotational movements fold the spikes along the axis of rotation and the risk of tearing the head of the tick is significantly reduced.
Method using specially designed adaptations
  • Tick \u200b\u200bTwister
  • The Tickkey.
  • Ticked-off
  • Anti-tick
  • Method using thread
Take a thin thread (sometimes you can use long strong hair), make a loop. Take the loop on the tick and shock at the very base. Then, after taking the ends of the thread, it stretches a little, slowly and gently start rotating clockwise or counterclockwise. Having done, several rotations of the tick is freely extracted.
  • Pinzet method
A tweezers should gently capture the tick head, so as not to put pressure on his abdomen. Then start turning the tick, as if you twist it, while not pulling hard and do not pull.
3. Remove the remains of the tick of the wound (if it was not possible to extract it entirely)

Disinfect the needle (alcohol solution or hydrogen peroxide), and better sterilize, holding over the flame. Then carefully remove the remnants. Perhaps the development of the inflammatory process, suppuration. In addition, the remaining glands and ducts inside the skin may contain viruses and continue to infect the body.
4. Process the place of bite
You can use any antiseptic agent: alcohol, iodine, green, hydrogen peroxide, etc.
Warning inflammation and wound suppuration. Hydrogen peroxide can help in the removal of tick residues, if any.
5. Introduction of the vaccine

Ticky encephalitis:
  • Introduction Immunoglobulin for the first time 3 days after bite. Intramuscularly administered with 0.1 ml per 1 kg of weight.
  • Introduction of an antiviral drug (iodantypyrin for adults, anaferon for children).
Iodantipirin - 2 tabs. within 2 days.
Immunoglobulin against tick-borne encephalitis: high cost, frequent allergic reactions, low efficiency, European countries are not released.
Iodantypyrin - the drug is well tolerated, low toxic, effective against the tick-borne encephalitis virus. It is assigned to both prevention and treatment.
6. Send a tick for analysis Place the retrieved tick into the sealed container. This will help determine the tactics of further treatment. Save from unwanted complications.

Prevention of tick bites

Before visiting potentially dangerous places, pretty prepare and be careful.
  • Reduce the number of unprotected open parts of the body to a minimum. Clothes should be with long sleeves, firmly adjacent to the wrist. Jump headdress. Pants season in high boots.
  • To scare up ticks, you can use special discharge funds (Defi Taiga, Gall-Rat, Biban, etc.). For children of OD "Ftalar" and "Efcalat" Off-Children and others. However, their effectiveness is very controversial.
  • Moving in the forest, hold on to the middle of the paths, avoiding high grass and shrubs.
  • After leaving the potentially dangerous zone, be sure to inspect yourself and your loved ones. Getting on the body, the tick does not immediately dug into the skin. Before the bite can pass for several hours. Therefore, in many cases, the bite can be avoided.
  • It should not be put into the room recently torn grass, branches, topwear on which mites can potentially be.
  • For the prevention of tick-borne encephalitis, it is necessary to vaccinate. Conduct vaccination of 3 vaccinations, followed by repetition after 4, 6 and 12 months. Or the introduction of immunoglobulin in several hours, before entering the danger zone. When in places associated with possible suction of the ticks, it is recommended to take 1 table. (200mg) iodantypyrin.
  • Mimicing into the zone in which the ticks meet, be the most "armed", capture all the necessary things that need in the case of a tick bite. Required equipment: a device for extracting a tick, a disinfectant (iodine, alcohol, etc.), an antiviral drug (iodantipirine), a container for transporting a tick for analysis. In sales there are special sets: "Module Anti-tick", "Mini-module Anti-tick", etc., in which everything is needed for "anti-leak activity".

It will be important information about what the first arises if the infection still happened and what to do next.

Some useful facts about ticks and withdrawal diseases

Before talking about precautions, it is necessary to understand the fundamental moments that belong to the ticks and the diseases they carry.

Ticks are curiously classified as spine-shaped arthropods that are among the oldest living organisms on our planet. Fossils found suggest that pliers exist at least 90 million years.

Most tick bites do not transmit harmful microbes. The main misconception of many people is that it is believed if the tick was bitten or found on the body, then the infection is not able to power. The tick is the carrier of the causative agent of the disease only if its early immature form - the nymph, bitten the animal, which was the infection tank. Such a phenomenon in nature occurs on so often.

There is no one separate tick-borne disease. These are a number of human infectious diseases that are capable of transmitted with a tick bite, all of them are about 50. In such a wide range of pathogens include bacteria, viruses and simplest, some are even capable of killing a person without treatment.

There are quite a lot of symptoms that are usually developing within a few days to several weeks after the tick bite. Symptoms depend on the specific pathogen, which passed from the saliva tick at the time of the bite.

Later, in the field of bite, a person can develop itching, burning, redness and rarely - localized intensive pain, if the wound occurs in the area of \u200b\u200ba large nerve. Also, the manifestation of symptoms is highly dependent on the individual perception of a person.

In some patients, there is an increased sensitivity or allergies to the saliva of the ticks. As a result, rash is developing on the skin, shortness of breath, swelling, numbness or paralysis. And since, as a tick bite looks like, it is impossible to say, each person has its own symptoms, most people with tick bites do not show any symptoms and can not even remember that they bite them tick.

Some direct symptoms of infectious diseases that can develop after a tick bite:

  • Fever.
  • Dyspnea.
  • Weakness.
  • Vomiting.
  • Edema on the body.
  • Strong headache.
  • Confusion of consciousness.
  • Heard heartbeat and heavy breathing.

With the first manifestation of similar symptoms, you should immediately contact the medical institution.

Recently, the researchers have found that the bite of the tick in history provokes allergies to red meat - beef, pork, oison and sometimes milk. Moreover, the meat of poultry (chicken, turkey) allergic reactions is not marked. It is believed that such a reaction is due to the formation of antigens in the intestine, stimulated saliva tick. There are no experienced evidence of this theoretical hypothesis yet.

What diseases are ticks transmit?

Although most tick bites do not transmit pathogens, in some cases it is possible. People often ask the question - is it possible somehow looking at the tick to determine whether it is contagious or not. Unfortunately this is not possible. Infection has occurred, or not can only after the latent period of the disease.

Below is a list of all major tick diseases that may strike a person within our country, as well as types of ticks that carry these diseases:

  • Tick \u200b\u200brickecium - several types of typhoids. Turn all types of ticks.
  • Tularemia - Dermacentor Variabilis tick, which are also called dog, or forest tick.
  • Anaplasmosis - tick of the form of iXodes.
  • Viral encephalitis - mites of the form of Ixodes and Dermacentor Andersoni.
  • Babezia - types of ixodes.
  • Erlichiosis - AMBLYOMMA American Mage view.
  • Spotted Rocky Mountain Fever - View of Dermacentor Variabilis.
  • Lyme disease - types of ixodes, including a tick, which is also known as a black-legged tick.
  • The Hartland virus is a viral disease found in 2012 transmitted by the type of Amblyomma American mite.
  • Ku-fever - Types of RhipicePhalus Sanguineus, Dermacentor Andersoni and Amblyomma Americanum.

South mite a rapid disease - a view of Amblyomma Americanum. The infectious agent is not defined.

This list shows that some ticks, for example, iXODES, can transmit more than one type of pathogenic microorganism (virus, bacterium or protozoa). Therefore, it is possible that one tick over one bite is able to transmit more than one pathogen, although it rarely happens.

What can help in diagnostics?

There are no specific diagnostic tools in order to take, say, blood test immediately after the tick bitter, it turned out to determine the pathogen in the body or not. Nevertheless, doctors can explore the entire body in the search for first clinical signs, but this is possible only a few days after the bite.

If the tick is identified, that is, his patient brought together with him, the doctor can better understand what additional tests must be made and what can be expected, since some ticks can transmit certain pathogens. But it is worth noting that such a practice in our country is extremely rare.

Identification of the clan tick and type can help the doctor determine what further diagnostic tests can be scheduled. For example, blood tests for diseases such as Lyme disease, the spotted fever of rocky mountains, erlihiosis and tularemia, as a rule, will not show anything within a few weeks after the bite, although the symptoms may already be present. Knowledge of a tick, which caused a bite, can help narrow possible diagnoses and even allow the doctor to continue early therapy before a positive diagnosis is raised.

How to pull the tick

Thoroughly wash the place of bite with water with soap or mild disinfectant. Next, the region should be observed within a few days before the development of the reaction in the form possible symptoms - rash or symptoms of infection. If no change in health has happened during the month - probably there was no infection.

As prevention of the development of secondary infection in the bite wound, you can apply ointment or cream, which includes an antibiotic. The use of antibiotic on the lesion area can help prevent a local infection, but, as a rule, does not affect the likelihood of the development of diseases transmitted by ticks.

What should I do if bitten by a tick

If the consequences are manifested in the form of a strong itching at the site of the bite - can be used as an outdoor drugs containing DIMEDROL (BENADRYL) or other antiallergic agents. Effective drugs appointed orally will also be, however, most of them are released by a doctor's prescription.

As for the treatment of infectious diseases that can go to a person, it depends on other factors, such as the type of tick, the duration of attachment to the host, the presence of other diseases, geographic binding to the area and, of course, from the patient's symptoms. Therefore, what to do if the tick was bitten, everyone decides for himself, but best - see a doctor, because the consequences of the lack of treatment can be very sad.

Specific treatment is based on the identification of the causative agent. For example, oral antibiotics can be prescribed for some patients with tick bites, if they live in an area where Lyme disease is an endemic disease (it is very often found) and you need to kill the pathogens of this disease.

If there are more pronounced symptoms, in combination with antibiotics, it may be necessary to introduce other drugs to eliminate the most bright symptoms. In medicine, this approach to treatment is called symptomatic therapy. The patient in this case can be hospitalized.

What is the forecast?

The overwhelming majority of people who are subjected to tick bite, in the presence of proper observation and timely appeal to the medical institution, fall under a favorable forecast, since the probability of infection is not so high.

For patients with an depressed immune system, such as HIV, cancer or chemotherapy, the forecast is still favorable, but their attending doctors must be informed about all the conditions of the disease to assess the consequences. In addition, the faster the tick is removed after the bite, the less likely that the infectious pathogen was transferred.

The general situation for a particular patient is changing if the tick passed the causative agent of infection. The forecast may vary from favorable to carefully, which is determined by the type of disease, its stage and the general state of the patient. Patients with a weakened immune system, as a rule, have the worst forecast than healthy people.

With the onset of the spring-summer period, knowledge about how the first assistance is proposed correctly when the tick bite becomes quite relevant. Their bites at this time become quite frequent. This spider insect has small sizes. It is absorbed into the human skin and exists by sucking blood from vessels located on the surface of the epidermis. If the tick bites, it is necessary to contact the hospital and in no case do not engage in self-medication.

After detecting the bite immediately consult a doctor

This is a spike-shaped, and especially forest, may be a carrier of such dangerous ailments, like borreliosis (Lyme disease), encephalitis, etc. It is important to know which symptoms are manifested after the tick bitter - the first assistance rendered to the first assistance can save the victims of surgical treatment.

What areas of the body are subject to attack dangerous insects

Ticks can be dug into any parts of the body, but they have favorite places that differ in gentle skin, multiple blood vessels and are not visible to a person without a mirror. Most often they are on the neck, chest, hands, in groin or axillary depressions. Less frequent insect attacks lower limbs.

In children, ticks are scented mainly behind the ears or on the back of the head.

The child is lower than an adult, so insect is easier to climb the body of the baby and pump there, where it will be noticeably least.

Children are often amazed in the neck and head

The insect abdomen has a dark color, as it is filled with blood.

For details about the symptoms of the disease after bite, see this video:

The first signs of the bite are manifested only a few hours after contact with the insect. These include:

  • pain in the joints;
  • lubrication in the bones;
  • drowsiness;
  • irritability;
  • chills;
  • panic attacks and unfortunate fear attacks;
  • fear of light;
  • the inability to concentrate on concrete things and actions.

The most clear and main sign ─ is the presence of the pest on the sacrifice body.

If the insect, the insect is detected, it is necessary to immediately remove it together with the head, otherwise it can also succeed even stronger, then only surgical intervention will help.

Chills and lights after bite will tell you that you have become infected

A person sometimes does not notice the presence of the first symptoms after the bite. It happens quite often, since poor well-being can be accepted for fatigue or the beginning of a cold. For the second day, additional signs appear: increased temperature, tachycardia, migraine, nausea. Sometimes even hallucinations arise. Such manifestations in humans indicate a possible allergic reaction. If the temperature does not go down within a week, then this indicates a serious infection.

Manifestations of Encephalitis and Lyme Diseases

About what is Lyme disease, see this video:

If the insect is a carrier of a virus and a bite occurred, manifestations in a person can be a lot:

  • excessive excitability;
  • hysterical seizures;
  • sharp mood change;
  • fainting;
  • strong headaches;
  • incorrect operation of digestion;
  • frequent, non-aging convulsions;
  • increase body temperature up to 41 ° C;
  • influence in the unconscious state;
  • the appearance of hallucinations.

Burreliosis, or Lyme disease, ─ is a pathology of an infectious nature. It is no less dangerous than encephalitis. The nervous system, heart and muscular fibers.

The clinical picture when infecting borreliosis characterizes the place of bite. It quickly blues, and this spot increases by 40 - 60 cm. The edges of the affected portion of the burgundy shade and are slightly towering over the skin.

The speech that appears increases in the amount of up to 40 - 60 cm

If you do not apply to the doctor, then after 3 weeks of red will fall. However, in a month, the most dangerous signs will begin:

  • pains in bones and joints;
  • impairment of the heart muscle;
  • hearing loss;
  • paralysis of individual parts of the body;
  • increased dryness in the mouth;
  • sore throat;
  • increased temperature.

Tick \u200b\u200bbite, which is a carrier of borreliosis, to recognize easily. It is necessary to immediately carefully inspect the affected area of \u200b\u200bthe epidermis.

If the spot is rapidly increasing and has dark edges, then you need to urgently contact the hospital, since there is every reason to assume infection with Lyme disease.

This pathology itself does not bear danger. Manifestations may disappear without the use of special treatment, but the consequences of borreliosis cannot be predicted. If myocardium or nervous system is badly damaged, then even lethal outcome is possible.

Many people are interested in what to do when the tick bite.

In this situation, the only correct behavior tactics is to correctly remove the insect from the epidermis.

Special tools are sold in pharmacies, with which you can do this, ─ UniClean Tick Twister or Pen Lasso, for example. If these devices are not at hand and pharmacy far, doctors recommend using ordinary metal tweezers or durable thread.

Try tick slowly so that the head is not left under the skin

After extracting the pest, the doctors recommend to lubricate the damaged area with iodine or greenk - it contributes to the rapid regeneration of the skin. The place of bite, the treatment of which depends on the manifested symptoms, heals quickly. Sometimes small white scars remain.
If a tick dug into the child, what to do parents? This question worries many mothers who walk with children in the summer in nature. If the kid has been attacked, then the tactics of behavior remains unchanged - the insect must be pulled out from the body of the child as soon as possible. Children are more sensitive to infections than adults, so for the prevention of kids you need to show the doctor.

Ticky encephalitis (encephalitis of spring-summer type, taiga encephalitis) - viral infection affecting central and peripheral nervous system. Heavy complications of acute infection can be completed with paralysis and fatal outcome.

The main reservoir of the tick-encephalitis virus in nature is its main carriers, ixodic ticks, the habitat area is located along the entire forest and forest-steppe temperate climatic zone of the Eurasian continent.

About ticks

Taiga and European Forest Tick - Giants compared to their "peaceful" fellows, his body is covered with a powerful shell and equipped with four feet pairs. In females of the cover of the back, they are strongly stretched, which allows them to absorb large amounts of blood, hundreds of times more than the hungry tick weighs.

In the world around the world, ticks are focused mainly by touching and smelling, there is no eye of the ticks. But the smell of ticks is very sharp: studies have shown that ticks are able to feel the smell of an animal or a person at a distance of about 10 meters.

Habitat ticks. Pliers, transmitting encephalitis, are distributed almost throughout the southern part of the Forest Zone of Eurasia. In which places most of all the risk to face ticks?

Melt pliers, and therefore their number is the greatest in well-wetted places. Pliers prefer moderately shaded and moisturized deciduous and mixed forests with dense grass and undergrowth. Many ticks along the bottom of the logs and forest ravines, as well as in the forest edges, in the thickets of Evnyakov on the shores of forest streams. In addition, they are abundant along the forest edges and for overgrown with grass forest paths.

It is very important to know that the ticks are concentrated on the forest paths and paths that have crossed grass. Here they are many times more than in the forest surrounding. Studies have shown that ticks attracts the smell of animals and people who constantly use these tracks when moving through the forest.

Some features of the placement and behavior of the ticks led to the emergence of a widespread misconception that ticks "jump" on a man with birches. Indeed, in birch forests of ticks, as a rule, a lot. And the tick attached to clothes crawl up, and it is often discovered on the head and shoulders. From here it creates a false impression that the ticks fell from above.

Characteristic landscapes should be remembered, where at the end of April - early July the number of ticks is highest, and where is the risk of infection with tick-borne encephalitis during this period: deciduous forests, littered by Bessel Forest Forest, ravines, river valleys, meadows.

The ticks lie down their prey, sitting at the ends of the edges, the epic, sticking up the sticks and twigs.

When approaching the potential victim of the ticks take an active expectation post: pull out the front paws and cause them from side to side. On the front legs there are organs that perceive smells (galleri organ). Thus, the tick defines the direction to the source of the smell and is made to attack on the feeder.

Pliers are not particularly mobile: for their lives they are able to overcome their own no more than a dozen meters. The tick waving his prey climbs to the router or a bustard to the height of no more than half a meter and is waiting patiently when anyone will pass by. If an animal or man next to the immediate vicinity of the tick then his reaction will be instantaneous. Righting the front legs, he convulsively tries to grab his future owner. The legs are equipped with curls and suction cups, which allows the tide to reliably catch. No wonder there is a saying: "I clutched like a tick."

With the help of hooks that are at the very end of the front legs, the tick clings for everything as concerning it. ICCD testers (European forest tick and taiga tick) never fall and never fall (do not plan) for sacrifice from top of the trees or high bushes: ticks just cling to their sacrifice, which passes by and touches to the Routerke (wand) on which sits mite.

Is the prevention of tick bites possible?

Before entering the nature, wear light clothes (it is better visible on it) with long sleeves and hood, pants refuel into socks. If the hood is not, put on the headdress.

Use repellents.

Every 15 minutes inspect your clothes, periodically spend a thorough check, paying special attention to the neck, armpits, a groin area, ear-sinks - in these places the skin is particularly gentle and thin and tick is most often embarrassed there.

When the tick is detected, it is impossible to crush it, as it can be infected with encephalitis through the micro cracks in the hands.

Tick \u200b\u200bprotection

All sold funds depending on the active ingredient are divided into 3 groups.

Repellent - scare up ticks.

Acaricidal - kill ticks.

Insecticide-repellent - preparations of combined action, that is, killing and repellent ticks.

The first group includes means containing diethyltolumide: "Biban" (Slovenia), "Defi Taiga" (Russia), "Off! Extreme "(Italy)," Gall-RET "(Russia)," Gal-Rat-CL "(Russia)," Date-Woko "(Russia)," Refatambomid Maxim "(Russia). They are applied to clothes and open areas of the body in the form of circular stripes around the knees, ankle and chest. The tick avoids contact with the repellent and begins to crawl into the opposite direction. Protective properties of clothing are preserved up to five days. Rain, wind, heat and sweat reduce the time of the protective agent. Do not forget to apply the drug again. The advantage of disconnecting means is that they are used to protect against the gnus, causing not only on clothes, but also on the skin. More dangerous for ticks drugs cannot be applied to the skin.

To protect children, drugs with a reduced content of repellent have been developed - these are Creams "Ftalar" and "Efcalat", cologne "Pikhtal", "Evital", "Camarant" means. For children from 3 years old, the use of "Off-Children's Off-Children" cream and "Biban-gel" is recommended.

In the "slaughter" group: "Pretiks", "Refatamba Taiga", "Picnic Anti-Telecom", "Gardex Aerosol Extreme" (Italy), Tornado-Antiklashchki, "Fumitx-Anti-Keep", "Gardex anticlek", " Permanon "(permethrin 0.55%). All drugs with the exception of "pretix" are aerosols. They are used only for clothing processing. Things need to be removed so that the tool does not accidentally on the skin. Then, slightly drying, you can wear back.

"Pretiks" is a pencil produced in Novosibirsk. They draw a few walking bands on clothes before going to the forest. It is only necessary to monitor their safety, since the strips are quite quickly creptable.

Acaricidal preparations with a poisoning substance ALFAYMINA has a neuro-paralytic effect on ticks. This manifests itself after 5 minutes - insects are paralysis of the extremities, and they disappear from clothes.

It was observed that before destructively act on the ticks, the drugs with a poisoning substance alfamethrin increase the activity of the ticks, and at least this period is small, the risk of bite at this time increases, the drugs with the acting permethrin are killed by the ticks faster.

The preparations of the third group combine the properties of the two above - they contain 2 active substances diethyltolumide and alfamerin, due to this, their effectiveness is approaching 100 percent. These are aerosols "KRA-REP" (ALPHATIMMETRINE 0.18%, diethyltolumide 15%) (Kazan) and Moskitol-anti-flask (AlphaTamerin 0.2%, diethyltolumide 7%.) (France).

Dig poles are used to process the territory of the ticks.

Laboratory tests are proved that with proper use of repellent drugs, up to 95 percent of the ticks of ticks are scared. Since most of the ticks are trayed to the trousers, they must be processed more carefully. Especially carefully need to handle clothes around the ankle, knees, hips, waist, as well as cuffs of sleeves and collar. The method of application and consumption rate of all drugs must be indicated on the label.

Recently, the cases of fake chemicals protection, so try to buy them in outlets With a good reputation. When buying, demand to show a hygienic certificate. Label in Russian should be applied to imported drugs.

Vaccination against tick-borne encephalitis

Clinically healthy people are allowed to vaccinate after inspection by the therapist. Therapist will also inform you about where you can spend vaccination.

You can vaccinate only in institutions licensed to this type of activity. Introduction of a vaccine that was stored incorrectly (without compliance with the "cold chain") is useless, and sometimes dangerous.

The following vaccines are used to prevent tick-borne encephalitis:

  • Encephalitis Cultural Cultural Clean Peeled Concentrated Inactivated Dry
  • Entsevir (ENCEVIR)
  • Enceptur Adult and Enceptur Children

What is the difference between vaccines?

Western European strains of tick-borne encephalitis virus, from which imported vaccines are preparing, and Eastern European strains used in domestic production are close by antigenic structure. The similarity in the structure of key antigen is 85%. In this regard, the immunization of the vaccine prepared from one viral strain creates persistent immunity against infection with any tick-borne encephalitis virus. Efficiency of foreign vaccines in Russia is confirmed, including research using Russian diagnostic test systems.

Vaccination is able to really protect about 95% graft. However, it should be remembered that vaccination against tick-borne encephalitis does not exclude all other measures for the prevention of tick bites (repellents, proper equipment), as they transfer not only tick-borne encephalitis, but also other infections (Lyme disease, Congo-Crimean hemorrhagic fever, tularemia, erlichiosis, Babezia, ricketersiosis, from which vaccination can not be protected).

What to do if the pricing of the tick still happened?

The primary consultation can always be obtained by calling 03.

To remove the tick you, most likely, will be guided to the district SES or district trauma.

If you do not have the opportunity to ask for help in honey. Institution, the ticks will have to be deleted independently.

With independent removal of the tick, a durable thread as close as possible to the trunk tick is tied to the knot, the ticks are removed by pulling it up. Sharp movements are not allowed. If, when removing the tick, its head was broken off, which has the appearance of a black point, the sterling place is wiped with cotton or bandage, moistened with alcohol, and then remove the head with a sterile needle (pre-calcined on fire). So, as you delete the usual offering. The removal of the tick must be made with caution, without squeezing his body with his hands, because it is possible to extrude the contents of the tick together with the pathogens of the disease in the wound. It is important not to break the ticks when removing - the remaining one can cause inflammation and suppuration. It should be noted that when the tick head is cut, the infection process can continue, since there is a significant concentration of the CE virus in salivary glands and ducts.

There are no grounds for some controversial recommendations that for better removal it is recommended to apply oxid dressing ticks or use oil solutions. After removing the tick, the skin at the site is treated with a tincture of iodine or alcohol. The imposition of bandages is usually not required.

Removing a tick, save it to research on infection, usually this can be done in an infectious hospital or a special laboratory. After removing the tick, place it in a small glass bottle with a dense lid and put a robe there, slightly moistened with water. Close the bottle with a lid and store it in the refrigerator. For microscopic diagnostics, the tick must be delivered to the laboratory alive. For PCR diagnostics, even individual fragments of the tick are suitable. However, the last method is not widespread even in large cities.

If your area is unfavorable on tick-borne encephalitis, without waiting for the results of the tick analysis, refer to the point of the seroprophylaxis of tick-borne encephalitis. Emergency prophylaxis is carried out in the first 3 days (better in 1 day) immunoglobulin or iodantypyrin. For the prevention of tick-borne encephalitis in children under 14, immunoglobulin and Anaferon Children are used. In the southern regions of the Russian Federation, the tick can infect the Congo-Crimean hemorrhagic fever.


Last summer, we used a collar and sprays, unfortunately removed three times ticks. In this, we began to prepare in advance, we were shown to our clothes for dogs with antiquity impregnation, so I think it will be better than our last year's defense or also need to supplement something?

The tick was suiced, on the top of the hip. So in no case cannot pull it, you can pull out, but you can also tear the head, then pick up. You need to drop by oil, then tweezers, or thread (we tweezers), clap as low to the base of the bite and twist counterclockwise, because He screws up clockwise. Very reliable way. Only ticks then need to be attributed to the analysis, we truth in a panic washed it off in the sink, now we think "why" and what to do now, he was contagious

09/10/2012 09:50:49, Elena841 04/15/2012 09:07:45, Vichik

The Son on May walked with a class in a campaign, so the class teacher told us to give it to children with a pack of children Anaferon. Just in case - if the tick is closed. The Ministry of Health published the recommendation, it turns out to be an emergency prevention of tick-borne encephalitis, immediately after the bite drinking the child 3 times a day Anaferon, and so 21 days, while the incubation period has the incubation period. Here's the official article saw on the medical port of I do not know how to own anyone, and we have an energetic lady director at school, all immediately reported and told , all classes who were going to hiking, all went an indanavonen) lecture still read how to remove ticks, tweezers, thread ... It seems we are not endemic about encephalitis, although who knows ... Pravili them, or then Nature will not twist soon \u003d /

05/27/2010 15:02:24, I.Volshina

Thank you, very informative ..!

Thanks for timely and competent information.

The article is good. After reading such information, I called 03 to find out what to do with a tick brought with a transit from the cottage, there sent to Rospotrebnadzor, in Moscow in the county alley, the ticks for encephalitis and Lyme disease costs 650r.

Very competent and useful article. I just want to add, why it is unacceptable to remove the tick with an oil. The fact is that if this tick is a carrier of Lyme disease, then the infection occurs when the containment of the bowel's intestine is hit in the blood (borreliosis lives there). From the oil of the tick injects and it can just get it.

When pulling the tick for threads, it is necessary to dilute the string on the side in the plane of the tick (to the side where the paws) and gently shoved from the side to the side, it is very slightly sipping out. After a minute, another tick will be pulled off. With such a ways of removing infection of borreliosis will not happen. Against Ke, of course, this method does not work ...

Comment Article "What to do if I bit tick"

Bit the tick. Protection against ticks. Vaccination against tick-borne encephalitis. (In the ambulance and three SES) they said, relax - do not need to be protected from ticks and pull the tick after the bite. While encephalitis did not meet. In the year before last, the baby was bitten by a tick in ...


I even know what camp is about - the daughter will go to the daughter. In the past shift there were no bite, the ticks did not seem to see, but I doubt that someone in principle thought about them. Places there is the very thing for ticks - high grass, fishing rods, field .. Although yes, it is believed that the region is not endemic by encephalitis. But the daughter's vaccination last year was set, according to an emergency version - one, then in two weeks the next vaccination, now will be final. I have seen in my youth in the fields, who had suffered encephalitis - Thank you, no, if you can reduce the likelihood of the disease - I will use everything.

05/22/2018 14:52:42, sv11

Kaluga region seems to be endemic on tick-borne encephalitis, and in Moscow only in the northern regions there is a risk. Reinsured, IMHO.

Virgin, urgent question - if ticks after a bite thrown out, what to do and where to run bite? And then this worker's helper yesterday, yesterday, I kusanul's creature, and she about the joy of encyfalitis somehow approached and the beast twisted and thrown out


In mid-September?!! They completely brought away? !!

My dad was bitten by a tick in summer. The ticks were thrown away, did not bother anything, but just in case, the blood passed in the district clinic and took the test tube to Alekseevskaya, the county lane, 4/9. Burreliosis was found in the blood, I just don't remember which IgG or Igm, the immunologist in the clinic appointed antibiotics for a month

Section: We need a council (is it possible to use the Keeferon after vaccination against the tick bite). Tell me who came across a tick bite .. We arrived only with giving the child went to the bath and discovered the dad tick gently it extracts him apparently, just just suiced ..


We had a tick! Also removed just as soon as the sucking! Were in the country, the holidays are four days, doctors are silent, familiar doctors doctors do not take off, we were washed with a wound with peroxide, smeared Drapolen, gave the phenistry's rib and prayed to all the gods. Put. I am not like advice, but support :)

and from what the vaccination then gathered? From Burreliosis vaccinations there is no encephalitis in Moscow and there is no area. Under the analysis tick and then you will decide what to do.

Begins the tick period. Parks are full of insects. Check out large dogs get a vaccination. The vaccination is painful, but she and our branch dissuade me from vaccinations. First, because There are a lot of side effects, secondly, if the dog sick after the bite ...


And our branch dissuade me from vaccinated. First, because There are a lot of side effects, secondly, if the dog was sick after the tick bitter (as we had last spring) - the vaccination is useless. Do you can say something about this?

You need to wash / combat pet after each walk, the tick is not immediately embarrassed, the day "walks in the meadow" and it is easy to find and catch it if you feel the animal.

The vaccination does not do so small. Gammaglobulin (after bite), if the area is considered to be endemic about encephalitis. Immunoglobulin is administered after a tick bite, in advance, as if necessary. If the ticks pressed, it needs to be removed and together with the child ...


Calm down, the Introduction will make an analysis if it turns out that he is infected, the child will make antleoencephalitic gamma globulin. After that, refer to 30 days from the bite, and if in 30 days nothing happens, relax and forget. If the temperature increases during this time - go to the ambulance. Only always after the forest shake out clothes (turn out and check the seams), and comb your hair.

02.08.2005 23:11:36, Twice ukutsya

What should I do if bitten by a tick. About ticks. Is the prevention of tick bites possible? I diligently fed them with remantatin. What should I do if bitten by a tick. Protection from ticks what to do after bite. Tell me who came across a tick bite ..


And I was refused. They answered that, at least, after a year. Here are the total border ... :)

I do not know where exactly in Russia do this - we have a three-time vaccination (autumn-spring-spring) for the first time and revaccination depending on the level of antibodies. But no less often than once every 5 years, there are no others. I do not put children. Yes, and got used to the ticks, they are not frightening so terrible us.

According to statistics of children, ticks bite more often than adults, and pets (for example, dogs) - more often than children. However, it is children who are most strongly suffering from diseases that mites can infect human after bite.

Tick: What kind of "beast" is so cunning?

Contrary to popular belief, ticks are not insects. Although they are often called that, without a claim for scientific accuracy. But people, "savvy" in zoology, will confirm that ticks are animals belonging to the type of arthropods and the class of spider-shaped. And all this, naturally, does not add attractiveness to them.

Traditionally, the ticks do not "love", despise and fear like bedbugs or cockroaches. And by and large, there is for what! Not only do they bite and suck blood, they are also able to infect a person with terrible severe diseases. Which are especially dangerous for children - due to the fact that children's immunity is still not so developed and strong as "exist" adult.

In most regions of Russia, the first active individuals of the ticks appear in April. Despite the fact that neither jump nor fly ticks are capable, pick them up very simply - they fall on their "victims" from shrubs or with high grass, tightly clinging first for clothes, and then - and the skin. The most accurate moment for the "throw" of the ticks is chosen by smell - they perfectly feel the approach of man or animals for several tens of meters.

Pliers do not fall on us from trees, as many believe - they just can't climb so high, and there is nothing to do there. On the contrary, upholstered in the grass and on low shrubs, ticks, as a rule, cling to our pants, skirts and jackets, and then cleverly crawl up, "slave" smell of skin and sweat glands.

When the tick bite is not only "driving" into the skin with his head (literally!), But even for the mercy of the Union, it allocates a special substance into saliva, which literally glues the insect to the place of bite. Therefore, the tick can a few days in a row in the literal sense of the word to rest in the blood of his "host", and at the same time no strength of wind, water, friction or attraction is not powerful to tear it from the victim.

What is dangerous bites of ticks for children and adults

Diseases whose carriers are ticks, a lot is about a dozen. But the most dangerous (namely fatally dangerous) of them are two: tick-borne encephalitis and tick-borne borreliosis.

Tick-borne encephalitis (otherwise - Spring-summer tick-free meningoencephalitis). This is a viral infection that is characterized by severe intoxication and lesions of the head and spinal cord. Often, tick-borne encephalitis ends with persistent neurological and psychiatric complications, and sometimes, alas - death.

The tick-borne encephalitis virus can exist and multiply in organisms about 130 species of animals and birds. The ticks suck the virus along with the blood of these animals, and then - when bite, can convey a dangerous infection to a person.

Primary symptoms of tick-borne encephalitis when tick bite:

  • Muscle weakness;
  • High temperature, heat;
  • Temporary anorexia;
  • Strong headache;
  • Strong pain in the muscles.

These symptoms can manifest themselves within 60 days after infection.

Tickup Borreliosis (or otherwise - Lyme disease, or - Lime Burreliosis). This is a rather severe bacterial infectious disease caused by several species of specific bacteria that are transmitted to man through a tick bite.

Tick-borne borreliosis is the most common disease that can be picked up after the "meeting" with a tick. Insects "cling" causative agents of this disease in deer, dogs, birds, sheep, cows and other fauna representatives, and then safely "transplant" by their person with a bite with its saliva.

From the early symptoms of tick-borne borreliosis are the most obvious:

  • Weakness;
  • Strong headache;
  • Characteristic rash, which is referred to in the medical environment "Migrating ring-shaped erythema".

Usually ring erythema (rash in the form of red rings around the bite space) occurs on time from 3 to 30 days after infection.

The feature of the tick-borne borreliosis is that on early stages This disease is quite successfully treated with special antibiotics courses. Moreover, after treatment, a person is produced persistent immunity to these bacteria. But if the disease is launched, "stop", or ignore it at all, it quickly flows into a chronic (almost incurable) shape that affects the nervous system, heart and joints, and can lead to disability and even the death of a person.

Most often the range of tick-borne encephalitis and tick-borne borreliosis coincide. Therefore, from the bite of one tick can be infected with two infections at once.

Much most often bodies

The ticks have its own "favorite" seats for bites and suction. Moreover, in children and adults, they differ - most likely, due to the difference in the growth of the first and second. For example, in children pliers most often found on the head (and most likely - behind the ears), and in adults the most popular place of bites - chest, hands and armpits. In addition to the head, ticks attack children also in the following areas of the body:

  • Neck and chest;
  • Hands;
  • Migratic region (specifically - in children over 10 years old);
  • Back.

As a rule, the tick does not get into the place of bite completely - its head is under the skin, and the body is outside. Gradually, as the tick is "saturated", his abdomen swells and darkens.

All the most dangerous substances (possible causative agents of infections and toxins) are at the tick just in the Taurus. That is why there is always the likelihood that even an infected animal will not harm the health of the child. But only provided - that you, adults, clearly, quickly and extremely neatly "deal" with a tick.

On the left: the tick during the bite of a person - entirely under the skin he, fortunately, does not climb, but it strikes what is called, in the feast "with head". Right: ticks after a couple of days after a bite and sucking - the body is poured, bloated and dark, and the head is not visible at all.

How to properly pull the baby tick

The first thing that parents usually make, finding a disgusting tick-tank on the skin of their child - in panic. What, in principle, it is quite understandable and explained - everyone knows that often ticks are carriers of very insidious and even deadly diseases. However, to panic and test are not at all the actions that are required from parents in this situation. But what really needs to be done:

  • Extremely carefully pull the tick, preferably entirely;
  • Rinse and process the place of bite;
  • Save the insect for future analysis (optional);
  • Mark in the calendar the bite date (to accurately determine the time for the appearance of certain symptoms).

The question of whether to remove the ticks independently or carry this "union" of the child and tick to the doctor is inviolable - it should not stand at all. Tick \u200b\u200bdefinitely need to be removed! Not only carefully, but without delay. If only because even infectious animals do not immediately infect their victims - the faster you remove the insect, the more chances that this bite will not have any negative consequences For the health of the child.

But it is not enough to "chop up" the animal from the bite place at any cost. It is very important to comply with special precautions. Namely:

  • In no case can not touch the insect with bare hands. If he is infectious, he will be able to infect not only the one who bit, but also anyone who carelessly touches him.
  • An extremely risky situation is if when trying to pull the tick, you crushed it to the Taurus. Under the unacceptable pressure, the entire contents of the abdomen of the tick instantly squeeze under the skin (and in the blood) of whom he bit. And if the moment of infection could not be, then, being crushed, the tick inevitably "shares" with their victim everyone, which has (literally), including a dangerous infection.

So, several correct ways to remove the tick:

  • 1 The most experienced and prudent parents (most often from the number of avid trappers and summer residents) know that there are several non-slip fixtures to remove ticks - special "grippers", tweezers and tweezers, designed precisely as much as possible to pull the insect, without crushing it . If in that region, where you usually relax in the summer, ticks are traditionally found - to make it a "kopeck" device.

Extremely often similar "tick-referencers" are produced in the form of ordinary keychains for keys - always at hand!

In addition to the right and correct ways to separate the ticks from the bite place, there is, of course, several risky techniques, but very popular people. For example, it is believed that if the ticks are smeared with something "scary unpleasant", he rushes himself in a hurry order himself will leave the bite.

The most popular in the people of "nasty": nail polish, or vice versa - Liquid for removing varnish, gasoline, animal and vegetable fat (which, allegedly, do not allow the messenger to breathe and thus "expel" it), cleaning products, petroleum and other "Unpleasant" liquids and ointments.

In fact, the strategy itself is quite dangerous - the fact is that the tick, feeling a "threat of" life, instinctively injected into the blood of the victim toxins (and together with them - causative agents of heavy infections, too, if they are in it).

If you believe the statistics, then when you try to kill or "suffer" the tick right at the bite place, the infection of the victim occurs at times more often than when the tick is removed correct and neat way. Also, the risk of infection increases sharply if when you try to remove the ticks you turned it out.

After you tear off, ticks from the bite place, the development of events can be two:

  • The insect was held entirely;
  • The abdomen of the ticks broke away, and the head remained in the skin;

What to do if the head of the tick after the bitter remains in the skin

The most dangerous substances that the tick can "reward" their sacrifice are in the animal taurus. Therefore, even if the tick head remains inside the bite place - it is not as scary and dangerous as if the entire tick continued his "feast." By and large, the torn tick head, which sat down in the skin after a bite, is nothing more than just a zanoz.

You can get it in the same way as you get to the off -landis - a disinfection of the needle (for example, 5% iodine) and literally decay the place of bite, pulling out the tick head. But even if you do not do anything, in a few days this "zanoz" is most likely "popping up" outward, pushing the skin tissues.

In any case, however, after you chuckled the insect, the place of bite must be rinsed and processing:

First of all, the place of bite needs to be rinsed well - it is best to make it an ordinary soap solution. Then give the skin to dry and lubricate the bite space with a 5% iodine solution. No more manipulation of the "ring" does not require - soap and iodine quite enough.

How to determine: There was an infection or not

Often you can hear that the tick can not "dispose of themselves. And it is necessary to put in a glass jar, to supply a wet vat and pass to the nearest laboratory.

Theoretically, this is a very right step - in this way SanEpidservable will receive additional minimization of the "tick-free" setting in the district. However, this is a rather troublesome step. First, before the analysis, as a rule, "allow" only alive and whole insects (while the chances of getting ticks from the skin, without taking off his head, quite a little).

Secondly, the nearest laboratory or an infectious hospital to you, where the tick should be "handed", may be too far. Finally, the presence or absence of a tick of one or another infection will not give you a one hundred percent guarantee that the "transmission" of viruses or bacteria occurred.

Meanwhile, civil debt has not canceled, and if you managed to get a mites of living and unharmed - you should put it in a glass container with a wet rut inside, tightly close and pass to the laboratory or the nearest infectious hospital for analysis. Delivered without a head - do not press, and do not throw where it is necessary, but best - throw it into a fire or in the oven.

To accurately be sure that your child did not catch any infection from the tick bite, it is better to take a tick on the analysis, but the baby's blood. And not immediately, but a little time: to explore the blood on tick-borne encephalitis and tick-borne borreliosis, it is not earlier than 10 days after the insect bite.

Recall that the most dangerous for a person (and for the child in particular) the disease that can be "pickled" from the tick, it is ticking encephalitis. There are countries and regions where tick-borne encephalitis is distributed, and in these regions the risk of becoming infected with this disease after the bite of an animal is especially great. And vice versa - there are regions in which the cases of infection with tick-born encephalitis are an amazing rarity. And it means that the risk of infection is minimal.

What type of terrain in which you rest (or lively) are your family, the employees of the epidemiological service of your district (or region) know with utmost accuracy. And as a rule, before the start of the season, they try to notify the population about the "tick-free" situation, as well as inform all local therapists, pediatricians and family doctors. Every year, the list of dangerous in terms of infection with the tick-borne encephalitis of regions and regions on the territory of the Russian Federation is published on the website of Rospotrebnadzor.

Therefore, if your child was bitten by the tick, it makes sense (even before the analysis) seem like a local doctor and clarify it, what is the probability of infection in this region.

If there were cases of tick-borne encephalitis in the region, the doctor will advise a course of emergency prevention, which includes the introduction of antiviral agents or immunoglobulin into the body. It is only worth it in mind that the effectiveness of emergency prevention against tick-borne encephalitis is high only when you spent it immediately - preferably, in the first day after the tick bite. The maximum period is the three days from the moment of bite, then it is simply meaningless.

If the child was at one time a vaccination against tick-borne encephalitis was carried out, then no action should be taken.

Protection and Prevention Measures

Prevention of tick-borne encephalitis:

If you are going to hike or travel to the terrain, which is "famous for" with a large number of ticks (and especially if this region is the area of \u200b\u200bpropagation of tick-borne encephalitis), it makes sense to make a special vaccination in advance.

The vaccination rate consists of two vaccinations, the interval between which is from one to three months. Next, revaccination should be carried out in three years (and for children older than twelve years after the first revaccination - every five years).

  • Vaccines from tick-borne encephalitis are never put to children under 1 year. Similarly, small crumbs are very risky and emergency prevention (if the baby bit the tick), because the drugs of immunoglobulin are based on protein and can cause a casual allergic reaction. Think about it when you take with you to the forest of completely defenseless babies!

Prevention of tick-borne borreliosis:

Alas, vaccine against tick-borne borreliosis does not exist. But, fortunately, unlike tick-borne encephalitis, in the early stages, this disease is quickly and successfully treated. Therefore, within 30 days after the tick bite, it is very important to carefully observe the symptoms - appeared or not. The most obvious marker of tick-borne borreliosis - the appearance of the rash in the form of red circles around the bite space. If red circles appeared - it is necessary to refer to the infectious background and begin the course of treatment.

If there are no red circles on the skin, but within 60 days after the bite of the tick, the child has pain in the muscles and joints - you should also immediately consult a doctor. In this case, it is no longer suspicious of tick-boring borreliosis, but with obvious concerns about tick-borne encephalitis.

  • Emergency medical prevention against tick-borne borreliosis also exists - it can prescribe a doctor on the fact of your appeal, but no later than 72 hours after the bite. However, such a procedure is carried out only over 8 years old.

Precautions from tick bites

Prevention measures against the most dangerous diseases caused by tick bites is one thing. But also from the bites themselves can also be defended. Namely:

So, if you found yourself in the edges, where ticks are not uncommon (and they are found almost everywhere in Russia), be prepared for what they can attack, bite and "award" you and your children are deadly diseases. Moreover, to attack the children them at times easier and more pleasant than adults. Just because children are usually lower than growth.

And not only that the tick-descended skin is a disgusting spectacle, this is also a rather dangerous insect: because the ticks are carriers of some very dangerous infections. Therefore, no matter how disgusting and afraid you were - you are obliged to confidently, extremely gently and quickly "join the fight" with the bloodstand ...